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ITE 131 Data Structures and Algorithms Course Syllabus

Course Code: ITE 131 Course Title: Data Structures and Algorithms
Credit: 4(4-0-8) Lecture Hours: Mon/Thurs, 12:30am-14:30am
Semester: 1 Practice Hours: 0
Academic Year: 2018 Prerequisites: none
Curriculum: Undergraduate Course status: Basic Core / Technology and Software
Instructor: Chaklam Silpasuwanchai Sec: 01

1. Course Description

This course provides an introduction to the data structures used in computer programming and to the
design and mathematical analysis of algorithms to solve problems. Topics include: data structures (e.g.,
Lists), O-Notation, Searching and Sorting Algorithms, Recursive Algorithms, Algorithm Design
Techniques (e.g., Greedy), and Graph Algorithms (e.g., Shortest path). There will be emphasis on

2. Course Behavioral Objectives (CBO)

Upon successful completion of this course, you will be able to:
1. To impart the basic concepts of data structures and algorithms
2. To understand concepts about searching and sorting techniques
3. To understand basic concepts about stacks, queues, lists, trees and graphs
4. To understanding about writing algorithms and step by step approach in solving problems with the
help of fundamental data structures

3. Teaching and Learning

The course will be oriented towards learning concepts and theories in class, and exercise practice in
assignments and quiz. To successfully complete this class, you should:
 Ask questions when a concept is not understood in the readings or in a lecture;
 Seek help from the instructor early, rather than letting confusion grow;
 Constantly strive to do high quality work.
 Complete all the given assignments on time

4. Evaluation and Grading Scale

Weighted Total Course Grade 75-79 C+
90-100 A 70-74 C
85-89 B+ 65-69 D+
80-84 B 60-64 D
<60 F

5. Rubric
Participation 5%
Assignments and quiz 30%
Midterm Exam 30%
Final Exam 35%

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6. Instructor
A. Chaklam Silpasuwanchai
Office: 6th floor, Building 2
Office hour: Mon, Thurs. 14:30 – 17:00

7. Main Textbooks
Introduction to Algorithms by Cormen, 3rd edition

8. Course Policies

Here I highlight some important policy (read full details in Stamford Handbook):

1. Zero-tolerance against plagiarism and cheating: You are responsible to make sure everything
that you have submitted is done by you, in your own words. Straight zeros or Fs will be given,
without any negotiation. (My opinion of your honesty and endeavors has much higher priority
than your intelligence. That is, I don’t really care whether you are smart or not. There are so
many smart people out there. But I highly respect people who are honest and has “manhood”.
So, let’s be honest here, if you “try”, I will help you. If I am teaching way too difficult or is
teaching bullshit, inform me. It’s really a bad strategy to plagiarize or cheat. Plagiarisms and
cheatings are never the right strategy in this world.)

2. Attendance policy: Thailand Ministry of Education stipulates that students must attend 80% of
class meetings to qualify for taking the final course examination. Thus, if you miss more than
20% of class meetings, or 5 class meetings, for any reason, you will not be allowed to take the
final exam.
a. I don’t negotiate. So, if you have more than 5 absences, I highlight recommend you
withdraw since final exams/presentations weight 45%.
b. No make-up quiz or any classwork will be accepted.

3. Assignment policy: Submit your work on time. In case of submitting late, you are allowed to
submit on two weeks after the deadline, with a deduction of 30% of the total points.

4. Make-up exams: Most cases are not allowed, except for some “unpredictable events” such as
car accidents, serious health problems, family matters, etc. Having simple headache or
traveling DOES NOT count. To do a make-up exam, your starting point is to contact Student
Hub, and paid the make-up fee for 2,000 baht for each individual course that you have a make-
up exam.

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5. Withdrawal: In most of my class, unless I found you cheat, plagiarize, or are not even trying to
understand – basically you are completely same as before taking this class, I usually am quite
lenient on grading. However, if you wish to withdraw, make sure to withdraw before week 8.
Make sure you really withdraw by confirming the system. The reg. system kinda sucks, so make
sure you confirm (double click). I cannot help you if you get a F in the end.

6. Dress code: According to Stamford handbook, you are supposed to wear properly during
exams/presentations/site visits, or the like. For example, please don’t wear sandals, shorts, or
anything that is too explosive. Our IT program has a lot of faculties complaining about how we
wear, especially during final exams.

7. Laptop, mobile phone, whatever: Use at your own risk. I don’t really mind if you are using any
electronic devices. But please, please, if you don’t understand something, it is your own
responsibility to catch up. Deal? Also, no games please…that’s too much.

8. Overriding policies: Hey, even I said I entertain no negotiations, I do still entertain some. So, if
you have a legit reason for not complying with the above stuffs, tell me. I am all ears. Be
mindful and use your best judgement.

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Schedule of Activities

Date Topic Readings Activity

Week 1 Introduction Ch 3
Asymptotic notation
Week 2 Recurrences Ch 4 HW1 in
Master Theorem
Week 3 Heapsort Ch 6 Quiz 1 (Thursday)
Priority queues
Week 4 Quicksort Ch 7,8 HW2 in
Sorting in linear time
Week 5 Sorting in linear time Ch 9 Quiz 2 (Thursday)
Order statistics
Week 6 Mid-term exam
Week 7 Elementary structures Ch 10, 11
Week 8 Binary Search Trees Ch12, 13 HW3 in
Red Black Trees
Week 9 Graph algorithms: BFS, Ch 22 Quiz 3 (Thursday)
Week 10 Minimum spanning Ch 23, 24 HW 4 in
Shortest paths: Bellman
Week 11 DAG, Dijkstra algorithm Ch 24 Quiz 4 (Thursday)
Week 12 Dynamic programming Ch 15, 16
Greedy algorithms
Week 13 Final Exams

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