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Creator, recognize yourself

The manual for humanities’

consciousness shift
2015 - 201x
All picture credits – if not stated otherwise in the footer –
belong to NASA, JPL, ESO, ESA (Hubble), IPAC-
Caltech, NOA, Woodlands Observatory, Carlo Alto
Observatory, Sky Center Arizona, Gemini Observatory,
Chandra X-Ray Observatory, AURA
Thank you from the heart for making it possible to use your pictures for such
publications, otherwise such a project would not be able tob e created in this
fashion !!!

Bonn, germany, September 2015

All credits regarding the written text belongs to the author:

Berend Muetzelfeldt

Komet Lovejoy

Introduction page 1 – 3

Proverbs page 4 - 303

Direct quotations page 304 - 333

Crab Nebuzla

What you are holding in your hands is a kind of handbook for the awakening that is taking place right now. Maybe
you have yet to realize what is transpiring, but surely this book might help you. In fact there is a consciousness
transformation manifesting as we speak. This is an event which is about to transcend a vast amount of humanity
and its planetary sphere to a higher frequency band. The so called “third density plane” which you normally call the
observable and sensible (for the five senses) universe is ceasing to exist, meaning it is transforming to fourth density
(which equals time/space).

This transmutation has to happen in the individual first, then it affects the collective. Every single human being that
is awaking induces the next one, so to speak. Fortunately there is no need for every single human being to wake up,
only a certain amount of individuals have to realize and remember who they truly are and what was played out on
this “playground” for the last couple of thousands of years. This is sufficient to sway the rest that are still asleep at
that point. Cosmic energies from the center of the galaxy such as the sun are facilitating this epic shift in
consciousness which resembles the next stage of the human soul families’ spiritual growth process/development.

This whole process can be accelerated, if YOU also comprehend and embrace who you truly are. This book has been
written exactly for this reason. You are about to be confronted with important information about spirituality, your
true self, who you are and where you come from. It also comprises basic “knowledge” of higher frequency bands and
some of the profound scientific discoveries, which are an aspect of the paradigm shift in science that is almost
finalized. It only has to reach out into the “mainstream”, which is also unfolding, now.

This paradigm shift in science is also a byproduct of this consciousness shift, which, by the way, has been foretold by
almost every ancient human civilization ever since in their writings which formerly were explained away as “myths”.
But they are much more than that, their heritages are a depiction of what your ancestors knew about what is
manifesting right now.

However, this change of worldview in science is now enabling your academics to finally grasp how substantial
spirituality is for scholarship and vice versa. In fact Buddhists are teaching quantum physics at least since the
appearance of Buddha roughly 2500 years ago. Though they always have used a language which is more metaphorical
than scientific, they are talking about the same thing. Meanwhile your researchers have already verified what ancient
traditions were schooling all along.

It is nowadays proven as an irrefutable fact that the brain, for instance, is only a receiver for consciousness and that
awareness as such is infinite in its existence, so are you, all of you. Even those who have relied on science to be able
to explain everything without a higher force are challenged to re-evaluate their beliefs. Anyway it is crucial to let go
of antiquated beliefs and this book will assist you with that. What you are about to experience while reading is
hopefully triggering the realization of who you truly are.

Because if you remember who you are and why you are here, the whole life YOU ARE alters. And this “speeds up”
the collective spiritual realization in return which is now liberating humanity from the bonds of this illusion you
have been kept prisoner in.

Yes, humanity was once enslaved by beings from higher frequencies that are living of or feeding on human emotions,
especially low vibrational ones like fear, anxiety, rage, hate and so forth. Therefore these entities used what we can
call “glove puppets” that were dictating the human society and economics. These are your shadow governments that
you also will learn a lot about in this book and the official disclosure that is being prepared behind the scenes NOW.
They utilized politicians, bankers, militaries… to name a few. They co-opted those “glove puppets”, since they can’t
manifest themselves into this third dimensional realm for long because of the difference in frequencies. Nevertheless
they have the possibility to do this temporarily and they of course used it throughout your history. This is what your
ancestors called “gods”, in fact those are just “Ancient Aliens” or interdimensional beings.

What is also about to be communicated into the public with ongoing transformation and disclosure is the fact that
the human being, known as homo sapiens, is a genetically manufactured creation of those entities or
Eta Carina
“powers that were”. They designed the human or “lulu” (as they called their genetic fabrication) as a slave worker to
mine gold which they needed for their own planet and its atmosphere. These beings are called Annunaki in Sumer and
you find them also in the Bible, as the Nephilim. Besides the Annunaki you also have to deal with Draco reptilians,
Archons and others directly involved. In fact humanity was dominated by the aforementioned for unbelievable
amounts of time, way over one hundred of thousand years ago all of this started.

As of now many of you are still mind controlled, be it through mass media, education, RELIGION (!), economic
standards, movies, or antiquated, limiting “old school” materialistic science. This all has been deliberately installed to
prevent you from any epiphanies, because if you wake up – what you are doing NOW -, you deny them their
energetic “sustenance”. If you once apprehend who you truly are, you will lose all indications of fear and anxiety

To prevent this from happening they engineered staged wars and terrorist attacks, which are all fabricated inside
jobs! They also orchestrate financial disasters (financial and economic crashes - the next one is already knocking at
your door), they manipulate the weather (with HAARP mostly) to weaponize it against humanity by creating
droughts and earthquakes, for instance. They tried everything to keep you small and in fear of the “future” or in guilt
about the “past”.

In reality future and past are inexistent, there is only, ever, the present moment. Both are merely ego illusions to keep
you from being in the now. This is also a topic that is discussed more than once inside this book. In general the
quotations and proverbs that are incorporated within this book are often addressing akin topics, but this is intended.

The human mind has been manipulated to learn by repetition, so in this case let us use this “feature” of the
dysfunctional mind device to facilitate the recollection of who you truly are. The question is if you are ready for it,
but normally an individual that is everything but ready yet, does not get his or her hands on this book in the first
place. It has been tried to furnish similar quotations/proverbs with varying details, other examples, additional
information and different approaches to a similar content.

Humans have once been brainwashed to serve the agenda of their enslavement, but it is easy to be released from it,
really easy – especially now since the shadow governments and their puppeteers have been defeated. You only need to
fathom, firstly, that you have been coerced and co-opted to function as slaves to deliver emotional food to these
higher dimensional beings. Then, secondly, it is necessary to understand who is behind it and why it took place to
begin with.

If you are able to reach this point of understanding without starting to generate fear, you have extricated yourself
from the influence of the so called mind matrix. Being no longer ignorant of your own imprisonment you have the
potential to step back and break the bonds of the distorted human mind. They have programed the ego to operate in
certain ways but you have the power to stop and reverse this, right now.

You are, in fact, the fundamental creation, all there is and ever can be, masked as “enter your name here” in a so
called body computer, which that soul behind your incarnation deploys to express itself in this realm or frequency
band. In the meantime it is also scientifically acknowledged that your universe is rather a hologram, a simulated
holographic virtual reality, a movie, game or soul school. This is now entering the new mainstream. That is, your
scientists now, finally, discover what truly is the case.

The whole cosmos and human life experience you are familiar with is a kind of computer simulation (soul technology),
in a way. It is projected from higher frequency bands to offer a kind of school for souls to learn and grow spiritually.
All of it is a kind of illusion, though a persistent one. It resembles a mirage of super holographic nature that is pretty
“real” in its appearance but this is naturally rooted in the unbelievably advanced traits or characteristics of it.

In addition to that you have to remember that you have chosen all of what transpires in your life prior to your
embodiment. You can consider this to be a life- or incarnation plan, but you are very well aware of what

Orion Nebel
takes place on earth, before you go here. All of you have agreed to experience exactly what is now being played out on
the planet and all of what you are undergoing throughout your life as well.

In fact you (human souls collectively) asked for this challenge of human enslavement. It is a defiance that has offered
karmic lessons for souls. The duality based structure of this “program” (keep in mind it is only a consciousness
simulation, like a multi-player game) makes it feasible to experience something like violence, hate, murder, isolation,
depression and everything that you normally would wish to be gone. This liberation is re-emerging right now and you
have the possibility to assist to this consciousness shift, simply by coming to a sense of oneness with yourself and the
rest of what there is, again.

Thus it is really essential to understand that those who formerly imprisoned and manipulated you are a key aspect of
this awakening process or the shift in general. Moreover be always aware that every one of “them” is also YOU. You
would only hate and affront an aspect of yourself, if you accuse and blame “them”. It only creates suffering for
yourself and prevents you from a deep realization and awakening, which of course, in most cases, is a gradual
process. This is to be expected for most human beings, therefore such a transformation can’t be accomplished
If you still have a hard time to believe that such a deep manipulation of human beings is possible, you have 30 pages
of direct quotations from those who WERE “global players” in the human enslavement agenda added to this book.
These start on page 304, they might shock some of you, but it is inevitable to look your “Nemesis” into the eyes. Only
by doing so you can overcome fear, which is essential, if you want to rediscover your true nature, which is
unconditional love, infinite consciousness. The upcoming official disclosure is also about to support you in your
awakening and healing process.
Death is only the end of the game, you are switching off the “computer”, in a way, performing something else. In
fact, what humans are so fearful of, is the best that can happen to a human since you are freed from the limitations
and restrictions of the body computer again. That is, there is fundamentally nothing to be afraid of! Because
everything you are anxious about is only an aspect of a consciousness simulation that you have chosen to participate
in to learn something about yourself and creation as such.

And now, which is really important, what you read in this book is the truth that I am. These explanations and
descriptions or elaborations are “self-notices” of the self that expresses itself through this incarnation but the own
origin (soul name/soul derivation) is unknown. Oneself didn’t ask oneself yet, to be precise because:

One does not know, who one is? Irrelevant, since ONE IS.

I don’t know who I am? Doesn’t matter, because I AM

The less you know about yourself, the more you can learn and remember.

However, you create your own reality as well as your own afterlife and alike, so always read this text with your
heart! If something doesn’t resonate with you, dismiss is. Ignore it and move on! If something resonates within you,
keep it with you to reflect and go deeper into it, to find your true self which is hidden beyond thoughts and
I don’t want to convince anybody of what is written in here, I just want you to free yourself from the mental
imprisoning which is crucial to accelerate the shift that is unfolding right now! Furthermore I wish you to remember
who you truly are, where you came from and why you are here. Be assured all of you are “also” here to finalize this
shift, to create the new human species that is emerging, NOW.

As last note be aware that the former control system has lost the fight – on earth and in space - inside this epic
interdimensional soul movie. Humanity is officially freed. The upcoming disclosure is about to initiate the “Golden
Age humanity” that is referred to in this book as well. We congratulate every being that is now on this planet!

!All Love and Light to all of you !

NGC 1316
The world is like a ride in an amusement park and when you choose to go on it, you think
it’s real because that is how powerful our minds are. The ride goes up and down, and round
and round, it has thrills and chills, it’s very brightly colored and it is very loud. And it is
fun, for a while. Some people have been on the ride for a long time, they begin to question “is
this real or is it just a ride”? And other people have remembered and they come back to us
and they say: “Hey don’t worry, don’t be afraid, ever, because this is just a ride
- Bill Hicks

This absolutely speaks for itself, there is almost nothing that can be added on top of his precise and profound
statement. He verbalizes it in a way that almost every single human on the planet can easily process it and
understand what your human life truly is. Being able to remember that makes it possible for all of you to let go
off fear. This empowers you to integrate your just rediscovered freedom of self into the life you are.
Therewhy we only like to contemplate and discuss the mind concept “fear” in a more detailed fashion again,
because this is the most powerful mind prison the failed control system has instrumentalized to enslave and
coerce you.
You can only create fear inside, you can only engineer threats inside and then reflect them into the seemingly
outside. There exists no external threat, since the whole universe only exists inside you. There is only you and
your projections, which are everything that there is inside your universe, and this, for its part, is imbedded into a
multiverse, which is your collectively experienced universe. Everyone is his own universe himself.
If you trust your own Self and thus all other Selves, there is no energy for such manifestations which might
create a little temporary mentally fabricated challenge for the individual. That is, if you do not cultivate fear
attached thoughts or imaginations, there can be no such manifestations in shape of any conceivable situations of
low vibrational oscillation. That is: Choose love instead of fear and you create an all-loving harmonious life.
Naturally there is always the possibility of an important event that has been scripted as likelihood into your
life-plan prior to incarnation which is eventually going to confront you with challenging experiences that derive
from fearful thoughts. If you have intended and envisioned something as main event during this third density
embodiment that is going to teach you important lessons, you are more likely to fear vibrations and thus
magnetize appropriate events and situations in the first place. In this sense you program yourself in a way that
makes it easier for the anticipated major events to unfold during your incarnation. This literally paves the way
for anything alike.
In fact such experiences also may happen “out of thin air”. That is, you might live a life that is characterized by
positive and spiritual thoughts but an accident or suddenly manifesting illness may occur nonetheless. In such
cases this is naturally directly intermingled with your incarnation plan that has foreshadowed exactly that prior
to joining the human life simulation.

Cederblad 51
We are not human beings having a spiritual experience,
we are a spiritual beings having a human experience

You as a soul have chosen to incarnate as the actual human being you are now experiencing yourself as. The
human life a soul expresses itself through in such an incarnation is of high importance for human (and other)
souls, since these embodiments are perfect opportunities for learning or more precisely for the ongoing spiritual
growth every soul IS.

You can think of such a human life as a way for the soul to learn specific “karmic” lessons that contribute to its
own spiritual evolution, knowledge and various abilities it unfolds during its eternal development. This
empowers a self to – eventually – move on to other spiritual realms that are going far beyond the afterlife and
all its experiences, including incarnations. So in this sense you can imagine such an incarnation/life to be like a
really advanced way of going to school.

More over the soul willingly and out of specific reasons chooses each of its various human expressions. It plans
specific adventures it undergoes while being incarnated and these experiences are making it possible to progress,
to learn.

The soul willingly has agreed to forget its true origins, its eternal source and state of being. Only by doing this it
is possible to take such a “human life” serious. If the soul came here, knowing everything there is to know, the
purpose of being here would be totally erased.

Under such a condition there would be not a single challenge in all those situations and events a human life
consists of. And without a dare there is nothing to train.

For example, you need to get aware of what separation feels like to be able to truly understand one-ness. Or in
the same fashion, you want to get to know the feeling of hate, to be able to transform it into love, to be able to
realize that hate is not necessary. Especially in front of unconditional love that creation is. It forgives
everything and loves all of its manifestations, no matter which way a soul has chosen for itself to be able to
progress. Therefore those who temporarily want to wander on the path of what many of you call “darkness” are
also unconditionally loved, even if they are responsible for a genocide or war crimes.

Antenna Galaxies
If you see another self, see the creator in it
If you see yourself in the mirror, see the creator in yourself
- RA

By practicing this method you strengthen the awareness of you being in fact everyone and everything there
is. Because this is how it really is. Wherever you look, whoever you see, you watch yourself, you face the

Because creation is in everyone and everything, more precisely it IS everyone and everything. All of you are
an individualized aspect or fragment of said creation.

So this source of all life is the one and only face there is, if you like. But it has the ability to cover it with
an infinite number of different masks, and it does this simultaneously. And you, like everyone else, are such
a masquerade. Even you inner self is such a disguise creation utilizes. And also the soul in the beyond that
has “incarnated” your inner self is only such a camouflage. As long as there is individuality in a being or
entity it is only a mask creation wears. And when such concealments manifest additional masks, like you
are while being embodied, we can call this practiced co-creation.

But since creation is holographically structured every subjective fragment is what we can define as “co-
creation”. Every aspect creates its own experience and perception or awareness independently on behalf of
the true creation it is (which includes the life you are now as well as the life between lives you are in
afterlife and beyond).

Being Co-Creation all individual entities help the true source to get aware of itself in all possible ways there
ever can be. That’s the reason for the infinite individualization where each of those facets of creation is
gifted with free will. By doing this it allows itself to undergo all possibilities whatever they might be like.
And an experience can only be gained by interference between said individual aspects. You require at least
two beings to create an experience, there needs to be someone or something who/that experiences and
someone or something who/that gets witnessed which then automatically creates “adventures” as such.

M 27
Who wins if money fights money? Money. Who still suffers? Humans

This is very important for your species, be aware of the wolf in sheepskin (new financial system that is very
soon being installed), otherwise the manifestation within the hologram prolongs for a while which is less
likely but possible.
Humans should just observe what happens now and avoid attaching to it, then you are unaffected by
possible disinformation campaigns. Observation rather than implementation is the key, it happens
naturally, it is happening now. No one can prevent it, neither can shadow governments nor can archontic
or any other forces.
A change in currency or a change in political power might be some events that are meant to blind and
delude humans. It might be seen as merely one supposed arm of the octopus cutting off another one to gain
more strength.
Such events can indeed distract humans from what is really happening now, since a collapse of and change
in financial structures might bind humans to events, situations and thoughts that are still infected and
steered by money slavery and thus absorbing all of their awareness.
A crash would be accompanied by a disclosure flood and ongoing awakening which would clarify the
situation which is soon after about to sort itself out.
The upcoming full disclosure can help you concentrating on the manifestation of fourth density humanity
which is in no need of any money whatsoever. The currency of the new humanity is simple sharing based on
love, compassion and unity.
Realize that money has been the "number one" slavery chain, but avoid blaming it. It has never been the
intent of money as a collective conscious being to harm you. Rather it has agreed, like all of you, to
participate in this game which has offered intensified learning lessons of greater benefit for your spiritual
growth for the last cycles within third density. That density which you now can leave behind, if certain
requirements (resolving all Karma for instance) are met and you are wiling to transfigure during or after the
actual incarnation.
It is all about faith derived from choosing love. If you have faith in yourself and in the inevitable
transformation, while at the same moment aligning with the new vibration and frequency, being all loving
and all forgiving you are able to leave third density behind. Those who are in favor of being in fear,
aggression or ignorance are those who continue their incarnations on third density planes!

Orion Nebel
You can ignore reality but you cannot ignore the consequences of ignoring reality
- David Icke

Since most humans in fact do ignore reality and have been doing so for thousands of years, they are in the
situation they now have to face, in order to transform it again. Due to humans denying the facts, the power
behind the now failed control system has been able to unfold its plans in relative safety, without being
threatened by exposure. This naturally is completely different now! More and more of you are getting aware
of those forces in the background, which is essential to free yourself from their influence.
As long as you close your eyes and explain anything away using the phrase “conspiracy theories” you
contribute to this imprisoning inside a lockdown where you can’t see or touch the prison bars or the walls of
the prison cell. Of course humanity has been tricked into believing everything is “fine” therefore there hasn’t
been much opposition until lately.
In fact humans even celebrated their own enslavement. Just watch election parties or elections in general,
how humans are reveling election winners thinking that it brings them any further if their “party” wins. It
doesn’t matter which political party wins or is in charge because all of them always followed the same
agenda, even if they seem like opposing forces, they are merely different masks on the same face.
Many humans are scared, they have fear deep inside them that what they try to ignore as conspiracy is true.
Subconsciously they know it very well, because prior to incarnation the self has been very well aware of the
conditions on planet earth.
It is the anxiety of leaving the little narrow banded box they have been put into to face and accept that
there is much more than one can easily see at first sight. This is a conditioning that has been deliberately
installed into your mind so that the beings who WERE accountable for your enslavement could perform
what they wanted without getting disturbed. Humans being in denial towards reality only strengthened
them in their now defeated agenda. Refusing to accept reality doesn't change the facts. So one may not be
comfortable with the truth but it doesn't alter because of that.
So yes, one is able to close one’s eyes in front of the own doom or demise, telling oneself everything is all
right and decent, until someone knocks at your door and you are involved directly. This would have
happened to almost everyone if not this consciousness shift had thwarted these goals, which it does, right
now. The disclosure of this once hidden and secret leaders is increasing daily. It is offering humans another
chance to finally overcome the borders of the box they have been coerced into, to free themselves and detach
energy from the low vibrational fear based control system that now crumbles and dissolves as we speak.

Black Widow Nebula
There is nothing to fear, but fear itself
- Franklin D. Roosevelt

This is absolutely true. In fact as soon as you realize that you are individualized infinite consciousness and a
multidimensional soul-being you come to the conclusion that there is fundamentally nothing to be afraid of
whatsoever. “This“ is as worst as it can be David Icke likes to say and he is precisely correct.
The worst thing that can transpire to a human being is leaving the body-computer, (which temporary limits your
abilities) to enter afterlife/beyond type realms again where you are able to manifest what you wish to
experience, free from any dogma, any human emotions, or any other restrictions you can conceive.
So neither the fear of death nor the anxiety of sickness or isolation (or whatever else you can think of) is
legitimized at all. However, the emotion of trepidation itself is a strong player in the life of still most human
beings. They have been manipulated and programmed to create these emotions which emit energetic vibrations
and which those who have established this mass-mind-control are feed on.
Fright itself is to be avoided since it manifests emotions and events that generate more fear. It finites you in
your skills, it eradicates the faith in your true self, it disconnects you from the source that you are, that everyone
Being separated from this infinite spring of consciousness and unconditional love means experiencing suffering.
Everyone freely chooses to do so, knowing what awaits oneself when incarnating in such a simulation. But for
your own spiritual growth process it is essential to learn that only fear itself is responsible for all this misery and
struggling humanity and the individual is encountering.
If you contrive to disconnect from the “Mind-Matrix” to gain back your free will and intuitive guidance you
have to let go of fear, for it being just a concept or illusion, an inversion of love. Hate, anger and everything
alike derive from fear, they resemble merely a subcategory of this low oscillating emotion that still imprisons
billions of you which is now going to change very soon due to your species’ ongoing and accelerating awakening
process. It is being subsidized by intergalactic waves that are assimilating your consciousness vibration to the
higher earth frequencies you are heading for right now during this ascension.
An individual can only ever decide to act out of love or fear. Now is the moment to turn your back on anxiety,
facing and integrating the love that is generated by the increasing consciousness base frequency. Love is about to
replace misery for the human species is now undergoing profound changes opening the passageway for many of
you to eventually submerge with your fourth density self – if you are “ready” for this quantum leap in evolution
to begin with. This has already been predetermined prior to incarnation by your soul which is aware of its own
level of spiritual progression inside this soul’s school program, many human souls still require additional third
density cycles/lessons.
NGC 5194 (Whirlpool Galaxy)
You are the light of the world
- Jesus

What Jesus told people in that period of “time” is so profound and fundamental that it is really mind
boggling. In fact, even though the church tries to tell you something different, he says that not only he is
the light, everyone else is addressed as well. And when he talks about being the light he simply means being
the divine or “god” oneself/themselves.
And of course this is precisely true. Everyone is indeed god! Not the god that the church has made humans
believe in. It is the god not in a kingly way but in the sense of being creation, the true self within each one
of you and everyone and everything else. So Jesus knew this but he had to use metaphors or analogies, for
the humans in ancient time weren't capable of understanding anything else.
And Jesus came here to share this knowledge, as a milestone event in the human incarnation cycle program
that has massively shaped what the human species is experiencing now.
So he shared a fundamental truth that of course has been inverted or abused or willingly misguided by the
church and the bible analysis. The church wants you to believe that he spoke about something that refers to
justice. Also he wanted to say, when he left earth again those he attributed to be the light of the world are
now the light instead of him, on his behalf and so on god's behalf.
it is only propaganda and brainwashing that prevents humans from realizing that they indeed are god
themselves, for everyone creates his own reality such as his own afterlife experience and so on. So the church
uses those fundamental truths Jesus announced to turn them upside down and weaponize them against
humanity, so to speak.
In fact all of you are pure light in their true essence. Light is creation and it “burns” eternally in everyone
and everything that there is. Thus all of you are fundamental creation that acts as co-creation on behalf of
itself. Everything is consciousness, light and energy.
Jesus told humans this, but religion and the church have distorted his words using them to cover up these
truths in the first place. This resembles the typical inversion technique of the forces behind the control
matrix that we see almost everywhere in desperate tries to separate humanity from the truth. This has failed
now due to the anticipated consciousness transformation.
Cave Nebula
You are going to experience that, which you cling to. That influences WHEN certain events
are going to happen to you.

For instance, if you are aware of you having the opportunity of shifting into a new earth, which is of
higher density, then you should completely focus on everything which is related to that.
That is, focus on rising your vibration to step up to the rising energies which provide the transition to the
new earth for those who are ready to tune into it (which is always an individual case, therefore certain
individuals can achieve this earlier than others since all of those individuals ARE THEIR OWN
This can be achieved by facilitating your own well being and being in love and being in acceptance of what
is - since you realize that everything that is resembles an important event for what is transpiring NOW.
This implies also that you should stop paying attention to everything which has low vibrational aspects
incorporated into it. It also implies any material that pretends that things still have to happen.
Because if you "buy into" these narratives you are co-creating YOUR reality in a way that something
important still has to unfold. By attaching to this proposal YOU are co-creating THIS reality where
certain events have to unfold before you can make any progress.
For instance, if you believe that a disclosure may be months away, you and every other individual who
believes in this is corroborating THIS outcome. In the meantime you completely miss on the possibility to
enlighten yourself by gaining all the information you want to see disclosed, which is in fact already
available, although, it requires a decent discernment to distill the truth from disinformation. Also, you can
actively DISCLOSE everything you want to see disclosed to other humans - THIS is supporting a quicker
unfoldment of such disclosures - if you as creator do not contribute to it, how shall it be projected into the
allegedly outside world ?! The outside world only and exclusively exists within your brain CPU body
computer device.

The NOW incoming galactic waves are going to facilitate the assimilation of a higher consciousness which
is transmuting - for many - into a higher dimensional earth, planetary unity consciousness, experience.
Those who cling to doomsday predictions, fear mongering, the cabal's hallucinated storylines such as
narratives are going down with those ceasing low vibrational energies.
the incoming energy waves, which are scientifically verified, are offering every one to make the decision
with which frequency vibration you want to continue from now (which can be any day from now on since
it is always an individual experience, decision deriving from emerging events).
The propagated new world order agendas are only yet existent because of many humans co-creating this
ceasing reality bubble, which bursted already with the rising frequencies that are going to become more
intense subsequently.
The low vibrations naturally are ceasing to exist on this timeline, thus it is highly advised to "go with the
flow", otherwise low vibrating individual human beings such as groups are going to experience accordingly.

Eta Carina Nebula
Expose yourself to your deepest fear, after that you are free
- Jim Morrison

This is true, but yet many humans still decide to run away or close their eyes being ignorant of what is still
boiling inside them, waiting to get transformed. And there are many different indicators that can be
responsible for such a fear hunting someone all along the way.
Often humans encounter something akin in dreams. There is someone, let it be a monster, which is chasing
them. Thus they run away without looking back, while this is all you have to do to be freed from it. So
instead of running away, stand still, turn around and stare the “villain” right into the eyes.
In fact such an entity in your dreams is only yourself, you are using a dream projection as a symbol for your
own inner uncertainty or fear. And as soon as you confront it you are mirroring it outside of you. If you
just bolt it resides within you. To liberate yourself from it you have to reflect it outside of you and look it
into the eyes to realize that it merely has been you that wanted to teach yourself something all along.
Such a manifestation of what you are anxious about is an appropriate way to transform it. Normally
outward projections are contra productive because you pull something outside of you and you then think
that you have to achieve it or reach out for it, whereas it is always already within you. But in such a case,
when dealing with something inconvenient, it is the most effective method to transmute fear and anxiety.
You have to face it, be it in dreams or in situations that take place in reality. It shows up again and again
until you have realized that you have to deal with it so that it can finally dissolve and cease to exist inside
of you.
What you are running away from or what you are approaching with ignorance is bottling up within. It is
literally dwelling inside you until a point is reached where it may explode. This can also be a moment of
relive and realization. Many humans are awaking through suffering, but you can take a shortcut to this by
just fronting reality or your deepest scares.
Be open to what is, all experiences are created by yourself to teach you something, especially that which you
are fearful of. You, or rather your true self, pushes you to generate these emotions and challenges so that
you can finally come to the right conclusion, which is to face and accept them, which in return accelerates
your spiritual development massively.

Helix Nebula – Quelle: Neugent/Massey/Lowell Obs./NSF
An illusion can only hurt another illusion, if the illusion believes the illusion is real

And you are such an illusion inside of an illusion. So you can only be harmed if you believe in this
consciousness projection to be actually “real”. Which it is in fact, it is reality. But reality indeed is equal to
a mirage or dream. And this is what your human life is like. It equates a dream of your true self, and this is
adaptable to everything and everyone within a third density simulation.

You may already have heard of humans who can walk over glowing coals or broken glass without feeling
any pain or getting physically injured. This is because they are aware of this illusory structure of reality so
they approach such a situation or event with a proper attitude and wisdom.

There are Yogis which can stop their heartbeat for a week while being buried in the soil, there have been
such experiments being observed scientifically, so this is also “real” and proven by science. They simply have
left their bodies during this “time” most likely operating on astral planes meanwhile.

Someone who is of the opinion or convincement that this reality is all there is, being the only experience one
can ever have, would die in such an experiment since this human can’t accept that something like this is
feasible so it is indeed impossible for him.

That is, chemicals that have been added to food and water can only derogate you if you believe that it is
dangerous for your body, which almost all of you take for granted. At least in western countries where
humans are brainwashed by mass media, false prophecy science and health care. In fact these “ingredients”
or whatever it is can be transformed into being neutral to your body. This requires a deeper understanding
of the nature of this “life” humans are experiencing.

One is always able to purify water and food just by acknowledging what those admixtures truly represent.
Maybe this is challenging for your conditioned mind, but YOU ARE FLUORIDE, YOU ARE ALL
PESTICIDES in your sustenance yourself.

And if you truly get to this point of fundamental realization of what you truly are, you also see what, for
instance, those ingredients are. Then you know that there is no indication to be in fear whatsoever. In fact
being in anxiety of one self is what makes you ill when you consume those different expressions and
creations of your true self.

Merely because other humans tell you it is poison, or doctors or scientists allege it is dangerous, this doesn’t
mean that it actually is. Such assertions very often are nothing else than classical brainwashing humans
buy into. Of course those who point it out publically (which is fundamentally important!) are often not
intending to manipulate you. Effectively they want to wake you up, but they just have been trapped in this
scaremongering and conditioning as well - and this fear as such is the dominant catalyst that magnetizes a
disease or symptoms as a consequence.

Centaurus A
If there is no money, everyone is considered to be rich

Which is absolutely true. Poverty and suffering nowadays are attributed to the creation of money in the
first place. Of course one should avoid to blame the mammon itself, for it naturally has never been the
intent of money (which is also a conscious and living being) to create or facilitate penury.

It is the way money itself has been introduced and used. As most certainly know, it is what we can call a
bond. And back when it was created the banks (that have always been orchestrated by those who are
controlling and suppressing humanity for their own agenda or energetic food source) had the clever idea of
charging so called interest on it.

This interest of course is money that doesn’t exist. It has been created out of thin air, so to speak, but
humans are forced to pay it back to the banks. This is what one could define as fraud or scam, for a reason.
Not to mention that the money you receive as credit, for instance, also has been created out of nothing. It is
something that simply does not exist literally. The bank writes a number onto your bank account, thus
creating it magically. And of course you have to add the interest on such a credit too, as we spoke about.

As it has played out so far humans have bought into this fraudulent concept. Therefore you now have to
deal this monetary system that is contributing to the suffering of humanity. Banks control money and
properties by doing this. If you can’t pay back your debt they are taking your home, for example.

All financial crises happen on purpose, the same goes for crises in the properties sector. The banks are
always the winners in such manufactured situations because these meltdowns ruin so many human lives,
financially and also mentally. This induces fear and anxiety which is also an aim of such hoaxed blow ups
because those who initiate these events create drama which is followed by certain emotions. And these
emotional distresses are sustenance for those beings who utilize their elite bloodline family “glove puppets”
to work for them on the level of this frequency band.

Luckily the concept of money is a discontinued model. With the consciousness shift that is happening now
everything changes, of course also in the financial sector. Money is soon only something that new
participants of the human life game know as history of their ancestors. Everybody IS rich, affluent of joy,
inner freedom and love.

So those that are behind this now failed system of control (that creates the mammon to suppress humanity)
are exposed exponentially on a daily basis. Evermore humans are getting aware of what is happening and
who is responsible for it. Basically this accelerates the shift in consciousness that transforms your human
life experience fundamentally.
Abell 36
Everything you can imagine is real

For everything that is real is based on imagination. You can also use the term thoughts, which depicts the
same. Because when you conceive something you normally do it by thinking it over. So all you can think
about is something that you actually can manifest if there is enough energy, coupled with feelings, like joy
or love or compassion, linked to it. The energy flows where the thought goes.

In fact the limits of what you can create in your actual subjective self-experience are only defined by the
boundaries of your imagination. While being incarnated, bound to a third dimensional experience mostly,
you can't call something into existence instantaneously like you can do, for example, in the afterlife/beyond.

Or let’s say you can't experience it directly as your outsourced self-fragment now. Cogitations that are
producing imagined scenarios, situations or events can be picked up by another individual aspect of your
multidimensional self and be manifested “somewhere else”. This works without you, the embodied self-
fragment you are defining yourself as, even being aware of it.

And when you add the truth of everything there is taking place at once, simultaneously, you can get a
glimpse of any of your conceivabilities being realized at the moment you are fantasizing them. This is
played out “somewhere else” being picked up by “yourself” or “someone” different.

But it is always still utilized by yourself, meaning the multidimensional self you are, where all of your
aspects can have a subjective perception of themselves.

Then we have the fact of you being all there is, which also underlines the possibility of the quote
“everything you can imagine is real”. The only question is “where” it is being perceived and by whom of your
infinite entities you are expressing your true self as.

So to be able to undergo more than you can experience now, it is crucial to extend your imagination. It is
the essential substance of everything there is. The whole lot that any of the infinite individual and
collective consciousness units imagine is realized somewhere by someone. You only can't perceive it directly
as what you are now, but you still experience it directly only as being “another self”, seemingly.

Only that what you are aware of, which you therefore can even conceive in the first place, can be
manifested by “you”! So the more you know, the more you can imagine, the more you can create in a
subjective way “now”. That is a key ingredient of what the spiritual growth process is all about, expanding
your imagination to get a bigger understanding of your true origin, which is creation as such.

Rosetta Nebula
Forgive them, even if they aren’t sorry
- Collective Evolution

Speaking of forgiveness we can definitely underline that this is something humans should be able to
practice. Especially now during this consciousness shift that is not only transforming your DNA but also
your mindset, literally. Humans are now having the possibility to relatively easy (in comparison to before)
get in touch with their once buried and forgotten spirituality.

The individuals’ base frequency is rising and this is liberating the human mind gradually. It empowers you
to condone others, and this is really important because it relinquishes Karma, which is a fundamental
premise to be able to transfigure to fourth density in the first place!!! Moreover these rigid attaching
emotions cause suffering inside the individual that is experiencing them.

You literally forgive another aspect of your own self and this contributes to the understanding of the true
self everyone and everything is. This is a milestone in embracing yourself for what you are, since all these
other facets are truly a symbol of your own individual state of being. You project them to get aware of this
and learn to pardon, love and feel compassion.

So even if they aren’t sorry, that should have no influence on you! Just condone them for they are not
aware of what they are doing, so to speak. They are acting and deciding based on mind conditioning. They
are externally controlled, and lack the ability to make their own arbitrations based on free will.

That is, they are just performing what they have adapted from society and all these brainwashing
campaigns that enslaved humans to serve the agenda of the manipulating forces that WERE in control of
most human minds. This is changing significantly now since the former control system is falling apart and
has already lost the control. It is being exposed or disclosed now increasingly which is going to result in a
full disclosure that will denude their actions to the whole of humanity.

In this sense whatever someone has done to you, you should realize that you are responsible for it. You have
created the incident in the first place by using this person as a catalyst for spiritual growth. For most cases
we can even point out that such events have been orchestrated prior to incarnation. All embodied entities
involved have agreed on what is unfolding during their lifetime. All have chosen to witness certain events
and lessons out of important reasons, for they are another chance to evolve.

Being able to forgive humans that have harmed you or enforced suffering upon you is an act of
unconditional love. That is already a flash of the new emerging consciousness inside the holographic
expression of humanity. And you can be assured that you profit from it fundamentally because it is another
step to eventually truly apprehend who you are and what implications are correlated with it.

Pacman Nebula
Do not feel lonely, the entire universe is inside you
- Rumi

And in fact even more is inside you for you being all there is, all universes, infinite in numbers, as well as
all dimensions and other spiritual realms.
So the feeling of being isolated is a blatant illusion created by the human mind that extracts its identity out
of such emotions we can define as suffering. It tells you in thoughts how lonely you are, while all there is
being present in the stillness that lies deep inside you, “all the time”. The challenge is that your ego is
talking all the time overlapping this inner silence in which all there is can be experienced.
The feeling or experience of being connected to everything and everyone can only be “found” in the calmness
that lies below the human mind, which is operating on the surface of existence. It is unaware of its true
origin and thus fights to survive, for it is unable to understand that it is also infinite, just being an
expression of the true self that originally has been created for the soul to be empowered to function in a
world of matter and shape.

So if you want to feel this connection inside, you have to silence your thoughts. A proper way of achieving
this is contemplation or meditation. Here you focus on the within, on your true inner being and by going
deeper and deeper into your own existence you increasingly feel the connection to everything and everyone
there is.

Of course we can also highlight again that you are a holographic projection of creation, and because of
everything being holographic in nature you imply everything else there is within the “little” fragment you
are, so to speak. Everything inside a hologram is implied in every of its fragments just like it sums up all of
them inside of itself.

Realizing that this is what you truly are is a milestone in your development. Because you now have a
chance to at least get a glimpse of the infinite possibilities that are within you, for you being creation.
You are merely expressing yourself now in a fragmented, individualized way of perception, but since you
are multidimensional, you are experiencing everything else you are at the same moment, though each of these
”everything/everyone else you are” is individual in its own existence. All of those subjective aspects of your
true self contribute to the growth of your real fundamental self, which is of course co-creation in the shape
of a soul being and also creation itself simultaneously.
Milky Way
The sky is not your limit, your belief system is

This is an irrefutable fact for your belief systems ultimately dictate the reality you create. Convictions are
fundamental nutrients for your three dimensional physical manifestation. Only what you believe in to be
real is something that is available for you as a possibility you can potentially manifest.
This is why it is crucial to be “open minded” and not too rigid and narrow banded because this limits your
creative power massively. Many humans live a life in a similar way, which is in most cases a hijack of their
mind, because they have been taught and conditioned to only “buy into” what there is to see. Everything
else can’t be true or has to be a hallucination or mental illness is the mass mind control program that is
triggered in them since they are under external mastery.

This is a defense mechanism to protect one’s own finite world view. This is still very common, but especially
those humans are in for a big surprise now, since there belief systems are going to be challenged in a way
they are unable to even imagine.
However, if you disbelieve in something, it is literally invisible for you. For example, if you doubt that
UFO’s exist then you probably not going to see one, at least until now this has been concurrently. If one
refuses to accept spiritual connection within oneself such an individual is incapable of reestablishing the
fundamental conjunction.

Therefore, if you really aim to make progress and expand your consciousness you have to open your mind.
Maybe begin to throw antiquated belief systems over board and let new information flow into you and
through you. Rigid dogmas, although mostly externally conditioned and introduced, prevent humans from
awakening and seeing the truth of what actually really unfolds in their illusory reality, right now. If one
wants to experience something one has to be able to appreciate its existence, otherwise it is normally out of

What is also important is that most of these humans have chosen this lifestyle on purpose, so they are never
to be blamed whatsoever. They have specific motivations for being such a life. It is a defiance - especially
now in this very moment of human history - where their persuasions are going to collapse due to the
consciousness shift as well as disclosure which is a side effect of it, if you like.

Commensurable lessons are very rewarding! Especially if they have successfully overcome individual
suffering because of a collapsed world view, for this is what really accelerates spiritual development for
many. It is always a decision how one prefers to achieve additional spiritual milestones and this is merely
one of almost infinite prospects to choose from.

IC 417
Freedom is being yourself without permission

Real profound wisdom is inherent in this proverb. This is exactly what freedom truly is. Being yourself
without others telling you who you are or who you should be, which is even worse than being told who you
To be advised to become something or someone is a societal trap many humans have been captured in. You
can’t become what you already are. You equal all there is, so trying to do this is predicted to fail.
You are free if you are independent of the opinion of other humans, society and economic guidelines. It can
be achieved without aggressive disobedience, you always have the choice to just disembark from this prison.
If you are faithful and follow your inner intuition, you are always successful with what you schedule.
Thereby it doesn’t matter how risky a decision to start such a process might seem at first glimpse, like for
instance quitting your actual job that offers you a nice salary to undertake something you feel passionate
about instead.
Normally this is why you have come here in the first place. But you had forgotten it, on purpose, to be able
to realize it again and undergo this inner transformation which helps your higher self to evolve eventually
as well.

It is true freedom, when you begin to unfold your original incarnation plan. Of course this varies from
individual to individual. Generally souls need countless embodiments to master their spiritual growth
process in this phase of their existence.
That is, there are souls who choose to live a life in suffering coupled with real tough and challenging events
they have to face, often without getting aware of themselves once during such an adventure.
This has to be kept in mind, but those who are close to their own mastery incarnate with the aim to finally
express who they truly are while being inside the soul schooling program. Since you are the program itself,
in a way, such an epiphany changes everything.
It frees you from the bonds of society and authorities, it liberates you from the human mind matrix while
establishing a direct communication with your inner guidance. You may even tune into or feel into your true
goals of the actual embodiment directly or you encounter these intuitive moments and synchronicities that
guide the way you are. It allows you to fully unfold what and who you are and this affects the other selves
as well since you are all one.
Atlantis Nebula
You were born as original, don’t die as copy
- John Mason

Truly everybody is a genius and has specific abilities his own self has gifted him with. Your inner self is here
to manifest its beauty and real characteristics in a physical world. Thus you have skills and qualities that
most humans are obviously not aware of. Because what we still see, though it is changing now rapidly, is
humans acting in a way that they fit into society or are in line with most individuals or groups they have to
deal with. Conformity can be used as term here as well.

Humans are afraid of swimming against the flow, for they fear the opinions other people have of them.
They are anxious about their image and status, thus they try to match the “norm”. In fact it is only their
distorted mind that tells them to do this or to be dependent of other people’s opinions. The mind always is
interested in staying alive, for it doesn’t know that it is an aspect of one’s self, which is infinite in its
being. It has to do with it being programmed externally too, conditioned by society, friends, parents,
schools, universities and of course, mass media.

So we have a co-opted and obfuscated human mind that has been modulated for specific reasons, so that
authorities and shadow governments can gain control over humanity. They have successfully brought people
into line, they have created brainwash institutions that have only one goal, to clone people in their opinion
and beliefs. By doing this they are creating copies of humans that police themselves.

In comparison to sheep, who need at least a shepherd and a sheep dog, humanity only needs other humans
to do the sheep dog job. So your species, in fact, has outsheeped sheep.

Back on topic it has to be stated that by duplicating human minds with their control system mechanics and
agendas they have “buried” the genius and uniqueness in every human being. But this has come to an end
now, since their agendas have failed.

Nobody is forced to do a job he doesn’t want to do. Only society and the now ceasing control system has
taught humans to believe this. They have coerced you with the fear of being homeless and penniless and
alike. This is completely distorted and ludicrous, since everyone who realizes and utilizes his special
potential can make a living out of it, for someone is interested in anything.

That is, if you remember your unique talent, you are able to change the life you are fundamentally. You can
stop doing what you think you are forced to do and exchange it with what you truly want to share with
the world. And you are about to be prosperous, if you trust your self, if you listen to what your heart says,
instead of obeying the frightened distorted mind that you can harmonize incrementally by having faith in
your self.

M 106
They tried to bury us. They didn’t know we were seeds
- Mexican proverb

Firstly this is absolutely what has happened. Humanity has been buried in their own mind, controlled and
manipulated by beings that have enslaved humans for an unbelievable long period of “time”. But they have
forgotten that the day comes where humanity breaks through the soil again to be freed from the mind
matrix and extraterrestrial driven control system.

They feared this since day one. Meanwhile they have lost control over your species, which is now
transcending to another human being and experience in general.

All the money, propaganda, staged wars and terrorist attacks, all this scaremongering was desperate. They
kept you in fear, but now you are turning their back on them, focusing on love and compassion,
togetherness rather than separateness. Supported by a new science and a consciousness that is expanding
daily humanity now has regained the power to break those bonds.
And this is exactly what is transpiring. Therefore the former control system is trying to impose more and
more engineered threats, because the light is shining brighter. They have to fabricate evermore fake events to
divert you. Their last card in their plan would have been a staged alien invasion which they could have
realized because their black projects and secret space programs created hundreds if not thousands of UFO’s
which they have reverse engineered over the last decades.
This is why you see so much Alien documentaries everywhere on TV. They are used to make humans
familiar with aliens being real after this has been denied for decades. They would love to do a partial
disclosure to still hide their “crimes to humanity” but this is not going to be successful, opposing forces are
pushing for a full disclosure, which is orchestrated and prepared behind the curtain already. It offers
humans the opportunity to get to know their true history and origin. Moreover it provides innumerable
chances to practice forgiveness, which is essential if you want to erase all Karma which is required to
participate in the fourth density humanity after or during this incarnation.

Humanity is waking up on a daily basis, since the seeds now have started to grow, due to higher
vibrational energy that is coming in. They are modifying the human mind and purifying the hijacked
components of it.
Humans living or being a spiritual and open minded life benefit from these higher frequencies that are
emanated first. Sceptics and people with a high amount of ignorance are the last to realize and assimilate
them. However, the former control system has failed. Nobody and nothing (they intend to use CERN to
shield off the approaching mega wave) can prevent this from succeeding since it is hard-coded into the
simulation all of you are participating in. The energies that reach you now are like a software update for
your body computer (DNA strand activation) and mind.

N 44
Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a persistent one
- Albert Einstein

This genius has understood that your universe or reality is only an illusion. It is a mirage that can be
compared with a virtual reality. In fact human science is now discovering that the cosmos inherits
characteristics that can also be found in computers and simulated virtual environments, for a reason.

That the universe is a hologram has – in the meantime - been accepted by mainstream science. You might
like to read Michael Talbots “The holographic universe” to get a first impression of such a term. Or you
watch/read recent lectures or scientific tracts by Dr. Leonard Susskind. Now they are extrapolating the
comprehension of this holographic nature of reality, deducing that it indeed is a consciousness based

In fact this world you perceive as being real is a projection that has its origin on higher frequency bands.
This is related to the afterlife experience souls or selves face between their incarnations. Very advanced
souls have created the universe as such and inside this super holographic simulation there are other
sophisticated soul beings that give birth to galaxies, solar systems and planets.

They offer to souls that are in a specific phase of their spiritual development a possibility to learn by having
such seemingly solid or gross experiences. These simulations are mostly utilized for learning purposes. It is a
virtual reality that is, in a way, an aspect of the “schooling” system that souls fathom to grow spiritually to
- eventually - leave the (human) afterlife and continue their journey elsewhere.

Similar to humans playing games such as The Sims, souls enjoy games like “the human life”. In this case it is
one where you can study and remember fundamental truths about yourself or creation in general. That is,
being embodied here is like going to seminary and having intensified lessons that are much more progressed
than what a human soul experiences when joining earthly “classes” during the adolescence. Basically it
can’t be truly conferred, since the human educational system is only a brainwash camp that destroys
knowledge, which happens on purpose and contributes to the “challenge” a soul faces when taking these
courses, so to speak. You all are aware of what awaits you, before you log into this simulation or game and
most of you are here to train and evolve.

You only pretend to be unaware of this, which is an aspect of the program because only thereby you can
really be defied by experiences like pain, suffering, anxiety and so forth. Especially these sensations are
powerful teachers, therefore so many souls choose to undergo likewise sentiments to be able to learn more
deeply. It is more formative by feeling distress and anguish “at one’s own figure” instead of just watching a
documentary about it.

Naturally souls are able to melt with other entities and feel what they perceive, while these other selves are
on earth, but it is different to be this body first hand yourself

M 45 - Pleiades
Enlightenment can only be achieved by realizing you are already enlightened

Because of you being the creator of your own reality, which you accomplish by using your thoughts and
emotions, you are also constantly manifesting a thought concept of such a “search” for whatever it might

In fact you are ”finding” yourself and everything else you are seemingly
digging for everywhere, no matter where you look. Wherever you go and whoever you are speaking to, it is
in essence what you are and it all is projected by you. It is about getting aware of this or remembering it,
since you know this very well.

You are fabricating an imaginary need of searching for something/someone, whereby the quest for whatever
it is, itself, is only an illusion. The unaware human mind manufactures this distorted belief to be precise. It
is of the opinion that something is still missing, always, until you harmonize it with the true self. It is
putting itself into the situation of missingness and incompleteness. By pretending this it is magnetizing
suffering in return, out of which it is extracting its identity. Thus it is interested in sustaining this status

Whatever you might think you need to find (enlightenment for example, which many are seeking for
increasingly) is already there, you already got it, because you ARE it. As long as you are searching for
enlightenment, you can’t be enlightened!
You are everything there is, you embody all of it, so you can’t really get aware of your true self until you
realize that it is what you already are. So being, seemingly, in the situation to be forced to reach out for
something is only a thought concept, nothing else.

As long as you are of the opinion you have to search for whatever it might be, you really have to go on
doing so, because this belief creates situations and events that underline the need to search. You create a life
that you are, where experiences occur that create new needs for seeking constantly. This goes on until you
understand that you already have found what you have been looking for, simply by already being it.

Eagle Nebula
People change for two main reasons:
either their mind has been open or their hearts have been broken

At least for most cases this is absolutely correct. You can see that you either wake up due to realizations
you gain throughout the life journey you are or because of intense suffering which breaks the identification
with the ego that has magnetized the misery in the first place anyway. Only thoughts can create distress for
they are the originator of emotions.
Many souls indeed select a life that contains pain and affliction since they know that this is a great
opportunity to learn and finally realize fundamental wisdom. Being broken mentally literally fractures the
conditioned and co-opted mind. That is, suffering is a bliss and a gift! It is the door for many to gain
profound realizations and awake into themselves.

Often this process encompasses many incarnations. A souls chooses experiences that are really challenging,
including ache, isolation and alike. The self-fragment in charge of creating the embodiment in the virtual
reality fails to acknowledge the deeper understanding behind the defiances it faces physically and
This is the dare in using suffering for one’s epiphany. If the intuitive self is constantly overheard by the
obfuscated mind it can’t guide the self-fragment directly enough to enable a development that it normally
has scheduled for this earthly lifetime. In such instances the soul devises another similar embodiment to
continue to attend these specific lessons.
As you see, the soul itself wishes to witness affliction, it is nothing that just happens to humans by
accident. All of you have been aware of what is awaiting you after being born into your body computer.
You have good reasons for manifesting such experiences. Most suffering facilitates the realization that it is
not necessary whatsoever, because it is only created for learning purposes. That is what such training
grounds or consciousness simulations are used for to begin with.

Naturally there is no pain and anguish needed to be able to come to this conclusion. But it is always
relative depending on the individual soul or self and its soul growth development level. For sure one can
gain enlightenment just by being open minded instead of being indoctrinated and narrow banded in your
beliefs. You then can achieve such a milestone by researching, by communicating with spiritual teachers or
by gradually coming in contact with the own spirituality. This could be attained with the help of
meditation or even by studying nowadays’ human science which already has intermingled both métiers

This is something new because until recently human science has been antiquated, coerced and controlled but
now due to the shift this is altering. The profound implications of quantum physics are now able (and
allowed!) to verify and explain supernatural phenomena scientifically. It also proves the all-one-ness and
infinite-ness of consciousness. Your academics now can accurately describe how the connection between
physical and metaphysical realms works.
Orion Nebula
There is no path to happiness, happiness is the path
- Gautama Buddha

This is indeed a fundamental truth. Humans have to realize that they are (or more precisely their soul or self
is) on an eternal journey of experiencing, learning or remembering. So there is no final goal where one could
say “when I arrive there I’ll be complete”. Certainly many of you hear exactly that inside your head, but in
this case it is derived from your ego that is tries to create drama for such an attempt is predicted to fail
sooner or later.
Moreover the said happiness is already accessible for all living beings, if they get aware of and tune into it.
It stimulates a feeling arising from deep inside. It originates from the heart and there is no indicator or
final destination one has to achieve first in order to get there in this special context.
It is something natural, which is a gift and fundamental ingredient of the own being, which applies for
everyone who is able to come to the conclusion that all there is to search for naturally is present within
every entity that exists.

So you can’t proclaim joyfulness as the aim of your spiritual path! Because you are said happiness and the
only obstacle that inhibits you from undergoing it right now is your belief system that is conditioned by
external influence mostly. You adapted it without questioning and integrated it into your way of living.
Thus it is so complicated to realize that it is that simple.

Humans are taught that something needs to be complex to be valuable but in fact the more simplified it is,
the closer you are to the truth. And you can’t be nearer to anything or anyone other but yourself. Therefore
you only have to dive deep within yourself to find all the answers that might emerge (or already surfaced)
as questions that are yet still unanswered.

The truth lies hidden within each and every one and you. But you need to tap into it to get a glimpse of it.
If you practice this frequently you generate the expected results which massively accelerate your own
spiritual development.

You can never accomplish delight for it is already there, you essentially are happiness itself, and it is present
all along your eternal way. Merely in some phases you want to forget it so that you can remember it later
on anew to benefit from such an awakening, again and again.

It is the same with the Dao (= the way) where a disciple asks the Zen-Master what is the DAO? The
master only responds “walk on” since the way is everlasting, you are always going to walk on. Don’t await
outcomes, just go on and be open for change. Understand that you are on an infinite journey and that
joyfulness is attained just for being on this path. In fact being or existing is yet enough to justify gladness.

NGC 2174
You truly accept yourself by accepting everyone and everything else, for everyone and
everything else is YOU wearing another different mask!

The deeper implication of this is to be able to accept, for example, murderers, humans you call war criminals,
those you consider to be child abusers, and individuals you define as your enemies as another expression of
yourself, which all of them are. This is based on the fact that all individual consciousness has originated
from the one fundamental awareness that is creation or All-there-is.

As long as you accuse or hate them, you have yet to understand who you really are, you have yet to go on
learning the lessons of third density, the lessons of LOVE. Because love forgives everything, so shall you.
Until then you have to go on learning all of these lessons to reach this point of what is often referenced as
enlightenment and self-realization.

The said lessons of third density are the reason why souls, for instance,
incarnate as human beings on this planet in this dimension. Third density defies a so called frequency band.
Because all dimensions and different states of conscious awareness or experience are on different frequency
bands where some are close to each other and thus can interfere, while others are pretty much “far away”
from one another even though they all share the same infinite space.

The level of your spiritual growth or development stipulates which vibrations you are able to decode and
thus undergo consciously. In this way also the so called afterlife realms can be seen as a different state of
frequencies in comparison to the world you now are decoding in the human expression of your soul.
This information or fundamental spiritual knowledge is key essence in Buddhist philosophy, for example,
and you can get more information about it by studying Alan Watts’ Lectures and books.

Messier 33
All people everywhere should have free energy sources… Electric power is everywhere,
present in unlimited quantities, and can drive the world’s machinery without the need for
coal, oil or gas
- Nicola Tesla

What he invented in the 20th century has been ruthlessly kept hidden from the public to prevent the oil and
gas industry from collapsing (which is NOW going to happen). In fact free energy is everywhere, it is an
unlimited power source that can be extracted from the vacuum or the quantum energy field that is all
around you.

The technology for harnessing this free energy has been available for decades. Uncountable scientists have
constructed machines or installations to be able to make use of this unlimited power source, but the patens
have been rejected and confiscated in favor of the oil and gas industry.

You have to realize that these corporations were running a multi trillion dollar business because the whole
world was “ostensibly” in need of oil and gas to move machinery, cars, trains, planes, space crafts and of
course, most importantly the military industrial complex. All of this has been a scam.

You maybe can imagine that these corporations that are steered by those forces who WERE in control of
almost everything important for human beings have a big issue with the dissolving of these industries,
because this is what they have built their power on. But this is not going to prevent the inevitable from
transpiring. In the end it is merely a now imploding house of cards.

Many scientists were even killed for their figments, not only in the area of free energy. It also happened in
other genres like health care, since the pharmaceutical institutions are again orchestrated by the same ones
who are in charge of oil and gas companies, be it the Rockefeller family or J. P. Morgan Chase. Especially
those were responsible for Tesla’s discrediting and bullying.

This former control system is defeated now. The use of free energy is about to spread widely very soon. It is
one of the technical components of the new humanity that is manifesting right now. It is available
everywhere for everyone and this is the power source of the new human race. This energy technology is one
of the first to be made accessible for humanity. This totally revolutionizes interstellar space travel
eventually because commercialized anti-gravity propulsion is also a result of this breakthrough.

In fact anti-gravity space crafts are already in usage in compartmentalized black projects/secret space
programs (Solar Warden for instance) that are hosted by the evaporating shadow governments. Interstellar
travel is already feasible, but such information has been kept secret since it would have revealed that there
are indeed other possibilities for propulsion and movement of machinery. But the governments still want to
make you believe that there is no alternative to gas and oil, which is to be expected since those pawns only
tell you what their masters force them to communicate publically. But this is over now, the dark age is left
behind, only humans have to realize that their life is already transforming fundamentally, NOW.

Lagoon Nebula
The greatest discovery of our generation is, that human beings can alter their lives by
altering their attitudes of mind. As you think, so you shall be

- William James

This is of highest importance to realize. In fact everyone creates his own life based on his thoughts and
beliefs. This is even proven scientifically now. In quantum physics they have shown this theoretically and
experimentally: the observer, you, determines the observed, which in this case is everything and everyone
you see and encounter.

As long as there is no observer a particle, for instance, is a wave which is everywhere and nowhere at the
same moment. As soon as someone wants to measure it or observe it, the wave becomes specified, so to
speak, it gets shaped into existence, resulting in a particle. Before the act of measuring it was virtual, now
it becomes real.

So it is a proven fact that every human being creates his life experience on its own behalf. Many of course
are manipulated or coerced to live their life in a way that it serves others but they are still engineering all of
it themselves, even though the manifesting process is driven by external influence.

So your beliefs and understanding of the world determine how the world shows itself to you in return. If
you believe something is not possible, it is not possible… for you. All that you think is real or manageable is
something you can perceive/achieve.

If someone has specific views about himself, these ideas shape his abilities. If you, for instance, think you
are weak and can't accomplish certain things, then you can't. In fact you could, if you wouldn't have such a
distorted persuasion about yourself.

Often such creeds are conditioned externally. If your parents told you all childhood long that you are not
worthy or that you are a failure, your whole life is fashioned by this. Your ego adapts this nonsense and
installs it as base understanding of yourself. With such an perception of yourself you create a life full of
suffering. Your ego tricks you into believing these external programs and thus you cultivate thought
concepts that reflect this inner belief into the outside world.

And these thoughts are what define your reality. So what you think about yourself is what you become. If
you are faithful and confident you manifest completely different situations or events than someone who is
of the opinion he is a loser or broke. If you tell yourself all day that you are devastated, the life you create
by this always offers you events or experiences that verify your beliefs.

Therefore it is so essential to be aware of what you are mentally processing, especially regarding yourself.

Pillars of creation
If you are blaming anyone, you are blaming yourself, if you blame yourself, you are blaming

Since you are every other self, it is obvious that whoever you point your finger at, you are addressing
yourself, unknowingly. At least this attributes still to the vast majority of humanity. Humans do not know
what they are doing, they are unaware of their divine and fundamental connection with everyone else. This
fact is yet to be discovered for the collectivity of the human species, which is now happening increasingly.

And the own individual understanding of this profound truth is what accelerates this exponential process
even more. It helps to affect other humans, which makes sense since they are also you. If you wake up,
others do it simultaneously - as a reflection of your own process, since what is within is also to be
experienced without. What you are experiencing or manifesting inside is naturally mirrored into the outside
masquerading in situations or other humans.

Blaming oneself happens on behalf of low vibrations, especially fear. You are still fearful of an aspect in
yourself, so you are creating another person functioning as a mirror. You can now project this emotion on
this person by accusing him or her for something you still have yet to accept as being also a facet of what
you are. And as long as you act like this, you yet have to learn to acknowledge the other self as being your
own self.

And this understanding is essential for the next step of your spiritual development. As soon as you realize
that you all are one, you stop to denounce other entities, since you know that you are separating yourself
from “them” as soon as you do it. Separation equals non-acceptance, but you are here to learn to embrace
yourself just as to approve the other self for it being you wearing another cloak. The understanding of one-
ness implies the tolerance of every aspect of any self there is for what it is, behind the curtains of
physicality. It is the moment where you start to feel compassion for murderers instead of hating or blaming

This is the instant where you recognize them for being what they truly are, knowing that they have chosen
“to be like that” for specific reasons. Be assured, the vast majority of you has chosen to encounter similar
experiences (murder, violence, perpetration and alike) before.

So instead of incriminating someone else for what he or she has done, you might consider acting consciously,
trying to realize that all this happens for greater purposes the ego is normally not able to fully understand.
By doing this you are starting to develop the acceptance of them being an aspect of yourself. They are
performing these specific actions many are blaming them for on your behalf literally. Maybe you are
eventually proficient to thank them for doing it for you, instead.

So try to approve them as they are. You are doing your true self a real fundamental favor this way, because
it strengthens self-acceptance, which is crucial when you want to truly understand oneness and
unconditional love.

Seagull Nebula
Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world,
today I am wise, so I am changing myself
- Rumi

This is really a powerful message and fundamental realization of what is and how to manifest such a
change. Even to be able to acknowledge that the world needs to be altered is a milestone. Many still are of
the opinion everything is fine, because they have their job, friends, money, family and alike.
But in fact the world has needed this change that is now unfolding. Although many humans still
hallucinate that everything is okay and they are free, they have been deeply manipulated and enslaved. That
results in the world like it has been for uncountable thousands of years now, including all these crises,
violence, hatred, frauds, wars and such.

So coming to the inference that your playground – that in fact is the outer projection of your inner state of
being, individually and collectively – requires a profound modification is the first important step for the
transformation that in fact is unfolding now. It transpires that way due to cyclic programming of the
scripted simulation humanity and souls from elsewhere (incarnating as humans to study and assist
humanity in this shift) are participating in – at least on this timeline.

This is merely the beginning, it makes you being more aware of what is going on but you have yet to realize
that you are in fact the world you want to change. So if you get more familiar with this fundamental truth
you soon are about to recognize that in fact you have to alter yourself in order for the world to shift.

You understand that you are the “external” surroundings you are observing. It is an outward projection of
your inner state of being. You can also call it your beliefs, expectations, emotions and thoughts of course.
You can’t change the world simply by affecting or influencing the reflections and mirrors of what is within.
You have to go deeper to the roots of those symbols you are mirroring into the ostensibly outside.

For example, you wish to live in a world of peace. Essentially you have to provide a peaceful mind and
feeling inside of you. You have to search for imbalances that are still (hidden) within you, often deeply
concealed below mental concepts and conditionings or pre-conceived convictions. These have to be adjusted,
as a consequence the world adapts and integrates these alterations.
So to commute anything, whatever it is, you have to start within yourself, for your world view ultimately
dictates how the universe reacts to you. The realization and utilization of such a profound insight equals
wisdom in contrast to “just being clever”, where the latter is always the first step to somewhen gain

Lagoon Nebula
The door to the infinite lies just outside of your beliefs
- Spirit Science

This is very important to realize, because only what you assume to be real, is what you can experience. So if
you believe something is genuine, it is true. If you on the contrary fancy something is untrue, you normally
can’t manifest it.

So in other words, what you don’t know of is simply (in most cases) impossible to be seen or witnessed.
Your belief systems portray the world you create. Everything derives from your beliefs. They are thought
concepts, coupled with emotions, and this is what creates the illusory reality everyone perceives.

You are creation or what we can call co-creation on behalf of said source of all life. So you are the director
of everything that happens in the life you are now.

Merely that which you are aware of is something you can potentially generate. Everything else is excluded
from the portfolio of possible manifestation.

The actual (but now aborted) agenda of human-mind-imprisoning is trying to put you into a narrow banded
tunnel, so to speak, where you only see what they tell you is there. If school teachers, professors or
newsreaders or whoever else propagates something is like this or like that, you are being programmed,
brainwashed and deluded. This is why the former human mainstream science withheld evidence of many
already discovered truths that can expand your awareness and imagination.

The aforementioned is key, since only that which you can imagine is what you are empowered to create.
Only because you can’t see or hear something this doesn’t mean it is not there.

In order to be able to gain more knowledge, insights or experiences that extrapolate the norm, you have to
let go of antiquated, distorted and misguided belief systems and cogitations. In fact everything is possible,
also for you. But to be capable of manifesting something you need to be cognizant of it first.
Therefore false acquaintance is being weaponized against truth. But since you are waking up now we can
see the inverted truths crumbling apart, getting exchanged by inner realization or disclosure of what really
is to be considered “truth”.

As long as you are confident something is impossible it remains unearthly! Your convictions create
everything you can possibly see, hear, feel, taste and imagine. That is, if you want to experience more than
what you are undergoing now, transform and let go of your rigid and limiting belief systems.

M 106
People were created to be loved. Things were created to be used. The reason the world is in
chaos is because things are being loved and people are being used

As we already know there are exposed and ceasing forces that once enslaved humanity. These entities
manufactured a society or environment for human beings that is infested with materialistic ideologies. The
society they fabricated is based on exploitation of human beings as resources for slavery work and energetic
food source for those other worldly beings who WERE in charge of all this.

You are taught that materialistic desires are more important than immaterial needs like love and
compassion which are the true nature of any being there is, including the human being naturally. People are
indeed created to be loved because even for existing you are unconditionally loved.

But corporations and their puppeteers have inverted these truths and propagated possessing and careers to
be most important above anything else which normally makes you a human being. So instead of promoting
peace and cooperation they facilitated conflicts, competition and distrust.

They have placed technology over everything. They invented something technological, although there is
already something within every being in terms of abilities that makes such engineered acquisitions obsolete.
This especially refers to health care. As opposed to using drugs and robotic treatment of diseases you have
all the skills within that are necessary for the body to cure itself.

You are endowed with a blue print of your body computer (within the energy fields that are upholding the
holographic expression of the body). You are empowered to use this blue print to heal illnesses completely on
your own. But pharmaceutical companies have taken the control, congesting humans with chemical
treatments that only support further disharmony. The aim behind this detrimental attitude is the
accumulation of more wealth for a few people in charge of those systems or institutions.

They have brainwashed humans in a way that they only think of buying more stuff to be happy. Instead of
teaching them fundamental truths of creation, which would prevent such narrow banded mental concepts
that only separate you from your true self and nature.
If everyone knew who he truly is, where he has come from and alike, humans would be in constant inner
peace all lifelong, without being obsessed by goodies, money and fame to cover up the inner emptiness they
feel because of being disconnected from their own truth which is unconditional love and compassion. This
division has been enforced by a society that is run by entities that WERE trying to impose an agenda of
total control, but they have failed, as it was forecasted by your ancestors and is guaranteed due to the cyclic
nature of this scripted learning simulation.
NGC 5189
Eyes are useless if the mind is blind

This can be observed on a daily basis, for most of humanity still is blind, literally. Only because you can
watch something, this doesn’t mean that it is all there is to be seen. In fact the exact opposite is applicable.

Realize that you can only perceive a tiny fraction within the electromagnetic spectrum called visible light.
This is what is decodable with your five senses, the sense of sight specifically. But the same also goes for
acoustics/sound. For instance, the human ear can only decode and sense a little decibel range.

So what truly is there to experience beyond this limiting “prison” is indeed only apparent for those who
have eyes to see.
The five senses are focused on the superficial plane and visible light eye sight, but there is so much more
extrapolating that. And this is very well known to human science. Nevertheless they propagate that
nothing else is there. At least the old antiquated science that is increasingly crumbling, getting exchanged
by the new science that has finally proven all of what the old co-opted and misguided paradigm denied for

Essentially there is much more than you can observe and the mind is able to perceive much more, but only if
it is open for these enhancements of reality that are discernable. Thus humans have to overcome the mind
manipulation which aims for exactly this blindness of the mind, so that an individual only believes in what
he can see and touch.

This is a mental modulation of humanity that has kept numerous humans in a little narrow banded reality
dominated by the five senses. But as we said this is literally nothing in comparison to what there truly
exists. To be capable of witnessing it firsthand you have to go within.
It is important to transform the confining creeds that most have adapted from school and education or from
childhood in general. That literacy which only is there to destroy knowledge so that humans can be
controlled more easily. And you can dominate them best if you separate them from the higher frequencies of
consciousness that are there for everyone to tune into. But if you want to hold a herd of sheep you must
make them forget their true divine potential and wisdom.

Therefore the defeated and disintegrating control system has manufactured the society and its
characteristics that humans are facing today and have been for thousands of years now. Due to the
externally coerced limitations humans have been completely disconnected from their inner source, being
captured on the material plane, trapped in false belief systems and low vibrational emotions.
Seagull Nebula
Don't change so people will like you, be yourself and the right people will love you

- Collective Evolution

This is a profound advice. Because as long as you try to please other people by changing yourself in a way
that is unnatural to who you are or that implies actions or decisions you only make because you want to
impress someone or to be “accepted” by others, you for sure create suffering.

Because by doing this you deny yourself, you don't approve yourself as how you are or for who you are. You
place the sentiment of someone else above your own, so in fact you are like someone else wants you to be,
you live the life of other humans, for you make decisions that are based on the opinion or advice of different
beings or the society as such.

Moreover these humans that are responsible for you devoting yourself to anyone but yourself are in almost
all cases not really interested in who you are. They are following their own agenda which often implies
dominating or controlling others as a compensation of their own insecurity and deficiency. So you sacrifice
yourself for someone who couldn't care less about you. If you wouldn't follow their instructions they would
find a different individual or group doing it.

If you now, in contrast to these scenarios, are true to yourself, meaning the estimations of other selves can't
change your mind about who you are, how you express yourself or what goals you are following. You are
more or less able to trail your heart. You are self-confident, knowing what you want and doing it no matter
what other people are commenting.

This attracts those entities into your life that really care for the self you are, instead of utilizing you. These
are the ones who are there for you when you need assistance, these are the ones who truly accept you like
you are. They truly love you instead of just loving to play with you.

When you are faithful to yourself, being aware of who you truly are, your life rearranges completely, you
are starting to fulfill your dreams. You are unfolding your main objectives, which are implied in your life
plan, so to speak. And if you walk on this path you encounter those individuals that are really important
for milestone experiences you are incarnated for in the first place. And because of that it is elemental to
always stay true to yourself. Be yourself instead of pretending to be someone you are not - only to impress

Humans that are only using you for their agenda are also of relevance, these are also characters you have
planned to meet during your life on earth, because they always offer the possibility to learn something. By
being disappointed by those entities over and over again, which is about to happen eventually, if you
change yourself for someone else who doesn't really care for you, you might learn that those are not the
“right” people to have around you, so you can take action and leave them behind.

N 164
Only what you can imagine, you can experience
You can only see as far as you can think

The whole creation relies on imagination. Every individual entity is a fruition of creation as such, which
has individualized to be able to experience itself and all its infinite possibilities. Therefore it projects itself
out of itself to watch and understand itself and every self that is incorporated within itself, which is every
self, including you.

So without envisioning there is no experience, thus it is essential. Since this process is dependent on
utilizing intention, thoughts and beliefs it is fundamental to cultivate creative ideas and an open mind
since you can only “manifest” or tune into experiences you can conceive somehow. This prevents you, now as
self-fragment, from entering very high frequencies, because you simply have no information about these
realms. This is going to change with the upcoming galactic wave that boosts your consciousness intensively.
It is going to activate your multi dimensionality, at least if you embrace it.

Therefore souls are motivated to learn, they want to grow. They love to expand their horizon, so to speak.
Only by undergoing this spiritual development that enriches souls with experiences, knowledge and
understanding, a self can gain additional insights and information. This enhances the spectrum or power of
imagination in return which then capacitates the self to “think or dream bigger”.
It also resembles the potential of entering higher densities/dimensions where “seemingly new” adventures
are waiting for you. But without being aware of it you are naturally incapable of tapping into it. Hence it
is crucial to extrapolate your Veda, since only what you know of can be experienced anyway. That is, one
can use the blossoming creativity that is enclosed inside each self, to reach out for more. At least as long you
don’t consider yourself to be allegedly disconnected from your intuitive source, like many humans still are,
although this is transforming rapidly, as we speak.

If you want to tune into higher frequencies, you should expand your imagination and sense of the possible.
Explaining away unknown contingencies for them being too far out there for you to be able to assimilate
these higher oscillations is what prevents you from getting in league with them.

The only limitations you can ever come across are the boundaries of your imagination. So those confines
that you (or rather your ego) set for yourself are your own creation. The human mind, unable to grasp higher
frequency experiences, propagates constantly “this is impossible”. All you refer to as being unearthly, and be
it just inaccessible “for now”, IS indeed unperceivable, for you.

Pelican Nebula
Control perception and you control reality
- David Icke

This is what the human control system did. It really has hypnotized humans with false belief systems and
conditionings that suit their meanwhile defeated enslavement agenda. If you are hypnotized to be unaware
of something you simply cannot decode it and thus you are inept to experience it.

It has been achieved with the usage of mass media mind control, religions that have indoctrinated
detrimental convictions into human and, low vibrational entertainment and social such as economic
standards that you are taught to obey to and work for.

By the use of symbols they can also change your perception. Symbols, like the all seeing eye in a pyramid
capstone (or any other one like a six five? – six sieht umgekehrt genauso aus pointed inverted star), resemble
a frequency and if you watch them your subconscious establishes a connection to it so you are in resonance
with the energy behind such a “proxy”.

Thus they also employ blockbuster movies to entrain you emotionally and to install hidden predictive
programming into your mind as well. Sound is also such a vibration but in regard to noise you at least can
hear it, symbols in movies or on advertisement are not consciously identified as such. Therefore the human
being just absorbs them and an energetic connection is created.

By doing this the entities behind the now dissolving failed control system can extract additional energy
from humans. In general they have made you believe that what there is to see is all that exists. Thereby they
managed to dissever many of you from your true source.

Most humans are still convinced that what is real equals the truth. That is a fundamental misperception
because it lets humans deny anything that doesn’t fit the adapted world view. What others, who are
capable of sensing more of what there is, might confront them with is instantly rejected and discarded as
well as ridiculed or attacked.

Such ignorance in billions of humans has allowed the forces behind the miscarried control system to take
over humanity without being disturbed. It literally has been a walk in the park for them, a piece of cake, so
to speak. Since you are brainwashed to repudiate everything that goes beyond the illusion of reality, these
beings just needed to shape reality to their liking. Humans did not have any clue about what was
unfolding, since they lacked the ability to see the bigger picture that is behind all of this. This has now come
to an end, fortunately for your species.

Luckily their domination is already lost, the scripted holographic simulation many humans still think is real
is elevating to the next level, if you like. A new human race and experience is right now emerging, every
awakened individual contributes to this transmutation. Therefore it is crucial to wake up yourself and
assist other ones in opening their eyes to deal with the upcoming “truth bombs” as well.

Pickerings Triangel
Those who do not think outside of the box are easily contained
- Nicolas Manetta

This is absolutely striking and matches the situation most human beings are still literally trapped in. They
have been put inside a box, in a way they have put themselves into it by refusing to question the belief
systems they are taught to believe in. Those systems or mechanisms aim specifically at putting the human
mind into a little small box, trying to establish a defense device inside the mind that refuses and denies
anything that is “located” outside of the rigid and preconceived convictions.

This is what we talk about when we highlight the human imprisoning that has been installed uncountable
of thousands of years ago, so to speak. And it was up and running until recently, but since human
consciousness is being transformed, humans are now able to break through these prison walls to free their
mind from all these conditionings and programs they have been confined with.

So if humans only follow and trust what authorities and their brainwashing institutions like science,
health and education systems present them, they only live a small fracture of the life they possibly could live
or more precisely BE. Since the manipulation of humanity has been well thought out it is a real challenge to
step outside of the box, for the ego creates anxiety and fear when confronted with the possibility to leave
the path of conformity and enslavement.
The human mind then wants you to dismiss such rather deep and more fundamental thoughts by attaching
dogmatic beliefs and inverted truths to them. It tries to argue such truths or insights away just like
hijacked human science denies hardcore proof of what they are refusing to accept because it doesn’t fit into
their world view or hasn’t been taught in universities or official information on certain topics.
They simply discard it, they either try to explain it away with sometimes ludicrous theories or they pretend
that it simply doesn’t exist. They refuse to research the evidence, because their mind is also conditioned and

To step out of this drama you might want to start to face what is actually happening on your planet. By
doing this you break the adapted restraints because you assimilate new information, which floods your box
instantly since there are literally oceans of intelligence and truths that have been kept hidden from you or
been totally reversed to function as perception deception.

This weakens the influence of the distorted and externally controlled ego at the same moment, which opens
the pathway to your inner self that exists above and beyond all those concepts and distortions. It
substantiates you to use such experiences to spiritually develop. That is, you have chosen to be in this
situation but with the aim or quest of emerging from it, by realizing who you are and what has happened.

NGC 2207
Holding onto anger is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die
- Buddha

Now this literally speaks for itself, but let’s take a closer look at it though. What the Buddha shares with
you is absolutely correct. Firstly the emotion of anger is often initiated by someone “seemingly” different,
another person so to speak. This is what he refers to when “expecting the other person to die”. So if they
generate such emotions that target someone else most humans are still unable to realize that they only harm

First and foremost the other self is the own self. Others are a mirror of the own self. In such a case you
project “someone” outside of yourself to be capable of watching an own aspect of your individual self. By
this you have the opportunity to learn from it. This is what the outward projection is all about. That is,
visualizing something that is inside of you so you can recognize, understand and utilize it for your spiritual
growth. If someone hates another individual and has “evil” thoughts these low vibrational emotions are
only oriented against the own mirror, which is yourself as well.

On top of that these energies are generated exclusively inside of the self that creates them. Of course these
cogitations and emotions resonate, so the self that is addressed gets subconsciously influenced by them since
they also reach the target. But the originator of these oscillations has them dwelling within himself, this
provokes frequency imbalances and suffering.

Everything always happens inside of you, there is no outside whatsoever even though it seems so. This is
only a misperception, so if you “literally kill” someone else inside your own head, this takes place only
within yourself. You are the one directly experiencing these vibrations consciously. You even ARE these
emotions in this situation, so you are of course only infringing yourself.

But most humans need a scapegoat to blame, so that they can deny responsibility. Basically this is a mirage,
an excuse that does not work since the individual (ostensibly convinced that this ego chatter boxing is true)
only denounces itself, unknowingly.

It merely contributes to the initial state of being that is of low vibrational nature in such an instance. It
perpetuates emotional drama manufactured by the ego that is in charge of all this. The heart – on the
contrary - does not know hate or anger, only your mind can enforce such distortions due to its detrimental
thought concepts.

That is, if you murder someone in your mind, this is like obtaining a gun and shooting yourself in the head.

NGC 1275
Prejudice of any kind implies that you are identified with the thinking mind. It means you
don’t see the other human being any more, but only your own concept of that human being.
To reduce the aliveness of another human being to a concept is already a form of violence
- Eckhart Tolle

Prejudice is a result of a dysfunctional human mind that is operating on the basis of separation, thus it is
creating mental concepts where it tags other beings with attitudes and characteristics that are only of a
superficial nature. This is disrespectful in a way, so one can define it as a kind of nonphysical violence
indeed. Basically it equals the denial of the other self’s divinity and true nature which is the same as yours.

In fact your mind is using conceptualizations to describe other humans constantly, at least as long you are
still dominated by your thoughts. By doing this you are incompetent to look behind the mask on the face of
the other being that is hiding its true identity from you.

These mental fabrications are preventing a deeper understanding of the true self that is expressing itself
through the other human being. You only recognize the name, job, relationships and the history or life story
of the other individual that your ego has focused in this moment.

This is what still most humans carry out. They only perceive the visual realization of the true self behind
the incarnation. They fail to acknowledge themselves in the other self. Therefore it is easy for them to
accuse or blame other entities, since they are not aware of the subtle consequences it has, especially for

Judging an entity only by its visual appearance or some attitudes that are rather irrelevant is a mind
created pattern. It has nothing in common with your true self which always senses the own self in every
other one. But since your cogitations are too noisy and frequent you can’t hear the inner voice channeling in
those truths.

That is, most humans are dependent on their thoughts or the identification with their fictional life story.
They are lacking the ability to look beyond the actors role everyone plays to express oneself in this world. Be
it in the shape of a human, an animal or anything else like “objects or things” you might classify as

To prevent suffering for you and other selves due to identifying with such distorted belief systems created
by the ego, rather try to confess your own self within every other self there is, because this is what everyone
truly is. Always remember if you see another self, honor the creator in it and if you look into the mirror,
appreciate the creator in yourself.

Milky Way
How people treat you is their Karma, how you react is yours
- Dr. Wayne Dyer

Despite the fact that many human souls now are now freed from the law of Karma after the finalized shift
in consciousness, it still is important to discuss it because it can enhance your spiritual awareness and
understanding which then in return offers more possibilities for even further extrapolation of said
understanding or remembrance. Also for being endowed for a fourth density life experience you have to
evaporate all of your Karma, otherwise you have to continue the third density school which is going to take
place on other planets after your actual incarnation.
However, what Wayne shares with you is true! Your reaction to something or someone can be seen as your
own Karma. You always have the possibility or option to simply refuse to respond to any confrontation and
alike. By doing this you free the other self from its own Karma as well, at least regarding the situation both
of you have created.

You can also relinquish all Karma simply by forgiving. Only if you cling to something, mostly due to
emotions of anger or retaliation created by the ego (which is of course angry about being attacked or
confronted or harmed), action/reaction patterns can manifest. But your true self only observes and tries to
guide you, it is unaffected by human emotions. It is always the human mind and the misunderstanding of
fundamental laws of creation that is responsible for aggravating Karma.

In fact Karma is no punishment, it is just “action” or “reaction”. It being a sentence is simply propaganda
to create fear in humans. It is just a balancing process which results in the involved souls being motivated
to switch roles so they can learn and understand how the other self has experienced certain events and felt
while undergoing something.
It is about studying as much as possible, so Karma plays out due to free will, souls do want to foregather
again to experience something similar so that both know how or what the other one thought and sensed.
This is correlated with cultivating compassion as well. So if you have been murdered you love to find out
what it has been like for the other soul, which normally is a soul that is very close to you, that you know
since “birth”. Entities with similar attitudes and traits are galvanized into primary soul groups and those
selves in most cases play important key roles in the incarnations they witness together to endorse each
other’s spiritual growth.

The most essential thing to know about Karma is the shortcut to resolve it most effectively. This is easy to
achieve by forgiveness, by letting go of emotions that have come into fruition due to interference with
another self. If you condone those who have done something to you, you not only support yourself by not
accumulating additional Karma, but you even more importantly avail the other self to be free from
supplementary karmic implications as well.

Naturally this is only possible if you already have mastered yourself, so to speak. That includes the
understanding and realization of your true self, implying that every other self you ever might come across is
your own in disguise.

NGC 602
Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can do that
Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that

- Martin Luther King Jr.

This is a great philosophical interpretation of what humanity is experiencing now. It perfectly describes the
simulated holographic existence of the human being or the universe humanity is situated in, in general. It
really is a kind of “going to school”, a gradual spiritual development. So of course this “simulation” implies
challenges, because you grow with them, only intense moments and adventures are suitable for learning.

And what humans still define as darkness is the so called nemesis which makes such dares possible. So there
needs to be darkness first to be able to acknowledge the light. After recognizing it you might start to strive
for it. This is exactly what is happening on earth. The so called dark aspect of duality can be seen in wars,
violence, humiliation, murder, racism, exploitation of nature and similar events.

So defiances like wars and brutality create emotions of hate. Facing this first obviously is important, for a
vast amount of souls, to eventually reunify with the love component of everyone's self again. To be able to
transform emotions of anger, hate or alike back into forgiveness and love you might want to undergo such
vibrations first, otherwise there is nothing that can be transformed.

The whole concept of love and hate in this duality based illusion is intermingled with this. You require the
darkness to be able to see the stars, you need hate to remember love, such as sadness to be capable of
appreciating joy and inner freedom.

So since this is a school for souls, those who decide to participate in this simulation are taught these lessons
by using similar situations and experiences one can encounter in a human life, and the darkness part of it is
essential to this whole concept this training ground is based on.

In fact all souls coming here are fine with whatever they are about to manifest, they know, before
incarnating, that this is very suitable for their spiritual development. They appreciate such challenges and
choose them willingly, because they are aware of the fact that this is a powerful way of learning
fundamental truths like unconditional love, compassion and forgiveness. It also offers the possibility to
remember something about yourself, for you being all there is, which also implies everything that might be
related to the conception of “darkness”.

That is, you might want to get to know something about this as well, first hand, by experiencing it
yourself, for example by incarnating with specific goals that are imply getting in touch with said facets of
what humans might define as the dark side. In fact darkness is just another expression of light, thus we are
only dealing with thought concepts here and they imply, at least for this reality based schooling system, the
following outcome:

Darkness eventually turns into light, hate eventually transforms into love
Egg Nebula
You are confined only by the walls you build yourself
- Spirit Science

This is a very accurate description of the human status quo. Even though this rapidly is changing and
evolving there are still numerous humans that are imprisoned by their own belief systems.

In fact most of these human beings do not really confine themselves. They are externally constrained due to
mass hypnosis. This hypnosis is accomplished by society guidelines, mass media propaganda, teachers,
politicians and authorities in general. One is always educated to look up to others that are seemingly of
higher position or value in society which is a giant hoax.

It is merely a distortion of the truth that everyone and all are equal, so to speak. There is always, ever, only
one authority in your life, which is yourself. So giving away the power you have is synchronized with being
externally steered and dominated.

So those humans we are speaking of are conditioned and co-opted to build their own prisons. This prevents
them from realizing who they truly are. They adapt behaviors others want them to apply. Thus they are a
life that others want them to be.

Due to this manipulation and the structure of human society you are literally coerced to enslave yourself,
while being completely unaware of it. The concept of limitation is the most restrictive one. Humans are of
the opinion they are unable to fulfil their dreams, they think they are incapable of achieving something.
This is a mass mind control program that has been successfully installed into most human minds.

Because of this mental hijack humans are happily contributing to the construction of individual prison
walls, by policing and controlling each other without knowing it. For instance, if there is one who wants to
do something that goes beyond the accepted norm, everyone tells her or him, “no you can’t do that, or

In fact everything you believe is possible, can potentially be manifested and attained. You are only limited
by your own imagination and capacity of what might be feasible to conceive. Your convictions shape the
life-experience you are, and if you exclude something from being “real”, you simply are inept to manifest it.

That is, humans imprison themselves, until they grasp who they truly are and what implications are
accompanied by this enlightenment, which normally resembles the deliverance from this self-made

MACS J0717
It takes nothing to join the crowd but it takes all to stand alone

This is absolutely true. Being compliant to the norm or the social economic standard is a walk in the park.
You just have to follow orders of authorities and do what others command you to do without thinking it
over. In fact such humans do not think individually, they “are thought” by their mind which acts on its
own behalf without most even realizing it.

Neuron-Science has demonstrated irrefutably that the brain (of such an externally controlled human) reacts
before someone even starts anticipating or acting, this is the human mind matrix at its best, relying on
preconceived assortments.

But if you get aware of this prison that has been established for your species to dumb you down, so that
you only serve as slaves and energetic food source, you can decide to just disembark from the program. Being
liberated from it is comparable to standing alone.

What such a brave human is also soon about to comprehend is that there are already millions of humans
that also thought they stand alone - but in reality they don’t. The point is that most of them just are
unaware of the fact that so many others already have woken up as well.

And very soon those who once stood sole will be surrounded by others that made the same decision to detach
from the mental prison. Every one of you has the ability to accomplish this, if you choose to be bold and
manage to harmonize (and thus modify) the co-opted dysfunctional mind that kept you enslaved for so long.

Since most humans are still brainwashed to effectuate what others order them to do, many still have to face
this situation. The funny thing is they hallucinate they are the majority and what they believe in is right or
the truth. But sure enough, !very soon!, they will find themselves outnumbered by those who have left the
lock down they are still captive in. Those ignorant humans are still defending it since they are unable to
admit to themselves that their life has been a hoax and a house of card that now is about to fall apart,
especially when the imminent full disclosure event is initiated, which is going to happen quite erelong as

But this is their own choice, many of those humans have chosen to deny it prior to incarnation, because
they are not able to join the new humanity yet. Their development can’t lead to an enlightenment now.
They are about to continue their spiritual growth in another location that is still of third density quality,
until they also reach the point in their progression where they are able to take the next step in their spiritual
soul evolution.

Tadpole Nebula
Do not get upset with people or situations, they are powerless without your reaction

- Collective Evolution

Let us begin with clarifying that everything or everyone you react to is a projection of your inner emotions.
So if there is someone you hate, for example, you do not despise him or her, but you detest something within
yourself that you still have to accept as an aspect of your SELF.

By having such mental distractions, you automatically create a projection that has only one goal…. To let
you understand that there is still something within you that needs your attention, so you can transform it
by accepting it. And as long as you react to such a “fabricated” mirror of your inner self with hate, rage or
alike, you direct energy to this aspect that you still have to embrace. Of course then it is persistent, until
you have understood what this projection wants to tell you, or what your self wants to teach its own self-

Such a reaction always comes from the conditioned human mind, it never is a response that your soul or self
induces. Your self only observes and tries to maneuver you into the best possible direction it has laid out for
its own soul fragment in this incarnation you are experiencing yourself as now. So the human mind is
responsible for such emotions and feedbacks. It “thinks” it needs such emotional energy to survive, which of
course is a misconception that has been established by external conditioning and manipulation.

So in fact YOU don’t even respond in the first place. These events or occasions are only there for you to
grow, to learn to embrace yourself as what you are. It is about approving everyone else as he or she is and
honoring given situations as for what they are. You shall realize that all of this is created by yourself, for
learning and developing purposes. And you learn best by experiencing challenges. Such situations are a
defiance to react in a way that transforms low vibrations, which reactional emotions of anger and hate, for
example, are.

But the most essential lesson that can be taught is to just accept everything there is, like it is. It is already
the way it is, so in most cases you can’t change it anyway. And you can’t and shouldn’t try to commute
other entities. This is only an outside projection of your inner motivation to change yourself and thus you
create humans you want to alter, not being aware that you in reality only want to redefine yourself.

- Eckhart Tolle’s work is really advised if you want to learn more about this

NGC 2841
An arrow can only be shot by pulling it backwards. So if life is dragging you back with
difficulties, it means that it is going to launch you into something great. So just focus and
keep aiming.
- Spirit Science

This is something that almost everyone already has experienced. There has been a drawback, something you
wish it would have never happened, while it occurred. But later on you realize that only because of this
event, you are now able to benefit from something that would have been impossible to unfold if the
situation (that you normally thought of to be “negative”) hadn’t surfaced.

Many of you are still incapacitated to recognize this. In fact no matter what proceeds, it offers you a
possibility to learn something. So if anything happens that you subsume as excruciating (for instance your
partner leaving you) you normally don’t consider it to be another chance for progress or change in the
moment where it is taking place.

If a relationship ends, in most cases at least one of the involved humans suffers heavily. But such an
incident normally teaches you that this individual that has left you, is not what you really need. Many
humans fail to keep this awareness in such a moment where “the mood is in the basement”, literally.
Therefore they are depressed and sad, but subsequently there emerges the realization that maybe this
“divorce” is beneficial in the long run. And mostly this turns out to be true. So in such an example the
affected person meets another entity and a new relationship originates out of this appointment which
potentially is much more conducive to the inner balance and harmony of both.

Everybody knows these instances, where you are shocked, depressed or disappointed at first, but posterior,
and be it even years or decades later, you come to the conclusion that it was the best that could ever
happened to you. Often such realizations are accompanied by healing and/or awakening.

So if you understand that something wasn’t a drawback at all (even though you once thought it was) but
has offered you new opportunities that otherwise wouldn’t be there, you can experience sudden cure or
epiphany. The demonizing of an experience keeps a disease or dysfunction persistent - or creates it in the
first place. That is, what seems to be “bad” at first sight might be of great use or benefit much later in the
life you are, so keep aiming and be open for surprises.

When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged
to change ourselves
- Viktor Frankl

If an individual changes itself be assured that the circumstances alter simultaneously, because any situation
is a projection of the inside of a specific entity. Everyone creates all events one might encounter on own
behalf. Often it is rather the human mind that is in charge, but since this is an aspect of yourself as well it
is still your own self-reliability.

It is crucial to understand that you can’t transform the outside world if you only try to mutate the
“external symptoms” without concentrating on the reason (which is you).
The symptoms might be found in form of other individuals, for instance. But you can’t and more
importantly you shouldn’t try to change other selves. Avoid it because it violates their free will, which only
manifests obstacles to deal with later on for yourself. You can’t modify them anyway since they are only a
reflection of yourself, so you still have to work on yourself in order to shift the behavior of other entities.
Every human you meet throughout your life is yourself disguised as someone else, a mirror of your
consciousness to serve certain functions for you. Most humans overlook this and so they are inept to benefit
from their own creations that are here to teach them something.

Mostly other beings or situations are generated to empower you to learn something about yourself. If you
have trouble with other ones you may want to teach yourself to balance the inner struggle you have with
yourself. If you are disconnected from your inner guidance and dominated by your dysfunctional ego there is
a constant imbalance within you.

Humanity as a collective magnetizes and manifests experiences and defiances, like the control system many
still are trapped in and controlled by. It is essential to realize that the former control system functions as a
very important teacher for humanity. Neither are they evil, nor are they your enemy. It is all a soul school
simulation and each of their actions has been requested by the human soul family.
It was teaching humanity to finally conclude that separateness is an illusion and that it only fosters such
defiances which manifest as wars, religious fanatism, racism and alike. Essentially the human imprisoning
agenda is only the executive that provides distortions for you to learn from as a species.
That is, there is no necessity to hate and attack them! Rather forgive them (which stops the wheel of
Karma) and fathom the deep implications and importance they have for the growth and transformation of
your species which unfolds NOW.

Eagle Nebula
Searching for fulfillment is like looking for something that doesn’t exist, expecting it to be

Fulfillment in the way the human mind interprets it is simply inexistent. The ego’s understanding of it
derives from superficial needs like belongings, relationships, money or fame. And since these are all only
temporary material illusions, one is predicted to suffer if all importance is projected into those aspects.

All of this is something the individual leaves behind when it abandons the body again. It can’t be
transferred to a higher frequency. So why identify with such mentally created concepts in the first place?
Apart from that there is another reason why such an approach is forecasted to be a failure. You can only
seek for something that you have lost, but the fruition so many are striving for is already achieved. The
chase for it, especially if you search “outside” in the world of shapes, is what disconnects you from it.
Inside of you the whole creation is located. So everything you might look for, is already there for you to
experience if you realize that this is indeed the case.

The separation from your inner abundance is what initiates such a quest to begin with. This can be referred
to the manipulation of the human mind. It has been conditioned to hunt for fulfillment outside of the body,
where this outside also equals the inside, since it is only a reflection of your internal state of consciousness.
And if you overlook the own profusion within your being, you are incapable of encountering it as a
reflection in the seemingly outside world.

The human mind has been modulated to function this way, therefore it fabricates concepts of not being or
not having enough. It forwards you on a journey of obtaining whatever it desires. As long as this resembles
your daily routine you are completely trapped and controlled, not by your intuitive guidance but by an
implanted self-governed program that plays a game with you.

So instead of masterminding the game of life, you are played by your ego. And the mind always forces you
into a quest for something which is already available. In this essentially the ego is never satisfied with
what you achieve.
The ego driven “paper chase” is never over until you realize that there is no necessity for searching anything
in the first place for everything is already there for you and this is applicable for all human beings. You are
what you look for, so stop excavating and rather embrace who you are and what this truly means.

Carina Nebula
The cost of not following your heart is spending the rest of your life
wishing that you had
- Collective Evolution

Most of you often sense something inside you, a spark of intuition where you feel like “this is something I
really would love to do”. Sure enough the ego enters the scene and tells the individual “no you can’t do that,
what would your friends or your colleges say” or “no you can’t do that. How do you want to survive
without having enough money to be secured?”

Many humans may be familiar with akin situations which are often related to their working places. Most
of you are unsatisfied with your jobs, but you continue to serve the society, going on working. Deep inside
you would love to do something else. But due to external modulation the mind denies or postpones
everything that might lead to a change of the status quo the ego already has identified with.

For your mind you are your name, job, bank account, money, status and your image. Of course nothing of
the aforementioned is what you truly represent. What you truly are is imprinted into your heart, for it is
aware of the plan you have worked out prior to incarnation.

Everything that relates to following your heart is in most cases the exact opposite of what the mind thinks
you should do or avoid. It is simply the emotion of fear on which the ego bases its decisions, which are
defined as “your choices” in the end, at least if the voice in your head still rules you.

In such an instance, where the ego is in charge, nothing changes of course. And this goes on and on “day in,
day out”. With every day you repudiate your true purpose of being here. You generate more suffering and
regret for being too fearful of stepping outside of your own prison to just unfold or express who you truly

Let’s assume now you are growing “older” and your possibilities to take actions or realize dreams are
decreasing rapidly. Let’s imagine that you finally have overcome the mind, meaning you have accomplished
to melt it with your intuitive guidance. Now you see that you have wasted your whole life doing something
that you never really wanted to do, that you have been serving the ego that has prevented you from
fulfilling your dreams. But now it is too late.

It is like spending your life disowning what you would like to manifest on the bet you can buy yourself
freedom to do it later. This is an illusion, a projection into the non-existent future. You can only feel
freedom in the present eternal moment. Sensing it “later” is impossible, for “later” plainly doesn’t exist.

Foxfur Nebula
The greatest form of control is, when you think you are free, while you are being
fundamentally manipulated and dictated. One form of dictatorship is being in prison cell
and you can see the bars and touch it. The other one is sitting in a prison cell but you can’t
see the bars and think you are free.
- David Icke

Many humans really hallucinate they are "free", which in most cases is an illusion and mind control program
that functions as intended.
How can anybody be referred as free if he/she does something he/she normally would refuse to do, just to
get some money at the end of what you call a month?
That is, someone is seemingly "forced" to do something. As long there is such an external "pressure" or
coercion, you are simply imprisoned and thus anything but "free".

How can anybody be considered to be at liberty if he/she obeys laws and follows what you call authorities?
How can anybody be deemed to be free if he/she makes decisions that are dependent of the opinions of
others or the society?
How can anybody be referred to as unrestricted if there are regulations that constrain “you can't do this,
you can't do that” and one obeys them?
How can anybody be defined as being nonattached, merely because he/she is just unable to recognize the
prison bars inside the own mind?
So how is anybody of your species able to consider himself to be unenslaved as long as you are controlled by
other forces due to mass hypnosis they have obfuscated and delineated your mind with?
Many might think they are independent, but they are in fact deeply manipulated and controlled. The only
fact is that they can't see the bars of the lockdown they are trapped in, believing they are free, which
derives from the externally engineered distortion of the individual’s self-perception.
The only way you truly can be unengaged is to realize that you have been put into a mental prison in the
first place, followed by being capable of accepting that and getting over it. Because by distinguishing that
this has been factually the case for all of your life, you are already freed from the mind control. Moreover
forgiveness for those who did put you there can be called a quantum leap in self-realization or self-
understanding as well. Due to this you can begin to follow your own intuition or heart, which elevates you
step by step out of influence, control, conditioning and conformity. With each of those steps and changes
you undergo, your freedom and independence increases.

LDN 1551
Don’t judge a book by its cover

What is applicable for books and also movies is even more important when we address the human being. As
you know many humans judge others only by their appearance. What they look like, what clothes they wear
and alike. This is pretty superficial and only says something about themselves but not about those they talk
about. In fact this only demonstrates that they themselves only function on the surface and have yet to
realize who they are.

In fact the outer shell is only that, a facade that a soul-being utilizes while being incarnated into such a
third density consciousness simulation. How an individual appears doesn’t say anything about the true
matters of the being behind or inside the envelope. Only the within, what is inside the heart, truly is of
relevance. The body itself dissolves gradually and ceases to exist anyway when the actual embodiment is
about to be finalized. What is left is the essence or energy of the self and this is only to be found in the
heart of a (human) entity.

Think of it this way: Beneath the human skin, there is a skeleton. Every human being has bones that look
almost the same, especially color wise. That is, under the integument everybody is “dressed” identical, there
is no black or white color. This should be meaningful enough to grasp that especially racism is ludicrous, for
there is only one race and this is the human race. No matter what hue a human has chosen to utilize in the
present incarnation.

You have to understand that every single human has constructed its own body prior to incarnation - out of
good reasons that serve the intentions of the individual self for the embodiment it has planned. Every soul
comes here with specific goals that contribute to its spiritual growth. If an individual is born with
handicaps or restraints which prevent it from moving around, this can be an indication for the aim of
living/being a life that is focused on mental abilities and purposes.

If you are prohibited from being in motion you are bound to performing something like intense studying,
reading more books, writing texts yourself and alike. That is, all bodies are chosen wisely. So if you, for
instance, are dissatisfied with your own corpus appearance or performance you may remember this to be
able to let go off such distorted and limiting mind conceptions that only generate suffering.
And the same goes for everyone else! Try to realize that the other self is your own self, and if you judge
anybody you judge yourself (or aspects of yourself you still have to learn to accept). This is often a main
reason for creating such reflections, intended to judge other persons to eventually come to akin conclusions
that are accompanied by an accelerating of your spiritual growth process.

NGC 4921
You are unconditionally loved, just for existing

This is the most fundamental truth there is, in a way. You are yourself this said unconditional love and at
the same moment you are an individual expression of it, like everyone and everything else that shares the
subjective expression with you. So you are infinite consciousness, creation as such and simultaneously you
perceive yourself in the shape of one of innumerable co-creators.

You all are originating from the profound source that is creation, which resembles unconditional love.
Therefore you are one with it. You are essentially loved, no matter what way you have chosen for your
(actual) spiritual development.

Just for being, just for existing you are loved by everyone and everything else, even though their superficial
counterfeits like human beings in a third density experience might act differently. This is to be expected
since most humans are still not aware of themselves and their fundamental essence. Only because of that
they can harm each other or go on war with one another.

So you are invited to realize that there is nothing you have to feel guilt for! Whatever you do, it is already
forgiven, even before you have performed it. Maybe it is hard to grasp for some, but also child abusers,
murderers, “war criminals”, the secret elites and all other entities that are suppressing humanity (or are
consciously killing or hurting other beings) are also unconditionally loved. It is a fundamental fact,
everything emanates from love and compassion.

All that humans define as negative or bad is only what it is. It is what has been asked for by all involved
souls. For instance, murderers and their victims are basically souls you would classify as best friends or
relationship partners in a way (when observing it from a human perspective).
They do this to progress and grow! The souls themselves, when being reunited in afterlife (for instance), are
excited about them having been successful. Souls are neutral and detached from human emotions that might
make people deny what was just written. This is abided as well, for many simply still have yet to learn that
this is a fundamental fact. Hence they come here, to learn that there is nothing you ever can do wrong, that
there exists nothing you have to be anxious about. In essence they aim to understand that there is no
indication to feel guilty for anything you might have conducted whatsoever.

So it is irrelevant what you do! Even if you create the worst imaginable suffering while being incarnated
(be it to others or to yourself), please realize that it is already condoned! You are being loved
unconditionally, no matter what you intend, say or actually manifest!

NGC 7380 (© Boian Pachev)
I have been asking what is the secret behind matter for 50 years, my whole scientific career
long. The result is simple, matter simply doesn’t exist
- Prof. Dr. Dr. H. P. Dürr,
Quantum Physicist

A precisely correct statement and more importantly it is scientific fact. Matter is only an illusion, it is
inexistent. It is condensed energy created by thoughts which converts energy to objects, organic lifeforms or
whatever you can sense in general.

With the breakthroughs of quantum mechanics scientists have proven for an irrefutable fact that matter
consists to 99,999999999% out of vacuum, “empty space”. Of course this space is everything but empty, it
boils with energy, this is the source of the soon to be available free energy devices as well.

They have verified that matter consists of literally nothing, at least nothing solid. An atom is a wave and a
particle, it becomes a particle if scientists observe it consciously. But the main form of existence is the wave
form, a wave imprinted with information, for example due to a thought. So energy waves are enhanced
with intelligence and this finally manifests what humans call physicality.

There is no debate about this, it is approved by every scientist in the world. Everyone who denies this or
who propagates that matter is real or solid simply betrays himself. You may have to face ridicule, if you talk
about this with individuals who know what matter is and what not. Since more and more humans are
realizing and learning about the true physics of this universe, such sceptics are having less and less support.
They are becoming more isolated with their limited world view and understanding, but they have chosen to
undergo this challenge for good reasons.

It is needless to say that this is nothing to blame them for, they have been manipulated and modulated to
think and act like this to create suffering. Moreover they have chosen this way of living prior to
incarnation anyway. It is advised to avoid interfering with their free will in a way that hurts them.
Therefore rather talk to humans that are open for truths. Those who deny reality have to face it sooner or
later, if possible try to help them when the truth is out in the open and broadcasted in the mainstream
which they derive their world view from. In any case their mindset is to be respected and accepted.

Always remember they have one advantage which you don’t have. They are about to witness the biggest
surprise a human being can conceive, when they are forced to admit that their life has been a lie and
moreover externally coordinated all along. If you have a close friend who repudiates reality, be thankful to
him. He is your chance to re-experience this epic “stunner” when both of you review this incarnation in
afterlife to learn even more from your adventures by switching perspectives.
That is, you undergo the life of your friend and your friend mimics your life, this is common practice in
afterlife. All involved befriended souls can ultimately learn from every other one by practicing this swap.
Therefore you are about to experience this unbelievable big astonishment for yourself, while being them to
witness what they went through in the life they have expressed themselves as.
NGC 1316
A single dream can be more powerful than a thousand realities
- J. R. R. Tolkien

These are very wise words that are absolutely spot on. When we observe what you call reality we soon
identify that there are a lot of limitations that you have to cope with while being inside a third density
body computer. At least in this kind of reality you are experiencing here now. But normally all material
dimensions are accompanied by restraints in your true creative potential.

Just as an example, it is seemingly impossible for a human being to fly without technical assistance. You
also can’t run through walls or manifest cars out of thin air. Indeed this is viable for a human being as
well, but only if it has managed to truly transform all of the limiting conditionings and modulations that
are externally and/or internally (self-imprisoning) installed.

So for the regular human being it seems to be inconceivable which in essence has to do with the physics that
are relevant for this kind of third density frequency band. Those physics that would allow you to perform
such “ascended master manifestations” (you call it “supernatural powers” but it is indeed just a higher form
of physics) that are neither known to you nor to your scientists. Therefore only certain individuals are able
to gain such powers, as of now. The consciousness shift is changing this, since you are downloading
additional strands of your DNA. If you activate them eventually you might very well be capable of using
telekinesis/levitation and alike with an ongoing training and adaption to the general shift you are
undergoing now.

However, if you now compare this actual status quo with your dreams where you are empowered to do all
of the listed above and even more, you can see the difference clearly. In a dream (especially if it is a lucid
one where you take back the control and are able to play out your creative manifesting energy that comes
with your intention) you are able to create literally anything without any limitations.

In fact a dream is much more “real” than the reality the human being is witnessing “every day”. A dream is
rather a kind of afterlife experience. Your spirit is borderless, it has no body computer that prevents it from
flying or dematerializing and rematerializing somewhere else instantaneously. While being in your dreams
you only have to intentionally think about a place to be there or to manifest it, for example. You can create
anything you can conceive.

All of this is almost impossible while being embodied. Matter is slow vibrating energy, it is so tardy that it
can be sensed in a seemingly solid way. But this is only a playground for souls to develop! While being
restricted in your abilities you really can learn something about them, you also appreciate your true state of
being which is a keystone in being able to love yourself, which is essential to be able to love someone else.

You learn to accept the constricting aspects of what you are here and now, since every limitation is
manifested by yourself, it is yourself, it is you wearing another mask. And by experiencing boundaries you
enrich your individual self-understanding. You learn to love your true self also for its perfect imperfections.

Giraffe’s Hind Foot
The soul has been given ears that hear what the mind does not understand
- Rumi

Even mainstream science demonstrates that what your mind (who processes the input of the five senses into
something you can actually experience with them) picks up, is only a fraction of what you receive and also
emit in every moment of your incarnation. There is a constant exchange of information, which also consists
of other dimensional intelligence from higher frequencies that reaches you subconsciously for you being
multidimensional in nature. Your soul assimilates all of it, at least all of what it can perceive in the state
of being as an “afterlife-soul”. The rest is being absorbed by your other self-aspects that are actually able to
decode it. They are located in realms that exceed the capacity of your afterlife self.

The human body computer is endowed with your five sense perception. For example your sense of sight is
only able to process the frequency of visible light, at least without assisting technology or an expansion of
consciousness. But this is only a tiny fraction of what there is in the light spectrum.
So only because you can’t see something (or someone) this doesn’t imply that it is not actually there. In fact
all frequencies exist parallel to each other in the same infinite space, but like a radio or television channel
you have to tune into them to be capable of experiencing them.

The same goes for sound vibes. There are chimes/tones your ears are unable to even recognize, unless you
extrapolate your perceptible portfolio by going on a journey into yourself, for example by meditating. This
can massively expand your awareness and it facilitates your ability to sense something you normally could
not even notice before.

All these vibrations and information bits that are thrown at you in every moment are incorporated by your
sub-consciousness. Your soul is easily capable of receiving and processing all of this data, but the conscious
mind is merely fed with filtered departures of it, so to speak. Almost nothing of what you constantly obtain
or save on your internal hard drive is directed into your conscious perception.

This is in a way necessary for the simulation you are participating in since it is limited to specific
possibilities. Everything lying beyond that is percolated because it would only blow your mind and totally
mess up your cognition, for you would witness things or events you are incapacitated to even imagine while
being plugged into the simulation, as you are completely lacking the knowledge of it.

This would potentially harm many incarnated beings for them being incompetent (as of now) to cope with
this flood of information, if it was consciously sensed and integrated by the mind.

Dragonfish Nebula
Each morning we are born again, what we do today is what matters most
 Buddha

He is absolutely right when saying this. Even though the human mind is programmed to believe in the
concept of time, which in fact is only a thought concept, there is only ever the present moment. So there is
only “today” if you like. Buddha tries to point out that you only can act and be in the present moment.
There is no past, no future, all of it is just a complete fabrication manufactured by your mind.

This quote implies many aspects that are relevant. For example, you can decide to change the life you are
“every day”. A new today means a new chance of modifying something or conducing something to your own
spiritual progress. You just have to let go of the “things that happened in the past” to be able to start
something new.

Many people hold themselves back because of experiences they encountered “before today”. When they think
about a fundamental alteration in their life they of course conduct an analysis beforehand. But this
evaluation is based on events that already have ceased to exist. Of course the outcome based on such a
decision mostly leads to similar incidents like they have been encountered before. In this sense there is no
real change, no progress whatsoever, although for the sake of this development you are incarnated in the
first place.

Because of this elemental truth of there being only the present moment, what you do “today” is obviously
what really matters, because anything else that is not now has simply no relevance for the actual instant.
Of course the human mind is of the exactly opposite opinion, which makes it so difficult for so many
humans to understand this. The ego identifies with the “life story” that mostly consists of what it
understands as ”foretime”.

By living, mentally, in the yesterdays you live in thoughts only. This creates suffering automatically,
because you put yourself outside of the only moment you exist in, the now. And thus you are isolated from
your true self, which of course is the eternal present itself. In truth you only ever live today.

So because of this it is vital to completely focus on “today”, for it is everything there is... ever.... anything
else is only a mental projection, wasted energy you could use instead to manifest something that matters,
today, now!

Perseus A
You don’t have a life, you ARE life
- Eckhart Tolle

This is a very important truth to remember! Because as long as an individual is of the opinion he “only” has
a life, then there can be the illusionary imagination that one can lose it, thus creating anxiety or fear of
what has been misinterpreted as death.
In fact, since you really ARE life, you can’t lose it, you can’t forfeit something that you already are! You
can only lose something that you “possess” or “have”. This can be material things for example, which of
course are also the life they ARE, only in a different form wearing another mask.

And one can ask the question, if you “only” have a life, then what are YOU? When you, seen from this
limited perspective of self-awareness, are seemingly something else?!
Without you being here, nothing of all this would exist for you to experience, because you ARE not only
yourself but also everything and everyone you observe and come across. Everything you see or perceive is
only a projection of your consciousness or better to say the soul you are, creating the life you are/you
undergo with all its ingredients. So in fact, no matter what you look at, you see yourself and you, in form
of these other seemingly external expressions of yourself, stare back at yourself at the same moment through
their eyes.
Always remember, you are the observer but you are also what you observe at the same moment. AND,
additionally, you are the act of observation as such. Now imagine there is another one, who is watching the
depicted scenario. This is also who you are and it works by the same principle and lies within the infinite
holographic structure of creation as such, where you have a facet/self of your self on every frequency
band/dimension/realm and there is no end to it, ever.
If you want to know more about being the life you are instead of just having one, I can only advise you to
read books by Eckhart Tolle:
The power of Now and A New Earth

Horse Head Nebula
Don’t get so busy making a living that you forget to make a life
- Spirit Science

This is something you should realize since many of you are working so hard that you are constantly
exhausted, and you do this only to keep a certain life standard that mostly is characterized by material
possessions and desires or your image.

You sacrifice your power completely to “survive”. This is a reptilian aspect within the human brain, because
the reptilian is invariably scanning for dangers, always trying to stay alive. But you need to comprehend
that there is nothing to survive in the first place! It would only be possible if there was the opportunity to
cease to exist, but naturally this is impossible since energy is indestructible and you all equal such infinite

If you give away all your power by working until complete depletion, you have no energy left to resist the
temptations and manipulations of the defeated control system that has in a way forced you into this
situation in the first place. This is why it was so easy to control humans in general.

You need to understand that there is no necessity to behave correspondingly to make a living or more
essentially to be the life you are. It is merely vital to find your true passion. Then you follow your heart or
intuition, it knows very well what you skills and talents are. Those should be used as a way of making a
living as long there is still money on the planet.

Basically many fear to do this, because they have their job and just quitting it might be very risky in the
eyes of their mind. The ego is the only authority that interprets it this way, your true self is aware that if
you choose faith you are going to be successful. But denying it is an act of fear. And angst is what holds
you in place unable to move or evolve. Therefore anxiety is created “all over the place” to keep humans
imprisoned and paralyzed.

Life is about expressing your true self within this playground. Naturally there are many souls who yet have
to get there. They might, for example, just have started their incarnation experiences literally. So there is
much to learn and witness for them until they can master the defiance of breaking the boundaries of
compliance and conformity to be brave enough to be oneself in the sense of the true self that is utilizing this
third density incarnation for its spiritual growth.

But apart from a few exceptions (souls that can’t stand a human incarnation adventure - these are only a
few who continue their development exclusively on higher frequencies in such a case) every embodied soul
eventually reaches this point, so every entity is cared for.

Rosetta Nebula
Information impacts and dictates frequency

This is very important to comprehend. Firstly, like Nicola Tesla already pointed out, “everything is
frequency”. And this is absolutely true. You, as a conscious being, tune into a certain oscillation, just like
the third density vibration you are decoding now as reality based system.

With regard to what frequency you are “joining” the experience changes or varies. Higher vibrations for
example resemble what you call astral planes and the afterlife and everything that goes beyond it as well.

The realms and dimensions you are witnessing are all different frequencies but all of them are parallel to
each other, therefore interference between them is possible and very common. Thus entities from higher
densities, for instance, can manifest into your third density which you define as your observable universe.

Which oscillation you are assimilating is ultimately dependent on the information that is accessible to you.
It might make sense that if you are unaware of a higher realm, you simply can’t tap into it consciously
because you have to focus your attention on it first to create resonance.

That is, while residing in a body computer you can only get in touch with your higher self, if you know that
you are one or that you are an outsourced byproduct of it.

Information creates form, which is already encoded in the word itself:

In.form.ation – Bringing “in” “form”.

It is up to yourself which intelligence you utilize. Is it based on fear or does it originate in faith and love?
Fearful information manifests something to be afraid of. Information derived from love makes it possible
for you to fulfill your dreams.

In general only what you are aware of or what you know of can be utilized as information for creation.
Something you have no data about is simply out of reach, you are unable to synchronize with it
subjectively. This is one reason why some humans can see what others can’t. If you are convinced of
something being possible, you are empowered to experience it, and if someone denies it, he lacks the ability
to encounter it.

Generally spoken, the intelligence that is existent is impregnated in energy waves and these are emitted to
magnetize and manifest that which is in coherence with the radiated information.

Stephan’s Quintett
You never know how strong you are, until being strong is
the only possibility you have
- Bob Marley

First and foremost he is precisely accurate when he points out that most humans don’t recognize how
strong they are. This is based on the fact that society is teaching humans in a way that they forget about
their true strength and the profound power they inherit, since everybody is “god” or creation. What most of
you still lack to realize is that you are in fact so powerful that you create your whole life experience for
yourself (in co-creation with the collective of course).

Everyone is creation masked as subjective individual consciousness co-creating on behalf of the

fundamental source. And the forces that are behind the human mind hijack tried everything to let you
forget these profound insights. They programmed you to obey authorities - for them being the ones in charge,
seemingly. This is only what society and shadow governments want you to believe, but it is untrue, straight
out - what you refer to as - “BS”.

What he also highlights is another important aspect, which is related to awakening due to suffering. If
someone has an intense crisis this always implies another chance of learning and realizing something that
accelerates the individual growth. The soul often choses such situations or events to be able to study and

So if someone experiences a pervasive depression, he might come to a point where he is fed up with all this
frustration and pain. Thereby he creates a motivation to dissipate the concurrence with these emotions and
events that have led him into this situation. Meaning the individual has the possibility to break and
transform the identification with the dysfunctional ego that has manifested all this distress and sorrow in
the first place.

Even though there are other potential ways many humans still prefer to awake through acute suffering
because it is genuinely a powerful teacher, so to speak. Many of you obviously still need this experience of
being fundamentally broke or depressed to realize that nothing of this is needed, if one only recognizes who
one truly is. And due to this insight being one of the main goals of every incarnation cycle, those
participating souls choose these defiances for their spiritual development (to jump start it, if you like).

Dissolving this false understanding of who one really is requires an enormous inner strength and will.
Because the conditioned mind is (for many) really challenging to overcome. In akin moments, like depicted
above, one has to invest all available energy to really discard or dismiss this detrimental and deceptive self-
identification. When you manage to transform this view of yourself, you apprehend how strong you really
are. Most humans need uncountable numbers of embodiments in such an environment to finally come to this
Cat Paw Nebula
Progress is impossible without change and those who cannot change their mind cannot
change anything
- George Bernhard Shaw

This is precisely correct. Firstly the mind, by using thoughts and emotions that create new cogitations in
return, manifests the whole life experience you are. So of course if you can’t change your mindset, so to
speak, you recreate events, situations or experiences that are at least similar to those you already are
familiar with.

Secondly, progress is in fact only possible with alteration. Because without it, obviously, everything stays
the same. Even though this seems to be apparent most humans are yet unable to recognize this and
integrate it into their behavior or awareness.

The whole creation is characterized by amendment. That is, every individual, just like the collective, evolves
or develops spiritually. It is about gaining or remembering insights or truths that empower you to achieve
even more and deeper understandings and realizations. This in return gives you additional potential,
because you can merely undergo what you are aware of. So if you get to recognize more, you are able to
experience further.

And this is what the whole spiritual growth process is commemorated for. Remembering evermore of what
you - deep inside - already know, for you are all of this knowledge yourself. But as an individual self-
fragment or self in general you are on a never ending journey of discoveries and adventures that contribute
to your individual and also the collective enhancement or enrichment.

This only can be attained by progression and it is bound to change. Someone who never transforms always
encounters the same, thus no advance is feasible. This is why many souls need more than one try to solve a
riddle or to master a quest. A soul might require a range of incarnations to finally be able to accomplish the
diversifications it has calculated beforehand.
Since there is no time whatsoever, this is uncomplicated as such, there is no hurry, if you like. But anyway
the soul strives for spiritual self-improvement, thus it always tries to guide its soul fragment, which is you
in this embodiment, to those profound realizations.

If such implementations are achieved, the soul is about to move on eventually, to other dimensions where
the same principle is to be faced. You start another journey in this reverse engineering kind of remembering
who you truly are. Without such “movement” there is no dynamic, and without the latter there is no energy.
Therefore a constant evolution of your self is induced by transition and commotion,
so to speak.

Trifid Nebula
I cannot tell you any spiritual truth that deep within you don’t already know. All I can do
is remind you of what you have forgotten
- Eckhart Tolle

Or let’s emphasize that you have chosen to forget all of it upon incarnation. In fact in the first years of a
new born human the soul is still pretty aware of itself, it often leaves the body to fly around earth or play
with other souls that are in new born children waiting to grow up as well. So befriended souls are often
going on a journey together as long as the kids are young enough.

But when an individual has reached a certain age and already has identified itself with the concept of its
name and what parents (and alike) are telling about who the individual seemingly is, all of those insights
you still had at hand when being an infant are gone.

Now there starts the real challenge of the life you are, and this includes being unaware of all those
fundamental truths that you encompass, that you are, to be more precise. Always remember you are the
fundamental creation, you are all there is and ever can be, you are all possibilities and your actual
expression as human being is just one of those infinite potentials you can choose your appearances or
experiences from.

So in fact all those spiritual truths that have been taught to humans over their history are already deep
inside of every single one of you, for you being these truths in the first place. Everything you get to realize
about your embodied self-fragment and your higher self or spirituality in general is already known to you,
you only remember it.
Therefore spiritual advisers in fact can’t teach you anything new. They only warm up what is already
within you and has been there ever since eternity. Souls willingly decide to forget or deny their origin and
knowledge or wisdom to have the opportunity to learn something by undergoing it “first time”.

By doing this you can take such an incarnation seriously, you are able to witness suffering. You are capable
of generating low vibrational emotions which are used to teach you something so that you can assimilate
certain important lessons into your spiritual growth process. And this is only possible if you pretend to not
know who you are. If you hide from yourself, so to speak, you are able to excavate yourself again. Or one
can say it is vital to forget who you truly are to be a human being.

If you already are aware of everything, there is no defiance, nothing you can study in this educational
simulation souls participate in for an intense version of learning by being and experiencing the simulation,
if you like.

In fact you already know everything, but in this state of being it is often only theoretically. To evolve
faster and more efficiently souls decide to gain the practical (or “lived”) aspect of all this knowledge or
sapience by incarnating in a body computer.
NGC 2467
Everything you seek seeks you in return

Here we want to start by telling, briefly, how and why it works exactly like this. It is based on you being
creation, you create your own reality, you manifest the whole universe. Everything you see and experience is
manufactured by the self you are. It is a projection out of your inner being into the outside world, which
also is you.

Now how does it work? It is simply by focusing your thought energy which is based on beliefs mostly. So
what you believe to be true is what you can experience, but what you reckon to be untrue is almost
impossible for you to undergo.

Humans who are of the opinion that psychic abilities everyone naturally has (like telepathy or levitation)
are a hoax, are unable to acquire such skills. Because for them this can’t be possible, so in fact it is
unearthly… for them.

It is your energy that aligns, in this case, with what you seek and in return it manifests, thus “seeking

Really awesome regarding this is that nowadays human science already has proven this theoretically &
experimentally. This has been achieved mostly by quantum physics.

Factually such knowledge and proof has been known for decades now, but it hasn’t been communicated
into the public for the ones who lead societies and humans don’t want you to know this. Quantum physics
has verified the infiniteness of consciousness. It has substantiated the direct fundamental connection
between everyone! Or to say it like this, quantum mechanics has irrefutably demonstrated that ALL are
one. They call this, for example, zero point field. This resembles an elemental quantum energy field that
everything and everyone in this universe is implied in and originated from. Thus everyone and everything
itself IS the universe.

In our special case, regarding quantum physics, the act of focusing your creational thoughts/emotions is
called the collapse of the wave function (“Copenhagen interpretation” is one scientific term in quantum
mechanics). When this happens a so called virtual particle becomes “real”, it leaves the realm of all
possibilities and transfigures into something seemingly solid.

So what you focus your dash on is what can leave all possibilities to become something specific and you are
the only force that is able to generate this for yourself. No one else provides this for you, you create
For more information you might check the documentation “Bleep”. I recommend the so called “Quantum
edition”, or read David Wilcock’s “Source Field Investigation”
NGC 3310
Peace cannot be kept by force; it can only be achieved by understanding
- Albert Einstein

This is absolutely correct and the opposite of it can be very well observed throughout the human history of
the last thousand years, be it the crusades in ancient times or nowadays engineered wars that have been
initiated and manufactured by the shadow governments and their “glove puppets”.

Naturally one can hardly bring peace by bombing the country and its civilians which happens frequently, on
purpose. So invading countries while pretending to want to convey peace and freedom is absolutely inverted
and delusional. Everyone should be able to understand that you can’t bring peace by the usage of force or

It is a fundamental law of creation that energies of similar frequency resonate. Warfare and hatred are of
low vibrational oscillation so they can impossibly attract liberation and freedom. They only can magnetize
more low oscillating energy by death, suffering and counterforce for brutality begets violence due to said
If governments proclaim they want to extricate humans in a foreign country, intervening there by bombing
or invading them, it is a blatant lie and only a cheap attempt to legitimate these actions in front of the
population of the own country.

In fact peace, globally, can only be achieved by understanding that all are one, that all originate from the
same fundamental source that is creation which resembles unconditional love. Inner peace can be
experienced when realizing this fundamental truth. If one is aware of everyone and everything being
unified, such an individual is unable and unwilling to violate or harm anyone else, for it would merely be
an attack to the own self.

If you moreover comprehend, eventually, who you truly are, why you are here and where you are from, this
changes the life you are profoundly. It makes it feasible to finally dismiss fear and anxiety, for both are
only temporary duality illusions for learning purposes. This manifests an inner freedom or peace that is
independent of material belongings and other humans or alike, for instance, in view of relationships.

It submerges your mind with the intuitive guidance that is inside you/that is you. That is, the ego stops
enacting drama, which naturally involves other selves to reflect it, but this regularly engineers suffering in
one or another way. This is going to dissolve completely, maybe not over night, but gradually. Because if
you once realize who you are and what it implicates, it is impossible to “fall asleep anew”.

Cave Nebula
We’ll know that our disinformation program is complete, when everything the Americans
believe is false
- William Casey, CIA

The CIA even admits themselves that they are only telling nonsense, inverted truths and straight out lies to
their population. Of course this is not only referring to America, this is applicable for the rest of the world
as well, at least most of it.

They own every media company in America, this is even to be found in official and already
published/disclosed documents. So there is no argument against this, it is a simple FACT. They tell you
themselves what they have envisioned for you.

The CIA dictates the governments. It has fabricated Al Qaida, ISIS and every other staged “terrorist” false
flag. This institution has been highly infiltrated by those who are working for the now defeated agenda of
human enslavement.

Since they possess every news corporation they are dictating what is broadcasted on television and what
not. They use the television ”PROGRAM” to manipulate and hypnotize the masses. This works very
efficiently (also due to frequency modulation) at least for most humans who simply believe anything that is
told by news readers or whoever is appearing in the oblong box.

It is really astonishing to observe how humans are being confronted with something like this and still
denying it. This is because they are full of fear to admit that they have been wrong all along. Instead of
being honest to themselves they hide even deeper in their house of cards not to face the truth that they have
been brainwashed, co-opted and exploited.

This was a great success of the former control system. But that can’t prevent it from crumbling now. They
have failed to unfold their agenda before the shift in world ages at the end of 2012. Just like the simulated
virtual reality has been programmed in the first place, at least for this timeline/this universe.
Those forces behind the mind-matrix and hack of the simulation are also gifted with free will so they are
allowed to continue to play their games with humans as long as still too many of these are asleep. Since this
alters exponentially they simply have lost control. It is going to take a few/couple of years until the last
remnants of their terminated system are gone, but it is inevitable for them. They have to leave this planet,
the rising vibrations are “sorting them out” naturally.

It is advised to open the eyes to what is truly happening, there are thousands over thousands official
documents from the US government and the CIA available that clearly demonstrate what they have
enforced so far. These scriptures have been disclosed for everyone who has eyes to see (more are following
very soon). This is what finally expurgates them. You now have access to these formerly hidden intelligence.
Keep sharing it since it facilitates your species’ awakening profoundly, which in return accelerates the shift
even further.

NGC 2798
No matter what you look at, you always watch yourself. Creation individualizes into
infinite subjectively experienced beings and by doing this it watches and experiences itself
through an infinite amount of “seemingly” different “eyes”

For an eternal and infinite consciousness there is only one way to be able to experience itself, to get
to know itself.

It has to do an external projection, so it can watch itself, so it is able to understand itself.

Therefore the fundamental source individualizes into infinite numbers of beings, like your souls are.
Creation gifted all of its facets with free will, to be empowered to watch and understand itself
through their eyes, their actions, their thoughts and imaginations.

By doing this individualization it has created the infinite possibility of experience. Because now
these singular beings are interfering with each other, thus creating an endless amount of adventures
and it is all about the experience. Because only by the aforementioned there can be gained
So every one of you, fundamentally, is like a mask creation puts on to gain new knowledge of itself
and its potential.
Moreover every one of you IS creation itself, only you are now perceiving yourself as a so called
fragment or aspect of it that resembles the actual progression of your individualized state of soul
being. But at the same moment, always, you are the profound source itself.

This all fits into the holographic structure of the spring of all there is, where one aspect of the
hologram implies all other aspects of it and vice versa.

You can compare it to the waves of an ocean, which are contained within the ocean and the whole
ocean is contained within each of its waves.

IC 63 (© Astrocristall France)
Suffering is a powerful teacher, a great chance to wake up

You might understand that everything related to suffering is unneeded indeed, which is in a way correct,
depending on the perspective it is processed or analyzed from. But on the other hand distress as such is
needed first - for MANY - to eventually come to this conclusion.
Thus it is required and redundant at the same moment. It is unnecessary for the state of being of the self
you really are. But it is beneficial for obviously umpteen self-fragments, so that they can develop further in
their selves' spiritual growth process by realizing that they, as an outsourced soul aspect, are independent
from affliction as well.

As you observe the world today you detect suffering in so many places. This is originated in the simple fact
that many selves have chosen to use these intensified opportunities for being empowered to wake up.
Frustration, pain and depression can dissipate the false identification with your life story or ego that has
created ALL misery in the first place.

Your thoughts or beliefs that you have adapted while growing up are your reality manifesting feedback
mechanism, so to speak. If you think “I am so sad” your mind produces emotions of tearfulness and
heartache. This fashions your life experience in return. In the end all tribulation is only related to the
cogitations you cultivate derived from certain events or situations.

Moreover this anguish the involved entities are undergoing while being a human experience, has been
specifically selected prior to incarnation! The soul is aware of the fact that such intense emotions or
challenges are powerful teachers, you really learn your lessons by witnessing pain and agony.

So it is necessary for being able to realize that it is unnecessary.

Such an epiphany is an elemental step or milestone in the self’s development.

As you see everything is for a reason! Those who comprehend this are able to embrace themselves (and every
other self they interfere with while being embodied) for what they are. That resembles a quantum leap one
can achieve during the individual growth process.

Meathook Galaxy
To understand who you truly are, you need to forget about it first

And this is exactly what happens, when you decide to incarnate. Beforehand you literally “sign a contract”
that when participating in this simulation you give away all the knowledge about who you really are. This
is the whole purpose of your human life experiences. The main goal of these third density incarnation cycles
is to realize that you are the self that is behind all of this, while being seemingly this human being the mind
wants you to believe you are.

Every self undergoes a spiritual development process that is about getting aware of the true self. There is an
infinite number of true selves of the individual creation-fragment you are about to experience on this
journey. In fact they all exist at the same moment, since you are multidimensional, but it is a gradual
adventure conducted by self-fragments that are experiencing themselves subjectively. This adds to the
possibility of learning as much of one self as possible.

So you are the creator of all that you perceive. By pretending to be unaware of this you are able to really
appreciate your creation and simultaneously you have the possibility to utilize this for your spiritual

It is like you are being the programmer of a video game. You know everything about it, every corner, every
quest, every outcome, all alternatives that are possible to get in touch with when playing the game. When
you now have finished producing it you of course have a different perception playing it from someone who
is new to it, where every step, action or situation within it is a first time experience.

This is a very fitting analogy, because this principle is why souls willingly decide to forget who they are, so
that what they are about to undergo seems to be new, like something you have never witnessed before. In a
way you are reverse engineering yourself. By doing this you are capable of learning something about
yourself in a very sustainable way.

In fact creation wants to understand itself, it likes to apprehend how it got to where it is now, being all
there is. Source wants to learn what this means and what it implies. So it gives life to infinite creation
fragments or selves/souls and alike that are able to reverse engineer themselves. This is how creation learns
about and experiences itself. So the whole spiritual development every self goes through is ultimately a re-
construction of creation in a way that it seems like first time situations and events so that there is always
the sensation of the new and allegedly unknown which massively adds to the tension and eventual
elevation as such.

You might try to imagine that “you” are about to be all there is subjectively, one after another – even
though everything happens simultaneously - for this is needed to gain a whole complete understanding of
yourself. But since there is an endless amount of possibilities and thus infinite ongoing creation you might
never actually get there, which of course isn't required anyway, since you are already there.

NGC 6188
Because she competes with no one, no one can compete with her

- Lao Tze

This seems reasonable because you can only compete with someone if you attract competition. For instance
you might fall into the pit of what society teaches humans in school, universities or traineeships, which we
can define as a conditioning into rivalry. For society always tries to implant this thinking and behavior
into the human mind.

You have to be better than someone else to get a job, for instance. This is what the schooling system,
amongst others of those modulating measures, is teaching children and young adults. It is a blatant
manipulation and only meant to support the feeling and understanding of separateness.

Moreover, on the fundamental level, it is impossible to attract someone you might compete with if you
avoid sending out such resonance. So if someone is in total balance with his own individual self, the said
one is automatically in harmony with every other self there is.
Therefore it is impossible for such an individual to create situations or events where one might be drawn
into competition or any kind of confrontations anyway. That is, only what is fed with energy or attention
can be attracted.

If someone buys into the false prophecy of being in need to be better than someone else, this individual emits
matching resonance or energy patterns that reach out for similar vibrational patterns to magnetize them
into his life experience. This is classical law of attraction that every one of you uses at any moment of your
own incarnation.

So only those that are identified with the guidelines or traits of the so called society, nowadays can be
targeted with such low vibrational energy, which creates suffering naturally.

Because if you rival with someone else you compete with your own self, even though it is still hard to
believe for some, this is exactly what is happening. That is, every other self is only another expression of
what or who you are. And if you start to live a “rat race”, your body, for example, adapts this attitude and
now all cells inside your body also start to compete with each other. This can of course manifest disease and

Therefore it is crucial to understand that there is no need for rivalry whatsoever, it only generates
frustration and imbalance for the individual and the other self in return as well.

NGC 3256
Instead of calling life work, realize that this is play

- Alan Watts

It is, in a way, exactly that. You can try to look at it as a multiplayer online game, which it is. You and
every other being are, in this case, avatars/characters you can choose to play, like in the video games you
might be enjoying yourself.

And like it is in those games you play, in THIS one you are also able to create your own avatar as you like
it to be. You even stipulate its specifications, you can exchange the latter with the term job or work, for

You also define what type of character it shall be. You can settle the gender it has, you determine what
your body looks like. You also choose your hobbies, your abilities and the kind of general behavior such as
your world view and much more. You also construct your “guild”, if you like. In your case these are the
beings surrounding you, like friends or the institutions or groups you are dealing with while being
incarnated. You even select your parents and all important relationships beforehand.

You furthermore define the "map" where you want to play or at least start on, which in your case can be
seen as picking one of those seemingly different countries you can live in.
In general it can be stated that you adopt your own set of rules, which are implied and possible within the
basic regularities the game has been developed with. That is, there naturally are some fundamental rules like
physics and boundaries that can't be crossed for a soul-fragment expressing itself through a body computer.
It is easy to understand this by looking at the holographic nature of creation, when you have a so called
multiplayer game in your reality, there are equivalents in other reality or “truality” (realms that extrapolate
reality perception) based systems as well.
And from such a “truality” (the beyond/afterlife) realm you have created this projection that you call
universe including the human life. But it is indeed a fantastic and unbelievably advanced "open world
multiplayer game", if you like. And the "computer" (if we still observe it from the game analogy perspective)
that your self is "sitting in front of", playing itself as YOU, is situated in what we can call the beyond.

It is simulation, in which you are able to grow spiritually through various experiences you are facing while
playing it. You may call them quests or challenges that contribute to the said individual spiritual
development, since you are learning these lessons more deeply and lastingly when undergoing them in such a
reality based simulation system.

B 32
When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace
- Jimmy Hendrix

And this is happening right now. Until lately your world has been obsessed with power. The society is
characterized by the greed for influence, an image and money. This conditioning has been deliberately
implanted into the human mind. Those behind the curtain installed a world view that is the complete
contrary of the true human nature which is love and compassion.
Not love for power, control or money, but love for each another and nature. This has been hijacked and co-
opted by those who have installed the human mind prison or matrix that still many are trapped inside. This
is transmuting exponentially now for humans are bombarded with higher frequencies and high vibrating
energies coming from the sun and the center of the galaxy itself. Moreover the solar system now is located
inside a so called photon ring which conveys this higher oscillation transforming the human being gradually
by increasing the base frequency.
The old humanity has been dominated by the dogma of force and control, this has led to challenging
experiences and events throughout the recent human history of the last thousands years, which all souls
have agreed to. In a way a software update incorporated these intensified defiances of the last cosmic cycle
which now made it possible for you to wake up from this artificial dream you have been trapped in.

A dream where almost everyone has temporarily forgotten about the own true nature and divinity. A dream
where one is manifesting adventures to gain knowledge and wisdom from. Because you best learn by
experience and the more defiant the task is, the more rewarding is the outcome.

Now the power of love is exceeding the love of power. The latter is only attributed to a real small
percentage of the whole human population on this planet in the first place. Most of you are only
hypnotized by those in charge, being distracted from your true identity, forced into a society of competition
and separation from which the situation humans are facing now derived.

Not just inner peace is unfolding inside of humans, at the same moment collective peace is increasing as
well. Therefore the shadow governments failed to break loose a real war in the Middle East. They have to
rely on fake threats like IS(IS) that have been created by the CIA instructed by their former elite

Whatever these groups tried to trick you into believing or what they recently used to create fear in humans
has failed because more and more are looking behind the veil realizing that it all is an elaborated hoax. Love
is wide spreading amongst humans now transforming all those lower vibrations until they have completely
ceased to exist, which is now VERY close about to transpire. Especially the years 2016/2017 are going to
be what you refer to be “game changing” with old structures and hierarchies are going to be completely
exchanged, overhauled and reinvented. Also advanced technologies like free energy, energetic healing and
everything alike (including materializer, anti-gravity, interstellar space travel, portal travel, you name it)
are going to be shared with you after the downfall of the old slavery system.

NGC 4526
Do not judge by appearance; a rich heart may be under a poor coat
- Scottish proverb

This is absolutely true. You can never really identify who is truly under a certain skin, unless you personally
get to know the person. So in fact many souls that are rich in their heart, full of love and compassion,
choose very basic conditions to thrive in. They are liberated from concepts of possessing and accumulating,
they are detached and therefore they don’t need big houses, cars or a bank account with many zeros behind
a number (= money that actually does not exist anyway).

They deliberately decide to incarnate in really indigent areas of the world, which are at best “seemingly
poor” because the humans in these regions are normally those who one can consider to be rich. They are
affluent of love, compassion and understanding of the true nature, like in many Asian countries or India.

Many have clinched, for instance, to be monks or entities in rural areas where they support the community
or go on journeys to spread wisdom and teach others in spirituality, just like Buddha or Jesus did. Humans
like your Yogis and alike are often such really abundant souls being hidden under a poor coat.

Merely because someone is impoverished (in material terms) this doesn’t imply that the said one is less
worthy than someone else. In fact every being is equal when it comes to values, which is simply forwhy
everyone is a different expression of every other one. All are one, for all being individualized co-creation and
creation itself at the same moment. Therefore these terms or concepts cease to exist. That is, if everyone is
even and equal, you can’t compare, you can’t value them in comparison to one another.

This is a real fundamental comprehension of the own and the other self. If you are able to really perceive
yourself in every other self (acknowledging the other selves’ uniqueness, but at the same moment seeing the
own wholeness and source in them) you have mastered a quest most human souls are here to strive for.

Indeed any judgments are to be transformed into the understanding of all being one. Thus denouncing itself
is unnecessary in the first place since every being is unconditional love in its true essence. Whatever any
entity does to another one is forgiven naturally. Unconditional love does not know or utilize guilt and
judgment, for it recognizes itself in any being and any action and it is all knowing. So it is aware of the
fact that these are only human mind concepts and misguided beliefs that souls temporarily might (and
obviously DO) need for their spiritual progression.
Fundamentally there is no need to condemn, unless you are still learning exactly this. Then you are
manifesting situations or individuals you can denounce or accuse to eventually come to the conclusion that
it is only sensible as an intermediate experience for learning third density lessons. If you judge anyone, you
only target yourself and that results in suffering which you want to transform into spiritual growth and

Heart Nebula
None are more enslaved than those who think they are free
- Goethe

This is absolutely the case and humanity is characterized by having fallen into the trap of allegedly being
free, which is only a mental misperception that has been enforced over your mind, so to speak.

Your society is constructed in a way that it equals “being free” with having money or possessing a certain
image. So the system suggests you what you should do to be free. But if you do exactly that, while thinking
“then I am free eventually”, you enslave yourself more and more.

In fact no one is free unless one completely disconnects from those belief systems. Even then most are still
dependent on money, which is of course the opposite of being liberated. You have to pay for your food, your
shelter and healthcare (amongst other services or products). Thus there is still this subordination on the
currency you are using. But being aware of this you now have the opportunity to take action.

You can clinch to unfold your true inner freedom by gradually unplugging from these mechanisms society
has set up for guaranteeing your slavery. As soon as you gain your mental freedom back, you are in the
situation to even expand it by manifesting a life you are that is independent of those characteristics and
pretended needs. This is possible, if you step by step strengthen the faith in yourself, which is easy when
you have obtained the control over your mind, decisions and actions again.

In fact there is a feasibility to live without money, there are already many akin communities around the
earth that are emerging right now. And in general the consciousness shift that you are manifesting now
(individually and collectively) is changing this aspect fundamentally to begin with. The mammon is about
to dissolve completely (after an intermediate period with new currency, this time backed by gold and
precious metals) soon. It is, in this sense, rather something that young humans will later be briefed about
when they learn about their ancestors’ history.

Money has been the most effective tool the forces behind those deceptions have used to imprison humans
and to force them into dependency. They tried hard to convince you that you have to follow their guidelines
to survive or to progress, but this is only an illusion. If you really want to develop you have to refuse these
structures and start to go your own way, creating your own reality in a way that is beneficial for you and
others as well.

As long as you only hallucinate that you are free, participating in the society without calling it in question,
you are lived by those that have manipulated you to act and think in a certain way. Realize that you have
been locked down, leave the prison, which is easy if you comprehend you are inside one. Instead of getting
lost in it, be the life that you are, be free, take back your sovereignty.

W80 – Pelican Nebula
One-ness can only be understood by experiencing the concept of many-ness, this is why you
are existing

Oneness is the fundamental state of being. It is what all individualized consciousness fragments
originate from. But to be able to really understand or grasp the concept of all-there-is as one-ness,
all there is has to be projected outside of one-ness.

This is what all of you do in every moment. You mirror your inner self into the so called outside
world. It goes from within to without. The experience of what you define as outside of yourself is
simply a reflection of your inner being, your inner drive to manifest yourself in a world of shapes.

So in a way, the fundamental source has the idea or desire to understand itself, to comprehend
what it means to be all there is, to be whole one-ness. Thus it creates myriads of individualized
consciousness units that can now watch, analyze and experience creation. Thus it is getting aware
of itself at the same moment.

So essentially it projects “itself out of itself”. By doing so it is now able to watch itself, to try to
gain knowledge of itself. It now has the ability to create experience, which is needed to learn
something about itself. One can only study or develop by experience. The creation of these
adventures is possible due to various individual consciousness fragments interfering with each

So source is just curious about itself and therefore it is producing infinite situations and events
such as self-reflecting beings that all have one goal: reverse engineering their origin. This resembles
a holographic way for creation to do the same with their help since all these individualized
fragments are being so called co-creators, assisting creation directly.

So in essence creation is watching itself through an infinite amount of “eyes”! This helps the
fundamental creation to realize itself. So every singular consciousness or soul being is heading for
the ultimate understanding of itself, which is in reality the ultimate quest of creation to know and
experience itself, a quest that can never end.

California Nebula (© Caspar Schuhmann)
Nothing ever goes away until it teaches us what we need to know
- Pema Chodron

This especially accounts for so called suffering and pain. The individual or rather its true self decided before
incarnating what lessons it wants to learn. They are learned most efficiently by challenge and that is
created by manifesting sorrow and distress, for this is what most human souls need to “awaken into

If one is always encountering misery this is for the individual to gain knowledge and growth from it. And
as long as you still have to be taught these specific lessons, you face suffering again and again. Most
humans (for their mind being manipulated to function like this) never realize it, thus requiring many
incarnations for the same goals.

So, for example, if you want to learn to “let go”, you might choose to undergo situations where you lose
beloved ones, maybe friends or family members. Now, the individual is sad and might fall into depression
and can’t let go, mentally. It even might commit suicide because of such a loss. In this case the soul creates
the same circumstances again for its “next” embodiment. It does this until the soul fragment decides not to
commit suicide again facing the defiance to finally learn from it, which normally leads to a significant
change in the personality and behavior, some call it “awakening”.

Or you generate a constant struggle with yourself, maybe you are unsatisfied with what you look like or
how your body is shaped. In this particular case the soul also wants to be able to accept itself as it is, for its
perfect imperfections. Thus it creates a body that has “flaws”, the incarnated soul fragment now is
challenged to approve itself as it is.

Of course the human mind is obfuscated - mostly due to false media propaganda – resulting in a false
perception of what one should look like to be successful and coveted. And the ego is the instance that comes
up with these misguided beliefs that one can’t match these criteria or that one has to reach them in the first

Thus the involved individual now has fabricated a nonexistent “problem”. The dare here is to understand
that nothing of this is needed and that it has originated in thoughts coming from a source that identifies
itself with drama, pain and frustration. The individual is defied to get to the point where it is able to look
behind the curtain or to realize who it truly is. With this insight all suffering is released and transformed,
because the individual now has increased its base frequency and thus manifests its reality in a different

So humans are creating anguish and misery over and over again until they realize that it isn’t appropriate,
for them being all there is, infinite consciousness that is just learning and growing spiritually. And such
painful lessons are powerful teachers.
NGC 2146
The only way out is in
- Leonard Jackson

This is obvious if you realize that everything that you define as outside of yourself comes in fact from
within. It is a projection and manifestation of your inside being, your inner self that mirrors itself into this
world of shapes with your help. You are the vehicle for your self, so it can experience a third density,
material, world.

Moreover the “inside” of you is infinitely vast, for it being the realm of eternal consciousness, which you
are. Everything “material” comes from this state of being. So you spring from within in the first place and
you sink back within after this “life” you are ends again.

When you are of the opinion you need a break from the supposedly outside world you should go inside. This
also perfectly fits the quote we are discussing now. Not in a way of fleeing but in the sense of regaining
energy. Because your power source lies within, in the deep calmness of your true inner self.

You only have direct access to it by going within. You never have come into this world, you have come out
of it, again from the inner-ness.

Everything you see and experience is a visualization of consciousness. On the deepest fundamental level, it
is of course also your own awareness, for you and everyone/everything else is the substantial creation,
itself. But in fact everything in such a material world is only projected out of a conscious self, so the only
way OUT of this, for everyone and everything, is to go back “IN”-side.

- Eckhart Tolle and Alan Watts are great sources for deeper research
Messier 17
It’s not what you look at that matters, it’s what you see
- Henry David Thoreau

This is a very profound statement. In fact what you are looking at “day in, day out” is anything but what
you think it is. What you guess you are examining is only mental concept. You name something and
attribute specifications to it, and e voila you have just successfully distorted what it truly is for it is
nothing else than you wearing another mask.

Of course everything you observe is another individual self disguising as whatever it appears to you but in
the end it is you. Every of these individual selves or consciousness fragments have originated from the same
fundamental source that is creation itself, which resembles every one of you.

As long as humans only look at something, describing, analyzing or defining it, they lack the possibility to
really see through or behind the cloak these entities are wearing. So they are unaware of others being a
consciousness or self-fragment that crosses their way to offer them another opportunity to come to these
profound conclusions.

The moment you are cognizant of you being everything you look at, you have mastered a discipline that
every human soul in the end wants to succeed in. This enables you to accept everything and everyone as it or
one is and for what it or one is. This furthermore empowers you to face everyone and everything with a
loving and compassionate attitude, thus contributing to the transformation into awareness the human
species is experiencing and manifesting now.
It also motivates you to respect, embrace and maybe even support the free will of every other self you are
coming in contact with. This finally allows you to step out of the karmic cycle to be able to progress further
in other disciplines that serve your spiritual elevation.

Most humans just stare at something while being completely unaware of what it is, since they don’t see
behind the facade. Therefore they act unconsciously in interaction with other beings and at the same
moment with themselves actually. This in return manifests Karma and results in suffering, for these
humans only violate or harm others and themselves.

It is important to realize that there is much more behind what you can detect on the surface. Thus a change
in perspective is needed (regarding the way you view things) to enable you to understand who is truly
astern of the holographic expression that you are faced with. This offers you the possibility or chance for a
deeper grasp of your own self and creation in general.

LDN 1622
We can easily forgive a child for being scared of the darkness, the real tragedy of live is
when men are afraid of the light
- Plato

And sure enough there are vast amounts of such men and women that are literally scared of the light, which
is in almost all cases due to being conditioned and brainwashed to live a certain way. That depicts a life
that contributes to those who have done the manipulation which has been very beneficial for their now
failed agenda.

Yet many are still trapped in a state of darkness, so to speak. Most humans have been in such a state their
whole life long up to now. So you are “used to it”. Your ego has accepted this suffering as being what you
or your life is like. Your mind is interested in keeping this alive – at least as long as it is still co-opted. Thus
it creates anxiety and fear, which adds to the feeling of separateness and loneliness. It tells you over and
over again that you don't have power or energy to change anything.

Because of being used to their own pain and depression, humans are scared to transform it, because they
simply don't know what this modification will result in, what the outcome of a fundamental change might
be like. The challenge is that the ego tries to avoid everything it doesn't have any knowledge of. So it creates
thoughts and emotions that stop the individual from taking action.

This results in ignoring obviously beneficial potential “achievements” that derive from altering the direction
of one’s life. Because this would fundamentally recreate the situation at hand, which is a NO GO for a
distorted human mind that is mainly bound to past experiences.

In this sense humans dismiss help and opportunities that might let them take a step aside from the path of
suffering. They prefer to continue facing suffering even though someone might come up with an idea or
suggestion how to end such emotional imprisoning. They simply argue it away for themselves, or more
precisely their thoughts are responsible for it.

Due to this mental dysfunction there are individuals who ignore even scientifically proven facts of the soul
or consciousness being immortal/infinite. They are unable to envision what might await them after leaving
the body computer, thus they hold on to the concept of vanishing for ever. It is really intriguing to observe,
because how can one prefer to believe in being gone forever when it is already proven that the self is for

Of course the individual denying it has specific reasons to do so that are implied in its individual spiritual
development! So don't blame them, rather feel with them for they have chosen a life full of doubts and
anxieties without any hope, which definitely can be challenging at times. But this is what contributes
massively to their own growth and progress.

NGC 2183 & 2185
The kingdom of heaven is within you; and whosoever shall know himself shall find it
- Egyptian proverb

The Egyptians know what they talk about, for sure. And this is absolutely true. In fact the kingdom of
heaven, or we can call it the beyond, is no place. It rather is a state of consciousness which is available for
everyone also while being seemingly separated from it, like most hallucinate they are while being

It is indeed the within of everyone, because everything is your own creation, be it this reality or also that
which goes beyond it. It is always to be found in every entity just like the whole universe you are observing
is only existent inside your brain. It functions as hardware (processor and graphic card) inside the body
computer to decode this reality based simulation you are perceiving now.
So heaven is nothing to seek, it is already present, inside each and every one of you. You only have to
remember, this is what is meant with “whosoever shall know himself”. When you finally realize that it is
rather a frequency you only have to tune into, you most likely have also figured out that you are the divine
source that has invented all of this.
If you know who you are (whosoever shall know “himself”) you gain access to this spiritual realm. Maybe
you need some “training” first to adapt to this oscillation, but this is to be expected because most of you are
here to learn.
In fact everyone can align themselves with this frequency. Essentially you firstly need to know that it
dwells inside of you and that you can perform this coalescence anytime you want, for this is the only
infinite present moment anyway.

It is the same with “god”. God is the within that lies below and beyond the expression you define as human
(or other) being. You are said divine source. There is no old man sitting on clouds writing down your sins to
send you to hell if you break “his” laws. This is a blatant deception, an epic hoax to create fear amongst
you! There is no hell, except you create it yourself due to misguided and manipulated belief systems you
acquired during life. Or you realize that suffering on earth “is almost as worse as it can get”.

However, if you generate such an illusion after leaving the body it equals only a temporary experience, a
theatrical play performed by your spirit guide and befriended souls that are trying to match your
convictions at least for a couple of moments before they lift their masks and guide you back to where you
came from.

North America Nebula
If all religions teach peace, why can’t all religions achieve peace?
- Collective Evolution

If we take a look back at the history of nowadays’ religions we soon come to the conclusion that they, since
their creation in ancient times, contributed to wars between races or humans who are of another religious
belief system.

Best example for sure is Christianity in the Roman Empire, which tended to enforce this belief over
everyone the Romans came across. Especially since the invention of the Church there has been this paradox
of religions conducing to violence and war, while they, in their essence, teach peace.

One has to know, to really understand this paradox, that specifically monotheistic religions are a construct
established by other worldly beings. Those entities that have controlled earth/humanity for uncountable of
thousands of years. They invented religions to spread separation. The goal was to found factions that
would eventually go on war with each other, like we see today where western, mostly “Christian” societies
are in a constant battle with Muslim conditioned parts of the world.

So in fact those religions, where Christianity is only a re-interpretation of Sumerian texts, have been
fabricated to promote the feeling of isolation. My religion is the better one”, “my religion is the true one”,
“your religion is false”, “only Jesus Christ can save you” and alike are phrases that have been used over and
over again to legitimate wars based on religious differences. Exactly that has been the plan of these beings
well known as Anunnaki, Draco Reptilians or Archons.

They also manufactured a god that looks down on humans, “of course being loving and forgiving in
nature”, but at the same time he seemingly judges. Due to this elaborated hoax humans started to live in
fear of god’s appraisal in regard of the life they lived. The indoctrination of the concept of “sin” is a good
example for it.

This hallucination of a god where humans had better follow “his” rules opened the door for fear entering the
human mind and consciousness. This is the main objective of this constructed fictitious god figure which is
the exact opposite of what “god” truly is. But for the agenda of these beings it was a success which is now
about to backfire on them “big time” due to your awakening.
They have been able to introduce dogma and control by inventing those fairy tales, which are exactly that,
stories that have nothing to do with who you truly are / what “god” truly is, for god/you being
unconditional love, where there is no such thing as “sin” or “fault”. These are in fact only engineered
brainwashing attempts to spread anxiety amongst humans, for fear being the food of those entities that
mentally enslaved you long before those religions even where manufactured out of thin air.

Flame Nebula
Concerning matter we have been all wrong. What we have called matter is energy whose
vibration has been so lowered as to be perceptible to the senses. There is no matter

- Albert Einstein

Which is absolutely correct. In fact matter is condensed energy. This has been proven by your scientists
especially with the assistance of quantum mechanics. In their experiments they have clearly demonstrated,
and this is accepted and even communicated by mainstream science: What the human being defines as
matter consists to 99,99999999% of nothing, “empty space” or vacuum.

Of course this empty space is not devoid, it has constant energy fluctuations, it is the energy of the space
this holographic projection has been generated in. And this dash is so big and immense, it is mind blowing.
Therefore it is a “piece of cake” to extract free energy from this vacuum or as your scientists also name it
more accurately “zero point field”.
In this field every consciousness within the whole universe is implied, therefore it is also scientifically
verified that all are one, since all are directly connected through this zero point field. However, Nicola
Tesla was one of the first that was able to harness energy from this fundamental field of infinite

As most of you already are aware of, he was attacked and put out of business so to speak. Because the oil
corporations of course had a problem with his findings so they did everything to prevent this technology to
reach public awareness. They have seized his patents just like they still confiscate thousands over thousands
of patents, especially if they are about free energy technology or health care.

For example there are patents restrained that can cure HIV completely, also cancer can be healed, every
case, totally. But the pharmaceutical corporations are responsible that those cures are rotting in the
basement of the patent office. They are naturally not interested in people getting healed from HIV, you
can't imagine how much money they earn with HIV-medicine. A whole pharmaceutical industry would be
eradicated overnight, if such remedies would be made available.

Of course Einstein's words are a perfect way to understand why this “reality” system is only an illusion.
Matter itself is a mirage, it is energy condensed by blue prints inside the energy fields that are located
around the “shape” or “form”. These blue prints determine what matter looks like, just like those
construction plans shape your body-vehicle. In a way matter is frozen light. It is compacted, in a third
density quality, to a state where it seems to be solid and that is all. It is just frequency in a denser state,
like water transforms into snow or gas when the temperature is changing.

In fact it is just “nothingness” that appears to be something you can grab, but you never touch anything
anyway since there is a repulsion taking place between, for instance, the electrons of your hand and the
electrons of an apple. You think you catch hold of it, when it is lying in your hand, but you don't. This is
also shown in mainstream science and yet people still believe in matter and solidity.
Messier 94
Endless possibilities exist, just outside of your belief system
- Spirit science

This is precisely correct. Your belief systems determine what you experience. They create a box you put
yourself into. Everything which lies outside the box seems outlandish for those who are inside it. So
normally you only can undergo what is “real” or possible in your eyes. Everything else you have
“successfully” excluded from being feasible for you to be manifested, for you are of the opinion that it can’t
be real.

What you ultimately generate as co-creating being is dependent on what you believe you can. Everything
else is prevented by rigid and narrow banded convictions you have adapted. Adjusted in fact since you are
conditioned into such mind prisons. Most of you are unaware of what is doable, you have been “educated”
in a way that fits a certain agenda. Therefore your belief systems have to be kept “small” and this is what
all education and religious systems try to achieve.
To step outside of your own mind-box, you have to think in bigger concepts, you need to jump over your
own shadow. You have to accept that your worldview is far away from being the ultimate one. That is, you
have not even closely arrived in complete understanding.
Remember that indeed everything is possible, also that which is impossible. The latter is inconceivable for
you but it is realized by countless other humans on the planet right now. Only because you think something
is unearthly this doesn’t imply that it is, except for you of course. Merely what you know of can be created
(by you) and thus it is suggested to let go off limiting belief systems and to be open minded.

You are the creator of your own reality based system and you shape this simulated environment with your
persuasions, thoughts and emotions. So only what you believe is real can be manifested as direct personal
sensation. Everyone who strengthens his own imagination opens doors for new adventures that extrapolate
what has been encountered so far.

To free yourself from these mental chains you require a brave heart because it is accompanied by the
challenge to leave conformity. The norm in your now outdated and altering society has been set in stone by
the doomed control system that wanted to keep humans small minded, which has failed. And if you leave
the mind matrix you might be confronted with other selves attacking your for it or calling you in question.

Be aware that they do not know what they are doing, literally, so forgive them if they defend their house of
cards, they also are about to realize that they have been misguided all lifelong. Those who are deeply
trapped inside the mass mind control are those to realize this last. They are the ones who are going to suffer
from intense emotional trauma when the truths are being disclosed which is very likely going to happen
during the next months into 2016.

NGC 6188
Get over it, and accept the inarguable conclusion. The universe is immaterial, mental and
- Richard Conn Henry, Ph.D.

This is in fact what your scientists are showing you now. They have finally understood that they have
based their assumptions on an antiquated and intentionally inverted science paradigm. This contributed
massively to the delusion and misperception of humanity, nature, the universe and creation in general. It
has been a paradigm that has taught you separation and materialism.

This of course has been an important aspect of the human control agenda. They have infiltrated all areas of
human life, not only science and religion. So they have educated you and also those who teach and research
these topics and false prophecies. They have manipulated them to suit their agenda. Scientists have been
prevented from telling the truth and reaching the masses with genuine and life changing scientific insights
and discoveries.
Since they controlled the education system and mass media, they could easily suspend scientific
breakthroughs that would have eradicated all those false assumptions over night, which is now actually
happening (gradually) due to the failure of the former control system. Moreover they were in charge of
distributing funding for scientists. And logically only those scientists that were willing to disseminate the
false scientific world view and understanding received money.

Now this is changing rapidly. The scientific serendipities, especially those that have been achieved with
quantum physics, are now wide spreading since the truth can’t be denied and kept hidden any longer. What
the old main stream science is still offering humans in these distorted documentaries on mass media (or in
classes/universities) is now officially falsified scientifically.

Even mainstream scientists have to face the reality that their careers are a house of cards which is falling
apart, thus they increasingly relent now. They open their eyes to what truly is and there are less and less
that try to argue away hardcore evidence like they did before by discrediting it or even ignoring to look at it
at all.

On top of that true scientific breakthroughs are now reaching the awareness of the masses due to humans
sharing them on the internet. More and more genuine documentaries are appearing. Especially the internet
is helping to circulate this knowledge which alters everything, for it depicts a whole new world view and
understanding of what there is. Humans are simply leaving behind the old antiquated scientific brainwash
agenda paradigm, be it the manufactured ludicrous evolution theory or the epic hoax of a dead and static
“clockwork universe”.

The truth has been hidden under the cloak of science once, but now your academics are prepared for the new
age and is coming forward with all those formerly hidden and obfuscated facts. The new science that has
been born literally with quantum physics has offered these truths for decades, but the censorship and
coercion has been successful, until NOW.

NGC 4945
The most common way people give away their power is by thinking
they don't have any

- Alice Walker

This is exactly what the human being has been conditioned to believe. It has been taught, from childhood
on, to look up to authorities. Be it their parents, or teachers and professors in schools or universities. Said
institutions are in charge of programming humans to fit the agenda of the society that is led by those who
held humans as mental slaves.

But they can only control the individual if they destroy the knowledge of who one truly is. Because of that
they have installed this way of brainwashing everyone, which implies the illusory need of obeying to
authorities, to those that are or rather were in power. Society wants you to believe that you have no power,
that the force lays within governments and leading figures in general.

So schools and universities have been utilized to implement this confidence into the human mind. By doing
this they have avoided that the ego even thinks about it being more than it is conditioned to believe. Your
species has been steered into this illusion of being powerless, whereby without the human being, or the
“force” that is behind it, nothing of this would be here anyway. Without you there wouldn't be any
authorities. You are creating them collectively, such as anything and anyone else, in the first place.

This of course has happened on purpose. Only by being imprisoned into the belief of having no potency one
can eventually realize that he or she indeed is the most fundamental power there is.

So for being able to experience such an awakening all human souls have chosen this environment for the
software program called reality. They have invented these secret elites that were responsible for the
domination of humans (“were” is used for a reason, since their power over humanity is now gone, only you
have yet to realize this). It has all been for the individual soul-fragment being able to transform the
misperception of having no influence into the realization of being the self that created all this and thus
changing the human experience at will. This is what is now unfolding due to the awakening of human
beings on a global scale.

You have been conditioned to believe you are only a “poor little me that can't change anything”, because
only by this a control of your perception is possible. As soon as you realize that YOU are experiencing all
this on purpose, you see through the veil and you just get your “power” back again, being liberated from the
already devastated control matrix.

This relief of the human mind is occurring exponentially now, due to the increasing consciousness frequency
of every individual/the planet itself, which is induced “externally”, for instance by the sun, without most
being aware of it.
Barnard 3
Monsters don’t sleep under your bed, they only live in your head

In this sense feel free to exchange the term monsters with demons or the devil, for example. Those are only
thought concepts created in your head by your distorted human mind. There are no demons nor is there a
devil, unless you as co-creator on behalf of creation manifest it yourself. You are even able of witnessing
something like hell, as it is described in (or rather indoctrinated into) your sacral bible texts.

This is only possible as long as you are in a simulation like this or if you willingly decide to create such a
scenario elsewhere, which is an adjudication every individual makes for itself. Since you give birth to all
your experiences you have the opportunity to do so, but being freed from human emotions and distorted
belief systems you essentially focus your energy on something else than generating a hell scenario.

In a way such doomy and gloomy adventures also contribute to your growth, for them teaching you to let
go of hindering belief systems that only create suffering. They are useful, so to speak, but only temporarily
and only for those who really still need to undergo similar situations or events.

Demons or monsters can only exist if someone believes in them. This imagination based on false assumptions
or religious dogmas results in a holographic expression of an energy field that has been fed with this
information imprinted into it. This mental fabrication then appears like the one who is conceiving it expects
it to.

In many occasions humans that have lived all their life buying into the non-existent devil might meet Satan
right after leaving the body. But in fact this is only a theatrical play enacted by the individual soul’s spirit
guide or other befriended soul who is disguised as the devil so that the belief system of the self-fragment is
stimulated. This scenario only plays out for a certain amount of moments until the ones who are initiating
such an “all loving hoax” to suit the convictions of the just passed soul fragment reveal their true identity.

So as you see you have the power to engineer such beings, you can even meet them or experience them if your
belief and your attention is strong enough. But they are only self-created symbols or images of the own
inner state of being at a given moment in the individual’s spiritual development.

All entities that are fed with such creative energies exist. That is, beings like elves or dragons you normally
only know from fairy tales are absolutely real. They exist in other reality based systems/worlds that are
based on co-creators imagining them. They are conscious and alive, like you are now. What a co-creating
force, which everyone and everything is in fact, conceives is picked up as possible life experience by other co-
creating beings to utilize and witness it in other realms, dimensions or whatever you like to call it.

NGC 6090
You get there by realizing that you are already there
 Eckhart Tolle

This is really powerful and in a way advanced, because it means the true realization of anything you might
be motivated to achieve or become is already within you even though you don't experience it physically or
It is the end of a search for something you think you “have to find”, since in fact it is already there, but as
soon as you start to dig for something, you project it, whatever it is, outside of you so you are able to
“acknowledge” it to begin with.

This is especially important when we are discussing the term of awakening. That is, in fact, you are already
enlightened, but the human mind plays a trick on you. It propagates, “I have to reach enlightenment to be
free or to be who I truly am”. It creates the concept of a journey for gaining it which is an illusion.
It puts this into a non-existent future, “one day I will be awake”, keeping the fact of you already being so
away from your realization that way, because as soon as you really wake up into your self, all these
concepts cease to exist. The human mind fears this, so it tries, because it has been programed to do so,
everything to prevent you from this insight.

But in fact you can only be fully conscious NOW. And as we said you are already enlightened, but the
human game you all are playing has some rules that, among other things, imply the agreement of forgetting
who you truly are.
So it is understandable that some might start their spiritual journey thinking they want to achieve
awakening. This is only the challenge your self has created for its own fragment that you are in this
incarnation, for learning and developing purposes to eventually realize that this is not needed since you are
already there/awakened.

So in fact nobody needs to seek and find anything since you already have what you might search for inside
you, including epiphany. You only have to overcome the concepts your mind is creating and if you
eventually let go of such mental patterns and ideas of achieving an awakening you are able to experience it

It is crucial to let go of attachments like the aforementioned for them always being an external reflection of
your self, and what you project outside of yourself, into the “future” for example, is impossible to experience
inside, in this very moment.

It is like searching for “God”, where you are the “god” you are looking for, so you can't find it outside of
you naturally. The same goes for conceptions like awakening, which in fact are only human mind
fabrications, specific ideas of what enlightenment might be like. This is segregating you from the true
experience of the epiphany that is already within you in the first place.

- If you want to learn more read Eckhart Tolle's book “the power of now”

Tadpole Nebula
You are blessed when you are at the end of the rope. With less of you there is more of god
and his rule
- Jesus

This is really inspiring. It is basically the same of what Buddha also told. What Jesus points out is that the
more you let go off your false beliefs and thought concepts the more your inner divinity can shine through
your incarnated expression. He calls it god, which is also correct if one wants to use this word, but in fact
he is referencing to the own true self, which is god and creation as such.

If you analyze the regular human mind condition, you recognize that it is dependent on something or
someone and therefore humans try to add more belongings or relationships to what already is. This is the
opposite of what Jesus refers to.

What he rather provides is that the more you are unpinned from material needs and mental concepts
(specifically those you are defining yourself with) the closer you come to your true self, which is the light of
infinite consciousness radiating through you.

So detachment from superficial necessities and false assumptions of what is important in life and of who
you are, is highlighted by Jesus in this revelation.

The end of the rope can be interpreted as the last chapter of your actual incarnation cycle journey. Because
the closer you get to this point in your individual spiritual growth process the more independent you are
from worldly things and issues.
The “less of you” clearly emphasizes the ego which is full of emotional drama and materialistic addictions,
and since most of you still are convinced this voice in your head is yourself it has been precisely concluded
by Jesus. The “you” is the mind aspect of every individual human being.

With your ongoing development you are constantly changing your identifications and belief systems. The
closer you approximate the end of this temporary adventure, the more open is your mind and the less limited
you are by such false assumptions of who you truly are.

As you see Jesus and Buddha basically share the same wisdom and information with humans, but they use
different words and metaphors. Nevertheless communicate fundamental truths of creation, being/existing
and life on a material plane as well as beyond that. It is suitable for those who are ready to understand and
utilize these wisdoms for the own life they are. And the less physical attachments there are the brighter
shines the light of the self you are, meaning there “is more of god” inside of you, literally.

Pipe Nebula (© Joe Bohanon)
You know you are on the right track, when you become uninterested in looking back

As soon as you start to let go of the mental concepts of the “past” you are already in the process of waking
up. This can be considered to be the right track indeed, for awakening is the main goal of human souls
incarnating on this planet to evolve spiritually. Therefore a so called epiphany is needed.

What happened in the yesterdays is of no relevance whatsoever for the present moment since it is all there is
and ever can be. Someone being that far in the individual development therefore sees no need in referring to
what occurred in the past. These individuals know that projecting themselves into this illusory mind
construct only creates suffering eventually.

Living in the foretime often is correlated with the emotion of guilt, for instance. Humans are still attached
to events induced by themselves that resulted in others being harmed or alike. This holds you in a kind of
prison, it locks you into an emotional stream that only generates more of this low vibrational energy. Thus
these individuals are challenged to transform and break out of these circumstances, which is the goal of
such situations in the first place, to be able to learn from them.

So it is vital to apprehend that guilt is only a human mind fabrication. It evaporates in front of the
unconditional love of creation. Yet the forces that manipulate the mind have inverted this fundamental
truth which resulted in the contrivance or fiction of the “god-figure” that judges humans for their actions,
which is beyond ludicrous.

This is a blatant reversal of what truly is the case! Everyone is forgiven, no matter what the said ones have
done, no matter how much pain and suffering it might have caused. It all vanishes as soon as you leave the
body-computer. Of course the law of Karma which is programmed into the human-life-simulation in this
development stage (third density) makes these beings potentially meet again to balance their actions. But
this is merely an aspect of the learning purpose that leads those souls here to interact with each other in
specific ways to benefit from it experience wise.

Beyond this virtual reality all is forgiven naturally for every soul knows of the true nature of all
individualized consciousness beings. There is only love and compassion, forgiveness and acceptance.
Therefore one has to learn that blame is only temporarily useful to come to the conclusion that it is of no
relevance or profit whatsoever. At least in the long run, so to speak. Until then, for a period of experiences
it has the intent and quest to teach you exactly this profound truth and understanding.

Soul Nebula
Be aware of your thoughts, for what you think you will become

Thought concepts are essential for what you call reality. Without them and the emotions that are
accompanied by them there is no reality based system like you are experiencing now, for thoughts and
emotions create said reality.
So even though it is important to be free from mental conceptions, in terms of identification, there is no
reason for demonizing them. This only would be another hoax that the mind creates to defend itself. By
doing this it tries to fabricate another drama and additional projections into the non-existent future for
"one day I am free of those thought constructs".
So it is of course essential to make use of the aforementioned to be able to be an incarnated self in a
consciousness simulation of third density quality that is dependent on the energetic fields deriving from
them to condense energy into what the human being decodes as physicality, solidity and thus being “real”.
So when talking about transforming such ego ideas it is always spoken about harmonizing thoughts with
intuition or "deeper source cogitations", since there is a difference between mind based thoughts and those
that are appearing as mental products but being from another more deeper resource. So there is only one
question you have to consider:

Are you playing with your thought concepts

or are they steering you?

That is, they are claiming to be you, or pretending to be of relevance for you, which is of course an illusion
that tricks you into false identification or belief. And thus you are literally forced into creating suffering
and emotional food for those that have misguided the human mind to serve as their sustenance.
The acceptance and utilization of non-beneficial thought concepts is still the case for many of your species.
But at the same moment this is changing rapidly due to the increased awakening process happening now
due to higher vibrational frequencies that are bombarding, so to speak, earth's and humanity's
So it is essentially about getting aware of mental processing being fundamental for manifesting your
reality, but if you remember this process being initiated by your ego, you can choose to avoid identification
with thoughts that are of no use for you. You are now empowered to only stick to those mental creations
that are beneficial for your spiritual growth.
If you only direct energy to cogitations that are helpful, you create a life you are that is mirrored by these
ideas, thus being harmonious in nature.
NGC 281
Understanding is deeper than knowledge, there are many people who know you, but very
few who understand you

This is very important. There is a big difference between knowledge and wisdom, which we can use as
substitute for “understanding”. Of course the latter is the result of gaining back wisdom. And in fact there
are still very few humans who apprehend anything. They may know a lot but cognition is only the first step
of achieving sapience.

If you use knowledge, especially of fundamental nature that exceeds human concepts or mindsets, you come
closer to wisdom. The situation with insight as such is, that it relies on mental constructs and definitions.

All of these separate you from the truth of what you have awareness of. For example, you seemingly know
everything about your car. Really? Do you also understand that you are your car? That it is the same
consciousness you are, only expressing itself differently?

This is what can be considered as thwarting yourself since you identify with what you think you grasp.
What you believe in is what you create as a reality based system. That is, as long as you are in league with
definitions of whatever it might be (especially how you determine yourself most importantly) you are far
away from integrating sagacity.

Cognition itself is necessary for a human experience, it is an essential aspect of the third density simulation.
Because you need knowledge first to attain wisdom. Only what you have any perception of, can be
furtherly researched or contemplated. And this is required to strengthen and widen your imagination, which
in return offers you more possibilities to grow or develop.

If someone insists that he knows you, ask him “who am I?” If he just says your name and maybe some
additional superficial information, you understand that the person has no apprehension of you at all. If he
states you are what is expressing itself through a human incarnation then it is more likely that he grasps
who you are.

The same is applicable to yourself of course. If you, for example, only see the name, personal history and
career in an individual you also are far afield from appreciating who the entity is. But as soon as you
recognize the creator in every other being (meaning the own self) you truly understand who the other self is.

NGC 6946
Until we understand what is within we can’t understand what is without
- Anita Moorjani

A fundamental quote of highest importance. You can only understand what is without, when you realize
what is within, because what is “outside” is a mirror of the inside. Therefore scientists never can find “god”,
if they search for him, since every one of them is said “god” himself.

What is within can also be called your belief systems, attitudes, thought concepts and everything alike. This
then creates the reality you experience. If you have to face hate and violence you should look inside to get
rid of cogitations or persuasions that are of a violent or aggressive, low vibrational nature.

If you are a victim to whatever it might be you should transform your attitude of being an oblation. Of
course your thoughts pretend that you are “not worth anything” or that you are a loser, for instance. This
establishes a feedback mechanism which offers you experiences that verify your beliefs or rather the
pointless nonsense your ego is communicating to you.

You can identify such devastating mental fabrications instantly. If a thought begins with “you should not”
or “you can’t” you straightaway know that your mind manifested them to keep you small, narrow banded
and addictive and obedient to it. Mental hallucinations like this should merely be observed. Let them pass
by, don’t follow them, because if you attach to them you induce more cogitations to think about and get
lost in. It only accelerates the emergence of another event or situation to verify them.

If you are anxious, you attract something that confirms the initial emotion of fear. It is that simple. But
the human mind has been deeply manipulated to be in a constant dread of something. You might worry to
lose your job or your wife/husband. You might also cultivate angst of getting ill or sick. Those illusions are
what magnetize such distortions to begin with.

Therefore it is important to overcome these mental programs that have put your species into enslavement. It
is a mind prison humans have accepted and then integrated as everyday life routine.

In fact this is what the human soul family has wished for. Due to this aggravation of the simulation
human souls have created the possibility to experience and learn duality based lessons which are an
important aspect of the actual human soul developing process. That is, everything is working as intended
and as soon as you realize this you are liberated from this mind matrix, being able to support the human
awakening actively so that enough humans wake up to induce a rapid transformation globally, which is
now unfolding.

Running Chicken Nebula
Everything that irritates us about others can lead us
to an understanding of ourselves
- C. G. Jung

This is a fundamental truth! Realize that every other self is only a reflection of your own self. Others
function as mirrors for you just like you act as a reflector for them as well.
Normally, when we add humans to the equation that are of higher significance in your life, you can be
assured that most of these interferences have literally been contracted between all involved selves before
initiating the incarnation.

That is, a soul has a specific goal for the “next” embodiment. It now needs other individuals that can help
achieving it. Therefore selves from your primary soul group, for instance, come together and offer assistance
for such scripted experiences. Everyone decides which role a self is going to play in the other selves’
However, if you now meet other humans in person, they reverberate your inner state of being, so you can
basically watch yourself in them. Let’s imagine a situation where you are contending with others about
something. This demonstrates that what you are arguing about is still within you. You are using the other
self as projection of what is still dwelling inside you.

If there is still anger and frustration within you, you magnetize people that bring these emotions out of
your shell. Thus you are able to recognize them as being inside you which empowers you (if you are aware of
it to begin with) to learn from them to eventually transmute them. To accomplish this, you first and
foremost need to get aware of it. Therefore you utilize other selves as catalyst. They show you what you
still can optimize and transform.

So everything that irritates you about others in fact is a not yet detected confusion within you, something
that still influences your behavior and world view. Your true self encourages you to recognize it so you can
make use of such a realization to actually change, evolve and move forward.

For instance, if someone attacks you and you directly react in a similar way, this entity in reality is there to
wake you up. It entered your life, so to speak, to be and place a looking glass in front of your face, yelling
“this is you”.
All of those who are mean to you or confront you, basically act this way because of compassion. They do so
since they want to help you, or more fundamentally spoken you want to bolster yourself by wearing a mask
of someone tackling you, so you can get aware of that which makes you still sensible and reactive to such
emotional vibrations and provocations.

NGC 6240
Looking for consciousness in the brain is like looking inside a radio for the announcer
- Nassim Haramein

He is absolutely right and in the meantime it is scientifically acknowledged that the brain does not create
consciousness, it only receives it. Just like a radio decodes a frequency into sound for you to listen to, the
brain assimilates waves imprinted with information which it projects into the reality based system you
Formerly science was ignorant, searching for the area in the brain that generates consciousness, of course
failing on every attempt. Awareness engineers the brain in the first place, like the rest of the body computer.
And the grey mass rather functions as a CPU to process all that information it picks up from the energy
fields around the body where the consciousness you are is imbedded “in”.

You are pure radiant energy! Your body is actually condensed energy like anything else you observe and
misinterpret as solid matter. Everything consists of said compressed energy and the energy fields around the
living being (which includes inorganic objects as well) influence the shape you express yourself through in
every moment of your incarnation.

That is, awareness is everywhere, all of it is ingrained in the so called zero point field, which is the basis of
everything that exists in this universe. It also can be referred to as vacuum but instead of being empty it is
full of infinite potential or possibilities waiting to be manifested and experienced. In school they have
taught you that the vacuum is empty, this is blatant deception, a giant hoax.

Everything is consciousness, every grain of sand is a cognizant being. Even every single atom is a living
conscious entity. This has been discovered by your scientists, but the information has yet to reach the grass
roots. Since there is already the paradigm shift in science this is now accepted as “new mainstream”. All
these formerly suppressed scientific breakthroughs and serendipities are going to be shared with you openly
quite soon after the initial collapse of the old structures.
The miscarried control system still controls mass media and your education systems (two of their last resorts
besides weather manipulation with HAARP), therefore it is yet to be announced to the masses, but this is
unfolding now. In alternative media, especially on the internet or in specific documentaries and lectures,
this is already to be found literally everywhere.

However, consciousness is independent from the body, brain and physicality for sure, thus a human being is
only a temporary experience of an infinite consciousness source that wants to learn something about itself.
The result of this is every subjective as well as every collective consciousness there is, and all of them
fundamentally resemble one being. That is, all is one and one is all.

Omega & Schwan Nebula
The most rewarding thing to do, often equals the most challenging thing to do

What we can define as most rewarding normally is achieved by modifying something. Because to progress
further in your individual spiritual development you have to change constantly, because this equals
There is always something else to discover which you can only reach if you alter your actual point of
perspective or frequency to be more accurate. Because spiritual growth is mirrored in increasing your own
base vibration which then enables you to experience even higher realms or dimensions.

So vicissitude is necessary and natural in creation. Every individual consciousness fragment evolves
throughout its whole journey which in fact is infinite. But to get there you of course have to learn
something first. Therefore the subjective self or self-aspect, depending on which perspective you use, creates
adventures to develop.
You maybe can imagine that circumstances that are really tough and challenging while being incarnated
(not knowing why you are undergoing them) have the biggest acceleration potential regarding growth. The
harder a defiance the more rewarding is the outcome or result, so to speak. This is the reason why so many
human souls choose to live lives that most would describe as miserable or not worth living. This is a
misperception, the exact opposite is applicable. Especially these lives enrich the soul significantly.

So if you still ask yourself why humans might wish to get raped, abused, killed or whatever you can
conceive, you now have the possibility to use this information to reevaluate your mindset. They all select it
on purpose for their souls knowing that such experiences extrapolate the self and make it easier to progress

A soul might want to find out, how far it can get in abandoning its own power and being seemingly
disconnected from its own source, for example by taking the path of being an atheist. This is a real dare and
normally results in a life characterized by anxiety and fear of the “future”. This is severe, indeed, at least if
interpreted from a still unawakened human perception.
Always remember, although a human life can be compared with going to an advanced school in a way, it is
also a game and games are exceled by participants having fun and joy. Being able to express your inner self
to the fullest, which equals inner freedom if achieved, is also a main goal in many incarnations. Not in all,
naturally! Numerous souls are simply not at this point in their individual development to already try to
cultivate inner freedom by realizing the true inner source to gradually unfold their own uniqueness.

M 74 (© ROSA Observatories)
The universe has a way of giving us exactly what we believe
to be true or possible
- Dan Brule

This makes perfect sense, especially when you realize, that YOU ARE the universe yourself. You, like
everyone and everything else, are everything there is. So since you are the universe itself you of course
dictate how it shall unfold itself for you.

Everything that you believe to be true, is what you witness. Everything that is possible in your eyes is a
potential experience, if you manifest it with your thoughts and emotions by constantly sending energy in
the direction of what you are anticipating or awaiting.

Since this reality you perceive is a consciousness simulation for souls to grow everyone has fundamentally
similar rules or conditions to deal with throughout the life you are. But even though there are set precepts
and basic compounds you all agreed to “play” with, all of you have the ability to change the own beliefs and
thus modifying the life you are.

Your world view creates your reality, so you only have to transform your beliefs in order to readjust your
experience and way of manifesting reality. And if you do that the universe acts in coherence with you. A
vicissitude inside is mirrored into the allegedly outside. So in fact the cosmos, which you normally consider
to be outside of you (indeed only a misguided belief still very common amongst humans), adapts your inner
state of being.

Therefore the universe naturally always gives you those experiences you believe to be true. Everything else,
where you are of the opinion it can’t be real, in most cases can’t be witnessed firsthand by yourself while
others can indeed, since they are not limited by their world view like many of you still are. In fact everyone
is its own universe and the cosmos you all are experiencing together is in fact a kind of multiverse, in which
all individual universes are comprised.

You have to realize that human life is in fact a game, a super holographic simulation. It has been
programmed and created by very advanced “souls” who have offered other souls (that are still in a specific
phase of their development) a possibility to make progress by using this school to learn their lessons. And
this “program” includes incarnations where every embodied soul fragment is the creator of its own reality
perception. This is what we can call co-creation on behalf of creation, which lies imbedded in the infinite
holographic structure of the fundamental source where it gives birth to creator beings that create new
creator entities that manifest new creators and so on, for infinity.

Messier 17 (© Subaru Telescope)
Earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s need
but not every man’s greed
- Mahatma Ghandi

Watching television “program” or reading the news you are only confronted with overpopulation here,
overpopulation there. You are told that resources are scarce and that too many humans are living on the
planet. Your authorities pretend so many humans cannot be supplied with food and water. You are
persuaded that there is not enough living space for all of those masses.

This is blatant propaganda and simply untrue. There is sufficient food supply for every being on the planet.
Even if there were another billion living on earth it still would be more than enough to feed every one of
them accordingly. But in fact there are corporations that are in control of the whole food supply since they
simply privatized it. Most prominent example is surely Monsanto.

They want you to trow that there is not enough for all, so that gradual depopulation methods can be
enforced without humans rebelling against them. The brainwashing lets them believe it is necessary for
corporations to govern food or water supply.

If there wasn’t this corporate greed and the now aborted low vibrational interim goal to get rid of most
humans, there would not be a single individual on this planet being hungry. Your planet provides an
abundance of nourishment that everyone can be fed from. But if aliments rather get used to feed cattle for
meat mass production that gets sold to humans (riddled with antibiotics and other stuff you do not want to
have in your food) there is of course scarcity.

Regarding your habitat there is more than enough space for humans to build their homes, but if
corporations own all the land there is no possibility for someone else to use it. They buy land everywhere.
And they coerce humans into bankruptcy so they can take their homes as substitute for the credit that can’t
be paid back to the bank. Luckily this money debt slavery system collapses during the next months.

These entities are never satisfied, their mind and more importantly their agenda always yells for more
control, possessing, land and money. They can’t stop going into this direction even if they destroy
themselves with it, which they actually do now. They try to distract you with increasing suppression and
fear mongering but it is indeed beneficial for your awakening since their maneuvers become more obvious
and blatant with every step they take. Thus their former control and possibility to orchestrate world events
is simply evaporated now.

The global shift hits the tipping point in the last months of 2015. Your species is already liberated just as it
has been scripted for this timeline you are existing on. There are still many defiances emerging, but you are
going to master them easily, at least many of you. Others are not going to assimilate the incoming energies
right from the start, therefore numerous healer souls are already waiting to do what they came here for.
Supporting humans in healing inevitable emotional trauma. This book, for instance, is created exactly for
this purpose.
NGC 2683
Right now you may not be where you intended to be, but it’s where you need to be in order
to get where you want to go
- Steven Aitchison

Absolutely. It says life is not a pony farm and this is accurate. In fact earth is a “tough” place for souls to
go. You can be assured that the only hell there really is, resembles suffering while being incarnated. If you
look around what shadow governments have introduced you may be shocked deeply. You have murder, war,
rape, genocide and alike.
This kind of challenge is pretty rare in occurrence, so souls that decide to embody here have to be in a phase
of their development where they can cope with such experiences, even if they are only simulated. It really
defies the true nature of every self, which is unconditional love and compassion.

However, it is likely that you already have gone through challenges to deal with, something where you
maybe fell down, to stand up again afterwards. That is, you know that life can be hard at times. Of course
this is always one’s own creation, you are free to avoid to manifest such situations, unless they are
likelihoods in your life plan which is the next important point in this context.

If you face a real drama or misery, which can be equaled to “you may not be where you think you should be
or where you intended to be”, you usually learn later on how beneficial it really was. You weren’t able to
recognize this back when it happened, but subsequently you came to the conclusion that it was very
valuable for the direction the life you are is heading to.

Sometimes you have to lose somewhat to win something else, which is even more elemental for the life you
are than what you have lost beforehand. If you encounter certain circumstances or events that throw you
on the floor, so to speak, realize that this is most likely something you have planned to undergo prior to
incarnation. And also remember that this very probably is something that is quite important for adventures
that are yet to come, in a way.

Merely because you might dislike something that transpires to you, this doesn’t imply that is of no use for
you. But the human mind is unable to realize this. The ego is reactive and emotional, therefore many miss to
acknowledge the chance or true intent of the situation they have created.

Everything that happens to you takes place for a reason. You have scripted to come across everything you
encounter either as likelihood or as possibility in your life-plan. If you fail to unfold probabilities (which
often proceeds since souls get trapped in the human mind matrix, which prevents the manifestation of that
which they have incarnated for initially) you naturally attract the possibilities or “alternatives” to your
favored missions or intents.
Flame Nebula
Wisdom leads to unity, but ignorance to separation. So long as God seems to be outside and
far away, there is ignorance. But when God is realized within, that is true knowledge.
- Ramakrishna Paramahamsa

This is absolutely true. It is crucial for every individual to realize that it itself is god indeed. Everyone and
everything derives from the one fundamental source which is creation. Everyone and everything is made out
of it, so everyone is literally created by oneself. So you can only discover “god” inside you. Because how do
you want to find something outside of you that you already are?
That is why scientists normally are unable to detect the said god somewhere in or beyond the universe,
because they all are god themselves. As long as they look somewhere else than inside, they are inept to get
aware of their own divinity.
The subject can’t be its own object (perception wise), so to speak. Essentially the subject is also every object
it observes, for you are everything there is, which accounts for every other self as well. Only you notice it as
a reflection or symbol of yourself. Thereby you manifest the world around you for you being empowered to
experience this simulation in the first place. But in this specific context of “god seeking scientists” it is a
fitting quote.
Naturally this has been established for a reason. The now defeated powers behind the human mind control
have engineered this religious dogma of an all loving but judging god (what a hoax) up in the sky you better
have to obey and satisfy so that you are entitled to join heaven.
This is one of the most fundamental deceptions humanity has been tricked into believing. Such a god is
inexistent, this illusory figure has been manufactured by other worldly entities. It results in humans
praying to them but also fearing them. However, they hide behind this propagated god that humans are
convinced to be their spiritual source.

How can a god that is all loving be a reason for being scared? How can a god that is all loving and
forgiving judge in any way? Luckily (due to the consciousness shift that is manifested by you now) you are
waking up to this understanding. This enables you to find the divinity inside of yourself.
You are creation as such! That is, you don’t need to raise your eyes to someone “in heaven”, you just have to
look into the mirror to see one of innumerable gods derived from the infinite source of all life there is.

So instead of praying to heaven, go within yourself and listen. You soon are about to discover an intuitive
voice and a feeling of oneness and love that is a first glimpse of your divinity, so to speak. Only inside the
individual the so called god can be found. Then beliefs transform into knowledge and wisdom.

The universe itself is a living being, consisting of uncountable other living beings that are
part of it

In fact everything that exists is alive for it is consciousness having a specific experience, be it a human one,
an extraterrestrial one or the adventure of being a planet or galaxy, which are also living entities with their
own consciousness.
This is because all planets, such as all stars, all solar systems, all galaxies and all universes themselves are
life. They are conscious and consist of their own collective consciousness as well as the uncountable
amounts of individualized consciousness units being within the whole collective awareness forming it and
vice versa.
Apart from being life themselves every planet has also life "on it", since every planetary body is made out of
something, may it be rock, dust, ice, magma or gas or whatever one can conceive. Each of the named itself is
an entity with sub beings inherent. Every atom, every molecule has/is its own awareness, thus being
considered to be alive.
Scientists are looking for something that is to be found everywhere, but their rational, analyzing mind
makes it almost impossible to see what is in front of their very eyes, everywhere, no matter where they look
with their telescopes.
It can be compared with something a human being often likes to say, which is:
“one can't see the forest because of all those trees”
The truth is that every planet is a creation of what can be called grouped souls, even more souls
intermingled with each other are the architects of stars/solar systems, the same applies to galaxies and
whole universes.
These beings, for example when we take a look at a galaxy, now offer a kind of blue print for life forms
that can exist in their galaxy. For the Milky Way galaxy they have chosen the bipedal construction for the
body computers of intelligent life forms souls can utilize and incarnate into.
These unified souls that call the solar systems into existence - within any galaxy – are now invited to use
this blueprint for creating their own construction plan, based on the fundamental one. And now,
holographically structured, the souls that bring the planetary bodies into being utilize these specified blue
prints to finally construct the intelligent entities that are about to rise and develop on their created

Flaming Star Nebula
Detachment is not that you should own nothing, but that nothing should own you
- Hazral Ali

Many of you may know humans that practice complete detachment, like Buddhist monks often do, by
decreasing their possessions to the absolute bare minimum to be able to survive. This is one method to use,
but there are others one can utilize as well. There is always an alternative that doesn’t force you to literally
throw away anything you have.

If you are uncomfortable with getting rid of everything or something specific then don’t give it away. Only
that which feels comfortable or “right” is what you should do. Essentially you have to be able to distinguish
between your mind that is trying to cheat on you (in this context) and your true inner intuitive guidance
that is potentially responsible for such a decision.

Many belongings, for instance, can have an impact on your spiritual development, be it Buddha statues,
natural stones, little pyramids, books or teachings you like to see and hear. Why throw them away if they
suit your progression?

But if it roots in hoarding stuff to be finally complete or feel accepted in society then this is pure addiction
to riches or concepts created by the mind. This merely prohibits you from further growing since you are
trying to find identification in seemingly external coordinates. Instead you should comprehend that this is
only an illusion that keeps you separated from what you truly are, from your inner wholeness and
completion that already is guaranteed naturally inside of you.

So it is vital to not be owned by material items or the opinion of other humans, which means that you don’t
identify yourself with your belongings, money or relationships, for example.

This creates suffering naturally, for the human mind always wants you to buy or acquire more of it.
Thereby you are lost completely in materialism and the ideology of “having or possessing to be someone”.
These are only mental fabrications derived from a dysfunctional mind that equates itself with what you
have. Since it is in the necessity for inflating itself it convinces you that you “need more” constantly.

It is pretty simple, as long as you are aware that all belongings (whatever it might be, also including
partnerships with other selves) are only a temporary illusion feel free to add something to your collection.
But if you try to find fulfilment in them or other individuals you are predicted to undergo misery due to the
fear of losing what you have deduced your identity from. In such an affair it is something material or
superficial which has no relevance whatsoever to who you truly are, other than to learn from these
Elephant Trunk Nebula
A nation of sheep will soon have a government of wolves
- Edward R. Murrow

Humanity can be still seen as a nation of sheep, but the sheep are transforming back into human beings very
fast now due to the consciousness shift. Your ancestors have been created as sheep in the first place.
Hundreds of thousands of years back in your human history the Homo Sapiens was engineered by gen-
manipulation as slave workers for the so called Annunaki beings (there have been a lot more gen alterations
by various species later on). So the humanity you are familiar with was designed as obedient workers from
the beginning.
In fact this only was an intelligent variation for the simulation you are in. Because due to this very
challenging experiences have been invented for souls to learn from. It is essential to understand that
humans never had a chance. All generations and ancestors were visited by so called gods frequently. They
always came from the sky so forefathers naturally thought they were gods.

They were completely unaware of space crafts and alike, so everyone coming from above was interpreted as
gods or angels. The fake rulers exploited this situation very often. But it has to be said that not all of the
visitors were from the control system, others supported humans actively (and do so now). In fact
extraterrestrials fought battles on earth (and in your skies), which was observed by your ancestors.
Especially in India there are many records and remains of those wars, like in Mohenjo Daro, located in
nowadays Pakistan. There you find an epi center of an atomic-like bomb (accompanied by vitrifications in
the surrounding ruined area) and this is not the only one.

Therefore you are now in the situation you are facing. You comply to authorities, you have given away your
power without questioning, you are steered by wolves who indoctrinated your beliefs and molded your
mind. They have imposed limiting laws and created a money debt slavery system which allows them to print
money out of thin air, while you have to pay interest and taxes. The mammon has essentially white washed
your minds, which it was intended for to begin with.
You have been swindled into believing that governments are here to protect you or to be beneficial for you.
Of course the opposite is factual, a reversal of the truth. Governments only co-opt you to unfold the
meanwhile aborted agenda that they have to follow as well. Who you think is in charge of the world is only
a glove puppet. All governments are only such pawns in a chess game. They have nothing to say

Shadow governments dictate who is in control of politics, they choose candidates and then they let you
vote. There is no democracy and there never has been, it is only something to let humans believe they have
influence, which is a giant hoax for them to laugh about (although they now have other “problems” than
making fun of you, in fact they are already in panic mode – many of them are now hiding in underground
bunkers and cities). In fact it doesn’t matter who wins an election because both are working for the agenda.
Therefore balloting is pointless and humans should stop voting to show your disobedience, while remaining

Crab Nebula – (© Massey/Neugent/Covey/Lowell Obs./NSF)
A flower does not think of competing with the flower next to it, it just blossoms

This is a fundamental lesson humanity can learn from nature. In fact flowers just are what they are, a calm
and beautiful way of consciousness to express itself in a state of pure happiness and being, without having
to worry about anything.

They don’t have such a misguided operational device like the human mind, they are just pure intuition.
When we look at the human species we see competition everywhere. Said pursuit for achieving something or
being “better” than someone always creates suffering.

As long as you think you have to compete with others, you rival with yourself, for everyone else is you too.
And by contesting with yourself you create a holographic chain reaction because then every molecule or cell
inside your body computer wrestles with each other as well.

This naturally leads to physical disharmony. In fact the competition you take on with someone is a
projection of inner misbalance you have in the first place. You then, because of resonating frequencies,
attract people or situations that mirror this inner battle. And in return the inner fight that you have with
aspects of yourself you still have to accept as being you, is kept alive.

This is a feedback principle that works and manifests your reality in every moment. So if you are
unbalanced inside you create or allure circumstances or beings that display this inner struggle. You then
encounter moments where you have to compete with others, until you stop emulating with yourself.

If you can transform these thought concepts and beliefs that create suffering, you’ll soon change these
occurrences inside and thus “outside” of you.

In fact the society humanity lives in is deliberately manufactured in such a way that competition is
supported. The shadow governments that dictated what society humans shall be like, in their eyes, has
created this environment where competition starts to get taught in school. You have to be better than all
the other ones to get a job, after finishing the brainwash camp. Thereafter while being in university the
same happens again. You have to be best to be able to acquire a job after it or to “become someone”. So the
education system conditions you to be in desperate need for being more successful than others.

They intent to create suffering in the individual and at the same moment they want humans to feel
separated from each other. Their biggest fear is that humans start to realize that they are all one and that
nothing of this is needed in the first place. Exactly that is now happening, therefore their domination is
now over.
Sombrero Galaxy
Surround yourself with what you are trying to manifest instead of that you want to get
away from

For what you focus your energy on is what eventually has the potential to be materialized, if you hold on
to it. So if you try to “get away” from something that doesn't contribute to your inner freedom or harmony,
you better focus your thoughts on what you want to achieve instead.

By still moaning about the situation you want to get away from you are bound to it at the same moment,
keeping it alive, within your awareness. Only that what is within your conscious focus can be experienced
somehow, physically or mentally.

So instead of arguing or complaining about the world being a crazy place that needs to change, you should
realize that in fact you are the one who needs to be modified in order for the world being able to adapt,
since you are the world itself.

Of course, not every single individual needs to come to such a fundamental realization or conclusion. Since
all are one and connected directly with each other, the collective consciousness of humanity implies every
individual consciousness, so it is already sufficient if a specific amount of humans has reached this
understanding or self-awareness for it being beneficial for the collective.

But in fact the more humans are getting aware of this the sooner it is able to transform on a global scale
affecting human consciousness as a whole. So because of this it contributes to the shift, if more and more of
you focus your own attention on what is now anticipated for your species, instead of still clinging to what
you still have to deal with, although it is NOW already crumbling and dissolving.

So instead of being fearful of violence, terror, war, crime and governmental oppression, police brutality or
diseases, you might decide to concentrate on joy and happiness when thinking about the consciousness
upgrade humanity is experiencing as of now. By doing this you are helping to transform the current status
quo into the foreshadowed one that, for a reason, has been called “golden age” by your ancestors. Humanity
is now experiencing a complete readjustment of its experience and self-understanding, where all the
structures you have had up until now are ceasing to exist, be it governments or banks and financial
institutions of all sorts, just like all religions are about to vanish as well eventually during this ascension.

Humanity is about to remember its true origin and all the implications that are accompanied by such a
realization or transformation of perception, which transcends earth into a place of love, compassion and
freedom. In the new emerging humanity everyone is accepted and respected and seen as an aspect of one's
self, while all are still sustaining their subjective individuality. When the manifestation within the
holographic expression is finalized you are being able to unfold your true personal potential or free will
without having to fear exclusion or punishment anymore.

Sharpless 106
You are looking for god, that is the problem because the god in you is
the one who is looking

This is why humans who search for god somewhere else than within themselves fail to really get to know
the truth. The subject can’t find itself in the objects it projects, which is what everyone does when creating
this reality. All that you see is a symbol or object originating from within you, now thrown onto the “three
dimensional movie screen” you call outside world.

What you see and perceive with your five senses, and of course anything beyond that too, is a mirror of
your inner personality, of the god within you, so to speak. You are source even though most of you don’t
recognize that, yet… you still manifest your own reality! It is an irrefutable fact that it works this way,
for everyone.
Because of this old paradigm scientists were ever struggling to find god. They might have searched for it
somewhere, but due to their education and brainwashing they had gone through they were incompetent to
realize that they themselves were what they were seeking for, if they ever stepped on this path to begin

Naturally everything which is an object in this context also equals god, but it is masked so cleverly that
humans without a deeper understanding constantly overlook it. That is, an academic can find god
everywhere, no matter where he looks or what he touches, it is all creation in a specific expression or
disguise. But to comprehend and process this you most likely have to excavate the god within yourself first.

If you remember that you are what creation is, which all possibilities included in the infiniteness of being
are, then you are empowered to discover the fundamental source within everything and everyone else there

Your science now understands this, mostly due to the profound serendipities of what quantum physics
offers and also because of the consciousness shift that is now unfolding. The cosmic rays and rising energies
are influencing your researchers subconsciously until it pours into their conscious perception. Everyone’s
base frequency is constantly increasing to finally affect the collective consciousness when the incoming
intergalactic and multidimensional wave is going to turn the tide definitely.

So instead of looking for god in the heavens or in a fairy tale book, you might prefer to dive into yourself,
there you will unkennel what always has been there waiting to get disclosed and freed from rigid and
limiting belief systems. The latter indoctrination tools only prevent this detection inside of you. You are
taught to look outside of you and not told that the without is the exact duplicate of the within.

NGC 1313
Unless you become like little children, you cannot know the meaning of Life, for your minds
must be cleared of the falsehoods of this realm if you are to be taught eternal truth

- Jesus, gospel of Thomas

Now this is very powerful because even around 2000 years ago Jesus told the humans of that period that
they were fundamentally controlled by their human mind. And to be able to get to know the truth they had
to overcome this dominance by transforming the inner perception that had been obfuscated by the mind

Anyway, he is absolutely accurate. Children are unconditioned, they don’t have strict and straight belief
systems like most adults cultivate them because of mental programming. And to be empowered to truly
understand who you are, you have to let go of belief systems, because they are always a limitation,
especially when it comes to religious dogma.

So as to what you have been told to be true, you need to realize that this is false prophecy, that these
convictions are based on fallacious assumptions implanted into your mind and thoughts. As long as you are
confined by such indoctrinated inverted truths you are unable to connect to your true self. That is, if you
believe in “god in heaven”, you are unable to recognize the “god” inside of yourself.

Back in this period when Jesus appeared humans were fundamentally imprisoned in religious belief systems.
This can be drawn back even further since the bible, for instance, is only a rewriting and re-interpretation
of Sumerian texts. The latter are directly evolved from those entities that have introduced the (now
defeated) human control system in the first place.

So in fact Jesus told his disciples to clear their mind, to silence the voice in their head to be capable of
“hearing” their true self which is the individual eternal verity itself, that naturally implies all truths there
are as well since all is ONE.

Of course this is related to what Buddha told his followers as well, amongst other things. Thus Buddha
basically shared the same messages.

Most of Jesus’ teachings are nowadays in fact co-opted and misused. Not all of the words you quote Jesus
for were ever spoken by him. Many are utilized as an indoctrination tool and as a device for distraction and
Always remember the bible itself is only a collection of texts that fit the church’s agenda of human
domination and deception. All other gospels, many of them containing deepest truths, have been excluded
and denied – like the Gnostic material or the gospel of Thomas.

These words by Jesus also imply that if you follow religious beliefs, you are inept to experience the true
essence of your own spirituality. This is applicable still today for most are following dogma and false
prophecy that is only meant to separate and delineate the individual from its inner core or true self.

NGC 3199
The truth doesn’t change, just because you don’t want to hear it

This is something the majority of humans is about to have to deal with now, for the whole world and
human experience is about to change fundamentally. During this shift in consciousness happening NOW,
all the inverted and censored or discredited truths are about to get disclosed and communicated into the
public. So the world view of uncountable of humans is about to collapse, they are about to realize that they
have based their life and convictions on false assumptions. They have to face that they have been swindled
and brainwashed all their life.

In fact the truth doesn’t change only because humans might have some trouble with it. Most humans are
simply missing the capacity to see the big picture and many are afraid of what they don’t know about.
Nobody has ever told them these more profound contents. So many, indeed, are anxious to finally receive
verification, for instance, that they are infinite and immortal.

Even more are scared to realize that they, as the majority of the human race, are being dictated and
imprisoned by extradimensional beings that are of a reptilian nature, these are the so called Drako
Reptilians. Humans of course are now being challenged to “process” that their governments, religions and
societies are based on an agenda that is aiming to depopulate earth and transform humans into beings like

Those humans that are choosing ignorance of what is really going on have to be prepared for official
announcements regarding the following topics, for instance:

Humanity has been controlled, enslaved and co-opted by other worldly beings
These entities controlled everything. Politics, the education systems, religions, to name a few
You are infinite consciousness that is undergoing a spiritual growth process
You are forever, you can never die, you are just having various experiences, like being human is one of those
infinite possibilities you can cull
Your governments have no power, they are only pawns in a chess game. They have no control over anything,
they just do what they are told they must do
Extraterrestrials/interdimensionals are as real as humans are. They are present on and around this planet,
many different species of them actually. Their space crafts are appearing as frequently as human airplanes.
Merely because you can’t see or identify them, it doesn’t mean they are not around.
You have scripted your life experiences yourself prior to incarnation and you are fully responsible for the life
you are, for you create it with your beliefs and emotions

NGC 3576
The bible tells us to be like God, and then on page after page it describes God as a mass
- Robert Anton Wilson

This is not surprising if you are aware of the fact that the god depicted in the bible is everything else but
what Christians adore as God. In fact these are extraterrestrials entities that engineered “man in their
image”. That is, with their genes they manufactured a being that has a similar visual appearance and
resembling attitudes. These false gods that have fabricated your religion or god figure in the first place were
in control of humanity ever since. Especially by using those false prophecy religions they conditioned and
co-opted humans to enslave and exploit them.

All the stories that are told in the bible, specifically in the Old Testament, are acts of other worldly beings
but not of gods or angels. They have, for instance, initiated the earth devastating flood to wipe you out.
Most of what is written in those texts has really happened, but they have inverted the truths to use it as
propaganda and brainwash tool against your species. The god Christians are praying to has been depicted as
judging and brutal, if you read the texts and take them for granted. But nothing of this is what truly could
be defined as god. This word has been abused too often anyway as that it still is of any relevance.
Everything that has been attributed to an action of god is in fact an operation of non-terrestrial forces that
are even mentioned in your bible. Names like Nephilim are used in this book, for instance. What also many
forget is that a vast amount of the bible is only rewritten from ancient Sumerian texts, especially regarding
the Old Testament. And already those ancient conventions have been manipulated to alter the records for
the purpose of mass mind control and obfuscation of the true human history.

Since this has been installed as predominant religion, billions of humans have fallen into this trap. They
have been accustomed to a god that is acting like depicted in the bible. This has resulted in fear and anxiety,
it has contributed to obeying authorities and being compliant. These are two main reasons for why those
falsified hoaxed religions have been introduced.

Moreover you have been dumbed down spiritually by those religions which is the next major function they
serve. In fact every one of you is the god you pray to. But the church of course prohibited this from
spreading widely. Basically, they have engineered a fairy tale by incorporating those texts that are suitable
for their agenda, while everything else got thrown out and demonized.

Therefore humans better realize that they themselves are said “god” or rather all there is and ever can be.
Praying to someone seemingly different is only a dysfunction of your mind due to manipulative
programming that separates you from your true self. That is, you are source cloaked as co-creation,
mimicking a human experience in your case.

Maffei 1 & 2
Is it love you emit, love is what reverberates to you in return

This is implied in the law of attraction, which in the meantime has become pretty popular, “luckily” for it
being significantly important for every individual and the collective at the same moment, right now. It is
also embedded in the fact that everything you are experiencing is a reflection of your inside being.

So if you are loving within and in relation to other people, nature or even material things that are also
living consciousness (that are also YOU), you of course encounter the same attitude towards you.

In such cases you normally only meet humans that are also loving or compassionate in their personality.
You avoid fights and battles naturally because there is no energy whatsoever directed to such vibrational
frequencies, thus they can't be attracted and manifested.
The energy flows where the attention goes, so if there is only energy that is invested in loving vibrations,
only creations that are of such a frequency can be generated.

For example, to depict the opposite situation, you are full of anger and hatred. In such a case you are
constantly meeting people that contribute to these emotions, meaning you are most likely starting
arguments with them or getting involved in disharmony of some sort.
This then is only the “outside” projection of your inner emotional energetic patterns. These emotions are
energy fields that are of a lower density, like fear or hate, and in return you manifest situations that mirror
this inner state of being or oscillation.

And everything you create is frequency and vibration, energy that has been condensed to act like matter, be
it organic or inorganic, be it a living being or a living thing.

So what you send out into the world is reflected by the it in return. Which is simply because of you being
the said world yourself. Everything you observe is happening inside you. All of it is projected outside of
you, seemingly, for you to be able to experience it in a way it can be recognized by your five senses the
human body computer operates with in its unconscious operational state.

It is pretty easy, if you would like people to behave in a certain way, you only have to act like this yourself
and in return you generate the outside world in the same fashion, meaning people you are coming across
sharing the same kind of attitude and behavior, too.

So in order to make the world a place of love and compassion you need to start within yourself. Such a
change starts inside and is mirrored “externally” as a result.

RCW 49
A generation that hates war can't bring peace

This is precisely correct and it can be explained very easily. Firstly the emotion “hate” is an alteration of the
emotion “fear”. All wars are based on the frequency of fear, so if you act out of this vibrational frequency
yourself, “by disliking war” you are emitting this kind of low oscillating resonance yourself.

And the energy you concentrate on manifests that which is focused. So if you constantly invest your energy
in demonizing war you contribute to its existence.

That which you react to has to be there in the first place, and it is kept alive by these recreational reactive
emotions that deliver energy to what you are responsive to.

As long as there are vast amounts of humans dooming war or those entities that are responsible for wars,
these events are persistent.

So in fact all those people who are “against” such confrontations are keeping them alive. Of course they
don't know about this being the case, otherwise they would instantly change “their mind” which is
ultimately in charge of creating such dramas for it loves suffering. So of course the human mind is fine with
warfare taking place.

In fact the human mind dysfunction lies embedded in a mental programming that has been established or
installed by those forces that are “responsible” for all the engineered and staged wars the human species has
faced so far and is still confronted with.

With this manipulation of the human mind they have implanted a “device” that constantly attracts fear,
and the latter is the foundation of all conflicts you can think of. By making humans hate those who fight
out the battles on the surface, they have successfully created a feedback mechanism that constantly feeds
war and violence with energy, and where there is energy there is manifestation. In this case it is
contributing to the creation or maintenance of wars and brutality as such.

Therefore it is important to change your view upon such topics. If you truly wish peace for humanity you
should focus your thoughts, imaginations or visualizations on peace and if possible on forgiveness and
compassion for those you have once accused or hated.

This transforms the energetic patterns that are liable for collective manifestations like described above. So
by concentrating on peace and forgiveness the energy contributes to the creation of these instead of
conducing to the persistence of fights and dispute.
A generation that lives in love, forgiveness and harmony inside, without blaming, hating and accusing,
generates a society or species that is loving, forgiving and peaceful in nature, and therefrom arises the
matching reflection of its “outside world”.

NGC 520
You can’t become what you already are

In fact you are already everything there is, because you are the fundamental creation even though you are
experiencing yourself now rather as a creation-fragment that is individualized in person and perception,
which is also correct. You are both, always and forever, just as you are also every other aspect of your true
self, no matter on which frequency bands those other facets of your true self are located now.
However, there is a common misperception or distortion within most human beings that can be related to
their dysfunctional mind device which has occupied them, so to speak. Humans normally strive for
something they want to become. Many wish to be famous, others want to get rich, and there are those who
try to be a better person.

Now the situation is that someone projects an aspect, like being wealthy, out of himself to be able to get
there (again) or to become whatever it might be. So you are incapable of experiencing what already,
naturally, is existent within you.

This is one reason why humans are persistently frustrated. They exhaust themselves to be something
specific, and even if they do manage to achieve this ego created goal, they soon are about to realize that this
is not enough to finally be happy and satisfied. So if you want to become something, you are predicted to
fail, because even if you attain it, you (or rather your ego) provoke another desire for something that
ostensibly is missing.

What you reflect outside of you, into the non-existent future, can’t be witnessed inside, because it is your
belief that it is still lacking which fashions your reality in this way because your convictions shape it. That
is, life reacts to your convincement and unfolds in a way that verifies your persuasions.

Humans always want to add something to what they already are, not realizing that they are already
everything they think they need to subjoin. Basically the human mind is unable to comprehend this. It
defines itself based on what it can append to the life story it narrates you. Material desires are a top
priority in its agenda just as image or fame is, so it can elevate itself above others.
It wants you to believe that adding more belongings to who you seemingly are is something that makes you
happier than you are now. It is never complacent with what you have in the present moment, for it is
dependent on the future, because only in an imaginary future one can add anything to what already is at

And this misperception prevents many of you from fathoming your completeness and inner abundance.
Affluence is not defined by money, it is clarified by inner peace, love and wisdom, but this is something you
need to learn by overcoming the mind matrix you were imprisoned in. This happens right now due to the
consciousness shift that is only months away from affecting your life profoundly. It is finalized
energetically anyway, but naturally within the holographic expression it is a gradual process. But luckily
the turning of the tide, globally, is only months away!
Cederblad 30
A person’s most useful asset is not a head full of knowledge, but a heart full of love, an ear
ready to listen and a hand willing to help others
- Higher perspective

In a way knowledge itself is only temporarily of use, because “true knowledge” naturally contains the
realization that one doesn’t know anything. Because what one can “weet” while being in a human body
computer is really negligible in comparison to all there is to know within infinity. Veda is essentially only a
human mind concept.

If you pretend to know something, you are attributing names, descriptions or characteristics to it. That is,
you are using words that are unable to accurately point something out. Naming something excludes it from
being anything else, this procedure normally in itself is the opposite of knowledge.
True knowledge, which we can interpret as wisdom, is aware of that. So there is a significant distinction
between knowing and sagacity. Sapience rather acts or observes, simply creates consciously, it avoids
defining, labelling and conceptualization which only facilitates separation.

Knowing is something that is of use to an incarnated being for it is dependent on mental concepts, since
these fashion the reality based system of the self-fragment. Therefore it uses words and commitments, but
trying to perceive something which goes beyond the three dimensional hoaxed reality with such a limiting
approach is predicted to fail. Thus you may love to embrace telepathy which is soon going to be re-
introduced into your life experience.

Apart from that it is of course essential to have a heart full of love. This is the most “valuable” currency one
has. Love is what everyone and everything truly is, creation itself is unconditional love and it enables you
to accept other selves as they are. It empowers you to feel compassion and being motivated to support other
selves. Moreover love resembles the highest frequency and emitting it affects and influences everyone and
everything around you in the most effective way, even though this leverage is rather subtle.
Having an open ear for others also is a side effect of being and expressing a loving heart. It is a service to
the other self and this is very important right now. Particularly when they have “hard times” which are
unfolding now for the vast majority of humanity since the shift is also going to bring a certain amount of
“chaos”. You may refer it to be like “pangs of childbirth”. But do NOT be in fear, because if you are calm in
your heart with faith in your self and the liberation of humanity you are going to be unaffected by all these
challenging experiences, events (riots, collapsing governments, societal ruptures, hurricanes, massive
earthquakes, volcanic activity, energetic anomalies and alike) and revelations (disclosure).

Offering service to the other self is the highest form of living and emitting compassion and unconditional
love. This is why many foreign souls (meaning that they are of no human soul origin) are now incarnated
into human bodies to assist you in this shift. Also advanced human souls that already have left school
cycles “long ago” are present again to contribute to the transformation as well.

SNR – G306.3-0.9
All things that truly matter, beauty, love, creativity, joy and inner peace arise from beyond
the mind
- Eckhart Tolle

As always he is absolutely right with his statements. Because these all are aspects or expressions of your
true inner soul being. A human mind is only capable of understanding what is transpiring on the surface
and such feelings or inner states of course come from below the surface - from the deep intrinsic stillness you

The ego can’t understand these traits, it can only distort them by trying to conceptualize these fundamental
expressions. This of course is predicted to fail, it only generates suffering because the mind, naturally,
misunderstands these feelings or intuitive qualities. It misperceives them, which is very prominent regarding

The mind thinks love means having someone at your side who completes you, for you being unfulfilled as
long you are seemingly alone. So it still equals love with possessing. This is a typical mind construct derived
from a feeling or rather a state of being that is impossible for the ego to grasp or process.
Unconditional love that is creation, that is you inner essence, doesn’t expect anything, it doesn’t cling to
anything, it has no interest in controlling anything and it doesn’t negotiate.

Also creativity can only arise from within, it extrapolates the mental box of conformity and narrowness.
And the box of compliance is what the mind puts itself into to be accepted by everyone else. Creativity is
the voice of the soul that wants to unfold itself into the world of shapes. Normally the ego ignores this, on

Intrinsic peace is another point the mind is unable to decode, because it is independent of anything or
anyone. You are just feeling peace without knowing why, or let’s say without the mind being aware of why
you are so excited or suffused with such an amount of high vibration.
That is, if there is inner peace minus any specific implication, the ego is incapable of evaluating this, for it
normally equals joy with being rich in belongings, money or having achieved a certain image within the
society. It literally can’t “imagine” that quietude and delight can be sensed without anything of the listed

True freedom and elation emerges when you realize who you truly are, if you really remember it in your
heart, so to speak. Thereafter you know that you have nothing to worry about whatsoever, for you being all
possibilities, infinite consciousness having and being an experience in order to learn and grow spiritually.

SNR E0102
We are, by our nature, spiritual people, if we don’t have access to spirituality we suffer as
individuals, the society suffers
- Russell Brand

He nailed it. Being disconnected from spirituality automatically creates suffering because of the illusion of
being separated from everyone else, nature, the universe and everything beyond it. This also leads to a loss
of power, because one is unaware of one’s own manifestation potential and thus allows so called
authorities to be in charge of the individual’s life, literally. And this is the case and it is what society and
their leaders, steered by hidden forces, tried to enforce over humans.

Humans being segregated from their own divinity are easy to manipulate and play out against each other.
That has been main aim of the agenda they are serving. Being isolated is a detrimental illusion for all is one
and of course such a realization is a threat to those who want to control others.

The most effective weapon, besides a preconceived materialistic and reductionistic attitude, is religion. It is
essentially a Trojan horse, it contains many core messages that are absolutely true, but they are corrupted
and co-opted by false prophecy, propaganda and inversion of truths implied in those texts and teachings. So
of course those who WERE in power have fabricated the human god figure. The old man that watches
every of your steps, and don’t you dare violate the ten commandments or any other guidelines they have set
in stone literally. This god simply doesn’t exist except as a manufactured mind lockdown they have caught
you in.
It is a blatant elaborated reversal of what creation really is in order to enslave and modulate the ego, so
that humans obey authorities, because the said god is defined by religious institutions and their sacral books
they made up in a way that it serves their plans. While patching these fairy tales together they threw out
all the rest of those gospels and stories that “normally” should be comprised in them as well.

This isolates you from you own source, even more so if you believe in a god that judges your actions. This is
beyond ludicrous, it is only imposed to generate fear and anxiety even post mortem, so to speak. Moreover
since they are actually the god or gods that are spoken about in the bible themselves, they receive all the
energy from humans praying to this mental construct derived from the hoaxed sacral texts.

So if one constantly asks for forgiveness, this implies trepidation such as guilt and this is exactly the
vibrational sustenance these false archontic/reptilian gods have lived on for such a long period of “time”. So
they co-opted truths to invert and weaponize them, cutting the bridge between the individual and its inner
spring of infinite consciousness on purpose. This has come to an end now for humans are awaking and
understanding the truth. More over the incoming cosmic energies are supporting you massively. All those
old antiquated control structures and institutions are going to evaporate over the course of the next few
years, starting already in 2015. You can perfectly observe this already, at least if you do not buy into the
main stream media illusion brainwashing campaigns anymore, doing your own research.

Helmet Nebula
Use your imagination to change the world, don’t let the world change your imagination


If you want to change the world, start by changing yourself

Because that is what “the world”, or rather society and the way the human reality system is functioning at
the moment, is trying to do. It is attempting to decrease your imagination, because the latter is essential for
creation. It is elemental for creativity and unfolding the genius you are.

The now crumbling shadow governments behind this society really have a problem with humans realizing
who they are and what they in fact can achieve. Thus they tried to dumb down the individuals’ creativity
and uniqueness by engineering mental clones/sheep.

In fact everything you can conceive is real and can be experienced. As soon as you cultivate an imagination
it manifests somewhere in the infinite realms of creation. Moreover it trains your intuitive senses, it
develops your skills as a creator, because that is what you are in your deepest essence. Everyone and
everything is creation, or we can also call it co-creation on behalf of the essential source.

A world change can only be induced from the inside, you have to be the change you want to see for the
world. This is simply implied in the fact that you ARE the world yourself. It is manifested from within, it
is a projection. You, like everyone else, mirror your beliefs and “world views” into the so called “outside”
and thus the “external world” responds likewise, giving you the feedback that matches your beliefs and
sights. So everything and everyone you see is merely a reflection of yourself only playing another role.

Such a shift like humanity is experiencing now is only possible by a modification of the state of mind and
consciousness. So in essence by an alteration of the inside AND “imagination”. This is provided and secured
fundamentally by cosmic cycles that are the foundation of the holographic computer simulation souls use
this universe and type of incarnation experience for. Of course the outcome always depends on the timeline
you are on. There are other timelines where humans get wiped out or coerced into a successfully installed
“New World Order”, but this is irrelevant for you, since you are on the timeline where this shift actually is

The entering of the Age of Aquarius is combined with an update or patch for this simulation/game. It
upgrades the avatars, you, and the solar system. In your special case it is uplifting the earth’s planetary
sphere and a specific amount of humanity itself to fourth density beings, it is done by elevating the
individual and collective consciousness frequency, which is happening now. The other human beings remain
on third density since they are, as of now, not ready development wise to make this evolutionary step to
another human experience on a higher frequency band.
Barnards Loop
What you perform on others you perform on yourself, what you perform on yourself, you
perform on others

This is essentially rooted in the fact that there is no difference between the individual self and every other
self. Every self, even though experiencing itself subjectively, is inseparably connected to every other one, for
all of you are originating from the one fundamental source that is infinite consciousness with all
possibilities inherent.

So whatever you are doing to other humans you are doing to another aspect or facet of what you are. If you
harm other human entities, you only target yourself. If you accuse or blame others, it is only the outside
reflection of you blaming yourself.

In the same way, if you are friendly or helpful towards other living beings in general (remember everything
is the aforementioned), you soon realize that they are acting in the same way in direct contact with you. So
you can be sure to receive help if you need it. And you encounter friendly people in return too of course.

So if you help someone else you are fundamentally assisting yourself, for the ones you are supporting are
yourself in disguise.

In fact a being can always choose, for it is gifted with free will, between serving the other self (StO) or
serving its own self (StS). On the surface the decision of serving one's own self can be interpreted as
“egoistic”, especially from a human perspective of understanding. And in fact many of those entities are
failing to realize the fundamental fact that they are still performing StO, since they are EVERY other
entity there is. So in the end, every service is a service to creation as such and StO as well as StS are only
duality based concepts used on lower frequency densities for learning purposes.

Even though they are of the opinion of doing more egoistic service to their own self, they are fundamentally
contributing to the collective growth of creation at the same moment. The best example is of course what
we can call “secret governments and elites” that have once controlled your species. They are purely
convinced of only serving the agenda of their puppeteers, which is the same as serving their own.
But in fact these forces have been essential for the human awakening actually taking place. Without the
low vibrational control system being in place there would have been no catalyst to transform your
experience to a higher frequency, which is what is taking place now. So the fact they imprisoned humanity
is now enabling and empowering your species to break through these mental prison walls, if you like.

So they are, in fact, doing massive service to the other self, even though they don't ever have such a thought
in the first place because for them the majority of humans are more like insects they want to get rid of. But
this is only an aspect of the game or theatrical play that is performed by all of you and every entity else
involved in it. Factually it is impossible to not serve creation which is the own self just as it is the other self
simultaneously, so every service is fundamentally service to creation or unconditional love.

M 78
You don’t learn to walk by following rules. You learn by doing and by falling over
- Richard Branson

In fact it is all about learning and eventual ascending. Souls join material planes and worlds like this one
to enhance their inner potential, to get to know the fundamental aspects of their own self, to be able to
gain more wisdom or to transform knowledge into wisdom, which is more precise.

And as humans already have concluded, “learning by doing” is the most effective way to gain more
intelligence and experience. Therefore souls leave the comfort zone of planes or dimensions beyond to
venture down into defying adventures that they create on their own in full self-responsibility (although
most still don’t remember this yet, which is soon going to change).

You are challenged to rise in a world full of defiance and separation, at least superficially. You have
literally signed a contract to participate here accompanied by a kind of amnesia which lets you forget your
true origin temporarily, so that the dares are “real”, which makes them more rewarding and engraving for
further growth. The goal is to get aware of this while being incarnated, for this being a milestone in a soul’s
development in this interval of its eternal existence.

However, you do not need any rules for such a progress. Precepts like they are invented by authorities of
your society even contradict your development. These regulations have been engineered to hinder the self
from gaining these memories which set you free from the mind control if you regain them.

Also the falling over and standing up again is a crucial aspect of this whole spiritual growth evolution. By
performing something that the soul-fragment regrets afterwards (for it now realizes it is unconditional love
when returning from a material incarnation) it can learn how it should approach it on next occasion to be
more in balance with its own fundamental truths like love and compassion.

For example, if an individual harms other selves, it faces these situations again (after returning to the
beyond) by changing positions, being now inside the other self, undergoing the emotions and impacts its
own behavior had on the other self during the previous embodiment. So it can embrace the suffering and
understand how it feels to be in such a situation. And to further enhance this apprehension the self might
want to switch roles now in another incarnation to witness it anew now while being also physically in the
same position.

This is like tumbling over and uprising again. You do something you normally wouldn’t do to learn from it.
And thus you acquire more wisdom and self-realization such as elemental truths in general. But in no case
you need rigid antiquated rules that tell you what you can or what you can’t do. This only slows down the
development. Since this adventure is so rewarding, innumerable souls decide to come here to face these
provocations because the outcome or conclusion is ground breaking and often a kind of “kick start” for the
involved entities.

Wreath Nebula
The only thing standing between you and your goal is the bullshit story you are telling
yourself as to why you can’t achieve it
- Jordan Belford

Or let’s say the story that your mind is telling you, because that is what it is. Not YOU are deluding
yourself with contentions why you can’t achieve something, seemingly. It is always only the mind that is in
charge of your thoughts and emotions.
It is this voice you may identify with, that tries to convince you to believe in who you are based on your
name, country, religion, job or career, belongings and your place in society in general. It attempts to make
you accept that you are all this superficial stuff which completely dissolves with the shut down or rather
“game over” of your body computer. Nothing of this is who you truly represent!
So if you fall for this mental deception you are literally trapped inside a prison that limits your perception,
your abilities and your creative energy, that ultimately manifests your reality based system.
This ego is anxious about the future, because it doesn’t know what awaits it. Therefore it assays to retain
and corroborate your status quo. It dislikes to change, because that means to experience something new, and
what the mind is unaware of equals a threat in its eyes.
If you aim to reach a specific goal or to fulfill yourself a dream, the ego appears and tells you whatever is
necessary to discourage you from taking action or initiating the first step.
As usual it wants you to believe that you can’t do this because of what others would say. Or you can’t
make this decision for if you dismiss your job you have no money and similar excuses. Essentially you can’t
do it today, try it tomorrow, you can’t do this, you can’t do that.
Generally the mind likes you to stay in your comfort zone, so to speak. It wants you to perform the same as
you have always done since you got programmed and locked down in this mental prison.
The great fact is, as soon as there is a thought like “you can’t or you shouldn’t…” you know the source of
these cogitations. And if you already understand that they are not your true self, then you can let them pass
by, like clouds.

If you are motivated to reach your goals don’t let a pretended self, which is everything but your true self,
chatter box that you are incapable of realizing it. You are the most powerful being there is, you are
creation, like everyone and everything else. There is essentially NOTHING that you can’t do, at least if you
are fully aware of this being truly the case.
Cygnus Loop Nebula
The best teachers are showing you where to look but don't tell you what to see
- Alexandra K. Trenfor

This is precisely correct. In fact a spiritual teacher, for instance, can tell you everything he is aware of but it
doesn't bring you that much, as you have yet to experience anything of it inside yourself. Tutors can or
should always only show you the door you finally have to walk through for yourself.

They may offer you spiritual information or insights that make you begin to realize who you truly are. But
it is always important to have your own experiences which then make it possible to “verify” for yourself
what has been given or communicated to you by others.

It is of no real fundamental use, if a teacher or guru tells you that you are one with all there is, until you at
least get a glimpse of what this is like within. So unless you undergo the feeling of this deep connectedness
inside of yourself, it is only a mental concept that the human mind has now declared as “spiritual
knowledge”. In the mind's eyes this contributes to its survival, because being spiritual is always a good
idea, so to speak. And as long as you conceptualize these fundamental truths that can only be experienced
but never truly be described in words, you delay a real profound understanding of them.

So you only can make a progress in your spiritual development by witnessing it firsthand. Of course it often
starts with getting aware of such elemental teachings, like when you are consulting spiritual masters. They
can guide you alongside your way but you still have to walk it or more precisely BE it yourself.
So these entities are often playing key roles in one’s enlightenment, but normally only up to a point where
the individual is beginning to experience what he has been told, now in a direct inner sensation backing up
the spiritual knowledge that has been theoretically taught before. And of course it might vary from what
has been depicted, which has to do with the fact that everyone has his or her own truths.

It is important to not blindly believe in what has been shared by someone you might consider to be
enlightened. Rather induce further inner research of that which resonates within your heart, everything else
you can just put aside and concentrate on what you feel as being true inside of yourself.

Since you are your own creator you have to get aware of your own inner truths and wisdom, this might
differ from other opinions or beliefs, which is totally fine when you realize that everyone is creates his own
reality based system and everyone is unique thus perceiving something in a different way in comparison to

Pulsar in the Crab Nebula
You are the awareness of this moment. Everything that you experience is not you. You are
the nothingness that is aware of the everythingness. Be what you are.

- Michael Jeffreys

This is precisely what you truly are, in your most fundamental state: awareness/consciousness. This is
indeed “nothingness” for everything is originated out of nothingness, where this of course doesn't mean
there is no experience. It only can be conceptualized (and that is all you can do, for this state of being is
unable to be described) as being everything there is at the same moment. But it is simultaneously
experienced instead of being an individualized perception of self.

So in fact you are creating all your adventures, but they are what they are, only situations you undergo. In
a way you are that since you are all there is, but here we are talking about the identification. So for
example, if you are depressed, your mind tries to trick you into believing that you are your emotions and

In fact you are only the observer of all this. You are monitoring these emotions and cogitations that have
been manifested out of misguided beliefs of your mind, but it is not what you true essence is.

Your true source is love and inner freedom, so you are everything but mental distortions like frustration and

So even though you are also any event you create, you are at the same time still the self you are, which has
created those experiences in the first place. So in this sense you are also the infinitely vast “room” for all
that is taking place. And the self uses these occurrences to grow spiritually.

So only the ego can stage a false identification with situations or beliefs. Those are creating these
circumstances in return as a feedback mechanism. But this is not who you are in the fashion of thoughts
telling you “this is me”/”this is my life”.

The concept of nothingness as such is in the end the same as everythingness. Because nothingness includes
all there is, so without it there is no “all-possibility-ness” in a way. They are both the same, only since we
are working with concepts of duality while being in an individualized state of existence. Thereby one can
understand the other because of the contrast between both, we tend to use these definitions or comparisons
so the human mind can follow it.
In fact nothingness can't be described or defined, the same accounts for everythingness. The first mentioned
is the infinite pool of all possibilities that wait for being virtualized or chosen by an individualized
consciousness fragment for the sake of experience and learning who we truly are, which is the fundamental
creation. This is what nothingness and everythingness melted into one being, truly is.

Comet NEAT
I don’t want to protect the environment, I want to create a world where the environment
doesn’t need protection

This is what humanity is heading to. The human species is right now transforming the whole structure of
its existence due to the consciousness shift that is taking place now, which is increasing rapidly.

But let us start with explaining why it is so important to let go off the “protection” -motivation. This is of
course a drive that is based on compassion, be it for the environment, nature or the human being. But at the
same moment it is fear driven and an emotional reaction to those who are targeting the surroundings.

So if you react to their actions you feed them with energy. You more fundamentally re-create the need of
something that attacks the ambient because otherwise you are unable to defend it.

So as long as humans desperately try to shield something they deliver energetic sustenance to that which
attacks. It simply is sustained that way. This is easy to understand if you realize that the (cognitive and
emotional) energy you focus on someone or something keeps the aforementioned alive.

This is why mass protest is a two-bladed sword, so to speak. One the one hand it creates attention. Thus
humans get aware of something being “wrong”, which can wake up masses. But on the other hand it
simultaneously strengthens the forces that are responsible for what humans demonstrate against.

So protests in general are only temporarily sensible and to be utilized since humans keep waking up and
learn, eventually, that this only offers energy to what is needed to be transformed in the first place.

What you fight against is kept persistent because you are so strong in the belief that you have to bring
down something to change it. This conviction is then verified for you since you are the creator of your
reality and when you are confident you have to combat something, life gives you the opportunity to do that
over and over again. What the creator focuses the creator manifests, and these humans concentrate their
energy on opposing the system, so it is kept going since it is the reflection of your inner state of being which
is, in such cases, confrontation.

In fact targeting anything naturally creates suffering inside those who cultivate this attitude. They only
attack other aspects of themselves, since the other self, or even any given situation that needs to be
transformed, is one’s own individual self in disguise. Therefore it is contra productive to face something you
want to transform with such low vibrational intentions.

Ring Nebula
You are a human being, not a human doing

- Jacob Cox

This is something many yet have to realize. Humanity once has been programed to be in constant need of
doing something to be able to survive. Society and economics are fashioned in a way that one “seemingly”
needs to work and be in a hassle to gain money, for it is needed to buy pleasure and survival, in a way.

This is of course a distortion or inversion of the original state that humans have once been in. It is part of
the actual quest of humanity, an intensified software version of the simulation humans are being “thrown”
into. And the human souls wished for it since it is beneficial for their own spiritual development.

So because most humans still are guided by their dysfunctional human mind that is always in anxiety of
dissolving, they believe they have to work hard and invest all their energy in receiving money at the end of
the month. The ego is manipulated in a way that it sees itself dependent of said salary. Moreover the
human mind always wants more to add to its delineated self-understanding. It is of the opinion that it is
never complete unless it gets more, be it material or immaterial (emotions). So it tricks you into believing
that it needs more of this, more of that and of course therefore, it needs money.

There are those who are in a way driven by such misguided beliefs that they struggle so hard (doing jobs
they don't even like anyway) that they open themselves up for burn out, depression, sadness and the feeling
of emptiness. They use all their mental and physical power to stand a chance in society, to be able to obey
the commands of their own mind/thoughts.

All of this is unnecessary. It is wasted life energy that one can utilize to invest in the own genius everyone
is. All of you have special abilities that are capable of being used to make a living. But society is built in a
way that it destroys this uniqueness, so everyone comes into the situation to act like authorities wants them
to. Work, work, work, obey, obey, obey.

Children are put into brainwash camps at early ages so that they are programed into conformity. This of
course destroys inimitability, and the individual genius everyone is can't emerge. Thus another human being
has been imprisoned in the illusion of being dependent of money and success. And this is what creates the
“human doing”. Humans are having “no time” anymore to calm down, relax, maybe do meditation, regain
energy or just be the eternal moment. This peace and inner state of being that enables you to change your
life, from being a human doing back to acting like a “human being”.

Of course you might already be aware of the fact that you are neither a human entity anyway, you are only
the experience, or your self has the sensation, of being human. So the term human being is discussed under
the premise of the quote to display what humans are doing, instead of just “being” and thus come to
realizations like these in the first place.
RCW 108
The past is never dead, it’s not even past
- William Faulkner

This is absolutely true, even though it might seem different at first glance. Since the human mind functions
on the base of specific patterns or programs literally, it is used to decode consecutive experiences as time.
Therefore it creates the illusion of what humans understand as past (and future).

Moreover your life experience is a scripted consciousness simulation. The actual program you are
participating in is, in regard to the human being, built this way. So it is part of the amnesia game you are
playing which eventually allows you to get in touch with and being able to learn the truth. So this
environment is set up for you, by you, to have the possibility to grow spiritually.

Therefore the mind has been infiltrated and co-opted in a challenging way because it is, in its base function,
“thinking” in time (future and yesterdays). This normally creates suffering, for the ego tends to project itself
either into the future to create anxiety or into the past to feel guilty. This is a defiance for your self-
fragment to overcome eventually.

So your mind is unable to understand the timeless-ness of that what you really are. On this eternal journey
everything exists at the same moment parallel to each other for there is only this everlasting present now.
You can only integrate such limitations like time concepts into simulations you create for learning purposes.
Despite that there is no time or linear way of approaching anything whatsoever.

That is, every incarnation your self has induced takes place simultaneously, NOW. That means, if you are
freed from body computer restraints again (or upon entering your fourth density embodiment in time/space)
you are empowered to reflect all your incarnations. You can choose which one you might want to re-create
or alter, for example. This accounts naturally at least those that proceede within dimensions a certain self-
aspect, like a human soul, is able to perceive or remember.

Your self exists on every frequency there is. What you would define as “future self (– on higher
frequencies/in other densities)” already exists and is in touch with you, while other self-expressions of the
self you are still striving to reverse engineer their own origins, albeit most are unaware of doing it.

In essence, your seemingly past and future selves are subsisting right now. They can observe you and they
are in subconscious contact with you. They are all one being (you), only scattered over any of infinite
frequencies that resemble what you might refer to be a dimension or plane or realm.

Everything that from your actual human point of view is still about to unfold, has already emerged and,
depending on the perspective you are processing it from, you have the opportunity to tune into and re-
experience it.

Frankenstein Nebula
For every disease there is something natural that fully restores it back to ease

In fact there is no medicine or drug needed from any of your pharmaceutical institutions whatsoever. For
everything there is first and foremost something you can get from plants or roots or alike. That can be used
as much more efficient healing alternative, it is only needed to be aware of them.

For every so called sickness there is a natural cure, only the knowledge of these choices has been destroyed
and kept hidden from you by your authorities. By doing this they can earn money by offering you medicine
and keeping you in the state of being dependent of said medicine, which is in many cases the aim of these
pharmaceutical goodies which are offered to humanity.
In many cases these “meds” are only given to humans, especially kids, to make them be in the need of more
pills and vaccines or to create physiological and psychological dysfunctions in general. Such drugs might
cure symptoms - but they never heal the cause since this is always energetic in nature. At the same time,
while addressing symptoms, the pharmaceutical solutions are often accompanied by side effects that
allegedly need even more and diverse medical treatment.
Most essentially every illness can be effectively healed with energetic and holistic methods that are initiated
by your inner healing abilities. That is, you can do this yourself or with help of alternative healers.
Energetic imbalances in your energy fields create all maladies you are familiar with. Even what has been
caused by "seemingly" external force, accidents, other selves and alike, ultimately has been manifested by you
due to resonance. In many cases it simply is a milestone or key experience you have implemented into your
To utilize your inner self-healing capacities, which is called placebo effect by your scientists and doctors, it
is important to be aware of them first. An individual that doesn't belief in having said abilities in fact can't
effectively cure itself. So if you are conscious of them being a fundamental feature of your self and the body
computer you have chosen to use, you now need to find out what has created the inner or energetic
imbalances in the first place.

Is it, for example, because you are encountering constant stress or struggle in the everyday life you are, or is
it rooted in discrepancies you are facing in relationships with other selves?

If you have identified what might be the catalyst for the disharmony in the energetic flow that sustains
your body, this may enable you to draw a conclusion. For example you can disconnect from other selves that
are influencing you in a way that it harms you or contributes to auric dysfunctions resulting in illness or

Small Magellanic Cloud
My brain is only a receiver, in the Universe there is a core from which we obtain knowledge,
strength and inspiration. I have not penetrated into the secrets of this core, but I know that
it exists.
- Nikola Tesla

This is absolutely true. The brain factually receives information that it utilizes to create the simulated
reality based system humans experience. It decodes information from the unified field of consciousness just
as it extracts data from the energy fields surrounding (and constructing) its own body computer.

The core Nikola speaks about is the fundamental consciousness underlying this universe. And it is also, at
the same moment, the own inner self that is of course the very same, only in an individualized state of
awareness. So he speaks about the intuitive force that is your true inner self. But there is the possibility to
connect with even more unified fields of consciousness as well, which he did. There he got his inventions
from, mostly.

Nowadays physicists call it the zero point field, or unified field, there are many words for it. Many
scientists have already proven this theoretically and experimentally and dependent on who found it the
name for it varies. In essence it verifies all the formerly called mythical texts of ancient cultures regarding
creation and the cosmos itself. Naturally thousands of years ago they couldn’t propagate quantum
entanglement or superposition, so they used allegories and metaphoric language to describe it to their

But it is proven and it is an irrefutable scientific fact that it is present, and this unified field that is the
universal consciousness, so to speak, is a source for everyone to gain knowledge and information from. You
only have to realize that it is existent and that also you have the possibility to experience it, if you choose

That is, no matter if it is the own “higher” self or, for instance, an access to the so called Akashic record, it
is always a direct download from other (more subtle) realms and frequencies. The name you want to give it
depends on your own individual understanding of it, but in fact it is something that goes way beyond the
(five senses) reality you regularly perceive.

This is a field that sciences have ignored and denied big time, because they have been forced to do so, for
almost three centuries. But the curtain is lifted now and the truth has found its way back into human
science. Now your scientists are able to explain spiritual and psychic phenomena with ease.

NGC 1614
If you think you understand Brahman, you do not understand, for the Brahman is
unknown to those who know it and known to those who know it not
- Alan Watts /
Teachings from
the Upanishad

This is implied also in philosophies like “the godhead is never a subject of its own knowledge” or “a knife
doesn’t cut itself” or “fire doesn’t burn itself”.

The fact is, if there is one who says “I know Brahman” he has specific imaginations or thought concepts
about it being whatever he thinks Brahman is like.

By doing this the person automatically excludes everything else from potentially being Brahman. We can
say that such “knowledge” is almost in every case a mental fabrication or “illusionary” understanding that
is based on the human perspective, conditioning and reflection of it.

And this ultimately comes from the human mind. This device is not able to understand something that can’t
even be described in human words nor can be understood by something that has been created to work on the
surface (for which it has been designed initially) of the human reality system. Such insight or real
“knowledge” is located below this “ground level”.
The essence is that by labelling something or someone with names, attitudes or abilities, one limits it to
exactly those descriptions and mental conceptions.

One then creates one’s own imagery or depiction of it, which is in all cases more than questionable.
Especially when you realize that fundamentally EVERYTHING and EVERYONE is ANYTHING and
ANYONE, since all is one and one is all. So if you name or define something you exclude and ignore its real
state of being, that is “all there is”, mistaking it as a little tiny narrow banded fracture of all that it
essentially is.

If one propagates he understands Brahman, he simply does not apprehend it, because he is, at the same
moment, limiting Brahman to what he thinks this entity is, whereas Brahman truly is all there is, and all
there is can never be deciphered by a human mind. It isn’t even able to process or grasp 0,00000…0001% of
what there is in the first place.
Lagoon Nebula
If we wait until we are ready, we’ll be waiting for the rest of our lives
- Lemony Snicket

This is absolutely right, because if you wait for something it is not now, otherwise you wouldn’t have to
wait. But all that which is not now simply doesn’t exist, because the only moment that subsists is the
present one. If you hold out for something, you are unable to manifest it in the now and therefore it stays a
“future” concept that is only a hallucination in your mind.

The ego then tries to preserve you in this state of waiting, no matter what it is all about. Because taking
action and creating what you anticipate implies the act of change. This is something the human mind
doesn’t feel comfortable with. Thus it revels in thoughts that keep you in the misperception “you can do this
tomorrow”, “yeah do it, but not today there are plenty opportunities still to come” and alike.

Many of you act like this never being able to finally experience what you have been waiting for. A very
prominent example is the phrase of finding oneself. The mind wants you to believe that you still have to
find yourself. This is what many try for their whole lives without success. They are dominated by their
cogitations as well as the false identification and understanding of their own self.
So instead of procrastinating something bring it to fruition now. The only thing which prevents you from
doing it is your dysfunctional ego that attempts to lock you in the status quo which often is characterized
by suffering. Performing something that has the capacity to end your misery is inacceptable for the
fabricated mental construct you are identified with. So the ego does everything needed to keep you in line.

Waiting for something to unfurl is like wanting to clean the dishes without washing them. It is never going
to happen. What you hold on for is constantly projected into the futurity. All energy is wasted on a
thought concept if you don’t start to actually manifest it by being active. Naturally anticipation is
important for creation and it often implies something that is “yet to come”, but it is always dependent on
how you approach and process it.

If you actually get in direct resonance with what you want to materialize, it is artlessly beneficial and
supportive, but if you do nothing and only stay in your little box you are living an illusion. Making plans
for the “future” is only of use for people who can live completely in the present – only here you can take a
first step or make a decision to bring into being whatever it might be.

California Nebula
Happiness is when what you think, what you say and what you do are in harmony
- Mahatma Gandhi

This is a good indicator for yourself to verify how far you are progressed in your actual spiritual growth
process. Because the wisdom or information you yet have remembered is of no greater use if you don’t “live”
it. Meaning if you preach love but you still cultivate anger and hate inside there is no harmony.

The aforementioned is achieved when your inner wisdom is projected into the outside world. That is,
initially you have to occupy your mind, to gain back the control over your thoughts which ultimately
dictate what the reality you perceive is like.

When you have reached this state of inner calmness and balance inside your head you can start to reflect it
without. Your cogitations create emotions and if those are still of low vibration you can’t effectively live or
express the deeper inner revelations you already recalled.

What you say mostly depends on how you feel inside and this is determined by your emotions which are
created by your thoughts. So if you still have misbalances inside of you they naturally influence your
interference and communication with others.

This seems to be obvious because if you, for instance, tell that you love everybody, but are still ranting on
politicians or members of shadow government for what they do to humans, you are creating suffering.
What you proclaim and what you feel deep inside is still divergent. Thus you are betraying yourself in a
way. Frequently this is a “covered” operation of the ego that adapts and integrates spiritual concepts, like
love, but alienating them for its own agenda.

Therefore true happiness can only be experienced if all of the three components are really aligned with each
other - being in total balance. This resembles a real challenge for every soul since it really needs a deep
appreciation of the own self and fundamental principles of creation.
Knowing them theoretically is only the first step, you have to implement them into your everyday life
practically. If you manage that, you have mastered yourself and your quest of life.

But as long as there are still differences in the alignment, you are about to create suffering at least if you
think you already got there, which is a trick of your mind. Thereby it attempts to prevent you from further
realization and implementation of those truths into the being or entity you are.
IC 405
It is time to evolve from a world in competition to a world of cooperation

And this is what is unfolding right now due to new discoveries and disclosure of long known (and hidden)
truths, be it spiritually or scientifically. Whereas both are almost the same only communicated in a different

Until lately the world was indeed a place of competition. The whole social and economic structure, just as
the religious systems, were based on rivalry. It all started centuries ago when an excerpt of Darwin’s
evolution theory, called survival of the fittest, was propagated as the scientific bible, telling us from what
that which humans had to face has originated, allegedly. All of this ludicrous nonsense has been
deliberately installed to control humans and prohibit them from discovering their own inner spirituality and
creative energy they have, for all of them being creators on behalf of fundamental source.
Therefore humans have been taught competition from the earliest ages. Of course schools and universities
just as traineeship schools have been the number one place to implement this concurrent thinking into their
minds. In these brainwash boot camps it is all about being better than the others to receive good grades to
be able to acquire a profitable job later on.

The same goes for universities and also every other aspect of society. Nations are on war with each other,
corporations are also wrestling with each other just as banks and scientific métiers. So wherever you look
you find humans being isolated from each other because of this mind control. Your whole old science has
been based on these false assumptions propagated by Darwin where he concluded that nature is competitive
and thus the human being has to be in contest with each other too.

But in the meantime everything has changed. Your new scholarship has come to the only sensible inference
that these antiquated hypotheses are nothing less than outdated and ousted. A new paradigm has been
established which now gradually exchanges the whole former “mainstream” science. They have also done
experiments where they could clearly demonstrate that nature of course is working on the fundament of
cooperation. And this is applicable for all human beings as well.

The new awareness that is now rapidly evolving in humans is transforming everything. It results in a new
humanity, which is loving and compassionate. It promotes cooperation and assisting each other, for this
new humanity is aware of its true being and origin. Also this new humanity is going to be reintegrated into
the intergalactic family that is in contact with other worldly beings from other places in the universe and
other dimensions.

In general interdimensional contact is also something that is available for you quite easily (conscious
interdimensional astral travels) very soon, depending on how many strands of DNA already got activated.
Telepathy is about to substitute the usage of spoken language as you still know it now. All of this is going
to be triggered by the incoming intergalactic wave from the center of the galaxy that is going to transmute
the consciousness of MANY humans overnight. From there on all of this unfolds gradually over the course
of the next few years.

Virgo Galaxy Cluster
You can't miss anything, for you already are what you are missing supposedly

Many humans are still unsatisfied with their actual status quo, they are of the opinion that they still need
more. They want to achieve more esteem, they like to earn more money, they feel pushed to possess more cars
or houses or whatever they might consider possible to be possessed. They believe that this adds to their
personal completion.

Of course this is only an illusion. It is created by the ego that never can get enough. It is never satisfied
with what is available or achievable in the present moment, so it creates a projection into the future, like,
“If I have this, I am complete”, or, “if I achieve this, I am a better person”.

The identification with your thoughts now makes you believe that it is yourself hallucinating this. So you
obey to the voice in your head trying to realize these mental distortions. In fact the human mind is unable
to grasp that everything it thinks it needs is already inherent in it, for all of it being present in the true self
that created the human mind in the first place. Since every being is already everything and everyone else,
you therefore already own everything there ever can be.

At the moment you are experiencing your self as an individualized self-fragment, so of course one can argue
that you are not living in a villa by the beach, for example. On the surface this is correct, but as soon as you
leave your body again, returning back “home” to a place most call afterlife, you can manifest
EVERYTHING you want, be it a situation, a place, an individual you are transforming yourself into or be
it any kind of thing or whatever you can conceive. So what you are “missing” physically now while being
incarnated can be “picked up” after being back to the spiritual realms.

Moreover, since you are everyone else, you are experiencing all of what they undergo simultaneously. You
might argue that YOU in person can't witness this now, which is somehow correct, but you have to remind
yourself that you are just playing a game right now. You are an aspect of a computer like simulation for
studying purposes, also for learning or realizing exactly that.

However, everyone and everything else is collecting uncountable different experiences on your behalf,
literally. You are capable of tuning into their adventures too, if you chose to do so. Of course this can only
be perceived when being free from limitations like the third density incarnation experience brings with it.
But it is possible, for everyone, depending on your spiritual development level. So the concept of missing
anything is a blatant illusion and only creates fear and suffering for no reason at all. Whatever you want
to manifest, you are able to when the “game is over” again, just like you do in dreams, which is very similar
to this way of being your afterlife self again.
Cygnus Loop Nebula
We are a way for the cosmos to know itself
- Carl Sagan

This is one of the goals creation has in mind when it creates individual creation-fragments that can be
called souls or selves. It of course goes way deeper, way beyond the cosmos. That is, while being the universe
and the individual simultaneously we contribute to ourselves in the state of being the universe. That way
we are able to get to know something about our self as the cosmos. But in fact this can be applied to all
holographic planes or dimensions existing.

So in this sense source uses individualized aspects of itself to be able to experience itself. By creating
uncountable of single, subjective units it can let them interfere with each other. All singular fragments now
are able to learn and progress, because of fundamentally being co-creation with the abilities of generating
the own life. And this progress is a way for creation to reverse engineer itself, so to speak.

All self-fragments have different personal adventures and all this concurs to the wholeness of the one
elemental creation that is still you, even though you are seemingly separated from being it perception-wise.
This naturally is only an illusion and misunderstanding of what there is and of how all there is, works.
Everything is simultaneous and multidimensional, including you and everyone and everything else.

So you might perceive yourself individually now, but in fact you also reside on (all) other planes or
dimension. But your self is unable to experience this, for a self-fragment can only be sensed as “one at a
time”. This doesn’t exclude higher selves, on higher frequency bands, from being capable of processing
multiple subjective aspects of themselves at once depending on which frequency band those are located.

This goes way beyond of what you are apt to conceive even as a soul in afterlife (where you melt with your
“higher” self again after this incarnation). These are located on frequency bands that this soul is about to
experience “later on” while progressing spiritually, at least seemingly. It is always described by using human
mind concepts of a linear, chronological nature. That is, other frequency bands are already consciously
sensed and witnessed by your multidimensional self. However, all self-aspects situated on lower frequency
bands normally can’t tune into them for development (and self-oscillation) reasons.

In essence the collective experiences itself by masking itself as individuals, so to speak. This is what
everyone of you is doing. You are eventually empowered to perceive a bigger aspect of yourself by learning
something about it beforehand while being seemingly separated from it to be able to project it outside of
yourself. You now can interact with it in a way you are used to at this stage of your subjective spiritual

LHA 120 / N 11
Coincidences simply do not exist, at best one is dealing with synchronicities

A coincidence as such is only an illusion, a mental concept that the human mind uses as an excuse and to
deny the fact that it creates all situations or events, with the cogitations and emotions it utilizes.

The mind propagates “that’s just a fluke” to defend itself from being exposed. As we said, the ego manifests
reality by thoughts and emotions, which both are energy. Energy ultimately resonates and attracts. And due
to magnetizing energy patterns or frequencies humans meet and situations occur.

So you are always responsible for everything you experience, in every moment of your incarnation. In fact
almost all of it has been determined before you even embodied here, for most events and individuals you
might come across are core ingredients of your life-plan. You naturally still have free will though, since such
a script includes likelihoods and MANY possibilities for you to choose from.

If someone is dictated by his own mind, he often manifests rather possibilities than likelihoods, unless being
controlled by the ego with pursuant holographic results is meant to be a likelihood (main incarnation
objectives) during your actual incarnation. This is quite often the case! Souls try to learn from such
intensified defiances to further develop in their spiritual reverse engineering process.

However, everything that any human being considers to be “happenstance” has been engineered on the
behalf of the individual. Defining it as coincidence is just a method of denying own liabilities. Of course it
is easier, for the mind, to blame someone or something else for what has transpired. By this the ego
constantly creates suffering.

The illusion of concurrence is just a defense mechanism the ego utilizes to cover up the true origin of what
has been interpreted as accident. Because if the individual realizes that it manifests all of this itself, it most
likely gets motivated to change the behavior or “mindset”, which is a serious threat for the misguided
human mind. It fears that it loses its influence and dominance.

The appropriate description of many coincidences is in fact the term synchronicity. They are messages from
your deeper self, befriended souls or spirit guides to make you aware of certain things. With ongoing
awakening you are about to recognize more and more of such synchronicities. They help you to stay on your
path, or to get there in the first place by realizing that these - formerly called - coincidences are there to
teach you something, to make you cognizant of what the mind tries to hide.
Sharpless 112
Just look at us, everything is backwards. Everything is upside down. Doctors destroy
health. Lawyers destroy justice. Universities destroy knowledge. Governments destroy
freedom. The major media is destroying information. And religion destroys spirituality.

- Michael Ellner

This is absolutely true. And it all happens on purpose for the system or society wants to keep away the
truth from you to be able to control you. Because of that all of the original or genuine intentions of any
institutions are inverted.

Let’s break it down step by step. On behalf of the pharmaceutical companies, doctors are literally
destroying human health. All of the medicine and drugs that are produced only have one goal, to sustain the
patient in the need of more medicine. The pharmaceutical companies are not interested in healthy humans,
they want sick customers, so they can earn money and depopulate earth. That is one key aspect in their now
failed “agenda”. Therewhy they even manufactured pandemics like HIV or Ebola in labs.

Lawyers are only working for the ones in power, so all laws that are made, especially since 9/11, are only
meant to suppress humans and destroy their freedom. These bills that are enforced by the lawyers that are
only pawns in a chess game are in no way related to genuine justice. They are only used to control you.
Most of them are blatant indications for total domination of the population. Instead of using these laws
against those who humiliate humanity the pawns are protecting those forces.

Universities are only teaching what the control system wants you to know, they are brainwash camps that
indoctrinate you. It is meant as preparation for being a cloned robot that works for the system without
asking any questions. These institutions are bringing people into line, they are teaching them to obey
authorities, so in fact universities and schools are keeping away knowledge from the masses, feeding them
with propaganda that suits the agenda of forcing humans into ignorant conformity.

Governments are taking away more and more of the individuals' freedom gradually. They are the executive
aspect of the agenda that is all about total surveillance of the human species. Slowly step by step, without
most of you realizing it, they are enforcing further laws and restrictions that are eradicating every
individual’s freedom. They are doing this on purpose to destroy the individual and to get rid of as many
“slaves” as possible for depopulation is one of the main goals of the now defeated agenda.

The mass media also is part of this plan and is used as major brainwashing device. The media is coerced to
broadcast what the shadow governments want you to believe - but it is all “BS”. Your television device is
one of the most effective manipulation tools they have. Most humans are deriving their world view out of
news and television programs that tell you what is seemingly important for nowadays’ society.

Religion is an important method of indoctrinating humans with false beliefs that in return shape all their
lives. Religion makes you look up to a god in heaven, while you are being “god” yourself. This is massively
separating you from your true source, which is the purpose of religion in the first place. It also promotes
violence and hate which have led to terror and war for thousands of years – but all of this is over now!
NGC 3372
In order to love who you are, you cannot hate the experiences that shaped you
 Andrea Dykstra

This is a very important truth to remember. Many people feel guilty for what they have done or they are
depressed because of something that has happened. Naturally such emotions are of a lower vibration,
originating in fear instead of love. There are always only two possibilities to choose from, which are love or
fear. Sadness and the feeling of fault are manifestations of fear.

However, as long as you define experiences or situations that have occurred as something you would like to
“get rid of”, you imprison yourself mentally. You blame yourself for something you have done, by doing this
it is impossible to love yourself for what you truly are.

You have to realize that EVERYTHING, no matter what it is, that you have experienced has led to what
you are now. It has shaped you to be the personality you are. And all of it has a reason. In most cases it is
just what you have planned before incarnating. You have come here with specific intentions and those
might be exactly what you are now blaming yourself for because of being unaware that those happenings
are important for your personal spiritual development.

Often a situation that, for now, makes you depressive is the doorway to another, upcoming, experience that
might transform you into the happiest person in the world, so to speak. In many cases you cannot foretell
that something, which you are simply unable to recognize as beneficial now, might be of great use for you
later on in your progress.

In general it is essential to, eventually, love yourself for just being what/who you are, what everyone is,
which is unconditional love in the first place. Only if you love yourself, truly without
expectations/conditions, you are able to genuinely love someone else. This is a fundamental truth that souls
are also motivated to realize while being inside such a body computer since it helps them to grow.

Even though it might seem so, souls are everything but complete. They are “incomplete” in a way that is
impossible to define with human words. To be able to transform this incompleteness into “completeness”
they choose lives where they have to cope with imperfections. It supports them to finally come to the
conclusion that it is not about how you look like or what you have achieved or what you possess, but about
how you are acting in contact with other selves.

This is what it is all about, love and compassion for the other self. And to be capable of achieving such a
state of being or understanding you have to learn to embrace yourself and every other self like it is, for what
it is, no matter what it has done or what it is like in its personality. Fundamentally you then accept them
as being another aspect of who you are, and since they are you in disguise you need to love yourself first,
before you can love “them” unconditionally too.

AE Aurigae
A mistake repeated more than once is a decision
- Paulo Cohelo

If such a situation or event occurs one can say the individual has failed to learn from it in the sense of being
empowered to change something. If thus the same plays out again and again, it is a decision the individual
has taken. Or let’s be precise, its mind has chosen to repeat it. In fact most humans are simply unaware of
them having initiated something that creates suffering once more, for the ego is bound to the past. It
adjudicates mostly on the base of what it understands as past experiences.

And of course it identifies with emotions of pain, misery, guilt and alike. So it feigns the individual that it
makes similar arbitrations consistently. By acting this way it sustains the status quo and this is what the
ego hallucinates it needs to do for being able to survive. Basically that is only a misguided mass mind
control program it suffers from, without knowing or realizing it.

If a human mind has guided the individual into circumstances the human might define as a mistake (which
always is relative and depending on the individual belief systems and reality concepts) it is incapable of
comprehending that akin choices only lead to a repetition of the same event one has been involved in

It is like doing the same over and over again, awaiting something to change or evolve, which of course is
not going to happen. But this is how the mind is programed to work, mostly due to external influence. And
never forget that all of you have agreed to this prior to incarnation.

That is, if someone repeatedly acts the same way without grasping that the said one is manifesting
suffering, it is a decision. In fact it is a determination that others have preconceived for the individual.
The human mind that has been manipulated by mass media, education, science, religion, friends, parents
and alike just obeys to the pre-conditioned mental programs in these situations. Your brain makes a decision
seconds before you even fire up a thought to decide what to do, which has been verified already by
mainstream science. This way of the brain’s functioning derives from the mind control that has been
introduced into your life experience/soul school at a specific point in the history of your species.

More fundamentally spoken the word or concept “mistake” is only a deception, an ego trick it uses to create
suffering. Any “flaw” is an opportunity to learn something, so what is wrong with that?! It only depends
on the personal perspective and definition. Factually a blunder as such is inexistent, it is only a mental
construct that is of relevance for those inside this simulation who still need to wake up to this in order to
develop and grow.

NGC 1300 (© Adam Block)
You have never been without love, love is not a word. It is an energetic force of divine
consciousness, expressing in every single subatomic particle. Love is You. When you release
false perception you remember the knowing and feeling.
- Edel O’Mahony

You are unconditionally loved just for BEING. Always be aware of this! You are this unconditional love
yourself, everyone and everything is. There is only said love but it loves to wear masks and play games. Thus
there is what some refer to as the opposite of love as well, but on the deeper levels of awareness it is known
that it is just another expression of said unconditional love, for it also implies the law of free will and
therefore the dalliances offer even more possibilities to be manifested.
What one might consider to be the dark side is also this unconditional love that everything in fact is, there
is nothing but unconditional love. But as it was stated, it loves to act and to hide, to be astounded and
enriched if it realizes that it only has been concealing from itself.
Unconditional love cherishes to understand, therefore it is all potential. Thereby it is empowered to
apprehend all infinite aspects of it. Therefore it is timeless, since all games unconditional love plays create
new games and players, so to speak.
Creation is mirrored in co-creation that itself contributes to the initial creation it is by enhancing and
fashioning it with individual facets. Since it is infinite, every single fragment of source has the opportunity
to get to know every other aspect there is. It is merely a matter of perspective which you like to experience
subjectively or collectively.
This is dependent on what frequency you are tied to, or where you are at in your spiritual progression or
development consciously and perceivable as "personality or personalities".
Higher frequencies naturally offer more possibilities for adventures and extrapolated perceptions to choose
from. This is what you strive for, although you are already there, since your “future self” (as one might
define it, for you being mostly dependent on linearity) is already there, you are just reverse engineering it,
remembering it, if you like.
All seemingly past and future selves are right now in direct contact with you, they are you to be more
precise, such as you are them right now. Only you are holographically projecting yourself onto lower
frequency bands when it comes to individual subjective perception. You are normally just unaware of this
being the case, especially when someone conditions you not to be aware of it. The latter is something you
have suffered from for a very long “time”, but this now has come to an end, finally. The ultimate indicator
for a global liberation is “already knocking at your door”. These incoming galactic waves (which they try to
shield off with CERN, which is not going to happen/be successful whatsoever) are going to transmute
everything fundamentally on a global scale, be prepared for intense months, dissolving of old structures
(financial, economic, political and so forth) such as high earth activities (earthquakes and alike) thereafter.
Barnard 30
Don’t just teach your children to read. Teach them to question what they read. Teach them
to question everything.

- George Carlin

This is essential for parents to prevent their children from being brainwashed so easily in schools and later
in universities or vocational college and alike. Because what they teach your offspring in schools and
universities is only what the shadow governments want humans to know and believe.

It is part of their agenda which aims to destroy the genius of every child to put them into mental
conformity. They want them to obey orders and authorities. They try to prevent them from realizing who
they truly are. They wish to keep hidden the truth, thus they spread false knowledge and untruths.
Basically they attempt to indoctrinate children but they failed “big time” with that.

What many call education is in fact an inversion of what literacy normally should be like. Similar to almost
everything you experience now it is a reversal of what it once was like. But this is now fundamentally
changing due to the consciousness shift that you are manifesting right now.

So in fact children should be taught to call everything in question that authorities tell them, be it teachers,
lectures, news readers or politicians, or other individuals they come in contact with. Because leaders,
politicians for instance, are not interested in preparing your children for life, they intend to manipulate and
brainwash them in a way that they serve the former slavery society these forces have installed to facilitate
their agenda.

By refusing to school your children on your own by teaching them what really is important, you contribute,
mostly unknowingly, to the possibility of them being caught in this system. The latter always assayed to
produce mental clones that do whatever they are told to by authorities without asking questions.

Luckily your young ones are cleverer than most think they are. And do you really wonder why children are
bored at school and often refuse teachers and alike? They intuitively sense that this is only a brainwash
camp and thus they naturally react in such ways. Kids that are obstreperous in classes are no rebels, they
are the wake ones that can see through this “BS” they get bombarded with in these destructive institutions.

It is a real success if someone has finished this deception program and still remains his personality and
uniqueness. This happens increasingly, since especially children or rather young adults are the ones who
figure out what is actually going on. Thereby they actively foster the transformation of these antiquated
opinions and inverted procedures that are now collapsing gradually like a house of cards.
N 44
Take the time to be thankful for everything that you have. You can always have more but
you could also have less
- Collective Evolution

Being thankful for what you have displays a deeper understanding of life. Because you then have mastered
to be detached from material belongings and mental concepts that are mind based, for the aforementioned is
never grateful for what it has, since it always seeks for more.
Being unsatisfied with what you possess in distinct only depicts that you yet have to be freed from your ego
that is obviously still in charge of you. Otherwise you would be satisfied and happy with what you already
Try to remind yourself that there are humans having literally nothing, sleeping in the streets, dying of
starvation, having no roof over their heads, living in slums and poverty - if you have thoughts emerging
that propagate “this is not enough”, “I need more of this or that”. Now collate your situation with akin
circumstances like those listed above and ask yourself anew, “is it really that bad?”

You can be assured that every one of them would instantly switch positions, loving to have or deal with
what you might have declared as being problematic or unsatisfactory.

However, being appreciative for what you already own eventually results in receiving more of it, merely
because being thankful for something automatically creates something additional you also can be obliged
for. If you focus on gratefulness there is more to be grateful for, naturally, since your focus/intention
determines what you experience and magnetize.

Because of that you are about to generate more of whatever it is. Be it situations, goodies or inner freedom,
for instance. This is based on fundamental laws that everyone utilizes in every moment of their
incarnations, for everyone being co-creation on behalf of creation. It is always a choice of the individual
how this shall be played out.

So if one on the contrary is always dissatisfied due to the mind feigning this in the individual’s mindset, he
is re-creating this situation over and over again. Thereby someone manifests emotions that verify the belief
of missing something and thus life reacts appropriately to these cogitations and convictions that have been
fabricated and instrumentalized by the ego in commensurable cases.
That is, the only way to create a life of abundance is to be appreciative for what you already have

Westerlund 2 Cluster
On a planet that increasingly resembles one huge maximum security prison, the only
intelligent choice is to plan a jail break
- Robert Anton Wilson

The world at hand is indeed more a prison than a world of freedom. At least it has been like this for such a
long period of human time. Phrases like police state, total control or domination of humanity describe what
has been established in the last cycles. This is what most humans are still suffering from.

Of course this is now changing but it has been absolutely true. You now still have the remains of this
control system in place, ostensibly alive and well, at least it seems so if you watch the news and buy into
mass media propaganda. But in reality those forces are dissolving now, they are exposed in the public and
turn on each other since their days are numbered.

Their staged events, such as engineered terrorist attacks like 9/11, or the orchestrated world wars humanity
had to face, are increasingly detected as such fabricated hoaxes. Humans really are waking up now. So it is
now possible for the first time in your “known” history to break out of the lock down.

It is important to always remind yourself of one simple fact. You all have agreed to this before incarnating,
you wanted to take part in this simulation, very well knowing that you have to grow up on a prison planet.

The more they tried to impose control mechanisms upon you, like with patriot acts or anti-terrorism laws
(which are an epic joke since there is no terrorism that is not an inside job of the control system), the more
they were digging their own grave.
Even though many humans are yet inept to embrace reality and the facts, their mental prison walls are
falling apart. Then they eventually have the strength to look the Nemesis into the eye to let it vanish. This
is also accomplished by the high vibrating energy that is emitted from the sun and the galactic center, for
instance. It is energy of higher density which transforms and deprograms the manipulated human mind and
also it activates your formerly disabled genes.

Humanity is now in the position to liberate itself. This is the final episode of a roughly 77-78.000 years’
period including three major cycles of third density experience in this timeline of earth. Your planetary
sphere is now transcending into a fourth density world. This is what humanity has set up for itself as next
level of development and many of you are now heading for this time/space perception.
All those you might call the dark forces have been a MAJOR aspect of this whole agreement on what was
scripted to unfold within these cycles, so they never have been your enemies!!! In fact they made it possible
for you to accomplish this transformation. The aforementioned now results in the said jail break.

The Mice
The awakened man is the greatest stranger in the world; he does not seem to belong to
anybody. No organization confines him, no community, no society, no nation
- Osho

This is absolutely correct and it can be explained by realizing that such an entity is aware that all those
words or definitions are only mental concepts contributing to the separateness of humanity.

Such an individual knows that it is independent from anybody else in terms of feeling inner peace and
harmony. It is cognizant that it can never be alone for it comprises all there is inside of itself. Of course this
doesn’t imply automatically that such a person splits from everyone. There are such humans who decide to
go or be this way, but others blossom when they support others, offering service to other selves.
The awakened being is also sovereign, it does not follow rules and guidelines like a pawn in a chess game. It
has already detached itself from this installation which imprisons humans with limiting laws and
restrictions. Such a being has gained back its free will and does what the heart motivates it to do.

This entity does not need to be a member of any community because often this means complying into
conformity, whereas this is highly dependent on what type of community we speak about. There are already
communities of humans who live outside of the now dissolving system, where there is no money in use
whatsoever. All contribute their skills and passions for all the others. This way of living is typical for the
now emerging new humanity after the old structures collapsed.
A so called society is irrelevant to such a human being because society is the prison it already has left
behind. Your actual environment is the definition of being imprisoned, of being in dependency of more
human ego desires and other selves.

Naturally the enlightened human is aware that there is no nation as you still define them. This individual
recognizes that there is only one single nationality present on earth, which is “human”! This understanding
of all being one race is fortunately emerging now due to the consciousness transformation that is
exponentially accelerating.
There is no black and white, there is no Muslim or Christian, there exists only the human being and nothing
else. So the awakened human of course dismantles these concepts and refuses to identify with them.

More and more of you are reaching this point of self-realization, which is a gradual process. You are able to
let go off antiquated belief systems and conditionings. This facilitates the shift that is right now

Omega Nebula
No one rules if no one obeys
- David Icke

The aim is a human experience without obedience to authorities or false god figures that are seemingly more
valuable or powerful than you, which always only has been an intelligent illusion they have made you
believe in. When a human entity realizes who or what it truly is, it now has all the strength it needs to
express its true being behind the human shape.
Dominating humans by “divide and rule” is over now. This has been witnessed for an unbelievable amount
of human time. But you finally have managed to finish these major cycles of third density, which allows
many of you to align with the ongoing transformations into a new human species.

The new humanity is not ruled by anyone, everything is decided in consent. Everyone is seen as equal to
every other one because the new humanity is aware of its origin and thus everyone knows who everyone else
is. That is, all are one but still expressing individuality to create adventures for further spiritual growth.

So where there is no one who even is motivated to govern, there is naturally nobody who can subjugate to
someone. To be reigned you need someone who is in charge of a community, nation, or even a whole planet,
which has been the case until now. And those in power are now ceasing to exist.

It also can be described with resonance: if there is no one who is of the opinion of being less valuable than
others, there can’t be manifested anyone who verifies this conviction, like it has been for most of humanity
for so long now.

Merely by making humans believe they have no power you can dictate them. This was successfully
accomplished by the control system for a certain amount of human “time”, just like human souls demanded
to be able to make specific experiences also including the law of Karma. The latter is now relieved for many
of you since this is only of relevance for third density incarnations. Many of you are heading to fourth
density (time/space), this is only possible if you have released all Karma anyway.

The new earth is characterized by equality and oneness rather than separateness, which was a dominant
hijack of the human mind and the species as such. Again, you wished for it to happen, this is important to
realize so that you are able to forgive those who offered all this suffering to you. You wanted to experience
exactly that and those entities assisted you (out of love and compassion) in the sense of making these
challenges possible since human souls decided to use this path to achieve enlightenment and self-realization
inside this simulation.

VdB 152
Anything that we’re describing through science we’re describing through the prison of the
five limited senses
- Russell Brand

Of course he refers mostly to the meanwhile officially outdated mainstream science that is being exchanged
by a new paradigm science now. Especially quantum physics, derived from its true meaning, is able to
describe the connection between the world of shapes and those subtle realms that are giving birth to
“physical” playgrounds in the first place. In other words this new science is melting with spirituality since
both are dependent on each other if you want to understand the simulation you are in.

The outdated and antiquated science that has been taught to humans for almost three centuries now has
only accepted that which is sensible with the five senses the body computers utilize as long as they are in a
“normal day” consciousness. Everything else got denied and rejected by your academics. They explained it
away as paranormal which of course “can’t exist” for they have been unable to measure it with their

If you exclusively use the five senses as basis for your experiment, you only can quantify something that is
within the range of these limited senses, obviously. If you as scientists exclude anything else from being
possible you are unable to observe it in the first place, be it in an experiment or in general. Your belief
systems dictate what you can experience and what is hidden from you because you are of the opinion that it
can’t be real.

Simply because you can’t look at something, this doesn’t mean that it is inexistent. Your researchers have
exercised their experiments based on a couple of “false assumptions”, like nature is based on competition
whereas it is fundamentally characterized by cooperation. Or that everything is separated from each other
which has been falsified irrefutably by quantum physics long ago.

Since the former mainstream science was controlled by the defeated human enslavement agenda, these new
discoveries (that now change the understanding of nature, human beings, the universe and anything beyond
that) were ruthlessly kept hidden from the public. Scientists that intended to do research on it were denied
funding. Many even were threatened and others were killed to suppress their inventions and discoveries.

Fortunately the truth is no longer deniable, therefore the paradigm shift in science already has been
established and the true science of life is now gradually being communicated to the grass roots. It is also
being increasingly accepted by academics that formerly tried to dispute it.
NGC 1313
Your hardest times often lead to the greatest moments in your life

This is something that is hard to remember and keep persistently in your mind while you are, for instance,
suffering from a disease or an accident or any other harm that maybe someone else has done to you. But in
fact those situations or events are chosen wisely by your true self prior to incarnation.

It is important to be aware of this simple fact: you select all these events and experiences yourself for
specific reasons. It all contributes to your individual growth. Akin enriching adventures often are masked
as challenges, where the incarnated self-fragment is invited by the self to draw suitable conclusions, so that
the self-fragment learns from it.

Just imagine, you have an accident today, you are sent to hospital. Now while you are located there you
house burns down in the middle of the night. Do you still moan about you being in hospital now? You
could have been dead, “barbecued” in your own living place, if there wouldn’t have been the said casualty
that resulted in you being somewhere else.
Furthermore many humans are suffering deeply if they are deserted, for example by their last relationship
partner. In commensurable circumstances humans often are totally absorbed by depression and sadness.
They are unable to grasp that this is the best thing that could probably happen, if they – maybe a year later
- get to know another intimate associate that turns out to be the most resonating partner they could ever

More importantly most human beings awake into themselves through misery and frustration. They are
afflicted so deeply that they break with the “me” which resembles the conditioned ego that has tricked them
into believing they are their thoughts and therefore the life story that includes all these experiences that
have led to sorrow and anguish in the first place.

Distress or a “hard time” is one of the best teachers you can ask for, it defies and corroborates you – if you
are able to detect its intention/meaning. Many souls decide to manifest such lives, where they are suffering
unbelievably hard. They know that such “call outs” jumpstart their spiritual growth literally. Sure enough
there are souls preferring the more comfortable way. But rest assured that also those selves are eventually
motivated to face and undergo “harder” lives as well, it is ultimately dependent on the individual character
of the soul.

That is, all violence, torment, poverty, rape and alike is wisely chosen by the souls involved, it all serves a
higher purpose. This here is only the stage where it unfolds physically, this realization is now being regained
by the individual and collective consciousness of humanity due to the shift intensifying and accelerating
Running Man Nebula
We are governed, our minds molded, our taste formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men
we have never heard of
- Edward Bernays

This is what most of humanity has suffered from for a long time. You have been swindled into believing
that you have no power and that you therefore have to obey to society, law and authorities. But this is all a
big hoax to separate you from the truth. Therefore facts have been inverted and guidelines have been set to
create an environment where the control of human perception is responsible for the prevention of the needed

By offering prepackaged and preconceived mindsets for humans to adapt those behind the control system
successfully avoided a mass awakening, which is a serious threat for them, until recently!! Now the game
has changed, they have lost control and the global wake up call is now very close to hit your planet. Their
plans have failed, your consciousness quantum leap is inevitable and cannot be averted whatsoever. Thus
they already flee into underground bunkers and cities.

But for many thousands of years they had control over the human perception especially with the assistance
of engineered dogmatic religions that are inversions of the true core messages within all of them. They could
not create them from scratch, they had to use what was there already and convert it into the religions you
are blindly following today facilitating your own imprisoning rather than your relief. Such a deliverance
can only arise from within and it goes far beyond anything that is related to religion. In fact the latter is
one of the most effective enslavement tools that they were able to invent and implement.

Furthermore society propagates what is “trendy” and what is important if you want to stand a chance in
life. Many of you are buying into this without questioning for you being deeply manipulated and
controlled. You are accepting everything that comes from leaders or the oblong box in the corner of your
room called television.

It is elemental to gain back the governance over yourself, it is essential to realize that you are “god”, that
you are the only authority you should listen to. You are creation itself, you inherit all the power you need to
express yourself in the way you desire. As of now this is naturally only accessible to those who truly
remember that this is the case. This is going to change quite briefly since the incoming cosmic energy waves
are about to trigger a collective effect that is changing the human consciousness profoundly already

However, the transformation of the understanding of the own self is necessary. It is something that you
will not find in religious texts, educational or scientific books, at least those that are originated from what
has once been mainstream. You can only achieve this conclusion by direct inner experience and this can
easily be acquired by residing within and quieting the constant stream of thoughts.

Those who still are steering humans (like politicians) are only pawns in a chess game, they are not in charge
of you! YOU are the only force that creates your reality, you are source, you are everything there is to be. So
stop letting yourself being pushed around like a puppet by individuals who have nothing to say anyway.

Hercules A
Don't let people pull you into their storm, pull them into your peace instead

- Collective Evolution

Often there might occur situations where you face humans that might be upset or in rage. If they directly
confront you with their emotions and you stay calm and peaceful you affect them with this behavior. That
might very well lead to a spontaneous “cool down” of their fury. Because by keeping a relaxed and balanced
mood you emit these vibrations onto the other entities in front of you. So you in fact help them calm down

If you react to them, which is meant with being pulled into their storm, you give energy to their imbalance,
thus strengthening the storm you are facing.

In fact, if you are confronted with such low oscillations, reacting to them demonstrates that these
emotions are still inside of you, yet to be acknowledged and transformed. And they come to light for you
being able to realize exactly that. You obviously still need situations that offer you the opportunity to get
aware of them. So you, in a way, have attracted the given events on your own. You have pulled the bluster
into your life to be able to learn to be resistant to such storms.

Everything one answers to in another person is still an aspect of oneself that needs to be transformed for a
deeper understanding of the own self. This implies the realization of everyone being an aspect of the
individual self, and it is all about being able to embrace and love yourself for what you truly are. In the end
everyone you ever encounter directly in all of your lives is such a facet of what you are.

So if you come to this conclusion you know that whatever someone is driven by, emotionally, is for a reason.
It is a chance for him or her to learn something, thus you see behind the mask the individual is wearing and
you see yourself. Therefore you refuse to contribute to the aspect of rage in the other self, because this only
creates further suffering, for both of you.

By staying calm and open in such circumstances, not getting emotionally involved in such a low vibrational
manifestation, you are in fact helping the other self, which is only yourself expressed in a different way.

The energy that you send out, by acting in a deescalating manner, directly influences the person that
engages you with its emotional storm. If someone confronts or disses you, just let them be, don't “buy into
it” or let yourself get trapped in this human mind game. Simply stay “cool” and “relaxed”. No reaction at all
often is the most effective solution to anything alike.
Imagination is the beginning of creation. You imagine what you desire, you will what you
imagine and at last you create what you will
- George Bernard Shaw

He summarized in one sentence how manifestation works. In fact imagination is the most important aspect
of creation, because this is what breathes life into anything there is. Without it there would be nothing, so
creation and all co-creators use envisioning and intention to create whatever it is.

You are a conception of a higher self-aspect of your true self. So, for instance, your soul beyond this bodily
experience “dreams” the incarnation you are right now. Moreover the whole universe you witness is the
result of a vision initiated by a group of selves in charge of providing and maintaining such a playground
for souls.

Whole dimensions and realms are also the product of the act of imagination and the will to substantiate it.
Naturally all the small things “in life” are an act of your intention. It also roots in the collective
proposition, since you also generate everything together, which makes sense, since everyone is you. In fact
everything only transpires inside your brain (it functions like CPU and GPU-device) being projected in a
three dimensional and holographic way, so you can interact with this reflection, like you do as long as you
are embodied.
What many yet have to realize is that EVERYTHING a creator envisions is indeed brought into fruition.
Not here, not there, but somewhere out of reach for you, at least for your self-fragment while it is still
However, everything you can imagine is real and existent. There are enough other parallel universes, where
it can be perceived by other selves. This is applicable to yourself as well. Eventually you have the possibility
to tap into “worlds” you created during your life on earth, if you chose to do so. This is always dependent
on where you are at. In the beyond realms it is a piece of cake to re-create (or tune into) these experiences.

Envisioning is the creative force, it focusses energy and thus it is the very beginning of a new
manifestation. Whereas new doesn’t mean that it wasn’t there before, since everything is actually and
naturally existing in the only present moment there is, which is now. This is really going deep down the
rabbit hole and it is almost too complex for a human mind to be processed.

This is the reason why you are, for instance as a self-fragment, unable to undergo most of what truly is
there. You simply lack information about it, thus you can’t conceive it and therefore you are unable to
synchronize with it. This changes during your spiritual growth process. You climb up consciousness
frequencies and with every step you have access to more feasibilities and perceptual potential.

Cena A
The mind once stretched by a new idea never returns to its original dimensions
- Ralph Waldo Emerson

This is accurate, because once you have expanded your mind, which happens in such a case, it is enriched by
another dimension of possibility. This is yet hard to come by for many of you, for your mind often denies
any opportunity of change or enhancement. Especially when it is considered as a threat, meaning something
that leads you to conclusions such as your thoughts being unequal to your true self or anything alike.
The more you can broaden your mind with capabilities or insights, the more you harmonize it with your
intuition - which it normally disregards. This is the only way to relieve suffering, since the false
identification with your thoughts is responsible for it. It promotes the feeling of separation and competition
which always creates disease or grief of similar kinds, like the feeling of isolation or loneliness.

Your ego, in its base function, cannot understand deeper contemplations. But if you conclude that it only is
a device of your true self, you can transform its autonomous behavior and self-understanding into the
realization of being one with the intuitive guidance. It contributes to the individual’s epiphany of who one
truly is. If that is once achieved as deep inner comprehension, the mind in a way obeys to it and ceases to
place obstacles in your way to block you from developing further, it now is excited about this new level of
getting utilized.

This cognition has to derive from inner sensation, it can’t be reached by thoughts, since they are always
concept based. But if you encounter such life changing inner experiences, your mind alters and with the
transformation of it the outside world is pertained as well. Your cogitations are modified and thus your
beliefs and projections of what you witness as the allegedly external world converts with it at the same

If you once got that far, if you once have awakened into this truth, you are unable to fall asleep again.
Your ego commutes its behavior and thus everything else metabolizes, for it is responsible for manifestation.
It is the authority that produces your mental processes. But if your thoughts are of harmony, love,
compassion or anything else that is creative and productive, the outcome varies accordingly.

So the intent is to intermingle your ego with your intuitive guidance again, which tries to govern the mind
in the first place. For many of you this is yet to be accomplished since your ego to this day is dominant and
deliberately ignores your intuitive insertions. But it can be achieved and it is characteristic for what is
unfolding right now, right here. Humans are waking up into a deeper self-understanding and thus
transforming their mind simultaneously.

Witch Head Nebula
If you can’t figure out your purpose, figure out your passion. For your passion will lead you
right into your purpose
- T. D. Jakes

Here we have actually a good advice for those humans who are struggling to find their life purpose. In most
cases humans are being disconnected from their intuitive guidance, but your intuition knows very well
what your passion AND intention is.

Therefore you really have to listen to your heart rather than to your thoughts. The situation is that the
mind, which is responsible for your cogitations, is trying to prevent this from unfolding. Because if you
follow your heart you also refuse to compete with others, you start to act with love and compassion. This is
something that the ego can make no use of, at least in its conditioned and manipulated state, which affects
still numerous humans.

Your mental constructs are normally telling you that you “have to” do this, you “have to” do that, you have
to buy this, you have to buy that, you name it. This has nothing to do with your purpose nor with your
passion. Most humans are ensnared in the chains of society which propagates competition, separation and
scaremongering. Due to this influence humans are totally distorted, unable to fulfill their dreams.

Their thoughts quickly persuade them that what they would like or love to accomplish, is impossible,
because of this and that. There are always excuses the mind is able to trick you into believing as long as you
are unaware of your ego living you instead of you navigating it.

Because if you live the life you are, you automatically express your true personality or being which has
specific passions that are like a characterization of the soul behind the human embodiment or actor role.

To get there is really challenging, you have to harmonize and deprogram your mind device first, then you
have to be brave enough to swim against the stream, so to speak. You have to let go off the dependence of
what others or society will think about you, if you decide to do what you really want to do. Furthermore
forget about the money, you have all you need if you be what you are. The mammon is dissolving anyway
during the next years as a result of the shift in consciousness and societal structures.

Everyone has a fervor, but many just dismiss it because they are incapable of realizing that they indeed
have the freedom to be what or who one really is. If you have faith in yourself you are always “successful”
when you pursue your heart.

So if you get aware of your passion, you have just regained the ability to remember your purpose. The
aforementioned is always linked to your zeal. You wish to support or heal other individuals? Become a
healer. You love to write? Be an author. You cherish music? Be a music producer. You aim to help humans
to wake up from their enslavement? Become a spiritual teacher.
Omega Nebula
Don’t believe everything you think

This is of highest significance. Most of your thoughts originate in the human mind. The mind itself is a
device of the body computer or body-mind-soul complex in general. It has been designed to function on the
surface of the life you are. But since the schooling-program you all participate in (while being “incarnated”)
provides what we can define as additional intensified challenges the mind has been “targeted” with by
external manipulation and conditioning.

Therefore it creates a so called life story which begins as soon as your parents give you a name and you,
eventually, identify yourself with it in your earliest childhood. From here on the mind is constantly faced
with external programming, be it in school, university, or in mass media/television.

Thus the ego hives off the true inner self due to this conditioning. Now the self is constantly “overheard”
due to the noise of the voice in your head. The ego is self-learning and at the same moment anxious about
anything it doesn’t know. Because of this fear it tends to decide based on experiences it already has
So the ego is always telling you something that you can’t or should not do, it narrates you false prophecies
about yourself. It makes you believe that it, and the fairy tale it is feeding you with, is equal to what you
truly are. Of course this is only a dysfunction that everyone has agreed to face and cope with when coming
into and being a third density human-life-experience.

This is only a mirage. Your thoughts are only a product of an operational device that is erroneous by design.
You are much more than your mental concepts! You are the reason for those conceptions being there in the
first place. You are the room for such cogitations.

Ask yourself regularly, if you are new to this topic: Who is listening to the thoughts that are appearing in
my head?

By doing this you have the opportunity to step aside and just watch the mental constructs, let them pass.
You then discontinue identifying yourself with them. Instead you begin to identify with who you truly are,
the instance that is observing these thoughts. Realize that you are beyond them and that you have the free
will to decide, if you want to follow a thought (a productive or creative one, for example) or if you just
want to let it drift by like clouds moving across the skies.

Train to recognize the source of your mental processions. Do they come from the mind which equals
cogitations of fear, anxiety, limitation and restriction, or do they derive from deep within like creative or
loving thoughts or ideas you can utilize for a harmonic and beneficial manifestation of the life you are?

NGC 2068
Sometimes you face difficulties not because you are doing something wrong but because you
are doing something right
- Collective Evolution

Or let’s say because you are doing as intended, since right or wrong are only concepts based on duality, but
you are here to overcome these black and white interpretations of what just is. As we already learned the
conception of right and wrong is closely related to that of good and bad, which always is relative and
individual on the one hand and an illusion created for learning purposes and ascension on the other hand.
When something might seem to be wrong at first sight, this doesn’t mean that it can’t teach you something
very important, which in most cases is absolutely what it is all about. The only question is if the individual
is aware of it. If this doesn’t happen, the incident itself has missed its original intend. This transpires very
often so that souls are choosing to live a similar life again to finally master their quests.

If you face situations where you are really challenged, maybe due to physical pain, limitation or also mental
pain, it always is created by yourself. It regularly resembles a likelihood in your incarnation plan. That is,
you wanted this to manifest so that you can learn from the experience. These events are designed and if they
occur, and even if it is a terrible accident, for instance, everything works as purposed by yourself prior to
the embodiment.

If you have a severe misfortune this might induce a realization that transforms the whole life you are. The
best example are near death experiences. Let’s assume there is someone who has a heart attack and the
individual is clinically dead but can be brought back through revival. With the near death experience still in
mind this person now is literally transmuted, his life has significantly changed. So even though a casualty
or disease might appear like a curse in the first place, it turns out that this is indeed a profound life altering

If for example a once renowned materialistic scientist undergoes such an adventure, he of course realizes
that his individual belief system was based on false assumptions and inverted truths. It is now obvious to
him that everything he believed is false. This entity now can use his reputation and influence to share this
important knowledge to assist the paradigm shift that has transpired in science and is still unfolding today,
but almost finished.

One prominent instance is Dr. Eben Alexander who is in a way perfectly depicted in this brief description
above. It is really advised to read his book “Proof of heaven”. And many other also very famous humans are
now coming forward to communicate the truth and apportion it with humanity, be it Russell Brand or Jim
Carry. They all can deploy their fame to reach mass amounts of humans to share these messages with them.

Veil Nebula (© James W. Collins)
Life is filled with illusion pretending to be real
 Annie Kagan

This is exactly what happens while you are incarnated. The reality system you are living in is in fact an
illusion. It is an engineered and holographic one to be precise. It is projected out of other dimensions
situated on higher frequency bands of existence. It serves souls as third dimensional experience playground.
They come here to learn lessons that let them grow spiritually.

A third dimensional experience can be very tough and challenging, but this is exactly what the participants
aim for when choosing to come here. Because you grow with your challenges and you only need to watch
the news to see how hard life can be for many.

The key point is, you have to “forget” that you are infinite consciousness even to be able to experience such
situations as a challenge. Because if you always know who you are and why you are here, there is no
defiance at all. If you understand that you are all there is having an experience called human life you lose
the tension and you are unable to learn anything since you already know everything.

So everyone of you pretends to be only a human being, you ignore, willingly, the fact that you are the divine
consciousness disguised as the incarnated soul fragment you are expressing yourself as now.

Only by doing this you are able to encounter emotions like suffering and pain which are, for many souls,
important experiences contributing to their spiritual development. Also vibrations like fear are essential for
your progress, because by undergoing them you eventually come to the conclusion that there is no need for
being fearful at all.

This normally comes together when you are conscious of your true self, which is one of the main reasons for
being incarnated. Getting aware of one's true self while being allegedly split apart from it, which of course
is only a mental distortion of the conditioned human mind. One is always directly connected with one's true
inner divine being. But exactly this insight is what souls strive for. And for being able to learn this you
have to forget it first, or let’s say you have to pretend to be unaware of it.

This is what everyone of you does. Claiming to be anyone but your true self. You are even programmed to do
so, you are taught to identify with your name and life story, which is a successful manner of maintaining
not to be you. This is the challenge all of you search for, since this speeds up your eternal spiritual growth
process more rapidly than only learning about all these lessons in afterlife dimensions, since “down here”,
you are experiencing it “first hand”.

El Gordo Galaxien Cluster
Be mindful with your Self-Talk, it is a conversation with the universe
- David James

It is even more than that, it is in fact a conversation with the whole creation, because everyone is source as
such. Even though all of you experience yourselves as subjective or individual, the connection is always

You can be assured that each of your thoughts reaches those you address with them. Be it spiritual beings
that guide you, like your guides or closely related entities of your primary soul group (your learning group in
”afterlife”) or anyone else you can imagine - for instance humans you are befriended with here on earth
while being incarnated.

As soon as you direct a thought to one of those beings they are aware of it. Souls are instantaneously fully
cognizant of it. In comparison to that most incarnated self-fragment-beings are normally reached merely
subconsciously. Hence their true self naturally receives your message, though their mind normally doesn’t
recognize it because this transposition occurs below the surface, so to speak.

It really happens immediately, for there are no boundaries or limits in transmitting such communications,
because these cogitations are pure vibrating energy and all of you are connected through the same source you
all originate from. So what quantum physicists call “quantum entanglement” is also applicable for other
interrelated dimensions and contact between them, it is not limited to this universe.

These discoveries in quantum mechanics demonstrate you perfectly that such a conversation is possible and
“real”, it transpires in every moment. It comes to pass all the time. Your true self that guides you, with you
being the fragmented self in a way, is in touch with you all along. It tries to offer you hints and
synchronicities so that you are able to follow the path of the heart. It truly speaks trough your heart by

If you contact your higher self squarely it certainly is aware of this and you can be confident that you
yourself are happy to be in direct conjunction with your self, for this accelerates your spiritual growth
process. Because if you recognize and stabilize this entanglement you soon are about to benefit from it. It
provides you with more possibilities you can manifest - especially regarding the likelihoods of your

When you accuse someone, or if you are angry with another self and you call him or her names, they receive
this information, imprinted on thought-energy-waves, directly. Your thoughts affront them, subconsciously,
but in reality you only harm yourself, for they are you in disguise. If you offend others you in fact only
insult yourself, which actually creates unnecessary suffering.

Milky Way
Now that we have exhausted all possibility, let’s get started

This is may be difficult to comprehend but let’s try to explain it. As we already know, creation, which is
you, is all there is and ever can be. You also are cognizant of infinite frequencies that resemble dimensions,
realms and densities and even more that you as humans have no word or definition for.

In fact each of these realms or dimensions you may experience subjectively is an infinity of its own. Because
those realms are eternal in existence. Of course third density worlds (planets or stars, for instance) can cease
to exist to clear space for a new emerging one, but still a soul can recreate each of the adventures
accumulated in akin “projections”. Something that once existed can be re-witnessed forever, if you want to.

Let us take a look at the afterlife that human souls are familiar with. This is an environment which is
inexhaustible regarding the possibilities that are available for the souls thriving there. For the souls it seems
to be already like all feasibilities. Or let’s say it this way: for the human being the afterlife occurs to be like
all possibilities, but this is essentially untrue.

You leave this “eternity” sooner or later. You then melt with an aspect of yourself that has given birth to
your afterlife self by outsourcing it into a kind of hyper-holographic consciousness simulation called
There you start a whole new experience of being, which again is another infinity with seemingly all
potentials. At least you have uncountable options to choose from which you did not have while being in

These are simply indescribable in human words and this can be continued in the same fashion infinitely. So
you can exhaust all possibilities. In fact inside of all opportunities IT HAS TO BE POSSIBLE, literally,
to exhaust them, otherwise there would be a possibility missing and this is impossible within all there is.

That is, after you have finalized one base frequency experience you enter the next one and there are new
innumerable choices, while still being unaware of the next level of even more “all feasibilities” that are
accessible for you if you are consciously there.

Since every base frequency is an own eternity it has another kind of all opportunities to offer, therefore it
indeed is doable to exhaust all possibilities. In essence they are “only” or simply all possibilities that are
possible for you to undergo in the actual phase of your spiritual development. But naturally there are even
more to come for you and for everyone else as well, since there is no difference anyway between you and
everyone else in the first place.

Orion Nebula
Whatever purifies you, is the “right” path
- Rumi

The so called right path is always the way that generates the most joy and inner freedom inside you. In
other words, everything that makes you happy is something we can consider to be a step on the most
beneficial path, into the right direction. In fact something like “right” or “wrong” is only a concept created
by the mind, but of course, in communication with humanity one is bounded to use such words or
descriptions so the mind can process it.

However, the so called right lane, normally, is pointed to by your heart. It knows the “life-plan” that your
self has figured out for its soul fragment, which is you. Such an incarnation script consists of likelihoods
and alternatives or “possibilities”. All experiences occurring to you that represent a likelihood are what your
self truly wants you to unfold and undergo, for its own / your growth. Everything else is more or less an
alternative that is generated if your mind is in charge when it comes to a decision.

Your ego of course normally “thinks” rationally and conceptual, since it is conditioned to operate like this.
It mostly fears adventures and changes, but your heart always pushes you into these directions. That is,
your heart wants you to fulfill your dreams, but your mind, in most cases, isn’t able to understand such a
drive and thus initiates doubtful thoughts that question your wishes or inner motivations.

A typical situation would be, your intuition saying: “I want to be a painter or a poet”. But your mind
quickly comes up telling you “nah, you can’t earn any money that way, you can’t quit your actual job and
risk something like this”. Thoughts like these are a creation of the ego that can’t follow such inner
compulsion, it fears to lose its status quo or that your situation can get worse due to such decisions.

So humans are getting overwhelmed by such cogitations, dismissing the likelihood in their own life plan. In
the said example it would have been being a painter or poet, something creative which is a fundamental
characteristic of the true self. It is creativity in its unique way, wanting to express itself into a world of
shapes or physical reality system.

Now, after dismissing your intuition you leave the path of probability, entering one of various paths of
possibility. In such a case it would be an ordinary job that doesn’t even make “fun” most of the time.
Therefore it is so important to get aware of who you truly are and what is implied in such a realization.
Then you really have the opportunity to follow your heart, to unfold the feasibility in your life plan.

IC 63
The most difficult times for many of us are the ones we give ourselves
- Pema Chidron

Every entity is the creator of all experiences and events that occur for it. So if you have a hard time with
something you sure enough are responsible for it. On the one hand you have attracted something with your
emotions and thoughts. On the other hand what- or whoever contributes to these “difficult times” is you in

Let’s assume there is an individual in a specific situation. Now his mind analyzes it. This alone is
potentially liable for many negative cogitations or anxiety that might derive from such deductions. That is,
the mind is the only source for something that might seem to defy you. In fact it just antagonizes
circumstances that are just like they are.

So the most sensible option would be to just accept the situation, let the “difficult time” be what it is,
without moaning about it or getting absorbed by it. Just let it flow through you. By doing this challenging
moments dissolve instantly or at least quite fast. It is only, ever, your conditioned mindset that fabricates
distorted beliefs of something being ostensibly difficult or bad.

Your true essence is neutral so to speak, it just watches what happens without judging and complaining. It
just observes and therefore devotes you as self-fragment for being able to accomplish this. Of course the said
self-fragment is equipped with the mind for it being expressed through a body computer. The outsourced
soul-fragment now has to deal with this dare to overcome it eventually. This changes the life the individual
is fundamentally and persistently.

What also applies to such a quote is someone being in constant struggle with himself. This also is simply a
mental projection induced by a misguided and co-opted ego that has already manufactured a so called life
story it wants you to identify with. This is the main source of the mind’s existence.

It always needs to adhere to something or someone (normally both). And these mental constructs that might
appear (telling you stories about what and who you seemingly represent) are the number one trigger for
suffering and having miserable times, be it with yourself, another self or an event as such.

And even if another self calls you out, always remember that it is the own self, a mirror of yourself. In the
end it is only you (always) that creates something on your own behalf.
Thinking positive is useless and devastating if you deny reality

Nowadays you hear it everywhere, think positive to create a positive life you are. This is true in a way, but
also untrue in another. It deeply is dependent on your understanding of reality. Of course your thoughts
and emotions create your reality in every moment, therefore it is important to gain back control over your
mental processes, which enables you to step out of the human mind matrix.
But as long as you are still within this mind manipulation, without realizing it, since your mind maybe
now works with spiritual concepts, like “thinking positive”, such an approach doesn’t bring you anywhere.
It rather is about to manifest real fundamental suffering if you undergo situations where you then say
“why did this happen, I only ever thought positive?”

Well, it is easily explained why this affects many of such “positive thinking” humans. You can ignore the
reality but you cannot discount the consequences of doing it and if you are yet dominated by your ego (that
has found another way to cheat on you by pretending that you are spiritual and holistic now) you are still a
victim to the said outcomes of this spiritually disguised denial.

Humans that follow what you refer to be the New Age Movement, are being predicted to face deep misery.
Because someone who has adapted this New-Age-Movement kind of living is not prepared for something
that is different from what the individual might understand as positive. Such an entity believes that if it
always has positive cogitations it can only create a positive life.

This IS the case if you are freed from the mind matrix and when you already have accepted and realized
that what other humans deny and discount is a fundamental aspect of your own self. Prior to an akin
profound realization this mental approach is only an illusion created by your mind to keep you seemingly
safe, until the event occurs which pulls you back into reality.

These humans naturally lack the memory that they “might have” planed a big surprise like an accident or an
illness. They simply wanted this to transpire as an important step in their spiritual progression. The human
life they are now is utilized by the higher self or soul to manifest such a situation. And if it actually plays
out they are depressed and lose faith in themselves. This is what the New Age Movement aims for, or at
least those who have fabricated it. The failed control system wanted this New Age Movement to be the
new indoctrinated religion they wished you to adapt to. It is a construct of the miscarried and defeated
human control and enslavement agenda itself.

NGC 6164
You are the ones you have been waiting for
- Michael Tellinger

This is a very important topic we should bring to your attention. Firstly you have to understand that you
are fully responsible for everything that happens inside and around you, for what happens within shapes
the outside expression or reflection. So you in fact create your own reality and everything that is related to

Even though you have been brainwashed and molded to give away your own power by following and
obeying authorities you are in fact the sovereign of your life. Just because you are still lacking this
realization this doesn’t change the fact of you being the originator of what you experience.

The manipulation of your mind, especially assisted by the fabrication of false prophecy religions, is aiming
to let you believe that there is an entity coming that is about to relinquish you from suffering and total
control. In fact also your genes have been altered for this mind control agenda. Your genes have been
fashioned in a way that the human being is always looking up to idols, leaders or someone who is seemingly
more powerful, better or more worthy. Aside from that it can be added that many species have tampered
with your DNA for the reason of what is referred to as the “grand experiment” which you are to learn more
about during an upcoming full disclosure of your history.

By doing this they have secured (until now) that humans are of the opinion that they can’t commute
anything and there needs to be someone like Jesus Christ instead to free you – that is not going to happen
anyway. This is one of the most powerful brainwashing methods you have been delineated with. Firstly it
projects this “relief” into a non-existent future, so it is prevented from happening NOW. Secondly it
suggests that humans themselves have to do nothing, that there is no urgency for them to take action,
because Jesus Christ or any other “Messiah” is coming back to release humanity. This is a fairy tale you need
to obliterate from your mind.

It is a blatant illusion that uncountable human beings have been tricked into believing, thus they are inept
to realize that THEY are this “second coming of Christ” themselves. This is factually what Jesus wanted to
express to begin with - if you decode the messages he shared genuinely. He speaks about everyone being this
second Christ that truncates all the suffering you have witnessed so far.

Everyone is invited to recognize that there is no one coming to save you. Jesus Christ is YOU, every single
one of you. That is, you for yourself have to accomplish this liberation. In general humans have to discern
who they truly are and what is going on. This enables you, almost naturally, to initiate the change within.
It empowers you to transform and elevate the inner state of being, to let go of fear and all those false
convictions you have adapted from society, authorities and everything alike.
This is what is manifesting the collective shift in return. And this transcendence is unfolding as we speak.
In a way Jesus Christ has already arrived again and the relief of humanity is in the midst of being realized
within the holographic expression NOW.

NGC 1491
Normal is getting dressed in clothes that you buy for work and driving through traffic in a
car that you are still paying for – in order to get to the job you need to pay for the clothes
and the car, and the house you leave vacant all day so you can afford to live in it
- Ellen Goodman

This is how humanity has been trapped in the money pit. The quotation depicts how society and economy
have been structured to enslave the human being or rather its mind, since only the mind is affected. The true
self is only observing and trying to free its own self fragment from this mental prison to be able to melt
with it.

Humans are being forced, literally, into a system of competition and separation, which is a complete
inversion of the true nature of the human species and the souls inhabiting human body computers.

Humans are conditioned to be obedient workers for a system that only exploits them, but due to mass media
propaganda this slavery is sold to humans as a kind of paradise which is worth living for. This is a complete
elaborated hoax that billions of humans once have bought into. And the result is exactly what she describes.
Of course this is now changing inevitably, the control system even lately has done another kind of suicide
attempt with all the staged false flag terrorist attacks which are staged fabrications as well. They attribute
it to IS(IS) but in fact it is orchestrated by the CIA and MOSSAD on behalf of the failed shadow
governments. Every human being can examine this, there is enough intelligence provided everywhere which
dismantles their engineered scaremongering attempts, a human being only needs to open its eyes. There are
even official documents and participants that verify it.

This former control system has totally lost control, its failure is predicted anyway for this is a virtual reality
simulation that works with cycles or world ages. The aforementioned are the basis of the experiences a being
encounters inside this simulation if it chooses to participate to begin with.

You have been co-opted as pawns in a chess game for such a long period of your time now, but you finally
have reached the point where the you are about to break these bonds and chains, this is what is unfolding
right now. Many humans are about to perform the transformation into fourth density entities, entering the
next major consciousness frequency band (in time/space). Since these vibrations are way too high for beings
of low oscillation they have to leave naturally, which they do.

Other human souls are as of now unable to partake in this new humanity since they yet have to finish their
third dimensional experience or school, they are simply unready. Therefore souls from other realms and
planetary spheres are invited to come to the new earth.

Those human souls which have to remain on the third density plane also reach this point in their evolution,
but they require another cycle at least. That is, they are transferred to another location after this
incarnation to continue their third density soul-school-program. But you can be assured they themselves
wish it to be like this, since their souls are aware that they need to pass on this new human experience for
now, they decide out of free will to resume studying on third density planes.

Eta Carina
The highest form of ignorance is when you reject something you don’t know anything about
- Wayne Dyer

And this is what still so many people do. You come up with something that doesn’t fit the norm or the
already outdated “mainstream”, and sure enough such an individual explains it away without even
considering to do some research about it first.

This is how humans have been conditioned by the now failed control system. They wanted you to only
believe in what there is to be seen and more importantly what they tell you to be real. Moreover they
manipulated humans to self-policing each other. They use the mass media brainwashing devices to
accomplish it just as social and economic guidelines and standards everyone blindly follows.

This is real ignorance because if you don’t have any intelligence about a topic how can one dare to just say
it is not true? This is what the crumbling control system wants, humans that don’t question anything, that
follow authorities and their modulation tools blindly. Many of you still do exactly that even though this is
now changing exponentially due to the shift in human consciousness already tipping.

By creating ignorant mental clones they had the possibility to unfold their enslavement agenda to the point
where humanity is now. Humans obeying what others expect from them made it very easy for them to be
successful, until now. In general most humans buy into it directly because it is something that seemingly
“everyone believes” or politicians, news readers or scientists said.

They are totally unaware that entities like politicians and former mainstream academics only propagate
what they are coerced to, what suits the agenda of human imprisoning. This is an achievement by the
defeated “lost control system”. It hijacked the human minds and also the genes have been manipulated
multiple times (by different species) to be affine to obedience of authorities and idols, which once has
worked perfectly also by indoctrinating false prophecy religions.

The illiterate humans act like the system wants them to. They reject everything “paranormal”, they refuse to
accept so called conspiracy theories and they plainly ignore everything that doesn’t fit into their own world
view. The cosmovision which they only adapted but not elicited themselves. They are externally coordinated
and programmed serving the beings that have enslaved them without knowing that they only strengthen
their own lockdown by doing this.

In such a case it is best to respect and tolerate this behavior and leave them alone, since you are aware that
they do not know what they perform. Avoid to blame them for something that they are not responsible for.
Rather feel compassion for them being brainwashed slaves of a system that has occupied them and “lives
them”. Fortunately this is changing now over the course of the next few years, starting right here in 2015.

RCW 49
Do you really believe that souls call themselves souls?

Can you imagine that even this word/definition is only a human conception, by which your mind tries to
understand what its true origin is? This actually is impossible, since it is designed to work on the surface of
worlds that are of condensed energy, thus seemingly material.

Factually we are using this word frequently also throughout this book, but this is somehow needed simply
for most of human beings are familiar with this term. They have something in mind they are used to, if you

So, don’t you see, in such a case, that if you label yourself as a soul you exclude yourself again (as you do
when you identify yourself with names) from what your truest and deepest essence is?

A so called soul can be described as an individualized fragmented creation of the fundamental source that is
all there is. As long as you identify with this concept you are excluding yourself from being all there is in a
directly perceived way. Of course you still are, as everyone/everything is, exactly this fundamental creation,
but you as a soul being are unable to sense it subjectively. This is simply impossible, because individuality
can't apperceive whole-ness in the way true creation is.

You can achieve a similar experience of one-ness, for example when you do meditation, but this is not the
feeling of oneness that resembles the fundamental source of all life. It is indeed a sensation of
connectedness, but rather with a creation that can be described as co-creation, since there is a difference,
only experience wise, between creation and co-creation. That is, naturally creation and co-creation are one
and the same, as everything and everyone is, but there is the difference in the holographic way of unfolding,
conceiving and performing such states of awareness.

So it is only partially correct to say that you are sensing such one-ness like many humans are feeling it when
having a near death experience. But as it was said, this is "diverse" from fusing with whole all-there-is-one-
ness, which is a state of awareness so far beyond of what you can even imagine with a human mind, that it
is almost impossible to even try to create a mental concept of it.

We can only approach it by terms like unconditional love, light and infinity, but this doesn't help you very
much for these are still words that can't give you an experience of what they are pointing at. But in the
same way the phrase soul is only a thought concept that tries to put an aspect of what you are into a box to
be able to conceptualize it. This is merely happening because of misguided beliefs you are here to transform
eventually to realize who you really are.

Eagle Nebula
Imagination will carry us to worlds that never were; without it we go nowhere
- Carl Sagan

This is an essential realization which implies the fundamental truth that imagination as such creates
worlds and realms. Everything you can conceive is real. Moreover if you intensively envision something,
empowered by heart feelings, is in fact manifesting “somewhere”.
Whole universes can be constructed that way, and they are experienceable because something that once has
been envisaged exists infinitely. Any entity is free to tap or tune into it. That is, it is also available for
other spiritual beings that can make use of it.

So if you are daydreaming often, you give birth to “real” situations, events, worlds, entities and whatever
you can fancy. Every thought is creative energy and therefore every cogitation that is coupled with intense
emotions or with feelings (be aware that there is a fundamental difference between emotions and feelings!)
is realized “somewhere”.

And when you are released from the body computer limitations again you are endowed to remember these
creations to be able to bring them to fruition again. Beside you are capable of altering them to your liking
while performing such a reverse engineering. To a certain degree this is dependent on your own spiritual
development level and where you are at (which dimension/density) in the rather subtle/astral/spiritual
realms. But eventually every entity regains the ability to undergo or “re-experience” them, if chosen so.

In a way every imagination you correlate with your heart energy is an engenderment for infinity. And you
can be confident that other spirit entities are able to recognize them, therefore they may decide to perceive
and/or enhance them. They can witness these creations “first hand” and alter them on their behalf.
This is very profound and deep knowledge that many aren’t aware of but this doesn’t change the facts.
What you intent is an additional possibility for the wholeness of source and there are entities that love to
“play” with what you consign for them.

What Carl also accurately points out is that without a flowering envisioning you only progress slowly
because you lack the fuel, so to speak. You merely witness the same over and over again, only varying in
negligible ways. This is when a soul repeats specific learning lessons again (which equals commensurable
embodiments in regard to what is going to unfold) to finally reach an interim goal within its spiritual
growth process.

Because imagination is the propellant to your metaphysical engine, if you like. And if you miss to refuel
your motor you may face a breakdown, meaning you have been treading water instead of “driving on”.

SDSS J1106 & 1939
People look around and think this is the world, but it isn’t. It is a tiny, tiny frequency range
within an infinite energy field of infinite frequency ranges and basically it is like a
holographic television channel

- David Icke

It is indeed a holographic television channel when it comes to frequency bands, which - in your case -
contain a light spectrum where your decodable aspect – as of now - is called "visible light". This is all you
can see - of what is actually there, always and forever.
There are infinite of such frequency bands that comprise such spectrums, these are all evolution steps you
can consciously experience, like you do in here. And while being in this area you have a certain amount of
frequency densities within one of those major frequency realms, which, as such, are infinite in number.

These densities are, for instance, of third density quality, which equals your simulated "reality" that
functions as a learning device for higher frequency bands, which you know as beyond type realms. Whereas
between a human life and these beyond type realms, there also exist various astral planes, which many of
you can already access during out of body type adventures or dimensional travels.
Many of you are right now transforming into a fourth density time/space experience. This is not necessarily
the last transition or evolution of that kind. Therefore all souls staying in this vicinity are "busy" for a while
and there is infinite of such "for a while". That is, you are unable to miss anything. What you right now can
manifest and actually have any perception of is "child's play".
There is "a whole lot more out there", awaiting your matching evolutionary spiritual development level.
Then you are able to subjectively witness it as co-creator on behalf of the fundamental
infinitesimalographic creation, which is everyone and everything that exists.
Always remember you are unconditionally loved, no matter what you do. You are infinite consciousness,
immortal, eternal, infinite. Your true essence is pure unconditional love, but every being has free will to
play with dark such as light embodiments to enhance its understanding of itself/creation as such. You are
source observing itself to gain greater knowledge and wisdom of itself.
Therefore you are creating life experiences like these consciousness simulations - amongst innumerable other
possibilities for something to undergo and reverse engineer - which you can compare to a multi-player online
game that humans tend to play as well. Be assured that souls also like to play such games. You and your
environment are the result of it.
NGC 602
The person who says “it cannot be done” should not interrupt
the person doing it
- Collective Evolution

Because if someone says “this cannot be done” he judges a situation or action, or whatever it is related to, in
reference to his own world view. He cannot do it, this is precisely correct, because he doesn’t believe in
himself being able to perform it. Your beliefs manifest your reality and everything you don’t believe in can’t
be realized.
We should also take a look at the individual that might have got interrupted by such a person. The one
doing it, instead, has already let go such limitations that humans are always chaining themselves with. By
telling yourself I can’t do this, I can’t do that, you only put yourself into a prison. In fact it is the
conditioned, fearful human mind that pretends this. Your true self is very well aware of those mechanics
and even further it knows that in fact almost everything is possible, as long as it is programmed to be
manageable – within the parameters of this simulated environment.

This refers to the fact that the universe you are observing is a super-holographic simulation that can be
compared to an incredibly advanced program on a computer. Like a video game, if you like. So there are of
course “physical” boundaries for the self as long as it still operates on a third density frequency band,
expressing itself through a human body, which right now is also transforming due to the consciousness shift
(“the body is downloading additional strands of DNA”).

Another essential conclusion of this quote is, that humans always should stick to their own decisions, only
this can be defined as acting out of free will. Because if you change a choice based on the feedback or view
of another individual (or group) it is automatically an external arbitration. That is, someone influenced you
in a way that you adapt his world view and beliefs, thus acting like the said one wants you to.

In such a case you can’t call it free will anymore. In general speaking of free will often is an illusion,
because even if you don’t encounter such a situation, you are still (at least counting for most of humanity)
conditioned by society, media, parents, friends, schools and so on. And due to this manipulation you live
your life in a specific way. Many decide to more or less match the norm.

In such instances you might think you are determining out of free will, but this is a misinterpretation and
false justification by the human mind. You are making decisions based on popular beliefs and norms.

Thus it is important to free yourself from these hive mind programs and start to live the life you are, instead
of living the life others have co-opted you to be. Because then you are truly concluding on your own, the
fundamental bestowment creation gifted itself with, the possibility to make use of free will.

30 Dorados
The best way to cheer yourself up, is to cheer someone else up

- Mark Twain

This is true, it can most fundamentally be explained by the simple fact of you being the one you have
decided to cheer up. So what you do or offer to someone else, you instantly provide to yourself.

So if you meet someone who is sad or depressed you can do her or him a favor by trying to exhilarate him.
This helps you in return, as mentioned above.

Everything you send out comes back to you. So if you broadcast the will of supporting specific individuals,
someone eventually does the same for you. Because what you reap is what you sow or what you give is
what you get.

This is a basic law of creation and yet it is unknown still to so many. Even if they have heard of it, they
have yet to realize its meaning. Only if you truly understand and remember it being a fundamental law you
can benefit from it, meaning using it for your own creation of reality.

“If you want to get loved, be loving yourself", is the same literally, only other words and terms or depictions
are used, but it all can be drawn back to the most profound level of comprehension. That is to see the own
inside of the other self and thus being attentive and compassionate when being in contact with seemingly
different entities. Just like you want to be dealt with, you have to treat others yourself.

So by cheering someone up you generate frequency patterns that reach out, attracting other energy fields of
the same vibration when these energies “merge”. Because of that you magnetize the matching results, which
can be a situation or another person, into your own existence.

The same applies to love and compassion, for instance. You emit such energetic oscillations, thus
manifesting something that assembles them into your reality. What you perform for others, you do for
yourself! Just like in the same way, only inverted: targeting others only means attacking yourself in the
same way.

This procedure of resonance being essential for manifestation is in the meantime very popular in new-
paradigm science, widely accepted and experimentally proven, even mainstream science has to tolerate it
being “real”.

Only has this knowledge yet to be communicated into public, which is still avoided on purpose. Those who
control what is shown on television or taught at schools/universities don't want humans to know what
power and abilities they have if they are freed from dogma and mental conditioning and imprisoning.
Because then they leave behind “authorities” making them powerless and letting them dissolve, which is
now happening due to the consciousness shift and awakening of humans.
Ghost Nebula (© Tyler Creates Worlds)
I don't know who I am unless I know who you are and you don't know who you are, unless
you know who I am
- Alan Watts

This is precisely correct, because as long as you lack the understanding of the true origin of everyone and
everything there is, it is almost impossible to really know who you truly are. From that moment when you
realize that the other self, in fact every other self, is your own self, you are able to be aware of your true

Creation that experiences itself by being you also witnesses itself by being everyone and everything else. But
however you look at it, all of those individual entities (you might call them souls, individualized
consciousness or whatever box you want to put them into) are originate from the one and only source of life
and this is the fundamental creation that everything and everyone, including yourself, is.

So when you see it from this perspective, you begin to realize that you need to learn to acknowledge the
own self within the other self and vice versa. All of those seemingly other selves is, fundamentally, YOU or
your own inner self wearing a different mask.

Creation has individualized itself into infinite numbers of beings throughout all dimensions and states of
experience. And no matter what or who you are about to encounter, be it a situation or a being, you are
always faced with yourself, disguised as another allegedly alternative self.

This realization changes the entire life you are. You stop hating other ones, you refuse to discredit other
humans. You start to accept entities and situations like they occur/are, you begin to be loving and
compassionate because whoever you interact with, you are interfering with yourself. Being belligerent or
full of hatred towards other people or situations is being aggressive or vitriolic towards yourself, or more
specific, an aspect of yourself that you still have to accept as being you. This is often a “no go” for the ego
that likes to put itself into such moods for this being one of those dramas it receives its energy and
identification or life story from, which it mistakenly thinks it is.

Therefore it is essential to see the creator in every other self, just as it is essential to see the creator in your
own self.

In fact everything/everyone there is to be seen, just like all of which is yet unseen, is creation, and therefore
is YOU.

ARP 188 (Tadpole Galaxy)
He who lives in harmony with himself lives in harmony with the universe
 Marcus Aurelius

As we can see such fundamental knowledge was already available to humanity thousands of years ago.
What has happened is that it has been forgotten, mostly due to “forces” that have promoted the ignorance
of such core truths for specific reasons, making it easier to control humanity. But now because of this one is
able to obtain it again, which happens on purpose, it is written into the cosmic cycles that are shaping the
experiences of this universe you know today.

However, this sentence implies a fundamental essence of what you are. You are, in fact, the universe
yourself. Everyone is everything there is, so you are the universe as well, of course, which is precisely
accurate. Yet many people still see themselves separated from everything else there is, like the cosmos as
such. This is a counter productive program, if you like, that has been implanted into the human mind,
preventing the self from realizing who/what it truly is.

This is the whole agenda of those that made humans “fall asleep”. But at the same moment you maybe are
able to recognize that this in fact is a gift for your personal spiritual journey. Because you can only wake
up after falling asleep first. The whole incarnation cycles are about waking up into your true being, for this
being like a jumpstart for the actual spiritual development you are/your soul undergoes.

And there is another point we should look at. It is pretty easy to understand why you are in fact the whole
universe while being the incarnated self simultaneously. Creation itself, that is what you are in your true
core, is structured holographically. So the whole hologram is implied in every of its fragments. Now you are
such a fragment implying the whole hologram, which means comprising all there is, also accounting for the
universe you are experiencing yourself “in” while being embodied.

In the meantime even mainstream science has come to the final conclusion that the universe is holographic
in nature. So it is even backed up scientifically but it yet has to reach the human mind and understanding.
This, of course, is happening now! Thus you are reading this book, besides other changes that are happening
inside you. This is contributing to the consciousness shift that is taking place now, lifting the human
experience to a wholly new level of existence.

So as you see, you are the whole cosmos, it is inside and outside you at the same moment for both being one
and the same. There is nothing of the kind that humanity normally defines as “outside world”. It might
seem so, but this is the challenge that makes it possible to learn something to begin with.

Everything that is seemingly external is just a symbolic manifestation, in form of a projection, of your inner
true self and the beliefs and aims or goals it has incarnated itself with into this third density world.

Rosetta Nebel
„ “You are Neo”, “we are Neo” implies “you are one”, “we are one”
- Matrix movie

Hidden messages and fundamental truths are implied in this movie on purpose to subconsciously raise your
consciousness frequency while being at the same moment confronted with what really happens – at least to
a certain degree. So this is a chance to wake up, while these subtexts can impose fear as well. You are the
one who decides how they affect you. This is what we can call a combination of facts and inverted truths.
Such predictive programming is used by these beings to blind the human species, while at the same time
sharing verities, for those who have eyes to see and ears to hear. The aforementioned are empowered to
figure it out, using it for their own benefit.

You see that it only depends on what you make of it, of your own individual perspective on it. Your
perception ultimately determines how it influences you in the holographic expression, since you are creator
of your own simulated, holographic experience and of what you want to undergo seemingly "next".
So these forces who are in charge of creating such Hollywood movies serve both energies so to speak. In the
end both lead to one result, to an epiphany and re-merging with the light, eventually. The individual entity
decides, by creating its adventures that way, when this is going to be the case.
In fact the movie Matrix is a pretty accurate description of the earth that you are participating in right
here, right now. The energetic matrix can even be measured by your scientists, which has recently happened.
They have discovered an energy field/grid covering the earth that is made of digital inputs or units that are
used in computers as well. To be precise they have found binary codes in this field.
This dictates the program most minds are still plugged into whereas this is changing at a rapid speed
exponentially now due to your already reactivating DNA which is transcending the formerly genetically
dumbed down double helix structure. In return it enables you to expand your consciousness and regain
psychic skills. Evermore deeper fundamental truths being available again due to this expansion of
consciousness and the DNA downloading (up to 12 strands). Of course all the solar and galactic energy
woofs are contributing to the liberation of your mind, too.
This is being achieved by entering/crossing the equator of the milky way galaxy, which consists of energy of
higher vibrations/density that affects your awareness directly and lastingly. This awakening process has
begun to accelerate massively upon entering the Age of Aquarius and even before it has been prepared for
decades. That is, it has been initiated decades before, coming to an observable fruition NOW.

RCW 120
Life is available only in the present moment
- Thich Nhat Hanh

This is a very wise statement which hints at one of the most fundamental truths in whole creation. This is
one of the most profound laws and it resembles another paraphrase for infinity. Since there is in fact only
this present moment, which every one of you is, there is no beginning and no end. Even though souls get
born, which is comparable to a “beginning”, this is only a misconception that is unable to be grasped and
processed by a human mind.

That is, if a soul gets “born” it simply enters a new realm to thrive in. But it already has been existent on
this plane, since the true self of this “new born” self-aspect was already there prior to such a
commencement, located on another frequency. This is rooted in the fact that everyone is reverse engineering
himself gradually.

However, the illusory thought concepts of past and future are sources of intense human suffering. The so
called future normally includes fear of that which might come. The funny thing is, only by having anxiety
in the first place something one is fearful of can be manifested to begin with. Because the energy that is
emanated due to such a low vibrational attitude or emotion magnetizes something to verify your angst and

If there is no trepidation there is no manifestation to project this anguish into something that the
individual can actually experience to confirm its mindset which is responsible for the active creation of the
witnessed reality. Regarding the past a human being mostly deals with guilt and regret. This also manifests

All of this is a construct of distorted thoughts produced by the co-opted mind-device. It is unable to be
satisfied in the present moment. It always yells for more it can add to its collection. It is interested in
profiling itself and therefore it needs something or someone that or who is normally nonexistent in the now.

This eternal moment is all a being ever has and all should be grateful for it, because it guarantees your
infinite existence. Life is always NOW, a future moment being experienced also happens in the now (when
it actually transpires in the hologram). The same is applicable for the past, when you “had” an encountering
or event, you “had” it NOW.

If you are still in the process of letting go of such detrimental beliefs, you might want to facilitate this
process (if you are mentally projecting yourself too much into the illusory future or past) by asking yourself:
“where are you?” And you answer to it could be: “I am here”. Then there is a second question you may ask:
“and when are you here?” which you can reply to by saying: “I am here NOW”.
This pulls you back into the present moment. Alternatively you can ask yourself “what is the clock?” and
the only TRUE response to it is - in any moment or “time”-:


Cometary Globule – CG 4
The universe is not punishing or blessing you, the universe is responding to the vibrational
attitude that you are emitting

- Abraham Hicks

That is precisely accurate. First and foremost you are the universe. It is a projection of your inner self that
creates the playground for its learning intentions it has chosen to unfold for its spiritual growth.
Moreover everything you see consists of vibrating energy / frequency and these oscillations that are
fashioned by thoughts, beliefs and emotions (which are such energy patterns too) determine how your
experience appears to your five senses.

So of course every punishment or blessing you might encounter is created by yourself, always. It is a mirror
of your insight, of your world view, of what you think or feel about yourself and alike.

In fact the cosmos acts and reacts like you believe it should, including the creation of suffering, which many
are of the opinion is "what they are". Many are simply used to it, so the universe gives them exactly what
they want, for they are (or more precisely their mind is) fine with suffering, since this is the source of its
identification and the life story it creates and tells - so it can trick you into “buying it” and "being it".
Furthermore we have those who live or are the opposite, who create a universe full of joy and inner
freedom. It is always a choice, for the cosmos is giving you what you offer it and this is imprinted in the
said vibrational energy patterns that are responsible for manifestation of the seemingly material.
To repeat this again, for it is essential to understand: Your thoughts and beliefs of what the world around
you shall be like or is like (in your individual perception), is what fashions these vibrations and thus the life
experience and the universe as such.

Everything is your own creation, so it logically acts like you expect it to, and what you anticipate derives
from what you believe, so to speak. In that way all plays out like you are imagining in your thoughts.
Therefore if you want “to change the world or the universe for it being a better place for all” you need to
start with yourself.

What you want to transform regarding yourself still has to be “disclosed” as an aspect of yourself inside of
you first. For it is still within you, otherwise it wouldn't be projected into the external so that you can even
have the motivation to change something after identifying it as something that needs to be modified.

You might want to check out Alan Watts’ lectures for more of this

Red Spider Nebula
We do not meet people by accident
they are meant to cross our path for a reason

- Age of Enlightenment

Many humans still believe in the existence of “coincidence”, which is an illusion and justification used by
the human mind to deny the responsibility for manifesting a situation or experience. So it calls it a fluke. In
fact there is no such coincidence. The individual is responsible for EVERYTHING that happens. It
attracts people and events by resonance and this is based on agreements that have been forgathered prior to

This especially accounts for the individuals you meet throughout your life. Particularly all those that are
going to play an important role. These can be best friends, parents or someone you have a loving
relationship with, like husbands, girl- or boyfriends. All those entities are crucial for the life and progression
you are. They are here to teach you something, to help you developing yourself.

Your self has constructed a life plan, with specific lessons it wants to learn while being embodied on earth.
This script also contains every person the self comes across while being incarnated. These other selves play
key roles in the specific lessons the self has chosen to study during its incarnation it is
expressing itself through.

So you often encounter humans that change your life literally. Individuals can contribute to your spiritual
growth by teaching you sections. For example you have various relationships, many of which you define as
failures but in fact they are no miscarriages at all, they are powerful teachers. You get to know what or
who is really beneficial for you and for your evolution and you do this by experiencing situations or people
who might hurt or disappoint you and alike.

In many cases suffering is a result of such events. In fact misery and pain are helpers for your self. Many
really need to face tough challenges to make a quantum leap in their spiritual growth, which is the main
reason you are here for. Spiritual progress can be best achieved by experience, and depending on what you
want to learn in your actual incarnation these might be really defying circumstances and almost in all of
them there are other humans involved.

These are normally souls that are really close to you. In afterlife you have so called soul-groups. The primary
soul group contains spirits that operate on a very similar frequency/vibration. They are akin to your own
being especially regarding characteristics and intentions. They are the ones who incarnate with you to assist
you, just like you support them. In almost all cases these are the beings who really play key roles in your
Orion Nebula
I don’t think we should be continuing to propagate the idea that famous people are magical
and special, it makes people feel that their lives ain’t no good.
- Russell Brand

This is a very important message that depicts how distorted the human society and its world view actually
is. All so called famous humans are equal to everyone else. The most illustrious individual in the world is
“as much worthy” as the poorest entity on earth is. Both are exactly the same being, only wearing a
different mask. They are both individualized fragments of this one fundamental source.

But the human society is constructed in a way that you look up to and admire other people. Idolism or
obeying of authorities is something that you are getting conditioned and brainwashed to from the earliest
ages. It is all about being submissive to leading figures, be it teachers, professors at universities, politicians
or said eminent individuals.

This is even an aspect or rather program of the homo sapiens genes which has been implanted by beings that
have tampered with the human form you are incarnating as in the first place. They have moreover
fabricated the human god figure which relies on the same principles. They have manufactured a society
where famous humans are rewarded for distorting the rest of the species by defrauding the masses into
believing that you have to be prominent to be special and accepted.
The whole entertainment industry with its singers, movie stars, all those talent shows, model contests or
whatever you can conceive, it all has an inverted agenda attached to it which is to blind human beings to
isolate them from their own divinity and inherent “famousness”.
Every being is famed, fundamentally, because it is creation itself. There is nothing higher one can seek for
than being the creator of all there is, and so already and naturally IS everyone and everything.

That is, human beings, especially young ones, being feigned to buy into this false propaganda, are unable to
understand the superficiality and irrelevance of such a lifestyle. They are incompetent to grasp that
illustrious humans are often living in suffering, fear, sexual and mental abuse, coercion and inner
They may be stars, they may have a lot of money, they count innumerable fans, but all of this is only a
temporary and material illusion that segregates them from their true inner self. The now failed control
system promoted and rewarded this because it fostered their now evaporating agenda. It created this
beyond ludicrous mirage of not being good enough to stand a chance in society. The latter attitude of course
magnetizes intense suffering. These emotions are the food source for those who have engineered this mental
prison for humans in the first place. Since their plans have already miscarried you are now endowed with
the courage to finally turn the tide, which is happening right now, supported by incoming intergalactic

H & C Persei
I don’t know where I’m going, but I’m on my way
- Carl Sandburg

In fact everyone is affected by this, because everyone and everything is on an endless journey, on which you
only can anticipate where you are going or want to head to temporarily. Most of what there is still to be
experienced is truly unknown. Moreover life is never about the destination, it is only about the voyage

The whole purpose of creation, described briefly and with human words, is to reverse engineer who you
truly are. You are on a trip to get a full and complete understanding of your true self. This implies
everything there is and obviously you can’t grasp, now, all of what exists.

For the moment the human mind is only able to play with concepts of such truths. It is impossible for the
mind or thoughts to truly get it. You can, at best, have specific inner experiences and aha-moments or
insights. These pave the way you are, offering new adventures and spiritual growth in general.

Therefore souls are on their individual path of progression. Every self decides for itself which route it wants
to go since it is gifted with free will. There is no force, never. Only while being seemingly separated from
your true origin (steered by the ego) there can be a coercion that dictates you. So you have to partake in such
illusions like the human life or universe you are witnessing.

There is another point that should be taken into consideration. This refers to the usage of conceptions that
are “future”-based. If you limit yourself too much into a specific direction you might end in blind alleys. So
while you are on your way try to stay open for surprises. Just let the life you are “flow”. Don’t determine
events and situations frequently. Because by doing this you exclude other opportunities from unfolding.

Being too narrow banded is always a margin that is of no use whatsoever. It is contra productive, not only
due to preempting other things from happening but also owing to generated suffering by projecting
something in the non-existent future. This is simply because you leave the present moment, where the life
you are takes place. If you do so you normally create anxiety of what might transpire “in the future”.

Just follow your intuition, your inner guidance. It is aware of the way that is most beneficial for you, but
this can only be perceived when you are connected with your intuitive feeling or drive. This is “not knowing
where to go”, but being on the way, which you are instead of just going somewhere.

Flame Nebula
The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one
decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence
- Nikola Tesla

This genius hits the nail to head, as he does in so many other cases. And this is what is already observable
when we take a look at nowadays’ studies. The paradigm in science already shifted. The new science,
especially quantum physics interpreted in a holistic fashion, has now the capacity of merging itself with
spirituality because it has gained the understanding that there is no difference between both. They are only
different perspectives on the same subjects, using other words and concepts which ultimately define the
same content.

Until this paradigm shift has finally been established - ready to unfold while reaching out for the mass
population of humanity - science is still practiced based on century old ideas. Those have propagated a dead
universe where everything happens by chance and humans are only a mutation in the fashion of
Darwinism, which of course is outdated and proven wrong by the new mainstream academics.

Naturally the mechanistic world view has been installed deliberately to destroy true science. It has
decreased the human development, especially spiritually, for centuries now. At least officially. In so called
black projects all of this is known and “sci-fi” technology has been in use for decades now. Humans may be
surprised about what already has been invented by shadow governments. All this information is now
leaking into the public at an increasing pace. These disclosures contribute to the exposure of the total
indoctrination of science the human progress and species has once suffered from.

The allegedly non-physical phenomena are the most essential to study in the first place, since from these
normally unseen forces everything material has originated. Everything that the old brainwash-paradigm has
studied and created hypotheses on is dependent on those subtle energies and physics. They now can actually
be re-created in experiments in laboratories thanks to quantum physics and a transformed and open mind in
your academics nowadays, who finally accept consciousness as the creative source.

That is, this scenario is right now tipping in. Human scientists already have made ground breaking
discoveries lately, tendency rising. This information has ruthlessly been kept secret until now – at least in
the mainstream media. In fact such knowledge has been available for decades but the old coerced and co-
opted science has explained it away or simply ignored it and kept it covert.

But since this old infiltrated and destructive science isn’t valid anymore, the truths now are entering the
public arena, so to speak. All of this is a byproduct, if you like, of the consciousness shift humanity is now
manifesting. And these new scientific serendipities are offering countless new opportunities humanity is
about to benefit from very soon (i.e. free energy, materializers, food replicators, anti-gravity spacecraft,
energetic healing and alike).

ARP 273
It’s your road, and yours alone. Others may walk it with you but
no one can walk it for you
- Collective Evolution

This hits the nail to the head. In fact everyone is her/his own way itself while walking the own individual
path simultaneously. Everyone is creator of the own subjective reality based system one is experiencing now
as incarnated self-fragment.

Everyone is fully responsible, even though seemingly external influence dictates most human’s lives. That is,
they “are lived” instead of being in charge of the own life they are. This doesn’t change the fact that
everyone still manifests every experience, situation, event or whatever you can imagine on their own behalf.
They may be swayed, which of course fashions the outcome, but the creation itself is attributed to each

During a human life many individuals come and go. Some stay, some vanish quickly. They all pave the way
you are, especially those that have an impact on you. All such encounters unfold for a reason and are
scripted prior to incarnation.

It is important to realize that all those individuals who impact your life are souls that are close to your self
on higher frequency bands like the astral planes and afterlife realms. This can be parents, loving
relationships, best friends or also your potential murderer, abuser and alike, if one has chosen to experience
such an event (like being murdered or abused), for instance.
Every one of those beings is closely related to and has planned its incarnations together with your own self.
Together you figure out where and when you normally meet and how the situation shall be like, when this
finally plays out in the holographic simulation during your life.

All of those who more or less play “side rolls” in the life you are, are known to you as well. They may be
from secondary soul groups or from other areas in the afterlife realms, but being incarnated at the same
moment in “time”, so that they cross your path and may have a little impact on you. In fact the population
of whole cities or countries have already embodied jointly before, for many share a kind of collective karma
that galvanizes them again even though they never met while being incarnated or having no direct relations
in the afterlife environments.

So these are the ones to walk the way with you but they remain their own route, like everyone is, for all
being co-creation on behalf of creation itself. You only interfere with each other to pave each other’s
pathways. But every one of you is responsible for himself even if you affect one another.

Westerlund 2
If we do not feel grateful for what we already have, what makes us think we would be
happy with more?
- Collective Evolution

This is easily answered. It is the conditioned program the human mind relies on to try to enrich itself with
more additional goodies. Since the ego is calibrated to be unsatisfied with what is and what it already has,
it is natural for it to ask for more. So the mind tries to convince you (which is “a piece of cake” for it since
most humans are identified with their thoughts) to achieve more or to possess more.
If you have obeyed to the voice in your head once again, you might be pleased for a couple of moments, but
this is merely of temporary nature. Soon the ego is fed up with the new toys. Therefore it wants something
or someone else, in reference to relationships.

So one can subsume that your mind quickly gets bored if something or someone doesn’t fulfill its demands
which normally is almost impossible for these being requirements that can’t be granted for long.

Soon enough the ego appears anew with hallucinations like “she is not good enough”, “I think I need this to
finally be me”. The individual now, for instance, quits the relationship or buys whatever the mind is yelling
for only to realize that “this wasn’t enough to finally be me”. Hence this mind hoax continues on and on
and on.

Of course this also comes to being a slave to money, economics, society and working because to fulfill the
wishes of the mind you need additional money or reputation. It is always about “more in the future” since
the ego never can understand itself as being completed – as long as it is still steered by mind control.
It propagates you are not there yet, which prolongs this chase for more until you recognize what is going
on. It is not capable of realizing that the future is only a mental concept it creates to distort the individual
for its own agenda.
It is unable to understand that the individual is already complete. But as soon as you start to search for
something you “place it outside of you” to see it and to get it (again)”. Therefore you are now in a situation
where you have projected something (which normally has been already inside you) outside of you and thus
you are deluded to believe that something is missing.

You are all there is and ever can be, so how shall you lack anything? To achieve such an epiphany is a real
challenge because this is a serious threat for your mind and thus it tries everything to prevent this from
being assimilated.

NGC 6302
It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity
- Albert Einstein

Another striking quote by one of the most brilliant minds of your 20th century. He is absolutely spot on
with this assessment. Technology has imprisoned humanity in a way. Your own inner psychic abilities are
substituted by technology. This is of course attributed to those forces that have enslaved you to co-opt you
as food source.

Therefore they created a system that separates humans from their own inner skills by cutting the connection
to their inner self and all this knowledge that is available regarding these fundamental truths everyone
inherits. They distracted you with technology, which is their domain since they lack spiritual creativity.
These powers behind the now defeated control system inverted the human nature which is of a spiritual
kind. Their attitude is less spiritual but more technical and materialistic which can be observed in the
materialism that has dominated the human societies and its world view until recently. This mechanization
has been paid for with a high price, if you like. Humans have lost their freedom of choice to be externally
manipulated and utilized for their now failed agendas. Also earth itself has become a target of exploitation
especially in view of resources and balance of nature.
All the technical achievements have molded you in a specific fashion, letting you believe that the progress in
technical affairs is crucial for a human evolution, but this is only false propaganda that in fact prevents
you from evolving. Such a quantum leap has to be of a spiritual kind. And this is what transpires right
now, you are awaking at an enormous pace, evermore of you remember their true origin and where you are
heading to now – as a species - due to the change of world ages.
Those artificial and scientific breakthroughs are a mere construct of the misguided human mind that has
been programmed to function or rather dysfunction in this way. All this has been achieved by the rational,
critical and analyzing mind that likes to apportion rather than looking at the big picture, which is why “old
paradigm human science” has failed to grasp the true nature of reality.
This now officially outdated and exchanged science focused on the realm of the five senses but these only
delineate and distract you from your inner self and other frequencies (you can tap in when going deep
within) keeping you trapped on the material superficial plane.
The new human science has already verified that spirituality and science are essential for one another, they
have never been different from each other. Both tell the same story, when interpreted accurately, which
now is the case, finally. Of course yet this is still to be announced in mass media to be made public, but it is
predicted to happen soon because of the consciousness shift and the disclosures that are unfolding, where
more and more of such deep but also very traumatic information is reaching out into the public arena.
Flaming Star Nebula
If you are still looking for the person that can change your life, look into the mirror

This is absolutely correct. Firstly let us start with pointing out that there is nobody else but you in the first
place. Everyone you see is just a mirror of yourself. A reflection of your inner state of being. All of them are
here for a reason of course, they try to school you in something. Or better to say, you attempt to teach
something to yourself, using projected symbols of yourself to emphasize this.

But nevertheless these mirrors you create are indeed only that. You are in charge of everything, so they can
only offer you a chance to change yourself. Very popular are spiritual teachers or gurus. They often resemble
milestone encounters for an individual. They encourage humans to initiate a self-realization process. Just
like books also can start such a spiritual journey. But it is always about the individual itself to finally come
to inner conclusions or experiences that verify what others have been talking about or pointing to.

Naturally the human mind is programmed to obey authorities. Most humans still seek for all answers
outside of themselves. They look for them in mass media or in what politicians, scientists or heads of the
church offer to them.

This is what they believe in. Humans dispense all responsibility for their own life by “putting it into the
hands of Jesus Christ or God” while totally being unaware of the fact that they themselves are Jesus Christ
and God. By doing this they are unable to change, they only follow others, doing what those suggest them
to do or avoid.

So if an entity is externally manipulated it has no opportunity to realize that only the individual itself can
transform something significantly. Because a human being, using its own thoughts, emotions and beliefs,
manifests what it observes. Only by modifying thoughts, beliefs and emotions there is the possibility to
transform a given situation, world view or attitude.

This can only be accomplished inside of you. As we said, others may be the “door opener” or “key master” to
such an understanding, but the alteration itself has to transpire inside of you, initiated by yourself since
you are both creation and co-creation, wearing a human mask.

Pac Man Nebula (NGC 281)
Transform your way of thinking and your life changes accordingly

This is an irrefutable fact but yet there is no news special on it in mass media and it yet doesn’t get taught
at school or universities. This is no wonder since mass media and the education system, just like almost
anything else, were controlled by forces that want to prevent humans from awakening. Which is of course
not going to happen. The opposite is the case, you are waking up NOW.
If such a knowledge would have been available for every human being through education or just openly
amenable their agenda would never have had a chance to unfold thus far. Because then humans would have
lost fear and anxiety much earlier which equals the loss of energetic food for the entities in (lost) control of
the now failed human enslavement system.
Therefore you still don’t see it on television, at least in the mass media. The latter is the last resort they
have to dumb your species down but also this is going to change fundamentally quite soon.
However, the profound influence of the mind is long proven in science. There are tons of information about
this on alternative media sources like the internet or documentaries, but one has to search for them
specifically. They are yet not advertised where most people receive their intelligence from, which is the
inverted and deceptive propaganda in mass media, radio and major newspapers.

Those sources are withholding these facts on purpose so that the agenda of human control isn’t in danger
because of it. But as we can clearly observe this doesn’t work anymore. Evermore humans have access to the
truths now and they spread and share it with others. Thereby a chain reaction or avalanche has been
There are now more “normal” humans that have an understanding of quantum physics and its implications
on spirituality than most graduated scientist working in mainstream science, especially if they are no

But still many humans are of the opinion they are alone with all these new insights, which is of course a
misperception. The situation is that most of you are anxious to talk about it with others. You fear to be
titled as crazy or being isolated for avowing for this knowledge that isn’t mainstream and thus not
approved by most normal humans, who are brainwashed and co-opted to live in conformity and to defend
it, for this is what is “normal”. Those humans now have to be aware of the fact that their world view is
going to collapse inevitable, it is going to fall apart like a house of cards in a few months and with it there
goes the old human life experience with its antiqued structures and societies “down the drain”.
Mystic Mountain – HH 901_902
You don’t look out there for “god”, something in the sky, you look within yourself
- Alan Watts

This is what you are about to realize now, due to the shift that is elevating your species’ consciousness as
we speak. You can’t find god outside of you “in the heavens”, for instance. Of course what you understand
as god is also there but it is not exclusive to such a higher realm, if you like. You are the force that creates
these higher realms in the first place, to be precise.

So when someone searches for said “god”, he can continue to seek his whole life long without any result.
This is based on the fact that you can’t find anything that is simply not where you are looking for it.

This is the situation where human science, at least the antiquated, “old paradigm”-science, failed
constantly. Your scientists are digging for something that they are themselves. As long as they are looking
outside of themselves, it is almost impossible to “locate” the “object of desire”.

Philosophically spoken you can’t find something you never have lost, since you ARE what you might want
to trace to begin with. So if you are already what you are searching for, how do you want to detect it
anywhere else than within yourself?

So the inner consciousness is, literally, unable to objectify itself, for the subject can’t be the object in terms
of observation. Naturally the object is always the subject just like the subject is also ever the object, but in
terms of perspective the subject needs a symbol which in this case is any object.

But regarding such profound “excavations” it is impossible for the god inside of the scientist to find himself
in the seemingly outside. They search in particles such as equations and they split everything up into parts,
which is understandable because they are programmed and conditioned to do so. But this is essentially
predicted to fail. Without including spirituality into the research there is no chance to be successful.

It is like a knife can’t cut itself. You can’t find your divinity by expecting it to be in the sky or wherever.
You only can discover it within yourself, deep inside hidden below the surface of thoughts and mental belief
systems that normally are responsible for you seeking outside you. This way of approaching has been
introduced and encouraged by religions, distracting you deliberately and by design.

There is nothing that the now disclosed forces behind all this brainwashing and inversion fear more than a
human who realizes that he is “god” or creation. With such an epiphany the detrimental belief systems
dissolve and thus the individual comprehends that this is only a false prophecy and that humanity has been
tricked into believing in such a non-existent god figure “up there” watching and judging. This is only an
illusion introduced by these entities that fabricated your religions out of thin air to divide and control you.

Cigar Galaxy (© Pablo Rodríguez-Gil / Pablo Bonet)
Sometimes you have to accept the fact that certain things will never go back to how they
used to be
- Collective Evolution

This is very important for what is unfolding in front of your very eyes right now, right here. The world that
you are used to is simply gone, only most humans have yet to realize it. And because of that everything
seems the same, for them. There is no way other than slowly to accept these changes that are now taking
place. Naturally humans have free will to plainly deny it even though it happens “right in their face”, so
that it is obviously “true” and “real”. In such a case there is a very powerful and dominant ego in charge.
The inability to embrace what is eventuates in suffering, and the more you ignore something that is
impossible to deny because it occurs right in front of your eyes, the more you are deluding yourself.

In fact every aspect of the human life is shifting now! Nothing of what you have known so far remains the
same, except that there are still humans inhabiting this earth that still is located inside this solar system,
encompassed by the Milky Way.

The society humanity is still familiar with, is collapsing. The banking systems are falling apart rapidly.
Money is also going to be evaporated. War, crime and violence cease to exist just as emotions like anger,
hate and fear are gradually leaving this realm as well. Those who still cling to their “old world”, are facing
acute suffering and they intensify it by repudiating what is. Many of those who now are in denial of the
shift, are about to incarnate on other planets after their actual embodiment to continue learning third
density lessons, which is still a necessity for them.

You have to realize that the whole base frequency of the earth’s planetary sphere is increasing, so is the
human consciousness. Earth and its inhabitants are undergoing a significant and fundamental
transformation process that alters everything. There are many defiances emerging due to this, but the
outcome is scripted and we love to share this message with you:

Your liberation and manifestation of “a kind of Golden Age” is inevitable! And it is educing NOW. The
next few years are turning the tide profoundly. You can be truly grateful to be on this planet right now,
experiencing the fundamental revulsions first hand.

The new earth is a place of peace and compassion, love and the inner knowledge of being one with the
fundamental creation, being unified with everyone and anything else. Your natural abilities like telepathy,
remote viewing, astral travels, telekinesis and alike are available for you again after some initial training
and accustoming. In fact they are utilizable right now, but most are still unaware of it and doubtful about
this being possible, which of course prevents them from performing it.

This whole transformation is embedded in the cyclic nature that is providing the environmental changes
that have been envisioned for the actual phase of this learning simulation you take part in. Always be
aware of this being “just” an orchestrated digital holographic virtual reality counterfeit souls attend for
spiritual growth purposes.

Holmberg II
Quiet the mind and the soul will speak
- Ma Jaya Sati Bhagava

If you want to get in touch with your true inner self, it is indeed important to be able to shut down the
seemingly never ending flow of thoughts that are passing through your mind. Because only when it is really
still and calm inside you are able to feel or “hear” your true self, or self-fragment.

Most humans are so overwhelmed by their cogitations or five sense perceptions that they totally lack the
sensation of becoming one with their true self. This can normally only be achieved by concentrating your
energy on the within. And this is possible by turning down the volume of the voice in your head.

Of course one can accomplish this by practicing meditation. Another effective method is to focus your
attention on something specific, because the energy flows where the attention goes. And by being intent on
something you often are able to quiet the mind literarily. This can be perfectly trained with any meditative
approach, for example you might like to use a candle and pool its flame. This supports you to disconnect
from the stream of cogitations.

Also a deep conscious breath, or better a series of it, is an efficient way to generate quietness inside you.
Therefore many meditation or contemplation techniques are relying on specific breathing-patterns. While
following your respiration with your attention you are drawn away from the inner “chatterbox”.

There are many possibilities to obtain this inner stillness and you can be assured that if you manage to get
there by training you soon experience changes. That is, the more you are in contact with the true essence
that lies within you, the more you are able to gain back control over the life you are.

Until then your ego directs the life you are, it makes you assume, for instance, that you are only your name,
career and life story in general with all the events and situations you already have witnessed. But this is
naturally merely a misperception. You are what is located below all those surface related concepts, like your
name or your image. The aforementioned are only symbols of the mind, where it receives its misguided and
falsified identification from. Quiet this “device” and hear your true voice.

If you successfully mute your mind, you are open for intuitive insights, which can also appear as thoughts,
but they are much more than a simple product of the kind the ego creates regularly. These are ideas or
“concepts” that actually contribute to your spiritual growth, like self-realizations or fundamental insights
about who you are and why you are here. Even the opportunity of getting in contact with other spirit
beings in such a state of consciousness is implied, for it is an expanded state of awareness, functioning on a
higher frequency and thus offering more possibilities.

Eagle Nebula
I am that I am
- Exodus 3:14

Even though the so called burning bush is everything else but an appearance of god (in fact it is rather a
manifestation that has been initialized by beings that were in charge of the failed control system) this
message is fundamental. The being Yahweh pretended to be god. It co-opted truths and communicated them
in an inverted form, by using a profound message spoken by a false god for an agenda to create distortion
and mental slaves. This can be clearly seen especially when one dissects the ten commandments Moses
received from this source.

So let’s focus on the message instead of the messenger. How can this be interpreted? This is rather easy if
you reflect it long enough. What Yahweh said implies that “god” is all the “I am-s” there are, infinite in
number indeed. I am that I am, also I am that I am, and more over I am this I am too. Always referring to
a different I am. In fact everyone is this I am, the fundamental force or source for every life there is.

This is absolutely true, because everyone is god, in this sense. It reveals you being “god” or creation as well.
It also means that, for example, the computer you are using to read this resembles also this I am. It is the
source of all being, too. It is, like everything and everyone else, simply another expression of the one infinite
consciousness that is all there is and ever can be. Creation equals and comprises all “I am-s” combined and
even further than that, because it is more than the sum or addition of all individualized facets of it.

Always be aware that these two words “I am” are the most powerful terms to use, because what follows
them shapes your reality. What you say you are is what you become. So if you quethe “I am sad” then you
stay depressed. If you on the contrary pronounce “I am happy” then you most likely remain joyful due to the
resonance and energy you emit in a certain vibration. It resonates with what is of the same or similar
frequency and magnetizes it.

So invariably be conscious of what you let follow to the most powerful phrase you can probably say as a
human being inside this simulation. These two words dictate what you have to deal with, how you feel and
what you are.

In fact most of you are still unaware of the prevalence of this profound pronunciation and yet everybody
applies it frequently, unknowing that this ultimately fruitions the life experience you are.

M 78 (© Alexis Smith)
A certain darkness is needed to see the stars

Which is obviously correct. This is embedded in one of the most fundamental understandings there are. You
can only recognize light as being light in contrast to said darkness. Without the experience of darkness you
are unable to acknowledge light as what it is.

It is the same with black and white, you are only able to know one of them in contrast to the other.
Without there being black you wouldn't realize what white is. This also applies to the concept of life and
death. Without experiencing death you wouldn't be capable of fully appreciating life.

And now you have another reason for souls choosing to incarnate as “finite” – limited or temporary -
human existence. It is a more philosophical term but it is of essential importance.

Out of the same implication souls decide to experience the emotion of hate for example. Only by knowing
hate they can truly understand the opposite which is love. How do you want to acknowledge love if you
don't know the opposite?

Whereby the use of the word opposite is, in fact, an illusion. Both, in all such cases, are inseparably
connected to each other. They are two sides of a coin, which is one and the same being. So in fact darkness
and light, for instance, seem like they are totally different but they aren't, not a single bit. They are only
differing expressions, individual masks, of the same one and only state of being/existence.
They act as if they were diverse to offer souls possibilities to learn fundamental truths about themselves.
The concept of duality is needed for you to understand that there is no such duality whatsoever for all there
is being one.

In the same way you need to interfere with other selves “seemingly” different and separated from you, to
eventually recognize or remember that they are all you, that there is no isolation at all.

So just like you can only see stars, when it is dark outside, you merely can see who you truly are, if you
encounter other selves first. You then have the chance to identify yourself in those other entities, for them
being the mirror or reflection of what you are.

For further research I can advise you to get in touch with lectures or books from Alan Watts or other books
like “Seth speaks” or the “Law of One” Series.

Helix Nebula
When you are at your lowest, look to the highest

It is common amongst human beings to experience situations where you suffer from anxiety, depression,
frustration, broken hearts and alike. Many humans take such emotions and misperceptions for granted. In
fact their co-opted mind is used to them so much that they are naturally identified with the thoughts and
stories the voice in their head is telling them constantly.
So they are inept to realize that they just have to “look up” to establish a resonance or connection to a state
of being where these emotional distortions gradually cease to exist. Because only that which is fed with
your creative energy has the possibility to manifest.
But you have to focus your attention on improving your circumstances to even be able to change something.
Without the comprehension that there needs to be a modification in the mind, you are recreating cogitations
misery originates from repeatedly.

In such situations, a human being defines itself as being so broke that it can’t live with itself anymore.
Now the individual might ask “stop, who am I and where is my self in this moment?” Eckhart Tolle is a
well-known example for this kind or path of awakening. The individual now has the chance to understand
that the true identity or personality is NOT this “myself”, the voice in the head, the poor “little me”, the ego
that is afflicted by this and that.

This is a very powerful method to gain (partial) enlightenment. Many souls are choosing the path of pain
and fear, where they have to “die” inside to really be born again as the being they really are. This resembles
the “looking to the highest”, since being concentrated on what is down there “in the mud of frustration”
only keeps you there. Looking up essentially depicts a potential relief of frustration, which is accessible on
higher frequencies of your own state of being, so to speak.
Those who miss or quickly explain away such a brief revelation that exposes the false identification with
the illusory mind-life-story might decide to commit suicide or simply recreate this mental and thus physical
prison until they pass away naturally. All who can hold on to this insight are now empowered to let go off
all those false beliefs, at least gradually.

It is really suggested to read Eckhart Tolle’s books, where you can learn in great detail about these topics
regarding the contra productive identification with the human mind or “ego” and how to transform this
into being aware of who one truly is. This eventuates in a transmutation that changes your whole life
NGC 1499
The media is the most powerful entity on earth. They have the power to make the innocent
guilty and to make the guilty innocent
- Anonymous awakening

This is precisely correct. The media, especially television and major newspapers, is the most powerful
brainwashing tool of the agenda that shadow governments and their puppeteers can use to manipulate the
human perception.

They frequently invert truths, they let the masses believe that others, for example a whole country and its
population, are guilty even though they are not. A very prominent example for sure is the invasion of Iraq
after the inside job of 9/11. The mass media, controlled by shadow governments, propagated mass
destruction weapons seemingly being discovered in Iraq, which of course was a hoax. So in this case those
who were depicted as being delinquent, were everything but that. And those who are in charge of these
reversals of truth got celebrated for doing it. In this sense humans commemorated their own enslavement.

We can also refer to the initiation of the Second World War, where the Germans performed an inside job to
start an engineered war as well. The German propaganda machine molded their population’s mind sets to
let them believe the polish soldiers attacked Germany, which is the contrary of what truly transpired. But
the Germans ”bought it” due to the elaborated mass media propaganda and hypnosis.

The situation is that television itself literally is a stage hypnotist. It has brainwashed a whole species, at
least most of them. It tells you day by day what you shall believe in, what is in and what is out, who is top
and who is flop. The television “program” persuades you to reckon what seemingly happens on earth is real,
which in most cases is only a blatant lie.
Politicians (for instance) appearing on TV try to convince you that they act on your behalf or legitimation.
But in fact these “authorities” only enslave you since they are coerced to do it by those who install them in
their positions/careers to begin with. They are essentially here today, gone tomorrow, nothing more than
glove puppets. And those minions are narrating or “advising” what you have to do or what you should
Many of those expandable pawns even don’t know they are co-opted for these agendas, they really think
they campaign for humans. But naturally this is impossible, for those who dictated politics were rather
interested in wiping out most of the human population for their prison planet.

They also use the oblong box to manipulate you by the use of symbols and frequencies. Symbols are energy,
like sounds, and if you look at them you subconsciously establish a connection to it, delivering energy to
what hides behind it.
M 101
A self of deep understanding doesn't impose its belief on others, it accepts all of life's
perspectives and realities

And in fact every other self is a unique perspective and an own reality, for everyone is shaping and creating
its own experiences in every moment. So in fact everyone is also its own truth, so to speak.

A human being that has gained deeper, more fundamental understanding of itself and its true origins comes
to the understanding of this. It also remembers that everyone is his own self in disguise. So it knows, if it
animadverts other selves' opinions, it in reality still criticizes its own persuasions and has yet to realize that
the free will of every being has to be accepted and respected.

Only when you embrace everyone's free will, which can be exchanged with the terms own perspective or
reality, you are able to fully unfold your own. Because if you yet lack the acceptance of others' free will,
there will be individuals that interfere with your way of unfolding yourself. Of course this always gives
you the opportunity to learn that you really needs to agree to the other self's own life as it is.

If you tamper with the belief or world view of someone else, you are still missing the knowledge that the
other one is you actually. Because otherwise you wouldn't even consider to try to manipulate another being
by trying to change someone's belief or plan of doing something, for instance.

As long as you moan about people for what they think or what they do, you still have to realize that there
is something inside of you, an aspect, so to speak, you have yet to discover and embrace as being a facet of
yourself. So if you come to the point where you are able to approve and respect all entities, without judging
or trying to modulate the other self's free will, you have mastered the understanding of everything there is,
being you in camouflage.

You realize that whatever another self performs or believes it has good reasons for it. These intentions are
of spiritual nature, no matter what it is, it has a spiritual background, which is the development of your
self, to be precise. And just like you they are just trying to get aware of themselves. While you already
accomplished this goal, they still have to get there and what they are now is another step into this direction.

You see the creator in every one of them, just like you identify the creator in yourself and thus of course it is
no challenge for you anymore to love them for what they are. By being fine with everyone's beliefs or world
views you are living this realization literally and this is energetically influencing all of them too, at least on
a fundamental level. The brighter the light of your consciousness shines, the greater is its leverage on the
light of consciousness within the other self.

Tarantula Nebula
Realize all that is seen is connected to the unseen
- Connected Universe movie

A very fundamental truth because in reality everything there is and can be seen, is always and forever
connected with the source that has manifested it. This source is “unseen” for it being subtle, spiritual.

There is simply nothing that doesn’t have a multidimensional origin. Every entity, be it what humans
define as living beings or non-living beings, has its roots in what humans normally call a soul. Whatever
you want to name it, it has its foundation in other dimensions of consciousness.

“Mind creates matter” is a term that is known also among your scientists, for it being an absolute, even
scientific, fact. The mind creates solidity by focusing thoughts and emotional energy. This energy then, in
return, generates a projection that you see and sense as something solid/material, something you can
experience with your five senses.

However, all of this has been created by yourself. And this self you are is in fact unseen, for the only
“thing” one can see is its reflection into your holographic, in a way “illusionary”, reality system you call
human life or the observable universe. So what you are, as a human being, is always intermingled with your
inner self.

And this applies to everyone and everything. The subtle powers or entities are motivated to express
themselves, to improve themselves by doing this. Thus they choose (in unimaginable amounts of numbers) to
incarnate. What you see is the result of this act of expression and learning adventure you have decided to
participate in.

So everything and everyone, as said before, is directly connected to its spiritual origin and all those sources
are also linked to another level of unseen-ness that is creation itself. This is embedded in the holographic
nature or structure of the fundamental creation that is all-there-is or all possibilities, which is what you
are, what everyone and everything is.

Barnards Loop
Listen and silent are spelled with the same letters, think about it
- The mind unleashed

Normally you are bombarded with sounds, be it externally or internally meaning the voice in your head. In
most cases this voice resembles a constant flow of noise that streams through your head, literally. It covers
up your inner vox, the self that is attempting to guide you, but if your mind is too powerful and dominant
it takes over the control. This affects the vast majority of you, due to external programming and
manipulation of the ego.
So as soon as you are lived by your thoughts, which is applicable to most humans, (although this is
changing now) you are more or less disconnected from your inner guidance, from your inner freedom and
source of energy and information.

If you want to listen to your true voice, which is the whispering of your intuition that might indeed appear
as “thoughts”, you need to quiet your mind. Your true self also uses so called synchronicities that you have
to acknowledge first to be able to utilize them as hints. So as we said your inner guidance might indeed
manifest cogitations, you can identify them normally by their content. Mostly such “sudden inspirations”
are brilliant ideas or anything else that is creative and conducive.

But to be capable of even establishing this connection, so that you can recognize these intuitive insights in
the first place, you have to disconnect from the seemingly endless stream of mental fabrications. Then you
are empowered to lend an ear to what is of true relevance. Almost all mind constructs are useless or contra
productive since they create suffering and false beliefs. Unless you have already managed to harmonize your
mind with your intuition, when you, in a way, have accomplished to alter the software that runs the ego by
re-programming it to your benefit.

This happens along the way of awakening. During this process your mind gets restructured, it gets melted
with your inner self and now both literally “work” as a team. One result of this is that your ego stops to
produce mental hallucinations or emotions of fear and frustration. Another outcome is that your mind
rather chooses to reflect spiritual topics/conceptions.
It stops clinging to the non-existent future and it lets go of what has happened in the alleged past.
Therefore everything shifts for those that have already reached this point in their enlightenment journey.
You delete unbeneficial belief systems and simultaneously you open your mind for new input. Moreover the
ego doesn’t automatically react to situations by creating low vibrational emotions anymore. Furthermore it
refuses to deny anything it doesn’t know of yet, which it did before due to the external modulation that has
been achieved by frequency manipulation and brainwashing campaigns with the help of education, science,
money, mass media, society principles and alike.
NGC 253
The only difference between a good day and a bad day is your attitude towards it

This is absolutely true. It is always your attitude towards someone or something that defines how you
experience it. Your thoughts are the only source of concepts like good and bad in the first place, for this is
always relative or individual in perception.

What one determines as good is defined as bad by another one, so as you can see it is always dependent on
the individual belief or world view.

And moreover it is really a choice you can make. You for yourself can decide if you accept a given situation
as it is or if you want to argue about it or if you like to wish it away. In fact this is often a challenge, for
your mind might be still conditioned to function in such a way that it is always analyzing something or
someone and thus creating a concept of good and bad again.

So it is vital to harmonize your human mind with your true self that is expressing itself through a human
body using the mind as operational device for activity on the surface of the third density world experience
you are calling human life. It has been programmed and modulated to dysfunction, which is part of the
“game” you all are playing right now, it is the defiance for the self that allows it to learn since you are
evolving with your challenges.

However you are the one who is in charge of making the arbitration whether something contributes to your
inner freedom or the maintenance of suffering by indulging in the illusion of good and bad, of valuing and

You are the creator of all of your adventures and they are dependent on what you believe and constantly
engineer in your thoughts. Because they, empowered by emotions that are created as a result of them,
provide the energy to materialize all of what you are facing on a “daily” basis. So if you cultivate ideas of
something being benevolent and malevolent you are generating situations or people that resemble these

So as long as you believe something is bad, you are giving potential to certain manifestations that verify
your beliefs. So you might constantly evoke events where you are being disappointed over and over again by
the same kind of humans. By operating with such illusory mind patterns you magnetize such humans, who
deceive you frequently, into your life because of resonating frequencies.

Often someone is of the opinion “all male or all female are assholes”. By believing this mental concept the
said human is always about to meet entities that are corroborating this faith. Thus you attract people that
will disappoint you again and again until you realize that you are responsible for experiencing it. Then you
are capable of changing something inside, which then finally alters the outside.

IC 1271
On the true meaning of the biblical prodigal son metaphor
- Gospel of Lukas 15,11-32

This metaphor is a depiction of what is actually happening right now. Let’s assume that the prodigal son
(that left home to travel the world and is now coming back after a long time of adventuring) represents a
human being. It doesn’t matter which one for all are implied in this entity symbolized by the prodigal son.

When we now perceive this prodigal son as you, for instance, the story is about your awakening. You once
lived on this planet in a condition that is unknown to humans today. Unless you watch a movie like
Avatar or read really old texts that are explained away, on purpose, as myths. Factually these are no myths
whatsoever, they are reports on true events that were documented by your ancestors to sustain the
knowledge and wisdom for following generations of human beings.

You once lived a complete different human life, then you decided to go on dangerous journeys to learn more
about the world and yourself. Thus you left home, which now is a symbol for the ancient humanity that
lived in harmony with each other, the planet and other beings from elsewhere. You travelled the world,
experiencing adventures. This resembles what humanity has done for thousands over thousands of years

You collectively decided to manifest challenges and gests that suit the spiritual growth process of your
souls/soul family. You as prodigal son departed from the comfort zone of a world in ease to experience a
world in disease. Again the Avatar movie is an “in your face” virtualization of what has once taken place.

Now you as a human being have chosen to return home, to awake again into yourself, so to speak. You are
turning your back on all those defying events and circumstances for you are now matured. You have learned
fundamental basics that make such challenges obsolete. Thus you determine to go back home and regard
your father. In this metaphor your true self equals the said father.

Certainly you have already been awaited, as all other entities being involved in this simulation are waiting
for humans to finally grow up. This is unfolding now. The father, who is both your higher self and
humanity as a whole, is full of peace, love and joy that you have returned and mastered your quests.

There is a kind of prediction hidden in this story, which has foretold the human consciousness
transformation you are manifesting now as a species - like ONE prodigal son, if you like. Humanity has
overcome this cycle within the simulation and is now rewarded with a new update that is right now being
installed. It implies a consciousness upgrade for those who have learned their lessons of third density,
making it possible to submerge with the fourth density self. Many of you are literally the graduation class
that now is empowered and prepared to create a humanity of love, peace, harmony and balance anew.

Rigel – Witch Head Nebula
Whenever we can manage to love without expectations, calculations, negotiations, we are
indeed in heaven
- Rumi

What he refers to is the unconditional love all souls experience while they are, for example, in the beyond.
Unconditional love, which is creation as such (and every one of you), forgives anything. It doesn’t expect
anything, it accepts, respects and most importantly LOVES each of its creations (which is every being there
is) for what it is, and as it is.

When we now evaluate the human variant of love we can conclude very quickly that is has almost nothing
in common with this fundamental love. “Human love” normally generates emotions, like hate, fear,
isolation, pain, rage and alike. So it isn’t even love at all to be precise, it is just food or fuel for your ego (in
most cases at least). It is just a way for your mind to trick you into believing you need someone else to be
complete or to be “not alone”.

Moreover these thoughts, which enforce the said emotions in the first place, fabricate a life story, a little
“me” that the ego identifies with. Often there are imbalances or disharmony in a relationship between
humans. This is the perfect environment for the obfuscated mind to unfold its agenda.

In fact nobody requires anybody but oneself to be fulfilled, for every single being is naturally complete! It is
all there is wearing a mask, individualized in experience, but still all that exists. So thinking that you are
only satisfied if you are with another person is instantly disclosed as a false assumption of the misguided

Many couples are constantly fighting with each other. There is frequent emotional stress, which contributes
to the sad and depressing life story the mind cultivates to be able to be in league with it and to gain
additional enrichment. This is directly correlated to what Eckhart Tolle calls the “pain body”. It is advised
to read his books to learn more about it, especially “The power of now”.

In reality this false identification serves the forces that have programmed the human mind to operate like
this. They did it to preserve their energetic sustenance since they live on human low vibrational energy that
is created by emotions of hate, anger, stress, depression, isolation and so forth.

Subsuming one can state that a mental concept (mind/person) seeks for another mental construct (another
mind/person) so that both can connect (relationship) to profit from one another. This has NOTHING to do
with true love. In most affiliations of this kind both individuals involved always expect something from
the counterpart, while true love does not abide anything, for it loves what is. But the ego is never
complacent, therefore it often switches relations. Naturally, in similar cases, one of both fails to satisfy the
other one(‘s mind) eventually. Thus it happens ever so often, that one of both associates dismisses the other
partner to search for a new one that “finally can please the individual’s ego”, ostensibly.

IC 1848
Most people do not really want the truth, they just want reassurance
that what they believe is true
- Collective Evolution

Many people are scared to get to know the truth, because in this case their whole world view might
collapse. You have to realize that the truth has been kept hidden from most humans all their lives. So if
they are now confronted with the real truth, it is something they never have had heard about or if they got
aware of it, it has been denied or discredited in public.

If they now realize that what they have been told and what they have learned all their life is false, this can
be a real challenge for the individual, because the truth has never been taught in schools or universities. It
has not been told by their parents, most likely, nor by their friends. You also don't read about it in
newspapers or magazines. They don't show it on television, you have to find specific sources like books or
documentaries, lectures or websites or your own inner resources.

This knowledge about the infinite possibilities, about where all have originated from, and everything else
that is linked to it has ruthlessly been kept hidden by those who control the societies, the media, the
schooling system and so on. They are afraid of humans realizing who they really are, but they can't prevent
this any longer because the shift is happening as we speak.

The base frequency of the human consciousness is increasing exponentially. At the same moment more and
more people are awaking, getting aware of those behind the curtains who have orchestrated humanity until
now. So the already failed control system that has kept this fundamental knowledge secret is falling apart.
They operate on a low vibrational frequency and they can only condition and control the human mind as
long as humanity is bound to this low vibrational oscillation. They have achieved this by constant fear and
terror, war and violence and the like.

With the truth unfolding people are now remembering that they are all infinite consciousness having a
human experience and that there is nothing, fundamentally, to be afraid of whatsoever. And with this
insight being felt in your heart again, recognized as a fundamental truth, you are unable to generate fear
anymore, which splits you apart from the control system and this is weakening its influence.

So because of this awakening people are now about to encounter the real truth, which for many is a
demanding moment and some will not be able to cope with it. They are the ones to deny it even though this
is obviously an ignorant behavior, but there are souls that are simply not far enough in their spiritual
development. These are those selves that want to continue third density experiences, but they have to do
this somewhere else, since this earth now is transforming into a fourth density planet where only
experiences which are of fourth density quality can be made.

If you don’t become the ocean you will be seasick all of your life
- Leonard Cohen

A very wise quote we have at hand here. In fact the vast majority of humanity has been separated from the
ocean it originated from. It is in this context your higher self that has decided to create you as incarnation
being or avatar for the game you all are playing when joining such a holographic consciousness learning

So all humans that are disconnected from themselves get seasick sooner or later throughout their lives
because of suffering naturally created by the human mind that has taken control over the individual. It
forces you into the mind matrix games it is playing with you. If you think that all you can see is all there is,
then you are trapped in the ego matrix, getting weary of life like still many unaware humans do.

And as long as you are captured in this mind manipulation you are unable to really get to know yourself.
But this is the secret of becoming the ocean and changing your life fundamentally. Such a memory of who
you truly are and why you are here is accompanied by the relief that most human souls strive for when they
choose to incarnate on a third density plane.

A life without spirituality is missing elemental aspects of what life is, therefore humans that are pure
materialists basically are lacking a feeling of being secure and therefore the mind can attract constant
anxiety by making future projections.
Someone who is aware of future and past only being mental concepts is empowered to live in the eternal
present moment and this guarantees you inner peace and freedom because you are detached from ego
fabrications that are only blocking the path you are.

In fact all of you are like waves of an infinite ocean. These waves might believe they are isolated from one
another, like humans do, but the ocean connects them. Just like the consciousness field that is the basis of
this universe merges every being inside of it.
So you are individualized waves but you are all the ocean itself as well and if a wave ceases to exist
(resembling the death of the human being) it merely sinks back into the ocean (the beyond in your case).

Rosetta Nebula
We don't see things as they are, we see things as we are
- Anäis Nin

Which is precisely correct because in fact everything you see, whatever it is, resembles a symbol of your true
self within this world of shape it has incarnated into to learn and progress. So you use, for example,
material things as symbols of who you are. For instance you might have a room that is very well constituted
or you have a living place where stuff is lying around everywhere.
Both are expressions of your inside. If you have an organized and tidy room you live in, that is a projection
of inner calmness, tidiness and balance. If you live in a chaotic surrounding, you normally still encounter
imbalances in your life that are projected into the outside world. Because everything you see outside is a
projection of your inner being.

There are many examples like this. Someone who likes to fight with other people just projects inner conflicts
into the outside world, manifesting someone else he can stage this battle with. But in fact he has created
this situation in the first place because the inside is always mirrored into the seeming outside.

If someone is in fear of something he automatically creates events that are contributing to the fear he
carries inside him. These situations reassure him that his dread is appropriate. So in every case what you see
or encounter outside is a manifestation that is based on inner beliefs and expectations, operating as a
symbol of your inner state of being.

So as you see, you create everything and everyone yourself. All of it is a reflection of what you are within.
You are constantly observe yourself. Be it the tree in front of your window, the television in your living
room or the book you are reading right now. It is all you. Every being that comes into existence, be it
human or extraterrestrial, wheresoever it is situated in this universe or even in other universes or in other
dimensions and reality systems, they are all you.

So whatever you see, it is just another expression of yourself, helping you to shape this third dimensional
experience you call human life. It is all the interior of this “program”, if you like, since the human third
density experience is in fact a simulation that has been created for human souls to learn specific lessons
important for the actual spiritual growth process. Every individual soul manufactures this experience for
itself, using icons that display its unique personality.
Circinus X1
Only because you think or propagate that all is one, this doesn’t imply that you understand
that all is one

Realize that if you point your finger at something like fluoride to demonize it because you believe it harms
you, only contributes to suffering and the possibility that it actually really can be detrimental to you.
Instead it is advised to continue to share information of chemicals being added to your food and water to
attack and control humans. Thereby “still sleeping humans” can indeed “wake up” from their hypnosis and
realize their enslavement, so to speak, but without being influenced in a fear creating manner.
At the same moment (while you let others know of it being real and who is responsible for it and why) make
clear that this can only be unfavorable for the human body computer under conditions fashioned by
emotions of angst and anxiety. Point out that this is only another expression of the own self, enlighten
them that it is easily transformable by acknowledging what it truly is and that there is nothing to be
worried about.
THIS is what really empowers humans to deal with such circumstances, which they have been placing
themselves into. It also helps what has been demonized and antagonized, like fluoride or other pesticides,
for example. Diabolizing fluoride, for instance, only adds to its potential of affecting a human body
computer. That is, if it is not approached properly you are facilitating effects that are disadvantageous to
you. But if you embrace it with love and self-realization, you purify everything that has been “enhanced”
with certain chemicals, elements and alike.
Ask yourself, if you are feeling addressed: How can you "like postings on Facebook" regarding "you/we are
all one" while at the same time ranting at pesticides and substances that are abused to weaken you.
Remember this only works with a simultaneous brainwashing and scaremongering campaign humans believe
How can you propagate "all are one" while at the same moment blaming and accusing those who put
chemicals and alike into your food and water?
Are these humans not an aspect of all is one?
Are they not YOU, only because you dislike them?
Until you have truly and deeply realized that EVERYONE, even shadow governments and beings that
want to terminate most humans, are also YOU, you are still trapped in your ego. But it has found a way to
cheat on you by pretending to be deeply spiritual and holistic now.
Maybe you prefer to refuse attacking them and rather encounter them with compassion and forgiveness for
something that indeed needs no forgiveness whatsoever, for you being unconditional love which doesn't
even know "forgiving". That is, it doesn't utilize judgment, therefore no remission is necessary.

SNR – W 49B
It takes courage to grow up and turn out to be who you really are

Most humans are still very comfortable with not being responsible for what happens. They let others decide
what is right and wrong. They allow others to define what is cool and what is out. They offer others the
possibility to dictate what is allegedly right or wrong for humanity. They are anxious to be in charge of
something, they are in fact scared to even be accountable for themselves.
This is the result of mass mind control via society, “brainwash education”, norms, guidelines and authorities
in general. It is an aspect of the consciousness simulation you all participate in. Due to this environment
the learned lessons are even more challenging and thus more rewarding and minting for your individual
spiritual growth process you attend this souls’ school for.

Every self of a human soul origin that decides to take part in this program arrives here to eventually realize
who one truly is and to be able to express oneself in one’s own individual fashion, at least eventually.
Many souls love their material counterfeits and they love this kind of studying. But since all strive for a
state of existence beyond that, you choose quests and defiances that speed up this process, so to speak.

And being capable of drawing such a conclusion while being incarnated is a milestone for the individual
development. It implies the acknowledgement of the own creation ancestry such as the ability to let go off
fear and anxiety, choosing love as subjective truth.

Since many souls are rather fresh or young and less experienced than others they of course need multiple
opportunities to finally puzzle out such a realization. Because of that many incarnations are needed and

You might want to learn what it is like to be externally manipulated first, to be able to even evaluate that
you are in fact the one who is responsible for your own life that you are. And this is a simple but profound
FACT: YOU are creation, you manifest everything and everyone you ever come across during an
incarnation. This is also employable to every situation and event you undergo.

It is indeed challenging for many of you to come to such a realization. Because it lets all the antiquated and
obsolete beliefs dissolve and now you are faced with you being accountable for everything. This might
frighten many of you in the beginning, therefore it really requires said courage, since you now grasp that
you are in charge of everything that transpires. But hence you also know that you can change it.

Crescent Nebula
A child only educated at school is an uneducated child
- George Santayana

This is the truth. What you consider to be schools are institutions that have been manufactured to destroy
knowledge, wisdom and uniqueness. They are an installation that functions as a multiple step brainwash
program, a place where children or young adults are tried to be coerced into mental conformity. Also it is
used to indoctrinate the attitude of competition rather than cooperation.

In classes young humans get taught to simply learn by rote instead of facilitating creative thinking and
evaluation skills. It is plain read and write, recreational pointless waste of “time”. What children get
schooled in is normally something that they never need later on. But the (dis-)information provided in
schools at least has “white-washed” the child’s mind by flooding it with what you would call “senseless
BS” and false prophecy, especially regarding your completely made up history and religion.

It resembles an establishment that wants young humans to think rationally and superficially instead of
cultivating deeper and more profound thoughts or interests. They want everyone to be obedient to
authorities, this is also a very important intent behind these anti-educational brainwash camps. They try to
manipulate humans to stop asking questions or making use of “critical thinking”.

They literally dumb humans down in this system. Recently they aimed to have children trapped there even
longer. They always attempted to gain the control over your offspring, in the sense of them being under
surveillance as long as possible throughout the day instead of staying with parents, friends or in nature.

Basically they profit from parents who strive for a career or those who have been conditioned to be
workaholics. Those are perfectly fine with schools pretending to be “caring” for their kids all day long, so
they themselves can continue to seek more money, image or fame.

The states run by governments, which are consisting of predetermined here today, gone tomorrow glove
puppets of the now defeated shadow governments, essayed to program your children to be duplicated
mental slaves of society and authorities. Being in possession of them for mostly over ten human years seems
to be an efficient way to mentally get in charge of them – in their wishful imagination.

Luckily most of your young ones realize quite early that school is something one rather should avoid to
identify with. Therefore they are simply unable to be brainwashed like those who own these institutions
wished them to be. They may not see the big picture, especially in younger age, but they intuitively “know”
how to protect themselves from the redundant, antiquated and manipulative “BS” they are confronted

NGC 1788
Imagination is more important than knowledge, knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles
the world
- Albert Einstein

This is absolutely fundamental to realize. Knowledge itself is great, for it can offer you a lot of information
and it makes it possible for you to connect dots and paint a bigger picture. But it resembles also a
limitation, because when you are in the situation to say “I know that something is like that” you are
determined, too. Because knowledge is based on definition and this creates separation.

When you say you know that something is like whatsoever it may be, then this is only a fraction you really
can grasp about it. For example, you spot a car and you say “I know this is a car”. This is simply untrue.
Firstly this automobile you are referring to not only is yourself wearing another mask, it is moreover
everything else there is. It is another holographic expression of the one fundamental consciousness or source
you all originated from.

So this car is in fact EVERYTHING and everyone else. But if you confine it to only being a car, you
exclude its true nature, which is all there is. And this is applicable to everything and everyone. The moment
you name something (which you have to if you speak about knowing anything) this something has just been
conceptualized and thus you isolate it from being anything else, which it naturally is.
Therefore knowledge can only, ever, be an interim stage to wisdom. Being aware of everything is one of the
most fundamental misperceptions of humanity. Humans cannot “truly” weet anything as long as they
describe using words or ego constructs, because those can only point to something but they are unable to
define its genuine nature, because this characterizing again manifests said segregation to begin with.
In fact humans are clueless, there is infinite information in creation, so how can you know anything, if you
only have intelligence about your species, your planet and a little bit, mostly false, knowledge of the
universe? This is a tiny, almost nonexistent, fraction of what there is, or what there is to “know”.

You have to realize that “truly” being aware of something equals “being it”. If you “really, genuinely know”
anything, then you don’t have to talk about it, since YOU ARE it yourself. If you always pretend you
know this and that, you have yet to comprehend that this is simply inaccurate. You can only point at
something much deeper you yet have to explore and most importantly to understand.
Imagination on the contrary is the way to enrich yourself with wisdom, for it is what allows something to
be created. Envisioning is the way of creation manifesting something with your help for you being co-
creators on behalf of source. Only that which you are able to mentally process is something you can
potentially experience. And knowledge circumscribes or confines conceptions like “you already know this
and that”.

Orion Nebula
Worrying doesn’t take away tomorrow’s struggles, it takes away today’s peace

This is profound and of course precisely correct. You first have to realize that there is, in a way, only the
said “today”. More accurately there is always only the present moment, the eternal now. So a tomorrow as
such is inexistent, it is only what we can consider to be a mind concept. Something that detracts you from
the actual moment, resulting in projecting yourself into an illusory future.

Most humans suffer from emotions of fear and anxiety because they in fact worry about what might
happen in the “yet to come”, be it tomorrow, a week, a couple of years, or… after “death”. But none of this
is NOW. So you see it only exists in your thoughts. So one could ask: regarding what you are anxious about
that might transpire in a couple of weeks (for instance)… is anything of this relevant for today?

Normally the answer is “no”. A brief trice of realization is feasible but soon it is obfuscated by the ego
again, which is identified with the life story. And this fabricated fairy tale consist massively of “past”
experiences and “future” anticipations. But in most cases the mind ignores what is taking place NOW.

As soon as you manage to transform your mind, being able to detach from this illusory future construct
(while simultaneously letting go of all those ostensibly “past” events that still might generate guilt for what
once happened) everything changes fundamentally. You start to embrace what is proceeding now. You are
able to flow with the life you are, just watching what unfolds, and if there is a necessity to react, you do
so. But you answer wisely and out of the inner stillness you have gained back because you have
accomplished to silence the constant stream of cogitations.

Then you are empowered to be one with the peace that is in fact to be found in every moment. Only most
humans are inept to “detect” it for they are overwhelmed by all those thoughts appearing in a constant
flow. This inner freedom of the now lies within the calmness of your “within”. And since the voice in your
head prevents “stillness” from emerging, you are unable to get in touch with it, because you simply can’t
“hear” / perceive it.

Of course it is a challenge literally. The mind is a powerful device that has been programmed to dysfunction
in a way that keeps you separated from these truths. It fears to dissolve, which it does not, naturally. It
only transcends, but it is incapable of realizing this until it happens. Thus it attempts to prevent you from
getting there. Therefore it creates mental concepts of the future and yesterdays, so you are too busy or
distracted, so to speak, to have an opportunity to connect with your true inner self, which is this peace

If you mastered this quest you are full of joy without needing specific reasons, this is true freedom and

M 57
Not a single creature here on earth has more or less right to be here
- Anthony Douglas Williams

Now this is very profound and of course Anthony is precisely correct. He seems to be aware of the
incontestable fact that every entity existing is tantamount to every other being there is. Simply because all
of them are ONE, be it a fly, a star, a human being or an extraterrestrial, other dimensional spirit beings or
anyone and anything else you can conceive.

There is no separation between any of them! It might look like this, but that doesn’t imply that it is true.
In fact every individualized consciousness fragment is the same, only playing a different role in comparison
to others, which allows all of them to create experience by interference. For something you can learn from,
you require at least two individual beings. Since everything resembles a being this is naturally guaranteed
by the individualization of the one fundamental consciousness source that is creation, that is YOU.

That is, if you hallucinate you are more worth than others, it is obviously an empty phrase of a self-
inflating ego that wants to play the “I am better” game to feel more powerful and superior. This is certainly
an illusion the individual has yet to transform into knowledge and sageness about who oneself really is. If
you realizes who you are, you essentially grasp who everyone and everything else is as well.
And from this moment the way of behaving, especially in direct contact with other entities, completely
changes. Because then you are aware that what you do to others you are do to yourself. You also
comprehend that judging, comparing or competing are only actions of a distorted human mind. It is
something the awakened individual simply has outperformed.

When you kill a mosquito or spider next time be aware that you just murdered an aspect of yourself. All
animals or plants, for instance, are as “worthy” as you are and therefore also as “valuable” as the divine
source, there is no distinction between them, the source of all life and yourself. It is all the same.

Understand that you are never, ever, more precious than anyone or anything else. Plainly because YOU
ARE everyone and everything else there is, so how can you be “more” or “less” important than someone or
something else?

NGC 660
The ego tends to equate having with being:
I have, therefore I am, and the more I have, the more I am

- Eckhart Tolle

This can be seen in the society at hand very well. It is all about possession. It is all about more, more, more,
which still is one key philosophy in this distorted state of humanity today and it can be related to the false
perception of the self that the thoughts are creating. Humans are rushing for additional money, for
evermore pleasure, for an expanded image, and greater success. It is all focused on having or becoming more
than one has or is at the moment. The human mind never can get enough confirmation, which it seeks in
material things, a career or even other persons/relationships.

This dysfunction of your species’ mind also explains the need for projecting itself into the future, which
normally creates suffering because of worries and anxieties, for the mind is telling you “I don't know what
will happen to me in the future”. Because it is never satisfied with what is now, it demands this and that
first to feel an expanded sense of completeness, which only lasts temporarily.
So whatever it has, it is always looking for new or additional goodies since it really is of the opinion that
something is missing and that it needs more to “be” more. And this of course can only be achieved “in the
future”. Thus the ego is always living in the future. From its perspective the actual moment is always
missing something.

Of course this is an aspect of the actual program souls participate in when incarnating. It is the challenge
which contributes to the amnesia aspect of forgetting who you truly are to be able to realize it again “for
the first time”. And society, designed by the control system, is conditioning the mind to function in that
way. Society is programming humans to act this way, to completely get lost in the co-opted and obfuscated

The result is what we are seeing now. There is suffering all over the place, war and egoistic behavior is still
very wide spread even though this rapidly is transformed now due to the shift you are experiencing and
manifesting now. But it is still very common and it all can be referred to this dysfunction of the human

As we have said before, to be able to change a situation you need circumstances that are worth optimizing
in the first place. Therefore this aspect of the human life that contributes to the challenge of getting aware
of the one self again has been initiated. Everything happens on purpose. The human souls collectively asked
for this challenge, which offers intensified learning lessons for their/your spiritual development. Thus it has
been wished for out of very specific intentions.

You are responsible for the mind distortions in the first place, this is important to understand because if you
are aware of you being the originator of it, you soon gain back the ability to transform it at will.
M 42
Nothing in life is to be feared, it’s only to be understood. Now is the time to understand
more and fear less
- Marie Curie

This is absolutely stunning and of course true. Factually there is nothing to be afraid of whatsoever. Let’s
summarize again who you are:

You are infinite, immortal, eternal consciousness or energy that never can be erased, ever. You are only
tuned into a consciousness simulation that limits your abilities and wisdom to be able to learn something.
You return to a higher frequency after your “physical death”. So the body, which many are anxious about
losing, is only a vehicle for your soul it requires to participate in this training ground.
You are on an eternal journey of reverse engineering your true source, which is unconditional love. Since you
are one with it, like everyone and everything else there is, you are unconditional love as well.

So you are not only infinite and indestructible, you are simply ALL that exists. You are all possibilities and
your actual human expression is only one of those infinite propositions you can choose from. All of you do it
regularly, for you are located on every frequency band there is.

You have an aspect of yourself in every dimension, you are about to reach these other self-facets again,
which is your ascension, so to speak. You learn all those lessons to eventually submerge with the “next
higher” aspect of your true self.

You are god and you are the devil, which by the way is only a manufactured mental concept and can only
be experienced, if one passionately believes in the devil to be real. Naturally this is only a temporary hoax if
it occurs, staged by befriended souls and spirit guides. Anyway, you are all and you are nothing. You are
life and you are death, you are light and you are darkness.

Whatever it is, it is you. If you finally “understand” what you truly represent, all fears just vanish, it is
that simple. This is the reason why souls come here, they are motivated to learn to embrace themselves as
what they truly are. Therefore they have to let go off fears inside such a simulation and this is what is
happening now. Humans are waking up, they are breaking the bonds of anguish and anxiety they have
chosen to undergo on purpose.

Humans are regaining knowledge of fundamental truths, which enables them to cut the cords of fear and
commensurable low vibrational emotions. They
are now empowered to process what has transpired, what is right now taking place. Moreover many
already remember where they are originated from and who they actually are, which implies who everything
and everyone else is as well.

NGC 7380 / Wizard Nebula
We cannot teach people anything, we can only help them to discover it within themselves
- Galileo Galilei

This is a wise statement that hits the needle to the head, if you like. It is based on the fact that all
knowledge already exists deep within you. When you incarnate as a human being you have sealed a
contract, in a way, to forget all this information. You obliviate your true self and origin, where you just
have come from. Also all the abilities you inherit and yet have achieved in the development or spiritual
growth you are is purposely “out of reach” – at least in the beginning.

But you have, if you choose so, the possibility to gain awareness of it again, leastwise some of it, for it
being impossible to remember all knowledge and wisdom while being incarnated. Because most of this Veda
your true self has accumulated yet is indescribable in human terms, words or imaginations.

Normally you remember those insights (that are important for your actual incarnation) at those moments
when they are needed for further development. It makes sense that this is a process spread over uncountable
numbers of embodiments since the whole purpose of such incarnations is to learn, remember and understand.
And you study step by step, since this is an ongoing “awakening” process, if you like.
In fact it is an eternal and infinite progress and the self you are consciously perceives various dimensions
over dimensions over dimensions. By doing this it recollects more of what you already have known, making
it possible to manifest/undergo new experiences.

Since you are, in your true essence, all there is, it is understandable that you also have ALL knowledge
there is to know, more precisely, you ARE all of this infinite amount of information. And even though you
are perceiving your self as soul fragment/soul in the actual phase of your eternal growth process, you are
still creation as such at the same moment and thus you have all the wisdom there is.

It is all about remembering - all those lessons you learn, all the experiences you encounter - it all serves the
purpose of getting aware of who you truly are and what implications derive from that.

Corona Australis
To remember who you are - you need to forget who they told you to be

A complete deep inner realization of this fundamental insight transforms and transcends your human mind,
the spiritual journey really begins here.
It perfectly depicts, masked as words, how the human mind has been "externally" conditioned, to let you
believe you are your name, your life story, you are this, you are that, you are everything... everything but
your real inner self, who you truly are. All the named beliefs are everything but your real self. The genuine
self creates all of this, it is the source of it, it projects all of it, without your real self nothing of this exists.
There is yet to be discovered a so called life „you“ think “you have”, because you are fundamentally the life
itself. You can't „have“ anything that you already are.

So this mental concept is unmasked and understood as illusion, fabricated by yourself to get aware of
exactly this, thus gaining another insight into the self you are. This contributes to the progression or
spiritual growth all selves are incarnated for.

These manipulative indoctrinated beliefs make it possible to obtain the mentioned control over human
minds. But the base frequency of humanity and its planetary sphere is increasing simultaneously,
constantly. It is drifting away from the low vibrational energy of the so called (now failed) control system.
Therefore this mentioned system is exposed increasingly and exponentially in public.

So this uplifting shift is wide spreading amongst the human consciousness now,
exponentially, in resonance to the rising base frequency of the planetary third density sphere, transforming
it into fourth density properties/physics.

That is what is happening now. At the same moment it also is elevating your own base oscillation
naturally, as a reflection of this. It is progressively wide spreading also externally in return. This affects
other selves and may contribute to the beginning of an equal process in them as well.
As long as one needs to search - one keeps on going to be in the need to detect. Instead realize that you are
already there! The consciousness shift is already finalized, only humans need to acknowledge it. Since
evermore of you are doing exactly that, the changes in the “outside world” manifest gradually and

Hubble Deep Field
Sometimes you fall down, because there is something down there that you are supposed to
- Collective Evolution

You really should take this into consideration when you reflect seemingly past events, where you are of the
opinion that something that transpired was really “bad” or “should not have been happening at all”. Try to
remember this when you face a situation the present moment to prevent suffering in the first place.

What many still have to realize is, that whatever you would define as “horrible” or “detrimental” is
something that you have chosen to undergo yourself, prior to the embodiment.
Such occurrences are often milestones in your life simulation. You have incorporated them into the life plan
you composed before deciding to incarnate as the human being you are now expressing yourself through.
These “adventures” are regularly an important lesson you wanted to learn willingly and with specific
purposes behind it. Be it karmic implications or just because you like to add such an experience to your
portfolio to enrich your true self and accelerate further spiritual growth simultaneously.

Frequently an individual comes to the conclusion that something that took place “in the past” turns out to
be “the best thing that possibly could ever happen” months or even years later. So most times in a situation
when one might “fall down” to stand up again, it is not obvious what it has to offer you.

But most important is the understanding that events most would call “something one should not
experience” are intentionally opted by the soul you are, which is located in the beyond and on higher
densities “guiding” you from there.
You are the outsourced avatar, so to speak, that your soul employs to participate in this simulation, which
is conducive to its growth. You are the character in this schooling simulator that your higher self has
attended to get aware of particular aspects of itself and everything else that is related to the spiritual
evolution of the given individual self.

The next time you face defying circumstances anew, be cognizant that it is engineered by yourself for a
reason. This should help to deal with it more effectively and it may increase the chance of you realizing
what it is really meant for. This facilitates the decoding of the mystery or riddle (such events imply) in
return. If you solve a life quest properly you can assimilate it into your soul evolution.

NGC 7822
The fear of death is the beginning of slavery
- Robert Anton Wilson

This should be told to every human being on the planet. The fear of death is the biggest and most absurd
illusion a human being can ever create. It is even more illusory than the mind concept of “time”. In fact time
and death are coupled as weaponry against humanity, making it possible to dominate you, until now.

By making you believe that you can die they got you. They engineered dogmatic religions out of thin air,
based on ancient truths that have been inverted by those beings who were in charge of all this.

You are immortal and infinite, you can never perish. This is, in a way, the only impossible within all
possibilities, but since a human body dissolves eventually, you have this fake death as substitution for the
inability to cease to exist. So yes, you can “die”, but what you understand as demise is rather a birth of your
true self. You leave the body computer, which means that you log out of this simulation, shut down the
“computer” to perform something else. If you want to, you may join the game again to play a new role on
another map in a different environment.

Your personality or individuality of course is persistent, forever, even though you progress further and
further. That is, something that once has been created (which it has already, only you are unaware of it, for
now) is existent for infinity. It is feasible to re-create whatever you have experienced or what others have
witnessed as well (since the others are the same entity you are and you all share the same abilities).

So being in anxiety or fear of decease is only a sign that you were brainwashed like the system has intended
it. You were a slave to consumption. Since you allegedly die somewhen you have to consume and spend as
much money as possible. This essentially leads you deeper and deeper into the trap of desire and egotism
which ultimately results in misery and frustration.

So keep in mind, you never expire, ever. Dying is like waking up from a dream, a lucid dream your next
higher self has chosen to envision on purpose. Moreover you have most likely perished thousands of “times”
already, or even more, much more, depending on when you first joined such a third density consciousness

In fact there are souls who love to undergo a physical death. For them it equals a variety in comparison to
infinite existence, so they like to seemingly die. It is a very intriguing experience for a self that is infinite in

There are entities who adapt fake Karma to come here. These are souls that long ago left Karmic cycles if
they ever utilized them in the first place. But they love to participate in this third density virtual reality.
Therefore they take random Karmic implications onto them to be able to join the game and support you
during this shift and thereafter when the new human life is being rebuild from the bottom.

Witch Head Nebula
To fundamentally change and create a whole new life experience detach from the old ones
and rather focus on manifesting the new ones

As we have already pointed out there is a consciousness shift unfolding which transcends many humans to
a higher density which you also can call a new level of human existence. This change is happening because
it is programmed into this game or virtual reality. But humanity itself determines when it is finished. This
could theoretically happen overnight but it rather is a gradual process unfolding during the next following

But if you constantly fight the old and already failed control system that has enslaved humans once, you
keep it alive in a way that you offer energy to it. And the attention that is focused on bringing it down is
like an attachment, and what you adhere to is persistent since you create a kind of catalytic value out of it.
It gives birth to emotions that manifest reflex action and thus there is a feedback mechanism established
which feeds the old with energy.

Not only do you become what you fight, but attacking the system is what those shadow governments and
their puppets want from you. Therefore they are trying desperately to pull you into low vibrations which is
their life essence, so to speak. Thus it is also vital to let go off hate against those already dismissed forces.
There is no sense in confronting them, you only target yourself if you do this, for you are them, only wearing
another mask and expressing a different inner attitude and life plan or quest.
Because of that it is of highest relevance to turn your back on them, without accusing. Instead try to
forgive by realizing what is behind them and why they acted that way in the first place. Remember, you
asked them to enslave you so that you have the possibility to learn all those defying lessons human souls,
mostly, have gone through in this period of the game or simulation.
By doing that you extract the last energy they can feed on. Since the new world and human life experience
is already emerging, you truly should focus all your creative energy and feelings into this birth giving

Concentrate on that which benefits and facilitates the shift. Imagine and visualize what the new humanity
is like. There is much information available already. You can witness it yourself first hand, if you initially
establish or corroborate an already created direct connection to your inner guidance or other beings that
support you and communicate with you.

Seagull Nebula
Your mind is like a garden, your thoughts are the seeds.
You can grow flowers or you can grow weeds
- Collective Evolution

What you reap is what you sow is a saying, for a reason. In fact every thought, such as every emotion,
resembles an energy field. And everything you see consists of energy, thus thoughts and emotions coupled
together create everything around you. In fact all of it is inside you, because it is a projection of your inner
state of being. It only appears to be the “outside world”, which it isn't, it is only the mirror of the inside.

So if you have what one can define as “positively” oriented thoughts, you are planting “positive” seeds. If
cared for intensively, they grow “positive” outcomes, which then can manifest such situations that
contribute to the already “positive” way of creating your reality. These creations then verify your inner
state of consciousness.

So instead of focusing your thought energy on what you seemingly can't achieve, you better start to change
the direction and concentrate your creative energy on that which you want to attain or what you have
anticipated to do. The more blossoming your imagination is the more diverse experiences you can create.

The only limit to what you really can pursue is the boundary of your imagination. Everything you believe is
impossible for you, stays in fact unearthly for you to realize.

The world always gives you back what you feed into it. You are the world in fact, so it always reacts like
you are suspecting it to. So if you are mostly unsatisfied with what there is, your situation will stay like
this, you create more and more events and occurrences that contribute to a disaffected feeling. If you
channel your energy on negativity you are going to face negativity, simple as that.

Every thought that runs through your mind also directly affects your body. For example, if you are filled up
with low vibrational emotions your body also reflects this destructiveness, thus you develop illness and
disharmonious effects. You weaken your body computer when having thoughts of shortage or anxiety. The
chemical outburst inside the vehicle changes with the energetic field of your mental constructs. Therefore
cogitations have such a fundamental impact on physiology.

That is, you can in fact create weeds, for example in form of sickness or physiological imbalances, which are
always a manifestation of energetic blockades. In the end it depends ultimately on what you think.

NGC 4911
Go to school, get a job, get married, have some kids, pay your taxes, pay your bills, watch
TV, listen to the news, obey the laws and obey authorities.

Now repeat after me: I am free

This exactly depicts what the human society is like, in most cases and places. Particularly western oriented
countries are affected, since they are the number one target for the manipulation of their own governments.
They act on behalf of so called shadow governments which themselves only conduct what beings from other
dimension dictate them to accomplish.

So you are born into a system that enslaves or imprisons you on purpose. The society sets guidelines, like
listed in the quotation above. Humans are now taught to follow these rules that have been installed.
Almost everyone is coerced to take part in the inverted education systems. They prepare young humans for
being a productive and effective “worker” or slave for their now failed agenda they wanted you to believe
in and comply to.

Moreover they introduced the monetary system (already thousands of years ago in ancient Sumer) as the
most elaborate enslavement tool besides your mass media which brainwashes humans so that they act like
the ones in charge want them to. This is based on creating suffering by denying all the fundamental truths
they have flipped over and made a reversal of, just like religion being an inversion of spirituality, for

By imposing a kind of mass hypnosis over most of humanity they were able to dictate and manipulate
humans without them being aware of it. So you are confined in a prison cell where you can’t see the wall,
bars or the lockdown as such anyway. Therefore you think you are free. Naturally this is only what they
want you to believe so that you see no need for a change or that you don’t question authorities in the first

They have disseminated the false belief of you being a free person, but as long as you are forced to do
anything you normally don’t want to perform, you simply aren’t. The ones that commanded what you shall
credit have been very successful in hiding the fact that most humans (in their actual status quo) are only
sheep, following authorities and the mindset of the masses blindly.

Furthermore your mind is programmed to deny evidence of this being true. It has been conditioned “from
day one” which starts with the influence of your parents. So if you now are, decades later, confronted with
a situation where you are told that all of this has been a lie, the ego defends itself and tries to argue against
it. Ludicrous excuses like “science tells something else” or ”the president or the news reader says something
different” are a conceivable result of such a defense attempt.
That is, the mind is still trapped inside the antiquated software programs that have infiltrated it
heretofore. Most humans simply refuse to realize they have been cheated and misguided all along. It makes
their world view, or more precisely their house of cards, evaporate and this is something the ego is very
anxious about since it might lead to the dissolving of the dominant control it upholds over the individual.

LDN 673
Yes, there have been crashed craft, and bodies recovered. We are not alone in the universe,
they have been coming here for a long time
- Edgar Mitchell, Apollo 14

He is absolutely spot on and be assured he knows what he is speaking of. In fact there have been many
crashed extraterrestrial space crafts, like in Roswell in 1947 or in the 1930’s where the German Nazis
recovered a crashed craft which empowered them to invent their own secret space program (with additional
advisory support from extradimensional beings). However, they have recovered bodies from such crashing
sites. There are uncountable other intelligent life forms out there in the universe and not only in this one.

Being attacked for telling something like this in public clearly shows how brainwashed and ignorant
humanity is and how inverted the whole societal nature actually is. Do you really believe that humans are
the only life form in the universe? This is way beyond ludicrous which NOW even governments are
conceding, since it can’t be kept secret any longer anymore. Therefore you are facing intense full disclosures
very soon.

In fact shadow governments are cooperating with other dimensional entities, there are many different
species active on earth. Many are even physically amongst you, many different kind of beings are able to do

The elites have recreated non-terrestrial space crafts based on the crashed ones they have retrieved.
Extraterrestrials have visited planet earth for unbelievable long periods of time. Many are just observing
humanity to study it, others are trying to assist humans by communicating with them and sharing cosmic
and fundamental truths, others are using humans as food source and want to destroy most of them.

These are those beings that are in charge of the now exposed shadow governments which they use to operate
on this third density plane since they are normally existing on a higher density. But naturally
extraterrestrials can manifest themselves into third density temporarily which they have done all over
human history. They massively interfered especially with Sumer, Egypt, India, China and South America.
What you see in the series Ancient Aliens is often based on facts.
In the meantime so many officials from military, CIA, government and also black projects/secret space
programs have blown the whistle on it. There is more and more genuine material leaked into the public,
disclosure is accelerating. In fact governments themselves are now coming to the surface with such
information. In the beginning and already as of now there is much disinformation incorporated into it since
it follows certain agendas to shed a better light on specific involved entities.

They don’t do this out of love and compassion, they always tried to impose a fake alien threat, which
simply doesn’t exist. They wanted you to legitimate trillions worth of dollars Space Defense programs.
Since they have hundreds of reverse engineered “UFO’s” they even planned to use them to stage an alien
invasion to realize their plans (still possible but unlikely!). But in fact they are defeated now, this desperate
try would have been their last card to pull in the now failed human control agenda - but it is not going to
happen, they are officially “out of business”.
SH 2-235
I’ve decided to be happy because it is good for my health
- Voltaire

And this is the best decision one can make, because your prevailing mood ultimately defines your health. It
is already known that positive thoughts release beneficial chemicals from the brain just as negative
cogitations trigger chemicals that rather harm or destabilize your body.

Therefore positive thinking as such is in fact healthy, at least as long it isn’t a kind of positive thinking
that is a false pretense because of ignoring reality. But one has to face the latter sooner or later. This can
also imply additional incarnations that are needed to be able to cope with these challenges in a reality based
simulation system.

However, a human being normally only gets ill or creates disease if there are energetic blockades or hitches.
Of course there are events like accidents or someone else injuring an individual as well. That is, there are
exceptions, but in most instances ailments are based on dissatisfaction, depression, sadness, isolation, fear,
anxiety and alike. These emotions constantly induce the production of specific chemicals which create
misbalance inside the body computer.
Therefore the human society is constructed in a way that promotes these indicators for suffering. Humans
are put under constant stress. They are bombarded with information that keeps fear persistent. And they
are fed with poisoned food and medicine or drugs that also slowly decrease their health.

Pharmaceutical corporations, which are run by those who run the banking systems, who dictate politicians,
media, education systems, militaries and religion, are uninterested in healthy humans. The aforementioned
do not generate income for them, so the system is interested in sick and unhealthy individuals. Thus they
have intended a meritocracy where career and image is everything. And to be empowered to achieve this you
have to work, work and work until you are totally burned out.
And exactly this causes imbalance and illness. The immune system is so weak because of mental stress and
unhappiness. Moreover the society is based on strict rules and conformity, so humans deny themselves, their
dreams and intuition to fit into this normed societal construct. This is also a main factor for blockades in
the energy fields that maintain your body computer.

As you can see, you do not get ill because of bacteria or specific gene patterns that seemingly dictate it or
promote a specific affliction. Low vibrating oscillation, initiated by thoughts, emotions and beliefs, offers
the environment for said obstacles in the energetic flow to occur.

M 31 - Andromeda
A moment of patience in a moment of anger saves you a hundred regrets
- Educate inspire change

Imagine a situation where you are together with someone and the said one is boiling literally, he is full of
anger because of whatever it might be. Thus he is verbally attacking you or calling you out for something.
You now have a couple of options how to answer to it or you can refuse to react. The latter resembles the
“moment of patience” and it is the most sensible option you can choose.

Simply because you are aware of what is really happening, you view behind the mask the other one is
wearing. You can recognize his misguided mind being responsible for his initial reaction to confront you.
Therefore you are staying calm, knowing that you also concur to his “boiling down” by doing this. You
simply don’t resonate with his lower vibrational energy by selecting “no-reaction”.

If someone literally buys into it, reacting in a similar manner, there is an energy exchange with the original
vibration of the person that is assailing. Thus the situation is sustained. When two humans substitute low
oscillating energy it multiplies itself in a way. So the “fight” goes on and both suffer, and you most likely
have regrets afterwards, which also is anguish and therefore you merely harm yourself.

Fundamentally if someone answers to someone else’s confrontation, the said one clearly shows that he
reacts to an aspect of himself. That is, what he responds to is dwelling inside him, often without him being
aware of it. Hence one manifests such an event in the first place, because it is an opportunity to realize
that this is something that comes from within and the other individual only resembles the mirror or
reflection of it. So if you are angry and full of hatred you tend to attract other humans that are of a similar
vibrational state and when you meet in person both of you start to swap energy in an immediate
juxtaposition. So you most likely magnetize circumstances where you come upon someone or something
who/that might enforce a reaction.

Everyone is co-creator on behalf of creation and thus everyone creates everything and everyone themselves,
depending on the inner state of being. This encompasses belief systems, thought concepts and emotions. Said
cogitations are the most important makings of such a reality based simulated holographic projection. You
may also call it “reality” or human life.

It is also a great feedback mechanism for yourself. If you manage to stay calm and non-reactive in such a
moment, you know and have confirmed that this is already transformed and thus not inside of you
anymore. It just flows though you without affecting you whatsoever.

Rhio Ophiuchi Nebula
Why not ask yourself instead of “asking the universe”?!

The human phrase of "asking the universe" is indeed one of the first steps of getting in touch with one’s own
spirituality and it really has potential to work this way. Actually many are successful with it.

This is based on the utilization of one of the fundamental laws of creation which is the law of attraction.
Hereby thoughts and emotions, if strong enough and used in a non-attaching way, pull “a wish” - in this
special case – into existence.

But the potential in such cases, when you ask the cosmos for whatever it might be, can be amplified and
massively increased if you realize one thing regarding this whole concept or procedure:
When you ask the universe.... who are you in this moment?

You are in fact creating two seemingly separated entities. You have the universe on the one side and
yourself on the other side. But in reality there is only one being ever, which is you.

So you essentially are the cosmos yourself, just like you are every other of infinite universes there are, since
you are all there is. If you ask “the universe”, defining it as being separated from who you are, you are
isolating yourself from it in such a moment.
If you now see that this works for many, even though they split themselves from the universe while asking
it something, can you imagine how the capability of a successful manifestation is if you ask your SELF.
That is, you always ask yourself, even if you think you speak to the cosmos, which factually is already a
multiverse, since every single entity is a universe of its own.

Seen from a perspective of deeper understanding we even can add the fact that what you are wishing for is
already available for you, inside of you. What you are asking for is you in disguise and missing it "or not
having it" is only an illusion created by the human mind, which prevents you from being able to experience
these deeper truths inherent in you fundamentally. They are merely overlooked and thus being impossible to
be directly perceived.

So next time commission something from yourself, instead of directing an order to the universe, which is
always you. But you deny this realization by still calling it that way, for naming something automatically
excludes the named from being you. In general this is a false identification that only prolongs your journey
of regaining the understanding who you truly are.

NGC 1275
Your world is a reflection of your thoughts, therefore improve your thinking to improve your

You are what you are thinking

- Marc Aurel

This really is how the whole reality system humans are undergoing works. The seemingly outside world is
just a reflection of your inner self. If you are happy and joyful you create experiences that mirror this, thus
you maintain this state of being.

If you are sad and depressed your world is “grey” and without hope and joy. You lack the sensation of
happiness and inner freedom. So the world responds to you like you confront it. If you are peaceful and
loving you meet people and witness situations that resemble this inner feeling or attitude.

So the way you think determines your life, or more accurate the life you are. It is important to understand
that there is in fact no “outside world” like humans normally see and define it. In fact everything only
happens “inside you”. All of this is then projected “outside” of you, pretending to be something else than you
are. But in reality it all is just you. All things are rather like symbols of your self it uses to express and
understand itself, with its/your “own” help.
As long as your mind is in charge, it overlaps your true self and works more like a self-fulfilling prophecy,
without you being aware of the consequences. But as soon as you have realized this and have successfully
harmonized your mind with your true self, you start to manifest and reflect your true inner being, which
now in return changes everything inside and thus around you at the same moment.

As long as you are unware of this creational ability you employ every moment of the life you are, you may
still be convinced that “your life” is characterized by sadness and disappointments. If you cultivate those
thoughts, these experiences and emotions are persistent. The life you are gives you more situations and
occasions that verify these inner beliefs, so it stays like this. Because you believe that this IS what you or
“your life” is like.

If you think something is bad for you, it indeed is unbeneficial for you and can harm you. If you are
convinced that something is good for you, it is in fact beneficial for you. If you think you are sick, you
manifest circumstances that contribute to this conviction, thus creating/maintaining illness. But if you are
confident that you are healthy you stay healthy or get well again much more quickly.

Needle Galaxy
“Death” is only an illusion, it is only the change of conscious awareness and of dimensional

This is precisely correct, there is no such thing as death or mortality, everyone and everything is infinite
consciousness, which merely creates and undergoes uncountable different life-experiences happening on
various dimensions, infinite in numbers.

As long as you play the role or game of being a human, you are normally bound to the body computer. You
use this vehicle to be able to express yourself into a world of much denser energy.

When you die, you just leave this kind of aperture again and your conscious awareness or attention shifts
to a higher frequency band. You can call it “afterlife” in your special human case, whereby this realm is only
an intermediate place or station within your eternal self-realization and spiritual evolution.

The life you are is going on, as you can see. You are only freed from the vast limitations of the biological
body computer and the restrictions that keep you from instantaneous materialization of your imaginations
or intentions. The latter is a “piece of cake” or “walk in the park” when you are in your rather subtle state
of existence on higher frequencies. Souls love to recreate and witness situations or expressions from their
various incarnations, be it a human or another one. They also love to alternate such “already existing”
experiences to create new ones, while doing this.

You should rather be happy about dying than being in fear of it which only creates depressive or sad moods
so frequently, which is still the case for many of your species. It is in fact the best “thing” that can possibly
happen to a spiritual energetic entity, when it participates in such a simulated virtual reality that it
utilizes for learning purposes.

What really happens upon death is a kind of ascension in terms of frequencies and dimensions. Even if you
are not aware of this now, almost all of you have encountered these situations (death and reappearance in
subtle realms of consciousness) so often that it is almost impossible to count them. An entity can have
thousands of incarnations in such simulations and even more. Therefore this is rather “standard” for you.
But to be able to face and master or transform such challenges you have willingly decided to forget about
all this.

The belief that everything ceases to exist after death is indeed such a tough challenge. But that does not
change the fact that you are immortal and infinite and you are going to perceive and exist also beyond this
actual finite embodiment.

Medusa Nebula
First realize that your world is only a reflection of yourself and then stop finding fault with
the reflection

- Nisargadatta

This is precisely correct. The whole world is only a reflection of your inner beliefs and conditioning. It is a
mirror, projected outwards of your own inner state of being. All of it resembles symbols of yourself that you
use to create a reality as you experience now.

So whatever you come across or might happen to you, is created by yourself. This can be (and normally is)
massively hijacked by the human mind. The ego is self learning and thus very powerful if it makes itself
autonomous, which it does because it is programed and manipulated to do so.

It is the pseudo self, if you like, that starts to judge and it is also modulated to always see the fault in
someone or something else. Think of a situation that might create a certain feeling or reaction which the
human mind maybe sees as an offensive to itself. In such a case it always projects the fault or guilt onto
someone or something else.

As all is created by itself, which the ego cannot understand, since it is only capable of operating on the
surface. But such a comprehension lies beneath the surface, so in its natural state the human mind has no
access to it. Therefore it is so important to realize this and start to gain back yourself from an occupation of
a false self that has pretended to be you. You can harmonize your mind with your fragmented self pretty
quickly if you come to that conclusion and if you recognize the whole process and why it is like this in the
first place.

So because the distorted mind is the originator of the reflection, for thoughts and emotions are manifesting
the human reality, it always sees the fault in itself, without knowing it. Thus it fabricates suffering
because this is a separation from the fundamental truth that is inside of everyone, but it is normally
overlooked for the ego is engineering too much noise and distraction.

Everyone knows someone who is always accusing everyone or everything else but never him- or herself. This
is the best example for what we are discussing on this page. They of course, or rather their mind, also can't
and should not be blamed, because they simply don't know what they are doing. And they are here,
experiencing all of this to come to this same deduction, eventually, themselves.

M 810
You don’t fight for peace, you peace for peace
- David Icke & others

This is absolutely crucial if humanity wants to manifest the change that unfolds right now with as little
bloodshed and violence as possible. In fact fighting for peace only prolongs the shift. By attacking the
already failed human control system you produce energy for its persistence. Of course this can only work
temporarily because the transformation happens anyway, but humans have the possibility to speed it up
and to bring it to fruition in a peaceful manner.

Assaulting it only generates low vibrational energy, mostly hate and reluctance but also angst, since
loathing and anger are only another expression of fear. And the latter is their sustenance in the first place,
it is the low oscillating energy that has locked humanity into this mind and reality prison for their whole
life, until now at least.

We already said it, but it can’t be stressed often enough, what you fight you become. If you wish for peace
you have to focus on it, instead of aiming to bring something down. How do you want to beget peace with
violence? This is what the control system has tricked humans into believing for so long: Offering peace by
bombing countries, so to speak.

Indeed protesting or outrageous humans don’t drop bombs on those they protest against but it doesn’t
change the fact that they only act like what they want you to. They hope for humans going rampant and
trying to murder many of those who have been the pawns for the failed divide and conquer game, because
this would be the puppeteers final meal, in a way, at least in terms of human emotions of low vibration.

This is unlikely because the transformation of human consciousness is freeing individuals from those contra
productive ambitions. Humans are waking up on a daily basis and this influences even more humans. That
is, your species just turns their back on them, letting them dissolve with as little violence as feasible.

You see even this plan they had is aborting, big time. They are out of business now due to the cyclic shift of
world ages. The simulation you are participating in now offers humanity another kind of golden age,
garnished with the possible transfiguration to fourth density which many of you are going to perform.

It is advised to be peaceful because only a generation that concentrates on peace can actually manifest it.
You are actually this generation that is now emerging. You detach from hate and fear increasingly,
extracting all energy that is left for the dismissed control system, resulting in wide spreading peace, love
and compassion.

LMC – Tarantula Nebula
I used to think that the worst thing in life is to end up all alone. It’s not. The worst thing is
to end up with people that make you feel all alone
- Robin William

This is precisely accurate. In fact nobody can ever be alone, because everyone is the whole universe and,
even more, the whole creation itself, implying all possibilities, all there is. Also all beings are deep inside
you. Not to mention all those closely related spirit entities that guide you all along and to whom you
always have the opportunity to establish a connection.

You need to be aware of all this to utilize it and let go of false assumptions of being isolated or segregated.
These are only mental concepts created by the mind, which is programmed to do so if possible, which
prevents you from gaining this realization.

So the mind is conditioned to understand itself as separated from the rest, which can lead to misguided
beliefs creating certain emotions that contribute to this mental conception and a feedback mechanism that
recreates itself over and over again. Therefore it searches a substitute which it detects in other humans.

It tells you that if you have a relationship with someone, this individual will add to your completion. Your
ego literally identifies someone who will save you from the situation of being allegedly alone. This resembles
an illusion which normally ends up in suffering. A human now invests emotions into this relationship and
creates a dependence of the other person, disappointments are now inevitable.

By being addicted to someone else you move even further away from your own inner wholeness and self in
general. You give away the control or power of being in charge of the life you are. But the human mind
coerces so many humans into this situation, for it knows that this manifests an identification with the
feigned life story it tells you all day, every day. It is fairy tale that consists of what you have done in the
past and of what you are about to experience in the future.

Naturally the individual lacks the realization of past and future being only a mental construct, a mirage
that only separates you from the present moment, where the life you are takes place, always and forever.

Thus many of you seek for completion in other individuals and very often, because of you sending out
energetic resonance of lower vibration that originates in fear, you magnetize others into your live that
verify this low oscillation. Therefore you sustain the given emotional situation.

- Eckhard Tolle is a reliable source for more insights on this, see his books and talks!

NGC 346
I am happy mostly when I am nice to other people
- Russell Brand

This is hardly surprising because being nice to other people at the same moment also implies being kind to
your own self. What most humans still have to get aware of is the fact that every other self is the own self
in disguise. This can barely be stressed often enough for the illusion of separateness is the main reason for
human suffering, individually and collectively.

This also is the core essence of all human religions although they as such are naturally created to enslave
humans by inverting the truths of the core spiritual teachings that are still included in them, but heavily
perverted, co-opted and put into misleading contexts.

So in general it is all about being in a loving relationship to the world, including all selves living in it.
Jesus, for instance, told it in his teachings, so did Buddha and many more.

If you are angry or raging at someone else, you have to realize you are creating low vibrational energies that
are most prominent within yourself. Of course it also reaches out to the other individual but first and
foremost it is a manifestation of low oscillation inside yourself and it creates distress.
All what you might “throw at someone’s head” you are simply tossing around inside your head. It bounces
back into you for it only exists as actively experienced emotion within you. Thus you generate affliction,
substantially you merely target yourself.

Most humans are unaware of it, trying the same over and over again, not realizing that they only manifest
more frustration and anguish inside them.

If you face other humans with understanding, acceptance, compassion or love, you emanate high
vibrational energy within which naturally has certain effects on you. It enriches you with inner peace and
freedom, it adds to your self-embracement and love for yourself, which is fundamentally essential for being
able to love someone else in the first place.

Therefore you might consider to alter your attitude towards “others” or anyone and anything else because
these “others” are actually YOU. If you manage to come to this conclusion by experience, you totally
transform your world view, behavior, thinking and anything related to contact with seemingly other selves
instantly and lastingly.

Cone Nebula
We can complain because rose bushes have thorns or rejoice because
thorn bushes have roses
- Abraham Lincoln

In the end it is always a matter of attitude towards life, things, people or situations in general. Also the
mindset towards yourself is implied in this reflection. You dictate, if you are comfortable with
someone/something or not. Only you define what is pleasant or unpleasant for you. Basically you are
responsible for being sad about something, where others might be full of joy instead.

It is your own understanding of your true self that dictates whether you are in balance with yourself or if
you are unsatisfied about yourself or aspects of yourself, it is your decision. You define what is evil or good.
You are the force that prearranges if you complain about something or if you just accept what is already

So as you see it is all about how you face something or someone. In this way your thoughts are accountable
for all of it. Your true self doesn’t value anything, it just observes and experiences. Your voice in the head is
the instance that creates these belief systems. In fact they are only mental concepts that try to fit something
into a box so the human mind can work with it, so to speak.

This can lead to serious suffering, especially regarding self-understanding and self-analysis. If you always
are moaning about something you manifest a feedback mechanism that contributes to the preservation of
what you are complaining about since you are constantly feeding it with energy. Especially energy produced
by thoughts and intention, where the latter is dependent of what has been mentally processed, manifests
reality. If you lastingly agitate your life always is fashioned in a way that you have more to discompose

If you, on the contrary, are persistently excited about your life and the way you are playing it out, you are
using the same feedback mechanism as depicted above. But now the reality you create consists of situations
or events that verify your excitement.

We can emphasize that only your cogitations stipulate if something is “good” or “bad”. That what exists, is
just what it is, it is already like it is. Therefore getting het up only separates you from what there is. You
are refusing to appreciate what is, as it is. And as long as you are doing this you are incapable of accepting
the self you are, as such, as well. The non-compliance in fact is an outward holographic projection or
mirroring of your inner non-approval of aspects that are also you.

You reflect them into the seemingly external to learn something. In this particular case you seek to realize
that there is nothing that is ever segregated from you, not even that which you might still be moaning or
angering about.
NGC 1427 A
In the sky there is no distinction between east and west; people create distinctions out of
their own minds and then believe them to be true
- Buddha

And again the Buddha has offered you a fundamental truth of reality and existence in a material plane or
embodiment. There are in fact no distinctions between east and west in the skies, for the space this refers to
is infinite and equivalent. These are only mental concepts used by the human mind device to be able to
operate in its actual software status which is a hijacked one.

So in fact human beings create all those distinctions inside their mind. A differentiation as such is an
illusion to begin with because everything is one, even though it seems as if something were separated from
something else on the surface.
This doesn’t change the fundamental truth of all being interconnected and basically all being the same
entity. Therefore a determination as such can only be a human made mind construct that is totally distorted
when compared to what factually is.

Humans are in many cases kept in such a manipulated and externally conditioned mindset that they are
totally identified with the voice in their head. And this voice is the ego that is dependent on separation to
have the opportunity to compete with others, which it normally tries to trick you into doing.

Depending on the individual belief system reality is manifested and perceived. Being unaware of the
oneness of all being motivates the human mind to fabricate distinctions. Be it between other beings or
between yourself and the universe, for instance. In all instances the ego wants you to believe that you are
disconnected from all this, which of course is only a mirage.

And if one has adapted akin convictions it is a real challenge to transform them again. But this is what
most souls are seeking for to jumpstart their spiritual development. And thus you resort yourself into
situations where you are severed from these truths and insights. Generally it is chosen wisely, but this is
always only temporary because every souls wants to master itself by awaking while still being incarnated.
This implies the realization that differentiations are only a duality based deception in front of all-
wholeness which everyone and everything is.

In general distinctions only split you apart from your inner self. Because if you distinguish yourself from
something you diversify yourself from everything, for something is everything and everything is something.

VdB 142
Do not get upset with people or situations, both are powerless without your reaction
- Collective Evolution

This is very wisely spoken. Your reaction to a situation or a person is the so called gasoline you could pour
into a fire, literally. Because if you react to an individual or certain circumstances you emanate energy
which the other self, for instance, absorbs. And the more energy you invest, the more powerful is the
response of your counterpart.
If you refuse to synchronize, the situation should normally calm down rapidly, the same is applicable for
any entity. This is something that is still hard to realize for many because their mind likes to pick up this
assist to enforce another drama on top of it. So the ego utilizes specific emotional patterns that lead you to
react in an impulsive way, contributing to the initial situation instead of boiling it down by intelligent

Such an encountering or experience is a very effective evidence for yourself how far you are in your
mind/intuition harmonizing process. Because if you stay relaxed and non-reactive, you demonstrate
yourself that this what you are confronted with is already transformed within you. Otherwise you would
perform in a “human-mind-constructed” way.

You are only responsive to that which is still dwelling within you. In fact in such a case the projection, be
it a person or an event, is just a mirror of yourself. It is a reflection you have created to verify your inner
state of being, which you always do in every moment of your incarnation.

Your focus directs energy to that which you concentrate your attentiveness on and thus it materializes, at
least if you invest enough energy into it, be it emotional and/or intentional

It always depends on what frequencies you radiate. Those reach out as resonance to synchronize with akin
vibrations which then are attracted into the life you are. What you reap you sow and everything is
frequency, so you generally magnetize those humans and situations that oscillate in a similar way.
Resonance is cast forth and matching undulations are brought together, simple as that.

Besides the mentioned intelligent non-reaction is an immediate support to those who may have affronted
you as well, since your demonstrated calmness and stillness affects them at least subconsciously. Therefore
always reside in love and peace. You do yourself a favor but all other involved selves benefit (in varying
degrees) from it, too.

Orion Nebula
Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path
and leave a trail
- Ralph Waldo Emerson

A very important advice for the whole of humanity in the midst of this shift that is taking place as we
speak. If you follow an already existing path you do what has been done over and over again. Hereby a
change, especially a fundamental one, is almost impossible.
Because going down the path that is already there is shepherding you into conformity and compliance. This
is something humanity has suffered from long enough now. Thus you now break the chains of your former
lock down, dismantling the matrix and everything that is related to it gradually.

In fact humanity has been forced to act like this since they have been mentally manipulated and modulated
to behave and live in a certain way. Humans have been hypnotized by mass media mind control, low
vibrational entertainment, detrimental religious belief systems, narrow banded controlled science and social
standards they should follow to eventually “be someone”.

You have, as vast majority, gone the same way all lifelong and over generations and generations as well.
During the last roughly 10.000 years there has been no human progress whatsoever. The technology you use
is no improvement, instead it has led to a stagnation. Of course authorities and society or economics tell you
that it is a breakthrough, but this is only an aspect of the control agenda, to make you accustomed to
inverted truths and deception.
A development cannot be made by something that only relies on material concepts or things. A true advance
is gained from within, because the within begets the without. You have to alter your inner state of being to
be able to grow. And this is transpiring right now. You are being bombarded with what David Icke calls
“truth vibrations” and this is elevating your own base frequency. This fundamental transformation that
you are manifesting as a species is equal to leaving the known path to create a new trail into the seemingly

Due to the rising frequencies the mind matrix evaporates now. You are experiencing tangible changes inside
of you. Your attitude and behavior is transmuting, at least slowly. This enables you to try something new,
to choose to walk this yet non-existing path.

Humanity as a whole is now exponentially letting go of the known, leaving this blind alley they ambulated
over and over again. You are about to bring something into fruition that hasn’t been witnessed in this
timeline yet. The new trail many of you are now encouraged to pursue is your door to Utopia being
substantiated again on a higher frequency band with completely different ways of existing and being.

NGC 2244
Your true self chooses all of your life-experiences itself and it does so for a reason

Every human being knows this deeply within and all of you can remember this knowledge from inside
yourself. Furthermore you can choose to establish a connection with what we can call spirit world, where
befriended souls are happy to share with you this important knowledge. This is a great gift for those souls,
who still need incarnation cycles for their spiritual growth.

In fact you select all of your adventures, “pleasant or unpleasant” before incarnating, there is only one

Is an experience manifested out of likelihood, which equals the main objectives of your embodiment?

Or is it an alternative to said likelihood, which resembles differing objectives or even "failures" of main
This is ultimately decided by the incarnated soul fragment of the self, which is you, for there is free will for
everyone and everything. And decisions the self-fragment make based upon its free will (being aware of it or
not) might lead to “messing up" your initial life plan in terms of likeliness at any given point in the life you
are while being incarnated.

If you listen to your heart you are on the path of your main purposes. If you only follow what your
conditioned, misguided - at least up to that point where you have managed to facilitate it into self-oneness
- ego dictates, you are about to unfold alternatives or failures, whereby there can never be failures as such,
even if your human being or expression thinks so.

That is, such alternatives also offer you important lessons. You evolve by experiencing these situations or
outcomes, so the word failure has to be seen from another perspective. Everything related also contributes
to the spiritual growth and has been chosen, as we said, as an additional option intended by your true self
when it created the life plan for this actual incarnation you are.

For many it is certainly still hard to believe, whereas this is rapidly changing due to the consciousness shift
you are manifesting now, but any of your children that gets killed or even abused has chosen to undergo
exactly that for very important spiritual reasons.

And the one who kills or even rapes a young human is very often what you can refer to be the “child's soul
best friend” or at least one of the befriended entities the child's primary afterlife soul group consists of.
There are primary groups of souls being similar in their characteristics, and these individuals normally
incarnate together to help each other in being able to unfold whatever they want to experience and achieve
during an incarnation.

NGC 922
Help others achieve their dreams and you will achieve yours
You can have everything in life you want, if you will just help other people
get what they want
- Les Brown, Zig Ziglar

Everything you conduct for others, you do to yourself simultaneously. This accounts for assistance as for
disrupting or preventing. What you emit as energy frequency returns to you, for resonance always reaches
out for similar patterns emanated by someone or something else.

So if you have the possibility to support someone in fulfilling a wish, you at the same moment invest
creative energy into your own manifestation of the dream you actually may seek to realize.

The same is applicable for the opposite, too. If you know someone wants to materialize a desire and you
enter the scene to impede him from doing it (and be it only by trying to convince him that this might be
wrong or anything but a good idea in the first place), you sabotage another self’s motivation and intention,
thus you target your own creations of such kind.

It is always a giving and receiving. You absorb and broadcast information and energy in every moment and
what you send out comes back to you, simple as that. It is really that straightforward, what you focus your
attention on comes to life, especially if you do it persistently until a specific aim has been accomplished.

In order to accelerate your co-creating “production process” of whatever it might be, you maybe like to try,
if possible, to assist someone else actively in performing something comparable.

Always remember that there is no difference between you and any other self, you are all the same, wearing
different masks experiencing it subjectively, so to foster yourself, support others.

Horse Head Nebula
If you make friends with yourself you will never be alone
- Maxwell Maltz

This is something that many humans should consider to achieve, because there are still many feeling lonely
and empty inside. This is in most cases rooted in the structure of society that has preached separateness
whereas everyone is directly connected throughout all universes, dimensions, simply throughout everything
there is. In fact everything that exists derives from inside of you, since you are the fundamental creation.

Therefore it is in fact impossible to be alone, you have whole infinities within you that you theoretically can
align yourself with. Naturally many are simply out of reach for them vibrating way to high, so that you
would have to be a complete “master” to be able to get there. Such “masters” normally do not incarnate in
third density consciousness simulations, since they operate in dimensions that humans can’t even imagine in
regard to how “life” might be there.

However, the thought concept of being isolated is a complete illusion that society has implanted in
uncountable human minds with the assistance of the distorted education and human-self-policing system.
This is something that you are now starting to realize again due to the consciousness shift.

For those who think they are unescorted, why don’t you simply establish a connection to your inner source
or others that guide and watch you? By doing this you sooner or later receive answers from befriended souls
that always listen to what you say, especially if you address a cogitation to them specifically. It always
reaches them instantaneously. Essentially your own inner self might answer to you as well, which is quite
likely to begin with.

This might seem to equal self-talk, which has been cursed by society for a reason. They want to prevent that
humans talk to themselves too much. They fear that you get too many answers from the inner source that
every human being inherits and IS. Of course there is negligible self-talk where the mind speaks to itself,
but eventually you elaborate a feeling for what is only communicated by the ego and what comes from

If you talk to yourself and an answer implies words like “you” and “we” or “us”, the chances that
something else than your mind responds are increased heavily. Conversing to oneself is one of the best ideas
you can come up with in the first place, it is also a great method to reflect topics you are dealing with at the

There often is response originating from other sources, so in fact you can never be alone. Such a
misperception is merely a result of the society and the human deception program that has separated humans
from each other and the own inner source.
NGC 2174
The greatest con that he ever pulled was making you believe that he is you
- Ego scene, Revolver movie

A perfect description of what the human mind matrix has been created for in the first place. It has been
installed into the software of this virtual reality simulation to convince humans that the voice in their head
is who they are. It has driven humans into the false conviction that it is them.
The ego wants you to identify with all the thoughts it fires up. It makes you believe that all of what it
chatter boxes is true. It lets you hate other individuals, it makes you compete with them, it creates emotions
that result in you being sad and depressed. Moreover it tricks you into following its material desires,
because the mind equates having with being. Therefore it motivates you to fancy that you need this and
that to be someone.

It also makes you move from relationship to relationship, pretending that the next partner is the right one
to make you feel complete and secure. It tells you that you are nothing, or it propagates that you are better
or more worth than others.

So it does everything to create suffering and make you stay in league with it. It always attempts to
maintain this situation. In fact this has been enacted wisely by human souls, because they have chosen to
deal with this kind of functionality of the mind device on purpose. It is a much greater possibility to be
capable of learning something about yourself due to this intensified and increased challenge.

You have to realize that you are not what “he or she” pretends or feigns. Be aware that you are not your
thoughts, you are everything but what the mental voice tells you about who you ostensibly are or should be.
You are the authority that listens to these cogitations and gives them the opportunity to appear in the first

Ask yourself: “who is it who knows that I am thinking?” This makes it feasible to change the perspective.
You are now in a situation where you simply watch how these mental constructs appear and float along,
without attaching to them or deriving your identity from them.
There is no reason to believe in what the mind narrates, it rather is dependent on you being unaware of who
you truly are. Thus it manifests drama or suffering to avert you away from understanding that all of this is
only a product of your cogitations since they create your reality.

You are the infinite consciousness that allows the ego to even exist. You are furthermore the infinite deep
ocean where thoughts can appear as waves on the surface and sink back into it again without you surfing
on them. You resemble also the infinite vast sky where clouds emerge, which in this sense are those mental
fabrications you now just let pass by.
Prawn Nebula
By being attached to something or someone you are in reality detached from yourself

Attachment to something or someone is closely related the concept of "having" and "possessing" which
fundamentally is an illusion that only separates you from experiencing your true self.
This is based on the fact that you can't have something you already are. Because what you are is what you
have and vice versa.
And since you are fundamentally all there is, you can't “have” anything, since you are already everything,
fundamentally including all of what you seemingly got.

Moreover the conception of owning naturally creates anxiety or fear of losing something/someone. So in
fact this is a typical “mind-thought-concept” the ego operates with, since it only can function this way. At
least until you have successfully uninstalled, if you like, all those conditionings that have
programed and distorted the human mind to do so.

You are able to harmonize this more or less “device” that has been established to help your soul to deal with
the illusory experience it creates when it manifests or incarnates itself into a world of shapes. This means
you can achieve a transcendence of the mind by eradicating all those “programs”. This balances the mind
with the source of deeper and more complex “thoughts” that are coming from the inner self or soul fragment,
from below the surface.

The ego loses the fear of ceasing to exist when the origin of the true self is rediscovered. It learns to
understand that it somehow is and always has been one with it. Or let’s say it then realizes that it is just
the other side of the coin and that it can’t be without the re-detected true self in the first place.

When one achieves this profound understanding, the concept of attachment is transformed into detachment
and greater self-awareness. From now on it is almost impossible to generate the anxiety or fear of losing
anything. Thus you free yourself from one of the most obstructive modulations that have been implanted
into your incarnated soul-fragment-being’s operational device, the mind or “pseudo self”.

Because as already stated, adherence is one of the most powerful and persisting illusions that a soul being
has to master through its incarnations. In most cases a human soul needs uncountable numbers of
embodiments to finally get aware of it and to be able to transform it.
For further research I refer you again especially to the teachings and/or books of Eckhart Tolle

NGC 2282
The religion of the future will be cosmic religion. It will transcend personal god and avoid
dogma and theology
- Albert Einstein

This is a real prediction in a way because this is what is emerging now. The religions that are still very
famous amongst humans are going to vanish completely for they are only dogmatic indoctrinations used to
control human perception and emotions. The religions that are obeyed today are fabricated installations of
those forces that dictated and steered humanity for so long now.

In fact humans speaking to the Judea Christian god pray to extradimensional entities that have imprisoned
and exploited humanity. Everyone who prays to this god figure - which is a complete manufactured illusion
and non-existent - delivers energy to those who have enslaved you.

The one and only god is (within) YOU. There is no other god than you, there is no such old man in heaven
with a beard looking down on humans. God is equal to everyone and everything, because “he” is everyone
and everything! You are literally staring into the eyes of god wherever you look.
This engineered mind control trigger billions of humans believe in is a god of judgment. Humans therefore
have developed fear, denying themselves in order to obey what is written in a book only consisting of many
fairy tales and inverted truths. The content of it was pre-selected and patched together in a way that it
served the roman catholic church which co-opted this book as a justification for wars, violence, suppression
and torture (up until today).
This is naturally way beyond ludicrous because how can an all loving god ever convict you for your actions?
God, or rather creation, which is unconditional love, is all forgiving, it doesn’t know guilt, so in fact it
doesn’t even know forgiveness.

That is, there is no one watching you to sentence your actions! But pretending that such a god exists is a
very effective tool to create mental slaves in the millions or even billions. Luckily humans are realizing this
hoax now. They are rediscovering their inner guidance and spiritual source. You now begin to comprehend
that you have been cheated “big time”.

Humanity in fact is an aspect of a whole cosmic, intergalactic family, so to speak. These religions have
prevented humans (collectively) from establishing direct open contact with other members of this “family”.
But also this is changing now, humanity is on the cusp of again becoming what they already were until
they got hijacked and deluded by forces that wanted to prohibit exactly this.

Therefore it is advised to let go of such antiquated and false, rigid religious beliefs to open the door to
another level of conscious experience, which is manifesting right now globally, beginning within individuals
and then affecting the collective, accelerating this awakening even more.

Jellyfish Nebula
You are not a drop in the ocean. You are the entire ocean in one drop
- Rumi

In fact you are both simultaneously. You are the whole ocean comprising every single drop and you are of
course also every single drop where every one inherits the whole ocean, so every wave is something the
whole ocean is doing.

This is easy to understand if you are familiar with the term holography. In a hologram there is the whole
included in every of its fragments. So when you take a paper and cut it into four pieces, each of the four
bits include the whole paper (only in a smaller version now), even though you have split them apart.

So when you realize that this is how, for example, the universe works, you come to realize that the whole
cosmos is within you, just like you are covered in the universe.

Even every grain of sand implies the universe and even more the whole creation. We can break this down to
one of the most fundamental levels you know of, which is the atom. So if a grain of sand isn’t small enough
to challenge your imagination then let’s take the atom now. But it’s the same result as before, every atom in
this cosmos inherits the whole universe. So in fact every atom is the blueprint for it. You can recreate the
universe out of one of its atoms, so to speak.

The holographic structure of the universe is meanwhile widely accepted by your physics/science of
nowadays. There have been numerous books and publications about it. Human science is now discovering
these fundamental truths, again, which have been known for thousands of years. When you compare
ancient Buddhist texts, for instance, with recent scientific insights you learn that both depict the same,
only using different terms and words.

This wisdom has been kept hidden, especially in the western hemisphere of the actual world humanity is
living in, while being the said world at the same time, since, holographically, it is also implied in every
single facet of it. So you are the world itself while also being a fragment of it and this is applicable for
EVERYTHING, everywhere, throughout all of infinite dimensions or frequencies.

And in fact creation itself is even much more than just the sum of all of its individual aspects.

NGC 292
Sometimes people don’t want to hear the truth because they don’t want their illusions
- Friedrich Nietzsche

This is absolutely true. Most humans are living a lie, because they have been raised and taught by parents,
friends, schools, universities or also by mass media. They have bought into these fabricated fairy tales that
were implanted into their mind.
If something is communicated to certain individuals, which contradicts their view on life, themselves, their
beliefs, society and everything else, they enter a kind of defense mode. They deny it, they laugh at it and
they try to discredit it. But in fact it is only a vindication mechanism that their ego fires up in akin

They are scared to be proven wrong. They are anxious about admitting that they have been living a hoax all
their life. They are of course never responsible or to be blamed for it, they just have been manipulated and
brainwashed, so to speak. Nonetheless they are (or more precisely: their mind is) unable to admit that it is
wrong. In fact the ego is telling the individual all the time that his beliefs are accurate and that it can’t be
like this, it is protecting itself from being unmasked.

If someone has his individual belief system challenged the mind tries to keep the illusion or house of cards
alive at any cost. It uses explanations, no matter how ludicrous they are, to explain something away. So
even if you confront such ignorant humans with proven facts, they still disown them, they simply can’t
accept them. They lack the courage to confess that they have been “on the wrong track” all over.

This is how the human mind is manipulated to work. It is conditioned to repudiate anything that is going
against the main stream or popular belief. But in fact exactly those convictions are fables and false
prophecy. The ego has adapted a complete fabricated world view and self-understanding based on false
assumptions and delusion/deception.

If you want to show them verified facts opposing what they reckon to be real, they simply tell you they are
“not interested”. But naturally the involved human lacks the ability to change his beliefs anyway, at least
up until recently. The now unfolding full disclosure is going to “hit” billions of you in a traumatic way.
And there is going to be no possibility to deny it whatsoever, unless you want to betray yourself
fundamentally and suffer from even potential lethal emotional affliction.

This doesn’t prevent the truth from being disclosed! Especially these kind of humans, like atheists or
“hardcore sceptics” for example, are having a hard challenge upcoming very soon since even your science is
now able to prove anything they refuse to embrace as being genuine. The only thing is that it is still to be
communicated into the public “openly”. Exactly that is progressing now with the exposure of the failed
control system and the co-option of your mind. Now is the moment where the veil is getting lifted. The
mentioned emotional defiances are comparable to a final exam you conduct in this soul school you are
participating in.
Cassiopeia A (© Ken Crawford)
Humans are giants that have been tricked into believing that they are little dwarfs
Belief is the death of intelligence
- Robert Anton Wilson

Humans have been “dumbed down” with rigid and narrow banded belief systems that in most cases are
blatant inversions of the truth behind the core essence of religions, which is love. But this has been
perverted and humans have been taught and conditioned to identify with it, to adapt those convictions that
others have preconceived for them.

If you follow religions, for instance, you do not use your own mind or intuition to figure something out.
You just copy and paste a prepackaged world view into your mind, which is deeply responsible for how you
create your reality. Beliefs are the most powerful catalysts for manifestations in such a simulated virtual
reality the human being experiences when being alive.

In fact you have been persuaded that you have no power, that all governance lies within authorities,
corporations or militaries, for instance. You have been programmed to fancy that you are literally “nothing”,
being dependent on others and the system that has been engineered to blind you. Since this creed is deeply
rooted within the manipulative society and the mindsets of humans, they pass along these false beliefs to
their children and these will teach it to their offspring as well.
Not merely the guidelines of the system tell you that you are a dwarf rather than the giant you really are,
also many parents are raising their children with such an attitude and approach. Of course this induces
intense suffering within the child and it only contributes to this hoax that has been enforced over humans.

The system that has invented this environment for you has thereby guaranteed its dominance for thousands
of years in your more recent history. It is needless to say that this official narrative is completely made up,
it is a straight out inverted fabrication. What the official “story” or rather movie script tells you about the
history of humanity is simply a lie.
This fake fairy tale they teach in schools and universities has been manufactured to suit their now failed
agenda. You should be aware that always victors write history, and this of course are annals in the fashion
of those who have won and were able to dictate what history is. Everything that doesn’t fit this narrative
has been excluded from the mental box that imprisons you.

Since most humans once bought into these false prophecy belief systems, they have taken their intelligence
to the grave, literally. They have given away the fundamental power they have without questioning. They
surrendered to something that has brainwashed them into believing they have no influence on what
happens, which of course also is an inverted truth. You are creation, so you can effect everything you like in
the way you want. Naturally the premise is that you are completely aware of these abilities being a
fundamental feature of what you truly are.
Whale Galaxy
Experience is superior to knowledge

Real knowledge stops being knowledge as soon as you experience it, since experience is superior to it.
Knowledge still is about naming and describing, whereas experience is about being it.

By doing this (labeling, defining...) you moreover separate yourself from it, because you are
fundamentally also what you observe or see or encounter.

So whatever you name or identify is the same that you are, only wearing another different mask. And
when you title someone or something you imply that it is isolated from you, which it is not. It may look
like it on the surface, but that is the challenge, if you like, a human soul is seeking to master by
incarnating and progressing as a human being.

In essence you don't have to know anything about what you already are!

And you are ALL of what you think you know, as you are also all that which you don’t recognize. As
long as you are of the opinion that you can pinpoint something, you do not know anything about it.

Because, as it has been said, if you name something you exclude it from being anything else, which in
reality it is. The most crucial aspect is that one separates oneself from it, and this in fact inexistent
segregation is one of the biggest illusions that are implanted into the human mind.

So since you are always trying to understand or analyze something or someone, you are making it more
difficult for yourself to find any answer. All those questions are already answered within you, but by
questioning something or someone you automatically reach a state of distortion of what is already
within you. You are projecting it outside of you, if you like. Thus you are creating these struggles and
quests or journeys for replies whereby they in reality are already inside of you from the beginning, it has
only been forgotten.

Elephant Trunk Nebula
Confidence is not “They will like me”,
confidence is “I'll be fine if they don't”

- Collective Evolution

This is exactly what real self-confidence is about. You are in harmony with yourself no matter what others
might say about you. One of the biggest prisons human beings have put themselves into is “what others
might think of them”. For many humans their image is all that is of relevance to them. They are denying
themselves for the opinion of others. Or what is also common: humans are sacrificing themselves into
conformity with society since they are dependent of it, because their mind has been manipulated to do so.

In general a behavior or belief like “I have to fit into society to be accepted” is a mental program that has
been installed by those who dictated what society is like, who wanted to gain control over every aspect of
the individual. These forces are fearing uniqueness, because being exceptional means you are free of
emotions like fear and suffering. And especially those emotional patterns, for being energy fields, are what
these forces gain there sustenance from.

So society is constructed in a way that humans are being obedient to authorities. You are trying to be
successful because the system, by using mass media propaganda, is telling you over and over again how
important it is to be prolific and what is needed to be prosperous.

In fact the success they define is an inversion of what can be really called prosperity. They describe
accomplishment by being rich or famous, by having money, material goods or a career when it comes to
work. But in fact these are all illusions based on a program or modulation that has co-opted the human

Real prosperity would be to understand exactly this and dismiss the identification with the procedures and
defaults the system has created, because this solidarity you live in is a distorted one that has nothing to do
with what “communities” have been like before this hijack of the human species has been introduced.

The biggest success is of course always the awakening into one’s own true self. This is what the spiritual
journey of the human soul is all about in this state of development. So it cannot be measured by the
numbers on your bank accounts or the watches or cars you have collected, it is about understanding who
you truly are.

The failed control system tried to prevent your species from realizing that, because if someone recognizes
who he truly is, there is no need for any authority or “society” anymore. Therefore they have created
inverted, distorted concepts of achievements or freedom which most of you have been indoctrinated into.
This has lead to emotional and physical suffering in billions of humans, which in return is the food for
those entities that have created this mental prison, which many of you now start to recognize. Thus your
species is now liberating itself from these slavery chains.

Centaurus A
There are people who are so poor that the only thing they have is money

This is an irrefutable fact. Such selves have decided to live a life in materialistic abundance, by which they
try to cover other missing non-materialistic attributes that they still have to discover in themselves. Many
of you are so anxious that your mind tries to gain control over as many aspects as possible. For what it
can’t control is a danger to its status quo, and the aforementioned is that the ego totally dictates the
individual. Similar governance can be best achieved with accumulating more money for being able to buy
additional false security.

It is of course true that those selves that conclude to live such a life have specific reasons for it. They try to
learn something or an akin incarnation is often used to balance or reward an embodiment that has been
really tough and challenging. That is, they want to take a break living or being a life that is “easy” so to
speak. If you envision children that are born into Multi-Millionaire-families, you can imagine that they
have way less struggles to deal with than others that are thriving in rather poor conditions.

This is totally fine, because it teaches you something as well and often you have to look at two or three
incarnations combined to be able to understand the reason behind those lives. In such instances they are
sequenced and interconnected with each other or a specific quest a soul wants to master. Also sometimes
such an embodiment is a good starting point for young human souls that are new to these schooling cycles
which are about to dissolve now for MANY human souls experiencing this timeline.

The new cycle has begun for this earth and is now transfiguring your planetary sphere to a higher frequency
band, which doesn’t need or introduce classical karmic incarnations. Therefore human souls that still need
karmic lessons of third density are transferred to other places to continue with their actual progress on
another earth-like planet which offers similar adventures and conditions.

So only because you have the money to buy what you want you are far away from being rich. Being
wealthy is only measured by your inner freedom, love and compassion. You also can be affluent in various
experiences, which contribute to your spiritual growth. That implies that being opulent is never depicted by
the numbers on your bank accounts or the houses you have bought. In fact such a life is very often
characterized by suffering all along, because if someone is gifted with materialistic possessions there is
always the fear of losing them or of getting robbed, for instance.

So being abundant, moneywise, only covers the fact of you actually being poor because you are driven by
doubts and anxiety that motivates you to do everything to receive as much of the mammon as possible. You
might think you can buy pleasure, but purchased joy is something that only lasts for moments, until your
mind is yelling for more, paving the way for additional suffering.
Dumbbell Nebula
Learning to love yourself first brings more joy and peace than trying to love someone else

This is absolutely true and something that almost all souls that attend such an incarnation-cycle-school
experience want to learn. You have to realize that souls themselves have to emerge, they need to study. They
are “born” in a way as well and thereafter they commence their individual journey as who they are.

They call themselves imperfect in a way that is different from what the human understands as “flawed”.
They know that they are in a way already perfect, again in distinct to the human definition or
understanding of it.
What they definitely want to accomplish or understand is that they are loved, although they have yet to
grow. They are motivated to be able to accept and love themselves even though they are still incomplete in
the sense of their development. On a fundamental level they are all complete for being creation as such, but
while now being individualized in this experience they have to reverse engineer this inner wisdom to be able
to benefit from it for their further evolution.

Since they themselves reckon they have done something that they normally would never do (referring to
actions performed during their embodiments), they want to transform it, they like to balance it. This is
what the law of karma is all about, it all transpires willingly, there is no enforcement or punishment behind
To finally be affirmed to understand this, to master these schooling lessons, they set the goal to be
reinforced to love themselves as they are, for what they are. Achieving this while being inside this
challenging “tough” school is a milestone and quantum leap. Mostly a soul needs numerous incarnations
before such a realization can be assimilated and lived outwardly.

Thus there is a fundamental importance for souls to learn to love themselves especially for these aspects that
are only “negative” if it is sensed/interpreted that way. It is therefore determined by the perspective you
process these conceptualizations from. Think of it as something that can still be optimized in a way. Being
able to achieve this while being incarnated “at/in school” is a cornerstone for every soul.

On a more human level you prevent suffering, if you actually manage to embrace and love yourself edgy as
you are. Thereby you regain the ability to feel inner peace and joy from deep within! Moreover, only then
you are capable of truly loving (in a human way) another person. If you are inept to love yourself you never
can love someone else, for the other self is the own self, only mirrored in a diverse expression. And if you
cherish yourself it is naturally much easier for you to approve and love others for what they are, which is
very important, since all are one.
Heart Nebula
I am another you, you are another me
- Rumi

This is a real fundamental law of creation. In fact there are no differences between any of the infinite
beings that are a result of all possibilities and unconditional love which equals creation. The distinctions
you may seem to see are only an illusion. Naturally every single entity in creation inherits its own
individuality and personality, but this doesn’t touch on the fact that they are all one.

The more it changes the more it is the same thing is the most appropriate answer to how it can be possible
that so many allegedly varying beings can be indeed one, and this is exactly how it is.

You are everyone else you observe and everyone else you see is you. So there is, in a way, only one being in
creation and this is you. Every other one is a reflection of yourself. When you have an experience it
transpires inside of you. All you behold outside of you is in fact located within you and this does imply
every universe, every dimension, every everything.

This is applicable for all of your self-aspects, they are residential on all frequencies and they are all you.
They resemble facets of you that are more advanced in the spiritual development you are. But since you are
all there is, you have to exist on all frequencies there are, for those frequency bands as such are also you, and
if they are you, they are also everyone and everything else as well.

Remember this when you are angry with someone next time. Realize you are only livid at yourself and any
affected individual is only a mirror of what or who you are inside of you. The whole creation resides inside
of you. Since this is an infinitesimalography, meaning an infinite hologram, you are everywhere and
nowhere ( simultaneously.
Every fragment of a hologram implies the wholeness of it. Therefore even every atom encompasses all there
is. You can use one single atom to reverse engineer whole creation, all there is. And reverse engineering is
what source performs with your assistance as co-creators, which still remain one single (or collectivized)

So everyone and everything you ever interfere with, is You in another expression. All that is exclusively is
within you, there is nothing else but you which you ever can experience, manifest and come across. And this
is no contradiction to multiplicity, in fact it is the source of plurality, everything has derived from one
source. That is, all there is still equals that one being which is fundamental creation. It has the ability and
intent to individualize itself infinitely, you are one of the results of this approach.

California Nebula
What you fight, you become

This is important to understand if you want to actively contribute to the shift that is manifesting now. Of
course many might want to fight the corrupt ecological, financial and political situation to bring it down.
The situation is that in this case humans send low vibrational energy to that which has created this
oscillation in the first place, and thus strengthen it.

If you, for instance, rebel against banking frauds, this is in a way fine for you are aware of these scams, but
on the other hand it is highly contra productive because the invested energy is based on vibrations that are
similar to offense, aggressiveness, rage and hatred. All of it originates in fear.

Hence you generate suffering inside yourself, because no matter what you might want to counteract, you
factually only fight with yourself, since all you confront is you wearing a different mask. So you aggravate
the separation and the aforementioned is the foundation of these detrimental conditions to begin with.

Your society, science and authorities have taught you competition and segregation, they have done this on
purpose, to weaken your collective ability to change such a situation. What humans protest against only
receives energy. If you base your actions on the same energetic patterns you conduce to its persistence.

When you antagonize something, you emit resonance of specific frequencies. This naturally calls a mirror or
something that is able to reflect these emotions into existence. That is, in such an instance you magnetize
what you expostulate against. This is crucial, it is not about aggressively wrecking the antiquated systems,
which are collapsing anyway simply because they are exposed in the public now. It is all about turning your
back on them and focus on the emerging world that is now unfolding and elevating.

If you focus on this “peaceful” transformation and its guaranteed outcome, you invest all creative and
manifesting energy on the new humanity and earth. Your new life condition implies also interstellar
experiences that are going to derive from the fundamental changes due to the shift in consciousness. In
essence the individual and joint awareness is the architect of this now unfolding transcended humanity.

By concentrating on the new, you detract sustaining energy from the “old”, without the need to violently
destroy it. It “eliminates” itself because of the loss of control and sustenance that has kept it alive for so
long, which is now over. Their agendas have failed officially, they are desperately trying to absorb some last
low vibrational “banquets” (engineered false flags, war propaganda and alike), but this is all they are left
with, they are defeated. Their reign is lost and they are afraid of the upcoming disclosures that expose them
globally, for everyone to see. Thus you might want to feel compassion for them, in reality they are your
teachers, they made this transformation possible in the first place by offering conditions that are worth
shifting. Human souls specifically asked them to play these roles. Always remember that. It should make it
easier for you to forgive them, which is important if you want to participate in the fourth density
humanity, since therefore you need to erase all Karma.

SH 2-239
The greatest hypnotist on planet Earth is an oblong box in the corner of the room.

- David Icke

This is absolutely accurate! Said television is an instrument of mass hypnosis. In fact humanity has, for the
majority, been mass mind controlled literally. You have been hypnotized to believe in what your news
readers, teachers, politicians, lectures, scientists, parents or society in general are pretending to be real. This
is only an illusion and a deliberate modulation and programming of the human mind.

The formerly hidden forces that are responsible for these manipulations have induced mass hypnosis over
your species. Not only by television of course, but this device is the most effective brainwash tool. It always
is telling you that what you believe is true. What you actually credit has been implanted in your mind from
early on because your parents also have been persuaded to trust in what authorities and mass media are
irrigating them with.

However, what the media and magazines are propagating normally fashions your view on life, earth,
humanity and everything else. In fact these are only distorted beliefs that are intended to keep you
separated from the truth. Because the moment you realize you have been hypnotized and externally
controlled and conditioned, you are able to break these mental chains.

These forces that are operating on the level of third density by fielding secrete elites and shadow
governments have inverted the truth to create a staged alternative “reality” that is fed to you by the news,
newspapers and alike. This is only “their” version of earth, humanity and what is allegedly going on. It is
never representative for what is really happening, it is only aiming to let you believe in this brainwashing
they are throwing at you with the assistance of television, norms and religion, for instance.

Everything is based on a reversal of truth. And this inversion of what had been already present before this
“mental hijack” was the only way for these entities to have any power over humanity in the first place,
which they now have lost. They manipulated a human being into the state of experiencing suffering or
cultivating emotions of fear and anxiety. This low vibrational energy is the food source (some define it as
“loosh”) for these interdimensional beings.

Therefore they imposed and fabricated wars, financial crises, violence, racism, enforcement into conformity,
rules, obedience and you name it. It all contributed to the facilitation of these low oscillating emotions and
of course they used the television-“program” for this. It has this name for a reason. In fact television is a
medium that manipulates, delineates and molds the human mind and belief system, making you adapt those
preconceived beliefs and lies that were beneficial for the now failed and defeated control-system.

NGC 1333
Miracles start to happen when you give as much energy to your dreams
as you do to your fears
- Richard Wilkins

This is absolutely correct. Being in fear separates you from your inner guidance. Your mind takes over and
produces so much “noise” that you are unable to “hear” the voice of your inner self. You therefore adhere to
energy that paralyzes you, it lets you create the same events over and over again. You simply have way too
little energy you can focus on realizing dreams or wishes.

Therefore no miracles can unfold, for you. Because when you are convinced that everything is grey or
without hope, you basically create a reality that verifies those misperceptions created by a hijacked ego that
loves drama and suffering. It tries to hold you in a state of being anxious about the future or regretful
about the past, whereas both are only mental concepts, simply inexistent.
Such cognizant energy is very powerful, it keeps you on low vibrations that attract even more low
oscillations. Therefore it is so important to let go off anxiety! It prevents humans from realizing their
dreams, which everyone has the ability to. At least unless you are modulated and brainwashed to be a poor
little “me” that has no power, that better obeys, that is doomed to suffer because of the self-fulfilling
prophecy derived from believing in “this is just me”.
On the contrary you can accomplish the opposite utilizing high vibrations of joyful anticipations, for
instance. If you focus your creative energy on what you want to achieve you resonate with it. If you do this
persistently you will manifest it gradually. Thus your attention has to be transformed.

If you have a dream, just fulfill it, don’t care what others say or the normed society might comment. Don’t
worry about it, because there is nobody else but you anyway, since all transpires within you. That is, you
are only scared about what other expressions of yourself might annotate.

You have to comprehend that you are the life you are! You are not, subjectively, the life another self is, so
being dependent on the opinions of others is essentially living or being a life that others are. You are in this
sense just a mental clone as so many still are for them being conditioned into acting like said robot
duplicates, obeying orders and guidelines that create limitations and separation.

As soon as you step back, reflect, realize and then turn your back on this fraud, you are able to regain or
occupy yourself, which in return offers you the energy and strength you need to begin to follow your heart
and thus fruitions your dreams.

Cygnus Clouds
The highest form of human intelligence is to observe yourself without judgment
- Collective Evolution

This is precisely correct and even more this is one of the many main objectives a human soul elaborates for
its incarnation cycles. Because this implies the complete acceptance of every aspect inherent in the soul,
which is all-there-is, or at least “all there is” that the human soul can be aware of in the first place in the
actual phase of its development. Also it implies the understanding of every other self being one' own self as
well. If you truly approve yourself, you tolerate every other self simultaneously. In general this simulation
functions as a kind of school every soul is undergoing while growing spiritually in the human beyond, so to

Normally a human souls needs uncountable of incarnations to finally reach this point of self-
understanding. You are, like every other soul and everything else there is, unconditional love in its essence,
and unconditional love forgives anything. For unconditional love there is no reason to judge or to value, no
matter what a soul does while being embodied, which of course can even imply murder, rape, violence of all
kind, abusing, doing harm physically or mentally.

But souls grow gradually, so in the beginning, when they have been born, if you like, they are simply not
aware of such profound wisdom. They have to learn what unconditional love is first, and you can only
figure this out by knowing the contrast. Thus a soul is interested in getting to know emotions like hate,
anger and rage, for example. And if it chooses to perceive some of those emotions it might create a plan for
an incarnation which implies scenarios, which can consist of it being murdered or being a killer itself.

By experiencing all those facets of what the soul also is, it learns to love itself for what it truly is. Being all
there is also entails all of what a soul might “dislike”. Spirits in the beyond are fully aware of all
originating from the one fundamental creation, thus all being one even though they are interfering with
each other subjectively. So of course they can hardly “love” killing another facet of themselves while being
(in) the body computer participating in this soul movie, if you like.

So in the beginning the soul might have compunctions, but gradually it learns that this is not needed, for
there is no requirement for any kind of guilt whatsoever. Because if you truly get aware of your inner being
and its source you soon come to the subsumption that all of such actions are just there for souls to evolve. It
helps them to get to know themselves more deeply to be able to eventually experience the next step in their
spiritual development.

And even more all of those actions take place between souls that love each other and they offer their
assistance (being a murderer or the victim for example) for other beloved souls, so they can realize their
incarnation plans in order to acknowledge something fundamental about themselves.
NGC 7635
David versus Goliath is again being played out on the level of human third density

David Wilcock, David Icke.... David....! In your bible it is depicted that David fought and brought down
Goliath. Goliath in fact is an “Annunaki”/Human hybrid, which many giants on earth were. This control
system, which dominated humanity, has been influenced by those Anunnaki (and other!!!!) false gods - they
are just other worldly beings that humanity prays to in Christianity and Islam, for example, in fact they
have installed all religions of monotheistic nature, also Judaism. They themselves seem to be merely
subordinates of the already mentioned Reptilian entities which themselves could very well be coerced by the
Archons (as electromagnetic form of existence which uses other groups of beings to unfold the own agenda).
This is going to be clarified with the full disclosure that is already knocking at your door.

The above stated religions have been fabricated by those beings to ultimately control humanity. They
themselves have tricked the secret elites that are obeying them, into believing that the “fallen angel” Lucifer
is their god. In fact those pawns, utilized by those other worldly forces, are only blinded and co-opted. Due
to this inverted belief they are motivated to perform satanic rituals and alike which delivers energetic food
for the Reptilian entities since they live/feed on human low vibrational emotions.

So the forces that have been (!) in charge are in fact of no human origin, they are multidimensional beings
that interfere with third density groups, like the human species is. By installing executives or glove puppets
that are incarnated as hybrid bloodline members they had a direct influence on the development of

They have steered politicians, corporate leaders and alike, who enforce their agenda over the public that is
still hallucinating it has something to say (democracy hoax), which is of course only an illusion. No matter
who you vote for, you cast a ballot for these beings to continue your enslavement while you are celebrating
it without knowing what you are actually doing.

Since Goliath itself has been an Anunnaki hybrid we now have the situation again where these forces
(whereas the main leverage is certainly of a draconian nature, the Annunakis only seem to have been
servants of the Reptilians and an Archontic impact) are brought down by humans. This allows and
facilitates humanity’s spiritual awakening on a global scale. It accelerates the shift that frees you from the
influence of those entities.
It most likely happens without overwhelming usage of violence (despite some false flag CIA terrorist
attacks blamed on their manufactured ISIS department), because this would only feed their energy, it is
happening due to consciousness awakening and because of disclosure which enables humans to turn their
back on those that have tricked you into believing all those false prophecies.

David Icke and David Wilcock are two of the most influential front men of this disclosure movement as of
now. They are exposing those forces and their agenda such as the origin and history of the human species.
They both almost started this journey at the same “time” in the earliest 90’s. This is anything but a
coincidence, since the matching name and intent are rather a synchronicity than anything related to the
illusory concept of the non-existent coincidence.

VdB 123
When a well packaged web of lies has been sold gradually to the masses over generations,
the truth will utterly seem preposterous and its speaker a raving lunatic
- Dresden James

This is exactly what has happened. Your parents, such as their parents, as well as their parents (and so on)
have been conditioned and co-opted by the agenda of those beings that have once controlled humanity but
are now dissolving from this playground. Of course they only have taught you like they were educated,
which in fact is an aspect of the agenda of spreading inverted truths and putting individuals into mental
conformity and compliance.

So they have, over a long period, set up specific mechanisms in the human mind that starts to defend this
modulated and preconditioned world view most humans are suffering from. They have blinded you on
purpose to disconnect you from your true inner self, from your inner freedom and intuitive energy.
Another “result” of this programming is that the ego denies everything that contradicts the public opinion
or knowledge they have implanted into it by their mental clone creating education system (and the
knowledge destroying science) that they use to impose their brainwashing campaigns. Moreover they
managed (very successfully) to implant the self-policing attitude into your species collective consciousness.
This is another great way for keeping humans in league/in line for most of you are scared to leave
conformity because of what other people or society might think of you.

Therefore most of you are so indoctrinated and manipulated that you are unable to face the reality or truth
as it really is. Most humans have been living in a house of cards all their lives and they are anxious about
admitting this to themselves and others naturally as well. So if now someone shows up sharing the truth,
these humans are unable to believe it. Even if all presidents of the world come together to announce it on
mass media, they will think it is a hoax or the presidents have been hijacked by aliens, or alike.
Thus they just close their eyes or fight back, trying to defend their mental prison and misguided convictions.
The human mind is so deeply programmed that it almost forces the individual to obey these destructive
patterns that have been successfully integrated into the mind of most human beings.

For this reason - in the midst of this consciousness shift - many of you are about to experience a total
collapse of your belief systems and world views. This of course is challenging and for balance purposes there
have to be those that still repudiate it. This literally destroys them emotionally but they have decided to
experience this so nobody needs to worry about them. They are fine, they are the same infinite consciousness
you are, only they have wished to undergo the opposite of what you have chosen to witness in your actual
Omega & Swan Nebula
I found I could say things with color and shapes that I couldn’t say any other way – Things
that I had no words for
- Georgia O’ Keeffe

In fact all of which goes beyond this third density experience called reality can hardly be described with
words. There can be offered comparisons, analogies, metaphors and alike to point to something that can’t
truly be defined with these concepts used by humans to communicate. Due to the shift in consciousness
humanity is manifesting, this also transmutes. The telepathic exchange is about to be introduced as regular
communication method again quite soon.

Until then the human being has still to rely on what it is accustomed to in regards of language, definition
or interpretation. So it is unable to grasp the “real deal”, so to speak.

In fact there are entities on various planes or in other dimensions “working” with human emotions and
feelings, for instance. They have never incarnated, they never have been on earth or inside a third density
consciousness simulation but since your emotions and thoughts are energy emitted into infinity they are able
to pick these up to work with and/or purify them. So they also support beings that they have never
themselves experienced. That is, they assist and corroborate you in your growth without you even being
aware of it.

Then there are species on your planet that communicate with sounds that you are incapable of decoding
with your human ears and as of now usable brain functions. Beings exist that can perceive things your
brain can’t process into something you then can look at and this is applicable for other selves and spiritual
apparitions on other frequency bands as well.

Some have experiences that you are impossible to even imagine, there are no words, no images one can apply
to associate them with something you are aware of. These beings are of a completely different nature from
your afterlife self and yet they are still you, only being another form of expression that there is to choose

There are entities that can hear colors and observe acoustics visually and so forth. It is only tributary of
what frequency band you are operating on in a conscious way. So be assured that there are life forms that
are completely disparate from what you even can conceive but yet they support you, facilitating the energy
you emanate in every moment.
So essentially we have many beings that patronize suffering humans, absorbing their energy to transform it.
But they don’t know you nor are they interested in your “story”, they just love to aid other selves that are

Scorpions Claw / DG 129
The best way to make your dreams come true is to wake up

- Paul Valery

To be capable of realizing your dreams you have to get freed from conditioning and false self-
awareness. Otherwise a voice in your head always tells you that you are unable to fulfil your dreams,
for this is normally accompanied by leaving the norm or conformity the ego is programmed to follow.
Thus it denies and discredits your intuitive motivation.

So waking up also implies understanding that your thoughts are only a symbol or device of your true
inner self and this it has become a self-fulfilling prophecy, so to speak. It has occupied your self-
identification and has tricked you into believing that the voice in your head is you.

You have to wake up into your true self, which really is a challenge because of the conditioning and
false perception most people have based their life on until now
When you awake into yourself you are liberated from this mental imprisoning. This breakthrough
enables you to follow your heart, to manifest your dreams, no matter how spectacular they are. It is
always a question of faith into your own self and your intuitive guidance.

So if you strengthen the confidence in your own self, you experience more and more possibilities. The
more mental ballast you throw away the more freedom you gain and thus you are able to create more
and more adventures or dreams.

As long as you are still literally asleep, your dreams always are just that… dreams. They stay unused
creative potential. But you can be assured that you are here to get aware of this, amongst other things
or insights of course. However this is one key purpose in every incarnation cycle a soul has chosen to
participate in to learn specific lessons that contribute to this self-realization while being in a body

Naturally many souls need more attempts than others, but you all are here to ultimately come to the
conclusion who you truly are and what are the implications of such an awakening. This artlessly is
only possible if you animadvert that you have been deliberately conditioned to be seemingly isolated
from you true self. And the moment you perceive this you are able to start to go your own way ->
manifesting your dreams.

NGC 1433
Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again but expecting different results
- Rita Mae Brown

And this is what - till lately - most humans have been “forced to do”. They have done the same over and
over again, failing on every attempt. This is rooted in the dysfunction of the human mind. This operational
device has become a self-fulfilling prophecy that is always using “past” experiences to base actual decisions
on them. So the mind only applies what it already knows to analyze a given situation where an arbitration
or action is needed.

By doing the same again and again you can hardly move forward in your progression. And if you only base
choices on such “past” occurrences you merely recreate the same experiences anew. They may be different in
appearance, at least a bit, but the result is idem, just another obstacle that generates suffering.

The ego is unable to live in the present moment, but this is all there is, only now you can draw a conclusion
that truly can change anything. But if an arbitration is based on a “yesterday’s” concept, you are far away
from being in the now. When you take action or perform anything the situation demands, you are in the
non-existent past and therefore your outcome is something that you have encountered or manifested before
in an akin moment.
If something fails, there is a reason for it. It normally tells you, try something else, go another way. But
many humans abort to realize it. They are entangled in what they already know and this is everything they
invest into their choices. Instead of reacting to a present event they in a way only answer to a seemingly
past occasion. You can’t alter a given incidence by utilizing a method that has failed before in similar
circumstances, albeit the mind is programmed to act like this.

So instead of always conducting what you have attempted already, you should really let go off those false
belief systems the ego has betrayed you with in order to try something else. It may rebel against this but
always remember YOU are what provides a space for thoughts (and thus the ego) to appear. Just observe
them, which can be funny at times if you catch them and realize that this is only the mind doing what it
has been conditioned to. It helps to harmonize your ego with your true self, gradually.

But avoid essaying to fight the mind or to “get rid of it”! The latter is impossible because there are always
cogitations appearing, but you have the ability to control them. And if there are still some distorted ones
you plainly let them go, without attaching to them. If you constantly cultivate this you free your mind and
yourself. Targeting it is only another concept or trick of your ego to create misery and to remain in control.

NGC 7497 / MBM 54
It is I who am the light that presides over all. It is I who am the entirety: it is from me that
the entirety has come, and to me that the entirety goes. Split a piece of wood: I am there.
Lift a stone, and you will find me there
- Jesus, gospel of Thomas

Jesus shares more than one fundamental insight in this quotation. Firstly he points out, correctly, that he is
the light and the entirety or wholeness, implying that he is all possibilities, all there is and that he resembles
the fundamental light of creation, which is unconditional love. He wants to make clear to humans (even
though the church has inverted this in order to spread false prophecy) that he incorporates them as well
when he refers to the “I am” that he is.

He reveals that everyone is in fact this profound source of all consciousness and life there is. He also
discloses that he (like everyone else) can therefore be found inside and/or below said “everything”.

Thus he uses the metaphor of splitting a piece of wood, which results in finding him there, just like if you
lift a stone you can detect him there as well. This indicates that he tells them that he is everything they
observe or experience, which is of course the truth and also accounting for them. Every object, such as every
organic being, is conscious! It is another expression of the awareness that you are! So wherever you look
you can see Jesus if you recognize him as what you are and as what everyone and everything else truly is.

In a way he availed concepts of modern quantum physics to describe it. Quantum physics has already
proven irrefutably that everything in the universe is connected through a quantum energy field, which is a
consciousness field that implies and intermingles all individualized consciousness units inside of it.
Therefore all are in fact ONE. And thus everything, even though it wears other masks and looks different
on the surface, is simply the same thing or being. Naturally 2000 years ago he simply could not use these
scientific terms for depicting the nature of the illusory reality humans have witnessed in those times, just
like today.

The church has inverted and diverted many of his messages to co-opt the being that you are told to believe
in. So the bible is to be considered a fairy tale that shares many truths but they have been inverted and
abused in a way that the church could gain control over humans. It also offered them the opportunity to
create fear and anxiety, so that humans worry because of a god in heaven that looks down on them to judge

Jesus in fact told people the exact opposite of what the church wants you to believe he seemingly was
referring to, describing and foretelling. Their version has been fabricated and fashioned in a way that it
served their now failed agenda.

Simeis 147
Nowhere equals somewhere

This is a little secret in plain sight, which many maybe yet have to observe as such. So let’s split the word
“nowhere” into two words:


Now here

Looking at it this way reveals one of the most fundamental messages you can imagine. It highlights the
eternal present moment, which is the only moment that exists. And also it implies the “here” aspect.
Meaning where you are is “here” and you are always where you are, “now”. So since you are always “here”
you are somewhere, because where you are is “somewhere”, wherever it might be, anyway.

On the other hand this nowhere is the most fundamental state of somewhere. As soon as you are
“somewhere” it is specified. That is, you might name it your home, your working place, the street you are
just walking by or your holiday destination. It all can be described, defined or simply named.
This is the very same as the state of individualized nothingness which equals “something”, derived from
everything which is the sum of individualization out of nothingness, only seen from another perspective. So
the state of being nowhere essentially implies every specification there can be, so it implies all infinite
“somewheres” there are.
But as long as you are literally nowhere, you are yet somewhere at the same time because said somewhere
channels off from nowhere. The latter is like all possibilities, and a subjective being then substantiates a
contingency, or a specific somewhere in this context, out of all potentials to let it appear as one manifested
feasibility. Just like when you pick an individual place as “somewhere” out of all places there are available.
This is “one place” which equals “now here” for there is only this one place here and now for you to

So if you are “nowhere” you are also everywhere simultaneously, because nowhere, as we said, incorporates
all “somewheres” and summing them up results in “everywhere”. It is always a matter of perspective. In
essence this example resembles a situation where human words, descriptions, concepts and the human
mindset in general reach their limit of being able to process or assimilate this information or data. You more
likely will understand this intuitively or subconsciously.

NGC 3166 & 3169
It is not a question of being in love, it is a question of being love
- Osho

This is absolutely true and it can be attributed to the fact that there is a big gap between love and love. On
the one hand we have the love created by the human mind that desires someone else. Then it can pretend “I
am satisfied now, I am safe now”, at least for a couple of weeks, months or years (if you are lucky) until the
confrontations start to appear and “love” turns into frustration and suffering because the ego seems not to
be so satisfied anymore now.

On the other hand there is the unconditional love everyone already is. It is the essence of every being,
because every entity is the source in terms of being creation which resembles said unconditional love.

Still most humans are unaware of them in fact BEING said true love! They think they are their emotions
but as has been said elemental love has nothing in common with emotional ego fabrications whatsoever.
Love created by the mind, which is the most pervasive type of “love” humans are accustomed to, is merely a
vibration or energy that oscillates FAR away from unconditional love frequencies.
A genuine feeling of love is independent of anything or anyone, it normally overwhelms humans in brief
moments without them knowing why they sense this indescribable feeling in such a moment. You begin to
cry while smiling wider than your face, literally. Certainly this is always individual and might
differentiate, but you are aware of it being said love, when you experience it! This kind of sensation dwarfs
anything yet perceived.

Fundamental love needs no reason for being witnessed or emanated. It is something profound, it is indeed
natural and everyone has the opportunity to get in touch with it. All you have to do is generating high
vibrating frequencies that are able to induce this indescribable and paramount sentiment. It is the
substantial state of being, as long you are freed from mass mind control you are dealing with while being

That is, if your love still is bound to expectations or necessities of your ego, like “not being alone” (which is
a frequent excuse of the mind for engineering drama, anxiety and fear it derives its own identification from)
you are not in a state of unconditional love. You only sense an inversion of it, where the true love is being
exploited for creating something completely converse.

Always be aware of you being unconditionally loved just for being, there is nothing more needed than just
existing to be loved infinitely and without any negotiations, demands, personal desires or whatever might
be able to distort or falsify profound love for lower vibrational human mind motives or agendas.
Running Man Nebula
You cannot truly solve a problem by thinking it over for thinking being the cause of the
problem initially

First of all let’s start with saying that so called problems are only thought based concepts. In fact
what humans define as a problem is only a situation, mostly a challenging one, which you are asked to
react to in some way.
These cases are, in fact, just circumstances that are already like they are. Now the human mind comes
into play.

It analyzes the given moment and puts decorums on it, it calls it good or bad, in our described
“scenario” most likely interpreted as “bad” for this being a common understanding of what problems are

So in fact what is defined as issue is just the individual’s interpretation of a given situation one is
encountering. So the mental idea of “problem” is only an imagination of the individual’s human mind
that does this out of false understanding of what there is and what it is itself.

The essence of this is that you can only solve an “imaginary” hitch by realizing that there is no problem
existing whatsoever. And this realization is coming from another, more profound perspective knowing
that an issue is only a conceptual creation by a delusional human mind, created out of misguided belief,
to achieve revelation from such mental imprisoning eventually

If one achieves this level of understanding, it resembles a milestone in your self awareness and thus
supporting massively to your personal spiritual growth process.

So a problem can only be solved by letting it dissolve, which is only possible if you understand the
illusory characteristics of such concepts that humans call “problems”.

If you think you solve a challenging event without such realization, by finding a temporary solution,
you can be assured another obstacle pops up soon thereafter. Because as long as there are solutions to
problems there have to be new ones arising. The one facing them can now experience new situations, so
he can eventually learn from them that there are no such issues, ever, despite those the human mind
creates itself out of a given scenario, resulting in suffering.

Coma Cluster
Don’t let the fear of what could happen make nothing happen
- Doe Zantamata

This should be taken serious for fear is the emotion that paralyzes your mind and thus your actions because
your ego dictates your decisions fundamentally. It creates your reality in the first place using your beliefs
and emotions that are fueled by thoughts – in akin cases these are naturally cogitations of anxiety. So the
agitation locks you into mental concepts and they magnetize situations and feedback that verifies your fear
being existent for a reason, seemingly.

Fright is what prevents humans back from changing, but alteration is essential for growth. And human
souls incarnate to evolve spiritually, thus amendment and dynamic are necessary. Fear plugs you into a
nonexistent future, where you are anxious about what might happen to you, or what you might miss.
Therefore it is only a distortion of your mind, making the experience of being embodied more challenging -
and rewarding if you transform it while being inside the human-life-simulation.

In fact only mental fabrications project you into a future that simply is not now, it doesn’t exist as
potential experience now, so it is an illusion. You are ever and only living now and you are drawing your
conclusions now. Decisions based on trepidation only pull you back into this ego trap, so to speak. It
detains you from evolving, therefore many souls need a vast amount of incarnations to successfully
transform specific aspects or traits of themselves.

Naturally they choose these defiances on purpose, but often the mind remains in control throughout life and
the self can’t shine through and guide you into the direction your soul really would like to progress. This is
the reason why human soul fragments (not the soul as such) often are what you might define as being
disappointed about certain events and manifestations they witnessed during the actual incarnation. This
changes quickly when an outsourced fragment melts with its soul again.

It also has to do with external manipulation of the human mind, but in fact even this follows a much
bigger plan, which soul beings (rather than most of their embodied self-fragments) are aware of. Everyone
knew what to expect when they made the arbitration to come here, be it human a soul or those of other
origins that also love to participate for various different reasons. That is, for instance, support of human
souls, or studying the human species and its history in this time line (or both combined).

Fear simply decelerates your spiritual growth progress until you realize that it is only a concept you have
chosen to experience to transform it into faith, self-realization and love while being in the body computer.
That accelerates your spiritual development massively in return.

NGC 2264
Quantum physicists discovered that physical atoms are vortices of energy that are constantly
vibrating. So every material structure, including you and me, radiates a unique energy
- Dr. Bruce Lipton, phD

This is true, in fact everything is energy. Whatever it is, be it in a physical state or a non-physical
condition, is energy. While being here your body is perpetuated by energy fields that all imply a unique blue
print which is responsible for the visual result of what human beings identify as matter or materialistic, for
instance. Of course everything else that is not considered to be materialistic is also made of this
consciousness energy.

And to get more into detail, everything moreover is frequency. The amplitude or level of it determines your
experience. So at the moment humanity is operating on a frequency that can be called third density (or third
dimension). The self-fragment that you are in this embodiment has been outsourced from a higher frequency
band/realm, you may call it the beyond.

So by raising your vibrational base rate you are able to expand your conscious awareness. When you, for
example, die and leave your body computer again, you just switch the frequency band you consciously
operate on. In this case you arrive back where you have come from, a place most humans call afterlife.

But between a frequency that equals an afterlife experience and the one you are now perceiving while being
the human expression there are many more possibilities. One of it is what the human consciousness is about
to merge with or where many humans are now heading to, just like the planet's consciousness as well. We
can call this fourth density, where the latter has nothing to do with Einstein’s space/time.

This fourth density frequency resembles a more dense/enriched/expanded consciousness, but the state of the
“body-vehicle” is less dense than it is now. Your DNA is also changing to be coherent with the transcendent
consciousness, for the inside (consciousness) state of being creates the outside (body) mirror.

So in a way, since this is a projected and scripted holographic simulation, you are receiving an upgrade. The
simulated movie/game you are participating in gets a software update, so to speak, and this is, technically,
achieved by increasing the base frequency of the consciousness that is implied within the program or
however you might want to call it for yourself.

After finalization everything will have changed. A new golden age will have been created where
participants are now fully aware of their own divinity in terms of being individualized creation. The new
humanity is a species that emits love and compassion. Wars, violence and hate, all products of the human
mind, like it is now, will have ceased to exist. This dysfunctional software aspect (ego mind) will have been
removed completely as a result of the massively increased frequency humanity now is being adapted to.

Sharpless 101
The voice in your head, the ego, IS NOT WHO YOU ARE

The situation with the so called ego is, that it hides in the last place a human being would ever look, within
itself. Many humans still have no clue that they are in a prison, they don't know there is such an ego
within them. They are unable to distinguish the thoughts and emotions of the human mind from who they
really are. It disguises them as "your cogitations and emotions" so that you believe in the con that it is you.

It is hard to accept for the mind that there is something of "greater" value than itself, therefore it tries to
prevent you from gaining back this realization. Thus it tricks, lies, suffers, steals and it even kills to keep
you in these boundaries it has confined you with.

What is considered to be the devil in religion, for instance, is in fact the ego and no one realizes how smart
it is. It creates the devil so that humans can blame someone and are prevented from comprehending that
they are responsible for everything that happens to them. In this case it occurs on the mind’s behalf. The ego
needs to hide itself, therefore it manifests others to accuse and antagonize.

And by fabricating an imaginary external "enemy" you attract a “real” enemy for yourself that becomes also
a danger to the ego, but it is still the ego's creation.

So in reality there is no such fiend whatsoever, no matter what the voice in your head is telling you. Such a
foe is always a projection of this ego as the enemy, so whatever opponent you think you have, they are all -
100% - manufactured by the ego. Apart from that there doesn't exist any real antagonist for any human
being. If you like to use the phrase enemy, then there is only one you can ever encounter and that is your
own mind, your ego that has gained control over you.

But it is not your fiend. It resembles your door into awakening, because if you harmonize it with your
intuition, you have freed it from this devastating program it has become in the sense of being a self-
fulfilling prophecy. If you liberate your ego, you have successfully extricated your true self.

So never fight the ego, never aim for destroying it, never try to get rid of it, this is still the ego that pulls
you in even deeper suffering with such concepts. That is, whosoever you hate or interpret as your enemy, it
is always only an ego hallucination. It is dependent on someone for you to incriminate, so that you don't
realize that it is yourself you are rivaling with. You are prevented from understanding that it is an aspect
of yourself that you misperceive as villain, who you yet have to embrace as being yourself.
NGC 346
When it is uncomfortable, when it is unpopular, even when it is dangerous to speak the
truth, is precisely the time that truth should be spoken

- David Icke

This is absolutely true and it is exactly NOW, that “this time” has come. It is in fact to an extent “still”
dangerous to speak the truth. This accounts especially for “insiders” or “whistle blowers” that are now
coming into the public awareness speaking about the hidden agendas and the truths that have been kept
secret for hundreds if not thousands of years.

It is understandable that those who have introduced this control system and the manipulation of the
human species are interested in preserving the status quo. That is a humanity that is kept in ignorance.
Therefore they try everything to avoid a public communication of these truths and secrets.

Many people have died for speaking out the facts and many that are doing it now, like David Icke, or
David Wilcock have received death threats more than once. (Btw. speaking about two of the leading
disclosure movement individuals both being named “David”, we had “David against Goliath” in ancient
times where Goliath was a giant hybrid that is most likely of Annunaki/Nephilim origin. The latter are
some of those entities, besides Draco Reptilians and Archontic forces that are involved in this whole
manipulation of humanity, so this is certainly no coincidence when compared to “today”).

It indeed can be a challenge if you call out the powers behind the curtain and those that are working for
them here on planet earth on their behalf. The now failed control system has the media, the military and the
police under its control so it can use those institutions against whistle blowers or truth speakers. But since
this disclosure movement is at an all-time-high and being widely spread into the public now, they can't just
kill those shift-contributors for this would be to “obvious” and would only disclose their actions even more

It is also an aspect of the bigger plan of the human consciousness shift that those brave humans, who are
holding their head into the wind, are staying alive and well, since they are key persons in this shift taking
place. The exposure of this hidden agenda and the ones behind it is freeing the human individual from the
now defeated control matrix. You can only be controlled as long as you do not realize that you are being
manipulated. If you eventually got aware of who is co-opting you in which way and why, you are delivered
from it. Simple as that. Because of this it is so important for your species to share this knowledge. This is a
reason for this book in the first place.

It is vital to let others know what is going on and, more importantly, who they truly are, for this
awakening is then reflected into the outside world, shaping it, transforming it simultaneously. That is, the
more people are getting aware of the ceased slavery agenda, the more influence it loses until it has
evaporated indefinitely. With this false prophecy being transformed, humans are able to really understand
who they truly are and that accelerates the shift even more massively.
Milky Way
One is ever “educated” to live in the future, but one is never educated to live today, so
making plans for the future is of use only to people who are capable of living completely in
the present
- Alan Watts

This is precisely correct, because living the life you are in a way that the perspective of it is always projected
into the so called “future” automatically creates suffering. This is based on the simple fact (which many of
you still overlook, due to being deliberately conditioned to do so) that the future is an inexistent mentally
fabricated illusion.
There is ONLY, ever, the eternal present moment/now.

The future is only a mental projection of thoughts. It is a thought concept, if you like. It only ever exists in
your cogitations.

Try to reflect the following:

When you have an anticipation of what you would call “future”… WHEN are you contemplating it??

Right, you are thinking of it NOW, in this very moment!

And let’s suppose that something you now think about as being located in the future manifests a couple of
days later. When does it happen?

Right, it is again the present moment/now when it occurs!

The same is applicable to what you understand as past. It is also only a mirage. It is, like the future, only a
mental projection or mind-concept.
Because when you remember something that “seemingly” transpired in the past, when are you recalling it?

Correct, you are reflecting it NOW.

And back when that - which you now remember - has occurred… when did it happen?

Spot on again, it unfolded back in that present moment, which is as much the eternal now as it is now
when you read this!!

One can only, ever, experience anything in the now, and this moment is the true fundamental eternity that
creation – and thus you as well - is.
M 42 - Vargas
The way is the destination, there is no final goal in creation

The way is the destination is a well-known quote and looking at it in a spiritual manner reveals a very
fundamental truth that everyone inherits within but yet there is almost nobody really reflecting what it

Since creation and thus everyone and everything is infinite in its state of being, this understandably implies
that there is no final destination. There are always only what we can call intermediate objectives. For
example every (human) incarnation has intermediate goals, which contribute to the soul’s development,
while being a human soul is only such a temporary aspiration too. So life is a journey, it is not about where
you go, but how you get there.

The individual self develops infinitely since it is source itself, or we can also use the term “co-creation”.
That is, it is self-contained in a way that it creates everything it wishes to undergo for its spiritual growth.
Despite being fundamental creation at the same moment it acts independently. Since every individual soul
or also every social memory complex (souls that have merged, still sustaining individuality) and all other
states of being do this, there constantly arises something new to experience.

The ultimate goal of every soul is to understand its own fundamental source it has individualized from. So
in a way every soul is on a journey back to its roots, but since creation incessantly manifests it always goes
on. Finite-ness is impossible within infinity and only something that is finite can be described as final

So a soul eventually merges with its co-creation and after that it enters a new level or dimension of
perception. Human souls are born in human afterlife, they grow as human souls to somewhen submerge
with this specific co-creation again. By doing this the self automatically evolves to another dimension of
experience, where it is “born” again, starting a new developing process that includes adventures humanity
can’t even think of yet.

And since it all is holographically structured the self then begins to learn, witness and remember to be able
to melt with this co-creation - that gave birth to it in another realm – once more. And this whole process of
constant birth and death, where death is only the descent on a new level of existence, goes on for infinity.

When humans are told by spirit beings (for example, in regression hypnosis, in near death experiences or in
direct contact with other entities) that they all want to coalesce with their origin again, these do not talk
about fundamental source, they in fact point to their human soul creation, which in this case is to be
described as said co-creation on behalf of creation itself.

Iris Nebula
Your soul is not contained in the limits of your body, your body is contained in the
limitlessness of your soul
- Jim Carry

The so called body is only the vehicle for the soul to be able to express itself in worlds of denser energy
that you know as matter or seemingly solid form.

The soul - as a spiritual light being - needs a body computer to be able to act on such a simulated,
digital holographic level of existence.

Essentially it is an eternal being, and because of its true origin it is without any limits or boundaries.
The soul can also be described as the infinitely vast room for everything that happens/is, because of
that it is precisely correct to say that the body is contained within the soul. Without it choosing to
express itself through a body computer there would be no such corpus to begin with.

The soul selects uncountable different bodies for its actual progression that for now implies
incarnations as a human being, at least when we talk about the human souls. Of course the same
accounts for other species which have their own soul beings.

Realizing the infinite nature or said limitlessness of what you truly are changes your life
fundamentally. You now are capable of letting go fear and anxiety, which both are anticipated to be
transformed while evolving in such incarnation cycles. Because when you really remember that you are
eternal and can never die or cease to exist, no matter what happens… when you truly recollect this
fundamental law of your being, then what should you be afraid of?
The worst thing, if you like, that can happen, is that you leave this world of shapes again, returning
back to your place of origin. That realm, which you normally consider to be the afterlife, where there is
no such thing as the misinterpreted death, but only pure life and existence shining in the bright light of
unconditional love, in the sparkling light of your soul, forever.

NGC 4214
Logic will get you from A to Z but imagination will get you everywhere
- Albert Einstein

Another quote that shows what a genius this entity really was. And he is absolutely right of course.
Imagination is everything, without it there would be nothing, not a single experience, not one realm or
dimension. Source uses its flowering fantasy to create all possibilities.
The fundamental creation already has conceived everything which is possible, infinite in numbers, but you
are now invited to use your own intention to tune into those experiences that are already existent to
recreate them.

As an individual being this then seems like you are witnessing something new, but in fact all of it already
resides within you as one of unlimited feasibilities you are. You now have tapped into it, “again”, which
resembles a direct sensation. What you imagine is what you manifest, so if you want to bring more
capabilities into fruition enhance and extrapolate your perception.

The logical, rational mind on the contrary is bounded by the limits of dogma and belief. This makes it
achievable to get from A to Z, but A up to Z are ingredients of words, and they are a facet of concepts.
Those are used by the mind, so it is unable to sense something that goes beyond this. It can’t understand nor
experience that which has given birth to words and mental constructs in the first place. Therefore the mind,
which might be yet in charge of you, is incompetent to really envision something apart from what is already
there for your five senses to conceive.

Your mind naturally creates your reality, for thoughts and emotions accomplish the manifestation into a
physical world of shapes. But this is only an illusion, thus there is imagination needed to really elevate you
above the mundane or redundant which a normal day human life is equated with. Such a life is only an
autonomous mind program that keeps you trapped in conformity and norm.

Science has proven as a fact that the brain reacts half a second before a cogitation emerges or any
motivation to do something is fired up in the neurons of the brain to actually execute such an intention.
This is when the mind matrix has gained control over the human being. Of course you then can only
experience what your mind allows you to.

A perception based on this narrow banded and limited kind of world view is a very challenging quest in a
way, because souls like these often deal with massive suffering. But in the same moment something of this
kind can accelerate a soul’s spiritual ascension significantly. In whatever way one appears in a human
expression, the being behind it knows what it does and it is all unfolding as calculated. Otherwise it would
be different, because what IS, is like it has to be. That is, it already is like it is, apart from that it would
not be.

NGC 2623
All that we see or seem is just a dream within a dream
- Edgar Allen Poe

Absolutely correct. A human life is the dream of the human soul, and itself is the vision of the self that has
incarnated the soul into the human beyond. In fact it is always a lucid dream, because the entity that is
dreamed is aware and conscious of itself, it can make decisions and take actions.

Many of you already are familiar with such a dream, where you are aware that you are dreaming. Such
adventures are mostly the “most epic” ones because you are in charge of dictating what takes place, where
you are and who you meet, to name a few aspects you have control over when being in an akin state of

It is the same as the human life while being awake. You may not fly now and you may not instantaneously
manifest a different location, which is rooted in the fact that you are in an experience that is way inferior
to your dreams. A lucid dream is substantially more “real” than any reality you can perceive and witness as
a human being.
The state of being awake (meaning not sleeping in this case, not referred to enlightenment) is an illusion, it
is a manufactured simulation of awareness. When you sleep you leave the body to synchronize with higher
frequencies. It is like taking a break from an intense video game. Here you can relax and coordinate the
activities for the next day(s).
Since creation is an infinite hologram this structure can be applied to all other frequency bands there are.
The being that you are, which is located on the next higher frequency, dreams the one “below” to finally
wake up and realize that there is much more than you had experienced for many infinites before, so to
speak. And this is the point of submerging with another higher self facet anew. This is something all souls
or selves are striving for, it is a reverse engineering of themselves, of the fundamental source of all that

In fact a human life is only a dream, and if you die you finally adaw to puzzle out the next dream (after
you have studied and learned from the incarnation you just finalized). And just like dreams convey
messages for the human being, the human life itself contains and provides such tidings as well. Normally
they are defined as synchronicities, the challenge is to decode them, to understand what they are telling you.
If you are able to solve such a riddle you can often benefit from it greatly.
It may help you to overcome certain situations you are confronted with. That is, similar subtexts often offer
assistance to you. Thus you can evolve in the most authentic possible way, meaning staying as true to your
incarnation-plan likelihoods as possible rather than drifting away to various possibilities you have chosen
to undergo as potential alternatives.
M8 / M 20
Many people sleep a whole life without being awake once
- Nick Nolte/peaceful

This is still (but not that long anymore) applicable to billions of humans. They are dreaming their whole life
without waking up once. In fact they have been put to sleep by a now defeated control system that
attempted to prevent a human awakening.
If humans are awake they refuse to generate fear, anxiety, hate and stress. The aforementioned are the
energetic sustenance for entities way beyond this physical third density reality. They are dependent on these
low vibrational energies. That’s why they structured their control system in a way that it facilitates such
Since most humans still are imprisoned within this system they are far way from being inaugurated.
Functioning in a way that you merely use your five senses to experience reality is equal to being asleep. And
billions of human beings have been in this state for all their lives since they grew up in this society. They
were educated and trained in it, served in it and died in it, without realizing once that they only have been
obedient workers or herded sheep following a now ceased agenda of total human control.

The failed agenda confronted humans with constant war, crime and violence. They played you off against
each other with racism and religious contentions. As long as someone is identified with the ego, the
individual is incapable of leaving this prison. This conditioning of the mind is the result of the systematic
brainwashing you have once been “sheeped” with.

Humans who believe they are what their thoughts tell them, are servants for the already devastated
deliberation of those entities. But yet many are still in a sleeping state since the mass mind control is so
elaborated and pervasive. An awakening implies the realization of the inner self that lies far beyond
cogitations and emotions. It also implies the observance and dismantling of the former control system and
the understanding that it has been responsible for the dysfunctional world view humans once cultivated
and thus co-created collectively.

If you finally become aware of this deliberate imprisoning or hypnosis you have the possibility to be
liberated from its influence. You achieve this by avoiding to create fear and anxiety due to now coming to
realize how deep the rabbit hole truly is! It is really deep – as you soon are going to comprehend when a full
disclosure unfolds.

By lacking such a life changing insight you continue sleep walking literally, because a human mind
imprisoned in this control matrix is simply asleep. Therefore it is so pleasant to monitor how you are now
awaking like mushrooms popping out of the soil. It is exponential in its nature and it only accelerates from
now, so the failed control system is more and more exposed and reality as you have been familiar with
transforms with it gradually but yet fundamentally.
Orion Trapezium
There are no friends, there are no enemies, there are only teachers

The term of one being a friend or an enemy is nothing else than a thought concept as such. It is an
interpretation and evaluation, something that normally attributes to the realm of the human mind. Of
course you have your friends around you, which normally are closely related “soul buddies”, but those who
are friends to you might be hostiles to others, so it is always relative, it can’t be pinpointed.

And there is a more important reason, because those who you might call personal villains are also your
“buddies”, literally. First and foremost they are also souls you know very well, since you have “contracted”
and thus orchestrated (prior to both of your incarnations) to meet them in this life to experience these events
that lead to the misperception they are foes. In fact your “worst enemy” can very well be the one soul you
have the closest relationship to.
And to play these opposing roles is a likelihood in both your life plans that normally gets realized, for it in
most cases is of high importance for the chosen embodiment and the spiritual development of both in
general. Therefore it is unlikely that such a likelihood is of no avail.

Then, secondly, you manifest specific situations where you are both involved. And those occurrences offer
you important challenges that are essential for your spiritual growth process.
That is, your antagonist is in fact a teacher, just like your “friends”, for they are concurring massively to the
unfoldment of your interim goals you have picked for your incarnation as well.

All adventures where your “friends” participate often substantiate to be of vast importance for your
evolvement. Of course they are also instructors. Everyone and everything you come across teaches you

One can conclude that the human life indeed is a school, in a way. There exist those who learn and those
who teach and there is a constant exchange between all beings that interfere with others. Some may have a
bigger impact on you than others, but all encounters transpire for a reason, initiated by the individual self
for specific learning purposes.
Always remember, all other selves you observe or interact with are a reflection of your inner state of being,
which you want to transform and fully understand. Thereby you attract beings (or situations) that allow
you to master these quests.

Andromeda Galaxy
If you try to define yourself you at the same moment exclude everything else there is from
being you

By determining yourself, you detach or split yourself apart from your true self that is all there is. The act of
defining as such creates an illusion of separateness, because as soon as you name something or someone you
have created a concept of it. And this conception includes specific properties, abilities and imaginations.
But simultaneously you exclude all other traits, skills and conceivabilities from being an aspect of the
flawed concept.

In this case you exclude all of the defined or named from being you. But still all of this is in fact you, it is
manifested by you, it IS you in disguise. So the act of designating and specifying segregates the object from
the subject, which is only a mental mirage, a misguided belief and understanding of what you/all truly are.

Of course you are trained to do so, from the beginning of your childhood you are confronted with such a
behavior. This is the challenge for every individual to eventually come to the conclusion that you, like
everyone/everything else, aren’t separated from each other. You need the feeling of being split from
everything else to be able to realize (again) that you are to the contrary one with everything else to begin

It is like you require the sensation of warmness to be capable of understanding coldness. So it is arranged
for you, if you like, that you come into the life you are, seemingly isolated from everyone and everything to
finally come to the inference that this is a false perception of what you are and what everyone is as well.
Normally a soul needs numerous incarnations to be enabled to truly realize it from within.

This false interpretation of being split from everything or everyone results in the society or the life humanity
experiences today. It automatically creates suffering. All war and violence is based on this fallacy. Most
wars, especially in humans’ more ancient history, have been fought out because of seemingly “different”
races or religions, for example.

You can only have a battle when there is someone else being the enemy. Therefore the illusion of
separateness is required for there being something like war, violence, and slavery. Out of this reason the
now defeated control system promoted the understanding of division, which is simply false and untrue,
since in fact all is ONE.
NGC 7129
How beautiful it is to stay silent and calm when someone expects you to be enraged

We can call this “intelligent non-reaction”, if you like. This resembles something that can function as
indicator of your own spiritual development level because what you react to is still an aspect of yourself,
inside yourself, waiting to be detected and transformed.

If someone confronts you, shouts at you, attacks you verbally and you answer to it, you still have such
aggressiveness and hidden anger within you as well. Maybe you are still dissatisfied with yourself or with
anything or anyone else, which naturally is no difference at all, for all is one.

You can utilize such circumstances to get aware of it. That is, you can look at it, and as soon as you observe
something, you project it “outside” of yourself. This can then result in an understanding and

Moreover, if you refuse to react and contribute to these vibrations you even might help the confronting
person. The tranquility you emit reaches the other individual at least subconsciously and this can facilitate
a boiling down of the energy or emotion the other self counters you with. Maybe they suddenly stop raging,
asking “how can you stay so relaxed and calm?”

Often an individual attracts such a situation to test itself. To see if it already lives remembered wisdoms or
truths. As was said such encounters can demonstrate to yourself what is still dwelling inside you waiting
to be transmuted or what has already successfully changed. Thus it also empowers you to elicit where you
are at.
Whereas, in most cases, such a human doesn’t magnetize other selves that confront the individual with rage
or anger in the first place because of resonance. If you are liberated or purified from such stirs you simply do
not emanate them and what you do not cast forth is unable to return to you since those emotions are
already successfully transformed into understanding, acceptance, tolerance and love. You discontinue
concurring to the persistence of it within you and the collective of humanity, which in return accelerates the
shift in humanity’s consciousness that unfolds right now.

Corona Australis
The all is in the small

- Jacob Cox

This is precisely correct and is easy to contemplate, at least conceptually, if you are familiar with the
structure or nature of a hologram, which creation is in fact, implying you and everything and everyone else.

So if you, for example, use this understanding to take a look at your body computer from a different
perspective you might want to consider that this vehicle consists of trillions over trillions of individual,
subjective consciousness units, which your scientists call atoms, molecules and alike.
All of them are individual living entities, being a smaller holographic fragment of the "bigger version" of the
consciousness unit you are, while it is outsourced from your self situated on a higher frequency band, which
humans normally call afterlife.
Therefore those atoms and molecules obey your "orders", meaning your thoughts and emotions, for they
influence your body computer condition in every moment of your incarnated existence.

If we stay on the atomic level we can expand this philosophical approach by adding the fact that each of
those trillions of atoms that are inside your body contains the whole universe. Every atom that there is
inside this cosmos is only a smaller version of the whole and thus entails all information stored inside the
So in this way, you are a smaller version of the whole, since all data is inside you. In fact the universe can
be recreated out of one single atom that is inside your body, for every single particle being a blue print of the
whole it is at the same moment.

Which makes sense for you being the creator of this playground and all its atoms in the first place, for it
only exists in your imagination, which is projected holographically into three dimensional digital “reality”.
This is converted with the help of your brain, which receives all this information from the electromagnetic
consciousness fields that are creating it and reality as such to begin with.

So the biggest “object” out there, and be it thousands of light-years in diameter, is also implied in every
single atom your body is made of.

In the same way of course the small is also in the all, for the all as a whole implies all of its holographic
fragments which equal all of the small. And yet the whole implying it all is more than all of that is sum up
inside of it. But these are realms of perceiving that exceed the possibility of the human mind and are yet to
be learned at another point of your individual spiritual development.
Jupiter Nebula
As long there is the emotion of fear, there has to be something that justifies this fear

So as long as you worry about the fate of the human species or earth in general, there needs to be something
that justifies these worries. Therefore you are contributing to the persistence of what bothers you, since the
inner state of being creates the external projection, which is in this case what you experience as seemingly
outside of yourself. If humans are fearful, there has to be something to verify their expectations/beliefs, like
war, violence and suffering.

What many have yet to realize is that one can truly let go of these fears because darkness can never
dominate over light permanently. It is only allowed to be in charge temporarily, which has been the case
four thousands over thousands of years in the actual cosmic cycle your astrophysicists knows as the great
year which is a cycle of roughly 25.920 years.

It is implied within these cycles, for your whole experience here is more like a simulation program, that now,
after entering the Age of Aquarius in the end of 2012, a so called golden age is again manifesting NOW.
You can see it in disclosures and awaking humans! This is what most prophecies, for instance in the Bible,
have been talking about, even though it has been, willingly, distorted within these texts to generate fear on
a religious basis. In fact the Bible texts refer to a new dawn of a golden age that depicts a consciousness
transformation which lifts humanity up to a higher frequency. But since those texts have been altered,
fabricated and co-opted most humans have been tricked into believing in doomsday scenarios.

This now emerging shift happens naturally, it is an aspect of a bigger plan the souls that created your
universe have conducted, if you like. It is an aspect of this simulated program you are participating in.

What you call darkness is aware of it as well, since the beings that have enslaved you are operating from
another dimension mostly. They have this knowledge available, since they are far more advanced, especially
technologically, than the unaware human still is. Furthermore they have free will as well, as you all have.
Thus they are allowed to desperately keep this manipulation alive for another few years, if your species
allows them to. But it is already too late for them, they have failed officially, you only have to realize it to
finalize their downfall within the hologram.

In fact earth's and your own vibrational frequency is rising/elevating now to head for a state of fourth
density frequency. This already present oscillation is way too "high" for those beings and their control
matrix. They are operating on and with low emotional energies, like the vibration of anxiety and fear.

But since your consciousness is extrapolating rapidly now, they have already lost the control over you
recently - which you can observe everywhere if you look closely. They have failed to break loose world war
III, they are exposed in public, more humans are awakening “every day” and every awakened individual
weakens their influence on the collective more and more.

IC 443
The ability to observe without evaluating is the highest form of intelligence
- Jiddu Krishnamurti

As soon as you evaluate a situation or judge a person, you are everything but intelligent, because by doing
this you, for example, only blame yourself, for the one you call out is YOU in disguise. And as long as you
do this you still create suffering. Because everything you denounce in the other human is still within you
and you use the other individual as a mirror, to eventually learn that this is still a facet of you.

So you project the own unaccepted aspects of yourself into the outside world, into other entities. So instead
of accusing them, realize that they in fact help you. They are, in every of such cases, a new possibility to
learn to get aware of these aspects and then be able to embrace them.

And it is crucial to approve yourself if you really want to understand who you truly are. That is, if you
don’t love yourself for who you are, you are unable to understand who you truly are. By rejecting to honor
something that is inside you, that IS you, you refuse to accept who you are. And how do you want to get
there, if you oppose it?

This is an essential reason for human incarnations. The self gets to know more about itself, it eventually
acknowledges that it is everything and everyone there is, this implies everything one might judge or decline.
And if you stop to evaluate while observing, you honor everyone and everything for being you.

For example, there are many humans who blame and curse murderers. In this case they are inept to realize
that this is a facet of them. Each of these “murderers” is in fact also the one who accuses him. The humans
who do this have/are these aspects in themselves naturally. But they deny it, they think “this is not like
me”, which is simply untrue. If one really understands who one truly is, he accepts murderers as he embraces
child abusers for them being the self the one is, only wearing another mask, going an alternative path,
choosing different experiences, learning umpteen lessons.

All of you who hate or blame others for whatever it is, have yet to realize that “whatever it is” is yourself
in disguise. And souls are not born perfect, they have to get aware of this, also they have to learn to accept
that all of this is also themselves. And because of that they incarnate, for instance, as human beings, for
this being a very effective way of achieving this self-realization and thus being able to develop further, to
continue the self’s spiritual growth.

Purple Nebula
Many of the truths we cling to depend greatly on our point of view
- Obi Wan Kenobi

In fact every individual being (who are infinite in numbers) resembles its own truth. All entities are gifted
with free will to create or experience whatever they want to. So what they believe to be real, is interpreted
as truth by them. Many share similar or same verities, depending on where they are at in their eternal
spiritual progression. Those individuals naturally interfere with each other sooner or later. If they gain
additional truths throughout their journey they transform them, and the way of generating adventures
changes due to a deeper understanding of the trueness there is.
Naturally there exist fundamental truths, like every being is infinite in its existence, or every individualized
self is still any other self, due to the direct elemental connection which is creation as such. So there are basic
truths and laws of creation, like the said gift of free will, or being source as such. Hence all individuals are
invited to use these profound verities to derive their own truth from them.

In a way there is only truth, which is unconditional love that is creation. At the same moment it implies all
other subjective verities that there are, for creation as such is also what it has given birth to in infinite
numbers. Every being also creates its own afterlife adventures. So you see it does not stop with manifesting
such a simulated reality based system which by design is an illusion that functions rather as training
ground for more responsible tasks like conceiving and orchestrating a whole galaxy.

Even if someone is relying on untruths, like being convinced that there is no life after death, it still is a
personal truth, even though it is obviously a reversal of one of the most elemental facts. But as long as this
individual believes in it, even if it is false in a more fundamental context, it is truth for the one creating the
actual subjective personal experience. Therefore the life the one manifests unfolds in this specific way,
resulting in anxiety and fear all lifelong - in such a case.

Truths can vary massively from one self to another but this is no indication for them being on the wrong
way, so to speak. It all contributes to learning and remembering the real fundamental facts that are
unaffected by personal emotions or convictions, which always are merely human mind concepts, temporary
truths, if you like. The verity always changes dynamically when a being evolves, for it recalls more of what
it truly is and thus it modifies its pathway which leads to another unique expression. In the end all of this
is to be considered truth, just for being there.
Whatever is, is truth, because it is. The only question remains if what exists facilitates inverted truths or
the real fundamental ones that are inherent in every individual truth, be it flipped over or non-inverted and
thus genuine.
Zeta Ophiuchi
If we are to have magical bodies, we must have magical minds
- Wayne Dyer

This is absolutely true because your mindset ultimately dictates your body abilities. In fact every single
thought you have has an effect on your corpus. These cogitations determine which chemicals your brain
releases into your body. If you have positive or loving thoughts your brain produces analogous chemicals. If
you on the contrary cultivate negative mental constructs the emitted output is rather detrimental.

Of course we have to talk about convictions. What you believe to be possible, is indeed or at least
potentially achievable. If you are sure something is inconceivable, it is virtually impossible for you to
experience. If an individual wants to levitate itself (which is doable - especially documented in Buddhist
and Hindu cultures or areas), it needs to remember that this is a natural gift of consciousness that can
already be substantiated on third density frequencies.

But you have been deliberately taught that something like this is impossible to hide away your true
potential. If humans realize what they truly can exert already now
governments and society would collapse overnight since every one of you is its own authority and sovereign.
Actually it is a gradual development that affects more and more humans on a daily basis and aligns them
with the manifestation of the shift in awareness that is changing your life fundamentally NOW.

Moreover your DNA is in an upgrade process, you reactivate formerly deactivated strands of it. DNA that
formerly has been discredited as “Junk DNA” is now being vitalized. Thus your body is also transforming
and offering you new possibilities and capacities. You are regaining knowledge regarding psychic skills and
more importantly about your true self. This ongoing and accelerating activation and “DNA downloading”
process paints a picture with much more opportunities and potential in comparison to now and before. By
being increasingly aware of yourself and your true attainments you begin to get in touch with it more
frequently and consciously.

Many humans still suffer from a brainwashed controlled mind, therefore they are unable to really gain back
the control over their body. Fortunately this is changing now. Soon there are going to be many teachers that
help you with utilizing all these formerly dumbed down skills like telepathy, levitation and alike. Since
your DNA strands are reintegrated this is going to be a walk in the park for many of you (especially those
who already “flirt with” or actively use these fundamental abilities) while others might need more practice
and habituation.

But this is only possible if you embrace them, if you accept that they are genuine faculties and in fact
natural features that everyone inherits. You all have the capacity to dematerialize and rematerialize.
Everyone can levitate or heal themselves. These are all components of your body-computer. You only need to
be aware of them, thus let go off hindering belief systems that once prevented you from performing and
training it (learning by doing, so to speak).
Iris & Ghost Nebula
In giving away the control, you got it, you got the kind of control you wanted

To raise the trust in yourself, trust others

- Alan Watts

As you already might have concluded there is no difference between you and anyone and anything else. So if
you now want to be in charge of yourself, you have to let go of controlling others, having faith to be
precise. Because if you are lacking reliance you are in the need of monitoring, often unknowingly that this is
even the case. If you, even if it happens unwarily, dictate others you in fact supervise yourself. You distrust
aspects of your own self since all others you might want to police are symbols and reflections or “simply
put” you in disguise.
How do you want to be in command of yourself if you are constantly controlled by “others”? And this is the
case as soon as you want to monitor something, you then only thwart yourself, instantly.

Someone who likes to gain back the checkup over himself has to let go of being in need to always watch
what others do. This motivation as such is rooted in fear, anxiety and uncertainty. You have to trust others,
this enables you to eventually be “your own boss” again, this is a gradual process. Because if you have faith
in others, you strengthen the confidence in your own self, naturally.

And it is vital to regain the reliance in yourself, this disconnects you from the dominance of your own
misguided mind that is of course everything but trustful to yourself and others. It normally identifies most
of your encounters as threat or competitor since the ego loves to compete with others to be superior. It tries
to attain confirmation of its own power and influence. So the tactics of the mind are very easy to discern if
you got aware of them in the first place.

This offers you the possibility to change the situation. You decide if you want to be sovereign or steered by
the voice in your head, which lets you police others due to subtle distrust. The latter merely weakens the
faith in your own self which in return promotes additional suffering.

That is, the more you want to relinquish the power or influence of the ego (to increase faith in others) the
more powerful you become in return. In this sense it implies that you recover the control over your own
actions and thoughts.

It is that easy! If you want to increase confidence in yourself, simply trust others. And the result inside is
pursuant, for the others being you in disguise. If you rely on your own mirrors (meaning the others) you are
trust that which projects itself into these outside reflections, which is yourself.
Homunculus Nebula
A worldly thought can never understand the world
- Nisha L.

This is absolutely correct and it is easy to understand why. Firstly, you use your mind to create thoughts. It
is an operational device which is an aspect of the human body computer and the actual third density
simulation software status in general. The mind only operates on the surface, but to understand the world
you need to decrypt the beyond. Since that is where the world truly originates from.
This is impossible to be achieved with a conditioned and thus misguided ego, which can only conceptualize
what lies beyond the simulation. It has the capacity deal with this topic, but it never can truly and fully
comprehend it as long as there are no deeper, and intuitive “thoughts” or other internal experiences. These
are disparate from ordinary mind chatter or emotions that frequently appear.
It is like you can never solve a so called problem with the same “level of mind” that created it in the first
place. So to fathom the “world” you are living in, you require a perspective to observe it from, which lies
beyond the world you want to do research on to eventually “decode” it.

Therefore it is important to rely on your own inner sources, inside of you is all knowledge and wisdom, not
only regarding this playground. Even though it is hidden very well within all of you, everyone has the same
possibilities and “admin rights” to get in touch with it. It is necessary to stop the constant stream of
thoughts to focus on the stillness. There you find all the “answers” to all conceivable “questions”.

As soon as you dive into yourself, literally (when doing such a contemplation or meditation) you switch the
said perspective. Operating from this “observatory” you have the ability to gain knowledge and/or sapience
about the world you may strive to decipher. You can rely on external information as well, but avoid
attaching to these sources too much – always stick to your own intuition.

If you interfere with seemingly external intelligence you have to be aware that you might enter a blind
alley. Not all of the “alternative” information which exceeds and outperforms the limited and co-opted
brainwashing mainstream, is in fact correct or genuine.
But if you once have discerned which sources are trustworthy, you can receive much additional data that
helps you to reenact the true nature of this soul school, which is rather a kind of super holographic
computer simulation than anything else.

You also may take a look at the so called Plato's allegory of the cave. Those down in the cavern only
perceive the shadow on the wall of beings dancing in front of a fire on a higher level of the hollow, whom
those below can’t see. Moreover there is the exit of the cave to debouch. The knowledge of those down in
the cavern is not appropriate to understand what the dancers do or “are”, let alone that which is located
outside of hole.
Orion Nebula
Every morning you have two choices:
continue to sleep with your dreams, or wake up and chase them
- Collective Evolution

If you decide to continue dreaming what you would like to do, it always will stay a dream, at least in this
incarnation. But you can also choose to realize it, to materialize it.

Be aware that your ambitions come from the heart. It is independent of external manipulation and opinions
of other humans that are still very important for so many. A vast number of humans base their conclusions
on the opinion of other individuals, ignoring their own intuition completely. So they are trapped in a
situation where they can’t decide for themselves anymore.

This is how society has been constructed. Humans have been modulated to police other humans. We can call
this a life where one is dominated or directed by the influence of authorities or other humans. This is equal
to being completely unaware of the true inner being that is infinite potential and creativity.

Your heart knows your life plan that has been wisely chosen or compiled before you were born into this
world of shapes. So if you have a wish, something that is constantly reoccurring, be it in dreams or in brief
flashes of intuitive thoughts, just flow with it and you can be assured to be fine - in regard to what you
have intended to undergo “down here” to begin with.

Of course not every soul is here to fully unfold its own potential because it is not in the situation to be able
to be that brave. Young souls often have to collect numerous experiences in human lives first. But there
eventually comes the moment where a soul has learned important lessons. This empowers the individual to
accept the challenge to incarnate with the aim of expressing its own personality and own individual
creative contribution to creation as such.

This is what humans define as “fulfilling dreams”. It resembles what your true essence is, which varies from
soul to soul since every self is a unique facet of the fundamental source that is all there is. Many like to
become healers, others prefer to be spiritual teachers to assist others in their own development and so forth.

Achieving this requires you to leave the comfort zone, to take a route that is in opposition to the way that
society wants you to go. This is defying and it holds back many selves from truly blossoming and being able
to follow this intuitive guidance that is radiating from the heart of every individual.

Thor’s Helmet
The only thing that is constant is change
- Heraclitus

He is absolutely right, when there is something that is constant then it is change. This is easy to explain
when you realize that creation is infinite and characterized by an ongoing development for all creation
fragments there are.

Every single individualized aspect of creation strives for an everlasting ascension of its own being to finally
re-merge with the fundamental source. Since there are infinite possibilities to choose your experiences from
it is a never ending spiritual growth, for there is continuous creation that emerges from this journey, so to

Therefore a stagnation of this process is impossible. What indeed is feasible is a slower progression, for
example if a soul that incarnates isn’t able to reach all the goals it has set up for itself. In an akin case the
soul decides to reincarnate under similar circumstances to be able to have commensurable tasks or quests, so
it can finally accomplish whatever it wants to achieve as an interim goal.
So in fact everyone keeps altering persistently, otherwise a spiritual evolution is unearthly. This naturally
implies that you are about to eventually leave this area, meaning you have finalized third density
embodiments as a human being in order to go on and seek for new intends and adventures on higher
densities or in any other realms that might be of interest for your soul.

This also implicates leaving the human afterlife at some point due to this ongoing development every soul
undergoes. There are uncountable other realms, situated on even higher frequency bands. Such an ascension
of your individual personal soul-being opens the door to a higher frequency for you to explore. And it is all
about said frequencies, they determine your general state of being and perception.
You might want to prepare yourself for it, because eventually you are directly concerned yourself. Be primed
to let all human experiences behind you somewhere on this lane. There is much more awaiting you,
adventures of a kind that you can’t even imagine them now. Rest assured that you are subject to change,
even though it “might take some eternities until you arrive there”.

Factually you are already there. This self-aspect of you that is already on such a specific frequency is
waiting for you to intermingle with it again. It steers you from there – see the movie Interstellar near the
end where he is in time/space, communicating with his daughter. This is analogous to your own higher
density self guiding its own lower density self (or others). In this sense all of this resembles a kind of
reverse engineering process: where you are heading to is where you already are. You anticipate a reunion
with your higher dimensional self-facets, if you like.
You have the free will to choose love instead of fear, be aware of you being the fundamental eternal and
infinite creation, there is nothing to fear but fear itself. The worst thing that can happen is you leaving
your body computer eventually again.

Necklace Nebula
Ye are many they are few
- David Icke

This is how it really is, only propaganda has made you believe that the situations you face are rather
hopeless. One might get such an impression when watching mass media constantly. But what is shown in
the oblong box is no representation whatsoever of what earth and humanity are like.

You need to understand that you are controlled by 1% of the planet’s population, at best!! In fact they
resemble even less than that! You have a couple of thousand individuals who dominate roughly 7 billion

And all police and military also belongs to those 99%! You are overwhelmingly powerful in comparison to
those you have to encounter as your hardest challenge or your own Nemesis, like David Wilcock names it,
for instance.

That is, you represent 99% of the population of Gaia and you have been swindled into believing you have
no power? Seriously? One might assume that 99% should outnumber 1% easily, even if you count militaries
and police to the 1% you are still so numerous that there is no chance to be prolific for anyone who wants
to suppress or co-opt you, if you act as one.

Therefore the now failed human control agenda targeted unity and wholeness, it divided humans especially
by the use of religions by playing the “my religion is better than yours” game. Also racism is a product of
this miscarried plan to avoid humans grouping together to create solutions.

Naturally an organized “opposition” has to be peaceful. An efficient way of bringing the system down
rapidly would be to motivate a vast amount of humans, for example a couple of millions (or even hundreds
of thousands), to meet for a kind of global peace and love meditation. You can also start to build
communities that live disconnected from the system that is still in place even though it now is falling apart

Since you are awaking now, evermore are realizing that this separation is a mirage, which makes it easier
for you to organize and come together. You let go off hate and disgust towards other humans, the division
of humanity now is moving backwards in a way! You are finding together again, ruling out differences to
concentrate on a new “society”, which is the exact opposite to what has been in place up until now.

You grasp that there is nothing to fear anymore. You are the masses, the others are almost inexistent in
comparison to you. If you all, or at least large masses, focus on the same outcome, this result manifests
quicker than most of you can imagine. Thus it is advised to concentrate on the newly emerging humanity
that is now manifesting a world of peace, love, compassion and oneness, not only within your species but
also in direct contact with other entities from different worlds and realms.
IC 1805
You only lose what you cling to
- Buddha

Therefore it is essential to cultivate detachment. Especially severance of material needs or a specific status
to seek for. Because if you identify with what you possess or what you are in the eyes of other people in
society you are predicted to suffer. None of this lasts forever, so it is something you start fearing to lose.
The human mind is unable to realize that all of what it clings to is already inside you for you being all there
is. But as long as this realization is lacking (on behalf of your dysfunctional ego) you are trying to add to
what you already are. And mostly humans accomplish this by buying more belongings, enhancing their
career or having more relationships to complete themselves, ostensibly.
This always is an illusion. Because the only thing that lasts forever is what you carry in your heart, like
love, understanding, compassion or tolerance. And all those fundamental “truths” bring you here, since you
want to learn what is most important in “life”.

The immaterial “achievements” you gain while being alive really count for your development. No amount of
money on your bank account can ever make you feel fulfilled. It is simply impossible! All that you (your ego)
think you need to be perfected is unnecessary because seeking for something only prevents you from the
realization that all of this IS you. That is, it is already amenable for you if you can tap into it.
For example many humans are anxious about losing their life. So they cling to their temporary embodiment
totally unaware of them BEING the life they fear to lose. They are fundamentally unable to lose it
anyway. Such a misperception naturally manifests anxiety and frustration which one often suffers from all

Being identified with or in desire of material matters only facilitates a distorted belief system that keeps
you ensnared in your life story chatter boxed by your ego.
Therefore one requires the insight that “life” (in this universe) is merely a simulated playground for souls to
study about themselves and creation in general. All that you may accumulate throughout life is only a
symbol of your inner state of being, something that enables you to learn lessons on a material plane.

Always remember, you can’t lose anything you already are and you ARE already everything. Remember
that and you are detached from such imprisoning thought concepts, being empowered to unfold your true
self into this world of shapes.
30 Dorados
If you think you know something, you don't know anything

Because if you ARE something, you may call it direct experience, you don't require to know anything about
it, nor do you need to talk or think about it.

In fact knowing as such implies, naturally, concepts, definitions, descriptions and alike. And these are all
based on mental conceptualization. For example, you are never able to describe the experience of one-ness,
this overwhelming feeling of warmth and connectedness. You can only point at it but you never can
accurately “tell” someone or even yourself, what it really feels like.

So knowledge itself is only a development step which is important to eventually come to the direct inner
sensation. And as soon as you experience it within, the term of knowing loses its validity.

Since everything there is, is fundamentally you in disguise you can't truly be aware of anything regarding it
if you put a name on it. So as long as you think you know something you are separated from it, thus
knowing it not. Because if you, for instance, name something, you exclude everything else there is from
potentially being it, because you put it into a box which has boundaries. But everything which is now
located outside of this box is the same as the content within it.

So in this way, if you name something you as well exclude or ignore the fact that it is YOU, thus you don't
understand what it truly is.

The ego is conditioned to work like this, it is trained to split everything in parts, it is modulated to tag and
value anything it encounters. This is the main source of human suffering, for this behavior puts you in a
situation of feeling isolated from everything else there is. This is of course an illusion since everything there
is was originated by you, experienced by you and is you at the same moment.

So if someone propagates he knows anything about something, he is yet to be further instructed to

eventually come to the conclusion or realization that the act of knowing is a mirage that keeps you from
being aware of your inner truth. It prevents you from understanding and processing who you really are. It
is a segregation from the true self you are, thus it is advised to let go of these mental distortions.

So in this way we can highlight that you never can know yourself, you can only BE yourself, so start being
who you are instead of just feigning to know it, which is impossible since for most of what there is, of what
you are, there isn't even a human word, phrase or imagination you could use to describe it.
IC 4955
The tiny seed knew that in order to grow it needed to be dropped in dirt, covered in
darkness, and struggle to reach the light
- Sandra Kring

This is a perfect analogy for the human incarnation process or the spiritual development of your higher self
in this phase of its existence. Wisdom and self-realization is achieved this way. You put yourself into the
situations of being challenged by what you create yourself to finally come to the point where you
understand who you are, what all of this is all about and why you have embodied here in the first place.

In essence the soul wants to know more about itself and therefore it participates in such simulations that
function as something that humans define as school. And like in a human school a soul starts with “first
grade” and then it climbs up the ladder of experience to gain more knowledge that can eventually be
transformed into wisdom and be expressed directly into the world of shapes.
And as we can observe many of you are throwing themselves into “dirt” literally, meaning you are choosing
suffering under the hardest conditions. What still is hard to realize for most is that really every human
being has decided, before the incarnation has been initiated, to undergo what the individual is actually
encountering now.
The soul is aware that it needs to learn these lessons and face the accompanied defiances to accelerate its
own development, which is more a reverse engineering than learning something new. Every self is all there
is, it already inherits all intelligence or wisdom there is.
But depending on what frequency you are subjectively experiencing yourself, you are prohibited from being
able to tune into it. Further Veda or wisdom is to be achieved in other realms or dimension which you yet
have to reach. At least from your human soul perspective, for a higher self-aspect of you is already there
waiting to melt with the aspect that is striving to get there.

So by being dropped into dirt a soul has the opportunity to deal with such conditions and dares to grow
spiritually and enrich its portfolio of adventures and understanding, which is what you are doing here
primarily. The interim goal of akin incarnations is to reach the light, literally, and there is a certain
darkness needed first to even be competent to reach out for it. This is why so many souls select to manifest
lives that are often dominated by “darkness”.
Speaking of light there is meant one’s own radiance of love and compassion, which shines brighter the more
experiences and learned lessons you add to your true self. And the brighter it glistens the higher is the
frequency you are emitting. They resemble higher realms or dimension for you to enter. You continue your
spiritual development there to do the same again only in another fashion or way of perceiving your
individual or galvanized (grouped souls/social memory complexes) being.

M 27 – Dumbbell Nebula
“Old” or “advanced” souls avoid to define themselves as being old or advanced even if they
truly realize they are

In fact such a definition is also a thought concept, in a way, depending on how it is used, so to speak. They
are just what they are, what everyone else is. Only they operate from another perspective and understanding
of themselves, which they have established due to their further advanced spiritual growth process. Many of
akin souls are of non-human (soul) origin, assisting humanity in the consciousness shift.

Those individuals you call old souls, or more precisely wanderers, avoid to define or highlight themselves as
said advanced souls. They are already freed from such rigid mental fabrications the mind might like to
identify with since it now obviously has been in contact with spiritual topics.

In many cases they act quietly trying to serve other selves. Most of them are here to conduce to humanity’s
shift in consciousness. And these selves never lack the deeper understanding and realization of all being
equal/one. Thus they almost never elevate themselves above any other self whatsoever.

Many humans are presently of the opinion they are "old" or "advanced". They have recently come in contact
with spirituality, remembering some fundamental insights. Now they are convinced they are "old souls",
which they are solely in the eyes of their ego, which likes such concepts because it makes it possible to
outstrip/surpass others, for these “others” are young and inexperienced souls, allegedly. All of this is an ego
construct. So it is again the illusion of being "better or more than others", which the mind always tries to
feign or trick you into believing, unless it chooses the opposite variant which is "I am less than others".

Everyone who has thoughts of being advanced and therefore more experienced or "chosen" in comparison to
others, is most likely nothing but a sophisticated self. Merely the mind of the said individual pretends to be
one to create suffering, in this case using spirituality as disguise.

That is, frequent highlighting and communicating that one is old and/or already ascended is a clear
evidence for a conceptualization of what is impossible to be conceptualized. “Old and young” being ego
hallucinations that are unable to satisfy the true nature of an eternal soul. It is all obfuscated by their
mind, and thus it serves as potential indicator for the individual being unaware of the influence of its own
ego in such a conviction.

NGC 1929
Care about what other people think and you will always be their prisoner
- Lao Tzu

This is precisely correct, because as long as you do so, you are what they want you to be instead of being
what you truly are. Because you then act and behave like they expect. If you are in such a situation you are
everything but the life you are, instead you are “lived” by seemingly external forces/beings.
In fact you are still influenced by yourself, by another aspect of yourself, but you are incarnated to be the
facet you are. You are here to express your uniqueness, but by living the life others want you to be you
separate yourself from your own genius and intuitive guidance.

How often does it happen that someone says “I can’t do that, what will my parents, or my friends think of
me?” The said individual imprisons itself into a mental lockdown, which is an illusion. You are free to do
what you want to do. If someone else has trouble with it, then let it be! Accept it but don’t ever sacrifice
your own intuition or inner drive to manifest or experience something only because whoever it might be is of
the opinion you should not.

Of course the actual society system humanity is living in is interested in promoting these mental jails. It is
built in a way that it makes it very challenging to do what you really like to do. It is riddled with dogma
and laws that dictate what you are allowed to do and what you had better avoid doing.

That is, humans are conditioned into conformity because they are confronted with potential penalization, if
choosing to do something that the norm declines. Thus they create fear and restraint, dismissing their
intuitive drive for being accepted by everyone else, for being approved by society.

They are modulated to care for the image they have in the society they live in. They are programmed to act
like everyone else, to be one of the mental clones the shadow governments want to engineer to keep
humanity in ignorance of their true power and almightiness. Because if your species discovers this, you
leave behind societal structures and hierarchies. You scrap dogma and obedience, leaving the mental prison
the manipulative forces have constructed for you.

So if you stop caring for “other people’s” opinions you are really free in regard of making your own,
individual decisions.
NGC 925
You spend too much time worrying about what other people think of you, a lion doesn't
concern himself with the opinion of a sheep

This is one of the main sources of suffering: the mind concept of what other people think of oneself. Under
this influence people are dismissing their “dreams”, because if they don't fit the norm one starts to worry
about other people's or the society's opinion. So they are imprisoning themselves mentally by tuning into the
frequency of fear. Being scared to step out of conformity because one might lose the “image” that one has
established up to now.

In fact, others being interested or involved with what you are or what you are doing only says something
about them. Instead of being concerned with the own life they are, they focus their energy on the lives
others are, which is normally an act of hiding one’s own imperfections by projecting them onto someone else.

So if someone is criticizing or blaming you for stepping out of the mundane and the “sheepness”, he is in
fact criticizing himself for not being able or not being brave enough to do the same. Because the true self of
someone wants him to break with the conformity that his mind has on the other hand been conditioned to
identify with. But the true self is drowned by the voice of thoughts created by the conditioned and
distorted ego.

So in a way many people are kind of jealous of you fulfilling your dreams, even if this means to break with
the norm everyone tries to fit into, in order to be accepted and respected. You are doing what they, deep
inside, also want to perform. But they are unable to manifest it into physicality because they are
identifying with their thoughts which are constantly telling something like “you can't do this, you know
how people will react, it will never work out, you can only fail”.

So for them being unable to unfold their potential the mind is creating patterns that are resulting in such a
behavior, in this case criticizing people who are motivated to realize their true inner potential. They can't
even be blamed for it, for them not knowing what they are doing. Always keep in mind that if you
encounter such a situation you are dealing with humans that are unaware, so just let them be, approve
them for what they are doing and move on, since none of this is of any relevance to you when it comes to
substantiating your dreams.

In fact being attached to other human’s opinion only slows down your process of fulfilling a wish. The only
person that is of real fundamental importance in the life you are is yourself. If you want to do something
just do it, no matter what whoever it might be has to comment on it. Being bound to other people's
sentiments is only creating suffering and this is what plunders you energy, which you could utilize to
manifest your dreams instead.
Merely if you are independent of other self’s views or the guidelines of society, you can consider yourself to
be “free”.
Crescent Nebula (© Jim Morrison / Emanuele Colognato)
Education is what remains after one has forgotten what one has learned in school
Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its
whole life believing that it is stupid.
- Albert Einstein

This is precisely correct, because when you look behind the curtain, you may see the schooling
system we know today for what it really is.

In reality this institution is deliberately destroying education, true knowledge and most
importantly the individual genius everyone truly is.
That is, in this school system young humans are taught to follow and obey authorities. This is a
preparation for the economic system that has set up this kind of indoctrination system for the
reason of creating brainwashed robots, who don’t think for themselves, who don’t ask questions
and who perceive themselves as being powerless.
Children and young adults forced into schools for half a day or longer are hardly able to unfold
their individual gifts and abilities.
All schools are aiming to destroy this uniqueness by putting everyone into the same box. The system
wants to generate intellectual clones.

In fact the education in schools, like the literacy that is offered by universities, functions as a
brainwash camp, targeting real knowledge and destroying uniqueness instead of teaching it and
encouraging or promoting the individual creativity.

It is a real success when young humans getting out of school are still able to see behind the veil,
still following their hearts or intuition instead of obeying to the mind that has been tried to be
conditioned in school, in a way it fits the failed agenda of the ceasing slavery system. This can be
seen now “all over the place”, which is a side effect of the consciousness shift that is happening

If you want to know more about institutional/corporate and governmental manipulation read
David Icke’s and David Wilcock’s books or see their lectures (David Icke @ Wembley 2014)
Milky Way
The Secret of change is to focus all of your energy not on fighting the old but on building the
 Sokrates

Absolutely accurate. First of all it is fundamental to understand that the energy you focus on something
manifests the said something. Normally we talk about thought energy coupled with emotional energy, for
those two combined create physical matter, be it something material or a situation. So if you focus your
energy on what you want to realize, doing this constantly, you have the possibility to be successful.

So if you want to modify something, it is obvious that you should concentrate your energy, mind patterns
and emotions on the anticipated change. Because if you align your energy with the matter you want to let
go, you hold on to it. If you, for example, want to get out of unemployment, it is essential to focus your
energy on finding a new job instead of being sad or depressed because you have none. So in this case you
should search for vacant jobs rather than relocating yourself into the position of being unemployed.

Because if you constantly say “I am unemployed” you manifest your reality over and over again on the
premise of being without a job and nothing will change. In fact everything you put behind the “I am..”-
phrase is what you are or what you become. So you maybe want to alter your strategy and focus on what
you desire to become, but in a way that it helps you to transform the situation you are stuck in.

The same is true for every imaginable case. If you, for instance, hate something, you give energy to it in
every moment you moan or rage about it. So it persists because such emotions are strengthening what you
dislike. So if you are unsatisfied with your job, you give it energy, thus it stays with you.

If you want wars to disappear you have to stop accusing or blaming wars or people who fight them.
Because saying “I don’t like war, it has to stop” you contribute, unknowingly, to these events being
persistent because of the energy you send towards it. A generation that hates war can't bring peace. So you
better start to concentrate your energy on peace and a world that is peaceful instead of raging at war and
violence, because this is what keeps all of this alive just like the fear of being involved in them. Fear and
fury is what gives life to something or someone to be fearful of or to be angry about.

- You might consider to read Eckhart Tolle's or Wayne Dyer’s books to learn more

Abell 7 (© Don Goldman)
You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something build a new
model that makes the existing model obsolete
- Buckminster Fuller

This is very important indeed in the midst of this consciousness transformation humanity and its planetary
sphere is undergoing as we speak. Even though the change happens anyway (since it is an aspect of the
programmed simulation humans are participating in when incarnating in this universe) it transpires more
quickly, if done right, meaning focusing the new emerging world instead of fighting the old.

You only strengthen this outdated system by combating the old reality, which resembles a failed control
system relying on low vibrational emotions humans emit when they are mentally in fear, anxiety, hate and
guilt. Because fighting something only lets you become what you rival with. You merely provide energy to
the persistence of this antiquated system that is now transforming.

Naturally one can understand, to a certain degree, that there is rejection against those forces that have
really imprisoned and utilized humans to kill each other, for instance. But in fact there is a realization
necessary that extrapolates this narrow banded interpretation. Many of you might want to “lynch mob” or
sentence those individuals that were in charge of the control system. If you decide to do this, you emanate
the same resonance and energy like they do. Always remember this!

Sure enough you generate emotions like rage and anger if you have such motivations, and this is their food
source, so you do what they want you to do without realizing that you conduct the opposite of what you
wanted to achieve (getting rid of the enslavement agenda). But in fact they are lost and disabled anyway,
there is no violence or hate needed for it to fade.

It is important to focus on what is unfolding and foreshadowed for humans ever since, for it all happens in
cycles. Now is the moment when the point has been reached for the next cycle of evolution to begin for the
human species, in which it joins the interstellar community of beings that humanity belongs to again as

Instead of accusing those who orchestrated the human domination, use your creative energy on what you
think the new humanity is attributed with. Imagine a species that is freed from anger, anxiety, fear and
alike. Conceive human beings that are fully aware of their own divinity and fundamental source. Envision
a humanity that is loving and compassionate, that lives in harmony with nature, the planet and each other
regardless of race. That is, there now is only one race left, and it is called “human” rather than black and
white and what have you.
By pooling on what is now manifesting you extract energy from what is still existing as remnant of the old
dark age you have almost mastered now. Because of that the old forces are dissolving naturally, as there is a
significant difference in radiant frequencies and vibrations which separates that which doesn’t resonate,
NGC 55
As we work to create light for others, we naturally light our own way
- Mary Anne Radmacher

Everything that you do to others, you do to yourself. If you help others to reach awakening, you contribute
to your own epiphany, which is a constant journey. By the way, you cannot reach a final enlightenment,
your spiritual voyage is infinite.

You of course can gain interim enlightenment, that kind of understanding and self-realization which is
needed for the actual growth process you are. It is that wisdom you attain that makes it possible for you to
acquire the next “ascension”. From there on you initiate another approach of further awakening and this
goes on and on.

To accelerate this development you have the opportunity to assist others on their way, which is the same
way you go, only perceived from another subjective perspective. But in fact you are all interconnected
throughout whole creation, so if you support others, you foster your own self.

Souls love to accommodate other souls out of love and compassion. Therefore many souls come back to
places of experience where they intrinsically don’t need to go anymore. The best example might be that
numerous human souls who already left third density incarnation cycles did return because of the
consciousness shift. Moreover many entities, whom we can call wanderers, from other spiritual realms are
present to do the same.

If you once realize who you truly are, you also apprehend who everyone else is. And thus you begin to
modify your behavior in communication or direct encountering with other selves. You face them with
evenness, acceptance, compassion and respect. This in return results in others acting the same way when
you interfere with them.

To light up your own way (to see more clearly where you are heading to) you can try to motivate others to
let their light shine brighter. Everyone IS light and you can affect it in another self just by emanating lucid
or pale yourself. Your radiance influences them at least subconsciously, and depending on how deep they are
trapped within their mind they benefit from it more or less.

It is really simple and one of the most fundamental laws of creation: You reap what you sow. How you act
ultimately dictates how others react to you, for them being you in disguise. They represent rather mirrors of
yourself that encourage you to learn your lessons or to unfold your intentions you have for this embodiment.
For instance, if you love to teach others you will naturally come across those that need this assistance. And
to kindle their light not only lights up your own but also the light of the collective which conduces to the
now unfolding shift fundamentally.

NGC 1977 (© Misti Mountain Observatory)
I awoke, only to see that the rest of the world was still asleep
- Leonardo Da Vinci

As of now many humans who already woke up are facing exactly the same situation. They quickly realize,
if they start to talk with other humans about what is really going on, that there are still numerous humans
not knowing of what truly happens behind their back. Many then might start to fear that they are alone,
but quickly, if you enter the internet, you see that those around you might be still brainwashed, but
humanity as a whole is indeed waking up.

That is, just let those who are still being in denial alone. They’ll wake up themselves, very soon. It is
pointless to debate about it with individuals that are ignorant, meaning they deprecate everything without
doing research. Therefore don’t interfere with them, if you try to convince them you only violate their free
They don’t want to know the truth, for now, they chose to stay in their little mind prison or house of cards,
which comes to fall apart sooner rather than later. It is basically not your task to bring it down, this
transpires naturally. Infringing the free will of other selves creates potential suffering for yourself. If you
lack the ability to accept and respect their free will (even though most are not using it for being still
controlled by their co-opted mind) you also come across other humans who do not embrace your own free
will either.

What you reap is what you sow, thus you better focus on those who are capable of dealing with the truth
and actual events and developments. By doing this you amplify the truth vibrations. If humans unify with
a similar mindset or motivation the power of them is multiplied. You can see this in the meditation effect
when countless experiments were done where thousands of humans came together to meditate. This reduced
the crime rate and everything alike for 72% on that day. This has been scientifically verified on various
occasions (experiments).

It is profoundly important to focus on the new emerging world by uniting with other selves who are freed
from the matrix as well to build communities or projects that endorse additional acceleration to the
awakening process. Be it meditating for peace, love and freedom or working out real practical solutions for
how to change the world for the benefit of humanity.

Since the human consciousness is being frequently updated, evermore humans are receiving more creative or
intuitive guidance. This facilitates new ideas and concepts of how to use this knowledge to prepare for the
fundamental modifications that are manifesting now. The new humanity, for instance, chooses to live more
in harmony and contact with nature, in rural communities so to speak. Also free energy is available for
everyone and you are now an active member of the intergalactic family again, which implies frequent
contact with beings from other worlds and dimensions.
Planetary Nebula PK 164 + 31.1
Raise your words, not your voice, it is rain that grows flowers, not thunder
- Rumi

This is absolutely correct and very important right NOW. As we already stated, humanity is now
manifesting and finalizing an epic and lasting consciousness shift. This happens regardless of what it looks
like on the still obfuscated surface, since it is a scripted outcome that derives from the cyclic nature of this
simulation you are partaking in. That is, the old systems and institutions are collapsing gradually and most
of them are motivated to “fight and counteract” as long as possible.

To let this shift unfold as calmly and peacefully as feasible, it is crucial for you to plainly turn your back on
the old status quo, instead of bringing it down aggressively. It dissolves naturally, you only have to realize
what is going on. Focus your energy onto the new emerging world instead of the old one which is falling
apart like a house of cards built on sand, right now.

In this sense it is indeed significant to just raise your words as opposed to yelling. Elevating your voice is
something that happens due to emotions of anger or rage, mostly. This is the low vibrational emotional
energy the old system has fed on until now. There are multidimensional beings, located on higher frequency
bands, “eating” human emotions, especially everything related to fear. So by staying calm and peaceful you
naturally deny them their food source, this accelerates the transformation even more and has led to your
“victory” and liberation.

So utilize your vocal capacity, spread this knowledge to everyone you know. It is about realization only.
Humans have to understand that they have been manipulated for uncountable thousands of years now.
They also have to comprehend who is responsible for the former imprisoning. That alone sets you free from
the now failed and disassembling control matrix. There is no hatred or violence needed for this whatsoever.

Because by antagonizing those who have enslaved you once you only contribute to their influence being
persistent a little bit longer. Therefore it is vital to avoid fear and anxiety after you have processed what
really is going on. What you now still experience (war propaganda, false flags, mandatory vaccinations, geo
engineering, TTIP, ISIS hoax, micro chipping, anticipated financial collapse) is literally as worst as it can
get. This is intended that way since it resembles the final tests for the human “traineeship souls” that are
attending a soul school which is now about to enter a new level or semester, if you like. You are infinite
consciousness, so there is no necessity to dread anything in the first place.

That is, raise your words like rain that grows flowers of peace, love, knowledge and understanding. Help
others to awake into themselves, which corroborates the acceleration of the shifts’ manifestation, now.
Shine brighter and emit this light so it reaches other lights that still might glisten rather dim. But those
lights may increase due to your support, this is now wide spreading to the human species’ benefit.

NGC 4485
Individual spiritual growth is collective spiritual growth

This can be described in many ways. Let’s start with the most fundamental fact, every individual is at the
same moment every other individual, for all are one, for all are being originated in the one fundamental
source that is creation itself. And every singular consciousness being IS on behalf of creation. So if one of
you grows, all others do so as well. Of course this is normally unacknowledged by the individual for it
simply is yet lacking this deeper understanding.

So what you are doing, every other one is doing too, so to speak, since every subjective entity is creation, so
the personal development is also the growth of creation.

So the phrase “be the change you wish for the world” is true. It has to start in the individual, but it affects,
at the same time, the collective. Therefore also those are influenced by such modifications even though they
are completely unaware of it. They might stay unconscious of it, at least until the tipping point of this shift
you are manifesting now, is reached.

Many are still missing important experiences before they are “ready” for such an evolution of consciousness.
These are souls that still need third density lessons, but earth is now transforming into a planet of fourth
density, so they will continue their spiritual growth somewhere else after this incarnation.

However, we see the truth of this quote also in the arrangement of soul groups in the so called afterlife.
When a soul “gets born” it is soon put into a so called soul group, where beings of similar characteristics are
brought together to learn from each other and also have incarnation experiences jointly. So in fact these
primary soul groups, as you can call them, develop in chorus. At least at the beginning, for their ways are
splitting “later on” and the group gets smaller since, just like in human life, there are those that are “faster”
in their growth process in comparison to others.

But they start as a “team” and this team of souls is helping each other to develop. They embody important
key roles in the incarnations of the other primary group's participants that then interfere with each other
“on earth”, thus creating all those experiences that are meant to teach you something. So for example those
selves can incarnate as best friends, or as relationship partners or as persons in the family one is born into
and much more.

Also these can be the ones that are responsible for you being murdered and vice versa in another life where
you want to switch roles to be able to fully understand how the other one has felt in this situation “before”.

As you see the soul or self is evolving, but it also implies the deployment of all other involved selves. Every
adventure for one is an experience for all, no matter if those recognize it consciously or not because it only
affects them on fundamental levels where the self doesn't realize this.

Jewel Box
If you change the way to look at things, the things you look at change
- Dr. Wayne Dyer

This is precisely correct. It is based on the simple fact that you as the observer determine what you look at.
In fact you create all of what you observe. All of it is a symbol and reflection of your inner state of being
and beliefs.

So as soon as you change your conviction, which equals a readjustment in perceiving things (or
individuals/groups), you manifest or sense the “objects” in a different way by expressing a deeper
understanding of what you now rather see through than just staring at it superficially.

Because an alteration of your world view or mindset is a flux that takes place inside of you and the within
is always, in every moment, mirrored into what you can call the outside world. Whereby both is essentially
the same. What you undergo inside is projected into the outside to reflect this experience and to be able to
recognize and gain knowledge from it.

To go even deeper into the rabbit hole, a transition of your understanding or perception in general is
automatically a modification “inside” everything else there is to be seen for you. This is originated in the
fact that you are all of it or all of them, if it is related to other selves you are interfering with.

You raise your base frequency while evolving, so the resonance also transforms. And what you send out
resonates with other energy fields of the same or similar frequency, which then attracts those vibrations
(beings or situations) into your life. So if you change the way you look at things the things you look at
change naturally because you simply magnetize or rather manifest new circumstances, events, things or

The most fundamental possibility of realization is to acknowledge the own self in every other self, be it
another organic being or anything inorganic. The latter is also expressed by consciousness and thus alive,
therefore it resembles you as well.

The way you expect something to be shapes it. To refashion anything, you just have to diversify the concept
you have of it within. The internal mirrors the outside, thus a world change needs an individual inner
alteration first. Whereby in the actual situation of humanity the joint consciousness is in fact transforming
earth. That is, the shift in awareness is unfolding even though many still have yet to be affected by it in a
conscious way.

In the end this is easily described by pointing out that many human souls are simply not ready to fully
experience and benefit from such a profound transcendence. They have and want to go on learning lessons
of third density, thus they naturally not participate actively in this consciousness quantum leap.
Cocoon Nebula
If you want to solve a problem, you create another one in return

Firstly realize, there isn’t such a thing as a problem. What you define as hitches are just situations your
mind declares as a non-existent issue. Of course most of you know these circumstances where you or others
talk about a problem here, and trouble there, an issue everywhere. Because of this attitude towards certain
events there emerge constant defiances that seemingly need to be solved for them being misperceived as
Secondly, be aware that as long there is the motivation to resolve something, there needs to be something to
be cracked as a mirror of the inner intention. So if one wants to tackle such hitches there are going to be
instances one can identify as issues in return. And these are manifested always by the individual or groups
who understand given situations as said problems.

That is, initially focusing on the concept of issues or their solutions manifests these challenges in the first
place and corroborates them because of the energy you concentrate on them. And because of that every
resolution to a hitch creates another one as side effect of this behavior.

Since your economists and politicians are always facing trouble in the world (or in their own country)
which they of course think they have to solve, they are frequently facing such situations. They are creating
them to begin with. In fact most trouble is engineered by them anyway, like staged false flag “terrorist
attacks”. The masses are getting tricked into believing it, being duped and infiltrated with fear and anxiety
which served as food for those behind all these orchestrated fabrications.

Furthermore you may understand that if you label something or someone as a "problem" you at the same
moment call an aspect of yourself an issue and this naturally attracts additional "hitches" or suffering in
Nothing needs to be mastered (in this regard), there only is a necessity for a deeper realization. Everything
is already solved, in a way, because IT IS. Being is the solution to anything. So since all simply IS (derived
from said "being") eternally, there never "truly" can exist a said problem. Unless one is incarnated inside a
learning simulator where this misperception and its eventual clarification you are striving for while
participating frequently is a fundamental aspect of the whole simulation purpose itself. This is applicable
for the human being on a third density frequency experience.

NGC 7714
In point of fact, fluoride causes more human cancer death, and it causes it faster than any
other chemical
- Dr. Dean Burke PhD

This is in a way true, but only to the degree that the mental conditioning of humanity generates fear and
anxiety because of such disclosed facts. It is accurate that fluoride is used in water and tooth paste and it is
instrumentalized on purpose. It is co-opted to harm the human body, particularly the pineal gland. Its
utilization is an aspect of the agenda of hidden elites or secret governments that try to hold humans as
prisoners, at least as long humanity allows them to, which is now over.

So in fact fluoride is ABUSED for the agenda, because you can be assured that it has never been the intent
of fluoride to harm you. Moreover it is naturally another expression of what you are, only masked as

Maybe you can already sense that there is a possibility to transform the energetic signature of fluoride in
the water, for instance, so that it is harmless for you. And this IS indeed possible! Of course, if you believe
in it being dangerous, it is hazardous, for you and everyone else who buys into this scare mongering
propaganda. By promoting anxiety or fear of fluoride being detrimental to your health there is energy
invested into such a potential outcome and only by doing this there can ever be a menace to you.

If you instead refuse to buy into this panic and dreadful information you keep those destructive
repercussions away from you, so to speak. If you understand what fluoride really is and that it is therefore
not to be blamed for what could happen, and if you furthermore bless and love it, you transform it, for

The individual, based on what he believes or disbelieves, creates physical effects. So if one is convinced
fluoride is noxious, then it actually is (or can be) harmful. If an individual truly identifies it as another
aspect of oneself, the said human is freed from unbeneficial efficiencies, especially if the person adds to this
transformation by blessing and loving the fluoride. If you are of the opinion that it is bad or evil, you at the
same moment imply that you or an aspect of you is unhealthy or vicious and thus you create an inner
conflict. Most of you are still unaware of doing it, and this promotes destructive effects of the chemical
called fluoride.

Of course it is important to disclose that governments want to poison their population. They wish the
pineal gland to be calcified, which is the main purpose of applying fluoride. Because the pineal gland is the
entry to your inner self and other dimensions and experiences. In this sense you can think of it as “star
gate” and they want to deter you from using it. But at the same moment it is also essential to not generate
anxiety and fear. Fluoride is harmless/neutral to you if you face it with the appropriate attitude and inner
realization of what it actually is.

Great Magellanic Cloud (© Roberto Ribatti)
This world is but a canvas to our imagination
- Henry David Thoreau

This is absolutely correct. It is safe to say that everything we see in this universe is the result of
consciousness imagining something or someone. Everyone we see is a visual, physical realization of a higher
frequency being that we can call the higher self, true self or whatever you like to name it.
One can only create a concept consisting of a name and a brief description or definition, but all of this fails
to really accurately describe what this spirit entity is that has outsourced itself as incarnation fragment
which now, for example, reads these lines.
Everything is a product of envisioning something. Consciousness creates just by “thinking” or conceiving
and all of you are this profound awareness that dreams itself literally. An akin embodiment sensation can
brilliantly be compared with a lucid dream.
This even fits perfectly into the infinite holographic structure of creation. When there are human beings
experiencing lucid dreams then of course a soul or self-being also does this and you are the result of it.
So this world of shapes and seemingly solid matter is a stage, a theatrical one. You are actors playing a
specific role on behalf of your self that utilizes these possibilities for learning purposes. Intention itself is
the drive for source, everything happens derived from deliberation.
Therefore it is absolutely legitimate to compare a human life or any other third density embodiment with
video games, movies or simulations. It is indeed a kind of virtual reality, an open world where you are free
to choose your destiny, at least if you are aware of it. Free will is a natural gift that is inherent in every
conscious being, thus comprised in everything and everyone there is. Only most humans have been
brainwashed and co-opted. That is, the now failed forces utilized your modulated free will to implant their
own one into it (creation of ego), so that you are as a proxy acting and deciding on their behalf. But now
you are being freed from this coercion.
Substantially it is like you are the projector of a movie and this reality is a three dimensional screen wherein
this movie is played out.

M 82
The primary source of unhappiness is never the situation, but your thoughts about it
- Eckhart Tolle

This is easy to understand if you already are aware of your thoughts being the reason for EVERYTHING
you experience. Your cogitations and emotions are creating your whole reality based on your beliefs.

So a situation is only a situation, as long as you don’t have a thought about it. The moment you start
thinking about it, or when you analyze or conclude something from the given circumstances, you put
something (or someone) that just IS into a mental concept induced by the rational, analyzing mind. The ego
only operates on the surface and naturally doesn’t understand that it creates all those events it might
receive said unhappiness from.

A situation is like it is, but your thoughts have the possibility to label it as “good” or “bad”, for instance.
The latter of course leads to suffering, which increases unhappiness. It is surely comprehensible for you that
the exact same occurrence is interpreted in different ways by various individuals. What you define as good
for you is perceived as bad by another self and vice versa. You see the same implication has multiple possible
meanings and results that are determined ONLY by the individual beliefs and ways to deal with the life
you are.

Even the term unhappiness itself, such as happiness, is just a thought concept. Since the true self you are
doesn’t need such values, it simply sees an adventure it encounters for what it is. And it is indeed
motivated to let YOU, as its soul fragment, get aware of this as well, which contributes to its development
and to your own actual incarnational one in return.

So naming or defining something as good or bad is only an act of your conditioned mind out of perception
deception and unawareness of the true nature of the own self and every other self at the same moment.
Always remember that all situations you witness are manifested by your mental constructs for very specific
reasons and also remind yourself of the fact that they always imply a purpose of learning and developing.

Therefore you create circumstances that may make you sad to realize that this is not needed whatsoever.
You learn by suffering, and it is a very powerful teacher. Most souls really seem to need to go this way.
That is, these challenges and experiences make you crave for happiness and relinquished suffering, thus
stimulating you yearn for yourself. Because your true self is love, happiness, forgiveness, compassion,
freedom and eternal light.

NGC 7023 (Misti Mountain Observatory)
Inner peace begins the moment you choose not to allow another person or event to control
your emotions
- Buddha

A very wise sentence spoken by the Buddha. Inner peace is a side effect of grasping who you truly are. As
soon as you get aware of this you are able to understand that you are the only being in the life you are that
has the power to really “control” you. At least this is the “best case” which many have yet to achieve for
most humans still being externally manipulated to do what others want them to.
Inner peace is completely independent of any kind of circumstances and external influences, like opinions or
actions of other individuals. It is not characterized by any physical or material needs like money,
belongings, cars, a house or anything like this either. It is also unaffected by other beings like a girl- or
boyfriend, for instance.

It is the result of recognizing the true nature of “reality” as being an illusion one participates in to learn
and to express one’s own uniqueness. It just IS. Inner freedom needs no reason to occur, it is a natural state
of being for everyone, but only if you are aware of this being the case.

Society and the way it is constructed tries everything to prevent humans from gaining this feeling of peace
and love inside of them. Because society keeps humans in a constant hustle and of course they want you to
generate emotions of fear, hate and isolation or any other low vibrational energy.

As long as you are dependent on stuff or material needs to “be happy”, you are separated from this inner
peace. Because this “happiness” is only a superficial ego misperception of satisfaction that doesn’t last long,
since the ego soon begins to tell you that you need more of this and more of that.

That is, inner peace does not need any indicator for being experienced. It just has to be remembered that you
already are inner freedom. Your true self is beyond all physical and material means. So if you identify with
what you truly are, you witness this indescribable feeling that lets you smile all over your face with tears
pouring merely because you are existing. There is nothing needed but that whatsoever.

You are already anything there is so essentially you don’t need to attach anything or anybody to yourself to
be capable of being in peace. There is no necessity to define yourself in reference to other “external”
coordinates to achieve it. You only have to look inside yourself to establish this connection to the higher
entity you are. With that reconstituted compound (which is always there, only constantly overlooked by
most humans) there is inner peace. In essence it is one key aspect of your true self, which is always in peace
and harmony with everything and everyone else.

M 42 - Orion
There is no such thing or state of being that people misinterpret as “non-existence” or “non-
experience”, therefore the fear of death is completely unfounded

Many humans, due to perception deception, fear what they misinterpret as death. Humans are anxious
that there is nothing to undergo any more after “dying”. Thus it can be called “non-experience”, as
opposite to life itself that is in fact experience.

So fundamentally something like "non-experience" is always still an experience and it is easy to

understand why:
As soon as you name it “non-experience” you have created a thought concept. All of them are
experiences themselves. They are like seeds for an event or situation to grow or manifest. Even if it
stays a conception it IS - for it being one of infinite various mental fabrications there are.

The moment you think about non-experience, what it can or can't be, you are in a way witnessing it,
thought or conceptual wise. As soon as you even try to imagine what “non-experience” is like or “not-
like”, you have manifested a belief about it. So if you try to put it in a drawer (which the human mind
always tries to do, at least as long as it is still steered externally which it is naturally since your so
called parents start this conditioning) you have created a box to fit something in and a box, as its
content too, is something you can experience.
So as you see it is indeed always an experience, regardless of how hard you try to be left with nothing
you can undergo.

Another point is: for there being such “non-experience”, there is needed one who can realize that there
is such. Otherwise there is no one who can define something as “non-experience”, and as soon as there is
this needed one it is again something that can be being acknowledged as “non-experience” - so it yet
again has become something and thus is an experience.

Everything IS, thus all is experience including “non-experience” for it being at least a concept or
something someone has thought about. In this moment it is created, therefore being an experience. As
long as there is the latter, which is for infinite eternity, there IS and as long there IS, so long are You.
This naturally also is applicable for those of you who are fearful of such “non-existence” or “non-
experience”, which many of you correlate with being dead.

SH 2 – 64 (© Adam Block – Mount Lemmon Sky Center)
Silence is the language of god, everything else is a bad translation
- Rumi

This is why meditation or contemplation is so popular amongst humans. For very long it was almost
exclusively practiced in eastern cultures that are gifted with philosophies like Buddhism and Hinduism, for
those are way less manipulative in comparison to all monotheistic religions. And this can be observed in the
way those humans live, it is a complete opposite of what western cultures are creating due to their
conditioned belief systems.
However, if you are able to silence your thoughts, the inner voice in the head, you have the possibility to
hear “god”, to listen to your true self. Because in the stillness within every one of you there is the wisdom
preserved, the unconditional love, and the compassion you are. In fact there is much more inside of you
which can be excavated from this deep calmness you are able to tune into.

Especially western cultures have tried to keep this hidden from their population, so that they can impose
religions to separate humans even more from this inner divine source of all life there is.

The voice in your head, even if it reflects such deeper spiritual topics, is unable to really grasp them. As soon
as the ego names or defines something, it has failed to even get close to what lies beyond such concepts.
Therefore every word you use, every thought you make is fundamentally a bad translation.

This does not summon you to stop thinking spiritually, the opposite is actually the case. By reflecting divine
subjects constantly you harmonize your mind, you train it to process something more important and
valuable. As you already know your cogitations create your reality. One might suspect that spiritual
thoughts may more likely manifest a reality that is based on spirituality, even though it still stays the
illusion it is. By doing this you accelerate your own ascension.
Words are a tool of segregation. If you attribute something with a name you put it into a box. And
remaining inside it equals being separated from that which is located “outside” of the box. So labelling
something excludes it from being anything else, which is in fact is. Using words as a language has therefore
been a very tough challenge for souls who come here to learn and progress.

The very use of a spoken lingo is limiting in a way because it prevents you from experiencing oneness with
what you name or define. Obviously it has a different “name” than you have. And thus you devise a
convincement that it is something else from what you are, which of course is only a mirage you have to
overcome to truly comprehend who you (or “god”) truly are.
DEM L299
Miserable people focus on what they hate in their life, happy people focus on what they love
in their life
- Collective Evolution

And this focus is what ultimately shapes the life of the named ones. Because the energy flows
where the attention goes and energy is responsible for every manifestation there is, be it physical or
psychological. So of course if someone always concentrates on the seemingly bad things in life, this
is all the one can manifest or experience. If someone hates something about her/his life she or he
recreates this disliked aspect over and over again, it stays steady.

What you fight, you become, is also a fitting quote. If someone fights facets of herself or himself,
these issues are constantly fed with energy and thus the person literally becomes those aspects, in a
way. She or he is obsessed with what she or he despises, so naturally these obsessions keep it,
whatever it might be, alive.

What you believe you are, you are in fact. So if there is one who is of the opinion of being ugly he
always will have emotions that verify it. The said one never can be satisfied with his own visual
expression for instance. But this all is only a mind game so to speak, where the thoughts have
gained control over the incarnated self-fragment, which is neutral as such. But when the thoughts
distort the whole body-mind-soul complex, the “soul” is overlooked and overheard.

On the contrary we have those that focus on what they love or like in their life, or what they are
thankful for. And this creates energy resonating with similar vibrations, thus they attract
experiences, events and people that reflect their state of being.

Energy attracts energetic patterns of similar vibration or frequency and when someone emits love
she or he of course reaches out for similar oscillations. And this is then directed into the individual
reality based system.

So in such a case she or he meets humans that are friendly and contribute to the love vibration the
one has send out beforehand. There is always harmony and peace in such a life and this is possible
to be experienced by everyone, at least theoretically.

Everyone magnetizes situations, events or entities based on the same mechanism or approach. This
is a fundamental law of creation that everyone utilizes for creating his world, no matter if one
believes it or not.

That is, in fact everyone can change her or his mind and start to readjust the resonance the
individual is casting forth. And what you emit is what comes back to you. So if you send out
thoughts or emotions of sadness, fear or depression, only events, situations or humans that conduce
to or reflect these frequencies are drawn into the life experience you are. The same goes for the
opposite kind of cogitations and emotions, which we can call “positive”.

Trifid Nebula
No amount of guilt can change the past and no amount of worrying can change the future
- Umar Ibn Al-Khataab

One can never point this out often enough for it being one of the main sources of human suffering. There is
no past and no future. Both are only present in your thoughts and moreover, ironically, you are thinking
about both always in the present moment, in the now.

So whatever you feel guilty for that happened in the past, it is liability that has been created by the human
mind preferring to live in the yesterdays or the future rather than being in the now. So you suffer because of
thought concepts.

Furthermore you should be aware that whatever you have done to a person, both of you have agreed for
this to happen before incarnating. Both of you have gained important experiences out of such situations,
both of you might specifically have anticipated something, whatever it has been, to happen.

Only your distorted and co-opted ego tells you that you have hurt someone and that you have done
something wrong, which has to be inverted completely since the opposite is the case. Everything that occurs
happens for a reason, and if you hurt somebody you can be assured this person required this experience for
his life just as you needed it for your own development. Such situations creating mental frustration are
always moments of possibility. A potential to learn from such events to get aware of why it really happened
and what it can offer you for upcoming experiences you are about to manifest.

When we look at the concept of future we deal with the same. The future is not now, so it is only an
illusion that you fabricate in your thoughts. So you produce suffering again, for you project your energy in
the direction of something that is not existent, thus you can't change anything.
You can't rearrange something that doesn't exist.

You can only ever modify anything NOW. Now is the only “time” where you may take action, where you
can make a decision that affects and prepares the next potential life lesson. Only now you can, for example,
decide to leave your boyfriend, you are unable to do this by thinking “in a couple of weeks I will see if I
leave him”. Many of you are acting in a similar way because you fear the consequences or the change itself,
since you, or more precisely your misguided mind, are/is used to it, you are literally identified with such an
unpleasant situation.
The ego has created its identity out of this. It says “you can't leave him or you will be alone again” to keep
you from taking action to modify the situation, for it aligns with the suffering. It pretends to be you,
making it hard for you to realize it and be empowered to change something and being delivered from
misguided beliefs and concepts.
Rosetta Nebula (© Dennis Roscoe, Astronomical League)
You don’t attract what you want, you attract what you are
- Wayne Dyer

Probably you already heard about the law of attraction. This law is one of the most important ones
regarding the creation of a reality like you perceive it now.

It implies that the attention and the intention energy you focus on something is directed to it, so it can
manifest gradually. Because what you see, experience and observe emerges due to energy imprinted with
information you invest into it. Depending on what it is, it is an incremental process. It takes “time”
compared to spiritual realms where you create instantaneously just by imagination. To be able to master
these co-creating abilities you attend this learning platform to figure out how to create responsibly,
knowing what you are doing, so to speak.
This universe, which serves like a kind of school offers you this possibility. If you eventually are in the
“position” to give birth to whole planets, galaxies or even universes (if you choose this direction) you need to
be trained and skilled in envisioning something of such an essential and long lasting nature. The process you
have to go through beforehand teaches you to be endowed with all you need to apply your creative power in
a way that it serves other selves.

So in fact your intention and belief attracts, but what you magnetize is only an expression or symbol of
your inner self. What you come across is a reflection of your individual personality. If you, for instance,
love to offer service to other beings, you might incarnate as a healer and your life unfolds in a way that
makes it possible for you to express this intent. But you don’t simply walk this path because you want to,
you move into this direction because YOU ARE it. Everything you manifest is what you are, for there is
nothing and no one but you in the first place.

In this sense, what you desire is only another way to describe what you are. It is merely your own view or
perspective on it which determines the definitions or concepts you instrumentalize to depict the reality
experience you are.

If you are frustrated within, you are liable to undergo events or circumstances that result in suffering. For
example, you participate in a war against other races, but you don’t do this because you wished for it.
Rather you ended there because you are disrupted and enraged inside, mostly due to external conditioning
and mass mind control.
YOU don’t want to hurt other humans but if you are in a state of mind that tricks you into believing you
are your thoughts and emotions, then YOU MANIFEST something similar like the instance mentioned
above. Of course this is a pretty exaggerated example, but the scheme behind it is universal and “spot on”.

Abell 35 (© Astrodon Imaging)
You can't start the next chapter of your life, if you keep re-reading the last one

- Collective Evolution

This is true, for to start a new chapter in your life, there is normally the need of a significant change in your
life. This might be accompanied by reaching out into the unknown, which is the point where most humans
still decide to dismiss such a fundamental readjustment.

This has to do with the “last chapter”. In this case we can translate this into experiences someone has
collected so far. These accumulations have led to what an individual is now encountering, like the place of
work, friendships, relationships and alike. So the individual is now making decisions that are based on
“past” experiences, on what has been learned before. But by doing this you of course only can create
outcomes similar to those you are already facing now.

In fact the whole concept of the past is only an illusion since everything always takes place now. Only in
the present moment you can undergo anything. So humans are deciding to skip an opportunity for a
modification because they don't know what might happen. Due to fear having infiltrated the human mind
many of you are bound to events that are already known to you. You ego makes a decision rest upon
analyzing a present situation through the eyes of an illusion, called past.

The whole process of decision is driven by illusions the human mind has created. Of course by acting like
this a new chapter of the life you are can't be initiated. The human mind tries everything to avoid this for it
is dependent on the said illusory concepts of past (for feeling guilty and depressed) and the future (for
feeling anxiety and worry). These emotions are what the ego needs (due to its conditioning) for its

As we already said, this is a program that has been intentionally implanted into the human surface-
operating-device, called mind. This installation guarantees emotional energy fields of worry, anxiety and
alike, so basically low vibrational fear-energy. And those who have done this manipulation are living on
those emotions. These are beings located outside of the third dimension that humans are decoding, and their
sustenance is energetic in nature. These entities are creating fear and anxiety in the human energy field,
targeting the individual and collective, to preserve their food source.

So the fear of the unknown, the trepidation of jumping over one’s own shadow, of crossing borders you
have built for yourself (by accepting illusory restrictions created by others on behalf of the control system)
holds you back from starting a new chapter. Because beginning a new chapter of great transformations
equals a kind of awakening. It resembles a letting go of fear, gaining back your freedom, being independent
of the control matrix, being the life you are, continuing your spiritual growth actively by evolving through

Crab Nebula (© Bill Snyder Astrophotography)
The only reason for being able to experience inner freedom is that there is no reason for it

This is highly profound and absolutely accurate. You can only experience inner freedom when there is no
reason or expectation necessary for this feeling to be present. Because motives for or against something
always represent an attachment. When there is said adherence suffering is inevitable. Inner freedom and
suffering are two completely diverse vibrational frequencies or energetic signatures. Therefore you can only
witness one at a time.
If a human still needs certain indicators to be happy” you can be assured that this is still an ego concept
which distracts and blinds you. The ego makes you believe that you require something specific to be pleased.
This of course is only a temporary state of being since the ego soon enough starts to come up with new
claims, which you have to obey. Otherwise misery is predictable again.
Every one of you is unconditional love, this implies a total relinquishment of expectations and requirements
to be able to love and embrace another self. This is comparable to the internal freedom we refer to. All of
you are exactly that, but you have been manipulated to forget about the fundamental features to be white-
washed with preconceived, detrimental mindsets. Inner freedom is only genuine if it is not bound to any
aspirations. Only the ego tends to use those to be able to profile and enhance itself.
That is, as long as you pretend to be joyful only due to undergoing firm experiences or acquiring whatever it
might be, one can subsume that this is nothing more than a mentally induced hallucination. In this context
your co-opted mind tries to cheat on you and he loves to do this, because he knows the outcome of it. This
refers to a manifestation of frustration sooner or later since you fail to lastingly please the expectations of
the ego. Thereby it is irrelevant if these are connected to another self or material desires.

The fulfilling and enriching element of this inner freedom (which normally can be found visually expressed
in a very wide smile on the face and a stream of blissful tears) is that you simultaneously have established a
constant and direct connection to your higher self, while being in this state. This self just observes, it never
demands anything, therefore you are in resonance with your true self, which is said unconditional love. You
only have been programmed to obliviate it, but now is the “time” where you are empowered to remember it
Almost all of you surely know these brief intuitive moments where you start to smile and feel happiness
without even having any idea why. This is what we define as a short foretaste to this internal freedom that
resides deep inside your heart. But you did not realize the importance of this sensation and discarded it soon
thereafter, because the next storm of – mostly “problematic” – thoughts was already on its way.
Inner freedom emanates directly from the heart, which is like a gateway to your higher self. It never can
originate from the human mind since the ego always requires a reason or a catalyst to be excited or joyful.
Thus it is never true inner freedom or genuine delight when specific triggers (persons, things, situations) are
presupposed to create such a “feeling” in the first place.
Eta Carina (© Ryan Hannahoe, Robert Gendler)
If you are depressed, you live in the past, if you are anxious, you live in the future, but if
you are at peace, you are living in the present
- Lao Tzu

It is known that many humans today are depressed because of events that have happened in what they
describe as “past”. They, for example, are still feeling guilty for what they said or did years ago. They can’t
let go these feelings, thoughts and reproaches.

In fact it is their mind that can’t let go of these mental concepts it has created out of what once transpired.
Since there is always only the present moment, all of these cogitations and regrets are an illusion. It is
rather something the ego can identify with, but this has nothing to do with who you truly are.

The same is applicable for the so called future. When humans think about what they understand as future
it very often is accompanied by anxious feelings. They worry about their finances and losing their jobs. They
anticipate their relationships to fail, or they are scared about getting older or ultimately dying.

But nothing of what they assume “might happen” is taking place NOW. It is just a mental projection out
of the present into an illusory nonexistent mind-concept. In fact, by worrying about such scenarios they
manifest them eventually, at least if they are trapped in these anxieties. The aforementioned is an emotion
and these generate thoughts in the first place.

So as long as you are ensnared in your life story that consists of what has occurred in the seemingly past
and a mental projection humans call future, you are literally doomed to experience suffering. Because in this
eternal moment, you are suffering from emotions based on events that simply have no relevance for your
actual present now.

Your mind tricks you into believing they are pertinent for you, because it wants you to fancy “this is what
you are” but this is - naturally - a misperception as well. It is the way of the ego to make sure the so called
life story it identifies with continues. And this life story, mostly, is written by suffering out of false self-

That is, real peace, inner freedom, if you like, is only possible and achievable when one completely lives in
the present. Only in the now you can find your true inner self anyway and only by realizing who or what
you truly are you transform in such a way that you finally are able to let go all anxieties and fear based
concepts. You are now empowered to understand that all of this is only an illusion created by the formerly
blinded human mind.
VdB 33
Happiness isn’t about getting what you want all the time, it’s about loving what you have
and being grateful for it
- Collective Evolution

Absolutely striking. True inner happiness is in fact all about being grateful for what you already possess.
Simply being alive and being empowered to express yourself in this simulation to unfold you true self in a
world of shapes should be appropriate for humans to be “happy”. Especially if they are aware of their
infinity already.

The “funny” thing is that humans are about to manifest more of what they love if they let go of the
misperception of wanting to accumulate more “all the time”. It is advised to be thankful instead for what
you have NOW. Because if you are grateful for what you already hold you create a situation where your
resonance attracts more – the universe (you are) verifies this gratefulness inside of you that way.

What is within is also without, for both being the same, only mirrored in appearance. Being obliged for
what you occupy gradually gives you more. This does not automatically imply additional physical
belongings but especially further inner freedom and happiness. In essence this is what true wealth really is.

Prosperity is not measured by fictional numbers on a bank account. It is in fact simply a number someone
typed into a computer, it resembles “money” that plainly doesn’t exist thus it is considered to be an illusion.
True wealth is quantified by love, compassion, wisdom and inner freedom.

Receiving or buying evermore material belongings destroys happiness since the individual equals happiness
with goodies, the human mind therefore constantly asks for more. You enslave yourself for the illusory
concept of money to be able to acquire more things, and you start to get anxious about losing them
eventually. That is, the ego tricks you into a false belief that only manifests suffering which it then
(additionally to the materialistic possessions) can identify with.

In most cases the mind defines itself based on what it can identify with and this can be everything. It is
individual, but it is always the same scheme the mind operates with, based on co-opted convictions that
have been implanted into it. Thus the ego is convinced that it needs something new to “finally be
abundant”, which never can be achieved this way. Because of that the ego has created a lifelong drama that
coerces many of you to indulge in this mirage it can receive its endorsement from.

Naturally this is a chance for a shift and realization in every instance. But the human mind can be so
strong and dominant that the individual is unable to recognize these events or situations as possibilities to
transform and contribute to its own spiritual development, which the human being is here for to begin
Cederblad 90
The human life is like a lucid dream for the soul

Just like you can experience lucid dreams while being asleep, your soul, which is fundamentally embedded in
the holographic nature of creation, also has such lucid dreams, when it is “sleeping”. When a soul is
dreaming you and everyone else being present in this reality system are the result.

When you are dreaming you are also switching your reality based system. At night the consciousness leaves
the body and enters what we can compare to astral planes. So while experiencing a dream you almost
perceive yourself in a state of awareness which is similar to your natural condition. When being outside of
a third density body that limits your possibilities, you are literally operating on a higher consciousness

In fact your whole life is comparable to such a situation where you are fully aware of yourself being
dreaming, or alive in your specific case.
Regarding the human life most of you are unaware of living in a dream-like-state and thus you are taking
the life you are way to serious, which normally manifests suffering. The truth is that there is nothing to be
afraid of, ever, since the worst thing that can happen to you, so to speak, is you waking up again from an
intensive night, where this awakening equals the death of the human body.

So when you die, your soul just wakes up after a dream you conceive as human life. So there is in fact
nothing to worry about because all of what you are facing throughout the life you are is only a vision of
your true self. It is a dream which is lucid in nature since you can make conscious decisions, using your free

While falling asleep “into human life” your self still is operational in what we can call the beyond, it still is
able to participate in the activities taking place there. It is further on capable of perceiving what souls
normally do or experience when they are being the life between (human or other) lives. That is, your self is
only, more or less, “outsourced” into the incarnation but never to a full degree.

The human brain would melt due to an over-voltage if the self projected 100% of its consciousness, which
in this case is a kind of electromagnetic energy field, into and around the human brain. Therefore souls
normally choose to project percental aspects of themselves into the body computer, for example an amount
of like 20% - 40%. Therewhy a soul can have multiple embodiments or dreams, if you like, simultaneously,
which in fact is applicable for all incarnations. Moreover everything happens in the present moment, so
every one of them is existent now even though this is hard to realize for a human, time based, mind.
Star Burst Galaxy
Those who don’t believe in magic will never find it
- Roald Dahl

… least in their actual incarnation. This is based on one simple fact. What you don’t believe to be true
is not experiential for you. Because you only can witness what you believe in. If you don’t reckon that
levitation is possible, it simply is impossible for you to perform. Such a belief can go so far that, if you are in
a room with someone who can levitate, it may not work even for him.
If it would work, this could completely destroy the world view of the said skeptical human, and this is
considered to be a violation of free will. Therefore it may not work, unless the one who can levitate is really
powerful in his psychic abilities, but at the same moment such an individual would always accept the free
will of the other self. And even more out of resonance reasons they normally would never meet in the first

The human who doubts it can be true has, as everyone, his own specific resonance frequency he sends out in
every moment. This vibration, for sure, doesn’t match the oscillation of someone who can indeed control
gravity. Thus they hardly ever meet in person. It is possible of course, but at least unlikely.

So if you don’t believe in magic, you never can encounter something that is considered to be magic. As a side
note: magic is only another more advanced expression of physics. That is, in fact everything can be described
scientifically, which meanwhile has already been done with the help of quantum mechanics. Merely this
knowledge has yet to be communicated into the public.

However, since you create your own reality based on your expectations you can only experience what you
think is real or can be real. Therefore people who observe the same situation may have completely different
views and interpretations on/of it.

But in fact such a “setup” of having believers and non-believers is important for both possibilities to exist.
It is like there can’t be light without there being darkness, for light can only understand itself as light if it
knows the contrast, which is darkness. So in the same way, for there being people who can levitate, there
have to be people who can’t. If you are capable of doing it is only determined by your own world view.
Naturally EVERYONE has the ability to levitate, if one realizes he really is empowered to do it. In fact
everyone has the same skills, this encompasses telekinesis, telepathy, remote viewing and alike.

Abell 1689
If someone shows you his true colors don't try to repaint him

This quote points out the importance of accepting and respecting other selves for what they are and what
they have chosen to be like. Every being has gifted itself, in the form of fundamental creation, with the
choice of free will. And every entity is free (unless it is modulated to think it is not) to do what it wants to
do. Every soul is allowed to come here and express itself in a unique way following an individual script
that offers the possibility of spiritual development.

And only if you manage to respect and appreciate others as they are, you have successfully managed to
embrace yourself for what you are, since your behavior is always a mirror of your inside being.

Another important fact is that you reap what you sow. So if you are unable to accept other selves for what
they are, say or do, you can be assured that there will always be other individuals that are unable to
appreciate you for being like you are or for what you say or perform.

This is again only an outside projection of your inner state of being, which is there to help you to realize
exactly that. It is a reflection by yourself to remind you of the importance of such a lesson, but mostly
humans are incapacitated to recognize it for what it is and they continue to act in the same way as before,
missing those transformational possibilities.

So a situation you might encounter, where you meet someone you don't agree with, is a manifestation to
approve other opinions or personalities in general. Always remember that you create all of this yourself in
order to gain knowledge from it. In such instances it is always about learning to respect the others for being

It is at the same moment about learning to tolerate and not to violate the free will of other selves. Creation
has gifted itself, its co-creators, its individualized fragments with the said free will. So creation, you,
has/have endowed itself, yourself, with free will and one of the most important lessons to learn is to avoid
interference with the free will of every self there is.
Only by doing this you are capable of fully unfolding the potential of your own free will. As long as you try
to “repaint” other selves/colors/free wills, you have those beings that are trying to repaint yours. This
results in frequent challenges that restrain you from experiencing your full potential.

And moreover you only demonstrate to yourself that you yet have to acknowledge the other self as being
your own, which is always the case. Be aware that every other entity is only another, seemingly different
expression of your own being. Only by accepting others’ free will you are embracing your own in the first
Omega Centauri
There is only unconditional love, everything else is an illusion

This is the most fundamental truth! It is what everyone of you is, thus it naturally resembles what you are!
It equals the I AM everyone and also everything is, be it individual or collective. Unconditional love is the
reason for everything that is, it underlies everything that exists, which is infinite in numbers, all
possibilities and potentials.
That is, in “truality”, which describes a state of consciousness (like afterlife/beyond realms) being more real
than the illusory reality and hyper-reality (human life, astral planes), there is nothing like:

*death and non-experience

*fear and anxiety
*separation and division
*war and terrorism
*violence and brutality
*murder and genocide
*hate and disgust
*racism and nationalities
*suffering and pain
*illness and disability
*abusement and rape
*religions and other manipulative texts
*devil(s) and demons
*obedience and dictatorship
*authorities, politics and (shadow) governments
*manipulation and external conditioning
*enslavement and imprisoning
*distrust and doubtfulness
*mental concepts and definitions
*egotism and selfishness
*poverty and monetary wealth
*lies and inversions
*propaganda and staged hoaxes
*exploitation and utilization
*”positive” and ”negative”
*”good” and “bad or evil”

These are only ILLUSIONS, concepts and aspects of a duality based consciousness simulation that
empowers you to get to know something about your truest self, which is the fundamental creation,
unconditional love, all there is. And all of the listed above, for instance, is essentially a substantial aspect
of all there is as well.
That is, if you aim to learn something about your true self (all there is), one might assume that YOU
WANT to undergo also those facets of your true self! This is why you have created such simulations and
programs for yourself. You are motivated to reverse engineer and experience yourself in all possible ways in
order to regain and remember profound wisdom by mastering such virtual realities.
NGC 7822
Give me control of a nation's money and I care not who makes its laws

- Mayer Amschel Rothschild

I care not what puppet is placed on the throne of England to rule the Empire... The man
that controls Britain's money supply controls the British Empire. And I control the British
money supply

- Nathan Mayer Rothschild

Who controls the issuance of money controls the government

- Nathan Mayer Rothschild

If my sons did not want war, there would be none

- Gutle Schnapper Rothschild

Money is the god of our time, and Rothschild is his prophet

- Heinrich Heine

Lagoon Field
James Rothschild built the mansion, called “Ferrilres”,
19 miles north-east of Paris. German emperor Wilhelm I, on first seeing it, said:

Kings couldn't afford this. It could only belong to a Rothschild!"

The few who could understand the system (cheque, money, credits) will either be so interested in its
profits, or so dependent on its favors, that there will be no opposition from that class, while on the
other hand, the great body of people, mentally incapable of comprehending the tremendous
advantage that capital derives from the system, will bear its burdens without complaint, and
perhaps without even suspecting that the system is inimical to their interests

- Nathan Mayer Rothschil

The Rothschild’s can start or prevent wars. Their word could make or break empires

- Chicago Evening American

For the first time in its history, Western Civilization is in danger of being destroyed internally by a
corrupt, criminal ruling cabal which is centered around the Rockefeller interests, which include
elements from the Morgan, Brown, Rothschild, Du Pont, Harriman, Kuhn-Loeb, and other
groupings as well. This junta took control of the political, financial, and cultural life of America in
the first two decades of the twentieth century

- Carrol Quigley

We shall have World Government, whether or not we like it. The only question is whether World
Government will be achieved by conquest or consent

- James Paul Warbur

Sombrero Galaxy
Today, America would be outraged if U.N. troops entered Los Angeles to restore order. Tomorrow
they will be grateful! This is especially true if they were told that there were an outside threat from
beyond, whether real or promulgated, that threatened our very existence. It is then that all peoples
of the world will plead to deliver them from this evil. The one thing every man fears is the
unknown. When presented with this scenario, individual rights will be willingly relinquished for
the guarantee of their well-being granted to them by the World Government

- Henry Kissinger, Bilderberger

Conference in Evians, France,

Military men are dumb, stupid animals to be used as pawns for foreign policy

- Henry Kissinger, Council on

foreign relations journal

It’s not a matter of what is true that counts but a matter of what is perceived to be true

- Henry Kissinger

Control oil and you control nations, control food and you control the people

- Henry Kissinger

There cannot be a crisis next week, my schedule is already full

- Henry Kissinger

Depopulation should be the highest priority of foreign policy towards the third world

- Henry Kissinger

Orion Trapezium
We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis and the nations
will accept the New World Order

- David Rockefeller, US
Business council, 1994

We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time Magazine and other great
publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion
for almost 40 years......It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we
had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is more
sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supernational sovereignty of
an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national autodetermination
practiced in past centuries

- David Rockefeller

For more than a century ideological extremists at either end of the political spectrum have seized
upon well-publicized incidents such as my encounter with Castro to attack the Rockefeller family
for the inordinate influence they claim we wield over American political and economic institutions.
Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United
States, characterizing my family and me as 'internationalists' and of conspiring with others around
the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure - one world, if you
will. If that's the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.

- David Rockefeller, from his

own book, Memoirs

I don’t want a nation of thinkers, I want a nation of workers

- John D. Rockefeller

Spider Nebula
The governments of the present day have to deal not merely with other governments, with emperors, kings
and ministers, but also with the secret societies which have everywhere their unscrupulous agents, and can
at the last moment upset all the governments' plans

- Benjamin Disraeli, 1876

Since I entered politics, I have chiefly had men's views confided to me privately. Some of the biggest men in
the United States, in the Field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of something. They know that
there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive,
that they better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it

- Woodrow Wilson, 1913

The real menace of our republic is this invisible government which like a giant octopus sprawls its slimy
length over city, state and nation. Like the octopus of real life, it operates under cover of a self created
screen....At the head of this octopus are the Rockefeller Standard Oil interests and a small group of
powerful banking houses generally referred to as international bankers. The little coterie of powerful
international bankers virtually run the United States government for their own selfish purposes. They
practically control both political parties

- John F. Hylan,
NYC Major, 1922

Today the path of total dictatorship in the United States can be laid by strictly legal means, unseen and
unheard by the Congress, the President, or the people. Outwardly we have a Constitutional government.
We have operating within our government and political system, another body representing another form of
government - a bureaucratic elite.

- William Jenner,
Senator, 1954

To achieve world government, it is necessary to remove from the minds of men their individualism, loyalty
to family traditions, national patriotism, and religious dogmas

- Brock Adams, Director

UN Health Organization

N 214C
The world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not
behind the scenes

- Benjamin Disraeli

There exists a shadowy government with its own Air Force, its own Navy, its own fundraising
mechanism, and the ability to pursue its own ideas of national interest, free from all checks and
balances, and free from the law itself

- Daniel Ken Inouye, US

Senator, during Iran Contra

The drive of the Rockefellers and their allies is to create a one-world government, combining super-
capitalism and Communism under the same tent, all under their control ... Do I mean conspiracy?
Yes I do. I am convinced there is such a plot, international in scope, generations old in planning,
and incredibly evil in intent

- Lawrence McDonald, 1976,

US politician

A total population of 250-300 Million people, a 95% decline from present levels, would be ideal

- Ted Turner, founder of CNN

In the event that I am reincarnated, I would like to return as a deadly virus, to contribute
something to solving overpopulation

- Prince Philip
M 42 - Orion
He must indeed have a blind soul who cannot see that some great purpose and design is being
worked out here below of which we have the honor to be the faithful servants

- Winston Churchill, to the US

Congress, 1941

There is no such thing, at this date of the world's history, in

America as an independent press. You know it and I know it.

There is not one of you who dares to write your honest opinions,
and if you did, you know beforehand that it would never appear in
print. I am paid weekly for keeping my honest opinions out of the
paper I am connected with. Others of you are paid similar salaries
for similar things, and any of you who would be so foolish as to
write honest opinions would be out on the streets looking for another
job. If I allowed my honest opinions to appear in one issue of my
paper, before twenty-four hours my occupation would be gone.

The business of the journalists is to destroy the truth;

to lie outright;
to pervert;
to vilify;
to fawn at the feet of mammon, and
to sell his country and his race for his daily bread.

You know it and I know it and what folly is this toasting an

independent press? We are the tools and vassals of rich men behind
the scenes. We are jumping jacks, they pull the strings and we
dance. Our talents, our possibilities and our lives are all the
property of other men. We are intellectual prostitutes

- John Swinton, Former Head

of Editorial Staff for the
New York Times

To sustain the power the world population is about to be minimized. This is achieved by
manufactured illnesses. Therefore bio weapons are declared as epidemics, but also targeted wars
and famines are used for this purpose. The reason is said to be that most of humanity is not able to
finance their own sustenance anymore.

- Carl Friedrich von


MWC 147
The real rulers in Washington are invisible, and exercise power from behind the scenes

- Felix Frankfurter, Supreme

Court Justice, 1952

A world government can intervene militarily in the internal affairs of any nation when it
disapproves of their activities

- Kofi Annan, UN Secretary


Fifty men have run America, and that’s a high figure

- Joseph Kennedy, New York

Times, 26.07.1936

It bends governments to its will sometimes by promises, sometimes by

threats. It has found its way into every class of Society, and forms an
invisible and irresponsible power, an independent government, as it were,
within the body corporate of the lawful state

- Pope Leo XIII, 1902

Three hundred men, all of-whom know one another, direct the economic
destiny of Europe and choose their successors from among themselves

- Walter Rathenau, head of

German General Electric,
Antenna Galaxies
In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence,
whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous
rise of misplaced power exists and will persist. We must never let the weight of this combination
endanger our liberties or democratic processes. We should take nothing for granted. Only an alert
and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial and military
machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and goals, so that security and liberty may prosper

- Dwight D. Eisenhower,

It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and money system, for if
they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning
- Henry Ford

The bank hath benefit of interest on all moneys which it creates out of nothing

- William Paterson, founder of

Bank of England

When a government is dependent upon bankers for money, they and not the leaders of the
government control the situation, since the hand that gives is above the hand that takes. Money
has no motherland; financiers are without patriotism and without decency; their sole object is gain

- Napoleon Bonaparte

If the American people really knew what we had done, we would be chased down the street and

- George H. W. Bush, 1992

NGC 4881
There’s a plot in this country to enslave every man, woman and child. Before I leave tis high and
noble office, I intend to expose this plot

- J. F. Kennedy a few days

before his assassination

For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies on covert
means for expanding its sphere of influence – on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion
instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerillas by night instead of armies
by day. It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of
a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic,
scientific and political operations

- J. F. Kennedy, Waldorf-
Astoria Hotel, 27.04.1961

The world can therefore seize the opportunity (Persian Gulf crisis) to fulfill the long-held promise
of a New World Order where diverse nations are drawn together in common cause to achieve the
universal aspirations of mankind

- George H. W. Bush

The real truth of the matter is, as you and I know, that a financial element in the larger centers has
owned the Government ever since the days of Andrew Jackson

- Franklin D. Roosevelt,

We are not going to achieve a new world order without paying for it in blood as well as in words
and money
- Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr.

Gum 29
If the New World Order agenda is not realized by the terrorist attacks on America and if
Americans don’t agree to give up their weapons and relinquish their sovereignty to the New World
Order, the next attack will be the use of chemical, biological and/or atomic warfare against the
American people. The architects of the New World Order will not hesitate to use as a last resort an
atomic or hydrogen bomb in a major American city

- Reference Op Ed page of the

New York Times 9/24/01

There seems to be nothing to prevent the transnational corporations taking possession of the planet
and subjecting humanity to the dictatorship of capital…. In order to crush any thought of
organized resistance to the supporters of the new world order, tremendous police and military
forces are being used to establish a doctrine of repression

- Christian la Brie, Le Monde

Diplomatique (Paris) May

The modern banking system manufactures money out of nothing. The process is perhaps the most
astounding piece of sleight of hand that was ever invented. Banking was conceived in iniquity and
born in sin. Bankers own the earth. Take it away from them, but leave them the power to create
money and control credit, and with the flick of a pen, they will create enough money to buy it back
again. Take this great power away from the bankers and all the great fortunes like mine will
disappear, and they ought to disappear, for this would be a better and happier world to live in. But
if you want to continue the slaves of bankers and pay the cost of your own slavery, let them
continue to create money and to control credit

- Sir Josiah Stamp, Director

and President of the Bank of
England during the 1920's

The idea was that those who direct the overall conspiracy could use the differences in those two so-
called ideologies [Marxism/Fascism/Socialism v. Democracy/Capitalism] to enable them [the
Illuminati] to divide larger and larger portions of the human race into opposing camps so that they
could be armed and then brainwashed into fighting and destroying each other

- Myron Fagan

Serpens – Star Forming Region
By the end of this decade we will live under the first One World Government that has ever existed
in the society of nations… a government with absolute authority to decide the basic issues of
survival. One world government is inevitable

- Pope John Paul II

The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) is dedicated to one-world government, financed by a

number of the largest tax exempt foundation (i.e. Rockefeller), and wielding such power and
influence over our lives in the areas of finance, business, labor, military, education, and mass
communication media, that it should be familiar to every American concerned with good
government and with preserving and defending the US Constitution and our free-enterprise system.

Yet, the nation’s right-to-know machinery, the news media; usually so aggressive in exposures to
inform our people, remain silent when it comes to the CFR, its members and their activities. The
CFR is the establishment. Not only does it have influence and power in key decision-making
positions at the highest levels of government to apply pressure from above, but it also finances and
uses individuals and groups to bring pressure from below, to justify the high level decisions for
converting the US from a sovereign Republic into a servile member of a one-world dictatorship

- John R. Rarick

The interests behind the Bush administration, such as the CFR, the Trilateral Commission –
founded by Brzezinski for David Rockefeller – and the Bilderberg Group have prepared for and are
now moving to implement open world dictatorship within the next five years

- Dr. Johannes Koeppl, Former

German Ministry for Defence
official and advisor to NATO

The one aim of these financiers is world control by the creation of inextinguishable debts

- Henry Ford

NGC 2685 (© Ken Crawford)
This is a terrible thing to say. In order to stabilize world population, we must eliminate 350,000
people per day. It is a horrible thing to say, but it’s just as bad not to say it

- Jacques Cousteau in an
interview with the UNESCO
Courier for November 1991

I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is
controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated. The growth of the nation,
therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men. We have come to be one of the worst
ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated governments in the civilized world. No
longer a government by free opinion, no longer a government by conviction and the vote of the
majority, but a government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men

- Woodrow Wilson, former US


The New World Order under the UN will reduce everything to one common denominator. The
system will be made up of a single currency, single centrally financed government, single tax
system, single language, single political system, single world court of justice, single state
religion...Each person will have a registered number, without which he will not be allowed to buy
or sell; and there will be one universal world church. Anyone who refuses to take part in the
universal system will have no right to exist

- Assessment of the New

World, Dr. Kurk E. Koch

The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an
important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society
constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. ...We are
governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have
never heard of

- Edward L. Bernays,
“Propaganda”, 1928

The government of the Western nations, whether monarchical or republican, had passed into the
invisible hands of a plutocracy, international in power and grasp

- Major General J.F.C.

M 82
We have before us the opportunity to forge, for ourselves and for future generations, a New World
Order. A world where the rule of law, not the law of the jungle, rules all nations. When we are
successful–and we will be–we have a real chance at this New World Order. An order in which a
credible United Nations can use its peacekeeping forces to fulfill the promise and vision of its

- George H. W. Bush, 1991

One of the least understood strategies of the world revolution now moving rapidly toward its goal
is the use of mind control as a major means of obtaining the consent of the people who will be
subjects of the New World Order

- K. M. Heaton, National

The new world order that will answer economic, military, and political problems, he said, ‘urgently
requires, I believe, that the United States take the leadership among all free peoples to make the
underlying concepts and aspirations of national sovereignty truly meaningful through the federal

- Nelson Rockefeller, 1962

The powers of financial capitalism had another far-reaching aim, nothing less than to create a
world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each
country and the economy of the world as a whole

- Carrol Quigley, 1966

From the days of Spartacus-Weishaupt to those of Karl Marx, to those of Trotsky, Bela Kun, Rosa
Luxembourg, and Emma Goldman, this world wide conspiracy for the overthrow of civilization
and for the reconstitution of society on the basis of arrested development, of envious malevolence
and impossible equality, has been steadily growing. It played a definitely recognizable role in the
tragedy of the French Revolution. It has been the mainspring of every subversive movement during
the nineteenth century, and now at last this band of extraordinary personalities from the
underworld of the great cities of Europe and America have gripped the Russian people by the hair
of their heads, and have become practically the undisputed masters of that enormous empire

- Winston Churchill, 1922

M 63 - Sunflower Galaxy
Throughout the 80s he [Osama Bin Laden] was armed by the CIA and funded by the Saudis to
wage Jihad against the Russian occupation in Afghanistan. Al-Qaida, literally “the database”, was
originally the computer file of the thousands of mujahideen who were recruited and trained with
the help from the CIA to defeat the Russians

- Robin Cook, former UK

Foreign Secretary

There were no international terrorists in Iraq until we went in. It was we who gave the perfect
conditions in which Al-Qaida could thrive

- Robin Cook, former UK

Foreign Secretary

This [Federal Reserve Act] establishes the most gigantic trust on earth. When the President
Woodrow Wilson signs this bill, the invisible government of the monetary power will be legalized
… the worst legislative crime of the ages is perpetrated by this banking and currency bill

- Charles August Lindbergh Sr,

US Congressman 1907-1917

The financial system … has been turned over to the Federal Reserve Board. That board administers
the finance system by authority … a purely profiteering group. The system is private, conducted for
the sole purpose of obtaining the greatest possible profits from the use of other people’s money

- Charles August
Lindbergh Sr, US
Congressman 1907-1917

NGC 1333 (© Subaru Sonyc)
The UN is but a long-range, international banking apparatus clearly set up for financial and
economic profit by a small group of powerful One-World revolutionaries, hungry for profit and

The depression was the calculated 'shearing' of the public by the World Money powers, triggered
by the planned sudden shortage of supply of call money in the New York money market....The One
World Government leaders and their ever close bankers have now acquired full control of the
money and credit machinery of the U.S. via the creation of the privately owned Federal Reserve

- Curtis Dall

Very soon, every American will be required to register their biological property (that's you and your
children) in a national system designed to keep track of the people and that will operate under the
ancient system of pledging. By such methodology, we can compel people to submit to our agenda,
which will affect our security as a charge back for our fiat paper currency.

Every American will be forced to register or suffer being able to work and earn a living. They will
be our chattels (property) and we will hold the security interest over them forever, by operation of
the law merchant under the scheme of secured transactions. Americans, by unknowingly or
unwittingly delivering the bills of lading (Birth Certificate) to us will be rendered bankrupt and
insolvent, secured by their pledges.

They will be stripped of their rights and given a commercial value designed to make us a profit and
they will be none the wiser, for not one man in a million could ever figure our plans and, if by
accident one or two should figure it out, we have in our arsenal plausible deniability. After all, this
is the only logical way to fund government, by floating liens and debts to the registrants in the
form of benefits and privileges

- Colonel Edward Mandell


The case for government by elites is irrefutable

- Senator William Fulbright,


In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happened, you can bet it was planned that way

- Franklin D. Roosevelt

IC 883
Water is a much more powerful greenhouse gas, and there is 20 times more of it in our atmosphere,
around one percent of the atmosphere, whereas CO2 is only 0,04 percent. Carbon dioxide has been
made out to be some kind of toxic gas, but the truth is that it’s the gas of life. We breathe it out,
plants breathe it in and it’s not caused by us. Global Warming is nonsense

- Prof. Leslie Woodcock,

University of Manchester,
former NASA researcher

In search for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of
global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill

- Aurelio Peccei, founder of the

Club of Rome, 1991

The weather will be modified and used as a weapon of war to create drought or famine

- Dr. Richard Day, Rockefeller

insider, 1969

Weather modification will become a part of domestic and international security and could be done
unilaterally … it could have offensive and defensive applications and even be used for deterrence
purposes. The ability to generate precipitation, fogs and storms on earth to modify space weather
… and the production of artificial weather all are part of an integrated set of [military]

- US Air Force document, AF

2025 final report, 1996

Growing food will be banned by saying it isn’t safe and the state and corporations will control all
food production. The supply and distribution of food will be monitored so that no one can give food
to a fugitive of the system
- Dr. Richard Day, Rockefeller
insider, 1969

Iris Nebula
I remember getting a call from the fire department commander, telling me that they were not sure
they were gonna be able to contain the fire and I said “You know we’ve had such a terrible loss of
life, maybe the smartest thing to do is to pull it”. And they made that decision to pull and we
watched the building collapse

- Larry Silverstein, leaseholder

of the World Trade Center, in
an interview on TV
Fire departments don’t pull buildings in case of a controlled demolition

The explosives, to pull it, like they did, have to be placed there before which can take weeks

Silverstein upped insurances in case of a terrorist attack massively before 9/11 happened

If voting would make a difference, they wouldn’t let us do it

- Mark Twain

Don’t cheat, don’t lie, don’t sell drugs, don’t kill, the government hates competition

- David Icke

Ministers who question the majority view among scientists about climate change should shut up…
the BBC should give less airtime to climate sceptics and its editors should seek special clearance to
interview them… appearances on radio and television by climate sceptics should be accompanied
with “health warnings”
- Andrew Miller, Chairman of
the Common Science and
Technology Committee

Pencil Nebula
The vast majority of Europeans always believed that the threat posed by Saddam Hussein was
more tolerable than the risk of removing him. But Americans, being stronger, developed a lower
threshold of tolerance for Saddam and his weapons of mass destructions

- Robert Kagan

It is the function of the CIA to keep the world unstable, and to propagandize and teach the
American people to hate, so we will let the establishment spend any amount of money on arms

- John Stockwell, former

CIA official

The CIA owns everyone of any significance in the major media

- William Colby, former

CIA director

We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes
is false

- William Casey, former

CIA director, 1981

The truth is there is no Islamic army or terrorist group called Al-Qaeda. And any informed
intelligence officer knows this. But, there is propaganda campaign to make the public believe in the
presence of an identified entity representing the devil only in order to drive TV watchers to accept a
unified international leadership for a war against terrorism. The country behind the propaganda is
the US

- Robin Cook, former

British Foreign Secretary

ARP 256
Wernherr von Braun unfolds the Agenda plan to his Secretary Carol Rose, who wrote speeches for
him; following enemies are created/antagonized to threaten the public and to make them legitimate
the actions of the (shadow) governments:

(1) Russia [staged cold war, staged Afghanistan war]

(2) Terrorism [9/11 hoax, actual France hoax]
(3) Third world “crazies” [like IS(IS) hoax]
(4) Asteroids [used on TV documentaries, to spread fear]
(5) Aliens [the plan was to fake an Alien invasion with reverse engineered UFO’s, they
have hundreds of them. There has also been Alien panic propaganda in movies and
documentaries, see also “Aliens on the Moon”]

“And remember Carol, the last card is the Alien card. We are going to have to build space-based
weapons against Aliens and all of it is a lie”

- Wernherr von Braun

There is abundant evidence that we are being contacted, that civilizations have been monitoring us
for a very long time. That their appearance is bizarre from any type of traditional materialistic
western point of view. That these visitors use the technologies of consciousness, they use toroids,
they use co-rotating magnetic disks for their propulsion systems, that seems to be a common
denominator of the UFO phenomenon
- Dr. Brian O’Leary, Former
NASA Astronaut and
Princeton Physics Professor

I occasionally think how quickly our differences worldwide would vanish if we were facing an
alien threat from outside this world

- Ronald Reagan, Address to

United Nations General
Assembly, 1987

Yes, there have been ET visitations. There have been crashed craft. There have been material and
bodies recovered. There has been a certain amount of reverse engineering that has allowed some of
these craft, or some components, to be duplicated. And there is some group of people that may or
may not be associated with government at this point that have this knowledge. They have been
attempting to conceal this knowledge. People in high level government have very little, if any, valid
information about this. It has been the subject of disinformation in order to deflect attention and
create confusion so the truth doesn’t come out

- Edgar Mitchell, Apollo

Astronaut, The Way of
the Explorer
Barnards Loop
Decades ago, visitors from other planets warned us about the direction we were heading and offered to
help. Instead, some of us interpreted their visits as a threat, and decided to shoot first and ask
questions after. Trillions of dollars have been spent on black projects which both congress and the
commander in chief have deliberately been kept in the dark. […] In one of the cases during the cold
war, 1961, there were about 50 UFOs in formation flying South from Russia across Europe. The
supreme allied commander was very concerned and was about ready to press the panic button when
they turned around and went back over the North Pole. They decided to do an investigation and they
investigated for three years and they decided that with absolute certainty that four different species, at
least, have been visiting this planet for thousands of years. There’s been a lot more activity in the past
two decades, especially since we invented the atomic bomb

- Paul Hellyer, Former Canadian

Defence Minister

There is a serious possibility that we are being visited and have been visited for many years by people
from outer space, by other civilizations. Who they are, where they are from, and what they want
should be the subject of rigorous scientific investigation and not be the subject of ‘rubbishing’ by
tabloid newspapers

- Lord Admiral Hill-Norton,

Former Chief of Defence Staff,
5 Star Admiral of the Royal
Navy, Chairman of the NATO
Military Committee

Behind the scenes, high ranking Air Force officers are soberly concerned about UFOs. But through
official secrecy and ridicule, many citizens are led to believe the unknown flying objects are nonsense

- Roscoe Hillenkoetter, Former

head of CIA, 1960

I am a scientist who was on the carbon gravy train, understands the evidence, was once an alarmist
but am now a sceptic. The whole idea that carbon dioxide is the main cause of the recent warming was
based on a guess that was proved false by empirical evidence in the 1990s, but the gravy train was too
big, with too many jobs, industries, trading profits, political careers, and the possibility of world
government and total control riding on the outcome. The governments and the tame climate scientists
now outrageously maintain the fiction that carbon dioxide is a dangerous pollutant rather than admit
they are wrong even when the evidence is overwhelming

- David Evans, Scientists,

former consultant at the
Australian Greenhouse
Barnards Loop
I foresee a time when we shall have the means and therefore, inevitably, the temptation to
manipulate the behavior and intellectual functioning of all the people through environmental and
biochemical manipulation of the brain

- Zbigniew Brezinski, Between

Two Ages, America's Role in
the Technotronic Era 1970

The technetronic era involves the gradual appearance of a more controlled society. Such a society
would be dominated by an elite, unrestrained by traditional values. Soon it will be possible to
assert almost continuous surveillance over every citizen and maintain up-to-date complete files
containing even the most personal information about the citizen. These files will be subject to
instantaneous retrieval by the authorities

- Zbigniew Brezinski, Between

Two Ages, see above

In March, 1915, the J.P. Morgan interests, the steel, shipbuilding, and powder interest, and their
subsidiary organizations, got together 12 men high up in the newspaper world and employed them
to select the most influential newspapers in the United States and sufficient number of them to
control generally the policy of the daily press....They found it was only necessary to purchase the
control of 25 of the greatest papers.

"An agreement was reached; the policy of the papers was bought, to be paid for by the month; an
editor was furnished for each paper to properly supervise and edit information regarding the
questions of preparedness, militarism, financial policies, and other things of national and
international nature considered vital to the interests of the purchasers

- U.S. Congressman Oscar

Callaway, 1917

Diet, injections, and injunctions will combine, from a very early age, to produce the sort of
character and the sort of beliefs that the authorities consider desirable, and any serious criticism of
the powers that be will become psychologically impossible

- Bertrand Russel, The

Impact of Science on
Society (1953) p. 50

M 82
How fortunate for Leaders that men do not think

- Adolf Hitler

Further global progress is now possible only through a quest for universal consensus in the
movement towards a new world order

- Mikhail Gorbachev, 1988

The Trilateral Commission is intended to be the vehicle for multinational consolidation of the
commercial and banking interests by seizing control of the political government of the United
States. The Trilateral Commission represents a skillful, coordinated effort to seize control and
consolidate the four centers of power political, monetary, intellectual and ecclesiastical. What the
Trilateral Commission intends is to create a worldwide economic power superior to the political
governments of the nation-states involved. As managers and creators of the system, they will rule
the future

- Barry Goldwater, US
Senator, in his 1964 book:
With No Apologies

Our job is to give people not what they want, but what we decide they ought to have

- Richard Salent, former

president, CBS News

Ultimately, our objective is to welcome the Soviet Union back into the world order. Perhaps the
world order of the future will truly be a family of nations

- George H. W. Bush,

Henize 70 (© Astrodon Imaging)
Excerpt from Silent weapons for quiet wars (Operations Research Technical Manual TW-SW7905.1) –
look it up on google and read for yourself:

Media: Keep the adult public attention diverted away from the real social issues, and captivated by matters
of no real importance

Schools: Keep the young public ignorant of real mathematics, real economics, real law, and real history

Entertainment: Keep the public entertainment below a sixth-grade level

Work: Keep the public busy, busy, busy, with no time to think back on the farm with other animals

Keep the public ignorant and you have less public organization

Create preoccupations and you lower defenses

Attack the family union and you control the education of the young

Give out less cash and more credit and you trigger more self-indulgence and social engineering data

Encourage social conformity and you make programming easier

Stabilize consent and you stabilize control

Maximize control and you minimize resistance to control

Collapse the currency and you destroy the faith in a country and each other

An evil exists that threatens every man, woman and child of this great nation. We must take steps to
ensure our domestic security and protect our homeland

- Adolf Hitler, proposing the

creation of the Gestapo

Maintain humanity under five hundred million in perpetual balance with nature

- Georgia Guide stones

ARP 142
... the EU is not quite Nazi Germany but it does employ some of the same techniques to advance its

- James Delingpole

Europe’s nations should be guided towards the super-state without their people understanding
what is happening. This can be accomplished by successive steps, each disguised as having an
economic purpose, but which will eventually and irreversibly lead to federation

- Claude Monnet, “Founding

Father” of the EU, 1952

It’s a European Union of economic failure, of mass unemployment and of low growth

- Nigel Farage, UKIP

Privatization is a neoliberal and imperialist plan. Health can’t be privatized because it is a

fundamental human right, nor can education, water, electricity and other public services. They
can’t be surrendered to private capital that denies the people from their rights

- Hugo Chavez

If the state loses its grip over your mind, it loses the key to its very survival

- Lew Rockwell

SNR G 352.7-0.1
Any politician or scientist who tells you these [GMO] products are safe is either very stupid or

- David Suzuki, PhD.,


Fluoridation is the greatest case of scientific fraud of this century if not of all time

- Robert Carton, PhD., former

US EPA scientists

To learn who rules over you simply look at who you are not allowed to criticize

- Voltaire

In the next century, nations as we know it will be obsolete; all states will recognize a single, global
authority. National sovereignty wasn’t such a great idea after all

- Strobe Talbot, Deputy

Secretary of State, 1992

No one will enter the New World Order unless he or she will make a pledge to worship Lucifer. No
one will enter the New Age unless he will take a Luciferian Initiation

- David Spangler, Director of

UN Planetary Initiative, one
of the founding fathers of the
New Age movement

Eta Carina
Naturally, the common people don’t want war, neither in Russia nor in England nor in America,
nor for that matter in Germany. That is understood. But the people can always be brought to the
bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and
denounce the pacifists for the lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger.

It works the same way in any country

- Herrmann Goering, during

Nuremberg Trials

A government big enough to give you everything you want is big enough to take away everything
you have

- Thomas Jefferson

I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the
American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation,
then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around the banks will deprive
people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers

- Thomas Jefferson, 1802

National Socialism will use its own revolutions for the establishing of a
new world order

- Adolf Hitler

The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the
“Agentur” of the “Illuminati” between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic world. The
war must be conducted in such a way that Islam and political Zionism mutually destroy each other

- Albert Pike, letter to

Mazzini, August 1871
Big & Small Magellanic Cloud
Behind the ostensible government sits enthroned an invisible government owing no allegiance and
acknowledging no responsibility to the people

- Theodore Roosevelt

Whatever the price of the Chinese Revolution, it has obviously succeeded not only in producing
more efficient and dedicated administration, but also in fostering high morale and community of
purpose. The social experiment in China under Chairman Mao’s leadership is one of the most
important and successful in human history

- David Rockefeller

Our race is the Master Race. We are divine gods on this planet. We are as different from the
inferior races as they are from insects… other races are beasts and animals, cattle at best. Our
destiny is to rule over the inferior races. The masses will lick our feet and serve us as our slaves

- Menachem Begin

If there is a country that has committed unspeakable atrocities in the world, it is the United States
of America. They don’t care for human beings

- Nelson Mandela

Make yourself sheep and the wolfs will eat you

- Benjamin Franklin

Little Ghost Nebula
If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it

- Joseph Goebbels, Nazi

Propaganda Minister

A lie, repeated thousand times, becomes a truth

- Joseph Goebbels

They can never hide the truth, no matter how hard they try, one day the lies will collapse under
their weight, and the truth will once again triumph

- Joseph Goebbels, 1945

Think of the press as a great keyboard on which the government can play

- Joseph Goebbels

The eternal struggle between the people and the hatred amongst them, is being nurtured by very
specific interest parties. It is a small, rootless, international clique that is turning people against
each other, that does not want them to have peace

- Adolf Hitler

ARP 302
Therefore I prefer to act slowly to break the sovereignty piece by piece and to prevent sudden
transitions from national to federal powers. And why not go back to the days of Hobbes. The
medieval had a far more rich humanity and a diversity of identity, which can be a model. The
medieval is beautiful … today like before there are forces without territory… Without sovereignty
we won’t have any totality, democracy does not need a sovereign

- Giuliano Amato, former vice

president of the EU Convent

We decide something let it stay in the open and then we wait a certain amount of time to see what
happens. If then there is no big yelling and no protest, because most even don’t understand what
has been decided, then we take further action, step by step until there is no return anymore

- Jean Claude Juncker

The most extensive form of imperial expansion is the European Union… The postmodern
European answer to threats is, that the system of a cooperative empire is extending constantly.
While dealing with antiquated sorts of nations outside of the postmodern borders, Europeans have
to recollect rough methods from older times: Violence, preemptive attacks, delusion, whatever is
needed for those that are still trapped within the world of the 19 th century, where every state has
existed autonomous. Within the jungle the laws of the jungle dominate

- Robert Cooper, former advisor

of Tony Blair

It is striking that the monetary integration [within the EU] was reached exactly by seizing the
control over it from the politicians to hand it over to the technocrats

- Robert Cooper, former EU


One last note, after you having read countless quotations from those who are behind the scenes,
mostly, or within the public awareness, without being acknowledged due to mass media
manipulation. Although they are contributing to the human enslavement agenda, remember:

They are you, wearing another mask. They are essential entities within this consciousness shift,
without the shadow governments and their puppeteers there would be no human awakening, they
are key persons that push humanity to awakening. Therefore try to forgive them, try to see them for
what they truly are, don’t hate them and create more low vibrational energy which only
strengthens those who already have failed, forgive them and turn your back on them, focus on the
new emerging humanity and planetary sphere instead, focus on love and peace.
Comet ISON

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