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- Nitrogenous paper

- Volume – only used for special tests

(Creatinine clearance)
- Urinometer – interference of temp.
- Refractometer – - White bg reflects light – preferred – bounce
- Antibiotic – orange - Clarity
- Liquidation product of enzymes
- Urochrome – give pigment to urine
- depends on body state

-Color & Clarity (Turbidity, Transparency)

urobilin (yellow to brown) & uroerythrin (pink

to red discoloration – uric acid/urates) – minor
straw – very pale yellow


[For automation]
- Based on turbidimetric method/turbidimetry
assay: Principle – measured by particles block
- Not metabolize because of certain condition
by light (spectrometer) / light block
- Blue diapers syndrome – presence of amino
- Nephelometric – measure the scattered light
acid (streptocan)
- For manual reading
- Old reading ( hazy, milky, etc.)
- Calibrate to 0 – distilled water
- Sucrose & sodium fluoride Greater than 1.010 = hypersthenuria
Flat 1.010 = isosthenuria

- Sediment and precipitate settle down so it

should be mixed
- Advantage: minimal sample (1-2 drops) - Changes in temperature – changes in
- Daylight plate concentration – changes in pH
- Prism surface – reflect light - Not recommended
- Suspen 30 secs to 1 minute before - Weight contains mercury

- No of light block and refract in the prism

1. pH meter
2. Litrazine paper – pH paper
3. Rapid

- Routinely tested
- Albumin (several chemical test) – precense of
proteins and carbs
Randon collection any time of the day
= 5-8.5-9
First morning = 4-6 (normal)

- use of Heat & weak acid


- 2 indicator
- pH meter – gas electrode
- Rapid = many parameters
- Acetic acid = vinegar - Table of results
- Flocculi – clamp in the suspended in addition
with chemical; reversible
- Agglutinates – irreversible

- proteinuria – presence of protein in urine

- Renal proteinuria – kidney

- another turbidimetric method

- Sulfo-salicylic acid – weak acid

- Denature = split into many amino acid;

- Acetic acid test : Principle
- SSA – irreversible

- Concentrated nitric acid – very strong

- Benedict’s reagent (copper II sulphate)
- For glucose

- Carbohydrate
- splashing occurs 1 regeant: 10 urine ; 1:10

- Upper reduction method - precense of salts on carbs

- Sodium tartrate

- Semi-quantitative
- Cannot detect sucrose, fructose - Black (ketones, protein)

- Bismuth nitrate – indicator

- strong alkali (Potassium hydroxide) natatangal

ang aldehyde group = caramelization in color

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