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IG Practice Booklet – New Pattern Cloze Test Questions

Direction (1-10): In a passage given below there are 10 blanks, each followed by a word given in bold. Even blank has
four alternative words given in options (a), (b), (c) and (d). You have to tell which word will best suit to the respective
blank. Mark (E) as your answer if the word given in the bold after the blank is your answer i.e "No change

Mushrooms are__(1)_[ ranked]__ as vegetables in the food world, but they are not technically plants. They
__(2)_[happen]__to the fungi kingdom. Although they are not vegetables, mushrooms _(3)_[grant]___several important
nutrients. Consuming fruits and vegetables of all kinds has long been associated with a reduced risk of many lifestyle-related
health conditions.
Increasing consumption of whole, unprocessed foods, like mushrooms, _(4)_[materialize]__ to decrease the risk
of obesity and overall mortality, diabetes, and heart disease..
Mushrooms are high in antioxidants, just like carrots, tomatoes, green and red peppers, pumpkins, green beans, zucchini, and
other whole foods. Antioxidants _(5)_[been]_chemicals that get rid of free radicals, a type of chemical that can harm a
person's body cells, potentially leading to cancer.
Selenium is a mineral that is not present in most fruits and vegetables but can be found in mushrooms. It_(6)_[assists]_ a role
in liver enzyme function, and helps detoxify some cancer-causing compounds in the body. Additionally, selenium
prevents inflammation and also decreases tumor growth rates.
The fiber, potassium and vitamin C content in mushrooms all contribute to cardiovascular health. Potassium and sodium
_(7)__[effort]_together in the body to help regulate blood pressure. Consuming mushrooms, which are high in potassium and
low in sodium, helps to lower blood pressure and decrease the risk of high blood pressure and cardiovascular diseases.
When buying mushrooms at the market, _(8)_[desire]__ones that are firm, dry, and unburied. Avoid mushrooms that appear
slimy or withered. Store mushrooms in the refrigerator and do not wash or trim them until ready for use.
Wild mushrooms have _(9)__[being]__part of the human diet for several centuries, but uncultivated wild mushrooms may
pose a risk to those unable to distinguish between those safe to eat and those that are dangerous for consumption.
Eating wild mushrooms that are toxic to humans can cause severe illness. Studies _(10)_[might]_also shown that some wild
mushrooms contain high levels of heavy metals and other harmful chemicals.

a) graded

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IG Practice Booklet – New Pattern Cloze Test Questions
b) grouped
c) classified
d) arranged
e) No change required

Correct Answer is: c)

Explanation: according to the sentence “classified” will be used as it means “to categorized” something.

a) approach
b) occur
c) appear
d) belong
e) No change required

Correct Answer is: d)

Explanation: according to the sentence “belong” will be used as it means “fit in”.

a) supply
b) provide
c) present
d) bestow
e) No change required

Correct Answer is: b)

Explanation: according to the sentence “provide” will be used as it means “to give”.

a) appear
b) build up
c) happen
d) occur
e) No change required

Correct Answer is: a)

Explanation: according to the sentence “appear” will be used as it means “come into view”.

a) has
b) have
c) at
d) are
e) No change required

Correct Answer is: d)

Explanation: “are” will be used as the subject is “plural”.

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a) compete
b) join in
c) plays
d) played
e) No change required

Correct Answer is: c)

Explanation: “plays” will be used as it mean “to cooperate”.

a) work
b) labour
c) vocation
d) exertion
e) No change required

Correct Answer is: a)

Explanation: “work” will be used as it means “to perform a job”.

a) wish
b) take
c) decide
d) choose
e) No change required

Correct Answer is: d)

Explanation: according to the sentence “choose” will be used as it means “to select”.

a) be
b) been
c) are
d) may
e) No change required

Correct Answer is: b)

Explanation: after “have” we use third form of verb so “been” will be used.

a) should
b) may
c) has
d) have
e) No change required

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IG Practice Booklet – New Pattern Cloze Test Questions
Correct Answer is: d)
Explanation: as the sentence is in present perfect so “have” will be used.

Direction (11-20): In a passage given below there are 10 blanks, each followed by a word given in bold. Even blank has
four alternative words given in options (a), (b), (c) and (d). You have to tell which word will best suit to the respective
blank. Mark (E) as your answer if the word given in the bold after the blank is your answer i.e "No change

The real meaning of the physical fitness ____(11) _[engrosses]___ the efficient and proper working of all the body systems
such as heart, nervous system, kidney, liver, digestive system, brain, etc. A person with healthy functioning body organs ____
(12)[ should]_____called as a healthy and fit person. Being healthy and fit is not so easy in such a_____(13)_[jam-
packed]____ and polluted environment. It is a big challenge to the whole human fraternity to maintain fitness together with
the technological improvement in the modern world.

Physical fitness is really ____(14)_[wealth]__a lot to Students life also including all the growing age children. They must
know the importance of health and fitness. Both, health and fitness __(15)___[will]_closely related to each other. Both are
necessary for the human being to live a happy and healthy life. There are various things we _____(16)_[ should]__to take
care all through the life in order be healthy and fit. There is no alternate to the health and fitness, we have to eat healthy food
timely,____(17)_[act]__ physical exercises daily, think positive and have patience and commitment towards good lifestyle.

Being involved in physical activities _____(18)_[over]__daily basis does something great to our body and mind. It make us
_____(19)__[sense]__good, help us to complete tough tasks, make us pleasant all around and keep us happy all time because
our body releases a chemical called endorphins while we involve in the physical activities. Regular physical activities also
reduce stress, improve sleep, boost energy level, reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression, increase our self-esteem, make
us feel proud, ____(20)_[inflate]__confidence level and personality, etc.

a) occupy
b) grip
c) involves
d) require
e) No change required

Correct Answer is: c)

Explanation: according to the sentence "involves" will be the correct word to use as the meaning of "involve" is "include".

a) must
b) to
c) are
d) is
e) No change required

Correct Answer is: d)

Explanation: according to the sentence the subject is singular so" is" will be used.

a) abandoned

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b) deserted
c) crowded
d) congested
e) No change required

Correct Answer is: c)

Explanation: according to the sentences "crowded” will be used and it is used as an adjective.

a) means
b) resources
c) ways
d) courses
e) No change required

Correct Answer is: a)

Explanation: “means" will be used as "mean" indicates “denote or signify"

a) is
b) been
c) are
d) has
e) No change required

Correct Answer is: c)

Explanation: “are” will be used as the subject is plural that is “health and fitness"

a) include
b) boast
c) has
d) have
e) No change required

Correct Answer is: d)

Explanation: “have “will be used according to the rule of compulsion grammar.

a) execute
b) complete
c) make
d) do
e) No change required

Correct Answer is: d)

Explanation: “do" will be used as it means perform something.

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IG Practice Booklet – New Pattern Cloze Test Questions
a) on
b) to
c) of
d) under
e) No change required

Correct Answer is: a)

Explanation: “on " will be used as it is used to specify days

a) logic
b) feel
c) undergo
d) sense
e) No change required

Correct Answer is: b)

Explanation: "feel" will be used as it indicates “experience"

a) pick up
b) contract
c) swell
d) improve
e) No change required

Correct Answer is: d)

Explanation: “improve" will be used as it indicate “progress"

Direction (21-30): In a passage given below there are 10 blanks, each followed by a word given in bold. Even blank has
four alternative words given in options (a), (b), (c) and (d). You have to tell which word will best suit to the respective
blank. Mark (e) as your answer if the word given in the bold after the blank is your answer i.e "No change requires".

Technology benefitted us in every aspect of our life right from communication to education. In ancient days students
__(21)_[had]____taught in a gurukul where they were taught by the gurus. But this system was _(22)_[put back]___by
modernized culture. New methods of teaching have __(23)_[remain]___introduced which is known as smart class. It
_(24)_[employs]__instructional material, 3D animated modules and videos, and all the renowned schools are using this
concept. Now the students _(25)_[has]__thrilled at this concept of innovation and interactive learning process. The concept
of digitized classroom has not only made education interesting but give chance to students to enhance their performance.
In a smart classroom, the teacher can use the resources available on the internet for the better understanding of the students.
For every subject, there are numerous resources available on the internet which can __(26)_[has]__accessed by the teachers
as well _(27)_[of]_by the students at any time in the smart classroom. Internet plays a major role in learning process. Today’s
students are curious to know about everything. They want to gain the extra knowledge about the ongoing topics in the class.
This is the limitation of books. The books print only the syllabus. For those who want to learn beyond the syllabus internet is
very useful tool. Even for the syllabus, the resources available on the internet are very helpful. In regular classroom, the
teachers _(28)_[show]_on the board and the students note it down on their notebooks. In this methodology of teaching, the
student’s mind _(29)_[takes]__diverted in two directions, one is listening and understanding to the teacher and other is

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IG Practice Booklet – New Pattern Cloze Test Questions
writing and making the notes for future reference. In this way students do not understand the topic properly or get confused.
But this is not the case with the smart classroom. In a smart classroom there is digital approach for the notes. The teacher,
instead of writing on the board, teaches using power point presentation, word documents, images, videos and audios. These
resources are given to the students in pen drives, CD, or they are mailed to them. In this way, the students do not
_(30)[has]___to write for making notes.

a) would
b) was
c) were
d) have
e) No change required

Correct Answer is: c)

Explanation: as the sentence is based on past and subject is plural so “were” will be used.

a) restored
b) swapped
c) switched
d) replaced
e) No change required

Correct Answer is: d)

Explanation: according to the sentence “replace” will be appropriate word for the blank which means “reinstate”.

a) had
b) being
c) been
d) stayed
e) No change required

Correct Answer is: c)

Explanation: as the sentence is based on passive voice so “been” will be used.

a) uses
b) utilizes
c) applies
d) used
e) No change required

Correct Answer is: a)

Explanation: according to the sentence “uses” will be used as it means “make use of”.


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IG Practice Booklet – New Pattern Cloze Test Questions
a) is
b) have
c) are
d) be
e) No change required

Correct Answer is: c)

Explanation: according to the sentence “are” will be used as the sentence is based on passive voice.
a) might
b) been
c) may
d) be
e) No change required

Correct Answer is: d)

Explanation: according to the sentence “be” will be used as first form of verb should be used after “can”.

a) as
b) are
c) so
d) can
e) No change required

Correct Answer is: a)

Explanation: according to the sentence “as” will be used as the correct phrase is “as well as”.

a) engrave
b) mark
c) write
d) record
e) No change required

Correct Answer is: c)

Explanation: according to the sentence “write” will be used as it means “to inscribe”.

a) gets
b) finds
c) acquires
d) catches
e) No change required

Correct Answer is: a)

Explanation: according to the sentence “gets” will be used as it means “attains”.

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IG Practice Booklet – New Pattern Cloze Test Questions

a) are
b) is
c) might
d) have
e) No change required

Correct Answer is: d)

Explanation: according to the sentence “have” will be used as we use “have” with “do not”

Direction (31-40): In a passage given below there are 10 blanks, each followed by a word given in bold. Even blank has
four alternative words given in options (a), (b), (c) and (d). You have to tell which word will best suit to the respective
blank. Mark (E) as your answer if the word given in the bold after the blank is your answer i.e "No change

Education is the process of facilitating learning, or the acquisition of knowledge, skills, values, beliefs, and habits.
Educational methods __(31)_[moderate]__storytelling, discussion, teaching, training, and directed research. Education
frequently takes place under the guidance of educators or teacher.
Teaching includes all the activities of providing education to others. The person who provides education
_(32)_[may]__called teacher. The teacher _(33)_[handles]___different method for giving best knowledge to his students .He
tries his best to make students understand. His duty is to encourage students to learn the subjects.
Teaching means interaction of teacher and students. They participate for their mutual benefits, both _(34)_[are]___their own
objective and target to achieve.
Many great teachers of world define teaching in different way and we can say that teaching is just to train the students so that
they can stand on their own feet in society.
In its broadest sense, teaching is a process that facilitates learning. Teaching is the specialized application of knowledge,
skills and attributes _(35)_[planned]____to provide unique service to meet the educational needs of the individual and of
In addition to providing students with learning opportunities to meet curriculum outcomes, teaching emphasizes the
development of values and guides students in their social relationships. Teachers _(36)_[occupy]____practices that develop
positive self-belief in students. Although the work of teachers typically takes place __(37)_[to]__a classroom setting, the
direct interaction between teacher and student is the single most important element in teaching.
A teacher's role may vary among cultures.
Teachers may provide __(38)_[tuition]__in literacy and numeracy, craftsmanship or vocational training, the
arts, religion, civics, community roles, or life skills.
Formal teaching tasks include preparing lessons according to agreed curricula, giving lessons, and assessing pupil progress.
A teacher's professional duties may extend beyond formal teaching. Outside of the classroom teachers may accompany
students on field trips, supervise study halls, help with the organization of school functions, and serve as supervisors
for extracurricular activities. In some education systems, teachers may have responsibility for student discipline.
In many countries, a person who __(39)_[faiths]__to become a teacher must first obtain specified professional qualifications
or credentials from a university or college. _(40)_[there]__professional qualifications may include the study of pedagogy, the
science of teaching.

a) keep out
b) include
c) ease

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IG Practice Booklet – New Pattern Cloze Test Questions
d) prevent
e) No change required

Correct Answer is: b)

Explanation: according to the sentence “include” will be the appropriate word as it means “to comprise”.

a) might
b) are
c) has
d) is
e) No change required

Correct Answer is: d)

Explanation: according to the sentence “is” will be used as the sentence is in passive voice and subject is singular.

a) manages
b) uses
c) utilizes
d) operates
e) No change required

Correct Answer is: b)

Explanation: according to the sentence “uses “ will be the appropriate as it means “ make use of /apply“.

a) were
b) had
c) will
d) have
e) No change required

Correct Answer is: d)

Explanation: according to the sentence “have” will be used as it means “possess”.

a) designed
b) considered
c) deliberated
d) calculated
e) No change required

Correct Answer is: a)

Explanation: according to the sentence “designed” will be used as it means “drafted”.

a) retain

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b) spend
c) pay
d) employ
e) No change required

Correct Answer is: d)

Explanation: according to the sentence “employ” will be used as it means “to apply”.

a) in
b) for
c) by
d) within
e) No change required

Correct Answer is: a)

Explanation: according to the sentence “in” will be used as it is used to indicate a location or place

a) route
b) instruction
c) leadership
d) supervision
e) No change required

Correct Answer is: b)

Explanation: according to the sentence “instruction” will be used as it means “command / direction”.

a) thinks
b) convictions
c) wishes
d) trusts
e) No change required

Correct Answer is: c)

Explanation: according to the sentence “wishes” will be used as it means “desires /wants”.

a) it
b) that
c) their
d) these
e) No change required

Correct Answer is: d)

Explanation: according to the sentence “these” will be used because the subject is plural.

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IG Practice Booklet – New Pattern Cloze Test Questions
Direction (41-50): In a passage given below there are 10 blanks, each followed by a word given in bold. Even blank has
four alternative words given in options (a), (b), (c) and (d). You have to tell which word will best suit to the respective
blank. Mark (e) as your answer if the word given in the bold after the blank is your answer i.e "No change requires".

The Indian summer has always been about large demand for refrigerators, fans, coolers and air-conditioners, and over the
years the demand growth _(41)_[have]__been higher and higher every season. Soft drink, tour and travel companies, and
even ice cream players _(42)_[buy]_their top lines rise along with mercury levels during the March-July period.

The weather department has_(43)_[launch]_ this summer to be hotter than usual. In its seasonal forecast, the Meteorological
department has pegged the average temperature from March to May across North India to be above normal by more than one
degree celsius.

The Meteorological office, in a statement, said average temperatures in Delhi, along with neighbouring states of Haryana,
Punjab and Rajasthan, _(44)_[will]__soar over 1.5 degrees Celsius above normal levels.

That spells an opportunity for stock investors to reap more profits from this set of summer stocks.
Foreign beverage firm CLSA _(45)_[demands]__the recent forecast by Indian Meteorological Department of a warmer-
than-usual summer in March to May period bodes well for Beverages firm.
The company Voltas continues to sustain its No. 1 position in the room AC market with a market share of 23.7 per cent. The
management _(46)_[has]__confident that the AC business can grow at 12-15 per cent in volume terms over the next few

Blue Star is a leading air-conditioning and commercial refrigeration company. The company’s share price
_(47)_[might]__stayed in a secular uptrend as it continues to form a higher peak and higher trough in all time frames. Within
this structural uptrend, the stock has undergone periodic phases of consolidation providing fresh entry opportunities for
investors to ride the uptrend.

For tour and travel Cox & Kings company, summer months are the peak business season as they coincides with school
holidays. These months account for around 60 per cent of the holiday bookings of the entire financial year.
Manpasand Beverages is engaged in the business of fruit drink segment. “Manpasand tie-up with Parle Agro” is progressing
well in West Bengal and it is __(48)_[feeling]_to explore new markets in the other regions. It is expected that demand for
products will remain strong due to _(49)_[united]_product basket (Mango Sip, Fruits Up, Siznal, Packaged drinking water,
etc.). Aggressive expansion plans, huge spend _(50)_[under]_advertising and branding, quality products at affordable prices
and increasing distribution network are the symbols of business growth.

a) shall
b) may
c) has
d) would
e) No change required

Correct Answer is: c)

Explanation: according to the sentence “has” will be used as the subject is singular.

a) witness
b) see

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IG Practice Booklet – New Pattern Cloze Test Questions
c) grasp
d) notice
e) No change required

Correct Answer is: b)

Explanation: according to the sentence “see” will be used as it means “to predict / foresee”.

a) settled
b) developed
c) schemed
d) projected
e) No change required

Correct Answer is: d)

Explanation: according to the sentence “projected” will be used as it means “forecasted”.

a) can
b) might
c) should
d) could
e) No change required

Correct Answer is: a)

Explanation: according to the sentence “can” will be used as it means “be capable of”.

a) suspects
b) mistrusts
c) believes
d) imagines
e) No change required

Correct Answer is: c)

Explanation: according to the sentence “believes” will be used as it means “thinks”.

a) are
b) will
c) have
d) is
e) No change required

Correct Answer is: d)

Explanation: according to the sentence “is” will be used because subject is singular.


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a) can
b) has
c) would
d) may
e) No change required

Correct Answer is: b)

Explanation: as the sentence is based on present prefect and subject is singular so “has” will be used.

a) looking
b) peeping
c) gazing
d) peering
e) No change required

Correct Answer is: a)

Explanation: according to the sentence “looking” will be used as it means “desiring”.

a) merged
b) concentrated
c) diversified
d) consolidated
e) No change required

Correct Answer is: c)

Explanation: according to the sentence “diversified” will be used as it means “expanded”.

a) of
b) on
c) scheduled
d) by
e) No change required

Correct Answer is: b)

Explanation: according to the sentence “on” will be used as it indicates “for” also.

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