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Topic: Summary of ‘Designing Marketing Programs to Build Brand
Equity’ (Chapter 5)
Course Code: MKT 3204
Course Title: Brand Management

Prepared By: Ramisa Kabir

ID: 18251071
Section: A
Program: BBA in Marketing

Prepared for: Asst. Prof. Nawshin Tabassum Tunna

Department of Marketing
Faculty of Business Studies
Date of submission: 17th October, 2020
New perspectives on Marketing
The four major drivers of this new economy are:
1. Digitalization and connectivity (internet, intranet, mobile devices, etc.)
2. Disintermediation and reintermediation (middlemen)
3. Customization and customerization (tailored products and ingredients provided to customers
to make their own products)
4. Industry convergence (blurring of industry boundaries (laptops+tablets+GSM phones etc.)

these new perspectives have several implications for the practice of brand management.
Integrated Marketing
Marketers are trying lot of unconventional means to build brand equity which requires creative
thinking. New and unique marketing programs are required to connect with customers in the
current marketplace.
Personalized Marketing:

Relationship marketing has become a powerful brand building force which is why these
approaches are meant to create a deeper and more favorable brand associations to reinforce brand
imagery and feelings.
The three types are experiential marketing, One-to-one Marketing and Permission marketing.
In One-to-One Marketing . Consumers help to add value by providing
information while firms add value by generation of reward experiences with customs. So it tries
to create maximum utility for consumers.
In Experiential Marketing, focus in mainly on the customer experience and consumption
situation. Here customers are viewed as rational and emotional elements.
In Permission marketing, consumers are encouraged to participate in a long-term interactive
marketing campaign in which they are rewarded in some way for paying attention to increasingly
relevant messages.

Brand Integration To support Marketing Programs

the marketing mix should be designed to enhance awareness and establish desired brand image
by using the Product strategy, Pricing strategy and Channel strategy.

In the Product Strategy, brand intangibles, the perceived value and quality of the product, value
chain, and mass customization all are considered. All types of benefits that can be provided are
taken into consideration in this strategy to improve the customer experience and create loyal
customers. That’s why, this strategy also keeps in mind relationship marketing which is used
while making Loyalty Programs.

Pricing strategy is very important because it is one of the most important brand
equity benefits of building a strong brand which directly effects the revenue generated and the
perceived value by the customers. Consumers are willing to play a higher price when there is a
high perceived added value. To set prices, the profit margins, costs, and value perceptions need
to be continued.
If a brand is marketed or distributed, the way a product is sold or distributed can have a
significant effect on the resulting equity and final sales performance. The design and
management of intermediaries such as wholesalers, distributors, brokers, and retailers includes
channel strategies. There are direct channels where the business sells directly, such as telephone,
mail, etc., and there are indirect channels where the business sells by intermediaries from third
parties, such as wholesalers, distributors, etc.

For channels, there are two types of strategies, Pull strategy and Push strategy. In Pull Strategy,
the marketing efforts are devoted to the end of consumers. And in Push strategy, the marketing
efforts are devoted to the channel members. Another channel strategy is the Web Strategy where
the company has an online retail channel.

1. Why is product design and delivery the first key component of an effective value-pricing
strategy? Explain with example.
2. “Strong brands can command price premiums” is the statement true. If yes justify your
answer with example.
3. Explain in details about some of the tips to build an effective loyalty program.
4. What is One-to-one marketing? Explain with an example
5. What changes have have forced marketers to embrace new approaches and philosophies?
6. What are some of the ways marketers can enhance product experience?
7. What is dynamic pricing? Give a few examples of companies that use this pricing and
8. Explain with example how a company/business has used channel strategy.
9. How can a company skilfully blend push and pull strategy? Explain with example
10. Name a brand that has used relationship marketing, permission marketing, experiential
marketing, or one-to-one marketing. Now explain why it was effective

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