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ACADEMIC YEAR (2020-2021)

LESSON 2 - Godfrey Gordon Gustavus Gore

Word Bank
wrung- held tightly and twisted (in distress)
buoy – an object that floats on the sea to mark an area
rigged up –made (something) using objects lying around
shutter –a large boat
penance – punishment
keep on shore – stay true to your words
plague is sore – a rumour that is spreading quickly like a deadly disease

Make sentences (Frame meaningful sentence for the words given and
write them in the note book)
a. begged b. mercy c. voyage

Answer the following:

1. What is Godfrey Gordon Gustavus Gore known for?
Ans. Gordon Gustavus Gore is known for a bad habit of leaving the
door open / never shutting the door.
2. Which line in the poem tells you that his parents were extremely
troubled by his habit?
Ans. The line in the poem ‘Their hands they wrung, their hair they tore;’
tells us that his parents were extremely troubled by his habits.
3. What do they threaten to do if he does not shut the door?
Ans. They threaten to pack him off on a voyage of penance/
punishment to Singapore if he does not shut the door.
4. What is his reaction to the threat?
Ans. He begs for mercy , implores them not to send him to Singapore
and promises to shut the door.

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