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21, rue d’Artois, F-75008 PARIS B4-112 CIGRE 2008

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R. J. G. C. da SILVA * J. M. SANCHEZ T.
Itaipu Binational


Each sector of Itaipu power plant, 50 Hz and 60 Hz, is equipped with one long term recorder which
record 500 kV voltage, frequency, active power generation and reactive power generation. They are
digital recorders with a sample time of 55 ms, appropriate to analyze dynamic performance of the
system and the plant [1]. The start of a record is done by variation rate of all signals. The 60 Hz
recorder was installed in 1996 and the 50 Hz recorder was installed in 1997, thus, the 10 years of
register constitutes a relevant historical file of occurrences which analysis produces conclusions about
operational performance of power system. This paper presents dynamic performance analysis of Itaipu
HVDC in the point of view from the power plant, 60 Hz and 50 Hz sectors. It was considered that
occurrences were relevant if the long term dynamic of both sectors were trigged.
These occurrences are compared and then it is determined how the 50 Hz and 60 Hz power system
respond to each one. When comparing performance of different systems, it is interesting to classify
them by a numeric value, so this is done by the use of a dynamic performance index that shows the
natural frequency and damping of power swing, time error and frequency variation.
It is analyzed mainly the occurrence in 60 Hz power system that affect 50 Hz power system, because
occurrence in 50 Hz power system almost doesn’t affect 60 Hz system. The occurrences in HVDC that
affect both 50 Hz and 60 Hz power systems were analyzed too.
The paper shows that the dynamic performance of 50 Hz power system is imposed by HVDC control
system, therefore, there are almost none power swing and the power system stabilizes in a new steady
state quickly. Most of frequency variation of 50 Hz power system is caused by commutation fail start
(CFS) and recordable AC system fault [3] in valves of HVDC system, normally following a short-
circuit in 60 Hz system, but, in spite of they are numerous, there are no claims from Paraguayan
Interconnected Power System (PIPS) operator.


HVDC, Dynamic Performance, Long Term Recorder.

Itaipu Hydroelectric power plant is a binational entity, belonged in condominium to the governments
of Brazil and Paraguay. The plant is constituted by two sectors with ten 700 MW/18 kV generator
units each one. One sector generates power at 60 Hz and the other at 50 Hz, according to the
frequencies used in the countries of Brazil and Paraguay, respectively. The power is stepped-up to
500 kV for its transmission. Nowadays, the Itaipu energy production reaches 90.000 GWh per year,
with 94 % supplied to Brazil and 6 % to Paraguay. This amount of energy makes the plant responsible
for supplying around 23 % of Brazil and 90 % of Paraguay electricity markets.
The 60 Hz/500 kV powerhouse sector is connected only to Brazilian Interconnected Power System
(BIPS) in Foz do Iguassu substation, which is operated by FURNAS Company. In Foz do Iguassu
substation the voltage is stepped-up to 765 kV and then the power is transmitted by three 765 kV lines
to Sao Paulo area in Southeast region, 900 km far from Foz do Iguassu. There are also two
intermediate substations at Ivaipora and Itabera. In Ivaipora substation the 765 kV South-Southeast
areas interconnection takes place.
The 50 Hz/500 kV powerhouse sector is REC
connected to Paraguayan Interconnected Power
System (PIPS) in Margem Direita substation
(SE-MD), where part of the plant generation
is stepped-down to 220 kV, by 4x375 MVA
transformers, and transmitted to Paraguay. The REC
rest of energy production is sent to Foz do
Iguassu substation in BIPS, where it is
connected to 6264 MW/±600 kV HVDC
system, which is operated by FURNAS, and
transmitted to Sao Paulo area, where it is
converted to 60 Hz. This HVDC system is
known like Itaipu HVDC. The main aspects of
the transmission system from Itaipu power
Figure 1 – Itaipu’s Transmission System.
plant to BIPS and PIPS are shown in Figure 1.
The difference between rated power of Itaipu HVDC and PIPS was a major concern when the HVDC
was constructed, which caused the installation of many Special Protection Schemes [2], once it’s
necessary to protect the Paraguayan system against contingencies in the Brazilian system. This
difference was bigger in the beginning of operation but it is a preoccupation until nowadays. In
Figure 2 it is possible to observe the course of the workmanship in the Itaipu plant and the HVDC
transmission system, and the Itaipu energy repartition between Brazil and Paraguay, where the
company which distributes the energy is called Ande.
ANDE/50 FUR50/50










1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

a) Generation x Transmission b) Itaipu Energy Repartition

Figure 2 – Evolution of Itaipu Generation and Distribution Between Brazil and Paraguay.

This paper presents the experience of Itaipu’s personnel in performance analysis of HVDC system and
its influence in both BIPS and PIPS, extracted from long term recorders. There are long-term recorders
in Itaipu power plant, since 1996 in 60 Hz sector and since 1997 in 50 Hz sector, the location of these
recorders are showed in Figure 1 (REC). The 10 years of register constitutes a relevant historical file
of occurrences which analysis produces conclusions about operational performance of power system.



There was only two kind of occurrence in 50 Hz power system that affects 60 Hz power system: a
short circuit in 500 kV sector, with or without a loss of generation in Itaipu, and the loss of Itaipu-
Ande Interconnection. Any kind of occurrences in 220 kV sector don’t affect HVDC system
sufficiently to cause significant variations in 60 Hz power system. The loss of one generating unit of
Itaipu 50 Hz can cause a reduction in HVDC power transmission, but it doesn’t affect the 60 Hz power
system. The loss of two generating units of Itaipu 50 Hz can cause power swing in BIPS.
The Figure 3 shows a short circuit in Itaipu 500 kV/50 Hz substation and loss of two generating units.
In consequence, there was a loss of North-South interconnection in 60 Hz power system. There was a
0.85 Hz power swing in 50 Hz power system, the frequency was controlled in 49.8 Hz by the HVDC
controller, which reduced the power transmission. At Itaipu 60 Hz the natural frequency of power
swing was 1.25 Hz before the loss of North-South Interconnection and 0.45 Hz after that.

2,000 MW 400 MW

3,600 Mvar 1,400 Mvar

35.0 kV 60,0 kV

35.0 s 35.0 s

1.30 Hz 0.75 Hz

(a) 50 Hz (b) 60 Hz
Figure 3 – Record of short-circuit in 500 kV, loss of two generating unit of Itaipu 50 Hz and loss of
North-South Interconnection.
The Figure 4 shows a short circuit in 500 kV/50 Hz occurrence, but that time without loss of
generating units in Itaipu 50 Hz. There weren’t problems for any power system and the power swing
natural frequency was 0.49 Hz at Itaipu 60 Hz.
The loss of Itaipu-Ande interconnection is showed in Figure 5. There weren’t problems to 60 Hz
power system and the power swing natural frequency was 0.37 Hz at Itaipu 60 Hz.
The influence of disturbances in 50 Hz power system in 60 Hz power system depends of the amount of
loss which it causes in the HVDC transmission power and of the operation condition of 60 Hz power
system interconnections. There is no consequence when it is only a transitory variation, like a short
circuit in 500 kV sector without loss of generating units in Itaipu power plant.


There are many Special Protection Schemes (SPS) in 50 Hz sector [2] that involve failures in HVDC
system. The actions are monitored through over and underfrequency, undervoltage and directional
overcurrent relays. Mainly, they should act in case of bipole blocking. The occurrences analyzed show
that these SPS is an additional guarantee to the system, because they have almost not actuated.

1,800 MW 250 MW

40.0 s 40.0 s

1,700 Mvar 500 Mvar

60.0 kV 20.0 kV

0.80 Hz 0.20 Hz

(a) 50 Hz (b) 60 Hz
Figure 4 – Short-circuit in 500 kV/50 Hz.

1,100 MW 200 MW

700 Mvar 100 Mvar

10.0 kV 20.0 kV

40.0 s 40.0 s

0.70 Hz 0.20 Hz

(a) 50 Hz (b) 60 Hz
Figure 5 – Itaipu-Ande Interconnection loss.

3.1. Converter Blocking

Normally a converter blocking doesn’t cause problem. The frequency variation is acceptable in both
50 Hz and 60 Hz sectors. The 50 Hz response is showed in Figure 6.

500 MW 10.0 kV

50.0 s 50.0 s

350 Mvar 0.25 Hz

Figure 6 – Converter Blocking in 50 Hz sector.

The reactive power consumed by the HVDC increases when the active power transmitted by HVDC
and the voltage at Itaipu 500 kV is maintained.

3.2. Pole Blocking

The 60 Hz response is relevant only when a short circuit occurs in 345 kV AC inverter side. Otherwise
there isn’t problem with HVDC power transmission because the others converters remain in operation
and maintain the transmission power in the same level before the blocking, until the action of anti-
overload logic. The 50 Hz response is showed in Figure 6.

The maximum frequency occurs during the action of anti-overload logic and its value is up to
50.80 Hz, the minimum value is 49.90 Hz. The reactive power consumed by the HVDC increases
although the active power transmitted by HVDC reduces. The voltage at Itaipu 500 kV is maintained.

650 MW 15.0 kV

50.0 s 50.0 s

700 Mvar 0.80 Hz

Figure 7 – Pole Blocking Record in 50 Hz sector.

3.3. Bipole Blocking
A bipole blocking is difficult to both BIPS and PIPS because the unbalance between generation and
load causes large variations in the systems. Sometimes this occurrence can produce an opening of
Itaipu-Ande Interconnection to avoid large overfrequency in PIPS, otherwise, can produce opening of
South-Southeast and/or North-South Interconnections in BIPS. The Figure 8 shows a bipole blocking
occurrence, which results in loss of North-South Interconnection in BIPS, and the Figure 9 shows a
bipole blocking without loss of interconnections in BIPS.

2,800 MW 3,100 MW

50.0 s

1,700 Mvar 4,100 Mvar

30.0 kV 170.0 kV

50.0 s

4.05 Hz 2.25 Hz

(a) 50 Hz (b) 60 Hz
Figure 8 – Bipole Blocking and loss of North-South Interconecction.

2,400 MW 300 MW

50.0 s

2,100 Mvar 250 Mvar

50.0 s

25.0 kV 35.0 kV

2.35 Hz 0.80 Hz

(a) 50 Hz (b) 60 Hz
Figure 9 – Bipole Blocking.
When the loss of North-South Interconnection doesn’t occur, the natural frequency of power swing at
Itaipu 60 Hz was 0.37 Hz and its power generation increases 10 % of the power loss in HVDC. When
the loss of North-South Interconnection occurs the natural frequency of power swing at Itaipu 60 Hz
was 0.62 Hz and, at that time, a 50 Hz SPS actuation also happened, which disconnected one
generating unit at Itaipu 50 Hz.
3.4. Loss of DC Line
The loss of DC line can cause problems for both 50 Hz and 60 Hz. It depends of the number of
attempted restarts and the operation condition of power systems. The 50 Hz and 60 Hz responses are
showed in Figure 10.
The maximum frequency value is around 51.00 Hz and the minimum is 49.50 Hz. The reactive power
consumed and the active power transmitted by HVDC, and the voltage at Itaipu 500 kV are
maintained. The power swing in 60 Hz sector is around 0.35 Hz and the minimum frequency is around
59.85 Hz.

1,700 MW 300 MW

30.0 s

1,300 Mvar 400 Mvar

20.0 kV 30.0 kV
30.0 s

0.60 Hz 0.20 Hz

(a) 50 Hz (b) 60 Hz
Figure 10 – Loss of DC Line.

3.5. Loss of AC Filter

This occurrence doesn’t cause any consequence in 60 Hz system. The 50 Hz response is showed in
Figure 11. The problem here is the possibility to get the excitation limits of generating units of Itaipu.

100 MW 4.0 kV

30.0 s 30.0 s

500 Mvar 0.20 Hz

Figure 11 – Loss of Filter.

3.6. Converter Start-Up Failure

This occurrence normally wasn’t studied during operation planning stage and it can cause problem to
both systems, depending of operation conditions and the HVDC loss of power transfer involved. An
example of a converter start-up failure, with a blocking of the other converter of pole is showed in
Figure 12. The Itaipu 60 Hz power swing natural frequency was 1.10 Hz, the same that Itaipu 50 Hz.
The failure implies an 800 Mvar additional reactive power generation in Itaipu 50 Hz, until the
blocking of failed converter.



These occurrences are mainly AC faults in inverter side of HVDC. The locations of this fault weren’t
identified, as it isn’t the object of this paper, but they occur in all voltage levels in the neighborhood of
inverter side (Ibiúna station). According [3], these kind of disturbances are called recordable AC faults
and they define the HVDC transient reliability. The HVDC response could be in consequence of a
Commutation Failure Start (CFS) too. Other kinds of occurrences are voltage collapse, which can

produce a total, but not simultaneous, HVDC blocking. Examples of them are showed below, in
Figures 13 and 14.

400 MW 200 MW

1,300 Mvar 250 Mvar

60.0 s

20.0 kV 10.0 kV

60.0 s

0.70 Hz 0.20 Hz

(a) 50 Hz (b) 60 Hz
Figure 12 – Converter Start-Up Failure.
- short circuit

2,200 MW 350 MW
102.0 s 102.0 s

750 Mvar 700 Mvar

25.0 kV 30.0 kV

1.50 Hz 0.30 Hz

(a) 50 Hz (b) 60 Hz
Figure 13 – Commutation Failure Start due 345 kV Short-Circuit close to HVDC Inverter Side.

Figure 13 shows two CFS in HVDC. The first one results in loss of North-South Brazilian
interconnection, which causes a 0.5 Hz swing in the BIPS. The second one causes a 0.7 Hz swing.
- voltage collapse

6,000 MW 1,300 MW

238.0 s

6,100 Mvar 2,700 Mvar

50.0 kV 80,0 kV

229.0 s

6.0 Hz 1.40 Hz

(a) 50 Hz (b) 60 Hz
Figure 14 – Voltage Collapse in HVDC Inverter Side.
Figure 14 produces a power swing with natural frequency of 0.33 Hz in Itaipu 50 Hz, just before the
HVDC blocking.


3.1. 60 Hz Dynamic Performance

The 60 Hz power system response to the disturbances in both HVDC and 50 Hz power system is
synthesized at Table I, in terms of natural frequency and damping factor of power swing. The main
aspect to highlight is the possibility of losing some regional interconnection in consequence of those
occurrences, which can affect the load supply.
Event Natural Damping
frequency factor
Short Circuit in 500 kV/50 Hz 0,40 a 1,25 Hz 5 a 30 %
Loss of generating units at Itaipu 50 Hz 0,40 a 1,25 Hz 5 a 30 %
Loss of Itaipu-Ande Interconnection 0,30 a 0,50 Hz 10 a 20 %
Converter Blocking 0,45 a 0,90 Hz 15 a 30 %
Pole Blocking 0,45 a 0,90 Hz 10 a 30 %
Bipole Blocking 0,30 a 0,80 Hz 10 a 20 %
Loss of DC Line 0,40 a 0,80 Hz 10 a 20 %
Converter Start-Up Failure 0,9 a 1,25 Hz 5 a 20 %

3.2. 50 Hz Dynamic Performance

The dynamic performance of 50 Hz power system is determined by HVDC controllers, so, it is
unusual to have power swing, and thus, the dynamic performance was measured by the frequency
variation and time error. The majority of occurrences in 50 Hz system are due HVDC Commutation
Failure Start or recordable AC system faults, so, they are due 60 Hz occurrences. Despite they are
numerous, around one hundred a year, the variations in the 50 Hz system normally are small and don’t
cause claims from the PIPS system operator. The 50 Hz power system dynamic performance index is
synthesized at Table II.
Event Frequency Variation Time Error
60 Hz Occurrence 49.8 to 51.2 Hz 0.01 s to 0.1 s
Converter Blocking 49.9 to 50.2 Hz 0.01 s to 0.1 s
Pole Blocking 49.9 to 51.2 Hz 0.05 s to 0.5 s
Bipole Blocking 50.0 to 55.0 Hz 1.0 s to 1.5 s
HVDC Blocking > 55.0 Hz > 1.5 s
Loss of DC Line 49.5 to 51.2 Hz 0.05 s to 0.5 s
Loss of Itaipu-Ande Interconnection 50.0 to 51.5 Hz 0.5 s to 1.0 s
Loss of generating unit in Itaipu (1 or 2) 49.2 to 50.0 Hz 0.1 to 1.0 s
A very small number of ocurrences produce power swings, two having been recorded. They can be
- During a major blackout in BIPS, the HVDC remains in operation some seconds and occurs a
power swing for a while, showed in Figure 15. The natural frequency was 0.70 Hz and the
damping factor was 8.2 %.
- The loss of generating unit in Itaipu 50 Hz, followed by HVDC power transmission reduction,
produces a very short power swing with natural frequency of 0.85 Hz and damping factor of
5 %. It should be noticed that the PSS of the 50 Hz generating units were disconnected.

1,100 MW

25.0 s

Figure 15 – Major Balckout in BIPS.


The Itaipu HVDC is very important to Brazil and Paraguay power systems and a dynamic
performance analysis is fundamental to guarantee the security of both systems. The dynamic
performance presented in this paper was done based in real occurrences recorders, collected from
50 Hz and 60 Hz sectors of Itaipu power plant.
Occurrences in PIPS don’t affect the performance of BIPS through HVDC, however occurrences in
500kV/50Hz transmission system do and can trigger other occurrences in cascade, for instance North-
South interconnection opening, according to BIPS operation conditions. The loss of Itaipu-Ande
Interconnection can reflect in BIPS, but even with maximum power transfer, doesn’t cause additional

Occurrences in HVDC reflect both BIPS and PIPS and there are SPS to avoid the propagation of their
consequences. Despite of them, loss of Itaipu-Ande Interconnection in 50 Hz power system and loss of
regional interconnections in BIPS can occur.

Occurrences in BIPS reflect in PIPS, normally in terms of a short duration frequency variation, which
despite being numerous, around one hundred a year, don’t cause any additional problems to PIPS.
However, during major blackout in BIPS, the loss of Itaipu-Ande Interconnection may occur as a
The converter start-up failure can cause large variations in operational conditions of 50 Hz power
system, and its consequences can be bad to both BIPS and PIPS. The modeling of this contingency is
needed to provide a better power system operation planning analysis.


[1] Rui Jovita G. C. da Silva et al. “Index of Itaipu Power Plant Dynamic Performance” (in
portuguese), X SEPOPE, Florianópolis, Brazil, 2006.
[2] Rui Jovita G. C. da Silva et al. “Special Protection Schemes in Operation at Itaipu Power Plant”,
Cigré Session 2006 CE-B5, Paris, France, 2006.
[3] M. G. Bennett, D. J. Christorfersen, H. Elahi, “A Survey of the Reliability of HVDC Systems
Throughout the World During 1995-1996”, Cigré TF 38.03.04/009.

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