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Exceeds Meets Expectations Needs Improvement Below Expectations

Media Made extensive use Used three or more Used one or two Used no original
Creativity and of original original media pieces of original media or used
Originality photographs, elements. Used media. Missed simplistic or
illustrations, sounds, media in a unique opportunities to gratuitous media.
Uses original media movies, etc. way. creatively use media Media choices
and combines media Combined multiple elements. detracted from the
in new and unique media elements to project.
ways create a unique
4 points
Planning Vision contained Vision contained Vision contained Vision was vague.
Vision many details about many details about some details about Provided little
the project. Included the project. Included the project. Did not information
Clear concept of enough information enough information include enough explaining the final
finished project to paint a clear to provide a general information to project.
picture of the idea of the finished provide a general
4 points finished project. project. idea of the finished
Vision included project.
details that will help
during planning or
Teamwork Always listened to, Listened to, shared Did not consistently Rarely listened to,
Cooperation shared ideas with, ideas with, and listen to, share ideas shared ideas with, or
and supported supported the with, or support the helped other team
Listens, shares ideas others. Worked efforts of others. Did efforts of others. members. Was not a
and work, supports consistently for the not disrupt the Made some effort to team player.
team good of the team. group. be a team player.
4 points
Behavior Freely shared ideas. Completed all Completed most Completed some
Participation Took part in all assigned work. assigned work. Took assigned work. Took
activities. Shared ideas and part in most part in few activities.
Helpful, worked hard, Completed all took part in all activities. Was Was unwilling to try
took risks assigned work. Took activities. unwilling to try new new things or share
risks and tried new things or share ideas.
4 points things. ideas.

Created at

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