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English Speaking test

English Professional – BOL

1. Type of Test
- The type of test is Impromptu Speech
- Students should present a presentation
- Students are given all the topics before speaking test, but they do not know
which topic they have to present
- Each student has 3 minutes presentation including short question and
- The topic is given randomly - not in order
- Student 1 is given a topic and s/he is given 3 minutes to prepare
- After 3 minutes, student 1 is ready to perform, student 2 is given the topic.
- When student 1 is giving the speech, student 2 is preparing the speech
and so for student 3, 4, 5 etc.
- The speech should cover opening: short self intro, topic and thesis
statement, the body: two main ideas, the closing: conclusion, QA (1-2
short questions only)
- Aspects of assessment: presentation, content, fluency, facial expression.

2. Speaking Topics for Final Exam August 2020

1. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day
2. Swimming in the ocean is better than swimming pool.
3. Alcohol should be illegal.
4. Studying grammar is more important than practicing conversation skills.
5. Television is the leading cause of violence in today's society.
6. Smoking should be permitted in public places.
7. Females are better students than males.
8. Reading English is more difficult than writing English.
9. University students should wear uniforms.
10.18 should be the legal driving age around the world.
11.Money is more important than love.
12.The most important thing about a job is the salary.
13.There are actions we can take to stop global warming.
14.Color affects the way people feel
15.Poor health begins in the mind
16.Beauty is in the eye of the beholder
17.Poverty is a state of mind
18.How would you describe an average person?
19.In what situation is telling lie a good idea?
20.Who has been the most influential person in your life and why?
21.Real learning doesn't occur in a classroom
22.It is better to be influential than rich
23.Do violent video games contribute to youth violence?
24.Children should not watch television
25.Art is not important to the future of the human race
26.Social customs are a waste of time
27.Climate change is caused by mans’ activities
28.What is the most important skill for starting a business
29.Teachers are the most influential factors in children live
30.Reading fiction novel is a waste of time
31.Going to university / college is not necessary anymore
32.Social media makes society less happy
33.Anyone can be a millionaire if they work hard
34.Translation technology will replace the need to learn a language
35.Social circles and friends are the most important factors for happiness
36.Real wealth is not measured in money or possessions
37.The minimum salary should be doubled
38.Junk food's popularity relies on marketing
39.Being a vegetarian is healthier than eating meat
40.Renting a house is better than buying

1. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day


Breakfast is often called ‘the most important meal of the day’, and for
good reason. As the name suggests, breakfast breaks the overnight
fasting period. It replenishes your supply of glucose to boost your energy
levels and alertness, while also providing other essential nutrients
required for good health.

Many studies have shown the health benefits of eating breakfast. It

improves your energy levels and ability to concentrate in the short term,
and can help with better weight management, reduced risk of type 2
diabetes and heart disease in the long term.


Why breakfast is so important


The body’s energy source is glucose. Glucose is broken down and

absorbed from the carbohydrates you eat. The body stores most of its
energy as fat. But your body also stores some glucose as glycogen, most
of it in your liver, with smaller amounts in your muscles.

In the morning, after you have gone without food for as long as 12 hours,
your glycogen stores are low. Once all of the energy from your glycogen
stores is used up, your body starts to break down fatty acids to produce
the energy it needs. But without carbohydrate, fatty acids are only
partially oxidised, which can reduce your energy levels.

Eating breakfast boosts your energy levels and restores your glycogen
levels ready to keep your metabolism up for the day.

Skipping breakfast may seem like a good way to reduce overall energy
intake. But research shows that even with a higher intake of energy,
breakfast eaters tend to be more physically active in the morning than
those who don’t eat until later in the day.

Breakfast boosts brainpower

If you don’t have breakfast, you might find you feel a bit sluggish and
struggle to focus on things. This is because your brain hasn’t received
the energy (glucose) it needs to get going. Studies suggest that not
having breakfast affects your mental performance, including your
attention, ability to concentrate and memory. This can make some tasks
feel harder than they normally would.

Children and adolescents who regularly eat breakfast also tend to

perform better academically compared with those who skip breakfast.
They also feel a greater level of connectedness with teachers and other
adults at their school, which leads to further positive health and academic

Breakfast is often called ‘the most important meal of the day’, and for
good reason. As the name suggests, breakfast breaks the overnight
fasting period. It replenishes your supply of glucose to boost your energy
levels and alertness, while also providing other essential nutrients
required for good health.

Energy Skipping breakfast may seem like a good way to reduce overall
energy intake. But research shows that even with a higher intake of
energy, breakfast eaters tend to be more physically active in the morning
than those who don’t eat until later in the day

Breakfast boosts brainpower, This is because your brain hasn’t received

the energy (glucose) it needs to get going.

2. Swimming in the ocean is better than swimming pool.


Swimming in open water its very different from swimming in a pool or a

lake, for the most part, because those areas are relatively enclosed and
not subject to some of the same currents and waves, you’ll encounter in
the ocean.

However, backyard pools have several advantages over going to the

beach. Here are several reasons why owning a pool is better than going
to a beach.

1. Cleaner

Pools Are Cleaner Than Ocean Water, Between the natural debris, sea
life, and pollution from industrial activities, the water at your local beach is
not necessarily the cleanest. Pools on the other hand provide clean,
sanitized water that you control. So, you will never have to worry about
getting sick or having an allergic reaction to the water.

2. Safety
You Can Swim Whenever You Want

Public beaches close, but your backyard pool is open whenever you
want. Plus, you may not have the time it takes to get to the beach. If you
have a busy schedule, a backyard pool is great because you can swim in
your time.

Backyard Pools Are Safer Than the Beach

Oceans are unpredictable. Large waves, dangerous sea life, and ranging
depths can be pretty dangerous even for strong swimmers. Backyard
pools have none of these hazards and provide a safe and comfortable
place for your family to swim.

You Can Better Keep An Eye On Your Kids

Between the large open spaces and the crowds, it can be a bit tricky to
keep tabs on your kids while at the beach. In your backyard pool, you can
easily monitor their safety without the headache of having to chase them

In the end, it’s wonderful to take a trip to the beach now and again but
having a backyard pool is definitely better than going to the beach.

3. Alcohol should be illegal.

Every eight seconds, someone dies prematurely from drinking alcohol. At
any moment, a parent, under the influence of alcohol, abuses a child. I
think alcohol should be banned.

Some people become curious to see what it feels like, if it tastes, and
because they have people around them that do it. They also do it to feel
good, reduce stress, and relax. They also do it to fit in or to feel older. All
these are not true.

Alcohol should have been banned by now. Because alcohol is not

against the law, young people are more likely to start trying alcohol
because they won't necessarily get in trouble.
Alcohol cause deadly diseases. In addition, alcohol cause the immune
system to weaken. Every time a drinker drink the alcohol, it takes about
five to 20 minutes off their life.

Finally, drinking is financially and socially harmful. Buying alcohol is very

expensive. The average drinker spends $200.000 per bottle. They both
cost a lot of money and can break up your family. When people drink,
they do not have much control over themselves. When people are
uncontrollable, they do stupid things like abusing a child or driving drunk.

In conclusion, alcohol must be banned. People should not be dying

because of these alcohols. They should not be spending a whole lot of
money and ruining their lives for alcohol. If you do not want to become
die young, then you too must believe in alcohol being banned.

4. Studying grammar is more important than practicing

conversation skills.
It is more important to be good at speaking than writing, because the
ability to speak skillfully provides the speaker with several good
advantages such as: ability to inform, persuade and direct, ability to have
a confidence in unknown society, and also to have a good relations with
others. Nowadays to speak well is essential for social communication.

In addition, to speak well is the key to beating in the competition,

especially for getting a job, because while being an interview you will
have a huge confidence in yourself, and confidence is the best key of

Conversation skills are important! "Conversation skills are important to

any kinds of career because it is the base means with which you express
yourself to other people, specifically your colleagues, your boss and other
people you will deal with in the career you have chosen for yourself.
Many a competent graduate has missed out on opportunities for a
rewarding career because he or she lacked the ample amount of
conversation skills needed to be able to sustain the communication
dynamics that come with every sort of promotion in work.

If you are a person with good conversation skills, you also naturally
inspire others to do the same thing even without trying. Having good
conversation skills is like shining a flashlight on what is otherwise
considered as a typical work routine day.
5. Television is the leading cause of violence today.
6. Smoking should be permitted in public places.
although people say that smoking is the smokers choice .. its not.. it is in
some ways but not in all.. it is their choice whether they want to pay to
die, but our choice whether we want them to able to smoke around us, it
is not just harming them when they smoke it is also harming us. By
smoking in public places all the people that go to those places have got
to inhale their smoke although they have a made a choice to not smoke,
they dont have a say in whether smoking will be a part in our life or not.
BUT if it was banned smokers could smoke in their home and cars, and
harm themselves and not others.

smoking should defiantly be banned in public places. The places they do

allow smoking might lose a bit of money, but it will also help with the
health problems that occur. Most people believe that someone who is not
in the smoking area of the public place will not be affected by the smoke,
but smoke is able to spread in a room and affect the people around.
Smoking causes a lot of problems not only for the smoker, but for the
people around. If someone were to put together a protest for those to
stop smoking in public, I bet that every non- smoker would say they

I doubt that the bars are shutting down JUST BECAUSE smokers
choose not to go. Oh and by your logic, if someone is a pyromaniac and
always has the need to light fires that its ok for them to run around in
public with fire, the non-pyromaniacs just need to avoid the fire. No big
deal right

7. Females are better students than males.

Are boys better at math? Are girls better at language? Is aptitude or
culture the reason that fewer women than men work as scientists and
engineers? Psychologists have gathered solid evidence that when it
comes to how — and how well — we think, males and females differ in
very few but significant ways Reading English is more difficult than writing

The evidence has piled up for years. In 1990, Janet Shibley Hyde, PhD,
a psychologist at the University of Wisconsin, and colleagues published a
groundbreaking meta-analysis that compiled data from 100 different
studies of math performance. Synthesizing data collected on more than 3
million participants between 1967 and 1987, the researchers found no
large overall differences between boys and girls in math performance.
Girls were slightly better at computation in elementary and middle school.
In high school, boys showed a slight edge in problem solving, possibly
because they took more science classes that emphasized those skills.
But boys and girls understood math concepts equally well and any
gender differences narrowed over the years, belying the notion of a fixed
or biological differentiating factor.

8. Reading English is more difficult than writing English.

9. University students should wear uniforms.
A shirt, tie and blazer may not be the ingredients for my favorite outfit, but
if I were given the choice, I would not throw away the idea of school
uniform. Wearing a uniform is a badge of pride, creates an identity for a
school and is an important part of being a school student.

“Uniforms show that you are part of an organization. Wearing it says

we’re all in this together “Also, if you wear your uniform with pride, it
means you are halfway there to being respectful, buying into what the
organization is all about. school uniform teaches students to dress
smartly and take pride in their Uniforms help students to prepare for
when they leave school and may have to dress smartly or wear a

Some people believe that a school uniform can improve learning by

reducing distraction, sharpening focus on schoolwork and making the
classroom a more serious environment, allowing students to perform
better academically.

Perhaps most importantly, a uniform means student doesn’t have to

worry about peer pressure when it comes to their clothes. When
everyone is dressed the same, worrying about what you look like is not
so important. There is no competition about being dressed in the latest
trend, which would put a great deal of financial pressure on students and
parents. Potential bullies have one less target for their insults; it’s hard to
make fun of what someone is wearing when you’re dressed exactly the

My uniform might not be what I would wear in my own time, but it gives
me a sense of belonging, takes away the pressure of what to wear and
deters the bullies. School uniform is not fashionable, but that’s exactly
why I think it should be here to stay.

10. 18 should be the legal driving age around the world.

11. Money is more important than love.
Why Love Is Important?
Love can be described as a feeling, an emotion, and also a way of life. The
majority of people will think that love is the most important thing that is in life.
While there are many facets and faces of love, you are going to discover how
love is important and how it can affect your life here.

Love Allows You to Connect With Others

This may seem like common sense, but it is and will always be the key to the
functioning of society as a whole. As human beings, you possessed the ability
to have an intimate connection and affectionate with another person.

Nobody can escape from the feeling of love. Feelings and emotions are built
in within our biological system, there is no way anyone can escape the feeling
of affection and love. It allows you to build an intimate relationship with others,
it makes you feel complete, and to a certain extent, it is why people live in this

There are plenty of cases whereby people can do something extraordinary

and sacrifice without requesting anything in return for the people that they
love. This simply shows that love is the most important thing in life, and not

Love is the Source of Energy and Motivation

When you are in love with what you do and you are passionate, you will strive
better and to perform better. This is also to say that people who are in love of
their work, their career, their family, their partners, etc, tend to do better in life.

People who have a family and love their family will want to do better to provide
their family with a better quality of living. People who are in love will want to
perform better for their partner too. Plus, if you are in love with your work and
you are passionate about it, you will do your best to deliver extraordinary
In fact, love is the thing that created success, and hence, money. Love makes
you complete and performs better. When you perform better, you become
more successful. When you are successful, you get paid higher or you earn a
better income, and you have more money.

When you are in love, you feel inspired. It gives you a can-do attitude and you
look at the world in a positive perspective. Love gives you motivation and you
can tap into this energy source to achieve greater heights in life.
both love and money are important because they are different things that will
make your life worth living.

Learn to love and be loved so that you can turn the inspiration into energy that
drives you to success. At the same time, learn to use money as a tool to
achieve your dreams and enrich your loves.

12. The most important thing about a job is the salary.

While it is being argued that salary should be the prime criterion for
choosing a job, in my view, a safe and stress-free working environment is
as important as the financial benefits gained from a job.

Of course, money is much more than a means for satisfying one’s needs
in this materialistic world. It is also a status symbol. Being supported by a
prestigious salary certainly allows the employee to afford spending on
housing, travelling, health insurance and recreation. The weight of the
pay packet also affects the performance of the employee. Underpaid
employees are more likely to work in a careless manner because they
lack the motivation to work harder. This feeling of dissatisfaction can
result in the failure of an organization if it is prevalent among all of its
employees. It is thus evident that the income that an employee obtains
from a job will play a crucial role in determining their willingness to
continue in that position.

This, however, does not mean that salary is the only thing to consider
while choosing a job. For most employees, a safe and stress-free
working environment is equally important. Working in a hazardous
industry can lead to consequences that cannot be compensated with
whatever amounts of money. For example, people working in the mining
industry run the risk of getting buried while digging in mines. Although
they are well-paid, their salary won’t help them if they die or get seriously
injured. Likewise, unachievable targets and tight deadlines are the norm
at many organizations. They put tremendous pressure on employees and
hinder their personal and professional life. For example, in Japan, a lot of
people commit suicide because of work pressure. The reasons
mentioned above clearly show that several factors other than financial
advantages need to be considered while proceeding with a job offer.

To sum up, in my view a safe and stress-free working environment is as

important as a fat salary. We need money to meet our expenses. We
need to stay safe from injuries and illnesses too.

13. There are actions we can take to stop global warming.

There is no one-size-fits-all approach to stopping or slowing global
warming, and each individual, business, municipal, state, tribal, and
federal entity must weigh their options in light of their own unique set of
circumstances. Experts say it is likely many strategies working together
will be needed. Generally speaking, here are some examples of
mitigation strategies we can use to slow or stop the human-caused global

Where possible, we can switch to renewable sources of energy (such as

solar and wind energy) to power our homes and buildings, thus emitting
far less heat-trapping gases into the atmosphere.

Where feasible, we can drive electric vehicles instead of those that burn
fossil fuels; or we can use mass transit instead of driving our own cars.

Where affordable, we can conserve energy by better insulating our

homes and buildings, and by replacing old, failing appliances with more
energy-efficient models.

Where practicable, we can counterbalance our annual carbon dioxide

emissions by investing in commercial services that draw down an equal
amount of carbon out of the atmosphere, such as through planting trees
or carbon capture and storage techniques.

Where practical, we can support more local businesses that use and
promote sustainable, climate-smart practices such as those listed above.

We can consider placing an upper limit on the amount of carbon dioxide

we will allow ourselves to emit into the atmosphere within a given
Stabilizing global temperature near its current level requires eliminating
all emissions of heat-trapping gases or, equivalently, achieving a carbon-
neutral society in which people remove as much carbon from the
atmosphere as they emit. Achieving this goal will require substantial
societal changes in energy technologies and infrastructure that go
beyond the collective actions of individuals and households to reduce

14. Color affects the way people feel

Colours certainly can affect your emotions, but the certain ones depend on where/how you have grown
up. Take the colour red for example. There are two main and very different connotations of it. One of
them is anger, one of them is love. If you have been brought up in an environment of hostility, or
negativity, you are less likely to like the colour red, because of how it subconciously makes you feel, as
you may have associated it with negative emotions. However, if you were lucky enough not experience
blood and hatred as a young child, then it is likely that you will be drawn towards red.

Different shades of color can also affect the emotions. Combining colors also change how they are
perceived. In general, too much bold color can be irritating, even if it is a typically calming color. The
best uses for the emotional responses to color are subtle. You may not remember what color the walls
are in your favorite restaurant, for example, but you know you feel relaxed when you eat there.

Color is not only used to infuse emotion into advertising, but also in the decor of public buildings to
evoke the preferred emotions in patrons. Pale green is often used in prisons to calm inmates. You won’t
find a prison room painted red because there is no desire to inflame excitement, anger, or aggression in
that setting.

15. Poor health begins in the mind

We hear how we should try to be positive, even in the most terrible situations. Still, we might
not particularly know why it is worth the effort

some effects of positive thinking include increased life span, lower rate of depression, greater
resistance to the common cold and better cardiovascular health. I thought it was really
interesting how while we believe positive thinking might help as a coping mechanism, it can
also have a positive impact on our physical health.

Of course, it is all easier said than done. We are immersed in an ever-changing and moving
world, so it is natural to get caught up and forget to breathe. Simple ways to approach this
include creating a routine. Try to take a few minutes to meditate, breathe deeply and become
aware of your surroundings. Write down your feelings, do something out of pure enjoyment,
turn off your phone when you’re with someone else - do what you can to be in the present
moment. The little things add up, even if it doesn’t look like it at first. Remember you can’t
control everything, and that’s okay.
We deserve a full life, and worries as small (in the bigger picture of things) as schoolwork,
someone’s opinion of us or anything else, do not deserve to take such a big toll on our quality
of life. So ask yourself: can I do something about this? If yes, then do it. If not, we should do
our best to process it and then let it go. It is not easy, but it can be done. It all starts when you
decide it does. As J.K. Rowling once wrote, “My philosophy is that worrying means you suffer

16. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder

17. Poverty is a state of mind
From a point of view the statement itself suggests that “People with right attitude and
choices can escape poverty.” Implicitly, this also means that people are poor because they
are not working hard, and they once made bad choices and decisions that landed them in
poverty and kept them there. Literally, it means poor people are lazy and a bunch of

But this type of understanding is incorrect. It is not the hopelessness, helplessness or what
some people say “Right Attitude” that caused the poverty, it is the other way around.
Simply working hard will not take away the poverty. People below the poverty line are the
hardest workers. They work for unjust hours in unfair conditions, grinding daily and still
they are poor. Their faith and attitude that someday they will rise above poverty only
encourages them to blame themselves for their state. But poverty is an economic reality,
it is the economic and social welfare policies that one should blame.

Opportunities, Reasonable minimum wages, Access to affordable housing, Medical care,

food, and Education are answers to eradicate poverty- not the right mindset.

In the very first line, I mentioned that the statement is “ALMOST” wrong. There is a
concept of Poverty Mindset. People born and growing in poverty, will remain in poverty
due to the surrounding conditions. They drop out of schools, do odd jobs like the people
around them and never try to rise above poverty. This cycle of poverty can be ended by
having a right mindset- like having proper education. Now the point again shifts to
economic and welfare policies- How can a person in poverty with right mindset can excel
without affordable and quality education and other basic needs??

Right mindset is necessary, but it is useless until and unless other basic needs are fulfilled.

So, “Poverty is not just a state of mind”

18. How would you describe an average person?
19. In what situation is telling lie a good idea?
20. Who has been the most influential person in your life and
My parents

Direct by Teaching

Indirect by family atmoshpehere

21. Real learning does not occur in a classroom

22. It is better to be influential than rich
What makes people truly happy? It seems like a simple question that
would have obvious answers, but there are numerous layers to a
person’s level of happiness. For decades researchers have been trying
to unlock the secret to happiness.
The findings? While people who have a significant amount of money may
be marginally happier, there are other factors at play that have
significantly more impact on happiness than your net worth.
1. Your Self-Opinion Matters
Research has shown that feeling good about yourself helps you to feel
good about everything else in life. So in other words, happiness starts
with you. If you tend to think negatively, doubt yourself or don’t accept
who you are, it won’t matter how much money you have.
2. Have a Positive Outlook
If you’re the type that considers the glass to be half full and when it’s not
you’ll pour a little more in, then you’re probably pretty content. It comes
as no surprise that people who are optimistic and have a positive outlook
on life are the people that report the highest levels of happiness.
However, realistic optimists who feel like they are the masters of their
own destiny are the people that enjoy greater achievements and higher
levels of happiness.
Make a difference and give yourself a happiness boost by sharing The
ONE Thing with a friend, family member or coworker. In addition to
happiness-inducing advice on how to get big results by focusing on ONE
Thing, the book also includes suggestions on how you can spread the
wealth of knowledge you’ve gained with others
23. Do violent video games contribute to youth violence?
24. Children should not watch television
25. Art is not important to the future of humans
n my humblest opinion, art is necessary but not essential. Its importance encompasses
very limited range of things we use in life like clothes, shoes, trousers, hat, and things like
that. Pictures can sometimes help out to deliver clearer messages for education and
advertisement purposes. Because to understand the decency of apparels, art has to be

However, the extent of paintings, statues, and all that manifestations that do not posses
any functionality is a form of exaggeration of art. I understand that this attracts many
debates, especially from the people that make living by producing such artworks.

And one interesting phenomenon is the movement of minimalist. It becomes viral very
rapidly for the positive effects that it creates to the people’s ecosystem, representing the
feel of cleanliness, order, non-claustrophobia, and so on. This proves from the human
perspective, the simpler, the better. And that value, in many cases, contradicts with many
artist are striving for.

26. Social customs are a waste of time

Social customs are actions, behaviors, and standards that are shared and expected of a particular
culture. For this reason, people from different cultures act and behave differently depending on their
social customs. This is seen every day simply when greeting each other, because people from different
places and cultures say hello in a number of ways. Many of these social customs are outdated though
and should be retired

When someone is seen alone, there’s typically a stigma attached to them, but this is one example of a
social custom that needs to retire. People who are seen alone are assumed to be lonely, but most simply
just enjoy their private time, so they’ll eat alone or see a movie alone. Also, another social custom that is
moving to retirement, is the expectation that immediately after graduating high school, students enroll
in college. Many students are breaking this and many social customs though, by pursuing their higher
education in their own way.

27. Climate change is caused by mans’ activities

Some gases in the Earth's atmosphere act a bit like the glass in a greenhouse, trapping the
sun's heat and stopping it from leaking back into space.
Many of these gases occur naturally, but human activity is increasing the concentrations
of some of them in the atmosphere, in particular:

carbon dioxide (CO2)


nitrous oxide

fluorinated gases

CO2 is the greenhouse gas most commonly produced by human activities and it is
responsible for 64% of man-made global warming. Its concentration in the atmosphere is
currently 40% higher than it was when industrialisation began.

Other greenhouse gases are emitted in smaller quantities, but they trap heat far more
effectively than CO2, and in some cases are thousands of times stronger. Methane is
responsible for 17% of man-made global warming, nitrous oxide for 6%

28. What is the most important skill for starting a business?


Building relationships is instrumental in the world of business. You must be a reliable

source in order to attract reliable sources.

In my network, I have every conceivable skill available. It’s only a phone call or email
away. The only way you can get big things done is by employing those who can do the
things that you cannot (or don’t want to) do. The people you’re looking for are also
looking for you.

Time Management

Prioritizing is focusing first on what needs to be done most. Millionaires don’t go mowing
the lawn when they know they need to do business. Since managing your time is more
about managing your energy, you must seek ways to conserve your body and mind to
focus on the projects that deserve your utmost attention.

Becoming a millionaire is easier than ever before. You have more avenues of expression to
create a generous amount of money. There are over 15 million millionaires in the world
today. If you are serious about becoming a millionaire, learn these potent skills and
develop the faculties to possess the wealth you desire.

And remember, the journey of wealth is more important than the destination!

If so and you actually do it then becoming a millionaire might be a lot closer than you

29. Teachers are the most influential factors in children live

Parents are the most committed, the most influential, and almost the bestteachers any
child can have. The amount of time a child interacts with parentsmakes them the most
influential force in a child's life. The child gets to learnthe most basics of things like
walking, speaking and interacting with others. Itis under the protections of parents that a
child learns to behave in society and to

comfort him or herself.

Although parents are the most influential teachers in their children's life, theymay not be
regarded as the best teachers. Parents generally provide a biasedview of the world; they
always favor their child, and thus they cannot provide acomplete panoramic view of the
society. Also parents may set a bad examplefor their child by abusing and fighting
amongst themselves. Psychologists andrecent crime charts have proved that young
outlaws generally come fromdisrespectful families, and have grown up in extreme
environments.A child interacts with many kinds of teachers at schools and colleges.
Althoughthese teachers, being professionals, have limited time to devote to a child,
theyprovide a complete and diverse view to their students. They provide
unbiasedguidance to a child.During the years of adolescence, children tend to be
aggressive and nonconforming to others' views. So the parents need to act like friends
rather thanteachers to get their experiences through to their children. Eventually, it is
theparents who provide an environment for a child to develop and mature, andthus have
the capacity to be the best teachers to their child. What is important isto provide an
unbiased view to their child, to motivate independent thinkingand actuate timely

30. Reading fiction novel is a waste of time

Reading fiction is not a waste of time. It’s true that we learn things
differently from fiction than that from non-fiction books. But, nevertheless,
there are many great life-lessons that one can learn from reading fiction
alone. It’s just that not everyone comprehends the amazing benefits that
reading fiction can bestow upon us!

However, it is also true that not every fiction book is good to read. Don’t
read any book just for the sake of reading and having fun or just to
increase the number of books you have read. There are many fiction
books that are downright trash. They will do more harm than benefit to

But again, same is true for some non-fiction books as well. So, first, learn
to choose good books to read. Read reviews of the books in Goodreads,
Amazon, and other trusted websites and blogs before you read them.

31. Going to university / college is not necessary anymore

A university degree often helps a person achieve his goal with more ease.However, do we
attend university just in pursuit of a degree? Does a universityonly provide us nothing
beneficial besides a paper-made diploma? As far as Iam concerned, we enjoy university
education in the following aspects:Firstly, with the knowledge learned at a university, we
will have a deepunderstanding of our society. It is true that genuine knowledge comes
frompractice, but it cannot be denied that genuine knowledge tells us how topractice. A
systematic study in a college or a university, of course, enables us torealize how the
society works and how to cope with certain problems arisingfrom it in a more efficiently,
and more skillful way.Second, a university education usually makes it possible that we get
hold of adecent job. As a result of the accomplishment of a four-year study, it is
notdifficult for us to find a good job in most cases. How can we imagine that agraduate
majoring in astronomy has to be a vendor in the street! No doubt,he/she should sit in
his/her laboratory, doing research on aircraft science beforea computer. Obviously, a
university education assures him/her a decent job.Last, but not the least, we can help
others much better if we put what we havelearned at a university into practice. A
university education fortifies our values,enhance our skills, and broaden our horizons.
With those, we are more capableof giving a hand to those who are in need of help than
ever before.Knowledge is power. When achieving a degree at a university, we can get
abetter understanding of the society, find a decent job in an easy way, and helpothers
better. All of those are due to the knowledge learned at a university

32. Social media makes society less happy

social media promotes envy and jealousy

Another group of research has also suggested that envy and jealousy
also increase with the use of social media. Although many of us use
social media as a way to stay up-to-date and informed on those around
us, they also present an opportunity for social comparison and envy on
an unprecedented scale.

These findings seem to be congruent with a lot of other research out

there that has linked excessive or frequent internet usage with a variety
of mental health issues such as low self-esteem, loneliness, depression,
social phobia, and even suicidal thoughts.

it’s addictive + reinforcing

Although internet addiction lacks many of the physical symptoms

characteristic of drug and alcohol addiction, many are still prone to
developing a psychological dependence on their technology. This is
partly because our brains crave the rewards often associated with social
media. Random notifications and the endless flow of information on our
feeds stimulate the production of two main chemical rewards – dopamine
and oxytocin. Dopamine causes us to search, seek, and desire novelty –
which naturally makes us curious to explore and consume new
information. Oxytocin, known for its ability to affect feelings of intimacy
and bonding, is the stimulant for good feelings of love, empathy, trust,
and compassion. When we post, comment, like, or share, and receive
the same in return, our oxytocin levels rise and we feel more connected,
included, and happy. The stimulation of social media not only makes us
feel good but leaves us wanting more.

What is important to note is that how you spend your time online can
have very real consequences to your health and well-being. While
avoiding social media and online activities is likely unsustainable for
most, creating mindful digital practices can make all the difference.

33. Anyone can be a millionaire if they work hard

Building relationships is instrumental in the world of business. You must
be a reliable source in order to attract reliable sources.
In my network, I have every conceivable skill available. It’s only a phone
call or email away. The only way you can get big things done is by
employing those who can do the things that you cannot (or don’t want to)
do. The people you’re looking for are also looking for you.
Time Management

Prioritizing is focusing first on what needs to be done most. Millionaires

don’t go mowing the lawn when they know they need to do business.
Since managing your time is more about managing your energy, you
must seek ways to conserve your body and mind to focus on the projects
that deserve your utmost attention.

Becoming a millionaire is easier than ever before. You have more

avenues of expression to create a generous amount of money. There are
over 15 million millionaires in the world today. If you are serious about
becoming a millionaire, learn these potent skills and develop the faculties
to possess the wealth you desire.
And remember, the journey of wealth is more important than the

If so and you actually do it then becoming a millionaire might be a lot

closer than you
34. Translation technology will replace the need to learn a
Science fiction enthusiasts inevitably suspect that all language learning
will eventually be replaced by a kind of universal translator like the one
from Star Trek. The development of such Babylonian technology would
solve many of the problems posed by globalisation and mass
immigration. But people like the vice president at The British Academy for
the Humanities and Social Sciences, Professor Nigel Vincent, argue that
there is a deficit in foreign language learning in UK education. He thinks
the lack of multilingual graduates has resulted in businesses either being
restricted to English speaking markets or having to train employees in
new languages. He wants the government to change education in Britain
so that more kids are multilingual when they finish school and thus better
equipped to compete in a globalized economy and multicultural world.

But are his social theories and utopian ideals somewhat redundant when
you look at the current path of technological development? People are
increasingly relying on apps to do their thinking for them. Calculations
and directions are all provided without the need for maps or mental
arithmetic. There are already fantastic translation apps available. iOS,
Windows Phone and Android users can all make use of apps which
source translations from online language pack databases. Speech
recognition technology is improving very quickly, making it much better at
distinguishing voices from background noise to the extent that there are
highly functional apps like Speech Translator for Windows Phone. This
app allows you to speak directly into the phone and it will speak back in
the target language of your choice. It can translate into 54 different
languages while online, including Arabic, Hebrew, Afrikaans and Malay
but it also works in 10 language while offline.

No one is saying that the phone apps currently available are a substitute
for actually learning a language. But the level of technology available now
is so far beyond what was around a decade ago, there’s no telling how
far it will have advanced in another ten years. The potential for speech
translation technology depends on several different areas of
development; speech recognition software, translation software and
sound recording hardware. The final key to such technology eventually
rendering language learning in schools obsolete would be widespread
availability, which is dependent on how affordable such technology will
be. If current trends continue, then this is going to be science-fact not
science-fiction and people like Nigel Vincent will have to eat their words.
35. Social circles and friends are the most important factors for
The Happiest People are the Most Social

When they compared the happiest to the least happy people, they found
that the first group was highly social and had the strongest relationship
ties. In fact, good social relations were a necessity for people to feel
happy. Similarly, other psychologists have written that the need to belong
is “fundamental.”

Our Friends Help Us Feel Optimistic

Researchers say that daily social support is a key factor in feeling

optimistic. Optimism, in turn, increases our satisfaction with life and
lowers our risk of depression.

Now that we've got you feeling grateful for your friends, take the
opportunity to try some fun activities to strengthen your friendships. Trust
us, both of you will reap the benefits.

36. Real wealth is not measured in money or possessions

It is probably said that money can buy everything but is it really so…Off
course not. First I would like to ask that weather money can buy time or
happiness, satisfaction or confidence, health or love…These are the
small things which we are never going to get no matter how much money
we spend. rue wealth is not measured in money or status or power. It is
measured in the legacy we leave behind for those we love and those we
inspire. “

This so true because, after the death of a people no body remember the
fame and wealth one had in the world but is only remembered by the
quality of his heart .

Measure wealth not by the things you have, but by the things you have
for which you would not take money.

The quote basically says that those things, the things you wouldn’t trade
for money, they are what make you wealthy. Not in the traditional
monetary sense, but in spirit, deep inside. That’s where true wealth resides in the truly valuable things which we would never trade
for anything. Those are the things which make us wealthy in spirit, and
they help us find happiness within us. That is true wealth

37. The minimum salary should be doubled

38. Junk food's popularity relies on marketing
Robert Atkins, the famous American physician and cardiologist said,
“Everyone would be healthier if they didn't eat junk food.” The tsunami of
junk food has struck the entire world. It has wreaked havoc on the health
of people, especially of children. Obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular
diseases, cholesterol imbalance, headaches, depression, dental
problems, etc, never ever abounded as much before the advent of junk
foods as they do now.

The only advantages of fast food are to the manufacturers. There is little
nutritional value in them. These foods are often high in calories yet offer
little or no nutritional value. When fast food frequently replaces nutritious
foods in your diet, it can lead to poor nutrition, poor health, and weight
gain. Tests in lab animals have even shown a negative effect in short
duration diets. Being overweight is a risk factor for a variety of chronic
health problems including heart disease, diabetes, and stroke.

Now the question arises, how have they become so popular? Well, we
must thank the media for this favour to mankind. Junk food advertising
and marketing have done the miracle! Children are constantly
bombarded with junk food marketing, both through traditional forms of
advertising such as television and billboards, along with new techniques
such as internet, sponsorship, and in-store promotion.

Food advertising and marketing, which is almost always for unhealthy

products, plays an important role in encouraging unhealthy eating habits
in children, which are likely to continue into adulthood. According to a
report by Compass, 70% of three-year olds recognise the McDonalds
symbol but only half of them know their own surname. In addition, some
advertisers take advantage of children's fears, for example by implying
that they will be more popular, sporty or happier if they consume the
advertised products. The use of sports stars to promote unhealthy
products, such as Virat Kohli advertising Pepsi, Sachin Tendulkar
promoting Coca-cola, further do the damage.

The only solution to the problem is strict rules and regulations concerning
advertisement and marketing of junk food items. The government must
not allow the rich companies to play with the health of the future of the
world, our children!

39. Being a vegetarian is healthier than eating meat

First of all, what exactly constitutes “vegetarian”? There are two basic
kinds of vegetarian diet: lacto-ovo and strict (vegan). Most vegetarians
fall into the lacto-ovo category: They eat only non-animal products (fruits,
veggies, grains, nuts, soy, etc.), but do eat animal byproducts, such as
yogurt and eggs. In terms of nutritional requirements, being a lacto-ovo
vegetarian isn’t all that different from being a meat-eater,

According to the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, an evidence-based

review showed that a vegetarian diet is associated with a lower risk of
death from ischemic heart disease. Vegetarians appear to have lower
low-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels, lower blood pressure and lower
rates of hypertension and type 2 diabetes than meat eaters. Vegetarians
also tend to have a lower body mass index, lower overall cancer rates
and lower risk of chronic disease.

The most important thing for vegetarians of all kinds to remember is to

make sure they are getting key nutrients, including protein, fatty acids,
iron, zinc, iodine, calcium and vitamins D and B-12. Protein is essential
for building muscle mass, amino function, fighting disease and healing,
according to Tallmadge, so make sure you’re getting protein in each
meal throughout the day for optimum absorption.

There are numerous research-proven health benefits to following a

vegetarian diet, but only if you’re doing it properly and not substituting
meat with processed or high-fat vegetarian products

40. Renting a house is better than buying

Renters Have More Flexibility in Recessions

Some of the worst-hit families in the Great Recession were those who
lost their jobs and were stuck in their homes. It was even worse if you
had to sell assets in your 401(k) at depressed values to pay a mortgage
for a house that was underwater (that is, where the mortgage was more
than what the house was worth).
By contrast, renters can move to a cheaper place without the hardship of
selling assets or paying a mortgage in a recession. Landlords bear the
risk of financial hardship, but they are usually more able to plan and
capitalize losses.

Renting Can Be Good for The Economy And The Climate

Renting is better for the earth than buying, thanks to better-managed

properties and the sharing of amenities and capital. Since landlords bear
the risk of utility costs rising during the term of the lease, they have an
incentive to keep costs low through better energy efficiency.

Rentals are also usually smaller than houses, which keeps down
insurance and utility costs. That said, renters do pay some portion of
insurance costs because they are folded into the rent, as are property
taxes. (A side note: Some people might think that a benefit of renting
versus owning is that renters don't pay property taxes. They do. Taxes
are folded into the rent. There are good reasons to rent and not buy, but
property tax is not one of them.)

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