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Department of Education

Region III

Division of Pampanga


Bulaon Resettlement City of San Fernando, Pampanga.


In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Subject

Angel Liwanag Paula Alutaya Carmela Faye Nacpil
Kheyser Samson Melvin Manabat Joan Laxamana
Joanna Marie Duya Aira Tayag Katrina Lopez
Benjoseph Almacin Joy Ilac
Irish Lopez Madel Baliguat

Mrs. Edlyn R. Dawis


We would like to express our sincerest gratitude to those

who helped us on conducting this study. Without you, this
feasibility will not be possible on its success. Our deepest
gratitude to our Business Ethics Instructor, Mrs. Raidis
Dela Cruz, for her patient, motivation and immense
knowledge. Without her, we the could not imagine how
could we do a research and her guidance help us to do
better output. Our adviser Sir William Eligio, our sincere
thanks for your advice, motivation , encouragement and
conductive criticism which helps us to better construct our
research study. To our dearest classmates and co-
researchers, we would like to express our appreciation for
helping and sharing us your knowledge that helps us to be
more knowledgeable on the study. To our friends who
willingly helped us upon doing the research, accept our
sincerest thanks for your involvement and giving us time
on helping us. We would like thank our parents for their
endless support to help us to gain our objective for the
success of our research. We also like to offer this to you.
Above all, we would like to thank our Almighty God on
guiding us throughout this research and protecting us for
our safety.
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Business plays a major role within our society. It is a creative and

competitive activity that continuously contributes to the shaping of our
society. By satisfying the needs and wants people cannot satisfy
themselves, businesses improve the quality of life for people and create
a higher standard of living.

It is a way for individuals to provide goods and services to

consumers, and at the same time, produce a profit for themselves.
Businesses are not only important because they provide goods and
services for consumers, but they also improve the economy and increase
jobs for people within society.

Businesses make up a significant portion of a country’s economy.

They help people live the lives they want to live and encourage
productivity that leads to huge profits and growing revenues. The
economy of a country is literary a backbone to its existence. The
economy of a country helps determine overall health and growth of a
nation. It shows how well people can spend, save and grow their
resources overtime. It also shows effects of supply and demand; what
products and services are in demand contributing to growth and stability
of the country in question

Grocery stores play a crucial role in our rural communities,

providing vital sources of nutrition, jobs and tax revenue that support the
community. Moreover, rural grocery stores are also economic drivers,
community builders and meeting places.

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Vencan Bigasan or mostly known as Bigasan has been in a long

run in this business. The owner of this business has been once a little girl
who dreamed to be successful. When she was a child she saw how her
mother works all day long just to raise them. She learned to sell different
vegetables after her class. This little girl did not even finished her
college degree but as you can see her now. She is a very successful
business woman. Let us introduce Elena Canlas Nelson, 50 year old
woman. Who owns the most talk about grocery store in Bulaon. This is
where people always go to buy anything. It also sells good in a low
price. She said that she had come up with this business because since she
was young her passion is all about business.
The influence and how her mother show her the real world of
business. That's why until now she still bring the knowledge and beliefs
of her mom when it comes in business. Like what she experience when
she was young she sell different vegetables and she sell it in their
community. By doing the house to house practice of selling she didn't
finish her study and she think that business is suitable for her and this
can be the job that correspond to her mind and heart for her to sustain
the needs of her family.

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Beginning Capital 100,000
Revenue 15,000,000
Cost of Goods Sold 5,550,000
Gross Profit 9,450,000
Compensation 2,646,000
Utilities 189,000
Income Before Taxes 6,615,000
Tax 2,844,000
Net Income 3,770,000

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Cash flow management
Waiting to get paid can make it difficult to get by – and when a
customer doesn’t pay, you can risk everything.
Hiring employees
The hiring process can take several days of their time because in a
grocery store specially if looking for cashier it must be trustworthy.
Time management
The owner has two branches of grocery store that is why it is not
easy to manage.
Customers Violent Reactions
Because of too many goods to sell the owner did not know that she
is already selling goods that had already expired.
Employee Clashed
Some of the employees have their menstruation and will not have a
mood which causes cat fight.

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Cash flow management

Proper budgeting and planning are critical to maintaining cash
flow, but even these won’t always save you from stressing over bills.
One way to improve cash flow is to require a down payment for your
products and services. Your down payment should cover all expenses
associated with a given project or sale as well as some profit for you. By
requiring a down payment, you can at least rest assured you won’t be
left paying others’ bills; by padding the down payment with some profit,
you can rest assured you can pay your own.
Hiring employees
Once you have a pool of prospects, arrange for a “walking
interview” in which you take candidates on a tour of their working
environments. Ask questions relevant to the job and to candidates’
experiences, expectations, dedication, and long-term goals. Don’t act
like an overlord determining which minion gets to live another day;
rather, behave as though you’re seeking a partner to help you operate
and grow your business.
Take the time to seek real references: not the neighbor lady your
candidates grew up with, but people who can honestly attest to their
work ethic and potential. Once you’ve picked a candidate and before
you’ve made a job offer, ask them specifically what it will take to keep
them employed with you long-term.
Time management
Make time. Like money, it doesn’t grow on trees, of course, so you
have to be smart about how you’re spending it. Here’s how:

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 Create goal lists: You should have a list of lifetime goals, broken
down into annual goals, broken down into monthly goals, then
broken down into weekly goals. Your weekly goals, then will be
broken down into specific tasks by day. In this manner, what is on
your task list in any given day is all you need to do to stay on track
with your lifetime goals
 If any tasks do not mesh with your goals, eliminate it or delegate
 If any tasks do not absolutely have to be completed by you,
delegate them
 Consistently ask yourself: “Is what I’m doing right now the
absolute best use of my time?”
Customers Violent Reactions
Treat them properly. Ask them what they want do not also give
them violent reaction instead ask them what can be the measures to be
done. Remember customers are always right.
Employee Clashed
Make them understand that this pace is not a ring but a workplace
that is needed to be respected.

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As a small business owner, realizing this one insight

is essential for maintaining a calm head: your
competitors face the same problems as you do. All
of us, regardless of the industry we’re in, are
essentially in the same boat. How you respond to
these challenges will change the “game” – as you
become more successful, thereby leaving your rivals
by the wayside. It’s important to remember that
these challenges are just that – challenges and people
do overcome them.

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