Hemant's Ansys Tutorial Iit

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This tutorial was completed using ANSYS 7.0 The purpose of the
tutorial is to show the required steps to account for the weight of an
object in ANSYS.
Loads will not be applied to the beam shown below in order to observe
the deflection caused by the weight of the beam itself. The beam is to
be made of steel with a modulus of elasticity of 200 GPa.

Preprocessing: Defining the Problem

1. Give example a Title

Utility Menu > File > Change Title ...

/title, Effects of Self Weight for a Cantilever Beam

2. Open preprocessor menu

ANSYS Main Menu > Preprocessor


3. Define Keypoints

Preprocessor > Modeling > Create > Keypoints > In Active CS...

We are going to define 2 keypoints for this beam as given

in the following table:

Keypoint Coordinates (x,y,z)

1 (0,0)
2 (1000,0)

4. Create Lines

Preprocessor > Modeling > Create > Lines > Lines > In Active Coord

Create a line joining Keypoints 1 and 2

5. Define the Type of Element

Preprocessor > Element Type > Add/Edit/Delete...

For this problem we will use the BEAM3 (Beam 2D elastic)

element. This element has 3 degrees of freedom
(translation along the X and Y axes, and rotation about the
Z axis).

6. Define Real Constants

Preprocessor > Real Constants... > Add...

In the 'Real Constants for BEAM3' window, enter the

following geometric properties:

i. Cross-sectional area AREA: 500

ii. Area moment of inertia IZZ: 4166.67
iii. Total beam height: 10

This defines a beam with a height of 10 mm and a width of

50 mm.

7. Define Element Material Properties

Preprocessor > Material Props > Material Models > Structural > Linear >
Elastic > Isotropic

In the window that appears, enter the following geometric

properties for steel:

i. Young's modulus EX: 200000

ii. Poisson's Ratio PRXY: 0.3
8. Define Element Density

Preprocessor > Material Props > Material Models > Structural > Linear >
In the window that appears, enter the following density for

i. Density DENS: 7.86e-6

9. Define Mesh Size

Preprocessor > Meshing > Size Cntrls > ManualSize > Lines > All Lines...

For this example we will use an element edge length of


10. Mesh the frame

Preprocessor > Meshing > Mesh > Lines > click 'Pick All'

Solution Phase: Assigning Loads and

1. Define Analysis Type

Solution > Analysis Type > New Analysis > Static


2. Apply Constraints

Solution > Define Loads > Apply > Structural > Displacement > On

Fix keypoint 1 (ie all DOF constrained)

3. Define Gravity

It is necessary to define the direction and magnitude of gravity

for this problem.

o Select Solution > Define Loads > Apply > Structural

> Inertia > Gravity...
o The following window will appear. Fill it in as shown to define an
acceleration of 9.81m/s2 in the y direction.
Note: Acceleration is defined in terms of meters (not 'mm'
as used throughout the problem). This is because the units
of acceleration and mass must be consistent to give the
product of force units (Newtons in this case). Also note that
a positive acceleration in the y direction stimulates gravity
in the negative Y direction.

There should now be a red arrow pointing in the positive y

direction. This indicates that an acceleration has been
defined in the y direction.

The applied loads and constraints should now appear as shown in

the figure below.
4. Solve the System

Solution > Solve > Current LS


Postprocessing: Viewing the Results

1. Hand Calculations

Hand calculations were performed to verify the solution found

using ANSYS:

The maximum deflection was shown to be 5.777mm

2. Show the deformation of the beam

General Postproc > Plot Results > Deformed Shape ... > Def + undef edge
As observed in the upper left hand corner, the maximum
displacement was found to be 5.777mm. This is in agreement
with the theortical value
This tutorial was completed using ANSYS 7.0. The purpose of this
tutorial is to explain how to apply distributed loads and use element
tables to extract data. Please note that this material was also covered
in the 'Bicycle Space Frame' tutorial under 'Basic Tutorials'.
A distributed load of 1000 N/m (1 N/mm) will be applied to a solid steel
beam with a rectangular cross section as shown in the figure below.
The cross-section of the beam is 10mm x 10mm while the modulus of
elasticity of the steel is 200GPa.

Preprocessing: Defining the Problem

1. Open preprocessor menu


2. Give example a Title

Utility Menu > File > Change Title ...

/title, Distributed Loading
3. Create Keypoints

Preprocessor > Modeling > Create > Keypoints > In Active CS


We are going to define 2 keypoints (the beam vertices) for

this structure as given in the following table:

Keypoint Coordinates (x,y)

1 (0,0)
2 (1000,0)

4. Define Lines

Preprocessor > Modeling > Create > Lines > Lines > Straight Line

Create a line between Keypoint 1 and Keypoint 2.

5. Define Element Types

Preprocessor > Element Type > Add/Edit/Delete...

For this problem we will use the BEAM3 element. This

element has 3 degrees of freedom (translation along the X
and Y axis's, and rotation about the Z axis). With only 3
degrees of freedom, the BEAM3 element can only be used
in 2D analysis.

6. Define Real Constants

Preprocessor > Real Constants... > Add...

In the 'Real Constants for BEAM3' window, enter the

following geometric properties:

i. Cross-sectional area AREA: 100

ii. Area Moment of Inertia IZZ: 833.333
iii. Total beam height HEIGHT: 10

This defines an element with a solid rectangular cross

section 10mm x 10mm.

7. Define Element Material Properties

Preprocessor > Material Props > Material Models > Structural > Linear >
Elastic > Isotropic

In the window that appears, enter the following geometric

properties for steel:

i. Young's modulus EX: 200000

ii. Poisson's Ratio PRXY: 0.3
8. Define Mesh Size

Preprocessor > Meshing > Size Cntrls > ManualSize > Lines > All Lines...

For this example we will use an element length of 100mm.

9. Mesh the frame

Preprocessor > Meshing > Mesh > Lines > click 'Pick All'

10. Plot Elements

Utility Menu > Plot > Elements

You may also wish to turn on element numbering and turn off
keypoint numbering

Utility Menu > PlotCtrls > Numbering ...

Solution Phase: Assigning Loads and
1. Define Analysis Type

Solution > Analysis Type > New Analysis > Static


2. Apply Constraints

Solution > Define Loads > Apply > Structural > Displacement > On

Pin Keypoint 1 (ie UX and UY constrained) and fix Keypoint

2 in the y direction (UY constrained).

3. Apply Loads

We will apply a distributed load, of 1000 N/m or 1 N/mm, over

the entire length of the beam.

o Select Solution > Define Loads > Apply > Structural > Pressure > On
o Click 'Pick All' in the 'Apply F/M' window.
o As shown in the following figure, enter a value of 1 in the field 'VALI
Pressure value at node I' then click 'OK'.
The applied loads and constraints should now appear as shown in
the figure below.


To have the constraints and loads appear each time you select 'Replot' you
must change some settings. Select Utility Menu > PlotCtrls > Symbols....
In the window that appears, select 'Pressures' in the pull down menu of the
'Surface Load Symbols' section.

4. Solve the System

Solution > Solve > Current LS


Postprocessing: Viewing the Results

1. Plot Deformed Shape

General Postproc > Plot Results > Deformed Shape

2. Plot Principle stress distribution

As shown previously, we need to use element tables to obtain

principle stresses for line elements.

1. Select General Postproc > Element Table > Define

2. Click 'Add...'
3. In the window that appears
a. enter 'SMAXI' in the 'User Label for Item' section
b. In the first window in the 'Results Data Item' section scroll down
and select 'By sequence num'
c. In the second window of the same section, select 'NMISC, '
d. In the third window enter '1' anywhere after the comma
4. click 'Apply'
5. Repeat steps 2 to 4 but change 'SMAXI' to 'SMAXJ' in step 3a and change
'1' to '3' in step 3d.
6. Click 'OK'. The 'Element Table Data' window should now have two
variables in it.
7. Click 'Close' in the 'Element Table Data' window.
8. Select: General Postproc > Plot Results > Line Elem Res...
9. Select 'SMAXI' from the 'LabI' pull down menu and 'SMAXJ' from the
'LabJ' pull down menu


o ANSYS can only calculate the stress at a single location on

the element. For this example, we decided to extract the
stresses from the I and J nodes of each element. These are
the nodes that are at the ends of each element.
o For this problem, we wanted the principal stresses for the elements. For
the BEAM3 element this is categorized as NMISC, 1 for the 'I' nodes and
NMISC, 3 for the 'J' nodes. A list of available codes for each element can
be found in the ANSYS help files. (ie. type help BEAM3 in the ANSYS
Input window).

As shown in the plot below, the maximum stress occurs in the

middle of the beam with a value of 750 MPa

This tutorial was created using ANSYS 7.0 The purpose of this tutorial is
to outline the steps required to do a simple nonlinear analysis of the
beam shown below.

There are several causes for nonlinear behaviour such as Changing

Status (ex. contact elements), Material Nonlinearities and Geometric
Nonlinearities (change in response due to large deformations). This
tutorial will deal specifically with Geometric Nonlinearities .
To solve this problem, the load will added incrementally. After each
increment, the stiffness matrix will be adjusted before increasing the
The solution will be compared to the equivalent solution using a linear

Preprocessing: Defining the Problem

1. Give example a Title

Utility Menu > File > Change Title ...

2. Create Keypoints

Preprocessor > Modeling > Create > Keypoints > In Active CS

We are going to define 2 keypoints (the beam vertices) for

this structure to create a beam with a length of 5 inches:

Keypoint Coordinates (x,y)

1 (0,0)
2 (5,0)

3. Define Lines

Preprocessor > Modeling > Create > Lines > Lines > Straight Line

Create a line between Keypoint 1 and Keypoint 2.

4. Define Element Types

Preprocessor > Element Type > Add/Edit/Delete...

For this problem we will use the BEAM3 (Beam 2D elastic)

element. This element has 3 degrees of freedom
(translation along the X and Y axis's, and rotation about
the Z axis). With only 3 degrees of freedom, the BEAM3
element can only be used in 2D analysis.

5. Define Real Constants

Preprocessor > Real Constants... > Add...

In the 'Real Constants for BEAM3' window, enter the
following geometric properties:

i. Cross-sectional area AREA: 0.03125

ii. Area Moment of Inertia IZZ: 4.069e-5
iii. Total beam height HEIGHT: 0.125

This defines an element with a solid rectangular cross

section 0.25 x 0.125 inches.

6. Define Element Material Properties

Preprocessor > Material Props > Material Models > Structural > Linear >
Elastic > Isotropic

In the window that appears, enter the following geometric

properties for steel:

i. Young's modulus EX: 30e6

ii. Poisson's Ratio PRXY: 0.3

If you are wondering why a 'Linear' model was chosen

when this is a non-linear example, it is because this
example is for non-linear geometry, not non-linear material
properties. If we were considering a block of wood, for
example, we would have to consider non-linear material

7. Define Mesh Size

Preprocessor > Meshing > Size Cntrls > ManualSize > Lines > All Lines...

For this example we will specify an element edge length

of 0.1 " (50 element divisions along the line).

8. Mesh the frame

Preprocessor > Meshing > Mesh > Lines > click 'Pick All'

Solution: Assigning Loads and Solving

1. Define Analysis Type
Solution > New Analysis > Static

2. Set Solution Controls

o Select Solution > Analysis Type > Sol'n Control...

The following image will appear:

Ensure the following selections are made (as shown above)

A. Ensure Large Static Displacements are permitted

(this will include the effects of large deflection in the
B. Ensure Automatic time stepping is on. Automatic time stepping
allows ANSYS to determine appropriate sizes to break the load
steps into. Decreasing the step size usually ensures better accuracy,
however, this takes time. The Automatic Time Step feature will
determine an appropriate balance. This feature also activates the
ANSYS bisection feature which will allow recovery if
convergence fails.
C. Enter 5 as the number of substeps. This will set the initial substep
to 1/5 th of the total load.

The following example explains this: Assume that the

applied load is 100 lb*in. If the Automatic Time
Stepping was off, there would be 5 load steps (each
increasing by 1/5 th of the total load):
 20 lb*in
 40 lb*in
 60 lb*in
 80 lb*in
 100 lb*in

Now, with the Automatic Time Stepping is on, the

first step size will still be 20 lb*in. However, the
remaining substeps will be determined based on the
response of the material due to the previous load

D. Enter a maximum number of substeps of 1000. This stops the

program if the solution does not converge after 1000 steps.
E. Enter a minimum number of substeps of 1.
F. Ensure all solution items are writen to a results file.

There are several options which have not been changed
from their default values. For more information about these
commands, type help followed by the command into the
command line.
Function Command Comments
Load Step KBC Loads are either linearly interpolated
(ramped) from the one substep to
another (ie - the load will increase
from 10 lbs to 20 lbs in a linear
fashion) or they are step functions (ie.
the load steps directly from 10 lbs to
20 lbs). By default, the load is ramped.
You may wish to use the stepped
loading for rate-dependent behaviour
or transient load steps.
Output OUTRES This command controls the solution
data written to the database. By
default, all of the solution items are
written at the end of each load step.
You may select only a specific iten (ie
Nodal DOF solution) to decrease
processing time.
Stress Stiffness SSTIF This command activates stress
stiffness effects in nonlinear analyses.
When large static deformations are
permitted (as they are in this case),
stress stiffening is automatically
included. For some special nonlinear
cases, this can cause divergence
because some elements do not provide
a complete consistent tangent.
Newton Raphson NROPT By default, the program will
automatically choose the Newton-
Raphson options. Options include the
full Newton-Raphson, the modified
Newton-Raphson, the previously
computed matrix, and the full Newton-
Raphson with unsymmetric matrices
of elements.
Convergence Values CNVTOL By default, the program checks the
out-of-balance load for any active

3. Apply Constraints

Solution > Define Loads > Apply > Structural > Displacement > On

Fix Keypoint 1 (ie all DOFs constrained).

4. Apply Loads

Solution > Define Loads > Apply > Structural > Force/Moment > On

Place a -100 lb*in moment in the MZ direction at the right

end of the beam (Keypoint 2)

5. Solve the System

Solution > Solve > Current LS


The following will appear on your screan for NonLinear Analyses

This shows the convergence of the solution.

General Postprocessing: Viewing the

1. View the deformed shape

General Postproc > Plot Results > Deformed Shape... >

Def + undeformed
2. View the deflection contour plot

General Postproc > Plot Results > Contour Plot > Nodal Solu... > DOF
solution, UY

3. List Horizontal Displacement

If this example is performed as a linear model there will be no nodal
deflection in the horizontal direction due to the small deflections
assumptions. However, this is not realistic for large deflections. Modeling
the system non-linearly, these horizontal deflections are calculated by
General Postproc > List Results > Nodal Solution...> DOF solution,

Other results can be obtained as shown in previous linear static

It is recommended that you complete the NonLinear Tutorial
prior to beginning this tutorial
Buckling loads are critical loads where certain types of structures
become unstable. Each load has an associated buckled mode shape;
this is the shape that the structure assumes in a buckled condition.
There are two primary means to perform a buckling analysis:

1. Eigenvalue

Eigenvalue buckling analysis predicts the theoretical buckling

strength of an ideal elastic structure. It computes the structural
eigenvalues for the given system loading and constraints. This is
known as classical Euler buckling analysis. Buckling loads for
several configurations are readily available from tabulated
solutions. However, in real-life, structural imperfections and
nonlinearities prevent most real-world structures from reaching
their eigenvalue predicted buckling strength; ie. it over-predicts
the expected buckling loads. This method is not recommended
for accurate, real-world buckling prediction analysis.

2. Nonlinear

Nonlinear buckling analysis is more accurate than eigenvalue

analysis because it employs non-linear, large-deflection, static
analysis to predict buckling loads. Its mode of operation is very
simple: it gradually increases the applied load until a load level is
found whereby the structure becomes unstable (ie. suddenly a
very small increase in the load will cause very large deflections).
The true non-linear nature of this analysis thus permits the
modeling of geometric imperfections, load perterbations,
material nonlinearities and gaps. For this type of analysis, note
that small off-axis loads are necessary to initiate the desired
buckling mode.
This tutorial will use a steel beam with a 10 mm X 10 mm cross
section, rigidly constrained at the bottom. The required load to cause
buckling, applied at the top-center of the beam, will be calculated.

Eigenvalue Buckling Analysis

Preprocessing: Defining the Problem

1. Open preprocessor menu


2. Give example a Title

Utility Menu > File > Change Title ...

/title,Eigen-Value Buckling Analysis

3. Define Keypoints

Preprocessor > Modeling > Create > Keypoints > In Active CS ...

We are going to define 2 Keypoints for this beam as given

in the following table:
Keypoints Coordinates (x,y)
1 (0,0)
2 (0,100)

4. Create Lines

Preprocessor > Modeling > Create > Lines > Lines > In Active Coord

Create a line joining Keypoints 1 and 2

5. Define the Type of Element

Preprocessor > Element Type > Add/Edit/Delete...

For this problem we will use the BEAM3 (Beam 2D elastic)

element. This element has 3 degrees of freedom
(translation along the X and Y axes, and rotation about the
Z axis).

6. Define Real Constants

Preprocessor > Real Constants... > Add...

In the 'Real Constants for BEAM3' window, enter the

following geometric properties:

i. Cross-sectional area AREA: 100

ii. Area moment of inertia IZZ: 833.333
iii. Total Beam Height HEIGHT: 10

This defines a beam with a height of 10 mm and a width of

10 mm.

7. Define Element Material Properties

Preprocessor > Material Props > Material Models > Structural > Linear >
Elastic > Isotropic

In the window that appears, enter the following geometric

properties for steel:

i. Young's modulus EX: 200000

ii. Poisson's Ratio PRXY: 0.3
8. Define Mesh Size
Preprocessor > Meshing > Size Cntrls > ManualSize > Lines > All Lines...

For this example we will specify an element edge length of

10 mm (10 element divisions along the line).

9. Mesh the frame

Preprocessor > Meshing > Mesh > Lines > click 'Pick All'

Solution Phase: Assigning Loads and Solving

1. Define Analysis Type

Solution > Analysis Type > New Analysis > Static


2. Activate prestress effects

To perform an eigenvalue buckling analysis, prestress effects

must be activated.

o You must first ensure that you are looking at the

unabridged solution menu so that you can select
Analysis Options in the Analysis Type submenu. The
last option in the solution menu will either be
'Unabridged menu' (which means you are currently
looking at the abridged version) or 'Abriged Menu' (which
means you are looking at the unabridged menu). If you
are looking at the abridged menu, select the unabridged
o Select Solution > Analysis Type > Analysis Options
o In the following window, change the [SSTIF][PSTRES] item to 'Prestress
ON', which ensures the stress stiffness matrix is calculated. This is
required in eigenvalue buckling analysis.
3. Apply Constraints

Solution > Define Loads > Apply > Structural > Displacement > On

Fix Keypoint 1 (ie all DOF constrained).

4. Apply Loads

Solution > Define Loads > Apply > Structural > Force/Moment > On

The eignenvalue solver uses a unit force to determine the

necessary buckling load. Applying a load other than 1 will
scale the answer by a factor of the load.

Apply a vertical (FY) point load of -1 N to the top of the

beam (keypoint 2).
The applied loads and constraints should now appear as shown in
the figure below.

5. Solve the System

Solution > Solve > Current LS


6. Exit the Solution processor

Close the solution menu and click FINISH at the bottom of the Main

Normally at this point you enter the postprocessing phase.

However, with a buckling analysis you must re-enter the solution
phase and specify the buckling analysis. Be sure to close the
solution menu and re-enter it or the buckling analysis may not
function properly.

7. Define Analysis Type

Solution > Analysis Type > New Analysis > Eigen Buckling

8. Specify Buckling Analysis Options

o Select Solution > Analysis Type > Analysis Options
o Complete the window which appears, as shown below. Select 'Block
Lanczos' as an extraction method and extract 1 mode. The 'Block
Lanczos' method is used for large symmetric eigenvalue problems and
uses the sparse matrix solver. The 'Subspace' method could also be used,
however it tends to converge slower as it is a more robust solver. In more
complex analyses the Block Lanczos method may not be adequate and
the Subspace method would have to be used.

9. Solve the System

Solution > Solve > Current LS


10. Exit the Solution processor

Close the solution menu and click FINISH at the bottom of the Main

Again it is necessary to exit and re-enter the solution phase. This

time, however, is for an expansion pass. An expansion pass is
necessary if you want to review the buckled mode shape(s).

11. Expand the solution

o Select Solution > Analysis Type > Expansion Pass...
and ensure that it is on. You may have to select the
'Unabridged Menu' again to make this option visible.
o Select Solution > Load Step Opts > ExpansionPass > Single Expand >
Expand Modes ...
o Complete the following window as shown to expand the first mode
12. Solve the System

Solution > Solve > Current LS


Postprocessing: Viewing the Results

1. View the Buckling Load

To display the minimum load required to buckle the beam select General
Postproc > List Results > Detailed Summary. The value listed under
'TIME/FREQ' is the load (41,123), which is in Newtons for this example.
If more than one mode was selected in the steps above, the corresponding
loads would be listed here as well.

2. Display the Mode Shape

o Select General Postproc > Read Results > Last Set to
bring up the data for the last mode calculated.
o Select General Postproc > Plot Results > Deformed Shape
PART II Non-Linear Buckling Analysis
Ensure that you have completed the NonLinear Tutorial prior to beginning
this portion of the tutorial

Preprocessing: Defining the Problem

1. Open preprocessor menu


2. Give example a Title

Utility Menu > File > Change Title ...

/TITLE, Nonlinear Buckling Analysis

3. Create Keypoints

Preprocessor > Modeling > Create > Keypoints > In Active CS


We are going to define 2 keypoints (the beam vertices) for

this structure to create a beam with a length of 100
Keypoint Coordinates (x,y)
1 (0,0)
2 (0,100)

4. Define Lines

Preprocessor > Modeling > Create > Lines > Lines > Straight Line

Create a line between Keypoint 1 and Keypoint 2.


5. Define Element Types

Preprocessor > Element Type > Add/Edit/Delete...

For this problem we will use the BEAM3 (Beam 2D elastic)

element. This element has 3 degrees of freedom
(translation along the X and Y axis's, and rotation about
the Z axis). With only 3 degrees of freedom, the BEAM3
element can only be used in 2D analysis.

6. Define Real Constants

Preprocessor > Real Constants... > Add...

In the 'Real Constants for BEAM3' window, enter the

following geometric properties:

i. Cross-sectional area AREA: 100

ii. Area Moment of Inertia IZZ: 833.333
iii. Total beam height HEIGHT: 10

This defines an element with a solid rectangular cross

section 10 x 10 millimeters.

7. Define Element Material Properties

Preprocessor > Material Props > Material Models > Structural > Linear >
Elastic > Isotropic

In the window that appears, enter the following geometric

properties for steel:

i. Young's modulus EX: 200e3

ii. Poisson's Ratio PRXY: 0.3
8. Define Mesh Size

Preprocessor > Meshing > Size Cntrls > Lines > All Lines...

For this example we will specify an element edge length of

1 mm (100 element divisions along the line).

9. Mesh the frame

Preprocessor > Meshing > Mesh > Lines > click 'Pick All'

Solution: Assigning Loads and Solving

1. Define Analysis Type

Solution > New Analysis > Static


2. Set Solution Controls

o Select Solution > Analysis Type > Sol'n Control...

The following image will appear:

Ensure the following selections are made under the 'Basic'

tab (as shown above)
A. Ensure Large Static Displacements are permitted
(this will include the effects of large deflection in the
B. Ensure Automatic time stepping is on. Automatic time stepping
allows ANSYS to determine appropriate sizes to break the load
steps into. Decreasing the step size usually ensures better accuracy,
however, this takes time. The Automatic Time Step feature will
determine an appropriate balance. This feature also activates the
ANSYS bisection feature which will allow recovery if
convergence fails.
C. Enter 20 as the number of substeps. This will set the initial substep
to 1/20 th of the total load.
D. Enter a maximum number of substeps of 1000. This stops the
program if the solution does not converge after 1000 steps.
E. Enter a minimum number of substeps of 1.
F. Ensure all solution items are writen to a results file.

Ensure the following selection is made under the

'Nonlinear' tab (as shown below)

G. Ensure Line Search is 'On'. This option is used to help

the Newton-Raphson solver converge.
H. Ensure Maximum Number of Iterations is set to 1000

There are several options which have not been changed
from their default values. For more information about these
commands, type help followed by the command into the
command line.

3. Apply Constraints

Solution > Define Loads > Apply > Structural > Displacement > On

Fix Keypoint 1 (ie all DOFs constrained).

4. Apply Loads

Solution > Define Loads > Apply > Structural > Force/Moment > On

Place a -50,000 N load in the FY direction on the top of the

beam (Keypoint 2). Also apply a -250 N load in the FX
direction on Keypoint 2. This horizontal load will persuade
the beam to buckle at the minimum buckling load.

The model should now look like the window shown below.

5. Solve the System

Solution > Solve > Current LS

The following will appear on your screen for NonLinear Analyses

This shows the convergence of the solution.

General Postprocessing: Viewing the Results

1. View the deformed shape

o To view the element in 2D rather than a line: Utility Menu
> PlotCtrls > Style > Size and Shape and turn 'Display
of element' ON (as shown below).
o General Postproc > Plot Results > Deformed Shape... > Def + undeformed
o View the deflection contour plot

General Postproc > Plot Results > Contour Plot > Nodal Solu... >
DOF solution, UY
Other results can be obtained as shown in previous linear static


This tutorial was completed using ANSYS 7.0 The purpose of the
tutorial is to describe how to include material nonlinearities in an
ANSYS model. For instance, the case when a large force is applied
resulting in a stresses greater than yield strength. In such a case, a
multilinear stress-strain relationship can be included which follows the
stress-strain curve of the material being used. This will allow ANSYS to
more accurately model the plastic deformation of the material.

For this analysis, a simple tension speciment 100 mm X 5 mm X 5 mm

is constrained at the bottom and has a load pulling on the top. This
specimen is made out of a experimental substance called
"WhoKilledKenium". The stress-strain curve for the substance is shown
above. Note the linear section up to approximately 225 MPa where the
Young's Modulus is constant (75 GPa). The material then begins to
yield and the relationship becomes plastic and nonlinear.

Preprocessing: Defining the Problem

1. Give example a Title

Utility Menu > File > Change Title ...

/title, NonLinear Materials
2. Create Keypoints

Preprocessor > Modeling > Create > Keypoints > In Active CS


We are going to define 2 keypoints (the beam vertices) for

this structure to create a beam with a length of 100

Keypoint Coordinates (x,y)

1 (0,0)
2 (0,100)

3. Define Lines

Preprocessor > Modeling > Create > Lines > Lines > Straight Line

Create a line between Keypoint 1 and Keypoint 2.


4. Define Element Types

Preprocessor > Element Type > Add/Edit/Delete...

For this problem we will use the LINK1 (2D spar) element.
This element has 2 degrees of freedom (translation along
the X and Y axis's) and can only be used in 2D analysis.

5. Define Real Constants

Preprocessor > Real Constants... > Add...

In the 'Real Constants for LINK1' window, enter the

following geometric properties:

i. Cross-sectional area AREA: 25

ii. Initial Strain: 0

This defines an element with a solid rectangular cross

section 5 x 5 millimeters.

6. Define Element Material Properties

Preprocessor > Material Props > Material Models > Structural > Linear >
Elastic > Isotropic

In the window that appears, enter the following geometric

properties for steel:

i. Young's modulus EX: 75e3

ii. Poisson's Ratio PRXY: 0.3

Now that the initial properties of the material have been

outlined, the stress-strain data must be included.
Preprocessor > Material Props > Material Models >
Structural > Nonlinear > Elastic > Multilinear Elastic
The following window will pop up.

Fill in the STRAIN and STRESS boxes with the following

data. These are points from the stress-strain curve
shown above, approximating the curve with linear
interpolation between the points. When the data for
the first point is input, click Add Point to add another.
When all the points have been inputed, click Graph to
see the curve. It should look like the one shown
above. Then click OK.
Strain Stress
1 0 0
2 0.001 75
3 0.002 150
4 0.003 225
5 0.004 240
6 0.005 250
7 0.025 300
8 0.060 355
9 0.100 390
10 0.150 420
11 0.200 435
12 0.250 449
13 0.275 450
To get the problem geometry back, select Utility
Menu > Plot > Replot.

7. Define Mesh Size

Preprocessor > Meshing > Manual Size > Size Cntrls > Lines > All

For this example we will specify an element edge length of

5 mm (20 element divisions along the line).

8. Mesh the frame

Preprocessor > Meshing > Mesh > Lines > click 'Pick All'

Solution: Assigning Loads and Solving

1. Define Analysis Type

Solution > New Analysis > Static


2. Set Solution Controls

o Select Solution > Analysis Type > Sol'n Control...
The following image will appear:

Ensure the following selections are made under the 'Basic'

tab (as shown above)

A. Ensure Large Static Displacements are permitted

(this will include the effects of large deflection in the
B. Ensure Automatic time stepping is on. Automatic time stepping
allows ANSYS to determine appropriate sizes to break the load
steps into. Decreasing the step size usually ensures better accuracy,
however, this takes time. The Automatic Time Step feature will
determine an appropriate balance. This feature also activates the
ANSYS bisection feature which will allow recovery if
convergence fails.
C. Enter 20 as the number of substeps. This will set the initial substep
to 1/20 th of the total load.
D. Enter a maximum number of substeps of 1000. This stops the
program if the solution does not converge after 1000 steps.
E. Enter a minimum number of substeps of 1.
F. Ensure all solution items are writen to a results file. This means
rather than just recording the data for the last load step, data for
every load step is written to the database. Therefore, you can plot
certain parameters over time.

Ensure the following selection is made under the

'Nonlinear' tab (as shown below)
G. Ensure Line Search is 'On'. This option is used to help
the Newton-Raphson solver converge.
H. Ensure Maximum Number of Iterations is set to 1000

There are several options which have not been changed
from their default values. For more information about these
commands, type help followed by the command into the
command line.

3. Apply Constraints

Solution > Define Loads > Apply > Structural > Displacement > On

Fix Keypoint 1 (ie all DOFs constrained).

4. Apply Loads

Solution > Define Loads > Apply > Structural > Force/Moment > On

Place a 10,000 N load in the FY direction on the top of the

beam (Keypoint 2).

5. Solve the System

Solution > Solve > Current LS

The following will appear on your screen for NonLinear Analyses

This shows the convergence of the solution.

General Postprocessing: Viewing the Results

1. To view the element in 2D rather than a line: Utility Menu >

PlotCtrls > Style > Size and Shape and turn 'Display of
element' ON (as shown below).
2. View the deflection contour plot

General Postproc > Plot Results > Contour Plot > Nodal Solu... > DOF
solution, UY
Other results can be obtained as shown in previous linear static
This tutorial was created using ANSYS 7.0 The purpose of this tutorial is
to outline the steps required to do a simple modal analysis of the
cantilever beam shown below.

Preprocessing: Defining the Problem

The simple cantilever beam is used in all of the Dynamic Analysis
Tutorials. If you haven't created the model in ANSYS, please use the
links below. Both the command line codes and the GUI commands are shown
in the respective links.

Solution: Assigning Loads and Solving

1. Define Analysis Type

Solution > Analysis Type > New Analysis > Modal


2. Set options for analysis type:

o Select: Solution > Analysis Type > Analysis Options..

The following window will appear

o As shown, select the Subspace method and enter 5 in the 'No. of modes to
o Check the box beside 'Expand mode shapes' and enter 5 in the 'No. of
modes to expand'
o Click 'OK'

Note that the default mode extraction method chosen is

the Reduced Method. This is the fastest method as it
reduces the system matrices to only consider the Master
Degrees of Freedom (see below). The Subspace Method
extracts modes for all DOF's. It is therefore more exact but,
it also takes longer to compute (especially when the
complex geometries).

o The following window will then appear

For a better understanding of these options see the
Commands manual.

o For this problem, we will use the default options so click on OK.
3. Apply Constraints

Solution > Define Loads > Apply > Structural > Displacement > On

Fix Keypoint 1 (ie all DOFs constrained).

4. Solve the System

Solution > Solve > Current LS


Postprocessing: Viewing the Results

1. Verify extracted modes against theoretical predictions
o Select: General Postproc > Results Summary...

The following window will appear

The following table compares the mode frequencies in Hz

predicted by theory and ANSYS.

Mode Theory ANSYS Percent Error

1 8.311 8.300 0.1
2 51.94 52.01 0.2
3 145.68 145.64 0.0
4 285.69 285.51 0.0
5 472.22 472.54 0.1

Note: To obtain accurate higher mode frequencies, this

mesh would have to be refined even more (i.e. instead of
10 elements, we would have to model the cantilever using
15 or more elements depending upon the highest mode
frequency of interest).

2. View Mode Shapes

o Select: General Postproc > Read Results > First Set

This selects the results for the first mode shape

o Select General Postproc > Plot Results > Deformed shape . Select 'Def
+ undef edge'
The first mode shape will now appear in the graphics

o To view the next mode shape, select General Postproc > Read Results >
Next Set . As above choose General Postproc > Plot Results >
Deformed shape . Select 'Def + undef edge'.
o The first four mode shapes should look like the following:

3. Animate Mode Shapes

o Select Utility Menu (Menu at the top) > Plot Ctrls >
Animate > Mode Shape

The following window will appear

o Keep the default setting and click 'OK'
o The animated mode shapes are shown below.
 Mode 1

 Mode 2
 Mode 3

 Mode 4
Using the Reduced Method for Modal
This method employs the use of Master Degrees of Freedom. These are
degrees of freedom that govern the dynamic characteristics of a
structure. For example, the Master Degrees of Freedom for the
bending modes of cantilever beam are

For this option, a detailed understanding of the dynamic behavior of a

structure is required. However, going this route means a smaller
(reduced) stiffness matrix, and thus faster calculations.
The steps for using this option are quite simple.

• Instead of specifying the Subspace method, select the

Reduced method and specify 5 modes for extraction.
• Complete the window as shown below
Note:For this example both the number of modes and frequency
range was specified. ANSYS then extracts the minimum number
of modes between the two.

• Select Solution > Master DOF > User Selected > Define
• When prompted, select all nodes except the left most node (fixed).

The following window will appear:

• Select UY as the 1st degree of freedom (shown above).

The same constraints are used as above.

The following table compares the mode frequencies in Hz predicted by

theory and ANSYS (Reduced).
Mode Theory ANSYS Percent Error
1 8.311 8.300 0.1
2 51.94 52.01 0.1
3 145.68 145.66 0.0
4 285.69 285.71 0.0
5 472.22 473.66 0.3
As you can see, the error does not change significantly. However, for
more complex structures, larger errors would be expected using the
reduced method

This tutorial was created using ANSYS 7.0 The purpose of this tutorial is
to explain the steps required to perform Harmonic analysis the
cantilever beam shown below.
We will now conduct a harmonic forced response test by applying a
cyclic load (harmonic) at the end of the beam. The frequency of the
load will be varied from 1 - 100 Hz. The figure below depicts the beam
with the application of the load.

ANSYS provides 3 methods for conducting a harmonic analysis. These

3 methods are the Full , Reduced and Modal Superposition
This example demonstrates the Full method because it is simple and
easy to use as compared to the other two methods. However, this
method makes use of the full stiffness and mass matrices and thus is
the slower and costlier option.

Preprocessing: Defining the Problem

The simple cantilever beam is used in all of the Dynamic Analysis
Tutorials. If you haven't created the model in ANSYS, please use the
links below. Both the command line codes and the GUI commands are shown
in the respective links.

Solution: Assigning Loads and Solving

1. Define Analysis Type (Harmonic)

Solution > Analysis Type > New Analysis > Harmonic


2. Set options for analysis type:

o Select: Solution > Analysis Type > Analysis Options..

The following window will appear

o As shown, select the Full Solution method, the Real + imaginary DOF
printout format and do not use lumped mass approx.
o Click 'OK'

The following window will appear. Use the default settings

(shown below).
3. Apply Constraints
o Select Solution > Define Loads > Apply > Structural
> Displacement > On Nodes

The following window will appear once you select the node
at x=0 (Note small changes in the window compared to the
static examples):

o Constrain all DOF as shown in the above window

4. Apply Loads:
o Select Solution > Define Loads > Apply > Structural
> Force/Moment > On Nodes
o Select the node at x=1 (far right)
o The following window will appear. Fill it in as shown to apply a load with
a real value of 100 and an imaginary value of 0 in the positive 'y' direction
Note: By specifying a real and imaginary value of the load
we are providing information on magnitude and phase of
the load. In this case the magnitude of the load is 100 N
and its phase is 0. Phase information is important when
you have two or more cyclic loads being applied to the
structure as these loads could be in or out of phase. For
harmonic analysis, all loads applied to a structure must

5. Set the frequency range

o Select Solution > Load Step Opts > Time/Frequency
> Freq and Substps...
o As shown in the window below, specify a frequency range of 0 - 100Hz,
100 substeps and stepped b.c..

By doing this we will be subjecting the beam to loads at 1

Hz, 2 Hz, 3 Hz, ..... 100 Hz. We will specify a stepped
boundary condition (KBC) as this will ensure that the same
amplitude (100 N) will be applyed for each of the
frequencies. The ramped option, on the other hand, would
ramp up the amplitude where at 1 Hz the amplitude would
be 1 N and at 100 Hz the amplitude would be 100 N.

You should now have the following in the ANSYS Graphics

6. Solve the System

Solution > Solve > Current LS


Postprocessing: Viewing the Results

We want to observe the response at x=1 (where the load was applyed)
as a function of frequency. We cannot do this with General
PostProcessing (POST1), rather we must use TimeHist
PostProcessing (POST26). POST26 is used to observe certain
variables as a function of either time or frequency.

1. Open the TimeHist Processing (POST26) Menu

Select TimeHist Postpro from the ANSYS Main Menu.

2. Define Variables

In here we have to define variables that we want to see plotted.

By default, Variable 1 is assigned either Time or Frequency. In
our case it is assigned Frequency. We want to see the
displacement UY at the node at x=1, which is node #2. (To get a
list of nodes and their attributes, select Utility Menu > List >

o Select TimeHist Postpro > Variable Viewer... and the

following window should pop up.
o Select Add (the green '+' sign in the upper left corner) from this window
and the following window should appear
o We are interested in the Nodal Solution > DOF Solution > Y-
Component of displacement. Click OK.
o Graphically select node 2 when prompted and click OK. The 'Time
History Variables' window should now look as follows

3. List Stored Variables

o In the 'Time History Variables' window click the 'List'
button, 3 buttons to the left of 'Add'

The following window will appear listing the data:

4. Plot UY vs. frequency
o In the 'Time History Variables' window click the 'Plot'
button, 2 buttons to the left of 'Add'

The following graph should be plotted in the main ANSYS


Note that we get peaks at frequencies of approximately 8.3

and 51 Hz. This corresponds with the predicted frequencies
of 8.311 and 51.94Hz.

To get a better view of the response, view the log scale of


o Select Utility Menu > PlotCtrls > Style > Graphs > Modify Axis

The following window will appear

o As marked by an 'A' in the above window, change the Y-axis scale to
o Select Utility Menu > Plot > Replot
o You should now see the following
This is the response at node 2 for the cyclic load applied at
this node from 0 - 100 Hz.

o For ANSYS version lower than 7.0, the 'Variable Viewer' window is not
available. Use the 'Define Variables' and 'Store Data' functions under
TimeHist Postpro. See the help file for instructions
This tutorial was created using ANSYS 7.0 The purpose of this tutorial is
to show the steps involved to perform a simple transient analysis.

Transient dynamic analysis is a technique used to determine the

dynamic response of a structure under a time-varying load.
The time frame for this type of analysis is such that inertia or damping
effects of the structure are considered to be important. Cases where
such effects play a major role are under step or impulse loading
conditions, for example, where there is a sharp load change in a
fraction of time.
If inertia effects are negligible for the loading conditions being
considered, a static analysis may be used instead.
For our case, we will impact the end of the beam with an impulse force
and view the response at the location of impact.

Since an ideal impulse force excites all modes of a structure, the

response of the beam should contain all mode frequencies. However,
we cannot produce an ideal impulse force numerically. We have to
apply a load over a discrete amount of time dt.

After the application of the load, we track the response of the beam at
discrete time points for as long as we like (depending on what it is that
we are looking for in the response).
The size of the time step is governed by the maximum mode frequency
of the structure we wish to capture. The smaller the time step, the
higher the mode frequency we will capture. The rule of thumb in
time_step = 1 / 20f
where f is the highestmode frequency we wish to capture. In other
words, we must resolve our step size such that we will have 20
discrete points per period of the highest mode frequency.
It should be noted that a transient analysis is more involved
than a static or harmonic analysis. It requires a good
understanding of the dynamic behavior of a structure.
Therefore, a modal analysis of the structure should be initially
performed to provide information about the structure's
dynamic behavior.
In ANSYS, transient dynamic analysis can be carried out using 3

• The Full Method: This is the easiest method to use. All types of
non-linearities are allowed. It is however very CPU intensive to go
this route as full system matrices are used.
• The Reduced Method: This method reduces the system matrices to only consider
the Master Degrees of Freedom (MDOFs). Because of the reduced size of the
matrices, the calculations are much quicker. However, this method handles only
linear problems (such as our cantilever case).
• The Mode Superposition Method: This method requires a preliminary modal
analysis, as factored mode shapes are summed to calculate the structure's
response. It is the quickest of the three methods, but it requires a good deal of
understanding of the problem at hand.
We will use the Reduced Method for conducting our transient
analysis. Usually one need not go further than Reviewing the Reduced
Results. However, if stresses and forces are of interest than, we would
have to Expand the Reduced Solution.

Preprocessing: Defining the Problem

The simple cantilever beam is used in all of the Dynamic Analysis
Tutorials. If you haven't created the model in ANSYS, please use the
links below. Both the command line codes and the GUI commands are shown
in the respective links.

Solution: Assigning Loads and Solving

1. Define Analysis Type
o Select Solution > Analysis Type > New Analysis >
o The following window will appear. Select 'Reduced' as shown.

2. Define Master DOFs

o Select Solution > Master DOFs > User Selected >
o Select all nodes except the left most node (at x=0).

The following window will open, choose UY as the first dof

in this window
For an explanation on Master DOFs, see the section on
Using the Reduced Method for modal analysis.

3. Constrain the Beam

Solution Menu > Define Loads > Apply > Structural > Displacement > On

Fix the left most node (constrain all DOFs).

4. Apply Loads

We will define our impulse load using Load Steps. The following
time history curve shows our load steps and time steps. Note
that for the reduced method, a constant time step is required
throughout the time range.

We can define each load step (load and time at the end of load
segment) and save them in a file for future solution purposes.
This is highly recommended especially when we have many load
steps and we wish to re-run our solution.
We can also solve for each load step after we define it. We will
go ahead and save each load step in a file for later use, at the
same time solve for each load step after we are done defining it.

a. Load Step 1 - Initial Conditions

i. Define Load Step

We need to establish initial conditions (the condition

at Time = 0). Since the equations for a transient
dynamic analysis are of second order, two sets of
initial conditions are required; initial displacement
and initial velocity. However, both default to zero.
Therefore, for this example we can skip this step.

ii. Specify Time and Time Step Options

 Select Solution > Load Step Opts >
Time/Frequenc > Time - Time Step ..
 set a time of 0 for the end of the load
step (as shown below).
 set [DELTIM] to 0.001. This will specify a
time step size of 0.001 seconds to be
used for this load step.
iii. Write Load Step File
 Select Solution > Load Step Opts > Write
LS File

The following window will appear

 Enter LSNUM = 1 as shown above and click 'OK'

The load step will be saved in a file

b. Load Step 2
i. Define Load Step
 Select Solution > Define Loads > Apply >
Structural > Force/Moment > On Nodes
and select the right most node (at x=1). Enter
a force in the FY direction of value -100 N.
ii. Specify Time and Time Step Options
 Select Solution > Load Step Opts >
Time/Frequenc > Time - Time Step .. and
set a time of 0.001 for the end of the load step
iii. Write Load Step File

Solution > Load Step Opts > Write LS File

Enter LSNUM = 2

c. Load Step 3
i. Define Load Step
 Select Solution > Define Loads > Delete >
Structural > Force/Moment > On Nodes
and delete the load at x=1.
ii. Specify Time and Time Step Options
 Select Solution > Load Step Opts >
Time/Frequenc > Time - Time Step .. and
set a time of 1 for the end of the load step
iii. Write Load Step File

Solution > Load Step Opts > Write LS File

Enter LSNUM = 3

2. Solve the System

o Select Solution > Solve > From LS Files

The following window will appear.

o Complete the window as shown above to solve using LS files 1 to 3.

Postprocessing: Viewing the Results

To view the response of node 2 (UY) with time we must use the
TimeHist PostProcessor (POST26).

1. Define Variables

In here we have to define variables that we want to see plotted.

By default, Variable 1 is assigned either Time or Frequency. In
our case it is assigned Frequency. We want to see the
displacement UY at the node at x=1, which is node #2. (To get a
list of nodes and their attributes, select Utility Menu > List >

o Select TimeHist Postpro > Variable Viewer... and the

following window should pop up.
o Select Add (the green '+' sign in the upper left corner) from this window
and the following window should appear
o We are interested in the Nodal Solution > DOF Solution > Y-
Component of displacement. Click OK.
o Graphically select node 2 when prompted and click OK. The 'Time
History Variables' window should now look as follows

2. List Stored Variables

o In the 'Time History Variables' window click the 'List'
button, 3 buttons to the left of 'Add'

The following window will appear listing the data:

3. Plot UY vs. frequency
o In the 'Time History Variables' window click the 'Plot'
button, 2 buttons to the left of 'Add'

The following graph should be plotted in the main ANSYS


A few things to note in the response curve

 There are approximately 8 cycles in one second. This

is the first mode of the cantilever beam and we have
been able to capture it.
 We also see another response at a higher frequency. We may have
captured some response at the second mode at 52 Hz of the beam.
 Note that the response does not decay as it should not. We did not
specify damping for our system.

Expand the Solution

For most problems, one need not go further than Reviewing the
Reduced Results as the response of the structure is of utmost
interest in transient dynamic analysis.
However, if stresses and forces are of interest, we would have to
expand the reduced solution.
Let's say we are interested in the beam's behaviour at peak
responses. We should then expand a few or all solutions around
one peak (or dip). We will expand 10 solutions within the range
of 0.08 and 0.11 seconds.

1. Expand the solution

o Select Finish in the ANSYS Main Menu
o Select Solution > Analysis Type > ExpansionPass... and switch it to ON
in the window that pops open.
o Select Solution > Load Step Opts > ExpansionPass > Single Expand >
Range of Solu's
o Complete the window as shown below. This will expand 10 solutions
withing the range of 0.08 and 0.11 seconds

2. Solve the System

Solution > Solve > Current LS


3. Review the results in POST1

Review the results using either General Postprocessing (POST1) or

TimeHist Postprocessing (POST26). For this case, we can view the
deformed shape at each of the 10 solutions we expanded


This tutorial was created using ANSYS 7.0 to solve a simple conduction problem.
The Simple Conduction Example is constrained as shown in the
following figure. Thermal conductivity (k) of the material is 10 W/m*C
and the block is assumed to be infinitely long.

Preprocessing: Defining the Problem

1. Give example a Title
2. Open preprocessor menu

ANSYS Main Menu > Preprocessor


3. Create geometry

Preprocessor > Modeling > Create > Areas > Rectangle > By 2 Corners >
X=0, Y=0, Width=1, Height=1
4. Define the Type of Element

Preprocessor > Element Type > Add/Edit/Delete... > click 'Add' > Select
Thermal Mass Solid, Quad 4Node 55

For this example, we will use PLANE55 (Thermal Solid, Quad

4node 55). This element has 4 nodes and a single DOF
(temperature) at each node. PLANE55 can only be used for 2
dimensional steady-state or transient thermal analysis.

5. Element Material Properties

Preprocessor > Material Props > Material Models > Thermal >
Conductivity > Isotropic > KXX = 10 (Thermal conductivity)

6. Mesh Size

Preprocessor > Meshing > Size Cntrls > ManualSize > Areas > All Areas
> 0.05

7. Mesh

Preprocessor > Meshing > Mesh > Areas > Free > Pick All

Solution Phase: Assigning Loads and

1. Define Analysis Type

Solution > Analysis Type > New Analysis > Steady-State


2. Apply Constraints

For thermal problems, constraints can be in the form of

Temperature, Heat Flow, Convection, Heat Flux, Heat
Generation, or Radiation. In this example, all 4 sides of the block
have fixed temperatures.
o Solution > Define Loads > Apply
Note that all of the -Structural- options cannot be selected.
This is due to the type of element (PLANE55) selected.
o Thermal > Temperature > On Nodes
o Click the Box option (shown below) and draw a box around the nodes on
the top line.

The following window will appear:

o Fill the window in as shown to constrain the side to a constant temperature
of 500
o Using the same method, constrain the remaining 3 sides to a constant
value of 100

Orange triangles in the graphics window indicate the

temperature contraints.

3. Solve the System

Solution > Solve > Current LS


Postprocessing: Viewing the Results

1. Results Using ANSYS

Plot Temperature

General Postproc > Plot Results > Contour Plot > Nodal Solu ... > DOF
solution, Temperature TEMP

Note that due to the manner in which the boundary contitions

were applied, the top corners are held at a temperature of 100.
Recall that the nodes on the top of the plate were constrained
first, followed by the side and bottom constraints. The top corner
nodes were therefore first constrained at 500C, then
'overwritten' when the side constraints were applied. Decreasing
the mesh size can minimize this effect, however, one must be
aware of the limitations in the results at the corners

This tutorial was created using ANSYS 7.0 to solve simple thermal examples. Analysis
of a simple conduction as well a mixed conduction/convection/insulation problem will be
The Mixed Convection/Conduction/Insulated Boundary Conditions
Example is constrained as shown in the following figure (Note that the
section is assumed to be infinitely long):
Preprocessing: Defining the Problem
1. Give example a Title
2. Open preprocessor menu

ANSYS Main Menu > Preprocessor


3. Create geometry

Preprocessor > Modeling > Create > Areas > Rectangle > By 2 Corners >
X=0, Y=0, Width=1, Height=1

4. Define the Type of Element

Preprocessor > Element Type > Add/Edit/Delete... > click 'Add' > Select
Thermal Mass Solid, Quad 4Node 55

As in the conduction example, we will use PLANE55 (Thermal

Solid, Quad 4node 55). This element has 4 nodes and a single
DOF (temperature) at each node. PLANE55 can only be used for
2 dimensional steady-state or transient thermal analysis.

5. Element Material Properties

Preprocessor > Material Props > Material Models > Thermal >
Conductivity > Isotropic > KXX = 10

This will specify a thermal conductivity of 10 W/m*C.

6. Mesh Size

Preprocessor > Meshing > Size Cntrls > ManualSize > Areas > All Areas
> 0.05

7. Mesh

Preprocessor > Meshing > Mesh > Areas > Free > Pick All

Solution Phase: Assigning Loads and

1. Define Analysis Type

Solution > Analysis Type > New Analysis > Steady-State


2. Apply Conduction Constraints

In this example, all 2 sides of the block have fixed temperatures,

while convection occurs on the other 2 sides.

o Solution > Define Loads > Apply > Thermal >

Temperature > On Lines
o Select the top line of the block and constrain it to a constant value of 500
o Using the same method, constrain the left side of the block to a constant
value of 100 C
3. Apply Convection Boundary Conditions
o Solution > Define Loads > Apply > Thermal >
Convection > On Lines
o Select the right side of the block.

The following window will appear:

o Fill in the window as shown. This will specify a convection of 10 W/m2*C
and an ambient temperature of 100 degrees Celcius. Note that VALJ and
VAL2J have been left blank. This is because we have uniform convection
across the line.
4. Apply Insulated Boundary Conditions
o Solution > Define Loads > Apply > Thermal >
Convection > On Lines
o Select the bottom of the block.
o Enter a constant Film coefficient (VALI) of 0. This will eliminate
convection through the side, thereby modeling an insulated wall. Note:
you do not need to enter a Bulk (or ambient) temperature

You should obtain the following:

5. Solve the System

Solution > Solve > Current LS


Postprocessing: Viewing the Results

1. Results Using ANSYS

Plot Temperature

General Postproc > Plot Results > Contour Plot > Nodal Solu ... > DOF
solution, Temperature TEMP
This tutorial was created using ANSYS 7.0 to solve a simple transient conduction
problem. Special thanks to Jesse Arnold for the analytical solution shown at the end of
the tutorial.
The example is constrained as shown in the following figure. Thermal
conductivity (k) of the material is 5 W/m*K and the block is assumed to
be infinitely long. Also, the density of the material is 920 kg/m^3 and
the specific heat capacity (c) is 2.040 kJ/kg*K.
It is beneficial if the Thermal-Conduction tutorial is completed first to
compare with this solution.

Preprocessing: Defining the Problem

1. Give example a Title

Utility Menu > File > Change Title...

/Title,Transient Thermal Conduction

2. Open preprocessor menu

ANSYS Main Menu > Preprocessor


3. Create geometry
Preprocessor > Modeling > Create > Areas > Rectangle > By 2 Corners
X=0, Y=0, Width=1, Height=1

4. Define the Type of Element

Preprocessor > Element Type > Add/Edit/Delete... > click 'Add' > Select
Thermal Mass Solid, Quad 4Node 55

For this example, we will use PLANE55 (Thermal Solid,

Quad 4node 55). This element has 4 nodes and a single
DOF (temperature) at each node. PLANE55 can only be
used for 2 dimensional steady-state or transient thermal

5. Element Material Properties

Preprocessor > Material Props > Material Models > Thermal >
Conductivity > Isotropic > KXX = 5 (Thermal conductivity)

Preprocessor > Material Props > Material Models > Thermal > Specific
Heat > C = 2.04

Preprocessor > Material Props > Material Models > Thermal > Density >
DENS = 920

6. Mesh Size

Preprocessor > Meshing > Size Cntrls > ManualSize > Areas > All Areas
> 0.05

7. Mesh

Preprocessor > Meshing > Mesh > Areas > Free > Pick All

At this point, the model should look like the following:

Solution Phase: Assigning Loads and
1. Define Analysis Type

Solution > Analysis Type > New Analysis > Transient


The window shown below will pop up. We will use the
defaults, so click OK.
2. Set Solution Controls

Solution > Analysis Type > Sol'n Controls

The following window will pop up.

A) Set Time at end of loadstep to 300 and Automatic time stepping

to ON.
B) Set Number of substeps to 20, Max no. of substeps to 100, Min
no. of substeps to 20.
C) Set the Frequency to Write every substep.

Click on the NonLinear tab at the top and fill it in as shown

D) Set Line search to ON .

E) Set the Maximum number of iterations to 100.

For a complete description of what these options do, refer

to the help file. Basically, the time at the end of the load
step is how long the transient analysis will run and the
number of substeps defines how the load is broken up. By
writing the data at every step, you can create animations
over time and the other options help the problem converge

3. Apply Constraints

For thermal problems, constraints can be in the form of

Temperature, Heat Flow, Convection, Heat Flux, Heat
Generation, or Radiation. In this example, 2 sides of the block
have fixed temperatures and the other two are insulated.

o Solution > Define Loads > Apply

Note that all of the -Structural- options cannot be selected.
This is due to the type of element (PLANE55) selected.
o Thermal > Temperature > On Nodes
o Click the Box option (shown below) and draw a box around the nodes on
the top line and then click OK.

The following window will appear:

o Fill the window in as shown to constrain the top to a constant temperature

of 500 K
o Using the same method, constrain the bottom line to a constant value of
100 K
Orange triangles in the graphics window indicate the
temperature contraints.

4. Apply Initial Conditions

Solution > Define Loads > Apply > Initial Condit'n > Define > Pick All

Fill in the IC window as follows to set the initial

temperature of the material to 100 K:

5. Solve the System

Solution > Solve > Current LS


Postprocessing: Viewing the Results

1. Results Using ANSYS

Plot Temperature

General Postproc > Plot Results > Contour Plot > Nodal Solu ... > DOF
solution, Temperature TEMP
Animate Results Over Time

o First, specify the contour range.

Utility Menu > PlotCtrls > Style > Contours >

Uniform Contours...

Fill in the window as shown, with 8 contours, user

specified, from 100 to 500.
o Then animate the data.

Utility Menu > PlotCtrls > Animate > Over Time...

Fill in the following window as shown (20 frames, 0 -

300 Time Range, Auto contour scaling OFF, DOF
solution > TEMP)
You can see how the temperature rises over the area over time.
The heat flows from the higher temperature to the lower
temperature constraints as expected. Also, you can see how it
reaches equilibrium when the time reaches approximately 200
seconds. Shown below are analytical and ANSYS generated
temperature vs time curves for the center of the block. As can be
seen, the curves are practically identical, thus the validity of the
ANSYS simulation has been proven.

Analytical Solution
ANSYS Generated Solution

Time History Postprocessing: Viewing the Results

1. Creating the Temperature vs. Time Graph

o Select: Main Menu > TimeHist Postpro. The following
window should open automatically.
If it does not open automatically, select Main Menu >
TimeHist Postpro > Variable Viewer

o Click the add button in the upper left corner of the window to add a
o Select Nodal Solution > DOF Solution > Temperature (as shown
below) and click OK. Pick the center node on the mesh, node 261, and
click OK in the 'Node for Data' window.

o The Time History Variables window should now look like this:
2. Graph Results over Time
o Ensure TEMP_2 in the Time History Variables window is
o Click the graphing button in the Time History Variables window.
o The labels on the plot are not updated by ANSYS, so you must change
them manually. Select Utility Menu > Plot Ctrls > Style > Graphs >
Modify Axes and re-label the X and Y-axis appropriately.
Note how this plot does not exactly match the plot shown
above. This is because the solution has not completely
converged. To cause the solution to converge, one of two
things can be done: decrease the mesh size or increase the
number of substeps used in the transient analysis. From
experience, reducing the mesh size will do little in this
case, as the mesh is adequate to capture the response.
Instead, increasing the number of substeps from say 20 to
300, will cause the solution to converge. This will greatly
increase the computational time required though, which is
why only 20 substeps are used in this tutorial. Twenty
substeps gives an adequate and quick approximation of
the solution.


This tutorial was created using ANSYS 7.0 The purpose of this tutorial is
to outline the steps required to view cross sectional results
(Deformation, Stress, etc.) of the following example.

Preprocessing: Defining the Problem

1. Give example a Title

Utility Menu > File > Change Title ...

/title, Cross-Sectional Results of a Simple Cantilever Beam

2. Open preprocessor menu

ANSYS Main Menu > Preprocessor


3. Create Block

Preprocessor > Modeling > Create > Volumes > Block > By 2 Corners &

Where: Width: 40mm

Height: 60mm
Length: 400mm

4. Define the Type of Element

Preprocessor > Element Type > Add/Edit/Delete...

For this problem we will use the SOLID45 (3D Structural

Solid) element. This element has 8 nodes each with 3
degrees of freedom (translation along the X, Y and Z

5. Define Element Material Properties

Preprocessor > Material Props > Material Models > Structural > Linear >
Elastic > Isotropic

In the window that appears, enter the following geometric

properties for steel:

i. Young's modulus EX: 200000

ii. Poisson's Ratio PRXY: 0.3
6. Define Mesh Size

Preprocessor > Meshing > Size Cntrls > ManualSize > Global > Size

For this example we will use an element size of 20mm.

7. Mesh the volume

Preprocessor > Meshing > Mesh > Volumes > Free > click 'Pick All'

Solution: Assigning Loads and Solving

1. Define Analysis Type

Solution > Analysis Type > New Analysis > Static


2. Apply Constraints

Solution > Define Loads > Apply > Structural > Displacement > On Areas

Fix the left hand side (should be labeled Area 1).

3. Apply Loads
Solution > Define Loads > Apply > Structural > Force/Moment > On
Apply a load of 2500N downward on the back right hand keypoint
(Keypoint #7).

4. Solve the System

Solution > (-Solve-) Current LS


Postprocessing: Viewing the Results

Now since the purpose of this tutorial is to observe results within
different cross-sections of the colume, we will first outline the steps
required to view a slice.

• Offset the working plane for a cross section view (WPOFFS)

• Select the TYPE of display for the section(/TYPE). For this example we are
trying to display a section, therefore, options 1, 5, or 8 are relevant and are
summarized in the table below.
Type Description Visual Representation

Section display. Only the selected

section is shown without any
or (1)
remaining faces or edges shown

Capped hidden diplay. This is as

CAP though you have cut off a portion of
or (5) the model and the remaining model
can be seen

QSLICE Z-buffered display. This is

the same as SECT but the outline of
or (8)
the entire model is shown.

• Align the cutting plane with the working plane(/CPLANE)

1. Deflection
Before we begin selecting cross sections, let's view deflection of
the entire model.

o Select: General Postproc > Plot Results > Contour

Plot > Nodal Solu

From this one may wish to view several cross sections

through the YZ plane.

To illustrate how to take a cross section, let's take one halfway

through the beam in the YZ plane

o First, offset the working plane to the desired position,

halfway through the beam
Select: Utility Menu > WorkPlane > Offset WP by
In the window that appears, increase Global X to 30
(Width/2) and rotate Y by +90 degrees
o Select the type of plot and align the cutting plane with the working plane
(Note that in GUI, these two steps are combined)
Select: Utility Menu > PlotCtrls > Style > Hidden-Line Options

Fill in the window that appears as shown below to select

/TYPE=ZQSL and /CPLANE=Working Plane
As desired, you should now have the following:

This can be repeated for any slice, however, note that the
command lines required to do the same are as follows:

WPOFFS,Width/2,0,0 ! Offset the working plane for cross-

section view
WPROTA,0,0,90 ! Rotate the working plane
/CPLANE,1 ! Cutting plane defined to use the WP

Also note that to realign the working plane with the active
coordinate system, simply use: WPCSYS,-1,0

2. Equivalent Stress

Again, let's view stresses within the entire model.

First we need to realign the working plane with the active

coordinate system. Select: Utility Menu > WorkPlane >
Align WP with > Active Coord Sys (NOTE: To check the
position of the WP, select Utility Menu > WorkPlane >
Show WP Status)

Next we need to change /TYPE to the default setting(no

hidden or section operations). Select: Utility Menu >
PlotCtrls > Style > Hidden Line Options... And change
the 'Type of Plot' to 'Non-hidden'

o Select: General Postproc > Plot Results > Contour

Plot > Nodal Solu > Stress > von Mises
Let's say that we want to take a closer look at the base of
the beam through the XY plane. Because it is much easier,
we are going to use command line:

WPOFFS,0,0,1/16*Length ! Offset the working plane

/CPLANE,1 ! Cutting plane defined to use the WP
/TYPE,1,5 ! Use the capped hidden display

Note that we did not need to rotate the WP because we

want to look at the XY plane which is the default). Also
note that we are using the capped hidden display this time.
You should now see the following:

3. Animation

Now, for something a little more impressive, let's show an

animation of the Von Mises stress through the beam.
Unfortunately, the ANSYS commands are not as user friendly as
they could be... but please bear with me.

o Select: Utility Menu > PlotCtrls > Animate > Q-Slice

o In the window that appears, just change the Item to be contoured to 'Stress'
'von Mises'
o You will then be asked to select 3 nodes; the origin, the sweep direction,
and the Y axis. In the graphics window, select the node at the origin of the
coordinate system as the origin of the sweep (the sweep will start there).
Next, the sweep direction is in the Z direction, so select any node in the z
direction (parallel to the first node). Finally, select the node in the back,
bottom left hand side corner as the Y axis.

You should now see an animated version of the contour

slices through the beam. For more information on how to
modify the animation, type help ancut into the command

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