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AptivaAI User Guide


AptivaAI User Engagement Guide

 Content Vault
Cygnus Wing Brigade Gateway • Suite D-208
WTC, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India 560055
Table of Contents
Application of Watson to Automotive Industry .......................... 1
Unique Challenges ................................................................ 1
DeepQA ................................................................................. 2
Artificial Intelligence Chatbots ............................................. 3
How Chatbots Work............................................................... 3
Chatbots for Customer Engagement .................................. 4
Chatbots for Cost Reduction ................................................ 4
Chatbots for Lead Generation ............................................. 4
Chatbots for Brand Loyalty ................................................... 4
Chatbots for Cost Reduction ................................................ 4
A R T I F I C I A L I N T E L L I G E N C E - A P T I V A A I

Application of Watson to
Automotive Industry

n 2007, IBM Research took on the grand challenge of building a computer system
that could compete with champions at the game of Jeopardy!. In 2011, the open-
domain question-answering system dubbed Watson beat the two highest ranked
players in a nationally televised two-game Jeopardy! match. Watson is a question-
answering computer system capable of answering questions posed in natural language,
developed in IBM's DeepQA project by a research team led by principal investigator
David Ferrucci.Watson was named after IBM's founder and first CEO, industrialist
Thomas J. Watson.

Unique Challenges
Watson was created as a question answering (QA) computing system that IBM built to
apply advanced natural language processing, information retrieval, knowledge
representation, automated reasoning, and machine learning technologies to the field of
open domain question answering.

The key difference between QA technology and document search is that document
search takes a keyword query and returns a list of documents, ranked in order of
relevance to the query (often based on popularity and page ranking), while QA
technology takes a question expressed in natural language, seeks to understand it in
much greater detail, and returns a precise answer to the question.

Watson uses IBM's DeepQA software and the Apache UIMA (Unstructured
Information Management Architecture) framework implementation.

A R T I F I C I A L I N T E L L I G E N C E - A P T I V A A I

Real language is real hard for computers to grasp. The meaning behind the words is
implicit, ambiguous and highly contextual.

The underlying philosophy of DeepQA approach is that true intelligence will emerge
from the development and integration of many different algorithms each looking at the
data from different perspectives. No one programmer, no one program design from
top to bottom will have all it needs to understand language. Rather a system must
evolve from the continuous contribution of many different algorithms. These must all
balance and combine to form a holistic and accurate interpretation of the intended

DeepQA is a software architecture for deep content analysis and evidence-based

It represents a powerful capability that uses advanced natural language processing,

semantic analysis, information retrieval, automated reasoning and machine learning.
DeepQA deeply analyzes natural language input to better find, synthesize, deliver and
organize relevant answers and their justifications from the wealth of knowledge
available in a combination of existing natural language text and databases.

The DeepQA architecture views the problem of Automatic Question Answering as a

massively parallel hypothesis generation and evaluation task. As a result DeepQA is not
just about question-in/answer-out – rather it can be viewed as a system that performs
differential diagnosis: it generates a wide range of possibilities and for each develops a
level of confidence by gathering, analyzing and assessing evidence based on available

A R T I F I C I A L I N T E L L I G E N C E - A P T I V A A I

With a question, a topic, a case or a set of related questions, DeepQA finds the
important concepts and relations in the input language, builds a representation of the
user’s information need and then through search generates many possible responses.
For each possible response it spawns independent and competing threads that gather,
evaluate and combine different types of evidence from structured and unstructured
sources. It can deliver a ranked list of responses each associated with an Evidence
Profile describing the supporting evidence and how it was weighted by DeepQA’s
internal algorithms.

There are many different tasks that can help drive the technology of automatic, open-
domain question answering. Many lessons were learned from prior attempts at
Question Answering systems directed at specific tasks. They all ultimately influenced
DeepQA’s directions on what to do and on what not to do.

Artificial Intelligence Chatbots

An Artificial Intelligence Chatbot is a computer program that uses AI and natural
language processing (NLP) to automate responses to user queries, simulating human
conversation. Chatbots can help make it easy for users to find the information they
need. Using natural language, chatbot technology responds to users' questions and
requests—through text input, audio input or both—without the need for human
intervention. Users can ask questions in a conversational way, and the chatbots can
help refine their searches through their responses and follow-up questions. The terms
chatbot, AI chatbot, virtual assistant and conversational agent are sometimes used

How Chatbots Work

Chatbots use natural-language-recognition capabilities to make out what the user is
asking for. Then, it uses advanced intelligence tools to determine what the user truly
needs to know. These technologies are also beginning to use machine learning and
deep learning to learn from user interactions to improve their recommendations and

Machine learning, algorithm-based programming, finds patterns in data and predicts an

optimal response based on its pattern knowledge base and some human guidance.
Deep learning models work like machine learning models, but it includes an algorithm
that can determine, on its own, whether or not a prediction is accurate.

There are different types of chatbots and chatbot applications. They can be simple or
they can be complex. For example, if a user asked about tomorrow's weather, a simple
chatbot could respond plainly whether it will rain. A more complex conversational
agent, however, might determine that what the user really needs is to know whether or
not they should wear a raincoat.

A R T I F I C I A L I N T E L L I G E N C E - A P T I V A A I

Chatbots for Customer Engagement

Before the mature e-commerce era, customers with questions, concerns or complaints
had to write or call a business for a response from a human agent. Often the quickest
method of reaching a company was by phone, but staffing offices and training people
to provide consistent replies to similar or repetitive queries, day or night, can come
with a cost.

Today, a chatbot can manage customer interactions at any time of day while keeping
costs down. A chatbot can help many users avoid long wait times from phone-based
customer support or even longer wait times for email- and form-based support. A
chatbot is available immediately.

Chatbots for Cost Reduction

Staffing a customer support center day and night can be expensive. And for some
departments, such as human resources, it might not be possible. A chatbot, however,
can answer questions 24 hours a day and seven days a week, even on holidays. It can
provide a new first line of support, supplement support during peak periods or offer an
additional support option. At the very least, using a chatbot can help reduce the
number of users who need to speak with a human, which can help businesses avoid
scaling up staff due to increased demand or implementing a 24-hour support staff.

Chatbots for Lead Generation

Chatbots can help with sales and improve conversion rates. For example, a customer
might browse a website for a product or service, but they have a question about it. A
chatbot can respond to queries that could help the customer decide to buy or take the
next logical step toward buying. And if the customer needs to take a further step in the
sales funnel, the chatbot qualifies the lead before connecting the customer with a
trained sales agent.

Chatbots for Brand Loyalty

By providing a responsive, efficient and positive user experience for customers,
employees and partners, a chatbot can improve customer satisfaction and brand
loyalty. Whether a chatbot answers questions about employees’ corporate benefits,
provides answers to technical support questions or generates leads for a sales team,
users can come away with a strengthened connection to your organization.

Chatbots for Cost Reduction

Engineered with AI technology to dynamically respond to a range of simple to
complex questions, chatbots guide conversations with employees without relying on
human input or intervention. Chatbot technology can automatically generate answers
to R&D, engineering, sales, marketing and dealer-specific inquiries such as browsing
inventory, parts information, availability, design documents, manufacturing processes ,

A R T I F I C I A L I N T E L L I G E N C E - A P T I V A A I

finance information, pricing, specifications or making appointments. As a result,

employees, customers and management can leave a conversational experience feeling
satisfied they received relevant information and answers to their questions before they
even enter a factory.

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