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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been

fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TIE.2017.2750611, IEEE
Transactions on Industrial Electronics


 Proposal of a Photovoltaic AC-Module with

a Single-Stage Transformerless Grid-
Connected Boost Microinverter (STBM)
Fernando C. Melo, Lucas S. Garcia, Luiz C. Freitas, Ernane A. A. Coelho, Valdeir J. Farias
and Luiz C. G. Freitas
Abstract-- Microinverters for photovoltaic modules can • Plug-and-play operation, justifying the installation
improve the energy generation by reducing the effects of simplicity;
shading, since the energy harvesting of each PV module • Increased flexibility and modularity in PV installations
can be controlled individually. In this context, this paper
allowing future expansion of generation capacity according to
presents a topology of single-stage transformerless grid-
connected Boost microinverter (STBM). It promotes high the consumer’s needs and the capital to be invested;
voltage gain without using a pre-regulator circuit or a • High power density with low weight, which is an
high/low frequency transformer. A 500 W laboratory important feature for rooftop PV systems;
prototype was implemented and experimental tests were • Improved safety since the dc cable length can be reduced,
carried out so that the proposed Microinverter was coming down from the roof only ac cables and the grounding
evaluated in a grid-connected PV system. Experimental
analysis was performed in order to corroborate the
theoretical approach and to verify the effectiveness of the Concerning commercial MICs topologies, one can observe
proposed Modified P&O “Gama” MPPT technique and the that, generally, isolated converters are used, lowering the
Proportional-Resonant (P-Res) grid current controller efficiency, lifetime and increasing the costs. On the other
under different irradiation conditions and under partial hand, the so called transformerless inverters can operate with
shading. high switching frequencies, reducing reactive elements and
heat dissipation. Then, one can produce converters with lower
Index Terms-- AC-Modules, Inverters, Microinverter,
weight, volume and cost. Another very common feature in
Photovoltaic, Solar Energy.
commercial MICs is that they have two power stages, one
I. INTRODUCTION step-up dc-dc converter and a dc-ac converter (inverter) for
powering local loads and/or for grid connection [3], [6]- [7].
M ICROINVERTERS for low power systems and
photovoltaic (PV) modules can improve the energy
generation by reducing the effects of shading, compared to
In the literature are found various single-stage topologies
that were reviewed in [3], such as non-isolated Boost inverter
with four switches. In this converter, the ac output voltage is
string inverters, since the energy harvesting of each PV obtained from the difference of the outputs of two dc-dc boost
module can be controlled individually [1]-[3]. Solar converters with a common source that have sinusoidal
microinverters are also called Module Integrated Converter waveforms displaced of 180º. In other words, each boost
(MIC) since it is integrated into each PV module [1]. The converter generates a half-cycle of the output sinusoidal
MICs found commercially are designed to be connected to PV voltage waveform. Another topology uses two Buck-Boost
modules with low voltage, around 25 to 60 VMPP, and injecting converters that provide each half-cycle of the output voltage
energy to a single-phase power grid (127 Vrms). In this from a dc symmetrical source. One can observe another
context, it is worth noting some benefits gained by this single-stage topology with four switches and zero current
equipment, such as [1]-[5]: switching (ZCS) named as Resonant Buck-Boost.
• Improved utilization of collected energy through In [8] is presented two single-stage inverters: one for step-
maximum power point tracking (MPPT) techniques for each down, composed by a typical Voltage Source Inverter (VSI)
module or for a maximum of two PV modules connected in with a LCL output filter and the other is for step-up
series; applications with a CL filter (Current Source Inverter - CSI).
Moreover, are presented topologies that operate as step-down
Manuscript received March 10, 2017; revised July 26, 2017;
accepted August 21, 2017. This work was supported by CNPq and step-up, such as the Z-Source Inverter and the Natural
(Process 406845/2013-1, 472457/2013-6, 304252/2013-1, Soft-Switching Inverter.
304307/2013-0) and FAPEMIG (Process APQ-01219-13, TEC-PPM- In [9] a topology of voltage inverter that can operate as a
F. C. Melo, L. C. Freitas, E. A. A. Coelho, V. J. Farias, L. C. G.
step-up or a step-down converter with only one power
Freitas are with the Núcleo de Pesquisa em Eletrônica de Potência, processing stage and transformerless is presented. Great
Universidade Federal de Uberlândia, Faculdade de Engenharia results were shown, being evaluated considering off-grid
Elétrica, Uberlândia 38400-902, Brazil (e-mail:
L. S. Garcia is with the Departamento de Ciências Exatas e In this context, the quest for increasing efficiency and
Tecnológicas, Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz, Ilhéus, Bahia, lowering costs, which can be achieved by reducing the number
Brazil, 45662-900.

0278-0046 (c) 2017 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TIE.2017.2750611, IEEE
Transactions on Industrial Electronics


of solid-state devices, has motivated the development of the the good results presented, one must observe that when high
proposed Single-Stage Transformerless Boost Microinverter decoupling capacitors were not deployed, a switched DC
(STBM). The structure presented in [10] and illustrated in Fig. power supply was used instead of real photovoltaic modules or
1 was developed for stand-alone application. The main solar emulators. In Section IV these works are also compared
operational feature observed is the high output voltage gain, with other topologies taking into account the number of
since it affords Boost operating mode with totally controlled switches, the number of power processing stage and others
sinusoidal output voltage and input inductors currents, without performance indicators.
using any transformer, neither High Frequency (HF) nor Low Finally, to present the work developed, this paper is
Frequency (LF). Additionally, it has reduced number of organized as follows. In Section II the authors describe the
switches and diodes. three operational stages. In Section III the authors present the
Modified P&O “Gama” MPPT Algorithm, which is based on
the disturbance of the reference current of Boost inductors.
The method used to obtain the grid-current reference Iref grid is
also presented as well as the modeling of the STBM and the
design of the P-Res current controller. In Section IV the
authors present the main experimental results corroborating to
the theoretical approach. Additionally, considering that the
leakage current is a major concern in transformerless inverter
Fig. 1. Single-stage Transformerless Boost Inverter for stand-alone topologies, preliminary analysis is also included. The results
application. of experimental evaluation of the leakage current are
presented and compared to related works found in the
The main contribution of this paper is to propose the
specialized literature.
STBM, shown in Fig. 2(a) that was designed and evaluated
considering the grid-tied application. A wide supply voltage
range can also be afforded, making the proposed inverter
suitable for AC-Module applications and/or photovoltaic The operating principle of the proposed STBM can be
systems where various configurations of PV modules in series understood based on Fig. 2(a). Basically, the control strategy
and/or in parallel connection can be used. Therefore, follows two rules, i.e: PV array voltage control through the
commercial ac voltage of 127 Vrms can be provided to local Boost inductors current imposition, and grid current control
loads or the mains supply from a low voltage supply. through the output capacitor voltage imposition. As shown in
The STBM is different from the previous one (Fig.1) in Fig. 2 (b), the Current Control Strategy is based on the current
terms of its control structure, which was developed imposition on inductors L1 and L2, given by IREF* variable,
exclusively for this CSI topology, highlighting the which is the control signal necessary for generating a current
implementation of the Modified P&O “Gama” MPPT with shape analogous to the ac instantaneous power
algorithm; the establishment of a novel operating principle waveform. It is used for both inductors, and its amplitude is
with just three stages for each half-cycle; the PLL (Phase- adjusted by the MPPT algorithm that will be described in
Locked Loop) digitally implemented; and the design of a grid Section III (Boost1 and Boost2 operational stages, for positive
current control that depends on the output capacitor voltage and negative half-cycles, respectively). The Voltage Control
imposition for injection of active power into the grid, ensuring Strategy provides the VREF variable, which is the control signal
a high power factor, low THDI and high efficiency. Besides, in necessary for adjusting the amplitude, frequency and
this paper, it was performed the average state space modeling waveform of the output capacitor voltage VC, as illustrated in
of the converter structure for defining the best grid current Fig. 2(c) (V+ operational stage).
controller using the Proportional-Resonant (P-Res). In synthesis, we have:
Concerning the converter topology, two Boost inductors L1  The control variable C+ defines when the half-cycle
and L2 are used in a single-stage topology and was added the of the output voltage is positive (C+ = 1 and C- = 0,
coupling inductor to the grid Lgrid. Each one operates in its enabling switches S1 and S4) or negative (C+ = 0 and
respective half-cycle of the sinusoidal output voltage C- = 1, enabling switches S2 and S3) and is generated
waveform. While the proposed STBM injects sinusoidal through the comparison between VREF and 0.
energy into the grid, the second harmonic component is  The control variable V+ defines when is required to
reflected on the side of the PV source. For assuring low PV increase (V+ = 1 or V- = 0, enabling switches S1 and
array voltage ripple (lower than 8.5%) with the aim of not S4) or decrease (V+ = 0 or V- = 1, enabling switches
compromising the MPPT efficiency (higher than 98%), a high S3 and S4) the output voltage VC and is generated
decoupling capacitor (3mF) connected in parallel to the PV through the comparison between VREF and VC.
array is required (CPV). This issue can also be found in  The control variable Boost1 defines when is required
important papers recently published [3], [4], [6], [8], [9], [11], to increase (Boost1 = 1, enabling switches S1, S3 and
[13] showing that high decoupling capacitors is an inherent S4) or decrease (Boost1 = 0, enabling switches S3 and
characteristic of single-stage solar inverter topologies. Despite S4 or switches S1 and S4, depending on the operational

0278-0046 (c) 2017 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TIE.2017.2750611, IEEE
Transactions on Industrial Electronics


stage), the inductor L1 current and is generated requirement for increasing the output voltage magnitude.
through the comparison between signals IREF* and IL1 The schematic diagram of the microinverter with the
(for the positive half-cycle). Modified P&O “Gama” MPPT algorithm generating the
The control variables described above define the required variable IREF* and the grid current control loop is presented in
switching patterns summarized in Table I and illustrated in Fig. 2(a). In this figure is possible to verify that the reference
Figure 3. For example, for the positive half-cycle of the grid current is subtracted from the grid current. Then, the resulting
voltage, and Boost1 and V+ operational stage (Case 1), the error goes through the proportional, integral and resonant parts
switches S1, S3 and S4 are enabled, because it is a combination of the controller (P-Res). The results are added generating a
of three enabled variables (C+, Boost1 and V+). reference voltage for the STBM output voltage (VREF). The
For the STBM operating connected to the grid, a third reference voltage has a sinusoidal waveform and is in
operational stage has been added, which is illustrated in synchronism with the ac grid voltage. This reference is
Fig. 2(d). Therefore, if the control signals V+ and Boost are adjusted by the controller in order to inject a sinusoidal current
disabled, the reference signals IREF* and VREF are adjusted for into the grid.
decoupling the input circuit from the output since there is no


(b) (c) (d)

Fig. 2. (a) Schematic diagram of the STBM with the Modified P&O “Gama” MPPT algorithm and grid current control loop composed by the
Proportional-Resonant controller; (b) Boost1 operational stage (control variable C+ = 1); (c) Operational stage of increasing the output capacitor
voltage during the positive half-cycle (control variables C+ = 1 and V+ = 1) and inductor L1 energy transference to the mains supply; (d)
Operational stage during the positive half-cycle that is performed the decoupling of PV array circuit and the output filter connected to the grid,
occurring also the complete interruption of the leakage current path.
Status Switches Status Control Action
Case Operational
C+ V+ Boost1 S1 S2 S3 S4
Positive Half-Cycle of VC
1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 Boost1 and V+
2 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 V+
V- (Freewheeling
3 1 0 0 0 0 1 1
Negative Half-Cycle of VC
4 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 Boost2 and V+
5 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 V+
V- (Freewheeling
6 0 0 0 0 0 1 1

Fig 3. Switching pattern for a cycle of the grid voltage.

0278-0046 (c) 2017 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TIE.2017.2750611, IEEE
Transactions on Industrial Electronics


circuit formed by the output filter CL and the mains voltage, as

A. Boost Operational Stage (Case 1)
shown in Fig. 2(d). Thus, switches S3 and S4 are closed and S1
As shown in Fig. 2(b), the Boost1 operational stage occurs in and S2 are opened, for maintaining inductors L1 and L2 currents
the positive half-cycle of the output voltage VC and concerns in freewheel, allowing its decrease through the very low
the current imposition in inductor L1, defined as IL1, so that it intrinsic resistances of the inductors and the semiconductor
follows IREF* waveform. For this imposition, switches S1 and devices, i.e., diodes and MOSFETs. Despite that, this amount
S3 are enabled. Switch S4 is also enabled maintaining the of energy proved to be very low in the light of the efficiency
inductor L2 in freewheeling, being a combination of Boost1 and levels achieved and presented in Section IV [3]. One can also
V+ variable operation. When the current IL1 amplitude is observe that the PV array charges the CPV capacitor.
greater than the reference signal IREF*, its decrease is carried One can highlight the importance of this stage since there
out by combining Voltage and Current Control techniques, has not a defined circuit for discharging the excess of energy
enabling switches S1 and S4. As illustrated in Fig. 2(c), the of both inductors to follow the imposed reference and to avoid
decrease of IL1 occurs during the energy transference from distortions on the injected current into the grid. During this
inductor L1 to the output capacitor C after closing switches S1 stage, the output capacitor voltage VC decreases through the
and S4. energy transference to the inductive filter and the grid. In order
During this operational stage occurs the interruption of to maintain the system control stability, this stage is enabled in
leakage current path, due to the high impedance offered. More both half-cycles of the output voltage and when V and Boost
details referring to this matter are presented in Section IV. control variables are disabled, characterizing the V- control
B. Capacitor Output Voltage Control (Case 2) action.
In order to obtain a high output voltage gain, the Current Another advantage of this operational stage is the
Control must ensure the appropriate current imposition for interruption of the leakage current path, due to the high
storing the required energy in inductor L1, for the positive half- impedance offered. More details referring to this matter are
cycle, and in inductor L2 for the negative half-cycle of the presented in Section IV. Table I presents the three cases of
output voltage VC. A hysteresis controller, through the operational stages for the positive half-cycle of the output
comparison of VREF and VC signals, results in two voltage, as shown in Figs. 2 (b), (c) and (d), and the three cases
complementary digital control variables, V+ and V-, and for the negative. Moreover, are presented the corresponding
performs the output voltage imposition. These variables switches status for each case.
comprise the VC signal, which is obtained by the output
voltage sampled and follows the reference signal VREF that is III. CONTROL STRATEGY DESIGN
generated by the current controller, presented in Section III. In this Section are presented details on the proposed MPPT
The VREF signal has a 60 Hz frequency synchronized to the algorithm, reference current Iref grid definition control loop,
mains supply and the hysteresis controller has the following microinverter design and the P-Res compensator design.
operation: A. Modified P&O “Gama” MPPT Technique
 VREF > VC: V+ is defined with high logic level and V-
The Perturb and Observe (P&O) method has the function of
is defined with low logic level (enabling switches S1
tracking the maximum power point (MPP) of a PV array in a
and S4);
fast and reliable manner [12]. The STBM was implemented
 VREF < VC: V+ is defined with low logic level and V-
with a Modified P&O “Gama” MPPT technique, which is
is defined with high logic (enabling switches S3 and
based on the perturbation of inductors L1 and L2 current
reference for controlling the PV array voltage VPV, as
The V+ variable represents the need to increase the output
portrayed in the block diagram of Fig. 4.
voltage and V- its decrease. As presented in Table I, these
variables will only start their procedure if they are related to
the control logic that depends on variables C+ and C-,
declared with the purpose of controlling the half-cycle
operation of VC. The control variable C+ defines when the
half-cycle of the output voltage is positive (C+ = 1 and C- = 0,
enabling switches S1 and S4) or negative (C+ = 0 and C- = 1, Fig. 4. Control loop responsible for extracting the maximum power
enabling switches S2 and S3) and is generated through the from the PV array by perturbing the reference current of Boost
comparison between VREF and 0. The current path created, For each condition that a change in the variable Gama is
which is shown in Fig. 2(c) (V+ stage of operation), performs required, it is multiplied by an ac instantaneous power
the VC voltage increase when switches S1 and S4 are turned on. waveform with unitary peak value (IREF) that comes from the
The decrease of the output voltage VC, in its turn, occurs when output of the PLL control loop [13]. This waveform promotes
V- variable is enabled for the positive half-cycle. higher efficiency for the structure. After the definition of a
C. Decoupling Operational Stage (Case 3) new current reference IREF*, this is compared to the inductor
The third stage consists in decoupling the PV array from the current IL1 changing Boost1 status, with high or low logic level,
for the positive half-cycle. For the negative half-cycle, variable

0278-0046 (c) 2017 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TIE.2017.2750611, IEEE
Transactions on Industrial Electronics


Boost2 is changed. The higher the current imposition Fig. 6. Block diagram for obtaining the reference current Iref grid for the
injected current control loop based on the power generated by the PV
performed in the respective Boost inductor the lower will be array.
the voltage VPV amplitude and, vice versa, since more power
from the PV array is required. C. STBM Modeling
The operating principle of the MPPT algorithm is presented The proposed grid-connected STBM modeling was made
in the flowchart of Fig. 5. After the measurement of VPV using the Average State Space technique, considering the
voltage and IPV current, and obtaining the PV array power PPV, Boost1 and V+ operational stages and its respective circuits,
the proposed MPPT algorithm perturbs the Gama variable for for the positive half-cycle of the grid voltage. The transfer
ΔI equal to 0.1. function relating the grid injected current
with the output capacitor voltage is given by (2). This
function is necessary for modeling the current controller,
which is presented in the next topic.
D. Grid Current Controller – Design of P-Res Controller
The proportional resonant controller (P-Res) type II has
lower sensitivity to variations in grid connection impedance.
This controller has the advantage compared to an ordinary PI
compensator of tracking the sinusoidal current reference to be
injected into the grid with zero steady-state error, which would
not occur using an ordinary PI compensator. It has this
capability once the gain is high at the grid frequency (center
frequency) and has a transfer function equal to the Laplace
transform of a generic sine. It is known that the error is equal
zero when placing a reference model in the control process
gain. [15]. The respective transfer function is given
by (3). The parameters presented in Table II were determined
Fig. 5. Flowchart of the Modified P&O “Gama” MPPT algorithm.
adjusting its gains through trial and error.
B. Reference Current Iref grid Definition as a Function of 2. . . .
PV Array Power 2. . .
The current reference to be injected in the grid depends on where and are PI (Proportional-Integrator) compensator
the available power in the PV array, which is evaluated and gains; is the angular resonance frequency for the grid
tracked by the MPPT algorithm. For obtaining the waveform frequency (60 Hz); is the damping factor; regulates the
of grid reference current, the controller requires the peak value width of the resonant peak ( . ).
of the current to be imposed in the coupling inductor Lgrid [14].
Therefore, considering the input power (PPV) equal to the P-RES CONTROLLER PARAMETERS
output power Pgrid, i.e., disregarding any losses, and that the Parameters Value
injected current is in phase with the mains voltage, it is 40
obtained (1). 300
377 rad/s (60 Hz)
√2. . Damping Factor 0.025
9.425 rad/s (1.50 Hz)
where is the grid reference current peak value, is the
PV array current, is the PV array voltage and is Since the proposed STBM is a single-stage CSI structure, is
the RMS grid voltage. Figure 6 illustrates the block diagram required the control of the output capacitor voltage, composing
for generating the reference current Iref grid, which peak value an internal voltage loop. Therefore, the power flow to the grid
follows the previously defined conditions and it is multiplied can assured. Although the proposed control strategy is not
by a sinusoidal waveform obtained from the PLL control loop commonly used, it can control the variable ILgrid with low
output with the purpose of phase and frequency THDI, through the outer current control based on P-Res. This
synchronization to the grid. controller defines the Vref, which is a sinusoidal voltage
reference, as portrayed in the block diagram illustrated in
Fig. 7. This reference voltage is compared to the sensed output
capacitor voltage VC in the hysteresis control loop that has
unitary gain (internal voltage control loop). One can note that
the higher the imposed voltage on the output capacitor, the
greater will be the grid current amplitude and, vice-versa,

0278-0046 (c) 2017 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TIE.2017.2750611, IEEE
Transactions on Industrial Electronics


keeping the power flow from the inverter to the grid. One can prototype developed in laboratory, highlighting the power
also observe that the impedance between the output capacitor circuit board and the Solar Array Simulator (SAS) E4361A
and the mains voltage is given by the coupling inductor from Keysight® used during the initial stage of tests. The first
( . and by the local loads connected prototype was assembled with the heavy and bulky inductors
to the point of common coupling (PCC). and electrolytic capacitors available in laboratory. Obviously,
Figure 8 shows the frequency response of the P-Res for implementing a smaller final product more efforts are
controller cascaded with the transfer function in required for restructuring the hardware. It is estimated that the
new prototype will have the following specifications:
open loop. One can identify the P-Res controller has the
300x340x100 mm and weight of, approximately, 10 kg. The
characteristic response of a bandpass filter tuned to the central
Boost inductors will be redesigned with a toroidal core, with
frequency equal to 60 Hz (grid frequency). Moreover, one can
lower inductance not compromising is performance. It is well
verify that the response gain margin is infinite and the phase
known that electrolytic capacitors are responsible for lowering
margin is 88.7 degrees at 708 Hz. During the experimental
the lifetime of the inverter and a solution is using film
evaluation using the DSP, the P-Res Type II controller proved
capacitors that can provide a long lifetime and high reliability
to be very robust after being tuned at the grid frequency and in
its respective operating point (nominal output current, ILgrid).
The second part of the tests was carried out under real
operating conditions of irradiance and PV module temperature.
In Fig. 9(b) is shown a picture from the rooftop of the
laboratory where are installed the PV modules used in the
experimental tests. From 48 PV modules installed, only two
Fig. 7. Block diagram of the control loop of the injected current into the from Amerisolar 250 Wp were used.

Fig. 8. Bode magnitude and phase plots of the P-Res compensator

cascaded with the transfer function . (a)


For validating the theoretical approach, experimental
analysis has been carried out. Table III presents the
specifications of the implemented prototype.
Design Specifications
RMS Output Voltage, VO(rms) = 127 V
Input Voltage, VMP = 60.6 V – Input power, PPV = 500 Wp (b)
Maximum switching frequency, fs = 25 kHz Fig. 9. (a) Illustration of the prototype assembled in laboratory and (b)
Microinverter Power Circuit Specifications PV modules installed on the roof of the laboratory, being used only two
Inductors, L1 and L2 = 360 µH, 40 A Amerisolar PV modules of 250 Wp each.
Grid Inductor, Lgrid = 9 mH
Input Capacitor, CPV = 3 mF
Output Capacitor, C = 10 µF The first experimental test was conducted through the I-V
Switches, S1 – S2, IRFP4868 and P-V curves obtained from Solar Array Simulator E4361A
Switches, S3 – S4, IRFP4768 using the specifications of two PV modules Yingli YL245P-
Diodes, D1 – D4, STTH200L04TV
Microcontroller, DSP TMS320F28335
29b connected in series under irradiance condition of 1000
W/m2 operating at 25ºC. One can observe that the grid voltage
A. Grid-Connected STBM Experimental Results and current waveforms (power factor equal to 0.993) and the
For implementing the complete control strategy, shown in inductors currents L1 and L2 and, also presents the PV array
Fig. 2(a) was used the DSP microcontroller Texas emulator screen, demonstrating the maximum efficiency of the
Instruments® TMS320F28335. Figure 9(a) shows the MPPT algorithm of 99.24% (extracting 450.27 W) in Figs. 10

0278-0046 (c) 2017 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TIE.2017.2750611, IEEE
Transactions on Industrial Electronics


(a) and (b). For validating the proposed Modified P&O “Gama” MPPT
algorithm, was performed a partial shading in just one of the
two PV modules from the Amerisolar array (250Wp each), as
shown in Fig. 12 (a). The weather conditions of this test were
at 1033W/m2 and modules temperature at 55.1ºC. Both
modules are connected in series, being the string characterized
using the Solar I-V from HT Instruments® and the collected
data were inserted in the SAS for testing this condition. The
resulting I-V and P-V curves are presented in Fig. 12 (b),
which also shows the inverter extracting the maximum power,
which is the red dot on the I-V curve (Pmax = 309.05 W).



Fig. 12. (a) Partial shading in just one Amerisolar PV module of the
(b) array and (b) the resulting I-V and P-V curves, showing the inverter
Fig. 10 STBM fed by SAS configured with two 245 Wp Yingli PV extracting the maximum power indicated by the red dot in the I-V curve.
modules operating at 25ºC and 1000 W/m2: (a) Grid voltage, injected
current and Boost inductors currents; (b) I-V and P-V curves and MPPT B. Leakage Current Evaluation
efficiency. As well known, there is a parasitic capacitance (CP) formed
For illustrating an irradiance transition, the SAS equipment between the terminals of the PV array and the module frame
was configured with I-V and P-V curves from two Yingli which is generally grounded. Due to the electric potential
YL245P-29b connected in series operating at 25 ºC. The difference (common mode voltage) imposed by the inverter
transient irradiance test was made for a variation from switching actions [16], a leakage current may flow through the
600 W/m2 to 1000 W/m2, presented in Fig. 11, increasing the galvanic connection between the grounding of the PV array
injected current amplitude and the available PV power. and the grid. Accordingly, as observed in [17] and considering
the case of a PV array, it is formed a resonant circuit between
the parasitic capacitance, the output filter, the inverter and the
grid impedance. This current flowing through the system can
increase the system losses, rising the electromagnetic
interference (EMI), causing safety problems and distortions in
the injected current into the grid [18]. The German standard
DIN VDE 0126-1-1 states that if the leakage current is greater
than 30 mA (rms), the inverter must be disconnected from the
grid within 0.3 seconds.
The CP of polycrystalline silicon PV modules is estimated at
50 and 150 nF/kW and up to 1μF/kW for thin film modules
Fig. 11. Irradiance step from 600 W/m2 to 1000 W/m2, showing the grid considering both for large ungrounded PV arrays [18]-[19],
voltage and injected current. Below, are shown the PV array voltage depending on environmental conditions. Considering that the
and current. STBM operates with a PV array of 500 Wp (two 250 Wp PV
modules connected in series), the CP was set to 50 nF, as
The STBM converter was also tested under partial shadings shown in Table VI.
that can be caused by nearby buildings, trees, among others. The proposed STBM topology presents two operational

0278-0046 (c) 2017 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TIE.2017.2750611, IEEE
Transactions on Industrial Electronics


stages (freewheeling) in which is blocked the connection conditions, i.e., using two Amerisolar PV modules installed at
between the PV array and the output filter including the grid, the laboratory roof as shown in Fig. 11 (a) and the results are
i.e., the dc decoupling method is applied as illustrated in presented for irradiance at 864W/m2, PV modules temperature
Figs. 2(b) and (d). Therefore, these stages can avoid the high at 50ºC and ambient temperature at 35ºC. The leakage current
frequency variations of common mode voltage on the parasitic measurement has been performed on the ac side that is
capacitance (VCP) through the leakage current path connected to the grid via the line and neutral conductors
interruption, minimizing it. This technique is also applied in (127 Vrms). Both line and neutral conductors were involved in
transformerless topologies, such as Highly Efficient and the current probe from Tektronix (A622). The experimental
Reliable Inverter Concept (HERIC), H5 and H6. The STBM results presented in Fig. 15 shows that the leakage current of
can be simplified as the equivalent circuit shown in Fig. 13 the proposed topology has 22.9 mA (rms), which is in
[20]-[21], presenting the ground current path. accordance to DIN VDE 0126-1-1. It is important to
emphasize that the frame of PV modules used in this test was
grounded, reducing the CP and hence the leakage currents [18].
For comparing the analyzed transformerless topologies
presented in Section I and the ones studied in Section IV, i.e.,
H4 (conventional H-Bridge); HERIC; H5; H6; Six Switches
and Two Diodes transformerless inverters [20]-[21]; and,
Fig. 13. Equivalent circuit for the STBM showing the leakage current
finally the proposed STBM, Table V shows the parasitic
ICm path. capacitance CP used in the tests, number of switches and
It is known that the common mode voltage VCm of the power stages, measured leakage current and the maximum
inverter is the average of voltages VAN and VBN in relation to efficiency.
the ground according to (4). According to renowned reference [22], transformerless
topologies were exclusively developed by manufacturers for
2 increasing the efficiency and maintaining the ICm and dc
In case a VCm variation occurs, the leakage current will flow current injection in the safety limits, such as H5 and HERIC.
through the ground path of the parasitic capacitance CP to the However, the STBM is a novel single-stage topology and
grid, as illustrated in Fig. 12. In Table IV is presented the presents similar results, as depicted in Table V. For example,
common mode voltage determined for each operational stage, the topology HERIC presented, through simulation analysis,
considering the positive half-cycle: Boost1 and V+, V+ and V-. 132 mA rms and STBM presented 198 mA rms. Obviously, in
One can observe that Cases 1 and 3 present a common mode order to develop a commercial equipment, the authors would
voltage of -VC/2, where VC is the output capacitor voltage have to deploy more efforts for mitigating the leakage currents
being the sum of -VC and -VL1, since it is a CSI topology. Case as required by standard DIN VDE 0126-1-1.
2 presents a common mode voltage different from the previous
ones, generating a positive voltage of VC/2, where VC is the
output capacitor voltage being the sum of VPV and VL1.
Operational Stages Common Mode Voltage
Case 1: Boost1 and V+ ⇒
2 2
Case 2: V+ ⇒
2 2
Case 3: V- ⇒
2 2

For validating the theory exposed, a simulation test was

carried out considering the estimated parasitic capacitance CP
of 50 nF installed in the positive (CP1) and negative (CP2) poles
of the PV array composed by two Amerisolar 250 Wp PV
modules connected in series, under irradiance of 864 W/m2
and PV modules temperature of 50ºC. Figure 14 shows the
grid voltage, grid current, parasitic capacitors voltages VCP1 Fig. 14. Simulation results for the STBM operating in irradiance at
and VCP2, the common mode voltage VCm and the leakage 864 W/m2, PV modules temperature at 50ºC and ambient temperature
at 35ºC, presenting the grid voltage, grid current, parasitic capacitors
current ICm, being its respective rms value around 198 mA. voltages, common mode voltage VCm and the leakage current ICm
In this paper, preliminary experimental analysis concerning waveforms.
the leakage current has been performed under real operating

0278-0046 (c) 2017 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TIE.2017.2750611, IEEE
Transactions on Industrial Electronics


which can mitigate the predominant harmonics in the grid

current spectrum, such as the 3rd, 5th and 7th harmonic orders.
Another experimental test was carried out considering that the
grid voltage THDV is equal to 3.12% before the startup of the
STBM. The grid current THDI results of both controllers P-
Res and P-Res+HC is equal to, respectively, 4.55% and
4.07%. Therefore, it is possible to note that the performance of
both controllers is practically the same.

Fig. 15. STBM operating at irradiance at 864 W/m2, PV modules

temperature at 50ºC and ambient temperature at 35ºC. Grid and PV
array voltages and below is presented the leakage current waveform.

C. Efficiency and Grid Current Harmonic Distortion

Finally, measurement of efficiency for different output
power values have been made. The PV array operating
conditions were kept the same, with two 245 Wp connected in
series connection at 1000 W/m2 and 25ºC (STC), as shown in
Fig. 16. Thus, for an output power range from 77 W to
Fig. 16. Efficiency curve as a function of the output power, considering
432.9 W, was found that the maximum structure efficiency is the input power a PV array with 490 Wp operating in STC.
above 90% reaching its peak at 93%, for the output power of
223 W. Furthermore, through the efficiency curve it is possible
to provide the European and CEC weighted efficiencies, being
its values respectively, 87.66% and 90.26%.
One can verify in Fig. 17 that the individual harmonic
components of odd orders up to the 33th order are following
the limits established by IEEE 1547-2008 standard. This
standard defines the minimum requirements for the
interconnection of distributed sources in Electric Power
Systems. One can note that the voltage THD at the point of
common coupling was equal to 2.76% before the inverter
connection to the grid. For the rated operating condition, the
converter presented an injected current THDI equal to 4.49 %, Fig. 17. Harmonic content of the injected current compared to the
in conformance to the IEEE 929-2000, and Brazilian standards IEEE 1547-2008 requirements.
ABNT NBR 16149 and ABNT NBR 16150.
The outer grid current control loop can be easily altered
adding the HC (Harmonic Compensator) to the P-Res [14],
Number of Number of Power Measured Leakage Maximum
Topology Capacitance
Switches Stages Current (mA rms) Efficiency (%)
(CP) / kW
Non-isolated Boost Inverter [3] **** 4 1 **** ****
Buck-Boost Inverter [3] **** 4 1 **** 80
Resonant Buck-Boost Inverter [3] **** 4 1 **** ****
Voltage Source Inverter (VSI) – LCL output filter [8] **** 4 1 **** ****
Current Source Inverter (CSI) – CL output filter [8] **** 4 1 **** ****
Step-up/Step-Down [9] **** 4 1 **** 89.375
H4 [20] * 100 nF 4 1 472 ****
HERIC [20] * 100 nF 6 1 132 ****
H5 [21] ** 100 nF 5 1 27.6 94.68
H6 [20] * 100 nF 6 1 92 ****
Six Switches and Two Diodes Inverter [21] ** 100 nF 6 1 17.4 94.75
22.9 (Experimental)
STBM (Proposed Topology) ** 50 nF*** 4 1 93
198 (Simulation)
*Only simulation results.
**Simulation and Experimental results.
*** STBM tested for a PV array of 500 Wp.
**** Not reported by the authors.

0278-0046 (c) 2017 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TIE.2017.2750611, IEEE
Transactions on Industrial Electronics


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0278-0046 (c) 2017 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TIE.2017.2750611, IEEE
Transactions on Industrial Electronics


Lucas S. Garcia was born in Araraquara, São establish research and education activities with regard to power
Paulo, Brazil, in 1984. He received the B.Sc., electronics.
M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical His research interests include high-frequency power conversion,
engineering from the Universidade Federal de active power factor correction techniques, hybrid rectifiers, power
Uberlândia (UFU), Uberlândia, Brazil, in 2008, quality, clean power applications, power electronics converter, and
2010 and 2015, respectively. control technique for renewable energies source-based systems and
Currently he is Assistant Professor Level A of microgrids.
the Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz where Dr. Freitas received a Prize Paper Award from the IEEE Industry
he also develops research projects and Application Society-Industrial Automation and Control Committee for
scientific initiation. He has experience in the his contribution in the hybrid rectifiers field in 2012. He is a member of
area of Power Electronics and is a member of the Núcleo de Pesquisa the Brazilian Society of Power Electronics (SOBRAEP).
em Eletrônica de Potência (NUPEP), where he is a doctoral co-
advisor, working mainly in the following subjects: energy management,
stand-alone systems, photovoltaic inverters, inverters applied to fuel
cell and single-stage inverters with uninterruptible power supply.

Luiz C. de Freitas was born in Monte Alegre-

MG, Brazil, on April 1, 1952. He received the
M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees from the Universidade
Federal de Santa Catarina, Florianópolis, Brazil,
in 1985 and 1992, respectively.
He is currently an Associate Professor at the
Universidade Federal de Uberlândia,
Uberlândia, Brazil, where since 1991, he has
been a founder member of the Núcleo de
Pesquisa em Eletrônica de Potência. He has
authored a variety of papers particularly in the areas of soft-switching,
dc–dc, dc–ac, and ac–dc converters, electronic fluorescent ballasts,
and multipulse power rectifier for clean power systems. His work has
been published at the IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference
(PESC) in 1992, the IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference in
1993, the PESC in 1993, and the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER
ELECTRONICS, January 1995. His research interests include the
evolution of a zero-voltage turn ON and turn OFF commutation cell that
has been largely applied in power electronics research.

Ernane A. A. Coelho was born in Teófilo Otoni-

MG, Brazil, in 1962. He received the B.Sc.
degree in electrical engineering and the Ph.D.
degree from the Universidade Federal de Minas
Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brazil, in 1987 and
2000, respectively, and the M.Sc. degree from
the Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina,
Florianopolis, Brazil, in 1989.
He is currently with the Núcleo de Pesquisa
em Eletrônica de Potência, Universidade
Federal de Uberlândia, Uberlândia, Brazil, where since 2001, he has
been a Professor member. His research interests include parallel
connection of pulse width modulated inverters, power factor correction,
and digital control by microcontrollers and DSPs.

Valdeir J. Farias was born in Araguari, Brazil,

in 1947. He received the B.Sc. degree in
electrical engineering from the Universidade
Federal de Uberlândia, Uberlândia, Brazil, in
1975, the M.Sc. degree in power electronics
from the Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais,
Belo Horizonte, Brazil, in 1981, and the Ph.D.
degree from Universidade Estadual de
Campinas, Campinas, Brazil, in 1989.
He is currently a Researcher with the Núcleo
de Pesquisa em Eletrônica de Potência, Universidade Federal de
Uberlândia, where since 1991, he has been a founder member. His
research interests include power electronics, in particular, soft-
switching converters and active power filters.

Luiz C. G. de Freitas received the B.Sc., M.Sc.,

and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from
the Universidade Federal de Uberlândia (UFU),
Uberlandia, Brazil, in 2001, 2003, and 2006,
respectively. Since 2008, he has been with the
Núcleo de Pesquisa em Eletrônica de Potência,
(NUPEP), where he has been working to

0278-0046 (c) 2017 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.

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