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Chapter 12 Relevant Costs for Decision Making Answer Key

True / False Questions

1. The book value of old equipment is not a relevant cost in a decision.


2. One of the dangers of allocating common fixed costs

co sts to a product line is that such allocations
a llocations
can make the line appear less profitable than it really is.

3. A differential cost is a variable cost.

co st.

4. All future costs are relevant in decision making.


5. Variable costs are always relevant costs.


6. A sunk cost is a cost that has already been incurred but that can be avoided at least in part
depending on the action a manager takes.

7. A cost that will be incurred regardless of which course of action a manager takes is relevant to
the manager's decision.
8.Opportunity costs are recorded in the accounts of an organization.

9. In a decision to drop a segment, the opportunity cost of the space occupied by the segment
would be the profit that could be derived from the best alternative use of the space.

10. Only the variable costs identified with a product are relevant in a dec ision concerning
whether to eliminate the product.

11. Managers should pay little attention to bottleneck operations because they have limited
capacity for producing output.

12. Defective units should be detected and scrapped or reworked after the bottleneck operation
rather than before it.

13. All other things equal, it is profitable to continue processing a joint product after the split-off 
 point so long as the incremental revenue from further processing exceeds the incremental costs
of further processing.
14. Two or more different products that are manufactured in the same production period are
known as joint products.

15. A merchandising company that buys all of its inventory from outside suppliers is an examp le
of a company that is vertically integrated.

Multiple Choice Questions

16. For which of the following decisions are opportunity costs relevant?

A. Option A
B. Option B
C. Option C
D. Option D

17. Which of the following costs are always irrelevant in decision making?
A. avoidable costs
B. sunk costs
C. opportunity costs
D. fixed costs
18. For which of the following decisions are sunk costs relevant?
A. the decision to keep an old machine or buy a new one.
B. the decision to sell a pro duct at the split-off point or after further processing.
C. the decision to accept or reject a special order offer.
D. all of the above.
E. none of the above.

19. The opportunity cost of making a component part in a factory with excess capacity for which
there is no alternative use is:
A. the variable manufacturing cost of the component.
B. the total manufacturing cost of the component.
C. the fixed manufacturing cost of the component.
D. zero.

20. Allocated common fixed costs:

A. can make a product line appear to be unprofitable.
B. are always incremental costs.
C. are always relevant in decisions involving dropping a product line.
D. responses A, B, and C are a ll correct.

21. In deciding whether to manufacture a part or buy it from an o utside supplier, which of the
following costs are irrelevant?

A. Option A
B. Option B
C. Option C
D. Option D
22. Consider a decision facing a company of either accepting or rejecting a special offer for one
of its products. A cost that is not relevant is:
A. direct materials.
B. variable overhead.
C. fixed overhead that will be avo ided if the special offer is accepted.
D. common fixed overhead that will continue if the special offer is not accepted.

23. Which product would be selected in a decision that involves the utilization of a constrained
A. the product with the lowest total cost per unit.
B. the product with the lowest variable cost per unit.
C. the product that uses the least amount of constrained resource per unit.
D. the product with the highest co ntribution margin per unit.
E. the product with the highest contribution margin per unit of the constrained resource.

24. In a plant operating at capacity:

A. every machine and person in the plant is working at the maximum possible rate.
B. only some specific machines or processes are operating at the maximum rate possible.
C. profits are maximized.
D. managers should produce those products with the highest co ntribution margin in order to deal
with the constrained resource.

25. United Industries manufactures a number o f products at its highly automated factory. The
 products are very popular, with demand far exceeding the factory's capacity. To maximize profit,
management should rank products based on their:
A. gross margin
B. contribution margin
C. selling price
D. contribution margin per unit of the constrained resource
26. Sheela Dairy Corporation buys unprocessed cows' milk from local farmers. At the dairy, this
unprocessed milk is broken down into cream and low-fat milk. The cream can be sold at this
 point or can be further processed into butter. Which of the following would be re levant in the
decision to further process the cream into butter?
A. the amount paid to the farmers to purchase the unprocessed milk.
B. the cost of breaking down the unprocessed milk into cream and low-fat milk.
C. the portion of corporate fixed expenses that are currently being allocated to cream.
D. none of the above.

27. Consider the following statements:

I. A vertically integrated company is more dependent on its suppliers than a co mpany that is not
vertically integrated.
II. Many companies feel they can control quality better by making their own parts.
III. A vertically integrated company realizes pro fits from the parts it is "making" instead of 
"buying" as well as profits from its regular operations.
Which of the above statements represent advantages to a company that is vertically integrated?
A. Only I
B. Only III
C. Only I and II
D. Only II and III

28. JB Lumber Corporation is downsizing operations and has to decide which of its large saws
should be sold. JB currently has four saws but only needs to keep three. All four saws have a
remaining useful life of 3 years and will all have a salvage value of zero at the end of those 3
years. Also, all four saws have equal annual operating costs and o utput efficiency. Information
related to the four saws is provided below:

In order to maximize profits for the next three years, which machine would be most beneficial
for JB to sell?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4

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