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T r a n s p o r t

Transportation is crucial to the economy of any country. Roads, Railway, airways and
waterways used as a means of transport now a days. Railway and roads are the main
arteries of communication, allowing goods to be transported from one part of the country
to another. Through them, goods can be sent to seaports and from there to countries
around the world and people from one place to another. Transportation network is strong
indexes of the economic development of the country. In this connection the transport
should be speedy, efficient and cheap. The transport effects the economic and social
aspects. They carry the raw material to the industries and manufactured goods to the
market. So, it increases the process of industrialization.

Means of Transport
1. Railways
2. Roads
3. Airways
4. Water ways.

Railways are the quick and efficient means of transport. They transport cargo especially
heavy items for a long distance. Pakistan Railway is under the control of Ministry of
Pakistan Railway, but at the present time some tracks have been given to private sector.
The Railway inherited by Pakistan in 1947 was laid down by the British in 1861. In 1947,
the route-kilometers of Pakistan Railways was 8554, which has increased to 8857 kms. in
year 2000.
In the beginning the extension work of the Pakistan Railways was hampered because of
the difficulty in maintaining and running the existing strength, particularly as the
locomotives were run on coal, a scarce commodity after partition. Whatever coal Pakistan
produced was of an inferior quality and it became increasingly difficult to import coal
from India, the main supplier. Pakistan was forced to change its engines from coal to
diesel at an enormous expense.

Railway track is known as Gauge.

There are three types of gauge.
1. Broad Gauge (5 feet and 3 inches wide)
2. Meter Gauge (3 feet and 3 inches wide)
3. Narrow Gauge (2 feet and 6 inches wide)
The Government of Pakistan has changed the Meter and Narrow gauges into Broad gauge
due to the following reasons:

1. Less speed (Speed Problem)

2. Could not carry the maximum load for a long distance.
3. Repairing and maintaining was expensive.
Railway Workshops
Railway workshops had to be set up to remodel, repair and maintain them. Because there
was little local wood, railway sleepers (which were made of wood at the time) were
always in short supply. Pakistan railways slowly made the transition to concrete sleepers.
Just as Pakistan Railways was fully rehabilitated, there was a new source of competition
i.e. road transport. Railway workshops are the following:
1. Mughalpura Railway workshop Lahore.
2. Carriage and Wagon workshop Islamabad.
3. Carriage and Wagon Workshop Hyderabad.
4. Pakistan Locomotive Factory Risalpur.
Problems / Disadvantages of Pakistan Railway

1. Lack of Capital as railway requires immense initial investment i.e. for laying track,
buying the new carriages.

2. High cost of repairing the tracks, sleepers and engines.

3. Switching from coal to diesel or electric engines.

4. Electrification of tracks and engines also require capital that’s why a limited length of
track is electrified i.e. Lahore to Khanewal.

5. Broken track can cause serious accidents.

6. Over staffing and corruption.

7. A poor reservation system.

8. Uneconomic Stations.

9. The presence of single track on a short segment of the main dual line which has
severely affected the running of more than one train at a time.

Importance / Advantages of Pakistan Railways

1. Pakistan Railway is efficient, convenient, cheap and speedy for long distance.
2. Railway normally transported the bulky and heavy goods for long distance.
3. It is safe and comfortable.
4. Pakistan Railway is avoiding congestion and delay.
5. Run to a regular and a reliable timetable.

Developments of Pakistan Railways

1. Replacement of steam engines with diesel engines due to shortage of coal.

2. Electric train has been established from Lahore to Khanewal.
3. Establishment of repairing workshops in different parts of the country.
4. Introduction of faster trains from Lahore to Karachi e.g. Night Coach.
5. Narrow and Meter gauge had been changed into Broad gauge.
6. The work on the railway track has to change from single to dual track.
7. Construction of Karachi Circular Railway (KCR) which was built to ease the
transportation of goods and passengers within the city.
8. The Pakistan Railways has opened computerized ticketing system for reservation of
seats, just to earn maximum.
9. In order to improve the functioning of Pakistan Railways, the government has decided
to allow private investors to operate freight and passenger trains by paying charges to
Pakistan Railways for the use of its rail track.

Principle Routes

1. Karachi to Lahore
2. Rawalpindi to Peshawar
3. Quetta to Chaman
4. Kotri to Larkana
5. Faisalabad to Khanewal
6. Karachi to Quetta via Kotri, Larkana and Jacobabad
7. Faisalabad-Sargodha-Khushab
8. Rawalpindi-Kohat
9. Sibi-Khost
10. Peshawar to Karachi via Rawalpindi and Lahore.

Photograph of Single Track.

Photograph of Single Track

Photograph of Double Track.

Photograph of Double Track

Photograph of Railway Signals.

Photograph of Railway Signals

International Railway Links

Railways system connects Pakistan with Iran through Balochistan, India through Wagha
Boarder (Attari), Afghanistan through Khyber Pass.

Study Fig.1, map of Pakistan Railway.


Q.1. Describe the pattern of Pakistan’s railways.

Ans. Close and dense network of railways in Punjab and Sindh Province.
Railways run parallel to the rivers
At some places railway lines cross the rivers.
Peshawar and Quetta are connected by rail.
A railway line runs from Quetta to Iran.
No railway in south west Balochistan.
No railway in northern areas.

Q.2. What are the advantages of rail transport for carrying raw materials to
Ans. Advantages
Transport bulky / heavy commodities.
Safe and faster.
Suitable for long journey.
Run to a regular and reliable timetable.

Q.3. What are the disadvantages of rail transport for carrying raw materials to
Ans. Disadvantages
Not flexible.
Does not provide door to door facility.
Trains do not reach the factories.
Danger of loss and wastage.
Loading and unloading at railway station is expensive.
Industrialist pay extra transportation charges while shifting.

Q.4. With the help of examples explain why large areas of Pakistan have no
railways and only a few roads, which are mostly kacha.
Ans. North and north western areas.
Hilly / mountains / rugged topography e.g. Gilgit and Chitral.
South eastern areas consist of deserts e.g. Cholistan and Tharparkar.
Balochistan is a hilly area.
Steep slopes.
Sand plains in desert areas / sand dunes.
Difficult to construct.
Roads are cheaper to construct (kacha).
Less population / less number of users.

Photograph of Broken Track.

Photograph of Broken Track

Photograph of Railway Station (Platform)

Photograph of Railway Station (Platform)

Photograph of Railway Engine.

Photograph of Railway Engine (Diesel)

Study Fig.2, a map showing the rail network in Pakistan.


Q.5 Using Fig.2 only, identify two countries that have international rail links with
Ans. Iran and India.

Q.6 Using Fig.2 only, describe the regional variations of the rail network in
Ans. Northern Pakistan / FATA has no / few rail networks;
Dense network in Punjab;
Sparse network in Balochistan / South / Southwest / one line in Balochistan;
There are two lines in central KPK;
Medium / moderate network in Sindh;
More around major cities;
More railways in East / more railways in North East (or opposites).

Q.7 State one improvement that has taken place on the railways in Pakistan since
Ans. New services on different routes;
Constructing a track to Gwadar linked to the port;
Computerized ticketing system;
One window ticketing system;
Dual tracks;
More electrification;
Karakoram Express / Shalimar Express / Magno Train / new routes / more lines;
Air-conditioned coaches;
Public address system;
More spacious coaches with more seats / berths;
Greater safety;
More privatization – provides more comfortable coaches.

Q.8 Suggest reasons why the government is improving the railways in Pakistan.
Ans. Ideas such as:
To encourage more people to use railways;
The network needed improving / was outdated;
To carry more passengers / large amount of people on one journey;
To enhance the transport of goods / people or examples within the country;
To provide a service to neighbouring countries / international links;
To improve trade links / connect more industrial areas / connect dry port to sea
port / connect remote areas to developed areas/market; To assist business /
economic growth / income for government;
More environmentally friendly;
To be able to travel longer distances;
Faster than road;
Cheaper than air;
Better security / safer than roads;
Provides opportunities for tourism or named examples;

Q.9 To what extent is it possible to develop railways further in Pakistan?

Support your answer by using examples you have studied.

Ans. Possible

Government / private funding (providing faster trains, e.g. Shalimar Express)

Computerizing ticket system
Allowing private operating companies who pay to use track
Changing single track to dual e.g. Khanewal to Lodhran Foreign
funded e.g. funded by china.

Not possible

Hilly / difficult terrain

Much of network single track
Lack of maintenance
Overstaffed or lack of
management Outdated locomotive Lack
of funding.
Road transport is the most popular means of transport. It includes motor vehicles such as
buses, trucks, cars, taxis, rickshaws, jeeps and motor cycles. Road transport carries 82 %
of the total passenger traffic and 54 % of the total freight traffic in the country. Now
Pakistan has a total of 2,05,850 kms including 1,05,280 kms of highways and 1,00,570
kms of low type of roads. Two important agencies handling road development, repair etc.
are NLC (National Logistic Cell) and NHA (National Highway Authority). NLC was
establish in 1978, is performing a great service by transport gains, edible oil and
petroleum to and from Karachi port. Road traffic in Pakistan is mainly in private hands.
Importance of Road Transport

Importance of Roads

1. Pakistan 64 % population is living in rural areas, which has no access to railways.

these rural areas are linked with cities and agricultural markets by roads.
2. The development of rural areas depends on the availability of roads. If the network of
roads are constructed the rural life may be prosperous.
3. By the construction of roads, agriculture sector can be developed by providing agri-
inputs and machinery and agri-products access to urban market.
4. Industrial products, consumer goods require roads for their supply to rural and urban
5. For short distances and quick traveling roads are most feasible and time saving.
6. Roads play an important role in mountainous areas, where rail construction is not

Roads have gained preference over Rail and Air transport due to:

1. Greater Flexibility
2. Speed 3. Economy.

Types of Road

There are three types of road:

1. Metalled Road 2. Unmetalled Road 3. Soling

1. Metalled Road:

Metalled roads are made up of stones layers and carpeted by Bitumen.

2. Unmetalled Road:
Unmetalled roads without any covering of stones or bricks.

3. Soling

Soling made up of bricks and cement.

Advantages of Road

1. Road system is flexible.

2. Road can provide door to door service.
3. Roads are better source of daily traveling, for jobs and provide faster connectivity.
4. Fast over short routes e.g.(Motorway).
5. Roads can be built and maintained comparatively more cheap even in rugged areas.
6. Good network of roads, promote industrialization.

Disadvantages of Road

1. Expensive for long distance.

2. Slow in urban areas due to dense population.
3. Road increases air pollution.
4. Only small load can be carried.
5. Expensive to build and maintain.
6. Cost increases rapidly with time.

Principle Roads of Pakistan

1. Coastal Highway connecting Karachi with Bela, Turbat and onward to Iran with a
length of 603 Kms.

2. Grant Truck Road connects Lahore with Peshawar passing through Gujranwala,
Jhelum and Rawalpindi.

3. Indus Super Highway is between Karachi and Peshawar running along the western
bank of Indus River.

4. National Highway (N-5) connects Karachi with Lahore passing through Thatta,
Hyderabad Nawabshah, Sukkur, Bawalpur, Multan, Sahiwal, Okara and Renala. The
cargo trucks mainly use it.

5. Karachi Quetta road connect Karachi to Quetta after passing Bela and Khuzdar.

6. Lahore Quetta road passes through Taunsa and D.G. Khan having followed the
National highway up till Multan.

7. Super highway is yet the best metalled road in Pakistan and it connects Karachi
with Hyderabad.
Study Fig.2, a map of the road network in Pakistan in 2002.

8. Karakoram highway (N-35) connects Pakistan with China through Khanjrab Pass.

Study Fig.2, a map of the road network in Pakistan in 2002.


Q.1. Name the cities X, Y and Z.

Ans. X. Quetta
Y. Multan
Z. Hyderabad.

Q.2. For each of the roads leading to A and B, state the country to which it is
going and the name of the pass through which it goes.
Ans. A. to China, through the Khunjerab Pass.
B. to Afghanistan, through the Khyber Pass.

Q.3. Describe the ways in which the road network of Punjab is different from the
road network of Sindh.
Ans. Punjab more dense and Sindh less dense.
Sindh ‘other roads’ more dense in south and Punjab all over (none in SE).
More areas in Sindh with few / no roads.
More Foci.
Sindh 2 main roads follow River Indus then West to Karachi and Punjab spread
Mototway in Punjab, not in Sindh.
Q.4. Give reasons for your answer to Q.3.
Ans. One river in Sindh and 5 in Punjab roads follow these routes.
More desert in Sindh – less habitable.
Large areas of low population density in Sindh – less need.
Fewer major cities in Sindh – less need.
Industrial development.

Q.5. Explain why there are few roads in the area north of the line P – P shown on
the Fig.2.
Ans. Mountains.
Steep slopes.
Lack of demand.

Study Fig.3, a map showing three major cities and two major roads.

Q.6. Name the cities A, B and C.
Ans. A – Hyderabad
B – Lahore.
C – Peshawar.
Q.7. Using the map, describe the route of the N5road, starting from Karachi.
Ans. NE (to Lahore).
NW / then W (to Peshawar / Afghanistan).
(East side of) River Indus.
Khyber pass to Afghanistan.
Crosses river at Hyderabad.
Follows River Chenab then Ravi.
Crosses River Ravi (near Lahore).

Q.8. Compare this to the route of the Indus Highway. Ans.

Other / west side of River Indus.
Heads north in Punjab instead of NE / follows only the Indus.
Does not go to Lahore / other large cities.
Shorter / more direct.
Crosses only one river.

Study Fig.4, a graph showing freight carried in a year by road and by railway in Pakistan.


Q.9. Compare the amounts of freight carried by road and railway between 1997
and 2006.
Ans. Total larger by road.
Both increased 2003-6.
Road always increases but rail decreased in 2000.
Road 84 – 117 but rail 4 – 6 (1000 million tones per km) rail stayed almost the
About 20* more than railway.

Q.10. Suggest reasons for the differences in the amounts carried by road and
Ans. More roads than railways.
More road vehicles than rail.
More places accessible by road / lorries can go anywhere / door to door service.
Lorries more useful / carry small amounts.
Railways old / lack of investment.
Investment in new / better roads / motorways.

Q.11. Why are there very few major roads and railways in Balochistan? Ans.
Low population density.
Scattered population / few towns / lack of urban development.
Rugged / mountainous areas.
Desert / lack of water / difficult working conditions.
Lack of government investment / backward.
Little industry.
Tribal opposition.

Q.12. Explain how better transport routes could help to increase development in
Ans. Industrialization – bigger lorries, employment.
Urbanization – better travel.
Faster travel for cars and lorries.
EPZ and dry port developed.
Better access to port at Gwadar / coastal development.
Travel to Afghanistan or Iran via Quetta and passes.
Access for health and education.
Mineral exploitation.
Fishing development / better access to market.
More security.

Study Fig.5.

Q.13. give two advantages of transporting goods by Ans.

A Bullock Cart
Cheap / economic.
Not fuel cost.
Available / used in other farm work.

B Lorry
Quick / fast.
Carries bigger / heavier load.
Can go further / does not need to rest.

Q.14. Compare transport by road and rail for raw cotton from the farms to where it
is processed within Pakistan.
Ans. Road transport collects directly from but rail cannot.
Road transport delivers directly to mill / small unit but rail rarely does.
Road transport cheaper / faster over short distances.
Road transport more efficient for small amounts / rail transport for large amounts.
Rail transport may be cheaper / faster over long distances.
Robbery more likely with road transport.
Road transport is not governed by timetable as is rail.

Q.15. What would be the most suitable form of transport from Peshawar to Chitral
be for
A a rich business?
B the delivery of gas cylinders?
C the transport of wool and hides?
Ans. A a rich business
Aeroplane / Car

B the delivery of gas cylinders

Road / Lorry / Rail.

C the transport of wool and hides Road, pack

animal, lorry, rail.

Q.16 Explain the problems of maintaining infrastructure and

communication in these (Peshawar and Chitral) areas all through the
Ans. Snow and Ice.
Danger of avalanches.
Heavy rain.
Shortage of machinery / people.
Inaccessible / isolated.
Q.17 Evaluate whether developments in transport networks benefit or
create problems for the people and the natural environment in
Pakistan. Give reasons to support your judgement and refer to
examples you have studied. You should consider benefits and
problems in your answer.

Ans. Benefits
• Quicker / cheaper long distance travel for passengers / goods;
• More developed public transport network means less need for / expense of car
• Employment in named transport industry / building motorways;
• Greater mobility of labour / university students;
• Greater ability to transport bulky / low value goods / freight / minerals;
• Rail development reduces number of cars / lorries on the roads and amount of
air pollution / fumes from road vehicles;
• Development of industrial estates / settlements alongside new roads.


• Rail not door-to-door / trains only stop at stations;

• Fumes from diesel trains cause air pollution / very polluting;
• Noise pollution;
• Railway tracks / motorways use up / divide farmland;
• Railway tracks / motorways destroy / disturb / divide natural habitat; •
Relocation of people / loss of homes / reduces value of property.

Q.18 Explain the difficulties of building roads in the desert areas of Pakistan. You
should develop your answer.
Ans. Rugged/hilly/undulating/sandy terrain (increases construction cost)/(due to
extra bridges/cuttings/ embankments/extra length to curve around features);
Extreme aridity/heat/hot/high temperatures/sand/dust storms (making difficult
working conditions for construction workers)/(causing dehydration/heat-related
illnesses of workers/workers might find it exhausting/traffic can be hampered
due to sand storms);
Remote/uninhabited/low population density areas (increasing cost of
transporting/housing workers/so not cost effective)/(meaning a shortage of local
Lack of government investment/government funding;
Opposition from tribal areas; Lack of security/insurgency; Lack
of water; High construction costs.

Pakistan motorway project will ultimately provide North, South link in the country. The
fast growth of traffic on national highway has made transport slower and in-efficient. To
relieve traffic pressure on national highway , the motorway was considered in 1990. It
will be a six lanes and will provide a completely uninterrupted flow of traffic and exit
only at the designated interchanges.
Motorway can be divided into following sections
M1 Islamabad to Peshawar Section
M2 Islamabad to Lahore Section
M3 Pindi Bhattian to Faisalabad Section
M4 Faisalabad to Multan Section
M5 Multan - to D.G.Khan Section
M6 D.G.Khan to Rato Dero Section
M7 Rato Dero to Karachi Section
M8 Rato Dero to Gawadar Section
M9 Karachi to Hyderabad Section

Features of Motorway

1. Motorway is two way side and three lane system.

2. Construction of flyovers, underpass and bridges on rivers.
3. Constructions of interchanges.
4. Emergency phones have been installed.
5. Toll Plaza.
6. Restaurant, Filling station and rest areas.

Photograph of Motorway.

Photograph of Motorway
Photograph of Motorway

Advantages / Importance of Motorway / Why we have


1. It reduces the burden of traffic on National Highway of the country.

2. It will reduce the chances of accidents.

3. It connects the main cities.

4. Industrial estates could be established on its side, which will open up employment

5. It would promote industrial growth by supplying raw material to industries and

manufactured goods to market.

6. Many new settlement could established near motorway.

7. Motorway could further be connected to Afghanistan and central Asian republics

which will increase foreign trade.

8. Road transport should be quicker and more efficient.

Q.1. Why was the first motorway in Pakistan built between Islamabad and
Ans. Two large centers of population.
Passed by other populated areas.
To promote growth of industrial estates.
Large volume of traffic / ease congestion / save other roads.
Better for lorries / large vehicles.
Link from Lahore to Karakoram Highway.

Q.2. To what extent would the building of more motorways such as that
between Lahore and Islamabad help the development of industry in
Ans. Advantages

Better movement of finished products from industry to ports / other towns.

Better movement of raw materials / machinery to industry.
Stimulates industrial development near motorway.
Helps development of dry ports.
Better movement of business men / tourist.
Faster travel. Better road surface / wider for large vehicles / lorries.
Shorter / by – passes towns and villages. Relieves other roads.
Disadvantages / Problems

Takes long time to build.
Needs maintenance.
Increases debt.
Only connects large centers.
Will not go to small towns / rural areas.

Q.3. It has been proposed that a new motorway should be built in Sindh from Hyderabad
via Thatta to Keti Bandar on the Indus Delta, a town with a population of less than
25 000.
Explain why this motorway might be needed. To what extent would this
proposal be possible?

Ans. Why needed/Importance

New route to open up a seaport desirable (to relieve pressure on port of Karachi)
Enables quicker/more efficient trade/movement of local goods/people Stimulates
industry (industrial estates along motorway/near junctions/more efficient supply
of raw materials/manufactured goods)
Possible with high government/foreign funding
Already Indus Highway as far as Thatta (and could more easily be upgraded to
motorway) Not possible
High cost
Difficult to connect to coast/construct due to mangrove swamp (as would need
deep foundations/high pillars/causeways)
Difficult to connect to coast/construct due to being a delta region (and therefore
prone to flooding or distributaries changing course)
Would involve felling mangrove forests (and destruction of vital habitat and a
human resource)
Keti Bandar too small to be served by a motorway/serve as a port (and therefore
not economically worthwhile)

Road Transport VS Rail Transport

1. Motor vehicles are relatively inexpensive. 1. Railway engines, sleepers and wagons are

2. Roads are easier to build and maintain. 2. Rail tracks are difficult to build and

3. Industrial estates develop with the 3. Does not encourage industrial estate
construction of roads. because railway stations are built at a
distance increasing expense.

4. For short distances, people prefer to 4. For long distances fast trains are
travel by roads. preferred.

5. Wagons and buses drop people at 5. The trains stops at the stations only.
convenient places.

6. Carries perishable and high value goods. 6. Railway transport bulky low value goods.

7. Short term returns on investment. 7. Long term returns on investment.

8. Roads can be built and maintained 8. Very expensive to build in rugged terrain.
comparatively cheaply in rugged areas.

Air Transport
Airport is a place where aircraft regularly take off and land. Air Transport is most
effective for low volume and high value goods that need to be moved quickly.
There is an extensive domestic air network linking all the key cities and major district
centres. In 1947, Orient Airways a small air company, operated in Pakistan. By 1949
there were three small air companies, Pakistan Airways, Orient Airways and Crescent
Airways. After 1955 two of these closed and Orient Airways merged into Pakistan
Airways to form Pakistan International Airlines.

PIA (Pakistan International Airline)

PIA (Pakistan International Airline) was established in 1955 to provide safe and efficient
transport on domestic and International routes. The network of Pakistan International
Airlines now covers 55 International and 37 domestic destinations.
The Civil Aviation Authority manages and develops civil aviation in Pakistan.

Air Transport and Private Sector

With the deregulation of the airline industry in the early 1990s, three private airlines
started operating in the country. 1. Shaheen Airlines
2. Bhoja Airlines (closed) 3.
Aero Asia Airlines.

These airlines operate on domestic routes to the major cities but are starting to expand
Internationally. New airlines are starting and this should provide a more competitive

PIA’s Domestic Routes

Big Cities:- Karachi, Lahore, Islamabad, Peshawar, Faisalabad,

Multan, Hyderabad, Sukkur and Quetta.
Intermediate Size Towns:- Nawabshah, Jacobabad, Mianwali, Bannu, Kohat,
D.I.Khan, Larkana.
Inaccessible Areas / Remote Gilgit, Skardu, Chitral, Zhob, Khuzdar, Pasni,
Panjgur, Turbat, Jiwani.

PIA’s International Routes

European Countries UK, Germany, France, Italy, Russia.

U.S.A. New York, Chicago, Washington D.C.
Middle East Countries UAE (Sharjah, Abu Dhabi, and Dubai) Bahrain,
Eastern and Far Eastern India, Malaysia, Philippines, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka
Countries Singapore, Thailand, China (notably Hong Kong).

International Airport
It is an airport or place from which airlines of more than one country operated to the
destination outside the country. Such airport are located in big cities having large
population and major economic activities e.g. Karachi, Islamabad, Lahore.

At present there are eight airports which have international status. They are Karachi,
Islamabad, Lahore, Peshawar, Multan, Faisalabad, Quetta and Gawdar. Another one is
being built at Sialkot. Out of these Karachi is the busiest airport followed by Islamabad,
Lahore and Peshawar. From Quetta International flights go to Zahidan and Tehran only
and from Gwadar limited International flights are operational to Muscat and Bahrain.
An International Airport needs

1. A much larger area of land / Air Craft Parking.

2. A longer runway (to handle larger aircraft).
3. Major road / rail links.
4. To be near a larger city / center of International / trade.
5. An International airport usually operated day and night.

Regional Airport
It is primarily for the domestic flights for transportation of passengers and cargo within
the country. Such air ports are located in far flung towns which have less population and
provide traveling facilities to local people within the country for the long distance, e.g.
Chitral, Skardu, Rahim Yar Khan, Sukkur.

Regional Airport needs

1. A small area of land / Air craft Parking.

2. A smaller runway (to handle small aircraft).
3. Regional road / rail links.
4. To be near a smaller / larger city.
5. Regional airport usually operate day time.
6. A regional airport handles small no. of passenger.

Q.1. What conditions are necessary for the location of an Airport?

Ans. Flat land.
Very Large Area.
Cheap Land.
Well Drained.
Solid Ground.
Large pool of Labor (Skilled and Unskilled).
Close to utilities (Water, Electricity).
Road / Rail links to nearby areas.
Far away from houses.
. (Preferably) Sunny / Dry / Frost free / Snow free / Fog free climate.
Large source of custom.

Q.2. Why has the development of air transport been important within Pakistan?
Ans. Large country. Remote areas which are cut off by high mountains / deserts.
Many areas without railways. Strategic reasons.
Help administration / government.
Promote mineral exploration. Promote industry.
Promote internal trade. Help tourist industry Emergency use.
Rapid communications. More people can afford air transport.
More comfortable / easier / preferred to land travel.

Q.3. Name an International airport in Pakistan.

Islamabad. Karachi. Lahore. Peshawar.

Q.4. Name a regional airport in Pakistan.

Ans. Gilgit. D.I.Khan. Hyderabad. Skardu. Quetta.

Factors contributing to the development of air transport

Internal Factors

1. Effective mode of transport for high value light weight goods

2. Easy access to remote areas
3. Prestige
4. Emergency use.

External Factors

1. Transport of perishable items e.g. Fruits

2. Migration 3. Tourism Industry
4. Delegations.

Study the map Fig.7, which shows internal air routes in Pakistan.

Q.5. Describe the distribution of air routes in Pakistan.

Largest number / biggest foci from Karachi.
Centers / foci in other major cities e.g. Lahore, Multan, Turbat, Quetta.
More south-north / SW – NE less east west.
Many routes follow Indus Plain.
None in extreme north.
Few / none in Chagi, SE Sindh / Thar.

Q.6. Describe the pattern of air routes from Islamabad.

Ans. Most directions / widely spread
More / many to south
Longer routes to the southwest
Fewer / a few to the
north Shorter to the north
None to the coast.

Q.7. Explain why there are more internal air routes from: Ans.
Federal Capital
Administration / Business center
Larger population
More people can afford to travel / high standard of living
International airport
Access to Northern areas, Better road links.

Provincial Capital (Sindh)
Administration / Business centers / Industrial and Trade centers
Larger population
More people can afford to travel / high standard of living
International airport
Access to Southern areas and Desert areas
Better road and rail links.

Provincial Capital (Punjab)
Administration / Business centers / Indusrial centers / Trade centres
Larger population
More people can afford to travel / high standard of living
International airport
Access to Northern and Southern areas
Better road and rail links.
Provincial Capital (N.W.F.P)
Administration / Business centers / Industrial centers / Trade centers
Larger population
More people can afford to travel / high standard of living
International airport Access to
Northern areas Better road and
rail links.

Q.8. Explain why there are less internal air routes from:
Ans. Dalbandin
Poor road links, Lower population
Less administration / office jobs
Fewer people can afford to travel / low standard of living,No international airport
Desert / barren land.
Q.9. Why is air transport and travel important within Pakistan?
Faster than road and rail
Better to reach remote places / places where roads are poor
Better in hilly / mountainous areas
Better for light, high value goods
Less chances of robbery / safer
More people can afford air fares
More demand from business
Tourism within Pakistan
Improved communication between cities
Can be used all year / not affected by snow, flood etc.

Q.10. Since 2000 the Sialkot Export Processing Zone has been in the process of
development at Sambrial and a new airport is being built by the Sialkot
Chamber of Commerce. How will these developments help the expansion if

Ans. EPZ
Government incentives
Infrastructure put in place
Attracts foreign / private investment
Attracts foreign technological / management skills
Improved quality
Better marketing

Closer than Lahore’s
Cheaper transport for imported light raw material
More convenient for visiting businessmen
More convenient for exporting light goods
Service industries develop to serve airport

Q.11. What factors hinder the development of air transport in northern areas of
Ans. Bad weather / snow / ice / fog / heavy rain / floods
Lack of flat land for runways / airways
Lack of good roads to airports
Lack of passengers
Problem of blocked radio signals.

Study Fig.8, a map of air routes in Pakistan.


Q.12. Name two major airports in the northern Punjab shown on the map.
Ans. Lahore (Allama Iqbal)

Q.13. Describe the distribution of air routes from the northern Punjab.
Ans. Mostly to the south-west / south.
To the coast / Karachi.
Follow the Indus Plain.
A few north and west.
To NWFP / Peshawar.
Via Islamabad to Northern areas / Chitral / Gilgit.
West to Quetta.

Q14. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of using air transport in the
northern Punjab.
Ans. Advantages
Fast / saves time.
Over difficult relief / mountains / deserts.
Where no roads / railways / inaccessible.
Direct to other countries.
Business / Politicians / Tourism.
More comfortable.
High value / light goods.
Promotes tourism.
Bad climate / fog / snow.
Unsuitable for perishables / heavy loads / cheap goods.
Few airports / difficult to build.
Does not go door to door.
Air pollution / global warming.

Q.15 Read the following two views about possibilities for air transport improvements
in Pakistan:

Which view do you agree with more? Give reasons to support your answer. You should
consider View A and View B in your answer.

Ans. View A (For) High

Large demand for passenger travel;
Global airline companies more likely to fly new routes to largest cities / provincial
Large international airport already present;
Cheaper to expand at current site than construct at a new site as air traffic
control / multiple terminal buildings already exist;
Headquarters of Pakistan International Airlines;
Shorter distance to travel to Middle East / Gulf states than interior such as Sialkot;
Large industrial city; Good (named) infrastructure facilities present.
Increase in noise / air pollution at Jinnah site;
Increase in traffic congestion to and from
airport; Uneven development.

View B (For)
Shorter distance to travel to Iran / Afghanistan / China / India;
Demand for trade in local manufactured items;
Even development of air transport infrastructure over country; Bring
in tourists / income from tourism.
Cost of providing air facilities at new sites;
Serve smaller populations – less likely to generate large numbers of passengers /
Nok Kundi very remote;
Difficulties in building in Balochistan due to climate.
Dry Port
A dry port is an inland intermodal terminal directly connected by road / rail to a sea
port and operating as a centre for the transshipment of sea cargo to inland
Some inland cities which are far from seaport have established dry ports in order to
promote the foreign trade. The cities which act as a dry port help to speed up the process
of export and imports by checking process and giving the clearance by the custom
authorities. Private companies take the responsibility to transport the goods to Karachi and
arrange to lead the consignment on a proper cargo ship, which takes it to its destination.
At present, the dry ports working in Pakistan are Lahore, Faisalabad, Rawalpindi,
Sialkot, Multan, Peshawar, Quetta, Hyderabad and Larkana.

Main Functions of Dry Port

1. To deliver imported goods to the consignee and collect the exported goods at the
dry port and not at the seaport.
2. To clear goods through custom and complete other formalities.
3. To save importers and exporters from the trouble and cost of going to the seaport.
4. To reduce the workload of the seaports.

Purpose / Why are dry ports important to the economy of Pakistan?

1. Reduce workload at Karachi port / Port Bin Qasim
2. Speeds up customs procedures
3. Saves time transporting goods to Karachi
4. Stimulate foreign trade (in cities far away from ports).
5. Big source of revenue.

Facilities required for Dry Port

1. Efficient managerial staff

2. Heavy containers to carry bulk cargo
3. Huge storage sheds and vast open area
4. Highly efficient rail transport with a container to carry the bulk cargo.
5. Security gate / guards
6. Refrigeration facilities
7. Cranes / loading facilities 8. Export checks and clearance.

Advantages of Dry Port

1. Reduce workload at Karachi port / Port Bin Qasim

2. Speed up customs procedures
3. Saves time transporting goods to Karachi
4. Stimulate foreign trade (in cities far away form ports).
5. Big source of revenue.
Disadvantages of Dry Port

1. Very expensive to construct dry ports

2. Required very large area
3. Due to mismanagement some dry ports have been converted into smuggling dense
by the custom official who helped importers to get their consignment clear without
paying duty and taxes.

Q.1 Give an example of a dry port and explain why it is located where it is.
Ans. Faisalabad / Hyderabad / Lahore / Larkana / Multan / Peshawar / Quetta.
Inland / far from seaport
In large cities
Where industries / productive agriculture regions
Where good road and / rail connections.

Q.2 Explain how dry ports have increased trade in Pakistan.

Ans. Increases foreign trade / more exports / more imports
Better access to remote areas / areas away from Karachi
Saves time
Less congestion / relieves burden at Karachi
Speeds up / more efficient paperwork
More efficient loading
Stimulated / encouraged business / investment.

Study Photograph A

Photograph A

Q.3. Describe the features of Lahore Dry Port that can be seen in Photograph A.
Ans. Lorries / trucks / containers / trailers
Sign to import examination area
Storage sheds / warehouses
Covered loading area / shelter with poles
Loading platform
More containers in background / behind sheds
Flat / hard / concrete ground
(2) men / drivers / labours
Forklift truck.

Q.4. State two other features of a dry port that cannot be seen in the Photograph
Ans. Export checks and clearance
Import examination area
Railway yard, Refrigeration facilities
Management offices / customs administration
Cranes / loading facilities
Large storage area, Security gate / guards.

Q.5. Why are dry ports important to the economy of Pakistan?

Ans. Reduce workload at Karachi port / Port Qasim
Speeds up customs procedures
Saves time transporting goods to Karachi
Stimulate foreign trade (in cities far away from ports).
Big source of revenue.

Q.6. What benefits do we get by developing transport resources?

Ans. The role of transport for the development of a country can be classified into
Three categories:

Increase in trade
Mobility of labour
Price stability
Link between rural & urban areas
Approach to market
Increase in state income
Advertisement of the products
Reduction in unemployment
Extension of settlement.

Political awareness
Sound defence
Maintenance of law and order.

Spread of education
Culture interaction
Increased social welfare.
Water Transport
Waterways are important for handling high bulk goods which do not need quick

The inland waterways along rivers are not developed but seaports handle most of the
international trade.

Pakistan has three major seaports namely Karachi, Port Bin Qasim and Gwadar. Beside
two fish harbour cum mini ports are Gwadar and Kati Bunder.

Recently government of Pakistan has signed an agreement with china to develop Gwadar
as a deep seaport. First phase of this port has been completed in 2005.


A city or town with a harbor where ships stop to load and unload cargo. Important
Seaports of Pakistan are the following

1. Karachi / Keamari
2. Port Bin Qasim
3. Gwadar

Karachi Seaport / Keamari

The port at Karachi is located to the west of the Indus Delta on the Arabian Sea. It is a
deep water natural seaport with a long approach channel and can receive tankers,
Containers, bulk and general cargo ships. It is also a natural harbour sheltered by the
islands of Keamari and a breakwater at Manora.
It has a number of wharves. In the eastern part of the port, 17 wharves have been
developed. They are collectively called East Wharf. West wharf is located at the western
side of the port.


A programe to modernize Keamari / Karachi port has been initiated to provide the
following facilities.
1. Construction of flyover bridges connecting and bypassing the port area have been
built to ease traffic congestion in the port area.
2. Reconstruction of berths to handle increasing volumes of cargo.
3. Provision of navigational aids and radars.
4. Environmental protection equipment to keep port seawater clean from pollutants
and seepage of oil from the ships.
5. Improvement and expansion of storage facilities at both east and west wharves.
6. Container terminals at west wharf to modernize cargo handling.
7. Liquid products terminal with ancillaries (support facilities, i.e. unloading, storing
and transporting of liquid products).

Port Bin Qasim

Port Qasim is located 20 kilometers south-east of Karachi developed on Gharo Creek. It is
Pakistan’s second deep seaport which started in1977. The first phase of its construction
was completed in 1982 with the cost of 2700 million rupees. It has modern machinery to
relieve the pressure at the Karachi Port and for handling raw material for Pakistan Steel.

Port Qasim is the first integrated port of Pakistan that combines the function of
multipurpose deep seaport and a designated industrial zone. It also offers transport and
other infrastructure facilities for industrial development. 12,000 acres of land have been
allocated for the establishment of industries. Some industries which are located there are
paper and board, chemicals, cotton textiles and assembly industries. This port is connected
with main railway line at Pipri.

The major categories of cargo handled at Port Qasim include Iron ore, Coal, Grain,
Furnace Oil, Edible Oil, Rice, LPG containers Jute and Fertilizers.

Container trade is increasing with fast speed, in 1994 a container terminal was also
competed with latest loading and unloading facilities which is named as Qasim
International Container Terminal, which started functioning on August 1997.

Q.1. Explain why it was necessary to build this new port. Ans.
Increasing work load of Karachi port.
To increase import and export of the country.
For handling import of iron ore and coal for steel mill.
To develop a new industrial area.

Q.2. Explain why it was built on Gharo Creek.

Ans. Area of flat land
Deep water
Wide / large area of water
Sheltered water
Cheap / unpopulated area
Near / 20-23 kms from center of Karachi
Close to National Highway to Karachi
Close to main railway line to Karachi
Steel mill there.

Q.3. Name its main imports and explain for what purposes they are imported.
Ans. Iron ore for the Pakistan Steel mill
Coal for the Pakistan Steel mill
Petroleum for power station / fuel for transport
Grain to feed the growing population of Pakistan
Edible oil for Pakistan’s food processing industries
Jute for Pakistan’s jute mills
Fertilizers to increase farm yields
Electronics for industrial / domestic use
Machinery for factories / farming / mining/ transport etc.

Gwadar Seaport
The Gwadar district is located on the Makran coast in Balochistan. The idea to construct a
deep water port at Gwadar was first discussed in 1993 but it was not until 2001 that the
government of Pakistan signed an agreement with China so that the plan could go ahead.
The total area of the port will be 2500 acres. It is surrounded by a mountain range, desert,
sand and tidal flats. The weather, most of the year is clear on account of very scanty

Economic Development

1. Could be used as a substitute to Karachi and Bin Qasim Port.

2. Upgrading of Gwadar International Airport.
3. Openings for trade with Central Asia, Afghanistan, China, Japan and Singapore.
4. Warehouses built for storage.
5. Bigger fish harbour.
6. Opens employment opportunities to skilled and unskilled labors.
7. Growth of industrial estates and export processing zones.
8. Industries related / fish processing.
9. Makran coastal highway to Karachi under construction.
10. Highway west to Central Asian Republics
11. Development of rail network
12. Setting up of grid stations by WAPDA to supply power.
13. Development of housing colonies, hotels and tourist resort.
14. Mirani Dam on River Dasht and Hingol Dam on River Hingol project.
15. Road link with Afghanistan and Iran.
16. QESCO power lines.

Q.1. State and explain the main functions of the ports on the Balochistan coast.
Ans. Functions
Fishing harbour
Fish processing
Handling cargo / goods / trade import - export
Coal other named cargo

Arabian Sea rich in fish i.e. herring / mackerel / sardines / shark.

Makran produces little agricultural food.
Fish is essential part of diet / subsistence of coastal people
Road communications are very poor / railways are non-existent
Sea link is important for bulky / heavy items.

Q.2. Why are the ports in Balochistan small?

Ans. No large estuaries / sheltered harbours
Small population of the Makran coast
Mountainous / rugged interior
Inhospitable interior
Less developed,
Little agriculture,
Little industry for fishing
Lack of infrastructure, Poor
Few links to developed areas to interior.
Study Fig.11, which is an outline map of the coastal areas of Pakistan.

Q.3. Name the two new ports X and Y shown on Fig.11.

Ans. X Gwadar
Y Port bin Qasim.

Q.4. Suggest reasons why these two ports were built.

Ans. Gwadar to serve Balochistan and adjoining states, such as Afghanistan,
Iran and Central Asian States.
Port Qasim to serve iron and steel industry; imported oil.
Both ports help to reduce the pressure on Karachi.

1. Wharf
A wharf is a landing stage to which barges and ships may be moored while loading and

2. Berth
A place where a ship or boat can stop and stay usually in a harbor.

3. Terminal
A building / set of building at an airport where air passengers arrive or leave.

4. Cargo
Goods carried in a ship or plane.

5. Ware House
A building where large quantities of goods are stored.

6. Container
A large metal or wooden box of a standard size in which goods are packed so that they
can easily be lifted on to a ship or train.

The imparting or exchanging of information by speaking, writing, or using some other
Q.1. State two methods of
telecommunication. Ans. Telephone E-
mail / internet..
Computer conferencing.
Video Conferencing.

Q.2. Explain how telecommunication can be used to improve the supply of goods
and increase trade in Pakistan and abroad.
Ans. How
Can contact other countries / long distance communication.
Easier communication.
Internet conferencing.
Better advertising.
Ordering / purchasing / buying / selling.
Internet banking / transfer of funds.
Finding out web / searching for goods or suppliers.
Assembly of components.
Call centers.
Searching for goods or suppliers.

Q.3. How can telecommunication such as the telephone, e-mail and the internet
Ans. To buy and sell the goods stated
Locating supplies
Advertising goods / publicity
Arranging transport
Finding orders
Faster method
Arrange delivery
Can communicate internationally.

In the expansion and modernization of industries

Credit ideas of increased funds by sales and advertising

Obtaining machinery and building materials (best prices)
Arranging transport
Expert advice
Easy communication with branches in other areas / countries
Contact with investors
Share dealing
Sites for education of workers.
Study Fig.1, which shows an advertisement for a big company.


Q.4. With reference to Fig.1, state four ways of contacting this company.
Ans. Telephone.
E-mail / web site / internet.
Letter / address.

Q.5. Which is the slowest way of contact?

Ans. Order of speed: e-mail – fax – telephone – letter – visit.

Q.6. Why does the company advertise many different ways of contacting?
Ans. Easy.
Depend on distance.
To attract foreign interest.
Visit is more personal.

Study Fig.2

Q.7. With reference to Fig.2, explain the importance of good communication to a

business such as Cotton Fabrics International.
Ans. For ordering supplies / linking to dealers
For advertising
For market research
For direct sales / customer contact
Speed of contact
Global reach / International exposure.

Information Technology

Information Technology is the use of hardware, software, services and supporting

infrastructure to manage and deliver information. OR

It is the study or use of systems (especially computers and telecommunications) for

storing, retrieving, and sending information. IT typically refers to equipment such as
computers, data storage devices, networks and also communication devices.

Advantages of IT

More cheaper, quicker and efficient communication

Creation of new jobs
Reduce human labor
Globalize the business Minimise
the cost.

Q.8. What problems might there be in extending Information Technology (IT)

throughout Pakistan?
Ans. Lack of electricity in remote areas
Lack of signal in remote areas / many people live in remote areas
Lack of media infrastructure e.g. masts/WiFi/telephone lines/cables
IT illiteracy
Lack of IT professionals
Frequent electrical/technical faults/breakdowns/load shedding/damage from
natural disasters
Decreases employment/number of office workers
Resistance from older generations/traditional/tribal societies
Real or perceived threat of Internet on cultures/belief systems
Risk of cyber attack
Capital intensive / high initial cost /lack of government finance / high cost of
Technology has to be imported / expensive imports of technology / negative effect
on balance of payments of import of technology Population cannot afford

Q.9 Evaluate whether using global telecommunications has improved employment

opportunities in Pakistan. Give reasons to support your answer and refer to
examples you have studied. You should consider different points of view in
your answer.

Ans. Great improvement

• Creates many employment opportunities
• Examples of employment opportunities
• Better paid jobs in tertiary sector
• Improved working conditions
Small improvement/no improvement
• Creates relatively few employment opportunities
• Reasons why
• Lack of education/skills
• Cost of computers
• Less demand from developed countries • Poor electricity infrastructure/load
• Can be long working hours.

Study Fig.3, a survey of internet usage in Pakistan in 2014.

Approximately 87% of households own mobile phones but only 7% have an internet
Mobile phone ownership is higher in urban areas (95%) than rural areas (83%).
Approximately 17% of urban homes have an internet connection compared with 2% of
rural homes.

Q.10 Suggest two reasons why a small percentage of the rural population use the
Ans. Few people have mobile phones / computers in rural areas; Limited
internet connection / internet infrastructure in rural areas;
Limited access to internet;
Electrical devices are expensive;
Limited electricity; Lower literacy levels;
• Any valid reason(s) why internet is used in rural areas, e.g. farmers
Q.11 Explain why internet access is important in education. You should develop your
Ans. • Assists research / websites;
• Develops skills for an ever-increasing technological world;
• Provides opportunities for learning beyond the classroom;
• Widens horizons / develops an interest in the wider world;
• Provides opportunities for future employment prospects / apply online;
• Can get information on any topic;
• Can access more information than in a library;
• Women can learn from home / online learning / distance learning;
• Increase knowledge of a subject;
• Can ask experts / interaction / receive answers in minutes;
• Up to date information;
• Assists homework assignments.
Q.12 It is important to improve telecommunications in Pakistan to encourage
development. Read the following two views about improving internet access
in Pakistan:

Which view do you agree with more? Give reasons to support your answer and refer to
examples you have studied. You should consider View A and View B in your answer.

Ans. improving internet access in major cities:

More people will benefit;
More schools and children are more likely to go to school in the urban areas as
opposed to the rural areas (where they may have to work); More businesses
which would benefit; Etc. extending internet access to rural areas:
Reduces isolation;
May help and encourage small businesses to grow or set up there;

May reduce rural to urban migration if opportunities are provided in rural areas.

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