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Lesson 3



Let’s check
1. According to the Pred (1977), what characterizes countries where no real systems of cities
exist like those which have low interdependence and closure?

According to Pred (1977), countries with no real systems of cities exixts like those which have
low interdependence and closure are characterised by little economic and social exchange
between settlements and with the outside world (i.e. low interdependence and high closure).
There are few present-day examples of this category since even Third World countries generally
have some form of urban system, a degree of internal exchange and communication and some
external links. The best examples are therefore historical. Many countries of medieval Europe
were characterised by a few independent urban centres acting as market places for their
surrounding areas, but with limited exchange between centres.

2. How will we classify a Settlements exist because certain activities can be carried on more
efficiently if they are clustered together rather than dispersed. Inspection of a map showing the
pattern of settlement in a region can usually be disaggregated into three component elements
that reflect different urban functions?

We will classify if the settlement exist through, beginning by acknowledging that as the number,
size and location of settlements in any region are the result of a long and complex interplay of
forces, any study, which proposes to explain the origins of such patterns, must take into account
four major factors.

3. According to the theories of Urban system, why does settlement exists?

Settlements exist because certain activities can be carried on more efficiently if they are
clustered together rather than dispersed. Inspection of a map showing the pattern of settlement
in a region can usually be disaggregated into three component elements that reflect different
urban functions.
4. This is the degree to which a place serves its surrounding area, and this can be gauged only
in terms of the goods and services offered?

Central place theory is a geographical theory that seeks to explain the number, size and
location of human settlements in a residential system.

5. What is referred to as the minimum demand to make the good or service viable base on the
economic application of Central Place theory?


6. What is a city which typically has 1 million to 5 million people and up to 10 million in its


7. If central place model seems most suited to patterns of urban development in industrial
economies, what appears to be more applicable to economies that have become more service-
sector dominated?


8. What are the three phases of settlement diffusion based on Hudson’s (1969) work to explain
the spread of settlement within a territory?


9. Using Burgess’s Concentric Zone Model of Urban Land Use, what zone is the area of better
residences which serves as home of middle class?


10. What is the major contrast between the land use models of Burgess and Hoyt?

- The major contrast between the models of Burgess and Hoyt is that whereas residential
change is stimulated on the demand side in Burgess’s model, with immigrants competing for
inner-city housing.

11. Whose model of land use suggests that land-use patterns vary depending on local context?


12. What is being used as the basis of neoclassical economics ‘tradeoff’ model to explain why
demand for land varies?

- The relationship between accessibility and land rent.

13. What serves as the key element of Vance’s Urban Realms Model?
- The emergence of large self-sufficient urban areas each focused on a downtown independent
of the traditional downtown and central city.

14. These can be categorised as subdividers and builders in the capoitalist and land
development process.


15. What is the principal element of all major models of urban land use?


Let’s analyze
1. Using two particular examples as references, describe the ways in which central place theory
has been applied in the real world.

Humans will always purchase goods from the closest place that offers them and whenever the
demand for a certain good is high, it will be offered in close proximity to the population. When
demand drops, so too does the availability of the good. This is shown all over the world, from
rural areas of England to the U.S. Midwest or Alaska with the many small communities that are
served by larger towns, cities, and regional capitals.

2. How did the models of urban settlement describe the contemporary patterns of urban
development over time?

- Through making it as a basis on the concept of a ‘dispersed city’ defined as a group of similar-
size politically discrete cities separated by open land, functioning economically as a single urban

3. Using the text as reference, how can the study of town plans help explain the changing
pattern of urban land use?

- It helps in developing the land use, the concrete pattern of making the town more accessible.

4. Try to select one of the major actors involved in the production of the built environment and,
with reference to one specific example, write five sentences to illustrate its role in urban change.

- GOVERNMENT. The government plays a big role in the development of the production in the
built environment. They can help produce the other agents in the built development as they
more powerful than the rest of them. The government has a sufficient financial support and has
better plans in the process. They can be of better use in the development, as they can maintain
its support in the economy where it rested on the city. Government too, are sufficient enough in
planning on building better environment.
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