4rt Mid Quarter

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Urdaneta City, Pangasinan
Nancayasan, Urdaneta City, Pangasinan
SHS Department
4rt Mid - Quarter Examination



NAME: ______________________ SCORE:

DATE: _____________

Test l. Multiple choice. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. Where in a hotel can suggestive selling be used?

a. Restaurants c. Sales department
b. Health clubs d. All of the above
2. Cross selling means using _________ in one area of one property to promote a
different area of the property.
a. Employees c. Revenue
b. Media d. Expenses
3. The proven method of convincing a guest to take up the up sell is by pointing
out features benefit. Define “Benefit”
a. Obvious difference between two products c. Physical difference
b. Unique selling point d. What the guest has to gain
4. In order to up sell, one must have
a. Glib tongue c. A great smile
b. Good question skills d. Ample product knowledge
5. Which of the following is not a guideline for suggestive selling.
a. Avoid asking yes-no question c. Invite guest to visit other areas of property
b. Suggest in specific term d. All of the above
6. Why up selling is important?
a. Creates more revenues c. Enhances staff sales techniques
b. Enhances guest experience in the hotel d. All the above
7. While checking in Mr. Brown into hotel X, Jeremy , the receptionist notices a
comment in the system that reads “previously mishandled. Please assign larger
room for duration of stay no additional charge”. What must Jeremy do in this
a. Up sell c. Tune
b. Upgrade d. Cross sell
8. Ms. Brown checked into a superior room at Hotel K where he discovered that the
shower in her room was faulty. The receptionist apologized profusely for the
incident and accorded to Ms. Brown an Executive floor room in exchange, at no
additional charge. What technique did the receptionist apply?
a. Up selling c. Upgrading
b. Cross selling d. Suggestive selling
9. When would an upgrade happen?
a. Room type that the guest blocked not available
b. Guest was bumped to another hotel
c. Guest was double room
d. All of the above
10.When up selling, a FOA should mention the rate first, and then offer the room by
pointing its features and benefits.
a. True b. False

Test ll. Identification. Write your answer on the space provided before the number.

Down selling Cross selling Up selling

Informal banquets Conferences Suggestive selling
Public relations Driven customer Educated customer
Suggest Attention to detail Recommending
Politeness Banquet Cheap customer
Over selling Product launch Customer service

______________1. Sales techniques are used when the customer decides to back down
from the purchase.
______________2. This function normally includes entertainment.
______________3. These are organized by the business houses in order to make the
consumers aware of their presence and to establish relationship
with them.
______________4. To provide an objective answer to the guest’s query regarding the
______________5. Using good manners is appropriate weather customer makes
purchase or not.
______________6. The purpose of this type of function is to share knowledge and
expertise and to discuss on matters of concern.
______________7. This is the customer that based on emotions.
______________8. Knowing the character of guests.
______________9. Literally means “sumptuous feast”
______________10. Type of functions mainly is for company who has just launched a
new product in the market.
______________11. Sales techniques permitting to increase revenues w/ the same number of
covers and to increase restaurant guest check average.
______________12. Selling additional goods or services to the customer.
______________13. This is the customer that based on value
______________14. To give an opinion to answer a guest’s question about the menu.
______________15. Is an effort that does in our outlet to fulfill the gusts needs with
the intention to provide unforgettable dining experience.

Test lll. Write R on the line if the statement is a recommendation. Write S if it is


_____1. The chef makes really good steak.

_____2. Our best sellers are roasted chicken and spaghetti bolognaise.
_____3. We have chicken fingers with spicy mango salsa dip, cheese sticks, buffalo
wings, and potato wedges.
_____4. Our list of entrées includes sirloin steak with gravy. Beef steak with gravy,
chicken gelatin, and baked pork chops.
_____5. I particularly love the smoothness of our chocolate mousse.
_____6. Your kid would love our fresh fruits shakes. We can add pearls if she desires.
_____7. Our specials for today are beef tepanyaki and chicken tepanyaki.
_____8. Our sinigang na hipon is the best.
_____9. Your pasta is the best paired with our house blend ice tea.
____10. The available dishes today are creamy carbonara and sundried tomato pasta.

Test lV. Enumeration

Benefits of Good Customer Service

Characteristics of Good Customer Service
Functions normally organized by the Banquet department
Types of Function

“Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance,

learning, studying, sacrifice, and most of all, love of what
you are doing or learning.”

Prepared by: Checked by:

FBS Teacher OIC – SHS Principal
Urdaneta City, Pangasinan
Nancayasan, Urdaneta City, Pangasinan
SHS Department
4rt Mid - Quarter Examination


GAS 12

NAME: ______________________ SCORE:

DATE: _____________

Test l. Multiple Choice. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. Which is NOT part of the fire triangle?

a. Heat c. Fuel
b. Water d. Oxygen
2. What type of extinguisher has a RED strip?
a. Carbon dioxide c. Dry powder
b. Foam d. Water
3. You have used an extinguisher but only for 5 seconds. What do you do next…
a. Have it replaced c. label the fire of extinguisher stating it has been use before
b. Put it back for future use d. All of the above
4. How many types of extinguishers?
a. 4 c. 5
b. 3 d. 6
5. What type of extinguisher has a CREAM strip?
a. Foam c. Dry water
b. Water d. Wet chemical
6. What type of extinguisher has a YELLOW strip?
a. Wet chemical c. Foam
b. Water d. Carbon dioxide
7. What type of extinguisher has a BLACK strip?
a. Carbon dioxide c. Foam
b. Wet chemical d. Dry powder
8. What type of extinguisher has a BLUE strip?
a. Water c. Dry powder
b. Oxygen d. Carbon monoxide

9. What does fire need to survive?

a. Oxygen, heat & fuel c. Heat, oxygen,& fire
b. Fuel, carbon dioxide & heat d. Water, heat & oxygen
10. The fire alarm has been activated, what do you do?
a. Make your way to the assembly point
b. Wait for the instruction
c. Gather your belongings, then leave
d. Run
11. It is characterized as highly elongated mass of molten rock materials cascading
down slope from an erupting event. It has low silica and low water content.
a. Pyroclastic flow c. Lava flow
b. Lahar flow d. Ash fall
12. Which should be done after earthquake?
a. Be prepared for aftershocks
b. Drop, cover and hold
c. Move to an open area
d. Familiarize yourself with the exit routes
13. Which is not a sign of volcanic eruption?
a. Localized landslide
b. Continuous raining
c. Noticeable variation in the chemical content of springs, crater lakes within the
vicinity of the volcano.
d. Increase in the temperature of hot spring, craters, and well.
14. What to do during volcanic eruption?
a. Bring your animals into closed areas/shelter
b. Cover your nose with wet cloth to protect it from ashes
c. Stay tuned – in to new updates
d. Stay away from damaged power lines
15. This volcanic hazard is characterized as a corrosive, hard, conducts electricity
when wet, and never dissolve in water.
a. Basal flow c. Turbulent ash cloud
b. Ash fall d. Lahar

Test ll. True or False.

_______1. At a public place, it is ok to remove the fire extinguisher from the wet since
there are other fire extinguishers on other floors. False

_______2. It is dangerous to keep paper towels and cooking oil near the stove. True

_______3. It is safe to smoke in a flammable environment. False

_______4. Electrical appliances and switches should be in “ON” position when not in
use. False

_______5. Unused items outside homes are a potential fire hazard. True

_______6. The building management of public places should not lock up the exit doors
when the building is occupied or being used. True

_______7. Class C fires composed of dry combustible like paper, wood, and plastics. False

_______8. For a fire to start, it requires fuel, oxygen, and heat. True

_______9. It is OK to enter a burning building after it has gone beyond the incipient
stage fire. false

_______10. “Flash Point” is the lowest temperature at which the vapor from
combustible liquid can be made to ignite. True

Test lll. Identification. Write your answer on the space provided before the number.

_____________1. Weather condition generally characterized by heavy rain.

_____________2. This is the condition that is favor fire development or growth.

_____________3. It is the conversion of soil into fluid like mass during an earthquake
or other seismic events

_____________4. Massive of outward and down ward movement of slope forming

materials. It is the movement of rock and soil

_____________5. Extremely large powerful and destructive storm that occurs specially
in the region of the Philippine or the china China Sea.

_____________6. Generally referred to as the running and overlaying water on land

that are not ordinary covered by it.

_____________7. Collapse of the land that build natural ponds.

_____________8. Caused by extreme meteorological and climate events such as floods,

droughts, hurricanes, tornadoes, or mudslides.

_____________9. Escalating seawater to the coast above normal sea level.

_____________10. Extreme natural events in the crust of the earth that pose a threat
to life and property.
Test lV. Enumeration

Effects of Landslide


Sources of Fire Hazard


Causes of Hydro meteorological Hazard


“Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance,

learning, studying, sacrifice, and most of all, love of what
you are doing or learning.”

Prepared by: Checked by:

FBS Teacher OIC – SHS Principal

Urdaneta City, Pangasinan
Nancayasan, Urdaneta City, Pangasinan
SHS Department
4rt Mid - Quarter Examination



NAME: ______________________ SCORE:

DATE: _____________

Test l. Multiple Choice. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. A food allergy is..

a. Is life threatening c. Is not too serious
b. Only causes digestive problems d. Affects all children differently
2. Food intolerance is….
a. Can cause digestive problems c. Can cause breathing difficulties
b. Life threatening D. Is a life threatening
3. Food allergy occur in approximately:
a. 1 in 20 children c. 1 in 100 children
b. 1 in 5 children d. 1 in 1000 children
4. Which of the following food choices commonly causes allergic reactions in
a. Fruit c. Carrots
b. Honey d. Peanuts
5. A serious and potentially life threatening allergic reaction is known as:
a. Anaphylaxis c. Loss of breath
b. High blood pressure d. Heart failure
6. Which of the following food choices does not commonly cause food allergies in
a. Milk c. Wheat
b. Peanuts d. Rice
7. Some children may have a condition known as “Celiac Disease”. These children
cannot tolerate…
a. Eggs c. Gluten
b. Fructose d. Lactose
8. Some sects are vegetarian; belief is not kill any living creature; the cow is sacred
a. Judaism c. Mormonism
b. Buddhism d. Hinduism
9. Usually includes baguettes w/ jam or butter & sometimes warm/cold croissant.
a. French breakfast c. English breakfast
b. Continental breakfast d. American breakfast
10.Vegetarians focus on what sustenance?
a. Plants c. Fish
b. Bread d. Meats
Test ll. Identification. Write your answer on the space provided before the number.

______________1. Genetic disorder in which the intestines cannot tolerate gluten

protein found in wheat, barley, rye, and oats.
______________2. Also refers to multiple courses and it is similar to an English
______________3. Over reactive response from the immune system.
______________4. Their diet may include milk and dairy products only. They do not
eat all types of meat, fish, poultry, and eggs.
______________5. Is the sensitivity to the protein found in cow’s milk.
______________6. Chemical response from the digestive system.
______________7. Highly light breakfast consisting usually a coffee or tea and roll,
pastry, or other baked goods.
______________8. Usually consist of foods that are high in energy content such as
egg, oats, meat, sausage etc…
______________9. More elaborate meals and more preparation in the dining room
before service than other meals.
______________10. Consume plant – based food only. They exclude dairy and egg in
their diet.
Test lll. Matching type. Match the food restriction found in column A with the special
or religious dietary requirements found in column B.

Column A Column B
_____1. Nut, eggs and seafood a. Food allergies
_____2. Rye, wheat and barley b. Hindu
_____3. Beef c. Catholic
_____4. Alcohol and beverages w/ caffeine d. Celiac disease
_____5. Meat during lent e. Gluten intolerance
_____6. Pork and pork products, alcohol, f. Mormons
Birds of prey, carnivorous animal

_____7. Vegetarians include eggs in their diet. g. Lactose intolerance

_____8. Includes dairy products in their diet. h. Ovo
_____9. They also avoid food that underwent i. Muslims
processes where harm was used. J. Buddhist
_____10. Cream, custard, ice cream, soft cheeses k. Lacto
l. Dairy intolerance

Test lV. Write down food items that must be avoided or special arrangements that
must be considered in the following situations. (10 points)

1. The guest is a Buddhist

2. The guest is a Muslim

3. It is holy week; most of your guest are Catholic

4. The guest is a Hindu

5. The child is lactose – intolerant

Test V. Enumeration (10 points)

Religious group that include in the dietary restrictions

1. Buddhist
2. Christianity
3. Mormons
4. Hindu
5. Muslim

Common Food Intolerances

6. Diary intolerance
7. Lactose intolerance
8. Gluten intolerance

Symptoms of Food Intolerances

9. Rhinitis
10. Sinusitis

“Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance,

learning, studying, sacrifice, and most of all, love of what
you are doing or learning.”

Prepared by: Checked by:

FBS Teacher OIC – SHS Principal

Urdaneta City, Pangasinan
Nancayasan, Urdaneta City, Pangasinan
JHS Department
4rt Mid - Quarter Examination



NAME: ______________________ SCORE:

DATE: _____________

Test l. Multiple Choice. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. Have particular interest such as bird watching, food and wine, flowers, fishing
during the Sardine Run, or attending the Cape town book fair
a. Cultural tourism c. Special interest tourism
b. Eco – tourism d. Social tourism
2. This is a travel for business purposes.
a. Business tourism c. Educational tourism
b. Mass tourism d. Health tourism
3. The focus of this tour includes visiting another country to learn about the culture
or to work and apply skills learned inside the classroom in a different
a. Educational tourism c. Adventure tourism
b. Cultural tourism d. Religious tourism
4. This type of tourism involves the idea of risk and travelling to remote and exotic
a. Religious tourism c. Adventure tourism
b. Eco – tourism d. Recreational tourism
5. Many foreigners visit India for treatment because similar services in their country
are costly.
a. Health tourism c. Business tourism
b. Environment tourism d. Special interest tourism
6. This is a travel for recreational, leisure, or business purposes.
a. Mass tourism c. Adventure tourism
b. Religious tourism d. Tourism
7. I travelled to London to watch a play at the globe theatre.
a. Cultural tourism c. Heritage tourism
b. Exotic tourism d. Enclave tourism
8. I’m Spanish and I travel to another region of Spain.
a. Domestic tourism c. Inbound tourism
b. Outbound tourism d. Interior tourism
9. What is a tourist?
a. A person that often travels and in search of adventure and cultural
b. A tourist is a passive seeker who goes sightseeing and isolated from locals.
c. Tourist is a synonym for travel
d. Any person travelling to a place other than that of his/her usual residence for
less than 12 months and whose main purpose of the trip is other than the
exercise of an activity remunerated from within the place visited.

10. Tourist is interested to know how our forefather lived and administered in a
particular area. They visit heritage locations, temples, churches, museums, forts
a. Historical tourism c. Cultural tourism
b. Religious tourism d. Adventure tourism
11.This refers to people traveling to distance places looking to their routes and
attending to family obligations. Marriage and death bring people together to their
native places.
a. Cultural tourism c. Ethnic tourism
b. Historical tourism d. Social tourism
12. Travel because they want to visit a holiday spa, needs medical special treatment
that is only available away from home, undergo procedures that are cheaper in
another country, or are recovering from an illness in a healthier climate.
a. Health tourism c. Active tourism
b. Special interest tourism d. Mass tourism
13. Physical hazards in the workplace refers to:
a. Unsafe conditions in the workplace that can cause injury
b. Substances that pose threats to living organisms, for example bacteria.
c. Chemical hazards
d. Ergonomic hazard
14. Likelihood of hazard causing harm.
a. Physical hazard c. Risk
b. Chemical hazard d. Danger
15.The presence of harmful substances in the food.
a. Food borne illness c. Food borne bacteria
b. Food poisoning d. Contamination

Test ll. Identification. Write your answer on the space provided before the number.

______________1. Reduction of germs to a safe level and is usually done by the use of
special chemicals intended for food use.
______________2. Use these cleaners to remove heavy accumulation of soil that are
difficult to remove w/ detergents.
______________3. Cause or damages to human, property or the environment.
______________4. Practice of travelling and visiting places for pleasure and relaxation.
______________5. A person who reside in a place for more than 24 hours but less than
a year.
______________6. Travelling within own country
______________7. Process of removing dirt and other types of soil from a surface.
______________8. Use to remove scale in ware washing machines and steam tables
______________9. Travel to a place other than own country.
______________10. Any person on a trip between 2 or more countries or 2 or more
localities within the country of usual residence.
Test lll. Identify the following hazard. Write PH if it is an example of Physical hazard,
CH for Chemical hazard, BH for Biological hazard.

_____1. Poisons _____6. Slippery floors

_____2. Animal waste _____7. Acids
_____3. Falling object _____8. Infectious diseases
_____4. Contagious disease _____9. Noise
_____5. Flammable materials _____10. Cleaning agents

Test lV. Matching type. Match Column A to Column B

Column A Column B

_____1. Residents travelling to another country a. Rural tourism

_____2. Associated w/ image seaside resort b. Urban tourism
_____3. Creates balance between development c. Nature oriented tourism
and conservation of natural environment. d. Adventure tourism
_____4. Identified as one of the largest segment e. Tourist destination
Of global and domestic tourism. f. Outbound tourism
_____5. Specifically encourages the participation g. Domestic tourism
in tourism activities of person. h. Ethnic tourism
_____6. Reflects the movement of tourism in I. inter regional tourist
naturally rich areas. j. Social tourism
_____7. Types of tourism where travel is motivated k. Coastal tourism
by first experience/ doing and learning principle. l. Eco tourism
_____8.travel between various regions
_____9. Encompasses huge range of activities,
natural, manmade activities.
_____10. Comprise attractions, amenities and
activities, and point of access.

Test V. Essay. (5pts)

1. Why people travel? Explain your answer.

Prepared by: Approved by:


Subject Teacher OIC Principal - Junior High School
Urdaneta City, Pangasinan
Nancayasan, Urdaneta City, Pangasinan
JHS Department
4rt Mid - Quarter Examination


NAME: ______________________ SCORE:

DATE: _____________

Test l. Multiple Choice. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. The meaning of the acronym HRM is __________

a. Human Resourceful Management c. Human Relation Management
b. Humanistic Resource Management d. Human Resource Management
2. The following is concerned with developing a pool of candidates in line with the
human resource plan.
a. Development c. Training
b. Recruitment d. All of the above
3. Majority of the disputes in industries are related to the problem of ______
a. Wages c. Salaries
b. Benefits d. All of the above
4. HRP is ________
a. Human Resource Performance c. Human Recruitment Planning
b. Human Resource Planning d. Human Resource Protection
5. _______ is the process of choosing the most suitable candidate for the vacant
position in the organization.
a. Recruitment c. Training
b. Selection d. Performance Appraisal
6. What is recruitment?
a. The process by w/c a business hires staff
b. The process by w/c a business inducts staff
c. The process by w/c a business trains staff
d. None of the above
7. Which of the following NOT usually part of the selection process?
a. Short listing c. Interviewing
b. Induction d. Selecting
8. Which is NOT a method of applying for a job?
a. CV c. Letter of Application
b. Application form d. Criminal check
9. Which should NOT be on a job description?
a. Qualifications c. Hours
b. Duties d. Location
10.Where would you usually find a summary of the history of a prospective
a. CV c. Person specification
b. Job description d. Job analysis
11. Which one does NOT belong on a person specification?
a. Pay c. Skills
b. Qualifications d. Experience
12.Where the details of skills and qualities required for a post usually are found?
a. CV c. Person specification
b. Job description d. Job specification

13.What is the external recruitment?

a. Recruiting from outside the company c. Recruiting from Asia
b. Recruiting from current employees d. Recruiting from University
14.Which is an external method of recruitment?
a. Job centre c. Notice board
b. Newspaper d. Testing
15.All of the following are task of the Human Resources Department ( Personnel)
a. Allocating jobs on the production line
b. Advise managers on the best pay and salary system for staff
c. Induction training for new staff
d. Disciplining staff who break company rules

Test ll. Identification. Write your answer on the space provided before the number.

______________1. Is an activity conducted by the manager for the new hire to

familiarize the latter with his work.
______________2. Channels outside the organizations w/c include the internet, the
company website, newspaper, employment agencies.
______________3. Provide the new hire as well as to those who have been working in
the company to develop various employee skills.
______________4. Include other work groups of departments within organizations
from w/c qualified person can come from to fill in a vacant position.
______________5. Consisting on a step in a process that applicants have to go through
in order to be hired.
______________6. Is a human resource management process w/c consist of eight
activities for filling the positions in the organizations.
______________7. Is the determination of task and responsibilities of a job positions
and characteristics of individual that should be hired for the job.
______________8. Documentation of tasks and responsibilities specific to a job
______________9. Initial attraction and screening of a pool of candidates or human
resource prospects available to fill a position.
______________10. Process by which managers hire, in a timely manner, the right
number of people with appropriate qualifications who would
capably help carry out the organizations plan.

Test lll. Give the difference between recruitment and selection

Points Recruitment Selection





Come and bye


Test lV: Enumeration

Steps in Selection Process Staffing Process

1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
4. 4.
5. 5.

Prepared by: Approved by:


Subject Teacher OIC Principal - Junior High School

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