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Ideas, Innovation, Invention, Impacts, Youth Innovation Challenge (I4YIC)

About Us
Momentum Corporate Events is one of the divisions of PT Momentum Bersama Sejahtera, one – stop education
service provider in Indonesia. It is registered company with registration number Our other
divisions are: MINE English Course, MILE Travel Consultant, and MOMENTUM Overseas Education Consultant.

We focus on teacher and student’s up grading through seminars, training, workshops, conferences and competitions.
Through revolutionary teaching methods, we obtain efficient and effective learning and class environment. We
realize each school has distinct target to achieve, thus we customize the program according to the school. We educate
our students to comprehend the methodology practically, technically as well as philosophically.

Through our teaching and training as the main activity, also integrate national, international, and regional dimension
in providing better educational services to education in Indonesia. The company is supported by academic staffs
who have international experiences, administration staff, local and native-speaker teachers who are profesional and
competent. PT Momentum Bersama Sejahtera has the vision and the same value in maintaining the quality of the
services. It strives to answer all the needs of education in Indonesia and to achieve beyond expectations.

As a part of our vision and mission, Momentum Corporate Events facilitates to hold an event under our conduct with
basic environmental understanding and concern for the Youth, by the Youth and from the Youth. We believe we
can prepare the youth to be leaders who are aware and concern about environmental preservation. This key concept
becomes our major priority to hold an environment-based event named I4YIC stands for Ideas, Innovation,
Invention, Youth Innovation Challenge
Our Solicitation Priority
Ideas, Innovation, Invention, Impacts Youth Innovation Challenge (I4YIC) under the theme Green City-preneurship
is exclusively special program designed to challenge students from university level to come up with ideas and
innovation to save both the environment and the big cities. This activity is one of the platforms to raise awareness
for a better environment, city, and society at the same time. In addition to the theme, it will be more focusing on
environment and entrepreneurship, by the ratio of 70:30. We believe this activity will bring more impact since the
program involves participants who will become the future leaders.
The youth of today is the future of tomorrow. Thus, we need to educate young generation by increasing their
awareness towards saving the environment.That what ignites us in the first place to hold this environment-based
event. Not only will it be fun program but also quite intriguing for all the participants to compete and enjoy. Beside
building the strong sense of competition, this activity highlights tons of ideas brought by the participants to be
implemented in their city of origin in order to solve the problems.

Project significance
Carrying out this event is important because we involve young generation to generate ideas about how to
solve the environmental problems. Participants are challenged to be sensitive towards their need as modern society
as well as being responsible towards the environmental preservation. Young generation is expected to expand their
ability to preserve the environment for better living. In this event, we incorporate workshop, competition and
discussion thus they will present their environmental problems along with how they solve the problems.
Our Concern
Earth is a beautiful living planet of the Universe and the common habitat of more than 7 billion human
population & millions of species of biodiversity. Nowadays, a great number of people are becoming more aware of
the dreadful effects of man’s selfishness on environment in modern cities.
According to Oxford Policy Management and UNFCCC (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate
Change, Indonesia is one of the world’s largest emitters of greenhouse gases, but emission estimates vary
considerably between sources. The National Council on Climate Change
(DNPI) also shows that Indonesia has accounted for 4.5% of global emission or 2.04 (Gt)of Co2e in 2005. This
emission is estimated getting higher from 2005 to the years forward.
The graph depicts how the emission is increasing quite significantly from year to year. By the same token, many
city in Indonesia pose the same threat by various environmental problems, for instance; flood, land erosion, illegal
logging, and forest fire. To make matters worse, According to World Research Institute (WRI), some regions in
Indonesia contribute one of the highest harmful emission; they are North Sumatra as the highest, followed by Riau,
and East Java.
Southeast Asia which was used to be believed as having a good level of environmental preservation now
also contributes more on emission and pollutions. Our international delegates are expected to showcase their country
or city problems in this event. It becomes our reason for inviting them to be involved in this event. Because, not only
are Indonesians but also are all Southeast Asia members have responsibility to save the environment
The above figure is the presentation of Southeast Asia emission. Each of the nations has distributed the emission
in the region. Therefore, we believe that each country has equal responsibility to solve environment problems. By
involving international delegates, each delegate will learn other problems of each environment and how to solve.

Event Description
The name of this event is I4YIC, an acronym of Ideas, Innovation, Invention and Impacts Youth Innovation
Challenge. This event is a platform for young generation in sharing ideas about environment problems of their city
of origin. We believe that each city carries different problems and these problems perennially damage the
environment. Conducting this event means inviting the participants to evaluate their city on how much is the city
lacking of environmental concern such as the declining green space, growth of industries, shopping centers, and
others. Most importantly how our youth can come up with a proposed solution to solve environmental problems
around them and at the same time stimulate entrepreneurial ideas.
The first phase of this event is proposal submission. The proposal should present environmental problems
found in the city where the participants come from and how to deal with the problem. We alter each of the problems
in participants’ proposal on how it is significant to be discussed as well as needed to be taken care for more practical
The accepted proposals will be evaluated and then presented by the participants in the second phase. In this
phase, the students are challenged in an open discussion and required to share ideas about their environmental
problems and bring up proposed solutions. In this second phase, we also involve series of discussion and workshop,
therefore the participants could evaluate their solutions and assess it from different perspectives.
The last phase is final round. The final round will challenge the participants to give an outlook on the best
environment solutions along with the further practical impacts that bring change. In this phase, participants are
challenged to demonstrate an invention project or innovation that will bring good impact to save the environment
from destruction.
This event also maintains the participants’ sense of leadership in taking environmental responsibility and
environmental sensitiveness which is performed within wider national or even international communities.
Furthermore, developing participants’ personality and perspective towards the degrading environment within the
big cities.
Key Activities
(1) First Phase : Registration and Proposal submission
(2) Second Phase : (Preliminary round) Presentation, Discussion, and Workshop
(3) Third Phase : (Final Round) Project implementation

Target Audience
University Students, invited teachers, environment activists, and practitioners. The event may also involve students
from different universities or schools when it is possible

Where about
The registration and proposal submission can be submitted to Meanwhile, the
preliminary and final round will be held in UNESA Ketintang Surabaya.

Section 3: National Scope and Applicability

National Implication and Beneficiaries

(1) We aim the event to be able to benefit for the environment on national scale in two significant ways; first is
preserving the environment and the second is making sure the environment is still becoming the basic concern
in the city. Thus, the city keeps the economy of the nation and at the same time makes the city more sustainable
(2) This event benefits the participants’ city of origin because each delegate brings their city environment problems
therefore this event will support each participant to solve the environment problems in their cities.
(3) Having fresh ideas from participants, we will be able to help decrease the number of emissions, water and air
pollutions in each city.
(4) The participants are from different cities; their contribution will not only benefit their city of origins but also
other cities.
(5) The participants are trained to critically think about the wellbeing and importance of the environment in their
own country.

Competition Stages
First Phase: Registration and proposal submission
1. Enrollment
- A team of 2(two) participants
- Scanned identity card

2. Submission of Project Proposal

Project is submitted in the form of scientific essay
The essay consists of:
# What is your idea for a greener city? What is the environmental problem of your city?
What is the opportunity?
# Why do you think is it a problem? Why is it important?
# Where do you want to implement your idea?
# How do you plan to apply your idea?
# Is it already in the market?
300 words, Times New Roman, Font 12, and 1.5 space
Project is sent via e-mail:
Note: every documents MUST be attached in one email

Second Phase (Preliminary round) Presentation, Discussion, and Workshop

30 teams will be shortlisted and invited to the next round
Key Activities : - Coaching session
- Presentation session
- Announcement for final round

Final Phase : Project implementation

10 teams will be shortlisted and invited to the final round

Key Activities : - Presentation of project implementation

- Announcement for final round

Evaluation Plan
We evaluate participants’ projects from the following 4 assessments;

(1) Prepared materials : This includes participants’ topic choices about the most crucial and severe problems
of the city of origin.
(2) Details : This includes participants’ way of reasoning on presenting their ideas on chosen
environmental problem, analyzing the problems, and demonstrating their invention.
(3) Invention : This includes participants’ invention on solving the environment problems.
(4) Impacts : We will see how the participants could propose the significance and impact in the
long run for their environment. We also see the applicability of the impacts which
are not only viable for one city but also can be applied in other cities.

Apart from 4 evaluation plans above, we also would like to appreciate participant’s contribution on the following
independent Category : Best Idea
Best Innovation
Best Invention
Best Impact
- Scholarships
- Study Tour Packages
- Cash Prize in USD.

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