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Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 97 (2017) 184–204

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Centrifuge modeling of seismic foundation-soil-foundation interaction on MARK

liquefiable sand

Y. Jafariana, , B. Mehrzadb, C.J. Leec, A.H. Haddadb
Geotechnical Engineering Research Center, International Institute of Earthquake Engineering and Seismology, Tehran, Iran
Department of Civil Engineering, Semnan University, Semnan, Iran
Department of Civil Engineering, National Central University, Taiwan


Keywords: Liquefaction-induced settlement and bearing capacity failure have been reported as leading causes of damages
Shallow foundation in shallow foundations during earthquakes. Previous studies of this problem have mainly focused on the
Liquefaction performance of isolated shallow foundations. In urban areas, however, foundations are generally located in close
Settlement proximity. In this study, three series of centrifuge tests were conducted to investigate the effect of foundation-
Foundation-soil-foundation interaction
soil-foundation interaction (FSFI) on the seismic and post-seismic settlement of shallow foundations on
Centrifuge modeling
saturated sand. Two rigid foundations with different surcharge loads (as heavy and light foundations) were
placed with different spacing. Multiple shaking events were applied to achieve different extents of soil
liquefaction. The results indicate that significant part of foundation settlement occurred before soil reconsolida-
tion. Furthermore, the time period after shaking, wherein excess pore water pressure sustains, plays an
important role in the total settlement of foundations. The acceleration responses experienced by the foundations
were significantly larger than those observed in the free-field. The heavy foundation fluctuated more strongly
than the light one. Moreover, adjacency considerably affected the seismic response of foundations whereas
stronger acceleration response on the ground level was observed for the closer cases. The Clear asymmetric
settlement was observed for the adjacent foundations. It is demonstrated that settlement of foundations not
only is dependent on foundations' proximity but also is a function of shaking intensity. Influence of foundations'
spacing on the generation-dissipation mechanism of excess pore water pressure (EPWP) and liquefaction extent
was described by the time-dependent contours plotted by interpolation of the recorded data.

1. Introduction Luzon Philippines earthquake, wherein many buildings experienced

excessive settlement (e.g., [7–9]). Significant settlements were ob-
Numerous catastrophic failures were reported in the past earth- served in corner buildings, in building without adjacent structures in
quakes in which soil liquefaction caused major damages to the super- one or both sides, in buildings surrounded by lightweight structures,
structures resting on shallow foundations. Earthquake-induced pore and in those part of the area where there was greater separation
pressure buildup and associated shear strength reduction of liquefied between adjacent buildings [10]. Tokimatsu et al. [11] reported that
sands may result in bearing capacity degradation and seismic settle- structures movements were related to foundation dimensions, confin-
ment accumulation of shallow foundations. Most of the damaged ing pressure, and the shear stress imposed by the buildings and their
structures in the past earthquakes were located close to each other in adjacent structures. During the Adapazari, Turkey, 1999 earthquake,
urban areas. Considerable damages have been reported for such many structures were damaged by the liquefaction of shallow and
foundations which suffered improper design of shallow footing on relatively thin layers of saturated sand [12].
liquefiable soils. Accordingly, numerous studies have been carried out In addition to the field studies, numerous experimental efforts
to assess these complicated mechanisms (e.g., [1–4]). including 1g shaking table and centrifuge experiments were conducted
Approximately 340 reinforced concrete buildings were damaged by for a better understanding of this problem. Yoshimi and Tokimatsu [1]
excessive settlement and tilting as a result of liquefaction, during the studied the factors such as pore pressure development and structure’s
Niigata 1964 earthquake (e.g., [1,5,6]). Remarkable extents of subsoil width, height and contact pressure which influenced the settlement of
liquefaction were also observed in the city of Dagupan during the 1990 the structure. Liu and Dobry [2] focused on soil densification and soil

Correspondence to: International Institute of Earthquake Engineering and Seismology (IIEES), P.O. Box: 19395-3913, Tehran, Iran.
E-mail addresses: (Y. Jafarian), (B. Mehrzad), (C.J. Lee), (A.H. Haddad).
Received 7 November 2015; Received in revised form 11 March 2017; Accepted 13 March 2017
Available online 21 March 2017
0267-7261/ © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Y. Jafarian et al. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 97 (2017) 184–204

permeability on pore pressure buildup and foundation settlement using systems in smaller scales. Centrifuge modeling data provides a basis for
several centrifuge tests and reported a significant amount of negative calibration of design and computational modeling procedures [23].
excess pore pressure generated beneath the shallow foundations. Details of the centrifuge modeling in this study are described in the
Partial drainage was shown to occur simultaneously with excess pore following sections.
pressure buildup, as fast pore water pressure redistribution took place
in a three-dimensional pattern in response to transient hydraulic 2.1. Testing equipment
gradients. Coelho et al. [13,14] reported the issue of post-earthquake
pore pressure migration as a key factor in bridge foundation settlement The experiments were performed in the 100g-ton centrifuge at the
during earthquake excitation. Adalier et al. [15] discussed the mechan- National Central University (NCU), Taiwan. The NCU Centrifuge has a
isms involved in shallow foundation settlement and the influence of nominal radius of 3 m and has an in-flight 1-D servo-hydraulically
stone column as liquefaction countermeasure. Dashti et al. [3,16] controlled shaker integrated into a swing basket to impart base
centrifuge studies confirm the combined role of the shear strains dynamic excitation in a high gravity field. The shaker has a maximum
imparted by the superstructure and the post-liquefaction volumetric nominal shaking force of 53.4 kN with a maximum table displacement
strains as dominant mechanisms of total settlement. Coelho [17] and of 76.4 mm and operates up to the acceleration of 80g. The nominal
Marques et al. [18] mentioned that the initial static shear stress operating frequency range of shaking is 0–250 Hz. The table-payload
imparted by rigid foundation influences excess pore pressure history. mounting area is 1000×546×500 mm (L×W×H).
Mehrzad et al. [19] investigated the effect of soil permeability and A laminar container, with inner dimensions of 711×356×353 mm
contact pressure on foundation response through the centrifuge and (Length×Width×Height) and constructed of 38 light-weight aluminum
numerical models and reported that settlement of foundations in- alloy frames, was employed for these experiments. Each frame is
creased with the increase of soil permeability. Entire soil profile was 8.9 mm in height, separated from adjacent rings by roller bearings.
liquefied during their centrifuge tests. In contrast to Dashti et al. [3] Roller bearings were specially designed to permit translation in the
observation, Marques et al. [18] and Mehrzad et al. [19] found that longitudinal direction with minimal frictional resistance. A relative
foundations settlement continues even after shaking is stopped. The displacement of up to 2.5 mm between adjacent frames was possible,
mechanism and the amount of post-seismic settlement may be related for a total overall shear strain of up to 15%. Each frame had a high
to the properties of soil, structure, and input motion. lateral stiffness to maintain overall conditions of zero lateral strain and
All of the reviewed studies deal with liquefaction-induced settle- a constant horizontal cross-section during shaking at 80g centrifugal
ment of isolated foundations, without adjacent structures. However, in acceleration. The laminar container was designed for dry or saturated
urban areas, structures are located in close proximity which may affect soil models and permits the development of stresses and strains
the seismic response of foundations. There are a few studies which associated with 1-D shear wave propagation. A flexible 0.3 mm thick
address the influence of adjacent structures on settlement mechanism latex membrane bag was used to retain the soil and the pore fluid
of shallow foundations. Mason et al. [20] examined seismic soil– within the laminar container.
foundation–structure interaction of framed structures through centri-
fuge experiments. They found that structure-soil-structure interaction 2.2. Similitude laws
(SSSI) can be beneficial or detrimental, depending on the earthquake
motion and the structural system. Tsukamoto et al. [4] conducted two The main principle in centrifuge modeling is that a 1/N scale model
series of seismic 1g shaking table tests on rigid circular foundations to subjected to a gravitational acceleration of Ng (where g is acceleration of
examine the effects of shaking duration and the group effects of gravity) could experience the same stress as the prototype. If the same soil
foundations. Settlements during the shaking time remained almost with the same density, ρ, is used in the model and in the prototype, then for
the same, regardless of the foundations spacing. The post-shaking a centrifuge model subjected to an inertial acceleration field N times earth’s
settlements, however, were different for different spacing. Foundations gravity, the vertical stress at depth hm (the subscript m denotes the
settled often less when located close to each other. This phenomenon is centrifuge model) is identical to that of the corresponding prototype at
referred to as site-city effects [21]. Hayden et al. [22] conducted depth hp (the subscript p denotes the prototype), where hp=Nhm and the
centrifuge experiments to observe the performance of adjacent struc- scale factor (model: prototype) for linear dimensions is 1: N. This
tures affected by liquefaction. They found that adjacent structures relationship is the scaling law of centrifuge modeling; i.e. stress and
tended to tilt away from one another and settled less than isolated pressure similarities are achieved at homologous points. The key scaling
structures. Although, they mentioned that the proximity of foundations relationships for dynamic events are shown in Table 1. In fact, the scaling
would have complex effects, including the tilting of each foundation; factors are relationships between a prototype subjected to base shaking (the
they did not discuss factors which influence its mechanisms. amplitude of the base acceleration, ap, and the frequency, fp) in earth’s
This paper focuses on foundation-soil-foundation interaction gravity (1g) and the corresponding 1/N centrifuge model tested at an
(FSFI) in the liquefiable sand. Three centrifuge experiments were acceleration of Ng. The centrifuge model is subjected to a scaled base
designed to examine the effect of foundation proximity on seismic shaking with the acceleration amplitude of am=Nap and the frequency of
response and liquefaction-induced settlement of foundations. Two rigid fm=Nfp. The scale factors retain the stress and pressure similarities of the
foundations with two different static contact pressures (representative linear dimensions and base acceleration of the centrifuge model and the
of light and heavy foundations) were located in three different spacing prototype are 1: N and 1: N-1, respectively.
from each other. Experimental setups for each test will be discussed in
detail. This includes soil and foundation properties, model preparation Table 1
method, scaling laws, centrifuge boundary effects, and instrumentation Scaling relationships for dynamic centrifuge modeling.
arrangement. Testing procedure and the results will be fully explained
for each test series. Settlement of the both foundations (in different Parameter Prototype Model (Ng)
spacing) and the free-field, excess pore water pressure (EPWP), and Stress and pressure 1 1
recorded accelerations will be reported precisely during shaking and Displacement 1 1/N
post-shaking periods. Velocity 1 1
Acceleration 1 N
Frequency 1 N
2. Centrifuge shaking table tests
Time (dynamic) 1 1/N
Time (consolidation) 1 1/N2
The purpose of geotechnical centrifuge modeling is to simulate soil

Y. Jafarian et al. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 97 (2017) 184–204

In liquefaction problems involving the dissipation of excess pore frequencies of the accelerations measured at a distance of approxi-
water pressure, time scaling is derived from the governing equation of mately 1/20th of the model container length from the end walls were
the consolidation problem. The rate of dissipation takes place N2 times less than 7%. There was no obvious discrepancy in the time histories of
faster in the model than in the full scale. Thus, there is a conflict the excess pore water pressure ratio at this zone. Accordingly, PPTs
between the scaling of inertial effects in shaking timespan and the were placed in order that satisfy this criterion and as far as possible
scaling factor associated with the dissipation of excess pore water from foundation’s edge to capture the results in free-field condition.
pressure. In centrifuge modeling, use of viscous pore fluids, which is N Fig. 1(b) represents experimental setup of Test-2 in detail; PPTs were
times more viscous than the pure water, is a well-established method placed in different distances of B, 2B and 3B from the edge of
for satisfying the scaling laws for the movement of pore fluids through Foundation H. In the other side, one PPT and one accelerometer were
the soil during dynamic events. As the experiments were conducted in placed in a distance of B from the edge of Foundation L. In addition to
80g centrifugal gravity, a solution of Methocel cellulose powder mixed the PPTs, arrays of some accelerometers were placed at different
in water was used as the pore fluid with a viscosity of approximately 80 distances, as shown in Fig. 1(b).
± 2 times greater than that of water. In an intermediate case, Foundation H and Foundation L were
placed with a center-to-center spacing of 2B in Test-3. This test was
2.3. Test setup designed to investigate how an intermediate foundations spacing can
affect their seismic response and settlement. Details of setup and
The objective of the centrifuge experiments was to examine FSFI instrumentations of Test-3 are shown in Fig. 1(c).
(foundation-soil-foundation interaction) effects on foundation re-
sponse by changing the foundations’ spacing. Moreover, the experi- 2.4. Soil properties and model preparation
ment program was designed to observe liquefaction-induced settle-
ments of both light and heavy foundations in limited and complete A kind of fine crushed quartz sand known as the No. 306 sand was
liquefaction conditions. Three tests were conducted to attain these used to prepare the sand beds within the laminar container. The grains
purposes. The model rigid foundations were rectangular steel plates size distribution of the sand is shown in Fig. 2. It is classified as poorly
with a flat bottom. Foundations were designed and fabricated with the graded sand, SP, according to the Unified Soil Classification System
same dimensions and different static contact pressures (or weights). (USCS). Its specific gravity (Gs), effective grain size (D10), and mean
Each rigid foundation was 6.4 m (8 cm in model scale) in width and grain size (D50), are 2.65, 0.147 mm, and 0.193 mm, respectively, as
9.6 m (12 cm in model scale) in length. Heavy foundation (Foundation summarized in Table 2. The maximum and minimum dry unit weights,
H) represents a nine-story building with a static contact pressure of which were determined according to the JGS-0161 method, are equal
88.5 kPa and the light one (Foundation L) represents a three-story to 16.3 kN/m3 and 13.5 kN/m3, respectively.
building with a static contact pressure of 31.5 kPa. Rigid foundations The quartz sand was pluviated along a regular path into the
with low heights were employed to minimize the probable settlements container to prepare a fairly uniform sand bed with a relative density
due to inertial soil-structure interaction and the resultant ratcheting. of 55%. The sand was dropped at a constant flow rate using a sand
Therefore, the complex mechanism involved in foundation response rainer. The air pluviation process was interrupted as needed to embed
due to SSI effect is almost canceled out in these experiments for the accelerometers and the pore water pressure transducers (PPTs) at
simplification. The soil and model foundations were instrumented with the specified points. After completing the sand bed preparation
accelerometers, displacement transducers (LVDT), and pore pressure (300 mm height in the model scale, 24 m depth in the prototype scale),
transducers (PPT), as shown in Fig. 1. Model scale dimensions are the package was mounted on the shaker. An acrylic plate was used to
presented in centimeter and the prototype scale dimensions are in tightly cover the container for saturation of the sand model. Air was
meter in the parenthesis. All of the instruments were calibrated before simultaneously and continuously vacuumed from both the inner and
each test. outer chambers of the container. Simultaneously, de-aired fluid (water-
In Test-1, Foundation H and Foundation L were located by a center Methocel cellulose solution with a viscosity 80 ± 2 times greater than
to center distance of 3.875B, where B is foundations' width. This the water viscosity) was carefully dripped into the container to saturate
distance was chosen to maximize the spacing between the foundations the sand bed until the water level reached 2 mm above the sand
and the spacing between each foundation and the laminar box surface. This process required about 36 h. The acrylic plate was then
boundaries. Schematic view of experimental model Test-1 is demon- removed and the LVDTs were attached to a mounting unit in order to
strated in Fig. 1(a), which includes important dimensions of the model measure settlements of the ground surface and foundations. The
and locations of the instruments. Vertical arrays of accelerometers and saturated sand model was tested at the centrifugal acceleration of
PPTs were placed up to a depth of 12 m under the centerline of the 80g. A sample photograph of the model is presented in Fig. 3; this is
foundations and across a vertical line in the middle. PPTs were also the model Test-1 before spinning.
installed to full depth of soil model in the zone between the foundations
to observe the extent of liquefaction progress during the test. With 2.5. Input motions and testing conditions
sufficient distance to the foundations, the intermediate vertical soil
column between the foundations has been regarded as free-field in the After saturation, the instruments were connected to the data
previous studies (e.g. [3,24]). This hypothesis, however, needs to be acquisition system, and the centrifuge was accelerated up to 80g with
verified by analysis of the experimental data because the seismic steps of 10g. The model was maintained at each g-level for 5 min to
response of the foundations may affect the intermediate region. ensure that the sand bed was fully consolidated at each overburden
On the other extreme, foundations H and L were placed close to stress. The test conditions listed in Table 3 were scheduled in order to
each other in Test-2 (there was 10 cm spacing between two foundations study the major factors contributing to the seismic response of adjacent
in prototype scale). It is an interesting question what distance from foundations (i.e., FSFI effects) which are subjected to the dynamic base
shallow foundation can be assumed as free-field. To answer this excitation of sand deposit.
question, instruments (accelerometers and PPTs) were placed at Each model was shaken one-dimensionally and horizontally along
different distances from the foundation’s edge in this test. Lee et al. its longer axis using an electro-hydraulic shaker. Before the tests, the
[25] investigated the boundary effects of the currently used laminar model sand bed was subjected to pre-shaking driven by the shaker to
container on the seismic response of sand bed at various depths and measure the profile of the shear wave velocity (Vs) and natural
distances from the end walls. They concluded that the changes in the frequency of sand bed through the vertical accelerometer array.
maximum amplitudes, maximum Fourier amplitudes, and the main Shear wave velocity was estimated through the time delay measured

Y. Jafarian et al. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 97 (2017) 184–204

Fig. 1. Centrifuge test setup with soil instrumentation for (a) Test-1, (b) Test-2 and (c) Test-3. Model scale in cm (prototype scale in m).

by each adjacent accelerometer. During pre-shaking event, shaker fired Vs is average shear wave velocity of the sand profile. Therefore, the
one cycle of small amplitude sinusoidal wave (around 0.01g in model profile has a natural frequency of 1.81 Hz. The models were
amplitude and 2 Hz in frequency, both in the prototype scale). A 1-D shaken multi times in succession with 15-cycle sinusoidal base input
shear beam approach estimated the corresponding maximum strain motions of constant amplitudes and 2 Hz frequency (in prototype
levels on the first cycle to be 0.0008–0.002% from the bottom to the top scale). An equivalent uniform earthquake motion is considered to
of the sand bed. Average shear wave velocity for the model profile was represent the corresponding irregular earthquake motion using reason-
191 m/s, hence, with a profile depth of 24 m, natural frequency can be able amplitude, equivalent cycle number, and proper predominant
estimated by: frequency. A single equivalent uniform earthquake motion might be
representative of a great number of irregular earthquake motions. In
f= this way, centrifuge modeling test results are presented in simpler
4H (1)
patterns and interpretation of seismic behavior is more straightfor-
where f is model’s natural frequency, H is the depth of model sand and ward. Ample time was allowed between each stage of shaking in order

Y. Jafarian et al. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 97 (2017) 184–204

100 Table 3
Summary of centrifuge test conditions.
Percent finer by weight (%)

80 Test No. Shaking Base acc./ Pore Dr (%)/eb Foundation

event frequency fluida spacing (center-
/number of to-center) (×B)c
60 cycles (g/Hz/

Test-1 Pre- 0.01/2/1 MCE 55/0.7421 3.875

40 shaking 0.04/2/15 MCE 55/0.7421
E1 0.07/2/15 MCE 57/0.7352
E2 0.17/2/15 MCE 58/0.7319
20 E3

Test-2 Pre- 0.01/2/1 MCE 55/0.7421 1

0 shaking 0.01/2/15 MCE 55/0.7421
0.01 0.1 1 10 E1 0.02/2/15 MCE 55/0.7418
E2 0.03/2/15 MCE 57/0.7354
Grain size (mm)
E3 0.06/2/15 MCE 59/0.7301
Fig. 2. Grains size distribution of No. 306 quartz sand. E4 0.18/2/15 MCE 61/0.7238

Test-3 Pre- 0.01/2/1 MCE 55/0.7421 2

shaking 0.01/2/15 MCE 55/0.7421
Table 2
E1 0.02/2/15 MCE 55/0.7421
Soil properties of No. 306 fine quartz sand.
E2 0.03/2/15 MCE 57/0.7354
E3 0.07/2/15 MCE 59/0.7287
Gs 2.65
E4 0.18/2/15 MCE 63/0.7164
Dr (%) 55
D50 (mm) 0.193
D10 (mm) 0.147 a
MCE=a water-Methocel cellulose solution with a viscosity of 80 times the viscosity of
γmax 16.3
γmin 13.5 b
Relative density of the tested sand bed before each shaking event.
Permeability (cm/s) 7.47×10-3 c
Foundations center-to-center distance.
Void ratio, e 0.742

3. Test results and discussion

3.1. Free-field response

The liquefaction and post-liquefaction behaviors of sand deposits

are basically governed by the generation and dissipation of excess pore
water pressure. The presence of two foundation models in the contain-
er may result in 3D stress non-homogeneities and lateral water flow
especially in Test-1 and Test-3 that may influence the free-field
response. Other researchers (e.g., [3,17,24]) have noted the stress
non-homogeneities around the superstructure during their centrifuge
experiments. Nevertheless, they reported the data recorded at the
distance of approximately 2B from foundation center as the free-field
response. The excess pore water pressure results, presented herein as
the free-field response, are the results of Test-2 at the vertical array of
instruments far from the foundations (see Fig. 1(b)). It seems that the
adjacent foundations have a minor effect on the vertical array of PPTs
near the container boundary (i.e. P1, P2, P3 and, P4). In the other
words, the FSI (foundation-soil interaction) and boundary effects seem
to be relatively negligible in this zone. Excess pore water pressure
results are shown in Fig. 4(a) at various depths of the free-field for
different shaking events. These figures are drawn in semi-logarithmic
plots in order to clearly demonstrate generation and dissipation of pore
water pressure during the shaking and the post-shaking timespans; the
latter time is considerably more. The shaded section shown in Fig. 4(a)
indicates the duration of the base shaking. Triggering of liquefaction is
determined by excess pore water pressure ratio. This parameter is
defined as the measured excess pore water pressure, Δu, divided by the
Fig. 3. Photograph of Test-1 model prepared for the spinning stage. Laminar box,
corresponding effective overburden pressure, σ'v0:
LVDTs, foundations plate, and colored sand are observed in the figure. (For interpreta-
tion of the references to color in this figure, the reader is referred to the web version of ∆u
this article.) ru =
σ′v0 (2)

to monitor full EPWP dissipation. Time histories of acceleration, pore The “complete liquefaction” term is referred to the condition in
water pressure at various elevations, and surface settlement were which ru is equal to one and ru values less than one denote “limited
recorded simultaneously. The measurements in the following sections liquefaction”.
are presented in prototype units unless otherwise specifically noted. Full depth of free-field sand profile was liquefied in the strongest

Y. Jafarian et al. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 97 (2017) 184–204

Fig. 4. (a) Free-field EPWP time histories, hollow circles indicate the time at which solidification commences at a specific depth; (b) settlement time histories for Test-2.

Y. Jafarian et al. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 97 (2017) 184–204

shaking event (i.e. Test-2 E5 as listed in Table 3 and shown in the stronger event is more likely to be undrained in which most of the
Fig. 4(a)). The upper layers were liquefied at a very early stage and settlement occurs during reconsolidation phase. Ground surface heave
then the liquefaction front propagated rapidly from a depth of 2.4 m was observed during shaking in the strongest shaking (E5). Hausler
(where the shallowest PPTs were located) downward to the full depth of [24] also reported ground heave in the so-called free-field ground
soil profile (as shown in Fig. 4(a), E5 Event). Less than 4 s was required located between two foundations. The observed ground heave can be
for the whole model to be liquefied. The entire sand profile then related to lateral movements of soil because of partial bearing capacity
remained liquefied for the rest of shaking period (i.e., up to 7.5 s) and failure, but this is not the case for the free-field settlement measured by
the superficial sands remained in liquefaction state for about 200 s LVDT1 (in Test-2) which was placed relatively far from the founda-
after the end of shaking. EPWP began to decrease from the bottom of tions. In the free-field, the settlement was negligible during the time
the container and the solidification process was consequently propa- period in which the sand was liquefied and EPWP was sustained.
gated upward during which the grains sink and the shear strength is Thereafter, EPWP started to dissipate and the solidification front
restored. moved from the bottom of the container towards the ground surface.
The theory of sinking sand grains to simulate dissipation of EPWP The upward flow of fluid caused seepage-induced liquefaction in the
was proposed by Florin and Ivanov [26]. This theory was modified sand; thus, there was a delay in EPWP dissipation in the upper layers.
through the consolidation theory by Scott [27] and Kim et al. [28]. The In fact, the bottom layers reconsolidated (or solidified) and settled first
boundary between the upper liquefied region and the lower solidified and the upper layers settled after a while. Total settlement of the
region is termed as the solidification front [26,27]. The solidification ground surface was dependent to shaking intensity whereas more
front was determined as the point in each time history at which EPWP settlement occurred by the stronger shaking events. The main part of
in the liquefied deposit began to decrease. These points are shown as the total settlement in the free-field occurred when EPWP dissipation
hollow circles in Fig. 4(a) and indicate the time at which solidification and the consequent reconsolidation mechanisms were in progress. This
commences at a specific depth. It can be seen that the solidification part of the settlement was more considerable for the stronger shaking
front moves upward from a depth of 24 m with a velocity of events during which more excess pore pressures were generated. In the
approximately 89.4 mm/s as the dissipation of EPWP progresses. two strongest events (i.e., E5 and E4), in which large amounts of sand
EPWP was fully dissipated in approximately 1000 s at the end of were liquefied, about 70% of total settlement occurred during the
reconsolidation phase, as shown in Fig. 4(a), E5 Event. reconsolidation phase.
The soil was liquefied up to the level of 7.2 m in event E4, which is It should be noticed that sand’s relative density changed in each
considered as a relatively strong event. Although the lower layers were stage of loading. Ground surface and foundations experienced perma-
not completely liquefied in this event, they experienced limited nent settlements in loading stages. Therefore, the relative density of
liquefaction with relatively high excess pore water pressure ratios of sand in each stage was higher than that in the previous stage. The
about 0.7. Once the base excitation ceased, EPWP began to decrease in subsequent increase of relative density per loading stage may change
7.2 m and deeper layers, but soil remained liquefied at depth of 2.4 m soil behavior and liquefaction-induced settlements. Furthermore, it will
for about 50 s after the end of shaking. EPWP was fully dissipated in be discussed in the subsequent sections of the paper that shallow
approximately 500 s in event E4. The EPWP time histories were foundations cause non-homogeneities in the sand fabric due to the
relatively the same for the weaker events. Near the ground surface at differential settlement between the foundation and the free-field
depth 2.4 m, sand remained liquefied in less time under events E3 and ground. These features must be considered in data analysis and future
E2, compared to the two strongest events. The durations of liquefaction numerical simulations. However, change in relative density was
state were about 20 and 10 s for the events E3 and E2, respectively. negligible in weak shaking events and it is also reasonable to assume
During these events, limited liquefaction was observed in deeper layers the sand model as homogeneous media in the moderate shaking events.
with relatively low excess pore water pressure ratios.
The acceleration time histories recorded in the free-field for E5, E4 3.2. Test-1 (response of foundations)
and E3 in Test-2 are shown in Fig. 5(a–c). It is apparent that
liquefaction caused severe deterioration of soil stiffness in various Test-1 involves two foundations with the center to center spacing of
events, especially in the strongest one (E5). The arrows shown in the 3.875B. Three sinusoidal input motions were imparted to the model
plots indicate the instant at which the soil is liquefied (based on the with the peak base shaking amplitude of 0.04 g, 0.07 g, and 0.17 g as
EPWP records at the corresponding depth). Softening of underlying events E1, E2, and E3, respectively. The time histories of EPWP
soil resulted in the significant decay of accelerations at different levels observed under Foundation L and Foundation H along with their
when a few cycles of input shaking passed. Eventually, motions fully settlement time histories in the Test-1 are shown in Fig. 6(a–c).
decayed due to liquefaction of underlying sand. The rate and extent of Unfortunately, PPT10 which was located under the light foundation
soil softening and timing of liquefaction were greatly influenced by at the depth of 7.2 m malfunctioned in Test-1; and thus, its data were
shaking intensity. Liquefaction occurred in upper layers firstly and then not plotted in this figure.
propagated downwards, eventually affecting the entire sand stratum. Fig. 6(a and b) indicate that similar EPWP behavior is observed
On the other hand, ground acceleration not only did not decay during under both foundations and in the free-field, at the depth of 12 m;
shaking in the weakest event (E1) but also amplified with the indicating that foundations’ impact was negligible at this level and soil
amplification factor of about 2. Moreover, high values of EPWP were behavior can be assumed as free-field for the deeper levels. Like the
not developed during this event. Hence, in the weak shaking events, free-field response, EPWP time histories can be divided into three
degradation of soil stiffness was not considerable for preventing phases: EPWP buildup during shaking (Phase I), the timespan in which
transmission of shear waves to the upper layers. EPWP is sustained (Phase II), and the timespan in which EPWP
Fig. 4(b) shows semi-logarithmic settlement time histories of the dissipates (Phase III). Following the shaking time, there is a time
free-field ground surface (measured by LVDT1 in Test-2) for five period in which the underlying sand remains in the liquefied state. The
shaking events (E1–E5). Although foundations may affect LVDT1, stronger the input motion, the longer the sustained EPWP time period.
their interaction with this instrument is minor in Test-2 compared with Tsukamoto et al. [4] also noted that the time period after shaking at
Test-1 and Test-3; hence, their results are reported herein as a free- which high excess pore pressure is maintained tends to increase with
field response. Free-field settlement commenced immediately after the the duration of shaking.
onset of liquefaction and continued until excitation ceased. The amount No liquefaction occurred beneath the foundations during shaking
of the settlement observed during the shaking decreased with the events E1, E2, and E3. Although soil beneath the light foundation
increase of shaking intensity. Soil behavior during the shaking time of wasn’t liquefied during shaking, it experienced a generation of large

Y. Jafarian et al. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 97 (2017) 184–204

Fig. 5. Variations of acceleration time histories for events (a) E3, (b) E4 and (c) E5 in Test-2.

positive EPWP during different input motions. Average value of ru levels and soil softening causes acceleration de-amplification and
under Foundation L was ranging from 0.5 to 0.7 for the three events at doesn’t permit shear waves to propagate towards the upper layers.
the depth of 2.4 m. On the other hand, large negative EPWP was Since negative pore pressure was generated under foundations due to
generated under foundation H (at 2.4 m depth) during shaking. EPWP the dilative behavior of soil, these zones don’t soften during shaking
behavior was affected by the heavy footing up to the depth of 7.2 m and have larger shear modulus compared with the deeper layers. Thus,
(approximately equal to the foundation width). Average value of ru in the weakened vertical waves amplified when passing through the upper
the depths of 2.4 m and 7.2 m under the heavy foundation centerline stiffer layers (beneath the foundations). The heavy foundation experi-
were −0.1 and 0.3, respectively. Negative excess pore pressure within enced larger amplitudes of acceleration than the light one. Acceleration
the soil beneath the foundation has also been reported in the recent time histories under the light footing were more similar to those
centrifuge and 1g shaking table studies (e.g. [1,2,15]). Compared with measured in the free-field, compared with the heavy one. In the other
the free-field condition, the higher confining pressure and the devia- words, the light surcharge has a minor impact on the underlying soil
toric stress applied by foundation surcharge are two beneficial compo- behavior. Major accelerations were completely vanished under the light
nents which prevent pore water pressure buildup during shaking [29]. foundation, the same as the free-field response. In contrast to the large
Furthermore, negative excess pore water pressure can be explained by events, de-amplification was not observed in the weaker events. The
the dilative response of soil under the foundation. The soil under and extent of soil softening was minor in the weaker events (E1 and E2) and
around the foundation tend to move laterally away from the footing the shear waves could propagate easily to the upper layers with
midline due to large shear stress imposed in these regions. This large amplification. The heavy and the light footings oscillated in the same
deformation (or shear strain) dictates the soil to dilate and the EPWP phase during events E1 and E2 and amplification occurred from
would consequently reduce. Away (vertically and horizontally) from container base towards the ground surface.
these zones, significant positive EPWP was produced in the free-field Settlement time histories of light and heavy foundations in Test-1
with ru values of about 1. Immediately after excitation ceased, vertical are shown in Fig. 6(c). Foundations settlement commenced immedi-
and horizontal hydraulic gradient was developed and surrounding ately after the first cycle of shaking and continued with time.
water flowed towards the foundations. After a relatively long time, Foundations continued to settle, even after excitation ceased, until
large positive EPWP was generated under the foundations due to the end of reconsolidation in the upper layers. The settlements
seepage. Once the water pressure equalized in each level and horizontal measured during and after the shaking timespan increased with the
hydraulic gradients vanished, the soil began to reconsolidate starting increase of shaking intensity. The rate of settlement accumulation
from the container base towards the soil surface. decreased after shaking ceased. Negligible settlement of foundation
Fig. 7(a and b) shows acceleration time histories for event E3 occurred during soil reconsolidation. Such behavior was observed and
recorded by the vertical array of accelerometers placed under reported in the recent centrifuge experiments (e.g, [4]). Dashti et al. [3]
Foundation L and Foundation H. The dashed line curves in Fig. 7 discussed in detail what mechanisms of foundations settlement can be
represent input base motion. The amplitude of acceleration measured dominant during and after shaking. Partial drainage and inertial force
at the depth of 7.2 m decreased significantly after the third cycle, but imposed by foundation surcharge seem to be two dominant mechan-
wave amplification was observed in the upper layers, especially beneath isms of foundation settlement during shaking.
the heavy footing. As discussed before, the layers deeper than 7.2 m Results of the first experiment (i.e., Test-1 as shown in Fig. 6(a and
seems to behave like the free-field. The pore pressure builds up at these b)) indicate that pore water pressure under the foundations increases

Y. Jafarian et al. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 97 (2017) 184–204

Fig. 6. EPWP time histories (a) under Foundation L, (b) under Foundation H, and (c) settlement time histories measured during events E1, E2, and E3 for Test-1.

Fig. 7. Acceleration time histories under (a) Foundation L (b) Foundation H for event E3 of Test-1 (The dashed-line curves represent input base motion).

Y. Jafarian et al. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 97 (2017) 184–204

even after the shaking phase by seepage process. Hence, sand is Foundation H along with their settlement time histories are shown in
softened in the second phase due to pore pressure buildup and Fig. 8(a–c).
foundations settle under their own weight in this phase. Shear In Test-2, pore pressure generation and dissipation were the same
deformations due to partial bearing capacity failure seem to be as those of Test-1 and can be divided into three phases: (I) during
dominant mechanism in this phase. shaking, (II) time period during which EPWP sustains and (III)
Dashti et al. [3] 's centrifuge studies showed that about 98 ± 1% of reconsolidation. EPWP under the both (L and H) foundations were
total foundations settlement occurs during shaking; however, in the smaller than that observed in the free-field, but mechanisms of EPWP
current centrifuge experiments, a significant part of foundation settle- generation during shaking were similar under Foundation L and
ment occurred after shaking and prior to the reconsolidation phase. It Foundation H; specifically it was almost identical to the largest shaking
should be noted that Dashti et al. [3] employed structures with more event (E5). This is in contrast to the results of Test-1 in which
realistic fundamental frequencies and inertial forces on a thin non- mechanism of pore pressure buildup was significantly different under
liquefiable sand layer which may affect soil-structure-interaction and the widely spaced foundations (see results of Test-1 in Fig. 6(a and b)).
total settlement, subsequently. However, fundamental period of super- After shaking ceased, EPWP increased under the heavy footing in
structure barely affects the post-seismic settlement. In general, that different shaking events because of vertical and horizontal hydraulic
part of settlement associated with the post-shaking mechanisms is a gradients and the resultant water flow towards the foundations. If the
matter of utmost consideration, especially when the liquefied layer is water inflow is larger than the water outflow, EPWP will increase and
thick. Depends on the shaking intensity, the thickness of the liquefied vice versa. EPWP was equalized under the heavy and light foundations
layer, and foundation weight, settlements in the second phase of the by about 10 s after shaking ceased and then reconsolidation phase
current test are ranged between 20% and 35% of the total settlement. started with upward seepage.
Tsukamoto et al. [4] mentioned a distinct difference between the The free-field response is often used as a benchmark for the near-
settlement mechanisms during the shaking and the time period in field response. Free-field earthquake motion is defined as a motion
which fully developed EPWP are sustained. The amount of hydraulic recorded at least at a distance that is an order of magnitude larger than
gradient, the extent of liquefaction (thickness of the liquefied layer), the characteristic dimension of the structure-of-interest [30]. Such
soil permeability, and foundation weight may control foundations criteria cannot be satisfied by the available dimensions of the NCU
settlement during this phase. Approximately no settlement was ob- centrifuge container. It is an interesting question how far from the
served after EPWP started to be dissipated, during the reconsolidation structure can be fairly assumed as the free-field response in centrifuge
phase. The foundation and free-field settlements in each phase are studies. Mason et al. [20] centrifuge studies on seismic soil–founda-
presented in Table 4. It should be noted that relative densities changed tion–structure interaction in dry sand revealed that acceleration
after each stage of the test. The approximate values of relative densities records at a distance equal to foundation width from the foundation
for each test are presented in Table 3. As can be seen in Table 4, most of edge can be adequately judged as free-field motion. Other centrifuge
the settlement of foundations was observed in the first two phases. studies on the performance of shallow foundation on liquefied sand
Approximately, 60, 30, and 10 percentages of the total foundation assumed a distance of about two times of foundation width from the
settlements occurred during shaking (Phase I), Phase II, and Phase III, foundation center as free-field results (e.g. [3,24]). Fig. 9(a and b)
respectively. Most of the free-field ground settlement occurred during illustrate the EPWP time histories and acceleration response spectra
Phase I and Phase III in each event. More than 90% of free-field from PPTs and accelerometers located at three different points (i.e., P1,
settlement in the strongest event, by which the whole model was P7, and P11) at the same elevation (i.e., 2.4 m) in Test-2. As shown in
liquefied, occurred in reconsolidation phase (i.e., Phase III). Therefore, Fig. 9, the three free-field records are very similar for event E4. The
there is a clear difference between settlement mechanism of free-field same negligible difference was observed for the rest events, not
and foundations. Total settlement of Foundation H, Foundation L, and presented in Fig. 9. It is found that these records at the distances
free-field in the strongest event was 25.8, 15.8, and 5.6 cm, respec- larger than B (i.e., foundation width) relative to the foundation's edge
tively. were not affected by dynamic response of the foundation. Hence, all
three records seem to be adequate, if not perfect, representative of the
free-field response.
3.3. Test-2 (foundation response) Acceleration time histories under Foundation L and Foundation H
for the strongest shaking event in Test-2 are shown in Fig. 10(a and b).
Two foundations were located close to each other in Test-2 to study It is noting from the free-field test results (in Test-1) that acceleration
the interaction of adjacent shallow foundations rested on liquefiable decayed (or even vanished) after one cycle in the free-field which is the
soil (see Fig. 1(b)). This centrifuge model was excited by five sinusoidal sign of liquefaction in the underlying layers. Acceleration amplitudes
input motions with peak base shaking amplitude of 0.01g, 0.02g, under the foundations decayed after five cycles, but not completely
0.03g, 0.06g, and 0.18g as events E1, E2, E3, E4, and E5, respectively. vanished because complete liquefaction did not occur under the both
The time histories of EPWP observed under Foundation L and

Table 4
Foundation and free-field settlements of Test-1 (prototype).

Event Max acc. (g) ru Foundation H cm (%) Free-field cm (%) Foundation L cm (%)

Phase I Phase II Phase III Phase I Phase II Phase III Phase I Phase II Phase III

E3 0.18 1 13.2 (51) 8.7 (34) 3.9 (15) 0.2 0 5.4 (96) 7.2 (46) 5.2 (33) 3.4 (21)
(04) (0)
E2 0.07 1 13.8 (57) 9.0 (37) 1.5 1.9 (34) 0.2 3.5 (62) 132 (65) 5.2 (25) 2.0 (10)
(6) (4)
E1 0.04 0.85 15.1 (73) 4.6 (22) 1.1 8.2 (69) 0.9 2.8 (23) 13.1 (80) 2.9 (18) 0.3
(5) (8) (2)

Phase I: during shaking.

Phase II: after shaking and before reconsolidation.
Phase III: after reconsolidation.

Y. Jafarian et al. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 97 (2017) 184–204

Fig. 8. EPWP time histories under (a) light foundation, (b) heavy foundation, and (c) settlement time histories of Test-2.

Y. Jafarian et al. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 97 (2017) 184–204

Fig. 9. (a) EPWP time histories (b) Acceleration response spectra (5% damped) of horizontal ground motions recorded at a depth of 2.4 m in different locations (i.e. light side (LS),
heavy side (HS), and free-field (FF)) during event E4 for Test-2.

(light and heavy) foundations. Acceleration time histories at levels of liquefied depth was, the larger the foundation settlement was
2.4 m and 7.2 m under the heavy and light footings are mostly the observed. Amounts of foundations settlement per different phases
same, as seen in Fig. 10(a and b). It means that the materials under in Test-2 together with the free-field settlement are presented in
these two footings behaved like a stiff block. Moreover, the adjacent Table 5. Most of the foundation settlement happened in the first
light and heavy foundations oscillated in the same phase and the same and the second phases wherein shear deformations seem to be the
amplitude like a mono-foundation. dominant mechanism. On the other hand, most of the free-field
Settlement time histories of the adjacent light and heavy settlement occurred during the first and the third phases by
foundations in Test-2 are plotted in Fig. 8(c). Settlement of both volumetric deformations as the dominant mechanism. It is notable
foundations commenced immediately after the first cycle of input that both heavy and light foundations settled approximately with
motion and accumulated with time, resembling Test-1. The rate of the same magnitude in each phase. The data presented in Table 5
settlement accumulation was relatively high in the first phase (i.e., provide valuable insights into the mechanism of the liquefaction-
2.67 cm/s during the shaking). The settlement rate decreased to induced settlement of shallow foundations and free-field ground.
0.09 cm/s once shaking ceased. Settlement accumulation continued Foundation behavior could be assumed independent of each other
during the second phase wherein EPWP remained constant and in Test-1, but there is a clear interaction between the adjacent (light
sand was completely liquefied. Accumulation of foundations set- and heavy) foundations in Test-2. There was a distinct rotation in
tlement approximately stopped once reconsolidation started in the Foundation H during Test-2. Schematic view of the initial and final
third phase. Settlement magnitude of both foundations in the first locations of the heavy and light foundations is shown in Fig. 11 for
phase was about the same for different shaking events; they settled comparison. The heavy foundation settled more in the free-field side
about 12 cm in this phase. Settlement magnitude in the second than in the light foundation side and experienced a clockwise rotation
phase increased with the increase of shaking intensity. It seems of about 4 degrees. Instantaneous rotation of the foundations was
that extent of liquefaction affected the magnitude of foundation impossible to be measured because the number of the available LVDTs
settlement in the second phase. In the other words, the deeper the for each test was limited. The foundations were placed horizontally

Fig. 10. Acceleration time histories under (a) Foundation L, (b) Foundation H for event E5 of Test-2. (The dashed-line curves represent input base motion).

Y. Jafarian et al. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 97 (2017) 184–204

Table 5
Foundation and free-field settlements of Test-2 (prototype).

Event Max acc. (g) ru Foundation H cm (%) Free-field cm (%) Foundation L cm (%)

Phase I Phase II Phase III Phase I Phase II Phase III Phase I Phase II Phase III

E5 0.17 1 15.2 14.6 8.6 2.5 1.5 7.8 17.7 11.8 5.9
(40) (38) (22) (21) (13) (66) (50) (33) (17)
E4 0.05 0.9 10.7 3.5 0.4 1.1 0.4 3.2 10.9 4.0 0.6
(73) (24) (3) (23) (9) (68) (70) (26) (4)
E3 0.03 0.7 9.5 1.9 0.2 2.5 0.7 1.7 9.1 1.3 0.4
(82) (16) (2) (51) (14) (35) (84) (12) (4)
E2 0.02 0.4 10.0 1.7 0.3 3.8 0.5 0.7 11.1 1.1 0
(83) (14) (3) (76) (10) (14) (91) (9) (0)
E1 0.01 0.15 0 0.1 0 1.0 0 0 0.5 0 0
(100) (0) (0) (100) (0) (0) (100) (0) (0)

Phase I: during shaking.

Phase II: after shaking and before reconsolidation.
Phase III: after reconsolidation.

before the tests through a precise manner and their final rotation was 3.4. Test-3 (foundation response)
measured after the test by changing the LVDT location across the
foundation width. In the third test, two rigid foundations were located with the center-
Hayden et al. [22] reported the same results in centrifuge modeling. to-center spacing of 2B (see Fig. 1(c)). It is expected that seismic
Two different boundary conditions can be assumed for each side of behavior of the foundations is affected by interaction. Fifteen cycles of
foundations: restrained boundary in foundation side and free boundary sinusoidal shaking were imparted to the model base with peak
in the free-field side. The restrained side has more stiffness due to its accelerations of 0.01g, 0.02g, 0.03g, 0.07g, and 0.18g as events E1,
more confinement compared with the free side. Moreover, EPWP time E2, E3, E4, and E5, respectively. Fig. 12 displays the EPWP and vertical
histories indicate that net pore water pressure and excess pore water settlements of foundations recorded per different events of Test-3.
pressure ratios are higher in the free side; and thus, this side Unfortunately, LVDT1 which was located in the free-field point
experienced more strain softening compared with the restrained side. malfunctioned during this test; and thus, its data wasn’t presented in
The stiffer soil within the restrained side impedes the development of this figure. The arrangement of instruments for Test-3 is shown in
bearing capacity failure. Under the heavy foundation, sand tended to Fig. 1(c).
move laterally towards the free side and more settlement in this side As can be seen in Fig. 12(a and b), extents of negative EPWP
was recorded. Thus, the heavy foundation rotated clockwise towards buildup were observed under both foundations in Test-3. However,
the free side. These observations indicate important implications for away from these zones, significant positive EPWP was recorded. The ru
the seismic response of the adjacent foundations. Results of Test-2 values at the locations away horizontally from the foundations were
demonstrate that unbalanced restraint conditions of the shallow near one in the strong shaking events. Although high values of ru
foundations may cause excessive differential settlements which may generated, complete liquefaction was not observed in the space
affect the stability of superstructure. The presence of adjacent founda- between two foundations and the depth of 2.4 m during shaking.
tions and FSFI effects are commonly ignored in design and analysis of There was a very large hydraulic gradient between this zone and the
shallow footings. Such effects are more complicated in seismic urban zone under foundations, especially at shallower levels.
areas wherein neighbor foundations are located on the saturated sand The acceleration time histories under the light and heavy founda-
with high liquefaction potential. tions are shown in Fig. 13(a and b). The foundations and their
underlying soil have shown near the same seismic responses per
different shaking events and different levels. Similar to Test-2, it seems
that foundations are located on a very stiff block. Foundations and their
underlying soil vibrated in the same phase and amplitude in each
shaking level. Acceleration amplitude didn’t vanish completely at the
depth of 2.4 m; it means that complete liquefaction didn’t occur in this
zone. It can be attributed to the confinement effect of two neighbor
foundations. Stiffer sands underlying the foundations behave like two
stiff columns that restrain the intermediate sands and prevent EPWP
buildup in this region. Nevertheless, ru values were relatively high
during the large shaking events in this zone.
Except for the strongest event (i.e., E5) in which the heavy
foundation considerably settled more than the light foundation, the
foundations experienced same settlements during the other shaking
events (E1-E4). They settled approximately equal in the first phase, but
the heavy foundation settled more than the light one during the second
phase, especially in the strongest intensity. The difference between the
settlements of the (light and heavy) foundations increased with the
increase of shaking intensity. The amounts of foundation settlement
during different phases in Test-3 are presented in Table 6. Similar to
the previous tests, most parts of the total settlement occurred during
Fig. 11. Schematic view of (a) the initial and final locations of the heavy and the light
foundations (b) definition of free and restrained boundaries.
the first and second phases. About one-half of foundation settlement
occurred during the shaking in the first phase and the rest occurred

Y. Jafarian et al. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 97 (2017) 184–204

Fig. 12. EPWP time histories under (a) Foundation L, (b) Foundation H, and (c) settlement time histories of Test-3.

Y. Jafarian et al. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 97 (2017) 184–204

Fig. 13. Acceleration time histories under (a) Foundation L, (b) Foundation H for event E5 of Test-3. (The dashed-line curves represent input base motion).

during the second phase in event E5. In contrast to Test-2, no clear individuals, was significantly lower than Test-2 and Test-3 where
tilting of the foundations was observed during Test-3. foundations produced more interaction with each other. Foundations
response for Test-2 and Test-3 was similar in shape and magnitude.
Generally, it appears that foundations adjacency increases spectral
4. Effect of adjacency on acceleration response accelerations of the foundations for most period ranges.

Fig. 14 shows acceleration response spectra (in 5% damping) for

event E5 (i.e. the strongest one) which were calculated from the 5. Visualization of excess pore water pressure variations
acceleration records in the base, foundation, and free-field. As there during and after shaking
was no accelerometer located on the soil surface, the free-field response
is referred to the recorded data at the depth of 2.4 m. All of the tests The use of animation can reveal important time-varying informa-
have similar acceleration spectra with a peak corresponding to the tion in complicated physical systems [31]. The animation of the excess
period of about 0.5 s which was the initial periods of the system in pore water pressure ratio of a tested model could be very helpful for
these centrifuge tests. The initial system period was measured in the visualizing the progress of liquefaction and EPWP changes under the
early stage of loading. Foundations peak acceleration was significantly foundations during and after shaking. The field of the excess pore water
lower than the base shaking. The free-field responses were considerably pressure ratio was estimated by using linear interpolations among the
affected by liquefaction of the underlying sand; and thus, possessed measurements of the vertical array of pore water pressure transducers
very small acceleration responses. The heavier foundation experienced shown in Fig. 1(a–c).
higher acceleration compared with the lighter one. Acceleration Figs. 15–17 illustrate contours of the excess pore water pressure
response of foundations for Test-1, wherein foundations reacted as ratio at selected times from the visual animations of the whole time

Table 6
Foundation and free-field settlements of Test-3 (prototype).

Event Max acc. (g) ru Foundation H cm (%) Free-field cm (%) Foundation L cm (%)

Phase I Phase II Phase III Phase I Phase II Phase III Phase I Phase II Phase III

E5 0.17 1 14.7 11.4 1.7 N/A N/A N/A 9.1 6.9 2.5
(53) (41) (6) (49) (37) (14)
E4 0.05 0.9 15.3 5.3 0.6 N/A N/A N/A 14.4 3.6 0.6
(72) (25) (3) (77) (19) (4)
E3 0.03 0.7 10.0 1.4 0.2 N/A N/A N/A 8.8 1.2 0.1
(86) (12) (2) (87) (12) (1)
E2 0.02 0.4 10.5 1.0 0.1 N/A N/A N/A 10.2 0.8 0
(91) (9) (0) (93) (7) (0)
E1 0.01 0.15 0 0 0 N/A N/A N/A 0.8 0 0.1
– – – (89) (0) (11)

Phase I: during shaking.

Phase II: after shaking and before reconsolidation.
Phase III: after reconsolidation.
N/A: not available.

Y. Jafarian et al. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 97 (2017) 184–204

hydraulic gradient was generated between the free-field and under

foundations in the first cycles of shaking. Once excitation ceased, water
began to flow horizontally from the free-field with high EPWP potential
towards the foundation sands with negative EPWP. Although remained
non-liquefied during and after shaking, ru value beneath both founda-
tions was increased after the end of shaking phase due to upward
seepage and horizontal flow towards the foundations. After EPWP was
equalized at each level by about 10 s, it remained constant for a while
due to upward flow from deeper levels towards the ground surface. The
timing of sustained EPWP is directly related to shaking intensity (or
extent of liquefaction); the stronger the shaking intensity, the longer
the sustained EPWP time. Finally, EPWP began to dissipate and the
soil beneath the foundations reconsolidated together with the free-field
soil. The solidification front moved upward from a depth of 24 m
towards the ground surface with a velocity of approximately 89.4 mm/
Compared with Test-1 and Test-3, horizontal flow was more
complicated in Test-2 wherein the heavy and light foundations were
located close to each other. As shown in Fig. 16, the adjacent
foundations behaved like a single foundation and ru values under the
foundations are more similar, compared to Test-1 and Test-2. Larger
negative EPWPs were generated under the heavy foundation compared
with the light one. Therefore, water flowed from the free-field and the
light foundation towards the heavy foundation, but EPWP increased
during this timespan under the light foundation. This is due to the fact
that horizontal inflow from the free-field towards the light foundation
was more than the horizontal outflow from light foundation towards
the heavy foundation.

6. Liquefaction-induced settlement mechanisms: free-field

versus foundation

Fig. 18 represents typical settlement time histories of free-field and

rigid foundation which have been observed in the three centrifuge
experiments conducted in this study. There is a clear difference
between the settlement mechanism of the free-field and foundation
in different time periods. It was early discussed that settlement
behavior can be divided into three phases. In each phase, settlements
may be categorized as either volumetric- or deviatoric-induced settle-
ments. Settlement of shallow foundations, as seen in Fig. 18(a), begins
immediately once the seismic loading starts and continues to the end of
shaking in Phase I. Partial drainage and inertial force imposed by
foundation weight seem to be two dominant mechanisms of foundation
settlement during shaking. In Phase II, the pore water pressure under
foundation increases due to large hydraulic gradient generated during
shaking, soil softens due to pore pressure buildup, and foundation
settles under its own weight. Shear deformations due to partial bearing
capacity failure are dominant mechanism in Phase II. The amount of
Fig. 14. Spectral acceleration (5% damping) for Test-1, Test-2, and Test-3. hydraulic gradient, the extent of liquefaction, soil permeability, and
foundation weight may control foundation settlement during this
phase. Negligible foundation settlement is accumulated after EPWP
histories for Test-1, Test-2, and Test-3, respectively, for the strongest began to dissipate in reconsolidation phase (Phase III) in which soil
shaking event (i.e. amax~0.18g). Each image from the visual animation, regains its stiffness.
which contains a color legend bar on the right, indicates certain times Settlement mechanism in free-field, as shown in Fig. 18(b), is
during the experiments. Dark red denotes on liquefaction (ru=1) and completely different from that of the foundation. In the free-field, the
dark blue indicates that ru value is zero. Initial overburden effective ground surface begins to settle once shaking starts in phase I. The
stress (σ'v0) was calculated using the elastic theory, considering uni- settlement in this phase is attributed to partial drainage and sedimentation
form foundation’s surcharge. It is noteworthy that the estimated initial during shaking. No settlement occurred during the second phase in which
effective overburden stress is a function of foundation rigidity that may EPWP sustains. The free-field soil settles due to EPWP dissipation and
slightly affect estimations of the ru values, but the general behavior will reconsolidation in Phase III.
be the same. It is clear that soil profile started to be liquefied from the Empirical estimation of liquefaction-induced volumetric settle-
upper layer and liquefaction propagated towards the bottom of the ments is based on the results of cyclic triaxial tests. These methods
container. The full depth of the free-field ground in all tests under the assume fully undrained mechanism during shaking and fully drained
largest event was liquefied in 4.5 s. Large negative EPWP was formed mechanism after shaking. There are some relationships to estimate
under the foundations and ru was significantly smaller than the liquefaction-induced volumetric strains based on this method, such as
corresponding values in the free-field. Therefore, a large horizontal Tokimatsu and Seed [32], Ishihara and Yoshimine [33], and Wu et al.

Y. Jafarian et al. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 97 (2017) 184–204

Fig. 15. Distributions of excess pore pressure ratio at selected times for Test-1 in peak acceleration of 0.17g. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure, the reader is
referred to the web version of this article.)

[34]. In the current experiments, ground surface experienced extents of estimation especially when the sand permeability is high. Most of the
settlement during different shaking events. It is apparent from the settlement in free-field occurred because of EPWP dissipation and
observations that partial drainage occurred during shaking. This reconsolidation in the third phase. This portion was higher for stronger
mechanism should be considered in liquefaction-induced settlement shaking event. Engineers still estimate foundation settlement by the

Y. Jafarian et al. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 97 (2017) 184–204

Fig. 16. Distributions of excess pore pressure ratio at selected times for Test-2 in peak acceleration of 0.18g. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure, the reader is
referred to the web version of this article.)

volumetric strain-based relationships which are mostly suited for the comparison between Fig. 18(a and b), it is apparent that most of the
free-field condition. In this way, the volumetric-induced settlement is foundation settlement occurs in Phase I and Phase II where shear
considered as the dominant mechanism of foundations settlement. By deformations are dominant, but most of the free-field settlement occurs

Y. Jafarian et al. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 97 (2017) 184–204

Fig. 17. Distributions of excess pore pressure ratio at selected times for Test-3 in peak acceleration of 0.18g. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure, the reader is
referred to the web version of this article.)

in Phase III wherein volumetric settlements are dominant. 7. Effect of spacing on foundation settlement
Additionally, the amount of foundation settlement is remarkably larger
than free-field settlement. As a result, it seems that such relationships Effect of spacing on the settlement of foundations is evaluated
may result in unconservative estimates of liquefaction-induced founda- through the proximity ratio suggested by Tsukamoto et al. [4]. This
tion settlement. parameter is defined as:

Y. Jafarian et al. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 97 (2017) 184–204

settlement during shaking is slightly changed by variation of the

spacing between two foundations, but it has a clear impact on the
amount of total settlement. Therefore, part of settlements accumulates
during Phase II, wherein EPWP sustains, and it merits further
consideration. Foundation settlement decreased in smaller proximity
for all seismic events, except for the strongest event. Although
foundation spacing clearly affects the settlement mechanism, no clear
dependency of settlement on the foundation spacing can be found with
the results of the current study. Such dependency might be relevant to
the extent of the liquefied zone around the foundations. There are
different mechanisms contributed to foundation settlement which
makes the problem more complicated but it seems that amount of
settlement in the second phase is crucial and should be considered in

8. Summary and conclusions

Three series of centrifuge experiments were conducted to evaluate

the liquefaction-induced and post-liquefaction settlement of shallow
foundations. Two rigid rectangular foundations located on the ground
surface were tested under limited and complete liquefaction conditions.
The spacing between the heavy and light foundations has been changed
in three tests to investigate the effect of foundation-soil-foundation
interaction on the seismic performance of both foundations. Each
model was excited with various shaking events to examine the influence
of the intensity of seismic shaking as well as the extent of liquefied
Fig. 18. Typical time history of liquefaction-induced settlement for (a) rigid foundation
and (b) free-field. zones.
Clear differences were observed between settlement mechanism of
rp = D/(D + B) (3) free-field and shallow foundations during shaking and the time period
after shaking. Permanent settlement accumulates in three phases: (I)
where D is spacing between the two foundations and B is foundation the shaking timespan, (II) the time period at which EPWP is fully
width. The foundations' settlement measured in the three experiments developed and sustains, and (III) reconsolidation phase where EPWP
were plotted against the values of the proximity ratio rp in Fig. 19(a and starts to dissipate. In the free-field ground, most of the settlement
b). The amount of settlements during the shaking as well as the total occurred due to volumetric-induced deformations in the first and the
settlement have been separated in order to clarify the effect of spacing third phases. In contrast, about 90% of foundation settlement occurred
on the settlement behavior of foundations. It is seen that foundation due to shear-induced deformations in the first and the second phases.

Fig. 19. Settlement of foundation against proximity ratio rp for (a) Foundation L and (b) Foundation H.

Y. Jafarian et al. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 97 (2017) 184–204

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