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February 2, 2011
BSN 3- SOTEJO Delivery Room


February 1, 2011 was our first duty on the Delivery Roomunder the supervision

of Ma’am Angela Jovero. It was actually our second day of duty under Ma’am Fesalbon

on the Nursery section of the Delivery Room.

After getting-to-know-each-other, Ma’am Mheesao instructed us to take the vital

signs of each newborn, with the temperatures taken every 4 hours. We also provided

feedings at about 10 am, making sure that each newborn was patted in the back to

burp, so as to prevent aspiration. Also, wekept in stand-by the things needed for cord

care, as well as the Hepatitis B vaccine, Vitamin K, and Erythromycin. We had our lunch

that day at about 12:30 PM, shortly after proving cord care. Among our duties besides

the monitoring of vital signs was to instruct the mothers while they provide breastfeeding

to their infants. Visitors are also intructed, and replacements for diapers, etc. Were also


The day never got bored, for at about :45 PM, almost an hour before our duty

ends, we got a number of newborns delvered, thus ensuring a lot of ctivities to be done

on the last day of our duty. At about 5:15 PM we had a post conference regarding the

clinical rotation at the Delivery Room together with our clinical instructor Ma’am Angela

Jovero and the 4th year head nurses.

Having a duty at the Delivery Room further enhanced my nursing skills. I learned

to be attentive, to be patient and I’ve used some of the practices learnt at school, such

as the insertion of foley catheter and IV insertion.

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