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Int. J. Pres. Ves.

& Piping 58 (1994) 251-265

© 1994 Elsevier Science Limited
Printed in Northern Ireland. All rights reserved

Transition metal joints for steam generators

An overview
A. K. Bhaduri, S. Venkadesan, P. Rodriguez
Metallurgy and Materials Group, Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research, Kalpakkam-603102, India


P. G. Mukunda
Department of Metallurgical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur-721302, India

(Received 27 March 1993; accepted 22 April 1993)

The transition metal joint (TMJ) between an austenitic stainless steel and a
chromium-molybdenum (Cr-Mo) ferritic steel used widely in steam genera-
tors of power plants has for a long time presented problems relating to
premature failures in service. The direct (bimetallic) TMJ presently in use is
designed for a service life of about 200,000 h; but such TMjs with iron-base
weld metals have been failing in service within about one-third of their design
lifetime, while their counterparts with nickel-base weld metals fail within about
one-half of their design lifetime. The causes for such premature service failures
of these TMJs are discussed in detail, leading to the development of improved
TMJs. One of the improved TMJs with a trimetallic configuration of austenitic
stainless steel/Alloy 800/Cr-Mo ferritic steel is discussed in detail, covering its
development, characterisation and evaluation. Accelerated performance tests
in the laboratory have indicated a four-fold improvement in the service life of
the TMJ with this trimetallic configuration compared to the bimetallic
configuration. The metallurgical details of these studies are also discussed in
this paper.

1 INTRODUCTION are welded to austenitic SS pipes running from

the sodium-to-sodium intermediate heat exchan-
Transition metal joints (TMJs) between low-alloy ger. Such TMJs are often welded by gas tungsten
chromium-molybdenum (Cr-Mo) ferritic steels, arc (GTA), shielded metal arc (SMA) or
such as 2.25Cr-lMo and 9Cr-lMo, and aus- induction pressure welding processes. Initially,
tenitic stainless steels (SS), such as AISI types welding consumables of austenitic SS were used,
304, 316, etc., are used widely in steam but currently the trend is towards the use of
generators (SGs) of power plants. In fossil-fuel nickel-based welding consumables.
fired power plants, austenitic SS tubes are used in The TMJs between ferritic steels and austenitic
the high temperature sections, where increased SS have long been recognised as an area of
creep strength and resistance to oxidation are potential problems, 1'2 because they can generate
required, such as in the final stages of the large thermal stresses resulting from difference in
superheaters and reheaters. In the primary boiler thermal expansion characteristics--austenitic SS
and heat exchanger, where the temperatures are having a coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE)
lower, the use of tubes of the more economical 30% greater than that of ferritic steels (their
low-alloy ferritic steels becomes permissible and typical CTE values being 18 and 14 /xm/m K,
is generally adopted. In liquid sodium cooled fast respectively). Thermal cycling during power plant
breeder reactors, SG pipes made of ferritic steels operation plays a major role in the premature
252 A . K . Bhaduri et al.

service failure of these joints. The difference in between that of ferritic steels and austenitic SS,
the coefficients of thermal expansion between the and consequently this leads to a reduction in the
base metals and the weld metal generates magnitude of the cyclic thermal stresses. Further,
thermal stresses during the numerous startups the use of Ni-base weld metal significantly
and shutdowns occurring in an operating power decreases the extent of carbon migration from
plant. These cyclic stresses superimposed on the the ferritic steel into the weld metal, because of
residual welding stresses, external loads and the low carbon activity gradient between the
internal steam pressure may cause the ultimate ferritic steel and the weld metal, and the low
service failure of these joints. Although several diffusivity of carbon in Ni-base alloys. Hence, at
investigations 3'4 have produced failures in c r e e p - the present time Ni-base weld metals are
rupture tests similar to those observed in service, r e c o m m e n d e d for fabrication and repair of TMJs.
there is general agreement that in an operating The only drawback of Ni-base weld metals is
plant the stresses responsible for the failure of their inferior weldability compared to austenitic
TMJs are due to the thermal cycling that occurs SS; as a consequence, there are fewer welders
when the plant is started or shut down3 Several qualified to weld with it. Further, even TMJs with
premature failures have occurred in these joints, Ni-base weld metals are not i m m u n e to failure,
well below the design lifetime of the tubings. 6-" and service failures of these TMJs have also been
Typically, these failures have occurred in the reported. 7'~ Nucleation and propagation of
ferritic steel heat-affected zone ( H A Z ) , immedi- creep-fatigue cracks along a planar array of
ately adjacent to the weld fusion line, through the globular carbides formed during service have
propagation of low-ductility circumferential been considered responsible for the failures.
cracks. Indeed there is a growing realisation that Ni-base
Laboratory test results 3,9,1° and service weld metals only buy more time in that they
experience 7,s'l~ have shown that significant im- eventually fail, much before the design lifetime of
provement in the service life of TMJs can be the plant.
achieved by using Ni-base weld metals instead of Different types of TMJs have been developed,
austenitic SS weld metals. 6's This is understan- and some of the important ones are listed in
dable since the Ni-base weld metals have CTE Table 1.12 This list includes some experimental

Table 1. Different types of transition metals joints

Category Type Schematic~ Used in

1 Austenitic Cr-Mo \\Aust. / Aust. Conventional
weld metal steel ~/WM SS power plants
weld metal Cr-Mo \\..\\ Aust. // Aust. Mainly
(buttered steel \\_WMJ SS conventional
Cr-Mo) power plants

High nickel Cr-Mo ~ High N i / Aust. Conventional and

weld metal steel \ ~ _ W M /_ SS nuclear power
-- / . /. . . .
4 Alloy 600 Cr-Mo • High Ni Alloy High Ni / Aust Nuclear
transition steel \ WM 600 WM SS power plants
Alloy800 Cr-Mo ~HighNJ / Alloy~ Aust.? Aust. Experimental
transition steel ~ WM . 800 WM SS joint for
piece LMFBR
Graded Cr-Mo Graded composition [ Aust. Mainly
composition steel transition zone [ SS conventional
joint power plant
" Aust.: Austenitic; WM; Weld Metal.
Transition metal joints for steam generators 253

joints which have not seen service in power temperature service, failures occur in the ferritic
plants as well as the more commonly used joints. steel, in a region that is parallel and adjacent to
The joint configurations can be broadly divided the weld fusion line, with minimal plastic
into two categories: (i) those involving an deformation. The principal reasons for this
'abrupt' junction between the austenitic SS and low-ductility type failure mode have been
the ferritic steel (types 1 and 2 in Table 1); and attributed to the causes listed b e l o w "2,9,2°-24
(ii) those in which a weld metal or transition
piece of intermediate CTE (normally a high-Ni (a) Thermally induced cyclic stresses at the
alloy) is introduced between the austenitic SS ferritic steel/austenitic SS weld metal
and the ferritic steel (types 3, 4 and 5 in Table 1), interface due to difference in CTE between
and also including the graded composition TMJs base metals and the weld metal.
(type 6 in Table 1). Service and testing (b) Preferential stress oxidation at the weld
experience have demonstrated the first category metal/ferritic steel interface resulting in
to be prone to failure, whereas experience, albeit the formation of oxide notches on the
much less extensive in duration, with the second ferritic steel surface adjacent to the weld
category suggests satisfactory performance. The fusion line, and through-thickness propa-
joint configuration involving a transition piece gation of these oxide notches from the
can be considered as an improvement over the outer surface of tubes.
TMJ with Ni-base weld metal in that the (c) Migration of carbon from the ferritic steel
transition piece effectively separates the ferritic to the austenitic SS weld metal, resulting in
steel and the austenitic SS so that they do not the formation of a narrow carbon-depleted
interact due to different thermal expansion zone in the ferritic steel HAZ adjacent to
characteristics. It is now accepted that the highest the weld fusion line, and the consequent
risk zone in TMJ is the ferritic steel adjacent to accelerated creep of this weakened
the weld fusion line, and the optimum arrange- layer.2,7,9A 3-19
ment in terms of matching of thermal expansion (d) Microstructural instabilities in ferritic steel
characteristics and creep rupture properties is as involving dissolution of M23C 6 carbide
given by type 5 in Table 1, viz. Cr-Mo ferritic precipitates at regions well away from the
steel/Ni-base weld metal/Alloy 800/austenitic SS weld fusion line, and their reprecipitation
weld metal/austenitic SS. 12 along prior-austenite grain boundaries very
In this paper, the problems associated with the close to the interface between weld metal
direct (bimetallic) TMJs, the causes for their and the ferritic steel as M3C, which on
premature failures in service, and the merits of prolonged exposure at the service tem-
the improved trimetallic TMJs are discussed. One perature transform to Cr-rich M23C6 and
of the improved TMJs with a trirnetallic Mo-rich M6C. The failure mechanism in
configuration of austenitic stainless steel/Alloy the case of such microstructural in-
800/Cr-Mo ferritic steel is discussed in detail, stabilities has been attributed to the
covering its development, metallurgical charac- formation of creep voids associated with
terisation and evaluation, including its perfor- certain type of carbide precipitates. 24
mance through accelerated thermal cycling tests. (e) Other factors such as weld geometry,
welding defects, residual stresses, external
bending moment, operating conditions,
weld metal type, and creep and temper
2 DIRECT (BIMETALLIC) TRANSITION embrittlement of the ferritic steel HAZ are
METAL JOINTS also potentially important causes, although
systematic investigations on these aspects
2.1 Causes of premature service failures have not been reported in the literature.

Several extensive and detailed studies have been Over the years, extensive experimental inves-
carried out on the cracking and failure of ferritic tigations have been carried out on various aspects
steel/austenitic SS TMJs over the past 30-40 of the above mentioned factors on TMJs with
years. 2'7'9'13-19 It is generally agreed that, under austenitic SS and Ni-base weld metals. 3'4A°'11'21"25-29
cyclic as well as steady-state long-term elevated The majority of these investigations relate to
254 A . K . Bhaduri et al.

TMJs with austenitic SS weld metals, since such Subsequent investigators '~'34"35 concluded that this
TMJs have been in use since the late 1930s, while lamellar structure is tempered martensite. Howe-
their Ni-base counterparts were not introduced ver, a r e c e n t study 36 on a 17-year-old type 321
until the early 1960s. Based on laboratory test SS/2.25Cr-lMo steel joint welded with Inconel
results 3"9"1° and service experience, 7,8,1J,3° there 132 showed no evidence of the lamellar-type
appears to be a consensus that TMJs with structure in the ferritic steel near the weld fusion
Ni-base weld metals are generally superior to line. Instead, a semi-continuous structure consist-
those with austenitic SS weld metals. Though ing of a globular phase was observed in some
only limited data are available, the trend 8'3~ seen areas along the weld metal/ferritic steel interface,
is that TMJs with Ni-base weld metals last about and the crack propagated along paths associated
four to five times longer in service than those with this phase, but the identity of the globular
with austenitic SS weld metals. The Ni-base weld precipitates could not be established using X-ray
metals have a CTE between that of the ferritic diffraction (XRD) analysis of precipitates ex-
steels and austenitic SS. Further, the carbon tracted from the oxidised fracture surface.
activity gradients between ferritic steels and However, transmission electron microscopy
Ni-base weld metals, and the diffusivity of carbon (TEM) studies using carbon extraction replicas
in Ni-base alloys, are lower than in Fe-base from the interface region in unfailed joints,
austenitic weld metals. Thus, the extent of carbon identified the globular interracial precipitates as
migration from the ferritic steel into the Ni-base M23C6, rich in Cr with Fe, Mo and Ni also
weld metal is significantly reduced compared to present. 32'37 Further detailed investigations re-
that occurring in TMJs with austenitic SS weld vealed that some of the interfacial precipitates
metal. Hence, Ni-base weld metals are currently were also of M6C type, which were rich in Mo
recommended for fabrication and repair of and in addition contained Fe, Cr and Ni. 24'32 The
TMJs. 32 While use of Ni-base welding con- interfacial precipitate arrays were also
sumables clearly offers improved performance, categorised 32 in terms of morphologies: type I
service failures in these TMJs have also been were single lines of coarse precipitates and type
reported. 7'8 Thus, it is realised that even TMJs II were wider bands of finer precipitates. While
welded with Ni-base consumables are not type II precipitates constitute 100% of the
immune to failure. interfacial precipitates in TMJs with Fe-base weld
metal, type I precipitates constitute 80% and
2.2 Failure modes type II 20% of the interfacial precipitates in
TMJs with Ni-base weld metal. 32 The fact that
The general metallurgical characteristics of the there were two distinct interfacial microstructures
failure modes of bimetallic TMJs are very typical. associated with the joints with austenitic SS and
In joints with austenitic SS weld metal, cracking Ni-base weld metals had not been noticed prior
occurs along prior-austenite grain boundaries in to the above mentioned investigations. The
the ferritic steel H A Z , about one to two failure modes, as observed from TMJs after
prior-austenite grains away from the weld fusion service, are predominantly determined by the
line. In joints with Ni-base weld metal, failure morphology of the microstructure at the weld
predominantly occurs by cracking along the weld metal/ferritic steel interface.
metal/ferritic steel interface. These failure
propagation characteristics clearly indicate that 2.3 Carbon migration from the ferritic steel
the microstructure of the ferritic steel H A Z at, or
near, the weld fusion line plays an important role Microstructural analyses and microhardness me-
in the failure mechanism. 32 asurements on several TMJs that had seen
The exact nature of the microstructure at the service 9"36 showed formation of carbide phases
weld metal/ferritic steel interface was not and an increase of hardness along the weld
definitely established in the early studies metal/ferritic steel interface. This indicated that
described in the literature, although suggestions carbon migration took place during elevated
about its characters are many. It was initially temperature exposure. An investigation was
suggested 33 that precipitation of a lamellar carried out involving aging of samples of Alloy
intermetallic phase results in an interfacial 800H/2.25Cr-lMo steel joints, welded with
structure that is much harder than the H A Z . Inconel 82, at 783, 866 and 950 K to various
Transition metal joints for steam generators 255

times, and measurement of the carbon con- From earlier studies, it has become evident
centration profiles using an EPMA. 38 The test that carbon migration in TMJs during service
data were then used for arriving at a Larson- exposure has been regarded as the dominant
Miller type equivalency given by metallurgical factor responsible for the failure
problems. This is reflected by the extensive
P = T ( C + logt) (1)
e f f o r t s 17'38-41 to understand the kinetics of carbon
where P is the equivalency parameter, T is the migration. A closer look, however, shows that
absolute temperature in Kelvin, C is a constant there has been little effort to study the effects of
dependent primarily on the kinetics of carbon carbon concentration on the mechanical pro-
migration, and t is the exposure time at the perties of the low-alloy ferritic steel HAZ. It has
temperature T. Based on these results, 38 it was been shown 42"43 that the creep strength of a
found that the value of the constant C was 8.4. 2.25Cr-lMo steel was not sensitive to carbon
This is lower compared to a C value of 20, which content, provided carbon concentration was
is often found appropriate to describe creep- above 0.03 wt%. The microstructure of the
rupture properties of carbon and low-alloy steels. 2.25Cr-lMo steel was also not affected by carbon
In similar experiments conducted 39 on C r - M o concentration variation above 0.03 wt%.
steel/austenitic SS joints welded with Inconel 82, Moreover, below a concentration of 0.03 wt%,
a C value of 15 was found to be appropriate. formation of ferrite was observed. On the
Evidently, the carbon migration in TMJs depends contrary, it has also been shown 44 that there is an
very much on the chemical compositions of the increase in the minimum creep rate with decrease
weld metal and the base metal. in carbon content from 0.09 to 0.06 wt% in
The process of carbon migration involves 2.25Cr-lMo steel.
decomposition of carbides in the ferritic steel,
followed by diffusion of carbon from the ferritic 2.4 Carbon depletion in the ferritic steel H A Z
steel into the weld metal. The driving force is
primarily the carbon concentration gradient, or It is clear that the typical low-ductility failure, in
more correctly, the carbon activity gradient which cracking occurs either along prior-
between the ferritic steel containing low Cr and austenite grain boundaries close to the weld
the weld metal which is rich in Cr. When carbon fusion line or along the weld metal/ferritic steel
diffuses beyond the weld metal/ferritic steel interface, cannot happen in TMJs that form a
interface, carbide formation and precipitation carbon-depleted soft ferrite zone in the ferritic
takes place because of the low solubility and steel HAZ. Thus, while it is evident from the
diffusivity of carbon in the weld metal. In a very formation of a carburised layer in the weld metal
extensive study on this subject, 4° the carbon that carbon migration occurs, this does not
migration in ferritic/ferritic and ferritic/austenitic necessarily mean that the ferritic steel H A Z next
joints using both Fe-base and Ni-base weld to the weld fusion line is grossly depleted in
metals was systematically investigated. Based on carbon resulting in the formation of ferrite layer.
the width of carburised layers, determined by In this sense, carbon migration and carbon
metallographic etching, a time-temperature re- depletion have been misinterpreted in the
lationship similar to that of Larson-MiUer literature. This may explain why those weld joints
equivalency was established: containing a carbon stabiliser, such as niobium, in
the ferritic steel to minimise carbon migration
P ' = K / T + logt (2)
have not been able to prevent TMJs from
where P' is the equivalency parameter, K is a cracking.13,22,28,45
material constant determined for each weld joint,
T is the absolute temperature, and t is the time of 2.5 Effect of post-weld heat treatment
exposure. Equations (1) and (2) were developed
using experimental data obtained by E P M A Post-weld heat treatment (PWHT) is usually
carbon concentration profiles38 and metallog- employed to reduce or eliminate residual stresses
raphic measurement of the carbon diffusion generated after welding. The ASME C o d e 46
layer. 4° Unfortunately, neither of these tech- requires PWHT in the case of weld joints in
niques provides accurate data for true prediction large- and heavy-section components involving
of carbon migration. low-alloy steels like 2.25Cr-lMo, while the same
256 A . K . Bhaduri et al.

is not required in the case of heat exchanger tube stresses cause the oxide to crack, exposing fresh
weld joints which are less than 101.6 mm in outer metal and allowing further oxidation to occur.
diameter. Despite all the studies, 47-49 the This enhanced local oxidation leads to oxide
quantitative effects of P W H T on residual stresses notches. Once the notch is formed, the relatively
remain unclear. Further when weld joints such as poor oxidation resistance of the ferritic steel
TMJs involving alloys with different CTE are H A Z , which has been depleted in carbon, allows
subjected to PWHT, complete stress relief will oxidation to take place, and the notch thus fills
not be achieved because of their expansion with oxide. 2223'25,2s'36 Since the oxide has greater
behaviour? ° Such PWHTs will, however, benefi- volume than the metal consumed to produce it,
cially temper any hard H A Z in the ferritic steel stress is generated at the tip of the notch which
and it is also likely to redistribute the residual promotes notch propagation. 23'36 However, these
stresses, which may or may not be beneficial? ° theories fail to explain why some oxide notches
The effect of P W H T on long-term microstruc- are very sharp and propagate deep into the
tures at the weld metal/ferritic steel interface has tube-wall while others are blunt and shallow. The
also been studied using accelerated laboratory oxide notches, when inspected visually from
aging. 32"5~ It was found from this study that, after outside the tube, have an appearance similar to
aging under accelerated temperature conditions TMJ cracking in service, and therefore it is often
simulating service exposure, the precipitate sizes concluded that cracking of TMJs initiates at the
and distributions were essentially identical, outer diameter of the tubes. 22'23"25-28"36 However,
implying thereby that P W H T does not affect the cracking in TMJs has been observed in outside
long-term failure mechanisms. However, it is diameter, mid-wall, and inside diameter loca-
clear that P W H T accelerates the rate of carbon tions, indicating that cracking can start at any of
diffusion and, under some conditions, results in these locations.
decarburisation which in turn leads to the
formation of large columnar ferrite grains in the 2.7 Damage mechanism
ferritic steel H A Z immediately adjacent to the
weld fusion line in weld joints with austenitic SS The principal damage mechanism of TMJs is
weld m e t a l s . 13"1.'23"28"5~ The presence of such a generally agreed to be by creep, 4'19'29'53 although
grossly decarburised band was observed to cause creep-fatigue interaction mechanism has also
localised ductile rupture. This type of failure was been considered, 1°'28'3° since these joints operate
also observed in boilers which experienced severe under cyclic conditions. Laboratory testing
overheating problems. showed that it is possible to cause cracking under
cyclic temperature conditions in joints with
2.6 Preferential stress-oxidation austenitic SS weld metals. 5 Creep damage
mechanisms suggested in earlier studies include
One failure theory of TMJs involves preferential forms of void growth at precipitate/matrix
stress-oxidation at the weld metal/ferritic steel interfaces, grain boundary sliding, and ductile
interface. This is based, in part, on the common tearing in the carbon-depleted soft zone.
observation that an oxide-filled notch is often However, due to the complex nature of the weld
present, after service, at the outside diameter of fusion line and lack of information on the
the ferritic steel next to the weld crown. This is material properties for the fusion line regions,
referred to as the oxide notch, and sometimes the stress and strain rate at the weld fusion line
failures have occurred due to propagation of this have not been completely established despite
oxide notch through the tube-wall thickness. One extensive attempts. 3"4'9"t3"28'29'35'54
theory for the formation and propagation of the
oxide notch suggests that the stress concentration 2.8 Other potential causes of failures
due to the discontinuity in strength at the weld
metal/ferritic steel interface promotes formation Temper and creep embrittlement of the ferritic
of a notch at the weld joint on the outside steel H A Z has also been suggested as one of the
diameter of the tube under 'cyclic external factors contributing to the TMJ failure process. 32
loading conditions. An alternative theory is that Segregation of tramp elements, such as phos-
general oxidation of the ferritic steel occurs; phorus, sulphur, antimony, tin, copper, etc., to
however, next to the weld fusion line, the local the prior-austenite grain boundaries has been
Transition metal joints for steam generators 257

observed in joints with austenitic SS weld metals

after long-term service. The role of impurity
segregation on the brittle fracture behaviour of
low-alloy ferritic steels has been established when
testing at low temperaturesY -s8 However, similar
effects on creep behaviour have not been
definitely established, and the role of tramp
element segregation is not yet clear. 59



Various approaches and specific research efforts

required for the successful development of
o1 ' , / / M f ,
0 8 IG 2~ 32
improved TMJs have been outlined in a review in
1982. 6o One of the approaches for circumventing CHROMIUM EQUIVALENT
the problems associated with TMJs is to use a Fig. 1. Mean coefficients of thermal expansion (in /zm/m
trimetallic configuration, with the transition piece K), in the temperature range 293-673 K, plotted as
having CTE between those of ferritic steels and iso-expansioncontours on the DeLong constitutiondiagram.
austenitic SS, and the weld metals having CTEs
intermediate to those of the base metals they
join. This would result in a more gradual change However, it is interesting to note that the Ni-rich
in the CTE, and a consequent decrease in the Inconel type weld metals have approximately the
magnitude of stresses from thermal cycling.61 In same CTE as those of ferritic steels.
addition to thermal expansion characteristics, the The mean CTEs in the temperature range
weldability, metallurgical compatibility and stabi- 273-873 K for ferritic steels 2.25Cr-lMo and
lity during long-term service must also be 9 C r - l M o are 14.0 and 12.6 /zm/m K respec-
considered in the choice of the transition piece tively, while those for austenitic SS AISI types
and welding consumables, especially because the 304 and 316 are 18.5 and 18.8 ~ m / m K
trimetallic configuration will involve two weld respectively. 12 Among the materials which have
joints. CTE intermediate to those of ferritic steels and
Figure 1 illustrates the relationship between austenitic SS, Alloy 800 with a CTE of 17.1
CTE and chemical composition of a range of SS /zm/m K is the most attractive choice for the
and high-Ni alloys. 6°,62 The compositions are transition piece. Additionally, Alloy 800 offers
expressed in terms of Creq and Nieq in the advantages in terms of excellent resistance to
DeLong constitution diagram 63 for predicting the oxidation and creep at elevated temperatures. 61
microstructures of SS weld metals. The mean Further, detailed stress analysis has s h o w n 47'61
values of CTE in the temperature range 293-673 that the hoop stress values in the 2.25Cr-lMo
K plotted as iso-expansion contours are super- steel close to the root region decrease by 37%
posed on this diagram. The region of highest when Alloy 800 is used as the transition material.
CTE of 1 9 / z m / m K is obtained in the austenitic This clearly establishes the superiority of
phase field corresponding to conventional aus- trimetallic TMJs over the (direct) bimetallic
tenitic SS, and is centred around an Nieq value of TMJs. Inconel 182, which has a CTE of 15.5
14 and a Creq value of 18. The CTE decreases as /zm/m K and is also the welding consumable
the composition is changed in any manner with commonly used for TMJs, can be retained for
respect to this point. If the Cr, q value is increased welding the 2.25Cr-lMo steel/Alloy 800 joint.
at a constant value of NiCq of 14, then duplex For welding the Alloy 800/austenitic SS joint,
microstructures containing austenite and ferrite austenitic SS welding consumable containing
(A&F) are obtained, and this leads to a 16%Cr, 8%Ni and 2%Mo (16-8-2) with a CTE
significant reduction in the CTE. In contrast, the of 17.3 /~m/m K is the natural choice. However,
CTE decreases very gradually with an increase in Inconel 182 can be the alternative welding
the Ni~q value for fully austenitic microstructures. consumable, because of previous extensive
258 A. K. Bhaduri et al.

INCONEL 16--8-2

Or-Mo ALLOY 8 0 0 /" -STMNLESS


~00 m m

Fig. 2. Schematic configuration of the trimetallic transition joint to be adopted for the Prototype Fast Breeder Reactor.

experience in welding Alloy 800 with this comparative evaluation of Inconel 182 and
consumable. 16-8-2 welding consumables, has been carried
Detailed metallurgical studies were carried out o u t . 64'65 The hot cracking susceptibilities of the
by us64-69 for the development, characterisation two welding consumables, assessed by the
and evaluation of a trimetallic configuration of modified Tekken Y-groove and Keyhole tests,
TMJ (cf. type 5 in Table 1) for use in the SG have shown that the Inconel 182 weld metal
circuits of the 500 MWe prototype fast breeder exhibits slightly higher tendency for microfissur-
reactor (PFBR), where austenitic SS pipes ing than the 16-8-2 weld metal, although the
running from the intermediate heat exchangers overall hot cracking tendency of both the weld
would be welded to Cr-Mo ferritic steel pipes metals is quite lOW. 65
from the SGs. The aim of this comprehensive The microstructure of the weld joints shows
developmental programme was to develop an that Inconel 182 weld metal solidifies in the
improved TMJ, using the trimetallic configura- dendritic mode, while 16-8-2 weld metal
tion of type 304 SS/AIIoy 800/2.25Cr-lMo steel. solidifies in the cellular mode, because of
The programme comprised of detailed wel- difference in their solute content. 71,72Delta-ferrite
dability studies, metallurgical characterisation is absent near the 16-8-2 weld metal/Alloy 800
and mechanical property evaluation of butt- interface due to dilution effects. The lower
welded plate joints of type 304 SS/AIIoy 800 and melting point of Alloy 800 results in formation of
Alloy 800/2.25Cr-lMo steel. A schematic con- a narrow in-situ melted and solidified region at
figuration of the trimetallic TMJ, as would be the weld metal/Alloy 800 interface, especially
adopted for the SG circuit of the PFBR, is shown that with Inconel 182, but not at the SS/weld
in Fig. 2. In actual service, however, the weld metal interface. The SS/weld metal interface with
joints would be between tubes or pipes, e.g. in Inconel 182 is sharp because of the significant
case of the PFBR the joint would be between 8 mismatch in composition between SS and Inconel
mm thick pipes of 355.5 mm diameter with the 182, while that with 16-8-2 is ill-defined. The
Alloy 800 transition piece being 200 mm long. microhardness profiles across the fusion bound-
Almost all failures of direct (bimetallic) TMJs in aries and hardness measurements of different
s e r v i c e 23"36'7° and t e s t programmes3,13,21'22'25'26 oc- regions of the joints have shown65 that joints
curred near the weld metal/ferritic steel inter- welded with Inconel 182 have a lower weld metal
face, indicating thereby that the ferritic steel side hardness along with a more gradual hardness
is the critical part of such a configuration. Hence, gradient across the Alloy 800/weld metal
the performance of the trimetallic joint con- interface.
figuration has also been studied by subjecting the The tensile properties of the base metals
Alloy 800/2.25Cr-lMo steel joint to a thermal (Table 2) and the weld metals (Table 3),
cycling tests that produces accelerated failures in evaluated at 298-923 K, show that both the weld
TMJs similar to those observed in service. metals are much stronger than the base metals.
Table 3 also shows that the 16-8-2 weld metal
3.1 Type 304 stainless steel/Alloy 800 joint exhibits higher yield strength (YS) and ultimate
tensile strength (UTS) values than the Inconel
To determine the appropriate welding con- 182 weld metal up to about 623 K. However, at
sumable for the type 304 SS/AIIoy 800 joint, a temperatures greater than 623 K, Inconel 182 is
Transition metal joints for steam generators 259

Table 2. Tensile properties of base metals used in type Table 5. Charpy V-notch impact energy of ma-
304 SS/AIIoy 800 terials used in type 304 SS/AIIoy 800 joint at
room temperature
Type 304 stainless steel Alloy 800
Test Material Impact energy (J)
temperature YS UTS UE TE YS UTS UE TE
(K) (MPa)(MPa) (%) (%) (MPa)(MPa) (%) (%) Type 304 stainless steel 70
Alloy 800 87
298 283 609 65 77 268 543 46 75 Inconel 182 weld metal 67
773 149 434 35 42 177 478 33 44 1 6 - 8 - 2 weld metal 62
923 137 287 25 51 189 338 20 50

Table 3. Tensile properties of weld metals used in type and (iii) its choice would involve only a marginal
304 SS/AIIoy 800 penalty on the elevated temperature mechanical
properties of the joint.
Inconel 182 16-8-2
temperature YS UTS UE TE YS UTS UE TE 3.2 AHoy 8 0 0 / 2 . 2 5 C r - l M o steel joint
(K) (MPa)(MPa) (%) (%) (MPa)(MPa) (%) (%)

298 381 638 35 40 497 667 31 37

To determine the optimum PWHT temperature
623 342 587 34 38 358 502 17 22 for the Alloy 800/2.25Cr-1Mo steel joint (welded
773 364 554 32 37 329 470 19 25 with Inconel 182), separate investigations have
923 313 413 14 28 294 389 18 23
been carried out to study the effect of PWHT (at
973-1023 K for 1 h ) , 65 the effect of short-term
Table 4. Tensile properties of transverse-weld specimens aging (at 903-1023 K for 4-10 h),66 and the
of type 304 SS/Alloy 800 joint combined effects of PWHT (at 948-1023 K for 1
h) and long-term aging (at 873 K for 100-5000
Inconel 182 16-8-2
temperature YS UTS UE TE YS UTS UE TE The weld metal/ferritic steel interface is
(K) (MPa)(MPa) (%) (%) (MPa)(MPa) (%) (%) generally sharp, with very little or no dilution
298 294 553 21 27 326 557 23 29 because the turbulence of the molten metal
623 259 488 21 27 243 482 21 28 ensures good mixing,31 while diffused interfaces
773 245 456 19 23 227 443 20 23 are observed at the corners where weld passes
923 218 324 10 21 211 318 12 22
are overlaid.24 The microstructure of the weld
metal/ferritic steel interface in the as-welded
stronger than 16-8-2. The results of tensile tests joint consists of a clean and distinctive white
on transverse-weld specimens from the SS/Alloy etching phase of about 2/.~m width,65 which after
800 joints (Table 4) show that, in the temperature PWHT or aging transforms to a dark etching
range 623-923 K, the YS and UTS values for phase. 65'66 The thickness of the dark etching
joints welded with 16-8-2 are marginally lower interfacial band increases with an increase in the
than those welded with Inconel 182. At PWHT temperature, and becomes progressively
temperatures between 298 and 923 K, the prominent on aging. EDAX of this interracial
ductility (viz., the uniform elongation (UE) and band shows that with increase in aging the
total elongation (TE) values) of the joints welded interracial band enriches in both Cr and Ni, and
with Inconel 182 and 16-8-2 are comparable, its composition corresponds to that of martensite
although the Inconel 182 weld metal exhibits as per the Schaeffler diagram. 66 This corroborates
higher ductility. Further, the Charpy V-notch with the observations of other w o r k e r s , 9"34'35'73
impact energy values at room temperature for and it is reported that the interracial martensite
the Inconel 182 weld metal are marginally higher band contains typically 5% each of Cr and Ni. 24
than those for the 16-8-2 weld metal; both are This interracial martensite band acts as the
lower than either of the base metals (Table 5). precipitation site for carbides during PWHT
Hence, the 16-8-2 consumable is preferred and/or aging, especially at locations where the
over Inconel 182 for welding the joint between interface is diffused, and SEM observations show
austenitic SS and Alloy 800 because (i) it has a that the precipitation occurs both within this
lower microfissuring tendency; (ii) it results in a band and at the martensite band/ferritic steel
reduced mismatch in the CTE across the joint; HAZ interface. The extent of interracial
260 A . K . Bhaduri et al.

precipitation increases with increasing PWHT across the joint, and in a better combination of
temperature or degree of aging, 66,67 and E D A X hardness across different regions of the joint.
studies show that with increased aging these Further, aging for 5000 h at 873 K causes only a
precipitates enrich in Cr. 66 Further, an increase in marginal variation in hardness of the weld metal
the degree of aging causes formation of as a function of PWHT temperature, while the
predominantly ferritic regions near the interface hardness of the ferritic steel base metal is slightly
accompanied by pronounced grain growth, and lower for the 1023 K PWHT than for the joints
SIMS analysis shows evidence of carbon migra- subjected to PWHT at lower temperatures. In
tion from the ferritic steel H A Z adjacent to the contrast, the hardness trough in the ferritic steel
weld interface, especially near the diffused H A Z is the deepest for the 1023 K PWHT joints
interfaces, on aging at higher temperatures. 64 It is and is very shallow for the 973 and 998 K PWHT
to be noted that the failure mechanisms of TMJs joints. Further, aging at 873 K up to 5000 h
in service have been attributed to creep-void results in only marginal changes in the hardness
formation associated with these interfacial profiles for the 973 K PWHT. 67 These indicate
precipitates. Also, as the creep properties of the that the most favourable hardness distribution
ferritic steel are poorer than those of the other across the critical weld metal/ferritic steel
constituent materials of the joint, the changes in interface is obtained in joints subjected to PWHT
the microstructure of the ferritic steel H A Z on at 973-998 K for 1 h.
prolonged aging, from predominantly bainitic to The tensile properties of the weld metal (Table
predominantly ferritic structure, further ad- 6) and of transverse-weld specimens from the
versely affect the creep rupture properties of this joints (Table 7), evaluated at 298 and 773 K,
HAZ. In fact, the lives of service exposed show that an increase in the PWHT temperature
specimens, operating at 873 K at a stress level of or degree of aging is associated with a
62 MPa, were reduced by a factor of about 4.5 progressive decrease in the YS and UTS of both
compared with as-welded specimens, due to the weld metal and the joint, while their ductility
aging in service. TM Hence, PWHT of this joint at is only marginally affectedY ,66 The variation in
lower temperatures in the range 948-1023 K the tensile properties of the Inconel 182 weld
would ensure a more stable microstructural metal are consistent with those of a similar
condition of the weld metal/ferritic steel Ni-base weld metal, Inconel 82. 76 Further, for a
interface, and thereby provide a superior starting given PWHT and at a particular test tempera-
microstructure prior to aging in service. 64,67 ture, the strength of the joint is lower than that of
The microhardness profile across the weld the weld metal, and during tests all the
metal/ferritic steel interface in the as-welded transverse-weld tensile specimens failed in the
condition shows a steep hardness gradient across ferritic steel H A Z very close to the weld
this interface because of the high hardness of the interface. A similar observation was made by
untempered bainitic structure of the ferritic steel other workers. 77 Table 8 shows that at 773 K,
HAZ. 65 PWHT drastically reduces the steep both the strength and ductility of the joint change
hardness gradient across this interface, and also gradually for the 973 and 998 K PWHT joints
the hardness of the as-welded ferritic steel with increasing duration of aging from 100 to
H A Z Y However, use of a higher PWHT 5000 h at 873 K. Further, on aging at 873 K for
temperature is found to result in a distinct 5000 h, the strength of the joints at 773 K
hardness peak at this interface, due to formation decreases while the ductility shows an increasing
of a dense band of interfacial carbides a4 caused trend with increase in PWHT temperature. 67 The
by carbon migration during PWHT, 75 and in a optimum combination of strength and ductility is
substantial degradation in hardness of the ferritic obtained in joints subjected to PWHT at 973 K
steel base metal. Aging results in a reduction in for 1 h. Additionally, the Charpy V-notch impact
hardness of the ferritic steel H A Z and base energy of the weld metal in the 973 K PWHT
metal, and in the formation of a hardness trough condition remains practically unchanged while its
in the ferritic steel H A Z near the weld interface, plane-stress fracture toughness improves con-
both of which become accentuated in joints siderably in comparison to those in the as-welded
subjected to PWHT at higher temperatures. condition (Table 9). 6s Further, the impact energy
These studies indicate that PWHT at 973 K for 1 of the weld metal remains practically unchanged
h results in a more favourable hardness profile on aging, while its plane-stress fracture toughness
Transition metal joints for steam generators 261

Table 6. Tensile properties of Inconei 182 weld metal used in Alloy 80012.25 Cr-lMo steel
joint. (Variation with post-weld heat treatment or short-term aging)

Test temp. 298 K Test temp. 773 K

Heat treatment YS UTS UE TE YS UTS UE TE

(MPa) (MPa) (%) (%) (MPa) (MPa) (%) (%)

As-welded 398 629 32 37 396 590 28 31

PWHT: 973 K/1 h 343 638 39 44 290 524 42 44
PWHT: 1 023K/1 h 322 619 41 49 266 519 46 50
Aging: 903 K/4 h 408 667 34 38 323 539 37 41
Aging: 903 K/10 h 367 637 32 38 320 534 33 38
Aging: 973 K/10 h 336 598 34 41 276 521 37 42
Aging: 1 073 K/10 h 316 637 37 41 265 525 39 43

Table 7. Tensile properties of transverse-weld specimens of AHoy 80012-25 Cr-lMo steel

joint. (Variation with post-weld heat treatment or short-term aging)

Test temp. 298 K Test temp. 773 K

Heat treatment YS UTS UE TE YS UTS UE TE

(MPa) (MPa) (%) (%) (MPa) (MPa) (%) (%)

As-welded 390 585 17 24 324 493 15 22

PWHT: 973 K/1 h 382 534 14 22 318 460 15 23
PWHT: 1 023K/1 h 318 486 14 22 280 486 19 27
Aging: 903 K/4 h 390 550 13 20 305 454 14 20
Aging: 903 K/10 h 404 561 13 20 323 421 9 16
Aging: 973 K[10 h 342 486 14 22 275 427 13 21
Aging: 1 073 K/10 h 289 445 14 23 252 453 17 18

Table 8. Tensile properties of transverse-weld specimen of Alloy

800/2.25 Cr-lMo steel joint at 773 K. (Variation with post-weld
heat treatment or long-term aging)


temperature duration (MPa) (MPa) (%) (%)
(for 1 h) (at 873 K)

As-welded Unaged 313 489 12 19

As-welded 100 h 328 460 9 17
As-welded 500 h 338 465 9 16
As-welded 1 000 h 372 386 3 13
As-welded 5 000 h 359 378 3 13
948 K Unaged 279 430 10 18
948 K 100 h 320 383 6 16
948 K 500 h 339 381 4 14
948 K 1 000 h 340 370 4 14
948 K 5 000 h 344 359 3 13
973 K Unaged 280 442 12 21
973 K 100 h 293 384 7 16
973 K 500 h 300 384 7 16
973 K 1 000 h 329 348 4 14
973 K 5 000 h 337 353 3 14
998 K Unaged 279 451 13 20
998 K 100 h 295 400 8 17
998 K 500 h 286 408 8 16
998 K 1 000 h 333 367 4 14
998 K 5 000 h 326 350 4 14
1 023 K Unaged 264 495 21 27
1 023 K 100 h 288 429 12 22
1 023 K 500 h 275 438 13 21
1 023 K 1 000 h 301 338 5 15
1 023 K 5 000 h 268 300 5 17
262 A . K . Bhaduri et al.

Table 9. Charpy V-notch impact properties of Inconel 182 were subjected to P W H T at the optimum
weld metal used in Alloy 800]2.25 Cr-lMo steel joint at temperature of 973 K (cf. Section 3.2). The
room temperature. (Variation with post-weld heat treat- specimens were loaded by set-screws in three-
ment or short-term aging)
point-bending fixtures and thermally cycled
Heat Impact Fracture between room temperature and a hold tempera-
treatment energy (J) toughness ture of 873 K (first test series) and 908 K (second
test series). In this performance test, the effect of
As-welded 27 373 accelerated thermal cycling on the joint would
PWHT: 973 K/1 h 26 393 represents the cumulative effect of long-term
PWHT: 1023 K/1 h 32 391
Aging 903 K/4 h 31 378 aging at the hold temperature under the applied
Aging 903 K/10 h 29 375 stress (viz. creep) and of cyclic loading under
Aging 973 K/10 h 29 352 thermal stresses generated by the difference in
Aging 1 073 K/10 h 30 346 CTE between the components of the joint (viz.
thermal fatigue).
The microstructures after thermal cycling show
decreases gradually with increased aging. 66 that precipitation of carbides at the weld/ferritic
Hence, a lowering of the P W H T temperature steel interface decreases on PWHT, and increases
improves the mechanical properties and mic- with an increase in the duration of P W H T or
rostructural stability of this joint, while aging starting stress level. Further, prolonged thermal
results in extensive precipitation on the martens- cycling results in the formation of (a) a narrow
ite band at the weld metal/ferritic steel interface band of coarse spherical carbide precipitates at
and deterioration in the mechanical properties the weld/ferritic steel interface; (b) oxide notches
and microstructural stability of the ferritic steel on the ferritic steel surface close to the weld
H A Z . Thus, to achieve optimum properties and interface; and (c) a decarburised zone in the
improved performance on prolonged aging, the 1 ferritic steel H A Z adjacent to the weld interface.
h P W H T of the Alloy 800/2.25Cr-lMo steel It was also observed that accelerated thermal
(welded with Inconel 182) is to be carried out at cycling of the joint results in evolution of
973 K. This is in excellent agreement with the interfacial microstructural features similar to
British Standard BS 5500, which specifies a those observed in joints that had failed in
P W H T temperature range of 953-993 K for service. 68
2.25Cr-lMo steel to impart to it optimum high No failure or cracking occurs in the joints,
temperature properties; TM and P W H T of this joint irrespective of P W H T or starting stress level
at 973 K, which is exactly at the middle of the used, either in the first test series (i.e., after
above specified temperature range, will addition- cumulative exposure of 6700 h at 873 K
ally impart optimum high temperature properties accumulated over 200 thermal cycles) or in the
to the weakest component of this trimetallic second test series (i.e., after cumulative exposure
TMJ. for 3600 h at 908 K accumulated over 110
thermal cycles). The results of the second test
3.3 P e r f o r m a n c e test b y a c c e l e r a t e d t h e r m a l series, which were conducted under more severe
cycling conditions by using a higher hold temperature of
908 K compared to that of 873 K in the first test
The difference in thermal expansion characteris- series, confirm the results from the first test series
tics between the base metals and the weld metal and show that the performance of the joint is in
in TMJs generate thermal stresses during cycling fact still better than that obtained from the first
of the power plant between the numerous test series. 69 These results have been compared
startups and shutdowns, and these cyclic thermal with information available in the literature 5 on
stresses are considered to be primarily respon- similar tests, under almost identical test condi-
sible for the premature service failures of TMJs tions, that were carried out on direct (bimetallic)
in operating power plants. Hence, the perfor- TMJ of type 316 SS/2.25Cr-lMo steel (welded
mance of the trimetallic TMJ has been with 309 SS), in which cracks developed after a
studied 64'68'69 by an accelerated thermal cycling cumulative exposure of only 2300 h at 866 K
test procedure , in which transverse-weld specim- accumulated over 64 cycles.
ens from the Alloy 800/2.25Cr-lMo steel joint A Larson-Miller type parametric approach has
Transition metal joints for steam generators 263

been used to interpret the results of the type 316 SS/2.25Cr-1Mo steel joints have been
performance test using the value of C as 8.4 in produced by vacuum arc remelting of a
the equation P = T ( C + l o g t ) . 38 Using this ap- controlled composition electrode. These graded-
proach, it can be calculated that the minimum composition TMJs have recently been adopted in
expected lifetime of this trimetallic TMJ is AGR nuclear power station boilers, where they
greater than about 256,000 h at 773 K based on operate in the creep range at typical tempera-
the results from the first test series, and that it is tures of 823 and 848 K. 79 The data obtained from
greater than about 441,000 h at 773 K based on physical and mechanical property surveys of
the results of the second test series. 69 In contrast, these joints, and from creep rupture and
the available results of the test on direct creep-thermal fatigue testing of uniaxial specim-
(bimetallic) transition joints, referred to earlier,5 ens, when compared with similar published data
showed that those thermally cycled specimens on direct (bimetallic) TMJs with Ni-base weld
had the same failure mode as joints that failed metals, showed that the graded-composition
after 50,000-100,000 h in an operating steam TMJs exhibit superior elevated temperature
generator of a fossil-fired plant. characteristics which, coupled with their ultraso-
Thus, accelerated thermal cycling of the Alloy nic inspectability, tend to endorse their suitability
800/2.25Cr-lMo steel joint results in the for long term, high reliability application in the
evolution of microstructural features at the AGR boilers. However, relative to the alterna-
weld/ferritic steel interface similar to those tive of direct (bimetallic) TMJs with Ni-base weld
observed in joints that had failed in service, and metals, the graded-composition TMJs are more
these performance tests show that a marked expensive and are less readily available. Also, the
improvement in performance of TMJs can be production techniques for graded-composition
obtained by using the trimetallic configuration, TMJs are primarily suited for thick-wall pipe
with at least a four-fold improvement in its life joints of about 35 mm wall thickness. Hence,
over that of direct (bimetallic) TMJs with more detailed work on the graded-composition
austenitic SS weld metals. TMJs is required to make them a viable


The TMJs between austenitic SS and ferritic

steels, used widely in steam generators of power
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1. Reddy, A. S., Mannan, S. L. & Rodriguez, P.,
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264 A . K . Bhaduri et al.

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