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Computer Applications I Name: Date:

The Seven Habits of Highly Effective Teens – Habit 4 – Think-Win-Win

1. Using information from the book and the Habit 4 PowerPoint define the following
attitudes and give an example of each.

 Win-Lose:

 Lose-Win:

 Lose-Lose:

 Win-Win:

2. Match the attitude to the term associated with it.

Win-Lose All-You-Can-Eat Buffet

Lose-Win Totem Pole

Lose-Lose Downward Spiral

Win-Win Doormat

3. Win-Win Attitude – write a Win-Win solution to the following scenarios

 You recently got a promotion at a burger joint where you work.

 You were just elected to an important school office.

 Your best friend just got accepted at the college you wanted to get into, but you did not make it.

 You want to go out for dinner, but your friend wants to go to the movies.

 You need to use the car to go to the big game, but your mom needs the car to go to the grocery store.

 Your friends want to cut class, but you do not want to.

4. Win the Private Victory First (page 154-158)

 The kinds of things I compete in are:

 Competition tends to turn ugly for me when:

Select two of the competitive situations you listed above and write them in the table below. Identify how you
could win a Private Victory in each situation no matter if you win or lose.

Competition Private Victory


5. Keep Competition Healthy – ask yourself these questions and answer them honestly. Circle the answer
that best describes you.

 If someone gets a better score on a test, I think

a. Good for her! She must have made time to study.
b. Well of course she got a better grade; she has nothing else to do with her time
c. I could never get a good grade like that. I’m just not smart enough.

 While waiting in the checkout line at the grocery store, I review the celebrity magazines in front of me
and think:
a. Wow! They worked hard to get where they are. Good for them
b. They only look like that because they have money to pay for trainers, cooks, plastic surgeons, and
exercise equipment
c. I could never look like that, even with all the money in the world. I’m just not good-looking.

 At the gym I see some of the local college athletes playing basketball for fun and I think:
a. I wonder if they’d let me play b-ball with them and learn some new techniques
b. They really aren’t all that good anyway. I bet Bo-Diddly Tech could whip them with their eyes
c. They’d never let me play with them. They’re way too good and I’m so clumsy.

Based on the answers you chose, are you comparing (C), competing (B) or avoiding the twin tumors (A).

6. Baby Steps (page 133)

 Think about your general attitude toward life. Is it based on Win-Lose, Lose-Win, Lose-Lose, or Win-
Win thinking? How is the attitude affecting you?

Think of a person who you feel is a model of Win-Win. What is it about this person you admire?

 Person:

 What I admire about them:

 Describe the relationship attitudes in the cartoon:

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