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Special Issue: Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering and Management, ICETEM 2013

A study of
Relationship between consumers’ online shopping and/or
purchasing experience and their intentions to purchase from
their favorite products/items websites
Abhishek Kaushik
Dr. Shailendra Singh
Research Scholar, IBM
Asst. Professor, IBM
Mangalayatan University, Aligarh(UP)
Mangalayatan University, Aligarh(UP)

Abstract - This paper gives an insight of e-tailing and operations and lure back existing customers or be left
highlights those factors which are responsible for behind.
purchasing from a particular website by consumers
during online shopping with special reference of small II. Literature Review
cities of India. It presents the habits of online shopping
of Indian public to give the critical review on truth of Electronic commerce has existed in the business-to-
various reports being published from time to time. business (B2B) market for several decades. Electronic
data interchange (EDI) and electronic fund transfer
(EFT) has been widely used in the business world since
I. INTRODUCTION the 1970s. Researchers and practitioners have been
With the recent emergence of the electronic business- solving problems and developing models in this
to-consumer (B2C) marketplace, attention is now domain for some time (Bakos and Brynjolfsson, 1993;
focused on the Internet, fuelling speculation about the Holland and Lockett, 1997; Malone etal., 1987). With
actual size, growth and future potential of the 'internet the emergence of the Internet and advances in network
retail market'. The Internet offers an audience that has technology, B2B e-commerce has entered a new era of
grown to a 100 million users in 2010 in India. The e- rapid expansion. Through the Internet and intranets
commerce transactions in India have crossed Rs 27 (intra-organizational networks based on Internet and
billion marks in 2010. Moreover 55% of visitors to e- Web technology), information can be exchanged
commerce sites in India have adopted the Internet as a among business partners with ease and convenience.
shopping medium. As Internet costs go down and
broadband penetration goes up, this segment will The Web and its technologies, such as multimedia and
experience a leap. Online shopping is catching up, the hypermedia, have also advanced e-commerce
biggest driver being the range and availability of development in the business-to-consumer (B2C) retail
thousands of products at competitive prices. The market. A new marketplace is emerging which greatly
Online World is a place that keeps on growing rapidly varies from the traditional marketplace. The Web B2C
as more consumers and companies embrace the now market supports interactions between retailers and
cheap, accessible and ubiquitous broadband consumers and among consumers. Such interaction is
technology. limited in the traditional market by communication
restrictions. In the e-retail market, the number of
Due to all these factors internet retailing has firmly distribution layers may be reduced and close
established itself as a viable alternative to store-based cooperation among businesses is required in order to
shopping in a relatively short span of time. All the compete. The power of market players is beginning to
indications are that this pace of development is likely shift significantly. The Web facilitates information
to continue and will have a significant impact on the access, which empowers customers and helps establish
store based retailing. So if marketers are to capitalize virtual communities (Internet users with common
on this marketing opportunity, they need to better interests). Reach (people/locations) and range (variety)
understand how the online stimulus cues generated by of information has expanded dramatically due to the
their websites influence consumer shopping Internet and the Web. Manufacturers are also
experiences and website patronage. Therefore empowered by having direct access to customers. As
businesses must boost their efforts to fine-tune the number of Web participants continues to increase

International Journal of Advances in Engineering Sciences Vol.3 (3), July, 2013 e-ISSN: 2231-0347 Print-ISSN: 2231-2013
Special Issue: Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering and Management, ICETEM 2013

dramatically, e-commerce development in the retail expectations are influenced by a number of factors,
market shows tremendous potential. including your level of expertise with the Internet and
commercial Web sites. If you have high expertise, you
Recently, there has been great interest in increasing the will most likely have very precise expectations about
understanding of consumer behavior in computer- the site. If you are a novice, your expectations about
mediated environments (CME) (e.g., Hoffman and the site may be very diffuse. We differentiate four Web
Novak, 1996). Our framework expands on previous site elements that affect your interaction with the site:
research by focusing on the interaction of Internet users the structural design of the site (e.g., Does it have a
with Web sites as they "surf" through the net pleasant appearance? Is it easy to navigate?), the
environment, taking into consideration the unique content of the site (e.g., Are the flower arrangements
attributes of the Internet as an entirely new appealing?), the connectivity of the site (e.g., can you
communication medium. Our goal is to understand the link to flower information sites? can you link to other
interaction of individuals and Web sites from the flower buyers on-line?), and the malleability of the site
perspective of the marketer, or third-party, who has (e.g., Can you specify which types of flowers you're
created the site. How can marketers capitalize on interested in and therefore limit your search?). Your
Internet technology, which provides them with unique evaluation of depends on your
ways of communicating with and meeting the needs of perceptions of the Web site interaction in relation to
consumers? In this way, we believe our framework is a your expectations. You can be satisfied or dissatisfied
significant step forward in understanding the very with the site, based on how well the perceived
different medium of the Internet and provides a fresh interaction lives up to your expectations. The site may
approach designed specifically to understand frustrate you because you are unable to accomplish a
consumer-Web site interactions, rather than narrowly goal, perhaps one of sending flowers to your mother.
applying consumer behavior theories developed before On the other hand, a valued, but unexpected, feature of
the advent of the Internet to a new context. the site may pleasantly surprise you, creating "delight"
For example, may be able to deliver
First, we propose that Web sites have four your bouquet the same day you order it. These different
characteristics that have distinct effects on consumers: evaluations will affect your behavior on the Web site.
the site's design structure, content, connectivity (to You may bookmark the site for future purchases if you
other sites and other users), and malleability. We were delighted or decide not to send your mother
define malleability as the degree to which the marketer flowers if you were frustrated.
or user is able to change the site's structure, content, We will present the theory behind our framework
and connectivity. In this sense, technology enables sequentially, working from the Web site and the
Web site structure to facilitate "smarter" content. individual to interaction perceptions and evaluations
Second, the model incorporates variables representing and behavior. This is followed by a discussion of an
the user's state of mind when entering a Web site, for experiment conducted using actual live Web sites,
example, consumer goals, expertise, and prior designed to provide some empirical evidence for a
knowledge. These aspects of the individual affect limited set of propositions, followed by directions for
expectations about the Web in general and about future research based on our framework
categories of Web sites in particular (e.g., sites for
automobiles, auction sites, stocktrading sites, etc.). Many researchers indicate that consumers' previous
Third, we make predictions about how the individual, shopping experience influences their future shopping
with his/her mindset and expectations, interacts with behavior (Eastlick, 1996; Eastlick & Lotz, 1999). In the
the Web site, including his/her perceptions of the site's context of Internet shopping previous Internet purchase
structure, content, connectivity, and malleability and experience is a significant predictor of Intention to
his/her behavior online. Finally, we propose that the search for information via the Internet. Previous online
consumer's evaluation of the site depends on the user's purchase experience also exhibited significant direct
perceptions of the actual experience compared to a- and indirect effects on intention to use the Internet for
priori expectations. The resulting evaluation can be purchasing. Findings also confirm those of other
varying degrees of satisfaction/dissatisfaction, delight, studies demonstrating the impact of previous similar
or frustration. These evaluations influence the shopping experiences on future shopping behavior
consumer's behavior with the Web site (e.g., spending toward non-store retail formats (Eastlick, 1996;
time vs. exiting, placing a bookmark, making a Eastlick & Lotz, 1999). The research mentioned above
purchase, etc.). suggests that previous shopping experience may
To present a tangible example, consider for a moment influence existing customers' becoming repeat
that you find yourself at As you enter customers by providing them with satisfying
the site, you may have some expectations. These experiences. Such past experience may directly or

International Journal of Advances in Engineering Sciences Vol.3 (3), July, 2013 e-ISSN: 2231-0347 Print-ISSN: 2231-2013
Special Issue: Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering and Management, ICETEM 2013

indirectly influence consumers' perceived risk levels The first section of the instrument consisted of forced-
associated with online shopping ,potentially leading to choice questions about demographic characteristics:
future use of the Internet for shopping. age, gender, student status and marital status

III. Objective Previous online shopping and/or purchasing

experience at general websites
Objective of this research is find the relationship
between consumers’ online shopping and/or purchasing To measure previous online shopping and purchasing
experience and their intentions to purchase from their experience at general websites, three items were used:
favorite products/items websites. how much searching a respondent did on the internet
for information about products/items he or she
IV. Research Hypothesis considered for buying; how much purchasing of
products/items a respondent did through the internet;
H1: Consumers' online shopping and/or purchasing and the number of products/items item he purchased
experience will be significantly related to their on the internet. The time frame for each of the three
intentions to purchase products/items from their items was “in the last 12 months.” The response format
favorite websites. for each item was a 4-point ordinal scale.

Many researchers (Shim & Drake, 1990, Klein 1998 Previous experience with favorite products/items
and Shim et aI., 2001) also indicate that consumers' website
past experience with Internet shopping is a significant
predictor of search behavior on the Internet. It has also Prior to bring asked about future intentions, the
been found that consumers' past online purchasing respondents were asked about their previous shopping
experience had a direct impact on their online pre- experience at their favorite website section in order to
purchase intentions (Eastlick, 1996). Thus, consumers' make it easier for them to understand the questioning
online products/items purchasing experience may in the following section regarding their future
influence their intentions to purchase products/items intentions. Four items were used: how much searching
through the Internet. For this reason, hypothesis 11 a respondent did on favorite websites for information
posits that consumer’s past online products/items about products/items he or she considered for buying:
shopping and/or purchasing experience positively how much purchasing of products/items through
influences their intentions to purchase products/items favorite products/items website a respondent did; the
items over the Internet. no. of products/items he purchased on those favorite
websites; and how much purchasing of product/items a
V. Research procedure respondent did for channels other than their favorite
product/items website after finding product/items from
those websites. The time frame for four items was “in
The research procedure describes the research design the last 12 months.”
and the procedure for conducting the study.
Specifically, this delineates the instrument Sampling procedure and questionnaire
development including testing and the sampling, data administration
collection, and data analysis procedures. The
discussion of the instrument shows the The population for this research was internet shoppers
operationalisation of the variables. of young aged, who had favorite product/items
websites they especially like to visit to search for
Instrument Development information and/or to purchase products/items item. A
systematic sample of college students was generated
A structured questionnaire was developed to collect and was used for the survey. The minimum sample size
data on the variables in this study. The research was 30. The preferred sample size to utilize factor
variables are previous online information search and/or analysis was 30 or larger.
purchasing experience, the relative importance of
general website, perceptions of particular websites, and Data analysis
attitude toward favorite website.
The data gathered from the questionnaire were entered
Demographics into a computer an then analyzed using Statistical
Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS version 14).
The data analysis consisted of factor analysis and
Pearson correlation coefficient. Based on the research

International Journal of Advances in Engineering Sciences Vol.3 (3), July, 2013 e-ISSN: 2231-0347 Print-ISSN: 2231-2013
Special Issue: Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering and Management, ICETEM 2013

hypothesis, 11 corresponding null hypothesis for also checks whether the data is appropriate and ample
testing the relationships in the model are presented. for further factor analysis. KMO should range from 0
The established significance level for rejecting all null to1.The MSA index should reach 1 which means each
hypotheses was 0.05. Pearson correlation coefficients variable in a set is predicted without error. (Edward W.
among the constructs were calculated. The third Minium, Bruce M. King, Gordon Bear, Third Edition,
diagnostic tool was the eigenvalues of the correlation 1993), a value of 0.50 or more from the Kaiser- Meyer-
matrix. If one or more near linear dependencies exists Olkin MSA test indicates that the data are adequate for
in the data, then one or more of the eigenvalues will be EFA.
small. The strength of the linear dependency is
indicated by the nearness to zero of the smaller WEBSITE CHARECTERESTICS
The table 2(Mean and Standard deviation for
Null Hypothesis website characteristics constructs) in annexure the
mean values and standard deviations for the
H01: Consumers' online shopping and/or purchasing components of the website characteristics constructs
experience will be significantly related to their and for the five constructs, with respect to the both the
intentions to purchase products/items from their general and the favorite website characteristics. The
favorite websites respondents tended to consider privacy/security as the
most important of the general website characteristics
VI. Research Results and Discussion (m = 3.83), followed by the product information (m =
3.59) and customer service features (m = 3.38). They
The results are presented and discussed and perceived auditory experience/comparison shopping as
conclusions are drawn using the following sequence: the least important of the general website
(a) demographic profile of the respondents; (b) characteristics constructs. As to the perceived
preliminary analysis of measured variables; and (c) characteristics of favorite websites, the respondents
results and discussion of the hypothesis testing. tended to agree that these websites provided the
privacy/security feature (m = 3.47), and somewhat less
DEMOGRAPHICS the product information (m = 3.41) and customer
Table1. Demographics service feature (m =3.23). They also evaluated their
favorite websites as providing the navigation feature
(m = 3.20) and much less the auditory
Gender Male 30 experience/comparison shopping feature (m = 1.94).
Female 0 Interestingly, the mean values for these two constructs
with respect to favorite websites are greater than those
for the importance placed on these features with
Age 20+ 30 respect to general websites.

Table 3 (Correlation Coefficients of website

characteristics construct) in annexure reports the
Student status Graduate 23
correlation matrix for the products/items website
Undergraduate 7 characteristics constructs. The results showed that the
constructs of products/items website characteristics are
correlated. The significant correlations range from-.121
Marital Status Single 30 to .557. Factor 1is significantly and positively
correlated with Factors 2, 3, and 4. This indicates that
Married 0 the greater the importance given to product
information, the greater the importance given to
customer service, privacy/security and navigation. In
FACTOR ANALYSIS addition, Factor 1 is significantly correlated with all the
factors in the perception of favorite products/items
An exploratory factor analysis (EFA) with principal website characteristics, which include the product
components was conducted to determine the information, customer service, privacy/security,
dimensions of the products/items shopping orientation navigation and auditory experience/comparison
and the general and favorite products/items website shopping factors.
characteristics measures. This analysis includes General products/items website characteristics Factor 2
preliminary test such as KMO test and Bartlett's test of is significantly correlated with all the constructs in the
sphericity, for measuring the sampling adequacy and

International Journal of Advances in Engineering Sciences Vol.3 (3), July, 2013 e-ISSN: 2231-0347 Print-ISSN: 2231-2013
Special Issue: Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering and Management, ICETEM 2013

evaluation of general products/items website their intentions to purchase products/items from their
characteristics. The greater the respondents' evaluation favorite website.
of the relative importance of customer service, the
greater their importance of product information, Test was used to determine whether the online
privacy/security, navigation and auditory information search group and the purchase group were
experience/comparison shopping. This factor is also significantly different in their mean scores on intention
significantly correlated with respondents' perception of to purchase products/items items from favorite
their favorite products/items website characteristics websites.
factors 1, 2, 3 and 4, positively with product
information, customer service, privacy/security and Based on the estimates for the two groups the test
navigation factors. General products/items website shows a significant difference between the means of
characteristics Factor 3 is significantly correlated with the two groups. The online information search group
three factors in those constructs, positively with and the online purchase group are significantly
Factors 1, 2 and 4. This indicates that the greater the different in their intentions to purchase products/items
respondents' evaluation of the relative importance of items from their favorite websites. The respondents
privacy/security, the greater their importance of who had previous online purchasing experience had
product information, customer service and navigation. higher intentions to purchase products/items items
This factor is significantly correlated with four factors from their favorite products/items websites than did
in the perception of favorite products/items website those who only had online information search
characteristics, positively with product information, experience. Hypothesis 1 is, therefore, supported. This
privacy/security and navigation, and negatively with result implies that consumers with online purchasing
auditory experience/comparison shopping factors. experience are more likely than those with only online
General products/items website characteristics Factor 4 information search experience to purchase
is significantly and positively correlated with all the products/items items from websites. Based on the
factors in general products/items website findings for hypothesis 1, it is concluded that, along
characteristics construct. The greater the respondents' with shopping orientation, consumers' online
evaluation of the relative importance of navigation experience plays an important role in forming their
greater is their importance of product information, future online behavior. The results showed support for
customer service navigation and auditory all but all one of the 1 hypothesis.
experience/comparison shopping. This factor is
significantly correlated with respondents' perception of Conclusion and Implication
favorite products/items website characteristics factors
1, 2, 3 and 4, positively with product information, Due to the findings for hypothesis 1, it is concluded
customer service, privacy/security and sensory that, along with shopping orientation, consumers'
experience factors. General products/items website online experience plays an important role in forming
characteristics Factor 5 is significantly correlated with their future online behavior. In this light, information
two factors in general products/items website on consumers' past online experience is needed to
characteristics constructs, positively with customer develop effective websites as well as effective
service and navigation factors. This indicates that the marketing strategies. This research provides marketers
greater the respondents' evaluation of the relative with useful information concerning customer retention
importance of auditory experience/comparison through the new medium of the Internet. The findings
shopping, the greater their importance of customer are important to marketers for attracting and retaining
service and navigation. This factor is also significantly customers through the Internet. The findings show that
related with the respondents' perception of favorite consumers' shopping orientation and online
products/items website characteristics factors 4 and 5, information search and purchasing experience
positively with navigation and auditory influence the relative importance they give to different
experience/comparison shopping factors. characteristics of products/items websites and their
perception of their favorite products/items websites,
VII. Conclusion and Discussion which will eventually affect their attitudes toward their
favorite products/items websites. In addition, their
Results and Discussion of the Hypothesis Testing attitudes toward websites affect their future intentions
to use those favorite websites for information searches
H1: Consumers’ online products/items shopping and/or and purchasing. After finding items from their favorite
purchasing experience will be significantly related to websites, they are likely to purchase those items at
their favorite websites or from other channels such as
catalogs and department stores. In other words,

International Journal of Advances in Engineering Sciences Vol.3 (3), July, 2013 e-ISSN: 2231-0347 Print-ISSN: 2231-2013
Special Issue: Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering and Management, ICETEM 2013

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International Journal of Advances in Engineering Sciences Vol.3 (3), July, 2013 e-ISSN: 2231-0347 Print-ISSN: 2231-2013
Special Issue: Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering and Management, ICETEM 2013


Table 2 Mean and Standard deviation for website characteristics constructs

Websites Characteristics Constructs and Component Mean SD

General Favorite General Favorite

website website website

Product Information (Factor 1) 3.59 3.41 .42 .36

It shows all the colors available for each product. 3.59 3.49 .54 .53

It shows all the sizes available for each product. 3.52 3.45 .55 .59

It tells the prices of products. 3.81 3.56 .51 .42

It gives up-to-date information about products. 3.24 3.14 .64 .71

It has good quality photos of products. 3.73 3.47 .55 .47

It truthfully shows the colors of the products. 3.64 3.34 .55 .54

Customer Service (Factor 2) 3.38 3.23 .44 .46

I can return products if I am not happy with them. 3.68 3.38 .57 .56

I can get personal sales assistance bye-mail or phone. 2.90 3.07 .65 .89

If! Want to return a product I've bought on the Website, I will 3.58 3.21 .63 .63
get my money back quickly.

1canre-check that my order is correct. 3.41 3.30 .50 .60

I can track the status of my order. 3.34 3.18 .64 .76

Privacy/Security(Factor 3) 3.78 3.45 .61 .50

I know that information I give about myself is kept 3.90 3.48 .59 .36

I know my credit card number won't be stolen. 3.82 3.47 .56 .82

Information I provide is confidential. 3.82 3.47 .56 .42

Navigation(Factor 4) 3.05 3.20 .41 .53

The screens are not cluttered. 2.62 3.20 .56 .82

It's fun to visit. 3.31 3.18 .56 .82

The different screens come up quickly. 3.15 3.14 .60 .75

International Journal of Advances in Engineering Sciences Vol.3 (3), July, 2013 e-ISSN: 2231-0347 Print-ISSN: 2231-2013
Special Issue: Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering and Management, ICETEM 2013

I can easily follow the search path on the screen. 3.13 3.27 .50 .75

Auditory Experience/Comparison Shopping (Factor5) 1.74 1.94 .65 .54

It uses sound to describe products. 1.45 1.82 .79 .71

It plays music. 1.27 1.85 .83 .56

I can easily compare competitors' products. 2.49 2.14 .81 .89

Table 3 Correlation Coefficients of website characteristics construct

Factor1: Product Information, Factor2: Customer Services Factor3: Privacy and security, Factor4: Navigation, Factor5: Auditory
experience/comparison shopping

General website constructs Favorite website constructs

Factor1 Factor Factor3 Factor4 Factor5 Factor1 Factor2 Factor3 Factor Fact
2 4 or5
General website
constructs Factor1 1.000

Factor2 .405 1.000

Factor3 .413 .424 1.000

Factor4 .395 .412 .224 1.000

Factor5 -.05 .278 -.42 -.004 1.000

Factor1 .451 .251 .139 .259 -.004 1.000

Favorite Factor2 .263 .378 .098 .184 .081 .557 1.000

characteristics Factor3 .237 .161 .243 .133 -.029 .495 .540 1.000

Factor4 .316 .263 .146 .442 .134 .490 .445 .404 1.000

Factor5 -.126 .032 -.121 .036 .448 -.045 .062 -.018 .084 1.0

International Journal of Advances in Engineering Sciences Vol.3 (3), July, 2013 e-ISSN: 2231-0347 Print-ISSN: 2231-2013

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