Simulation of Composite Materials Under High Impulsive Ballistic Impact Load

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Simulation of composite materials under high impulsive ballistic impact load

Introduction :
Students :
Bulletproof vest that helps realize the impact and minimize or Ahmad S Al-Awwad
stop breakthrough to the body from firearm- fired projectiles-
and shrapnel from explosions. These vests often have a ballistic Emad A Bashaireh
plate inserted in the vest. Also use metal or ceramic plates with a Hareth Al-Zobui
soft vest, make additional protection, and metallic components Abdallah Barakat Obeidat
or tightly woven fiber layers can give soft armor resistance
Supervisor :
Dr. Yahia M. al-Smadi, PHD, PE
Modern armors and solider use
non- Newtonian fluid in bullet-resistance vests for
protection against different type of ammunitions.
We are hoping to investigate and analyze (CPV 720) vest
that produce in Jordan by KADDB and study the
possibility of using liquid

This liquid does not follow Newton's Law of Viscosity
The relation between the shear stress and the shear rate
is different.


Shear thickening(dilatant)

Shear thinning (pseudoplastic)

Generalized Newtonian fluids

Dilatant Non-Newtonain Cushions

A dilatant (also termed shear thickening) material is one in which The viscosity of Non- Newtonain is incrase if we applied High
viscosity increases with the rate of shear strain. This behaviour is impact force Now the Questing what happen if we insert the non-
usually not observed in pure materials newtonain in the cushions made from carbon fiber ?

(alternatively CF, graphite fiber or graphite fibre) Fibers about 5
–10 micrometres in diameter and composed mostly
of carbon atoms.
Carbon fibers have several advantages including high stiffness, high
tensile strength, low weight, high chemical resistance, high temperature
tolerance and low thermal expansion. High strength to weight ratio, High creep resistance,
High tensile strength, and High toughness are main
Design For CPV-720 factors behind the use of composites in many
Weight: “M” (2.70 kg ) ±5%
We will investigate adding the bubbles inside the vest

PROJECT Objectives
Learning through engagement study impact as pure science as well as applied
Perform peered review research that will be published in international
Will get high class training on ballistic penetration simulation using LS-DYNA
Might have a chance to visit KADDB testing facility to be exposed more on the
testing itself


T H E S T A G E S O F W O R K ( T E S T I N G & D E S I G N)
1. S t udy in g t h e m e c ha n i c a l p r o pe r t i e s o f bo dy a r m o r 2 . T e s t in g t h e e f f e c t iv e n e s s o f d if f e r e n t p r o c e s s in g r o u t s
m a t e r ia l a f t e r a ddi n g n on- Ne wt on i a n f l uid bubbl e s t o bulle t t e c h n iq u e s o n m e c h a n ic a l p r o p e r t ie s o f b o d y a r m o r
pr oo f v e s t . m a t e r ia l.
3 . T e s t in g h o w w e r e a liz e t h e im p a c t a n d m in im iz e o r
We extend our thanks and gratitude for King Abdullah II fund for
st o p bre a k t h ro u g h t o t h e bo d y . Development (KAFD) and King Abdullah II Design and Development
Bureau (KADDB) for supporting and funding this project

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