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Identification of UK case law

Computer misuse act 1990 is one of the important legislation in UK case law. There are many famous
cases about computer crimes which is justified under the act of computer crime. This is the law for all
computer users to keep them safe from the unauthorized access and modification. Some famous and
recent computer crime which is take places in the UK, what is happening in these cases and what is
the decision of parliament against these cases is given into the below:

Cristopher Pile in Britain’s South West who is the 26 years old went under the name of
‘Black Baron’ in 1995 and created two viruses Pathogen and Queeg which was name after
the British Sci-Fi comedy ‘Red Dwarf’s expression. The Pathogen and Queeg was attached
with the SMEG a coaler software, which is making them invisible and both of them were
designed to refuse the large portion of the victim’s hard drive. These two viruses was caused the
damages of £1 million. For writing and distributing the viruses he pleaded guilty under the
section of 2 and 3 in the CMA and he received 18 months prison sentences and this was the
first prosecution in the UK of an individual for distributing a computer virus. [CITATION The14
\l 2057 ]

In December 2002, Simon Vallor twenty two years old who is a web designer from North
Wales begged guilty to writing and distributing three computer viruses the mass mailing
worms Gokar, Redesi and Admirer. These viruses were proven to have infected 27000 PCs in
42 countries. This offences covered by the CMA of section 3. On January 2003 at Southwark
Crown Court, London he received 2 years prison sentence.[CITATION Sop03 \l 2057 ]

Christopher Weatherhead, Ashley Rhodes, Peter Gibson and Jake Birchall they were the
members of Anonymous hacking groups and they were carried out distributed denial of
services which attacks the computer systems and paralyse the systems by overflowing them
online requests. For this crime anonymous targeted the companies which is involve in anti-
piracy and digital rights like the federation of the pornography(IFPI), the British recorded
music industry(BPI),other four sites which is operated by the ministry of sound, PayPal, visa
and MasterCard. They attack these sites between august 2010 and January 2011.For this
online attack PayPal costing £3.5million, BPI costing £9000, IFPI costing £20000 and
MasterCard damages their £1million. They were charged under the section 3 of the CMA.
Weather head got 18 months, Rhodes got 7 months, Gibson and Birchall got 6 months prison
sentence.[CITATION Mir13 \l 2057 ][CITATION BBC13 \l 2057 ][CITATION Dai13 \l 2057 ][ CITATION
Law142 \l 2057 ]

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