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Carlos Hilado Memorial State College

Alijis Campus | Binalbagan Campus | Fortune Towne Campus | Talisay Campus

To be a leading GREEN institution of higher learning in the global community by 2030

(Good governance, Research-oriented, Extension-driven, Education for Sustainable Development & Nation-building)

College of Education (63-34) 712-0420 local 134

Second Quiz

Name: ________________________________________ Year& Section ________Date____ Score___

I. Identification.

A. Identify the nutrients found in each food given. One answer only.

1. rice 6. pork

2. fish 7. ice cream

3. pechay 8. kangkong

4. butter 9. bread

5. camote 10. egg

B. Identify what is being described by the statement. Answer only.

1. It fuels your body, especially your central nervous system and brain, and protect against diseases.
2. It supports many of your body’s functions such as vitamin and mineral absorption, blood clotting,
building cells, and muscle movement.
3. It is responsible in boosting your immune system and in wound healing.
4. You can go for weeks without food, but you can’t last more than a few days without this one.
What is this?
5. It is responsible for building and repairing body tissues.
6. Calcium, iron and zinc are examples of what?
7. It is an illustrative guide to eating patterns.
8. These are eaten in large amounts and include the primary building blocks of your diet — protein,
carbohydrates, and fat — which provide your body with energy.
9. What are considered micronutrients?
10. These are compounds that the body can’t make or can’t make in sufficient quantity.
Carlos Hilado Memorial State College
Alijis Campus | Binalbagan Campus | Fortune Towne Campus | Talisay Campus

To be a leading GREEN institution of higher learning in the global community by 2030

(Good governance, Research-oriented, Extension-driven, Education for Sustainable Development & Nation-building)

College of Education (63-34) 712-0420 local 134

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