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Group 1 - Our Lady of Fatima

Reflection: “Dead Star” by: Paz Marquez-Benitez

“Dead star” symbolize a dream for something that is nonexistent. In the

story, the male character who is Alfredo is engaged to a woman named Esperanza
who he fell deeply in love with, but finds himself suddenly infatuated with another
woman. When a star die, their glow diminishes then eventually vanished, like the
feelings of Alfredo towards Julia Salas. He realized in the end that the feelings that
he had to her was gone. I understand Alfredo, he was put to a situation where he
was confused of his feelings but at the end he still manages his thoughts and
choose Esperanza. If a person truly destined for you, no matters what happen
between the two of you at the end you will be still together. Sometimes people
come to our life and we know right away that they were meant to be there to teach
us a lesson and to help us figure out whom we are or who we want to become.
There are times that I’ll question myself, “what if?” “what if I stay?” “What if I
fight for the right thing?”. There are many ‘what if’ but if you just try to answer
those you can no longer ask yourself and be confused about things. But then not all
things that makes you happy is right because sometimes being happy to someone
may confused you and hurt your inner self. Being happy means finding satisfaction
in what we have, we may have a painful or unfair situation and that only because it
needs to test who we are as a person. After reading “Dead star” I realized two. First
you have to be faithful and stay committed to your partner and second you have to
think of others too. Sometimes life does not permit us to do what we actually want
but instead, it gives us what we need. Because that is how life goes.

Jannelle Platon
Rosette Lumban
Marizze Forte
Jemari Marudo
Anthon Garcia
Jemmalyn Tanada
Roy Lopez
Abby Umipig
Jhaztine Petrasanta

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