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<! oct p html><html it mscop ="" it mt p ="http://sch ma.

org/S archR
sultsPag " lang=" n-IN"><h a ><m ta cont nt="/imag s/bran ing/googl
g/1x/googl g_stan ar _color_128 p.png" it mprop="imag "><m ta cont
nt="origin" nam ="r f rr r"><titl >wrong p - Googl S arch</titl ><m ta
cont nt="AltS8GAz1IHKbuH3KTL/2kuWQt67Ij QUI8WcL60x8 BbHcO
/kXBu9UVKJpAWxf9tUmF raUBZHsvbCkxf gMAAABi JvcmlnaW4iOiJo HRwczovL2 vb2
sZS5jb206N QzIiwiZmVh HV ZSI6IlR XN0VG9rZW5zIiwiZXhwaXJ5IjoxNjA1MjA1OTg
LCJpc1N1 mRvbWFpbiI6 HJ1ZX0=" http- quiv="origin-trial"><script nonc
="iXOkqJ5LwUqsOUw8Pcbc4g==">(function(){win ow.googl ={k I:' f2nX7LvL GP4-
Pp9 ZiAc',k XPI:'31',u:'1515a045',kBL:' pvJ'};googl .sn='w b';googl .kHL='
n-IN';})();(function(){googl .lc=[];googl .li=0;googl .g t I=function(a)
{for(var c;a&&(!a.g tAttribut ||!(c=a.g tAttribut (" i ")));)a=a.par ntNo
;r turn c||googl .k I};googl .g tL I=function(a){for(var c=null;a&&(!a.g
tAttribut ||!(c=a.g tAttribut ("l i ")));)a=a.par ntNo ;r turn
c};googl .ml=function(){r turn null};googl .tim =function(){r turn at
.now()};googl .log=function(a,c,b, ,g){if(b=googl .logUrl(a,c,b, ,g)){a=n w
Imag ;var =googl .lc,f=googl .li; [f]=a;a.on rror=a.onloa
=a.onabort=function(){ l t [f]};googl .v l&&googl .v .v;a.src=b;googl .li=f+1}};googl .logUrl=function(a,c,b, ,g){var
="",f=googl .ls||"";b||-1!=c.s arch("& i=")||( ="& i="+googl .g t I( ),-
1==c.s arch("&l i=")&&( =googl .g tL I( ))&&( +="&l i="+ )); ="";!
b&&googl .cshi &&-1==c.s arch("&cshi =")&&"slh"!=a&&( ="&cshi ="+googl .cshi
);b=b||"/"+(g||"g n_204")+"?at p=i&ct="+a+"&ca ="+c+ +f+"&zx="+googl .tim ()+
;/^http:/i.t st(b)&&"https:"==win ow.location.protocol&&(googl .ml( rror("a"),!
1,{src:b,glmm:1}),b="");r turn b};}).call(this);(function(){googl .
={};googl .x=function(a,b){if(a)var c=a.i ; ls { o c=Math.ran om();whil
(googl . [c])}googl . [c]=[a,b];r turn!1};googl .lm=[];googl
.plm=function(a){googl .lm.push.appl (googl .lm,a)};googl .lq=[];googl .loa
=function(a,b,c){googl .lq.push([[a],b,c])};googl .loa All=function(a,b)
{googl .lq.push([a,b])};}).call(this);googl .f={};(function(){
ocum nt. ocum nt l m nt.a v ntList n r("submit",function(b){var
a;if(a=b.targ t){var c=a.g tAttribut (" ata-submitfals ");a="1"==c||"q"==c&&!
a. l m nts.q.valu ?!0:!1} ls a=!1;a&&( v nt
fault(),b.stopPropagation())},!0); ocum nt. ocum nt l m nt.a v ntList
n r("click",function(b){var a;a:{for(a=b.targ t;a&&a!= ocum nt. ocum nt l m
nt;a=a.par nt l m nt)if("A"==a.tagNam ){a="1"==a.g tAttribut (" ata-nohr
f");br ak a}a=!1}a&& v nt fault()},!0);}).call(this);(function()
{googl .hs={h:tru ,si :fals };})();var h="function"==t p of Obj ct. fin
Prop rti s?Obj ct. fin Prop rt :function(a,b,c){if(a==Arra .protot p ||
a==Obj ct.protot p )r turn a;a[b]=c.valu ;r turn a},k=function(a){a=["obj
ct"==t p of globalThis&&globalThis,a,"obj ct"==t p of win ow&&win ow,"obj
ct"==t p of s lf&&s lf,"obj ct"==t p of global&&global];for(var b=0;b<a.l
ngth;++b){var c=a[b];if(c&&c.Math==Math)r turn c}throw
rror("a");},l=k(this),m=function(a,b){if(b)a:{var c=l;a=a.split(".");for(var =0;
<a.l ngth-1; ++){var =a[ ];if(!( in
c))br ak a;c=c[ ]}a=a[a.l ngth-1]; =c[a];b=b( );b!= &&null!=b&&h(c,a,
{configurabl :!0,writabl :!0,valu :b})}};m("String.protot p
.startsWith",function(a){r turn a?a:function(b,c){if(null==this)throw n w T p
rror("Th 'this' valu for String.protot p .startsWith must not b null or un
fin ");if(b instanc of R g xp)throw n w T p rror("First argum nt to
String.protot p .startsWith must not b a r gular xpr ssion");var
=this+"";b+="";var = .l ngth,g=b.l ngth;c=Math.max(0,Math.min(c|0, .l
ngth));for(var f=0;f<g&&c< ;)if( [c++]!=b[f++])r turn!1;r turn
f>=g}});googl .arwt=function(a){ f= ocum nt.g t l m ntB I (a.i
.substring(a.i .startsWith("vcs")?3:1)).hr f;r turn!0};(function(){
var =function(a){this.g=a=a.url;var b=/[?&] sh=1(&|$)/.t st(a);this.i=!b&&/[?
&]a =1(&|$)/.t st(a);this.j=!b&&/[?&]a =2(&|$)/.t st(a);if((this.a=/[?&]a
url=([^&]*)/. x c(a))&&this.a[1]){tr {var c= co URICompon
nt(this.a[1])}catch( ){c=null}this.h=c}},g=function(a,b){r turn a.i&&a.h||a.j?
1==b?a.i?a.h:f(a,"& ct=1"):2==b?f(a,"&ri=2"):f(a,"&ri=16"):a.g},f=function(a,b){r
turn a.a?a.g.slic (0, x)+b+a.g.slic ( x):a.g+b};var
k=function(a,b){this.a=b===h?a:""};k.protot p .h=!0;k.protot p .g=function(){r
turn this.a.toString()};var l=/^(?:(?:https?|mailto|ftp):|[^:/?#]*(?:[/?#]|
$))/i,h={};var m=/^((mark t|itms|int nt|itms-appss):\/\/)/i;googl
.ausb=function(a){if(!a)r turn googl .ml( rror("a"),!1),!0;if(a.g tAttribut ("
ata-sbv2")){if(a.hasAttribut (" ata-ohr f"))var b=a.g tAttribut (" ata-ohr
f"); ls f,a.s tAttribut (" ata-ohr f",b);var c=b;var =n w
({url:c});c= .i&& .h|| .j?navigator.s n B acon?navigator.s n B
acon(f( ,"&act=1&ri=1"),"")?g( ,1):g( ,2):g( ,0):c;c=c instanc of k||!m.t
st(c)?c:n w k(c,h);b!=c&&(c instanc of k?b=c:(b=c,b instanc of k||(b="obj
ct"==t p of b&&b.h?b.g():String(b),l.t st(b)||(b="about:invali #zClosur
z"),b=n w k(b,h))), f=b instanc of k&&b.constructor===k?b.a:"t p _
rror:Saf Url")}r turn!0};}).call(this);(function(){
var f=this||s lf;

var h={};var x=function(a,c){if(null===c)r turn!1;if("contains"in a&& T

p )r turn a.contains(c);if("compar ocum ntPosition"in a)r turn a==c||!!
(a.compar ocum ntPosition(c)&16);for(;c&&a!=c;)c=c.par ntNo ;r turn
c==a};var aa=function(a,c){r turn function( ){ ||( =win ow. v nt);r turn, )}},z=function(a){a=a.targ t||a.src l m nt;!a.g tAttribut &&a.par
ntNo &&(a=a.par ntNo );r turn a},A="un fin "!=t p of
navigator&&/Macintosh/.t st( rAg nt),ba="un fin "!=t p of
navigator&&!/Op ra/.t st( rAg nt)&&/W bKit/.t st(
rAg nt),ca={A:1,INPUT:1,T XTAR A:1,S L CT:1,BUTTON:1}, a=function()
{this._mous v ntsPr v nt =!0},F={A:13,BUTTON:0,CH
CKBOX:!0,FIL :!0,OPTION:!0,RA IO:!0},H={COLOR:!0, AT :!0, AT TIM :!0," AT
L:!0,T XT:!0,T XTAR A:!0,TIM :!0,URL:!0,W K:!0}, a={A:!0,AR A:!0,BUTTON:!
L CT:!0,T XTAR A:!0};
var I=function(){this.h=this.a=null},K=function(a,c){var =J; .a=a; .h=c;r turn
};I.protot p .g=function(){var a=this.a;this.a&&this.a!=this.h?
this.a=this.a.__own r||this.a.par ntNo :this.a=null;r turn a};var
L=function(){this.i=[];this.a=0;this.h=null;this.j=!1};L.protot p .g=function()
{if(this.j)r turn J.g();if(this.a!=this.i.l ngth){var a=this.i[this.a];this.a+
+;a!=this.h&&a&&a.__own r&&(this.j=!0,K(a.__own r,this.h));r turn a}r turn
null};var J=n w I,M=n w L;
var O=function()
a="un fin "!=t p of navigator&&/iPhon |iPa |iPo /.t st(
rAg nt),P=String.protot p .trim?function(a){r turn a.trim()}:function(a){r
turn a.r plac (/^\s+/,"").r plac (/\s+$/,"")},ha=/\s*;\s*/,la=function(a,c){r
turn function p(b,g){g=voi 0===g?!0:g;var l=c;if("_custom"==l){l=b. tail;if(!
l||!l._t p )r turn;l=l._t p }if("click"==l&&(A&&b.m taK ||!A&&b.ctrlK
4==b.button||b.shiftK ))l="clickmo "; ls {var k=b.which||b.k Co
;ba&&3==k&&(k=13);if(13!=k&&32!=k)k=!1; ls {var =z(b),n;(n="k own"!=b.t p
||!!(!("g tAttribut "in )||( .g tAttribut ("t p ")|| .tagNam ).toUpp
rCas ()in H||"BUTTON"== .tagNam .toUpp rCas ()|| .t p &&"FIL "== .t
p .toUpp rCas ()|| .isCont nt itabl )||b.ctrlK ||b.shiftK ||b.altK
||b.m taK ||( .g tAttribut ("t p ")|| .tagNam ).toUpp rCas ()in
G&&32==k)||((n= .tagNam in ca)||(n= .g tAttribut No ("tabin x"),n=null!
=n&&n.sp cifi ),n=!(n&&! . isabl ));if(n)k=!1; ls {n=( .g tAttribut
("rol ")|| .t p || .tagNam ).toUpp rCas ();var q=!(n in F)&&13==k;
="INPUT"!= .tagNam .toUpp rCas ()||!! .t p ;k=(0==F[n]%k||
q)&& }}k&&(l="clickk ")} =b.src l m nt||b.targ
t;k=R(l,b, ,"",null);b.path?(M.i=b.path,M.a=0,M.h=this,M.j=!1,n=M):n=K(
,this);for(;q=n.g();){var m=q;var r=voi 0;var u=m;q=l;var t=u.__jsaction;if(!t)
{var ;t=null;"g tAttribut "in u&&(t=u.g tAttribut ("jsaction"));if( =t){t=h[
];if(!t){t={};for(var B= .split(ha),ia=B?B.l ngth:0,C=0;C<ia;C++){var
w=B[C];if(w){var xOf(":"),Q=-1!= ,ja=Q?P(w.substr(0, )):"click";w=Q?
P(w.substr( +1)):w;t[ja]=w}}h[ ]=t}u.__jsaction=t} ls
t=ka,u.__jsaction=t}u=t;"ma b _click"==q&&,q="click"):"clickk
"==q?q="click":"click"!=q||||(q="clickonl ");r={m:r?r:q,action:u[q]||"", v
nt:null,s:!1};k=R(r.m,r. v nt||b, ,r.action||"",m,k.tim Stamp);if(r.s||
r.action)br ak}k&&"touch n "==k. v ntT p &&(k. v nt._pr v ntMous v
nts= a);if(r&&r.action){if( ="clickk "==l) =z(b), =( .t p ||
.tagNam ).toUpp rCas (),( =32==(b.which||b.k Co )&&"CH CKBOX"!= )||(
=z(b),n= .tagNam .toUpp rCas (),r=( .g tAttribut ("rol ")||"").toUpp rCas
(), ="BUTTON"===n||"BUTTON"===r?!0:!( .tagNam .toUpp rCas ()in
a)||"A"===n||"S L CT"===n||( .g tAttribut ("t p ")|| .tagNam ).toUpp rCas
()in G||( .g tAttribut ("t p ")|| .tagNam ).toUpp rCas ()in H?!1:!0);
&&( v nt fault? v nt fault():b.r turnValu =!1);if("mous nt
r"==l||"mous l av "==l)if( =b.r lat Targ t,!("mous ov r"==b.t p
&&"mous nt r"==
l||"mous out"==b.t p &&"mous l av "==l)|| &&( ===m||
x(m, )))k.action="",k.action l m nt=null; ls {l={};for(var v in b)"function"!
==t p of b[v]&&"src l m nt"!==v&&"targ t"!==v&&(l[v]=b[v]);l.t p ="mous ov
r"==b.t p ?"mous nt r":"mous l av ";l.targ t=l.src l m nt=m;l.bubbl
s=!1;k. v nt=l;k.targ t l m nt=m}} ls k.action="",k.action l m
nt=null;m=k;a.h&&!m. v nt.a11 sg &&(v=R(m. v ntT p ,m. v nt,m.targ t l
m nt,m.action,m.action l m nt,m.tim Stamp),"clickonl "==v. v ntT p &&(v.
v ntT p ="click"),a.h(v,!0));if(m.action l m nt)if(a.h)!m.action l m
nt||"A"!=m.action l m nt.tagNam ||"click"!=m. v ntT p &&"clickmo "!=m. v
ntT p ||( v nt fault? v nt fault():b.r turnValu =!1),
(b=a.h(m))&&g&&,b,!1); ls {if((g=f. ocum nt)&&! at v
nt&& at v ntObj ct)tr {var at v ntObj ct(b)}catch(oa)
{ =b} ls =b;m. v nt= ;a.i.push(m)}}},R=function(a,c, ,b,g,p){r turn{ v
ntT p :a, v nt:c,targ t l m nt: ,action:b,action l m nt:g,tim
Stamp:p|| at .now()}},ka={},ma=function(a,c){r turn function( ){var b=
a,g=c,p=!1;"mous nt r"==b?b="mous ov r":"mous l av "==b&&(b="mous
out");if( .a v ntList n r){if("focus"==b||"blur"==b||" rror"==b||"loa
"==b)p=!0; .a v ntList n r(b,g,p)} ls .attach v nt&&("focus"==b?
b="focusin":"blur"==b&&(b="focusout"),g=aa( ,g), .attach v nt("on"+b,g));r
turn{m:b,l:g,captur :p}}},N=function(a,c){if(!a.j.hasOwnProp rt (c)){var
=la(a,c),b=ma(c, );a.j[c]= ;a.o.push(b);for( =0; <a.a.l ngth;++ ){var g=a.a[
];g.g.push(,g.a))}"click"==c&&N(a,"k own")}};O.protot p
.l=function(a){r turn this.j[a]};var V=function(a,c){var =n w na(c);a:{for(var
b=0;b<a.a.l ngth;b++)if(S(a.a[b],c)){c=!0;br ak a}c=!1}if(c)r turn a.g.push( ),
;T(a, );a.a.push( );U(a);r turn },U=function(a){for(var c=a.g.concat(a.a),
=[],b=[],g=0;g<a.a.l ngth;++g){var p=a.a[g];W(p,c)?(
.push(p),X(p)):b.push(p)}for(g=0;g<a.g.l ngth;++g)p=a.g[g],W(p,c)? .push(p):
(b.push(p),T(a,p));a.a=b;a.g= },T=function(a,c){var =c.a;fa&&( .st l
.cursor="point r");for( =0; <a.o.l ngth;++ )c.g.push(a.o[ ].call(null,c.a))},
=function(a,c){a.h=c;a.i&&(0<a.i.l ngth&&c(a.i),a.i=null)},na=function(a)
{this.a=a;this.g=[]},S=function(a,c){for(a=a.a;a!=c&&c.par ntNo ;)c=c.par ntNo
;r turn a==c},W=function(a,c){for(var =0; <c.l ngth;++ )if(c[ ].a!=a.a&&S(c[
],a.a))r turn!0;r turn!1},X=function(a){for(var c=0;c<a.g.l ngth;++c){var
=a.a,b=a.g[c]; .r mov v ntList n r? .r mov v ntList n
r(b.m,b.l,b.captur ): . tach v nt&& . tach v
nt("on"+b.m,b.l)}a.g=[]};var Z=n w O;V(Z,win ow. ocum nt. ocum nt l m
rror");N(Z,"loa ");N(Z,"chang ");N(Z," blclick");N(Z,"input");N(Z,"k
up");N(Z,"k own");N(Z,"k pr ss");N(Z,"mous own");N(Z,"mous nt
r");N(Z,"mous l av ");N(Z,"mous out");N(Z,"mous ov r");N(Z,"mous
up");N(Z,"past ");N(Z,"touchstart");N(Z,"touch n ");N(Z,"touchcanc l");N(Z,"sp
ch");(function(a){googl .jsa =function(c){ (a,c)};googl .jsaac=function(c){r
turn V(a,c)};googl .jsarc=function(c){X(c);for(var =!1,b=0;b<a.a.l ngth;+
+b)if(a.a[b]===c){a.a.splic (b,1); =!0;br ak}if(! )for( =0; <a.g.l ngth;+
+ )if(a.g[ ]===c){a.g.splic ( ,1);br ak}U(a)}})(Z);win ow.gws_wizbin
=function(a){r turn{trigg r:function(c){var =a.l(c.t p ); ||(N(a,c.t p ),
=a.l(c.t p ));var b=c.targ t||c.src l m nt; && .call(b.own r ocum nt.
ocum nt l m nt,c)},bin :function(c){ (a,c)}}}(Z);}).call(this);(function(){
var b=[];googl .jsc={xx:b,x:function(a){b.push(a)},mm:[],m:function(a){googl ngth||(googl}};}).call(this);(function(){googl .c={gl:fals
,lhc:fals ,s i:fals };(function(){
var =win ow.p rformanc ;var g=function(a,b,c, ){a.a v ntList n r?a.r
mov v ntList n r(b,c, ||!1):a.attach v nt&&a. tach v
nt("on"+b,c)},h=function(a,b,c, ){a.a v ntList n r?a.a v ntList n
r(b,c, ||!1):a.attach v nt&&a.attach v nt("on"+b,c)};googl .tim rs={};googl
.startTick=function(a){googl .tim rs[a]={t:{start:googl .tim ()}, :{},m:
{}}};googl .tick=function(a,b,c){googl .tim rs[a]||googl .startTick(a);c=voi
0!==c?c:googl .tim ();b instanc of Arra ||(b=[b]);for(var =0,f;f=b[ +
+];)googl .tim rs[a].t[f]=c};googl .c. =function(a,b,c){googl .tim rs[a].
[b]=c};googl .c.b=function(a){var b=googl .tim rs.loa .m;b[a]&&googl
.ml( rror("a"),!1,{m:a});b[a]=!0};googl .c.u=function(a){var b=googl .tim
rs.loa .m;if(b[a]){b[a]=!1;for(a in b)if(b[a])r turn;googl .csiR port()} ls
googl .ml( rror("b"),!1,{m:a})};googl .rll=function(a,b,c){var =function(f)
{c(f);g(a,"loa ", );g(a," rror", )};h(a,"loa ", );b&&h(a," rror", )};googl
.aft=function(a){a.s tAttribut (" ata-iml",googl .tim ())};googl
.startTick("loa ");var k=googl .tim rs.loa ;a:{var l=k.t;if( ){var m=
.timing;if(m){var n=m.navigationStart,p=m.r spons Start;if(p>n&&p<=l.start)
{l.start=p;k.wsrt=p-n;br ak a}} .now&&(k.wsrt=Math.floor( .now()))}}googl
.c.b("pr");googl .c.b("x ");if(googl{var q=function(a){a&&googl
.aft(a.targ t)};h( ocum nt. ocum nt l m nt,"loa ",q,!0);googl
.c.glu=function(){g( ocum nt. ocum nt l m nt,"loa ",q,!
function l(){r turn win ow.p rformanc &&win ow.p rformanc .navigation&&win
ow.p rformanc .navigation.t p };function m(a,b,c){r turn!a||!b&&p(a)?0:a.g
tBoun ingCli ntR ct?q(a,b,c,function( ){r turn .g tBoun ingCli ntR
ct()}):1}function p(a){if("non " l . ispla )r turn!0;if( ocum nt.
faultVi w&& ocum nt. faultVi w.g tComput St l ){var b=a.g tAttribut
(" ata- f rr ");b&&a.s tAttribut (" ata- f rr ",0);var c= ocum
nt. faultVi w.g tComput St l (a);c=!!c&&("hi n"==c.visibilit
||"0px"==c.h ight&&"0px"==c.wi th);b&&a.s tAttribut (" ata- f rr ",b);r
turn c}r turn!1}
function q(a,b,c, ){var = (a),f= .l ft+win ow.pag XOffs t,n= .top+win
ow.pag Offs t,h= .wi th,k= .h ight,g=0;if(!b&&0>=k&&0>=h)r turn g;0>n+k?
g=2:n>=(win ow.inn rH ight|| ocum nt. ocum nt l m nt.cli ntH
ight)&&(g=4);if(0>f+h||f>=(win ow.inn rWi th|| ocum nt. ocum nt l m
nt.cli ntWi th))g|=8; ls if(c){for(b= .l ft;a&&a!=c;a=a.par nt l m
nt)b+=a.scrollL ft;c= (c);if(b+h<c.l ft||b>=c.right)g|=8}r turn g||1};var
r,t=["aft","hct","prt","pprt","sct"];function u(a){r turn(a=v.s arch.match(n w R
g xp("[?&]"+a+"=(\\ +)")))?Numb r(a[1]):-1}function w(a){r.r mov v ntList
n r("click",w);a.stopPropagation&&a.stopPropagation()}
function x(){var a="&ima="+ +"&ima ="+z,b=googl .tim rs.loa ,c=b.m;if(!c||!
c.prs){var =l()?0:u("qsubts");0< &&(c=u("fbts"),0<c&&(b.t.start=Math.max(
,c)));var =b.t,f= .start;c={wsrt:b.wsrt};for(var n=0,h;h=t[n++];){var k=
[h];k&&f&&(c[h]=k-f)}0< &&(c.gsasrt=b.t.start- ); =b. ;b="/g n_204?
s="+googl .sn+"&t=aft&at p=csi& i="+googl .k I+"&rt="; ="";for(var g in
c)b+=""+ +g+"."+c[g], =",";for(var A in )b+="&"+A+"="+ [A];googl .cshi
&&(b+="&cshi ="+googl
.cshi );2==l()&&(b+="&bb=1");1==l()&&(b+="&r=1");"gsasrt"in c&&(g=u("qs
"),0<g&&(b+="&qs ="+g));googl .kBL&&(b+="&bl="+googl .kBL);a=b+(a||"");(r= ocum
nt.g t l m ntB I ("csi-ping"))?(r.a v ntList n r("click",w),r.s
tAttribut ("ping",a), n B acon?navigator.s n B
acon(a,""):googl .log("","",a)}}var v=location;var B=0,C=0, =0,z=0, =0, =!0,F=!
0;function G(a,b,c, ){var =googl .tim rs.loa .t[a]; &&(c|| &&b&&b< )||
googl .tick("loa ",a,b)}function H(a,b){b=b||googl .tim ();G("aft",b,!1,!0);++
; || != ||x();I(a,b)}function I(a,b){a=b||googl .tim ();G("iml",a,!1,!0);+
+C;J()}function J(){F||C!=B||googl .c.u("il")}var K="src bsrc url ll imag img-
url".split(" ");googl .c.b("il");googl .c.s tup=function(a){var b=a.g tAttribut
(" ata-atf");if(b)r turn Numb r(b);var c="string"!=t p of a.src||!a.src, =!!
a.g tAttribut (" ata-bsrc");b=a.g tAttribut (" ata- f rr ");var ;if(
=!b)a:{ =0;for(var f;f=K[ ++];)if(a.g tAttribut (" ata-"+f)){ =!0;br ak a}
=!1} &&a.s tAttribut (" ata-lz _",1);c=( =(c||a.compl t )&&!b&&! )&&!googl
.c.lhc&&Numb r(a.g tAttribut (" ata-iml"))||0;for(f=a;f&&"c nt r_col"!=f.i
&&"rhscol"!=f.i ;)f=f.par nt l m nt; =m(a, ,f);a.s tAttribut (" ata-atf",
);++B; &&
!c||a.hasAttribut (" ata-noaft")?++C:(f=( =1== )?H:I, &&(++ ,b&&++z),c?f(voi
0,c):googl .rll(a,!0,f));r turn };googl .c.ubr=function(a,b){G("aft",b,!0);
&&(( =!1, != )||x());a&&F&&(G("prt",b),G("iml",b,!0),F=!1,J(),googl .c.s
tup=function(){r turn 0},googl .c.ubr=function(){})};}).call(this);</script><st
l >.t wSqf{}.mfMhoc{}. sr {color:#fff !important;t xt-transform:non !
important}.V88cHc{}.wf-b .t wSqf,.wf-b .mfMhoc,.wf-b . sr ,.wf-b
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S{}.h1QFO {}.XcVN5 {}.wf-b .TVtOm {font-famil :Googl Sans,arial,sans-s rif !
important}.wf-b .gzf S{font-famil :Googl Sans,arial,sans-s rif !important}.wf-
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w bkit-k fram s qs-tim r {0%{}}.iUh30{font-siz :14px;pa ing-top:1px;lin
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ight:1.2;t xt-align:l ft;wi th:600px;margin-top:0;margin-bottom:28px}.s{max-wi
th:48 m;color:#4 5156;lin -h ight:1.58}h4.r{font-siz :small}.st{lin -h
ight:1.58;wor -wrap:br ak-wor }.st sup{lin -h ight:0.9}.z1asC { ispla
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#fff}.vk_aru:aft r{bottom:0;bor r-bottom:16px soli #fff}.vk_bk.vk_ar
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color:#212121}.vk_bk.vk_aru:b for {bor r-bottom-color:#212121}. i8g3{font-siz
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ing:6px 20px 0;}#rhs . i8g3{margin-l ft:2px;pa ing-bottom:5px;pa ing-
top:5px}. i8g3,. i8g3 a{color:#878787 !important;t xt- coration:non }. i8g3
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ight:1px}.vk_tbl{bor r-collaps :collaps }.vk_tbl t {pa ing:0}.xp clps,.xp
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ight:0}.xp op n .xp xpn {max-h ight:non }.xp op n .xp box .xp xpn ,.xp
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ight:100vh}li.fp-c{list-st l :non }.fp-w{box-sizing:bor r-box;l ft:0;margin-
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ight:bol ;font-st l :normal}.aCOpR m,.st m{color:#5f6368}.aCOpR a
m,.st a m{color:inh rit}a:hov r{t xt- coration:un rlin }input{font-
famil :arial,sans-s rif;font-siz :14px}h1{font-w ight:normal;margin:0;pa
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ing:0}#r s h3,#botstuff h3{font-siz :20px;lin -h ight:1.3;}.gl,#foot a{whit
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th:1280px}.col{float:l ft}#l ftnavc{position:r lativ }#c nt r_col{position:r
lativ ;margin-l ft:138px;margin-right:264px;}.big #c nt r_col{margin-l
ft:138px;}a.a-no-hov r- coration:hov r{t xt- coration:non }#rcnt{cl
ar:both;zoom:1;margin-top:0px;position:r lativ ;}#appbar,.rhscol{min-wi
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ar:both}#cnt #c nt r_col,.mw #c nt r_col{margin-l ft:180px}#rso{margin-
top:6px;}. llip{ov rflow:hi n;t xt-ov rflow: llipsis;whit -spac
:nowrap}.rc{position:r lativ }.Jb0Zif .B NLRc{margin:16px 16px -11px}a:hov r
h3{t xt- coration:un rlin }.gl:visit {color:#666}.RUXr2 { ispla
:inlin }.MTB56{margin-right:12px;v rtical-align:mi l }.qpGQpf{cl ar:both;pa
ing-top:6px}.tcP Uc .MTB56{ ispla :non }.aCOpR {lin -h ight:1.58;wor
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ight:normal;font-siz :small;lin -h ight:1.58;}.IsZv c{max-wi th:48 m;color:#4
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:tabl ;whit -spac :nowrap;margin:5px 0;lin -h ight:1.58;color:#70757a}.G1Rrjc{
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llipsis}.VNLkW{ ispla :tabl -row;v rtical-align:top}.h7mcFf{color:#999}.k6 P
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th:100%}.TXwUJf{color:#70757a}.PcHvNb{position:absolut }.N3n Gc{backgroun
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5px 12px}.Ixi80c{margin-top:0px}.i0PvJb{backgroun -color:#000}.mWT 7c{bor r-
top-l ft-ra ius:2px;bottom:0;font-siz :11px;font-w ight:bol ;pa ing:1px
3px;position:absolut ;right:0;t xt-align:right;t xt- coration:non ;backgroun
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a.fl{font-siz :14px}.TbwUp .rLwn0 {ov rflow:hi n;t xt-ov rflow:
llipsis}.TbwUp { ispla :inlin -block}.rhscol .qLRx3b{font-siz :14px;lin -h
ight:1.58}.GH v f,.GH v f:hov r,.GH v f.s l ct ,.GH v f.s l
ct :hov r{ ispla :inlin -block;backgroun -color:#fff;h ight:12px;margin-
top:1px;-w bkit-us r-s l ct:non ;wi th:13px}.action-m nu .mn- wn-arw{bor
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color:#70757a transpar nt}.action-m nu{ ispla :inlin ;margin:0 3px;position:r
lativ ;-w bkit-us r-s l ct:non ;margin-top:1px;v rtical-align:mi
l }.action-m nu-pan l{pa ing:6px 0;position:absolut ;l ft:0;pa
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c;bor r:1px soli rgba(0,0,0,.2);font-siz :13px;whit -spac :nowrap;z-in
x:3;-w bkit-transition:opacit 0.218s;box-sha ow:0 2px 4px
rgba(0,0,0,.2)}.action-m nu-it m{cursor:point r;-w bkit-us r-s l
ct:non }.action-m nu-it m:hov r{backgroun -color:# }#rcnt .action-m nu-
it m a.fl,.action-m nu-it m a.fl{color:#333; ispla :block;pa ing:7px 18px;t
xt- coration:non ;outlin :0}.action-m nu-pan l:focus,.action-m nu-it
m:focus,.action-m nu-it m a:focus{outlin :non }.action-m nu-it m{margin:0;pa
ing:0;-w bkit-us r-s l ct:non }.action-m nu-it m.s l ct {backgroun
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rflow:hi n;pa ing:0;position:absolut ;whit -spac :nowrap;wi
th:1px;z-in x:-1000;us r-s l ct:non }#rhs{min-wi th:268px; ispla
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ft:17px;pa ing-right:16px;position:r lativ ;wi th:457px;box-sizing:bor r-
box}#c nt r_col .rhsl5{ ispla :non }#rhs.rhstc4 .Vj L {wi
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important}.mw #rhs{margin-l ft:892px;pa ing-right:8px}[ ir='ltr'],[ ir='rtl']
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xt- coration:non ; ispla :inlin -block;}.h tb-mit m{h ight:16px;lin -h
ight:16px;margin:11px 1px 0}.h tb-mit m.h tb-ms l,.h tb-mit m a{pa
ing:16px 12px 12px 10px;}.HF9Klc{margin-right:5px;v rtical-align:t xt-bottom}.h
tb-mit m a.sqXXR{pa ing-l ft:6px}.h tb-mn-h :hov r{color:#1a73 8}#h
tb.notl a,#h tb.notl iv,#h tb.notl li{outlin -wi th:0;outlin :non }.h tb-
mit m a:activ ,.h tb-mn-h :activ {color:#1a73 8}.mor -v rt{v rtical-
align:t xt-bottom}.h tbItm.h tbS l:hov r,.h tbItm a:hov r,#c rlnk:hov
r{backgroun -color:#f1f1f1}.h tbItm.h tbS l,.h tbItm a,#c
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ight:17px; ispla :block}#h tbM nus{backgroun -color:transpar nt;top:0;wi
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ight:58px;pa ing:0;position:r lativ ;z-in x:126}.tFPn {backgroun
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th:832px}#h tb-msb-vis{ ispla :inlin ;margin-l ft:169px}#h tb-msb .h tb-mit
m{ ispla :inlin -block}#h tb-msb .h tb-mit m.h tb-ms l{bor r-bottom:3px
soli #1a73 8;color:#1a73 8;}#h tb.h tba #h tb-msb .h tb-mit m.h tb-ms
l{bor r-bottom:non }#h tb-msb .h tb-mit m.h tb-ms l:hov r{cursor:point
r}#h tb-msb .h tb-mit m.h tb-ms l:activ {backgroun :non }.h tb-mit m
a{color:#5f6368}.h tb-mit m .mcolor{ ispla :inlin -block;wi th:40px;h
ight:10px;margin-l ft:-13px;margin-right:-13px}#h tb-msb .h tb-mit m.h tb-
imb.mlin s p{wi th:0px;margin-l ft:8px;margin-right:8px;pa ing:0px;bor r-
l ft:1px soli rgba(0,0,0,.12)}.mn-h -txt{ ispla :inlin -block;pa ing-
right:6px;whit -spac :nowrap}.mn- wn-arw{bor r-color:#70757a transpar nt;bor
r-st l :soli ;bor r-wi th:5px 4px 0 4px;wi th:0;h ight:0;margin-l ft:-
2px;top:50%;margin-top:-2px;position:absolut }.h tb-mn-h :hov r .mn- wn-
arw{bor r-color:#222 transpar nt}.h tb-mn-h :activ .mn- wn-arw{bor r-
color:#1a73 8 transpar nt}#h tb-msb>.h tb-mit m:first-chil {margin-l
ft:180px}bo .vasq #h tbSum{h ight:58px}bo .vasq #h tb-msb .h tb-mit m.h
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ntr _point:0;f atur _i :;fto :0;h a r:0;is_jobs_spam_form:0;op n:0;pr s
l ct_answ r_in x:-1;sugg stions:;sugg stions_subt p s:;sugg stions_t p
s:;surfac :0;titl :;t p :78"><st l >a. uf3{color:#70757a;float:right;font-st
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p ,op n,f atur _i ,as nc_i , ntr _point,authorit ,car _i ,fto
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s,pr s l ct_answ r_in x,is_jobs_spam_form" class=" p" ata-v ="0ahUK
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th:100%}.sfbgg{h ight:65px}.A8SBwf{position:r lativ ;margin:0 auto;margin-l
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color:rgba(223,225,229,0);box-sha ow:0 1px 6px rgba(32,33,36,.28)}.RNNXgb:hov
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0 30px;top:4px}.sbfc .iblpc,. mcav .iblpc{pa ing-right:14px;margin-l ft:-
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:block}.sbfc.A8SBwf,. mcav.A8SBwf{pa ing-l ft:0;wi th:719px}.sbfc .RNNXgb,.
mcav .RNNXgb{wi th:717px}.iblpc{ ispla :fl x;align-it ms:c nt r;pa ing-
right:6px;margin-top:-7px}. oo l {margin-top:-2px}.hsuHs{margin:auto}.wFncl
{color:#9aa0a6;h ight:20px;wi th:20px}.gLF f{backgroun -color:transpar nt;bor
r:non ;margin:0;pa ing:0;color:rgba(0,0,0,.87);wor -wrap:br ak-wor
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ight:34px}.pR49A span{backgroun :url("/imag s/ xp rim nts/wav -un
rlin .png") r p at-x scroll 0 100% transpar nt;pa ing:0 0 10px 0;}. R x
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ction:row}.cl ar-button{fl x:1 0 auto; ispla :non ;cursor:point r;align-it
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rtical-align:mi l ;outlin :non }.cl ar-button{pa ing-
right:4px}.lBbtTb{margin-right:12px}.FqnKTc{bor r-l ft:1px soli # f 1 5;h
ight:65%}.hpuQ {fl x:1 0 auto; ispla :fl x;cursor:point r;align-it ms:c
nt r;bor r:0;backgroun :transpar nt;outlin :non ;pa ing:0 8px;wi
th:24px;lin -h ight:44px}.HPVvwb{h ight:24px;wi th:24px;v rtical-align:mi l
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th:24px;margin:auto}.UUbT9{position:absolut ;wi th:100%;t xt-align:l ft;margin-
top:-1px;z-in x:989;cursor: fault;-w bkit-us r-s l
ct:non }.aajZCb{backgroun :#fff;box-sha ow:0 4px 6px rgba(32,33,36,.28); ispla
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.RjPuVb,.S3nFn .aajZCb{fl x:0 0 auto}.xtSCL{bor r-top:1px soli # 8
a ;margin:0 14px;pa ing-bottom:4px}# nRric{ ispla :non }. nRric{list-st
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rif;font-siz :14px;l tt r-spacing:0.75px;margin:0 20px 0 16px;pa ing:8px 0
8px 0;lin -h ight:16px;t xt-transform:upp rcas }#sbt{ ispla
:non }.sbct{ ispla :fl x;align-it ms:c nt r;min-wi th:0;max-h ight:non
;pa ing:0}.jKWzZX JWi__sugg stions-inn r-contain r{fl x:auto; ispla :fl
x;margin:0 20px;align-it ms:c nt r;margin:0 20px 0 14px}.sbtc{ ispla :fl x;fl
x:auto;fl x- ir ction:column;min-wi th:0;max-h ight:non ;pa ing:6px
0}.sbic{ ispla :fl x;fl x:0 1 auto;align-it ms:c nt r;margin-
right:14px}.sbl2{lin -h ight:12px;font-siz :13px;color:#80868b;margin-
top:2px}.sbl1{ ispla :fl x;font-siz :16px;color:#212121;fl x:auto;align-it
ms:c nt r;wor -br ak:br ak-wor ;pa ing-right:8px}.sbl1>span{fl
x:auto}.sbab{ ispla :fl x;fl x:0 1 auto;align-s lf:str tch}.JU pV{font-
siz :8pt;margin-top:-16px;position:absolut ;right:16px}</st l >< iv i ="_
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nc_i : uf3-46;authorit :0;car _i :; ntr _point:0;f atur _i :;fto :0;h a
r:0;is_jobs_spam_form:0;op n:0;pr s l ct_answ r_in x:-1;sugg stions:;sugg
stions_subt p s:;sugg stions_t p s:;surfac :0;titl :;t p :46">< iv
jscontroll r="xz7cC " st l =" ispla :non " jsaction="rcuQ6b:npT2m "></
iv>< iv i =" uf3-46" ata-jiis="up" ata-as nc-t p =" uff 3" ata-as
nc-cont xt-r quir ="t p ,op n,f atur _i ,as nc_i , ntr
_point,authorit ,car _i ,fto ,titl ,h a r,sugg stions,surfac ,sugg
stions_t p s,sugg stions_subt p s,pr s l ct_answ r_in
x,is_jobs_spam_form" class=" p" ata-v ="0ahUK wj u6 qkPPsAhXRxzgGHS
uBn Q-0 I g"></ iv><a class=" uf3 wrSo4 aciX b" hr f="#" i ="sbfblt" ata-
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"== ?" m m":"lg"== ?" big":""} ls {var = ocum && ocum .offs tWi th; && >=j&&(c=" big")}a&&(a.classNam +=c);b&&(b.classNam
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coration:non }.iJ sb{ ispla :inlin -block;fill:curr ntColor}.iJ sb
img,.iJ sb svg{ ispla :block;h ight:100%;wi th:100%}.rwU cf{ ispla :inlin
-block}.Cq34nf{cursor:point r}.GshZz {bor r:1px soli transpar nt;t xt-
align:c nt r;bor r-ra ius:2px;lin -h ight:19px;cursor:point r;margin-l
ft:-1px;pa ing:4px 11px;}.GshZz :not(.h tb-tl-s l):hov r{box-sha ow:0 1px
1px rgba(0,0,0,.1);-w bkit-transition:all 0.0s;backgroun -color:#f8f8f8;backgroun
-imag :-w bkit-lin ar-gra i nt(top,#f8f8f8,#f1f1f1);bor r:1px soli
#c6c6c6;color:#222;backgroun -imag :-w bkit-gra i nt(lin ar,l ft top,l ft
bottom,from(#f8f8f8),to(#f1f1f1));}.GshZz :activ ,.GshZz :not(.h tb-tl-s
l):hov r:activ {backgroun -color:#f6f6f6;backgroun -imag :-w bkit-gra i
nt(lin ar,l ft top,l ft bottom,from(#f6f6f6),to(#f1f1f1));backgroun -imag :-w
bkit-lin ar-gra i nt(top,#f6f6f6,#f1f1f1);box-sha ow:ins t 0 1px 2px
rgba(0,0,0,.1);}.p swF {float:right;position:r lativ ;z-in x:3;right:17px}.p
swF .h tb-mit m{ ispla :inlin -block}.gTMtLb{z-in x:1001;position:absolut
;top:-1000px}.W 0UJf{h ight:33px;margin-l ft:180px;}bo .vasq .W 0UJf{h
ight:43px}.LHJvC { ispla :fl x;position:absolut ;top:0;-w bkit-transition:all
220ms as -in-out;color:#70757a;justif -cont nt:spac -b tw n;min-wi
th:652px;lin -h ight:33px}#r sult-stats{ov rflow:hi n;t xt-ov rflow:
llipsis;whit -spac :nowrap;pa ing-top:0;pa ing-bottom:0;pa ing-
right:8px;}bo .vasq .LHJvC {lin -h ight:43px}</st l >< iv i ="top_nav"><
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6v2c1.85 0 3.52-.64 4.88-1.68l5.69 5.69L22 20.59"></path></svg></span>All</ iv><
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wj u6 qkPPsAhXRxzgGHS uBn Q_AUoAXo CAQQAw" ata-sc="V"><span class="HF9Klc iJ
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28-.12.54-.32.74l-3.73 3.74-4.36 4.36c-.41.41-1.08.41-1.49 0l-2.89-2.9-2.9-2.9a1.06
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2z"></path></svg></span>Mor </a>< iv jsnam ="xl07Ob" class="cF4V5c il8S f" st
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uBn Q2h8oBXo CAQQBw"></ iv></g-h a r-m nu></ iv>< iv><g-h a r-m nu
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wj u6 qkPPsAhXRxzgGHS uBn Q2x96BAg BU">Tools</ iv></ iv></ iv><ol
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nh" i ="lb"></ iv>< iv class="appbar" i ="appbar">< iv i =" xtabar">< iv st
l ="position:r lativ ">< iv class="W 0UJf" i ="slim_appbar">< iv
class="LHJvC ">< iv i ="r sult-stats">About 2,39,00,00,000 r sults<nobr> (0.30
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i ="bc nt r">< iv class="col" st l ="wi th:0"></ iv></ iv>< iv
class="col" st l ="wi th:0">< iv i ="c nt r_col"><st l >a:hov r
h3.LC20lb{t xt- coration:un rlin }.LC20lb{ ispla :inlin -block;lin -h
ight:1.3;margin-bottom:3px;}. KV0M {pa ing-top:4px;}.TbwUp {pa ing-
bottom:1px;pa ing-top:1px;-w bkit-t xt-siz -a just:non }.NJjxr
{position:absolut ;l ft:0;top:0}.Vj L .Ti M1 .tjvcx,.rhs-osrp .tjvcx,.kno-
kp .tjvcx,.Vj L .kp-whol pag -osrp .tjvcx,#rhs .ss6qqb .tjvcx{ ispla :inlin
-block;h ight:19px;ov rflow- :hi n}.qz oU {color:#202124;whit -spac
:nowrap}. jrff{color:#5f6368}.B6fm f{position:absolut ;top:0;h
ight:0;visibilit :hi n;whit -spac :nowrap}. FM0qc{ ispla :inlin
-block;pa ing-bottom:1px;pa ing-top:1px;pa ing-l ft:2px;visibilit
:visibl }.Nxb87{ ispla :fl x;fl x- ir ction:row;justif -cont nt:spac -b
tw n;align-it ms:bas lin ;pa ing:0 0 0;}.LMMXP{color:#202124;font-
famil :arial,sans-s rif; ispla :inlin -block;l tt r-spacing:0.3px;font-
siz :20px;pa ing:0 0 12px;lin -h ight:1.3;h ight:26px;}.iJ1Kvb{ ispla
:inlin -block;lin -h ight:24px}.Gm 3X{ ispla :inlin -block;margin-
right:12px;position:r lativ ;top:-3px}.iv236{color:#5f6368; ispla :inlin
-block;margin-right:12px}.H 8Pa {ov rflow:hi n;bor r:non ;margin-
bottom:40px;ov rflow:visibl ;}.MGqjK{position:r lativ ;backgroun
-color:#fff;margin:0;box-sha ow:non ;bor r-ra ius:8px;bor r:1px soli #
f 1 5;pa ing-bottom:20px}.VibNM{ ispla :block;bor r-top:1px soli #
ab; ispla :block;h ight:100%;wi th:100%}.WpKAof:hov r{backgroun
-color:#f8f9fa}#rcnt a.WpKAof:hov r{t xt- coration:non }.WpKAof:hov r .CwxNS
{t xt- coration:un rlin }.q2 a {h ight:100%;wi th:100%;position:r
lativ ; ispla :fl x;fl x- ir ction:row;box-sizing:bor r-box;align-it
ms:c nt r}.JWCxk{ ispla :inlin -block;wi th:50%;pa ing-
top:non }.QmUzgb{wi th:100%;h ight:100%}.U5LfPc.QmUzgb{ ispla :fl x;fl x-
ir ction:column}.Sm uH img{obj ct-fit:cov r;h ight:100%;wi th:100%}.Sm uH
{position:absolut ;top:0;l ft:0;bottom:0;right:0;backgroun :#f8f8f8}.J2i9H {lin
-h ight:14px;bor r-ra ius:2px;font-siz :12px;pa ing:2px
4px;position:absolut ;font-famil :arial,sans-s rif-m ium,sans-s
rif;bottom:8px;color:#fff;l ft:12px;backgroun -color:rgba(0,0,0,.54);pa
ing:1px 8px;bor r-ra ius:8px;l ft:8px;bottom:6px}.orkam{wi th:100%;position:r
lativ ;wi th:178px;h ight:100px;ov rflow:hi n;}.orkam vi o{bor r-ra
ius:5px}.lxoWP .orkam{}.o4QJ {position:absolut ;top:0;l
ft:0;right:0;bottom:0;backgroun :non }.orkam{bor r-ra ius:5px;margin-l
ft:10px;margin-l ft:20px;h ight:70px;wi th:123.9px;min-wi th:123.9px}@m ia
scr n an (max-wi th:350px){.orkam{h ight:73px;wi th:130px;min-wi
th:130px}.orkam{bor r-ra ius:5px;margin-l ft:10px;h ight:65.5px;wi
th:115.935px;min-wi th:115.935px}}.Woharf{position:absolut ;h
ight:16px;bottom:8px;l ft:16px;transform:translat Z(0);z-in x:2;}.fnfjvf{h
ight:100%;l ft:0;position:absolut ;top:0;wi th:100%}span.OPkOif{position:absolut
;fill:curr ntColor;top:0;l ft:0;opacit :.8;z-in x:1}span.ojk m {bor r-ra
ius:50%; ispla :block;position:absolut ;top:0;l ft:0;box-sha ow:0 0 8px
rgba(0,0,0,.05);backgroun -color:rgba(0,0,0,.05)}.i uClc{position:absolut
;top:50%;l ft:50%}.OPkOif{backgroun :no-r p at c nt r/100% url( ata:imag
/svg+xml;bas 64,PHN2Z B4bWxucz0iaHR0c ovL3 3 53M 5vcmcvMjAwMC9z mciIH
l6Ii8+PC9z mc+);}.fJiQl {lin -h ight:20px;font-siz :16px;t xt-ov rflow:
llipsis;ov rflow:hi n; ispla :-w bkit-box;-w bkit-lin -clamp:3;-w bkit-
box-ori nt:v rtical;margin-bottom:3px;fl x-grow:1;-w bkit-lin -clamp:2;lin -h
ight:18px;h ight:auto}.nNwWz {box-sizing:bor r-box;pa ing:9px 15px 0
16px;fl x-grow:1; ispla :fl x;fl x- ir ction:column;wi th:calc(100% -
178px);h ight:100px;pa ing:8px 8px 8px 12px; ispla :fl x;fl x- ir
ction:column;justif -cont nt:spac -b tw n;h ight:90px;pa ing:10px
16px;}.ocUPS {max-wi th:100%;whit -spac :nowrap;ov rflow:hi n;t xt-ov
rflow: llipsis; ispla :block;}.ocUPS ,.ocUPS cit {font-siz :14px;lin -h
ight:22px}.QmUzgb{h ight:100%}.GlPvmc{color:#70757a;}.h
bottom:0;}.CwxNS { ispla :fl x;align-it ms:c nt r;}.ocUPS .rjm h iv{
ispla :inlin -block}@m ia scr n an (max-wi th:350px){.nNwWz {wi
th:calc(100% - 165px);h ight:92px;h ight:85.5px;pa ing:12px}.nNwWz .H4fVmc{h
ight:83px;pa ing-top:0}.nNwWz .Pw ix{pa ing-bottom:6px;pa ing-top:2px;h
ight:84px}}.rjm h {font-siz :14px;color:#70757a;}.f TRc {pa ing-top:8px;pa
ing:0;margin-top:-32px}.mIK 0c{cursor:point r; ispla :block;font-w
ight:400;lin -h ight:18px;ov rflow:hi n;t xt-ov rflow: llipsis;whit
-spac :nowrap}.mIK 0c. GWpb{ov rflow:visibl }. ZR
lc{color:rgba(0,0,0,.54);float:l ft;margin:-2px 24px -2px
0}.wUrVib{color:rgba(0,0,0,.87);ov rflow:hi n;t xt-ov rflow: llipsis;whit
-spac :nowrap;wi th:auto}.mIK 0c{font-siz :16px;lin -h ight:1.43}. ZR
lc{color:#1a0 ab;fl x:non ;margin-right:8px}.wUrVib{color:#1a0 ab;whit
-spac :initial}g-mor -link a.Q2MMlc{align-it ms:c nt r; ispla :fl x}g-mor
-link. GWpb{cursor:initial;t xt-align:c nt r}g-mor -link. GWpb
a.Q2MMlc{ ispla :inlin -block}g-mor -link.i xNG{h
ight:30px;top:12px;position:r lativ }.MXl0lf{backgroun :#fff;bor r:1px soli
# a c 0;box-sizing:bor r-box;cursor:point r; ispla :inlin -block;font-siz
:14px;h ight:36px;lin -h ight:20px;pa ing:7px 11px;position:r lativ ;wi
th:300px;bor r-ra ius:18px}.MXl0lf:hov r{backgroun :#fafafa}.MXl0lf . ZR
lc{l ft:12px;margin-top:0;position:absolut ;h ight:20px;wi th:20px}.MXl0lf
.wUrVib{ ispla :inlin -block;max-wi th:220px;whit -spac :nowrap}</st l ><
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="tvcap"></ iv></ iv>< iv class="m " i ="r s" rol ="main">< iv i
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qkPPsAhXRxzgGHS uBn QGno CAQQKg"><!--a--><h1 class="Uo8X3b">S arch R
sults</h1>< iv i =" f2nX7LvL GP4- Pp9 ZiAc" ata-as nc-cont xt="qu
r :wrong%20p" i ="rso">< iv class="g"><h2 class="Uo8X3b">W b r sults</h2><!--
m-->< iv class="rc" ata-hv i ="CA QAA" ata-v ="2ahUK wj u6
qkPPsAhXRxzgGHS uBn QFSgAMAB6BAgB AA">< iv class=" uRUbf"><a hr
f="http://www.u- ictionar .com/wor /wrong(p)/from/ n/to/hi" ping="/url?
sa=t&amp;sourc =w b&amp;rct=j&amp;url=http://www.u- ictionar .com/wor
/wrong(p)/from/ n/to/hi&amp;v =2ahUK wj u6 qkPPsAhXRxzgGHS uBn QFjAA
gQIARAC"><br><h3 class="LC20lb KV0M "><span>wrong(p) m aning in Hin i -
wrong(p) in Hin i - U ictionar ...</span></h3>< iv class="TbwUp NJjxr
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jrff qz oU "><span> › wor › wrong(p) › from</span></span></cit ></ iv></a><
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tjvcx">www.u- ictionar .com<span class=" jrff qz oU "><span> › wor ›
wrong(p) › from</span></span></cit ></ iv>< iv class=" FM0qc"><span>< iv
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u6 qkPPsAhXRxzgGHS uBn Q7B0wAHo CA QBQ"><span class="mn- wn-
arw"></span></a><ol class="action-m nu-pan l" rol ="m nu" tabin x="-1"
jsaction="k own:m.h k ;mous ov r:m.h hn ;mous out:m.h hu " ata-v
="2ahUK wj u6 qkPPsAhXRxzgGHS uBn QqR8wAHo CA QBg"><li class="action-m nu-
it m" rol ="m nuit m"><a class="fl" hr f="http://w bcach .googl us rcont arch?q=cach :1pK66u8P5wQJ:www.u- ictionar .com/wor /wrong(p)/from/
n/to/hi+&amp;c =1&amp;hl= n&amp;ct=clnk&amp;gl=in" ping="/url?sa=t&amp;sourc =w
b&amp;rct=j&amp;url=http://w bcach .googl us rcont arch%3Fq%3 cach
:1pK66u8P5wQJ:www.u- ictionar .com/wor /wrong(p)/from/ n/to/hi%2B%26c %3
1%26hl%3 n%26ct%3 clnk%26gl%3 in&amp;v =2ahUK wj u6 qkPPsAhXRxzgGHS uBn
QI AA gQIARAH"><span>Cach </span></a></li></ol></ iv></span></ iv></ iv></
iv>< iv class="IsZv c">< iv><span class="aCOpR "><span>Som thing < m>wrong</
m> happ ns. nglish. Hin i. Hom ownloa app. Cop right 2020, N t as ,
Inc. All Rights R s rv .</span></span></ iv></ iv></ iv><!--n--></ iv><
iv class="g"><!--m-->< iv class="rc" ata-hv i ="CAIQAA" ata-v ="2ahUK wj
u6 qkPPsAhXRxzgGHS uBn QFSgAMAF6BAgC AA">< iv class=" uRUbf"><a hr
f="http://www.u- ictionar .com/wor /wrong(p)/from/ n/to/ar" ping="/url?
sa=t&amp;sourc =w b&amp;rct=j&amp;url=http://www.u- ictionar .com/wor
/wrong(p)/from/ n/to/ar&amp;v =2ahUK wj u6 qkPPsAhXRxzgGHS uBn QFjAB
gQIAhAC"><br><h3 class="LC20lb KV0M "><span>wrong(p) m aning in Arabic -
wrong(p) in Arabic - U ictionar ...</span></h3>< iv class="TbwUp NJjxr
"><cit class="iUh30 gBIQub qLRx3b tjvcx">www.u- ictionar .com<span class="
jrff qz oU "><span> › wor › wrong(p) › from</span></span></cit ></ iv></a><
iv class="B6fm f">< iv class="TbwUp "><cit class="iUh30 gBIQub qLRx3b
tjvcx">www.u- ictionar .com<span class=" jrff qz oU "><span> › wor ›
wrong(p) › from</span></span></cit ></ iv>< iv class=" FM0qc"><span>< iv
class="action-m nu"><a class="GH v f" hr f="#" i ="am-b1" aria-lab l="R sult
options" aria- xpan ="fals " aria-haspopup="tru " rol ="button"
jsaction="m.t ;k own:m.hbk ;k pr ss:m.mskp " ata-v ="2ahUK wj
u6 qkPPsAhXRxzgGHS uBn Q7B0wAXo CAIQBQ"><span class="mn- wn-
arw"></span></a><ol class="action-m nu-pan l" rol ="m nu" tabin x="-1"
jsaction="k own:m.h k ;mous ov r:m.h hn ;mous out:m.h hu " ata-v
="2ahUK wj u6 qkPPsAhXRxzgGHS uBn QqR8wAXo CAIQBg"><li class="action-m nu-it
m" rol ="m nuit m"><a class="fl" hr f="http://w bcach .googl us rcont arch?q=cach :snQK aLI QoJ:www.u- ictionar .com/wor /wrong(p)/from/
n/to/ar+&amp;c =2&amp;hl= n&amp;ct=clnk&amp;gl=in" ping="/url?sa=t&amp;sourc =w
b&amp;rct=j&amp;url=http://w bcach .googl us rcont arch%3Fq%3 cach
:snQK aLI QoJ:www.u- ictionar .com/wor /wrong(p)/from/ n/to/ar%2B%26c %3
2%26hl%3 n%26ct%3 clnk%26gl%3 in&amp;v =2ahUK wj u6 qkPPsAhXRxzgGHS uBn
QI AB gQIAhAH"><span>Cach </span></a></li></ol></ iv></span></ iv></ iv></
iv>< iv class="IsZv c">< iv><span class="aCOpR "><span>< m>wrong</ m>(<
m>p</ m>) m aning in Arabic, what is m aning of < m>wrong</ m>(< m>p</ m>)
in Arabic ictionar , au io pronunciation, s non ms an finitions of <
m>wrong</ m>(< m>p</ m>) in Arabic an nglish,<wbr>&nbsp;...</span></span></
iv></ iv></ iv><!--n--></ iv><
iv>< iv class="H 8Pa luh4tb cU zCb xp O9g5cc uUPGi" ata-hv i
="CAMQAA">< iv ata-hv i ="CAMQAQ">< iv class="Nxb87" aria-l v l="2" rol
="h a ing">< iv class="LMMXP mfMhoc"><titl -with-lhs-icon>< iv
class="iv236"><span class="iJ sb" st l ="h ight:20px;wi th:20px"><svg
focusabl ="fals " vi wbox="0 0 24 24"><path ="M10 16.5l6-4.5-6-4.5v9zM5
20h14a1 1 0 0 0 1-1V5a1 1 0 0 0-1-1H5a1 1 0 0 0-1 1v14a1 1 0 0 0 1 1zm14.5 2H5a3 3
0 0 1-3-3V4.4A2.4 2.4 0 0 1 4.4 2h15.2A2.4 2.4 0 0 1 22 4.4v15.1a2.5 2.5 0 0 1-2.5
2.5"></path></svg></span></ iv>< iv class="iJ1Kvb"><h3 class="Gm 3X" aria-l v
l="2" rol ="h a ing">Vi os</h3></ iv></titl -with-lhs-icon></ iv></ iv><
iv jsnam ="wRSf " class="MGqjK">< iv class="VibNM" st l ="bor r-top:non "
jsnam ="TFTr6" ata-v ="2ahUK wj u6 qkPPsAhXRxzgGHS uBn Qr6oBKAAwAno
CAMQAg">< iv jsnam ="ibnC6b" class="QmUzgb U5LfPc">< iv jscontroll r="UTxq6 "
jsaction="rcuQ6b:npT2m "><a class="WpKAof" hr f="https://www. outub .com/watch?
v=_ Za9vkxCw4&amp;list=PLijc-_cu9f5AmuoWI1wwV6 H1MPo6zplx&amp;in
x=39&amp;t=0s" ata-v ="2ahUK wj u6 qkPPsAhXRxzgGHS uBn QwqsBMAJ6BAg
AM" ping="/url?sa=t&amp;sourc =w b&amp;rct=j&amp;url=https://www. outub
.com/watch%3Fv%3 _ Za9vkxCw4%26list%3 PLijc-_cu9f5AmuoWI1wwV6 H1MPo6zplx%26in
x%3 39%26t%3 0s&amp;v =2ahUK wj u6 qkPPsAhXRxzgGHS uBn QwqsBMAJ6BAg
AM">< iv class="q2 a ">< iv class="JWCxk lxoWP orkam">< iv class="Sm uH
"><img alt="Vi o r sult for wrong p" i ="vxt2" src=" ata:imag /gif;bas
rr ="1">< iv jsnam =" wcXhb">< iv i ="_ f2nX7LvL GP4- Pp9 ZiAc9"></
iv>< iv class="Woharf"></ iv></ iv>< iv class="o4QJ "></ iv></ iv>< iv st
l ="top:-5%" class="fnfjvf">< iv class="i uClc" st l ="margin:-16px 0 0
-16px;wi th:32px;h ight:32px"><span class="ojk m " st l ="margin:3px;h
ight:26px;wi th:26px"></span><span class="OPkOif" st l ="h ight:35px;wi
th:35px;l ft:-3px;top:-3px"></span></ iv></ iv>< iv class="J2i9H
"><span>4:38</span></ iv></ iv>< iv class="I78iTc nNwWz ">< iv class="CwxNS
">< iv class="fJiQl oz3cqf p5AXl " aria-l v l="3" rol ="h a ing">Pl asur
P - i ou Wrong (Official Vi o)</ iv></ iv>< iv class="MmhWIb"><span
class="ocUPS GlPvmc"><cit class="h Ahf"> ouTub </cit ><span class="GlPvmc
nL zf"> · Atlantic R cor s</span></span></ iv></ iv></ iv></a></ iv></
iv></ iv><w- bug-cont nt><!--n--></w- bug-cont nt>< iv class="VibNM"
jsnam ="TFTr6" ata-v ="2ahUK wj u6 qkPPsAhXRxzgGHS uBn Qr6oBKA wA3o
CAMQBw">< iv jsnam ="ibnC6b" class="QmUzgb U5LfPc">< iv jscontroll r="UTxq6 "
jsaction="rcuQ6b:npT2m "><a class="WpKAof" hr f="https://www. outub .com/watch?
v=t fwoXoOlak" ata-v ="2ahUK wj u6 qkPPsAhXRxzgGHS uBn QwqsBMAN6BAg
Ag" ping="/url?sa=t&amp;sourc =w b&amp;rct=j&amp;url=https://www. outub
.com/watch%3Fv%3 t fwoXoOlak&amp;v =2ahUK wj u6 qkPPsAhXRxzgGHS uBn
QwqsBMAN6BAg Ag">< iv class="q2 a ">< iv class="JWCxk lxoWP orkam">< iv
class="Sm uH "><img alt="Vi o r sult for wrong p" i ="vxt3" src=" ata:imag
ata- f rr ="1">< iv jsnam =" wcXhb">< iv i ="_ f2nX7LvL GP4- Pp9
ZiAc11"></ iv>< iv class="Woharf"></ iv></ iv>< iv class="o4QJ "></ iv></
iv>< iv st l ="top:-5%" class="fnfjvf">< iv class="i uClc" st l ="margin:-
16px 0 0 -16px;wi th:32px;h ight:32px"><span class="ojk m " st l
="margin:3px;h ight:26px;wi th:26px"></span><span class="OPkOif" st l ="h
ight:35px;wi th:35px;l ft:-3px;top:-3px"></span></ iv></ iv>< iv class="J2i9H
"><span>3:05</span></ iv></ iv>< iv class="I78iTc nNwWz ">< iv class="CwxNS
">< iv class="fJiQl oz3cqf p5AXl " aria-l v l="3" rol ="h a ing">j^p^n -
wrong</ iv></ iv>< iv class="MmhWIb"><span class="ocUPS GlPvmc"><cit
class="h Ahf"> ouTub </cit ><span class="GlPvmc nL zf"> · N muri 眠り
</span></span>< iv class="rjm h "><span>F b 19, 2017</span></ iv></ iv></
iv></ iv></a></ iv></ iv></ iv><w- bug-cont nt><!--n--></w- bug-cont
nt>< iv class="VibNM" jsnam ="TFTr6" ata-v ="2ahUK wj u6 qkPPsAhXRxzgGHS
uBn Qr6oBKAIwBHo CAMQ A">< iv jsnam ="ibnC6b" class="QmUzgb U5LfPc">< iv
jscontroll r="UTxq6 " jsaction="rcuQ6b:npT2m "><a class="WpKAof" hr
f="https://www. outub .com/watch?v=fcv86fw13Vc" ata-v ="2ahUK wj u6
qkPPsAhXRxzgGHS uBn QwqsBMAR6BAg A0" ping="/url?sa=t&amp;sourc =w
b&amp;rct=j&amp;url=https://www. outub .com/watch%3Fv%3 fcv86fw13Vc&amp;v
=2ahUK wj u6 qkPPsAhXRxzgGHS uBn QwqsBMAR6BAg A0">< iv class="q2 a "><
iv class="JWCxk lxoWP orkam">< iv class="Sm uH "><img alt="Vi o r sult for
wrong p" i ="vxt4" src=" ata:imag /gif;bas 64,R0lGO lhAQABAIAAAP/////// H5BA
KAA ALAAAAAABAA AAAICTA AOw==" ata- f rr ="1">< iv class="o4QJ "></
iv></ iv>< iv st l ="top:-5%" class="fnfjvf">< iv class="i uClc" st l
="margin:-16px 0 0 -16px;wi th:32px;h ight:32px"><span class="ojk m " st l
="margin:3px;h ight:26px;wi th:26px"></span><span class="OPkOif" st l ="h
ight:35px;wi th:35px;l ft:-3px;top:-3px"></span></ iv></ iv>< iv class="J2i9H
"><span>3:06</span></ iv></ iv>< iv class="I78iTc nNwWz ">< iv class="CwxNS
">< iv class="fJiQl oz3cqf p5AXl " aria-l v l="3" rol ="h a ing">j^p^n -
Wrong</ iv></ iv>< iv class="MmhWIb"><span class="ocUPS GlPvmc"><cit
class="h Ahf"> ouTub </cit ><span class="GlPvmc nL zf"> · Maj stic
Casual</span></span>< iv class="rjm h "><span>Oct 26, 2017</span></ iv></
iv></ iv></ iv></a></ iv></ iv></ iv><w- bug-cont nt><!--n--></w- bug-
cont nt>< iv class="VibNM" jsnam ="TFTr6" ata-v ="2ahUK wj u6
qkPPsAhXRxzgGHS uBn Qr6oBKAMwBXo CAMQ w">< iv jsnam ="ibnC6b" class="QmUzgb
U5LfPc">< iv jscontroll r="UTxq6 " jsaction="rcuQ6b:npT2m "><a class="WpKAof"
hr f="https://www. outub .com/watch?v=fhGroqW7zB4" ata-v ="2ahUK wj u6
qkPPsAhXRxzgGHS uBn QwqsBMAV6BAg BA" ping="/url?sa=t&amp;sourc =w
b&amp;rct=j&amp;url=https://www. outub .com/watch%3Fv%3 fhGroqW7zB4&amp;v
=2ahUK wj u6 qkPPsAhXRxzgGHS uBn QwqsBMAV6BAg BA">< iv class="q2 a "><
iv class="JWCxk lxoWP orkam">< iv class="Sm uH "><img alt="Vi o r sult for
wrong p" i ="vxt5" src=" ata:imag /gif;bas 64,R0lGO lhAQABAIAAAP/////// H5BA
KAA ALAAAAAABAA AAAICTA AOw==" ata- f rr ="1">< iv jsnam =" wcXhb"><
iv i ="_ f2nX7LvL GP4- Pp9 ZiAc13"></ iv>< iv class="Woharf"></ iv></ iv><
iv class="o4QJ "></ iv></ iv>< iv st l ="top:-5%" class="fnfjvf">< iv
class="i uClc" st l ="margin:-16px 0 0 -16px;wi th:32px;h ight:32px"><span
class="ojk m " st l ="margin:3px;h ight:26px;wi th:26px"></span><span
class="OPkOif" st l ="h ight:35px;wi th:35px;l ft:-3px;top:-3px"></span></
iv></ iv>< iv class="J2i9H "><span>43:25</span></ iv></ iv>< iv class="I78iTc
nNwWz ">< iv class="CwxNS ">< iv class="fJiQl oz3cqf p5AXl " aria-l v
l="3" rol ="h a ing">HOW TO LIV RIGHT IN A WORL SO WRONG p.1 | LO C
...</ iv></ iv>< iv class="MmhWIb"><span class="ocUPS GlPvmc"><cit class="h
Ahf"> ouTub </cit ><span class="GlPvmc nL zf"> · McAlmont Church of
Christ</span></span>< iv class="rjm h "><span>Jul 15, 2020</span></ iv></
iv></ iv></ iv></a></ iv></ iv></ iv><w- bug-cont nt><!--n--></w- bug-
cont nt></ iv>< iv><g-mor -link class="f TRc mIK 0c GWpb i xNG"><a
class="Q2MMlc" hr f="/s arch?rlz=1C1HL _ nIN926IN926&amp;tbm=vi
&amp;sxsrf=AL Kk01_BK K cJc 3P UHocCXn 4o
g:1604844817757&amp;q=wrong+p&amp;sa=X&amp;v =2ahUK wj u6 qkPPsAhXRxzgGHS
uBn Q8cc KAR6BAg BQ">< iv class="MXl0lf mtqGb"><span class=" ZR lc z1asC
l xQ "><svg focusabl ="fals " xmlns="" vi wbox="0 0
24 24"><path ="M12 4l-1.41 1.41L16.17 11H4v2h12.17l-5.58 5.59L12 20l8-
8z"></path></svg></span><span class="wUrVib"><span>Vi w all</span></span></
iv></a></g-mor -link></ iv></ iv></ iv></ iv><span i ="fl "></span><script
nonc ="iXOkqJ5LwUqsOUw8Pcbc4g==">(function(){var u r=fals ;(function(){
var a=u r,b=googl .tim ();if(googl .tim rs&&googl .tim rs.loa .t){for(var
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+];){var h=googl .c.s tup(g);1==h?c=!0:h&4&&( =!0)}a&&c&& &&googl .c.ubr(!
1,b)};}).call(this);})();function _s tImag sSrc( , ){function f(a){a.on
rror=function(){ l . ispla ="non "};a.src= ;a.s tAttribut (" ata- f
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.c&&googl .c.s i&&googl .c.s tup&&googl .c.s tup(c),f(c)):(googl .iir=googl
.iir||{},googl .iir[b]= )}}"un fin "==t p of win ow.googl &&(win
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FB JR a j/9oA AMBAAIRAx APw MX4 4mR I2VSCNZB z81NKub nV HcC3 7
j1HC U0gjmo LliukTITcXv0PocbTTutLxTmMZqZAs2ZRow zos
UsTSz0xRF6nUu344ZWgqCUBRV1+7rkVb/U40Hl VzzR NrUtrG+q+iPUfxI+uBTiihkp1o57lopII
CfMrf/AIJ+ 8JS60qf KjlzSBFKQkB2V1IF/nv8AL UZulvqMXN qjoI0TlR+01Kx6iQ
h1J9N/33r5h XA tIJWFh7uk fvvjp Hino56iRI4U1O5so1AXxLOQZo b2R72B95 hNh38
MR6K 46uB195ZAw+uN UtHS0m 0U PNqiWF45luuq4c zuA j5 HmkPc0
5OGs5kR3SgkKoQGIK7 rqHf x2fhjOafTzqFl1tpXxqbm5FuvmrfTG0ZTQxV2WTJAA0rzJzVK6LMIk6
iPH6f HnjRqK 0FKHk xqRG FRpU/an/sMccu8I15pjFLwznFXNJFT0TM8fvAuq/m 8T
+BOJpLBMsJJ6fbR+n9XqMapwfRQNxPxCupBHzWV It9wVXp59 mLiWtbLn aK 1OhCfs2IHRb
R8ccTt4v Nph9R9mGVfCGfUalqigKgC5tKht9
im5T6rW3+ONQ4orZq2SoWBHSMko7i5Uk+TW3wBJlM01Q xIgJuFvfxH w2GNa Jxx4h
k4TzusijmpqLXHKmtG50 uPm22HU4N4gkBM XFg a4lTr/qxoH kqU/CVCJ Rp Fl3I
ki58v7 soIq p9p qkG1lLW/PH k9O+Cx LUGpz2or G 00tURqJtv
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bRpFgFv5m/ /1k5JxJnV 8smWcOzUbzPr 6ipVSrW03AkF7WP6
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gZTHOUlR2UMF6K nTHmCMzSBAQPj2xf5/kk qzU1RHGkoLCOTb42P02xT0lPJ7Sq Zib
44sLWtK/S 1 AtHNT6V96JXt6kXxufB JlNHwVRjiNolm
pkli5jstzpFxsRci9t/TGXVFCRmS5nLT zUcNo9QQ6bjpv8L401nfNMq
qR8mSVKaAkT1UKoqMx3s8ll6K t54m XNp iLWoRbJOSa
hjWmWR4phr5Ti8ZtCRf5KcROIcpqJqrIJRT 61q1kqiBfQNCgnc+ZO3pi K
sgSzZhSU8bHwiAO9z1+4oQn/Nh6lkkqlL MaqoG3iWN hv8Xc/hh8f W7v8KUvI v6VfB1NVU
1fWV+WTTu9Szop8N/G q29MTc3q6tq qing i90NojMhRVvuASPIHfbFgtLI
2fnNvsWq1P4cnHqtoZKnL5q GZWkQgXqCBf4hb45s8L 1o jzlW+8Mx40z6XMKhV qsMa+
Kuna/l54oMul To sSbi57b4sOL s9ogtTUimKSsVCQzF22H 4Hb w1wrwzmFbUo fZo
aWVlusfp6n UbnClFQXFlp lbLl Oq3JTBTQOsirSXURot78u2z Vt8Qtbxs K5spt3x7r
K8kj5GR0s/MWmV1 xOtCxBGnV3 li Q8Nz bA xI6 ML ibtc74U4s 5fA xOTNop Wil
6J7Oulj8x2wU0tLQ5NSGnq56iszWUkN ZC8cXkB5269 oHbHczz
skaOjlWQ11M8jMz6kKs9t2G1tgMP8KUCVm UN PtHqJl
zkbso3b4CwOLNVLn38IoWW8OvlkrIclqcskSpmmaOGcAcsSBvCbWub9b2OC466 9La RJFrmZlu
x7tu57fC3z88f0rCj KOiiIM/h0qoA ba 7 vfFjT06PT6Hbmqp8R6cxvvH4X/L XV1/bJI7ous
UGzLs3 uz s9slpzBSIumnj/lHX9/LFBPl75bVQpW wSf/AAnHn5HGx1tTTiKWcWZiN
Vj8tvT174GKujpOIrZRO 4pJ/ FI gr9jthsPQuXUh7g7NqWrip6Zoaamr6OMRrKs LuO5
NfST30gHbr2BK RmXmuC8vTm MWf/UbnAnwHwHXx5qxzsMlbTSmHQ 0Qh Q n71xuO3Xu
bSsloJaSasjr wpMJCn 3F97 s12VV18utK1lV1lvHXgMZmhnoZVBu jWvncb/pin MR VBH
FG7+h/sfwOCjNIFpqkcpGSGRQ8 JubW/vfGc1SimrnhO xSlNv5T0+fu4tOScVOP VlBxk65 0ajSV
KQUaQ ggkoNRH wO/wARuNZ8l h46CVlq57rTB x VHvOfQ 8SPX
VMIcwpI2qIkkkUaSxFmuO4PUfriposolrv4q5HSQ1FT7N StUTBpma0
LXW/UqxCggk9cI8qHCvmO8RKU+LGM6rK3hPhKnqOJJ6mqz7OJ SQTvr9mpQQSL AxuOw3t/LgH4h44z
N4TR0 rQ0NtIhiO7L5 iwt5hQoPcHFh/GXOznnHtakJLw0VqWO2/uX1/wC4t9MCOZZZNl00MUskMj
oHHK 4G5WxPncHGV+zZUmlhZZHm 1LltctJ ucFuQ8QfUh8JtfutwQfU4LMuq1rqRKhKXUW95
Wnlt3Ub O49CMZ40vI1RwPs m fv+nw/PBVkPGq5Rl60i0SSWJ s +GJp+xMlL4J1RU
VlVU1I3kqJmll nqxN98 qKqz
Lqlaqhm5U6AhXTqLixtf0OLf+GSZZVZ7T0+bQRzwVOuIBjsrk /h pG /Mcg4a bLIqvMKAtF
HJRV Rgs3Nv4ZOuxNj /1r2xpu cMg17Mv6U57PfRm3
2bVNXxVl6VlXNO8ZcrzpC2nwGwF+m/wCWNBr5JRTxZbSu 2qA NKLfZqLF PXfa+18Af
sOW5ZVHM6+ohNXO3Lp WcXU2sWt+9vjgkSvL5pM AV5QaNmmAAubG57 7fbfpih5
/0z8F6hZBP8izxqWgpo6ajiAX 3kIJZ7b Ux6/pgKjzKRa1J4W8ccg +pBxJzrNIq2vn/AP FXa
hKZPCoH9TG3n5nFVBH x+6hv0MgOOq8SOZptm95 qzCWrzukZwM hgp0Cn h RLf
a2H+XAZxlXztxHULG7LGh Q0sQbA 9cS8k4ig4 /h/SRrUxc3luQOaCbl2P/A jOaPMKjMs3ZxULrl
6mkcW9TjNTc7HiNWK+nWnIPaLNmr6 lSaUG VI0gb6 18CvFiGHOSAhtP rah2O6/9RghcU
IlirIoZIxu8LqS3+If / 4xUZlT 5iaaozKWj lQrhTUTA TbixSJbufgQOuN9ONVKhJmA+VtzsSJ/
FTzkMZax BIFH4/mMGfA2Tj/ jMc6lTT 6OOkhOq9wWZ3J/2fT1wA5fmOTZJIxhkkq5 9L1 qqfKN
f6uOg2wS8N8 Sjhbi7MppK 6 t7GilUJcQrcWHa+nffqcI8m7lUo4O8arja5GMZ m Un
VVUVZm01Lsz R 7AuGbV XKm1j8cQOJZOZnFQ qxCkgWAIG4A8gcQaOrmophNTsFcCwJAP54Z
lmLMSS T3xnmicx2+O WIAtskzqTK38IbTr qUbS MOhB+n0x VnHNRUwTR S1kwmk5siS
FntbU /L8hh WHw8m CxMRPx65 5NAlUzvUTvNIfG5ucN WFhL vWPSzo7h WFiAFfCxzCwA
wsLCwALCvh WA mFh WAB WFh AP/9k\x3 ';var ii=['vxt2'];_s tImag sSrc(ii,s);})
();</script><script nonc ="iXOkqJ5LwUqsOUw8Pcbc4g==">(function(){var s=' ata:imag
/jp g;bas 64,/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAA /2wC AAkGBwgHBgkIBwgKCgkL R P QwM
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U3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3N//AAB IA
AAh QA/AMRGz 0XXN02V6KG8b OQTxAMp0Xbjn Q0k RLL+kU8M2w0Ubq ck A/I
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MJTsuWuOStup9NFC2C8j2g S AjLTpsoZm+ iICnIUFRAc49 q 7FCO 3T5R+lIIh
GoaC8TNN2j9LpoB0WmM/I bGLHRIw6 Tkj oB0Tv 7 iMLQJ0QI1C h0R40AvsoKqmhp4nTTu
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of/bMOjW/9Ws8A3og1Q6locUqHV 8r C 2m58 MO K3AJVWqhtIP8Ux3tC3iu IAW30B shlXj
TJMXBrGjkA1TsVJ09Rhmi ZL2/COfZNfXQNBsS49kGc57a rgL2 O uSj8RFGxrpnN XWsM
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Oz1 gIa2Nx sJP a/lF8Cx GiZI7 4q U6 MbluqGItFXJ R2UN nZRv 2hXIqn+NmQ
Wx630NtlM ZF3bxta 3jJc6NHa ris 7 IuMCLs 8JIvq1
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18u4aslV+0 mUtgiAtbV2qB1 +ocTI65O6XXUnwfPNrQVftlVP / HG 178/RZ6trpqu
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i5t2An6qbFIGRjJnabj0Rv 8Xkp6FzHN r7+Unkgsv uWBp RvfV h 5jbZSR0Tl izVqWvq/ C
HNlL bGwuilHi9KwQ8bOHt +9/mNw X1Q2i 5+O1nl T 8z V 9M Kw20F9lM+2w79Z 1
iVTPKPOGsfmGW3 kjS/wBAonBrTo64A2C5LTu JGbHRTGlOXb P2XpWqCOG5w6qlpmNwbHZ
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2w6KX3TF a/hcSTKuPwaF4sT+F c h2uPskknTNOBQ 3J/CRwK r+
kksGntwaFuxH2VSswuMSCx+Xp3SSSoj//2Q\x3 \x3 ';var ii=['vxt3'];_s tImag
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s/R 84QzQ5OjcBCgoK QwNGg8PGjclH
U3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3N//AAB IA
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iSTW9zRLLGV ZBoHu jzJ 3M v4cMSs6nHO7vx7UrImxkNGcMu
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bZJlKOuQwwR6ivO8u LC2a4unCRr5+vtQ9qPVs6l4 NtC7qMsx5257ccc9+M0LaNoC tb x07Wf g
Tz hsI Bg+f 4Pl2J+1U2r6nqOp4ub6NFZwVQiPZ8ox29fSi TWuoNWtAbW0u7k M
kLA0gb1A2juB+X qfV b+80OK5vLWWGGGUx O0TBC2TnJIxnORjPcVNOaukNhGw j 2OTVp N B
WIJbbXt 07fqbZri0u7 3nkRFuJbZwnz IOPm9c k173nTV6L67s7GO +Fs2 J a cj1K4
v3p qfZXC4rRWJqcMzt8R W xiMBhFvXcRwGIzj 7/Wti/w+g0mXp9G0q5WUnHxKfzK/w
B5H9PSsatNH1S 3bT7O8n f8b2sLvs+pUcU 9K6 1 H 6Xq RL Jb8W5lFv+Oq
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CS 3BGCK skW6Rqix p p5U0sUQaQ3F C8U4LTgOKw2iPsp6pk16BaUrpbwSTSnaiKW
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GxvzbXH+oA1 kcu1hAFL sAc7 A 71fT9QWl/rXW1r 6/F/l8r2gs 86
RphhuaJTlSR3IA5I5qobTopAkQga nQ JOBtIw Bz+Xag7qSwNhP
7F zkGXc24x An2 f2pKmn0G4Ub H 2iTala atb3UtzPaNbtJq z 3IWVfm
QAWP6KOftUm8vbUXF3b2cs 5b6o81 smpNZ7u21 QPxFAwC 6VjHRtvcwapH a fGK8hZv
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2J5ozt7cXN4 5J Fb mb C 31x/0VLNrGuLChtk 11W0bbF c xgqzGMxmQbgxO 39Sc
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IZpGP8AOT5A Z5wPauTc 36HJ Ato76V I2mzXcM5wGSTHz/ 8 +wIr11m
1h5Xht9Nu5WLGR5LSN5V2n2A4+9RL+w K5gvo k C 7lxznn7c0 A 2Nj Xqapr W
z34vSfCZkkj2qGjGA cg8 478ijlJZ mZzaX zi T79rZ3t4fwo2O/ hWH2P07nzr0Il
2mgjupHs 5OI2c5kI7nHb 74ovjks7281S6tAZfj5pLgSv tMcLOSR
cbsGpzvp1xaNbWmjorL8tvHIgV2O u7j+XnJOTSJN1Xo6PJLXTM4lgmtlimMWwFuCfPj+9 WhIz3AR
vkxv8Acntzj96gXtl /FLFNuu4IHbcIx8ij6++P0q36Klnu PvZ B8WKQGNc
HHC7vt29KFLlHb2bikoS Ivpo7W3kt7jw8bXKk nLc cZox0S5kuA2 ti bl5z+1 PSNlZ6nM8t
S0//ANG ABj9aPQirwowB2A8qphHiiiU04KI3bXcV2lRCit1G5+CsZrjGf Qtj1rJOq7szT
Gq7SHOW824B5/OuUqzI6RHMH Ptg RJ3 Ss5OM5wPT71 2Go+ lX NFMw cg
T3K7FKqAVzx3qs0mK513SHW7u5XaCXCl2J42j+9KlRZUvhbCb+xV Qwrq0FtL4ng71jb 3O
gHGaIItNW10S9t KROp 4imU U IKnnz/TjvSpUjk1jiw4xUm7KHT otQiu9ksxmicbGj c V
Pq7WNvLC 2l8XPh5kwIgR5cUqVN4qU0n6LWSSWmSHlb/T7 cM zIc h3H9KHul
Qls7h+S0RGHjzgMM8j2zjvXKVSf RVzX6M
a4sMultbMvU1ti2jRp2MZfOSFx61qhpUq9Fqg8TbWzlKu0qwaf/9k\x3 ';var ii=['vxt4'];_s
tImag sSrc(ii,s);})();</script><script nonc
="iXOkqJ5LwUqsOUw8Pcbc4g==">(function(){var s=' ata:imag /jp g;bas
RsUFRAWIB0iIiA Hx8kK QsJC xJx8fLT0tMTU3Ojo6I s/R 84QzQ5OjcBCgoK QwNGg8PGjclH
U3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3N//AAB IA
W55 6ai xUxOi 2RzXBw 7sON1p ZH3mquZoJXmaljjia+TLWvGsP2/hBBjG2M4O 9
qpo1JaZoNRhqMtI 5rhpIO47k4CsJgOlPpUgGUWkAZP Q i1g 44Q9N CAX J7MhU8tw
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xqCsOLrf5pvFRBVN Gaga2b7HPpZPt7vBVRbStkl0zNc04Aw3tAH4 i 7vZb Xj0abgImWnn 1M
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lFaLvcbUaS2SRv+zaJ TC/WQXOOBjIaMA423B5L0v HTCfh ppn /7SrcGsJ3aCA7B79 f
hLWOtGVNT0b2UGBsbBj hhwwqa6cOQVLXvowIZ8Z0Z6h+iva0ZIHgo3TR6J nr A9 O
Ulapr4PM5AWOLHj gc xUZVlx F0N1mwNn4 Pf+qrFip 2jXL1aJN TlMUrGBK
oihKUhwNRtWUbxVL6mz5p+ik/aqXH7i35p+iJMZqwuu2wmoq42gb rH2B
ocWS+oN+b+i7bbx3NbqjpvNjJG aXAzcs/2pp+ 0FJ50 usm HF 7rZa4 45gKn48c
9XK1cItOqOok+23AN3000Z A 7U7AC lb5T7fJSSR0lvrRX AMj XN QT4h35LU8
Wo0lJU3CtmFR K9w VS wGNHosaP6R+J9i6PVZhkawz/AJXXVUlghwI4qczsi wNw3mQPA V
/kCIF Wf0 xjftHVPVPiMf Cb zHouGrf CB0laAGnsf1H7H4/HCg8hUhbH ub UWH8zs4
PiPokpbXQ +h67NC2XHWIIXFURtZJp CS0LqlnbGzW44CzwvtC6vqHzzM 2L C9zg1rT2k
n3KQmVlZxnAA+nnA5a /AMj81mMrZcXNLuG624QN /RR9MxrTs4N3O+/LK8iHFshO1APnf8AVZ+ crUa
HuTVZTFZj9qpSNqFvvm/RI8USn+T PbL+ioLcZpSm s 7ii IpIx/kP0UX7VVPqsP3
lJjLIW6hO/2On+U36IvNlA 2jgP+MJJKInsIWm3+pwfcCzlZ 5XOS12+CClbHnpJSzLjjGcf
fXknSVk 2Jb9G jiFPM9hHW 4guB5gr cI8V3ZnXfK2 rTqPSjr u+CPZz kkmV0u0Wz
vpovPK9XNuNst1P wgtqHmRrxhrgBj +05VFwTfJ+ T sxiaol Olw 1c frHI9LGB/7
0lp5G1rRn4pVPGaCbj rop67/U i0GIgMGp3ZuMkg 7PgvP7jXTXAv WP1tL9
j+HPsSSScl01h xxK0m4Zqqi s82MqahlvI JLStlcI37 wWg47S 7lpxZraP5SNJJZ6b0 f
/mi3 qRfBP5pt+P3OL4JJJW Rjarf6n 9xCbVb/Uqf5 SSQ P/9k\x3 ';var
ii=['vxt5'];_s tImag sSrc(ii,s);})();</script><st l >.wFMWsc{pa ing-l
ft:15px}.wFMWsc.JCsJK{pa ing-l ft:0}.r MH{ov rflow:hi n;t xt-ov
rflow: llipsis;}. v NH{font-w ight:bol ;}.g Wzn {color:#70757a;}.IThcW
{ ispla :tabl ;tabl -la out:fix ;whit -spac :normal;color:#70757a;lin -h
ight:1.58;margin:5px 0;wi th:100%}. gpRwf{ ispla :tabl -row;v rtical-
align:top;whit -spac :nowrap}.wFMWsc{ ispla :tabl -c ll;ov rflow:hi n;t
xt-ov rflow: llipsis;v rtical-align:bottom;wi th:1%}.AaVjTc a:link{ ispla
:block;color:#4285f4;font-w ight:normal}.AaVjTc t {pa ing:0;t xt-align:c nt
r}. 6cvqb{font-w ight:bol }. Vfk {color:rgba(0,0,0,.87);font-w
ight:normal;}.SJajHc{backgroun :url(/imag s/nav_logo299.w bp) no-r p at;ov
rflow:hi n;backgroun -position:0 0;h ight:40px; ispla
:block}.NVbCr{cursor:point r}</st l >< iv class="g"><h2 class="Uo8X3b">W b r
sults</h2><!--m-->< iv class="rc" ata-hv i ="CAkQAA" ata-v ="2ahUK wj
u6 qkPPsAhXRxzgGHS uBn QFSgAMAZ6BAgJ AA">< iv class=" uRUbf"><a hr
f="https://anal ticsin /" ping="/url?sa=t&amp;sourc
=w b&amp;rct=j&amp;url=https://anal ticsin /&amp;v
=2ahUK wj u6 qkPPsAhXRxzgGHS uBn QFjAG gQICRAC"><br><h3 class="LC20lb KV0M
"><span>p-Valu Corr ction- Hav W B n Using Wrong Valu Till
...</span></h3>< iv class="TbwUp NJjxr "><cit class="iUh30 gBIQub qLRx3b
tjvcx">anal ticsin<span class=" jrff qz oU "><span> › using-wrong-
p-valu </span></span></cit ></ iv></a>< iv class="B6fm f">< iv class="TbwUp
"><cit class="iUh30 gBIQub qLRx3b tjvcx">anal ticsin<span class="
jrff qz oU "><span> › using-wrong-p-valu </span></span></cit ></ iv>< iv
class=" FM0qc"><span>< iv class="action-m nu"><a class="GH v f" hr f="#" i
="am-b6" aria-lab l="R sult options" aria- xpan ="fals " aria-
haspopup="tru " rol ="button" jsaction="m.t ;k own:m.hbk ;k pr
ss:m.mskp " ata-v ="2ahUK wj u6 qkPPsAhXRxzgGHS uBn Q7B0wBno
CAkQBQ"><span class="mn- wn-arw"></span></a><ol class="action-m nu-pan l" rol
="m nu" tabin x="-1" jsaction="k own:m.h k ;mous ov r:m.h hn ;mous
out:m.h hu " ata-v ="2ahUK wj u6 qkPPsAhXRxzgGHS uBn QqR8wBno
CAkQBg"><li class="action-m nu-it m" rol ="m nuit m"><a class="fl" hr
f="https://w bcach .googl us rcont arch?q=cach :qXlma-C6I
MJ:https://anal ticsin /+&amp;c =7&amp;hl=
n&amp;ct=clnk&amp;gl=in" ping="/url?sa=t&amp;sourc =w
b&amp;rct=j&amp;url=https://w bcach .googl us rcont arch%3Fq%3 cach
:qXlma-C6I MJ:https://anal ticsin /%2B%26c %3
7%26hl%3 n%26ct%3 clnk%26gl%3 in&amp;v =2ahUK wj u6 qkPPsAhXRxzgGHS uBn
QI AG gQICRAH"><span>Cach </span></a></li></ol></ iv></span></ iv></ iv></
iv>< iv class="IsZv c">< iv><span class="aCOpR "><span class="f">Aug 11, 2017 —
</span><span>Th < m>p</ m> valu or probabilit valu in a statistical h
poth sis t sting, is th probabilit of fin ing th obs rv , or mor
xtr m r sults wh n th null&nbsp;...</span></span></ iv></ iv></ iv><!--
n--></ iv>< iv class="g"><!--m-->< iv class="rc" ata-hv i ="CAsQAA" ata-v
="2ahUK wj u6 qkPPsAhXRxzgGHS uBn QFSgAMA 6BAgL AA">< iv class=" uRUbf"><a
hr f="https://link.spring r/10.1007/978-3-030-04200-4_2" ping="/url?
sa=t&amp;sourc =w b&amp;rct=j&amp;url=https://link.spring
r/10.1007/978-3-030-04200-4_2&amp;v =2ahUK wj u6 qkPPsAhXRxzgGHS uBn QFjAH
gQICxAC"><br><h3 class="LC20lb KV0M "><span> v r thing Wrong with P-Valu s
Un r On Roof | Spring rLink</span></h3>< iv class="TbwUp NJjxr "><cit
class="iUh30 gBIQub qLRx3b tjvcx">link.spring<span class=" jrff qz oU
"><span> › chapt r</span></span></cit ></ iv></a>< iv class="B6fm f">< iv
class="TbwUp "><cit class="iUh30 gBIQub qLRx3b tjvcx">link.spring<span
class=" jrff qz oU "><span> › chapt r</span></span></cit ></ iv>< iv
class=" FM0qc"></ iv></ iv></ iv>< iv class="IsZv c">< iv><span class="aCOpR
"><span class="f">Nov 24, 2018 — </span><span>< m>P</ m>-valu s shoul not b
us . Th hav no justification un r fr qu ntist th or ; th ar
pur acts of will. Argum nts justif ing < m>p</ m>-valu s ar
&nbsp;...</span></span>< iv class="fG8Fp uo4vr"><span>b WM Briggs</span> ·
<span>2019</span> · <a class="fl" hr f="https://scholar.googl .com/scholar?
rlz=1C1HL _ nIN926IN926&amp;sxsrf=AL Kk033N5fpRUTRO PQA
vNnZ4hfwcsRw:1604844611842&amp;gs_lcp=CgZwc3kt WIQAzILCC4QsQMQ QMQkwI BQgA L
Cc6CggA L Mk M6Cggu Mk MQkwI6BAgA M6BwgA L M6 Qgu L
AoA Bqg HZ3 zLX p sABAQ&amp;uact=5&amp;um=1&amp;i =UTF-8&amp;lr&amp;cit
s=6192825775306558177" ping="/url?sa=t&amp;sourc =w
.com/scholar%3Frlz%3 1C1HL _ nIN926IN926%26sxsrf%3 AL Kk033N5fpRUTRO PQA
vNnZ4hfwcsRw:1604844611842%26gs_lcp%3 CgZwc3kt WIQAzILCC4QsQMQ QMQkwI BQgA L
Cc6CggA L Mk M6Cggu Mk MQkwI6BAgA M6BwgA L M6 Qgu L
AoA Bqg HZ3 zLX p sABAQ%26uact%3 5%26um%3 1%26i %3 UTF-8%26lr%26cit s%3
6192825775306558177&amp;v =2ahUK wj u6 qkPPsAhXRxzgGHS uBn QzgIwB3o
CAsQBw"><span>Cit b 8</span></a> · <a class="fl" hr f="https://scholar.googl
.com/scholar?rlz=1C1HL _ nIN926IN926&amp;sxsrf=AL Kk033N5fpRUTRO PQA
vNnZ4hfwcsRw:1604844611842&amp;gs_lcp=CgZwc3kt WIQAzILCC4QsQMQ QMQkwI BQgA L
Cc6CggA L Mk M6Cggu Mk MQkwI6BAgA M6BwgA L M6 Qgu L
AoA Bqg HZ3 zLX p sABAQ&amp;uact=5&amp;um=1&amp;i =UTF-8&amp;lr&amp;q=r lat
:4coHTTtW8VUthM:scholar.googl .com/" ping="/url?sa=t&amp;sourc =w
b&amp;rct=j&amp;url=https://scholar.googl .com/scholar%3Frlz%3 1C1HL _
nIN926IN926%26sxsrf%3 AL Kk033N5fpRUTRO PQA vNnZ4hfwcsRw:1604844611842%26gs_lcp
M6Cggu Mk MQkwI6BAgA M6BwgA L M6 Qgu L McB KMC M6Bwgu
sABAQ%26uact%3 5%26um%3 1%26i %3 UTF-8%26lr%26q%3 r lat :
4coHTTtW8VUthM:scholar.googl .com/&amp;v =2ahUK wj u6 qkPPsAhXRxzgGHS uBn
QzwIwB3o CAsQCA"><span>R lat articl s</span></a></ iv></ iv></ iv></
iv><!--n--></ iv>< iv class="g"><!--m-->< iv class="rc" ata-hv i ="CAoQAA"
ata-v ="2ahUK wj u6 qkPPsAhXRxzgGHS uBn QFSgAMAh6BAgK AA">< iv class="
uRUbf"><a hr f=" rpharmac .com/cont nt/ v r thing- ou-know-
about-th -p-valu -is-wrong" ping="/url?sa=t&amp;sourc =w
b&amp;rct=j&amp;url= rpharmac .com/cont nt/ v r thing- ou-
know-about-th -p-valu -is-wrong&amp;v =2ahUK wj u6 qkPPsAhXRxzgGHS uBn
QFjAI gQIChAC"><br><h3 class="LC20lb KV0M "><span> v r thing ou Know about
th P-Valu is Wrong — tl; r ...</span></h3>< iv class="TbwUp NJjxr "><cit
class="iUh30 gBIQub qLRx3b tjvcx"> rpharmac .com<span class=" jrff qz
oU "><span> › cont nt › v r thing- ou-kn...</span></span></cit ></
iv></a>< iv class="B6fm f">< iv class="TbwUp "><cit class="iUh30 gBIQub
qLRx3b tjvcx"> rpharmac .com<span class=" jrff qz oU "><span> › cont
nt › v r thing- ou-kn...</span></span></cit ></ iv>< iv class="
FM0qc"><span>< iv class="action-m nu"><a class="GH v f" hr f="#" i ="am-b8"
aria-lab l="R sult options" aria- xpan ="fals " aria-haspopup="tru " rol
="button" jsaction="m.t ;k own:m.hbk ;k pr ss:m.mskp " ata-v
="2ahUK wj u6 qkPPsAhXRxzgGHS uBn Q7B0wCHo CAoQBQ"><span class="mn- wn-
arw"></span></a><ol class="action-m nu-pan l" rol ="m nu" tabin x="-1"
jsaction="k own:m.h k ;mous ov r:m.h hn ;mous out:m.h hu " ata-v
="2ahUK wj u6 qkPPsAhXRxzgGHS uBn QqR8wCHo CAoQBg"><li class="action-m nu-it
m" rol ="m nuit m"><a class="fl" hr f="https://w bcach .googl us rcont arch?q=cach :B0 V0 PT GIJ: rpharmac .com/cont nt/ v
r thing- ou-know-about-th -p-valu -is-wrong+&amp;c =9&amp;hl=
n&amp;ct=clnk&amp;gl=in" ping="/url?sa=t&amp;sourc =w
b&amp;rct=j&amp;url=https://w bcach .googl us rcont arch%3Fq%3 cach
:B0 V0 PT GIJ: rpharmac .com/cont nt/ v r thing- ou-know-
about-th -p-valu -is-wrong%2B%26c %3 9%26hl%3 n%26ct%3 clnk%26gl%3
in&amp;v =2ahUK wj u6 qkPPsAhXRxzgGHS uBn QI AI gQIChAH"><span>Cach
</span></a></li></ol></ iv></span></ iv></ iv></ iv>< iv class="IsZv c"><
iv><span class="aCOpR "><span class="f">Jan 15, 2019 — </span><span> v r thing
ou Know about th < m>P</ m>-Valu is < m>Wrong</ m>. itor&#39;s Not :
This w k, I&#39;m xcit to intro uc two n w tl; r blogg rs xtraor
inair !</span></span></ iv></ iv>< iv jscontroll r="m6a0l" i =" ob_29" js
ata="fxg5tf;;Am/u Q" jsaction="rcuQ6b:npT2m " ata-v ="2ahUK wj u6
qkPPsAhXRxzgGHS uBn Q2Z0BMAh6BAgK Ak"></ iv></ iv><!--n--></ iv>< iv
class="g"><!--m-->< iv class="rc" ata-hv i ="CAUQAA" ata-v ="2ahUK wj
u6 qkPPsAhXRxzgGHS uBn QFSgAMAl6BAgF AA">< iv class=" uRUbf"><a hr
f="https://www.statistics on .html" ping="/url?sa=t&amp;sourc
=w b&amp;rct=j&amp;url=https://www.statistics on .html&amp;v
=2ahUK wj u6 qkPPsAhXRxzgGHS uBn QFjAJ gQIBRAC"><br><h3 class="LC20lb KV0M
"><span>Th p valu an th bas rat fallac — Statistics on
Wrong</span></h3>< iv class="TbwUp NJjxr "><cit class="iUh30 gBIQub qLRx3b
tjvcx">www.statistics on<span class=" jrff qz oU "><span> › p-valu
</span></span></cit ></ iv></a>< iv class="B6fm f">< iv class="TbwUp "><cit
class="iUh30 gBIQub qLRx3b tjvcx">www.statistics on<span class="
jrff qz oU "><span> › p-valu </span></span></cit ></ iv>< iv class="
FM0qc"><span>< iv class="action-m nu"><a class="GH v f" hr f="#" i ="am-b9"
aria-lab l="R sult options" aria- xpan ="fals " aria-haspopup="tru " rol
="button" jsaction="m.t ;k own:m.hbk ;k pr ss:m.mskp " ata-v
="2ahUK wj u6 qkPPsAhXRxzgGHS uBn Q7B0wCXo CAUQBQ"><span class="mn- wn-
arw"></span></a><ol class="action-m nu-pan l" rol ="m nu" tabin x="-1"
jsaction="k own:m.h k ;mous ov r:m.h hn ;mous out:m.h hu " ata-v
="2ahUK wj u6 qkPPsAhXRxzgGHS uBn QqR8wCXo CAUQBg"><li class="action-m nu-it
m" rol ="m nuit m"><a class="fl" hr f="https://w bcach .googl us rcont arch?q=cach : BvRwxOo8mMJ:https://www.statistics on
.html+&amp;c =10&amp;hl= n&amp;ct=clnk&amp;gl=in" ping="/url?sa=t&amp;sourc =w
b&amp;rct=j&amp;url=https://w bcach .googl us rcont arch%3Fq%3 cach
: BvRwxOo8mMJ:https://www.statistics on .html%2B%26c %3
10%26hl%3 n%26ct%3 clnk%26gl%3 in&amp;v =2ahUK wj u6 qkPPsAhXRxzgGHS
uBn QI AJ gQIBRAH"><span>Cach </span></a></li><li class="action-m nu-it m"
rol ="m nuit m"><a class="fl" hr f="/s arch?rlz=1C1HL _
nIN926IN926&amp;sxsrf=AL Kk01_BK K cJc 3P UHocCXn 4o
g:1604844817757&amp;q=r lat :https://www.statistics on
.html+wrong+p&amp;sa=X&amp;v =2ahUK wj u6 qkPPsAhXRxzgGHS uBn QHzAJ
gQIBRAI"><span>Similar</span></a></li></ol></ iv></span></ iv></ iv></ iv>< iv
class="IsZv c">< iv><span class="aCOpR "><span> ou&#39;v alr a s n
that < m>p</ m> valu s ar har to int rpr t. G tting a statisticall
insignificant r sult o sn&#39;t m an th r &#39;s no iff r nc . What
about g tting a significant&nbsp;...</span></span></ iv></ iv>< iv jscontroll
r="m6a0l" i =" ob_26" js ata="fxg5tf;;Am/u " jsaction="rcuQ6b:npT2m " ata-
v ="2ahUK wj u6 qkPPsAhXRxzgGHS uBn Q2Z0BMAl6BAgF Ak"></ iv></ iv><!--
n--></ iv>< iv class="g"><!--m-->< iv class="rc" ata-hv i ="CA QAA" ata-v
="2ahUK wj u6 qkPPsAhXRxzgGHS uBn QFSgAMAp6BAgG AA">< iv class=" uRUbf"><a
hr f="https://som tim simwrong.t p pa .com/wrong/2015/06/wh -p-048-shoul -b
-rar -an -wh -this-f ls-count rintuitiv .html" ping="/url?sa=t&amp;sourc
=w b&amp;rct=j&amp;url=https://som tim simwrong.t p pa .com/wrong/2015/06/wh
-p-048-shoul -b -rar -an -wh -this-f ls-count rintuitiv .html&amp;v
=2ahUK wj u6 qkPPsAhXRxzgGHS uBn QFjAK gQIBhAC"><br><h3 class="LC20lb KV0M
"><span>wh p = .048 shoul b rar (an wh ... - som tim s i'm
wrong</span></h3>< iv class="TbwUp NJjxr "><cit class="iUh30 gBIQub qLRx3b
tjvcx">som tim simwrong.t p pa .com<span class=" jrff qz oU "><span> ›
wrong › 2015/06</span></span></cit ></ iv></a>< iv class="B6fm f">< iv
class="TbwUp "><cit class="iUh30 gBIQub qLRx3b tjvcx">som tim simwrong.t p
pa .com<span class=" jrff qz oU "><span> › wrong › 2015/06</span></span></cit
></ iv>< iv class=" FM0qc"><span>< iv class="action-m nu"><a class="GH v f"
hr f="#" i ="am-b10" aria-lab l="R sult options" aria- xpan ="fals "
aria-haspopup="tru " rol ="button" jsaction="m.t ;k own:m.hbk ;k pr
ss:m.mskp " ata-v ="2ahUK wj u6 qkPPsAhXRxzgGHS uBn Q7B0wCno CA
QBQ"><span class="mn- wn-arw"></span></a><ol class="action-m nu-pan l" rol ="m
nu" tabin x="-1" jsaction="k own:m.h k ;mous ov r:m.h hn ;mous
out:m.h hu " ata-v ="2ahUK wj u6 qkPPsAhXRxzgGHS uBn QqR8wCno CA
QBg"><li class="action-m nu-it m" rol ="m nuit m"><a class="fl" hr
f="https://w bcach .googl us rcont arch?q=cach
:nuzmQ8bcVtUJ:https://som tim simwrong.t p pa .com/wrong/2015/06/wh -p-048-
shoul -b -rar -an -wh -this-f ls-count rintuitiv .html+&amp;c
=11&amp;hl= n&amp;ct=clnk&amp;gl=in" ping="/url?sa=t&amp;sourc =w
b&amp;rct=j&amp;url=https://w bcach .googl us rcont arch%3Fq%3 cach
:nuzmQ8bcVtUJ:https://som tim simwrong.t p pa .com/wrong/2015/06/wh -p-048-
shoul -b -rar -an -wh -this-f ls-count rintuitiv .html%2B%26c %3
11%26hl%3 n%26ct%3 clnk%26gl%3 in&amp;v =2ahUK wj u6 qkPPsAhXRxzgGHS
uBn QI AK gQIBhAH"><span>Cach </span></a></li></ol></ iv></span></ iv></
iv></ iv>< iv class="IsZv c">< iv><span class="aCOpR "><span>som tim s i r
a a pap r with thr stu i s, an th k r sults hav < m>p</ m>-
valu s of .04, .03 an .045. an i f l lik a j rk for not b li ving th
r sults. som tim s i&nbsp;...</span></span></ iv></ iv></ iv><!--n--></ iv><
iv class="g"><!--m-->< iv class="rc" ata-hv i ="CAcQAA" ata-v ="2ahUK wj
u6 qkPPsAhXRxzgGHS uBn QFSgAMAt6BAgH AA">< iv class=" uRUbf"><a hr
f="https:// n.wikip i _ ou_Wrong" ping="/url?sa=t&amp;sourc =w
b&amp;rct=j&amp;url=https:// n.wikip i _ ou_Wrong&amp;v
=2ahUK wj u6 qkPPsAhXRxzgGHS uBn QFjAL gQIBxAC"><br><h3 class="LC20lb KV0M
"><span> i ou Wrong - Wikip ia</span></h3>< iv class="TbwUp NJjxr
"><cit class="iUh30 gBIQub qLRx3b tjvcx"> n.wikip<span class=" jrff
qz oU "><span> › wiki › i _ ou_Wrong</span></span></cit ></ iv></a>< iv
class="B6fm f">< iv class="TbwUp "><cit class="iUh30 gBIQub qLRx3b tjvcx">
n.wikip<span class=" jrff qz oU "><span> › wiki › i _
ou_Wrong</span></span></cit ></ iv>< iv class=" FM0qc"><span>< iv
class="action-m nu"><a class="GH v f" hr f="#" i ="am-b11" aria-lab l="R
sult options" aria- xpan ="fals " aria-haspopup="tru " rol ="button"
jsaction="m.t ;k own:m.hbk ;k pr ss:m.mskp " ata-v ="2ahUK wj
u6 qkPPsAhXRxzgGHS uBn Q7B0wC3o CAcQBQ"><span class="mn- wn-
arw"></span></a><ol class="action-m nu-pan l" rol ="m nu" tabin x="-1"
jsaction="k own:m.h k ;mous ov r:m.h hn ;mous out:m.h hu " ata-v
="2ahUK wj u6 qkPPsAhXRxzgGHS uBn QqR8wC3o CAcQBg"><li class="action-m nu-it
m" rol ="m nuit m"><a class="fl" hr f="https://w bcach .googl us rcont arch?q=cach :3 cJRiSx6O0J:https:// n.wikip i _
ou_Wrong+&amp;c =12&amp;hl= n&amp;ct=clnk&amp;gl=in" ping="/url?sa=t&amp;sourc
=w b&amp;rct=j&amp;url=https://w bcach .googl us rcont arch%3Fq%3
cach :3 cJRiSx6O0J:https:// n.wikip i _ ou_Wrong%2B%26c %3
12%26hl%3 n%26ct%3 clnk%26gl%3 in&amp;v =2ahUK wj u6 qkPPsAhXRxzgGHS
uBn QI AL gQIBxAH"><span>Cach </span></a></li><li class="action-m nu-it m"
rol ="m nuit m"><a class="fl" hr f="/s arch?rlz=1C1HL _
nIN926IN926&amp;sxsrf=AL Kk01_BK K cJc 3P UHocCXn 4o
g:1604844817757&amp;q=r lat :https:// n.wikip i _
ou_Wrong+wrong+p&amp;sa=X&amp;v =2ahUK wj u6 qkPPsAhXRxzgGHS uBn QHzAL
gQIBxAI"><span>Similar</span></a></li></ol></ iv></span></ iv></ iv></ iv>< iv
class="IsZv c">< iv><span class="aCOpR "><span>&quot; i ou < m>Wrong</
m>&quot; is a song b Am rican R&amp;B sing r Pl asur < m>P</ m>. It is his
but singl from his first stu io album Th Intro uction of Marcus Coop r. It
is his first&nbsp;...</span></span>< iv class="IThcW " ata-hv i ="CAcQCQ"><
iv class=" gpRwf">< iv class="wFMWsc JCsJK">< iv class="r MH"><span class="
v NH"><span>R l as </span>: </span><span class="g Wzn "><span>Jun 16,
2008</span></span></ iv></ iv>< iv class="wFMWsc">< iv class="r MH"><span
class=" v NH"><span>Songwrit r(s)</span>: </span><span class="g Wzn "><span>R
x Zamor, Nobl Princ Hart</span></span></ iv></ iv></ iv>< iv class="
gpRwf">< iv class="wFMWsc JCsJK">< iv class="r MH"><span class=" v
NH"><span>Pro uc r(s)</span>: </span><span class="g Wzn "><span>R.
Zamor</span></span></ iv></ iv></ iv></ iv></ iv></ iv>< iv jscontroll
r="m6a0l" i =" ob_28" js ata="fxg5tf;;Am/u M" jsaction="rcuQ6b:npT2m " ata-v
="2ahUK wj u6 qkPPsAhXRxzgGHS uBn Q2Z0BMAt6BAgH A0"></ iv></ iv><!--n--></
iv>< iv class="g"><!--m-->< iv class="rc" ata-hv i ="CAgQAA" ata-v
="2ahUK wj u6 qkPPsAhXRxzgGHS uBn QFSgAMAx6BAgI AA">< iv class=" uRUbf"><a
hr f="https://a ssa s/it-s-tim -for-sci nc -to-aban on-th -t rm-
statisticall -significant" ping="/url?sa=t&amp;sourc =w
b&amp;rct=j&amp;url=https://a ssa s/it-s-tim -for-sci nc -to-aban on-
th -t rm-statisticall -significant&amp;v =2ahUK wj u6 qkPPsAhXRxzgGHS uBn
QFjAM gQICBAC"><br><h3 class="LC20lb KV0M "><span>It&#39;s tim for sci nc
to aban on th t rm &#39;statisticall significant ...</span></h3>< iv
class="TbwUp NJjxr "><cit class="iUh30 gBIQub qLRx3b tjvcx">a<span
class=" jrff qz oU "><span> › ssa s › it-s-tim -for-sci nc -to-aban on-
th -...</span></span></cit ></ iv></a>< iv class="B6fm f">< iv class="TbwUp
"><cit class="iUh30 gBIQub qLRx3b tjvcx">a<span class=" jrff qz oU
"><span> › ssa s › it-s-tim -for-sci nc -to-aban on-th
-...</span></span></cit ></ iv>< iv class=" FM0qc"><span>< iv class="action-m
nu"><a class="GH v f" hr f="#" i ="am-b12" aria-lab l="R sult options" aria-
xpan ="fals " aria-haspopup="tru " rol ="button" jsaction="m.t ;k
own:m.hbk ;k pr ss:m.mskp " ata-v ="2ahUK wj u6 qkPPsAhXRxzgGHS uBn
Q7B0w Ho CAgQBQ"><span class="mn- wn-arw"></span></a><ol class="action-m nu-pan
l" rol ="m nu" tabin x="-1" jsaction="k own:m.h k ;mous ov r:m.h hn
;mous out:m.h hu " ata-v ="2ahUK wj u6 qkPPsAhXRxzgGHS uBn QqR8w Ho
CAgQBg"><li class="action-m nu-it m" rol ="m nuit m"><a class="fl" hr
f="https://w bcach .googl us rcont arch?q=cach
:umonr5wpqb8J:https://a ssa s/it-s-tim -for-sci nc -to-aban on-th -t
rm-statisticall -significant+&amp;c =13&amp;hl= n&amp;ct=clnk&amp;gl=in"
ping="/url?sa=t&amp;sourc =w b&amp;rct=j&amp;url=https://w bcach .googl us
rcont arch%3Fq%3 cach :umonr5wpqb8J:https://a ssa s/it-s-tim
-for-sci nc -to-aban on-th -t rm-statisticall -significant%2B%26c %3
13%26hl%3 n%26ct%3 clnk%26gl%3 in&amp;v =2ahUK wj u6 qkPPsAhXRxzgGHS
uBn QI AM gQICBAH"><span>Cach </span></a></li><li class="action-m nu-it m"
rol ="m nuit m"><a class="fl" hr f="/s arch?rlz=1C1HL _
nIN926IN926&amp;sxsrf=AL Kk01_BK K cJc 3P UHocCXn 4o
g:1604844817757&amp;q=r lat :https://a ssa s/it-s-tim -for-sci nc
-to-aban on-th -t rm-statisticall -significant+wrong+p&amp;sa=X&amp;v =2ahUK
wj u6 qkPPsAhXRxzgGHS uBn QHzAM gQICBAI"><span>Similar</span></a></li></ol></
iv></span></ iv></ iv></ iv>< iv class="IsZv c">< iv><span class="aCOpR
"><span class="f">Oct 11, 2016 — </span><span>Th probl m is that th < m>p</
m>-valu giv s th right answ r to th < m>wrong</ m> qu stion. What w r
all want to know is not th probabilit of th &nbsp;...</span></span></ iv></
iv>< iv jscontroll r="m6a0l" i =" ob_27" js ata="fxg5tf;;Am/u I"
jsaction="rcuQ6b:npT2m " ata-v ="2ahUK wj u6 qkPPsAhXRxzgGHS uBn
Q2Z0BMAx6BAgI Ao"></ iv></ iv><!--n--></ iv></ iv><!--z--></ iv></ iv></
iv>< iv i ="bottoma s"></ iv>< iv i ="botstuff">< iv ata-v ="2ahUK wj
u6 qkPPsAhXRxzgGHS uBn QCHo CAQQKw">< iv i ="br s"></ iv>< iv jscontroll
r="f VMic" st l =" ispla :non " ata-u="0" js ata="C4mkuf;;Am/uX8"
jsaction="rcuQ6b:npT2m "></ iv></ iv></ iv>< iv>< iv jscontroll r="i 8 k"
st l =" ispla :non " jsaction="rcuQ6b:npT2m "></ iv>< iv i ="foot" rol
="navigation"><span i ="xjs">< iv><h1 class="Uo8X3b">Pag navigation</h1><tabl
class="AaVjTc" st l ="bor r-collaps :collaps ;t xt-align:l ft;margin:30px
auto 30px" rol ="pr s ntation"><tr jsnam ="T SSV " valign="top"><t class="
6cvqb"><span class="SJajHc" st l ="backgroun :url(/imag s/nav_logo299.w bp)
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ZiAc&amp;start=30&amp;sa=N&amp;v =2ahUK wj u6 qkPPsAhXRxzgGHS uBn Q8tM
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=2ahUK wj u6 qkPPsAhXRxzgGHS uBn Q8tM gQIBBA2"><span class="SJajHc NVbCr"
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-position:-74px 0;wi th:20px"></span>6</a></t ><t ><a aria-lab l="Pag 7"
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Kk01_BK K cJc 3P UHocCXn 4o g:1604844817757&amp; i= f2nX7LvL GP4- Pp9
ZiAc&amp;start=60&amp;sa=N&amp;v =2ahUK wj u6 qkPPsAhXRxzgGHS uBn Q8tM
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bp) no-r p at;backgroun -position:-74px 0;wi th:20px"></span>7</a></t ><t ><a
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=2ahUK wj u6 qkPPsAhXRxzgGHS uBn Q8tM gQIBBA8"><span class="SJajHc NVbCr"
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ZiAc&amp;start=80&amp;sa=N&amp;v =2ahUK wj u6 qkPPsAhXRxzgGHS uBn Q8tM
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g:1604844817757&amp; i= f2nX7LvL GP4- Pp9 ZiAc&amp;start=90&amp;sa=N&amp;v
=2ahUK wj u6 qkPPsAhXRxzgGHS uBn Q8tM gQIBBBA"><span class="SJajHc NVbCr"
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=2ahUK wj u6 qkPPsAhXRxzgGHS uBn Q8NM gQIBBBC" i ="pnn xt" st l ="t
xt-align:l ft"><span class="SJajHc NVbCr" st l ="backgroun :url(/imag
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xt</span></a></t ></tr></tabl ></ iv></span>< iv i ="gfn"></ iv><span i
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bkit-k fram s allow-al rt {from{opacit :1}to{opacit :.35}}.TCIIW {}.f6F9B
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coration:non ;whit -spac :nowrap}.fbar{margin-l ft:-27px}.Fx4vi{pa ing-l
ft:27px;margin:0 !important}#fsl{whit -spac :nowrap}.f6F9B {backgroun
:#f2f2f2;lin -h ight:40px;min-wi th:1261px;bor r-top:1px soli # 4 4
4;}.B4GxFc{margin-l ft:180px}.fbar p,.fbar a,#fs ttl,#fs tt
a{color:#5f6368}.fbar a:hov r,#fs tt a:hov r{color:#333}.fbar{font-siz :
14px}.b0KoTc{color:rgba(0,0,0,.54);pa ing-l ft:27px}.b2hzT{bor r-bottom:1px
soli # 4 4 4}.Q8LRLc{font-siz :15px}. Lngu{bor r-ra ius:100%; ispla
:inlin -block;h ight:10px;margin:6px 4px 9px 0;v rtical-align:mi l ;wi
th:10px}#Wprf1b{color:#333;font-w ight:bol }.smiUbb img{margin-right:4px}.smiUbb
a,.M6hT6 #swml a{t xt- coration:non }.smiUbb{margin-l ft:180px;lin -h
ight:15px;color:#5f6368;}.smiUbb a,#swml a{color:#5f6368}.smiUbb a:hov r,#swml
a:hov r{color:#333}#swml a{ ispla :inlin -block}#swml{ ispla :inlin
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4}</st l >< iv>< iv class="spch s2fp-h" st l =" ispla :non " i ="spch"></
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Q"><h1 class="Uo8X3b">Foot r links</h1>< iv i ="footcnt">< iv class="TCIIW "
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iv class="fbar smiUbb" st l ="visibilit :hi n" i ="swml"><span class="
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QpLkC gQIBBBF"></a><span i ="swml_lms p">&nbsp;-&nbsp;</span><a hr
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th:0px;cursor:point r;v rtical-align:mi l ;color:#4285f4}.sbico-
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ight:44px;margin-top:-1px;outlin :0;pa ing-right:16px;position:r lativ ;top:-
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ight:32px;margin:10px 0;bor r-ra ius:16px}.mini iv .visibl -sugg stions{bor
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ight:32px;lin -h ight:32px}.mini iv .sbib_b{pa ing-top:0}.mini iv
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ius:16px}.mini iv #gs_st0{lin -h ight:32px !important}.mini iv .sb
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ight:20px;wi th:16px}.mini iv .sbico-c .sbico{h ight:20px;wi th:20px}.hp #s
archform{position:absolut ;top:311px}#gb{h ight:0;pa ing-l ft:16px;pa ing-
right:16px}.mini iv .RNNXgb{h ight:32px;bor r-ra ius:16px;margin:10px 0
0}.mini iv . mcav .RNNXgb{bor r-bottom-l ft-ra ius:0;bor r-bottom-right-
ra ius:0}. mcav. mcat .RNNXgb{bor r-bottom-l ft-ra ius:24px;bor r-
bottom-right-ra ius:24px}.mini iv . mcav. mcat .RNNXgb{bor r-bottom-l ft-ra
ius:16px;bor r-bottom-right-ra ius:16px}.mini iv .S k P{pa ing-
top:0}.mini iv .logo{pa ing:0 32px}.mini iv .iblpc{margin-top:0}.mini iv .
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th:20px}.mini iv .hpuQ {lin -h ight:32px}.mini iv .HPVvwb{wi th:20px;h
ight:20px}.mini iv .Tg7LZ {h ight:32px;lin -h ight:32px}.mini iv .Tg7LZ
.FAuh b{h ight:20px;wi th:20px}.mini iv .Tg7LZ svg{h ight:20px;wi
th:20px}.mini iv .aajZCb{bor r-bottom-l ft-ra ius:16px;bor r-bottom-right-
ra ius:16px}.S3nFn { ispla :fl x}.lh87k :link,.lh87k :visit
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coration:non ;fl x:auto;align-s lf:fl x- n ;margin:0 16px 5px 0}.lh87k :hov
r{t xt- coration:un rlin }.sb7{backgroun :url() no-r p at ;min-h
ight:0px;min-wi th:0px;h ight:0px;wi th:0px}.sb27{backgroun :url(/imag s/s
archbox/ sktop_s archbox_sprit s302_hr.w bp) no-r p at 0 -21px;backgroun
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th:20px}.sb43{backgroun :url(/imag s/s archbox/ sktop_s archbox_sprit
s302_hr.w bp) no-r p at 0 0;backgroun -siz :20px;min-h ight:20px;min-wi
th:20px;h ight:20px;wi th:20px}.sb53.sb53{pa ing:0 4px;margin:0}
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th:32px;backgroun :c nt r/contain no-r p at}.sbr .sbl1{lin -h
ight:18px}.mini iv .sbl1{font-siz :14px}.sbl1p{color:#52188c}.sb b:hov
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r;font:13px arial,sans-s rif;align-s lf:c nt r}.sbhl{backgroun
:# }.mus_pc{ ispla :block;margin:6px 0}.mus_il{font-famil :Arial,H lv
ticaN u -Light,H lv ticaN u ,H lv tica;pa ing-top:7px;position:r lativ
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ft:10px}.mus_il_st{right:52px;position:absolut }.mus_il_i{align:l ft;margin-
right:10px}.mus_it3{margin-bottom:3px;max-h ight:24px;v rtical-
align:bottom}.mus_it5{h ight:24px;wi th:24px;v rtical-align:bottom;margin-l
ft:10px;margin-right:10px;transform:rotat (90 g)}.mus_tt3{color:#767676;font-
siz :12px;v rtical-align:top}.mus_tt5{color:# 4b39;font-siz :
14px}.mus_tt6{color:#3 9400;font-siz :14px}.mus_tt8{font-siz :16px;font-
famil :Arial,sans-s rif}.mus_tt17{color:#212121;font-siz :
20px}.mus_tt18{color:#212121;font-siz :24px}.mus_tt19{color:#767676;font-siz :
12px}.mus_tt20{color:#767676;font-siz :14px}.mus_tt23{color:#767676;font-siz :
18px}. 3ICb{whit -spac :nowrap;font-siz :13px}. 3ICb .h tbItm,. 3ICb
li{list-st l :non outsi non }.h tbItm{backgroun :#fff}.h tbS l,.h tbS
l #c rlnk{backgroun -imag :url(// nu/ch
ckmark2.png);backgroun -position:l ft c nt r;backgroun -r p at:no-r p
at}.wIV7 b{visibilit :hi n}.cF4V5c{backgroun :#fff;bor r-ra
ius:8px;box-sha ow:0 2px 10px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.2);margin-top:-4px;outlin :non ;pa
ing:5px 0;position:absolut }a.f9UG ,a.f9UG :visit {color:inh
rit;cursor:point r; ispla :block;font-siz :14px;lin -h ight:23px;outlin :
0;pa ing:3px 16px;t xt- coration:inh rit;whit -spac :nowrap}a.f9UG
:hov r{t xt- coration:non }.il8S f{margin-l ft:-15px}.il8S f a.f9UG
{color:#5f6368;lin -h ight:16px;pa ing:8px 16px}.f9UG .AchQo
{backgroun :rgba(0,0,0,0.1)}.KU ZF {bor r-top:1px soli # ;cursor:
fault;h ight:0;margin:5px 0;ov rflow:hi n;pa ing:0}.h tb-tl-s
l{backgroun :-w bkit-lin ar-gra i nt(top,# ,# 0 0 0);bor r:1px soli
# 7 7 7;box-sha ow:ins t 0 1px 2px 0 rgba(0,0,0,.1);}.Qj0a9 {bor r-top:1px
soli # b b b;margin:5px 0}.CXrxm{backgroun -imag
:url(// nu/ch ckmark.png);backgroun -position:l ft c nt
r;backgroun -r p at:no-r p at}.h tb-mn-cont{h ight:22px;whit -spac
:nowrap}.h tb-mn-h {color:#70757a; ispla :inlin -block;position:r lativ ;pa
ing-top:0;pa ing-bottom:0;pa ing-right:18px;pa ing-l ft:12px;lin -h
ight:22px;cursor:point r}#XJ Hvf{ ispla :inlin -block;wi th:180px;}. wsJzb{
ispla :block;position:absolut }.rIbAWc{cursor:point r; ispla :inlin
-block}html:not(.zAo T ) .hi -focus-ring{outlin :0}#vj zW {bor r-top:1px
soli # b b b;margin-top:5px;pa ing-top:5px}.h tbS l#vj zW ,.h tbS
l#vj zW :hov r{backgroun :non ;pa ing:5px 0 0}#c rlnk{cursor:point r}.T3k
X ,.OouJcb,.rzG2b {color:#666}.OouJcb,.rzG2b {backgroun -color:#fff;bor
r:1px soli # 9 9 9;bor r-top-color:#c0c0c0;bor r-ra ius:1px;font-siz :
13px;h ight:17px;l ft:50px;lin -h ight:17px;margin:0 4px;pa
ing:5px;position:absolut ;wi th:84px}.OouJcb:focus,.rzG2b :focus{bor r:1px
soli #4 90f ;box-sha ow:ins t 0 1px 2px rgba(0,0,0,.3);outlin
:non }.J6UZg .goog- at -pick r{l ft:154px;backgroun -color:#f1f1f1;bor r-
ra ius:2px;bor r:non ;font-siz :12px;outlin :non ;pa ing:5px 1px
10px;position:absolut ;top:61px;-w bkit-us r-s l ct:non }.J6UZg .goog- at
-pick r tabl {pa ing:0 10px;wi th:175px}.J6UZg .goog- at -pick r tabl th
a t {bor r-bottom:1px soli # 5 5 5}.J6UZg .goog- at -pick r tbo
th{wi th:0}.J6UZg at -pick r-h a {h ight:27px}.J6UZg at
-pick r-h a t {whit -spac :nowrap}.J6UZg .goog- at -pick r-month
ar{font-siz :13px}.J6UZg .goog- at -pick r tbo {outlin :non ;font-siz :
13px}.J6UZg .goog- at -pick r t ,.J6UZg .goog- at -pick r th{t xt-align:c
nt r}.J6UZg .goog- at -pick r-btn{backgroun :non ;bor r:non ;cursor:point
r;font-siz :12px;outlin :non ;pa ing:0;position:r lativ ;top:-1px}.J6UZg at -pick r-btn{font-siz :12px;v rtical-align:mi l }.J6UZg
.goog- at -pick r-w a ,.J6UZg .goog- at -pick r- at {font-w
ight:normal;pa ing:0 1px}.J6UZg .goog- at -pick r-w a {pa ing-
top:3px;lin -h ight:15px}.J6UZg t .goog- at -pick r-s l ct {backgroun
-color:#3369 8;bor r-ra ius:2px;color:#fff}.J6UZg .goog- at -pick r-oth r-
month{color:# 9 9 9}.J6UZg .goog- at -pick r- at {cursor:point r;wi
th:20px;lin -h ight:15px}.J6UZg .goog- at -pick r-foot{ ispla :non }.J6UZg
t .goog- at -pick r- at :hov r{backgroun -color:#c8c8c8;bor r-ra
ius:2px}.J6UZg t .goog- at -pick r- ar,.J6UZg t .goog- at -pick r-
month{pa ing:3px 0}.J6UZg at -pick r- ar,.J6UZg
at -pick r-month{color:#000}.J6UZg at -pick r-month{wi
th:77px}.J6UZg at -pick r- ar{wi th:50px}.J6UZg .goog- at -pick r-m
nu{backgroun :#fff;bor r:soli 1px #6b90 a;cursor:point r;outlin :non
;position:absolut }.Uf 8P tr:nth-chil (2) .goog- at -pick r-oth r-
month{color:#777}.T3k X {pa ing:0 15px}.suap3 {color:# 9 9 9;point r- v
nts:non }.vOvh1b{l ft:0;backgroun :#fff;h ight:100%;-ms-filt r:"progi :
XImag Transform.Microsoft.Alpha(Opacit =75)";opacit :.75;position:fix
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ab}#rcnt . kf0x:hov r h3{t xt- coration:non }.S ggn {bor r:1px soli #
a c 0;bor r-ra ius:36px; ispla :inlin -block;margin-right:16px;pa
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ight:1px}.OI uR { ispla :block;h ight:100%;ov rflow:auto;wi th:100%}.OI uR
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th:100%}.C FmZ .Sm uH {}.OmpZq {backgroun -color:rgba(0,0,0,.54);bor r-ra
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nt:\x27\x27;h ight:100%;l ft:0;position:absolut ;top:0;wi th:100%}a.gb_0:hov
r,a.gb_0:focus{t xt- coration:non }a.gb_0:activ {backgroun
-color:rgba(153,153,153,.4);t xt- coration:non }a.gb_1{backgroun
-color:#4285f4;color:#fff}a.gb_1:activ {backgroun -color:#0043b2}.gb_2{-w bkit-
box-sha ow:0 1px 1px rgba(0,0,0,.16);box-sha ow:0 1px 1px
rgba(0,0,0,.16)}.gb_0,.gb_1,.gb_3,.gb_4{ ispla :inlin -block;lin -h
ight:28px;pa ing:0 12px;-w bkit-bor r-ra ius:2px;bor r-ra
ius:2px}.gb_3{backgroun :#f8f8f8;bor r:1px soli #c6c6c6}.gb_4{backgroun
:#f8f8f8}.gb_3,#gb a.gb_3.gb_3,.gb_4{color:#666;cursor: fault;t xt-
coration:non }#gb a.gb_4.gb_4{cursor: fault;t xt- coration:non }.gb_4{bor
r:1px soli #4285f4;font-w ight:bol ;outlin :non ;backgroun
:#4285f4;backgroun :-w bkit-lin ar-gra i nt(top,#4387f ,#4683
a);backgroun :lin ar-gra i nt(top,#4387f ,#4683 a);filt r:progi : XImag
Transform.Microsoft.gra i nt(startColorstr\x3 #4387f , n Colorstr\x3 #4683
a,Gra i ntT p \x3 0)}#gb a.gb_4.gb_4{color:#fff}.gb_4:hov r{-w bkit-box-sha
ow:0 1px 0 rgba(0,0,0,.15);box-sha ow:0 1px 0 rgba(0,0,0,.15)}.gb_4:activ {-w
bkit-box-sha ow:ins t 0 2px 0 rgba(0,0,0,.15);box-sha ow:ins t 0 2px 0
rgba(0,0,0,.15);backgroun :#3c78 c;backgroun :-w bkit-lin ar-gra i
nt(top,#3c7a 4,#3f76 3);backgroun :lin ar-gra i nt(top,#3c7a 4,#3f76
3);filt r:progi : XImag Transform.Microsoft.gra i nt(startColorstr\x3 #3c7a
4, n Colorstr\x3 #3f76 3,Gra i ntT p \x3 0)}.gb_Fa{ ispla :non !
important}.gb_Ha{visibilit :hi n}.gb_g { ispla :inlin -block;v rtical-
align:mi l }.gb_Vf{position:r lativ }.gb_ { ispla :inlin
-block;outlin :non ;v rtical-align:mi l ;-w bkit-bor r-ra ius:2px;bor
r-ra ius:2px;-w bkit-box-sizing:bor r-box;box-sizing:bor r-box;h
ight:40px;wi th:40px;color:#000;cursor:point r;t xt- coration:non }#gb#gb
a.gb_ {color:#000;cursor:point r;t xt- coration:non }.gb_3a{bor r-
color:transpar nt;bor r-bottom-color:#fff;bor r-st l : ash ash
soli ;bor r-wi th:0 8.5px 8.5px; ispla :non ;position:absolut ;l
ft:11.5px;top:43px;z-in x:1;h ight:0;wi th:0;-w bkit-animation:gb__a .
2s;animation:gb__a .2s}.gb_4a{bor r-color:transpar nt;bor r-st l : ash
ash soli ;bor r-wi th:0 8.5px 8.5px; ispla :non ;position:absolut ;l
ft:11.5px;z-in x:1;h ight:0;wi th:0;-w bkit-animation:gb__a .
2s;animation:gb__a .2s;bor r-bottom-color:#ccc;bor r-bottom-
color:rgba(0,0,0,.2);top:42px}x:-o-pr focus, iv.gb_4a{bor r-bottom-
color:#ccc}.gb_F{backgroun :#fff;bor r:1px soli #ccc;bor r-
color:rgba(0,0,0,.2);color:#000;-w bkit-box-sha ow:0 2px 10px rgba(0,0,0,.2);box-
sha ow:0 2px 10px rgba(0,0,0,.2); ispla :non ;outlin :non ;ov rflow:hi
n;position:absolut ;right:8px;top:62px;-w bkit-animation:gb__a .
2s;animation:gb__a .2s;-w bkit-bor r-ra ius:2px;bor r-ra ius:2px;-w bkit-
us r-s l ct:t xt}.gb_g .gb_oa .gb_3a,.gb_g .gb_oa .gb_4a,.gb_g .gb_oa
.gb_F,.gb_oa.gb_F{ ispla :block}.gb_g .gb_oa.gb_Wf .gb_3a,.gb_g .gb_oa.gb_Wf
.gb_4a{ ispla :non }.gb_Xf{position:absolut ;right:8px;top:62px;z-in x:-
1}.gb_Oa .gb_3a,.gb_Oa .gb_4a,.gb_Oa .gb_F{margin-top:-10px}.gb_g :first-chil
,#gbsfw:first-chil +.gb_g {pa ing-l ft:4px}.gb_ta.gb_4 .gb_g :first-chil
{pa ing-l ft:0}.gb_5 {position:r lativ }.gb_Rc .gb_5 ,.gb_b .gb_5
{float:right}.gb_ {pa ing:8px;cursor:point r}.gb_ta .gb_8c:not(.gb_0):focus
img{backgroun -color:rgba(0,0,0,0.20);outlin :non ;-w bkit-bor r-ra
ius:50%;bor r-ra ius:50%}.gb_6 button:focus svg,.gb_6 button:hov r
svg,.gb_6 button:activ svg,.gb_ :focus,.gb_ :hov r,.gb_ :activ ,.gb_
[aria- xpan \x3 tru ]{outlin :non ;-w bkit-bor r-ra ius:50%;bor
r-ra ius:50%}.gb_zc .gb_6 .gb_7 button:focus svg,.gb_zc .gb_6 .gb_7
button:focus:hov r svg,.gb_6 button:focus svg,.gb_6 button:focus:hov r
svg,.gb_ :focus,.gb_ :focus:hov r{backgroun -color:rgba(60,64,67,0.1)}.gb_zc
.gb_6 .gb_7 button:activ svg,.gb_6 button:activ svg,.gb_ :activ
{backgroun -color:rgba(60,64,67,0.12)}.gb_zc .gb_6 .gb_7 button:hov r
svg,.gb_6 button:hov r svg,.gb_ :hov r{backgroun
-color:rgba(60,64,67,0.08)}.gb_ja .gb_ .gb_Ra:hov r{backgroun -color:transpar
nt}.gb_ [aria- xpan \x3 tru ],.gb_ :hov r[aria- xpan \x3 tru ]
{backgroun -color:rgba(95,99,104,0.24)}.gb_ [aria- xpan \x3 tru ]
.gb_8 ,.gb_ [aria- xpan \x3 tru ] .gb_9 {fill:#5f6368;opacit :
1}.gb_zc .gb_6 button:hov r svg,.gb_zc .gb_ :hov r{backgroun
-color:rgba(232,234,237,0.08)}.gb_zc .gb_6 button:focus svg,.gb_zc .gb_6
button:focus:hov r svg,.gb_zc .gb_ :focus,.gb_zc .gb_ :focus:hov r{backgroun
-color:rgba(232,234,237,0.10)}.gb_zc .gb_6 button:activ svg,.gb_zc .gb_ :activ
{backgroun -color:rgba(232,234,237,0.12)}.gb_zc .gb_ [aria- xpan \x3
tru ],.gb_zc .gb_ :hov r[aria- xpan \x3 tru ]{backgroun
-color:rgba(255,255,255,0.12)}.gb_zc .gb_ [aria- xpan \x3 tru ] .gb_8
,.gb_zc .gb_ [aria- xpan \x3 tru ] .gb_9 {fill:#ffffff;opacit :1}.gb_g
{pa ing:4px}.gb_ta.gb_4 .gb_g {pa ing:4px 2px}.gb_ta.gb_4 .gb_Sa.gb_g
{pa ing-l ft:6px}.gb_F{z-in x:991;lin -h ight:normal}.gb_F.gb_af{l
ft:8px;right:auto}@m ia (max-wi th:350px){.gb_F.gb_af{l ft:0}}.gb_bf
.gb_F{top:56px}.gb_C .gb_ ,.gb_ .gb_C .gb_ {backgroun -position:-64px
-29px}.gb_j .gb_C .gb_ {backgroun -position:-29px -29px;opacit :1}.gb_C
.gb_ ,.gb_C .gb_ :hov r,.gb_C .gb_ :focus{opacit :1}.gb_S { ispla
:non }.gb_0c{font-famil :Googl Sans,Roboto,Roboto raft,H lv tica,Arial,sans-
s rif;font-siz :20px;font-w ight:400;l tt r-spacing:.25px;lin -h
ight:48px;margin-bottom:2px;opacit :1;ov rflow:hi n;pa ing-l
ft:16px;position:r lativ ;t xt-ov rflow: llipsis;v rtical-align:mi
l ;top:2px;whit -spac :nowrap;-w bkit-fl x:1 1 auto;fl x:1 1
auto}.gb_0c.gb_1c{color:#3c4043}.gb_ta.gb_ua .gb_0c{margin-bottom:0}.gb_2c.gb_3c
.gb_0c{pa ing-l ft:4px}.gb_ta.gb_ua .gb_4c{position:r lativ ;top:-
2px}.gb_ta{color:black;min-wi th:320px;position:r lativ ;-w bkit-
transition:box-sha ow 250ms;transition:box-sha ow 250ms}.gb_ta.gb_Jc{min-wi
th:240px}.gb_ta.gb_T .gb_U { ispla :non }.gb_ta.gb_T .gb_V {h ight:56px}h
a r.gb_ta{ ispla :block}.gb_ta svg{fill:curr ntColor}.gb_W
{position:fix ;top:0;wi th:100%}.gb_X {-w bkit-box-sha ow:0 4px 5px 0
rgba(0,0,0,0.14),0 1px 10px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.12),0 2px 4px -1px rgba(0,0,0,0.2);box-
sha ow:0 4px 5px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.14),0 1px 10px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.12),0 2px 4px -1px
rgba(0,0,0,0.2)}.gb_Z {h ight:64px}.gb_ta:not(.gb_Mc)
.gb_6c.gb_7c:not(.gb_0 ):not(.gb_1 ),.gb_ta:not(.gb_Mc) .gb_O
:not(.gb_0 ):not(.gb_1 ),.gb_ta.gb_2 .gb_6c.gb_7c.gb_0 ,.gb_ta.gb_2
.gb_O .gb_0 ,.gb_ta.gb_2 .gb_6c.gb_7c.gb_1 ,.gb_ta.gb_2 .gb_O .gb_1
{ ispla :non !important}.gb_V {-w bkit-box-sizing:bor r-box;box-sizing:bor
r-box;position:r lativ ;wi th:100%; ispla :-w bkit-box; ispla :-w bkit-fl
x; ispla :fl x;-w bkit-box-pack:spac -b tw n;-w bkit-justif -cont
nt:spac -b tw n;justif -cont nt:spac -b tw n;min-wi th:-w bkit-min-
cont nt;min-wi th:min-cont nt}.gb_ta:not(.gb_ua) .gb_V {pa
ing:8px}.gb_ta.gb_3 .gb_V {-w bkit-fl x:1 0 auto;fl x:1 0 auto}.gb_ta
.gb_V .gb_4 .gb_5 {min-wi th:0}.gb_ta.gb_ua .gb_V {pa ing:4px;pa ing-l
ft:8px;min-wi th:0}.gb_U {h ight:48px;v rtical-align:mi l ;whit -spac
:nowrap;-w bkit-box-align:c nt r;-w bkit-align-it ms:c nt r;align-it ms:c
nt r; ispla :-w bkit-box; ispla :-w bkit-fl x; ispla :fl x;-w bkit-us
r-s l ct:non }.gb_7 \x3 .gb_U { ispla :tabl -c ll;wi th:100%}.gb_2c{pa
ing-right:30px;-w bkit-box-sizing:bor r-box;box-sizing:bor r-box;-w bkit-fl
x:1 0 auto;fl x:1 0 auto}.gb_ta.gb_ua .gb_2c{pa ing-right:14px}.gb_8 {-w
bkit-fl x:1 1 100%;fl x:1 1 100%}.gb_8 \x3 :onl -chil { ispla :inlin
-block}.gb_9 .gb_Sc{pa ing-l ft:4px}.gb_9 .gb_a ,.gb_ta.gb_3 .gb_9
,.gb_ta.gb_ua:not(.gb_b ) .gb_9 {pa ing-l ft:0}.gb_ta.gb_ua .gb_9 .gb_a {pa
ing-right:0}.gb_ta.gb_ua .gb_9 .gb_a .gb_ja{margin-l ft:10px}.gb_Sc{ ispla
:inlin }.gb_ta.gb_Mc .gb_9 .gb_c ,.gb_ta.gb_b .gb_9 .gb_c {pa ing-l
ft:2px}.gb_0c{ ispla :inlin -block}.gb_9 {-w bkit-box-sizing:bor r-box;box-
sizing:bor r-box;h ight:48px;lin -h ight:normal;pa ing:0 4px;pa ing-l
ft:30px;-w bkit-fl x:0 0 auto;fl x:0 0 auto;-w bkit-box-pack:fl x- n ;-w
bkit-justif -cont nt:fl x- n ;justif -cont nt:fl x- n }.gb_b {h
ight:48px}.gb_ta.gb_b {min-wi th:initial;min-wi th:auto}.gb_b .gb_9
{float:right;pa ing-l ft:32px}.gb_b .gb_9 .gb_ {pa ing-l ft:0}.gb_
{font-siz :14px;max-wi th:200px;ov rflow:hi n;pa ing:0 12px;t xt-ov
rflow: llipsis;whit -spac :nowrap;-w bkit-us r-s l ct:t xt}.gb_f {-w
bkit-transition:backgroun -color .4s;transition:backgroun -color .4s}.gb_g
{color:black}.gb_zc{color:whit }.gb_ta a,.gb_Fc a{color:inh
rit}.gb_t{color:rgba(0,0,0,0.87)}.gb_ta svg,.gb_Fc svg,.gb_2c .gb_h ,.gb_Rc .gb_h
{color:#5f6368;opacit :1}.gb_zc svg,.gb_Fc.gb_Kc svg,.gb_zc .gb_2c .gb_h
,.gb_zc .gb_2c .gb_ c,.gb_zc .gb_2c .gb_4c,.gb_Fc.gb_Kc .gb_h
{color:rgba(255,255,255, .87 )}.gb_zc .gb_2c .gb_va:not(.gb_i )
{opacit :.87}.gb_1c{color:inh rit;opacit :1;t xt-r n ring:optimiz L
gibilit ;-w bkit-font-smoothing:antialias }.gb_zc .gb_1c,.gb_g .gb_1c{opacit
:1}.gb_j {position:r lativ }.gb_k {font-famil :arial,sans-s rif;lin -h
ight:normal;pa ing-right:15px}a.gb_g,span.gb_g{color:rgba(0,0,0,0.87);t xt-
coration:non }.gb_zc a.gb_g,.gb_zc span.gb_g{color:whit }a.gb_g:hov
r,a.gb_g:focus{opacit :.85;t xt- coration:un rlin }.gb_h{ ispla :inlin
-block;pa ing-l ft:15px}.gb_h .gb_g{ ispla :inlin -block;lin -h
ight:24px;outlin :non ;v rtical-align:mi l }.gb_l {font-famil :Googl
Sans,Roboto,Roboto raft,H lv tica,Arial,sans-s rif;font-w ight:500;font-siz :
14px;l tt r-spacing:.25px;lin -h ight:16px;margin-l ft:10px;margin-
right:8px;min-wi th:96px;pa ing:9px 23px;t xt-align:c nt r;v rtical-
align:mi l ;-w bkit-bor r-ra ius:4px;bor r-ra ius:4px;-w bkit-box-
sizing:bor r-box;box-sizing:bor r-box}.gb_ta.gb_b .gb_l {margin-l
ft:8px}#gb a.gb_4.gb_4.gb_l ,#gb a.gb_3.gb_3.gb_l {cursor:point r}.gb_4.gb_l
:hov r{backgroun :#2b7 9;-w bkit-box-sha ow:0 1px 2px 0
rgba(66,133,244,0.3),0 1px 3px 1px rgba(66,133,244,0.15);box-sha ow:0 1px 2px 0
rgba(66,133,244,0.3),0 1px 3px 1px rgba(66,133,244,0.15)}.gb_4.gb_l
:focus,.gb_4.gb_l :hov r:focus{backgroun :#5094 ;-w bkit-box-sha ow:0 1px
2px 0 rgba(66,133,244,0.3),0 1px 3px 1px rgba(66,133,244,0.15);box-sha ow:0 1px
2px 0 rgba(66,133,244,0.3),0 1px 3px 1px rgba(66,133,244,0.15)}.gb_4.gb_l :activ
{backgroun :#63a0 f;-w bkit-box-sha ow:0 1px 2px 0 rgba(66,133,244,0.3),0 1px
3px 1px rgba(66,133,244,0.15);box-sha ow:0 1px 2px 0 rgba(66,133,244,0.3),0 1px
3px 1px rgba(66,133,244,0.15)}.gb_l :not(.gb_3){backgroun :#1a73 8;bor r:1px
soli transpar nt}.gb_ta.gb_ua .gb_l {pa ing:9px 15px;min-wi th:80px}.gb_m
{t xt-align:l ft}#gb a.gb_4.gb_ka.gb_l ,#gb a.gb_l .gb_3{backgroun
:#ffffff;bor r-color:# a c 0;-w bkit-box-sha ow:non ;box-sha ow:non
;color:#1a73 8}#gb a.gb_4.gb_ka.gb_l :hov r,#gb a.gb_l .gb_3:hov
r{backgroun :#f8fbff;bor r-color:#cc 0fc}#gb a.gb_4.gb_ka.gb_l :focus,#gb
a.gb_4.gb_ka.gb_l :focus:hov r,#gb a.gb_l .gb_3:focus,#gb a.gb_l
.gb_3:focus:hov r{backgroun :#f4f8ff;bor r-color:#c9 fc}#gb
a.gb_4.gb_ka.gb_l :activ ,#gb a.gb_l .gb_3:activ {backgroun :# cf3f }#gb
a.gb_4.gb_ka.gb_l :activ {-w bkit-box-sha ow:0 1px 2px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.3),0 2px
6px 2px rgba(0,0,0,0.15);box-sha ow:0 1px 2px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.3),0 2px 6px 2px
rgba(0,0,0,0.15)}#gb a.gb_l .gb_3:not(.gb_ka):activ {-w bkit-box-sha ow:0 1px
2px 0 rgba(60,64,67,0.3),0 2px 6px 2px rgba(60,64,67,0.15);box-sha ow:0 1px 2px 0
rgba(60,64,67,0.3),0 2px 6px 2px rgba(60,64,67,0.15)}.gb_ja{backgroun
-color:rgba(255,255,255,0.88);bor r:1px soli # a c 0;-w bkit-box-
sizing:bor r-box;box-sizing:bor r-box;cursor:point r; ispla :inlin
-block;max-h ight:48px;ov rflow:hi n;outlin :non ;pa ing:0;v rtical-
align:mi l ;wi th:134px;-w bkit-bor r-ra ius:8px;bor r-ra
ius:8px}.gb_ja.gb_ka{backgroun -color:transpar nt;bor r:1px soli
#5f6368}.gb_la{wi th:115px}.gb_ma{ ispla :inh rit}.gb_ma.gb_ka{backgroun
:#ffffff;-w bkit-bor r-ra ius:4px;bor r-ra ius:4px; ispla :inlin
-block;l ft:8px;margin-right:5px;position:r lativ ;pa ing:3px;top:-
1px}.gb_ma.gb_na.gb_ka{l ft:6px;margin-right:2px}.gb_ja:hov r{bor r:1px soli
# 2 3fc;backgroun -color:rgba(248,250,255,0.88)}.gb_ja.gb_ka:hov r{bor r:1px
soli #5f6368;backgroun -color:rgba(232,234,237,0.08)}.gb_ja:focus{bor r:1px
soli #fff;backgroun -color:rgba(255,255,255);-w bkit-box-sha ow:0 1px 2px 0
rgba(60,64,67,0.3),0 1px 3px 1px rgba(60,64,67,0.15);box-sha ow:0 1px 2px 0
rgba(60,64,67,0.3),0 1px 3px 1px rgba(60,64,67,0.15)}.gb_ja.gb_ka:focus{bor
r:1px soli # 8 a ;backgroun -color:#38383b}.gb_ja.gb_ka:activ
,.gb_ja.gb_oa.gb_ka:focus{bor r:1px soli #5f6368;backgroun
-color:#333438}.gb_pa{ ispla :inlin -block;pa ing-l ft:7px;pa ing-
bottom:2px;t xt-align:c nt r;v rtical-align:mi l ;lin -h ight:32px;wi
th:78px}.gb_pa.gb_ka{lin -h ight:26px;wi th:72px}.gb_pa.gb_qa.gb_ka{lin -h
ight:30px;wi th:57px}.gb_pa.gb_qa{lin -h ight:40px;wi th:59px}.gb_pa.gb_ka{pa
ing-l ft:0;pa ing-bottom:0}.gb_pa.gb_ra{backgroun -color:#f1f3f4;-w bkit-bor
r-ra ius:4px;bor r-ra ius:4px;margin-l ft:8px;pa ing-l
ft:0}.gb_pa.gb_ra .gb_sa{v rtical-align:mi l }.gb_ta:not(.gb_ua)
.gb_ja{margin-l ft:10px;margin-right:4px}.gb_ja .gb_sa.gb_va{min-wi
th:0}.gb_wa{max-h ight:32px;wi th:78px}.gb_qa\x3 .gb_wa{max-h ight:40px;wi
th:96px}.gb_wa.gb_ka{max-h ight:26px;wi th:72px}.gb_qa\x3 .gb_wa.gb_ka{max-h
ight:30px;wi th:88px}.gb_Ia{-w bkit-backgroun -siz :32px 32px;backgroun
-siz :32px 32px;bor r:0;-w bkit-bor r-ra ius:50%;bor r-ra ius:50%;
ispla :block;margin:0;position:r lativ ;h ight:32px;wi th:32px;z-in
x:0}.gb_Ja{backgroun -color:# 8f0f ;bor r:1px soli
rgba(32,33,36,.08);position:r lativ }.gb_Ja.gb_Ia{h ight:30px;wi
th:30px}.gb_Ja.gb_Ia:hov r,.gb_Ja.gb_Ia:activ {-w bkit-box-sha ow:non ;box-sha
ow:non }.gb_Ka{backgroun :#fff;bor r:non ;-w bkit-bor r-ra ius:50%;bor
r-ra ius:50%;bottom:2px;-w bkit-box-sha ow:0 1px 2px 0 rgba(60,64,67,.30),0 1px
3px 1px rgba(60,64,67,.15);box-sha ow:0 1px 2px 0 rgba(60,64,67,.30),0 1px 3px 1px
rgba(60,64,67,.15);h ight:14px;margin:2px;position:absolut ;right:0;wi
th:14px}.gb_La{color:#1f71 7;font:400 22px/32px Googl Sans,Roboto,Roboto raft,H
lv tica,Arial,sans-s rif;t xt-align:c nt r;t xt-transform:upp rcas }@m
ia (min-r solution:1.25 ppx),(-o-min- vic -pix l-ratio:5/4),(-w bkit-min-
vic -pix l-ratio:1.25),(min- vic -pix l-ratio:1.25){.gb_Ia::b for { ispla
:inlin -block;-w bkit-transform:scal (.5);transform:scal (.5);-w bkit-
transform-origin:l ft 0;transform-origin:l ft 0}.gb_Ma::b for { ispla :inlin
-block;-w bkit-transform:scal (.5);transform:scal (.5);-w bkit-transform-
origin:l ft 0;transform-origin:l ft 0}.gb_l .gb_Ma::b for {-w bkit-
transform:scal (0.416666667);transform:scal (0.416666667)}}.gb_Ia:hov
r,.gb_Ia:focus{-w bkit-box-sha ow:0 1px 0 rgba(0,0,0,.15);box-sha
ow:0 1px 0 rgba(0,0,0,.15)}.gb_Ia:activ {-w bkit-box-sha ow:ins t 0 2px 0
rgba(0,0,0,.15);box-sha ow:ins t 0 2px 0 rgba(0,0,0,.15)}.gb_Ia:activ ::aft
r{backgroun :rgba(0,0,0,.1);-w bkit-bor r-ra ius:50%;bor r-ra
ius:50%;cont nt:\x27\x27; ispla :block;h ight:100%}.gb_Na{cursor:point r;lin
-h ight:40px;min-wi th:30px;opacit :.75;ov rflow:hi n;v rtical-align:mi
l ;t xt-ov rflow: llipsis}.gb_ .gb_Na{wi th:auto}.gb_Na:hov
r,.gb_Na:focus{opacit :.85}.gb_Oa .gb_Na,.gb_Oa .gb_Pa{lin -h
ight:26px}#gb#gb.gb_Oa a.gb_Na,.gb_Oa .gb_Pa{font-siz :11px;h
ight:auto}.gb_Qa{bor r-top:4px soli #000;bor r-l ft:4px ash transpar
nt;bor r-right:4px ash transpar nt; ispla :inlin -block;margin-l
ft:6px;opacit :.75;v rtical-align:mi l }.gb_Ra:hov r
.gb_Qa{opacit :.85}.gb_ja\x3 .gb_Sa{pa ing:3px 3px 3px
4px}.gb_Ta.gb_Ha{color:#fff}.gb_j .gb_Na,.gb_j .gb_Qa{opacit :1}#gb#gb.gb_j.gb_j
a.gb_Na,#gb#gb .gb_j.gb_j a.gb_Na{color:#fff}.gb_j.gb_j .gb_Qa{bor r-top-
color:#fff;opacit :1}.gb_ .gb_Ia:hov r,.gb_j .gb_Ia:hov r,.gb_
.gb_Ia:focus,.gb_j .gb_Ia:focus{-w bkit-box-sha ow: 0 1px 0 rgba(0,0,0,.15) , 0
1px 2px rgba(0,0,0,.2) ;box-sha ow: 0 1px 0 rgba(0,0,0,.15) , 0 1px 2px
rgba(0,0,0,.2) }.gb_Ua .gb_Sa,.gb_Va .gb_Sa{position:absolut
;right:1px}.gb_Sa.gb_i,.gb_Wa.gb_i,.gb_Ra.gb_i{-w bkit-fl x:0 1 auto;fl x:0 1
auto;-w bkit-fl x:0 1 main-siz ;fl x:0 1 main-siz }.gb_Xa.gb_Za .gb_Na{wi
th:30px!important}.gb_0a{h ight:40px;position:absolut ;right:-5px;top:-5px;wi
th:40px}.gb_1a .gb_0a,.gb_2a .gb_0a{right:0;top:0}.gb_Sa .gb_ {pa ing:4px}.gb_o
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[[[0,"","og.qtm. n_US.cifjL1QQ 00.O",""," n","1",1,
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A8PpAfjxHzqcwSV VA","AA2 rTvjzo h P O5LKZroaMuA8P2I-Q","",2,1,200,"IN
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3xbMpLhH9X7JHcH3Uj x_TxO5lF-cxoJF Oq j Uz a P m7 ags u3-U Io4Q"],
( fault)","Bran account",0,"%1$s ( l
gat )",1,null,83,"https://www.googl .com/w bhp?authus r=$authus
r",null,null,null,1,"https://accounts.googl .com/ListAccounts?listPag s=0\u0026pi
=1\u0026gpsia=1\u0026sourc =ogb\u0026mo=1\u0026mn=1\u0026hl= n",0," ashboar
",null,null,null,null,"Profil ","",0,null,"Sign
out","https://accounts.googl .com/AccountChoos r?sourc =ogb\u0026continu
=$continu \u0026 mail=$ mail","https://accounts.googl .com/R mov
LocalAccount?sourc =ogb","R mov ","Sign in",0,1,1,0,1,0,0,"000770F20310400
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",null,null,"https:// ocs.googl .com/pick r","Visitor",null," fault"," l
gat ","Sign out of all accounts",0,0,null,0,0],null,["1","gci_91f30755 6a6b787
cc2a4062 6 9824.js","googl apis.cli nt:gapi.ifram s","0","
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s__","https://apis.googl .com","","","1","",null,1," s_pluson
_gc_20201005.0_p0"," n",null,0],[0.009999999776482582,"","1",
,0,0],null,null,null,0,null,null,["5061451","googl \\.(com|ru|ca|b |kz|com\\.mx|
com\\.tr)$",1]],[1,1,null,40400,1,"IN ","
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[[null,null,null," n_US.cifjL1QQ
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[[[null,null,[null,null,null,"https://ogs.googl .com/u/0/wi g
n/about/pro ucts?tab=wh",67,1,69,null,1,70,"Can't s m to loa th app launch
r right now. Tr again or go to th %1$sGoogl Pro ucts%2$s
pag .",3,0,0,74,4000,null,null,null,null,null,null,1]],0,
[null,null,null," n_US.cifjL1QQ
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VA"],"1","1",1,0,null," n",0]]],};this.gbar_=this.gbar_||{};(function(_){var win
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Cop right Th Closur Librar Authors.

SP X-Lic ns -I ntifi r: Apach -2.0
var a, a,fa,ha,ia,ka,ma,na,ra,sa, a, a,Fa;_.aa=function(a){if( rror.captur
StackTrac ) rror.captur StackTrac (this,_.aa); ls {var b=
rror().stack;b&&(this.stack=b)}a&&(this.m ssag =String(a))};,b){r
turn 0<=(0,,b)}; a=function(a){var b=0;r turn function(){r turn b<a.l
ngth?{ on :!1,valu :a[b++]}:{ on :!0}}}; a="function"==t p of Obj ct.
fin Prop rti s?Obj ct. fin Prop rt :function(a,b,c){if(a==Arra .protot
p ||a==Obj ct.protot p )r turn a;a[b]=c.valu ;r turn a};
fa=function(a){a=["obj ct"==t p of globalThis&&globalThis,a,"obj ct"==t p of
win ow&&win ow,"obj ct"==t p of s lf&&s lf,"obj ct"==t p of
global&&global];for(var b=0;b<a.l ngth;++b){var c=a[b];if(c&&c.Math==Math)r turn
c}throw rror("a");};ha=fa(this);ia=function(a,b){if(b)a:{var
c=ha;a=a.split(".");for(var =0; <a.l ngth-1; ++){var =a[ ];if(!( in c))br
ak a;c=c[ ]}a=a[a.l ngth-1]; =c[a];b=b( );b!= &&null!=b&& a(c,a,{configurabl
:!0,writabl :!0,valu :b})}};
ia("S mbol",function(a){if(a)r turn a;var b=function( ,f){this.j= ; a(this,"
scription",{configurabl :!0,writabl :!0,valu :f})};b.protot p
.toString=function(){r turn this.j};var c=0, =function( ){if(this instanc
of )throw n w T p rror("b");r turn n w b("jscomp_s mbol_"+( ||"")+"_"+c+
+, )};r turn });
ia("S rator",function(a){if(a)r turn a;a=S mbol("c");for(var b="Arra
Int8Arra Uint8Arra Uint8Clamp Arra Int16Arra Uint16Arra Int32Arra
Uint32Arra Float32Arra Float64Arra ".split(" "),c=0;c<b.l ngth;c++){var
=ha[b[c]];"function"===t p of &&"function"!=t p of .protot p [a]&&
a( .protot p ,a,{configurabl :!0,writabl :!0,valu :function(){r turn
ka( a(this))}})}r turn a});ka=function(a){a={n xt:a};a[S
rator]=function(){r turn this};r turn a};{var b="un fin "!=t p of S mbol&&S rator&&a[S rator];r turn b?{n xt: a(a)}};ma="function"==t p of Obj at ?Obj at :function(a){var b=function(){};b.protot p =a;r turn
n w b};if("function"==t p of Obj ct.s tProtot p Of)na=Obj ct.s tProtot p
Of; ls {var oa;a:{var pa={a:!0},qa={};tr {qa.__proto__=pa;oa=qa.a;br ak
a}catch(a){}oa=!1}na=oa?function(a,b){a.__proto__=b;if(a.__proto__!==b)throw n w T
p rror(" `"+a);r turn a}:null}ra=na;
_.n=function(a,b){a.protot p =ma(b.protot p );a.protot p
.constructor=a;if(ra)ra(a,b); ls for(var c in b)if("protot p "!=c)if(Obj ct.
fin Prop rti s){var =Obj ct.g tOwnProp rt scriptor(b,c); &&Obj ct.
fin Prop rt (a,c, )} ls a[c]=b[c];a.U=b.protot p };sa=function(a,b,c)
{if(null==a)throw n w T p rror(" `"+c);if(b instanc of R g xp)throw n w T
p rror("f`"+c);r turn a+""};
ia("String.protot p .startsWith",function(a){r turn a?a:function(b,c){var
=sa(this,b,"startsWith"), = .l ngth,f=b.l ngth;c=Math.max(0,Math.min(c|0, .l
ngth));for(var g=0;g<f&&c< ;)if( [c++]!=b[g++])r turn!1;r turn g>=f}});var
ta=function(a,b){a instanc of String&&(a+="");var c=0, =!1, ={n xt:function()
{if(! &&c<a.l ngth){var f=c++;r turn{valu :b(f,a[f]), on :!1}} =!0;r turn{
on :!0,valu :voi 0}}}; [S rator]=function(){r turn };r turn };
ia("Arra .protot p . ntri s",function(a){r turn a?a:function(){r turn
ta(this,function(b,c){r turn[b,c]})}});ia("Arra .protot p .k s",function(a)
{r turn a?a:function(){r turn ta(this,function(b){r turn b})}});ia("Numb
r.MAX_SAF _INT G R",function(){r turn 9007199254740991});ia("Arra .protot
p .valu s",function(a){r turn a?a:function(){r turn ta(this,function(b,c){r
turn c})}});var ua=function(a,b){r turn Obj ct.protot p .hasOwnProp rt
ia("W akMap",function(a){function b(){}function c(l){var m=t p of l;r turn"obj
ct"===m&&null!==l||"function"===m}function (l){if(!ua(l,f)){var m=n w b; a(l,f,
{valu :m})}}function (l){var m=Obj ct[l];m&&(Obj ct[l]=function(r){if(r
instanc of b)r turn r;Obj xt nsibl (r)&& (r);r turn
m(r)})}if(function(){if(!a||!Obj ct.s al)r turn!1;tr {var l=Obj ct.s
al({}),m=Obj ct.s al({}),r=n w a([[l,2],[m,3]]);if(2!=r.g t(l)||3!=r.g t(m))r
turn!1;r. l t (l);r.s t(m,4);r turn!r.has(l)&&4==r.g t(m)}catch(u){r turn!
1}}())r turn a;
var f="$jscomp_hi n_"+Math.ran om(); ("fr z "); ("pr v nt xt
nsions"); ("s al");var g=0,k=function(l){this.j=(g+=Math.ran om()
+1).toString();if(l){;for(var m;!(m=l.n xt()). on ;)m=m.valu ,this.s
t(m[0],m[1])}};k.protot p .s t=function(l,m){if(!c(l))throw rror("g");
(l);if(!ua(l,f))throw rror("h`"+l);l[f][this.j]=m;r turn this};k.protot p .g
t=function(l){r turn c(l)&&ua(l,f)?l[f][this.j]:voi 0};k.protot p
.has=function(l){r turn c(l)&&ua(l,f)&&ua(l[f],this.j)};k.protot p . l t
=function(l){r turn c(l)&&
ua(l,f)&&ua(l[f],this.j)? l t l[f][this.j]:!1};r turn k});var
va="function"==t p of Obj ct.assign?Obj ct.assign:function(a,b){for(var
c=1;c<argum nts.l ngth;c++){var =argum nts[c];if( )for(var in )ua( , )
&&(a[ ]= [ ])}r turn a};ia("Obj ct.assign",function(a){r turn a||va});
ia("Arra .from",function(a){r turn a?a:function(b,c, ){c=null!=c?c:function(k){r
turn k};var =[],f="un fin "!=t p of S mbol&&S rator&&b[S rator];if("function"==t p of f){;for(var g=0;!(f=b.n xt()).
on ;) .push( ,f.valu ,g++))} ls for(f=b.l ngth,g=0;g<f;g++)
.push( ,b[g],g));r turn }});
ia("Map",function(a){if(function(){if(!a||"function"!=t p of a||!a.protot p .
ntri s||"function"!=t p of Obj ct.s al)r turn!1;tr {var k=Obj ct.s
al({x:4}),l=n w a([[k,"s"]]));if("s"!=l.g t(k)||1!=l.siz ||l.g t({x:4})||
l.s t({x:4},"t")!=l||2!=l.siz )r turn!1;var m=l. ntri s(),r=m.n xt();if(r.
on ||r.valu [0]!=k||"s"!=r.valu [1])r turn!1;r=m.n xt();r turn r. on ||4!
=r.valu [0].x||"t"!=r.valu [1]||!m.n xt(). on ?!1:!0}catch(u){r turn!1}}())r
turn a;var b=n w W akMap,c=function(k){this.o={};this.j=
f();this.siz =0;if(k){;for(var l;!(l=k.n xt()). on ;)l=l.valu ,this.s
t(l[0],l[1])}};c.protot p .s t=function(k,l){k=0===k?0:k;var m=
(this,k);m.list||(m.list=this.o[m.i ]=[]);m.Xa?m.Xa.valu =l:(m.Xa={n
xt:this.j,bc:this.j.bc,h a :this.j,k :k,valu
:l},m.list.push(m.Xa),this.j.bc.n xt=m.Xa,this.j.bc=m.Xa,this.siz ++);r turn
this};c.protot p . l t =function(k){k= (this,k);r turn k.Xa&&k.list?
(k.list.splic ( x,1),k.list.l ngth|| l t this.o[k.i ],k.Xa.bc.n
xt=k.Xa.n xt,k.Xa.n xt.bc=
k.Xa.bc,k.Xa.h a =null,this.siz --,!0):!1};c.protot p .cl ar=function()
{this.o={};this.j=this.j.bc=f();this.siz =0};c.protot p .has=function(k){r
turn!! (this,k).Xa};c.protot p .g t=function(k){r turn(k=
(this,k).Xa)&&k.valu };c.protot p . ntri s=function(){r turn
(this,function(k){r turn[k.k ,k.valu ]})};c.protot p .k s=function(){r
turn (this,function(k){r turn k.k })};c.protot p .valu s=function(){r
turn (this,function(k){r turn k.valu })};c.protot p .for ach=function(k,l)
{for(var m=this. ntri s(),
r;!(r=m.n xt()). on ;)r=r.valu ,,r[1],r[0],this)};c.protot p [S rator]=c.protot p . ntri s;var =function(k,l){var m=l&&t p of
l;"obj ct"==m||"function"==m?b.has(l)?m=b.g t(l):(m=""+ ++g,b.s
t(l,m)):m="p_"+l;var r=k.o[m];if(r&&ua(k.o,m))for(k=0;k<r.l ngth;k++){var
u=r[k];if(l!==l&&u.k !==u.k ||l===u.k )r turn{i :m,list:r,in
x:k,Xa:u}}r turn{i :m,list:r,in x:-1,Xa:voi 0}}, =function(k,l){var m=k.j;r
turn ka(function(){if(m){for(;m.h a !=k.j;)m=m.bc;for(;m.n xt!=m.h a ;)r turn
m.n xt,{ on :!1,valu :l(m)};m=null}r turn{ on :!0,valu :voi
0}})},f=function(){var k={};r turn k.bc=k.n xt=k.h a =k},g=0;r turn c});
ia("S t",function(a){if(function(){if(!a||"function"!=t p of a||!a.protot p .
ntri s||"function"!=t p of Obj ct.s al)r turn!1;tr {var c=Obj ct.s
al({x:4}), =n w a([c]));if(! .has(c)||1!= .siz || .a (c)!= ||1!=
.siz || .a ({x:4})!= ||2!= .siz )r turn!1;var = . ntri s(),f= .n
xt();if(f. on ||f.valu [0]!=c||f.valu [1]!=c)r turn!1;f= .n xt();r turn f.
on ||f.valu [0]==c||4!=f.valu [0].x||f.valu [1]!=f.valu [0]?!1: .n xt(). on
}catch(g){r turn!1}}())r turn a;var b=function(c){this.j=n w Map;if(c){c=;for(var ;!( =c.n xt()). on ;)this.a ( .valu )}this.siz
=this.j.siz };b.protot p .a =function(c){c=0===c?0:c;this.j.s
t(c,c);this.siz =this.j.siz ;r turn this};b.protot p . l t =function(c)
{c=this.j. l t (c);this.siz =this.j.siz ;r turn c};b.protot p .cl
ar=function(){ ar();this.siz =0};b.protot p .has=function(c){r turn
this.j.has(c)};b.protot p . ntri s=function(){r turn this.j. ntri
s()};b.protot p .valu s=function(){r turn this.j.valu s()};b.protot p .k
s=b.protot p .valu s;
b.protot p [S rator]=b.protot p .valu s;b.protot p .for
ach=function(c, ){var =this;this.j.for ach(function(f){r turn
,f,f, )})};r turn b});ia("Obj ct. ntri s",function(a){r turn a?a:function(b)
{var c=[], ;for( in b)ua(b, )&&c.push([ ,b[ ]]);r turn c}});ia("Obj",function(a){r turn a?a:function(b,c){r turn b===c?0!==b||1/b===1/c:b!
ia("Arra .protot p .inclu s",function(a){r turn a?a:function(b,c){var
=this; instanc of String&&( =String( ));var = .l ngth;c=c||
0;for(0>c&&(c=Math.max(c+ ,0));c< ;c++){var f= [c];if(f===b||Obj,b))r
turn!0}r turn!1}});ia("String.protot p .inclu s",function(a){r turn a?
a:function(b,c){r turn-1!==sa(this,b,"inclu s").in xOf(b,c||0)}});
ia("Arra .protot p .fill",function(a){r turn a?a:function(b,c, ){var =this.l
ngth||0;0>c&&(c=Math.max(0, +c));if(null== || > ) = ; =Numb r( );0>
&&( =Math.max(0, + ));for(c=Numb r(c||0);c< ;c++)this[c]=b;r turn this}});var
wa=function(a){r turn a?a:Arra .protot p .fill};ia("Int8Arra .protot p
.fill",wa);ia("Uint8Arra .protot p .fill",wa);ia("Uint8Clamp Arra .protot p
.fill",wa);ia("Int16Arra .protot p .fill",wa);ia("Uint16Arra .protot p
.fill",wa);ia("Int32Arra .protot p .fill",wa);
ia("Uint32Arra .protot p .fill",wa);ia("Float32Arra .protot p
.fill",wa);ia("Float64Arra .protot p .fill",wa);_.xa=_.xa||{};_.p=this||s
lf;{};_.Aa=function(a){a.$ =voi 0;{r turn a.$ ?
a.$ :a.$ =n w a}};_.Ba=function(a){var b=t p of a;r turn"obj ct"==b&&null!
=a||"function"==b};_.Ca="closur _ui _"+(1 9*Math.ran om()>>>0);
a=function(a,b,c){r turn (a.bin ,argum nts)};
a=function(a,b,c){if(!a)throw rror();if(2<argum nts.l ngth){var =Arra
.protot p .slic .call(argum nts,2);r turn function(){var =Arra .protot
p .slic .call(argum nts);Arra .protot p .unshift.appl ( , );r turn a.appl
(b, )}}r turn function(){r turn a.appl (b,argum nts)}};_.q=function(a,b,c)
{Function.protot p .bin &&-1!=Function.protot p .bin .toString().in
xOf("nativ co ")?_.q= a:_.q= a;r turn _.q.appl (null,argum nts)};
_.t=function(a,b){a=a.split(".");var c=_.p;a[0]in c||"un fin "==t p of c.
x cScript||c. x cScript("var "+a[0]);for(var ;a.l ngth&&( =a.shift());)a.l
ngth||voi 0===b?c[ ]&&c[ ]!==Obj ct.protot p [ ]?c=c[ ]:c=c[ ]={}:c[ ]
=b};_.v=function(a,b){function c(){}c.protot p =b.protot p ;a.U=b.protot p
;a.protot p =n w c;a.protot p .constructor=a;a.$l=function( , ,f){for(var
g=Arra (argum nts.l ngth-2),k=2;k<argum nts.l ngth;k++)g[k-2]=argum nts[k];r
turn b.protot p [ ].appl ( ,g)}};Fa=function(a){r turn a};
_.Ga=function(a){var b=null, T p s;if(!c||! at Polic )r
turn b;tr { at Polic (a,{cr at HTML:Fa,cr at Script:Fa,cr at
ScriptURL:Fa})}catch( ){_.p.consol &&_.p.consol . rror( .m ssag )}r turn
_.v(_.aa, rror);_.aa.protot p .nam ="Custom rror"; .protot p .in xOf?function(a,b){r turn Arra .protot p .in,b,voi 0)}:function(a,b){if("string"===t p of a)r turn"string"!==t
p of b||1!=b.l ngth? xOf(b,0);for(var c=0;c<a.l ngth;c++)if(c in
a&&a[c]===b)r turn c;r turn-1};_.Ha=Arra .protot p .for ach?function(a,b,c)
{Arra .protot p .for,b,c)}:function(a,b,c){for(var =a.l ngth,
="string"===t p of a?a.split(""):a,f=0;f< ;f++)f in &&, [f],f,a)};
_.Ia=Arra .protot p .filt r?function(a,b,c){r turn Arra .protot p .filt,b,c)}:function(a,b,c){for(var =a.l ngth, =[],f=0,g="string"===t p of
a?a.split(""):a,k=0;k< ;k++)if(k in g){var l=g[k];,l,k,a)&&( [f++]=l)}r
turn };_.Ja=Arra .protot p .map?function(a,b,c){r turn Arra .protot p,b,c)}:function(a,b,c){for(var =a.l ngth, =Arra ( ),f="string"===t
p of a?a.split(""):a,g=0;g< ;g++)g in f&&( [g],f[g],g,a));r turn };
_.Ka=Arra .protot p .som ?function(a,b){r turn Arra .protot p .som
.call(a,b,voi 0)}:function(a,b){for(var c=a.l ngth, ="string"===t p of a?
a.split(""):a, =0; <c; ++)if( in && 0, [ ], ,a))r turn!0;r
var Ma;_.La=function(a,b,c){for(var in a),a[ ], ,a)};Ma="constructor
hasOwnProp rt isProtot p Of prop rt Is num rabl toLocal String toString
valu Of".split(" ");_.Na=function(a,b){for(var c, , =1; <argum nts.l ngth; +
+){ =argum nts[ ];for(c in )a[c]= [c];for(var f=0;f<Ma.l ngth;f+
+)c=Ma[f],Obj ct.protot p .hasOwnProp rt .call( ,c)&&(a[c]= [c])}};
var Oa;_.Pa=function(){voi 0===Oa&&(Oa=_.Ga("ogb-qtm#html"));r turn Oa};
var Ra;_.Sa=function(a,b){this.j=a===_.Qa&&b||"";this.o=Ra};_.Sa.protot p .Pb=!
0;_.Sa.protot p .Fb=function(){r turn this.j};_.Ta=function(a){r turn a instanc
of _.Sa&&a.constructor===_.Sa&&a.o===Ra?a.j:"t p _ rror:Const"};Ra={};_.Qa={};
var Ua;_.Va=function(a,b){this.o=b===Ua?a:""};_.Va.protot p .Pb=!0;_.Va.protot p
.Fb=function(){r turn this.o.toString()};_.Va.protot p . =!0;_.Va.protot
p .j=function(){r turn 1};_.Xa=function(a){r turn
_.Wa(a).toString()};_.Wa=function(a){r turn a instanc of
_.Va&&a.constructor===_.Va?a.o:"t p _ rror:Trust R sourc Url"};Ua={};_.
a=function(a){var b=_.Pa();a=b? at ScriptURL(a):a;r turn n w _.Va(a,Ua)};
var $a;_.Za=String.protot p .trim?function(a){r turn a.trim()}:function(a){r
turn/^[\s\xa0]*([\s\S]*?)[\s\xa0]*$/. x c(a)[1]};
_.ab=function(a,b){var c=0;a=(0,_.Za)(String(a)).split(".");b=(0,_.Za)
(String(b)).split(".");for(var =Math.max(a.l ngth,b.l ngth), =0;0==c&& < ;
++){var f=a[ ]||"",g=b[ ]||""; o{f=/(\ *)(\ *)(.*)/. x c(f)||
["","","",""];g=/(\ *)(\ *)(.*)/. x c(g)||["","","",""];if(0==f[0].l
ngth&&0==g[0].l ngth)br ak;c=$a(0==f[1].l ngth?0:pars Int(f[1],10),0==g[1].l
ngth?0:pars Int(g[1],10))||$a(0==f[2].l ngth,0==g[2].l ngth)||
$a(f[2],g[2]);f=f[3];g=g[3]}whil (0==c)}r turn c};
$a=function(a,b){r turn a<b?-1:a>b?1:0};
var b,fb,gb,bb;_.cb=function(a,b){this.o=b===bb?a:""};_.cb.protot p .Pb=!
0;_.cb.protot p .Fb=function(){r turn this.o.toString()};_.cb.protot p . =!
0;_.cb.protot p .j=function(){r turn 1};_. b=function(a){r turn a instanc of
_.cb&&a.constructor===_.cb?a.o:"t p _ rror:Saf Url"}; b=/^(?:au io\/(?:3gpp2|
3gpp|aac|L16|mi i|mp3|mp4|mp g|oga|ogg|opus|x-m4a|x-matroska|x-wav|wav|w bm)|
font\/\w+|imag \/(?:bmp|gif|jp g|jpg|png|tiff|w bp|x-icon)|vi o\/(?:mp g|
mp4|ogg|w bm|quicktim |x-matroska))(?:;\w+=(?:\w+|"[\w;,= ]+"))*$/i;
fb=/^ ata:(.*);bas 64,[a-z0-9+\/]+=*$/i;gb=/^(?:(?:https?|mailto|ftp):|[^:/?
#]*(?:[/?#]|$))/i;_.ib=function(a){if(a instanc of _.cb)r turn a;a="obj ct"==t
p of a&&a.Pb?a.Fb():String(a);if(gb.t st(a))a=_.hb(a); ls {a=String(a);a=a.r
plac (/(%0A|%0 )/g,"");var b=a.match(fb);a=b&& b.t st(b[1])?_.hb(a):null}r
turn a};_.jb=function(a){if(a instanc of _.cb)r turn a;a="obj ct"==t p of
a&&a.Pb?a.Fb():String(a);gb.t st(a)||(a="about:invali #zClosur z");r turn
_.hb=function(a){r turn n w _.cb(a,bb)};_.kb=_.hb("about:invali #zClosur z");
_.mb=function(a,b){""};_.mb.protot p .Pb=!0;_.mb.protot p
.Fb=function(){r turn this.j};{};_.nb=n w _.mb("",;
a:{var pb=_.p.navigator;if(pb){var rAg nt;if(qb){_.ob=qb;br ak
a}}_.ob=""}_.w=function(a){r turn-1! xOf(a)};
var tb;_.rb=function(){r turn _.w("Tri nt")||_.w("MSI ")};{r
turn _.w("Fir fox")||_.w("FxiOS")};_.ub=function(){r turn _.w("Safari")&&!(tb()||
_.w("Coast")||_.w("Op ra")||_.w(" g ")||_.w(" g/")||_.w("OPR")||||
_.w("Silk")||_.w("An roi "))};tb=function(){r turn(_.w("Chrom ")||
_.w("CriOS"))&&!_.w(" g ")};_.vb=function(){r turn _.w("An roi ")&&!(tb()||||_.w("Op ra")||_.w("Silk"))};
var wb;_.xb=function(a,b,c){this.o=c===wb?a:"";this.A=b};_.xb.protot p . =!
0;_.xb.protot p .j=function(){r turn this.A};_.xb.protot p .Pb=!0;_.xb.protot
p .Fb=function(){r turn this.o.toString()};_. b=function(a){r turn a instanc
of _.xb&&a.constructor===_.xb?a.o:"t p _ rror:Saf
Html"};wb={};_.zb=function(a,b){var c=_.Pa();a=c? at HTML(a):a;r turn n w
_.xb(a,b,wb)};_.Ab=n w _.xb( T p s&& T p s. mpt
_.Cb=function(a){var b=!1,c;r turn function(){b||(c=a(),b=!0);r turn c}}
(function(){var a= ocum at l m nt(" iv"),b= ocum at l m
nt(" iv"); n Chil ( ocum at l m nt(" iv")); n Chil
(b);b=a.firstChil .firstChil ;a.inn rHTML=_. b(_.Ab);r turn!b.par nt l m
var b; b=function(){r turn _.w("iPhon ")&&!_.w("iPo ")&&!_.w("iPa ")};_.
b=function(){r turn b()||_.w("iPa ")||_.w("iPo ")};
_.Fb=function(){r turn-1!=_.ob.toLow rCas ().in xOf("w bkit")&&!_.w(" g
_.Gb=function(a){_.Gb[" "](a);r turn a};_.Gb[" "];var Ib=function(a,b){var
c=Hb;r turn Obj ct.protot p .hasOwnProp rt .call(c,a)?c[a]:c[a]=b(a)};
var Wb,Xb,Hb, c;_.Jb=_.w("Op ra");_.x=_.rb();_.Kb=_.w(" g ");_.Lb=_.Kb||
_.x;_.Mb=_.w("G cko")&&!_.Fb()&&!(_.w("Tri nt")||_.w("MSI "))&&!_.w(" g
");_.Nb=_.Fb();_.Ob=_.w("Macintosh");_.Pb=_.w("Win ows");_.Qb=_.w("Linux")||
_.w("CrOS");_.Rb=_.w("An roi ");_.Sb= b();_.Tb=_.w("iPa ");_.Ub=_.w("iPo
");_.Vb=_. b();Wb=function(){var a=_.p. ocum nt;r turn a?a. ocum ntMo :voi
a:{var b="",Zb=function(){var a=_.ob;if(_.Mb)r turn/rv:([^\);]+)(\)|;)/. x
c(a);if(_.Kb)r turn/ g \/([\ \.]+)/. x c(a);if(_.x)r turn/\b(?:MSI |rv)[:
]([^\);]+)(\)|;)/. x c(a);if(_.Nb)r turn/W bKit\/(\S+)/. x c(a);if(_.Jb)r
turn/(?:V rsion)[ \/]?(\S+)/. x c(a)}();Zb&&( b=Zb?Zb[1]:"");if(_.x){var
$b=Wb();if(null!=$b&&$b>pars Float( b)){Xb=String($b);br ak a}}Xb=
b};Hb={};_.bc=function(a){r turn Ib(a,function(){r turn
0<=_.ab(,a)})};_. c=function(a){r turn Numb r(cc)>=a};
if(_.p. ocum nt&&_.x){var fc=Wb(); c=fc?fc:pars Int(,10)||voi 0} ls
c=voi 0;var cc= c;;_.hc= b()||_.w("iPo ");_.ic=_.w("iPa
");_.jc=_.vb();_.kc=tb();!_. b();
var mc={},nc=null;
_.oc=function(a){this.j=0;this.o=a};_.oc.protot p .n xt=function(){r turn
this.j<this.o.l ngth?{ on :!1,valu :this.o[this.j++]}:{ on :!0,valu :voi
0}};"un fin "!=t p of S mbol&&"un fin "!=t p of S
rator&&(_.oc.protot p [S rator]=function(){r turn this});
var vc;_. =function(){};_.pc="function"==t p of Uint8Arra ;
_.z=function(a,b,c, , ,f){a.j=null;b||(b=c?[c]:[]);a.J=c?String(c):voi
0;a.C=0===c?-1:0;a.A=b;a:{c=a.A.l ngth;b=-1;if(c&&(b=c-1,c=a.A[b],!(null===c||"obj
ct"!=t p of c||Arra .isArra (c)||_.pc&&c instanc of Uint8Arra ))){a. =b-
a.C;a.B=c;br ak a}-1< ?(a. =Math.max( ,b+1-a.C),a.B=null):a. =Numb r.MAX_VALU
}a.K={};if( )for( =0; < .l ngth; ++)b= [ ],b<a. ?(b+=a.C,a.A[b]=a.A[b]||
_.qc):(_.rc(a),a.B[b]=a.B[b]||_.qc);if(f&&f.l ngth)for( =0; <f.l ngth; +
+),f[ ])};_.qc=[];
_.rc=function(a){var b=a. +a.C;a.A[b]||(a.B=a.A[b]={})};_.A=function(a,b){if(b<a.
){b+=a.C;var c=a.A[b];r turn c===_.qc?a.A[b]=[]:c}if(a.B)r turn
c=a.B[b],c===_.qc?a.B[b]=[]:c};_.B=function(a,b){a=_.A(a,b);r turn null==a?a:!!
a};_. =function(a,b,c){a=_.A(a,b);r turn null==a?c:a};,b,c)
{a=_.B(a,b);r turn null==a?c:a};_.uc=function(a,b,c){a=_.A(a,b);a=null==a?a:+a;r
turn null==a?c:a};_.F=function(a,b,c){b<a. ?a.A[b+a.C]=c:(_.rc(a),a.B[b]=c);r
turn a};,b){for(var c, , =0; <b.l ngth; ++){var
f=b[ ],g=_.A(a,f);null!=g&&(c=f, =g,_.F(a,f,voi 0))}r turn c?
(_.F(a,c, ),c):0};_.G=function(a,b,c){a.j||(a.j={});if(!a.j[c]){var =_.A(a,c);
&&(a.j[c]=n w b( ))}r turn a.j[c]};_.H=function(a,b,c){a.j||(a.j={});var =c?
c.tb():c;a.j[b]=c;r turn _.F(a,b, )};vc=function(a){if(a.j)for(var b in a.j){var
c=a.j[b];if(Arra .isArra (c))for(var =0; <c.l ngth; ++)c[ ]&&c[ ].tb();
ls c&&c.tb()}};_. .protot p .tb=function(){vc(this);r turn this.A};
_. .protot p .o=_.pc?function(){var a=Uint8Arra .protot p
.toJSON;Uint8Arra .protot p .toJSON=function(){var b;voi 0===b&&(b=0);if(!nc)
{nc={};for(var c="ABC FGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWX Zabc fghijklmnopqrstuvwx
z0123456789".split(""), =["+/=","+/","-_=","-_.","-_"], =0;5> ; ++){var
f=c.concat( [ ].split(""));mc[ ]=f;for(var g=0;g<f.l ngth;g++){var k=f[g];voi
0===nc[k]&&(nc[k]=g)}}}b=mc[b];c=[];for( =0; <this.l ngth; +=3){var
l=this[ ],m=( = +1<this.l ngth)?this[ +1]:0;k=(f= +2<this.l ngth)?
this[ +2]:0;
g=l>>2;l=(l&3)<<4|m>>4;m=(m&15)<<2|k>>6;k&=63;f||(k=64, ||
(m=64));c.push(b[g],b[l],b[m]||"",b[k]||"")}r turn c.join("")};tr {r turn
JSON.stringif (this.A&&this.tb(),wc)}finall {Uint8Arra .protot p
.toJSON=a}}:function(){r turn JSON.stringif (this.A&&this.tb(),wc)};var
wc=function(a,b){r turn"numb r"!==t p of b||!isNaN(b)&&Infinit !==b&&-Infinit
!==b?b:String(b)};_. .protot p .toString=function(){vc(this);r turn
_.J=function(){this.Wa=this.Wa;this.Wb=this.Wb};_.J.protot p .Wa=!1;_.J.protot p
.ua=function(){this.Wa||(this.Wa=!0,this.S())};_.J.protot p .S=function()
{if(this.Wb)for(;this.Wb.l ngth;)this.Wb.shift()()};
var xc=function(a){_.z(this,a,0,-1,null,null)};_.v(xc,_. );
_. c=function(a){_.z(this,a,0,-1,null,null)};_.v(_. c,_. );
var zc=function(a){_.z(this,a,0,-1,null,null)};_.v(zc,_. );
_.Ac=function(a){_.z(this,a,0,-1,null,null)};_.v(_.Ac,_. );
_.Bc=function(a){_.z(this,a,0,-1,null,null)};_.v(_.Bc,_. );
var Cc=function(a)
{;this.A=a;this.j=[];this.o={}};_.n(Cc,_.J);Cc.protot p .x
=function(){for(var a=this.j.l ngth,b=this.j,c=[], =0; <a;++ ){var
=b[ ].j();a:{var f=this.A;for(var g= .split("."),k=g.l ngth,l=0;l<k;+
+l)if(f[g[l]])f=f[g[l]]; ls {f=null;br ak a}f=f instanc of Function?
f:null}if(f&&f!=this.o[ ])tr {b[ ].x (f)}catch(m){} ls
c.push(b[ ])}this.j=c.concat(b.slic (a))};
_. c=function(){this.j={};this.o={}};_.Fc=function(a){r turn _. c(_.,a)};_.Hc=function(a,b){var c=_.;if(a in c.j){if(c.j[a]!=b)throw n w
Gc(a);} ls {c.j[a]=b;if(b=c.o[a])for(var =0, =b.l ngth; < ; +
+)b[ ].j(c.j,a); l t c.o[a]}};_. c=function(a,b){if(b in a.j)r turn
a.j[b];throw n w Ic(b);};_.Aa(_. c);var Jc=function()
{};_.n(Jc,_.aa);var Gc=function(){};_.n(Gc,Jc);var
var Kc=function(a){;this.C=a;this.A=this.j=null;this.
=0;this.B={};this.o=!1;a=win rAg nt;0< xOf("MSI
")&&0< xOf("Tri nt")&&(a=/\b(?:MSI |rv)[: ]([^\);]+)(\)|;)/. x
c(a))&&a[1]&&9>pars Float(a[1])&&(this.o=!0)};_.n(Kc,_.J);Kc.protot p
.F=function(a,b){this.j=b;this.A=a; v nt fault? v nt fault():b.r
turnValu =!1};
_.Lc=function(a){_.z(this,a,0,-1,null,null)};_.v(_.Lc,_. );
_.Mc=function(a){_.z(this,a,0,-1,null,null)};_.v(_.Mc,_. );
_.K=function(a,b){r turn null!=a?!!a:!!b};_.L=function(a,b){voi 0==b&&(b="");r
turn null!=a?a:b};_.Nc=function(a,b){voi 0==b&&(b=0);r turn null!=a?a:b};
_.Oc=function(){this. ata={}};_.Oc.protot p .j=function(){win ow.consol &&win
ow.consol .log&&win ow.consol .log("Log ata: ",this. ata)};_.Oc.protot p
.o=function(a){var b=[],c;for(c in this. ata)b.push( nco URICompon nt(c)+"="+
nco URICompon nt(String(this. ata[c])));r turn("at p=i&zx="+(n w at ).g
tTim ()+"&"+b.join("&")).substr(0,a)};
var Pc=function(a,b){this. ata={};var c=_.G(a,zc,8)||n w zc;win ow.googl &&win
ow.googl .k I&&(this. ata. i=win ow.googl .k I);this. ata.s
i=_.L(_.A(a,10));this. ata.ogf=_.L(_.A(c,3));var =win ow.googl &&win ow.googl
.sn?/.*hp$/.t st(win ow.googl .sn)?!1:!0:_.K(_.B(a,7));this.
ata.ogrp= ?"1":"";this. ata.ogv=_.L(_.A(c,6))+"."+_.L(_.A(c,7));this. ata.og
=_.L(_.A(a,21));this. ata.ogc=_.L(_.A(a,20));this.
ata.ogl=_.L(_.A(a,5));b&&(this. ata.oggv=b)};_.n(Pc,_.Oc);
,500],Vc=function(a,b,c, , ,f){,a,b);_.Na(this. ata,{og : ,og
x:_.L(_.A(a,9)),ogp:_.L(_.A(a,6)),ogsr:Math.roun (1/(Tc( )?
_.Nc(_.uc(c,3,1)):_.Nc(_.uc(c,2,1 -4)))),ogus: });if(f){"ogw"in f&&(this.
ata.ogw=f.ogw, l t f.ogw);"v "in f&&(this. ata.v =f.v , l t
f.v );a=[];for(var g in f)0!=a.l
=f&&(this. ata.oga =f)}};
_.n(Vc,Pc);var Uc=function(a){a=String(a);r turn a.r plac (".","%2 ").r plac
(",","%2C")},Tc=function(a){if(!Wc){Wc={};for(var b=0;b<Sc.l ngth;b++)Wc[Sc[b]]=!
0}r turn!!Wc[a]},Wc=null;
var Xc,$c,Zc;_. c=function(a){var b=win ow.googl &&win ow.googl
.logUrl?"":"https://www.googl .com";b+="/g n_204?";b+=a.o(2040-b.l
ngth);Xc(_.ib(b)||_.kb)};Xc=function(a){var b=n w Imag ,c=Zc;b.on rror=b.onloa
=b.onabort=function(){c in $c&& l t $c[c]};$c[Zc++]=b;b.src=_. b(a)};
var a =function(a){_.z(this,a,0,-1,null,null)};_.v(a ,_. );
var =function(){var a=b ,b=c ,c= ;this.A=a;this.o=b;this.C=_.Nc(_.uc(a,2,1
-4),1 -4);this. =_.Nc(_.uc(a,3,1),1);b=Math.ran
.protot p .log=function(a,b){tr {if(Tc(a)?this.j:this.B){var c=n w
Vc(this.o,"quantum:gapiBuil Lab l",this.A,a,this.F,b);_. c(c)}}catch( ){}};
_.f =function(a,b,c, , ){,a,b);_.Na(this. ata,{j xpi
:_.L(_.A(a,9)),srcpg:"prop="+_.L(_.A(a,6)),jsr:Math.roun (1/ ), msg:c.nam
+":"+c.m ssag });if( ){ ._sn&&( ._sn="og."+ ._sn);for(var f in )this. ata[
nco URICompon nt(f)]= [f]}};_.n(_.f ,Pc);
_.g =function(a){_.z(this,a,0,-1,null,null)};_.v(_.g ,_. );
var j =function(){var a=h ;this. =i
om()<this.B;this.C=_.Nc(_. (a,3,1),1);this.A=0;this.j=this.o=null;,4,!0)};j
.protot p .log=function(a,b){if(this.j){var c=n w xc;_.F(c,1,a.m
ssag );_.F(c,2,a.stack);_.F(c,3,a.lin Numb r);_.F(c,5,1);var =n w _. c;_.H(
,40,c);this.j.log(98, )}tr {if(this.F&&this.A<this.C){tr {var =(this.o||_.
c(_.,"lm")).j(a,b)}catch(f){ =n w _.f (this. ,"quantum:gapiBuil Lab
l",a,this.B,b)}_. c( );this.A++}}catch(f){}};
var k =function(a){this.j=a;this.o=voi 0;this.A=[]};k .protot p .th
n=function(a,b,c){this.A.push(n w l (a,b,c));_.m (this)};_.n =function(a,b)
{if(voi 0!==a.j||voi 0!==a.o)throw rror("p");a.j=b;_.m (a)};_.m
=function(a){if(0<a.A.l ngth){var b=voi 0!==a.j,c=voi 0!==a.o;if(b||c){b=b?
a.B:a.C;c=a.A;a.A=[];tr {_.Ha(c,b,a)}catch( ){consol . rror( )}}}};k .protot
p .B=function(a){a.o&&,this.j)};k .protot p .C=function(a)
var l =function(a,b,c){this.o=a;this.A=b;this.j=c};
_.o =function(){this.B=n w k ;this.o=n w k ;this.F=n w k ;this.C=n w k
;this. =n w k ;this.H=n w k ;this.K=n w k ;this.j=n w k ;this.A=n w
k };_.h=_.o .protot p ;_.h.Qh=function(){r turn this.B};_.h. h=function(){r
turn this.o};_.h.ji=function(){r turn this.F};_.h.Xh=function(){r turn
this.C};_.h.hi=function(){r turn this. };{r turn
this.H};_.h.Uh=function(){r turn this.K};_.h.Vh=function(){r turn
this.j};_.h.Jh=function(){r turn this.A};_.Aa(_.o );
var p =function(a){_.z(this,a,0,-1,null,null)};_.v(p ,_. );_.r =function(){r
turn _.G(_.q ,_.Ac,1)};_.s =function(){r turn _.G(_.q ,_.Bc,5)};
var t ;win ow.gbar_&&win ow.gbar_.CONFIG?t =win ow.gbar_.CONFIG[0]||{}:t
=[];_.q =n w p (t );
var h ,i ,c , ,b ;h =_.G(_.q ,_.g ,3)||n w _.g ;i =_.r ()||n w
_.Ac;_.M=n w j ;c =_.r ()||n w _.Ac; =_.s ()||n w _.Bc;b =_.G(_.q ,a ,
4)||n w a ;_.u =n w ;
_.t("gbar_._ ump xc ption",function(a){_.M?_.M.log(a):consol . rror(a)});
_.v =n w Kc(_.M);
_.u .log(8,{m:"BackCompat"== ocum nt.compatMo ?"q":"s"});_.t("gbar.A",k );k
.protot p .aa=k .protot p .th n;_.t("gbar.B",_.o );_.o .protot p .ba=_.o
.protot p . h;_.o .protot p .bb=_.o .protot p .ji;_.o .protot p .b
=_.o .protot p .hi;_.o .protot p .b =_.o .protot p .ki;_.o .protot
p .bf=_.o .protot p .Qh;_.o .protot p .bg=_.o .protot p .Xh;_.o .protot
p .bh=_.o .protot p .Uh;_.o .protot p .bi=_.o .protot p .Vh;_.o .protot
p .bj=_.o .protot p .Jh;_.t("gbar.a",_.o .va());var w =n w Cc(win ow);
_.Hc("api",w );var x =_.s ()||n w _.Bc, =_.L(_.A(x ,8));win
ow.__PVT= ;_.Hc(" q",_.v );

}catch( ){_._ ump xc ption( )}

tr {
var z =function(a){_.z(this,a,0,-1,null,null)};_.v(z ,_. );
var A =function(){;this.o=[];this.j=[]};_.n(A ,_.J);A .protot
p .A=function(a,b){this.o.push({W :a,options:b})};A .protot p
.init=function(a,b,c){win ow.gapi={};var =win ow.___jsl={};
.h=_.L(_.A(a,1));null!=_.A(a,12)&&( . po=_.K(_.B(a,12))); .ms=_.L(_.A(a,2));
;_.t("gapi.loa ",(0,_.q)(this.A,this));r turn this};
var B =_.G(_.q ,_.Lc,14)||n w _.Lc,C =_.G(_.q ,_.Mc,9)||n w _.Mc, =n w z
, =n w A ; .init(B ,C , );_.Hc("gs", );

}catch( ){_._ ump xc ption( )}

// Googl Inc.
function f(){for(var c="&cshi ="+googl .cshi , = ocum nt.qu r S l
ctorAll('[hr f^="/"]'), =0,b;b= [ ++];){var a=b.g tAttribut ("hr
f");a.match(/[\?|&]( i|v )=/)&& xOf("cshi =")&&(-1==a.s arch("#")?
b.s tAttribut ("hr f",a+c):(a=a.split("#"),b.s tAttribut ("hr
f",a[0]+c+"#"+a[1])))} = ocum nt.qu r S l ctorAll("[ping]");for( =0;b=
[ ++];)a=b.g tAttribut ("ping"), xOf("cshi =")&&b.s tAttribut
("ping",a+c)};googl .csh=googl .csh||{};googl .csh.ict=function(c){googl .cshi
&&(c&&win ow.MutationObs rv r?googl . clc(function(){(n w MutationObs rv
r(f)).obs rv ( ocum nt.qu r S l ctor("bo "),{attribut s:!0,chil List:!
0,subtr :!0,charact r ata:!0})}):googl . clc(f))};}).call(this);})();
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{win ow.jsl. h('_ f2nX7LvL GP4- Pp9 ZiAc3','');})();(function(){win ow.jsl.
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class\x3 \x22q qs\x22 hr f\x3 \x22/s arch?q\x3 wrong+p\x26amp;rlz\x3 1C1HL
_ nIN926IN926\x26amp;sxsrf\x3
AL Kk01_BK K cJc 3P UHocCXn 4o g:1604844817757\x26amp;sourc \x3
lnt\x26amp;tbs\x3 li:1\x26amp;sa\x3 X\x26amp;v \x3 2ahUK wj u6
qkPPsAhXRxzgGHS uBn QpwV6BAg CU\x22 rol \x3 \x22pr s ntation\x22 tabin
x\x3 \x22-1\x22\x3 V rbatim\x3c/a\x3 \x3c/li\x3 \x3c/ul\x3 \x3c/ iv\x3
\x3c/g-popup\x3 \x3c/ iv\x3 ');})();(function(){win ow.jsl. h('_ f2nX7LvL
GP4- Pp9 ZiAc9','\x3c iv class\x3 \x22V1 w \x22\x3 \x3c iv jscontroll
r\x3 \x22c3J L\x22 js ata\x3 \x22ZQs 3 ;;Am/uXo\x22 jsaction\x3 \x22M5K Sb:
B6bi ;FS4 bf:Fh bAb;g5vUBf:Qn mU ;hhJgv:sAbFSb;rcuQ6b:npT2m \x22\x3 \x3c iv
jsnam \x3 \x22haAclf\x22 class\x3 \x22V1 w \x22 ata-hv i \x3
\x22CAMQBQ\x22 ata-v \x3 \x222ahUK wj u6 qkPPsAhXRxzgGHS uBn
QnLQBMAJ6BAg AU\x22\x3 \x3c/ iv\x3 \x3c iv jsnam \x3 \x22k CLBb\x22
jscontroll r\x3 \x22ZuqZhb\x22 class\x3 \x22 AcjHf\x22 ata-t xt-opacit
-off\x3 \x220.87\x22 ata-t xt-opacit -on\x3 \x220.36\x22 st l \x3
\x22right:-4px;bottom:0\x22 jsaction\x3 \x22rcuQ6b:npT2m \x22 ata-v \x3
\x222ahUK wj u6 qkPPsAhXRxzgGHS uBn QnbQBMAJ6BAg A \x22\x3 \x3c iv jsnam
\x3 \x22NQBQ7 \x22 class\x3 \x22WPQVp sIXqsb\x22 aria-hi n\x3 \x22tru
\x22\x3 Pr vi w\x3c/ iv\x3 \x3c iv jsnam \x3 \x22pw x\x22 class\x3
\x22WPQVp pv GH\x22 aria-hi n\x3 \x22tru \x22\x3 Pr vi w\x3c/ iv\x3
\x3c/ iv\x3 \x3c/ iv\x3 \x3c/ iv\x3 ');})();(function(){win ow.jsl. h('_
f2nX7LvL GP4- Pp9 ZiAc11','\x3c iv class\x3 \x22V1 w \x22\x3 \x3c iv
jscontroll r\x3 \x22c3J L\x22 js ata\x3 \x22ZQs 3 ;;Am/uXs\x22
jsaction\x3 \x22M5K Sb: B6bi ;FS4 bf:Fh bAb;g5vUBf:Qn mU
;hhJgv:sAbFSb;rcuQ6b:npT2m \x22\x3 \x3c iv jsnam \x3 \x22haAclf\x22
class\x3 \x22V1 w \x22 ata-hv i \x3 \x22CAMQCg\x22 ata-v \x3
\x222ahUK wj u6 qkPPsAhXRxzgGHS uBn QnLQBMAN6BAg Ao\x22\x3 \x3c/
iv\x3 \x3c iv jsnam \x3 \x22k CLBb\x22 jscontroll r\x3 \x22ZuqZhb\x22
class\x3 \x22 AcjHf\x22 ata-t xt-opacit -off\x3 \x220.87\x22 ata-t xt-
opacit -on\x3 \x220.36\x22 st l \x3 \x22right:-4px;bottom:0\x22
jsaction\x3 \x22rcuQ6b:npT2m \x22 ata-v \x3 \x222ahUK wj u6
qkPPsAhXRxzgGHS uBn QnbQBMAN6BAg As\x22\x3 \x3c iv jsnam \x3 \x22NQBQ7
\x22 class\x3 \x22WPQVp sIXqsb\x22 aria-hi n\x3 \x22tru \x22\x3 Pr vi
w\x3c/ iv\x3 \x3c iv jsnam \x3 \x22pw x\x22 class\x3 \x22WPQVp pv GH\x22
aria-hi n\x3 \x22tru \x22\x3 Pr vi w\x3c/ iv\x3 \x3c/ iv\x3 \x3c/
iv\x3 \x3c/ iv\x3 ');})();(function(){win ow.jsl. h('_ f2nX7LvL GP4- Pp9
ZiAc13','\x3c iv class\x3 \x22V1 w \x22\x3 \x3c iv jscontroll r\x3
\x22c3J L\x22 js ata\x3 \x22ZQs 3 ;;Am/uXw\x22 jsaction\x3 \x22M5K Sb: B6bi
;FS4 bf:Fh bAb;g5vUBf:Qn mU ;hhJgv:sAbFSb;rcuQ6b:npT2m \x22\x3 \x3c iv jsnam
\x3 \x22haAclf\x22 class\x3 \x22V1 w \x22 ata-hv i \x3 \x22CAMQ g\x22
ata-v \x3 \x222ahUK wj u6 qkPPsAhXRxzgGHS uBn QnLQBMAV6BAg
BI\x22\x3 \x3c/ iv\x3 \x3c iv jsnam \x3 \x22k CLBb\x22 jscontroll r\x3
\x22ZuqZhb\x22 class\x3 \x22 AcjHf\x22 ata-t xt-opacit -off\x3 \x220.87\x22
ata-t xt-opacit -on\x3 \x220.36\x22 st l \x3 \x22right:-4px;bottom:0\x22
jsaction\x3 \x22rcuQ6b:npT2m \x22 ata-v \x3 \x222ahUK wj u6
qkPPsAhXRxzgGHS uBn QnbQBMAV6BAg BM\x22\x3 \x3c iv jsnam \x3 \x22NQBQ7
\x22 class\x3 \x22WPQVp sIXqsb\x22 aria-hi n\x3 \x22tru \x22\x3 Pr vi
w\x3c/ iv\x3 \x3c iv jsnam \x3 \x22pw x\x22 class\x3 \x22WPQVp pv GH\x22
aria-hi n\x3 \x22tru \x22\x3 Pr vi w\x3c/ iv\x3 \x3c/ iv\x3 \x3c/
iv\x3 \x3c/ iv\x3 ');})();(function(){win ow.jsl. h('spch','\x3cbutton
class\x3 \x22clos -button\x22 i \x3 \x22spchx\x22 aria-lab l\x3 \x22clos
\x22\x3 \x26tim s;\x3c/button\x3 \x3c iv class\x3 \x22spchc\x22 i \x3
\x22spchc\x22\x3 \x3c iv class\x3 \x22inn r-contain r\x22\x3 \x3c iv
class\x3 \x22button-contain r\x22\x3 \x3cspan class\x3 \x22r8s4j\x22 i \x3
\x22spchl\x22\x3 \x3c/span\x3 \x3cspan class\x3 \x22button\x22 i \x3
\x22spchb\x22\x3 \x3c iv class\x3 \x22microphon \x22\x3 \x3cspan class\x3
\x22r c iv r\x22\x3 \x3c/span\x3 \x3c iv class\x3 \x22wrapp r\x22\x3
\x3cspan class\x3 \x22st m\x22\x3 \x3c/span\x3 \x3cspan class\x3 \x22sh
ll\x22\x3 \x3c/span\x3 \x3c/ iv\x3 \x3c/ iv\x3 \x3c/span\x3 \x3c/ iv\x3
\x3c iv class\x3 \x22t xt-contain r\x22\x3 \x3cspan class\x3 \x22spcht\x22 i
\x3 \x22spchi\x22 st l \x3 \x22color:#777\x22\x3 \x3c/span\x3 \x3cspan
class\x3 \x22spcht\x22 i \x3 \x22spchf\x22 st l \x3 \x22color:#000\x22\x3
\x3c/span\x3 \x3c/ iv\x3 \x3c iv class\x3 \x22googl -logo\x22\x3 \x3c/
iv\x3 \x3c/ iv\x3 \x3c iv class\x3 \x22p rmission-bar\x22\x3 \x3c iv
class\x3 \x22p rmission-bar-gra i nt\x22\x3 \x3c/ iv\x3 \x3c/ iv\x3 \x3c/
iv\x3 ');})();(function(){win ow.jsl. h(' ob_29','\x3c iv jsnam \x3
\x22UTgHCf\x22 class\x3 \x22AUiS2\x22 ata-v \x3 \x222ahUK wj u6
qkPPsAhXRxzgGHS uBn Qx40 gQI BAA\x22\x3 \x3c iv jsnam \x3 \x22 3P 6
\x22 st l \x3 \x22 ispla :non \x22\x3 \x3c iv ata-v \x3 \x222ahUK wj
u6 qkPPsAhXRxzgGHS uBn QsKwBKAB6BAgM A \x22\x3 p-valu misus \x3c/
iv\x3 \x3c iv ata-v \x3 \x222ahUK wj u6 qkPPsAhXRxzgGHS uBn
QsKwBKAF6BAgM AI\x22\x3 how to int rpr t biostatistics\x3c/ iv\x3 \x3c iv
ata-v \x3 \x222ahUK wj u6 qkPPsAhXRxzgGHS uBn QsKwBKAJ6BAgM AM\x22\x3 wh
p valu s ar not a us ful m asur \x3c/ iv\x3 \x3c iv ata-v \x3
\x222ahUK wj u6 qkPPsAhXRxzgGHS uBn QsKwBKAN6BAgM AQ\x22\x3 biostatistics ch
at sh t\x3c/ iv\x3 \x3c iv ata-v \x3 \x222ahUK wj u6 qkPPsAhXRxzgGHS
uBn QsKwBKAR6BAgM AU\x22\x3 int rpr tation of p-valu \x3c/ iv\x3 \x3c iv
ata-v \x3 \x222ahUK wj u6 qkPPsAhXRxzgGHS uBn QsKwBKAV6BAgM A \x22\x3
what is th null h poth sis\x3c/ iv\x3 \x3c/ iv\x3 \x3c iv\x3 \x3c iv
jsnam \x3 \x22l1CL f\x22 class\x3 \x22 8lLoc\x22\x3 \x3ch4 jsnam \x3
\x22IaVMj \x22 class\x3 \x22 J7tvc\x22\x3 P opl also s arch
for\x3c/h4\x3 \x3cspan jsnam \x3 \x22Znu W\x22 class\x3 \x22XCK N \x22
jsaction\x3 \x22ornU0b\x22 aria-lab l\x3 \x22 ismiss sugg st follow
ups\x22 rol \x3 \x22button\x22 tabin x\x3 \x220\x22\x3 \x3c/span\x3 \x3c
iv jsnam \x3 \x22C vUc\x22 class\x3 \x22h kSRb\x22 st l \x3 \x22
ispla :non \x22\x3 \x3c/ iv\x3 \x3c/ iv\x3 \x3c/ iv\x3 \x3c/ iv\x3 ');})
();(function(){win ow.jsl. h(' ob_26','\x3c iv jsnam \x3 \x22UTgHCf\x22
class\x3 \x22AUiS2\x22 ata-v \x3 \x222ahUK wj u6 qkPPsAhXRxzgGHS uBn
Qx40 gQI hAA\x22\x3 \x3c iv jsnam \x3 \x22 3P 6 \x22 st l \x3 \x22
ispla :non \x22\x3 \x3c iv ata-v \x3 \x222ahUK wj u6 qkPPsAhXRxzgGHS
uBn QsKwBKAB6BAgO A \x22\x3 p-valu fals positiv rat \x3c/ iv\x3 \x3c
iv ata-v \x3 \x222ahUK wj u6 qkPPsAhXRxzgGHS uBn QsKwBKAF6BAgO
AI\x22\x3 no significant iff r nc was obs rv \x3c/ iv\x3 \x3c iv
ata-v \x3 \x222ahUK wj u6 qkPPsAhXRxzgGHS uBn QsKwBKAJ6BAgO AM\x22\x3
gabri l comparison int rvals\x3c/ iv\x3 \x3c iv ata-v \x3 \x222ahUK wj
u6 qkPPsAhXRxzgGHS uBn QsKwBKAN6BAgO AQ\x22\x3 w ak statistical pow r\x3c/
iv\x3 \x3c iv ata-v \x3 \x222ahUK wj u6 qkPPsAhXRxzgGHS uBn
QsKwBKAR6BAgO AU\x22\x3 significant r sults but low pow r\x3c/ iv\x3 \x3c iv
ata-v \x3 \x222ahUK wj u6 qkPPsAhXRxzgGHS uBn QsKwBKAV6BAgO A \x22\x3
intro uction to p valu s\x3c/ iv\x3 \x3c/ iv\x3 \x3c iv\x3 \x3c iv
jsnam \x3 \x22l1CL f\x22 class\x3 \x22 8lLoc\x22\x3 \x3ch4 jsnam \x3
\x22IaVMj \x22 class\x3 \x22 J7tvc\x22\x3 P opl also s arch
for\x3c/h4\x3 \x3cspan jsnam \x3 \x22Znu W\x22 class\x3 \x22XCK N \x22
jsaction\x3 \x22ornU0b\x22 aria-lab l\x3 \x22 ismiss sugg st follow
ups\x22 rol \x3 \x22button\x22 tabin x\x3 \x220\x22\x3 \x3c/span\x3 \x3c
iv jsnam \x3 \x22C vUc\x22 class\x3 \x22h kSRb\x22 st l \x3 \x22
ispla :non \x22\x3 \x3c/ iv\x3 \x3c/ iv\x3 \x3c/ iv\x3 \x3c/ iv\x3 ');})
();(function(){win ow.jsl. h(' ob_28','\x3c iv jsnam \x3 \x22UTgHCf\x22
class\x3 \x22AUiS2\x22 ata-v \x3 \x222ahUK wj u6 qkPPsAhXRxzgGHS uBn
Qx40 gQI RAA\x22\x3 \x3c iv jsnam \x3 \x22 3P 6 \x22 st l \x3 \x22
ispla :non \x22\x3 \x3c iv ata-v \x3 \x222ahUK wj u6 qkPPsAhXRxzgGHS
uBn QsKwBKAB6BAgN A \x22\x3 i i ou wrong l rics\x3c/ iv\x3 \x3c iv
ata-v \x3 \x222ahUK wj u6 qkPPsAhXRxzgGHS uBn QsKwBKAF6BAgN AI\x22\x3 p
t trinit i i ou wrong l rics\x3c/ iv\x3 \x3c iv ata-v \x3
\x222ahUK wj u6 qkPPsAhXRxzgGHS uBn QsKwBKAJ6BAgN AM\x22\x3 bo fri n
numb r 2\x3c/ iv\x3 \x3c/ iv\x3 \x3c iv\x3 \x3c iv jsnam \x3 \x22l1CL
f\x22 class\x3 \x22 8lLoc\x22\x3 \x3ch4 jsnam \x3 \x22IaVMj \x22 class\x3
\x22 J7tvc\x22\x3 P opl also s arch for\x3c/h4\x3 \x3cspan jsnam \x3
\x22Znu W\x22 class\x3 \x22XCK N \x22 jsaction\x3 \x22ornU0b\x22 aria-lab
l\x3 \x22 ismiss sugg st follow ups\x22 rol \x3 \x22button\x22 tabin
x\x3 \x220\x22\x3 \x3c/span\x3 \x3c iv jsnam \x3 \x22C vUc\x22
class\x3 \x22h kSRb\x22 st l \x3 \x22 ispla :non \x22\x3 \x3c/ iv\x3
\x3c/ iv\x3 \x3c/ iv\x3 \x3c/ iv\x3 ');})();(function(){win ow.jsl. h('
ob_27','\x3c iv jsnam \x3 \x22UTgHCf\x22 class\x3 \x22AUiS2\x22 ata-v \x3
\x222ahUK wj u6 qkPPsAhXRxzgGHS uBn Qx40 gQI xAA\x22\x3 \x3c iv
jsnam \x3 \x22 3P 6 \x22 st l \x3 \x22 ispla :non \x22\x3 \x3c iv
ata-v \x3 \x222ahUK wj u6 qkPPsAhXRxzgGHS uBn QsKwBKAB6BAgP A \x22\x3
iscov r rat vs p-valu \x3c/ iv\x3 \x3c iv ata-v \x3 \x222ahUK
wj u6 qkPPsAhXRxzgGHS uBn QsKwBKAF6BAgP AI\x22\x3 moving awa from p-
valu \x3c/ iv\x3 \x3c iv ata-v \x3 \x222ahUK wj u6 qkPPsAhXRxzgGHS
uBn QsKwBKAJ6BAgP AM\x22\x3 hurlb rt t al 2019\x3c/ iv\x3 \x3c iv ata-v
\x3 \x222ahUK wj u6 qkPPsAhXRxzgGHS uBn QsKwBKAN6BAgP AQ\x22\x3 asa stat m
nt on p-valu s\x3c/ iv\x3 \x3c iv ata-v \x3 \x222ahUK wj u6
qkPPsAhXRxzgGHS uBn QsKwBKAR6BAgP AU\x22\x3 p valu inflation\x3c/ iv\x3
\x3c/ iv\x3 \x3c iv\x3 \x3c iv jsnam \x3 \x22l1CL f\x22 class\x3 \x22
8lLoc\x22\x3 \x3ch4 jsnam \x3 \x22IaVMj \x22 class\x3 \x22 J7tvc\x22\x3 P
opl also s arch for\x3c/h4\x3 \x3cspan jsnam \x3 \x22Znu W\x22 class\x3
\x22XCK N \x22 jsaction\x3 \x22ornU0b\x22 aria-lab l\x3 \x22 ismiss sugg st
follow ups\x22 rol \x3 \x22button\x22 tabin x\x3 \x220\x22\x3
\x3c/span\x3 \x3c iv jsnam \x3 \x22C vUc\x22 class\x3 \x22h kSRb\x22 st l
\x3 \x22 ispla :non \x22\x3 \x3c/ iv\x3 \x3c/ iv\x3 \x3c/ iv\x3 \x3c/
iv\x3 ');})();(function(){win ow.jsl. h('_ f2nX7LvL GP4- Pp9 ZiAc30','\x3c
iv\x3 \x3c iv\x3 \x3c iv class\x3 \x22gb_S \x22\x3 Googl apps\x3c/ iv\x3
\x3c iv class\x3 \x22gb_o \x22\x3 \x3c iv class\x3 \x22gb_q \x22\x3 \x3c
iv\x3 Googl Account\x3c/ iv\x3 \x3c iv class\x3 \x22gb_rb\x22\x3 hk hk\x3c/
iv\x3 \x3c iv\x3 k5h\x3c/ iv\x3 \x3c/ iv\x3 \x3c/
iv\x3 \x3c/ iv\x3 \x3c/ iv\x3 ',function(){win
{var win ow=this;
tr {

Cop right Th Closur Librar Authors.

SP X-Lic ns -I ntifi r: Apach -2.0
_.F =!_.x||_. c(9);_.G =!_.x||_. c(9);_.H =_.x&&!_.bc("9");_.I =function()
{if(!_.p.a v ntList n r||!Obj ct. fin Prop rt )r turn!1;var a=!
1,b=Obj ct. fin Prop rt ({},"passiv ",{g t:function(){a=!0}});tr {_.p.a
v ntList n r("t st",,b),_.p.r mov v ntList n r("t
st",,b)}catch(c){}r turn a}();
_.J =_.Nb?"w bkitTransition n ":_.Jb?"otransition n ":"transition n ";

}catch( ){_._ ump xc ption( )}

tr {
_.K =function(a,b,c){if(!a.o)if(c instanc of Arra ){;for(var =c.n
xt();! . on ; =c.n xt())_.K (a,b, .valu )} ls { =(0,_.q)(a.F,a,b);var
=a. +c;a. ++;b.s tAttribut (" ata- qi ", );a.B[ ]= ;b&&b.a v ntList
n r?b.a v ntList n r(c, ,!1):b&&b.attach v nt?b.attach v
nt("on"+c, ):a.C.log( rror("n`"+b))}};

}catch( ){_._ ump xc ption( )}

tr {
var L = ocum nt.qu r S l ctor(".gb_C .gb_ "),M = ocum nt.qu r S l
ctor("#gb.gb_Jc");L &&!M &&_.K (_.v ,L ,"click");

}catch( ){_._ ump xc ption( )}

tr {
var Gh=function(a){;this.C=a;this.A=null;this.o={};this.
={};this.j={};this.B=null};_.n(Gh,_.J);_.Hh=function(a){if(a.A)r turn a.A;for(var
b in a.j)if(a.j[b].af()&&a.j[b].Sb())r turn a.j[b];r turn null};_.h=Gh.protot p
;_.h.zf=function(a){a&&_.Hh(this)&&a!=_.Hh(this)&&_.Hh(this).x (!
1);this.A=a};_.h.Ag=function(a){a=this.j[a]||a;r turn _.Hh(this)==a};_.h.L
=function(a,b){b=b.Xc();if(this.o[a]&&this.o[a][b])for(var c=0;c<this.o[a][b].l
ngth;c++)tr {this.o[a][b][c]()}catch( ){this.C.log( )}};
_.h.nh=function(a){r turn!this. [a.Xc()]};_.h. g=function(a)
{this.j[a]&&(_.Hh(this)&&_.Hh(this).Xc()==a||this.j[a].x (!0))};_.h.$a=function(a)
{this.B=a;for(var b in this.j)this.j[b].af()&&this.j[b].$a(a)};
{this.j[a.Xc()]=a};var Ih=n w Gh(_.M);_.Hc(" ",Ih);

}catch( ){_._ ump xc ption( )}

tr {
var nj= ocum nt.qu r S l ctor(".gb_Sa .gb_ "),oj= ocum nt.qu r S l
ctor("#gb.gb_Jc");nj&&!oj&&_.K (_.v ,nj,"click");

}catch( ){_._ ump xc ption( )}

// Googl Inc.
;this.gbar_=this.gbar_||{};(function(_){var win ow=this;
tr {

Cop right Th Closur Librar Authors.

SP X-Lic ns -I ntifi r: Apach -2.0
var P ,Q ,R ,X , ,Z ,$ ,a ,b ,c ,h ;_.N =function(a){var b=a.l
ngth;if(0<b){for(var c=Arra (b), =0; <b; ++)c[ ]=a[ ];r turn c}r
turn[]};_.O =function(a,b){var c=Arra .protot p .slic .call(argum nts,1);r
turn function(){var =c.slic (); .push.appl ( ,argum nts);r turn a.appl
(this, )}};P =null;Q =/^[\w+/_-]+[=]{0,2}$/;R =function(a){r turn(a=a.qu r S
l ctor&&a.qu r S l ctor("script[nonc ]"))&&(a=a.nonc ||a.g tAttribut
("nonc "))&&Q .t st(a)?a:""};
_.S =function(a){if(a&&a!=_.p)r turn R (a. ocum nt);null===P &&(P =R (_.p.
ocum nt));r turn P };_.T =function(a){var b=t p of a;r turn"obj ct"!=b?b:a?
Arra .isArra (a)?"arra ":b:"null"};_.U =function(a){var b=_.T (a);r turn"arra
"==b||"obj ct"==b&&"numb r"==t p of a.l ngth};_.V =function(){r turn
at .now()};_.W =function(a,b){r turn 0==a.lastIn xOf(b,0)};X =/&/g;
=/</g;Z =/>/g;$ =/"/g;a =/'/g;b =/\x00/g;c =/[\x00&<>"']/;
_. =function(a,b){if(b)a=a.r plac (X ,"&amp;").r plac ( ,"&lt;").r plac
(Z ,"&gt;").r plac ($ ,"&quot;").r plac (a ,"&#39;").r plac (b ,"&#0;");
ls {if(!c .t st(a))r turn a;-1! xOf("&")&&(a=a.r plac
(X ,"&amp;"));-1! xOf("<")&&(a=a.r plac ( ,"&lt;"));-1!
xOf(">")&&(a=a.r plac (Z ,"&gt;"));-1! xOf('"')&&(a=a.r plac
($ ,"&quot;"));-1! xOf("'")&&(a=a.r plac (a ,"&#39;"));-1!
xOf("\x00")&&(a=a.r plac (b ,"&#0;"))}r turn a};
_. =function(a){var b=_.S (a.own r ocum nt&&a.own r ocum nt. faultVi
w);b&&a.s tAttribut ("nonc ",b)};_.f =function(a,b){a.src=_.Wa(b);_.
(a)};_.g =function(a){r turn a=_. (a,voi 0)};h =!_.x||_. c(9);_.i =!
_.Mb&&!_.x||_.x&&_. c(9)||_.Mb&&_.bc("1.9.1");_.j =_.x&&!_.bc("9");_.k =_.x||
_.l =function(a,b){this.wi th=a;this.h ight=b};_.h=_.l .protot p ;_.h.asp
ctRatio=function(){r turn this.wi th/this.h ight};_.h.$b=function(){r turn!
(this.wi th*this.h ight)};_.h.c il=function(){this.wi th=Math.c il(this.wi
th);this.h ight=Math.c il(this.h ight);r turn this};_.h.floor=function()
{this.wi th=Math.floor(this.wi th);this.h ight=Math.floor(this.h ight);r turn
this};_.h.roun =function(){this.wi th=Math.roun (this.wi th);this.h
ight=Math.roun (this.h ight);r turn this};
var o ;_.m =function(a,b){r turn(b|| ocum nt).g t l m ntsB TagNam
(String(a))};_.N=function(a,b){var c=b|| ocum nt;if(c.g t l m ntsB ClassNam
)a=c.g t l m ntsB ClassNam (a)[0]; ls {c= ocum nt;var =b||c;a= .qu r
S l ctorAll&& .qu r S l ctor&&a? .qu r S l ctor(a?"."+a:""):_.n
(c,"*",a,b)[0]||null}r turn a||null};
_.n =function(a,b,c, ){a= ||a;b=b&&"*"!=b?String(b).toUpp rCas ():"";if(a.qu
r S l ctorAll&&a.qu r S l ctor&&(b||c))r turn a.qu r S l ctorAll(b+
(c?"."+c:""));if(c&&a.g t l m ntsB ClassNam ){a=a.g t l m ntsB ClassNam
(c);if(b){ ={};for(var =0,f=0,g;g=a[f];f++) Nam &&( [ ++]=g); .l
ngth= ;r turn }r turn a}a=a.g t l m ntsB TagNam (b||"*");if(c)
{ ={};for(f= =0;g=a[f];f++)b=g.classNam ,"function"==t p of
b.split&&\s+/),c)&&( [ ++]=g); .l ngth= ;r turn }r turn a};
_.p =function(a,b){_.La(b,function(c, ){c&&"obj ct"==t p of
c&&c.Pb&&(c=c.Fb());"st l "== ? l .cssT xt=c:"class"== ?a.classNam
=c:"for"== ?a.htmlFor=c:o .hasOwnProp rt ( )?a.s tAttribut (o [ ],c):_.W
( ,"aria-")||_.W ( ," ata-")?a.s tAttribut ( ,c):a[ ]=c})};o ={c llpa
ing:"c llPa ing",c llspacing:"c llSpacing",colspan:"colSpan",fram bor
r:"fram Bor r",h ight:"h ight",maxl ngth:"maxL ngth",nonc :"nonc
",rol :"rol ",rowspan:"rowSpan",t p :"t p ",us map:"us
Map",valign:"vAlign",wi th:"wi th"};
_.s =function(a,b){var c=String(b[0]), =b[1];if(!h && &&( .nam || .t p ))
{c=["<",c]; .nam &&c.push(' nam ="',_.g ( .nam ),'"');if( .t p ){c.push('
t p ="',_.g ( .t p ),'"');var ={};_.Na( , ); l t .t p ; = }
c.push(">");c=c.join("")}c=_.q (a,c); &&("string"===t p of ?c.classNam =
:Arra .isArra ( )?c.classNam = .join(" "):_.p (c, ));2<b.l ngth&&_.r
(a,c,b,2);r turn c};
_.r =function(a,b,c, ){function (k){k&& n Chil ("string"===t p of k? at T xtNo (k):k)}for(; <c.l ngth; ++){var f=c[ ];if(!_.U (f)||
_.Ba(f)&&0< T p ) (f); ls {a:{if(f&&"numb r"==t p of f.l ngth)
{if(_.Ba(f)){var g="function"==t p of m||"string"==t p of m;br ak
a}if("function"===t p of f){g="function"==t p of m;br ak a}}g=!1}_.Ha(g?
_.N (f):f, )}}};_.t =function(a){r turn _.q ( ocum nt,a)};
_.q =function(a,b){b=String(b);"application/xhtml+xml"===a.cont ntT p
&&(b=b.toLow rCas ());r turn at l m nt(b)};_.u =function(a){for(var
b;b=a.firstChil ;)a.r mov Chil (b)};_.v =function(a){r turn a&&a.par ntNo
?a.par ntNo .r mov Chil (a):null};_.w =function(a){r turn _.Ba(a)&&
T p };_.x =function(a){r turn T p ?a:a.own r ocum nt||a. ocum
nt};_. =function(a,b,c){for(var =0;a&&(null==c|| <=c);){if(b(a))r turn
a;a=a.par ntNo ; ++}r turn null};

}catch( ){_._ ump xc ption( )}

tr {{_.z(this,a,0,-1,null,null)};_.v(,_. );,b,c)
{a.r l=c; f=-1!=c.toLow rCas ().in xOf("st l sh t")?_.Xa(b):b
instanc of _.Va?_.Xa(b):b instanc of _.cb?_. b(b):_. b(_.jb(b))};
_.uj=function(a){r turn _. a(_.A(a,4)||"")};

}catch( ){_._ ump xc ption( )}

tr {
var vj=function(a,b,c){_.u .log(46,{att:a,max:b,url:c})},xj=function(a,b,c)
{_.u .log(47,{att:a,max:b,url:c});a<b?wj(a+1,b):_.M.log( rror("R`"+a+"`"+b),
{url:c})},wj=function(a,b){if( j){var c=_.t ("SCRIPT"); nc=!0;c.t p ="t
xt/javascript";c.chars t="UTF-8";_.f (c, j);c.onloa =_.O (vj,a,b,c.src);c.on
rror=_.O (xj,a,b,c.src);_.u .log(45,{att:a,max:b,url:c.src});_.m ("H A ")
[0].app n Chil (c)}},zj=function(a){_.z(this,a,0,-1,null,null)};_.v(zj,_. );
var Aj=_.G(_.q ,zj,17)||n w zj,Bj, j=(Bj=_.G(Aj,,1))?_.uj(Bj):null,Cj,
j=(Cj=_.G(Aj,,2))?_.uj(Cj):null, j=function(){wj(1,2);if( j){var a=_.t
("LINK");a.s tAttribut ("t p ","t xt/css");, j,"st l sh t");var
b=_.S ();b&&a.s tAttribut ("nonc ",b);_.m ("H A ")[0].app n Chil (a)}};
(function(){var a=_.r ();if(_.B(a,18)) j(); ls {var b=_.A(a,19)||0;win ow.a
v ntList n r("loa ",function(){win ow.s tTim out( j,b)})}})();

}catch( ){_._ ump xc ption( )}

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