1.0 Inroduction: Hacking, Piracy, and Cyber Terrorism

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Computer crime law transactions with the broad space of criminal offenses
committed using a computer or the same electrical implement. Almost all of these
offenses are commit online. The internet affords a degree of secrecy to offenders,
as well as potential admission to individual, business, and administration data.
Most of computer crimes are committed as a means of larceny money or valuable
material, however financial gain is not always the objective. In statistic, a big
amount of the notorious incidents of computer crime included hackers seeking
“bragging rights” by overcoming administration or corporate cyber safety
measures.[ CITATION HDO14 \l 1033 ]
Hacking, Piracy, and Cyber Terrorism 
Hacking is one most popular types of computer crime.In this case, this part applies
to the unauthorized admission of another’s computer structure. These invasions are
often conducted in order to introduction malicious programs known as viruses,
and Trojan Horses that can shut down or break an entire computer system.
Cyber terrorism is a comparatively fresh appearance. All these crimes involve
politically-motivated bouts to targets such as administration websites or profitable
networks. Such attacks are designed to be huge in scale, and to create awe and
fright among the victim population. With economic fairs now commerce over the
network now so many other deal with taking place online, the danger of cyber
terrorism has obtained a great deal with of consideration. But, actual instances of
this type of crime are rare.[ CITATION HDO141 \l 1033 ]

2.1 Computer Crimes Definition.

Computer crime defines a very huge sections of offenses. As internet practice growing by the time the
World Wide Web become a vast experience but definitely one of its characteristics is taking the world
closer making it a smaller area to communicate for its users. Cyber World - that digital unlawful acts.
Although the implementation of the laws are trying to cope with this problem, it has been developing
steadily and many people got to be victims of burglary, robbery, fraud, and malware.[ CITATION Cro14 \l
1033 ]

2.1.1 Types of Cyber Crimes

Hacking this, type of crime in which the computer is broken into human so that his personal or
confidential information may be available. This is different from an ethical hacking, which many
organizations use to test their protection Internet Security.
Theft, this crime occurs when a person is infringing, and download music, movies, games and software.
There is even a peer sharing sites that encourage software piracy. Nowadays, the judicial system solves
this cybercrime and there are laws that prevent people from illegal downloading.

Cyber Stalking, is a kind of online harassment, which is operated by a person subjected to blast online
communications. Typically, these stalkers know their exploited to make their lives more hopeless.
[ CITATION War12 \l 1033 ]

2.1.2 How UK passed Cyber Law.

7 November 2006 - United Kingdom adopted a new law today against cybercrime. The law aims DOS
(Denial of Service) forwards penalties of up to 10 years in prison. The law specifies Law Computer
Misuse in the United Kingdom because the old law does not affect the DOS attacks in particular. The
original act is only mentioned penalties for changing the contents of your computer without permission.
According to the new law in 2006, any computer malfunction, preventing access to any program or data
to the computer and restricts the operation of any program on the computer, and all offenses punished
more than 10 years in prison Furthermore, whereby someone else to do any of these offenses can get
you into jail for 2 years.[ CITATION Sec14 \l 1033 ]

3.0 Discussion on computer misuse act 1990

Hacking has been approximately as far as the internet, some people try to enter and break
into a computer system. Before 1990 there was no specific legislation in place to observe
the problems caused by hacking. However it was clear for everyone that it was illegal but
there was nothing that someone could do about it. As this grew it became clear that
particular legislation was needed to make sure hackers to be projected under the law. So
finally in 1990 the computer misuse act was passed. [ CITATION Com95 \l 1033 ]
The computer misuse act 1990 recognized the following new offences:
1. Unauthorized access to computer material
2. Unauthorized access with intent to commit or facilitate a crime
3. Unauthorized modification of computer material.
4. Making, supplying or obtaining anything which can be used in computer misuse
offences. [ CITATION Joh90 \l 1033 ]
1. Unauthorized access to computer material, this the fundamental level of offence
and is one that many of us might be guilty of at some stage in our daily working
lives. While using someone’s password to log into their user account, for taking
their files even the person don’t change anything the person is still guilty of
accessing the materials without authorization. The offender is penalized up to six
months in prison.
2. Unauthorized access with intent to commit or facilitate a crime
The difference between the first offence and this one is that in this section the person
getting access to someone’s account or system with purpose which is totally illegal.
The person can do this by trial and error or through using special application like,
spyware or key logging programs or can use by new method “pishing”. The offender
is penalized up to five year prison.
3. Unauthorized modification of computer material

It is when someone deletes files from their own system; maybe no longer need them
or maybe they delete them by mistake. This is considered fine because there was no
intent to cause any damage. So this offence relates to the deletion or changes made to
files with intent to cause damage to an individual or a corporation. This offence also
covers purposely introducing viruses to other peoples’ system.
4. Making supplying or obtaining material that could use in computer misuse
offences, this includes writing or creation of computer viruses, worms, malware,
and scripts. If a person purposely obtains malicious files such as computer viruses
or scripts which could damage computer then the person is under an offence of
computer misuse act. For this type of crime a year prison sentence is obtained.
CMA 1990 of UK parliament is the baseline for computer act which helps to limit
the computer misuses. [ CITATION Law90 \l 1033 ]

Identification of uk case law

a. Analysis of the computer misuse act 1990

b. Case 1:

A computer hacker was spared prison after the sale of virtual objects that he had
stolen break in the count of the players of fantastic game. Stuart Jeffery, defense, declared
Burrell was "mad" and used fantastic to treat problems in the real world. He added: «He is a
rational human being normal, line of conduct of which apparently caused a lot of troubles. He
used a dream world to try to regulate problems in the real world, which was financial and linked
to games of chance. Burrell was delayed an order of the community of 12 months and made to
perform 150 hours of not remunerated employment. He was also compelled to pay £ 100 costs
and a compensatory £ 60 amend, and to abandon his two computers.[ CITATION www1423 \l 2057 ]
c. Case 2

Lewys Martin, 21 years old made sites fall by scourging them with requests of
information. The police said that it attacked three Websites between January 29th and February
2nd of last year. Martin had pled guilty in nine offences during a previous audience to Maid
stone Crown Court. Martin accepted five counts of indictment of acts not allowed with the
intention of hindering the functioning of the computer, three accesses not allowed with the
intention of making other offences and that of the not allowed access to the equipment of the
computer. He was imprisoned during two years to attack the sites of Oxford and of Cambridge
universities and the police of the Kent.[ CITATION www1424 \l 2057 ]

d. Case 3

Three teenagers who founded and ran one of the biggest forums of crime on Internet of
English language of the world, described in court as "Chromebook", were condemned for a
maximum of five years of detention. The police thinks that the losses of the thousands of details
of credit negotiated on the site, Gh0stMarket.net, going up to 16,2 million £. Nicholas Webber,
owner and founder of the site, was stopped in October, 2009 with the administrator of the site,
Ryan Thomas, having tried to pay a bill of hotel £ 1000 using the co-ordinates of stolen cards.
They were then 18 and 17. Webber was imprisoned during five years on Wednesdays and
Thomas during four years.[ CITATION www1425 \l 2057 ]

4.0 Decided cases in UK

Some cases of computer misuse have been observed in UK

Case 1

Zeus Trojan developed by Beddoes a.k.a Black Dragon, 32, used in

attempted transfers of 750,00 carbon credits worth £6.5m from accounts at
the UN in Bonn and Spain's Carbon Credit Registry to a UK broker co-
defendant. In March 19th 2013 at
Kingston-upon-Thames, he was found guilty by the Crown Court of 6 counts
of conspiring to do unauthorized acts, with intent to impair computer
programs, 4 counts of unauthorized access to business computers, 3 counts
of possessing electronic files containing data from 3,000 credit cards. He was
imprisoned for 2 years and 9 months.[ CITATION Mic14 \l 1036 ]
Case 2

In june 27th 2007 at Southward Crown Court , an police officers Gelsthorpe

and Young set up private detective agency Active Investigation Services aka
"Hackers are Us" to hack into computers for wealthy clients. Jeremy Young
pleaded guilty on 15 counts and was imprisoned for 2 years and 3
months[ CITATION Met07 \l 1036 ]

Case 3

Inner London Crown Court 22 January 2007 Employment dispute. Systems

administrator alleged to have hacked in to employer's system to delete data
in a revenge attack causing losses estimated in the hundreds of thousands of
pounds. Case collapsed after four days of trial.

Re-trial. Prosecution offers no evidence. Defendant acquitted of all charges.

Expert evidence for the Defense in both trials.[ CITATION Mic07 \l 1036 ]

Case 4

In February 2012, a student of Software development from York frequently

hacked into Facebook and extracted internal material in Spring 2011 using
the account of a Facebook employee who was on holiday. His targets
included Facebook Puzzle and Mailman servers and a restricted area of the
Facebook fabricator server. He pleaded guilty on 2 counts . Sentenced to 8
months jailed. Serious Crime Prevention Order (SCPO) made restricting
access to the internet and forfeiture of computer.

He appealed and the sentence was reduced to four months’ imprisonment.

SCPO quashed.[ CITATION ZDN12 \l 1036 ]

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