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Aftab Ahmad
Bsf 1804855
BS ENGLISH 4th semester
Question no 1: Draw the elements of National
curriculum for English ( 2006) in accordance with Tyler
model for curriculum (linear sketch).
Stating Objectives

Selecting Learning Experiences

Organizing Learning Experiences

Select and write down only one benchmark for grades
9th and 10th .Explain it according to four fundamental
Structure Basic steps:
1)What educational purposes should school seek to
2)What educational experiences can be provided that
are likely to attain these purposes?
3)How can these experiences be effectively
4)How can we determine when the purposes are
Standard: All students will produce with developing fluency
and accuracy, academic, transactional and creative writing,
which is focused, purposeful and shows an insight into the
writing process..
Benchmarks : Analyze a variety of written discourse to use in
their own compositions, techniques for effective text
organization, development, and author’s techniques that
influence reader..
Educational purposes: Students do research ,discovery and
understand the variety of text.
Educational experiences provided: Multiple writing task
and writing strategies for comprehension.
Experiences organized: By analyzing pattern of text
organization , and functions of various devices used in
Purposes are met: We can determine that our purposes are
met by Evaluation( our students have developed research skill ,
writing skills or not.). Evaluation is best method to met our
Question no 2: Draw the elements of National
Curriculum for English (2006) in accordance with the
wheeler model for curriculum.

and objectives

Selection of
Evaluation learning

and m at ching
Selection of
0t2 Learning
with context

Wheeler model
Select and write down only standard and benchmark for
grades 9th and 10th . Explain it according to the
consisted of five logically sequenced phases:
1)Selection of aims, goals and objectives.
2)Selection of learning experiences to help achieve
the aims , goals and objectives.
3)Selection of content through which certain type of
experiences may be offered.
4)Organization and integration of learning
experiences and content with respect to the
teaching-learning process.
5) Evaluation of each phase and the attainment of
Standard : All students will produce with developing fluency
and accuracy, academic, transactional and creative writing
which is focused , purposeful and shows an insight into the
writing process.
Benchmark: Analyze written discourse to use in their own
compositions , techniques for effective paragraph
organization and development such as a clear topic sentence
and supporting skills.
Selection of aims , goals and objectives: Students
would develop fluency, accuracy , academic , transactional
and creative writing skills.
Selection of learning experiences : Written discourse ,
techniques for effective paragraph writing .
Organization of leaning experiences: Analyze written
discourse to use in their own composition, techniques for
effective paragraph organizations and development such as
a clear topic sentence and supporting skills.
Evaluation: In this phase , all the previous learning
experiences are evaluated to come to know that our goals
have been achieved or not.

Question no 3: Draw the elements of National

Curriculum for English 2006 in accordance with Tyler
model for curriculum (linear sketch)

Starting Objectives

Selecting Learning Experiences

Organizing Learning Experiences


Select and write down only one standard and one

benchmark for grades 9th and 10th . Explain it according
to the Malcolm Skillbeck Model.
1. Situational Analysis
2. Objectives
3. Design
4. Implementation
5. Evaluation

Standard: All students will use social and academic

conventions of spoken discourse for effective oral
communication with individuals and in groups , in both
informal and formal settings.
Benchmark: Use extended linguistics exponents to
communicate appropriately for various functions and co-
functions of advice, hopes, fears, queries , in extended social
Situational Analysis : In this phase, we see that all the
students will use social and academic conventions of spoken
and academic conventions of spoken discourse for effective
oral communication with individuals and in groups , even in
both formal and informal settings.
Objectives: students will develop better oral
communication skills in formal or in informal settings.
Design: In this , we use extended linguistics components to
communicate appropriately for various functions and co-
functions , in extended social environment .
Implementation: In order to develop these social skills in
students . We should use extended linguistics components in
order to make students communicate properly for various
functions and co-functions like hope, fear, queries, advice ,
in extended social environment .
Evaluation: At the end, we do evaluation (check that did our
implementation go right? Did we have achieved our
objectives). Do our students have developed better social
and academic discourse spoken skills.
Question no 4: Explain which model is most difficult
to describe National Curriculum for English (2006).
I saw few limitations after reading about the Tyler model.
The first limitation is related to what knowledge schools
teach their students. This can limit students to learning what
is ‘common sense’ for schools to teach and may not learn
different subjects that they are very interested in. For
example, students may learn about outer space in a science
classroom, however a student might be very interested in
learning about dinosaurs and since that is not a part of what
the school wants to be taught then the student will miss out
on that learning experience. The Tyler rationale puts a big
emphasis on being “effectively organized” , but I think this
can also cause limitations.

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