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A computer system is an electronic device which consists of several components that together

provide the capability of executing a stored program. It is a device that accepts data, processes and
stores these, and produces a result. It performs four basic functions such as input, process, storage and



Basic Computer Functions

A computer system has three main elements: mainly, the hardware, software, and the most
important part, the peopleware. These three elements interact with one another in order to produce desired
information from a given set of data.

A. Hardware – physical components of the computer that you can actually touch, such as keyboard,
monitor, system unit, mouse and printer.
B. Software - a set of instructions used to direct the hardware on how to turn data into useful
information for people to use. These are programs used by the user to interact with the computer.
C. Peopleware – the most important factor in a computer system because they manipulate and
program the computer system to make it useful.


A. Hardware
1. Input Devices
Input hardware consists of external devices that provide information and instructions to
the computer.

a. Keyboard - has alphabetic, numeric and function keys for entry of information.
b. Mouse - a handheld pointing device used to move a pointer on the screen. Underneath is
a ball that is rolled on a flat surface to control the movement of the pointer.
c. Trackball - similar to a mouse but the ball is the one directly moved to control the
movement of the pointer.
d. Touch Screen - a display screen that allows the users to interact with the system by
touching specific areas on the screen.
e. Scanning devices - translates images of text, photo and other graphics into digital form.
f. Handheld scanner - translates bar code symbols into digital form and is usually used in
malls and markets.
g. Mark Interface Character Recognition (MICR) device - used to read the numbers
printed at the bottom of checks. It can only read a limited number of characters and is
usually used by banks.
h. Magnetic strip card - contains data encoded and stored on magnetic strips.
i. Multimedia devices - record music and other sound signals and transform them into
digital format to be used as input for PCs.

2. Output Devices
Output hardware consists of devices which communicate the result of processing back to
the user by converting electrical signals from Arithmetic Logic Unit into a form recognizable
by human operator.

a. Monitors - display images using grids of dots called pixels. It is the most common output
device that shows information on the screen when you type.
b. Printer - equipment used to output information from the computer. The digital equivalent
of the information shown on the screen are transferred or printed on the paper.
c. Plotter - output device used to produce high quality drawings.
d. Computer Output Microfilm (COM) - produces output in the form of tiny images on a
3.5 mm roll of film (microfilm) or in 4x6 inch of film called microfiche. This enables
compact storage of a large number of images.
e. Speakers - produce sound output from the computer. Speakers allow the user to listen to
high quality music through their computer.
f. Picture Phone - newer version of a telephone with a TV-like screen and a built-in
camera that allows you to see the person you are exchanging messages with directly on

3. Central Processing Unit (CPU) – the brain of computer; its main function is to perform
arithmetic and logical operations on data taken from the primary storage or on information
entered through any input devices.
Basic CPU Components
a. Main Storage - where instructions and data are stored while processing is done. The
stored are usually given a unique address or memory locations to facilitate storage and

The two types of memory inside the main storage are the RAM and the ROM.
1. Random Access Memory (RAM) - is the part of the memory the computer
uses to store given instructions which can be changed or erased. All
information stored in it are lost or erased when the computer power is turned
off or interrupted. This kind of memory is volatile.
2. Read Only Memory (ROM) - contains stored instructions that a computer
requires to be able to do its basic routine functions. This is non-volatile; the
instructions still hold even when there is power interruption.

b. Registers - part of the CPU that functions as fast-accessed temporary memory locations.
The bits of information taken from the main memory and those that will be placed in the
main memory are temporarily held in the registers while computations are being

c. Buses - are bundles of tiny wires that serve as the communication path between
components of the CPU. The three most important buses are the address, data, and
control buses.

d. ALU - Arithmetic Logic Unit performs all the arithmetic and logical calculations of the

e. Control Unit - responsible for directing the flow of instructions and data within a CPU. It
fetches the instructions from the main memory for execution in the CPU.
4. Secondary Devices
The secondary storage is where the data are stored permanently. It is outside the primary
storage and serves just like a filing cabinet.

Why to use secondary storage?

a. The primary storage can only store a limited amount of data.
b. The data stored in the primary are volatile and temporary.

Examples of Secondary Storage Media

a. Magnetic Tape -This is old traditional medium which is sound, robust, with high capacity
and the cheapest storage medium.

b. Magnetic Disk - a direct access storage media which, like a phonograph record, is
divided into tracks and sectors, e.g. hard disks and floppy disks.

c. Optical Disks - a rigid disk of plastic onto which data are recorded by special lasers that
physically burn pits into the disks, e.g. CD-ROM, DVD.

Parts of a Computer

If you use a desktop computer, you might already know that there isn't any single part called the
"computer." A computer is really a system of many parts working together. The physical parts, which you
can see and touch, are collectively called hardware. (Software, on the other hand, refers to the
instructions, or programs, that tell the hardware what to do.)

The illustration below shows the most common hardware in a desktop computer system. Your
system may look a little different, but it probably has most of these parts. A laptop computer has similar
parts but combines them into a single notebook-sized package.

Desktop computer system

System unit
The system unit is the core of a computer system. Usually it's a rectangular box placed on or
underneath your desk. Inside this box are many electronic components that process information. The
most important of these components is the central processing unit (CPU), or microprocessor, which acts
as the "brain" of your computer. Another component is random access memory (RAM), which temporarily
stores information that the CPU uses while the computer is on. The information stored in RAM is erased
when the computer is turned off.
Almost every other part of your computer connects to the system unit using cables. The cables
plug into specific ports (openings), typically on the back of the system unit. Hardware that is not part of
the system unit is sometimes called a peripheral device or device.

System unit

Rear/Back Panel Connectors:

a. PS2 Mouse Connection - use the right PS/2 port to connect to a PS/2 pointing device
b. PS2 Keyboard Connection - use the left PS/2 port to connect a PS/2 keyboard.
c. Serial Port - use the COM port to connect serial devices such as mice, fax/modems
d. Parallel Port – used to connect printers and other devices, faster than serial port.
e. Video Graphics Array (VGA) Port - connects your monitor to a VGA Port.
f. Local Area Network (LAN) Connection - connect an RJ-45 jack to the LAN port to connect your
computer to a network.
g. Universal Serial Bus (USB) Ports - use to connect the USB devices. Narrow rectangular
h. Audio Ports - use the three audio ports to connect audio devices. The first jack is for
microphone. The second is for stereo-line in signal and the third jack is for stereo-line out signal.

Note: Port – a hardware or software-based interface used to transfer information between computer and
other devices.
Power Cable Connection

Keyboard Connection
Mouse Connection

Serial Port
Parallel Port
VGA Port

USB Port

Internet Connection/LAN Port


Line In


Rear/Back Panel

B. Software - set of instructions or a program that tells the computer how to do a specific task. It is
categorized as Systems software or Application software.

a. System software performs tasks necessary to the efficient management of the hardware. It
refers to computer programs or library files whose purpose is to help run the computer
system. Examples: Operating System (Windows, OS X, Linux, UNIX, etc.), Utility Programs
(Anti-virus, File-Recovery programs, etc.)

b. Application software are programs that help solve and meet user problems and needs
directly. They are designed to perform specific functions, which make daily activities easier
and facilitate the performance of work efficiently and effectively. Examples: Microsoft Office
programs, Web browsers, Media players, Photo-editing programs, etc.

Basic Types of Application Software

1. Commercial software - comes prepackaged and is available from software vendors.

This must be purchased.
2. Shareware - software developed and released as demonstration versions of their
commercial product. Each demonstration copy has an expiration date which gives the
user ample time to evaluate and decide whether to purchase the product or not.
3. Open Source software - created by groups of generous programmer and released to
the public domain for free and for public use.
C. Peopleware
The most important factor in a computer system because they manipulate and program
the computer system to make it useful.

Computers may be classified into the following: (1) according to capacity, with their ability to
perform a task as well as the maximum number of programs they can run; (2) according to purpose,
their goals and aims for a variety of tasks; and (3) according to the type of processing which are their
special uses in different fields of work.

1. They can do repetitive and routine work. Computers are tools that tirelessly perform some
operations over and over again without errors and complain like a human.

2. They have the speed to process voluminous data in a flash, resulting in greater productivity and
less manpower needs.

3. Computers are reliable and accurate. Along with the high speed of computer performance is their
accuracy and reliability.

4. They can store and recall tremendous amount of information. Because of their increasing storage
capacities, limitless amount of data can be stored permanently and retrieval is easy, convenient
and fast.

5. Computers have a self- checking capability. They verify the accuracy of their own work by using a
control routine called parity check. Computers always counter check the validity and reliability of
information given.

6. Computers can be self- operating. Once all the data are fed into the computer memory,
processing and output are given without human intervention.

7. They can do remote processing. Computers can process any data coming from anywhere, even
from any remote place.


1. They are always dependent on instructions and data given through the program made by the

2. They can never generate information on their own.

3. They can never correct wrong instructions.

4. They cannot decide if they were not programmed for certain specific task.

5. They are vulnerable to a virus attack.

6. They cannot replace human brain.

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