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Being able to offer real added-value to the

Mutual customer consumer means closer co-operation between

industry and trade in the future. This is not an
approach: how industry easy mission, especially considering their past
and trade are executing relationship that was more often shaped by
confrontation than co-operation. Taking into
collaborative customer account the fast changing consumer shopping
relationship habits, it becomes increasingly difficult to
adapt the product assortment to the
management customer's ever changing needs. But
customers, frequently illustrated as ``bargain-
Alexander Kracklauer hunters'', are incessantly looking for the best
Olaf Passenheim and added-value. This does not necessarily have
to be the cheapest offer. Many studies have
Dirk Seifert proven the customer's willingness to pay
premium prices, but only if the product or the
The authors service provides distinctively outstanding
Alexander Kracklauer is the Senior Account
The research of customer needs and the
Management of Procter & Gamble, Birkenwag, Germany.
Olaf Passenheim is a PhD Student at the Department of
professional management of customer
Economics and Politics, at the University of Hamburg,
relationship becomes less difficult if
Hamburg, Germany.
knowledge about the customer is shared
Dirk Seifert is the Head of a collaborative planning,
between industry and trade. The millions
forecasting and replenishment (CFPR) research project at
spent by industry for market research and
Harvard Business School, Boston, Massachusetts, USA.
trade's excellent knowledge of the customer's
For full authors details, please refer to the ``About the
shopping behaviour at the point-of-sale
authors'' section at the end of the paper.
(POS) are combined to produce a mutually
beneficial tool.
In the past, co-operation between industry
and trade was primarily focused on the
Relationship marketing, Distribution management helpful co-ordination of different store and
assortment categories (category
Abstract management). Just recently, it has been
Collaborative customer relationship management (CCRM) is observed that this co-operation has become
a new emerging strategic approach in the consumer goods increasingly focused on a closer teamwork in
sector. In the past, collaboration between a supplier and a customer relationship management (CRM).
retailer started with category management and soon proved In that context, the authors of this paper have
to generate a mutual benefit for both parties and for the introduced the phrase ``collaborative
consumer as well (creating a win-win-win-situation). Now, customer relationship management
CCRM represents a quantum leap in the joint effort of both (CCRM)''. This strategic approach unleashes
partners to meet and actually exceed customer the possibility to exhaust synergy potentials in
expectations. First movers in implementing the new
addressing the customer. Additionally, the
strategic concept, like Procter & Gamble, report increased
integration of Internet technology supports
sales and a significant higher customer retention rate.
Beside enhanced sales it also helps to exploit cost saving
the efficient use of CCRM for both parties.
potentials in the value chain. The concept supports target-
oriented-marketing-efforts and makes marketing
investments of suppliers and retailers more efficient. Category management as origin for
collaborative marketing efforts
Electronic access
Even previous category management
The current issue and full text archive of this journal is
practices were based on linking business
available at
information between industry and trade. Data
exchange via electronic data interchange
(EDI) was an early structure of e-commerce ±
International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management
Volume 29 . Number 12 . 2001 . pp. 515±519 predominantly focused on attaining greater
# MCB University Press . ISSN 0959-0552 efficiency in respect to order processing and
Mutual customer approach International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management
Alexander Kracklauer, Olaf Passenheim and Dirk Seifert Volume 29 . Number 12 . 2001 . 515±519

invoice rendering. E-commerce and expectations, intensifies competition,

e-business are actually important tools for the decreases margins along the value-chain and
further development of category minimises consumer loyalty. Being the
management. The Internet enables industry location for differentiating between
and trade to exchange information at an even traditional ``brick-and-mortar'' companies,
higher rate and to link industry and suppliers the POS will win and lose importance. It will
along the value-chain. Internet technology lose importance as shoppers continue to shop
can now be used for process optimisation. more on-line and therefore use the traditional
Furthermore, the Internet can be used to off-line shops less often. It will gain
improve the quality of CRM ± with the importance as shoppers expect ``shopping
positive effect of strongly integrated category events/experiences'' which cannot be offered
management focused on marketing activities. on-line.
The neglected side of category management ± The answer for traditional trade seems
the marketing of categories to specific set obvious: they must focus on improving
goals ± will be influenced by two consumer loyalty to ensure their business
developments in the future: success and secure their preferred target
(1) the importance of improving the quality group. The points of interest for both industry
of the customer relationship; and and trade are identical. There is great
(2) the growing necessity of ``one-on-one'' potential in the mutual implementation of this
marketing. task.
While customer relationship management by
Internet (e-CRM) is discussed intensely and
is partly already utilised by innovative leaders Conventional CRM as critical leverage
in the trade sector (, the for increased turn-over in industry and
consideration of a common use of customer trade
data by industry and trade has yet to occur.
Various studies have proven the enormous
increase in the value of customers over time ±
``customer lifetime value''. Depending on the
Tearing down the wall of suspicion
branch, a 5 per cent reduction in customer
Considering all levels of collaborative drift leads to an increased contribution
electronic customer relationship (ECR), margin of 25-80 per cent (retail trade: 25 per
category management demands the highest cent). CRM verifies the attained knowledge
degree of mutual understanding and that committed existing customers can be
co-operation between industry and trade. served cheaper and sold more. They require
Without information sharing, category less marketing effort and hence incur less
management is destined to fail. Mutual costs/marketing expenditure. Customer
openness and trust are necessary prerequisites satisfaction and loyalty is the focus of CRM.
for success. Information about consumer CRM is a strategy to identify and attract
needs, customer habits (shopper data), profitable customers, tying them to the
market and competitor data, marketing, company or product by efficient relationship
strategies and programs are readily available marketing to guarantee profitable growth. For
to both industry and trade. Joint usage of this the retail trade, as for the consumer goods
information results in multiple returns in industry, CRM offers a great platform for the
efficiency. acquisition of new customers in addition to
Greater emphasis and importance will be gaining customer satisfaction and loyalty.
placed on the enactment of the outlined Additionally, existing customer relationships
potential. The Internet is not merely a tool to can be used to drive sales via up or cross-
secure consumers, but also offers the selling. The most ``valuable'' customers
opportunity to satisfy the customer's desire especially need to be identified, attracted and
for more flexibility. Temporal and physical retained.
barriers between trade and customers vanish A fundamental factor for successful CRM is
with information being accessible by the efficient linking of customer data to fulfil
experienced consumers, anywhere and at customer needs better. The proactive use of
anytime. The Internet raises shopper customer data for improving customer
Mutual customer approach International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management
Alexander Kracklauer, Olaf Passenheim and Dirk Seifert Volume 29 . Number 12 . 2001 . 515±519

relationships is crucial, opposed to simply for developing categories or attracting specific

collecting data for future retrieval. target groups are e.g. ``Wine'' (target group:
At present there are numerous models of high income households); or ``Ready-to-eat-
CRM. Regarding CRM as a follow-on meals'' (target group: one-person
development to category management, there households). A prerequisite for undertaking a
are basically three main steps important for CM-Project is the precise definition of the
efficient CRM in retail trade: target group ± only then can target-oriented
(1) Acquire new and profitable customers. The projects can be started.
retail trade has to build-up product- and
service-leadership. In the context of
category management, leadership stands Strategic areas of co-operation within
for the consequent alignment of product the field of CCRM
presentation (avoiding out-of-stocks,
presenting attractive product Future CRM will not be manageable within a
assortments, etc.) with innovations sole company, the on-line consumer of the
(stressing the competence of innovation, future being more demanding than ever
being first with new products on the before. First, service and product providers
market, etc.). It must be the focus to offer need to generate an ``added value'', prior to
the customer superior products with offering that benefit to their customers for the
outstanding service. purpose of differentiating from the
(2) Improve the profitability of existing competition. In order to reach this goal,
customers. All possibilities to increase the companies need to go into vertical and/or
customer's product selection/basket by horizontal partnerships. Whilst horizontal
cross and up-selling should be used. The partnerships ± affiliate relationship
goal must be one-stop-shopping for the management (ARM) ± are intended for
customer's specific needs. Category companies at the same level of the value chain
management refers to optimal efficiency to expand their customer scope, to use
of promotional/sales boosting activities alternative distribution channels or simply to
using all available customer data. The convey ``added-value'' information to their
presentation of the range of goods on customer; vertical partnerships are aimed at
offer should also improve the likelihood partnerships between companies at various
of related and premium selling. stages along the value chain. The achievement
(3) Retain the profitable customers. Data of strategic advantages over the competitor
collected from numerous category through co-operation in logistics and
management projects indicate that loyal marketing, via supply integration and
customers (defined as customers with a inter-organisational process optimisation are
requirement rate of > 25 per cent in a important levers to attain rises in turn-over
particular outlet) comprise approximately and profit. Supplier relationship management
25-30 per cent of all customers. However, (SRM) of the future will acknowledge that
these loyal customers are responsible for partnerships with parties at other stages of the
value chain will release substantial potential in
65-75 per cent of the total turnover. This
efficiency ± if the structures and the processes
target group must be reached with
of all parties involved are co-ordinated.
specific and focused marketing. The
Why SRM? Next, a few questions
analysis of customer data, e.g. data
indicating guidelines for the application of
collected from customer cards, is
synergies and common strategic goal setting:
important in identifying these valuable
. Is the retailer capable of identifying the
most profitable customers by themselves
The case study of Procter & Gamble and the and can they determine their customers'
trade company A&P (see the Appendix) most important needs instore and online?
should enhance the comprehension of . Does the retailer know their customers'
CCRM. needs and desires within different
This example of collaborative development product categories and their actual
of a product category or business area can behaviour instore or online?
easily be applied to innumerable other . Does the retailer know how their
categories or target groups. Additional bases customers act as instore and online
Mutual customer approach International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management
Alexander Kracklauer, Olaf Passenheim and Dirk Seifert Volume 29 . Number 12 . 2001 . 515±519

shoppers? Do they recognise the major Industry can also heavily contribute added
opportunity gaps compared with the value to retailers' instore-Web-presence. In
best-in-class competitor in the various US retail businesses, it is common practice for
product categories? category captains to prepare the concepts for
. Is the retailer able to offer personalised shelf displays within the specific product
products or services based on detailed categories, implementing after verification
consumer and shopper knowledge? with the trade partner. It is conceivable for
. Is the retailer able to provide product product presentation on-line to use similar
knowledge or on-call service for all models ± suppliers/manufacturers can
product categories, ensuring relevant provide additional information for their
relationship marketing to their target category or product range for on-line
group? shoppers.
. Even if the retailer is able to co-ordinate In marketing and fulfilment, most existing
all of these processes themselves, without partnerships between industry and trade
support from a supplier, would a already have successful co-operative business
co-operation lead to cost savings? Where models. Jointly prepared instore and on-line
can trade and industry build up promotions and direct mailings are good
meaningful strategic partnerships? models for the capabilities resulting from a
mutual marketing program. The Internet
Observing the core process of CRM and the
provides new areas of co-operation. Industry
points of contact between consumers and
can provide information of the availability of
retailers, countless mutual opportunities for
its products or brands in the retail outlets of
added value are uncovered (Figure 1)
their trading partners. Industry can also use
As consumer information is mainly
the consumer data collected from the Internet
contributed by the supplier, the possibilities
to do a geographical segmentation or send out
to realise additional value-chain opportunities
direct mailings within the catchment area of a
in sales will increase dramatically through a
trading partner's outlet.
co-operative partnership. Quantitative and
Customer relationship and customer loyalty
qualitative market research by the
programs are further co-operation levels with
manufacturer can be important tools to
great efficiency potential. Consumer
facilitate up or cross-selling. In combination
databases of large trading companies can be
with trade's analytic options (e.g. docket
used to run loyalty programs, for example,
analysis), there are numerous possibilities for
right down to the individual outlets. Further,
business development. For example, market
there are also possibilities to identify
research in the paper industry could uncover
profitable customer segments jointly and tie
the fact that women primarily use sanitary
them to the specific outlet or brand.
pads after pregnancy. Knowing that, retailers
In the field of customer service, the
could analyse check-out dockets, determining
co-operation between industry and trade is
to what degree young mothers purchase pads
unavoidable. A large amount of product
in addition to diapers in the stores, addressing
information for customers can only be
this additional business potential with specific
provided by the supplier; detailed knowledge
merchandising programs.
about the instore presence of the product can
only be provided by the supplier. But also
Figure 1 Core processes of CRM within (on-line) trade
additional product information can easily be
provided by the industry partner (e.g.
information about baby care).
In an environment with a constant
reduction in consumer loyalty, industry as
well as trade companies are encouraged to
co-ordinate their CRM efforts. Data collected
at the different points of contact with the
consumer should be analysed and used co-
operatively. CCRM offers a strategic
approach to take consequential advantage of
existing synergies between these two
market players.
Mutual customer approach International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management
Alexander Kracklauer, Olaf Passenheim and Dirk Seifert Volume 29 . Number 12 . 2001 . 515±519

Further reading The assembly of product assortments based

on purpose, offers the defined target group,
Seifert, D. (2001), Efficient Consumer Response ± ``young family'', a real additional benefit,
Strategic Success Factors for a Value-adding
thereby building customer loyalty, which has
Partnership between Supplier and Retailer, Hampp,
Munich. profound influence regarding their future
Seifert, D. (2001), Efficient Consumer Response, Supply store/outlet choice. Simultaneously, an
Chain Management, Category Management and extensive marketing program for the ``baby
Collaborative Planning Forecasting and club'' has been initiated, encompassing direct
Replenishment as New Strategicc Approaches,
mailing for the target group, TV, radio and
2nd ed., Hampp, Munich.
Internet advertising. This marketing
programme was aimed at the acquisition of
new and profitable young families. A good
Appendix. CRM-case study: illustration for a joint marketing co-operation
Procter & Gamble and A&P is the linking of the P&G Webpage, ``Pampers
Parenting Institute'', with the on-line
A good example of a successful category marketing campaign of A&P for the ``baby
management project as part of comprehensive club''. Following that link, visitors of the A&P
CRM is the co-operation between Procter & Web page receive additional information, tips
Gamble (P&G) and the North-American and tricks on babycare and baby health topics
trading company A&P (a branch of the ± hence providing added value. To gather
German Tengelmann Group). Primarily, the additional information, an extra loyalty card
task of the co-operation was the identification
was handed out by A&P to this particular
of high income households in order to attract
target group. In the future, outlets will have a
these households to shop in the outlets of
specific data profile of the target group for
A&P using relevant concepts. A detailed
further POS activities, thereby binding and
analysis of consumer and shopper data,
retaining the profitable target group.
supported by data collected from A&P
distributed customer cards (``loyalty cards'')
and consumer/shopper data provided by
P&G, the target group ``young families with About the authors
baby/infants'' was identified as a lucrative
Dr Alexander Kracklauer is currently
consumer segment with enormous potential.
Senior Account Manager of Procter &
To attract this target group, an extensive
category management and co-marketing- Gamble, Germany. Prior to this assignment
project was launched. First, checkout he held senior positions in the Marketing and
dockets, loyalty cards and focus groups Sales field in the USA and Germany.
provided information for analysing the most Olaf Passenheim is currently in the PhD
important customer demands. The most program of the University of Economics and
important product categories for the target Politics of Hamburg. Before that he held
group, e.g. ``diapers'';``baby-food'' or ``baby- senior positions with Droege Consulting and
shampoo'' have been arranged to form a Procter & Gamble.
``baby care centre'' and positioned to Dirk Seifert is the head of a CPFR
enhance/complement each other. As a result, (Collaborative Planning, Forecasting and
avoidable time spent by the customer Replenishment)-research project at Harvard
searching for products has been eliminated, Business School. Prior to this he was Director
one-stop-shopping has become possible and of the Bertelsmann e-Commerce Group. He
impulse shopping promoted. At the same has also held senior positions with the
time, shopping for young mothers has been Category Management Division of Procter &
modified into event shopping by means of Gamble and with the International Marketing
eye-catching instore product presentation. Department of Bayer.


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