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Galley Operation



What is kitchen? It is a place used for preparing and cooking foods.


 Executive chef will be incharged for administration such as

arranging menu, making forecast, monitoring and leading
all crews in the kitchen, responsibling for all activities in the
 Assistant Executive Chef will help the first cook to operate
the kitchen business.
 Sous Chef will make schedule for kitchen crews and sous
chef make requisation for kitchen product.
 Chef De Parte will take responsibility to supervise the
operational in the section.
 Cook will be helped by 1st cook/ 2nd cook, 3rd cook to
prepare food.
 Galley steward will maintain the area to be clean and
sanitized, and help the cook to prepare the equipments.


1. Conventional Kitchen
 It is kind of kitchen for preparing food , in which hot food, cold food will be
prepared and finished in the same area/ place.
2. Combined Preparation & Finishing Kitchen
 It is kind of kitchen for preparing meals in which preparing and finishing the
food will be in the same place/ area.
3. Separated Preparation & Finishing Kitchen
 It is kind of kitchen for preparing big meal, and the preparation and finishing
will be separated.
4. Convinience Kitchen
 It is kind of kitchen for preparing and cooking ready to eat food. It doesn’t
need freezer room or cooler. It has many equipment going to be used such as
micro wave, deep fryer.

Kitchen will be in good condition if there are:
 Smoke Detector  Exhaust Fan  Equipment Locker  Dishwashing
 Water Hydrant  Garbage Area  Walk in Refrigerator area
 Insect Trap  Hot Water Facilities  Storage Area

Galley Operation

The Section Main Kitchen

1. Entermetier
It is part of the kitchen preparing all garnitures accompanying the main course, such
as vegetables, potatoes, spaghetti, noddle etc.
2. Garde Manger
Preparing all cold appetizer, all cold cut of meats, poultry, sea foods, lucheon platter,
low calories dishes, salad, dressing, cold sauce.
3. Grilladair
It is part of the kitchen preparing all kind of grilled or broiled meats, poultries, game
4. Poisoneir
It is part of the kitchen Preparing All fish and sea food courses
5. Potager
It is part of the kitchen Preparing all cold & hot soup
6. Rotiseur
It is part of the kitchen Preparing all kind of meat, poultries, roasted, sauted, pan
7. Saucier
It is part of the kitchen Preparing all kind of hot sauce, white sauce, butter sauce
brown sauce etc
8. Bakery
It is part of the kitchen Preparing All Bread, Rolls, Sweet Roll
9. Pastry
It is part of the kitchen Preparing all pastries, cookies, sweet desert, cakes, pies,
pudding and ice cream
10. Butchery
It is part of the kitchen Preparing all raw meat. The meat will be cut before being
send to the main kitchen
11. Pantry
a. Cold Pantry : It is part of the kitchen Preparing all juices, fresh fruit, crackers,
breads, rolls, butter, jams, marmelade, yogurt, etc
b. Hot Pantry/ Coffee pantry : It is part of the kitchen preparing all kind of
coffee and tea’s hot and cold, milk, cream, instant coffee and toast

Galley Operation

Kitchen Service Area

1. Diswashing area
It is a place for washing all dirty plates or another dishes coming from the dining
room/ Restaurant.
2. Glass Washing Area
It is a place for washing all dirty glasses
3. Pot Washing/ 3 compartment sink
It is a place for washing all the equipment/ utensils by manually hand washed.

Semua karyawan harus mengikuti standar operasional Example for Equipment going to be
perusahaan dan standard dari pihak department washed in the 3 compartment sink s
kesehatan untuk mendapatkan pelayanan yang are:
memuaskan  Cutting Board
 Pot
Every Employee has to do the job following the  Deep Fryer Basket
company’s standard operating procedure and  Jelly Pan
following the standard of public health  Muffin Tin
department to make the guest satifactory.  etc


Equipment Utensil Cleaning Material

1. Cooking Table 1. Spatula 1. Broom
2. Cutting Board 2. Strainer 2. Dustpan
3. Shredder Machine 3. Serving Spoon 3. Duster
4. Cooling Rack 4. Slotted Spoon 4. Floor Scruber
5. Refrigerator 5. laddle 5. Floor squeeze
6. Pot Wash/ 3 Sinks 6. Wire Whisk 6. Mop & Mop Bucket
7. Mixing Bowl 7. Rubber Scraper 7. Window squeeze
8. Stand Mixer 8. Measuring cup 8. Rag / Clean cloth
9. Peeler 9. Paring Knife 9. Wet floor sign
10. Slicer Machine 10. Chef Knife 10. Hand brush
11. Food Container 11. Pizza cutter 11. Swivel brush
12. Deep Fryer Machine 12. Kitchen Shears/ scissor 12. Rotary machine
13. Toaster Machine 13. Garlic Press 13. We vacuum cleaner
14. Blender 14. Grater 14. Vacuum cleaner
15. Bain Marie 15. Colander 15. Sponges
16. Chaffing Dish 16. Jelly pan 16. Bottle sprayer for
17. Stove 17. Muffin Tin chemical
18. Griller 18. Frying pan
19. Steam Kettel 19. Pot Holder
20. Micro Wave 20. Kitchen Knifes
21. Mandoline

Galley Operation

Vegetable Cut

Vegetable cut is procedure cutting the vegetable into chopping, slicing,

Shredding, Juliene, Peeling, Crussing, Mincing etc.

1. Chopping : Cacah
2. Slicing : Iris
3. Shredding/ Gratting/ Chiffonade : Memarut
4. Cutting : Memotong
5. Fillet : Menyayat
6. Peeling : Mengupas
7. Juliene : sliced long and stick – Kecil panjang
8. Crussed : Remuk/ tumbuk
9. Mince : Memecah/ Meremuk
10. Brunoise : Small dice
11. Jardinere/ Finger cut : Longger than payshane
12. Batonette : Bigger than julienne
13. Paysane : flat about 1 cm X 2 cm cm
14. Parisienne : Round Shape like marble ( kelereng)
15. Macedoine / Diced : Cube Cut
16. Finger cut : Cutting into finger size


Basic Meat Cutting Basic Fish Cutting

 Escalope : Wide thin slice  Fillet
 Medallion : Round flat shape  Boneless
 Minced : Grounded meat  Supreme
 Chop : (Mencacah)  Troncon

Galley Operation

Cooking Method

1. Cooking : Memasak
2. Frying : Menggoreng (cooking with oil)
1. Deep Frying : Cooking with a lot of oil
2. Pan Frying : Cooking on the pan with a little bit of oil.
3. Shallow Frying : Stir Frying for big meat/ poultry over moderate heat
3. Boiling : Merebus (Cooking with the heated water/ liquid)
4. Baking : Memasak di dalam oven dengan membungkus bendanya, biasanya
menggunakan aluminium foil (Cooking in the oven while the food is being
5. Roasting : Kebalikan baked (cooking in the oven without covering the food)
6. Sauteing : Tumis (Cooking in the pan with a little bit of oil. / stir fried
7. Grilling : Dibakar (cooking in the heated salamander or fire)
8. Broiling : Memanggang kedua sisi makanan (cooking by heating both side of food)
9. Braising : Digongso lalu di masak dalam kaldu dan ditutup/ diungkep.
(Cooking in enclosed pot)
10. Steaming : Dikukus
11. Poaching : Memasak menggunakan cairan/ kuah/ air dengan vinegar dan direbus
sampai mendidih.
12. Etuver : Memasak dengan kuah mendidih lalu dalam penyajian kuah dipakai untuk
menutupi atasnya.
13. Blanching : Cooking the vegetable with boiling water quickly.
14. Stewing : It is cooking method with broth/ stock/ bouillon.
15. Gratinating : Cooking with heating from above (Istilah lain – Au’gratin)

Methods Of Cookery can be devided into 3 kinds:

1. Moist – heat methods
It is cooking using liquid such as water or stock such as stewing, steaming, boiling,
braising, poaching)
2. Dry – Heat Methods
It is cooking without mosture that is by hot metal or radiation or hot air, such as
grilling, au gratin/ gratinting, broiling, roasting, baking.
3. Oil/ Fat Cooking
It is cooking using fat/ oil such as frying, stirfrying, deep frying, a’la mieniere, sautee.


Preparing Term Penyajian Preparing Term Penyajian

Glaze Menutupi dengan Top With … Ditutupi dengan ..
sauce yang
Covered with Ditutup dengan Layered with … Dialasi dengan
Put between … Ditaruh diantara … Marinated in … Direndam dalam
bumbu …
Soaked in … Direndam dalam .. Garnished with … Dihiasi dengan …

Galley Operation

Know What The Ingredient !

Basically there are 5 items always served at lunch or dinner as the maincourse.
They are :
1. Vegetable
2. Fish
3. Poultry
4. Meat
5. Pasta

1. Artichoke 11. Bamboo Shoot 21. Corn 29. Leek
2. Asparagus 12. Green Bean] 22. Baby Corn 30. Bell pepper/ Paprika
3. Egg Plant 13. Brussel 23. Peapod 31. Brocoli
4. Beet 14. Sprout 24. Peas 32. Lettuce
5. Endive 15. Alfafa Sprout 25. Cauli Flower 33. Radish
6. Turnip 16. Celery 26. Spinach 34. Water Spinach
7. Potato 17. Mushroom 27. Shallot
8. Carrot 18. Cabbage 28. Scallion
9. Tomatto 19. Garlic
10. Zuchini 20. Onion


1. Beef 1. Turkey 1. Sphagheti 7. Linguini
2. Veal 2. Chicken 2. Lasagna 8. Farfalle
3. Lamb 3. Pheasant 3. Tortellini 9. Penne
4. Pork 4. Goose (liver) 4. Vermicili 10. Manicoti
5. Vension 5. Duck 5. Fettucini 11. Paperdelle
6. Ravioli

With Shell No Shell 1. Herring 8. Sea bas
1. Crab 1. Eel 2. Salmon 9. Rock fish
1. Prawn 3. Sturgeon 10. Sole
2. Shrimp 4. Tilapia 11. Sword fish
3. Lobster 5. Mahi-Mahi 12. Monkfish
4. Scallop 6. Halibut 13. Perch
5. Mussel 7. Cod 14. Trout
6. Oyster

Galley Operation


1. Salt 17. Curry
2. Msg 18. Cayanne Pepper
3. Coriander 19. Clove
4. Tarragon 20. Mint
5. Basil 21. Parsley
6. Sage 22. Thyme
7. Ginger 23. Lemon grass
8. Aromatic Ginger 24. Bay Leaf
9. Tamarin 25. Sugar cane
10. Taro 26. Galling ale (Lengkuas)
11. Shrimp Paste 27. Soya bean
12. Lime 28. Palm sugar
13. Lemon 29. Candle Nut
14. Cayane 30. Coconut milk
15. Chili Flake 31. Starch
16. Curry 32. Raisin


Knowing About Fruits

Fruits Buah Fruits Buah

Water melon Semangka Salad Zallaca
Melon orange Cantaloupe Grapefruit Jeruk Bali
Bread fruit Sukun Carambola Belimbing
Leeche Kelengkeng Chico Sawo
Avocado Alpukat Guava Jambu
Jack Fruit Nangka Grape Anggur

Galley Operation

About Cheese & Yogurt

 Cheese is fermented milk (susu yang difermentasikan)

 Untuk mendapatkan ½ kg cheese dibutuhkan 5 liter susu.
 Sesuai pembuatanya cheese dibagi menjadi
o Hard cheese
o Semi Hard Cheese
o Soft Cheese/ cream cheese
o Blue Cheese
 Cheese dapat disajikan setiap jam makan. (Cheese can be served at any meal,
breakfast, luch & dinner).
 Macam-macam cheese disusun/ disiapkan di atas baki/ cheese plater dan
ditawarkan ke kostumer. Biasanya juga disajikan bersama crackers/ biscuit.
 Soft cheese biasa disajikan dengan beberapa jenis buah seperti apel dan anggur hijau.
 The best cheese produced in French

Name Of the Cheeses

The Netherland : Gouda, Edam, Leiden, Kernhem,
Franch : Brie, Camembert, Portsalut, Carvas, Blue cheese
Italy : Parmesan, Gorgonzola, Mozarella, Provolone, Bal Paeso
Sweetzerland : Ementhaler, Gruyere
England : Stilton, Cheddar, Gloucester
Denmark : Danish blue
The US : Cottage cheese, Philadelphia cheese

What is yogurt?
 It is aged milk. (Susu yang diumurkan)
 Yogurt dibuat dari susu murni yang asamkan semalam dicampur dengan
bumbu-bumbu tertentu.
 Yogurt bersifat non fat.
 Yogurt sering disajikan di pagi hari sebagai pelengkap breakfast. Biasanya
barengan dengan cereal.

Galley Operation


 Cream adalah susu yang telah dihilangkan airnya, hingga agak kental dengan
warna kekuning-kuningan.
 Hidangkan cream secukupnya ketika kostumer memintanya untuk kopi. Terkadang
kita menyajikanya di sebelah minuman yang diorder dengan menggunakan tempat
yang dinamakan dengan cream/ milk jug.
 Fungsi dari cream & kopi untuk menambah energi, pembangunan badan dan
pertumbuhan, tapi dalam menikmati kopi atau teh, fungsi diharap dapat
mengurangi kepekatan kopi.

How to store the milk / cream

 Put the milk/ cream in the referigerator with the temperature under 40 F
 Milk/ cream must be covered.

Macam-macam Milk
1. Pasteurized : Susu yang dipanaskan 72 C selama ½ - 1 menit.
2. Sterillized : Dipanaskan 105 C – 110 C selama 20 menitan.
3. U.H.T : Ultra Heat Treatment dipanaskan hingga 132 C selama ½ menit
4. T.T Milk : Tuberculine Tested diambil dari sapi yang divaksin setiap 2-6

Pengawetan Milk
1. Evaporated Milk : Susu segar yang kadar airnya dihilangkan hingga 60 %.
2. Condensed Milk : Susu segar yang kadar airnya dihilangkan sampai 10 %
3. Dried Milk/ Powder : Dalam jenis ini kadar vitaminnya tambahan karena yang asli
banyak berkurang.


Cream dibagi 3 macam yakni: Single cream, Double Cream & Imitation Cream
Single Cream : Kepala susu diambil tanpa melalui proses apapun, misalnya
Cream untuk kopi, soup & sauce.
Double Cream : Kepala cream dikocok/ whipped hingga keras, misal untuk
kue tart, cake, pudding dll
Immitation Cream : Campuran dari bermacam-macam cream untuk bar.

(Double cream biasa dipakai bahan dasar mentega caranya dikocok terus menerus dan
ditambah garam).

Galley Operation


 Breakfast (American, Continental/ European, Indonesian etc )

 Brunch (Cereal, egg dishes)
 Luncheon (3 – 4 courses, it is more simple than dinner)
 Coffee/ tea Time (Bread, Cookies, Fruit Salad, porcorn, tea, coffee)
 Dinner (3 – 10 courses)
 Supper (Lighter dishes and more simple that lunch or dinner)
 Banquet (Customer request)
 Light buffet (Canapes, Finger toast, snack, cookie, sausage)
 Full buffet (Full Variety of Food

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Galley Operation


 Sauce adalah bahan cair yang dikentalkan baik dari kaldu atau bahan-bahan lain
untuk menambah rasa dan melembabkan bahan makanan yang akan disajikan.
 Sauce is liquid essenced for adding the flavour of food.
 Sauce can be devided into : 5 mother sauce & small sauce (saus turunan)
 The 5 mother sauce / 5 bahan dasar sauce
1. Bechamel : Classic white sauce
2. Veloute : Kaldu dengan jenis white sauce
3. Espagnole/demiglaze : Brown Sauce
4. Hollandaise & Mayonaise
For thicking the sauce we
5. Vinaigrete : Cuka
can use:
1. Coconut milk (Santan)
Small Sauce 2. Roux (It is mixture of
flour and butter)
1. Tomatto Sauce
3. Jayzee (Composition of
- Factory Made/ buatan pabrik
starch/ flour/ tapioca
2. Soy Sauce : Kecap manis and water).
3. White Sauce
4. Brown Sauce
5. Hollandaise Sauce
- Emulsion of egg, butter, lemon
6. Madeira Sauce
- Demiglace salt, pepper and red winie
7. Wasabi Sauce
- Biasa dipakai untuk sushi, berwarna hijau dan rasanya pedas.
8. Lea & Perring Sauce (L & P Sauce)
- Factory Made
9. Tartare Sauce
- Mayonaise, Chopped Olives, Pickles & Capers
10. Butter Sauce
- Hot Butter & Lime Juice
11. Calypso Sauce
- Mayonaise Sauce, Tomatto Ketchup, White Wine and mustard
12. Mayonaise
- Yellow egg, salad sauce, vinegar, oil
13. A 1 Sauce
- Factory made. Biasanya untuk penyajian steak.
14. Barnaise Sauce
- Butter, egg yolk, vinegar, white wine, Caper & Chopped parsley
15. Green Pepper Sauce
16. White Wine Sauce
17. Cranberry Sauce
18. Japanese Miso Sauce

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Galley Operation


It is preparing something before serving

Mise en place/ Preparing Ingridient Preparation Serving

 Equipment must be  Chopped onion, Peeled  Preparing Bain Marrie
prepared. onion, Choped shallot,  Save sauce, gravy, Soup
 Tool (Knife, Parsley, Mustard, Herb, in Bain Marri!
Sharpening, Spatula, Spices, Wine, Egg, Butter,  Cold food must be served
Strainer, Ladle, Oil, Vinegar, Mustard, cold,
Spreader, Table Pepper, Flour.
spoon, etc)  Aromatic vegetable
 Pot & Pan (Stock pot,  Mirepoix
Sauce pan, Sautoir,  Tickening Item/ Agents
Pan frying, Marmite)  Roux
 Laundry (Rag,  Jayzee
Napkin)  Coconut milk
 Make sure that  Sour cream
equipments are in good  Stock/ Broth/ Buillon
condition  Sauce
 5 mother sauce
 Small sauce
 Vegetable Cuts
 Juliene ~ Diced
 Chifonade ~
 Payeane ~ etc
 Jardinere
 Shreded
 Brunoise

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Galley Operation


The three main locations for storing food on the ship are
 Dry Food Storage.
 Refrigerators.
 Freezers.


You have to Use the first in First out method to rotate all food
items. !
You are not allowed Put any boxes in the locker
You have to Put anything in the container and it must be covered
and labeled
You have to Store anything at least 16 Cm / 6 Inc above the floor
You have to Control the inventory including expiration date,
condition, space

FIFO : It is first in first out procedure to ratate the food/ item.

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Galley Operation


Food preservation is a procedure to prevent the food from the growth of microorganisms,
such as yeast, bacteria, fungi).

Traditional Techniques Modern Techniques Curing :

 Curing  Pasteurization Curing is a procedure to preserve the food
 Cooling  Vacuum packing by drying. There are smoking and salting.
 Freezing  Irradiation
 Boiling Cooling
 Heating It is procedure to preserve the food by
 Sugaring slowing down the growth and reproduction
 Pickling of microorganisms and the action of
 Lye enzymes using refrigerator or icebox
 Canning
 Jellying
 Jugging
It is procedure to preserve the food using
 Burial
 Fermentation freezer to make the food frozen.

 It is procedure to preserve the food by heating in boiling liquid, so the mircroorganism
will be killed.
 It is a procedure to preserve the food by heating the food to temperature being able
to kill the microorganism.
 It is a preserving food heating the sugar. The sugar will draw the water to
microorganism, so the microorganism will be dehydrated and killed. Usually sugar will
be used for preserving fruit, such as syrup, jam or marmelade.
 It is preserving the food in edible antimircroorganism liquid. there are chemical
pickling and fermentation pickling. For chemical pickling we use high salt, vinegar,
alcohol, or vegetable oil. The food usually preserved by chemical pickling are
cucumbers, egg, peppers, corned beef, herring, mixed vegetable.

 Fermentation pickling is preserving the food using microorganism being able to

produce the lactic acid. The food being able to be fermented using this procedure are
sauerkraut, nukazuke, kimchi, surstromming.
 It is preserving the food using alkaline.

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Galley Operation

 It is preserving the food using can. The food must be canned and labeled and sterilized. Before
being canned we have to heat the food first.
 It is preserving the food by cooking the material to form a gel, such as gelatin, agar.
 It is preserving the food by stewing process in the jug or casserole. Usually it is used for
preserving the meat or another game course or fish
 It is preserving the food by buring to get less of ligt, less of oxygen, cool temperatures, pH
level. Usually it may be combined with salting method.
 It is chemical process for preserving the food to change the carbohidrat become alcohol. In
this process will use specific microorganism such yeast.

Modern Techniques To Preserve The Food

 It is a process for preserving of liquid food such as milk. The milk will be heated about 70 C/
158 F for 15-30 seconds to kill the bacteria, after that we have to cool it to 10 C/ 50 F to
prevent the milk from the bacteria going to grow. The milk will be stored in sterilized bottles
and must be saved in cold places.
Vacuum packing
 It is procedure to preserve the food in vacuum environment, usually in a air tigh bag or
bottle. Usually we will use this system for storing nuts.
 It is preserving the food by exposuring of food to ionizing radiation.


Product Bahan Product Bahan

Bean cake Tempe Passion Fruit Timun
Tofu Tahu Cracker Kriuk-Kriuk
Soya bean sauce Kecap manis Raisin Kismis
Fried shallot Brambang goreng Chive Daun bawang dicacah
Cashew Kacang mete Sugar cane Tebu
Almond Kacang kenari Tumeric Kunyit
Pistachio Kacang arab Taro Talas
Toast point Roto tawar segitiga Sweet potato Ketela
Bread crumb Tepung roti/ panir Shrimp paste Terasi
Rice noodle Bihun Gravy Kuah kental sebagai sauce
Anchovy Sarden Savory dishes Sajian gurih
Roux tepung + mentega Hors d’oeuvre Appetizer
Entrée Makanan utama Rice bran Dedak beras
Kosher menu Menu orang yahudi Egg yolk Kuning telor

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