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HYSYS.Process/Plant 2.

2 (Build 3797) 26 April 2000

New Functionality
Refer to the release notes for the new functionality in v. 2.2.

The complete "Get Started" manual is available on this CD in Adobe Acrobat format. "Get Started.PDF" is
located in the same directory as README.DOC. In addition to complete instructions on installing the software
locally or on a network server, it includes comprehensive diagnostic information for security key access

As of HYSYS v.2.1.1, Process/Plant does not support Windows 3.1 or Windows NT 3.51

Reporting Problems
Please report any problems you encounter to Hyprotech. Provide a detailed bug report, providing as much
information as you can. You are encouraged to use the Bug Reports facility in HYSYS itself. This utility may be
found under "Help" in the main menu.

If you are having trouble in getting HYSYS to run, or you are experiencing a problem that you feel may be
related to your system configuration, please provide copies of your configuration files. For Windows 95/98,
please provide copies of autoexec.bat, config.sys, system.ini, and win.ini. Under Windows NT, please provide
the output from Windows NT Diagnostics.

For those using HYSYS.Economix 1.0:

The following provides additional installation instructions:

Installing and Using HYSYS.ECONOMIX 1.0

Both HYSYS.Process and Plant now have access to HYSYS.ECONOMIX to do equipment selection, sizing,
design and capital cost estimating. The following provides information only for those using HYSYS.Economix.

System Requirements

Running large HYSYS cases in ECONOMIX may require an increase in total memory. The recommended total
memory (physical + virtual) available is 100MB.

During execution of the Design Phase in HYSYS.ECONOMIX, an Icarus Capital Cost Project named 'Picasso' is
created in your Icarus/JP1 directory. With each subsequent run of the Design Phase, this Project is deleted and
re-created. The recommended free hard drive space available for creation of this project is 500 MB.

Installing the Icarus JP1 Software

The Icarus JP1 (Joint Product Version 1) software must be installed prior to installing HYSYS.ECONOMIX. If
you have existing versions of Icarus software, e.g. IPE (Icarus Process Evaluator) or Icarus 2000, JP1 should
be installed into a different directory. See the HYSYS.ECONOMIX documentation for the JP1 installation

You must have an Icarus firmware (security device) connected to a COM port prior to running the Design Phase
of HYSYS.ECONOMIX. During installation of the JP1 software, the firmware will be registered to the COM port it
is connected to; if you move it to another COM port, the JP1 software will no longer function. Please ensure
that for standealone installations the Icarus firmware is attached to a COM port different than where the HYSYS
security key (Green key) is attached to avoid confrontation between the security devices.
At the end of the JP1 installation, you will be asked for the location of some license files. You should have
received these two files, Icarus.fil and System.ver, on a floppy diskette labelled with a 4-digit number. This
number must be the same as the serial number on the bottom of your Icarus firmware. Note that these files are
different for each version of Icarus software, e.g. IPE license files with an IPE firmware will not allow you to run
HYSYS.ECONOMIX with JP1 and vice versa.


The following three DLLs (located in the HYSYS root directory) are registered during the HYSYS.ECONOMIX
installation procedure:


Any failure to register these DLLs will result in problems running HYSYS.ECONOMIX.

The installation of HYSYS.ECONOMIX creates an initialization file (Picasso.ini) in your Windows directory. You
can use any text file viewer (e.g. Windows Notepad) to view this file.

In the Picasso.ini file, the [General] section specifies the IcarusProjectPath. This is the path of the Icarus
project which is automatically deleted and re-created during each run of the Design
Phase of HYSYS.ECONOMIX. The Design Phase will fail to run if you have any attachment to the
IcarusProjectPath (e.g. an Explorer window open to this directory) prior to running the Design Phase.

Installing WinSock

Under Windows 95 you may encounter the following warning when installing HYSYS:

"Setup has determined that you need to install Winsock 2.0 Run-Time Components for Windows 95. This
component contains files that are needed to run Economix".

If this happens then you must run W95ws2Setup.exe, which is found in the WinSoc directory at the root level of
the installation CD.

Known issues with HYSYS.ECONOMIX v1.0

If HYSYS does not close properly, you may still have an IcServer.exe process running. You must manually
terminate this process using Task Manager prior to re-entering the HYSYS.ECONOMIX environment or
HYSYS.ECONOMIX will not run.

In order to use HYSYS.ECONOMIX, you can not install HYSYS in a directory that starts with a non-alphabetic

The Sizing and Design of Aerial coolers is currently supported for single-phase cooling of liquid or vapour only
(condensation is not supported).

Some shell and tube heat exchangers (particularly reboilers) may take some time to be sized due to the large
number of possible configurations being considered by the TASC thermal design engine. If the machine appears
to hang (e.g. Sizing takes longer than a few minutes for a given exchanger), HYSYS will have to be terminated
using the Task Manager. Reload the case in HYSYS.ECONOMIX, set the maximum number of shells in parallel
and in series to 1 (either in the Basis or Sizing input) and re-run the exchanger Sizing. If the Sizing is completed
but fails, increase the maximum number of shells and re-run Sizing until it is successful.

If a Unit Operation within the flowsheet has the same name as one of the streams, ECONOMIX may experience
Icarus can not handle unit op names greater than 25 characters (including subflowsheet suffixes). So please
avoid using long naming conventions.

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