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SOCIAL SCIENCE - 2020-2021

Students Name: /Roll No: Grade:VIII/Section:
Subject: GEOGRAPHY Month: OCTOBER 2020


1. What is a mineral ore?

ANS: A rock that has a large concentration of particular mineral is called the ore of
that mineral.

2. Write a short note on Mining methods.

(i) The extraction of mineral resources from the Earth is called mining.
(ii) The method of mining depends upon the depth at which the mineral is located.
(iii) Surface mines, that is mines which are located very close to the surface, are
called quarries. The method of open-pit mining is practised in such mines.
(iv)When the minerals are located under the surface, deep holes called shafts have to
be dug to reach them. This method is called shaft mining.
(v) The process of extraction of mineral oil is called drilling.

3. Describe the various ways of conservation of minerals.

ANS: The ways in which minerals can be conserved are:-
(i) Recycling – Many metals like gold, silver and aluminium, once discarded, can be
re-used by recycling.
(ii) Avoid wastage:- Efficient methods of mining and smelting can avoid wastage of
minerals. While using them also, we should take care not to waste.
(iii) Substitutes:- Alternatives to minerals like bio-degradable plastic, wood and other
substitutes should be used.

4. Name the fossil fuels which are the conventional sources of power. What are their
ANS: Fossil fuels like coal and petroleum are conventional sources of power.
Their uses are:
COAL (i) During the Industrial Revolution, coal was used to produce steam power;
which was used in running machinery in factories, railway locomotives and ships.
(ii) It is used to generate thermal energy.

PETROLEUM (i)It is used as a transport fuel, lubricant, illuminant, and a raw
material for many products.
(ii) Crude petroleum is refined to yield petrol, diesel and kerosene
(iii) By- products of petroleum include synthetic textiles, fertilizers,
insecticides, plastics, asphalt, etc.

5. Describe the conditions required for the development of water power.

ANS: The conditions required for the development of water power:-
(i) The rivers should be swift flowing or they should fall from a height –
(ii) The rivers should have a large volume of water.
(iii) Rainfall should be heavy and uniformly distributed, so that rivers have a
regular water supply.
(iv) There must be a suitable location and space for the construction of a dam and

6. What are non – conventional sources of power?

ANS: Non-conventional sources of power are the new sources of power being used
(i) They do not depend on fossil fuels.
(ii) They are inexhaustible.
(iii) They are also known as alternative sources of power.

7. Describe some of the non – conventional sources of power.

ANS: The non-conventional power sources are:
(i) - Solar power- The energy of the sun is tapped for domestic cooking and heating
- The tropical countries receive abundant sunshine and therefore have potential to
develop solar power.

(ii) - Wind power is harnessed to drive mills and pumps and to navigate ships.
- It’s also used to generate electricity – but it is not very efficient as wind too is
variable in speed, direction and time.
- Wind farms are mostly found in the coastal and hilly areas.

(iii) Geothermal power is generated by using the heat of the Earth.

- It is the energy derived from hot springs, geysers and hot rocks in the interior of
the earth’s surface.
- Two holes are drilled deep in the Earth and when water is pumped through one,
steam comes up the other hole. This steam is then used to generate power.

(iv)Tidal power – The power of the oceanic tides is tapped to produce electricity.

(v) Biogas – Shrubs, farm wastes, and animal wastes are used to produce biogas for
domestic consumption.
8. What are the methods of conservation of power resources?
ANS: Some of the methods of conserving power resources are as follows:
(i) Minimize the use of fossil fuels.
(ii) Save electricity by using power-saving devices.
(iii) Emphasize on the increased use of the renewable and alternative sources of


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