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Preprint · March 2020

DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.33057.97129

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1 author:

Roma Long
Drury University


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Roblox and Effect on Education

A Capstone submitted in partial fulfillment

of the requirements for the degree of
Master of Education in Instructional Technology


Roma U. Long
Foundation University-Philippines
Bachelor in Elementary Education, May 2001

November 2019
Drury University


Roblox, a social gaming platform was visited for 51.5 million hours per month by

children under the age of 13 according to comScore analysis in December 2017. The same age

group had an average visit of 25.5 times per month (Knapp, 2018). It currently hits 90 million

monthly active users in April 2019 (Takahasi, 2019). Total hours spent in 2018 was 10 billion

per month (Smith, 2018). Roblox claimed that they are the largest user-generated online gaming

platform and had over 15 million games created by users (Roblox Corporation, 2019).

With the staggering data presented on Roblox, are those numbers really represented by

the number of players or hours spent by elementary students in a private school setting?

Therefore, there is a need for sampling. Is Roblox is as popular as they claimed it to be among

teachers and students in the Midwest? The survey aimed to gather teacher’s opinion on utilizing

Roblox platform as an educational tool and to enumerate familiar teaching strategies when using

educational technology. Although studies showed that there are benefits in video games because

it has a game plan, immediate feedback, indicates success and failure, and definite goal (Sousa,

2016), in reality, how many teachers can really agree to it?

This research utilized a mixed method of both quantitative and qualitative data. The

survey was conducted in two different school districts using a paper-method survey. A cover

letter, consent form, and a permission letter were sent to each school district. The participants

were given a period of one week and must include the number of students present during the

survey. There were 7 elementary teachers agreed to participate in this study. The results showed

that 90 % have heard of Roblox, and 46 % of students have played Roblox. In the survey,

teachers were also asked to rank up to three teaching strategies they prefer when using

technology. These three were: motivation, problem-solving, and STEM. When it comes to using

Roblox as an educational tool in the classroom, they stated a positive opinion.

Although the theory of this study originally reflected on the pragmatic worldview which

centered on the problem, solutions are expected to be dependent on the results of the data.

However, providing more information that supports the innovative approach to teaching will

give a better perspective of this study. Therefore, regardless of the outcomes, the other goal of

this research is to present thorough information about Roblox, propose ways how it can be

utilized, present possible threats, and resolve solutions. With that, this research hopes to evoke a

challenge to educators and developers alike on how to bridge the gap between gaming and

educating this technology-driven and-information-loaded generation.


Table of Contents

Abstract…………………………………………………………………………………………... 2

Table of Contents ………………………………………………………………………………... 4

Introduction Chapter ……………………………………………………………………………...5

Literature Review …………………………………………………………………………6

Chapter Summary ……………………………………………………………………….15

Articles Summary ……………………………………………………………………….16

Statement of the Problem ……………………………………………………………………… 17

Purpose of the Study …………………………………………………………………………….17

Research Questions ……………………………………………………………………………. 18

Limitations ………………………………………………………………………………………18

Significance of the Study ………………………………………………………………………..18

Definition of Terms ……………………………………………………………………………...18

Conclusions ……………………………………………………………………………………...19

Recommendations …………………………………………………………………………… ...22

Articles ………………………………………………………………………………………….23

Article 1: The Rise of Roblox: Opportunity for Education ……………………………. 23

Article 2: Effect of Roblox in Elementary Education …………………………………...39

Article 3: Roblox: Educational Point of View …………………………………………. 51

References ……………………………………………………………………………………….62

Article References ……………………………………………………………………… 68

Appendices ……………………………………………………………………………………... 74

Roblox and Effect on Education

Introduction Chapter

The traditional norm between education and entertainment were often viewed as a two-

separate world. Video gaming as an educational tool was often limited to the younger generation

through portable mobile devices and not so much on the school-age children. As similar to

utilizing technology in education, educators who had found its value had used digital

instructional strategies where it examines technology use in the context of daily classroom

practices. This is needed to support the effective digital conversion of classrooms (Elliot et. al.,

2016). Likewise, the rise of online gaming from only one or two people to play together had

created the massively multiplayer online role-playing games (MMORPG). MMORPG is a type

of role-playing game in which unlimited users can participate in cyberspace (Kim, et. al., 2017).

The use of role-playing game had helped non-English speakers learn English (Quadir, 2018). In

2016, when Minecraft was introduced in the classroom (King, 2016) it had since then become a

popular game that teachers exploited (Mojang, 2019). Similar to Minecraft, this research will

discover Roblox as another platform for education and exploration (Nebel, 2016).

Roblox as a user-generated, multi-player social gaming platform (Philipps, 2017) claimed

to be the largest social platform online where it has millions of players (Roblox, 2019). These

users or so-called players can also design games and make money from it. A poll online showed

that there are billions of hours spent every month by players (Smith, 2018). Children under the

age of 13 spent 51.5 hours a month according to the statistic report (Knapp, 2018). These

children are in the elementary age group. Due to its ongoing popularity among children, in 2017,

Roblox Corporation had launched action figures and playsets (Baszucki, 2017).

In school, oftentimes it is radical to use a video game as part of learning due to the extent

entertainment effect among children as opposed to seriously considering learning. Children in

the elementary have a shorter attention span as opposed to most teenagers and adults (Sousa,

2016). Technology in education is not only limited to technology devices but also exploring

other opportunities that will increase student’s motivation and bridge the gap in educating this

generation. Teachers who have incorporated Minecraft in the classroom are often favorited

because they’ve spoken the language of their students when it comes to fun in learning. Will

Roblox impose the same impact in elementary education?

This research will explore Roblox, its impact on elementary education, identify threats,

and amplify its benefits.

Literature Review

The rapid changes in technology have a direct influence on how society educate people.

Understanding how information can be distributed was necessary because it is how

communication is established. With the rise of social connections from its different facets such

as from social media, social gaming, how-to-videos like YouTube, or through music, each had

served as numerous opportunities to educate this entire generation. This technology-driven and

information loaded generation is known as Generation Z (Seemiller & Grace, 2017). They had

more information than any other generation at their age. This generation has utilized video-based

learning where they show interest in learning through observation by using videos and other

visuals to help explain a theory or concept or to demonstrate a challenging process (Seemiller &

Grace, 2017).

Conventionally, the invention of technology was to help increase productivity at work

and the production of consumer goods. However, its hasty change had also triggered society to

use it as a necessity and for entertainment. In the world of education, teachers and administrators

have learned the importance of expanding learning by incorporating technology from hornbook

to the use of cloud (Haran, 2015). The advancement of technology had greatly impacted the

education arena. The use of technology had improved student’s learning, transformed teaching,

and enhanced student’s performance (Bassett et. al., 2016).

Sousa (2016) explained how a young mind is being wired in this generation. The brain’s

responsiveness to external stimuli as new information continually pours in, the young brain

established additional circuits or extends existing ones in an effort to eventually interpret their

significance caused by environmental input is called neuroplasticity (Sousa, 2016). Sousa further

urged teachers to have the courage to enter digital arenas with their students in order to be

prepared for the future. He continued that video games have been proven to improve capacity

and precision of visual memory and playing games increase player’s neuroplasticity where it

sharpens one’s ability to tune out distraction. Motivation is important in educating this

generation. Younger children enjoyed being motivated extrinsically (Mulhavill, 2018). Also, this

generation has known to prefer to engage in hands-on learning (Seemiller & Grace, 2017). If so,

can a video game be a perfect tool to educate this generation?

Video Games as Educational Tool. Traditionally, the use of video games seemed to be

childish and immature, but not according to Barr on how game-based learning interventions can

develop graduate skills in higher education students. Barr stated this type of work demonstrated

that playing commercial video games can have a positive effect on communication ability,

adaptability, and resourcefulness in adult learners. He further suggested that video games may

have a role to play in higher education. His study also suggested that graduate skills may be

improved in a relatively short amount of time. His research had yielded a positive effect on

communication ability, adaptability, and resourcefulness in adult learners. The large effect size

and statistical significance of these results supported the hypothesis that playing video games can

improve self-reported graduate skills. The findings suggested that such game-based learning

interventions have a role to play in higher education (Barr, 2017).

Evans et al (2017) study on using video game in the science class had increased student’s

motivation (Evans et. al., 2017). The study noted that there were problems encountered technical

difficulties during the study. For every new user, technical problems are often expected but

knowing how to navigate it, is also a skill that must be familiarized. Schrier (2016) supported

how playing games such as video game can help in problem-solving, create new insight, and

make a change (Schrier, 2016).

Sousa (2016) agreed that there are benefits to playing video games. He said video game is

different because it has a game plan, immediate feedback, indicators of success and failure, and a

definite goal. Video games have been proven to improve capacity and precision of visual

memory. He further stated that playing games increase the player’s neuroplasticity and sharpen

the person’s ability to tune out distraction. His advice is for the teacher to use them (Sousa,


Minecraft, a popular game currently played by children and have been utilized by

teachers, have proven to support social and emotional learning (SEL)growth reported an increase

in student’s problem-solving, creativity, critical thinking, collaboration, decision making,

communication abilities, and empathy (Tech Learning, 2017). Although older than Minecraft,

Roblox is another gaming platform that is on the rise and suitable for both for online gamers and

financial opportunities (Knapp, 2018). Teachers can use its platform for STEM building, role-

playing, or virtual world creation, where students can build their own world, test it, execute and

publish it for other players to explore.

The Rise of Roblox. Roblox claimed to be the largest user-generated online gaming

platform and has over 15 million games created by users. It has been considered the number one

gaming site for kids and teens. Users create an adventure, play games, role play, and learn with

their friends in a friendly family-friendly, immersive, 3D environment. The site has been visited

an average of 51.5 million hours by users under 13 and has 1 billion monthly engagement

(Smith, n.d.).

According to the patent document published on Google, Roblox was described as a

network-based gaming system includes a website hosted by a web server connected to the

network, the website including a member login interface, a social graph application program

interface (API) (Baszucki, 2015).

Roblox was predicted to be the next big thing. It had a common part of the lexicon

(usability, information architecture), 3D world, open and education resources (Bell, 2018). The

use of Roblox required familiarity before it can be introduced as a learning tool in the classroom.

Technical difficulties may possibly arise due to unfamiliarity therefore, research must thoroughly

be conducted on how to properly utilize it effectively in the classroom. Additional resources

must be provided for teachers and students in order to understand its mechanics. For example, an

overview of how to play Roblox from a user’s experience requires step by step process such as

how to create an account, customize an avatar, how to choose games to play, or how to upgrade


Educational Technology Strategies Vs Roblox Games. Blatherwick, et al (2017) stated that

students must need to be proficient in the 21st Century Skills due to critical thinking and

problem-solving. Other important skills he stated started from communications, information, and

media literacy; collaboration, teamwork, and leadership to creativity and innovation, computing

and ITC literacy, career and learning self-reliance, and cross-cultural understanding,

(Blatherwick, et. al, 2017). With that, as this generation barraged with technology, there is a need

to adapt. This adaptation includes the use of technology or familiarizing with technology. As an

educator it is important to understand the purpose of exploiting technology in the classroom.

Below are examples of different teaching strategies that must be considered when using

educational technology. How it can be tied to the different games in Roblox.

A. Motivation. Motivation plays a great role in student engagement. It is a deciding

factor to pay attention or to stay engaged during the learning process. Motivation has been

considered to be the driving or underlying force to explain why a person wants to play, plays, or

continues playing a game (Schrier, 2016). On the study of using a video game to motivate

student had helped them understand student’s motivation and engagement. Regardless of the

almost expected problems that had caused discomfort to the students during the study, as a

general rule, every interaction with either new device or gadget required familiarization. In the

end, students continued to be motivated in learning science (Evans, 2017).

Roblox uses an avatar where a player can manipulate by either using the keys in the

keyboard or mobile platforms settings. However, teachers must be aware of the game’s purpose

and goals in order to help the student use it successfully. Some games required thorough

familiarization and may be difficult for most elementary students. However, the good thing about

Roblox, most of the games are already inspired by designs such as racing, obstacle race, city,

western, pirate island, line runner, combat, etc. Once players are aware of the different structure

of the game, it is easier to understand the objectives of the game as well.


B. Cooperative Learning. The cooperation-based learning-teaching environment

provided cooperation, supported permanent learning, provided opportunities to be successful,

and contributed to the development of social and personal skills (Altun, 2017). Although

collaborative learning can be influenced by the type of technology device student may use. As

similar to the study the impact of mobile technology on student attitudes, engagement, and

learning, where mobile devices and collaborative learning environments are although common

tools in education but not all collaborative learning is structured the same. In this study, the

results indicate that mobile technology is associated with positive student perceptions of

collaborative learning but with increased disengagement by students during class. The level of

students' critical thinking was more closely associated with the tools used to construct written

responses than with the collaborative learning environment style. Students constructing

paragraph responses on a mobile device demonstrated significantly less critical thinking than

those who used a computer keyboard or wrote responses by hand (Heflin, 2017).

In Roblox, the student can play in teams or group to accomplish a mission. For example,

the game Work at a Pizza Place, where players perform different jobs in the pizzeria. They can

be a cashier, cook, pizza boxer, delivery, or supplier. The manager (leader) can put workers back

to work or give an award. Players who work will get paid while in the game.

C. Role Playing. There is a close connection between children's imaginative world, their

dream life, and play (Gunter, 2015). The way a child plays is considered as important as

understanding them. Kilgour, et al stated by engaging in role-play activities, higher education

students are provided with opportunities to view situations from multiple perspectives, in the

spirit of constructivist learning theories. Their research has demonstrated that role-play learning

activities have the capacity to address emotional as well as cognitive dimensions even with adult

learners (Kilgour et, al., 2015). They further suggested how role-playing can be incorporated in

multidisciplinary purpose such as in multicultural, war history, math, and even in a leadership


Roblox is an open platform for role-playing. Players can take on a different role

depending on the game they are playing. They can play the role of a policeman in Jailbreak,

where they chase the bad guys and put them back in prison. They can take a different role in Life

in Paradise by becoming a parent, a child, or a pet. If the player chose to be a child, the parent is

obliged to take care of the child by feeding them and putting them to bed. Players are rewarded

after every accomplished task. Adopt Me is a comparable game to Life in Paradise. Other games

such as Work at a Pizza House, Roblox High, and Meep City are few of these examples.

D. Problem Solving. Problem solving is one’s ability to analyze the problem and find an

appropriate solution. To successfully implement problem-based learning in the classroom, high-

quality teaching emphasizes not only content and pedagogical knowledge but also the use of

innovative instructional strategies to support students’ acquisition of a more flexible knowledge

base as they engage in complex problem solving (Brush, et. al, 2017). Another specific example

was Schrier’s Knowledge Games where it discussed how one can design a new RNA

(ribonucleic acid) molecule by simply playing the video game, EterNA (Foldit Creators) by

solving the problem through trial and error (Schrier, 2016).

Games such as Murder Mystery 2 is to identify the murderer and if you landed on the

policeman, you can stop the murderer before harming other players. The game is similar to hide-

and-seek but with a twist of role playing. The purpose of the game is to find the criminal and

save everyone else. If you landed on the role of an innocent, your best bet is to find a place to

hide safely.

Other examples of Roblox games that require problem-solving skills are the

Natural Disaster Survival and Survival Island, where the players had to find a way to survive.

Such as in Natural Disaster, the player must survive from the different calamities such as

earthquake, tornado, tsunami, fire, lightning, and flood. While in Survival Island, the player must

find a way to equip themselves with materials that will help them survive from natural disaster

and mob attacks.

E. STEM. Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics or STEM. According to

Engineering for Kids, STEM is important because it is part of our lives.

Science is everywhere in the world around us. Technology is continuously expanding

into every aspect of our lives. Engineering is the basic designs of roads and bridges, but

also tackles the challenges of changing global weather and environmentally-friendly

changes to our home. Mathematics is in every occupation, every activity we do in our

lives (Engineering, 2016).

Roblox provides creation tools and educational content and free-of-charge for teachers.

Students can also start building regardless of their experiences. Creativity is the limit. The

website also provides educational programs for both teachers and students to explore. Currently,

there are less than 10 of these are from the US.

F. Social Interaction. Social interaction in the classroom can be described as the

student’s ability to communicate with their classmates or teachers. It is the human innate ability

to interact. Oftentimes, if not controlled it can chaos or disorder and may disrupt the learning

process. Therefore, it is important for teachers to utilize in intentionally with clear goals in mind.

Such as promoting higher-thinking skills during class discussion or allowing them to provide

solutions by sharing it to the class. Although Sert argued that classroom interaction is social

interaction, or at least one type of it, which is a claim many people in the field of language

teaching have ignored for decades (Sert, 2015).

In the gaming world such as Roblox, social interaction can be inferred as similar to

crowd-sourcing. Which Schrier described as the process of collecting contributions from the

crowd (Schrier, 2016). Most of the games are created by players or users. Aside from that, the

game requires players. Social interaction is multidimensional in the Roblox world. Some games

allow players to chat while playing or join your friends in the game. The player is allowed to add

friends up to 200. However, this set up may be risky in a classroom setting. Teachers must

understand these risks since the nature of the game is played live.

G. Security and Privacy. Although Roblox serves as an interactive learning community,

where learning is a more hands-on, real-world process of relaying information in classrooms.

Passive learning relies on listening to the teacher’s lecture or rote memorization of information,

figures, or equations. But with interactive learning, students are invited to participate in the

conversation, through technology (online reading and math programs, for instance) or through

role-playing group exercises in class. In addition to engaging students who are raised in a hyper-

stimulated environment, interactive learning sharpens critical thinking skills, which are

fundamental to the development of analytic reasoning (Scholastic, n.d.).

Ensuring one’s safety and student’s privacy is a vital job for any teacher. Roblox

considered as widely accessed online game shows a lot of potential for learning but may also

pose a psychological threat such as addiction. There is an association between online gaming

addiction and enjoyment motivations for playing multiplayer online role-playing games in

adolescents (Hussain, et.al., 2015). The rise of massively multiplayer online role-playing games

(MMORPG) such as Roblox, Fortnite, Minecraft, and other live video games have created a new

concern in education.

Classical RPGs allowed only one or two people to play together. However, MMORPG is

a type of RPG in which unlimited users can participate in cyberspace. With the development of

the Internet, MMORPG combined RPG and characteristics of Multiple User Dialogue or

Multiple User Dungeon (MUD) Game. Whereas the users of MUD games choose a character in

cyberspace and complete the missions the game designer provides, users of MMORPG can

choose various characteristics of a character such as name, gender, occupation, and explore the

cyber world. As users of MMORPG compete or cooperate with other users and build up their

experiences, they develop their avatar, an alter ego, and acquire items to become a stronger

character in cyber society (Kim et. al, 2017)

The teachers must understand how to properly implement Roblox. It has to be intentional

and monitored closely. The best way to play it in the classroom is to use a private server wherein

only the invited player can join the game. Students may be advised to use a separate user name

intended for classroom use and must be separate from access at home. This is for teachers to

track student’s login activity including securely setting up the users’ account.

If Roblox access is granted in the school, how can it be implemented? Is it through a

computer lab, mobile device, or allowing student’s personal device in school? Considering these

things are necessary steps in planning. Understanding teacher’s responses on using it (Roblox)

must, therefore, reflect if it is really plausible in the next few months or as a future reference. Is

there enough information available online for educators to fully understand this?


Roblox requires prior knowledge in understanding which game to play and what needs to

be done while playing. Students must be able to understand the instruction in order to

successfully play the game. This is not only important for the players but also for a teacher who

will be guiding students once she or he decided to incorporate it in the classroom. Roblox has its

own website for teachers to log in safely where students can communicate privately within

players in the classroom. Even so, it requires familiarization. After all, practice is what makes it


Articles Summary

Article 1- The Rise of Roblox: Opportunity for Education?

Article 1 discussed the type of generation teachers are educating. How digital games and

social interaction become part of the 21st century. How other games such as Minecraft have been

utilized in the classroom by the teacher. What is Roblox and how can teachers and students use

them for STEM building. This article also specified examples of Roblox games and strategies

teachers can use to utilize it successfully in the classroom.

Article 2- Effect of Roblox in Elementary Education

Article 2 summarized the results of the survey conducted as part of this study. Data is

analyzed and presented. This article shared the top 3 strategies teachers have picked in the study.

This article shared teacher’s opinions and views on the use of Roblox in their classroom. This

article summarized the findings and the conclusion of the study and proposed additional actions

resulted from the survey.

Article 3- Roblox: Educational Point of View

Article 3 examined the use of Roblox in education. What are the benefits and consequences of

utilizing it as an additional educational tool in the classroom? This article categorized the risks

and the solutions on how teachers can use it safely. This will also propose ideas to help future

developers and game creators that will enhance Roblox for education opportunities.

Statement of the Problem

This mixed-methods study addressed how Roblox is affecting teachers and their students

in elementary education. A convergent mixed methods design will be used in which qualitative

and quantitative data are collected, analyzed, and compared. In this study, participants will

answer sets of questions that will serve as a guide to further the study of understanding the

benefits and the consequence of utilizing Roblox as a learning tool. The data will be collected

from a private elementary institution. This data sampling representation will give a broader

perspective for classroom teachers, administrators, game developers, and students when it comes

to considering Roblox as a tool in educating this generation.

Purpose of the Study

This study explored the possibility of utilizing Roblox as an educational tool in the

classroom. How students and teachers can incorporate it by using familiar strategies as similar to

using any educational technology. Teachers who have understood the importance of educating

this technology-driven generation will explore other opportunities to foster their learning. With

that, the survey specifically aims to:

 Compare the average number of elementary students as opposed to the data reported online

who had used Roblox.

 Identify the top three strategies that teacher most likely to prioritize when it comes to the

use of educational technology

 Gather teacher’s opinion on educational video games such as Roblox.

Research Question

This study aimed to answer the questions:

 How can Roblox be used as an educational learning tool?

 What are the risks involved in utilizing Roblox in the classroom?

 What is the role of education in mainstream gaming such as Roblox?


This study does not reflect the overall views of teachers in using Roblox in the classroom.

Some participants may refuse to answer some questions during the study. Students are not directly

involved in this study although their participation is required with the teacher’s supervision. Data

from this study is a sample representation and does not replicate the entire teacher population in

the school district.

Significance of the Study

This study provided information to teachers, administrators, and game developers on

Roblox. How it can be used as a platform for education opportunity, understand its risks, and

what possible teaching strategies can be applied.

Definition of Terms

Avatar- A personalized graphical illustration that represents a computer user, or a character or

alter ego that represents that user (Technopedia, n.d.)

Crowdsourcing- The process of collecting contributions from the crowd (Schrier, 2016)

Digital Instructional Strategies- Examines technology use in the context of daily classroom

practices is needed to support the effective digital conversion of classrooms (Elliot et. al., 2016)

Digital Game-based Learning- Game-based learning today involves the use of computer and

video games specifically aimed to produce learning outcomes (Rivera, 2016)


Gamification- Applying a game-like simulation to increase engagement (Dichieva et al., 2015)

Interactive Learning Environment- Interactive learning is a more hands-on, real-world process of

relaying information in classrooms (Scholastic, 2019)

Multiplayer- more than two or more players interacting (Hussain et. al., 2015)

Minecraft- a social gaming platform online (Mojang, 2019)

MMORPG- stands for massively multiple-players online role-playing games (Hussain et. al.,


Motivation- the ability to participate or show interest in the activity (Evans et. al, 2017)

Neuroplasticity- The brain’s responsiveness to external stimuli as new information continually

pours in (Sousa, 2016)

Obby- Roblox game referring to obstacle games (Roblox, 2019)

Roblox- a social gaming platform that can be downloaded in mobile devices, computer, and

gaming consoles (Roblox, 2019)

Robux- The currency used in Roblox but requires the use of real money (Roblox, 2019)


How can Roblox be used as an educational learning tool?

Roblox offers numerous opportunities for education from its front end (the games) or its back

end (coding & building). The front end allows players to access millions of games with no fees.

Teachers can design lesson plans and make gaming intentional as they play. Games such as

Work at a Pizza Place, Farmtown, Theme Park Tycoon, Jailbreak, and Murder Mystery 2 are

numerous examples that can be utilized objectively. These games are designed to accomplish

tasks and allowing students to role-play, create a virtual world, and customize different things.

The back end of Roblox is where both teachers and students can utilize the Roblox platform

to design virtual worlds and create games that be automatically tested and published. The teacher

can teach a lesson in a short week or semester-long. This also allows students to learn digital

citizenship, scripting, and other modules than can be applied with other coding platforms.

What are the risks involved in utilizing Roblox in the classroom?

Roblox aimed to design games that are intended for children and families and keeping sure of

the safety of young children. It is recognized as part of the Family Online Safety Institute (FOSI)

and the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) (Tyagi, 2019).

Roblox is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) that requires

the use of the internet. Although Roblox advertised their site as safe and recognized both parents

and teachers must continue to supervise their students’ activity.

Some games in Roblox require purchases that require real money to use Robux. Robux is

the currency used in the games to purchase an upgrade, pay the private server, buy gears, and to

use extra features. Most young players cannot afford to have Robux. Although some games

allow players to earn money in order to upgrade things.

The game also requires familiarization. Players are expected to understand the basic

mechanics. Often times, the gaming ability comes naturally even to young players as to the

adults. Teachers who are not familiar with the game may find it challenging.

What is the role of education in mainstream gaming such as Roblox?


The study conducted in a small private institution provided that almost half of their students

are aware of or have played Roblox. How much of these students in the public school setting are

familiar with Roblox? The data showed that Roblox has been accessed for 51.5 million hours per

month by students under the age of 13 (Knapp, 2018). The number of hours is staggering

knowing these are mostly elementary students.

In the study, teachers expressed the top 3 strategies they preferred such as motivation,

problem-solving, and STEM (or STEAM). This proved that there is a need to motivate these

learners, solve problems, and incorporate STEM/STEAM skills in a multidisciplinary way. Bell

(2018) pointed out the importance of gamification in education (Bell, 2018). There is a need to

actively engage these learners.

Sousa (2016) pointed out that video games are good because it gives has a game plan,

immediate feedback, indicators of success and failure, and has a definite goal. He further stated

that video games have been proven to improve the capacity and precision of visual memory. It

also increases the player’s neuroplasticity and sharpens one’s ability to tune

In the survey, teachers have expressed considering video games as an effective educational

tool while others do not see its importance. Teachers who understand the importance of

educating this generation must also understand what is innate in their generation. The use of

technology has been embraced in walks of life despite the different age gaps. Social media has

become a powerful tool of communication. Gaming, on the other hand, must also be given the

same opportunity. What’s wrong with having fun if it can be intentionally used for learning? As

they say, the biggest room in this world is an improvement.


As scientists follow the steps of scientific procedures in order to prove or disprove

hypotheses, educators must apply the same concept when it comes to testing the validity of

the game. Investigate student’s interest, what is fun at their age that can be possibly used as a

learning opportunity. Learning should be considered fun and not just a mere load of tasks.

Oftentimes, the best teachers are the one who experienced it.


Roblox offers a variety of opportunities for teachers and students to utilize. A teacher

who prefers to play the game as opposed to designing can use the front end features of the game.

There are over millions of games that can be played instantly. Some of these games have been

used as an example in this study and how can it be used objectively in the classroom. Different

objectives are also specified in the game so the teacher may know to possibly use it. Making it

task specific will motivate students to play the game.

Some teachers who prefer the back end of Roblox can also utilize its platform where it

allows students to design, create, and test games. The platform can also be used for students to

conceptualize ideas or projects. This part of Roblox also offered information on Digital

Citizenship, scripting, tutorials, and more.

Roblox ensures everyone's safety as they play the game. However, adults must continue

to monitor students. Use Roblox safety features when necessary.

Teachers and administrators must find a way to understand the mechanics of the game to

fully appreciate its possibility for learning. One incident must not be reflected as a whole. As one

sees a half-full glass, exploring it, will open up one’s critical thinking and see its benefits.

As parents who become curious about their children’s games have decided to explore it

and have become a supporter of Roblox. They become watchers and main reporters in the game.

These parents decided to have a supporting group outside Roblox called Discord.

To fully appreciate the benefits of Roblox as an educational game or as a designing

platform, one must experience it and see what it means of its endless possibilities.

Article I

The Rise of Roblox: Opportunities for Education?


What makes this generation different from other generations when it comes to education?

The rapid change of technology has greatly affected the way we educate this group of learners.

Instead of using a computer at a computer lab, some schools have utilized laptops for Google

Chromebooks where students have the first grasp of blended learning, the use of technology and

the traditional approach to learning. For example, coding and digital literacy have become an

important aspect of education.

Knowledge in innovation, computing, and coding has influenced the virtual world of

gaming. The behind-the-scenes operation of the gaming industry has opened its educational

platform to welcome inventors and creators. The gaming industry has turned into a crowdsource

where it allows private developers to create their games to share freely or the option to be

monetized by selling in-game items (Schrier, 2016). Gamification is an on-going trend that helps

motivate this generation when it comes to learning (Dichieva et al., 2015).

A video game is a popular trend among young people and using it as a learning tool will help

motivate and engage students (Evans et al., 2017). It can also help student’s communication

ability, adaptability, and resourcefulness (Barr, 2017). Playing video games can increase the

player’s neuroplasticity and sharpen the person’s ability to tune out distractions (Sousa, 2016).

The rise of massively multiplayer online role-playing games (MMORPG) in which unlimited

players can participate is an ongoing trend to this generation. A recent statistic on Minecraft

shows it has acquired 20 million monthly users (Wales, 2019). Fortnite published 78.3 million

players in 2018 (Goslin, 2018). Roblox has currently 100 million players (Schomer, 2019)

according to Business Insider. Tynker, a popular coding site for students, incorporate Minecraft

to help students customize items including skins, blocks, etc. (Tynker, 2019). What similarities

do Roblox has to offer when it comes to education?

What is Roblox?

Roblox, a user-generated, multi-player gaming platform claimed to be the largest social

platform. Children under the age of 13 had spent 51.5 hours per month (Knapp, 2018). Roblox

app can be downloaded on both Android and IOS. The game can also be played on tablets, PC,

Xbox One or Amazon Devices (Webwise, n.d.)

Roblox has classroom potential according to the review of Power (2019) from Common

Sense Education. The teacher can use the Roblox digital platform to demonstrated content

knowledge or make a simulation of a historical event (Power, 2019). Roblox has brought coding

to the classroom. There are over 500 coding camps around the world including the U.S., U.K.,

Hongkong, Canada, Spain, Brazil, and Portugal. Teachers will have access to free tutorials,

handouts, setup guides, outlines, and lesson guides when used as a teaching tool (Moersen,

2018). In the United States alone, 119 learning sites have used the Roblox education platform to

teach students to code and create a virtual world (Roblox, 2019).

Roblox for Teachers and Students


Roblox is more than just an entertainment platform, it’s an educational tool where they

offer free software and curriculum to teach students of all ages computer science, digital literacy,

entrepreneurship that meet the learning outcomes in STEAM (Science, Technology,

Engineering, Art, and Mathematics). Students can build 3-D World, script games, and publish

work online with no subscription fees or license required (Roblox, 2019).

How to set up Roblox in the classroom, these steps and requirements are according to the

specification on the Roblox Education site:

1. Hardware Requirements

Roblox Studio is the essential building tool for Roblox games. To run this free

software, you need:

a. A PC or Mac computer. Roblox Studio cannot run on Chromebooks or mobile

devices such as smartphones.

b. Internet access. This allows us to keep the software up to date and gives you the

opportunity to save your projects to your Roblox account.

c. A free Roblox account. Roblox Studio is free to use and does not require a


d. A 3-button mouse with a scroll wheel is recommended.

2. Installing Roblox Studio

a. Download Roblox Studio

b. If prompted, allow Roblox Studio to make changes to your computer and to

communicate through your firewall.

3. Creating Accounts

a. Every student using Roblox Studio will need their own free Roblox account.

We recommend that students create accounts before the class and bring their

username and password written down. Roblox does not offer account

management tools yet so it’s important that students manage their accounts


b. Creating a New Account »

i. If you’re completely new to Roblox, sign up and remember these

safety tips:

ii. Never share your password, even with a real-life friend.

iii. Make your password hard to guess — if your username is “bloxcool,”

your password should not be “bloxcool123.”

iv. Roblox employees will never ask for your password — Report anyone

who asks using the Report Abuse feature.

v. There’s no such thing as free Robux — never trust players or sites who

say they have a secret way to get free Robux!

vi. For more tips, please see Keeping Your Account Safe.

c. Be Mindful of Two-Factor Authentication

d. Some students may have Two Factor Authentication on their accounts,

meaning to log into Roblox Studio, they’ll need to access their email to get a

unique code.

4. Running Roblox Studio


a. Click on the Roblox Studio Icon.


b. Log into Roblox Studio

c. Check the Roblox Studio Troubleshooting page. If you’ve also forgotten your

password, take these steps to reset your account.

5. Close Extra Windows

The first time you launch Roblox Studio, extra windows might open up that you

don’t need right now. Closing the extra windows will give you more space to see what

you’re doing.

a. Open a new template, like the Starting Place. Roblox Studio comes bundled

with templates that include partially made games and worlds to explore.

b. Close all windows on the left side of Studio by clicking the ×. If you don’t see

anything to close, go to the next step. The windows you’ve closed will now

remain hidden even if the program restarts.

c. About the Toolbox

d. One of the windows you are closing is the Toolbox, a collection of art, sound,

and code created by the Roblox community. It’s recommended that students

do not use the Toolbox as it can be potentially distracting. Instead, emphasize


building content from scratch so students can get greater ownership of their


e. Leave the Explorer window on the right side open. Make Studio look like the

image below.

6. Running a Classroom

Creating Guidelines Together

a. Using Roblox in the classroom can be exciting but it’s important to set some

ground rules to create a fun learning environment. Whenever starting a new

Roblox classroom, we recommend that you create classroom rules together

with your students. By giving students ownership over the rules they create,

they’ll be more likely to follow them.

b. Some common rules that can be introduced:

i. Treat each other and equipment with respect.

ii. Ask others for help and be willing to help others.

iii. Don’t playtest or play games without teacher permission.

(Roblox, 2019)

To learn more about Roblox and Digital Citizenship, feel free to check the website.

Roblox has also offered handouts on Roblox Studio Cheat Sheet and Lua Coding Cheat Sheet.

They also provide troubleshooting guides on different issues such as troubleshooting on

education networks, general Roblox issues, connection problems, and firewall and router issues.

Roblox has also provided different examples of lesson plans directly from their education

website. Examples of these lessons can be viewed here.

Roblox Platform and STEM Building


Roblox platform can be used for STEM building. This example was found in the Roblox

Education site.

Lesson: Building a Historic Landmark

Pre-creation: Students are encouraged to explore history by researching landmark

and build it in the Roblox Studio.

Grade: 8-10

Subject: Social Studies

ISTE Standards: Innovative Designer 4a, 4c, Creative Communicator 6b, 6c

Learning Objectives:

 Use online sources to gather specific details about a landmark

 Apply research to plan out a landmark design and construct it using 3D

models and landscapes

 Evaluate the scale of a landmark in Roblox Studio and use observations to

ensure realistic proportions

Full access to the lesson can be found here. This lesson is a step by step guide on

creating the virtual world that stimulate the historical landmarks. Students will be able to

relate the relationship between the real object to its 3-D presentation.

3. Research the landmark 2. Create a plan 1. Create in Roblox Studio


Final projects examples:

1. London (top left)

2. Pyramids of Giza (top right)
3. Parthenon (bottom right)

Roblox Games and Learning Strategies

Below are different games examples from Roblox and what teaching strategies can be

used when playing this game:


Strategies: Role-playing, problem-solving, motivation

The use of Farmtown simulation or

as virtual reality will help students

understand about plants or understanding

the basic flow of farming. As students

learn about the life cycle of the plants, this

game will simulate how seeds need soil

and water to grow. Once the crops are harvested, it yields more seeds. The seeds can then be

planted and harvested (for more crops and seeds). This game will also help students understand

the farming industry by selling crops to market. The more seeds, the more crops, and the more

money for the player to purchase another type of seeds or upgrade their farm. Expensive seeds

have bigger value. Through this experience, students will take the role of a virtual farmer, follow

directions, and perform tasks.

This activity will help improve students’ ability to follow directions through group

interactions or interpret printed instructions. Students will ask clarifications, share experience,

and derive solutions to succeed.


Work at a Pizza House

Strategies: STEM, problem-solving, role-

playing, cooperative learning

Work at A Pizza Place is another game in Roblox where it can be used to simulate a real-

life experience. The player starts by choosing to work at a pizzeria as a cashier, cook, packager,

delivery, or supplier. The player earns coin to purchase items to upgrade house, furniture, and

other stuff.

The game can teach students to perform a task such as creating the different types of

pizza on the order screen. Such as for cheese pizza, the player must place dough first, the sauce,

cheese, and baked it in the oven. The player must watch the pizza in the oven. Once the meter

turns green, the pizza is now ready to be packed by placing it on the conveyor.

Players can work together to help run the pizzeria. A manager position is available for a

player to choose from. The manager can give a bonus or put the player back to work. The

manager can also be voted out by other players. A special feature of the game is to purchase the

VIP to enjoy extra other items in the shop. This, however, requires real money to purchase. The

game can be played by purchasing a private server. Players must be invited to enter this private

server world.

This game also allows players to customize their houses by purchasing building

materials, furniture, and decorations. Students will have the opportunity to decorate, upgrade, or

theme-coordinate their house.


Strategies: STEM, Problem-solving, Role-playing

Bloxburg is another virtual world where players can role-play. They can build their own

houses using the drop and drag tool. They can earn money by working at different places as a

cashier, hairdresser, stocker, pizza baker, fisherman, woodcutter, seller, mechanic, delivery

person, miner, and janitor. Each job requires a player to perform the job by following the correct

order or steps. The player can improve different skills through constant practice such as cooking,

music, reading, exercising, etc.

The activity requires the player to maintain self-care by checking the mood meter for

energy, hygiene, hunger, and fun. Players can choose to take a different work role or remain

jobless. Players are also expected to pay their electric bills. Players can choose to make money

by turning their house a restaurant, hotel, coffee shop, apartment, etc., and by inviting other


This game simulates the real-life experience by understanding the importance of finding

work to pay bills, self-care by balancing work and fun, and developing skill through practice.

At the end of the game, students can write or discuss experience including challenges as

they portray a different role. This activity can also be used to help the student learn Math,

Language, and Science. In Math, the student can calculate income and expenses or the count

number of fish they can catch in a minute. In Language, students can learn about nouns by

naming the different places in Bloxburg. They can identify the proper and common nouns. In

Science, students can identify different vegetables or food items in the grocery.

Learning Standards

Below are examples of learning standards for the 2nd Grade when using Roblox.

Missouri Learning Standards (MLS)


Computer Science

Algorithms & Programming- 2. AP.C. 01 With guidance, create programs using a

programming language, robot device or unplugged activity that utilize sequencing

and simple looping to solve a problem or express ideas both independently and


Impact of Computing-

 2.IC.SI.01 Develop a code of conduct, explain and practice grade-level

appropriate behavior and responsibilities while participating in an online

community. Identify and report inappropriate behavior and know how to

report concerns of cyberbullying

 2.IC.SLE.01 Identify safe and unsafe examples of online communications.

Learn that the information put online leaves a digital footprint.

Language Arts


Collaborative Discussion 2 - Speak clearly and to the point, using conventions of

language when presenting individually or with a group by:

a. taking turns in discussion with a shoulder partner, according to

classroom expectations b. confirming comprehension of read-alouds and

independent reading by retelling and asking appropriate questions

Speak Effectively for Collaborative Discussion

Entertainment 2.A

Develop and apply effective listening skills and strategies in formal and

informal settings by: a. demonstrating active listening, according to classroom


Common Core Standards


Tell a story or recount an experience with appropriate facts and

relevant, descriptive details, speaking audibly in coherent



Produce complete sentences when appropriate to task and situation

in order to provide requested detail or clarification.


Roblox game or Roblox as education offers a variety of opportunities for learning from

STEM, coding, innovation, educational games to endless creativity. As students learn the basic

foundation and structure of language in a regular classroom, as technology progress another

language has emerged. With the rise of video games and online gaming, students have been

unknowingly exposed to the language of computing, innovations, and scripts. Video game

enthusiasts can understand its nature because they have first-hand experience of what it is like in

the gaming world. For example, as students design Minecraft skins via Minecraft, they already

know how the character must differ from the default skin (Steve). Players who have played

Roblox will have the advantage of creating virtual games or world because of the experience

they had. Example such as how the character (avatar) behaves in the actual game setting

including on the manipulating the designs (e.g. construction). Although this does not limit to

understanding the basic command of on the keyboard keys.

Playing the game itself requires familiarity. Performing tasks requires mastery of the keys

and commands. Therefore, the teacher must properly demonstrate these skills at the beginning.

Allow time for students to learn basic skills. The game must also be used with a clear goal.

Students must be able to accomplish this without expecting them to spend any money.

For educators who can create games with the Roblox platform, the game must be

intentional. Any learning can be applied such as creating obstacles (obby) for spellings, where

students can go to the next level by spelling the word correctly. Another example is to visit

significant places such as the 7 Wonders of the World. Oftentimes, this world has already been

recreated in Roblox. Here are some examples:

1. Taj Mahal- https://www.roblox.com/games/1429634974/Travel-Around-the-


2. Great Wall of China- https://www.roblox.com/games/3487359084/The-Great-


3. Petra- https://www.roblox.com/games/258147329/Petra

Roblox has hundreds of games or virtual worlds to explore which can serve as learning

opportunities. Educators can use the backend features to create or present learning which is also

a playable level (can be tested). The design platform and starting account creation are free.

Teachers and students can create an account without using real names. The account also allows

them to access different games. The game requires the internet to use. Students must be

reminded of the importance of safety, cyberbullying, digital footprints, and chatting with

someone they do not know. Therefore, a private server requires full control wherein the owner

can pick and choose which players to invite. On the other hand, Roblox has features such as

reporting systems, chat filters, and customizable parental controls to keep each player safe. To

learn more about this, click here.

Article Outline II:

Article 2

Effect of Roblox in Elementary Education


A survey was conducted in a private elementary school to identify how Roblox had

influenced teachers and students. The purpose of this study is to explore the possibility of utilizing

Roblox as an educational tool in the classroom. Are teachers familiar with Roblox? How popular is Roblox

to elementary students in our school district? Which strategies the teachers mostly preferred? What’s their

opinion on educational video games such as Roblox? Therefore this study aims to:

 Compare the average number of elementary students as opposed to the data reported online

who had used Roblox.

 Identify the top three strategies that teacher most likely to prioritize when it comes to the

use of educational technology

 Gather teacher’s opinions on educational video games such as Roblox.

The survey questions consist the following:

1. What is your teaching position?

2. Have you heard of Roblox? (Y/N)


3. If yes, how?

4. Are you aware of any of your students using Roblox? (Y/N)

Approximately how many? (Ratio)

5. Please identify strategies that will help your classroom using educational

technology. Check all that is applicable and rank top 3.

_____ Motivation

_____Cooperative learning

_____ Role-playing

_____ Problem-solving

_____ Task-oriented

_____ STEM

_____ Social interaction

_____ Safety and privacy

_____ Others


6. Would you consider video game as an effective educational tool in your

classroom? (Y/N) Why?

7. Additional comments:

Data Summary & Results

This study was conducted at an accredited private institution in Missouri. Seven (7)

elementary teachers serve as respondents for this study. Each teacher was required to provide a

ratio of students who played or heard of Roblox. This is to help compare the percentage of

students who played Roblox from the claim online.

There were 3 Kindergarten teachers, 1 First Grade’s, 1 Second Grade’s, 1 Third Grade’s,

and 1 for 4th to 6th Grade class. See data in Table 1.

Table 1 Teaching Position and Number of Participants

Question 1 Teaching Position Numeric Presentation

Kindergarten A 1

What is your teaching position? Kindergarten B 1

Kindergarten C 1

1st Grade 1

2nd Grade 1

3rd Grade 1

4th to 6th Grade (mix) 1

Total No. of Participants 7


Question 1 serves as the Demographic data for this study. Seven (7) elementary teachers

participated in this study (Table 1). Question #2 inquired about teacher’s awareness with Roblox.

If Y for yes, Question #3 is a follow up inquiring in what ways the teacher heard of it. The data

shows six (6) respondents were aware of Roblox and 1 answered N for no. Table 2.A is a pie

presentation that shows that 90% of the teachers in the school were aware of Roblox.

Table 2. Teachers Awareness with Roblox

Question #2 & #3 Teaching Position Y/N How? Aware?


Kindergarten A Y Former students, N

2. Have you heard child

of Roblox? (Y/N) Kindergarten B Y child Y

3. If yes, how? Kindergarten C Y children Y

1st Grade Y children Y

2nd Grade Y children Y

3rd Grade Y child Y

4th to 6th Grade (mix) N No answer N

Total No. of 7 6 7


Table 2. A- Pie Chart presentation of Teachers who are aware of Roblox

Teachers Who Are Aware of Roblox



Yes No

Question #4 inquired on the teacher’s awareness of Roblox. If Y or yes, they wrote the

approximate ratio of students in the class who have heard or have played Roblox. Table 3 shows

that Kindergarten A showed that there was 0% of her students who are aware of Roblox.

Kindergarten B presented that 45% of her students are aware of Roblox. Kindergarten C showed

50% of her students are aware of Roblox. The teacher on 1st Grade noted 36 % of her students

heard Roblox. The 2nd Grade Teacher documented 77% of her students are aware of Roblox. 3rd

Grade acknowledged 53% of her students are aware of Roblox while the teacher in the mixed

class (4th-6th Grade) accepted that 62% of his students are aware of Roblox. Table 3.B shows an

average of 46% of students in the school is aware of Roblox.

Table 3. A Ratio of Students who have heard or played Roblox in the classroom

Question # 4 Teaching Position Y/N Ratio Percentage

Are you aware of Kindergarten A N 0/11 0%

any of your students Kindergarten B Y 5/11 45%

using Roblox? Kindergarten C Y 5/10 50%

Approximately how 1st Grade Y 4/11 36%

many? (Ratio) 2nd Grade Y 7/9 77%

3rd Grade Y 7/13 53%

4th to 6th Grade (mix) Y 5/8 62%

Total 7 33/73 46%

Table 3. B- Ratio of students in the classroom who have heard or played Roblox

Ratio of Students Who Are Aware of Roblox


Yes No

Question 5 requested participants to identify strategies that will help their classroom

when using educational technology. They were asked to check as many that apply to them and

then to rank the top 3. Table 4.A shows, Motivation and Problem-solving have the same number

of votes (6) followed by STEM (4), then Task-Oriented (3), and lastly with Cooperative Learning

(2). In the column, where it shows the ranking frequency, Motivation proved that it has several

1’s indicating it was the first choice of five teachers. Problem-solving has 3 of 2’s and 3 of 3’s

but do not have 1’s. Therefore, Motivation was ranked as the 1st because there were several 1’s

(first picked) by 5 out of 7 respondents (See Table 4.B and Table 4.C). The Problem-solving

captured the 2nd place because of its 2’s and 3’s. STEM was the 3rd preference by teachers.

Strategies in Educational Technology

This data represent the strategies teachers have preferred when it comes to the use of

educational technology in the classroom.

Table 4.A Strategies that teachers use when using educational technology

Strategies Tally Number Ranking Data Rank

frequency (1st to 3rd)
Motivation I I I I I- I 6 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 1st

Cooperative learning I 2 3, 3

Role-playing 0

Problem-solving I I I I I- I 6 2, 3, 3, 2, 2, 3 2nd

Task-oriented III 3 2, 2, 1,

STEM IIII 4 2, 1, 1, 3 3rd

Social Interaction 0

Safety and Privacy 0

Total 21 21

Table 4. B- Top 3-Strategies Preferred by Teachers

The Top 3 Strategies


Motivation- 1st Problem-Solving- 2nd STEM- 3rd

The Top 3 Strategies

Table 4. C- Preferred Teaching Strategies- Ranks & Frequency

Preferred Teaching- Ranks & Frequency



3 3
2 2 2
0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0
As 1st As 2nd As 3rd
Motivation 5 1 0
Problem-Solving 0 3 3
STEM 2 1 1
Task-Oriented 1 2 0
Cooperative Learning 0 0 2

Motivation Problem-Solving STEM Task-Oriented Cooperative Learning

Question 6 prompted respondents’ opinions on considering video games as an effective

tool in their classroom and why (See Table 5.A). Three (3) respondents responded Y (Yes) and

three (3) said N (No). One (1) expressed Maybe. Teachers who responded Y or yes believed that

educational video games: help bridge struggling students and motivate them to learn; they must

be goal-oriented; and, for students’ engagement and entertainment. Table 5.B shows the pie

graph representation of the respondents’ opinion.

Table 5.B shows that 43% of the respondents believed that video games are effective

tools and 43% disagreed that educational video games such as Roblox because it is not necessary

in the class, it has limited social interaction, and children spent so many video games at home.

Fourteen percent (14%) can be assumed the possibility of using video games as an educational

tool in the classroom.

Video Game as Educational Tool: Teacher’s Opinion

The data represent teacher’s opinion on video games as an educational tool in the


Table 5.A - Teacher’s opinion on video games

Question 6 Y/N Reasons

Would you consider video games Y To bridge struggling student to a

as an effective educational tool in love of learning
your classroom? (Y/N) Why?

N Children have so much [sic]

video at home

Maybe Depends on the content


N It offers limited social interaction

between students

N Not necessary

Y Must be goal-oriented

Y Student’s engagement and


Table 5.B Pie Graph Representation on Teachers’ Opinions on Educational Video

Teachers Opinion Video Games as Effective Educational Tool




Yes No Maybe


Research Summary

This study does not directly involve students but has allowed teachers to give a ratio of

the students who have heard or played Roblox in the classroom based on their awareness. The

methods of inquiring the information were left to the choice of the respondents. There was no

method or steps are directly given to do so. Therefore the data represented are based solely on

the teacher’s input.

This study was also conducted in a school with a few numbers of respondents. The

findings of this data do not fully represent the opinions of the entire school. The teachers were

given the freedom to express their opinions based on the current needs in their classrooms. But

this hopes to compare the average number of students who have played (used) or heard of

Roblox, identify the 3 top strategies most teacher preferred, and to gather their personal opinions

on video games.

According to this study, 46% of the students in the classroom (See Table 3.B) have

played or have heard Roblox. Based on the ratio (students) provided by the teacher, 73 total of

students were identified. Thirty-three (33) students have heard or played Roblox.

When it comes to which strategies teachers preferred the most with educational

technology, motivation was rank as the 1st, problem-solving as the 2nd, and STEM (Science,

Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) as the 3rd top preferences (See Table 4.B).

Motivation in the classroom referred to as the student’s ability to actively participate,

engage, and inquire to learn. Problem-solving is understood as one’s ability to comprehend the

situation and find solutions to the problem. STEM, on the other hand, is considered as an integral

part of most teachings and has been implemented by more schools (Lynch, 2019).

Most respondents agreed that video games can be used as an effective tool, others do not

see the need of it due to too many exposures to technology at home, limited social interactions,

and was not necessary for the classroom. Table 5.B shows 43% of the respondents disagreed

with its use while 43% agreed on its importance. The 14%, from the respondent who stated

maybe, does not necessarily disagree but wrote depends on the content, can be assumed as yes.

Therefore the data can be represented as:

Table 5.C- Assumption- Teachers’ Opinions on Video Games as Effective Tool

Teachers' Opinion on Video Games as Effective Tools




The teachers’ opinions gathered from this study can be concluded that it has been

influenced by a personal reference when it comes to technology. Technology, in general, has

been greatly adopted by most schools in the US, proved to be an effective tool in the classroom.

Video games, on the other hand, require manipulation of something. Virtual or of an actual

object, both require physical and mental mastery. Therefore, sometimes the idea of incorporating

it in the classroom can be intimidating although others believed of its potential.

What Can We Learn?


Roblox’s popularity continues to be on the rise. Roblox Corporation has provided an

educational site for teachers to use by providing ready-to-use lesson plans, tutorials, and

activities relating to coding and innovation. Roblox consist of a game that gives students the

opportunity to build, create, and express imagination. Games such as allowing students to build

houses, create theme parks, obstacle games, and more. The opportunities are limitless and can

only be stopped at the end of one’s imagination.

This generation of students has been taught coding to give them the opportunity what can

be built with technology, knowing they are surrounded by devices controlled by a computer

(Lynch, 2016). Public schools have adopted Chrome books where students have the opportunity

to practice coding using Tynker and knowledge from BrainPOP.

Roblox is a gaming app where anybody has the opportunity to access including students

of all ages and adults can serve as an opportunity for learning and exploration. As Minecraft was

once considered a childish game, it now has been utilized in the classroom as a creative

opportunity for education. Roblox, on the other hand, offers a greater opportunity just waiting to

be explored.

Article III

Roblox: Educational Point of View


The engagement a toddler had given over a mobile app had perked this researcher’s

curiosity. How Roblox had influenced a 4-year old to play and perform the obstacle game was

enthralling. As parents, safety is a mandated concern when it comes to online games wherein a

player represented by an avatar could interact with other players in the game. Roblox

Corporation aimed to keep every player safe by filtering inappropriate languages and the ability

to report players who harass or bully others. These rules are published for the public to see

including parents on their site. The player who finds the need to report other players while in the

game can do so by clicking the report button and specifying the offense. This curiosity had led

other parents to create their account to closely monitor their children’s Roblox activity (Discord,


The number of time players under the age of 13 had spent playing the game, which

according to the poll in December 2017 had reached the average up to 51.5 million hours in

comparison to other top online entertainment such as YouTube and Netflix (Knapp, 2018). As an

educator, it was necessary to see this as an opportunity for education. Can Roblox be used as a

learning tool? How and in what ways it can be used safely? These are a few of the questions that

led to this study.

Roblox is a social gaming platform has the ability to create games and share it with the

community and eventually to make money in the process. For example, the creator of Work at

the Pizza Place, Michael “Dued1” Sligh was only 15 when he created the game. He invited other

kids to pretend to work at a pizza place (Johnson, 2014). Engadget predicted that Roblox

developer will make $30 million via the year 2017 since the extension of the wider platform in

Xbox One, Windows 10, and Oculus Rift on top of traditional platforms like PC, Mac, IOS and

Android (Conditt, 2017). In September 2018, there are 400 million games have been created via

Roblox platforms and about 30,000 new games are uploaded every day (Hacket, 2018).

According to Bell (2018) the author of Game On! Gamification, Gameful Design, and Rise

of Gamer Educator, the changing demographics due to the increase of enrolment in the higher

education had created a coming perfect storm in higher education which had affected the

following incongruities:

1. The rising cost of doing business in higher education is coming into obvious conflict

with the need to tailor to increased numbers of poorer or less well subsidized


2. The admittedly disproportionately weighted, not so very common but perceived as

significant, investment in luxurious peripheral facilities while learners want for

effective academic/social support and mentoring.

3. An increasing lack of student engagement and growing disenchantment, manifesting

itself in lower rates of course completion and persistence to graduation

Regardless of these warning signs, most institutions continued to use the same tools,

technologies, and forms of instructions that can be considered antithetical to student interests

and preferences. Bell further emphasized Jane McGonigal’s (as cited Bell, 2018, p. 9) text

Reality Is Broken: Why Games Make Us Better and How They Can Change the World how

gaming tends to make people more optimistic and helps them develop a mindset that results in

their being less likely to give up when, initially, failing at a challenge. He also quoted James

Paul Gee’s (as cited Bell, 2018, p. 9) advocacy on What Video Games Have to Teach Us about

Learning Literacy by focusing on his statement. “Better theories of learning are embedded in

the video games children in elementary and particularly in high school play than the school

they attend.” Bell (2018) concluded,

Gamification very possibly has a role to play in moving the needle on student engagement,

the clearest measurable associate to success that we have. It may be a minor role or a major

one. It could be the Holy Grail or akin to one Sokolow wedge in a save the planet challenge,

(Bell, 2018, p. 188).

Why Roblox?

Roblox can be used to teach students on computer literacy, designing and building using

Roblox Studio, and master fundamentals of programming by custom 3D worlds to life. It also

offers free resources to teach students of all ages of real coding, game design, digital civility, and

entrepreneurial skills. (Roblox, 2019). Roblox Education has been successfully tested in 500

coding countries including the EU, US, Canada, and Asia involving 50,000 students (Wilson,


Roblox is not only a free platform for students to create games and the opportunity to

share it with a larger community, but it also a gaming platform where students can learn real-life

experiences in a virtual world setting. BSD Education advertised how Roblox can professionally

help students build games, plan and think computationally, develop storytelling, improve self-

direction and creativity, problem-solving, coding, do test and gather feedback, and understand

digital citizenship (Qureshi, 2019).

The popularity of Roblox has affected other platforms of social media. On Twitter,

Roblox has 1.25 million followers, Facebook has 717, 443 followers, and Instagram has 770

followers. The number increases as it becomes more and more popular not only as a user-

generated gaming platform but also as an educational tool. As new gaming emerges, Roblox

aimed to upgrade the game using the platforms in Nintendo Switch and virtual reality helmets.

How Can Teachers Use Roblox Safely


One of the purposes of this study is to see how Roblox can be used in the classroom

safely. The fact that it is an online multiplayer and a user-generated game, there is the tendency

to be hesitant when involving students in the classroom. What’s the difference of letting them

play at homely which most likely be left unsupervised? Roblox as a gaming platform must be

taken with precautions. Some parents have expressed concerns over incidents they’ve personally

have encountered as they explore Roblox (Ivins, 2018). The teacher must consider these

concerns as he chose to implement Roblox in the classroom. Roblox had currently added a safety

feature called Avatar Clothing Detection where it automatically detects appropriate attire within

the avatar editor and avatar thumbnails (Roblox Parents, 2019).

Privacy Settings

Students under the age of 13 are advised to set their privacy settings in full protection

such as deactivating chatting options when playing the game. The student can play the game

without chatting with anybody online. Roblox had provided changing the privacy settings to

players under 12 to select Friend or No one although players over 13 have more additional

options for privacy settings (Roblox Support, 2019). Especially if Roblox is utilized in the

classroom as an educational tool. Students can communicate in the room as opposed to chatting.

The teacher must actively be supervising everyone throughout the game.

Private Server

To control the player who will be joining in the game, it is preferable to set up a private

server where the teacher can directly invite players in the game. Most games allow a maximum

of 12 players. If one game does not allow to accommodate the entire students in the classroom, it

is necessary to set up different games with a private server. However, setting up a private server

requires Robux (the currency used to pay for the fee). For example, 400 Robux will cost $4.99.

A private server can cause 100 Robux a month.

Education Roblox

Roblox Education is the back end of part of Roblox. It is where students and teachers can

use free tools to create limitless opportunities for creativity and imagination. Roblox offers free

software and curriculum to teach students of all age computer science, digital citizenship,

entrepreneurship, and more. It provides a free, development tool that allows students to build 3D

worlds, script games, and publish their work online. There are no subscription fees or licenses

required. For starters, they provide free curriculum in a variety of topics and age group ranges to

help new users. Roblox specified that their lessons are built to meet specific learning outcomes in

STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Mathematics) classrooms and curriculum

standards, such as ISTE. (Roblox Corporation, 2019).

Roblox Lesson Plans

Roblox has automatically provided different lesson plans for educators to utilize on their

website. These lessons can be taught for 2 hours or semester-long learning programs. Examples

of these are:

1. Intro to Gaming & Coding

2. Creator Challenge: Create and Destroy

3. Creator Challenge: Story Games

4. Roblox Developer 101

5. Building a Historical Landmark

6. Intro to Studio

7. Code Fundamentals

8. Coding Project: Adventure Games

9. Coding Project- Battle Royale

10. Coding Projects: Arcade Game

11. Intro to World Building

Stand Alone Modules

These are specialized lesson plans that help students practice individual project as

part of the larger projects series related to gaming, scripts, coding, etc., such as Digital

Citizenship, Roblox Account Creation, Publish & Play Test, Create a Script, and more

(Roblox Corporation, 2019).

Most Roblox games are intended for children and families. Mostly, every single

Roblox game is safe for young children. Roblox is also part of the Family Online Safety

Institute (FOSI) and the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA). Roblox

provided a link for parents to read to know more about Roblox. Teachers must be familiar

with the game as well before utilizing it in the classroom. In short, Roblox advertised that

it is safe (Tyagi, 2019).

Video Gaming: Objective Play

Roblox can be used solely as entertainment but it can also be used objectively. It can be

accessed from different gaming platforms including PCs, Xbox One, Mac, IOS, Android, and

more. Effective utilization is when the games are objective and intentional. Teachers must set

objectives supportive by learning standards to help students understand the purpose of the game.

Below are 5 out 15 best of Roblox games to play for 2019 according to Techworm.com:

Work at a Pizza Place

Students will perform the role of a cashier, cook, pizza boxer, pizza delivery, supplier, or

as a manager in the pizzeria. They can also upgrade their house and customize designs including

adding rooms’ division. Players can also set up their house to different themes they prefer such

as a hotel, a funhouse, a club, a school or more. At the end of the game, the students will share

the experience by retelling stories.

Theme Park Tycoon 2

Students will construct their theme park using the drag and drop tool. They can also build

and design their roller coasters and customize colors of each ride. Tutorials are provided for new

players. Players can also set price for each ride. The game teaches students to find ways to attract

visitors to visit the park and make money to further expand the park. Students can visit other

friend’s theme park and constructively critique it or share opinions.


Students can build and design their own house, customize vehicles, and, earn in-games

money in the virtual world. Player can choose to work or stay jobless but must pay the electric

bill which is automatically debited from their money. The game teach students to be creative

with their house building skills by creatively designing functional homes. At the end of the game

students can showcase their virtual house and share their building experience to the class.

Natural Disaster Survival

Students’ primary goal of this game is to survive natural disasters. Players are restricted

to an island and just a way to survive the different disasters such as a tornado, tsunami, volcano

eruption, frost, and more. At the end of the game, students can journal or share which natural

disaster was the hardest to survive.


This is role-playing where a game where the player can choose to play as the police or

the criminal. The criminal goal is to escape from prison while the police will catch them back.

Students can flip flop roles as they play the game and explore its virtual world. Players can

collaborate with other players to accomplish different tasks from the game. In the end, students

can share the experience as a police officer or as an escaping criminal, and which role was harder

to play.

Summon: Game Developers and Creators

Roblox has currently has published that it has 2 million game creators and billions of

created games. Therefore this does not only summon those developers that have already

developed the game in Roblox but also to challenge them to build games that are classroom

related. Games that help students learn their multiplication tables, memorize scientific tables,

reading, or language structures. This also challenges the next generation of game creators to

foster learned historical facts for others to familiarize as well.

Teachers who utilized this game must be given special access for education and not just

the back end of Roblox. A special access must be allowed to them for games that are considered

educational. Roblox must find a way to identify these different games that can be safely used in

the classroom for students of all ages. This does not give Roblox permission to collect student’s

information but by allowing an adult to be registered as a teacher to be granted with a special



Challenging this generation of learners does not only stop in the classroom anymore. This

can be expressed in different platforms from gaming, YouTube, Google, online class, blended

classrooms and more. Bell (2018) criticized how traditional online teaching can be monotonous

at times or scripted. His challenge is developing what is more operational in real life. How

technology such as Fitbit can be used as a tool that helps individuals monitor their physical

activities (Bell, 2018).

As educators we can choose the traditional ways of teaching this generation or we can

incorporate what is also available to the very students we are teaching. Why not use something

that familiar but also challenging? A study conducted from a private institution showed almost

50% of elementary students are aware or played Roblox. How much more of these students are

exposed to in public schools? With the available use of Chrome Books in the public school, we

have already exposed them to coding and innovation tools such as Tynker, BrainPOP, or

Minecraft. Roblox’s backend is more elaborate because students can automatically see what they

are creating and test it immediately. Students can envision what they wanting to create in a

virtual world.

Both teachers and students can also utilize the games that are already available such as

exploring the different historical places or wonders of the world. If a game can teach someone a

basic step on making pizza, such as placing dough, sauce, cheese, and meat, it is also training

them on how make real pizza in real life. The nature of understanding economic by finding work

to pay bills is being instilled in the gamers’ minds. Also, Roblox exposes student the awareness

of morals by understanding police has the authority to capture criminals.


As more teachers and schools are aware of Roblox's endless possibilities for learning,

Roblox may eventually challenge other creators or game builders to create games that are geared

to classroom friendly environment. With the hope that not only for monetary gain but for the

sake of education this generation.



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Appendix B

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