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The Mech

n the far reaches of the multiverse, strange artifacts Mech/Pilot Bond Levels
from different times and lands exist. Technology Level Experience
unseen can shift the balance between Order and 1 5,000
Chaos. Will it be used to defend the forces of Good,
or will it serve to corrupt the world? 2 13,000
3 26,000
4 43,000
Mech Suit
5 66,000
The Mech suit is considered a Large Construct that can be
piloted by a creature of Medium or smaller size with an INT 6 97,000
score of at least 10. It consists of a suit of armor, a Drive
Core, modifications, and a Transformation Drive. All of these Bond Level 1
components are upgradable and changeable. The Mech Gain the ability to make improvements to and modify the
cannot have its form changed by any source except for its Mech. Gain Extra Attack feature for Mech when using Buster
own Transformation Drive. The pilot is considered to have Sword
Full Cover when inside the Mech.
Blood Bond Bond Level 2
To become the pilot of the suit, a blood bond must be made You gain the Overdrive ability: Expend double power to gain
directly with the Drive Core (Located in the chest advantage on attack. Weapon Attacks become magical for the
compartments of the Mech). Once your hand is placed on the purpoe of overcoming resistances and immunities. Shoulder
Drive Core, it will give off a burning sensation as it fuses with Beam count increased by 1. Gain a point to increase ability
your flesh. This indicates the bonding process. The Mech can scores.
only be bonded to one pilot at a time, and it counts as two Bond Level 3
attunements. As part of this bond, whenever the Mech takes
damage in its mech form, the pilot will take half of this Gain the Sentry's Rest and Powerful Build traits from the
damage to its hit point maximum (rounded up) down to 1 hit Warforged race in Wayfinder's Guide to Eberron while inside
point. This damage can only be reversed by healing the mech the Mech. Increases maximum modification count by 1.
with repair kits. This repair simply reverses the effect of the
hit point maximum reduction and doesnt heal the player. Bond Level 4
Repairing the mech works like healing during a rest (Mech Blood Bond feature is augmented causing the Pilot to take
has hit dice equal to double the players’), but you must have a only 1/4th damage (rounded up) that the Mech takes.
repair kit (5 uses per kit). However, during a rest, you must Shoulder Beam count increased by 1. When using the
choose to either repair the mech or rest yourself, as you Overdrive ability, can make an additional attack with the
cannot do both simultaneously. Buster Sword as a bonus action when the overdriven attack
Mech/Pilot Growth
As the time spent with the Mech increases, its bond with the Bond Level 5
pilot increases as well. When first attuning to the mech, any Can increase Mech ability scores up to 24 maximum. Can
ability score improvements that the player has received can redistribute all ability points gained through bond
be used to adjust the mech (Mech Feats and Stat increases as strengthening once. Increases maximum modification count
normal). Its ability scores are as stated below when you bond by 1.
and can be increased to 22 and its proficiency is the same as
its pilot. While wearing the suit, your scores are replaced by Bond Level 6
its scores. For every X amount of experience gained while Can activate Burst Mode, which works the same way as
using the Mech, your bond with it increases and provides Haste (which cannot affect the Mech otherwise) as a bonus
special stats and abilities. The Mechs hit point maximum action. This mode quickly drains 4 Power per turn and can
increases by 15 per bond level be deactivated as a bonus action.

PART 1 | Mech 1
Drive Core Mech Feats
The Mech is powered by a Drive Core, the part that the pilot Kinetic Charger
must touch to bond. The Drive Core is a magical power You can now charge the Mech suit during a short rest. As
source that uses mechanical contraptions to sap the power opposed to spending your own hit dice during a rest, you can
from a crystallized Dragon Hearts. The power can only be work on the suit to use a kinetic charging device and charge
recharged during a long rest, where it is fully recharged. the suit. For each level of bond with the suit, you can
These Hearts can be interchanged to augment the power recharge up to 2d8 Power. These dice are restored during a
capacity of the Mech. All abilities of the Mech require long rest.
expenditure of power. An unmodifyed Mech can only support
one Drive Core at a time. A power core based on a Overdriver
crystallized Dragon Heart will provide power equal to 10 x Whenever you activate your overdrive ability, you can expend
the CR of the Dragon. and number of additional power and add that amount as
bonus to your roll before the result is determined. In addition,
you can overdrive your weapon to parry an attack. When
Mech attacked, you can expend 3 power for every 1 AC increase in
Large Construct (unaligned)
Swift Striker (Dragon Mode)
Armor Class 19 (Iron base)
Hit Points 120
When flying, the first opportunity attack on you per turn will
Speed 30ft.
always miss. If a second attack is attempted and hits, you
may use your reaction to make a single Tail attack in
18 (+4) 14 (+2) 18 (+4) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 12 (+1) Armor Materials
The Mech suit can be composed of many different materials
Condition Immunities Poisoned, Petrified, as well as upgraded. Some examples of options for materials
Exhausted include: Iron (AC 19, Common), Steel (+1 AC, Uncommon),
Damage Immunities Poison, Psychic Titanium (+2 AC, Rare), Mithril (+2 AC and quarter weight,
Very Rare), Adamantine (+3 AC and cannot be Critted
Dragon Mode Turn into Dragon Mode lasting one against, Legendary). Other mundane as well as magical
half hour per bond level between pilot and mech. options are up to the players and DMs discretion.
Dragon Mode has its own Abilities based on the
Crystallized Dragon Heart within The Mech. It gains
the basic statistics of the Dragon whose heart it
carries as well. It only gets the statistics (AC, HP,
Speed, Damage Immunities and Resistances), none
of the other features unless specified. The health
becomes an overshield and works like a Polymorph
spell (Without Concentration). Based on the
strength of Dragon Heart used, it requires more
power to transform (5 (Wyrmling), 10 (Young), 15
(Adult), 20 (Ancient)). Damage taken in Dragon
Mode does not transfer to Pilot. Dragon mode can
be used once per Long Rest. No Frightful Presence,
Spellcasting, or any Legendary actions. Huge Size.

Buster Sword Melee Weapon Attack: Str-based to
hit, reach 10ft., one target. Hit 2d10 + Str mod
Slashing. 2 Power per attack.
Shoulder Beam Ranged Weapon Attack: +10 to hit,
range 60ft., 2 beams can target multiple targets.
Hit 1d12 per Beam. 1 Power per beam.
Breath Weapon (Dragon Mode) Same breath weapon
as Dragon type. 3 Power.
Claw, Bite, Tail Same as Dragon type, not including
poison damage. 2 Power per attack.

2 PART 2 | Information
Modifications to the Mech suit allow the players to adjust
their playstyle according to how they want the Mech to
function. In its base form, the Mech has two modification
spots, which increase according to bond level. Dms and
Players are free to create their own modifications, but several
examples are listed below
Retractable Shield
Adds a retractable shield to one of the arms of the Mech. This
works like a normal shield only when it is activated as a
bonus action, forcing the Buster Sword to be wielded with
one hand. When wielded this way, the sword does d8s of
damage instead of d10s.
The visor of your mech has different modes, adjustable only
outside of combat. Switching modes costs 1 power and only
lasts 1 minute until it returns to normal vision. The modes
• Darkvision 120ft
• Magical Darkvision 60ft
• Tremorsense 60ft
• Blindsight 30ft
• Telescopic (Up to 1 mile with precision)
• Specific-Creature-Type Tracker 60ft (Can see tracks)

Sword - Whip
As a bonus action, you extend the sword into a whip. It
doubles the reach and restrains enemies (DC 20 Str escape)
when they are hit. When enemy is restrained, whip cannot be
used until enemy is no longer restrained.
Chest Sniper Beam
Must charge this attack for a full round to activate. Costs 10
power and 1 power for each additional round charged. While
charging, reactions cannot be taken. The beam has a range of
1000ft and will always hit its target unless it is deflected by a
powerful magic. The beam does 8d8 Force damage, which
increases by 1d8 for every extra round that this is charged (6
rounds max.). If the target drops to 0 HP from this attack,
their flesh is dissolved as only a pile of bones remains on the
ground. This attack can only be used once per long rest.
Warp Drive
Once per day, you can cast Dimension Door on yourself
alone. In addition, this can be used as a reaction to avoid an
attack, but once again, only on yourself.
Spell Storing Stone
Up to 9 levels of spells can be stored in this stone and cast
similar to a Ring of Spell Storing.

PART 3 | Modifications 3

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