Unit 1: Oxford Exam Trainer B1 Ukraine

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Oxford Exam Trainer B1 Ukraine Student Book


maybe in a restaurant.
Unit 1 Elaina Well – don’t come and work at my place. I’m
Family and relationships thinking of leaving. I’m just too busy to do my
college work.
Page 10
Luke What you need is a holiday! Why don’t you
Exercises 2 and 4
come to America with me and meet my
Track 1.02 family?
Elaina When are you off home to America, Luke? Elaina Er … No, I don’t think so. Not this time,
Luke I’m going towards the end of November – just
in time for Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving is the
last Thursday in November. Page 10
Elaina Does the university mind your going? Exercise 5
Luke No, they’re OK about it. It’s only for a week Track 1.03
anyway. It’s my grandparents’ 50th wedding
1 I’m going towards the end of November – just in
anniversary, too, so it’s a pretty important time.
time for Thanksgiving.
Elaina When’s that?
2 It’s my grandparents’ 50th wedding anniversary,
Luke That’s on the 30th of November.
too, so it’s a pretty important time.
Elaina Hmm. All that way just for a week. It doesn’t
3 It doesn’t sound like fun.
sound like fun.
4 Thanksgiving’s a family event in the USA.
Luke It’s fine, Elaina. It’s a really easy journey and
5 I usually argue with my brother.
I’ve done it so many times. I don’t have a
6 I’m thinking of leaving. I’m just too busy to do my
problem, anyway.
college work.
Elaina So will you see all your family at
Thanksgiving? Page 12
Luke Sure. Thanksgiving’s a family event in the Exercise 2
USA. We always have a big meal together
Track 1.04
and eat turkey and pumpkin pie.
How did I become interested in family history? Well,
Elaina Hmm. I always find those family parties a bit
my great-grandfather got me started. He was around for
difficult. I usually argue with my brother.
several years of my childhood – he died at 98 – and I
Luke I don’t have any problems like that with my
was fascinated by his stories of London during World
sisters, so it’s OK. It’s only one day, anyway.
War II, his move here to Australia – so many interesting
After that, I go and see my friends.
experiences. But when I asked where our family came
Elaina Do you think you’ll go back to the US when
from, he said he wasn’t all that sure, though he thought
you finish your course here?
his father’s family had been farmers in Somerset, in
Luke Well, I’d like to go travelling for a bit. I haven’t
England, at some point in the past. Evidently people of
seen enough of Europe, but then I’ll probably go
his generation weren’t all that interested in family history
home and get a job. Actually, I’m thinking of
so it wasn’t something they would often talk about. All he
getting a part-time job here. I’d like to work at
knew was that his father’s father had left the countryside
weekends and maybe on Friday evenings …
and settled in London sometime in the 19th century.

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Anyway, as an only child I’ve always wanted to find very often, so I guess you’re right, I can
more family connections, so I tried to learn more definitely live without it!
about where we came from. I’ve managed to find out
quite a lot, actually. My great-grandad was right Page 20
Exercise 5
about the Somerset connection, and that both of his
father’s parents had come from there. I even Track 1.06
managed to get in touch with some relatives who still 1
live in the area. It turned out that one of my cousins Girl Hey, Mike, could you do me a huge favour?
was working on a family tree, and she was trying to My cousin Stella is flying in at two o’clock
find our branch of the family, so that was exciting. tomorrow, and I have a lecture then so I can’t
meet her. Would you mind taking the train to
I’ve flown to England a couple of times, and I’ve met
the airport and picking her up?
so many great people, including many relations I never
Mike Sure, I don’t mind. Just tell me what she
even knew about. I’m getting married soon, and my
looks like so I know who I’m looking for.
fiancé. shares my interest in family history. We’re going
Girl Well, she’s in her early twenties. She’s tall
to spend our honeymoon in the UK and see what other
and thin, with straight dark hair and brown
connections we can discover. Quite surprisingly, his
eyes. She used to have wavy blond hair, but
family came from the same part of England, so maybe
she’s gone back to her natural look. Anyhow,
we can have a big family reunion with both of our
she wears casual clothes, so she’ll be
families sometime in the future!
wearing jeans, a tee shirt and a jacket. She’s
quite pretty, so I’m sure you’ll notice her.
Unit 2
Mike So, you said medium height, with straight
People and society blond hair?

Page 20 Girl No, I said … Look, I’ll just send a photo of

Exercises 2 and 3 her to your phone – then there’s no way you
can make a mistake!
Track 1.05
Girl 1 What are you doing, Susan?
Girl Oh, no! I can’t find my mobile! I’m totally lost
Girl 2 I have too many clothes, so I’m trying to
without my phone!
decide which ones to get rid of. What do you
Boy I know what you mean … though my phone
think about these tops?
comes second to my sketchbook. It’s
Girl 1 I like that striped one – it really suits you. And
important to stay in touch with people, sure,
the plain one is a good colour for you.
but I’m constantly stopping to draw things I
Hmm ... I’m not sure about the flowered one.
see, and it drives me mad if I can’t do it.
I mean, it’s a bit girly for your personality,
Girl Can’t you sketch on a mobile or a laptop?
isn’t it?
Boy I’ve tried the drawing app on the phone, but
Girl 2 I don’t know. I was thinking about giving the
it’s just not the same. I do photograph my
plain one away, but you have a good point,
sketches and save them on my laptop, but
it’s a beautiful colour. I think I’ll keep it. The
drawing on paper is the one thing I really love
flowered one was a gift, but I don’t wear it

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doing so I always need to have my and it’s also a matter of what you can afford. I mean,
sketchbook with me. taxis are a great option, especially if you’re afraid of
getting lost, but they can cost a lot. I’m a more
adventurous, independent person, so I like getting a
3 travel pass and using the buses. You can jump off
There are many ways to judge your personality type, but when you see something interesting, and you get a
has it ever occurred to you that the sorts of snacks you real sense of the city, which is why I always
choose to eat can reveal a lot about you? For example, recommend this method. Travelling by underground is
outgoing and confident people often choose snacks like good too, but it may be confusing, because you can’t
crisps, or chips with ketchup, because they’re not see where you are, and it is often very cramped and
particularly worried about bothering others by making uncomfortable.
noise. People who are well-organised tend to go for 6
healthy snacks like small carrots or apple slices. Those So, we’re down to three choices for the memorial to our
who are not very self-confident or are self-conscious opt first female mayor: a statue of her by a local artist,
for whatever they can consume neatly and without being renaming a street in her honour, or naming the central
noticed, such as an energy bar or nuts – though not library after her. Personally, since she was such a
peanuts because the smell is too strong. modest, but we know how much confusion that can lead
4 to, not to mention the expense to local businesses, so I
Girl Are you planning to take up a sport this year? really can’t get behind that idea. Anyhow, you know
I’ve already signed up for the mixed football where I stand, and I think it’s time for a vote.
team. I think it’s great having boys and girls
playing together … especially as I know I’m just Page 22
as good as a lot of the boys!
Exercise 4
Boy Yeah, I like football too, but I’m not great at it. Track 1.07
Actually, I’ve decided on tennis. I was thinking When I moved to the UK there were plenty of things that
about ice hockey, but I discussed it with my took me a while to come to terms with. There are the
parents and we decided that we can’t really usual things, of course. In the UK, they drive on the
afford to buy all the equipment. wrong side of the road – I can’t remember how many
Girl True, it is very expensive. Tennis isn’t cheap times I nearly got run over by a car. The weather’s not
either, though. And it takes a lot of training and as bad as I expected, but it does get dark really early in
practice, doesn’t it? winter. The language was tough, too. People speak a lot
Boy It does, but I’m willing to put in the time. And I quicker than I was expecting; it was really hard to keep
already have a tennis racket. My parents are all up. But the strangest thing, and I know this will sound
for it – they just told me not to fall behind with dumb, but the strangest thing was with the water taps.
my schoolwork! When you go to wash your hands, you have to be
5 careful. They don’t have one tap that mixes the hot and
People who are planning to visit London for the first time cold water, they have two taps instead, one hot and one
often ask me what the best way of getting around is. I cold. To make things worse, the taps are on different
think it’s partly about personality and personal choice, sides of the sink, so you can’t have the water running

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together; you either burn your hands, or you freeze leaving at the end of next month.
them. It’s crazy! Apparently, in the UK you are meant to Max That sounds good.
put the plug in the sink and fill it with water, and only Woman Right, well, I’ll phone the landlord and
then wash your hands. But I’ve never seen anyone we’ll discuss when you can go and have
doing that. Another thing that surprised me is the quality a look at it.
of the food. I was told British food is terrible, I was Max Thank you very much.
expecting lots of boiled vegetables, food with no flavour
in general – but it’s not like that at all, it’s the opposite! Page 30
Exercise 3
There are lots of new restaurants that prepare local
specialities and there are some very good vegetarian Track 1.09
places as well. There are plenty of interesting things to I’m a nature photographer and I need to move around a
try at the Farmers’ Markets and the street food is lot, and so that’s why I chose to live in a caravan – I can
excellent as well. I really like the cheeses and the pies, take my home with me wherever I go. It is a lot smaller
and my favourite snacks are Scotch eggs. They look than a normal house, but I’ve never been interested in
disgusting, but they are delicious! having lots of things, so that’s not a problem for me. It’s
also great because I can visit friends for several days
Unit 3 and not get in their way because I still have my own
I have to admit that in really windy or stormy weather it
Pages 27 feels a bit like being in a boat on the high seas, but the
Exercise 10 chances of anything bad happening are pretty small and
Track 1.08 I’ve always felt safe. I don’t think I’d ever want to move
Woman Good morning. This is the estate back to a normal house or flat, you know?
Max Hello, I’m looking for an unfurnished flat.
Page 30
Exercises 4 and 5
I’d like to furnish it on my own.
Woman That’s fine. How many bedrooms would Track 1.10
you like? Have you ever thought about living on a houseboat?
Max Well, I have two flatmates so we’d like The fact is, more and more people are taking this
three bedrooms, please. decision. In Britain alone, it’s thought that there are
Woman Would you prefer a ground-floor flat? around fifteen thousand people living on boats. So
Max We don’t mind what floor it is. why are people taking this decision? One reason is
Woman Well, I have a nice flat in a quiet location that it’s cheaper. Buying a houseboat is a lot cheaper
close to the park. It’s on the first floor. It than buying an ordinary house. Another reason is
has a fitted kitchen and central heating, that people want to get away from busy, modern life
so it’s nice and warm in winter. to find a more relaxing lifestyle. But is it a comfortable
Max How much is the rent? way to live? I visited Ben, twenty-four, a computer
Woman It’s £800 per month. There are tenants analyst, and Lizzie, twenty-three, a newly-qualified
in the flat at the moment, but they’re teacher, on their houseboat in Essex in the south of

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England to find out what life is like on board. When I hills in the distance.
first got on Ben and Lizzie’s houseboat, it felt quite
But the house was a total disaster. At first I thought it
small to me, but as I wandered around, it didn’t seem
was a joke and that the real house was in the next field,
much smaller than my own one-bedroom flat. There’s
but no such luck. When my mum proudly said, ‘Here we
a living room, a bedroom, a kitchen and a bathroom.
are!’ my heart sank. I could see that the roof was falling
I also came across a small storage room and plenty to pieces, several windows were broken and the walls
of cupboards. The couple also have electricity, running were green with damp. And the inside was even worse.
water, a phone and broadband Internet, so working from It smelled horrible. There were huge holes in the floors,
home and keeping in contact with people isn’t a parts of the ceiling were falling down, and the kitchen
problem. So, what are the best things about living on a and bathroom were completely destroyed.
houseboat? Ben and Lizzie told me that they loved most Strangely, though, as we looked around I started to see
things about their unusual lifestyle, but that they the possibilities. Even my sister, who hates mess more
particularly like the people. They say they get on with than I do, seemed enthusiastic. Despite its terrible state,
everybody in the community and that there’s always a there was a good feeling to the house, and we felt that it
party or a barbecue happening on one of the boats. But could actually become a lovely home for our family.
are there any problems? DIY, the couple told me. You However, my sister and I were extremely relieved when
can’t get away with doing repairs to your home. The our parents explained that they would have all of the
problem is, when you’re living on water, your house is major work done by professionals, and that we would
constantly moving around so things are always cracking just do painting and other small jobs.
and breaking, which means there are always repairs
All in all, the project took about six months, but by the
that need to be done. The wind and rain doesn’t help
time we moved in the following spring, the place was
this, either. However, it’s still cheaper than looking after
quite amazing! I totally understand why my parents
an ordinary home, and don’t forget it’s more
decided to buy it – even though I was disappointed at
environmentally friendly, too.
I finally got off Ben and Lizzie’s houseboat and
wandered back through the marina. The sun was Unit 4
shining, people were friendly and there was a really
nice atmosphere. I felt quite envious of their unusual
lifestyle. Page 37
Exercise 11
Page 32 Track 1.12
Exercise 2
In Britain, very young children go to nursery school.
Track 1.11 Then, when they are four or five years old, they go to
My sister and I were both away at boarding school primary school. At the age of eleven, they go on to
when our parents bought a new house. All they had told secondary school. A comprehensive school is a school
us was that it needed a bit of work and that it would be a for children aged eleven to eighteen that you don’t have
fun summer project. I admit that the setting was beautiful to pay for and you don’t have to pass an exam to get in
– there were fields all around, and some beautiful rolling to. A grammar school is a selective school. This means

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you have to pass an exam to go there. Parents have to minute of it. There’s so much to do when you arrive −
pay fees for their children to go to private schools. Some meeting people, sorting out your room, talking to your
schools are single-sex, so they are for boys or for girls teachers and finding your way around − that there’s no
only, but most schools are mixed. When they are time to worry about home.
sixteen, pupils take their GCSE examinations. When
Boarding school is like any other school except that
they are eighteen, they do A-Level examinations. At
you also eat and sleep there! You quickly learn the
sixteen, they can leave school and go to work, or they
routine. At our school, breakfast is at seven-thirty. It’s
can go to a college of further education. Here they can
in the canteen, which isn’t in the building where you
do traditional subjects as well as vocational training,
sleep, so you have to get up and out of your room
such as learning to become a mechanic or a beautician.
pretty early.

Page 40 We have assembly at nine and then we have lessons

Exercise 3 in all the usual subjects and we also go to lots of
different clubs. In the evenings, we have supervised
Track 1.13
homework time, which means we sit in a room with a
I had a lot of friends who were thrilled about going to
teacher and do our work. It’s good because if we have
boarding school, but I was definitely not one of them. I
any problems, there’s someone that can help us.
was pretty shy when I was ten, and I really liked the local
primary school I went to, so I wasn’t looking forward to The other thing I really like about boarding school is
leaving my friends behind. that you have such a great social life. We have trips
at the weekends and lots of other entertainment like
Fortunately, it turned out to be a great experience. At
concerts, and plays that we put on ourselves. We’re
first I really missed my dogs, but I got to see them
doing a school play at the moment. I’m not acting, but
every few weeks when I went home for visits, and I
I’m helping with the lighting. Some people I know
quickly got used to not having them around all the
complain about some of the things at school, like the
time. My parents came to visit me quite often too, so I
food, and sharing rooms with people. I don’t mind
didn’t feel lonely at all.
these things. I like everything about my boarding
Page 40 school.
Exercise 4
Page 42
Track 1.14
Exercises 2 and 3
Hi, I’m Charlie and I’m in my second year at a
Track 1.15
boarding school in England. I used to go to an
Interviewer Around thirty years ago, Isaac Asimov, a
independent primary school and I was very happy there,
futuristic novelist, discussed the future of
but then I saw a programme on TV about boarding
education in the digital age. He made a
schools. It looked like a lot of fun. I decided that when I
number of predictions and I’m joined by
went to secondary school, I wanted to go to a boarding
Nikola Harris to see if his predictions
school. At first, my parents weren’t sure, but then they
came true. Nikola, what did Asimov
agreed. Most people feel a bit homesick when they start
boarding school. They really miss their family and their
Nikola Well, before we look at that, let’s look at
old friends, but that didn’t happen to me. I loved every

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what education was like when Asimov everyone doing the same things at the
was speaking. In 1988, most schools same time.
had little or no technology. Some Interviewer Why do you think this hasn’t happened?
classrooms might have had a video Nikola Well, I don’t think anyone has really
recorder and a television, but otherwise decided how best to use technology in
the only technology was a calculator. education. Some teachers have begun
Interviewer So, what did Asimov say? to use some technology in their
Nikola Asimov said that education was very teaching, but some teachers are worried
structured, everybody learning the same about using it and in many parts of the
thing at the same time and so this was world schools don’t have the money to
boring for some students. provide the technology. For Asimov’s
Interviewer I see. prediction to come true, there would
need to be a complete revolution in
Nikola When he was talking on an American education.
TV show called World of Ideas, he Interviewer Do you think it will happen?
suggested that learning would become Nikola I think it will eventually, but it will
more personal. He said that when probably take another fifty years and by
people had access to computers and the then there might be further advances in
Internet, they could ask any question technology.
about anything and take their own Interviewer So, we will have to wait and see. Thank
learning in the direction that they were you for joining me.
interested in. The idea being that this
would make learning more individual Unit 5
and enjoyable.
Interviewer Can you give me an example?
Nikola Yes, he said that if someone was Pages 47
interested in something like baseball Exercise 7
statistics, they could do their own Track 1.16
research and find out all about their How to Find a Job
chosen field and this would mean they Step 1
are more motivated. Someone else Complete your Curriculum Vitae. This is the
would have a different interest and document that includes all your personal information,
would be able to learn about that. qualifications (e.g. diplomas, degrees, etc.) and
Interviewer Have the predictions come true? previous work experience. It should also include the
Nikola Not really, obviously, we now have the contact details of two people that know you well at
Internet and we ask it lots of questions work or personally. These are your referees.
but we tend to do this in our free time
Step 2
and not as part of our formal education.
Look at job adverts on the Internet and find a job that
Classroom teaching still tends to have
you are interested in. Download the application form,

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if there is one. Then send it off with a covering letter, inner-city areas?
which will explain briefly who you are, where you saw Louisa Yes, that’s right. We do have some
the advert and why you want to apply for the job. agents in the countryside but we don’t
do much work in those areas. Most of
Step 3
our work takes place in towns and cities.
Wait to hear from the company to find out if they want
We work with NEETS, which means
you to come for an interview. Then start preparing
people who are Not in Education,
for it.
Employment or Training. We try to work
Step 4
with hard-to-reach people whose
When you are offered a job, decide carefully if you
parents don’t have money for the basic
want to accept it. Then sign the contract.
things in life, like food and clothes. We
give them chances that they might not
otherwise get access to.
Presenter What do you do to help them?
Louisa We work with a number of different
Page 50
Exercise 3 partners including sports teams and
businesses. So, some of the people we
Track 1.17
have helped have learnt the value of
Presenter Youth unemployment is a big issue
teamwork and co-operation through
across Europe. Recent figures show that
rugby. For others, we have found
seven out of ten young people in the UK
placements in large companies where
spend at least six months out of work
they have gained valuable work
between leaving school and starting
experience. These placements help
their first job. Some young people can
students get a feeling of self-worth.
spend as much as 18 months looking for
Presenter A feeling of self-worth? What do you
work. Joining me to discuss this is
mean by that?
Louisa Ward, who works for a youth
Louisa Well, it shows them that they are
charity in the UK. Louisa, tell us what
important members of the community.
you do.
That what they do has an effect on other
Louisa Well, we try to work with young people
people. They are part of something and
from all backgrounds to help them find a
they grow in confidence. But that’s only
job which suits them, but we focus on
one side of our work. Actually, most of
those who come from disadvantaged
what we do is on a more personal level…
areas. Those from wealthier families
Presenter I see, such as?
have more opportunities to succeed, so
Louisa Well, we give advice on writing CVs,
they don’t need our help as much. But
interview skills, dealing with work-related
our research suggests that less wealthy
problems. You know, it can be quite
students, those who don’t have much
stressful if you’ve never worked before
money, can really struggle to find work.
and suddenly you have to be part of a
Presenter I see, so you do most of your work in

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team and have responsibilities. Some your colleagues and your customers. As far as your
people struggle to make friends or find it colleagues are concerned, one solution is to maintain
difficult to respect the people in charge. a healthy distance between your personal life and the
We also work with younger teenagers, emotional demands of your work. To put it simply, do
encouraging them to stay in school and not bring your personal problems to work and try not
achieve better grades. to interfere in the lives of your colleagues. And
Presenter It sounds like you have your hands full. customers are people just like you – they may have a
Louisa Yes, we are very busy doing lots of right to complain about your service, and you need to
different things, but it is very rewarding. learn how to deal with such situations, but they could
What we are doing is breaking the cycle. just as well have had a bad day. One way or another,
We hope the kids of the people we are there are several good ways to deal with
working with today won’t face the same conflict in the workplace …
challenges their parents did.
Presenter That’s great. Louisa Ward, thank you for
joining me.

Page 52 Unit 6
Exercise 3
Track 1.18
Sometimes problems at work are connected to the Page 57
Exercise 10
actual task you need to do – you may be given too
little time to complete it, or you may not be given the Track 1.19
right tools to complete the task on time. It also 1
happens that your work is made more difficult by Customer Excuse me. I bought this CD
improvements in your workplace. For example, if yesterday, but it’s scratched.
there’s a new computer system being installed, all Shop assistant I’m sorry about that. Would you like a
employees will have to undergo training sessions so replacement?
they know how to use it. Eventually the new system Customer No, thank you. I’ve changed my mind
will help you do your job faster, but you need to take about it. I’d rather have a refund.
time out of your busy schedule to get to know it. Shop assistant Do you have your receipt?
Customer Yes, I do.
On the other hand, problems at work aren’t only
Shop assistant All right. That shouldn’t be a
about the work itself. I’d say that nearly everyone
experiences some kind of conflict in the workplace at
some point. Those of you who don’t are very lucky.
Customer Excuse me. I bought these shoes
The difficulty is that work isn’t only a place where
yesterday, but they don’t fit.
people work – it’s also a social environment, just not
Shop assistant Have you worn them outside?
one that you choose yourself. This means that you
Customer No, I haven’t.
have to deal with types of people that you may
Shop assistant Would you like to exchange them for
normally never meet in your life, and I mean both

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a different size? ‘bought’ something, he was spending

Customer Yes, please. money.
Laura Oh no, that’s terrible! How much did you
Page 60 say he spent?
Exercise 2
Judit About £130.
Track 1.20 Laura What did you do?
In-app purchases can get you extra pieces of Judit What could I do? I was angry, but there
equipment or clues when you play online games, and was nothing I could do to change it.
the game app automatically charges your credit card Laura How did David get your credit card
when you do. And that’s the problem – a lot of people details?
don’t even realize they’ve bought anything until Judit He didn’t, that’s the thing. The app store
they’ve seen the charges on their credit cards. Many had my details and the purchases came
people actually consider it a form of online fraud. through that.
However, you actually allow the game company to do Laura Oh no, that’s dangerous.
it when you join the game, so it can’t really be called Judit I know! I emailed them, asking them for
that, I guess. Still, it does seem unfair, and … a refund and I’ve changed the settings.
Laura Good idea.
Page 60 Judit I also had a long chat with David about
Exercise 3
the way the world works.
Track 1.21 Laura Very sensible. I have that game on my
Judit Hey, did I tell you what happened to tablet. How did you disable the
me? purchases?
Laura No. Judit You have to go to settings, then
Judit Well, last time I checked my bank restrictions. Then, when you want to
account, I found that someone had been make a purchase it asks you for a
taking money out about one pound at a password.
time. Over £100. Laura Great, I’ll change mine tonight.
Laura No way, what happened? Judit Yes, do.
Judit Well, to start with, I thought someone
Page 62
was stealing money from me, but I Exercise 2
phoned the bank and discovered that
Track 1.22
the company taking the money was an
So that brings me to the last topic I want to cover,
in-app provider.
and that’s the subject of money. The United Kingdom
Laura A what?
can be a pricey place to live, so here are some
Judit Well, I have a farming game app on my
interesting ways to save money.
tablet and you can buy different things,
like sheep and corn. My son David was The first thing to do is look out for voucher websites,
playing on the game and was buying all like Wowcher and Groupon. These are websites that
this stuff. He didn’t realize every time he offer discounts on a range of things, including meals

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in restaurants and concert tickets. They can save you any serious problems with my weight, so I’m not
considerable amounts of money, but remember you especially careful about how much I eat. I do try to
are only saving if you wanted to visit those places maintain a balanced diet, and I choose healthy
anyway. However, don’t just go there because you options when I can. The challenge for me is eating
have the vouchers, because that will end up costing enough fresh vegetables. I really don’t like salads,
you money. and most cooked vegetables taste bland to me, so I

Secondly, think about doing your food shopping in the usually don’t include them in my meals. I love freshly

evenings. British supermarkets often have lots of made juices, though, so I’ve solved the problem by

special offers, and in the evenings the offers are very drinking home-made vegetable juices every day. I

good because supermarkets drop the price of goods quite like the taste, and I know I’m getting lots of

that are close to their best before dates. Remember, vitamins and minerals.

‘best before’ or ‘display until’ is different from ‘use by’.

Page 70
‘Use by’ suggests the food is not good to eat after that
Exercise 4
date, but ‘best before’ and ‘display until’ is just a guide
for the retailer, so if something is past its best before Track 1.24

date, you probably still have a day or two to eat it. Also Interviewer Good afternoon. Today on the Food

in the supermarket look for the house brands. Most of Programme, we’re going to take a look

the major retailers have value brands and own brands. at some of the best-known diets that are

The value brands can be poorer quality but their own around today and to help us do that, we

brands are usually nearly as good as the well-known welcome Doctor Wexford – food and

brands. nutrition expert from Newtown Hospital.

Doctor Wexford, welcome to the
Finally, shop around for a budget bank account and
choose one that doesn’t have any charges for paying
Dr Wexford Thank you.
in and withdrawing money. Such accounts don’t have
Interviewer Tell us first about the Atkins diet. It was
any charges at all. Make sure you only use ‘free’
very popular in the 1990s, wasn’t it?
cash machines when you need to withdraw money.
Dr Wexford Yes, but it’s actually been around for
Some machines charge you as much as £2.50, which
longer than that. It was developed in the
is not cheap and not something you want to be
early 70s by a man called Robert C.
spending your money on. I hope these ideas are
Atkins. His theory was that weight gain
useful and that you enjoy your time in the UK.
is caused by the way your body
processes carbohydrates.
Unit 7 Interviewer So, it’s nothing to do with the amount of
Healthy living fat you eat?
Dr Wexford That’s right. So, basically, the diet allows
Page 70
Exercises 2 and 3 you to eat a lot of meat and eggs while,
in the first few weeks, pasta, alcohol,
Track 1.23
certain vegetables and other
I’ve never really had food-related health problems or
carbohydrate-rich foods are banned.

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Interviewer It seems strange not to allow people to Track 1.25

eat vegetables. School meals in the UK have changed in the past
Dr Wexford Yes, and it’s not an idea that I personally twelve years since Jamie Oliver, a TV chef, started
think is effective. Not that it’s dangerous, his ‘healthy eating in schools’ campaign. In 2005 TV
mind you, unless you have some Chef Jamie Oliver challenged schools to change the
specific health problems already, but I way they feed their students. He claimed that
still wouldn’t recommend it. Now, in children had a diet of fast food in school that was
contrast to the Atkins diet, there is the high in fat, sugar and salt. This diet, Jamie argued,
healthy-eating plan. was making young people overweight and unwell. In
Interviewer That just sounds like common sense! this report, I will look at how things have changed in
Dr Wexford Well, yes, but it’s surprising how many the past twelve years.
people are still unsure of what makes up
In 2005 Jamie was not only worried about unhealthy
a healthy diet. Basically, the healthy-
school meals but also that students didn’t know
eating plan allows you to have a diet
where the food actually came from. His actions had a
that consists of healthy foods that are
dramatic effect. They led to new laws being passed
low in saturated fat and perfectly
in Wales in 2009 and England a few years later that
balanced. The meals are also based on
limited the amount of sugar and salt in school
your tastes and lifestyle.
dinners. But have these new laws been a success?
Interviewer Presumably this makes the diet easier to
Head teachers reported that it was difficult at first.
stick to.
The students weren’t interested in the healthy food
Dr Wexford Absolutely. The reason that many
on offer. They wanted the usual pizzas, burgers and
people fail to stick to a diet is because
chips. But students quickly got used to the new
they don’t like the types of food they’re
menus and it was soon clear that the changes were
told to eat. Often they have to prepare
having positive effects. The children are much
complicated meals with expensive
brighter in the afternoons. They have more energy
ingredients. You can find plenty of good
and are not sleeping in class. It wasn’t just about
value healthy foods in the shops. You
healthy food. Burgers and pizzas are finger foods,
don’t need to spend a fortune.
encouraging students to eat quickly. So many
Interviewer What would be a typical day’s menu on
schools changed the way students ate by providing
the healthy-eating plan?
knives and forks so they didn’t have to eat with their
Dr Wexford It might be muesli with milk for
breakfast, pitta bread with Greek salad
and yoghurt for lunch, chicken and rice As well as providing healthier food, many schools
with vegetables for dinner. have also started to give lessons on healthy eating.
Interviewer And of course, this type of diet helps One head teacher told me that when students know
reduce your risk of heart disease and more about the food chain, then they take more
other illnesses, too. interest in what they are putting in their mouths.
Telling people to change their diets doesn’t work. No
Page 72 one likes to be told what to do. The plan is to educate
Exercise 2
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students so they want to change what they are new! They had built a new pool, which I hadn’t
eating. We can still do more to improve the diet of our expected, and I didn’t have to pay extra because I’d
children, but it seems that Jamie’s campaign to booked so far in advance! It was truly a dream
improve school meals has been successful. holiday, and all for a really good price!

Unit 8 Page 80
Exercise 4
Travel and tourism
Track 1.28
Page 76 Eric How was your trip?
Exercise 5 Corina Don’t ask …
Track 1.26 Eric What? I thought it was going to be a dream
Woman I’d like to book a room, please, for this holiday.
weekend, for two nights. Corina I am never going on a package tour again.
Rec Yes, of course, Madam. Would you like Dream holiday? It was more of a nightmare!
a single or a double room? Eric What happened?
Woman It’s for me and my husband, so a Corina Well, you know we were going to Prague,
double, please. Are all your rooms en Bratislava, Budapest and Vienna, all
suite? beautiful places. But the tour guide on the
Rec Yes, they are. All our rooms have luxury coach with us was terrible. He was a lovely
bathrooms. man, very friendly, maybe a bit too friendly,
Woman That’s excellent. and he didn’t know much about the cities we
Rec What time do you estimate you will were going to but I could live with that. No,
check in on Friday evening? the real problem was that he, well, he had no
Woman At around nine o’clock, depending on cultural awareness at all.
the traffic. Will the restaurant still be Eric Really? What do you mean?
open? Corina Well, when we got to Prague the first thing
Rec Yes, it will, Madam. But you can also he showed us was where to have fish and
order room service if you prefer. chips. I didn’t go all the way to Prague to
have fish and chips. I asked him where to
Page 80 have Czech food and he told me not to
Exercises 2 and 3 bother because it wasn’t very good.
Track 1.27 Eric But Czech food is great.
I wasn’t expecting much from my holiday, to be Corina Of course, it is. I went off on my own and had
honest. Judging from the online photos, the hotel some wonderful food.
wasn’t anything unique, not special or luxurious – just Eric Oh, good.
your average tourist place – but it was all I could Corina Oh, it gets worse. So, in Bratislava, he
afford, so I went ahead and booked it. You can proudly announced that instead of the usual
imagine my surprise when I arrived and found that breakfast, he’d arranged for us to have
the place was completely refurbished and looked like bacon and eggs just like in the UK.

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Eric Yeah, because that is what Slovakia is Page 82

famous for. Exercises 2 and 3
Corina Exactly, then in Budapest we were meant to
Track 1.29
go to a place for traditional music but he
It was a couple of years ago and it was December
cancelled it and, you’ll never believe this, he
twenty-fourth. I was at the train station in Chicago. I’d
took us to a sports bar to watch Manchester
been away for six months because I was travelling
United versus Liverpool.
around Canada and the US by train and by bus, and
Eric I bet you enjoyed that …
now I was trying to get home to be with my family in
Corina The place was full of British people! And you
New York. I wanted to be at home on Christmas Day.
know what? No one else complained, they
My train was supposed to leave at two p.m. The
were happy with the football. Why do people
trouble was, the weather was absolutely terrible.
travel thousands of miles just to behave like
There was a snowstorm and all the trains were
they do back home? Next time, I’m going it
running late. Of course, the twenty-fourth is the
alone, no more package holidays for me.
busiest travel time of the year in the US, so there
Eric Be careful though. Remember what
were hundreds of people at the station and they were
happened to me when I went on holiday on
all in the waiting rooms trying to keep warm. At five
my own.
p.m., we heard an announcement that all the trains
Corina Remind me?
leaving the station that day were cancelled. It was
Eric Well, I thought I didn’t need a package
freezing at the station, but I didn’t see any point in
holiday, I thought I could book it cheaper
leaving. I wouldn’t be able to get on a bus or even in
online. I thought things would be easier.
a taxi, and I wasn’t keen on going anywhere on foot
Anyway, it was a lot quicker to book and I got
in that bad weather. I decided that I could afford to
exactly what I wanted.
stay at a hotel, but I thought they would be full, so I
Corina But?
didn’t bother phoning any of them. In the end, I spent
Eric But everything went wrong. I flew to an
a sleepless night in the waiting room with all the other
airport that was about 40 miles from my
passengers. A lot of them were angry, but I didn’t feel
hotel. The flight was three hours delayed so I
like that. Nothing could change the situation. I
didn’t land until about one in the morning.
phoned my family and told them not to worry. Then I
There was no public transport. I ended up
spent the night chatting to some other young people.
paying over 60 pounds on a taxi. Then, when
It was quite good fun, really. The next day, the
I got to the hotel I’d booked online, it was
weather was better, so slowly some men cleared the
completely closed. They didn’t accept check-
snow from the tracks. At last, the trains started
in after 11 p.m.
running and I was able to get my train to New York. I
Corina What did you do?
finally arrived home late on Christmas night. It was
Eric Well, there was another hotel 50 metres
lovely to see my family, and at least they had saved
down the road. I had to pay to stay there,
me some turkey.
another 60 pounds. Don’t laugh, it’s not
funny. I was 120 pounds out of pocket.
Unit 9
Corina Sorry, it does sound terrible.

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Culture and free time There’s a lot of choice when it comes to underwater
cameras, but the assistant told me it all depends on
Page 90 how seriously you want to take the hobby. He said
Exercises 2 and 3
that some people do underwater cave diving, so they
Track 1.30 buy special equipment that can operate at very deep
Fly fishing is the kind of fishing where you throw a levels. I wasn’t quite ready for that and anyway, the
fishing line with an artificial insect on the hook into a assistant told me that it was most important to feel
stream or river. I think most people assume that it is comfortable holding your camera. In the end, I
a pastime for older people who aren’t very physically bought a mid-range kit that wasn’t too expensive.
active, but that really isn’t the case. I took it up when I Before we took any underwater photos, we had
was about eight years old. It was my grandfather who several weeks of learning camera skills and being
introduced me to it. He’d also taught my dad how to given advice about what to expect. We did a lot of
fish. Anyhow, my granddad and I became very close research about different underwater environments,
through this shared passion. I’ve always been drawn from local rivers to the Caribbean Sea. Doing
to the peace and the closeness to nature you get, research beforehand means you are more prepared.
and also the skill it takes to do it right. Somehow, It means you know what to expect and so can take
catching fish was never the point, though I have to better photos.I’ll never forget my first big trip. I went
say we’ve provided some delicious suppers over the on an organizedtrip to the island of Zakynthos in
years! Greece. At first, I found operating my camera
equipment quite difficult. I was so used to taking fast
Page 90 snapshots on land, but I soon got used to it and took
Exercises 4 and 5
some fabulous photos of the fish there. I’m planning
Track 1.31 to enter some photography competitions once I’ve
About a year ago, I took up underwater photography. had a bit more practice.
I was already doing a photography course – in fact I’d
completed my second year, and although I enjoyed
taking photos of plants and trees on land, I was
looking for a new challenge. I read an article about
underwater photography and that’s when I decided to Page 92
Exercise 2
give it a go. I loved the idea of taking photos of living
creatures deep down in the ocean. I knew from Track 1.32
reading the article that to be an underwater Presenter Did you know that the 2nd of March is
photographer, you have to be extremely fit, too, and it World Book Day? A day when people
goes without saying you need to be an excellent are encouraged to celebrate the art of
swimmer. I’d done scuba before and a bit of fiction and read that book that they’ve
snorkelling, so I thought the best way to prepare been wanting to read. To celebrate the
would be to get up early every morning and do fifty day in 2014, World Book Day did a
lengths in my local pool. Eventually,I enrolled myself survey of hundreds of adults and
onto a course and started to think about equipment. teenagers in the UK to find the ultimate

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list of books that will change your life. Presenter All great books, but not all written for
This list was made to help encourage teenagers.
more teens to read fiction. The results Tina No, but it shows that there is no such
were a little surprising. Joining us to thing as an adult book or a teenager
discuss it is Tina Richmond. Tina, what book. Good books are good books – it
was top of the list? doesn’t matter who they were written for.
Tina Well, it wasn’t as simple as that. The Presenter What was your favourite book on the
books were split into eight separate lists, list?
like books that will scare you, books that Tina Well, it’s a difficult decision. I haven’t
change the way you think, and books read all of them. I love Jane Eyre by
that will teach you about love. But the Charlotte Brontë, for example, but I think
number one book overall was The my absolute favourite has to be
Hunger Games. Nineteen Eighty-Four by George Orwell.
Presenter Oh my kids love The Hunger Games.
But why did they decide to do the
different lists?
Tina Good question. A top fifty list can be
difficult to break down. People will just
see titles. But if you know that book will
make you cry or scare you, then you will
be more likely to want to read it. It also
ensures that there is something for
everyone. This is about providing
choice. We all know that when we are in
school and we are told to read a book,
we hate it. But if we can choose, it is a
different story.
Presenter Interesting. So, can you give me some
Tina Yes, of course. A Street Cat Called Bob,
and The Curious Incident of the Dog in
the Night-Time were near the top of the
list in the ‘books that will change the way
you think’ category, while The Fault in
our Stars was top of the category called
‘books that will help you understand
you’. And Geek Girl and Diary of a
Wimpy Kid were on the ‘books to make
you laugh’ list.

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right? Well, what is it this time?

Unit 10
Girl I was going to ask for a new cricket bat, but
Sport Teddy says I can use his, so I don’t need it

Page 100 after all. But, unfortunately, I broke my tennis

Exercises 2 and 3 racket and I really need to get a new one. I
have a match next week, and right now I
Track 1.33
can’t even practise.
Boy Hey, Kelly. I haven’t seen you at the gym
Father Well, that’s a relief! Cricket bats cost a
before. Are you doing a class here?
fortune, but I’m happy to pay to keep you on
Girl Yeah, I am.
the court. Do you also need any tennis balls?
Boy So are you doing a stretching class for
flexibility, or maybe some weight training?
Woman I hear you’re trying out a new diet as
Girl I’m pretty flexible already so I definitely don’t
part of your track training. How’s it
need any more flexibility training. I could
probably use some weigh t training, but I
Man It isn’t too bad. It takes a lot of
have no time for it now. For some reason my
preparation, but I quite enjoy cooking so
balance is off and I decided to give yoga a
I don’t mind. And I feel a lot healthier
Boy Sounds good. My problem is that I’m not
Woman Is there anything about it you don’t like?
flexible at all. I’m …
Man I actually thought I’d have trouble with all

Page 100 the cabbage, because I hated it as a

Exercise 4 child, but I quite like it now. To be
honest, the one thing I have trouble with
Track 1.34
is brown rice. It takes so long to cook,
and it just tastes wrong somehow. I’m
Most people assume that running is the best form of
not too fond of eating three bananas a
exercise, and I admit that it has many benefits when
day either, but I can manage it.
it comes to strength and heart health. At the same
Woman Yes, I know. I prefer apples to bananas
time it can damage your joints over time, and it
as well. Well, I think …
doesn’t do much for upper body strength. Swimming,
on the other hand, increases muscles all over the
There’s been a lot of talk lately about women in
body, and doesn’t have the same harmful effects as
sports, and I’ve always been supportive, but I’m
running. Weight training can be great as well, but
afraid that I haven’t always taken women’s sports
unless you do a lot of stretching it can make you less
very seriously. That all changed for me recently,
flexible. So you can see why I’m all for getting into
though. Sure, women can be amazing at football or
the pool if you want the best results.
volleyball, and they show skills in rugby that are
equal to the male players, but the cricketers are
Girl Dad, I know you just got me a new pair of
something else – quick, accurate, and even-
running shoes, but …
tempered, too, which is more than you can say for
Father You need to buy some more equipment,

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the male players. I wasn’t really a fan before, but the joined a local team. We play in a lot of competitions
women’s cricket league has opened my eyes! and tournaments and my aim is to go to the USA and
5 become a professional basketball player. The thing
Every sport has its little secrets when it comes to is, people have so many negative things to say about
injuries, but nobody in football wants to talk about competitive sports. I mean, they think it’s all about
problems resulting from heading the ball and colliding obsessive training – getting up at dawn and running
with other players. Wearing an ankle or knee brace is for ten kilometres before breakfast, that kind of thing.
pretty common. Nobody makes it a big secret when a But actually, most professional athletes have
player has a shoulder injury, either. But headaches sensible training schedules.
and dizzy spells are not widely talked about, probably
Personally, I go swimming or to the gym most
because the brain is not something you can put a
mornings and I also train with my team three times a
bandage on and hope it will heal. Well, I think it’s
week – usually at the weekend and after school, but I
time we started discussing this, especially when it
don’t find thattoo much. Apart from anything, it’s fun.
comes to very young players.
People that play competitive sports have eating
plans, too. But they’re not all on extreme diets to lose
Man Did you see the university rowing race
weight, or to put it on in some cases. They have
on Sunday?
proper diets advised by experts. This doesn’t mean
Woman It was really exciting, wasn’t it? I’ve
becoming a vegetarian necessarily, but it does mean
never seen such a close finish! I didn’t
thinking about what you eat and cutting out some
realize you were a rowing fan, though. I
things and eating new things instead.
thought you were more into car racing.
The other thing people think is that competitive sport
Man I’m not really a fan – I was just curious
is all about athletes taking drugs to improve their
about it. As for car racing, I find myself
performance. In fact, very few athletes do that and
getting so nervous expecting a crash
anyway, the testing they do to detect drugs is so
that I can barely watch it any more. But
good these days, it’s almost impossible to get away
I’m really into horse racing now. I love it!
with it. Taking part in competitions is great, especially
It’s amazing to watch such powerful
for young people, because not only does it help you
animals, and the riders are pretty cool,
gain confidence when you win, but you also learn
how to be a good loser and how to learn from your
Woman I just hope you’re not betting money on
mistakes. Being part of a team or a club is good
it! That’s a great way to go broke, you
because you can support each other. It’s amazing
how helpful people are and actually how much fun it
Page 102 all is – it’s a lot easier than just trying to do it on your
Exercises 2 and 3 own. I think all sport is good though, whether it’s
competitive or non-competitive, as it keeps you fit
Track 1.35
and healthy, but in my view adding a bit of
I used to think doing sport competitively was not
competition, even if it’s only with yourself, adds more
worth the effort, until I started playing basketball. I
interest, and it’s more motivating, too.
began at school, discovered I was quite good and

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Unit 11
Science and technology Page 110
Exercise 4
Page 107
Exercise 9 Track 2.04
I didn’t really like learning science at school, I thought
Track 2.02
it was boring. But then we got a new chemistry
teacher, Mr John, and that changed everything. He
Paul Can I use your computer to log onto my
was amazing. He really put the fun into science. He
email account, please?
looked like a crazy scientist with thick glasses, a
Jessica Yes, of course. Hold on. I’ll just type in my
white coat, and dark black hair that stuck out in all
password for you.
directions. We never knew what was going to
Paul Thanks! That’s great. What do I do now?
happen. Almost every lesson he did these crazy
Jessica Just click on this link and that should take
experiments which usually went wrong. He’d pour the
you there.
wrong solution into the test tube and the classroom
would fill with smoke and we’d all be laughing and
Chris How often do you surf the Internet?
coughing. Other teachers never let us use the
Mark Every day. I do research and look things up
science lab equipment but Mr John would let us do
for college. I’m also on a couple of social
the experiments ourselves. It was great to play with
networking sites. What about you?
the equipment and try things, but he was always
Chris I usually go online when I want to chat to
there to help us. One day really stands out in my
friends or buy some music or something.
memory. He told us he was going to try something
new and made us all put goggles on. He mixed these
Page 110
Exercises 2 and 3 two solutions together and it started hissing and
bubbling. There was no smoke but the smell was
Track 2.03
terrible. I thought I was going to be sick. But what
Of course, there have been quite a few famous
was really funny was that there was a knock on the
female scientists over the years, but the most famous
laboratory door and the head teacher was standing
people in science have usually been men. Even most
there. She was looking very angry and asked to have
of my teachers were slightly surprised when I told
a word with Mr John. Apparently, the smell had
them that I would like to join a mathematics club and
drifted all around the school. We could still smell it at
become a scientist in the future. I was aware of a
lunchtime. Mr John was giggling like a small child.
stereotype that the female mind is not really suited to
mathematics or science. I’ve always thought it is To start with, I thought he wasn’t a very good

unreasonable and silly, but it seems a lot of people scientist, that he didn’t know what he was doing, but

believe it. Luckily, Mrs Hopkins, my chemistry soon I realized he was good at his job and he was

teacher, has always been very supportive. Also my making the mistakes on purpose. He was trying to

parents have always encouraged me to follow my make science fun and memorable for bored

dreams. teenagers. I’m not sure it worked though. Yes, it was

fun. It was our favourite lesson. We all looked

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forward to it, but I don’t remember much about what George Well, a Japanese editor of a magazine
the chemicals were in those tubes. I remember the called Kenj Kawakami first came up with
bangs and the hisses and all that, but not the the phrase. Then the idea was
important stuff. Actually, now that I think about it, I introduced by a man called Dan Papia
failed my chemistry exam. Mind you, I still think he as a monthly feature in a magazine
had the right idea. That’s definitely the right way to called Tokyo Journal which encouraged
teach science! readers to send in ideas for totally
useless inventions. Kawakami and
Page 112 Papia then came together and created a
Exercise 2
book on the art of Chindōgu and a
Track 2.05 website was established which also
Interviewer Hello and welcome to Technology proved extremely popular.
Today. Now … inventors have been Interviewer So, what kind of inventions did people
inventing amazing and useful objects for send in?
thousands of years that make our lives George Well, there are glasses for chickens.
easier. Think of the wheel, the Interviewer What is the purpose of those?
aeroplane, the mobile phone. But what George Well, to stop chickens pecking each
about all the completely useless things other’s eyes. Then there are duster
that have also been invented? Today I’m slippers for cats. These are slippers that
talking to George Green, who is a writer you attach to your cat’s feet so that it
and expert on the Japanese art of can clean the floor for you as it runs
Chindōgu. George, welcome to the about the house. Another of my
programme. favourites is where you tie your wet
George Thank you. washing to the roof of your car so that it
Interviewer First, George, can you explain to our dries while you’re driving around. And
listeners exactly what Chindōgu is? let’s not forget the all-over plastic
George Yes, of course, well, Chindōgu literally swimming costume that stops you
translated means ‘unusual’, and it’s the getting wet!
name that’s been given to the Japanese Interviewer Are there any rules for Chindōgu?
art of inventing clever gadgets that seem George Yes, there are some quite strict rules.
like a good idea, but are actually For example, the inventions must never
completely useless. be patented or for sale. They are ideas
Interviewer How are they useless? Is it because only and they must never be offensive
they don’t work? either. Although they’re funny, it’s really
George Not exactly. It’s really because they quite a serious business.
might cause more problems than they
solve, or perhaps because they are
embarrassing to use.
Interviewer And who first thought of the idea?

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Unit 12
Nature and environment
Page 117
Exercise 7
Track 2.06
1 A hurricane has hit the coast of America and high
winds have destroyed many buildings. Heavy rain
has caused floods in many places.
2 There has been a volcanic eruption in Iceland. Ash
in the Earth’s atmosphere has caused widespread
disruption to flights.
3 There’s been an earthquake in Turkey, which has
caused thousands of buildings to collapse. Rescue
workers from around the world have already
arrived at the scene and are attempting to help
victims who are trapped under the rubble.
4 A very dry summer has caused a drought in many
parts of Africa. Famine is expected to follow,
leaving thousands of people without food.
Governments around the world have already
pledged to send thousands of dollars in aid.

Page 120
Exercise 2
Track 2.07
Presenter Love them or hate them, huge wind
turbines are becoming a more frequent
sight along our motorways. Along with
solar panels, they are an important
source of renewable energy. But how
effective are wind farms at providing the
energy we need? Joining me to discuss
this …

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Page 120 shore wind farm in Europe is even

Exercise 3 bigger. Two hundred and forty wind
turbines on a 110-kilometre site near the
Track 2.08
Black Sea in Romania. But despite there
Presenter Love them or hate them, huge wind
being 65 more wind turbines, its
turbines are becoming a more frequent
capacity is smaller than the London
sight along our motorways. Along with
solar panels, they are an important
Presenter Because the wind at sea is stronger?
source of renewable energy. But how
Lisa Exactly.
effective are wind farms at providing the
Presenter So, what does the future hold?
energy we need? Joining me to discuss
Lisa Well, as the price of building wind farms
this is Lisa Baum, a renewable energy
comes down further and the efficiency of
expert. Lisa, is wind power the future?
the turbines goes up, it is hoped that
Lisa I very much think it is. There are so
countries will continue to replace fossil
many benefits to wind. It’s so much
fuel power stations with cheaper,
cleaner than gas and safer than nuclear.
cleaner wind farms.
Wind farms are becoming cheaper to
Presenter Thank you for joining us.
build and more efficient to run making
Lisa My pleasure.
them better alternatives to gas or
nuclear. European countries are leading
Page 122
the way. Germany already gets over ten Exercises 2 and 3
percent of its energy from wind power
Track 2.09
and many EU countries will have
I grew up in Ireland, which has a moderate climate.
already reached their wind power
The summers aren’t very hot and the winters aren’t
targets by 2020.
particularly cold, and the one thing you can depend
Presenter But I’ve read wind power is unreliable.
on is that it will probably be cloudy and damp. There
What happens when the wind doesn’t
have been a few major storms, of course, including
Hurricane Charley in 1986 and Hurricane Katia in
Lisa Obviously, that is an issue. But the
2011, and we’ve even had a major snowstorm or two,
technology is improving all the time
but Irish weather isn’t known for its drama. You can
which means that even the slightest
imagine my shock when I moved to the Midwest of
gusts of wind can generate electricity.
the United States to go to university and had my first
Also, there is big investment in off-shore
experience of a major thunderstorm. What surprised
wind farms, which are much more
me most is that you can actually feel a change in the
reliable. The largest off-shore wind farm
air pressure as the storm approaches. Your body
is in the UK and there are 175 wind
feels heavier, and there is a sense of tension in the
turbines producing 630 megawatts of
air. Not only that, the clouds became so thick that
they completely blocked out the sun. It was only
Presenter That sounds impressive.
lunchtime and I thought that night had fallen. And
Lisa Well, believe it or not, the biggest on-

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when the storm was actually on top of us, it felt like

Independent External
the apocalypse had arrived. Thunder exploded again
Evaluation Practice Test
and again, the sky lit up like huge camera flashes,
the wind roared and hail the size of golf balls fell from Page 195
the sky. I was terrified. My first major storm in the US Task 1
left me shaking and breathless. At least, I thought it Track 2.10
was a major storm. For students who had grown up 1
in the area, it was nothing more than a typical Boy Is it OK if I go out, Mum? I want to take some
passing event, hardly worth noticing. Actually, the more photographs for my school project.
only reason anyone talked about the storm Mum You’ve taken a lot already, haven’t you,
afterwards was because a very old tree on campus Darren?
had been hit by lightning and had split into several Boy Yes, I’ve got plenty of the church, but you
pieces. Oddly enough, this storm opened my eyes to know the footbridge near it? I walked across
the fascination of extreme weather, and after a few it yesterday, and on the other side of the river
more experiences I decided to concentrate on there’s a house I hadn’t noticed before. It’s
meteorology for my university degree, which led to perfect for my project, so I want to take some
my job as a television meteorologist. I never quite got photos of it.
used to the storms in Iowa, but I certainly developed Mum OK. See you later.
a respect for the powers of nature. 2
Girl We had a school trip to a really interesting
museum this afternoon. It was good fun – not
like our last trip and all the statues! I loved
the video showing how things grow. There
was also a model of the city which I wanted
to see, but there was a long queue, so I
didn’t bother.
Boy I left my mobile in your shop this
morning. I tried on some jeans, so it
may be in the changing room.
Shop assistant I’ve just been in there, and I’m afraid
it isn’t there. Where else did you go?
Boy I looked through those sweaters, and
I came to the till to pay.
Shop assistant I would have noticed it if you’d left it
by the till. Oh, look – is that it on the
shelf beside the sweaters?
Boy Oh yes! That’s great. Thank you.

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4 but only a small number of people could afford

Woman Excuse me, could you tell me the way to horses.
the art gallery, please?
In the eighteenth century, the first canals in the
Man The best way is to walk straight ahead
country were constructed, with the aim of making it
until you come to the post office. Carry
easier to move goods from place to place by boat.
on, and take the first right. Keep going,
The canals were of great value to industry, until the
past the library and some small shops.
railways opened, and then canals were hardly used.
You’ll see the gallery across the road.
The first major railway line in Britain opened in 1830,
The building used to be a shoe factory,
between the two big cities of Liverpool and
so be careful you don’t walk straight
Manchester in the north of England. Soon there were
past it.
major lines linking cities all over the country. Trains
travelled at almost a hundred kilometres an hour –
Woman This city isn’t easy to get around in.
much faster than anyone had ever experienced.
Public transport could be better – often
Some people thought it was impossible to breathe at
the buses and trams are delayed and
such high speeds, so they were scared to travel by
crowded. Having a car isn’t much help,
as the roads are so busy, so I normally
There were also fears about the effects of trains on
cycle. I don’t really enjoy it, because of
nearby animals: even some scientists thought that
all the traffic, but it’s the quickest way to
cows would stop producing milk, or the smoke from
get around.
the engines would turn sheep black! We now know
that this is not true, of course.
Woman Do you still work in the library, Jerry?
Man Yes, but I’m hoping to leave soon. I’ve
Page 197
applied for a job in a bank.
Task 3
Woman Would you enjoy that?
Track 2.12
Man I’m not sure, but the salary is better. I’d
Interviewer My guest today is Dr Sarah Kiley, a
really like to be a teacher, but I need to
specialist in food and diet. Dr Kiley, is it
go back to university to do a teaching
true that British teenagers eat more
course first.
snacks between meals than any other
Page 196 nation in Europe?
Task 2 Dr Kiley I’m afraid so. The figures come from a
survey of over 200,000 teenagers from
Track 2.11
cities, towns and villages all around the
Today I’m going to talk to you about the earliest
country, following an earlier survey of
railways in Britain. Railways now play a very
younger children. The aim was to find
important role in everyday life, both for passengers
out about eating habits. The answers
and for transporting goods, but of course they aren’t
show that 60% of teenagers eat snacks
very old. For hundreds of years, most people had to
between meals.
walk. The fastest way of travelling was on horseback,

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Interviewer Is that a worry? it gets spent on unhealthy snacks, so

Dr Kiley Snacking itself isn’t the problem, this could really make a difference.
especially if it’s only once or twice a day, Interviewer Dr Kiley, thank you for your time.
but what worries me is that teens don’t Dr Kiley My pleasure.
snack on fruit or vegetables – even
those who know what’s healthy. Most
eat unhealthy food, such as crisps and
chocolate bars.
Interviewer That can’t be good.
Dr Kiley It really isn’t. Some fill themselves up on
snacks and then don’t eat their main
meal. That’s a problem, because we
mostly eat healthy foods, like fruit and
vegetables, as part of a main meal. So if
someone doesn’t have dinner, they’re
missing out on vitamins, which are
important for growth. And snacking can
make them overweight.
Interviewer What can we do about this?
Dr Kiley We can’t really try to control everything
young people eat. But we can help set
up a good environment for them, most
importantly by schools teaching all their
students about food and diet. Some
experts believe it would be helpful if the
government stopped advertisements for
unhealthy food, though I don’t think that
would be very successful.
Interviewer Do parents have a role?
Dr Kiley Yes, of course. If they know enough
about preparing healthy meals, they can
teach their children to cook. It’s best if
both parents and children eat healthily.
Unfortunately, many parents don’t know
enough about healthy eating
themselves, but what all parents can do
is to reduce the amount of pocket
money they give their children. We know
from the questionnaire that too much of

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