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Technology is a machinery and equipment developed from the application of scientific

knowledge or also we know as a machine that can help or reduce our work in daily life. An
example of technological goods is computer, smartphone and others that is very useful in daily
life. I agree technology has made the world a better place to live.
Firstly, technology can effectively clean the environment. It's been proven since the 90's
how technology can clean environment, for example water purification machine that we use to
removing undesirable chemicals, biological contaminants to maintain adequate water supply to
the local population. Next in waste management, we use anaerobic digestion that can help
reducing waste in landfill that cannot digest to eliminate biochemical. That it is true that
technology can effectively clean the environment.
Next, technology can help make our day to day work easier. Nowadays we almost use
80% of technology from industrial to individual. In industry hazardous things or high-risk parts
of the job are usually performed by machines to avoid from their employee take the risk.
However, in individual we use technology that can help our daily life such as smartphone and
computer or laptop. These thing actualy help a lot of people to complete their task faster.
Besides that, technology also can help to increase production in economy sector.
Nowadays, they are a lot product or advertisement in our social media. Since 2015 in Malaysia
media social is the best platform to advertise many product from a seller or factory. Until now
we often to buy things online because they are more cheaper and easier. Because of that, our
economy can increase especially in pandemic.
Technology is good, however technology also can give disadvantages to world. The
development of technology can also be harmful especially to cyber crime, such as information
theft, fraud, virus propagation, hacking, program modification and so on. Cyber crime is rampant
nowadays and it is hard to contain. The advance of technology has been abused by certain parties
to make easy profits. In addition, technology has also made it easier for criminals to commit
crimes such as using tools to detect laptops in cars as well as car doors. These tools are widely
used by criminals.
In conclusion, technology has good and bad effects on the world. It depends how we use
and utilize it whether in good way or bad way. However technology also can make easier and
improve in our daily life task.

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