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Edward Said’s known contribution to the academic world is the record Orientalism.

been prominent in about half a dozen practiced disciplines, particularly literary studies, history,
anthropology, sociology, and the like. Orientalism was a book a couple of distinct patterns in
western philosophy. It was not an evaluation of the significance of that thought. It had been
written before the height of the educational ‘culture wars’, when key words like relativism would
be the order of the day. Said has frequently remained lumped in with relativists and pluralists,
but of course, he doesn’t belong there.
Though, as prominent as Orientalism lived to academia, Said’s thoughts on literature and
art continued to grow. They were encapsulated in Culture and Imperialism, a book that emerged
more than a decade after Orientalism. Put highly reductively, the event of his thought is
recognized as follows: Said’s early work began with an indication of opposition and denial and
ended with a sort of conflicted agreement. If Orientalism disputed a distortion pattern of the non-
western world, Culture and Imperialism investigated with a less threatening tone the complex
and ongoing relationships between east and west, colonizer. They colonized races and city and
colonial civilizations.
In Culture and Imperialism, a sequel to Orientalism, Said projects a brand-new light on
the interwoven connections between the imperial enterprise and, therefore, the culture that
reflects and strengthens it. He extends his study to colonization in parts of the globe aside from
the center east, namely India, African countries, the Caribbean Islands, and Australia. Analyzing
more works of literature like Kipling’s Kim, Austen’s Mansfield Park, Conrad’s Heart of
Darkness, and Verdi’s Aida, Said emphasizes the inseparability between the history of the
empire and therefore the great works of literature written therein era. That’s to mention; Said
illustrates the intertwined relationship between literature and also the lifetime of its time. Many
other writers have emphasized this relationship between literature and even the Imperial
To sum it up, postcolonialism is the amount representing the aftermath of western
colonialism. It can even be aware of describing the concurrent project to reclaim and rethink the
history and agency of people subordinated under various imperialism (Khorshidian, & Zahedi,
2017). Orientalism and postcolonialism’s relation is that Orientalism provided a rationalization
for European colonialism supported a self-serving history within which the western nations
viewed the eastern countries as inferior. Thus, they saw that there was a requirement for western
intervention. The west invented the orient, and it helped define the west (Elmie, 2020).

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