Ryan Burger: Culture Maps

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At the beginning of this school year I took a self-assessment test to
CULTURE MAPS discover my people style and have a look at my culture map. This was
Below is a graph showing the differences very help when just beginning to be in a groups so I could tailor my
between my self-assesment and the OLCE actions and words to the way that each team member preferred.
culture maps. Throughout the semester, I have gotten a better idea of my
professional persona and have improved it from feedback that I have
received. This document will give you an understanding of who I am
as a business professional and a person. Below, I have analyzed my
self-assessment results and the results of my OLCE survey and will
discuss how they differ from each other.

When I took the self-assessment I came out as an expressive person
which I felt like resonated with many in a few aspects but was not
my best fit of people styles. After analyzing my data
from the OLCE survey it was concluded
Below are the preferences that had a that peers think of me as having an
significant difference between results.
analytical people style. This is the people
style that describes me the most because
EVALUATING I feel like I am less assertive and less
I view myself as a person who tries to responsive in work situations.
not hurt anyone’s feelings. However my
My original composite assertiveness score
score was not representative of this with
was a 5.00 and my composite responsiveness
a score of 0.67. My peers scored me a
score was a 7.00. According to my OLCE
3.50 in this area which I feel is a much
responses my composite assertiveness and
better evaluation of how I give feedback.
composite responsiveness were -1.40 and
I this represents me more because I
-2.60 respectively. This further justifies my
don’t want to hurt people’s feeling when
OLCE responses in saying that I am an
I give them feedback.
analytical person. Knowing everyone people styles the entire
semester helped me with knowing how to work with others and how
TRUSTING others work with me.
I scored a 2.67 in this area which is on the
middle to relationship-based side of the VALUE I BRING TO A TEAM
scale. I build trust with others in a
combination of sharing down time and Dedicated team member that strives to lead
“Willing to help”
doing tasks together. Although I think of us to success”
myself that way, my peers see me to build “Perseverance”
trust from people when I work with people “Structured and Organized”
on tasks. They likely see me this way “Problem solving skills”
because I am typically doing school work “Contribute to an overall positive working
with them. environment.”
In this area I scored myself a 1.67, saying that WHAT TO IMPROVE ON
I prefer to air my grievances in public, but I “Take criticism lightly”
don’t see myself this way. My peers scores is
more representative of how I actually am “You do not understand the value of your actions so do not underestimate
being a 3.00 and on the avoiding yourself and be confident in your abilities.”
confrontation side. The variation of scores is
due the fact that I could have been filling out “Sometimes you appear to be insecure about your ideas or opinions, present
the form in the way that I want to be and not them confidently as you have brilliant ideas.”
how I am.
When I am persuading people I see myself Below I have listed what my peers view as my core values. The Core
as using a combination of theory based and Values I have for myself are trustworthiness, dependability, goal
example based evidence to back up my oriented and focused. There are many correlations between what I
thoughts. However, my peers think that I view my core values to be and what others view them as. One
mainly use evidence based to persuade difference between the results was being focused. I feel as though I
them. My peers gave me this score because don’t portray my focused side as much in group settings because I
after thinking, I do tend to use examples can get easily distracted in larger groups.
based persuasion.

Below are the preferences that did not Communication

have a significant difference between
My peers and I agreed that I'm a direct
and clear communicator. This is very Integrity
evident in how I go about doing work.

LEADING Kindness
A deviation between scores of 0.43
shows that I clearly show I like to
have a combination of flat and rank ADJUSTMENTS TO BE MADE
based leadership.
The adjustment I need to make is ensuring that I am more confident.
I will make this adjustment by making sure everything I say is said
DECIDING in a confident way. Also, I will make sure that I am totally confident
My peers and I agreed that I like to in an idea before stated it so that it will be easier for me to sound
have a consensus when making a confident. Making this adjustment will increase my professional
decision. I am very good at portraying brand because when you state opinions with confidence you sound
this to my peers and is shown in smarter and like you know what you’re talking about.
having a low deviation.
SCHEDULING The response that surprised me the most was that majority of the
The consensus between everyone is people who filled out my survey said that in professional settings I
that I like to use a combination of both am more orientated towards facts and logic. This surprised me the
linear and flexible time. most because I feel like as a person I am more apt to pay attention to
people’s feelings and emotions and ensuring everyone is happy.
Although, I can see how they would perceive this because when it
groups I tend to be more focused on getting the work done and then
when the work is done insure that everyone is happy. The rest of my
response I feel like were a good representation of who I am as a
professional. They identified things about me that I need to realize
and fix.
They key less that I am taking away from the feedback I received was that I need to be more confident in my
opinions and ideas. When I state opinions I tend to not follow through with them if people brush them or don’t
like the idea I will just let it go. I can use this moving forward whenever I state opinions or ideas and standing my
ground more when I do.

At the beginning of the semester my self-assesment told me that I had an amiable people style. After analyzing
my results it came out that my peers view me as having an analytical people style. Identifying as having an
analytical people is more true to who I actually am and not who I want to strive to be. In this document I went
over the differences between my self-assessment and the OLCE survey and got an indepth idea of my professional
persona. The feedback that I have gotten in this document will help me to me to further improve it. As I advance
in Eller and then into the workforce this will be important knowledge to have so that people view me as a
business professional that they can trust.

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