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Cat® Product Information

Product Bulletin
January 2020

Cat® MineStar™ Health

Equipment Insights —
Technician Toolbox
Surface & Underground
Mining Applications

For Internal Cat and Cat Dealer Personnel

This document supplements information in the Specalog. Marketing content will
be available only on secured dealer extranets and by accessing the PDF in the
Electronic Sales Library.
Table of Contents

Marketing ................................................................................................................................................................... 3
• Key Message
• Key Features
• Product Positioning
• Health Product Comparison
• Customer Segmentation
• Role of the Dealer
Pricing ....................................................................................................................................................................... 10

Sales Support ............................................................................................................................................................ 11 U

Hardware Requirements ........................................................................................................................................... 12 U

Machine Configuration Capability ............................................................................................................................. 13 U

Service Reporting Capability...................................................................................................................................... 13 U

Enrollment Process ................................................................................................................................................... 14 U

• Email signed purchase agreement and End User License Agreement

• Ensure active CWS account
• Subscribe to Technician Toolbox
• Download Technician Toolbox software and installation manual
• Install Technician Toolbox Software
• Complete Log-In
Training ..................................................................................................................................................................... 18
User Manual.............................................................................................................................................................. 18
Product Support ........................................................................................................................................................ 18
End User License Agreement ..................................................................................................................................... 18
Disable File Sync ........................................................................................................................................................ 18
Data Protection ......................................................................................................................................................... 19
Other Original Equipment Manufacturers ................................................................................................................. 19
Commercial Contact .................................................................................................................................................. 19

2 Cat® MineStar™ Health Equipment Insights — Technician Toolbox Jan 2020


Key Message Key Features

The Right Tool for the Job More Reliable Machine Connection
New software architecture means a more reliable
Adjusting machine configurations, monitoring machine connection, so you can get machines
machine parameters and analyzing data are all back to work faster.
critical aspects of a service technician’s day-to-
day activities. And what counts is getting the User-Friendly Design
machine up and running as quickly as possible. Technician Toolbox has been designed from the
ground up using modern application development
With Health Equipment Insights — Technician standards for an enhanced user experience.
Toolbox, you have the right tool to get the job
done fast. Advanced Interactive Reporting
With customizable widgets and dashboards —
Technician Toolbox is a next-generation service powered by MineStar Health Equipment Insights
and diagnostics tool enabling technicians to — users can easily and clearly see relevant
perform individual machine configurations on the machine health information, allowing for quick
spot and review data through a customizable and diagnosis and resolution of issues.
user-friendly dashboard.
Integration with Cat Cloud
The software enables service technicians to Users have the option to directly upload data to
perform machine configurations, such as payload Cat Cloud for visualization in MineStar Health
system calibration, and configuration file upload. Equipment Insights.
In addition, users can trigger snapshots and
activate dataloggers to gather critical machine
health data.

Technician Toolbox also provides users quick

access to the most relevant machine information
and parameters through a dynamic widget-based
dashboard. This feature allows your service
technicians to ensure machines and operators
conform to recommended operating parameters,
which can help prevent failure and costly
downtime, as well as increase safety.

Jan 2020 Cat® MineStar™ Health Equipment Insights — Technician Toolbox 3


Product Positioning

Health Equipment Insights – Technician Toolbox The software is available for customer purchase
is a product within the MineStar™ Health but is primarily intended for dealer use.
product portfolio. It is a PC software application Technician Toolbox’s commercial model changed
that was developed to replace VIMSpc due to from that of VIMSpc. The application is now sold
technical obsolescence. on a per laptop basis, and a yearly charge is
incurred per laptop upon installation of the
Caterpillar positions Technician Toolbox as a software.
service rather than a data reporting tool, i.e. the
software is primarily intended to be a tool for As explained above, Technician Toolbox is
service technicians to perform machine replacing VIMSpc. As such, VIMSpc is no
configuration and troubleshooting. It enables longer sold and product support will cease as of
users to trigger snapshots and activate April 1, 2020.
dataloggers to gather critical machine health data,
and it is the only program that facilitates Technician Toolbox also provides the ability to
configuration file uploads for TPMS 68K, VIMS upload VIMS data to the Cat cloud and can be
68K, TPMS ABL, VIMS ABL, VIMS 3G, and used as an alternative for MineStar Health
PCS 2.0 and 3.0. PitLink. This functionality enables data viewing
by multiple users in applications such as Health
Technician Toolbox does provide basic data Equipment Insights or Equipment Care Advisor
visualization for service reporting and diagnostic with an appropriate subscription.
purposes. To ensure an enhanced user experience,
the visualization functionality is based on
MineStar Health Equipment Insights with some
modifications; users have access to 8 widgets and
are able to view data for a single machine only.

Just like VIMSpc, Technician Toolbox is installed

on a technician’s laptop and accesses VIMS data
through the machine VIMS service ports with the
appropriate service cable.

4 Cat® MineStar™ Health Equipment Insights — Technician Toolbox Jan 2020


MineStar™ Health Product Comparison

Jan 2020 Cat® MineStar™ Health Equipment Insights — Technician Toolbox 5


MineStar™ Health Product Comparison

PitLink Health Health Office

Equipment Health
Insights – Equipment
Dealer Customer
Technician Insights
Applicable to Surface
x x x x x
& Underground
Able to receive data
from non-Cat x x x x x
Accessible from any
internet-enabled x
Accessible by multiple
x x x x
users at the same time
Receives VIMS files x x x x x
Links to Cat Inspect
and Cat SOS
Incorporates work
order data /
schedules /
component life
Provides Real Time
x x
Visualization &
Pre-Defined x x x

Customizable x x
Easy to use data drill
x x
down functions

6 Cat® MineStar™ Health Equipment Insights — Technician Toolbox Jan 2020


PitLink Health Health Office

Equipment Health
Insights – Equipment
Dealer Customer
Technician Insights
Data Storage
Cloud x
Local Server x x x
Local Laptop/ PC x
Data Access
Customer x x x x
Dealer x x x
Caterpillar x
Regular application x
updates and seamless
x x
introduction of new
Significant initial start-
x x
up cost
Requires Business
Objects license to x x
Significant local IT
x x

* select OEMs only

Jan 2020 Cat® MineStar™ Health Equipment Insights — Technician Toolbox 7


Customer Segmentation

8 Cat® MineStar™ Health Equipment Insights — Technician Toolbox Jan 2020


Role of the Dealer

To ensure commercial success of Health Equipment Insights — Technician Toolbox, Caterpillar depends
on dealer support. In particular, we are looking to our dealers for the following:

• Identify customer value needs that can be fulfilled with Technician Toolbox

• Be trained on Technician Toolbox by participating in the Technician Toolbox training sessions.

Please review page 18 “Training” for additional information

• Provide training on Technician Toolbox to customers

• Subscribe dealer and/or customer code to Health Equipment Insights — Technician Toolbox in
Dealer Services Portal (DSP). Please review pages 14 to 17 for additional information

• Act as a change management agent at customer site where applicable

Jan 2020 Cat® MineStar™ Health Equipment Insights — Technician Toolbox 9


The Technician Toolbox price list is published on Please review detailed pricing
information and terms and conditions using link below.
31TU U31T

Technician Toolbox is subscribed on a per laptop / pc basis. A charge is automatically incurred per laptop
upon first use after installation of the software. The software is valid for a 12-month period from when it
is first used. A new charge is incurred when the software is used again for the first time after the previous
12-month period. No refunds will be provided for unintentional installation / usage. Please also note that
the subscription is not transferable to other laptops.

Caterpillar verifies the number of laptops using the Technician Toolbox software monthly by dealer and
customer code. Dealers will have the responsibility to invoice their customers for usage. Caterpillar will
provide a monthly usage report to assist dealers in this process.

The installation and use of MineStar™ technologies require the dealer or customer to agree to the End
User Licensing Agreement (EULA). Cat Dealers are to include a statement in the software subscription
purchase agreement referencing the EULA acceptance requirement.
An example of a software subscription purchase agreement and the latest EULA can be found on

support/bronze-subscriptions.html 31T

10 Cat® MineStar™ Health Equipment Insights — Technician Toolbox Jan 2020

Sales Support

Sales and marketing literature is available on

For the most up-to-date information, please visit:
31T 31T

Jan 2020 Cat® MineStar™ Health Equipment Insights — Technician Toolbox 11

Hardware Requirements

Technician Toolbox can be installed on any personal computer running Windows 10 (64-bit) with Java
SE 8 (64-bit) and a minimum of 8 GB RAM storage (4GB free) and 500MB hard drive.

Technician Toolbox can be used to connect on any asset equipped with TPMS, PCS, VIMS, or Product
Link Elite (PLE).

An appropriate service cable is required for machine connection. Please review table below for service
cable part numbers.

127-9797 VIMS Download Cable (required for 68K & ABL2M)

This serial cable is required to download data from VIMS-equipped machines with 68K & ABL2M

425-6889 VIMS 3G Download Cable (required for VIMS 3G)

This ethernet cable is required to download data from VIMS-equipped machines with VIMS 3G

457-6114 Download Cable

(required for PLE and some VIMS 3G)
This ethernet cable is required to download data from machines equipped with a 14-pin service port
including PLE and some VIMS 3G hardware.

370-8059 USB to Serial Port Adapter Kit

Newer laptops — that no longer have serial ports — require a USB to serial converter in order to
download VIMS files on 68K & ABL2M hardware.

12 Cat® MineStar™ Health Equipment Insights — Technician Toolbox Jan 2020

Machine Configuration Capability Service Reporting and Diagnostics Capability

Technician Toolbox supports the upload of The Technician Toolbox service reporting shares
machine configuration files to compatible VIMS the same look and feel as Health Equipment
systems, the configuration of certain payload Insights. Reporting functionality is designed to be
and VIMS system parameters, and the used in a service capability for a single machine
calibration of payload systems. and includes:

• Event Count & Detail

• Datalogger Time Series

• Snapshot Summary

• Trend Summary

• Histogram

• Cumulative

• Truck Payload Summary

• Productivity Time Series

These widgets provide diagnostic data to support

a technician’s service capabilities.

If additional data is needed for prognostic

purposes and/or fleet-wide consolidated reporting
is required, MineStar Health Equipment Insights
provides a full suite of reporting covering all
aspects of machine health data. Additional
information around Health Equipment Insights
can be found using link below.

surface/health/applications.html 31T

Jan 2020 Cat® MineStar™ Health Equipment Insights — Technician Toolbox 13

Enrollment Process

Step 1 — Email the signed subscription purchase agreement and End User Licensing Agreement (EULA)

Agreement between Caterpillar and the Dealer:

The Caterpillar – Dealer Subscription Purchase Agreement is a requirement to all dealers for personal use
and customer resale purposes. Caterpillar MineStar Health requires one agreement to be executed per
legal entity. The agreement process includes the following steps:

1. The dealer will reach out to the MineStar Health Commercial Representative to request Technician
Toolbox. Please review the MineStar Health Commercial Contacts at this link:
2. The editable template for this agreement, including the EULA, will be filled out and returned to the
dealer in PDF form by the MineStar Health Commercial Representative.
3. The dealer will print, review, sign and scan back the agreement to: (Please copy the Commercial Representative.)
4. MineStar Health will commence the internal process to have the agreement signed, and return an
executed copy to the dealer for their own record.

Agreement between the Dealer and the Customer:

The Dealer – Customer Subscription Purchase Agreement is a recommended template to all dealers for
customer resale purposes. After executing the agreement with the customer, the dealer is required to send
a copy of the agreement to MineStar Health at:

The editable template for this specific agreement is available at this link:
Template_for_Dealer_Customer_Software_Subscription_Purchase_Agreement_1_1_2020.docx .

Note that the EULA is available as a PDF and must be attached with the Subscription Purchase
Agreement when delivered to the customer for review and signature. Please find below the link for the

Step 2 — Ensure active CWS account is linked to a valid dealer or customer code in the Dealer Services
Portal (DSP) or create new account for dealers / customers

Users requiring access to MineStar™ Health Equipment Insights – Technician Toolbox will need a CWS
account for login. The “Dealer Customer” affiliation is often used.

Step 3 — Subscribe to MineStar Health Equipment Insights — Technician Toolbox

Dealers need to subscribe through the Dealer Services Portal (DSP) and complete the

14 Cat® MineStar™ Health Equipment Insights — Technician Toolbox Jan 2020

Enrollment Process

1. Click on Subscribe Accounts:

2. Click on Add New Subscriptions

3. Select Dealer or Customer Subscription

If customer subscription is selected, enter customer code

Jan 2020 Cat® MineStar™ Health Equipment Insights — Technician Toolbox 15

Enrollment Process

4. Select MineStar Health Equipment Insights

5. Select Technician Toolbox

6. Click Submit

16 Cat® MineStar™ Health Equipment Insights — Technician Toolbox Jan 2020

Enrollment Process

Step 4 — Download Technician Toolbox Step 6 — Complete log-in

software and installation manual 1. Ensure internet connectivity

1. Log in to: 2. Enter CWS ID and password
31T 31T
Note that Technician Toolbox software can
be used a maximum of 30 days without
using a CWS ID associated to the dealer or connecting to the internet. After 30 days,
users will need to complete all of Step 4
customer code subscribed in Step 3 again to be able to use software.
2. Review and agree to software Acceptable

Use Policy

3. Download application and installation


Step 5 — Install Technician Toolbox software

1. Review “Installation Manual”


2. Ensure receiving computer meets

minimum requirements as outlined in the
installation manual

3. Install software

Jan 2020 Cat® MineStar™ Health Equipment Insights — Technician Toolbox 17

Enrollment Process

Training User Manual

The MineStar™ Health product group will A detailed user manual is available and can be
provide a series of web-based training classes to accessed directly in the Technician Toolbox
the dealers upon release of the product. To application.
obtain training dates, please visit link below:
Product Support
For dealers, Cat technical support is available
by emailing

31T 31T

For additional information, please contact

Customers need to contact their local dealer
your local Cat® MineStar™ Health sales
for initial support.

End User License Agreement

Disable File Sync
The installation and use Please note: If this software is not appropriate
of MineStar™ technologies require the end or available for use in some non-U.S.
jurisdictions, do not enable file
user to agree to the End User Licensing
synchronization. By default, your asset data is
Agreement (EULA).  Cat Dealers are to
uploaded to the Cat Cloud, If you choose not
include a statement in the software
to share your data with Caterpillar, please
subscription purchase agreement referencing
complete the following:
the EULA acceptance requirement. An
example of a software subscription purchase 1. In the Technician Toolbox application,
agreement and the latest EULA can be found click on Settings
2. Click on File Sync

system-support/bronze-subscriptions.html 31T
3. Turn Off

Dealers using MineStar™ technologies for

their own purpose must also agree to the
Send a copy of the signed EULA or
subscription purchase agreement that
documents the reference to the EULA to: .

18 Cat® MineStar™ Health Equipment Insights — Technician Toolbox Jan 2020

Enrollment Process

Data Protection Other Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs)

Caterpillar is committed to protecting data. If a Technician Toolbox can be used on equipment

customer shares asset data with Caterpillar, note from other OEMs if these assets are equipped
that the data is treated confidentially with with Product Link Elite (PLE) hardware.
separate storage and security access by customer.
No personal information is reported in For more detailed information on availability and
Technician Toolbox. Caterpillar maintains and required hardware, please review the MineStar™
regularly improves security measures to protect Health Connectivity Matrix using link below:
collected data against loss and unauthorized

For more information, please visit: surface/Health/MineStar-Health-Connectivity-
Matrix.xlsx 31T

connected-productdataprinciples.html 31T
Commercial Contact

and For a list of MineStar™ Health commercial

contacts, please visit:


ontacts.pdf 31T

Jan 2020 Cat® MineStar™ Health Equipment Insights — Technician Toolbox 19

Enrollment Process

For more complete information on Cat products, dealer services, and industry solutions, visit us on
the web at

© 2020
Caterpillar All
rights reserved
Printed in the

Materials and specifications are subject to change without notice. Featured machines in photos
may include additional equipment. See your Cat dealer for available options.

CAT, CATERPILLAR, SAFETY.CAT.COM, their respective logos, “Caterpillar Yellow” and the “Power
Edge” trade dress, as well as corporate and product identity used herein, are trademarks of
Caterpillar and may not be used without permission.

20 Cat® MineStar™ Health Equipment Insights — Technician Toolbox Jan 2020

Enrollment Process

Jan 2020 Cat® MineStar™ Health Equipment Insights — Technician Toolbox 21

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