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Healthcare delivery in Malaysia: Changes, Challenges and Champions

Article · January 2011


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Susan Thomas
RMIT International University Vietnam


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Journal of Public Health in Africa 2011; volume 2:e23

Health care delivery nizational structure of the MOH has three lev-
els, Federal, State and District, which are Correspondence: Susan Thomas, School of
in Malaysia: changes, decentralized to ensure efficiency. Each hier- Medicine Education Unit, Jeffrey Cheah School
challenges and champions archical level determines the level of authority, of Medicine and Health Sciences, Monash
information flow, accountability and supervi- University Sunway Campus, Jalan Lagoon
Susan Thomas,1 LooSee Beh,2 sion. This system encompasses all aspects of Selatan, 46150 Bandar Sunway, Selangor Darul
Ehsan, Malaysia.
Rusli Bin Nordin3 care such as preventive, promotive, curative
Tel. +603.55146366 -Fax: +603.55146323.
1School of Medicine Education Unit, and rehabilitative.3 The main objective is to E-mail:
Jeffrey Cheah School of Medicine and provide a greater network of physical facilities,
equity, accessibility and utilization of health Key words: health care services, changes, chal-
Health Sciences, Monash University
care resources. At the same time, National lenges, social equity, and health care financing.
Sunway campus;
2Department of Administrative Studies
Referral Centres were established to provide
specialized care to enhance the basic care pro- Contributions: all authors contributed equally to
and Politics, Faculty of Economics and the development of the research idea and final-
vided in health clinics.3
Administration, University of Malaya, Over the past decade there has been an ization of the manuscript.
Kuala Lumpur; explosion of tertiary level specialized care to
3Clinical School Johor Bahru, Jeffrey Conflict of interest: the authors report no con-
meet the needs of the population. Tertiary care flicts of interest.
Cheah School of Medicine and Health focuses on the curative model, which is doctor
Sciences, Monash University Sunway and illness focused. This is expensive, frag- Received for publication: 2 March 2011.
campus, Malaysia mented and institutionally focused and inap- Accepted for publication: 18 May 2011.
propriate for the majority of health con- This work is licensed under a Creative Commons

sumers.4 In the current era, health care is Attribution NonCommercial 3.0 License (CC BY-

changing towards wellness services as NC 3.0).
Abstract opposed to illness services.4 This service ©Copyright S. Thomas et al., 2011
includes a lifetime health plan that focuses on Licensee PAGEPress, Italy

Since 1957, there has been major reorgani- keeping the child and family well. This gives Journal of Public Health in Africa 2011; 2:e23
zation of health care services in Malaysia. This greater prominence to preventive issues and doi:10.4081/jphia.2011.e23
article assesses the changes and challenges in takes on healthier lifestyles by choices with
health care delivery in Malaysia and how the risk prevention. The health care providers also
management in health care processes has need not function as controllers but act as million in 2005 and RM 577.77 million in 2004.
evolved over the years including equitable facilitators or partners with health consumers4 The increase is due to new hospitals and com-

health care and health care financing. The (Figure 1). prehensive health services that are provided by
health care service in Malaysia is changing Apart from the size of the hospitals, there the government.7 The Second National Health

towards wellness service as opposed to illness are differences in terms of the services provid- and Morbidity Survey in 1996 reported that
service. The Malaysian Ministry of Health ed. Small district hospitals provide general 88.5% of the population stays within 5 km of a

(MOH), being the main provider of health medical and nursing care and their manpower health facility and 81% lived within 3 km.5
services, may need to manage and mobilize consist of medical officers and other person- Findings also show that basic health care and

better health care services by providing better nel. Larger district hospitals and regional hos- facilities are accessible to about 70% of the

health care financing mechanisms. It is rec- pitals provide a wide range of specialist servic- population in Sabah and Sarawak and more
ommended that partnership between public es and the public has easy access through a than 95% of the population in Peninsular
and private sectors with the extension of tradi- walk-in or referral system.3 MOH seeks to Malaysia.8 These estimates do not include

tional medicine complementing western medi- ensure the public is informed of health issues other types of outreach services such as flying
cine in medical therapy continues in the deliv- and has access to safe water, safe food and doctors, mobile health teams, dental clinics,
ery of health care. quality medicine. The Malaysian health care travelling dispensaries and riverine services.2,3

system focuses on Primary Health Care (PHC) There are other government agencies that
that places social equity as important and allo- complement the role of MOH to preserve the
cates public funds for the poorest 20% of the health of the people. For instance, the Ministry
Health care system in Malaysia population.5 In 1956, there were only 42 PHC of Human Resources that enforces safety and
facilities in the country.5 After independence, health regulations of employees, Ministry of
Human capital and health improvement pro- the health sector became an integral part of Education that is responsible for the operation
grammes are of central importance towards the national and development process and of the teaching hospitals and training of health
sustainable development and economic growth MOH has been able to deliver health care to personnel of the country, Ministry of Defence
in any country.1 In Malaysia, the health care communities throughout the country.6 Table 1 that provides health services for its population
system has changed from traditional remedies shows increasing health care facilities in sec- within the territory, Ministry of Rural
to meeting the emerging needs of the popula- ondary and tertiary care over the years. Development that is responsible for the health
tion. Since the Independence of Malaysia in The number of hospitals, community clinics of the aborigines and Ministry of Housing and
1957, there has been major reorganization of and other facilities such as Special Medical Local Government that is responsible for some
health care services in the country.2 The first Institutions (National Heart Institute, Institute of the licensing and enforcement under its
reorganization started at the public primary of Pediatrics and Institute of Respiratory purview.2,9
health care services and accelerated since the Medicine) has increased (Table 2). The total Studies have also shown that the Malaysian
Alma Ata Declaration in 1978. In Malaysia, the expenditure from the Health Department of health standard is almost at par with those of
Ministry of Health (MOH) is the main provider Selangor in 2006, for instance, has increased developed countries.6,10 Data from the World
of health care services to the public. The orga- to RM 881.3 million compared to RM 628.83 Health Report in 1999 indicated that the health

[Journal of Public Health in Africa 2011; 2:e23] [page 93]


indicators of Malaysians were much better

compared to some of the ASEAN countries. For
example, the Infant Mortality Rate (IMR) in
Malaysia is 11 per 1000 live births while in
Indonesia it is 48 per 1000 live births and in
Thailand it is 29 per 1000 live births. This fig-
ure is still high compared to the IMR of
Singapore (5/1000 live births), United
Kingdom (7/1000 live births) and America
(7/1000 live births).2

Changes and challenges

Equitable health care

Equity is an assessment of fairness.1
Despite Malaysia’s effort in socio-economic Figure 1. Transformation from industrial age medicine to information age health care
(Source: Amar4).
development plans, there still exist issues in
equity and accessibility especially for the
indigenous groups, rural population and the

hard-core poor.5 This can be seen through
Table 1. Health facilities of the Ministry of Health, Malaysia in 1984, 2001 and 2008.

quality in terms of health services, manpower
and equity in terms of geographical location MOH’s facilities 1984 2001 2008°
and accessibility in terms of price and tariff.11
Health clinics 361 843 802

The Asian economic crisis in 1998 has
increased 50% of the poverty level in several Rural/community clinics 1039 1924 1927
countries which added difficulty for the poor Mobile teams 35 204 193
and middle class in accessing health care. Hospitals 89 (21,159 beds) 115 (29,123 beds) 130 (33,004 beds)
Nevertheless, efforts are taken by the govern- Medical institutions 8 (10,235 beds) 6 (5551 beds) 6 (5000 beds)
ment to strengthen the rural health services in Source: Adapted from Merican and bin Yon2; °Planning and Development Division, Ministry of Health, Malaysia.12

Malaysia through the improvement of existing

facilities and introducing new health services

that range from outpatient curative care to pre-

ventive and promotive services.3 The rural Table 2. Health care facilities in Malaysia 2009.

health units consist of one health centre, four Government No. Beds (official)
rural health units and mobile clinics. The rural

health unit follows a two-tier system that pro- Ministry of health

Hospitals 130 33,083

vides subsidized or free health services to Special medical institutions 6 4974

15,000 to 20,000 rural population.2,3 Special institutions* 6 -
There is a remarkable difference in the doc- National institutes of health 6 -

Dental clinics 1724 2952°


tor-patient ratio in the country. There are 500

people per doctor in Kuala Lumpur and 4000 Mobile dental clinics and teams 560 1392°
Health clinics 808
per doctor in Terengganu and East Malaysia.3

Community clinics (Klinik Desa) 1920

This ratio has been reduced over the years. As Maternal & Child health clinics 90
in 2009, the ratio of doctors to patients in Mobile health clinics 196
Malaysia is 1:927 compared to 1:1105 in Non ministry of health
2008.12,13 Hospitals 8 3523
The Malaysian health care system is prima- Private No. Beds (official)
rily divided into private and public sectors. One
of the pending concerns of the government is Licensed
that there are high concentrations of private Hospitals 209 12,216
Maternity homes 21 102
practices in the urban areas due to the demand
Nursing homes 12 273
by the affluent community. In 1993, there are Hospice 3 28
3055 general practitioners clinics and 190 pri- Ambulatory care centre 21 108
vate hospitals and nursing homes in Blood bank 5# -
Malaysia.2 In 2000, 46.2% of all doctors were in Haemodialysis centre 75 848§
the private sector and were accountable for Community mental health centre 1 9
only 20.3% of hospital beds while the rest of Registered
the 53.8% of doctors were in the public sector Medical clinics 6307 -
Dental clinics 1484 -
looking after 79.7% of the beds.2 It is reported
*National Blood Centre, National Public Health Laboratory and 4 Regional Laboratories; °dental chairs; #refers to 4 Cord Blood Stem Cells
that 58.8% of the specialists were in the pri- Banks and 1 Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine Research Lab and Services; §refers to dialysis chairs. Source: Planning and Development
vate sector and about 41.2% were in the public Division, Ministry of Health, Malaysia.13

[page 94] [Journal of Public Health in Africa 2011; 2:e23]


sector.2 The findings through interviews from For population over 60 years, Malaysia will providing medical, health and dental care
key personnel from MOH states that the have an increase from 5.7% in 1996 to 11% by services amounted to 2.2% of the total operat-
charges from private hospitals on services 2020.19 ing budget.2,3
component range from 15% to 28% of the hos- The World Health Organization (WHO) and The Medical Price Index in Malaysia has
pital bills and medication whereby 15% of this individual countries are taking control of the increased more than the Consumer Price
bill is not made known to patients.6 progress by PHC. Although the definition of Index.14 In some parts of the countries, where
Furthermore, professional fees take up almost PHC varies from country to country, it cannot the force of the financial crisis is bigger, struc-
50% of the total bill.6 The difference in the pub- be denied that accessibility, quality of basic tural adjustments to high costs of debt servic-
lic and private sectors in terms of specific serv- health care and equity within countries have ing and reduced rates of exchange have caused
ices provided may have a significant effect on improved.19 Nevertheless, the populations cuts to the public health budget.10 As a result,
the equity of services and the question of effi- most in need are the aborigines, the poor, the many of the countries anxiously look for cost-
ciency and effectiveness.14 This leads to an disadvantaged and the disabled.4,18 These containment measures and different sources
imbalance of the distribution of manpower in groups have the least access to health services of financing including cost sharing.10 In doing
public and private sectors in Malaysia.15 according to the inverse care law4 which so, no one should be denied access to health
Generally, the services provided by private explains that health care tend to operate based care due to financial reasons and Malaysia
hospitals are curative and selective in nature, on active market forces.20 However, meeting should not adopt solutions from failed regions
either free or subsidized and much more com- their needs will be very challenging,21 because that have failed in health care delivery.4
prehensive which is controlled by issues of every individual has a right to health care serv- Despite the high-tech medical technology in
equity. Access to private health services is lim- ices and it is essentially the responsibility of the health care sector in the United States, 45
ited to the richer society that can afford out-of- the government to ensure this access.22 million residents are lacking health insurance,
pocket payments of higher fees.1 Immigrant including 10 million children who are unin-

health is another concern in Malaysia whereby Health care financing sured.25 One possible suggestion in managing

5% of the Malaysian population, which con- Health care financing is a key concern all long term health problems is by looking at the
sists of about one million people, are immi- over the world today. Among others, some of Chronic Care Model (CCM) that leads to
grant workers.2 These foreign workers may the sources of funding health care are through improved patient care and better health care

harbour communicable diseases which origi- taxation, social and private health insurance systems, which is widely practiced for ambula-
nate from their country and this incurs health and out-of-pocket payments.1 The Malaysian tory care improvement in the United States
care cost when they use the health facilities in government finances the public health servic- and internationally.26
Malaysia.2 Moreover, there are many cases es through the Consolidated Revenue Fund Through privatization in Malaysia, the
whereby foreign workers who have been under the Ministry of Finance while the weight of the cost of care was moved to a size-
admitted have defaulted in settling their bills sources from the private sector are essentially able proportion of the population that could

and collectively with a number of other reasons from the consumers.16 The system of financing least afford it. Comparatively, the provision of
unsettled hospital bills in public sectors are is inclined towards the public sector whereby medical care through the National Health

increasing.16 To address these issues, more only a nominal fee of RM1 for each outpatient Service in Britain is committed to horizontal
comprehensive preventive measures and plans visit is charged16 in accordance to the Fees equity which describes equal treatment for

must be taken by designing and implementing (Medical) Order 1976.1 Government employees equal need27 while the Australian experience
conducive national health care financing in health care financing is described as the

and their family members benefit from these

scheme under the National Health Financing services even after their retirement while the classical liberal manner in which the govern-
ment operates.23 Fortunately, countries such

Authority (NHFA) within the realm of MOH.16 Social Security Organization (SOCSO) and
Health needs and challenges have changed Employees Provident Fund (EPF) do not as Malaysia and Thailand provided a safety net
over the past decade. Professionals in health finance employees in the private sector during for primary care and ensured minimal essen-

care and the health care systems have changed tial care for the high risk groups.28

their retirement.16 Comparatively, the British

at a much slower pace and are not usually suit- government initiated the 1912 National Health
able for the present health needs of the popu- Insurance policy to compensate salaries of

lation.4 Throughout the world there seems to workers who have lost their jobs due to sick-
be fundamental changes in medical care deliv- ness.23 Commercialization of health care is not Champions
ery systems that is in progress. Asia Pacific financially viable for the majority of the con-
region is the most varied health region in the sumers and is inappropriate because any Concluding remarks
world because it contains the country with the framework of health care provision must be in Multidisciplinary interventions are required
largest population in the world.15 However, it line with the needs of the consumers.4 As a to promote health financing, health care and
also includes countries that are fighting with result, it has undermined the trust of individu- disease prevention.18 In Malaysia, the partner-
epidemic obesity.15 This includes Malaysia als to the health care profession and the gov- ship between the public and private sectors
which has about 8.3% of the population above ernment.4 should be encouraged to maximize resources
30 years suffering from diabetes and 29.9% Health care financing is a main challenge and minimize duplication of health delivery in
from hypertension.17 In the less-developed in many countries and should be taken into order to provide equitable health care.19
countries in the region, women suffer from consideration in providing a safety net for the Subsequently, the community engagement in
malnutrition, high mortality and morbidity.18 poor.19 The United States spends 14% of its self care, planning, organizing and manage-
A large percentage of the population is mov- GNP compared to Asian countries that spends ment will lead to self sufficiency in health.19
ing through the economic transition and about about 4-8% of their GNP on health care.24 With Countries need to get communities involved
70% of the deaths are due to chronic dis- new technologies, capitalization of expensive through social networks to address these prob-
eases.15 The United Nations Development hospital facilities and specialization has lems. One effective way to improve the short-
Program (UNDP) has published projections for increased the cost of medical services. In age and distribution imbalance especially in
changes in populations over the next 50 years. 2001, returns collected by MOH Malaysia in rural areas which is practiced in China is to

[Journal of Public Health in Africa 2011; 2:e23] [page 95]


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