Top Sheet Refill - June-2020

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Refill Commission-June-2020

Long Distance
Long Distance
Distributor Long Distance
General Discount General Discount Distributor
Slab Wise Commission Commission Distributor Total Refill
Status (01 June to 12 (13 June to 30 Commission
(TK) -Rifat Trade Commission (01 June Commission
June) (TK) June) (TK) (13 June to 30
Agance- (13 May to 12 June) (TK)
June) (TK)
to 31 May) (TK)

12 Kg Refill Commission-June-2020 2,265,387 2,773,440 4,299,390 127,220 663,280 2,066,540 12,195,257

15 Kg Refill Commission-June-2020 23,100 168,600 2,300 5,360 25,440 224,800

35 Kg Refill Commission-June-2020 76,675 114,070 291,400 1,050 9,900 107,550 600,645

45 Kg Refill Commission-June-2020 13,200 46,500 1,100 5,700 66,500

Total 2,342,062 2,923,810 4,805,890 130,570 679,640 2,205,230 13,087,202

Grand Total Refill Commission-(Taka) 13,087,202

Amount in words: One Crore Thirty Lakh Eighty Seven Thousand Two Hundred Two Taka Only.

Prepared By Checked By Checked By Forward By Approved By

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