Resistance Load Workouts: Very Heavy Workout

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spiking in volleyball) and crucial survival reactions (e.g.

, a person
catching oneself before falling) and needs to be trained for optimal
Power training requires explosive exercises, which require rapid
rates of force production and reduce or eliminate the deceleration
of the mass over the range of motion to emphasize acceleration.
More recently the use of modified Smith machines to allow for
squat jumps and bench throws that allow the bar to be released
and landings to be softened by having either manual (e.g., ropes
or cords used with spotters to catch or hold the bar in place) or
computerized systems (mechanical breaking systems) help to catch
the bar during the eccentric phase (downward movement of the
bar or on landing). Typically, optimal amounts of resistance are
used to train the maximal mechanical power output in the bench
throw and squat jump movement (typically 30-45% of the 1RM).
However, each exercise may have a different peak power as a function of a percentage of the 1RM,
ranging from 30 to 65% of the
1RM in most cases. Again, training with only heavy weights will
not augment the rate of force production or power development
beyond what force can contribute to the equation. In some cases,
the concept of the intent to move explosively has been used to augment the rate of force development
when using resistances that do
not allow such velocities needed for power development with high
levels of acceleration.
Plyometrics and associated medicine ball training programs have
been used on power days to allow for training of the velocity component of the power equation
emphasizing the stretch-shortening
cycle. The underlying principle of plyometric training is the stretchshortening cycle, which is
essentially the eccentric phase immediately
followed by a concentric phase of muscle actions. The elastic energy
in the muscle (thought to be due to the connective tissue component)
provides the stored energy that, after the forced lengthening, is realized in the rapid forceful shortening
as seen in a jump. Plyometric
exercises can help to fully train all aspects of the power equation,
specifically velocity.
The goal on power training days in the nonlinear periodization
model is to increase maximal power output and improve rate of force
development. This requires appropriate exercise movements, optimal
loading of the exercises, and high velocities of explosive movement. It
also requires that the trainee be rested and ready to train at maximal
levels of explosiveness in order to improve.
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resistance load Workouts
The following is a set of workouts that can be used in the nonlinear
periodization model, which is focused on the resistance load as the
priority for this workout sequence.
Very Heavy Workout
In this workout, resistances are very
heavy. These workouts are directed
to the skill component of physical
performance and may not be used
for all individuals, such as people
who do not need to enhance maximal strength and power. A warmup set of 10 repetitions at about a
12RM or 65% of the 1RM is used
as the first set. Then the loads are
increased to near-maximal resistances. This is what many people
call skill lifting because technique
is vital to optimal safety and performance. This type of training is
needed in certain time periods, such
as before maximal strength or power
testing or before competitive events
for athletes dependent on maximal
strength for success. In this type of
session, large-muscle-group exercises are typically performed, such
as the squat, bench press, deadlift, and variations of Olympic lifts.
Resistances range from 1 to 3 reps using a 1- to 3RM or 95 to 100% of
the 1RM resistances. Volume is varied by doing 2 to 5 sets, depending
on the training cycle or experience of the individual. Rest between sets
and exercises should be about 5 to 7 minutes because sufficient rest is
necessary in order to ensure near-maximal efforts in successive exercises in the session. This type of
session is a low-volume, high-intensity
workout focusing on the primary lifts being trained.

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