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A VOCABULARY Parts of the school 4 W's Polly's first day at school, Answer her questions 1. Workin pairs. (1-9) with names of parts of the school. Look at the 1A Where can find a dictionary? picture and B inthel dilscussithe 2. A Wihere can I keep my bag and sports kit? questions. B Inyourl 3A Where can find the teachers? B Theyein thes 4 A Where canl get lunch? @ How do you think the students are feeling? ed ial | @ whet do you remember about your frst day Binder, easter 5A Im studying ICT. Whete should I go? © Would you like to be a teacher? Why2/Why nat? B Goto the e__r__ 6 A Where dol go for PE? 8 Gototheg School subjects 7. A Wheres the chemistry class? = — B Inthesciencel__. 2. Read the sentences (1-8) and write the names of 8 A Where is the headteacher? school subjects. B inher. 1 Itsthe study of energy and matter, and things 9 A im playing football this afternoon. Where suchas light, sound, heat andelectriity, —__ should | go? 2 Youcan leam about colour, shading and B Tothes perspective in this subject. = " 3. It the study of the worlds surface its —- climate, countries, populations, etc. 5) Match the words and phrases (1-8) with the 4 Itinvolves playing instruments and definitions (a-h). learning about rhythm, etc 1 classmate 5 You leaim about the past in this subject, + headheachir 9 life during World Wr I amma 3 Break 6 In this subject you can find out how to use ae the Intemet and how to create websites. Se _ 7. tsthe study of plants, animals and : furuns 6 patents'evening 8 Itsthe scientific study ofthe structure i RRL eSICneat] = = Ee of substances 8 register = 3 Match the verbs (1-8) with the nouns (a-h) to. a When students stop working for a while. describe school activities. b An official document students get at the end of the 1 read — a handball ee wi € Something you write in oh B Insects d_ Somebody you study with, 3 camyout — maps € A list of students names. 4 memoize — d_ problems £ Something that contains information about your 5 do — — e sketches subject. adaw =f datas 4g. The person who'sin charge of a schoo. Fienaite: —. |. senabulsrfensctcen fh when parents come to the schoo! to discuss their play fh sapetinens childrens results Which school subjects are the activities related to? mp Week Cag 6 Read the email and choose the correct words (1-14). eoe Hianna, D4 You know. fe at university in England isn't easy. | have to 'do/make a lot of project work. and | have to Zabsent/ attend a lot of classes and *do/make notes. Sometimes, | have to “giveiget a presentation in class. However, | think |'m 3doing/making progress. | hope so! AS you know, | “did/got very badly in last year's exams. In fact, | "lost failed two exams, and | had toretake/remake them in the summer. So this time, I'm not going to "jump/skip any classes, and I'm going to "’make/prepare forall my exams really carefully. 'm planning to sit in my room for hours, with all my books, "'remaking/revising everything Ive leamed, Hopetully. one day, Ill Ugetemake my degree! By the way, did | tell you? Two students have already fallen/dropped out of my course this year. And one student has been asked to leave the university because he Mcheated/attended in an exam. He wrote all the answers fon his arm ‘See you soon! Jenny Language learning 7 Complete the sentences (1-5) with words from the box. 1. Youcan look up unfamiliar words ina 2. Ustening, reading, speaking and writing are communication 3. Therules of a language are called the 4 Ifyou speak two languages very well. you are 5 When you can express yourself without difficulties, you become in that language. After-school activities 8 Match the verbs from the box with the words or phrases (1-6) to describe after-school activities. You can use a verb more than once. =a ina band on trips voluntary work sport charity events a sailing couse ouaun 2 Work in pairs. Discuss the questions. @ which of the activities have you done? © Which of the activities would you like to do? Why?) Education system 10 Fillin the gaps (1-10) in the article about schools in the UK with words from the box. private single-sex nursery primary secondary college comprehensive vocational mixed grammar auueeues In Britain, very young children go to !_ school. Then, when they are four or five years ald, they goto? goon to? ‘school. At the age of 11, they school. A school is a school for children aged 11-18, that you don't have to pay for and you don't have to pass an exam to get into. A* school is a selective ‘school. This means you have to pass an exam to go there. Parents have to pay fees for their children togoto®, ‘but most schools are ® schools. Some schools are 50 they are for boys or for gifs only, When they are 16, pupils take their GCSE examinations. When they are 18, they do A Level examinations, At 16, they can leave school and go to work, or they can gotoas__ of further education, Here they ‘can do traditional suinjects as well as " training such as learning to become a mechanic or a beautician 11 DIED Listen and check your answers. Work in pairs and describe the Ukrainian ‘education system. Collocations with do, make and take 12 13 Choose the correct verb in each sentence (1-8). 1. Have you ever dome/made language course abroad? Did you lke it? Would you like to go ona language course? 2. Would you take/makea gap year before you go to university? Why?/Why not? 3 Would you lke to make/do a degree in media studies? Why?/Why not? 4 What was the last test you took/made at schoo! ike? 5. When do you usually do/make your homework? 6 | ita.g00d idea to do/mate any revision the night before an exam? Why?/Why not? 7 How often do you make/take a break when you are studying? 8 Do you enjoy making/doing projects in English? Why?/Why not? Work in pairs. Take turns to ask and answer the questions in exercise 12. ED » een _ , Ca 2 wet) O ALS Have you ever thought bout leaving school and leaming at home? ‘Thousands of young people do exactly that. I's called ‘home- schooling’ or ‘home education’. So wry do parents make the decision to do this? Some patents take theit children out of school due to er serious problems, but there is a growing ‘number af British parents who choose to home-educate their children from the start © which one do you thir J ‘We spoke to Erin Morgan, who chase home-schooling far her children, “We took out children out af school when my son Joseph ‘was six and daughter Lily was eight. There were no problems ‘with teachers and neither ofthe children was being bullied ~ in fact they were quite popular — but they were simply bored. With + Y usomy 2a9nanni norpi6Ho npowsTara TeKcr Ta BHOpaTA large class sizes, litle money and ather problems, i’ dificult for, 3 uoTupsox eaplastla AMY npasiTeHy BiANOBIAD. teachers to give some children the individual attention they need.’ + Npounratire rekcr Ta sanurann, wo HaseneHi & exaamenaulliHowy aapparHi.puxpaare sapiant A-Di ‘cnpobyiite signogicra Ha aanurranHa ceoihan cnosamu. Read the text. For questions (1-5) choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D). s thal Tori nopiewavire eapiatta eignosinel si cacinn vipkysannan ra anbepite npasnnbt ainnoeini 2. Read the exam strategy and the text about home- schooling in exercise 4, Answer the questions (1-2). Vho is Erin Morgan? 2. What was Erin worried about? 2. Which ofthe folowing s nota reason why Erin 3 Read the options (A-D) for the questions (1-2) foal her cildten? from exercise 2, Choose the correct answers. Are A tr 0 Many student: they similar to your ideas from exercise 2? B Her chile a _ C Ther attention saching her children at home, UME CHC WS et 10 was home: 3. What does the word’ This'in paragraph 3 referto’ 3 lessans, en wouldn't uidn't teach them idren would Rough “When we started home schooling, [ was worried the children wouldnt in socially, so they have a few onganizes activites & ‘week. Joseph is learning the trumpet and plays in a band. Lily oe o ballet classes and they both have swimming eons ‘This means they leam slills and enjoy the company of other ctilren at te same te. In adaon, Ikelong toa home schooling networcso we often get together for ps with ober homeschoolers’ “We don't havea sx tinetal, but negate what we're going to do every day, Morning actives include using the computes, ‘wring speling, reading, maths and scence. After nch, we fener noose sometnin ore restive like ar, eng or gardening. I have to admit that some activities are more popular than others, but in my view is imporant to get thouph every subject inorder to get a good peneal education “People ask what happens when homeschoolers gett secondary school age Ihave frenes wit teenage cen and most of them Tae decide fo follow a slabs an take GCSE ext, This as reanta more organized diy, butte young peopl tl take a ‘great deal of responsibility for their own leaming. One boy 1 know: 4s planning to stop home:schooling when he is 16, do a parttime college couse and then goon to univers ‘Whatever the age of your children, home-schooling isa challenge, ‘but in miy opinion the worst thing to dois to turn the home into school, Learning should be fun, and children and young ‘people need to feel happy in order to achieve.” 4 to Erin, Lily and Joseph A especially enjoy the creative activities. B can decide what activities to do each day. C will not take GCSE exams, D will goto a regular school when they're 16, 5. Why did the author write the artic ents to do hame-schooling, A Toconvince 8 To warn parents abo ut the problems wi home-schoaiing, € Todescribe home chooling and the rea! choosing it D To point out the need for improvements to local sc 00s. 5 Work in pairs. Discuss the questions. © what are the advantages and csadvantages of homeschooling? © What subjects) could you learn more easly ching? What sibject(s) with incivicual ficult to teach at hom Words in context 6 Find the highlighted words in the article. Match the words with their definitions (1-6). 1 organized in a strict manner written outline of what n 3. designed for ds to be studied a specific persan or done with one person on 4 become anact tof a group 5. schedule which gives times for daing 1 things a 6 using cruelty to frighten someane who is 7 Complete the sentences (1-6) with words from exercise 6. 1 Jack experient because he at ptimary school ;9 much shorter than the 2 Wedont offer t art classes. People just get ether to paint and discuss their work 3. Susan was much better at French than the other tude chaol arranged lessons for her 4. After being home-schooled for six years it took Celia a eto at the local secondary school. 5 The ar this class requires students to read eight novels and write four papers, 6 with set times for doing various activities, makes young children feel relaxed and s 8 Choose the correct words to complete the sentences 1-7). 1 The bestlesson you can teach/learn your students s how to find their own inform 2. Ifyou want 1a be good atan extreme sport, you net a lot of practice/practise. 3. Would you borrow/lend me your e-eader so can read a new 4 Be careful what you sa to criticism 5 You shouldn't fend/borrow more money than you can ly pay back 6 The best thing | Jearned/taught from that class was that Ireall stand maths. 7 Shating you is very sensible/sensitive flat with someone isa very sensible/sensitive decision if you need to save money, 9 Work in pairs. Discuss the questions. © 5s there skit you could teach? there a sl youd ike to learn when youre older? Why? © How much time do you spend practising English outside school? | Trueffalse 5 Complete the sentences (1-8) with the words that | 1 Workin pairs. Discuss the questions. ee eet eae @vikeo prmmvoasneeae cSt ake coe © What are the differences benveen boarding schools and regular schools? 1 lused ta go toan __ primary school and — os was very happy there. 2 The __at my school is very crowded at eas 5 2 lunchtime, soit hard to find a seat, + Teper npocayxoeysannam aygiosanncy ysanho 3. Theteis a regular moming ____in the hall at npounrafire peveHin Ta njaxpecnins kmoHosi cn08, ‘ri gonowoniyTe Bal 30pieHTYBATUCA ni Hac NOWYKY rnorpiGxot ixopwautl iy school. 4 Going for a run in the morning before school is part cof my daily 5 Atourschool we ____a reckconcen ' 2. Read the exam strategy and the statements (1-2). eee i : end of every school year Underline the key words that tell you what 6 Heit bit______ when | went to my first information you need to find. | TOF 7 1 The speaker and her fiends were ____ my notes before | start revising - they're happy ta goto boarding school _ inamess 2. She sew her pets when her parents 8 There are always two or three teachers to Came tovisit her at school — students during final exams at my 3) QEBED Listen to the text. For statements (1-2) esis in exercise 2 choose Tif the statement is true 6 according to the text, F ifits false. Correct the false information. summer camp without my parents. We have an English test next week. | need to Workin pairs. Which of the sentences in exercise 5 (1-8) are true for you? Compare with your partner. 7 Work in two groups. Each group should try and 4 EELELD ERD isten to the text. For persuade the other about their point of view. statements (1-5) choose Tif the statement is true seeovdinng tothe text Fifi false, Group 1: Make a istof the advantages of attending a bboarding school. Discuss with Group 2. Group 2: Make a lst of the disadvantages of attending when he a boarding school, Discuss with Group 1 al in their 1 Charlie was h started boardin 2. Students hav rooms at 730 am. 3. Some teachers students with their 4. The school organizes events. 5. Charlie dislikes sharing a ble to help USE OF ENGLISH Wud linking words ~ contrast, reason and result 1 Choose the correct linking word to complete the sentences (1-7). 1 We didnt have classes inthe afternoon soy because the teachers were meeting with parents 2. Despite/W/hereas al\ of my revision, | didn't do well in the exam, 3. | hadrit prepared for the test and, asa result/in spite of, aie i. 4° But/While artis my favourite subject, | enjoy maths and science as well 5. Gur schools havea good reputation, therefore/ whereas many new families are moving to our district. 6 Although/However' liked studying abroad, | missed my friends and family 7 However/in spite ofall of our equests, we still dont havea good computer lab, 2 Complete the sentences (1-4) with the linking words from the box. There is one extra word. [este att tere pin 1. He decided to go ona diet__ not overweight at al 2. Theres no homework for tomorrow —__ it's going to be a sports day 3 _____knowingaa lot about his subject, he has trouble explaining his ideas. 4 ‘The party promised 10 lower taxes and increase wages, they won the election. EE hewas Lexical multiple-choice cloze Sree eer erent ae rpaMannsxo npasurr ane ia ns Kae Bie ae er aed dia, een 7 ts eae euler 3 Read the exam strategy. Then read the sentences (1-4) and choose the correct answer (A, B, Cor D). 1 My English is qood, but |__ trouble understanding American accents on TV. Amake Bake Chae D feel 2. Alot of students are planning to ga to university, — Ihave decided to get a job. A wheteas B because C so D despite 3. fl__up late studying, | always feel sleepy the next ay. Akeep Brum — C make D stay 4. They have decided to close the local school there are so few students A therefore B so 4 GOUMIEEEDD Read the text below. For questions (1-10) choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D). C because D although Fighting sleep! Have you ever actually fallen asleep in class? It’s a nor feing. many" thers no way to keep it from happening, Youre sitting in your maths or history lesson, the classroom is hat, there's no air to breathe and your eyes start to feel? __. Then, Your head doops and you jump ake, only or he whole process to *__ again. | used to fall asleep every Wednesday aftemaon in geography lessons, Every week my teacher would ‘__ off the lights, draw the blinds and show us a film, | never stayed up late the night before and | was ®°__ in the subject, so | couldn't understand what was going on. Every week, | used to try ©__ ways of staying awake. | would pinch myself on the arm, roll my head or draw little pictures. | would try to focus on the film and take notes, but "used to work and no more than ten minutes into the film, 1 would be as fast asleep as a baby in a cot. ‘The thing is, | didn’t *__ ta, In fact, geography was: one of my favourite *__ at school, But | just couldn't help falling asleep. The worst time was when | °__ opened my eyes and saw that the light was on, the film had stopped and everyone was laughing, Apparently, I'd not only been sleeping, I'd been areng uy es 1 AS Bhecause Cdespite — D whereas 2 Aheay Blame — Cbig Dslow 3 Astart Bonen Ctake Doo 4 Aget — Bkeep Cake Dturn 5 Aexcited Bkeen inspired interested 6 Aparticular B contrasting C different D individual 7 Anothing Beverything Canything —D something B Awant Bhave Creed = Dank 9 Aobjects Bsubjects Ctopics — D themes 10 Acertainly Bhardly —C surprisingly D suddenly 5 Workin pairs. Discuss the questions. Have you ever fallen asleepin class? What happened? — (Ea . Multiple-choice (listening for detailed understanding) | 1. Workin pairs. Discuss the question. Tuc aad eeu st 1 Find one grammar error in each of the sentences How do you think schools will be different in the (1-5)and correct it. future? Tink of at east three differences. a_i hie ol fa tonenT Ea SIE HRB] nat going on our schoo! nature walk. 2. Inour class, are many students from other counties, 2 DEEED in 1988 tsaac Asimov, a novelist, 3. assembly at school yesterday, and the predicted how education would change in the headteacher gave an inspiring speech future. Listen to two people discussing his ideas. 4. Theres useful to practise English with native What predictions did he make? speakers. 5. sit enough space in the classioom to accommodate so many students? jen to the text. For questions (1-5) choose the correct answer (A, Bor C). | 1 What did Isaac Asimov say about education 30 Grammatical multiple-choice cloze years ago? Sa ee A Itdid not use technology in the best way. 2 Read the text below. For questions B twas not varied enough to be interesting forall (1-10) choose the correct answer (A, B, Cor D). students. € There were nat enough televisions or video recorders Studgrit Exchange 2. |s2ac Asimov predicted that access to computers ee eee andthe Internet in schools would —_ ‘Two years ago, Twent on an exehage programme to Italy ik BeRUORNE TESTES CINE DY ‘and it _ out to be the best year of my life. Iread a lot See » ‘about Italy when I? at primary school because I was es fascinated with gladiators and Ancient Rome. There was B make students more interested in school SIPGx Chane pe saaner evant wchiGoL sm Ewaisroally subjects, exeited *— that Ihad qualified for it, Of course, it wasn't © allow students to explore thelr own interests easy. __ took me one year of study before I passed the 3 Nikola mentions baseball statistics as an example exam that showed that my Italian was good enough for me to go to schiool there. [also managed * my parents that a year abroad was worth the extra expense, saying that * _ experience would look good on my university of _ A Asimov's varied interests, B a topic that students might choose to explore applications, online Finally, I was on may way, At first, [felt a little homesick: € asubject that Asimov thought should be taught ecause there were” many differences in people's inschools behaviour. Everyone seemed outgoing and cheerful, and Pma rather reserved person, They were all really warm, and welcoming, though, and *_ wasn't long before | had made a lot of friends. I'm still in touch with ther 4. Why hasnt Asimov's vision come true so far? ‘A Many teachers dort know how to use technology, today, and Ihave leamed a®— about myself from living B The right equipment has not been designed abroad and surrounding myself with culture "© —_ was so C The big change in education hasn'thappened different from mine. yet 5. Whatis Nikola’ opinion about Asimov's 1 Aturned — Bhadtuned Ctums presictions? Dwas tuning A They will probably never be fulfilled. 2 Ahavebeen Bwas Cused to be B They will be fulflled very soon. Dwasbeing lemay take a long time to fullthem. 3 Aleaming —Bleaint Clean Btoleam 4 Al BThere —CThis._ =D Then 4 Workin pairs. Discuss the questions. 5 Atoconvince B convincing C convinced D convince - 6 Aan Bone Cthe Dthese © What types of technology would you lke to use 7 Aso Bsuch Cthan Das inthe lassroarn? 8 Al Bit Cthere —Dtthis © How can technology help your learning? 9 AMmich © amany Clery «Dt 10 Ait Bwhat — Cwhich there WRITING Forum post: expressing your opinion ‘| Work in pairs. Read the article about homework and exams. Discuss the que: Homework or not? For many years, Finish 15-year-ods have baen performing Wellin international assessments of academic ablitis. The success of these students is perhaps surprising: they spend et rit ed eee Ea Ogee ead Re eae ee ea i eee tet eee | Pek cue ew LL Ce ed Cee eg ure ic Paitin eeu @ When do students take their first exam in Finland? © Do you spend more time on homework than students in Singapore? © How often do you have tests at school? ) @ At what age do you have examinations? 2. Read the forum post about testing. Answer the questions (1-3). No exams? ‘As the summer approaches, thousands of school students are revising for this year’s formal examinations, tt has made me wonder about the function of exams, Why do we have them? ‘The most important reason, in my view, is to assess students’ knowledge and abilty, and they are an objective form of assessment. On the other hand, some people do not perform well n exams, and so it could be fairer to assess students’ coursework that is produced over several months. | can see the arguments for and against exams. Personally, | think they are a good form of assessment, but | think ‘coursework should also be assessed so that some people are not at a disadvantage, What do you think? _/ Isthe comment written in informal or formal language? \Which words and phrases introduce the writer's personal opinion? Which paragraphs include the arguments for and the arguments against exams? Complete the sentences (1-6) with the correct form of the verbs from the box. [2 ase ove a enema oe Teachers should __students advice about how to revise. Ifyou don't ike working alone, it might be better with a fiend, good way of __ something is to write it down several times (One reason for looking at old exam papers is about the types of exam questions. A.useful form of testing is the student if a statement is true or false Students progress should tests, regularly with Do the exam task. You are feeling stressed by the amount of homework. you have to do every evening. Write a forum post, in which you » » » write how much homework you do each week, describe the benefits and disadvantages of homework, give your personal opinion ‘Write @ forum post of at least 100 words. Start your post in an appropriate way. Check your work. 1 Have you written about al three points in the task? 1 Have you used the correct phrases ta express your opinion? C1 Have you used the correct verb forms? TO Have you written at east 100 words? 1 Have you checked your work for grammar, vocabulary and speling mistakes? Conversation 1 Workin pairs and answer the questions about school and learning. 1. Deseribe a lesson you have recently had. What was itabour? What did you do in it? 2. What do you enjoy learning most? Where do you Jeam it? At school, at home or somewhere else? 3. Teenagers should start the school day at 10am. they get enaugh sleep’ Do you agree? Why?/Why not 4 3k a test or an exam. 5 urriculum: Do you 6 What do you enjoy about school? What do you find difficult Role-play 2 Work in pairs. Read the situation and do the role- Pi play task. The situation You want to do a wwo-week English language cours in Brtain. You meet your teacher who gives you information about two courses in two diferent places ‘The task Student A: Ask your teacher about the location hoursof English per week, typical social activities and accommo each course. Picture description Student B: ATA’ teacher. Turn to page information about English courses in four places in Britain: Brighton, Yark, London and 3 Work in pairs. Look at the pictures (A-B} which show two different places in a school. Take turns to compare and contrast the pictures. Include these Oxford out two of the courses poles and ans er questions ; the normal atmosphere in each place, Now change oles New StadantBsTun 0 p98 165 eure f tents iho ue them and tell Student & a > which place you prefer and why. 1. Choose the correct word in each sentence (1-8). 1. My last class today is ICT/PE with the football coach, 2. Jated has had 8 fight with his classmate/colleague and now his parents have to come and see the director/headteacher. 3 LetSsleave our bags in our lockers/breaks and go and have lunch. 4 Open your textbook/notebook to page 37 and look at exercise 1, please. 5. When Mark was 16, his parents sent him toa rnurseryboarding school in another city 6 The lessons havent started yer so you'll probably find Mr Bromley in the staffroom/classroom. 7 fmnote typical student because !love doing/making grammar exercises. 8 Polly was very nervous when her murn returned from the parents’ morning/evening because she had failed a few tests, ‘Complete the sentences (1-7) with the missing words, Use the correct word form. 1 Yesterday in chemistry class wee very difficuttexperiment. 2. Topass this test you must s__at least three of these multiplication problems. 3A lotof students hate history because they can't m. all these dates. 4. Before we go home, lets go to the L___to borrow Frankenstein for tomorrow's English class. 5 Nowadays many schools have electronic outa _____, so parents can check their kids have missed any classes. 6 Weweree ____cockroaches under the microscope in biology today and it was really disgusting! 7 Please bring a copy of your school ¢ to the interview 50 that we can check your exam, results Put the words in the correct order in each of the sentence sets (1-5) to complete the mini dialogues. 1. X helpfike/me/project/this/to/with/would/yous you? Y That would be great. 2. X about/howr/last/esson/skipping/the/today/? Y tmnt sure that'sa good idea 3X atébalieve/can'venjoyedi/physies/really/school/ you. Y found it easy to learn and |iked doing experiments 4. X a/attencyit/ike/schoal/single-sex/to/was/ what’? Y ttwasntt anything unusual in those days. 5. X Let’sgo to the cinema toniaht. Y some/biology/do/exam/for/It/my/tather! revision/, 4. Complete the sentences (1-6) with words from the box. (eee 1. Youneed a valid card to ___ books from the school library. 2. George has been from school since last week 3. ld just finished writing my French__when | temembered | had to do some graminar exercises as well 4 Both my parents used to __ comprehensive schools 5. The sentences in your English homework should make and they should also be ‘grammatically correct. 6 Gur secondary schaol cannot ____ modern equipment for the physics lab. 5 Read the text. Use the words in brackets to form the words that fit in the gaps (1-8). There is one word which you do not have to change. ‘My fascination with ballet started at a very *__ (early) age. On my 12* birthday, my father took me to see Romeo and Juliet It was simply ‘amaze}. My best friend Marcia went to ballet school as a child, She always complained that it wes too much work. To me, that just seemed ® (believe) -it couldn't be true! And even ifit was true, itwould have beer worth the effort. (prepare) for the examinations to find any time for my ‘passion. It all just seemed *___ {possible}! Years*__(late), [accompanied a friend to dance class, where I earned about evening ballet courses for adults, When asked the ” {instruct if[ could join the class, she looked at me and said: ‘Tf you have a dream, you must go after it J signed up for the course *___(immediate} i | During secondary school ] was too busy*__ ED 5 | | | 1. Work in pairs. Look at the pictures (1-3) and discuss the questions. sare shown in the photographs? {'do they involve doing? © Would you tke to:do any of these jobs in the future? Why?/Why not Jobs 2 Read the definitions (1-10) and write the job names. Use the suffixes in bold. er 1. somebody who works for the army 2. somebody who cuts, shapes and colours people’ hair _ or 3 somebody who teaches other people how to drive 4 somebody who translates one language into another = sist 5 somebody wha works ata reception desk and welcomes people _ 6 somebody whois specialistin psychology ian 7 somebody who plays a musical Instrument 8 somebody who works in politics _ other jobs 9 somebody who performs medical operations a 10. somebody who represents a company and travels around an area selling its products __ Add at least one more job for each suffix. Q« IED Part-time jobs 3. Use phrases from the box to complete the table and describe the duties of some part-time jobs. check stock serve food and drinks pick fruit leartables play games operate till prepare meals feed animals bring the bill deal with customers tell stories take orders Babysitting Working on a farm Working in a restaurant Working in a shop Types of work 4. Match the adjectives from the box with their definitions (1-7). fulltime badly-paid temporary permanent manual parttime well-paid 1 doing less hours than a full working week — __ 2. doingall ofthe usual hours of a working week 3a jab that involves using your hands 4. ajob where you eam alot of money 5 ajob where you eam litte money 6 lasting for a short time 7. lasting for along time Work in pairs. Student A: Choose a job and describe it. Student B: Guess the job. Then switch roles. Nrele Ue Nh Looking for a job Employment , Read the article with advice on looking fora job. 9 Complete the sentences (1-8) with the correct Put the steps in the correct order. Fill n the gaps words. (1-10) with words from the box. 1. Would you like to work/have/do a carcer in the covering letter curriculum vitae (CV) contract interview qualifications application form referees experience offered accept media? 2. My sister is/gets/had on sick leave at the moment ‘ten do/make/take overtime at weekends Joe is leaving because he did't get/make/take pay tise, ri . 5 Doctors often take/get/work very long hours, wes 6 Te1esa works/makes/has shifts he sales department? Mepael @ Suonecang very welt herb Soshe hopes to ‘Walt to hear from the company to find out if they want slumped very oe tsher sas. 2.56 Papen you to come for an". Then start preparing get/become/make promoted. | 10 complete the sentences (1-6) with the missing » step] words. Complete your *__.. Tis is the document that 7 includes all your personal information,» Li chao poemrer aaalaeaiamale (eg diplomas, degrees, etc) and previous work sinlefiom the company, +t should also include the contact 2. My grandfather is 65, Her__from work last details of two people that know you well at work or year. personally. These are your ®§ 3 Ihadac with my company, but atthe peel) end of the year they decided not to extend it. When you are* _ job, decide carefuly it you 4 Sarah has been u___for six months, She just want t07 Then sign the © cant find a job. 5. The train dhivers are going on s. because Look at job adverts on the Intemet and find a job they want a bigger pay rise. that you are interested in. Download the © ___ 6 hate being o_o work. | would realy lke if there is one. Then send it off with a°__, to find ajob. Which will explain briefly who you are, where you Saw the advert and why you want to apply for the job, 11 Workin pairs. Discuss the questions, @ What's your ideal job? Why would you tie to 7 IED. Listen and check your answers. dothisjob? Prolessions. @ What do you thinks the best way to loak for ajob? 8 Complete the sentences (1-8) with words from the © What's more important: qualifications or box. experience? Why? | duties slay wages colleague bors postion r : settemployed quit © weuitlyou there beseitampioyen: Why2Why not? 1 Onaverage,adoctors__is £50,000 year. © What's more important in a job: maney or job 2 Derek shares an office with _ who is satisfaction? 30 years older than him. Describe a situation when you were in charge. 3 Awaiter’s__are usually £200.a week. pesumeting a J) 4 A shop assistant's__include serving fe customers and operating the til 5 Youll have to ask the firstif you want to takea day off 6 IF hated my job, would definitely 7 Peteris___. He runs.a small coffee shoo. 8 | would like to apply for the of sales manager ED 0 § | Matching (specific) 1. Workin pairs. Talk about the pictures (1-3) and discuss the questions, * Nposwaite aaruranna(A-H), nagenenl @ ‘exsaienauliony 3aaaHt OG sposyairA, Aky Ingopmauito norpisro wykamty TexcTax (1-4) + Komte semen, sss6iail, nepenae Ine sinnosiqnoro, ‘Texcry Inuwan ciopaun.Y Zan TaHHAX| y TeRCTaX excawenauliioro saeqahin Moxy wictaTace oghl ‘Tiaccrosa sit 6paaH, ane Bianoinb, o6paHa TiNbKH Ha nigcTabi HaRBHOTI chinbHx cnia uN paa, He OBoa'AaKOBO Eniprow, cn o6 pars acixsignoalaHe eapiantis nepexonatrecs Tow, wo pewra BapiaHTis He BlanosinaioTe xKoAHOMY aszauy, 2. Read the exam strategy, Then read the first text from ‘exercise 3 and match it to the correct statement (A-B). Why is the other statement incorrect? A. This job wil hel B Ye will not get a salary or wages in this job. 3 PETITETESD Read the texts. Match choices (A-H) to (1-6). There are two choices you do not need touse. Which job requires you to erficat lbmit a video file wi d previous experienc nth achieve suc ind soft A B c D E F G contact the compan} H_ work with 4° amp Ready for a change? Fed up with your boring job? Want to do something different? Take a look at these jobs and find out if you want to change your career. 1 Writers’ Internship Programme Do you have a degree in Journalism or English, have a ‘way with words, and love to learn about the world? ‘We will par you with full-time writer, show you every aspect of the newspaper business, and provide free time for your own projects. It'san unpaid position. On the other hand, theres the possibility of fulltime employment with a good salary in the future. Send your CV and a writing sample to: Jv Publications, PO Box 23, London, SW3 2. EXTREME SPORTS INSTRUCTORS NEEDED You must befit, sociable and enorgetic, and have snowboarding, skydiving, climbing or rating skills Great wages and benefits, plus the chance to work in amazing surroundings witha fantetic teem, Online applications only Send CY, personal statement, and film clips showing your skills to 3. Historical film production needs extras! All ages, no acting experience required. Some small speaking parts available for talented ntas Ifyou are dresming of being an actor, this could be your chance! Paid daly or week’y n-person applicants only Bring a head shot, identification and a positive attitude. Cowley Studios, 623 Westley Road, Bridgewater Lovelace Beauty Studio Are you smart, creative and. succeed in the beauty business? We are currently hiring trained hair stylists, makeup artists and nail specialists, You must be licensed, with at least 3 years' experience ina salon. Positions available throughout the UK. Apply by post at: LS Jobs, PO Box 123, Ludley North, UNY 223. 5 4 Work in pairs. Discuss the questions. © How would you describe yourself an employer? © What are yourbest qualities? © Whar knowledge orsls nave you gat? Words in context S Find the highlighted words in the texts and match them with their definitions (1-7). boring education and experience the abity to do something well having firmly decided to da something choice or possibilty knowin to be good or reliable — imagining something you would lke to happen 6 Complete the sentences (1-7) with words from exercise 5. 1 The best for her is to workat night because she goes to college during the day 2 This course will help you develop your speaking in English 3 Sheisso. togeta promotion that she works overtime almost every day. 4 Im being a lawyer when [finish university 5 ineconomics makes her a good candidate forthe job of fnancial director. 6 Unéortunately wedi not hirea buider, and now the work has to be re-done. 7 Picking fruitall day can be very butit certainly leaves your mind fiee to think about other things! ENERGY GAMES ‘Our games are amongst the best out there, and we want them to stay that way! ‘Our testing process will challenge yourskills, and your patience. We affera great salary and a fantastic work environment! ‘We need an enthusiastic gamer who never gives up, and has some programming, sacrum You should be able to deal with work and pay attention to detail | Send info to: CAREER IN FINANCE ] Our on-the-job, 5-days-2-week workshops can lead to an exciting career in finance and investments. No experience necessary, but you need to be outgoing, good with numbers and willing to learn, Bring your CV and your smile to our job fair to explore europe. Email for more details: jlesser@moblyoanking.abe. Phrasal verbs 7 Lookat these words from the texts. Use each word. twice to complete the sentences (1-10). eee 1. You can just see our house in the of this photograph. 2. She's good worker, but an the other she’ rather slow. 3. This car has so many problems itis no longer todrive, 4) Wee looking for someone with a_i advertising for the job. 5. Ifyou buy aTV today, they will give youa__ DVA (digital video recorder)! 6 I can't do this by myself, Could you give me a in class or youll miss mation, 7 Youneed to pay some important i 8 enjoy going for walks in my time 9 Celebrities claim they don't want all the they get, but wonder if that’s tue 10 He goss to the gym four days a weekin order to keep ith give 8 Find the phrasal verb give up in the texts. What, does it mean? Use the correct verb forms of the phrasal verbs with give to replace the underlined ‘words and phrases in the sentences (1-5). UP. " a OFF > ~\ AWAY 1. The roses she bought produced a lovely smell for several days 2. OK youve won, laccept yourarqument 3. After trying several times to get the landlord to rent the flat to her, she stopped trying and started looking at other places. 4 Why ishe donating so many of his paintings ta charity? They are so valuable. 5. Could you please retum that DVD you borrow You've had it for weeks. CXED “6 Multiple-choice (listening for detailed understanding) 1 Workin pairs. Discuss the questions. @ Imagine you have just finished sch to start looking for ajob, What would you de © War problems might you face? u tum for help? would y aseny sate el colors ope en ayniosanney y eranes nena woro 3 rpoox saplais svOpetm npaennony sanoela + powraie savanna Bani sianoolae?, oS seyear ney bheraetreraaecre rym ore ere ete ea aya eae re eee eso ce Ten nposeyware 6 ayatosanc 2. Work in pairs. You will listen to an interview about youth unemployment. Read the exam strategy and the questions (1-5) in exercise 3. Underline the key ‘words and compare your ideas with another pair. 3 EXERTED Listen to the text. For questions (1-5) choose the correct answers (A,BorQ). 1. How lon nemplayed for? mast young p2oy 418 months 2. Who are the people Louisa refers to as hard to reach’? A People living below the poverty line B People living in the de living in big cities, help young people? can understand the value of things does Louisa’ charity encourage younger sto do? jap their interview skills udy harder at school ends w s Louisa find the job reward AA She enjoys warking with kids. B She likes helping parents. C Shek he can make a Jlference in people's 4 Look at the words in bold in the sentences (1-8) that the speakers used in exercise 3, Match them with their definitions (a-h), 1. We try to work wath backgrounds, Ing people from all 2 They have more opportunities to succeed. __ 3. They can really struggle 4. We work with a number of different partners 5 Itcan be quite stressful if you've never worked before. 6 Some people find it difficult to respect the peoplein char 7 Weare very busy, butitis very rewarding, __ 8 Teenagers won't face the same challenges their parents did, people ar organizations you are doing an a with b_ be polite towards someone you thinks important the details of a persons family, education, enence ‘or difficult task that tests somebody skill ivity ‘ability fe yvery hard to comething with difficulty F causinga lot of anxiety and worry g. worth doing or that makes you happy be useful or important h the possibility to do or achieve something use itis 5) Work in pairs. Look at the ideas (ae) and choose three which you think would be the most useful for young people to find work. Compare your list with other pairs. work placement membership of a sports team. encouragement to stay in school help with interview techniques help with writing a CV and applying for jobs nance SE OF ENGLISH uaa fee 1. Choose the correct verb form in each sentence (1-10), 1. My brother has got/got a new job Itis very well paid, 2 Jane went/has been to Australia three times. She loves Peter retired/has retired seven years 290, 4. Shave been leaming/have learnt Spanish for five months now 5 Imreally tired, | have dug/have been digging in the garden all morning, 6 Ruth doesn't have/hasn't had a job since she quit four months ago. 7. ‘have been working/am working on this project since |came here and | still haven’ found didn't find the solution, 8 When she came/had come home, il realized that she leftyhad left her purse at university 9 | have never seen/had never seen wilc animals before | went/have gone on a sefer' in Attica 10 |was living/had been living in Spain for two years before you camefhave come to visit me in 2015. ‘Grammar reference page 138 Grammatical multiple-choice cloze SSA * na suGopy xopexrsol dopmn giecnosa nepesipre, 8 Aakonay wncnl onnuHl in MHORUNK) BACTYMAE y DENEHIH Tigyret. Ana Toro, wo6 sposytinn, axl niecniBHAh uae BuOpaTH, 3BepHiTs yaary Ma Te, aki OBcraBHhi Uacy uKapucroRyorbcs, * Akujo nam Tpe6a eupiuuTH, arKopucroayeara GopMy +31ng 4n in@initHe 3 £0, 3BepHith ocoGnnay yaary Ha ‘Alecnoz0, wo exveaeteca GeanocepenHeo nepen, rnponyexow, 2 Read the exam strategy. Choose the correct option (A,B, C or D) to complete the sentences (1-5). 1. Lawrence __to pass his lorry driver’ test three times, but he sil hasnt goths icense. Ahave tied Bhastied Chadtied Dries 2. Youshould __ as much training as possible before you apply for ajob Aget Bgetting Coot —Dgets 3. Before she started working ina law fi last year, Marla parttime in several efferent offices Aas worked Bhadi worked Chas been working Dworks 4 Iwas not very good at__ in publicwhen | was a student ‘Aspeaking Bspeak Cspoke Dspoken 5 |__onthis piojactfor a week now, and | haven't finished yet Ahavebeen working Bam working C work Dworked 3) (SENTETEDD Read the text below. For questions (1-10) choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D). es London is famous for its distinctive black taxi cabs and expert taxi drivers. Their navigation skills and. knowledge of the city '__ incredible, Every person who wants? a taxi in London has to take a test commonly known as ‘the Knowledge’. The training can take ® years and, at the end of this time, the driver has * by heart more than, 25,000 streets and their related landmarks: tourist attractions, government buildings, hospitals, police Stations and many more. Jamie Wilson *__ a taxi in London for over 12 years now. Hle got his licence *_ four years of intensive training, During this time, he was riding around London on a scooter memorizing every street, road, avenue and building. By the time he passed h exam, he” aver 25,000 streets. Later, he took * course about the history and culture of the city and now he can entertain his passengers with historical facts and anecdotes, He gets a lat of passengers from »_ over the world in his cab, and some celebrities, too. Last month he drove a famous footballer to the airport and they a fascinating chat about the history of football in the UK. 1 Als Boe Cate Dbeing 2 Adtive Baring Cotiven Dio chive 3 Afew — Bmuch Cmany D most 4 Aknow Bknown Cbeenknown Dto know 5 Awasdriving Bisdriving Chas been driving _D had been driving Asics Bfor Calter Dhefore Abas been visiting B had visited Chas visited D having visted 8 Aan Ba Cary Dmany 9 Afar Ball across Daround 10 Ahad — Bhadhad Chavehed Dused to have atom True/false 1 Work in pairs. Discuss the questions. @ What kind of problems do you think there are in the workplace? © Who would you ask for advice fyou had problems at work? 2. You will listen to a monologue about problems at work. Read the statements (1-5) in exercise 3 and underline the key words that tell you what information to listen for. 3 RENELETMDEED Listen to the text. For statements (1-5) choose Tif the statement is true according to the text, Fifit is false. TOF 1. According to the speaker, improvements at work always make your job easier a 2. Everyone experiences personal problems at work 3. Youcant choose the people you meet at work. 4 It’. good idea ta separate work from your personal ie 5. Youdont have to solve customers’ problemsifyouhaveabadday, = 4. Complete the sentences (1-4) with words from the box that the speaker used in exercise 3. [en eas ots be 1 There are many goad ways ta conflict at work personal 2. My colleagues are always hours they have to do, 3. Id say that nearly problems in the 4 Inmy office there are all all over the worl. about the long veryone personal at some point. ‘of people, from 5 Work in pairs. Read the situation and do the role- play task. Student A: You are working at summer camp. Your boss often asks you to do jobs you are not supposed todo. Talk to your friend about the problem. Student B: You are the fiend, Listen to Student A and suggest a solution USE OF ENGLISH Tec ad both, either and neither - each and every + Ceara 1 Choose the correct word to complete the sentences (1-4). 1m sure (il faint if| have to take other/another step inthis heat 2. The twins bought two pairs of shoes, one pair foreach/both oF them 3 With every/each turn we took, the landscape became more and more beautiful 4 Would you like to travel in July or August? Sure. Either/Neither month is fine Lexical multiple-choice cloze 2 [UTUTETETD Read the text below. For questions (1-10) choose the correct answer (A, B, Cor D), From an outsider to an insider Thad just finished university and was looking "a career. | was sending out a lot of #_ but I couldn't ‘even get an interview. Someone suggested that l apply for an internship and it was the best thing lever did! I worked for eight weeks at a newspaper. The work ‘was quite varied, I worked in ?__ of the departments =I started off working in accounts, then in the design, department, and finally in the newsroom, and I gained areal 4 into how the industry worked, which was, extremely rewarding, Tewas an amazing experience. | got on-the-job *_ and had a mentor who was willing to answer any questions I #_ Now when I go to an interview, | can say that I've had articles published and know haw 1 lay out the pages and put together a newspaper. 7__ benefit is that I made many useful contacts, Even though the company I worked for didn’t offer mea, they did promise to write me a reference letter, which might be more *__ than my academic qualifications. The one problem with internships, however, is that they are badly-paid ~ I barely © enough to cover my expenses. 1 ator Bat Con Dinto 2 Arequests Benquiries C applications D demands 3 Aevwery Beach Cath Dother 4 Apicture Bvision — Cview Dinsight 5 training Breaching Clearing studying 6 Avid — Bhad = Cuid Dimade 7 AAnother BEvery — CEither Neither & Ajob — Bork Cvacarcy experience 9 Atedious Bstressful Cuseful rewarding 0 Agained Beollected Creceived —_Deatned ite ES Formal email: applying for a job 1 Work in pairs. Discuss the questions. ( @ Have you ever done a part-time job or a summer jab? What was your experience lke? © Why do students take on such jobs? © Whatare the most popular part-time or summer jobs for teenagers? Why? N Read the exam task in exercise 6 and answer the questions (1-3). 1. Who are you writing to? 2. Whyare you writing to them? 3) What style of language are you going to use? 3 Complete the sentences (1-5) with words from the box. Then decide which point in the exam task in exercise 6 you could use each sentence for. advertisement apply experience candidate position hope 1. already have some work children. 2 I saw your to workat a childrer 3. Ibelieve lama good | am a responsible person. 4 Lamwriting to assistant. 5. Lam studying psychology and |__ ina school in the future with young in the local paper for people 's camp in Wales, for the job because forthe __of to work 4 Make some notes about yourself. Write at least two. facts for each heading. Education Interests ‘Skills and qualifications. Plans and ambitions + Bxngasire oiuliy mosy ra ssiunnel épasy, nonaarHi Ann sincra-sane. + Mounaiire ra sasepuiyiire eneKrporworo nncra inoeianuon wuvon: Dear Siror Madam va Yours faithfully 60 Dear (Mr Brown) ra Yours sincerely. 5 Read the exam strategy. Then read the exam task in exercise 6 and choose the best expression (a-c). 1. Starting your letter a Dear Angela, b DearMsJones, ¢ Dear SifMadam, 2. Finishing your letter: a Yours sincerely, bb Yours faithfully, ¢ Toke care, = © [EEDIEEESD Do the exam task. You are studying on a stuclent exchange programme in Wales, You have found a job offer ata summer camp for children. Read the advert below and write a letter of application in which you > say why you are interested in this role, > describe your previous experience, > explain why you are a good candidate for this job, Write a letter of application of at least 100 words. Start your letter in an aapropriate way. ‘Are you good with children? Are you a responsible, but fun-loving person? Have you had any experience looking after eight- to twelve-year-olds? Ifo, you may be the person we're looking fort ‘QUALITIES WE NEED: +¢ good communication skills + calm, reliable, punctual and responsible worker + .good team player ‘happy to work with children YOUR TASKS: ‘¢ welcoming children, handing out information leaflets to kids and parents, heloing at meal times ‘¢ working with professional trainers in creative games and activities + looking after the health and safety of a group of children IF you're interested, send your application letter to: ‘Angela Jones at angiejay@daycampglobal uk 7 Check your work. D1 Have you written about all three points in the task? Ol Have you used the appropriate formal language? C1 Have you written at least 100 words? 1 Have you checked your work for grammar, vacabulary and spelling mistakes? Conversation ‘1 Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions about work. Role-play 2. Work in pairs. Read the situation and the information about the jobs (1-4) and do the role- play task. The situation You are locking for a summer The task Student A: Student B: A on, dt New Student 1udent B about the two other jo Picture description 3) Workin pairs. Look at the pictures (A-8) which show different types of jobs. Take turns to compare and contrast the pictures. Include these points: ss en) aug 3wWos> veg Auey OL fans ual yooa a ayy 6 Rog — 4od nog any @ peyoo) peya PayOO|D payo|seua «SOD! Z earssg Majd weg — fuaidy 9 Peyg sey, pea semy § a6paqnous a souavedxe — Bululeng wsY uosssejoxd g 12229 om g aoly € siuers sem g paueis pauessemg psvesseuy Z sjonuo gq seuseo 3 sumg — spaupy 4 jauniaj ayy uigofe puy 0 watp 404 sotsea 5,31 ey) 05 a2uauadKe 9, 226 wat Budiey vewuuns (iene siebeueer alin 10 oj —— | 92416 81y 2up UI 3 BuO pouse3s aus ‘Aura usr10610) 42n9U 534s 1G "MoU yioM 104 UL KddeY 1 eumeys -ssauisng siy payins yeup ubjsap e————, 2Y1Om aM PUe JUANES ABA sem ay ‘moukuy paquinyd @ 10U 4eIs dod @ 40 seM a1 ay “, aisgans siy Jo vossian 3siy AW, MOU} INOge sYBNe| ays 784 papusuuworas Kaip os ‘spuauy + Bue 425104 404 seus paubisap Apeauie .< CUMEYS “aISGaM. Siu Yul WY day Pinos oye auOKUE mOUy 34S J! payse ‘ssoursng Burquinjd UMO iy pey oyM ‘pUaLY e UAYL. Ji51 Sem | gisadxe Aaup pip yey ang * HOM Gnoue axey rupIp | Suikes day Aeyy uo aw ayer inom Apoqou ang, “sMes ays awuns 1849 sicopsno. Hom 0} payuent fijear, 1Ua:24Ip Alsye/cuu0> BuIyreLHOs se ang 1eu61sop aysqam e se you! ——, ¢ 136-0), Buldoy sem aus "328 Ul ‘plo sIe9K gL sem ays uaYe ssauisng au + BUS 1242 Io uy No« yauN Jensnun oo} wees iou Aew sig -sseuisnq ubjsep ‘auisqam yrjssanons Aan ® ————, ays ‘¢ 38 Jo, 26e aif ay snauaidanue Bunos e st Aajsuil eumey a105'a'v) samisue 3381402 24p as004p (01-1) suonsanb 104 “uewiomssaujsng jnyssazons @ jnoge apne au Peay fy ‘910489 aayjo Big e Yans UI 1 ‘2Dqyo Big e ypns ay ysiasay AwWSISIUL saypear 2 se gol si oe seaky ead @ 10) 410m 40.N0 udaq $9y Ing Yeysear e aq OLpasN LEGON ueder 01 dja ssaulsng Aw 2DUIs 1 uueder 01 jawnaseeu € din ssauisng Aw sem peoige quam spaford ayy arsjdwo ot 001 aw aneb ssoq AW) npaloid arp siaiduso> 01 aun yBnous ew an iupIp ssog AW Z fe ase] ueyreUOY sveak Bait say 251 X0d @ pey yusey ueYeLO, “ayo ysiy amp se Suyueaus awies o43 sey 11984 05 5-1} seruaIUaS ‘tp jo sted ypea ul a2uajuas puoras ay are|duio> ‘ep Kian uayeBiepury Woy 4101G apn Aur dn ypid 01 sey ys asneneq qo! Aiovoduay fauuj-Dd/aw-yny © 2Aey 1UeD BLOW AW L 9 2489 yoap /Butig atodaid 03 124em 31 4Se 513) "U9S59P NOK Paysiuy aANOK Os S@INUI OF UISHEIS WSL g UDIEW wt Aq $11 11 pues pue Lui0} adujdess9,uono2ydde,>0Nu0> (ule ui jy aseeyd ‘gol sua ui pawsasaui aynoky) § ‘epij0y 195U0} paluens Aaxp 36ne33q ys Op/ayous/U0 06 01 papIrep SiON eUL —y sv@IndWo2-!9Ku Uo aptue Ue GuIpeDs 2 uonesnpa jooyps daanojun eneb saxe6 NB = “sipenuoa seano|due aL, plans pundxe puarre 0) pasniai Keys ‘Swajqo10 j>ueUy Gurney pauers cueduio> aun uaa Z soasop 295.01 MaLOUIO yo AEP © Op/ayOI/ayDW ISN |b “(1 aauaquas yea a ! POM 3321109 a4) aS004D, paldadke ays ueY! $53) INU Sem Jey pareyo AOU sary asneraq qof aun 2421 LupIp Apue) 8 wut awoy 06 yop ajdoad Auew - ‘0ys0% 01 paledaid aq ‘Kuechu09 SIU) Joy YOM OL UEM NOK £ 101009 21 JO Wea 2J0 9 u5| pur jenidsoy aun ie syiom ual 9) SNP SIy J9A0 ‘42.01 Sey SudsUOS OS ‘UO’ B1y——| PIS uo ag |p4 pul Ba] sty UayOIG sey WoL § pdms Buy Aue Aes 0p | adoy | mouowor 1 ue 10) BUIOB we pu go yewera:>as 2.10 paydde |» ‘saqgeiayi———> 0 pavers sisyem au pue yy sisanB au € ASUOU BLLOS Wee 01 JSUAUNS SILA PIEYDIO ajdde saune siy 1e ung doi Gu06 sian 2 of 6uiAsses ing iryssanis Kies 1 ajdoed uo Bunesedo pue se 6ulbg 1 “WHO} pion 3221109 a4} asN “spuom Burssqus ayp Yate (9-1) seouaruas aun areidwoy | fe eau aie er iE a ens Ter) nervousness epssoaicTe, GonsicTs physics iam residence wwicue npoxneasi9a play instruments paru Ha wana incrpywenTax Prepositions read maps wuwraTa Kapa above Han science nays behind resany social studies cyerinsel Hay between via solve problems anpiwyeaa npotnenn in 8 study human rights and polities siveva7" nossa rioaint in front of nonepeny ranonitagy next to ropya subject npener on va opRoats encom Parts of the school under ri cafeteria/canteen ae, lnanna Phrasal verbs with LOOK ae ee look after sb ornagarn 38 Kio, gym ccnoprapa san rienyeamuc head teacher's office sora aMpeKTORE look down on sb AMBITTI(C Ha KOTOCD 3 lab naboparopra Kiara peanpcreou, ocynou ‘library GiGnioreKa look for sbisth wyx3tH Koroce/iyoee locker wade 3 3aMKOMA KaMepa fookinto sth ocninxysary wore cxoay look sth up uykarainbopwauio sports held enopmisHe none (vanp.s cnoeuiny) staffroom yuurtenbesxa look up to sb 23yOTN OBaTVCD RAMOCE, foe School life assembly 360pH Other useful wards and expressions attend (a class/a school) elasiaygarn sonar’ do repairs oti peworr wxom) ' get away from modern life Text Big cywacHoro be absent (from sth/ Gym Bigcy Toi Ha. maT somewhere) get onioffa boat ciaan na wosen! be present 6yt4 npurcytein BHxXOAWTU 3 4ORHA break nepepea lookafter a home ornagam 38 nowors classmate ontornactink storage room Ccanaa npumiweniiaana concentrate aocepenayaariicn a6epirarin pened do project work ‘poGimu npoeKTHy poGory take a decision Apuitwana piwenta drop out of school/a course s/h" wkony/ Hype unusual lifestyle newnwenicrunsirta —examvexamination eaanen wander around Enya Haexond cheat in an ~ crmeyaann Ha exaaneni - do well/badly in an ~ cenpasiTuce 7o6pe/ nora Wa exsauen! UNIT 4 SCHOOL failan ~ npoRamimnexzaMen passan~ gam en3awen Schostaubjects prepare foran ~ Foryeamica go exsoueny art sacreyTEo retake an ~ epesmasarn exxaueH biology Sionorin take an~ anaeaTu ek3aweH carry out experiments nposoayma givea presentation joearn npesenTauio fercriepraseuTt head teacher urpexrop chemistry sinin homework AoNawHe 236K do grammar and veeabulary —po6uru rpawarusiTa do~ poGurn gowaumne exercises regen snp36H saanarita draw sketches saniogamn eckian get~ ‘onepxatn pomewne examine insects underthe ——_sviesarn wow nin sasnannn microscope wixpackonow set~ pam AOWaUHE 2a8naHHR foreign languages inozemti MOB lesson pos geography reorpadia make notes pour ganic history icropia make progress ppotima ycrixa information technology (IT) ipapyayiiivirextonorii —_-Retebook sown maths/mathematics warewaTaKe parents’ evening Gatewiaconl 260p music nyanne register ypran memorize dates sana'sroayaarn 4am revise rnoaTopwosar physical education (PE) isxymerypa (school) certificate skip a class. syllabus timetable/schedule term time textbook uniform Language learning bilingual dictionary fluent grammar native speaker skills After-school activities ballet classes do a sailing course do voluntary work {go on trips organize charity events play ina band ractise/do sport Education system college (of further education) education geta degree get into university Graduate {from school/ university) home-schooling school boarding ~ comprehensive ~ grammar~ mixed ~ nursery ~ ary ~ private ~ secondary ~ single-sex ~ university/uni vocational training nporpama poaknag HaguansHitli cewecrp yubosnn uae rigpyssank Uwrinsis opm eowooHnt chOBHIK BinHe sonagin-A Mos rpamarina Buin, Hee aannrta Banerou npaxoanm kypc mopennasctea anKoHyeaTa BononTepceky pobory onopoxysati opranizoayeata Gnarogii saxon” pari myanuni pyri aanwatuca craptom xonenrs (nponoaxeHta coceinu) oceire onpayan cryin (aunnow) scrynimi a yrisepcirery 32KiMUMTH (wkOMy/ yaleepcirre owaune HastanHs wxona kovierintepwat sarangHooceiTHA wKona cepeaHa wkona 3 ywaniTapeun HaxHnOM, rinasia KOM crinsHare Hasan aa xnon tks Ta aisuar prawn capo® owaTkOBa WKone ower wean cepeaya wxona ‘onrocTatesa kone yaiaepaurer POSECITNe HastaHHs Collocations with DO, MAKE and TAKE do ~adegree in sth ~allanguage course ~aproject (onvin sth) ~revision Qo (xo pobuTa ouepmysarn crynie NpOXORHTH MOBHITh KyPC po6ura npoexr s. poburu nepernag (peeisin) ~ your homework make ~adecision ~alist ~amistake ~ friends ~notes ~ sth better/more interesting take ~a break ~agap year matest Words in context borrow/lend bullying fit in (socially) formal (school) individual (attention) practice/practise sensible/sensitive teach/learn posit gowaune sean poo nOWiHATH piwertn apobiTu criicoK. po6uru nowaney noapyxnnvcr Spo6uTu nprwiri SpO6uTH wjoce KpaUA icapiune 6parn agrh nepepay 9TH winds pik saapata Tec osmuama 2BIAKYBaHHR BBnMcyBaTHCcR (CoulantHo) opmansia (wren) igytainyaniona (ysara) Tpenysanna/mpeHyeann posymanivay tmnt HaBUaTH KOrOCE/BUNTH cawouy Other useful words and expressions homesick independent routine puton sortout supervise UNIT 5 WORK Jobs actor/actress baker bartender businessman/businesswoman charity worker coach doctor driving instructor hairdresser kitchen assistant lawyer model musician plumber police officer politician psychologist salesperson/sales representative (rep) ‘TWAVIH 3 piAMUOM BOWEN cauocrinini, seseqenuii nopanoK, enim rorysaru, crasuTu Ha cueri poaifparicr repysamy narnananu axrop/amtpnca nexap Gapuen Giawecmen/bianec-nenl Gnaroaiiat mpauionn perep risap ineTpyTop 3 eaniann nepyap own a ays i ‘opwer wonens ' conexi Toniueitcxnt netnxonor Phonetic transcription at TroKoiBK3, npHEupaNEHI: puwiwents ‘npomaBeub-KoHcynbT3HT congar cnoprvant Tpenep xipypr onl Taxcl autent nepexnapas petepynep obiulant/odiyjanmia awsafinep eeb- posora nave nocana npodecia anya, S6inBHTHCA enysami Gisvecon sapobiria miata sa micas) TPEHYRAHA, NiAFOT sapoGirna nara [noropin pobora pobounti poBove micue ym aeinsvenna 6yri sianceiganess oc ym Ha rikapHan Gyr siacyraine oa kovTpakt poncemysaty KONTAKT npawoear OHaDHOpMO: varuarn EE 17) get conparayeatin ~apayrise onpamysath nigsmuertn sapnnamm ~ promoted onpumyearh ngayon goon strike cTpaiinyear havea career in sth poGuTu Kapepy 8 womyece retire euKORHTA Ha NeHCito take a day off pans evga unemployed Gespobiran unemployment Gespotirts work npawoearn ~asateacher pauoaarn ewrrenen, ~fora company MpauosaTi Ha KoMMaHiIO ~ long hours npauosara gosri ron ~ shifts paUosari 8 pishi Minin ~ overtime npauosarn nowagHopMoES Words in context attention years pay~ Npvpins yeary background ocsita, niaroroska, oc, anti nay, noxOpHeHHA chance isi determined pluywnt dream of, iupinTH npo wars fit (for sth) igxogima ana voroce, 6ytH 8 opel free innit, GesKowrosHnin give sba hand onoworTH KoMyes on the other hand 3 iaworo 6oKy reputable a8TOpTeTHI, wanoBann skill ewinHa tedious HyaHH, cromnusiit Phrasal verbs with GIVE ive away ejanaears give back rnoBepram givein oronyearca, noctynaTica give off evaineta give up vuigara, BlawoensTace Other useful words and expressions background oxopReHe challenges signa, TpyAHOUL complain ‘ckapHaATCA deal with arn cnp2ey 3 experience pocein opportunity mommusicrs partner naprmep respect nowanara “@= (xnDmD rewarding stressful type workplace UNIT 6 MONEY Family finances afford bank account borrow go grocery shopping lend money pocket ~ save~ spend ~ (on sth} pay the bills Saving and banking ATM/cash machine charge a fee interest pay ~ withdrawal make a~from opena bank account payin money take out money transfer money withdraw cash Shopping and payment bargain buy cash have ~ on you change give~ small ~ credit card cheap/inexpensive checkout cost customer date use by ~ best before ~ discount do the shopping exchange rate expensive go shopping local currency packaging Gym Toro Baptiw ‘evpecoanl, HanpymeHih mn pobove micue warn ayory GanKieceantl paxynox oswuaTa, 6pam & Gopr y Korocy soni @ npoayTosi waraaiiau oauuatn Komyee rpowi knweHoxo8! pou s6epiram rpoui srrrpavari rpoull Ha woce onnauyaatu paxyHkr Garrowsr craryeoru nary npouesr, sigcarox rnnana gigcoToR axaTTA KOU HATH KOUTA. laKpuTu GaHKiecohah paxyHox ‘natu pow eunysata rpowi nepexaayeara rpowi Brrinta noxynia kynyeata roriexa amu rotiany 3co60% poamiioeam aca anauy Hepenuika ana kpeauTHa Kaprka eweanin/Hegopont KacoButa crin sapricte, ulna oxy, ZaMOBHUK aera BHKOpUCTATH AO. kpaule auKopnicTami no, pOBuTA noKynKA (DOMINAH KypC BamiomH opornis oguTu 38 noKyMKaIAH wicueaa aaniora ynanoera

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