Tugas B.inggris 4 Malaihatul Uyun

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Nama : Malaihatul Uyun

Nim : 181030100185
Kelas : 5F Keperawatan



When indicating that one person or thing does something and then adding that another does the
same, use the word so or too. To avoid needless repetition of words from the affirmative sentences.
Use the conjunction and, followed by a simple statement using so or too. The order of this statement
will depend on whether so or too isused.

Examples :

• You came to my house and she did,too so did she

• She will come to campus and I will,too so will I

• He has taken the medicine and she has,too so has she

Negative sentences

• She can’t speak English, and I can’teither Neither can I

• He will not come here, and I will not,either Neither will I
• They did not attend the seminar, and We did not, either Neither did we


1. He came late and I did too / so did I

2. They have made the report and we did too / so have we

3. She had done homework when lecturer came and her friend had to/so had her friend

4. Mr. Amar is signing the agreement and his colleague is too / so is his colleague
5. I take exercise nearly every day and she does to /so does she

6. The man is in bad condition and his daughter has to / so is daughter

7. He has taken a shower and hiswife has to/so has wife

8. They were discussing when she came and I was to / so was I

9. She will go abroad and her friends I Will to/so Will I

10. He made a statement and I did to/ so did I

11. She has not turned in the paper, and I have not either/Neither have I

12. They don’t understand the lesson, and I dont either/Neither do I

13. I did not work last night, and she did not either/Neither did she

14. She was not at home, and her brother was not either/Neither was her brother

15. He doesn’t change his mind, hisfriend doesn't either/Neither does his friend


Miscarriage, also called spontaneous abortion, spontaneous expulsion of the embryoor fetusfrom
the uterus before the 20th week of pregnancy, prior to the conceptus having developed sufficiently to
live without maternal support. An estimated 10 to 25 percent of recognized pregnancies are lost as a
result of miscarriage, with the risk of loss being highest in the first six weeks of pregnancy. Because
many miscarriages occur prior to a woman knowing she is pregnant, the actual prevalence of
miscarriage is suspected to be higher than that reflected in the data for clinically recognizedcases.

The loss of pregnancy in the first weeks following implantationtypically results in bleeding at about
the time of the next expected menstruation. This form of early miscarriage, which accounts for the
majority of miscarriages, is described as chemical pregnancy. The consecutive loss of pregnancies,
which occurs in about 1 to 2 percent of women, is known as recurrentmiscarriage.


Keguguran, juga disebut aborsi spontan, pengeluaran janin embrio dari rahim sebelum minggu ke-20
kehamilan, sebelum konsepsi berkembang cukup untuk hidup tanpa dukungan ibu. Diperkirakan 10
sampai 25 persen kehamilan yang dikenali hilang akibat keguguran, dengan risiko keguguran tertinggi
dalam enam minggu pertama kehamilan. Karena banyak keguguran terjadi sebelum seorang wanita
mengetahui dirinya hamil, prevalensi keguguran yang sebenarnya diduga lebih tinggi daripada yang
tercermin dalam data untuk kasus yang dikenali secara klinis.

Kehilangan kehamilan pada minggu-minggu pertama setelah implantasi biasanya menyebabkan

perdarahan pada saat perkiraan menstruasi berikutnya. Bentuk keguguran dini ini, yang menyebabkan
sebagian besar keguguran, disebut sebagai kehamilan kimiawi. Kehilangan kehamilan yang berurutan,
yang terjadi pada sekitar 1 hingga 2 persen wanita, dikenal sebagai keguguran berulang.

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