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I Glossary (Word Bank):

To be done in the notebook with reference from the

course book.

II Antonyms:

1. worse X best

2. tight X loose

3. violent X nonviolent

4. capture X release

5. scream X whisper

1.“I come all this way to get lovely golden dreams
and what is I catching?”

Q1. Which lesson is this line taken from? Who is the


A1. This line is taken from the lesson ‘Dream

Catcher'. Roald Dahl is the writer.

Q2. Who said this?

A2.BFG said this.

Q3. What has he caught?

A3. BFG has caught a frightsome trogglehumper,

which is a bad bad dream.

2. “I had one once and I woke up sweating all


Q1. Who says this to whom?

A1. Sophie says this to BFG.

Q2. What is the speaker talking about?

A2. The speaker (Sophie) is talking about a

nightmare that she had once seen.

Q3.Why did the speaker say so?

A3.The speaker said this because after hearing

about frightsome trogglehumper which was a
nightmare, she got scared and recalled about her
own experience of a nightmare.

IV Answer the following questions:

Q1.Why does the BFG bring the empty jars?

A1. The BFG brings the empty jars to catch/capture


Q2.Why is the BFG excited about the first dream he

A2. The BFG is excited about the first dream that he
catches as it is a wonderful dream which will give a
happy night to a toddler.

Q3. What does ‘Still as a starfish’ mean?

A3. ‘Still as a starfish’ means

motionless/unmoving/rooted to the spot.

Q4. What does the trogglehumper do inside the jar?

What reason does the BFG give for this kind of

A4. Inside the jar, the trogglehumper moves

violently, thrashes against the sides of the jar and
forever changes shape.

According to the BFG, the reason for this kind of

behavior is that it is a nasty dream which grows
angry when caught/captured.

Q5. What does the BFG say he would do with the


A5. The BFG says that he would never let the

trogglehumper go, for it is a nightmare, which will
terrify a toddler.

V Frame sentence of your own:

a. anguish b. colossal c. exasperated

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