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eet aN LO) Nee] (e) TL ee COMPENDIUM ON DISCIPLINARY POLICIES WITH QUICK GUIDE Piney =. Philippines NATIONAL POLICE COMMISSION NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS PHILIPPINE NATIONAL POLICE OFFICE OF THE CHIEF, PNP Camp Crame, Quezon City | commend the men and women of the Directorate for Personne! and Records Management for their endeavor of collating and compiling all the disciplinary issuances pertaining to personnel management. This is a much needed tool in order for our Summary Hearing Officers to perform their functions at the optimal level, as well as fo assist the disciplinary authorities in the speedy and judicious resolution of administrative cases \ have always maintained that Disicpline, Law and Order are the key operating concepts to enable us to perform our mission with optimum afficiency, With this Compendium, | trust that our objective of fostering and maintaining discipline among our ranks will be achieved. ‘Again, Congratulations! ALAN iD PURISIMA, Police DI ‘General Chief, PNI R of the Philippines: National Police Commission NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS, PHILIPPINE NATIONAL POLICE DIRECTORATE FOR PERSONNEL AND RECORDS MANAGEMENT Camp Crame, Quezon City PREFACE Indeed, the PNP is now gearing up for the realization of its vision which Is to become “a highly capable, effective and credible police force’, with the recent Publication of this volume. This volume aims to guide not only the Disciplinary Authorities of the PNP but all PNP personnel, Uniformed and Non-Uniformed, with the policies and common Provisions concerning Discipline, which are not limited to the rules, regulations and laws. This volume also covers the procedures, administrative offenses and penalties of PNP personnel must undergo and face once a certain rule or regulation was violated In line with the PNP Memorandum Circular No. 2013-020 (PATNUBAY itl), this volume clearly states every offense and its corresponding penalty. Also, this volume was compiled for the usage of Summary Hearing Officers, Evaluators and Drafters, who face the challenges of finding the right policy, rules and regulations and finding the right offense and penalty. Given the difficulty faced by PNP personnel involve in the conduct of summary hearings, this volume offers a simplified copy of the policies, offenses and penalties, plus the NAPOLCOM Memorandum Circular No. 2007-001 and Revised Rules. on the Administrative Cases in the Civil Service (RRACCS), applicable to a certain case. | would like to acknowledge the men and women behind the publication of this volume, without whose dedication and commitment to service would not have been possible. Lastly, we lift all praise and glory to our Lord God for the completion of this ‘volume. JAIME MORENTE PART I TABLE OF CONTENTS PNP DISCIPLINARY CODE ‘Tamang Bis PNP LOLO09? “Tamang Bahia” DPPAR/Flag Rabsing!Flag Lowering PNP Mernorundumn Circular No.O-001 date Jamiary 17, 2008 Police Information and Continuing Education (FICE) PRP LOM 105 dated February 21, 2005 Mnysical Fitness Test (PFT) PNPLOL20100(PNP Physical Fitness Text) My Inifvidual Peformance is the Key (11? Key Card) PNP Cummand Memorandum Circular No. 26-13 dated June $.2013 PAP Unit Performance Fvatuation Rating (PER) PNP Command Memarstdum Circular No, 11+13.dsted May 23, 2013 (PNP Unit Performance Evaluation Rating (UPER) Ciuidclines and Procedures) ‘Statement of Assets, Liabilities amd Net Werth (SAL) Republic Act No, 6713 0 the Cade of Conchct cand Ethical Standards for Pubbe Officials and Employees Filing of Sworn Statement of Amets, Liahiltics and Nerworth sane! Dlaclowure af eainens Interests nd Financia] Comaections (SALN& BRIFC) TOPRM Memorandum dated January 18, 2013 PNP Review and Compliznce Committees (RCC aod Policy Cuidlines and Procedures on Ascomplished ‘Statement of Assets, Liabilities and Networth Forma FNP Command Mcmorandum Circular No. 19-2013 dated April 29, 2013 ‘Subseitwed Filing of Income Tax Kemern (ITH) ‘Revenue Regulatioms No. 32002 dated March 22. 2002 Revenue Regulations No, M2002 dated Octoher 11 2002 Filing of Leave of Absence for all PNP Persoanel PNP Circular No, 2002-4000 dated May 21, 2002 1s 7 Forvign Travel of PNP Perroune! PNP Circular No, 2004418 cad Doccmbsr 26. 2008 {Proeribing te Policies. Guidlines and Procedures «9 Forvign Travel of PNP Personnel “Arending PNP Memoanunt (Cuvudlar No, 2002-017 dated November 16,2002, cxtithal “Forciga Travel") Reavslgament/UN Deploy ment ‘PNP Mermorundum Ciecular No. 2010-007 PNP Penoaael Accounting and Information System (PAIS) ‘PNP Memorandum Circalar No. 2001-018 Framotion, PNP Command Memorandum Citcular No. 43-13 dated August!23. 2013 (Gad Level PCOs and PNCOs Regular PromoGon Program) Lateral Entry (NAPOLOOM Memorandum Circular Xo. 2008-006 dated March 31, 2008 (Amending XAPOLCOM Mermarandum Cineubse No, 2003108, Entitled “Prescribing the Guidelines and Procedures for Lateral Entry of Offices imo the PNP") NAPOLOOM Memorandum Circular Xo. 2011-005 | Amending the Preseibed Sequential Procedures fa the Procoming of Laaceal Enary: Applicata ia the PrP acd the Guidelines on Probationary Period ax Provided for undcr NAPOLCOM Memoeaesham Circular No. 2008-006) ward Incentives Scholarship PNP Cirealar Nox 2000-4 dated July 10,2000 (Roles and Regulation in the Confermsat of Authoriaid Decorations, Service Medals, Ribboos and ftadges 10 the Peremmcl of the Philippine National Police) ‘Tealsiag Schooling Study Leave PNP Cieular Xo. 20004HES dated Apel 12, 2000 (Guidelines and Procedures im the Gand of Study Leave 6a Official Time and Financial Assistance for PNP Personnel for Purposes of Taking Review Clamce for Har Examinations) Missing tn Action (MILA) NAPOLCOM Memorandum Cizculir No. 2008-015 dated December 24, 200% [Prescribing Policics.and Guidelines Governing the Payment of Salary and Allowances of Uniformed Personnel ofthe Philippine National Police (PNP) Misaing it Aetioa (NIA), the Finding af Death and Termination of Payment} ur im 8 Ty toy 2 ‘Spectal Trabning 28 1) Matical Officers PNP Circular No. 99.000 (Guidelines and Procedures in the Residency Trasning of Medical OiTicers) 2) Nunc Overs ‘PNP Cicalar No. 20004N07 dtcd Mary 19, 2000 \(Gaidelines ana Procedures im the Specialty Training of PNP Nurse Officers) Practice of Profession 262 PNP Circular No. 2008 1 dated Janaary 28, 2005 \Giuidelines ana Procedres Regarding the Listed rivals Practice of Profextion by PNP Mribers) Information and Comimtnlcations Technology (CT) De? FNP Memorundum Cincalar No. 20124003 datod May 20, 2012 (Policy Guniclines an Security Comciousness and Secrecy Discipline am the Recording, Uploading. Posting or Disscrnation af laformution Via the Internet ot through other Information and Cocnmminications Techooligy (ICT) Devices by the PNP Personnel] PNP Memorndum Circular No. 2116-017 dated September 0, 201 (Authored Ue of Government Information and ‘Commutcations Technology Equipment, Facilities or Properties) Rectuitmeat'Scleetioa and Appolatinest ans NAPOLCOM Memorandum Cuvalar No. 007400 [Preaenibing the Procedures and Guidelines foe the Recruitment, Selection and Appaintinent of PNP Uniformed Personnel and Termimatica of Service of Newly Appointed Police Officer | (POH) seile still in Temporsey Status} ‘ConfinementTreatment at PNP Health Facilities and Other Hospitals 00 PNP Circular No. 2006-18 dated August 15. 2008 {Revised Guidelines wt the Acceuening of PNP Unitorened Perse Who are Confined Treated al PP Health Facilities am! other Hospitals) Random/Mandatory Drug Test of FNP Personnel aE PNP Mcroonundum Circular No, dated dune 8, 2012 ‘Policies nd Proceduses in the conduct of Random: Mandatory Drug Test aval Dg Tea of PNP Uniformed Persanael Involved i Dangerous Drags) Restrigtive Cuntody as PSP Memoransium Circular No. 2009-016 duted September 3, 2000 {Delegation of Authority to Place Police Permanel under Restrictive Cuatoky and Prescribing Guidelines in the Implemietunion of Resrctive Custody both asa Preventive Measure und « Pusishavent) Attrithon: aS "DPHEM Memorandum dated! Joly 31, 2013 PART au PART Wh PART i PART V A PNP DISCIPLINARY CODE (NMC-2007-001) For Uniformed Personnel ‘Classification of Offenses ae Penalty 40 Memorandum Circular ¥e. 2007-001 es B. DISCIPLINARY MACHINERY Revised Rules.on Adauinistrative Cases in the Civil Service(RRACCS)} For Now-Uniformed Personnel ‘Classification of Offenses and Penalties 4 Revised Rules om Administrative Cases in the Civil Serviee(RRACCS) aly PRE-CHARGE AND SUMMARY PROCEDURE (PNP-DIDM-DS-9-3) PreCharge Evaluation Guide am ‘Summary Hearing Guide wT GRIEVANCE MACHINERY Memorandum Circular No. 1006-0110 s7 PNP MEMORANDUM CIRCULAR NO. 2613-020 PATNUBAY HE PATNUBAY I 573 PNP Memoraudusm Circular No, 2013-020 Case Monitoring and Clearance Syste S87 ENE Meuorandum Circular No. 2014-012 Delinquency Reporting System soz PRP Memoranddue Cireutar No. 2010-003 PNP Memorandum Circular No. 2410-018 1. “TAMANG BIHIS™ A. Legal Basis: 4. PNP.LOI 06/09 “TAMANG BIHIS ALPHA" dated February 12, 2009: and 2. PNP LOI 2007-50 (Creation of TASK FORCE “BANTAY BIHIS") dated November 21, 2007, B. Policy RequirementCompliance: 1, To see to it that all PNP Personnel wears the prescribed and authorized PNP uniforms with the proper insigniss. and other accoutrements during command activities and while in the performance of duty. 2. The operating units shall conduct inspection of all distributors and outlets of PNP uniforms, insignias and other accoutrements. and if necessary confiscate all fake and unauthorized items in accordance with existing police operational procedures. 3. To fully operationalize “Bantay Bihis” Regional Task Groups and NSU Task Groups with the end in view of these units performing property their assigned functions. 4. To conduct information drive to all criminology students thru the Commission on Higher Education (GHED) and the Philippine Criminology Schools Association to refrain from using similar police uniforms and for the CSG to adopt color coding of unifarms to be used by private detectives, private security guards, armored security personnel and K-9 handlers, ©, Scope/Coverage: All uniform PNP personnat GOA Type “A” Pershing cap POT-PSSUPT Pershing cap When to Use Daily office attire Bush coat (star blue) with shoulder loop Gray blue short sleeves shirt with vertical white pin at Senate, Appearances: Malacafiang, ress, Courts ‘As cirected by the higher Rank insignia Lanyard with whistle inoaiay Stor rank lanyard with zi tubular whistle Aopuening. here: nts ‘Awards end di In case of full alert status, the uniform of the day shall be worn for the flag raising ang flag retreat ceremonies. Pistor Bek ___with|Policewomen shall wear ae aoe) accessories and firearm __| GOA skirt when performing Pants for male and SKIT TOT] parks for mate and akm| aministrative duties and oe forfemale with side pining [GOA pants when PIG | performing field duties. Black low-cut shoes: | Black jow-cut shoes tC GOA Type "B” Descrip PCSUPT.PDG. POUPSSUPT Pied cap ‘Gray blue short sleeves shirt | Gray blue short sleeves wath vertical white pin stripes | shirt with vertical white pin stripes Lanyard with whistie ‘As directed by the higher authority Star rank lanyard with tubular whistle ‘Accoutrements ‘Accoutrements Pants for male and skirt for | Pistol belt with’ female veith side piping accessories and firearm Blue belt with PNP buckle Pants for both mate and female with side piping [Biacklow-cutshoes | Blackiowcutshoes OT [aimee | EE | cman The camouflage Green FSU wil be for the Light biue round neck T-shirt | Blue round neck T-shirt | exclusive use only of the with “PULIS" markings | with “PULIS markings | PNP personne! assigned in (franvback) as upper | (frontiback) as upper| Regional Public Safety garment garment Battalion involved in counter insurgency operation in rural areas. Deep blue short pants: with back pocket and the *PULIS" markings as lower garment Camouflage green pants as lower garment Head Gear Bush Hal made of the same fabric and color of the appropriate FSU with embroidered black thread rank insignia on the black borderline. and the word “POLICE = markings in front. Shirt and Accoutrements: Tropical fatigue cut, fong sleeves reinforced elbows with four oversized thread insignia on the collars with clive drab background borderline. For PNCOs — embroidered black thread chevron with olive drab background and black borderline on both sleeves. Namecioth and ‘Police’ = Markings = — embroidered black threads with olive drab background ‘and black borderline. Patches: — subdued patches using colored black. ~ PNP patch on the lef sleeve and unit Tropical fatigue pants with slide/curve. side pockets Gversizediexpanding side pockets ‘worth a flap cover below the slide side: pocket ‘and two back pockets with flap, Reinforced at the seat and knees, Drawstrings. adjuster at the bottom. Wom fucked-in in the boots. Proper Appearance of PNP Uniformed Personne! A. Halreut 2.1, For Female PNP Personnel: aad. ‘Should be kept clean, néally shaped, conservatively arranged and professionally styled; The hair at the back of neck should not touch the collar of the uniform; Long hair should be inconapicuously pinned or fastened on the head in -an attractive style; ‘The use of corispicuous rubber bands, combs and pins is not allowed; Hair color should never be faddish or outrageous multicolor, it should appear natural and complimentary; and Extreme, eccentric or trendy haircuts or hairstyle are not authorized, 2.2. For Male Personnel: a24 22, 02.3. a4, a2s. Should be kept neat, clean and well-groomed: ‘The hair should not touch the ears of collar except for the closely cut hair at the back of the neck or extend below the eyebrows when the headgear is remove; The hair should not interfere with the proper wearing of the headgear: Whair colors used, it should look natural and complimentary: and Faddish or utrageous multicolored hair is unauthorized. B. Cosmetics: ba. For Female PNP Personnel: ‘When cosmetics is used, it should blend with the natural skin tone to enhance natural features; b.1.2. Should use a conservative lipstick color that compliments the uniform; and b.1.3_ False eyelashes ore inappropriate and shauld not be worn when in uniform, €. Fingernails €.1. For Female PNP Personnel: e414. Nail Posh should complement with the natural skin tone; 1.2, Fingemails should not extend ane-quarter inch past finger tips; and 4.3, Fingernaits should be trimmed and kept clean. €.2. For Male PNP Personnel: ¢.2.1. Fingernails should be trimmed down and kept clean and should not ‘extend past finger tips; and 2.2. Only colorless nail polish is allowed. D. Mustache dA. For Male PNP Personnel: 1.1. Mustache, beard and imperials are absolutely prohibited; and 1.2. The face shall be kept shaved. Accessories A. Jewelry a4. For Female PNP Personnel: 3.1.1. While in uniform, earrings with a plain bali design is authorized; 12. May wear one watch or one simple bracelet but no wearing of ankle bracelets: Necklace when wom should not be visible; and May wear one simple ring only. a ats. a2. For Male PNP Personnel: 3.2.1. May wear one simple watch or one simple bracelet only; @.2.2 Necklace when wom should not be visible; and a.2.3, May wear one simple ring only, B. Eyewear Eyeglasses or sunglasses that are trendy, have lenses or frames with too large initials, designs or other adornments are not authorized; Eyeglasses or sunglasses cases shall not be hanged on the uniform; 3. May wear contact lenses with traditional colors such as: natural, gray and 4 3 brown only or opaque lenses that are prescribed medically for eye defects; May not wear lenses or frames thal aré too large or too small that distract the appearance of the uniform: and Clear lenses that have designs which may change the contour of the iris. are not authorized for wear with the uniform, C. PNP Jackets ‘The design of PNP jackets for PNP personnel authorized to wear them should be made from black polyester, The use of PNP jacket during the following occasions are authorized provided that the flap bearing the officer's name on the right breast portion and the “POLICE” Markings on the left breast flap and at the back flap of the jacket must be displayed for proper identification, to wit: i 2 Altending TV interviews in GOA uniform wherein the jacket must be zipped; Performing fopt patrol, and mobile patrol using marked vehicles, as well as when riding motorcycles during cold weather conditions: Conducting checkpoint operations during night time and in cold weather condition: When in the office performing administrative functions; and 5. Attending conferences and meetings. Republic of the Philigpines ~ ng ae 4 Deportment of thé interior and Local Gdvernment oF : NATIONAL! POLICE COMMISSION y/ NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS PHILIPPINE NATIONAL POLICE OFFICE OF THE CHIEF, PNP Camp Cram. Quezon Cily Subject 3 PNP LOI 08/09 “Ts BIHIS ALPHA" To F ‘See Distribution 1) i / ‘ 1 REFERENCES: # f $ @ Chief, PNPs Orders dated September 27,2008; | b. PNP LOI 2005 “Tamang Bihis dated August 21, 2005"; and ©. PNP LO! 2007-50 “Bantay Bihin" dated Nowember 21, 2007 nN. PURPOSE; i This LOI prescribes the courses of action that must be carried out by all PNP units and offices in implementing strictor measures of compliance in the proper wearing of authorized and prescribed PNP uniforms, insignias and other accoutrements. Additionally, this LO! provides additiorial prozeduras te ba undertaken to control the Proliferation of unauthorized and substandard police uniforms. SITUATION: t a : The PNP LO! 2005 "TAMANG BIHIS* and LOI 2007-50 “TASK FORCE BANTAY BIHIS~ were conceptualized to run after the illegal manufacture. distribution, sale and unauthorized use of PNP uniforms, insignias and other accoutrements, including the materials for their production. Several guidelines and directives concerning PNP’s effort to operate and tc Implement TAMANG BiHIS were issued and proporty disseminated. ‘Yet the PNP's campaign seems in vain on the grounds that unacrupulous individuals are engaged in the manufacture of illegal and substandard PNP uniforms. Similarly, some PNP personnel patronize these proponents and show jess concern on the proper wearing of the prescribed and authorized PNP uniforms, insignias and other accoutrements. And worst of all, various PNP uniforms are being used by criminal elements in pursuing their uniawful intentions. All these things tamish the image of the police which hampers the bullding up of genuine transformation of the PNP organization as a whole, Moreover, It has been observed that proponents of police uniforms and individual equipment are not interested to submit prototype of PNP items for test and evaluation wherein its result will ba the basis in the formulation of standard specifications. Additionally, while prototypes are atill undor deliberation by the Uniform and Equipment Standardization Board (UESB) prior to the approval of tho NAPOLCOM, similar but Substandard items are already being sold in stores and outlet. Hence. LOL 06/08 “TAMANG SIHIS ALPHA” sets the series of actions to be carried out by the O-Statts, PROs, NSUs and all other PNP units and offices, to acdress the itegal manufacture and sale of PNP uniforms, insignias and other accoutrements and to deal with intolerant personnel in the organization. Iv. MISSION: The PNP concurent with ts ‘fieslon, implenjenia. courses of actions to be undertaken to recognize the significance of TAMANG BIHIS which shall promote the strict compliance of all PNP perscnnel nationwide. TASK FORCE BANTAY BIHIS shall relentlessly operate against unscrupylous and lawiess individuais including PNP pereponel whe contcavane the provisleias of thie lat. ‘ V. EXECUTION: al as A. Chief, PNP’s Intent: It js the desire of the Chief, PNP to see to it that all PNP personnel wears the prescribed and authorized PNP,/Uniforms with the proper insignias and other secoutrementa during command activiles and while in the ‘of duty. Likewise, the PNP Chief has directed operating units to conduct Inspection of all distributors and outlets of PNP uniforms, insignias and other accoutrements and if Necessary confecate all fake and unauthorized Keme in accordance witn existing operational procedures Moreover, the PNP Chief wants to fully operationalize -Bantay Bihis™ Regional Task Groups and NSU Task Groups with the eod in view of these units Performing property their assigned functions. Finally, the PNP Chief has directed the conduct of information drive to ail criminology students thru the Commission on Higher Et tion (CHED) and the Philippine Criminology Schools Association to refrain from using similar police uniforms and for the CSG to adopt color coding of uniforms to be used by private dotectives, private security guards, armored Personnel and K-9 handiers. B. Courses of action: ||, To promote intemal n 8 and control the proliferation of unauthorized and substandard police uniforms in the|market, the acronym I.M.A.G.E. was formulated to intensify the implementation of this Li 1 = Inform and Disseminate 4) There must be a continuing conduct of intensified information campelon on the different iipes of PME urltoms, insignis and other accoutrements to sil uniformed members. PNP. ‘This lades proper dikeemination of information af the provisions of this LO! and other related guidelines and memoranda. b) Consultative meetings. dialogues and disse campaign with the suppliers, manufacturers and sellers of PNP uniforms, insignias and other accoutrements must be undertaken to rcperly snforgn end Uedate thom of tie! peoviokine of ag LO} guidelines especially on matters to patented PNP Kem, e) oa of dialogues, conaultative meetings and lateral Unsettahen GF discuss the prbier weet) of PN waren bp actors and actresses portraying the role of police officers: a Must Inspect and Recommend Corrective or Punitive Measures h 1 Conduct of coger inspection to PNP personnel is a must to ensure that only authorized and prescribed PNP uniforms. insignias andéther accoutrembnts aré being used. Conduct of octilar visits and inspections of all known suppliers, manufacturers! dealers and so ‘must be done to ensure compliance with the rules and egetions concerming PNP uniforms, insignias and other acco: nts. €) Outright Coméction or punitive actions shall be made every after inspection, { Apply ‘On-the-Spdt Corrections and Law. Enforcement a) Giving on-the-spot correction js everyone's concem especially if t pertains to the proper wearing and usage of PNP uniforms. insignias and Other accoutrements. Appropriate administrative discipliiary measures must be applied against intolerant and PNP personnel for flagrant violations on the provisions of this LOI. <) Enforcementicf RA 8293 (Patent Law), EO 297, Article 179 of RA 3815 (RPC) and other related laws must be carried out against illegal manufacturers, dealers, suppliers and sallers of unauthorized |and substandard PNP uniforms, insignias and other accoutrements. b) b) ' ‘ Generate Feedbatk and Report of Compliance a) Compliance to this LOI and other related guidelines must be consolidated), to validate the concept that proper implementation of the LO! ate disseminated and understood by each unifdrmed personnel. by Feedbacks Gr, reports. be positive or negative, must be compiled and shauld be addressed responsively. Documented reports must be made to record the inspections that will include violation(s) committed by the suppliers, manufacturers, dealers and sellers of PNP uniforms. insignias. and other accoutrements. This will serve as reference in the case build-up and filing of appropriate charges against them, if evidence warrant. Exercise Leadership by Example at All Levets a) The ability to guide, direct or influence people is thru leadership by example. As leaders, it is a must that all PNP: personnel must wear the prescribed and authorized PNP uniforms, insignias and other sccoutrements at all times during the performance of duty. Senior PCOs) must abide with the provisions of TAMANG BIHIS to set the example to their subordinates. Entreprencurs. engaged in selling police uniforms and individual equipment shall be informed to strictly adhere te the guidelines of this LO! and other related PNP guidelines. 2 b) s) 3 4 oRD sh. J or ' 4 Office_Primarjiy Responsible (GPR) | ile the implementation of thio Issue seeataee a all PNP units and offices particularly on the lore: imp! NAPOLCOM-approved standard ‘specifications for police uniforms and individual equipment, i Continue the. dipplication for patent on\various police uniforms, insignias and/other accoutrements at tho Intalloctual of the Phill GPP) and disseminate the registered patents; at Issue Cea of | Con! to _ legitimate manufactur ppliersfailoring shops for the workmanship and fabric composition of police uniforms and individual Seren which have passed the appropriate test and Conduct plantiactary visits at known manufacturers, dealers, suppliers and sellers of police uniforms; Initiate the: rehitster conduct of consullative meetings between DRD and PNFSSS to ensura high quality and standard of all Police items gold to PNP personnel; Recommend ts DPRM the different types of police uniform to be worn during Saturday Inspections; wire registration of unit patches/ogo for National and Regional revel ‘at the National Historical institute (NHD and evaluate, validate and rove. thru UESB, all ‘of Provincial Police Offices Pos) down to City/Municipal levels; Undertake résearch towards the improvement of security marks to detect substandard and fake police uniforms and individual equipment; and Perform other tasks as directed. NHOQ Task Force “Bantay Bihin" identify all PNP recognized manufacturers, dealers and suppliers of PNP uniforms, insignias and other accoutrements and inform them on the salient provisions of this LOI; Genduct inspection to PNP personnel to ensure that they are all complying with the prescribed PNP uniforms, insignias and accoutrements; Gather intocniation through intelligence efforts regarding illegal and unauthorized manufacture, distribution, sale and illegal use of PNP uniforms and individual equipment; Initiate case build-up on Organized Grime Groups (OCGs) or jarious individuals ‘disguising a8 policemen in the conduct of nef: activities: | 10 Exercise visitorial powers to oll known dealers, manufacturers ind sellers); of PNP uniforms, insignias and other Secoutrements pursuant to the provisjons: of EO. 297 and its IRRo and TT File administrative, civil andfor criminal charges against violators of RIA. 8293 and related laws then recommend for the Immediate closure and cancollation of business permits. DPRM OPR in the conduct of inspections re: compliance of PNP Personne! in the proper wearing o' uniforms, individual equipment, insignias and accoutrements; 2 Recommend, .PNP person: to (undergo schooling on values formation and lendorship training program. who are found to have repeated infractions on the provisions of mis LOL; and ifs © Perform other tasks as directed. o id ? a Provide intelligence support and case build-up of individuals and establistiments engaged lin selling fake, sub-standard and unauthorized. PNP uniforms; b. Initiate intelligence bulid-up| against illegal manufacturers, dealers, sellers and talloring shope being Used by ine diflereri inreat groups: © Perform other tasks as directed pL a | =. Ensure that all Police Individual Equipment (PIE) Items to be procured conform with NAPOLCOM-approved standard specifications; and ; b. Perform othe} tasks ms directed. pc ty a. Provide appropriate funds to suppor the operations! and administrative activities of LO! as well as other retated activities; and | b. Perform other taske as diractdd. pIpm @. Direct subordinate units/offices te conduct pre-charge investigation and file appropriate charges against PNE Personnel wearing unauthorized PNP uniforms. insignias and other accoutrements; and b. Perform other tasks as directed. oPCR Undertake police information pfforts of this LO! by utilizing tri- media practitioners on the Ps campaign egainst illegal manufacturers of PNP iniforndes uw 10. 11. bb. Coordinate with television and film, industries on the proper wearing of PNP uniforms by movie actors/actresses portraying the role of polite officers; © Regularly inclide im the Police Information and Continuing Education (PICE) the topic on the Proper Wearing of PNP Uniforms, insignias and other|Accoutrements and for effective and widest di ination of this LOI; d. Inform Local mment Units (LGUs) especially Barangay Officials, Ta Aide and other local personnel to cease S unocie and equipment and provisions of this LOI particularly the wearing of authorized niforms, insignias and other accoutrements by police recruits. jeral entrants and other PNP personne! undergoing mandatory schooling and specialized courses: b. Coordinate with CHED re - colleges and universities, offering criminology courses to refrain from ‘wearing police uniforms. and using other similar police items by their respective students while undergoing on-the-job training, and ©. Perform other tasks as directed, Other D-Staffe || a. Encourege |ENE personnel assigned within their respective offices or to use and patronize only the authorized PNP uniforms, insignias and other accoutrements: ang b. Perform other tasks as directed. : | RDs, PROs 1-13, COR, ARMM & NCRPO. a. Ensure the ‘strict implementation of this LO! within their respective AORs, ri b. Supervise, orchestrate and direct the conduct of intelligence build-up and active police operations by Regional Task Group “Bantay Bihis” and its Provincial Sub-Task Groups: © Strengthen information campaign against the illegal and Unauthorized manufacture, Sale and distribution oF PE uniforms, insignias and other accoutrements; d. Gonduct regular inspection to all PNP Offices to ensure that uniforms being wor by PNP personnel are authorized and conformed with the standard specifications; ©. File appropriate administrative charges against PNP personnel found to have violated the provisions of this LOL. {. Ensure the strict compliance on the provisions of this LO! @ Ensure full support to NSU Task Group “-BANTAY BIHIS™ in the Implementation of this LOI; 2 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 47. ciDG b. inate wih Regional and Provincial CHED re - colleges Sy on criminology! courses to refrain from wrearing police Sautcrrtis wed using other similor police itors by ir respective students while undergoing on-the-job training: flay Perform other tasks as directed. ait Conduct jaciallBivanaia én salannehctbcens ce wiimactuiams: eines to have violated the provisions of Republic Act No. 8203 otherwise known as the Intellectual Property Code of the Philippines; “ Perform other tasks ao directed. Legal Service =? r a b. Provide legal, assistance to critical issues and concems ‘especially on Fatont Issues and in the enforcement of this LOI: Assist in the-filing of appropriate charges against violators of R.A. 8293 and other related laws; and Perform other tasks as directed. csc Adopt coler coping of uniform to be used by private detectives and private rity Quards especially K-9 handlers and those who are in armored vehicles to distinguish them fram wearing uniforms similar with PNP; and Perform other tasks as diracted. PCRG . Advise members of National Government Organization (NGO's) and barangay officials and traffic enforcers from Local Government Units (LGUs) to refrain from using uniforms bearing the word “Police” or “PNP™ a2 woll as PNP logo, insignias and other accoutrements; and Perform other tasks as directed PIO b. e larly include in all PNP radio and TV programs the update on PNP Uniforms, insignias and other Accoutrements including its proper usage on different occasions: Prepare press release and tri-media coverage regarding the accomplishments of Task Force Bantay Bihis; and = Perform other tasks as directed. Directors, NSUs Ensure the strict compiiance on the provisions of this LOK b, Conduct roguitf inspection to all PNP Oficos to ensure that uniforms being wom by PNP personnel are authorized and sontormed with the standard specifications: ¢ Ensure full support to NSU Task Group “BANTAY BIHIS* in the implementation of thie LO! and d. Perform other tasks as directed. Implementation of thie LO! must be emphasized during the conduct of regular AGVORSITE thru the inclusion in the shocklist for inspection, copy furnished DRD of the result: b. Initiate the filing of administrative case against PNP uniformed personnel for braach of internal discipline: and © Perform other tasks an directed. VL COORDINATING INSTRUCTIONS: a. Strict adherence to the PNP Gostpliinal pprececiines (Rules of Engagement) must be emphasized. b. Leters! coordination with PNPSSS and other participating units/offices is highly encouraged ©. All Chiefs of officesiinits ‘shall make sure that all the provisions stated in thi LOI are strictty implemented. d._ All RDs and Dirs, NSUs, are directed to submit their respective IMPLAN to DRO {atin: TF Comdr, TF BANTAY BIHIS NLT ten (10) days upon receipt of this LOI. ‘They shall submit their Quartorly Report of Compliance to DRD aa required. @. This LO! shal take effect Immadiataly. Jesu: cEO VI & ecto General Il, DPPAR/FLAG RAISINGIFLAG LOWERING ‘A. Legal Basis: PNP Memorandum Circular No, 08-001 dated January 17,2008 B. Policy Requirement/Compliance |, AIL PNP personnel shall be accounted daily. Any changed affecting the status of PNP personnel shall be entered and described on the OPPAR: |i. The following are the abbreviations to designate the different ranks for commissioned and non-commissioned officers of the PNP- POLICE COMMISSIONED OFFICERS Police Director General uty Director General nee Director Police Chief Superintendent FSINSP, POLICE NON-COMMISSIONED OFFICERS [ABBREVIATED RANK [RANK [sPos Senior Police Officers | SPOR. Senior Police Officer 3 SPO2 Seniot Police Officer 2 SPOT Senior Police Officer 1 POS Police Officer 3 Po2 Police Officer 2 Police Officer 1 iii, The Non-Uniformed Personnel (NUP) shall be accounted according to their Salary Grades (SG) ranging from $G1 to SG25; iv. DPPAR shall be prepared by the following PNP offices/units and such other units as may be activated by appropriate orders: 4) Command Group: 2) Directorial Statt 3) National Support Units a) National Office b) Regional Office 35 ) District Mobile Groups f) Provincial Office 9) Provincial Mobile Groups h) City Police Office i) City Mobile Groups: }) City Police Stations k) Numbered Police Stations 1) Municipal Police Stations m) Police Precincts. 5) PNP Satelite Offices. 6) Special Task Forces . Consolidated Monthly Report of the DPPAR shall be submitted to the DPRM fot later than the seventh day of the follawing month; ‘The DPPAR covers 0 24-hour period, Le., from 8 AM to 8 AM of the date on which the events to be recorded occurred, The accounting report for the “day” shall be undertaken at € o'clock in the moming and shall end at 5 o'clock in the aftemoon for offices at the National, Regional, and Provincial Headquarters performing administrative functions. For those on shift schedules, the accounting report of the “day” shall be from the start fo the end of shift schedule. All entries therein for the day are made on the line opposite the “Day of Month il, Gains and Losses: Orders for the appaintment, reassignment, promotion, termination from the service, dropping from the rolls. resignation, and retirement of personnel.assigned in the Command Group and Directorial Staff shall be published at the National Headquarters (Attn: DPRM). Contirmatory orders shall be issued by the National Headquarters for orders issued by PROS/NSUs before the addition or deletion of name of the PNP Roster and Salary File; vill. Personnel Awaiting Assignment: Personnel awaiting assignment in the Police Regional Offices shall be catried as attached/unassigned by the Regional Personnel Holding and Accounting Unit (RPHAU) of the Regional Personnel. and Human Resource Development Division (RPHRDD) or its counterpart at the National Support Units. The status of allached'unassigned of PNP Personnel ayaiting assignment should not exceed 30 days; 4. Detail of personnel with agencies or offices other than his/her unit assignment shall be govemed by the PNP Memorandum Circular No. 2007-004 dated May 8, 2007; x. Reassignment Orders: the gaining and losing units shall be informed within five working days on any movementtranster of PNP personnel; xi, The following issuancesidocuments will be used as basis for personnel accounting: 1) General Ortiers, Special Orders and Station Orders; 2) Approved Official Leave/Records; 3) Monthly Personnel Roster, 4) Daily Accounting Reports; 5) Monday Flag Raising Attendance Report; and 6) Daily Formation Attendance Report. xil, The DPPAR and ail ether documents irr support to the report shall be kept with utmost confidentiality uniess ordered to be produced by the court or competent authority. ©. Scope/Coverage: This-shall apply to. all PNP personnel (Uniformed and Non-Uniformed), from the officers of the top management level down to the lowes! personnel of ‘every PNP office/unit nationwide. ” oh Republic of the Philippines: Department of the Interior and Local Government NATIONAL POLICE COMMISSION: NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS, PHILIPPINE NATIONAL POLICE OFFICE OF THE CHIEF, PNP Camp Crame, Quezon City January 17, 2008 na MEMORANDU! CIRCULAR NUMBER 08-001 DAILY PNP PERSONNEL ACCOUNTING REPORT (DPPAR) SYSTEM 1 REFERENCES: a PNP Gommanders Manual, and b, Republic Act No, 6975 a8 amended by Republic Act No. 8551 2. PURPOSE: This Circular prescribes the policies. guidelines and procedures in the daily accounting of personnel from the National Headquarters, National ‘Support Units, Police Regional Offices, Police Provincial/City Offices down to CityMunicipal Police Stations/Precincts: 3. DECLARATION OF POLICY: Consistent with Section 2 of Republic Act No. 6551, tho PNP hereby adopts the Daily PNP Personnel Accounting Report (OPPAR) System that shail serve as a tool to promote professionalism among and within the ranks of PNP uniformed and non-uniformed personnel so as to achieve efficiency and effectiveness in the performance of their functions. The DPPAR shall have uniform application im all levels of the PMP organization and it shall reflect accurale timely personnel data that shall be considered in all aspects of police administration and operations. 4 OBJECTIVES: This: Circular aims. to: - a Improve the current personnel accounting ot all levels of the organization; and b Enhance the understanding of persannal of their respective tasks: and factions, ks onder tual Way can ba see efeoive and eee! i undertaking their specific duties at their respective place and time of work. 5. DEFINITION OF TERMS: For purposes of this Circular, the following terms are hereby defined: a a Daily PNP Personnel Accounting Report (DPPAR) — means the daily history of the PNP offices/units. It is a permanent. statistical, and historical fecord of personnel and its eventual custody rests with the Directorate for Personnel and Records Management » Personnel Holling and Accounting Unit (PHAU) — reters to the PNP personnel of the PNP_ d. Organic — refers to PNP personnel rendering actual duties in higher office/unit assignment 3s reflected in the roster of personnel. Duty = refers to PNP personnel rendering police administrative/operation duty in histher office/unit Seciwnent and conted are uni¥olfice disposition and location of personnel t fail — refers to personnel of PNP officessunits performing duty with other spect PRP fear or ater governarern ageray bu cared i ta foster of personnel of his/her mother unit. 6 POLICIES: * All PNP personnel shall be accounted dally. Any change as described in paragraph 8.c. affecting the status of PNP personnel shall be entered and described on the DPPAR: b. The following are the abbraviations to designate the different ranks: for commissioned and non-commissioned officers of the PNP: POLICE COMMISSIONED OFFICERS. The Non-Unifarmed P FS Serial (UND Aicel es eeoepaend mcccre tne to their Salary Grades (SG) ranging from SG 1 to SG 25; ¢. PPAR shall be prepared by the following PNP offices/units and such other units as may be activated by appropriate orders: 1) Command Group 2) Directorial Stat 4) Police Regional Office a Police kD Numbered Stations: Municipal Police Stations m) Police 5) PNP Satellite Officos 8) Special Task Forces Caracal Motil Feigsaat et tis Depart anal tie adeisaitis ta the DPRIM not latar than the severth day of the follawing mori f The DPPAR covers # 24-hour period, Le, from 8 A.M to 8 AM of the date on which the events to be recorded occurred, The accounting report for the “day” shall be undertaken al 8 o'clock in the morning and shall end at 5 o'cleck in the afternoon fer offices at the National, Regional, Provincial administrate functions Headquarters performing For those on shift schedules, the accounting report for the “day” shall be from the start to the end of the shift schedule. All entries therein for that day are made on the line opposite the "Day of Month; 9 and Losses: Orders for the 4 Promotien, from the service, dropping from the rolls. resignation, Separation and retirement of assigned in the Command Group and Directonal Staff shall be published at the National (Attn: OPRM). Confirmat Keaund by PROeMGLs belore tha ancien ef dninion ot aemeeoe et Phi Senior and Salary File; h. Personnel Awaiting Assignment: Personnel awaiting assignment in the Police Regional Offices shail be carried as attached/unassigned by the Regional Personnel Holding and Accounting Unt (RPHAU) of the Regional nd Human Resource Development Division (RPHRDD) or its nceavvi seorpert at he National Support Unite. The status of attached! unassigned of PNP personnel awaiting assignment shoukd not exceed thirty (90) days. Detail of personne! with agencies of offices other than hishhar unit eatonevern: shall be governed by PN Memorandum Circular No. 2007-004 dated May 6, 2007; Jaassignment Orders: The gaining and losing units shall be informed tthin five (5) working days on any movementfransfer af PNP personnal, kk The following issuances/documents will be used as basis for accounting” 1) General Orders, Orders and Station Orders: 2) Approved Official Leava/Records; 3} Monthly Personnel Roster inting Reports, 5) Monday Flag Raising Attendance Report; 6) Daily Formation Attendance Report. The DPPAR and ail other documents in support to the report shall be kept with utmost confidentiality unless ordared to be produced by the court or competent authortty. fm PROCEDURES: a PREPARATION — 1) The OPPAR shail be prepared at 7:45 jn the morming and at leant fifteen (15) minutes before the start of the shift schedules. Only in cases of extreme condition wall the hour of preparation exceed 8 o'clock in the morning or exceeds the fifleen-minute for those on shift schedules: 2) The DPPAR shail be prepared by the different offices/units enumerated in pars 6.c of this circular, 3) For the Command Group and Directorial Staff, the Consolidated Monthly Report shail be submitted to OPRM (Attn: PHAU) NLT the 7” day of the following month; 4) For NSUs, the NSU Provincial/Gity Offices shall submit the Consolidated Manthly Report fo the NSU headquarters on the 30” of the month that shail in tum submit the consolidated report to DPRM (Attn: PHAU) NLT the 7 day of the following month; 5) for Police Stations/Precincta of PROs, the Consolidated Weekly Report shail be submitted to the Chine Croviialcay Omics: dary Friday at 4 o'clock in the afternoon using DPPAR Form No. 2. PPOs/CPOs shail in turn submit its Consolidated Monthly Report to RPHROD ef PROs on the 30” of the month while the Consolidated Monthly Report of the PROs shail be submitted to DPRM (Attn: PHAU) NLT 7" day of the following month; 2 8) ial eis deal or dak ne presi Dae case = computer! typewriter is not immediately ava ‘entries may weit belipen provided all copies ere completely lepibe. Red ink shall not be used 7 Abbreviations as listed above will be used when possible: 8) Punctuation marks shail be used only when necessary for clarification or remarks, 9) If entries for one (1) day exceed the space provided, additional sheets will be attached for “Remarks” and for "Record of Events”: 10) It will be noted that a space is provided for name, rank, badge number and designation/position on each line. Reasons affecting the individual will be written on the space provided. b. CORRECTIONS - 4) No erasure shail be made on the DPPAR_ An incorrect entry shall be deleted by typing or drawing a line across the entry and initialed by the Personnel making the report. After the OPPAR nas been authenticated corrections may be made only ‘only By an appropriate remark on the DPPAR of o secreeding day, The remarks corer a So. Of revoking a remark, of remark of @ previous Wt shall be preceded by the word amending a "CORRECTION: (in capital laters), follawed by the dato of the DPPAR ‘on which the erroneous remark appeared, The complete erroneous remark shail then be stated, followed by the corrective information, and prefaced by the word “SHOULD BE™ (in capital letters), 2) Under no circumstance. except in case of correction of final report, shalt corrected copy of a DPPAR be forwarded to DPRM to replace 4 DPPAR previously submitted. © DISPOSITION - 1) __The consolidated original copy of the DPPAR shall be fetained at the office/unit for future reference: 2) ‘The DPPAR may be only disposed of after five (5) years and only upon writion clearance from fikjer authorities eh 6 GUIDELINES TO BE OBSERVED IN THE FILLING UP OF ENTRIES a HEADING - 1) Office/Unit, day, month, and year shall ba entered in the @Pppropriate spaces to indicate the effective date of the report; 2) The rank, name and designation of the reporting pereonnel shall be written on the appropriate line. 2 bs. REMARKS - 1) The rank, last name, first middie _ initial, positionidesignation, bedige number and teason of sbsence of © PNP personnel shail be indicated in the spaces provided tor the purpose: 2) ‘The status of personnel who is absent shall inckide the reasons of his/her absence in the DPPAR, Remarks pertaining to all changes required by these circular anal ba\reported on the lies Ghar seh inamilonre eee ieee number. I twa of more individuals are effected by the ssme chanpe requiring = single remark. the full name, rank, position/designation and badge number wail be listed for each on consecutive lines. Sales and lesees es well es chance in rank shel be substantiated by corresponding changes in the strength section: in case of Iranster of assignment from one unit to another, the losing must Indicele sald transier in the REASONS SECTION of its DPPAR.” i ta cates tent resnorenamy ne the gaining unit to specify in the REASONS SECTION of its DPPAR the date of tranafer of subject personnel; Ss) A record of the promotion or demotion of each individual eee chee Oe Stoated in the OPPAR Including the dete.end-euthottty of auch change: 6) Winer there te oo change in the sinhis of personnel during the period of accounting. the words - NO CHANGE” shall be entered in femarks section and strength shall be transcribed from the previous day. a RECAPITULATION - a) Organic (Org) — raters to the number of personnel by rank for uniformed personne! and by salary grade for non-uniformed personnel assigned in an office/unit. 2) fail (Det) — refers to the number of personnel carried an officetnit on detail stance = a ‘ 2 Total - refers to the sum of organic personnel and those on 4) Present (P} - refers to personnel who reported for affice during the day: 8) Duty (By) — refera to PNP personnel actually fendering police adrintatrative/operation duty on his/her office/unit assignment and cartied in the unit/office disposition and location of personnel. 5) Under instruction (Ui) — refers to personnel who were sent to accomplish s specific task on a specific periadfime. Conference (Conf) - refers to official gatherings’ meetings ina specie ime and place Schooling — refers to persconal wis ofictaily sent to underpo schooling lack oe eee tact heted orn ae 23 =) | Travel (Trav) - caters to PNP personnel authorized to jeave his office/unit on official time tor a specific task such as inspections, audit, visit, atc 5) Absent = - refers ta PNP personnel who wittingly or unwittingly fail to report for office for the day for whatever reason/s. a) Leave (Lv) — the right granted to not to feport for work with or without pay ss may be provided by law and as the rules in Rule XVI of the Om Book V of the Administrative Code of 1987 (Executive Order 292), The length of leave muthortred shel ve Inchucted In ihe romarks column and the nature of leave (vacation, sick, mandatory, privilege, metemity, paternity, Violation Against Women and Children (wainees. solo parent, etc.) Entries showing an extension of leave shall be made on the date the extension was granted b) Cenfined in Hospital (Conf Hesp) — refers to PNP personnel admitted in PNP hospitals and dispensaries and DOH retained hospitals on accaunt of sickness. The Daily PNP Personnel Accounting @ febpent for hospkcat shall show @ record of personne! wounded in action, The remarks digchy wtiether in line Of duty or on cocbunt of sickness. In case of discharge from ‘confinement or death, the same shail be indicated in the DPPAR, s) Sick — refers to PNP personnel who fails to report to work on account of sickness. Absent Without Official Leave (AWOL) — refers to the status. Of any PNP personnel whe absents himeelffherself from work without leave of absence of to any of the circumstances mentioned in Section 3 of NAPOLGOM Memorandum Circular No. 95-017 Personnel on AWOL status shall bo listed in the roster of the unit of office where they are assigned until dropped from the rolls or dismissed from the Police Service. Personnel who shall incur unauthorized absences for a continuous period of thirty (30) days shail be dropped from the rolls by his/her mother unit and the a ite remarks be made. PNP they from the rolls or dismissed from the service shall be sccopted subject to disciplinary action for the AWOL committed sis nara to pont uopendeu! (Suspd) — reters to PNP personnal who paired report for work due ta penalty imposed or as a preventive mensure imposed due to a pending administrative or criminal case. Dropped from rolts (OFR} — is a non-disciplinary comedy ‘of toniniiating ‘otncial teen oun with the PNP for being on AWOL. If the AWOL is for # continucus period of at least thirty (30) calendar days, no prior notice is required for the issuance of DFR order. However. if the AWOL is less er ey, 20) days, @ return to work ander is necessary before a DFR order g) Missing (Miss) — refers to PNP uniformed personnel who, while in the performance of duty or by reason of his being a member of the PNP is officially confirmed missing in action, kiinapped or captured by lawiess elements. He/She shall, however, be carried in the office/unit roster, His/her absence however, shall be indicated in the “REMARKS” of the DPPAR, When it becomes known of confirmed that subject personnel is dead, he shall be retired/terminated from the PNP Service in accordance with existing laws, rules and regulations. hh) “Under detention (Und Din) — refers to PNP personne! who is detained by authority af competent court whether during the pendency of a criminal case of a8 a result of criminal conviction. 6) Less/es - refers to PNP personnel who is/are not required to report for work for reason that his/her employer-employee relationship has been officially terminated a) Terminated/Separated (Trmd/Sprtd) - refers to PNP Personne! who shall be reported as separated from the Service by resignation, discharge, of dismissal in accordance with existing laws. rules and regulations. bp Retired (Ret) — refers to PNP personnel whose employee-employer relationship is severed by compulsory or optional retirement. ©) Deceased (Dec) — refers to PNP personnel who passed away whether in line of duty or on sccount of sickness during the accounting. PNP personnel who shall be reported to have died shall be indicated in the DPPAR on the date of such death. Circumstances of death shall likewise be indicated whether in line of duty or on account of aicknaan, etc. a AUTHENTICATION The DPPAR shall be prepared and Police Officer (ESPO) and authenticated by the Administrative Officer/Personnel rank, . middie initial and last name of the authenticating officer with his/her signature shall be required. If more than one form is required, each page shall be initialed by the authenticating officer and last page shail bear his/her signature. a AMENDING CLAUSE: All issuances contrary to of inconsistent with this Circular are hereby amended accordingly. 10. PENALTY CLAUSE: Any violation of this Circular shall be 8 ground for administrative sanction in accordance with existing laws, rules and regulations. 25 11, EFFECTIVITY: This Memorandum Circular shall take effect after fifteen (15) days from the filing of a copy hereof at the University of the Philippine Law Center in censonance with Sections 3 and 4 of Chapter 2, Book VII of Executive Order nae known as "The Revised Administrative Code of 1987", as AN |. JR olioe neral Chief, PNP PNP mi Bez7700 Incls: Form 08-01 - Daily Accounting Report Form 08-02 - Consolidated Weekly Report (Provincial/City Offices) Form 08-03 - Consolidated Monthly Report (PROs/NSUs) 2 Ill, POLICE INFORMATION AND CONTINUING EDUCATION (PICE) A. Legal Basis: PN! a4 Hed Feby B. Policy RequirementiCompliance: 1) The traditions! Inspection-in-Rank shall be revived and religiously observed. 2) PIE shall be Conducted periodically after Inspection andlor after Monday Flag Raising Ceremonies, and other days as required. This shall be an essential activity during dally formations, inspections or visits or even during "Red Alert Status” if practicable. 3) The conduct of PICE is a command responsibility. In this. regard, Regional Directors, Provincial Directors and Directors of National Support Units are mandated to aggressively pursue its implementation and shall designate a Command PICE Officer to oversee the conduct of the units PICE Program. 4) PIE shall be conducted formally untess unit situation demands otherwise. Commanders shail closely supervise the conduct of PICE to ensure the successful implementation. it should be kept in mind that the ultimate goa! is value enhancement through character building and acquisition of knowledge as well as Spiritualimoral enhancement. 5) While: direction and supervision of PIGE is centralized at ODPCR, the execution and administration is decentralized to the RegionalProvincial Police Otfices and the National Support Units. 6) To ensure on effective montioringireporting system, a feedback mechanism shall be adopted wherein periodic reports (Monthly, Quarterly, Semi-Annual, and Annually) are submited to NHQ (Ati; DPGR) by the Regional, Provincial, and National Support Units. 7) PICE materiats should conform to the subjects and scope as indicated in the basic reference matetials (attached), although additional, lopiciissues reinforcing peculiar needs of particular unit may be included. Invited speakers Shall be requested to pursue/conduct a one and a half-hour lecture of his/her subject. Copies of his/her lecture/materiats shall be submitted as part of the vault file of the PICE Officer, Some short modules of PCR, ISO, intelligence, Disaster Management, Operations Personnel Management, investigations, etc. can be serialized and those who campleted the module shail be given certificate of completion. 8) Cost reduction in the production efforts using inexpensive printing materials as well a5 systematic distribution of materials should be adopted. 2 9) The involvement by Value Formation implementers, Chaplain Service (CHS), personal statf. CESPOs at all levels, historical offices, religious ‘groups, NGOs, socio-civic groups and athar police assets to include civilian resource persons from the civilian goverment agencies, Criminal Justice Systems and others from the multi-sectoral groups like the clergy, civic, professional, labor, youth, etc. shall be optimized. Once in a month, speakers shall come from the ivilian sector. C, Scope/Coverage: This shall apply to all PNP Uniformed Personnel. of the Phappines- Separtmont of the Interior ard Local Government NATIONAL POLICE COMMISSION NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS, PHILIPPINE NATIONAL POLICE OFFICE OF THE CHIEF, PNP (Camp Crame, Queron City FEB 21 2005 SUBJECT: Letter of Instructions 11/05 (Police information and Gontinuing Education (PIGE)) TO 2 See Distribution: i REFERENCES, a. Revised PCR Thrust on intemal Target. b. Code of Professional Conduct & Ethical Standards. € Community Onented Pobcing System Philosophy. 4. ONE PNP and CARE Program Thrust ‘This LO! preacrines ihe guidelines to be observed by all PROs, Police Destricts in NCR. PPOs, CPOs and MPSa in conducting Police Information and Contiouing Education (PICE) and revive the traditional Inspection-in-Rank a SITUATION: The PNP considerably succsetied in establishing neighborhood pertnership through the Community Onanted Policing Sysem (COPS), nowever\tie organization euttors constantly from the negative perception caused by undesWabW aiitudes and alvtes xacerhated by operational lapses, infidelity in the custody of prisoners” and mishandling of investigations. This is even aggravated by the negative perception report of the Amnesty International and the Commission on Human Rights (CHR) regarding corruption and human Nights violations. No less than HEPGMA stated in her imaugural speech of the much neaded internal referms for the PNP. Hence. the Revised PCR Master Pian has focused its eHorts to two (2) major directions, the External Target and the Internal Target. There shall be a reguiar Police Informatdn and Continuing Education (PICE) Program for oly personnel and more training shall be undertaken as 2 command responsibility to develop right police values that complemsnts the emerging philosophy of COPS. 4 MISSION: 4, The PNP. concurrent with its mission and functions, shall conduct PICE te make _ ine personnel more knowledgeable and responsive of hiaMhar assigned task in the organization. fo make him/hor aware of the changing social reales that affect his/her capability to perform, and tc stimulate hime: towards becoming @ professional, a catalyst. community organizer God-fearing. PCR practitioner, snd community-orented police personne! 5. OBJECTIVES, a Broad Objectives: PICE under the philosophy of COPS is ungertakes to stimulate development amidst the changing role of the police in the community. 29 The program is intended to enhance police skills and io promote. work ethics that shall be in keeping with the mission of the PNP. enrichment of the time-honored Gustoms and traditions, and Consciousness of the PNP personnal on tha norms of conduct ‘spintual/moral enhancement as members of the organization. To disseminate t© Out personnel the “Code of Professional Canduct and Ethical Standards” so that they exh be tawmaloed ues inate eee eens personne, b Specific Objectives: D love tor country, service to people, loyally to the HON, UpNighiness in the enforcement of laws and obedience to rules and jona. It shall endeavor to develop police values lowards developing a professional, catalyst, Practitioner corps: . organizer. ofented penonnel. 2) Qeaanizations! Knowledge - The PICE should ensure that an Caeadual personnal must understand the PNP vision, PNP mission, Code of Professional it PNP and Thrusts, Operations Procedures and Police 2 Envitonmental_Knowtedge - Police personnel must be Kpowedgeabie in the Legisiative, Exocitive and Judicial branches of Government the ene 2nd olher service agoncios. their programs on socia, economic develoorion, oot wellare tecwices available to the PNP and his farty 10 'The traditional shali be revived and rlighously observed. Z).PICE shall be conducted periodically after Inspection and/or after Monday Flag Raiding coremonies and other days as required Ths ne Do‘ an eanermia Seng agay fa formations, inspections of vinits oF even during “Red Alert status” # practicable Sh The conduct of PICE is # command responsibility. i @ regard. Regional sages rasan iy Tene Oeeciors of National Suppott Unis aie manaetes ie a Pursue implementation a designate a Command PICE Officer t Ovaries the conduct of tha aay eee ae a Dat Geccriall be conductes formally uniess unit situation demande ottierwise. Ir atoud Ger reenall closely supervise the conduct of PICE to ensure succeuntal inne neni Sead SU ming thatthe utimaio goal i value ennarcemen nrougn chatetinn see and acquisition of knowledge as well as spirtualimnoral enhancomens Si Mine direction and supervision of ne PICE is centralized at COPCR, the Nationa! Support Genntation is decentralized to the RegionalProvineal Police Offices aed ne Nations! Support Units. &) To ensure an effective monitoring/eporting system, a feecnack mochanism shall ba adopted wherein periodic reports (Monthly. 3 and a submitted to NH (Ar: DPCR) by the Regional, Provincial seed Reread Ana =: 30 Gattached). athough additonal topiceissucs reinforcing peculiar needs of particular unit may be incuded. Invited speakers shall be requested to pursue/conduct 2 one ang @ hal-hour (1 ¥) lecture of his subject, Copies of his lecture/materials shall be submitted aa part of the vault file of the PICE Officer Some . inteligence, Disaster Manegernent. Operations, Personne! Management, investigations, et can be serialized and those who campleted tho module shall be given certificate of completion. 8) Cost reduction in the production efforts using inexpensive printing materials as Well S8 systematic distribution of materials should be adopted 1) OPR ofthe PICE Program 2) Monitor and evaliate the implementation of the program 3) Coordinate with concemed D-Stafis on the administrative support requiremants 4) Perform omer tasks as directed b. D-Statt 1) Provide administrative and operational support to PICE Program Sertaining to theit respective functional areas. 2) Perform other tasks as directed, 8) Secure a database on the list of personnel attending PICE 7) Coordinate with GOs and other NGOs on jeint inplomentation of PICE program and the spiritual enhancement program 8) Perform otner tasks as directed Er a. RDs, PROs 1-13, NCR, ARMM and COR 1) Assiat and supplement efforts of D. PCRG in the production, printing i and distribution of common PICE matenals for their respective need and augment the reproduction of special information/reference materials particularly thase tat are peculiar to their arnasimiasion. 2} Devolop and train a pool of Speakers for PICE and submit list of speakers to NHO. 3) Conduct in-service training on Metheds of Instructions for PICE 4) Implement the PICE program religiously as a command responsibility 5) Designate an Action Officer on PICE, 8) Submit reguiar reports to NHQ, 7) Perform otfier tasks as directed. *. PDs, PPOs 1) Designate PICE Officer at all levels of command 2) Coordinate with DO. PCRG and RDs, PROs for their allocation of common PIGE materials and to design their respective materiais in keeping with their respective operational situation 3) Pentorm other taske at directos, f Dirs, NSU, 1) Designate PIGE Omcer 2) Submit periodic report on PICE activities to NHQ (Attn: DPCR). 3) Coordinate with D. PCRG for their respective allocation of common . PICE featectats, and may develop/produce roference/inio matenals 4) Organize and train Speakers Bureau. 5) Perform other tauke as directed i ‘COORDINATING INSTRUCTIONS: 5) PNP personne! who were graduates of Moral Recovery Program (MRP) and Canes leadership courses shall be tapped to assist in the Spintual Enhancement Program. ©) The PICE lecturers shall be provided with folowing materiais: bulletin board d) Information Technology — The use of PNP Wabsita and other IT facilities available shall be utilized in support of PICE Program, ©) Reponsfeedbacks must be submitied to NHO PNP (Attn: OPCR) monthly, ‘quarterly, semi-annually and annually three (3) days after the end of the rating period 1) A Research Section at DPCR under PID shall be created to institutionalize PICE Program with Research and Production capability and as a component of the Information Operation Research Center in support to PICE and PCR program, 9. EFFECTIVITY: This Directive takes effect immediately co iy Chief. PNP ye Ploy” Enclosure’ Basic Reference Materials DISTRIBUTION ROs, PROs 1-13, COR, ARMM and NCRPO. Directors. National Support Units Copy furnished: OCPNP ‘Command Group Oirectorial Staff IV. PHYSICAL FITNESS TEST (PFT) A. Legal Basis: LO! 20/09 (PNP Physical Filness Test) B. Police RequirementiGompliance: 1). General Guidelines; a) b) e) a) co) The Physical Fitness Test Standard to all PNP personnel shail be conducted according to age group every semester of the year which is Scheduled in the first quarter and last quarter, respectively Effective 1* Semester CY 2008 and onward, all PNP uniformed personnel; regardiess of Gender and Age Category are expected to obtain a passing raw Score equivalent to a grade of 70% in each event required in their age category, while exceed 100% or lower than 50% PFT performers wha will obtain a failing grade in any of the events shall be allowed to perform the succeeding events to determine the overall average grade of hisher final PFT grade for that particular PFT period. The overall passing grade Is 70%, The Health Service shall adopt the Body Mass Index (BMI) as a basis in determining whether a PNP personnel is obese, overweight, normal with Body Mass Index (BMI) with formula set by the World Health Organization ‘Standard are shown in the falkowing table: BMI= Weight Kilograms or BMI = 703 x Weight in Pounds Height in Meters ‘Height in Inches ee ee Weight Status Below 18.5 Uncen 25 — “299 The conduct of electro-cardiogram (ECG) is a must. hence, all PNP personnel whose age |s 30 years and abave shall submit themselves for ‘eleciro-cardiogram (ECG) examination prior ta the PFT. Regardless of ECG result, designated medical personnel shall conduct physical check- Up and other safety measures so that all PNP personnel taking the Physical Fitness Test are ail in the position to undergo the test. ‘Alternate test standard for those who cannot perform any of the specific PFT events is provided. Reasons for not being able to perform such exercise must be validated and cerfified by appropriate medical officer from tne PNP Health Service and to be personally presented during the PFT. ) The following testmeasurement is recommended to be taken by every personnel before PFT: 1) Body Mass index; 2) ECG (for 30 years old and above}; 3) Tread Mil Stress Test (upon physician's recommendation based on ECG results): and 4) Blood Pressure. Disciplinary Measure: TOIDM shall investigate personnel who will be absent or will fail to report during their scheduled PFT. Attendarice shall be submitted by TOMROD, TDIDM through TDPRM as the basis in the conduct of pre-charge investigation. ©, Scope/Caverage: This Letter of Instruction applies to all uniformed personne! of the PNP who stil have at least one year of active service prior to their compulsory retirement. wry ed Republic of the Piakppines: Department of the Interior and Local Government National Police Commissicn NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS, PHILIPPINE NATIONAL POLICE DIRECTORATE FOR PERSONNEL AND RECORDS MANAGEMENT Camp Crame, Quezon City FOR TDHROD FROM » TRPRM SUBJECT LO} 20/09 (PNP Physical Fitness Test) ‘DATE 119, 1 References: a Implementing Rules and Regulations of NAPOLCOM Memorandum Circular 2008-005 dated August 7, 2008: and b NAPOLCOM Memorandum Circular 2008-005 dated March 28, 2008 2 IGOW the above referonce, forwarded is 3 copy of Ihe approved LOI 20709 (PNP Physica! Fitness Test) for publiention and immediate implemertation. The LO! incorporated outputs of the Teciiment Working Group (TWG) on Physical Fitness Test (PFT) such as the Creation of Mobde PFT Teams; Allernalive PNP Physical Fitanss Test (PFT), and, he avoplian of Body (Mass Index, among others. 3. In this connection, request the incorporation of BMI in the PET term as a measure lo keep PNP personnel informed of their state of health. A. Request prionty action a Bn Y by Ke ABNEI é (BALQUINTO, CEO VI Police Chief Supenntendent © Republic of te Philippines of thet tnterior end Local Gavernment HATIONAL POLICE COMRAISSION NATIONAL HEADQUAISIERS PHILIPPINE NATIONAL POLICE I CUICF, PNP Gaur », Quezon Gity Supject . 1.01 20/09 {PNP Physical Fitness Tent) de : “Seo Distribution 4. REFERENCES: @ DHROD Action Phin CY 2oas: b -C, PNP approved Moma 1: Conduct of PFT CY 2000 dated February 29, 2008; and c Mere from TADHRD Standard and Health Gare Progra, Ned November 24, 2005 re: Revision of PFT 2 OBJECTIVES: a To improve an! pul the slale of physical litness of PNP members at par with the standards of other pokce tosce:s inv the world; b. To keep the PHP imeinbers physically and mentully fit to readily carry out Words duties and obligalons that police ullicers are called upon to perform: ant To suppoit nel Cantibute to Notional Filness and Sparts Developaw ha promohen ond enhancement of the it Program of the gavaumnent, 3. SCOPE: This Letler of fastiacton applies to all uniformed personnel of the Philipping National Police whe stil have at ieist one (1) year of active service prior to theit Compulsory retirement 4, DEFINITION OF TERMS: a. Rody MASS Index (GMI) -- 69 measure of body fet based en height and weight that applies tu both adult mon and women, b. Normal Weight — refers te the standard or typical wright of a person, e Obesity -- hs a condition in which oxcoss hedy fal has accumulated to such an extent thal health may be negatively affactad. Overweight — is yenerally detywd as having more fat tun is optimally heathy. cd “9. Physical Fitness Test — refers to the: method of evakiding the physteat condition of PNP members in lems uf sladna, length speed. and sgiliy as administered by OHO. f PNP personnel — refers ta tie uniformed and nen-unifermed members of the! PNP in the active sorvice, @ PNP Unitormed personnel ~ refers. to POOs. and PNCOs of the PNP in the active: service. ' OR, Ungenwight—relors toa personnel whe is considcred Io be under a hoalthy weight. 6. SITUATION: The Philigaine National Police (PNM?) subsenbes to the principle that "A Sound Body Breeds a Sound Mind", Towards this end, ihe PNP adoplod a Physical Fitness” and Sperts Development Program which Is qeard townros Ine promotion und development of spare in the PNP und the implementation af 2 physical conditioning and physinal fitness program tor its personnel, Th program designed to com qus, tha PET Standard woa made with a; rent Inc sports activitias in the PNP and iy developing as: well 63 maintaining the physical lilies of avery PNI* personnel 6. MISSION: : The Phiippino Natianal Potce trough the DHROO shall coquie all PNP uniformed personnel to unde the Physical Fitness Teat reqaisiass of rank, vox and ge. Only thozn who rare duc for compulsory retirement within ane (1) your OF S5 years O10 al the time of their scheduled Physiual Tilnoss Test are cxainpted ta undergo Ihe PET. Personnel whe avaicd of optional retirement ean only be exompied tram the PET Upon apprevel of the application for rotirement by the NAVOLCOM. * AM Star Rank Officers shall take the test at the Hoadquurters in frant of tho NHO Grandstand. They shail eventually suparvise the conduct of ine Physicul Fiiness Test of *all personnel in thei raspuctive PROS. 7. EXECUTION: a) Connept of Operations: 4) General Guidelines 2) The Physical Fitness Test Stanvacd of all PNT personnel ‘shall be conducied accorsing to age group ‘every semasiur of the your whieh scheduled in the first quarter end last quarter, respechvery. Uannex “AT b) Effective 1 Semester CY zoo0 ona onward, all PNP uniformed personnel regarviess of Gender and Age (Calogory are expected lo outain a passing raw soe cquivaignl [o a gride of 70% in cach avent raquired in thelr age cetonory, while the lowest grade that could be given is 50%. There shall bu no grade Shot edl Gxceed 100% or tower than 50%, PET perfermors who will obiain a failing grade in any Of the events Shull be allowed to perform the succeeding events ta datetnine We vera average qrado of hisiher final PFT grade for that partcular PFT period. The “averail passing grade 1s 70%. _¢)__ The Heglth Service shall adopt the Byty Mass index (BMI asa bosls in Uelenwining whethar a PNP personnel Is Guese, overrcight, norma weight, or undenreight {Annex "C"). The standard weight viotus categories associutet wih Body Mass Index (BMI) wilh formula set by the World Health Oraanizatior Slandard are shown in the tellowing table. 8 BMI= Weight in Kilogram or Unite 703% weit Her “Ween Sitas “Se sr higher ~ 4) The conduct of electro carciogram (ECG) 13 9 must; hence, ail PNP personnel whose age is 30 years and nbove shall submit thomaclves for electro-cardiagram (ECG) examination prior to tho PEF. Regadiess of FCG result, designated medical personnel shall conduct physical emeck-up and olhe- sulely messures o teal all PNP personnel inking the Physical Fitness Test aro all in the Pesition to undergo the lost. ©) Alternate test standird for those wlio cannot perform any of the specific PFT evonis iz provided. Rousons for not boing able Io pertarm suck ‘exercise must be vahduled and certilied by appropriate medical officer from the PNP Health Sorvice and \o be personally preseniod during the PF 1, (Annex *B7) f) "The following tesUinuasuremont + recommended to be luken by avery personnel belors PFT, 1) Body Mass Index: 2) EGG ( tor 30 years old and above), 3) Tread Mil Sires Test (upon physician's recommendation based on ECG results), and ot 4) Blood Pressure. 2) — Specific Guidelines Additional policy guidelines and procedures which shall be observeiollowed by all PRP uniformed personnel assigned in the NHO PNP down to police stations nationwide in the conduct of Physical Fitness Test (PF F) are os faltows: a) The -RPHRUD shall to the Offico Primarily Responsible: (OPR) in the conduct of no PFT anti shall organize & Mobile PET Officials ta moniter, udminiszer, and supervise Ihe conduct of tho PFT ot the Regional Othicer, Provincial ‘Offices, City Polies Otficss and for.tiung MuniGipal Police Stations on scheduilad basis. Prior to the conduct of he PFT. the Chief, RPHROD shall conduct orientation to PFT ‘Olfcials. After Wookly Report shull be submitted te TOHROD during the conduct of PFT. Mobito PFT Officials shall be composed of tm following Deputy RPHROD - Team Leader Clvef, HROD Section - Assistant Team t Dep, RMS - Momber MDDS personnel * iember RSTU personnal - Mamber . b) = Designajed. Chief, HRODS wh shal be tho over-al superviser in ihe implamentalan of the PPT must be phys.catly fit, erehiite, and car lead by example during the conduct of PFT, ©) A PNP Ferrata perfomor who in preanant ducing the achat conduct of PET or have just undergone normallcacsarean delivery as detorm.ned by the Piet Doctor shall not bo iawked with NO CO or FAILED but instogd her PET For srt be marked with DEFERRED. Mor PIT ard from the previcus PFT shall be corned out as er final grade fur thal particules PET poried: @) Curing the registration. ine PET pertonmer shal be awun two 2) PET forms and shall wite bavher complote manne legibly. unk, Sox, Date of Bath, RENE Badge Humber, nd complete afficatunt address wathuul attbang tustor Hgritue provided al Iho bottom left portion m ihe FET For Only allot pertouning at the required evonisfexercises that the pérformer snail nili< hremer signature in the PET Porm, ©) During the ectuail conduct of PET. ina: at each station shall write hisor complute name legibly and portion in the PFT Form and likewine, appnse the pert whothor passed of failed right afer each: event, PFT Official assigned palure al Ine scorers mer Of Isiner result 1) The Ghiof, HADOS stint be the Over all Supervisor and anal) wnte his complete name legibly end ait his signatse on the PRT Form below retosding to the pesformor. Gite (1) cepy shalt be retainec and the other shall be given to the performer, 8) PET Report Worksheet and Resull/Recnpitutation shall Be sapien toe DHROD (Alin: UTPD) afar the conetusion of the Physical Fitness Test 1) PFT performers shall be in PNP Miniate uniter: Llu T-ftt and Buo Shorts or Soauing Pants with “Puls” marking? and shall presont Ut accomplished PFT Clinical Sheot with ECG results and PNP ID during By fogistration. b. Tonks The following Directoda! Stat and NSUs or ile counterpurt in the ftemion. Level shall provide the tnking: 1) TOHRDD shall be ihe everell siperviser of this activity coordination with Dirs, HS, HSS, and TS; 2) TS shall be the Othce Primary Responsible (OPH) tor this activity coordination with Dirs HS, and HSS: 3) _TOPRM shall issun orders for the detail al PFT Teams & directinfeem all PNP per sonnel te undergo the Semestial Physical Minoss Tost, 4) -TDIDM shall iavestigate nersonne! who vall be absent or will Gail report dutiog their senoduioa PFT Attendance shall be cunpidted by 11 ARH DIDM throunh TDPRM as Ihe barrie in ihe conduct of pre-charge ivestigation, 5) TDC shail provide funds for the proper Implomentation of pemes PET, : . 6) TOL shal provide togiencal requirements in the conduct of ‘samestral Physical Fitness Test, 7) Director, HS shall provide tho PFT modical team with crew conduct FCG examination, height, weight, chort ond waisihng measurement ambulance team during Une ontrs curlion of te physical fitness test: 8) Dractor, HSS shal povde enough perioneil to assist the TS in the conduct of the Physical Fiiness Test to include thy physical arrangement of the © venus of activity: 9) Droclor, CES shat provide the PA system far the entire «uration of -the Physical Fiinoss Test, 10) C, PIO shall provide modiafohote coverage, press releases and massages of the C, PNP during tho opening eeremeny, and 14) Director, HS ond tx counterpan in the PROS shal comtuct ‘Electronic-Cardiopram (CG) and othor physical check-uplsatoty measures to ull PAP Bersonnal wader their ces; AOR, ¢. Coordinating Instructions: 1) All RDS, PROS and Directors, NSUs particutartly thew roapoctive RPHRDDs shall coordinate with Weir respective courterpet to program ihe semesirial conduct of PFT. 2) Latarat coordination ig highly recommended & REPEALING CLAUSE: All rules, refiulutions and other -souances, or portuns thereof, inconsistent wilh, these guidelines are repeated or modified accordingly 9, EFFECTIVITY: This LO! shull take effect after ttieen (15) doys tom tite filing of a copy hereof & University of the Pivliopnes Law Cenlor #1 cansonance wth Settions 2 and 4 of Chapt Book VII of Executive Order No 292. alherwise kruwr as the “fF foneed Admirisiraie Co 19877, as amendod ADOPTED tins __ in REZ P_Z0uT 2009 ai Comp Grame, Quezon City, JESUS) VERZOSA, CEO WI ESE, Police Wipector General ‘ AS GE Gheer, are Distribution: “e 0 Cammand Group ae a Siem eae D-Star Dir, NSUs Ail PROs 1-13, ARMM, CAR & NCRPO ‘Copy Furnisty; IGAS: ED, PDEA & PCTC Chief, PACER Pres, PRS * SPA SILG ay ANNEX: A __Physical Fitness. Tat Steed According to 2Ase Gro PE Sad od wa otis ci ee 8. Pulbup - to measure the capability in iting one's own weight, This is an Important urea in performing police operations requiring stongth to lift own self, pera salisbasloal doe waa | sae ee “3a below “3s-39 Badimins [230 mins [200 mins “Breps: | Steps | arene Tamas | E20 mas | TSO mn b Push-up = to measure the amount of upper body foree that the chest muscles and shoulder can generate. This is an important arna in performing pute tasks rmoquiing upper bedy stengih Female may opt to perform modified position having her knees on the ground with her back straight and her hands slighily ahead of the shoulders and shoulder with apart for the “up” positon. To be performed within two (2) minutes; St-up Re vie ©. Sit-up - this is n measure of the muscular endurance uf the abdominal muscles tt is an important area for performing police lasks that may involve the use of force, It is also enportant tor maintaining good posture and minimizing lower back problems. To be performed within two (2) ininutes; dg. 100 m sprint - this is a test of speed and agility. it im an important area for parforming police work requiring speed and agittly. ‘The sprint distance shall be measured al 100 motere, and ¢. Long Distance run = this. 6 a timed run to measure the feg muscio endurance and hewrt and vascular systems’ capacity to wanspert oxygen it is an important are for performing police tasks involving stamina and endurance and to minimize the risk of cardio-vascular problems, Three (3) kms distance shalt be performed by those porsonnal 34 years cid below. Two (2) kms shall bo performed by those personnel from agos 35-44, And one (1) km shall be for these porsonnel with ages 45 above The Leng Distance run shall be measured accurately according to required number of kilometers. 1:57 mins | 3.43 mins: ANNEX: 8 Akerate test standard for those who cunnot perform any of the spe Provided. Roan ONS fot nol being able to perform such oxerciae + validated and certifind by appropnate medical officer from PNP Hnalth Sorice 8} Virecior, HST stout prowde aneudhy raranunel 1 aetiat the TS in the eondunt of the Physical Einass fer to inctode thre physio! arrangerment of the wane of arctivity, Dweciet, athe Physical Fitness Tent, 40) G, PIO. shi mosnages of he ©, PNP during: S thal peovide Ihe PA system far ine eenra duratns of all grows mediafphoww cove tho opcrarig Geromery, ad piens releaues and 44) Direator, HS. and ite counteman in Me PROS shall conduct giectronie=Curciogram (ECG) and ofhor physical chack-uplistoty maanures to fit PN personne! under their respective AOP. 4c. Coordinating Instruction: 1A RDs, PROS and Directors, NSUs parculary ther respective RPHRDDs shall coordinate with their respective counterpart to program tir sumesteal ” conduct of PFT 2) Lateral coordinabon is highly recommended 8. REPEALING CLAUSE: ‘ie ee eet moo cr ote eens ore Wereof, incensintant with a ERRECTIVITY: Tive LO) shail take ‘oifeet aller tittnon (15) Gaye trom Wes blina of a copy horeo Unwernty ef the Pivtinpines. Law Center in consonance vith Seaiona 3 and 4 of Che Book Vil of Exiautive Order No. 202, olbarwins knew at the “Rovined Administratve * 19877. as amended: = ADOPTED this th dap or? 2 2E062009 of Camp Ciome. Quezon City gesus (9 VERZOSA, CFO WI factor Genet ‘Distribution: Command Group P-Stall D-Statt Dir, NSUs AIPRO# 1-13, ARMM, GAR & NCRPO Copy Furnish: IG IAS EU, POFA& PCTG Chie! PAGER Pres, PPSC. 2 ‘SPA to SILG aa REPUBLIC OP TH Pn of the Interior and Local Gevernment EADOUARTERS PIMLAPPINE NATIONAL POLICE OFFICE OF THE CHIE, PNP Canny: Crate, Quezon City aPPn MEMORANDUM To ‘See Distribution FROM : Chief. PNP SUBJECT + Supplemental Guidolinos to LO! 20/09 PNP Physical Fitness Test (Anernate PFT Event Rating) RATE APR VD ME. 1. References: @. LO! 20/09 PNP Physical Finess Test; OHROD Action Plan CY 2012: ana Coordinating conforence laat January 8, 2012 held at the DHROD conference room presided by Executive Officer, DHRDD attended by representatives from the OPRM, PNPHS, PNP-PFT Clinic. PNP TS, SSU-HSS, and Legal Service 2. Tho PNP Physical Fitness Test is the method of evaluating the physical condition of the PNP members in terms of stamina, strength, endurance, speed and agility. The PNP members shall keep themselves physically and mentally fit to readily samy out the ryorous duties and bligations that police officers are expected ta pertorm, 2. The PNP Physical Fitness Test has two major PFT events namaly the ‘Specific PFT Events and the Alternate PFT Event. The Specific PFT Events consist of the following exercises: Pull-Up, Sit-Up. Push-Up, and Kilometer Run. Another exercise that must be compulsorily performed by PNP members younger than 34 years old is the 100-Meler Sprint. The specific PFT events have corresponding and equivaiont percentage ratings. Perform any ot the specific PFT ovents provided. This can be availed of by PNP uniformed personne! with permanent or temporary disability. The altemate PFT event can only be availed of upon the recommendation of the authorized PNP medical officer, The PNP medical afficer should recommend any of the following events: 730- Meter Swim, 10-Kilometer Biking, 4-Kilometer Walk, 1-Kilometer Wheel Chair Run. and 1-Minute Knee Bending, S. In this regard. in as much as not one of the specific PFT events will be Performed by those recommended to perform the alternate PFT event in their fenpective age brackets, the result of the allemate PFT event standard will be rated as a8 “passed” once the performer reached or exceeded the minimum standard score and will be given a quantitative rating of 70%, and “failed” if the performer failed to Soa” ne minimum standard score and will be given 9 quantitative rating of 60% to 6. These supplemental guidelines shall be effective during the first semester (CY¥ 2012 Physical Fitness Test and onwards. 7. For information and widest dissemination ate LR woanon A owe. cscs Police Director General Gey. CPNE tw cy toe! Wh PNP Altemate PFT Event Farm Soares a7 V. MY INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE IS THE KEY (IP KEY GARD) ‘A Legal Basis: PNP Command Memorandum Circulat No. 26-13 dated June 5, 2013 B, Policy Requiremenvcompliance: 1. All PNP Personnel at the National Headquarters, National Support Units and all Police Regional Offices down to the Police Stations shall possess the “My IP is the Key” or IP Key Card, 2. The IP Key Card shall indicate therein the name, position/designation, badge umber for uniformed personnel (UP) of plantilla (item number) for Non- Uniformed Personnet (NUP) and the individuals specific duties and responsibilities and the accompanying enabling actions; 3. For uniformity, IP Key Card specifications for uniformed and non-uniformed personnel are described in Annexes “A” and “B" respectively, 4. The specific duties and responsibilities printed in the IP Key Card must Initially originate from, and be drafted by, the PNP personnel himsaltherseit, and must contain the accompanying enabling actions to such duties and responsibilities, As. defined, “enabling actions” refer to the day-to-day work that must be performed by the PNP personnel in order to satisfy the requirements of his/her functions, duties and responsibilities [see example below]. The drafl must be presented to the PNP personnel's immediate supervisor (the designated Rater in the IPER system) for review and ‘affirmation that the same are based from the individual personnel's job descriptions and closely aligned with the PNP objectives: 2.9. Duties and Responsibilities of a Beat Patol Officer: 1) Efficiently and effectively patrot my beat during my Tour of Duty at Brpy. 5, Zone 20, Global City trom 0800H ta'1700H Enabling Actions: a) O745SH-0800H - Attend foll-call formation, and received instructions from the BeaShitt Supervisor; b) 0800H-1200H — Proceed to assigned beat, conduct patrol in Populated ay ¢) 1200H-1400H — After lunch break, visit and conduct dialogue with the Barangay Chairman or any Barangay Official on peace and order matters; and d) 1400H-1700H — With ihe assistance of Chief Barangay Tanod, discuss with all Barangay Tsnods on duty their responsibilities during their tour of duty. 2) T700H — Render Beat Patrol Report to BeaYShit Supervisor and incoming duty officer, [Note: Indicate other tasks as may be directed by immediate Supervisor] 5. The specific daily tasks printed on the IP Key Card must be agreed upon both by the Direct Supervisor/Rater and the individual processor. Hence. by signing the IP Key Card, both shall agree upon the following terms and conditions: 5. The holder‘of the IP Key Card and the Immediate Supenisor/Rater have discussed in one-on-one diniogue, the PNP personne!'s duties and responsibilities, along with their enabling actions, and af the latter's commitment to perform well his/her duties. and responsibilities. in line with the objectives of the unit; b. The specific tasks are aligned with the individual score card so that the Head of Office/Reviewer and the Supervisor/Rater shall use. the datainformation in the IP Key Card during the assessment of the Individual Performance Evaluation Rating (IPER). (Note: The Individual Score Card shall be fully implemented by the PNP Center for Police Strategy Management during the midlerm ot this year); and ©, The Supervisor/Rater has validated the IP Key Card and agrees on the specific daily duties and responsibilities to be performed by the PNP personnel, 8. The IP Key Card shall be well laminated and the datavinformation must be legible. The Head of Office shall he responsible for the supervision and strict implementation of this specific requirement. 7. COORDINATING INSTRUCTIONS: a. Heads of Offices/Units and Supervisors shall make sure that specific duties and responsibilities that are to be printed in an IP Key Card are based on job descriptions: and attuned with the individuals core card (individual working plan), b. “My IP is the Key” Card, as part of the uniform, shall be carried always during the performance of the individual's daily tasks; ¢. Ensure strict compliance of the IP Key Card markings and specifications. ‘There shall be no logo snd markings printed in the IP Key Card except the NHG PNP Logo, Code-P markings and the individual's information; . Cascading of “My IP is the Key" policy guidelines is enjoined; and 2, Lateral coordination is authorized. ©, Scope/Coverage: This CMC shall apply to all PNP persannel (Uniformed and Non- Uniformed), from the officers of the top management level down to the lowest personnel of every PNP olfice/unit nationwide. All PNP personnel shall hossess their own IP Key Card which shall symbolize their outmost ‘commitment in the performance of their specific duties and responsibilities and for the further attainment of the short and jong term plans-and goats of the PNP. Repu, jo hve PU ldigagu leer Department of the Interion and Local Govarnmant NATIONAL POLICE COnmission NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS PINLIPCINE NATIONAL POLICE OFFICE OF THE Giner, rim amp Cranw, Quezon Cily COMMAND MEMORANDUM CIRCULAR No. _ 26:13 SUBJECT: My Indivitual Pérformance is (he Koy (I? Key Card) 2 + See Distrimnion |) DATE =: June 5, 2013 4. REFERENCES: ‘ Chict, PHP's Vai pal liatrintions 1e- My IP in (he Key Policy: . Chief, PUES COPE PNP Peace and Qrder Agenda for Temsformation and Uphotuing tr Rute of Law (PAT. GHL) Plan 2020 d. Letier of Instructions Mo J, dated May 02, 201%, of Ihe then MCREO Director PCSUPT ALAM LA MADRID PUTISIMA; and © Letler of Instructions Ma, 29/04 Piojen ICM “Pagtalalags,” datwd Qctabor 14, 2004. 2. PURPOSE: i This Command Memotandim Girenlar (CMC) shall provide guidelines for mo Shief PNP's Policy on “Ay IP is tro Mey" which tefines specific duties and Fesponsibiiies and the aocampanyiny enabling measures af every PNP personnel th @ printed in the Key Card, shall be a visible reminder for all PNP personnel of their commitment (a perform efficiently their daily tasks for the realization of the mission and functions of their respective units as well ns of the whola PNP organization The CMC also inleitls to feconeile the PMI porsonnel's specific duties snd responsibititios will the sare Jidies wn ronponsibitilios provided for in their Individual Perfomance Evaluation Repbrt (HEI) Suet) duties ent responsibilities whall be arived fran Nand rellect the organizational Objectives of I = PNP pareiinets job desea 1 PNI ‘These gitdaines dino alm io empower supervises and holding them fesponsible and accountable for managing Uhair parsomnet, 3. SCOPE: This CMC shalt applj to all PEP personnal (ultmnmaed and Mon-Unitorned), from the officers of the lop mianogofont level tlewn to the lowest personnel of avery. PNP officefunit nationwide. AIVPNE personnel shall possess thelr own IP Key Gard which shail symbolize their utmost commit the performance of thelr specilic duties and responsibilities and fer the futher altainmant of the short and tong erm plans/goals of the PNP, in st wet 4. SITUATION: e | Feom the outset, the incumbent leadership of the PNP has anchored the agency's transiormation initiatives ob Ihe enhancement of conpatency, organizational development and reforms, excetente aii! professionalism among all personnel in all levels of the PNP. These areas bf reform, dubbed as the "CODE-P: 2013 and Geyond,” articulate the leddership's strategic tncns in empowering Ihe PNP Srpanization as a batler poties force. | This: leadership blueprint ~ the CODE-P: 2013 awl Beyond"- was aventunily Integrated into the framework of the PME titegrated tian Pragram- Performance Govemance System (ITP-PGS), with tho air lonalize tre batter Ibrough the aitainment of all the programs in tho PNP PLA.T.R.O.L Plan 2030. The ‘concept of “my IP is the Key" was envisioned ax a lincimark inilialive in creating @ sol Of individual performance commitments to the averall realization of a common vision. 6. POLICY GUIDELINES and PROCEDUNES: In the pursuit of the @hove-ciated vision, the following measures inplamanted: be he a. AILPMP personitit at ih and all Police Region. the “My IP Is the (ey Cru * ‘ b. The IP card shalkindicate therein the name, positionfdesignation, badge Rumber for unifarmed personnal (UI?) or planillia (item number) for Non- Uniformed Persénnet (NUP) and tho inlividuals’ specific dulles and Support Units shall possess or I? cared; formed and non-unifonned xox “A and “B* respectively: d. The specific dulies and responsinitities printed in the IP Key Card must initiaty ortpinat® fronk, ami be the PNP personnel himseifhersell, and must contain the acnompanying enabling actions to such dulles and pespongiiities. As defi “enebling actions” retar to dey-lo-day work Ihal must be performer by the PNP personnel in order lo satiety Ihe requirements of Ini: dulies and responsibilities {foe example givan below). The dirall mini then be presented te the PNP personnels. immpdinia: supervisar dasignated Ralor in the IPER system) for reviqw and alfimation thal ihe same are based from the individual personnels job descriptions and closely aligned wiih the PNP objectives; a) 20. Du and Regan sibilitios of & Bont Patrol Officer: 1) Efficiently ant effectively patio! ny beat during my Tour of Duty at Barangay 5, Zone 20, Globua Gily from 0000 te 1700, ‘ Enobling Qetionp #) 0745-0800 — Ationd rolt-cali formation, and receive instructions visor; 52 bb) 0800-1200] — Procaad to assigned beat, conduct patrol in Populated dren; ©) 1200-1400} After luncty break, vist! and conduct dialogue with the Barangay Gheiman ar any barangay official om peace and order and @) 1400-1700 |- With Ihe assistance of ihe Chiel Barangay Tanod, discuss wilh all Barangay lanods on duly their responsibilities during thelr tour of custy. 2) 1700 - Render Beal Patol Report io BeavShin Supervisor end incoming duty officer (Nolte: Indicete other tasks as may be directed by inunediate supervisor) 8. The specific dally tasks printed both by Ine Direct Supervisomizater vid ial pp by signing Ihe IP key card, boty shall agree on the fol condilions: » The holier df an IP Key card and the immediale Supervisor/Rater have discussed in | ono-on the PMP personnels duties and responsibililies, along with i" enabling actions, and of the latler's commitmant lo pe: well his/her apecific duties and fesponsibililies In tie with the objectives of the unit, 2) The specificitasks are aligned with the malvidual score card so that the Hand of Office Re: dalafinformalion IP Key cared 19 the assessment of Indiwieial Pevforrance Evaluation (PER). (Note: Individual Sdove card shinil ba fuily implemented by ihe PNP Can for Police Stategy Manegenient during te mitiemm of this year) and wer anct the Suyps visor/Raler shell use the q 3) The Supervisorftater has validuled the IP key card and agrees on the specific daily duties and responsibilities lo be performed by the PNP personnel {. The IP Key card HW be well laminated and datasintormation must be legible, The Head bf Cllice shall be responsible for the supervision and the strict implementation of this specitic raquirament. a. TASKS: : 1) TOPRM f 8) Overall OP for the implementation of "My IP is the Key" (IP Key Card): 1 by Shalt monitor the proper hniplomentation and compliance of is CMG; and ) Perform ather 33 2) Toc a) Provide necessary fh cmc; aw 1 support for the implementation of th b) Pavia d 3) Olectors, D-Staff and P-Stail a) Ensure | (aaks ae cirentort, CMC in their respective b) Cantuct echo-seminar for supervisors at their raspective offices regarding the delaminatinn of the diliox 2nd responsibilities {and the coresponding enabling aciione) as dissaminated and discussed duting the recent DPRM Family Conleronce on Mey 2-3, 2013: ©) Pertorm other tasks as directed. 4) Directors. NSUs, RDS, POs, a other Heads of Ollices/Supervicors tion Of this CMC In ®) Supervise and monitor the paper impiame: thair respictive AORS; ») Contuel acho séminar tar supervisars down to station level on the determination of the duties and fesponsibilitios (and the conesponding enabling actions) as dissemingled and discussed during the rocent DPRM mily Conference on May 2-3, 2013; ®) Prepare dod subunit co DPRM (alin: PPPD) NLT this CMC; and | Ince fepatt, through channels, to © (2) weeks aller implementation of ' A) Perform ole: tasks as directod. hb. GOORDINATING INSTRUCTIONS: 1) Heads of Offices/Units and 5: Specific dulles anc rosponcinat card are based on job descriptions and a score card {individual warking plan); pervisors shall make sure that fe to be printed in an IP ned with the individual's 2) “My IP is Ihe Key” Gard, as part of the uniforn, shall be cuniad 6 uf the individual daily tosis 3) Ensure stricl compliance of me IP Key Card markings and specifications. There shall be no other togo/markings printed in tho IP Key Card except the NIIQ PNP Logo, CODE-P markings and the lndivictust "2 information; 4) Casceding of “My IP is the Key” policy guilelines is enjoined; and ‘$) Lateral coordination Is aulholzed. sa | { 6. SANCTIONS: j | | | Any violation cominitiad in the provisions af this CMC without an official authority, of failure lo implement and comply with the said provisions, shall be grounds fot the imposition of administrative sanclions in acoonlance with the penalties provided for under Ihe Uniform Rules and Administrative Cases in the Civil Service (URACCS) and the Uniform Rules of Procedlwes Bélore the Administrative Disciplinary Authorities) end the Inlernal Alfairs Service of Hie Philippine National Police (URPBADA) as annotated in NAPOLCOM Memotandim Circular (MMC) No. 2007-001, 7. RESCISSION: | | All existing directives anil| other isstiances which are contrary to or Inconsistent with this directive ate hereby rescinded oF moilified accordingly. 0. EFFECTWITY: This CMC shail take effect upon approval. \ | i ( ‘Le f ALAN 1A MADRID PURISIMA fs 1 Chief, PR ( | Police birhbior General Disinibution: EPH ton 19 Sosi08-4 Stal (melding DIPS) HULU P-Stall SUSI08d Dirs, NSUs ' | RDs, PROS ' ' ‘Copy Fumished: Command Group SPA to SILG 55 VI. PNP Unit Performance Evaluation Rating (UPER) A. Legal Basis: PNP Command Memorandum Circislar No. 11-13 dated May 23, 2013 B. Policy Requirementicompliance: |. The UPER system shall be the instrument by the D-Staff. |AS and CPSM to evaluate PNP offices/units nationwide of their performance vis-2-vis the target set in their PPAs set forth in the PNP PA T.R.OLL Pian 2030. The distribution of points shall be as follows: 4) A maximum of 1000 points shall be distributed and clustered according to the three perspectives as shown in Table 1. The different O-Staff, IAS and PSM will rate NCPRO Districts, NCPRO District Stations, PROs, PPOs, CPOs, CCPSs, MPSs, RPSGs, PPSC and CPSC using the corresponding point allocation and percentage equivalent as shown below: Table No. 1 Perspective | Office | Points | Percentage Process Excellence Learning and Growth Discipt ine Wasa PRM) DL DAD pe TOTAL Table Ne. 2- NOSUs Point Distribution ee ee ee UNIT 170 [ 110 | 110 110 | 170 | 170 | 110 | 110 | 110 | 710 se Hae bee 10 110. Hi t10_[ 170 | 170 | 170 | 170 DPcR 110 | 10] 170 10 | 110 110 | 110 710 | 110 170 10 | 710 DBPL co 70 Le IAS/OPRM 20 20 20 | 20 | 20 [20 PSM 10 10 10 | io 20 10 68 6a ea | 68 Eg 68 EE 8 ga) 5 §| 8) &) 8) 8) 2) 8 sisi alelzlelalel al =| {|| [| fe] [iasmprRM [20] cPsM | 10] *DHROD and DPRM which are sharing functional authority over CHS will have a point allocation of 135 points each 87 Points allocation per PPA shall be based on PNP'P.A.T.R.OLL. Pian 2030 and prepared by the D-Stalf. Rating of offices/units shall subscribe to the following guidelines: 8) PROs and NSUs shall be rated by the D-Staff, AS and CPSM using the standard appropriate parameters for offices/units. Rating results. shall be submitted {o the DPL for consolidation; b) PPOs, CPOs, RPSHs and CPSCs shall be rated by their respective PROsICPOs using the standard parameters for the said offices/units. Rating results shall be submitted by the rate-PROs to ODPL for ‘consolidation; c) PPSCs, CPSCs, CPOSs, CCPSs, MPSs and CPSs. shall be rated by their respective PPOs/CPOs using the standard parameters for said offices/units.. Rating results shall be submitted by the rater PPOs/CPOs to PROs for consolidation and subsequent submission to PL; d) NCRPO Districts shail be rated by the NCPRO using the parameters for PPOs, Rating results shall be submitted to OPL for consolidation; e) NCRPO CPSs shall be rated by their respective NCPRO Districts using standard parameters for CCPSs. Rating results shall be submitted by the rater-NORPO Districts to NCRPO for consolidation and subsequent submission to DPL; 1) NCRPO District Stations shall be rated by their respective NCRPO Districts using standard appropriate parameters for MPS. Rating results shall be submitted to NCRPO for consolidation and subsequent ‘submission ta DPL; and 9g) NCRPO District Public: Safety Companies shall be rated by their respective NCRFO District HOs using the standard parameters for PPSCs. Rating results shall be submitted by the raler NCRPO Districts to NCRPO for consolidation and subsequent submission to OPL. f., Performance evaluation of the different offices/units shall be conducted quarierly with DPL asthe general secretarial at the NHQ level and ROPDs ‘and POSs at the regional and provincial level respectively. Quarterly UPER results shail be published, posted at the PNP website and presented during scheduled PNP Command Conferences for transparency and submission of activitylaccomplishment reports shall be'as follows: v 2) All activities‘accomplishments of PNP offices/units relative to the UPER system parameters shall be-submitted within five days; All UPER results undertaken and consolidated by concemed rater- offices/units shall be submitted to the OPL NLT the 15" day of the first 38 month of the following quarter for consolidation and submission of the ‘Quarterly and Annual UPER report to the Chief, PNP prior to publication, website pesting and presentation to PNP Command ii, On any complaint arising from the quarterly rating result, the concemed rater- office/unit may file their reclaim to the higher level officefunit for a review within 10 days afler the publication/presentation/pesting of the quarterly UPER. UPER results shall be the basis for the ranking of offices/units for the PBB. subscribing to the following measures: 1) Annual PER. of officesiunits shall be based on the consolidated average PER results as determined by DPL by category: NASU, NOSU, NCRPO District, PRO, PPO, CPO, CPOs, CCPS, MPS, RPSBs, PPSCs and CPSCs. Top performing officesiunits shal also be given commensurate award by the Chief, PNP which shail form part of the record of the said offices/units; and = 2) Offices/Units rated below par shall be subjected to performance management review for administrative sanctions as warranted. v. Periodic revisions of the UPER system shall be undertaken to further fine- tune keep tne system abreast to the prevailing sftuation. . ScopeiCoverage: The PNP UPER System CY 2013 shall be utilized to standardized the. ‘conduct of quarterly performance assessment of National Administrative Support Units (NASUs) and National Operational Support Units (NOSUs), National Capital Region Police Office (NCRPO) Districts, NCRPO District Stations, Police Regional Offices (PROs), Police Provincial Offices (PPOs), City Police Offices (CPOs). City Police Office Stations (CPOS). Component City Police Stations (CCPS), Municipal Police Stations (MPS), Regional Public Safely Battalions (RPSBs), Provincial Public Safety Companies (PPSCs) and City Public Safety Companies (CPSCs: 39 Department of the interior and Local Government NATIONAL POLICE COMMISSION NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS, PHILIPPINE NATIONAL POLICE OFFICE OF THE CHIEF, aad Camp Crame, Quezon C) COMMAND MEMORANDUM CIRCULAR NO. 41-13 SUBJECT : PNP Unit Performance Evaluation Rating (UPER) Guidelines and Procedures To 2 See Distribution DATE = MAY 23 2013 4. REFERENCES: a. PNP Program Thrusts CY 2013, and b. PNP Strategic Focus “CODE — P: 2013 and Beyond.” 2. SCOPE The PNP UPER System CY 2013 shall be utilized to standardize the conduct of quarterly performance assessment of National Administrative Support Units (NASUs) and National Operational Support Units (NOSUs), National Capital Region Police Office (NCRPO) Districts, NCRPO District Stations, Police Regional Offices (PROs), Police Provincial Offices (PPOs), City Police Offices (CPOs), City Police Ofice Stations (CFOS), Campanent City Police Stations (CCPS), Municipal Police Stations (MPS), Regional Public Safety Gattalions (RPSBs). Provincial Public Safety Companies (PPSCs) and City Public Safety Companies (CPSC), 3. PURPOSE a. General-The PNF UPER System 2013 shall be used as a guide in assessing the performance of the different PNP offices/units Nationwide aimed in achieving excellence in tina with the CPNP’s arreee Focus “CODE - P: 2013 and Beyond” and PNP P.AT.R.O.L. 0. b. Specific-The PNP UPER System CY 2013 shall: 1) Ensure the alignment of the different management mechanisms in the PNP as @ common reference in force ranking of its offices/units for the granting of the Performance Based Bonus (PBB) pursuant to DBM MC 2012-05 dated January 14, 2013; performance assessment of PROs, PPOs, CPOs CPOSs, CCPS, MPS, RPSBs, PPSCs and CPSCs, NASUs, NOSUs, NCRFO Districts and NCRPO District Stations using a simplified and effective UPER with realistic and achievable targets which can be measured, verified and validated; 3) Provide a standardized evaluation tool as basis in ranking the PNP offices/units: 4) Use the periodic office/unit assessments as inputs in the conduct of future planning, programming and updating of the PNP P.A.T.R.O.L. Plan 2030, PNP Medium-Term borin Plan (MTDP) and Annual Operations Plans and Budget (AOPE 5) Serves as a feedback mechanism in monitoring the progress jin achieving desired goals, Le. determining how well programs, projects or activities (PPAs) or policies are being implemented against expected results. 4. GUIDELINES AND PROCEDURES @. The UPER System shall be the instrument by the O- Staff, [AS and CPSM to evaluate PNP offices/units nationwide of their performance vis-a-vis the targets set in their PPAs set forth in the PNP P_AT.R.O.L Plan 2030. The distribution of points shall be as follows: 1) A maximum of one thousand (1,000) points shail be distnbuted and clustered according to the three (3) perspectives as shown in Table 1. ‘The different D-Staff, IAS and CPSM will rate NCRPO Distncts, NCRPO Distnct Stations, PROs, PPOs, CPOs, CPOs, CCPSs, MPSs, RPS&s, PPSCs and CPSCs using the corresponding point allocation and percentage equivalent as shown below: Table No. 1 400.00 e Percentage distributions are shown in Table 2 and Table 3 eeapectively. Table No. 2—NOSUs Paint Distribution a | po ft sso [ 40 [170 [10 [170 | Pee poe ee Pee |e] pre re va eo re oe ee ee ee [ rio | 770 | 110 | [ara [110 | 170 | Te [110 | [ote tatapa tata pet tot mt facet tafe fete tet eta a baba ater abate peter pater] De asp as bar pae ta Loe tes | se fee {es fe | os tes {eo | os {oe} oa | | [“owRoS [es [ea [ca [ee _|-ea | oa | ee | eee tee aT pare tebe terete pe te fo [see ee | Se fe} ee ete et |_oictm | ea | 62 | ae asi occ fn feel Table No. 3 —NASUs Peint Distnbution ees | cus | pans | |__ berm 7} 20 | 160 | {_pic™m | | 20 | "a0 {a0 | a0 | a0 | | iasioprm [20 [20 | 1000} 1000 1000) 1000 so —ait “DHRDOD and DPRM which are sharing functional authorily over CHS will have a point allocation of 135 points each. a points aliccaton per PPA shall be based on PNP P.A.T.RO_L. Pian 2030 and prepared by the D-Staff. Rating of offices/units shail ‘subscribe to the following guidelines: a) PROs and NSUs shail be rated by the D-Staff, IAS and CPSM using the standard appropriate parameters for said offices/units. Rating resulls shall be submited ta DRL for consolidation: b) PPOs, CPOs, RPSBs and CPSCs shall be rated by their respective PROs using the slandard parameters for said offices/units. Rating results shail be submitted by the rater- PROs to DPL for consolidation; c) PPSCs. CPSCs, CPOSs, CCPSs, MPSs and CPSs, shall be rated by their respective PPOs/GPOs using the standard parameters for said offices/units. Rating resulls shall be Submitted by the rater -PPOs/CPOs to PRCs for consolidation ind subsequent submission to DPL; d) NCRPO Oistricts shall be rated by NCRPO using the parameters for PPOs. Rating results shail be submitted to DPL for consolidation; e) NCRPO CPSs shall be rated by their respective NCRFO Distncts using stancard parameters for CCPSs. Rating results shail be submitied by the rater-NCRPO Disiricts to NCRPO for consolidation and subsequent submission to DL; f} NCRPFO District Stations shall be rated by their respective NCRPO Distncts using standard appropriate parameters for MPS. Rating results shall be submitted to NCRFO for consolidation and subsequent submission to DPL; and g) NCRPO Cistrict Public Safety Companies shail be rated by their respective NCRPO District HOs using the standard parameters for PPSCs. Rating results shall be submitted by the rater NCRPO Districts to NCRFO for consolidation and subsequent submission to DPL. b, Performance evaluation of the different Offices/Units shall be conducted quarterly with DPL as the general secretariat at the NHO level and ROPDs and POSs at the regional and provincial level respectively. Quarterly UPER results shall be published, posted at the PNP Vebsite and presented during scheduled PNP Command ‘Conferences for transparency and dissemination. Guidelines in the submissian of activity/accomplishment reports shall be as follows: 4) All activities/accomplisnments of PNP offices/units relative to the UPER System parameters shall be submitted within five (5) days to 6 2) All UPER results undertaken and consolidated by concerned fater- offices/units shall be submitted to OPL NLT the 15" day of the first month of the following quarter for consolidation and submission of lhe Quarterly and Annual UPER Report to the Chief, PNP prior to publication, websile posting and presentation to PNP Command ‘Conferences, ‘¢. On any complaint arising from the quarterly rating result, the concerned ratee-office/unit may file their reclama to the higher level office/unit for a review within ten (10) days after the publication/presentation/pasting ‘of the quarterly UPER. d. UPER results shall be the basis for the ranking of offices/units for the PSB, subscribing to the following measures: 41) Annual PER of cffices/units shall be based on the consolidated average PER results as determined by ODPL by category: NASU, NOSU, NCRPO District, NCRPO District Station, PRO. PPO, CPO. ‘CPOS, CCPS, MPS, RPSBs. PPSCs, and CPSCs. Top performing offices/units shall also be given a commensurate award by the Chief, PNP which shall form part of the record of the said offices/units: and 2) Offices/Units rated below par shall be subjected to performance management review for administrative sanctions as warranted, e. Periodic revisions of the UPER System shall be undertaken to further fine-tune and keep the system abreast to the prevailing situation. 5, EFFECTIVITY This PNP Unit Performance Evaluation Rating shall take effect upon approval. ALAN iD PURISIMA Police D General ‘Chief, PUP, Distribution: —_ initia Vil STATEMENT OF ASSETS, LIABILITIES AND NET WORTH (SALN) ‘A. Legal Basis: Republic Act No, 6713 o¢ the Code of Conduct and Ethical ‘Standands for Public Officials and Employees. B. Policy Requirement/Compliance: Basic Information |. Spouses who are both public officers and employees shail have the option to file their SALN efther jointly and separately fi, in case the: dectarant is-single or married but whose spouse ts not in the government service, he/she shall tick off the box marked as “Not Applicable fil. In case of joint filing, all real and personal properties shall be declared including their respective paraphernalia and capital property, if there are vany. lv. The change of civil status of the declarant after December 31 of the Preceding year shall not affect the nature of the properties declared. vy, The declarant shall provide information of hisMher address. However, whenever a third party requests for a copy of SALN Form of the deciarant, the agency has the option to.shade the dectarant’s address for purposes of security. ¥. Declarant must provide the information required for all his*her unmarried children below 1B years of age and living in his/her household, whenever legitimate or illegitimate. Assets, Liabilities and Net Worth a. The SALN shall contain a true and complete declaration of assets, liabilities and net worth, including a disclosure of business interests and financial connections of the declarant, histher spouse and unmarried children below 18 years of age living in hisher household. it shall also contain a disclosure of the deciarant’s relatives within the fourth degree of ‘consanguinity and affinity who are in govemment service 6. For purposes of conveniance In the computation of net worth, where the declarant’s spouse nas capital or parapnemal properties or where the deciarant's unmartied children below 18 years of age living in his/her household have their awn properties, the declarant should declare the assets and liabilities of his/her spouse on a separate sheet atiached to the es -SALN Form, For purposes of such declaration, tne provisions in these guidelines shall likewise apply. Assets include those within or outside the Philippines, whether real or personal, whether use in trade or business. Assets refer to declarant's real and personal properties, including those of hisMher spouse and unmarried children below 18 years of age living in hisMer household, Real Properties Declaration of real properties shall include its description, kind location. Year and mode of acquisition, assessed valve, fair market value, 2cquisition cost of land, building, etc. including improvements thereon. Real properties refer to properties which are immovable by nature. For purposes of SALN, the kind of real properties are classified according to their use. that is, residential, commercial, agricultural, industrial, or mixed use and the like. ‘The declarant shall indicate-a description of real properties; whether it is a tand only or a tand with building, a house and lot, condominium unit, or an improvement such as extension or garage, or the like. ‘Assessed Value shall, for purposes of declaration in the SALN, refer to the amount indicated in the tax declaration af real properties involved, Fair market value shall, for purposes of declaration in the SALN, refer to the amount indicated a8 market value in the tax declaration of the real properties concerned. Improvements refer to all works that are constructed or introduced to the land, of repairs or improvements made to the land of building after its initial acquisition. In Geciaring an improvement to the land, the deciarant may opt to dectare it separately or together with the land to which such impravement is attached. Acquisition cost is the amaunt of money paid to acquire ar-own something. This shall also refer to the amount of expenses incurred for improvements introduced on a real property. For purposes of computing the deciarant's net worth, the acquisition costs shall be made the basis thereot. ‘The deciarant shall indicate those real properties which are already titied Of registered under his/her spouse or under the name af his/her unmarried chikdren below 18 years of age and living in the declarant’s household. However, real properties already covered by the deed of sale, inherited or ee Subject of an extrajudicial settlement of estate but not yet tilled under deciarant’s name shall be disclosed. i. in the case of properties received gratuitously, ¢.¢. donation or inheritance, no acquisition cost shall be deciared. However, the fair market value and the assessed value of said properties as found in the tax declaration thereof must be declared. Personal Properties. a. Declaration of personal properties. shall include mode, year and cost of ‘acquisition. of the value cr amount of said personal properties. b. Personal properties refer to jewelry, appliances, furniture, motor vehicles and other tangibie/movable properties. This shall also include investments or other assets, such as cash on hand or in bank, negotiable instruments. ‘securities, stocks, bonds and the likes, ¢. Personal properties collectively acquired or are of minimal value may be declared generally and collectively. In which case, the declarant may write “various years” under the column for Year Acquired. 4d. Personal properties, such as cash on hand and in bank, 33 well as stocks ‘and the like, denominated in foreign currency shall be converted into the corresponding Philippine currency equivalent, at the rate of exchange prevailing as of December 31 of the preceding calendar year. e. The amount of moneyicash in bank to be declared should be the last balance as of December 31 of the preceding year, f. In case of properties which are co-owned with other individuals, the declarant shail disclose the proportionate amount of his/her share in the property. g. With regard to properties subject of a contract to sell, the amount already paid shall be deciared as personal property. h. Properties which are subject of either a chattel or real estate mortgage ‘shall be declared in the SALN Form. The acquisition cost fo be declared shail be the actual purchase price, and the Hability to be declared shall be the outstanding balance of the loan as of December 31 of the, preceriing year, Liabilities: a. Under liabilities, the nature of tiabiltly, name of creditors and the ‘outstanding balance shall refer to the amount of the money that is still due as of December 31 of the precading calendar year, er b. Liability refers to financial llabllty or anything that can result to a wansfer of disposs! of an asset, It includes not only those incurred by the deciarant but also these of hiw/her spouse and unmarried children below 18 years of age living in his‘her household. ¢. Nature of lisbility refers to the type of loan obtained from banks, financial institutions, GSIS, PAG-IBIG and others, such as personal, multi-purpose, salary, calamity loan and the like, d. Outstanding balance refers to the amount of money that one still owes on the loan as of December 31 of the preceding calendar year. 1. Computation of Net Worth a. Networth is the sum of all assets (real and personal) less total liabilities. b. In the case of real properties, the acquisition cost shall be used in the computation of the net worth. . In the case of personal properties. the acquisition cost or amountivalue of money shall be used in the computation of total net worth. @. Exciuded from the computation of real and personal properties are the properties of unmaried children below 18 years of age living in the declarant's household, @. If the house of the deciarant is not a public officer or employee, ihe lateral's paraphernal or capital properties shall not be included in the computation of the deciarant’s net worth, f. Paraphemal property refers. to the properties exclusively owned by the wile. @. A capital property refers to the properties exclusively ewned by the husband. h. Community property refers to all the properties owned by the spouses at the time of the celebration of the marriage or acquired thereafter, subject to the exceptions provided for by the law (Articles 91, Family Code of the Philippines). in the absence of any marriage settlement, the propery relations of the spouses shall be govemed by the rules on absolute community of property under the Family Code-of he Philippines. |, Conjugal property refers to ali the properties acquired during the marriage, whether the acquisition appears to have been made. contracted or registered in the name of one or both spouses, unless proven to be excluded (Article 116, Family Code of the Philippines). This applies when the spouses agreed to be governed by the rules on the. conjugal partnership of gains under the Family Code of the Philippines, j. If the Spouse of the declarant isa public officer or employes, but who chose to separately file ‘hisfher SALN, hisher paraphernal or capital properties shall not be included in the computation of the declarant's nat worth. k. In case of joint fling, the total assets of the spouses shall include their respective paraphernal or capital properties. 1 In case-of joint filing, the declarant's total net worth and that of his/her spouse shail be the difference between the total assets (real and personal properties) less the total liabilities. 2, Financial Connections and Business Interests a. The declarant, including that of hisiher spouse. and unmarried children below 18 years of age living in the dectarant's household, shall declare their existing interest or connection in any business enterprise or entity, ‘aside from the income from government. b. In case there are no existing business interest and financial connections. in ‘any business enterprise or entity, the declarant shall fick off the appropriate box in the form. c. Business interests refer to the deciarant’s existing interest in any business ‘enterprise or entity aside from his/her income from goverment, which ‘shall also include those of hisiher spouse and unmarried children under 18 years of age living in his/her household. d. Financial connections refer to the declarant's existing connections: with any business enterprise or entity, whether asa consultant, adviser or the like, with an expectation of remuneration for services rendered including those of hisher spouse and unmarried children under 18 years of age living in his/her household. ©. Nature of business interest and/or financial connection refers to existing interest or connection in any business enterprise, whether as proprietor, investor, promoter, partner, shareholder, officer, managing director. executive, creditor, lawyer, legal consullant or adviser, financial or business consultant, and the like. 3. Relatives in the Government a. The declarant shail disclose his/her relatives in the government within the fourth civil degree of relationship, either by consanguinity or affinity. The disciosure shall also state his/her relationship with the relative, the position of the relative a5 well as the name of officefsgency and address. in case the declarant and his/her spouse jointly file their SALN, they shail indicate all their relatives within the fourth civil degree, either by consanguinity or affinity, and shall include the above mentioned Information, ¢. In case the declarant has-no relatives in the government within the fourth civil degree of retationship, either by consanguinity or affinity including bilas, inso and baie the declarant shail tick off the appropriate box, ‘C. Scope/Coverage: All officiais:and employees of national.and local governments, including state universities and colleges, and govemment-owned and controlled corporations (GOCC} and their subsidiaries, with or without original charter, shall be covered by these guidelines. Filing of Sworn Statement of Assets, Liabilities and Networth and Disclosure of Business Interests and Financial Connections (SALN & DBIFC) B. Policy RequirementGompliance: 1. The SALN Form (Revised 1994) shail be accomplished in triplicate copies: 2: The original and duplicate shall be submitted to the Admin/Personnet (Officers of your respective offices/units not later than Apnil 30, 2013: 3. Upon receiving the SALN forms, the Personnel/Administrative Officer shail evaluate the same to determine whether said clements have been Properly accomplished, ‘The SALN is deemed properly accomplished ‘when ail applicable information or details required therein are provided by the filer, llems not applicable to the filer should be marked N/A (not applicable}, and 4. Transmitial of all submitted SALN to the concemed Division of DPRM. ©. Scope/Coverage; 1) Personnel assigned at the National Headquarters and National Support Units a. The consolidated original copies of SALN (alphabetically arranged but net bound) shall be submitted to Personnel, Plans and Policies Division (PPPD) with alphabetical list of filers (soft and hard copies) prepared in MS Excel, which shall include the following data: the name of the personnel, tax identification number (TIN), position and networth (inl “D") NLT May 30, 2013 for subsequent submission to the Integrated Records Management Office (RMO), Civil Service ‘Commision, Constitution Hills, Batasan Complex, Diliman, Quezon City on or before June 30, 2013; and b. The duplicate copies of the SALN shall be submitted (alphabetically armanged) to the Records Management Division (RMD) bound with cover with alphabetical list of filers indicated in the table of contents 2) Personnel assigned in the Police Regional Offices @. The consolidated original copies of SALN shall be submitted to the Office of the Deputy Ombudsman in their respective regions on or belore: June 30, 2013; and b. Reiatedly, the consolidated duplicate copies (bound) of SALN shail likewise be submitted to DPRM (Atin: RMD) for safekeeping and records purposes. 3) Finally. part of the recommendation of the Presidential Anti-Graft Commission (PAGC) 3s one of the anti-corruption measure in the integrated Development Action Plan (IDAP) and Integrated Development Review is for the submission of Income Tax Retum (TR) 3 an attachment to the SALN & DBIFC. Hence, the ITR shall be attached to the SALN & DBIFC to be submitted to OPRM (Attn: RMD). PNP Review and Compliance Committees (RCC) and Policy Guidelines and Procedures on Accomplished Siatement of Assets, Liabilities and Netwrorth Forms: A. Legal Basis: PNP a orandum Circular No. 19-2013 dated B. Policy Requirement/Compliance: 1 Conduct intensified information dissemination on the CSC Guidelines in the Proper Filing Gut of the Statement of Assets, Lishiliies and Net Worth (SALN) Form of PNP personnel; Review and evaluate submitted and accomplished SALN forms of all PNP personnel prior to consolidatior/submission of the same to the Regional Office of the Deputy Ombudsman for Police Regional Offices and to the CSC for NHQ-based Police Offices/Units and NSUs; During and after the review and evaluation of the submitted/accomplished SALN forms, concemed RCC shall issue a show-cause order requiring those who have incomplete data in their SALN to correct/supply the desired information. Same order shall likewise be issued to those who did not file/submit their SALN to comply within @ non-extendable period of three Gays from receipt of such order; n 4. For disciplinary action, ROC shall flle-an administrative case against those PNP personne! under its jurisdiction who failed to submiticorrect hisiher SALN in accordance with the.provisions of CSC MC No. 10 s, 2006 as amended, CSC Resolution No, 060231 and Section 8 of RA No, 6713; 5. RCCs of Provincial and City Police Oifices (afler review and evaluation of submitled SALN forms trom their lower officesiunits) shall submit their ‘eonsolidated/accomplished SALN forms with alpha-tists of PNP personnel to their respective Regional RCCs; 6. RCCs of District Police Offices (after review and evaluation of submitied SALN forms from their lower units/stations) shall submit their consolidated/accomplished SALN forms with alpha-lsts of PNP personnel to their Regional RCCs (NCRPO); 7. RECs of Police Regional Cffices (aller review and evailation of consolidated/submitted SALN forms) shall submit the same with aipha-tists. to the Regional Office of the Deputy Ombudsman on the desired/required date. The said aiphs-lists (photo copied), with official receipt from the Office of the Ombudsman, shall be submitted to NHO RCC Secretariat (Attn: PPPD, DPRM) for consolidation and future references; and 8. CGS of NSUs (after review and evaluation of consolidated/submitied SALN forms. shall submit one copy of consolidated/eccomplished SALN form to NHO RCC Secretatiat (Attn: PPPD, OPRM) for consolidation prior to the submission of consolidated SALN forms to the Office of the CSC. Another two copies of consolidated SALN forms, one bound copy and one loose copy, shall be submitted to the Records Management Division (RMD), DPRM, for safekeeping and scanning purposes, respectively. Administrative and Criminal Sanctions: Failure to submit/corect the SALN in accordance with this CMC within the given period pursuant to the directive in Section 3 of CSC Resolution No. 060231 shall be a ground for disciplinary action. The Head of Office shall Issue a show-cause order directing the official or employee concemed to submit hissher comment or counter-affidavit and # evidence so warrants, proceed with the conduct of the administrative proceedings pursuant ta Rule 10, Section 46 D (8) of the Revised Rules on Administrative Cases in Civil Service (RRACCS) under CSC Resolution No. 1101502. ‘Sanctions (with reference to CSC guidelines snd: resolutions re-filing out of SALN form and for failure to comply as regard to show-cause order) Within the legal process, PNP officiats and personnel who failed to submit hismer SALN and who failed to disclose or misdeclared any of hisiner asset, Rn c liability, business imerest, financial connection and relative in the goverment ‘shail be suspended for one month and one day to six months for the first offense or shall be dismissed from the service for the second offenses. ‘Scope/Coverage: This Command Memorandum Circular (CMC) shail apply to all PNP Review and Compliance Committees; to ensure full and proper compliance In the review and compilation of accomplished SALN forms prior to the submission of all consolidated accomplished SALN forms to the Regional Office ‘af the Deputy Ombudsman and to the Office af the Civil Service Commission (CSC) NLT May 30 of every year. na (GUIDELINES IN THE FILLING OUT OF THE STATEMENT OF ASSETS, LIABILITIES AND NET WORTH (SALN) FORM TL OBJECTIVES * To enjoin all public officers and employees to declare and submit annually a true, detailed and sworn satement of theie assets, liabilities and net worth, including disclosure of business interests and financial connections, and to declare to the best of their jenowledge their relatives who are in government service: © To ensure that the assets, liabilities, net worth, financial connections: and business interests of the declarant’s spouse and unmarried children below cigitcen (18) years of age living in declarant’s household are also disclosed. cies SCOPE All officials and employees of national and Ioeal governments, including state univesities snd colleges, and government-owned and controlled corporations (GOCC) and their subsidiarics, with or without original charter, shall be covered by these guidelines. GOCC refers to any ageney organized a5 4 stock or nonstock corporation, vested with functions relating to public needs whether governmental or proprictary in nature. and owned by the Government of the Republic of the Philippines directly or through its instrumentalities either wholly or, where applicable as in the case of stock curporations. to the extent of af least @ majority of its outstanding capital stock. ‘Those serving in honorary capacity, laborers and casual or temporary workers arc excmpted from filing the SALN. However, those holding career positions ender temporary status are required to file their SALN. IM, RULES IN ACCOMPLISHING THE STATEMENT OF ASSETS. LIABILITIES AND MET WORTH (SALN) FORM A, APPLICABLE LAW For purpuses of declaring one’s assets, liabilities and net worth, the governing law shall be Republic Act No. 6713 or the Code of Conduct’ and ‘Ethical Standards for Public Officials and Employees. 74 B. CONTENTS OF THE STATEMENT OF ASSETS, LIABILITIES AND NET WORTH (SALN) FORM 1. BASIC INFORMATION a. Spouses who are both public officers and employees shall have the option to fite their SALN either jointly or separately. bb. In case the declarant is single cr married but whose spouse is not in the government service. he/shalll shall tick off the box nuirked as “Not Applicable.” In case of joint filing, all real and personal properties shall be declared including their respective paraphermal and capital property. if there ore any. d. The change of civil status of the declarant after December 31 of the preceding year shall not affect the nature of the propertics dectared. e. The declarant shall provide information on his/her address. However, whenever a third party requests for a copy of the SALN Form of the deciarant, the agency has the option to shade the declaraut’s address for purposes of security. f. Declarant must provide the information required for all hisMier unmarried children below ¢ighteen (13) years of age and living in histher bouschuld, whether legitimate or iMegitimate. 2. ASSETS, LIABILITIES AND NET WORTIL a The SALN shall contain a true and complete declaration of assets, lial es and net worth, including a disclosure of business interests and financial connections of the declarant, his/her spouse and unmarried children below eighteen (18) years of age living in his/her household. Kt shall also contain a disclosure of the declarant’s relatives within the fourth degree of consanguinity and affinity who are in goverament service. b. For purposes of convenience in the computation of aet worth, where the declarant’s spouse has capital or paraphernal properties or where the declarant’s untuarried children below cighteen (18) years of age living in lis/her household bave their own propertics, the declarant should declare the assets and linbililies of hissher spouse on a separate 75 sheet attached to the SALN Form, see sample attached. For purposes of such declaration, the provisions in these guidelines shall likewise apply. Assets include those within or outside the Philippines, whether real or "personal, whether used in wade or business. Assets refer to declarant’s real and personal properties, including these of his/her spouse and unmarried children below eighteen (18) years of age living in his/her household. REAL PROPERTIES e Declaration of real propertics = include its description, kind, location, year and mode of acquisition, asscssed valuc, fair market vualuc, acquisition cost of Iand, building. efc. including improvements thereon. Real properties refer to propertics which arc immovable by nature. For purposes of SALN, the kind of real properties are classified according to their usc, uhat is, residential, commercial, agricultural, industrial. or mixed use and the like. ‘The declarant shall indicate a description of the real properties. whether it is a land only or land with building, a house and lor, condominium unit, or an improvement such as an extension or garage, and the like. Assessed value shall, for purposes of dectaration in the SALN, refer to the amount indicated in the tax declaration of the real properties involved. Fair market value shall. for purposes of declaration in the SALN. refer to the amount indicated ax market value in the tax declaration of the real properties concemed. Luprovements refer to all works that are constructed ot introduced to the land, or repairs or improvements made to the land or building after its initial acquisition. In declaring an improvement to the land, the declarant may opr (0 declare it separately oc together with the land to which such improvement is attached. . 76 1, Acquisition cost is the amount of money paid to acquire or own something. This shall also refer to the amount of expenses incurred for improvements introduced on & real property. For purposes of compuling the declarant’s net worth, the acquisition cost shall be made the basis thereof. im. The declarant shall indicate those real properties which arc already tide or registered under his/her name, the name of his/her spouse or under the name of his/her unmarried children below 18 years of age and living in the declarant’s household. However. real propertics already covered by a deed of sale, inherited or subject of an extra~ judicial settlement of estate but not yet tithed under declarant’s name shail also be disclosed. n, In the case of properties received gratuitously, ¢.g- donation or inheritance. no acquisition cost shall be declared. However, the fair market value and the assessed valuc of said properties as found in the tax declaration thercof must be declared. PERSONAL PROPERTIES o. Declaration of personal properties shall include mode, year and. cost of acquisition, or the value or amount of said personal properties. p. Personal propertics refer w jewelry, appliances, fumiture, motor vehicles and other tangible/movable properties. ‘This shail also include investments or other assets, such as cash on hand or in bank. negotiable instruments. securities, stocks, bonds, and the like. q. Personal properties collectively acquired or are of minimal value may be declared generally or collectively. In which case, the declarant may writefindicate “various years” under the column for Year Acquired. r. Personal properties, such as cash on hand and in bank, as well as stocks and the like, denominated in foreign currency shall be converted into the corresponding Philippine currency equivalent. at the cate of exchange prevailing as of December 31 of the preceding calendar vear. s. The amount of money/cash in bank to be declared should be the last balance as of December 31 of the preceding year. cd & Im case of properties which are co-owned with other individuals, the declarant shall disclose the Proportionate amount of his share in the Propeny. 8. With regard to properties subject of a contract to sell, the ammount already paid shall be declared ag Personal property. ¥. Properties which are subject of either a chattel or real estate morgage shall be declared in the SALN Form. The acquisition cost ta be declared shall be: the actual purchase price, and the liability (0 be declared shall be the outstanding batance of the loan as of December 31 of the preceding year. LIABILITIES ‘w. Under liabilities, the nature of Iii ility. name of creditors and the outstanding balance shall be indicated. The outstanding balance shall refer to the amount of money that is still duc as of December 31 of the preceding calendar year, %. Liahility refers to financial Mability or anything that can result to a transfer o¢ disposal of an asset. It ineludes net only those incurred by the declarant but also thase of his Spouse and unmarried children below eighteen (18) years of age living in his/her household. ¥- Nature of i ty refers to the type of loan obtained from banks, Aiancial institutions, GSIS, PAG-IBIG and others, such a8 personal, multi-purpose. salary. calamity loan and the like. s Z. Outstanding balance refers to the amount of money that one sull uwes on the loan as of December 31 of the preceding calendar year. 3. COMPUTATION OF NET WORTH & Net worth is the sum of alll assets (ccal and personal) less total liabilities. ‘b. In the case of real ies, the acquisition cost shall he used in the computation of the net womh. © In the case of personal Properties, tic acquisition cos or amounlvaluc of money shall be used in the computation of the total net worth, : 78 Excluded from the computation of real and personal properies are the Properties of unmarried children below 18 years of age ing in the declarant’s household. If the spouse of the declarant is not a public officer or employee, the latter's paraphernal or capital Properties shall no. be included in the computation of the declarant’s net worth, f Paraphemal property refers to the Propertics cxclusively owned by the wife. g. Capital property refers to the Properties exclusively owned by the husband. h. Community property refers to all the properties owned by the spouses at the time of the celebration of the marriage or acquired thereafter, subject to the exceptions provided for by law (Aricles 91. Family ‘Code of the Philippines). In the absence of any marriage settlement. the property rclations of the spouses shall be governed by the rules on absolute community of Property under the Family Code of the Philippines. ‘The following are excluded from the community property: (1) Property acquired during the marriage by gratuitous title by cither spouse, and the fruits as well as the income thereof, if any. unless it is expressly provided by the donor. testator or grantor drat they shall form part of the comununily property: (2) Property for personal and exclusive use of cither spouse. However, jewelry shail form part of the community property: (3) Property acquired before the marriage by cither spouse who has legitimate descendanis by a former marriage, and the fruits a8 well as the income. if any, of such property. (Article 92, Family Code of the Philippines) i, Conjugal property refers io all Properties acquired during the marriage, whether the acquisition appears to have been made, contracted or registered in the name of one or both Spouses, unless Proven to be excluded (Article 116, Family Code of the Philippines). This applies when the spouses agreed to be govermed by the rules on 73 the conjugal partnership of gains under the Family Code of the Philippines. ‘The following are conjugal partnership properties: (1D) Those acquired by onerous title during the marriage at the expense of the common fund, whether the acquisition be for the partnership, ur for only one of the spouses; (2) Those obtained from the labor, industry. work or profession of cither or both of the spouses; (3) The fruits, natural, industrial, or civil, due or received during the marriage frum the conumon property, as well as the net fruits from the exclusive property of each spouse; (4) The share of cither spouse in the hidden measure which the law awards to the finder or owner of the property where the treasure is found; (5) Those acquired through occupation such as fishing or hunting; (6) Livestock cxisting upon the dissolution of the partnership in excess of the number of cach kind breught to the marriage by cither spuuse: and (7) These whieh are acquired by chance, such as winnings from gambling or betting. However, losses therefrom shall bc borne exclusively by the loser-spouse. (Article 117. Family Code of the Philippines) Prior to the enactment of the Family Code of the Philippines in 1987, when there is no marriage settlement between the spouses, their property relations are covered by the rules on conjugal partnership of gains. Jj. If the spouse of the dectarant is a public officer or employee. but who chose to separately file hisfher SALN, his/her paraphernal or capital properties shall not be included in te Computation of the declarant’s act worth. k. Incase of joim Gling, the votal assets of the spouses shall include their respective paraphernal or capital properties. 1. In case of joint filing, the declarant’s total net worth and that of hisfher spouse shall be the difference between the total assets (cal and personal properties) less the total liabilities. 4, FINANCIAL CONNECTIONS AND BUSINESS INTERESTS a, The declarant, including that of his/her spouse and unmarried children below cightecn (18) years of age living in dectarant’s household, staal declare their existing interest or connection in any business enterprise or entity, aside from income from government. They shall also indicate the business address, nature of business interest and/or financial connection, and date of acquisition of interest or connection. In case there are no existing business interests and financial connections in any business enterprise or entity, the declarant shall tick Off the appropriate box in the form. SF ¢. Business interests refer to dectarant's existing intercst in any business enterprise or entity, aside from his/her income from goverment. which shall also include these of his/her spouse and unmarried children below eighteen (18) years of age living in his/her household. d. Financial connections refer to declarant's existing connections with any business enterprise or entity, wheter as. a consultant, adviser and. the like, with an expectation of remuneration for services readered, including Unwse of hissher spouse and unmarried children below eighteen (18) years of age living in hisMter household, e. Nature of business interest and/or financial connection refers to existing interest or connection in any business enterprise, whether as proprietor, investor, promoter, partner, shareholder, officer, managing director, executive. creditor. lawyer, legal consultant or adviser. financial or business consultant, and the like. 5. RELATIVES IN THE GOVERNMENT a. The declarant shall disclose his/her relatives in the government within the +" civil degree of relationship. either by consanguinity or affinity. The disclosure shail also state his/her relationship with the relative, the position of Ure relative as well as the none of officc/agency and address. st b. In case the declarant and his/her spouse jointly file their SALN, they Shall indicate all their relaiives within the fourth civil degree, either by consanguinity or affinity, and shall include the above-mentioned information, c. Incase the declarant has no relatives in the government within the 4 civil degree of relationship, either by consanguinity or affinity, including Bilas, inso and balae, the declarant shail tick off the appropriate box in the form d. Affinity refers to the relationship of a busband to the blood relatives: ofhis wife, or a wile to the bloud relatives of her husband. ec. Consanguinity refers to the relationship by blood from the same stock or common aucestor. f Relatives i in the government refer to the declarant’s relatives up to the 4™ civil degree of relationship, cither by consanguinity or affinity, including bilas, inso and balae.' Relatives in the first degree of consanguinity include the declarant’s father, mother, son and daughter, Relutives im the first degree of affinity include the declarant's father-in-law and mother- in-law, Relatives in the second degree of consanguinity include the declaran’s brother. sister, grandmother, grandfather, grandson and granddaughter. Relatives in the second degree of affinity include the declarant’s brother-in-law, sister-in-law, grandmother-in-law, grandfather-in-law, granddaughter-in-law and grandson-in-law. Relatives in the third degree of consanguinity include the declarant's nephew. niece, uncle and aunt. Relatives in the third degree of affinity include declarant’s Rep pearer lane niece-in-law, uncle-in-law, auntic-in-law. Relatives in the fourth degree of consanguinity include the deciarant’s first cousin. g- Balae refers to a parent of the declarant’s son-in-law or daughter-in- taw, 3 Bilas refers to a declarant’s brother-in-law's wife or sister-in-law’s hi A Inso refers to the appellation for the wife of an elder brother or male cousin. 6. OTHER MATTERS In order to prevent unauthorized insertions or pulling out of pages, Pagination shall read as page | of number of pages, page 2 of number of pages. and soon. Tn case of joint filing, the declarant and his/her spouse shall sign in the spaces provided for just below the ecrtification. Tf the spouse is not a public officer or employee, the declarant shall still cause him/her to sign the SALN. In case of non-compliance with the signature of the spouse. an explanation should be attached to the SALN Form for such non- compliance, ‘The heads of agencies can delegate the authority to administer oath with regard to the SALN Form. The authority to administer call: must be in weiting. Head of agency shall include the head of office and/or the head of regivnal offices of such agency/office. . The declarant is strictly required to fill all applicable information in the SALN form. Ouherwise, such itcms should be marked with “N/A” or “act applicable.” Filling up of the form may be handwritten, computerized or Lypewritten provided die signature of the declarant is original. The declarant is required to write legibly if he chose to fill up the form by handwriting. Additional sheets may be used. if necessary. The additional sheet shall indicate the name of the declarant, his/her position and agency s name, the year covered by the SALN, and which shall be signed on cach page. j. No unnecessary markings shall be made on the fonn. 7. REVIEW AND COMPLIANCE COMMITTEE For purposes of the submission of the new SALN Form for the year 2012, the Review and Compliance Procedure in the Filing and Submission of ihe Statement of Assets, Liabilides and Net Worth (SALN) and Disclosure of Business Interests and Financial Connections (CSC Memorandum Circular No, 10. s. 2006), a3 amcnded, shall be applied hy the government agencies and offices. 8 SANCTION 1, Public Officials and Employees. Any of the following. acts shall constitute a violation of Section 8 of R.A. No. 6713 or the Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards for Public Officials and Employees, and shall be punishable by suspensicn of one (1) month and one (1) day to six (6) months for the first offense, and dismissal from the service for the second offense: i. Failure of an official or employee to submit his/her SALN; and 2. Failure to disclose or misdeclaraiion of any asset. liability, business interest, financial connection. and relative in the government in his/her SALN. 2. Head of Agency. Any head of agency who shall fail to comply with CSC Memorandum Cireular No. 10. s. 2006, in relation to the Review and Compliance Procedure in the Filing and Submission of the SALN Forin shall be liable for Simple Neglect of Dury. which shall be Punishable by suspension of one (1) month and one (1) day to six (6) oa fur the first offense, and dismissal from the scrvice for the second offense. 9. REPEALIVG CLAUSE : Ail previous issuances pertaining to the SALN Form and its guidelines are hereby expressly repealed.

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