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conflict can be good for organizations because it encourages open-mindedness

and helps avoid the tendency toward group think that many organizations fall prey
to. The key is learning how to manage conflict effectively so that it can serve as a
catalyst, rather than a hindrance, to organizational improvement.
 Five of the most important benefits which relate to workplace conflict are:
1. Earlier Problem Identification
2. Better Problem-Solving
3. Healthy Relationships, Morale and Commitment
4. Improved Productivity
5. Personal Growth and Insight
Positive Effects of Conflict in an Organization

 Social Change,

 Decision Making,

 Reconciliation,

 Group Unity,

 Group Cooperation,

 Inspire Creativity,

 Share and Respect Opinions,

 Improve Future Communication, and

 Identify New Members.

Negative conflict, characterized by struggling against other people, drains energy,
which is costly to companies, teams and relationships

Good leaders, he says, recognize that conflict:

 Doesn’t need to be destructive.

 Should be leveraged rather than “managed” or “controlled.”
 Can be handled with compassion. Taking a compassionate approach could
mean more—but healthier—conflict.

If you want to promote healthy conflict, you should strive to:

 Be more open. Empathize with others. Understand their motives, emotions

and responses. Ask “How are you doing with this transition?” Avoid “How
did that make you feel?” as if others control their emotions. Take time to
listen and then validate their feelings.
 Be more resourceful. Avoid sharing your ideas first. Instead, ask others for
their thoughts. Disagree while respecting others’ intentions.
 Be persistent. See things through with integrity and respect. Be clear about
your expectations. Hold yourself and others accountable. Acknowledge
when you make mistakes, and try to make it right.
 Finally, recognize that conflict is always emotional, “so it’s paramount that
HR professionals are able to create a safe place for people to talk about and
pursue their emotional motives” and develop strategies for healthy

Negative Effects of Conflict in an Organization

 Mental Health Concerns,

 A decrease in Productivity,

 Members Leave Organization,

 Violence,

 Distract Primary Purposes, and

 Psychological Problem.

Positive conflict is constructive in nature. It produces new ideas, solves continuous

problems, provides an opportunity for people and teams to expand their skills, and
fosters creativity. When opposing ideas are explored, a breakthrough of thinking
can occur. Without conflict, you have “groupthink,” which discourages innovation.

So as a leader, how can you make conflict positive?

 Promote an integrative approach to managing team conflicts. Attempt to

pursue a common goal, rather than individual goals. Openly and honestly
communicate with all team members. When conflict is avoided or approached on a
win/lose basis, it becomes unhealthy and can cause low morale and increased
tension within your teams. As a leader, focus on finding ways and solutions in
which all team members “win.”

 Foster a culture in which differences of opinion are encouraged, placing

emphasis on the common goals among your team, employees, and departments.
Many times, people place a focus on the differences in opinions, rather than
focusing on goals that they have in common. Encourage your team to be inclusive
of others and speak up when they disagree or have a different opinion. As a leader,
you must be willing to reward and thank those who are willing to take a stand and
support their position. Positive conflict and a culture that supports it go hand-in-

 Training! Provide your employees with opportunities to grow and enhance

their problem solving, conflict resolution, non-defensive communication,
interpersonal communication skills, and even diversity and inclusion training. The
benefit is your employees’ comfortability in situations where conflict arises and
working with people who have different styles. Training can also reduce the
likelihood of conflict. If you detect that tension and negative conflict are affecting
your workplace harmony, conflict resolution management and meetings can
combat the negative impact it can have on your team.

Debate and, inevitably, conflict have become critical. The key to success
is healthy debate, grounded in clear rules for tough discussions. Such
discussions should be open and fact-based, without personal attacks or games
with hidden agendas. Everyone on the team should understand how the group
will address and decide on issues. And they must fully commit to team
decisions once they are made.

So, what can leaders do to promote productive, healthy debate and conflict in
their organizations?
• Work on establishing a culture of trust where team members get to
know and appreciate each other, and are willing to share their thoughts
openly. This requires spending time together, getting to know each other as
individuals, and a willingness to be vulnerable in front of the team.

• Look for and encourage constructive conflict. The team leader,

whether a CEO, functional leader or project chief, should help the group
define the rules for conflict, facilitate open discussions about conflict and
swiftly address any dysfunctional behavior.

• Commit to the outcome. Once the team has come to a decision, ensure
that commitments are made, clearly communicated and adhered to.

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